june 2015 ice dragon

The Newsletter of the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael The Ice Dragon

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Page 1: June 2015 Ice Dragon

The Newsletter of the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael

The Ice Dragon

Page 2: June 2015 Ice Dragon

The Ice Dragon


In This Issue!

Who are we?

The Society for Creative

Anachronism (SCA) is an

international organization

dedicated to researching and

re-creating the arts and skills

of pre-17th-century Europe.

Our “Known World” consists

of 19 kingdoms. Members,

dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renais-

sance, attend events which feature tournaments,

royal courts, feasts, and more.

In the SCA, a Kingdom

is a large regional chap-

ter of the parent organi-

zation, SCA, Inc. Each

Kingdom is ruled by a

King and Queen. There

are 19 SCA Kingdoms

worldwide. The King-

dom of AEthelmearc was founded in 1997. AE-

thelmearc encompasses all of West Virginia, most

of Pennsylvania, and Central and Western New


The Barony of the

Rhydderich Hael is the local

group of the SCA in the

Kingdom of AEthelmearc

and covers the areas in and

around Buffalo, NY. We

look forward to meeting


The Canton of Beau Fleuve is

located within the borders of

The Barony of the

Rhydderich Hael and is locat-

ed in the Niagara Falls and

surrounding regions.

3 Our Baron and Baroness

4 From the Baronial Heirs

5 From the Seneschal

6 From the Chronicler


Newcomer’s snippet! Baronial Champs

& The Seven Pearls!

9 Introducing the New Champions


Those Magnificent Monks In Their Flying


14 Practices and meetings

15 Officer & Contact information

18 Meeting Minutes

21 Champs Court Report

23 Important Links

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The Ice Dragon


Our Baron and Baroness...

G reetings to all the Good People of the Rhydderich Hael from Carolus and Isolda who are honored to be your Baron and Baroness. WE HAVE HEIRS!!!! We are so excited and

happy to have such magnificent Heirs! Vivat Magnus and Miriel, soon to be Baron and Baron-ess!!!

Speaking of Magnificent….We had such a won-derful time at Champs. Isolda posted at length on the Baronial Facebook page after the event, but we thank all who ran tourneys to determine our new Champions and all you agreed to serve in that capacity. Congratulations to the follow-ing new Champs…Otto for Heavy, Akayama for Thrown Weapons, Gowan for Archery, Brother Bobby for Bardic, Edith for Arts and Sciences, Simonetta and Siobhan for Chivalry and Davis for Iron Man! The event was a joyful day at eve-ry turn! Thank you to Eleanore and her staff and all of you for making it so!

A special Vivat goes out to Sir Otto who became our Heavy Champion at Champs and the very next weekend drove far across the Kingdom to fight for Us in the 7 Pearls Heavy Weapons Championship!

The next 7 Pearls competition will be Thrown Weapons where Akayama will take on the Thrown Weapons Champions from every Barony in Aethelmearc. It will be held at Pax Interruptus. If you are going to Pax, be sure to come and cheer him on!

Gowan, Our new Archery Champ will be shooting on behalf of the Barony at Hornwood this coming weekend. If you are going, please lend him your support and cheer him on!

Then, we had Brass Ring Thing and our Barony shone like gold! Everyone pulled together and did a great demo for the museum and for the Barony! It was especially exciting for us to see folks take the field who had not done so in many a year. Most impressive! Isolda was honored at the response to her call from new and more experienced fighters. Truly, so incredibly honored!

The artisans, gamers, musicians, and those of the Barony who simply showed up in garb and displayed for all to see the diversity of all we do and how the SCA can be an individual thing, a family thing, but always a way to make warm and kind hearted friends! Thanks to Govindi and her staff for making the Barony and the Museum shine!

Pennsic is not too far away and we would like everyone who fights, fences, throws, shoots, teaches, serves, or displays their arts to wear the Hael colors or device somewhere, so all who see you will know that you are from the great Barony of the Rhydderich Hael. If you would like a piece of fabric printed with the Hael come and ask us. We will make a point of carrying them with us to fight practices and other places that Haelies congregate.

Also speaking of Pennsic, the Baronies are often asked to take responsibility for a day or a half day to post guards at the gates of the Kingdom Encampment. The more people who volunteer, the shorter the shifts can be. Please let Isolda or Carolus know if you are willing to stand guard for an hour or two! It is a matter of great pride for the Barony to do this. No experience necessary!

We hope you all have a safe and happy summer enjoying all that Our lands have to offer!


Carolus and Isolda

Baron and Baroness

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The Ice Dragon


From the Baronial Heirs…

I t is hard to believe the election is over! Waiting for the day of the counting seemed like an eternity but it was over in a flash. Only a few years ago Miriel and I showed up to help set up for the Investiture of Their Excel-lencies Carlous and Isolda. It was not our first SCA event but it was our first real Baronial event. We both fell in love with the Barony that day. We are humbled and honored that the Barony has elected us to serve as

the next Baron and Baroness. We certainly have some big shoes to fill but we know that with such a great group of people it will be a rewarding experience. Miriel and I would like to thank all of the other candidates for their service to the Barony and willingness to brave the election process. One of the comforting aspects of the election was the fact that regardless of the results the Barony would end up in good hands. Additionally many thanks and much love to Their Excellencies Carlous and Isolda for welcoming us into their retinue and taking us along on so many fun adventures over the past few years. Honestly none of this would have been possible with you both. Last-ly we would like to thank the election committee for their hard work. We like to think we have all the time in the world to prepare for Investiture, but much like the election the time will sneak up us. We are looking forward to entering this new chapter of our SCA lives and taking the journey with each and every one of you.

Yours in service….oh and “Hael Yeah”!

Lord Magnus de Lyons and Lady Miriel Du Lac

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The Ice Dragon


From the Seneschal...

A nd so we have it, another one for the history books. Four selections among six candidates stepped up, and through a very nice clean election process the Barony has made its decision. Vivant to Magnus and Miriel in

their victory. Vivant to Eleanore and Cynwulf, vivat to Brother Bobby, and vivat to Baroness Ekat as well for their courage. I for one am very proud of you all for running.

This, of course, means this year’s Masked Ball in De-cember will be our investiture. The sooner we can lock that down the better to make things easier on Their Royal Highnesses. If you’re thinking of submitting a bid please let me know so I can be sure not to leave anyone out of the process in my haste.

Pennsic is just around the corner as well! Be sure to make preparations if you are going. June and July tend to fly by quickly. As a personal request I would greatly appreciate volunteers to work hospitality shifts at the AEthelmearc Royal Encampment. You don’t need experience. You don’t need to know everything and everybody. All you need is a couple of hours and a desire to help. I’m especially in need of help the first week. Keep an eye on the Kingdom e-list and FB page for updates!

Is ait an mac an saol.

Tiarna Padraig O'Branduibh

This space could

be full of your

thoughts and

ideas….and for


charge….what a


Submit to your


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The Ice Dragon


From the Chronicler…

W elcome to another edition of “The Ice Dragon”.

Thanks to everyone who contributed or otherwise

helped with the production of the past few news-

letters (because none of this possible without your

contributions). I am still tweaking a few parts here and there but

for the most part I am happy with the direction the publication is

taking. As always I encourage contributions of articles, art, photo-

graphs, and any other materials (that we have room for). Contribu-

tions are not limited to SCA topics. Feel free to write movie/book

reviews or even fill in people on a great post-event spot for food.

I am continuing my efforts to stockpile signed model and photog-

rapher releases. The more releases we have on file the easier it is

to include all your smiling faces in the newsletter. So far we have

well over 40 signed model releases and over ten photographer re-

leases. If you have questions about this or would like to sign a re-

lease please contact me. I can send you the forms. I would like to

have 100 people on file by the end of the year!

Lastly, I am actively seeking a deputy for my office. I plan to stay on as Chronicler even after entering my role as

Baron but I feel it is important to have a backup in place. Candidates should have passible computer skills (we can

work on it but if you can’t cut and paste you are doomed). Previous experience is nice but not required. Communi-

cation skills are a must and I am going to badger you to join Facebook if you are not already using it. In 2015 social

media is a reality we have to accept in any role that involves group public relations.

Lord Magnus de Lyons

Music and Song!

You might have seen the Rhydderich Hael Consort play or sing at various

court and vigils. Come and join us for good music and lots of fun. We are

always interested in new musicians. Even if you cannot come every week,

you are always welcome. If you would like to join us, music practice is at

Sym and Ceol's on Thursday Night starting at 7:30 pm. Instrumental start

at 7:30 and vocals start at 9:30.

Please call 716-667-7264 or email me [email protected] for direc-

tions or additional information.

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The Ice Dragon


Newcomer’s snippet!

Baronial Champs &

The Seven Pearls!

Baronial Champs has come to an end and a brave few

have won out over many but what does all this champi-

on business really mean? The Barony has already se-

lected champions for the year so this article is meant to

explain what is involved and hopefully encourage peo-

ple to compete in coming years.

The Seven Pearls.

At the heart of Baronial champs is a Kingdom-wide

competition known as the Seven Pearls. The Seven

Pearls takes its name from the seven Baronies in the

Kingdom (and the pearls that decorate a Baronial coro-

net). There is a Seven Pearls competition for each of

the following activities: Arts and science, heavy

fighting, thrown weapons, fencing, bardic, and archery.

Each year every Barony in the Kingdom selects a

champion for each category. This is typically done by

holding a local Baronial champions tournament. Once

selected the new champions travel to the seven pearls

tournament to complete for the glory of their Barony

and bragging rights for the year. The format of these

contests can change from year to year, but for the most

part the basic set up remains the same.

When and where are the Seven Pearls tournaments


This changes from year to year but for this year the

tournaments are being held at the following events.

(Details for each event are available on the Kingdom

web site: http://www.aethelmearc.org).

Heavy- Melee Madness: May 29, 2015 (already

passed) Thrown- Pax Interruptus: June 28, 2015

Fencing- St. Swithin's Bog Throwback Three Day:

July 19, 2015

Bardic- Pennsic War Week: Aug 5, 2015

Archery- A Shoote in the Wildwoode: Sep 5, 2015

A&S- to be determined.

Before competing locally it is a good idea for people to

check if they can travel to the Seven Pearls portion of

the contest. This will not exclude them from the compe-

titions but knowing ahead of time will help the Barony

plan for a backup. If for some reason the current cham-

pion cannot attend the Seven Pearls event the Barony

will most likely select a proxy to compete. The current

champion does not lose their title if they cannot com-

pete. Members of the Barony not competing are en-

couraged to show up and cheer on the competitors.

Can new people compete in Baronial champs and

the Seven Pearls?

Absolutely! The only real requirement is that you are a

member of the Barony and be authorized or otherwise

cleared to participate in the tournament of choice. Not

only is competing on a local level a great way to get

more involved with the Barony it is also a great way to

experience the different activities the SCA has to offer.

There is nothing wrong with trying your hand at some-

thing new. Don’t let being new or inexperienced in an

activity dissuade you from entering. Win or lose the

Seven Pearls is a wonderful experience. People are also

encouraged to complete in multiple local contests but

typically a person will only ask to serve in only one

capacity as champion (but one person competing in

multiple Seven Pearls tournament has happened!).

Other than the Seven Pearls what are the responsi-

bilities of a champion?

In addition to competing in the Seven Pears tourna-

ments the champions continue to represent the Barony

during the year. The champions are often invited to pro-

cess into court with the Baron and Baroness and stand

behind them in court. At the baronial champs the fol-

lowing year the outgoing champion is responsible for

running (or helping to run) the tournament that helps

determine the next champion. If the current champion

is not a qualified Marshal (in the activities that require

this) they can work with other local Marshal to run the

tournament. Don’t worry there is plenty of help and

guidance available.

(Continued on page 8)

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So what are these other awards that are handed out

at Champs?

In addition to the activities mentioned above the Baro-

ny also hands out several other awards at champs.

These awards are local to the Barony and not part of the

Seven Pearls competition (but certainly no less of an

honor). These include:

Iron Man: Awarded to the person who competes

in the most tournaments at Baronial champs.

Baronial Key Stone: A Key Stone is a Kingdom

level award for service. The Barony of the

Rhydderich Hael was awarded its own Key Stone

and each year a new person is selected to be the

bearer of the Baronial Key Stone. The bearer of the

Baronial Keys stone is given a Key Stone to wear

for the year and is welcome to come forward when

other members of the Order of the Keystone are

called up in Kingdom court.

Queen Anne memorial trophy: This is awarded

to people who have overcome great adversity dur-

ing the year but still embody the spirit of the SCA

and the Barony.

Most improved fencer: Awarded to the fencer

that the other fencers have deemed most improved

over the year. It is not required this go to a new


Most improved fighter: Awarded to the heavy

fighter that the other fighters have deemed most

improved over the year. It is not required this go to

a new person.

Chivalry: Awarded to the person who the Baro-

ny considers a fine example of honor and Chivalry.

I hope this shed at least a little light on what it means to

be a Baronial champion and encourages more people to

step up and compete next year. Thanks to Lady Miriel

du Lac for her assistance in writing this article.

Magnus de Lyons

Archery Champion (retired).

Troy and Lord

Wolfgang battle

at Hael

Baronial Champs


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Introducing the New Champions!

Heavy Weapons Champion:

Sir Otto of Westphalia

Iron Man Champion:


Baronial Keystone Holder:

Lady Brigette de Sainte Mere-Eglis

(personal heraldry in lieu of picture)

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Introducing the New Champions!

Thrown Weapons Champion:

Akayuma Yatarou Kage’o

Arts & Sciences Champion:

Lady Edith of Winterton

Champions that eluded the roving Ice Dragon cameras but are no less


Most Improved New Fighter: Mistress Jenna MacPherson of the Lion’s Tower

Fencing Champion: Lord Alexander du Lac

Archery Champion: Lord Gawin Hawkseye

Queens Anne Trophy: Theowyn de Wood

Most Improved New Fencer: Lord Magnus de Lyons

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Introducing the New Champions!

Bardic Champion:

Brother Bobby (Lord Robaird)

Dual Chivalry Champions:

Lady Simonetta d' Alfassi


Siobhan Readnait

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The Ice Dragon


Those Magnificent Monks

In Their Flying Machines

Article by Baron Caleb Reynolds, OP.

In the opening years of the 11th Century, a monk, liv-

ing at Wiltshire Abbey, constructed a flying machine

and leapt from one of the abbey's towers. Fantastically,

the monk, named Eilmer of Malmesbury, did not die,

but soared like a bird. A hundred and twenty years lat-

er, the historian William of Malmesbury recorded the

following lines:

"Wherefore a certain Monk of our Monastery, by name

Eilmer ... was a man learned for those times, of mature

age and in his youth had hazarded an attempt of singu-

lar temerity. He had by some contrivance fastened

wings to his hands and feet so that, mistaking fable for

true, he might fly like Daedalus, and, collecting the

breeze on the summit of a tower, he flew for more than

the distance of a furlong [1]. But, agitated by the vio-

lence of the wind and the swirling of air, as well as by

awareness of his rashness, he fell, broke his legs, and

was lame ever after. He used to relate as the cause of

his failure his forgetting to provide himself a tail." [2]

The abbot forbade Eilmer from ever experimenting

with flight again, and thus human flight was curtailed

for centuries.[3] But, dear reader, do not think of

Eilmer's attempt as a failure. The tower Eilmer

launched himself from is no longer standing, but the

present abbey is of a similar height: 25 meters. Local

legend states that Eilmer landed in Oliver Lane, some

200 meters from the present day abbey. An impressive

first attempt. The flight might have been longer if not

for the wind. "But William says that Eilmer flew

"spatio stadii et plus," or more than 600 feet," before

falling" [4]

So, Eilmer either glided 200 meters straight into the

ground, breaking both of his legs on landing, or flew

for 200 meters, lost control and fell from some height

and then broke both of his legs. In either case, quite

impressive, and quite inspiring. The flight of Eilmer

was told and retold by historians. First by William of

Malmesbury [5] who would have had access to the ab-

bey's records and would have spoken to people whose

parents or grandparents might have seen the flight with

their own eyes.

Helinand quotes William verbatim in the 1299

"Chronicon", as does Alberic of Trois-Fontaines in

1241. Vincent of Beauvais re-told Eilmer's story in

1250 in "Speculum". In 1352 Ralph Higden, in his Pol-

ychronicon, renamed the monk Oliver due to a mis-

translation. Henry Knighton and John of Trevisa, did

write about "Oliver's" flight in their histories. Roger

Bacon did not mention Eilmer by name, but in his dis-

cussions on human flight wrote, "Such devices have

long since been made, as well as in our own day, and it

is certain that there is a flying machine. I have not seen

one, nor have I known anyone who has seen one. But I

know a wise man who has designed one." [6]. Personal-

ly, I think that that is a mistranslation: there is no evi-

dence of any medieval flyers during Bacon's life [7]

and the final line, of the quote, might have been "But I

know OF a wise man who has designed one."

The amazing thing was not that one monk managed to

fly for 200 meters, some 1100 years ago, the truly

amazing thing was that it took so long for another Euro-

pean to make another attempt. [8]

"There is, however, no evidence that memory of

Eilmer's feat helped to stimulate the new burst of spec-

ulation and experiment about aviation which occurred

in Italy in the later fifteenth century. Even before 1449

the engineer Giovanni da Fontana rejects the idea of

ascent by hot-air balloons as too hazardous of fire, but

expresses entire confidence that human flight can be

achieved with mechanical wings. Indeed, he has

thought of making some himself, "sed aliis distractus

occupationibus non perfeci." Leonardo da Vinci's

sketches of parachutes and flying devices are well

known but none appears to have been constructed. The

evidence that in the 1490's Giovanni Battista Danti of

Perugia flew in a glider over Lake Trasimeno has as yet

emerged in no document earlier than 1648. But we

must assume that when, in October 1507, an Italian

named Giovanni Damiani, who in 1504 had been ap-

pointed Abbot of Tungland, a Premonstratensian mon-

astery in Galloway, garbed himself in wings made of

(Continued on page 13)

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feathers, took flight from the walls of Stirling Castle,

plummeted, and broke his leg, he was inspired by ex-

periments in his native land rather than by Eilmer's ex-

ample. Damiani sardonically announced that his error

had been to include hens' feathers in his wings, since

hens have more at scratching in dunghills than for soar-

ing to the heavens." [9]

[1] 220 yards

[2] Woosnam, p3-4

[3] Jones, p132

[4] White (2), p98

[5] "Gesta regum Anglorum", 1125

[6] De secretis operibus, cap. 4, in Opera quaedam

hactenus inedita, ed. J. S. Brewer (London, 1859), p.

533. For the date, cf. S. C. Easton, Roger Bacon and

His Search for a Universal Science (New York, 1952),

p. 111 - quoted from various sources

[7] 1214-92

[8] The Iranian philosopher al-Jauhari, died in a similar

flight attempt in Khorosan, sometime between 1003

and 1008 and there is evidence of men flying while

strapped to large kites, in China, around the same time.

[9] White (2), p103-4


"Mystery Files - Leonardo da Vinci": National Geo-

graphic. TV Program. Season 1, Episode 8

"Terry Jones' Medieval Lives." TV Program. Season 1

Episode 5. The Philosopher

Anderson, Roberta; Bellenger, Dominic. "Medieval

Worlds: A Sourcebook." Routledge, 2013

Ereira, Alan; Jones, Terry. "Terry Jones' Medieval

Lives." Random House, 2009

Huitson, Toby. Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of

Medieval Upper Spaces. Oxbow Books. 2014

Kealey, Edward J. "Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pio-

neers in Twelfth-century England." University of Cali-

fornia Press, 1987

Lienhard, John H. "The Engines of Our Ingenuity." Ep-

isode 3: "The Flying Monk." Radio program; produced

by Houston Public Media.

Lienhard, John H. "The Engines of Our Ingenuity." Ep-

isode 1142: "Legend and Flight." Radio program; pro-

duced by Houston Public Media.

Paz, James. "The Falling Body of Eilmer the Flying

Monk: Religious Belief and Technological Innovation

in Late Anglo-Saxon England." King’s College Lon-

don. London Anglo-Saxon Symposium 2014

Sharpe, John. "William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of

the kings of England. From the earliest period to the

reign of King Stephen." London, H. G. Bohn. 1847.

Archive.Org: Digitizing sponsor: Northeastern Univer-

sity, Snell Library.

White, Lynn, Jr. (1) "Medieval Religion and Technolo-

gy: Collected Essays." University of California Press,


White, Lynn, Jr. (2) "Eilmer of Malmesbury, An Elev-

enth Century Aviator. Medieval Religion and Technol-

ogy." Los Angeles: University of California Press,

1978, Chapter 4.

White, Lynn, Jr. (3) "Eilmer of Malmesbury, an Elev-

enth Century Aviator: A Case Study of Technological

Innovation, Its Context and Tradition. Technology and

Culture." Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring, 1961), pp. 97-111 The

Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for the

History of Technology

Woosnam, Maxwell. "Eilmer, The Flight and The

Comet." Malmesbury, UK: Friends of Malmesbury Ab-

bey. 1986

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Practices and meetings

All meetings, practices, and times are subject to change. If

you do not see information on the meeting or practice you

would like to attend please contact the officer in charge of

that activity. The Barony may cancel some meetings and

practices due to weather, holidays and events. Please check

the e-Group for updates :


Barony Officers and Business Meeting:

Open meeting. All are invited to attend.

When: 1st Tuesday of Every Month

Time: 7 PM-9 PM

Where: Elk's Lodge, 33 Legion Parkway Lancaster, NY


Note: Enter at the front of the building (see map below). That

entrance leads to the Elk’s lodge bar but the meeting is the

back of the building. Ask for directions at the bar.

Fencing and Heavy (Fighter) Practice:

When: Every Wednesday.

Time: 6:30 PM to 10 PM

Where: Elk's Lodge, 33 Legion Parkway Lancaster, NY


Note: Enter at the side entrance at the back of the building.

(see map below).

Archery Practice:

When: Every Friday

Time: 6:30 PM to 8 PM

Where: (Fall/Winter) Doc’s Archery, 908 Niagara Falls Blvd.

North Tonawanda, NY 14120. (Spring/Summer) Double T

archery, 1110 N. French Rd, Amherst, NY 14228

Note: Site move based on season. Please check the e-Group

for updates.

Thrown Weapons Practice:

Regular TW practice is now as weather permitting Normally

scheduled for Monday evenings. Please check the e-Group

for updates.

Scribal Art's Guild:

When: 2nd Tuesday of every month

Time: 7 PM to 8PM

Where: BILL GREY’S at 8214 Main Street in the Main-

Transit Plaza, Williamsville, N.Y. 14221

Dance Practice:

When: Every Thursday

Time: 7 PM-10 PM

Where: 59 Sagamore Terrace, Buffalo NY

Notes: Please RSVP to Brigette if you plan on attending (716


Choir Practice:

When: Every Thursday

Time: :30 pm. Instrumental start at 7:30 and vocals start

at 9:30.

Where: Sym and Ceol's

Notes: Please call 716-667-7264 or email me at-

[email protected] for directions or additional infor-




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Officers, Rhydderich Hael



Mary Petrakos

716-633-4990 please call between 6pm-8pm

312 Patrice Terrace Williamsville NY 14221

[email protected]


Anthony Heibel


429 Westgate Road Kenmore NY 14217

[email protected]



Patrick DeWind


56 Windermere Blvd. Amherst NY 14226

[email protected]

Deputy: Bovi Davidson



Sara Herringshaw

(315) 360-0365

1323 French Rd. Apt. 3 Depew, NY 14043

[email protected]

Deputies :THL Eleanore Godwin and Siobhan Readnait



Zach Patterson

(716) 830-8096

[email protected]



Caleb Ronsen


[email protected]



Ryan Rathsam


10 Lombardy St. Lancaster NY 14086

[email protected]

[email protected]



Isaac Scharp


[email protected]



Lance m. Kazmark


[email protected]

[email protected]



Julie DeWind

716-228-9340 no calls after 9pm

[email protected]



Julie DeWind

[email protected]

716-228-9340 no calls after 9pm

(Continued on page 16)

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The Ice Dragon




Annette J. Wacha


[email protected]



Colleen M. Coil




D.J. Weed


106 Arend Avenue, Williamsville NY 14221

[email protected] work e-mail



Robert Meyer


[email protected]



Ralph Spencer

[email protected]



Joseph Piselli


[email protected]





Lauren Gascoyne

692-2327 no calls after 9pm

[email protected]


Erik Herringshaw

1323 French Rd. Apt. 3 Depew, NY 14043



Phil Martino


[email protected]



Colleen Martino

716-440-2423 no calls after 10pm

[email protected]



Joseph Piselli


[email protected]



Carol Waddell Sheets




Annette J. Wacha


[email protected]

(Continued on page 17)

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Jill Lapham

Cell 716-622-5761

768 Westbrook Drive, North Tonawanda N.Y. 14120

[email protected]





Caleb Ronsen




Phil Martino 803-2425

[email protected]




Phoebe Waller-Sharp 622-2058

[email protected]

Officers, Canton of Beaufleuve



Joseph Piselli






Phil Simonds

(716) 504-7486

[email protected]



Caroline Elliot

Deputy: Sthur r im Caithnes







Clare Jackson 692-0492



Jo Human 731-2346

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The Ice Dragon


Meeting minutes for the Baronial Business Meeting, May 5th 2015 (taken by Deputy Seneschal Bovi)

Meeting Opens @1915 05/05/15

Officer Reports

Greater Baronial Officers

Baron & Baroness - Carolus Loke & Isolda Filia Georgii

Seneschal - Padraig O'Branduibh


We have an ice dragon bid. Vote?

On the docket for tonight:

Baronial election

Closes at 8:00pm.

Officer Positions

Anyone interested in Fencing Marshal or Dance Minister?

Deputy – Eleanor, Autocrat for Baronial Champs 2015

Held up by marshals

Deputy – Caleb, Election Steward

Going to count the ballots and determine win-


Pursuivant - Miriel Du Lac

Court is happening and something went out

Chancellor of the Exchequer - Caleb Reynolds

14,776.13 dollars in the account.

Knight Marshall - Horatius

Practice is up in the air for next wednesday

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Beatrice de Winter

Chronicler – Magnus

Just had an election newsletter

Next newsletter will be post election/champs

Castilian - Ursus

Minister of the Lists - Brigette de Saint Mere-Eglise

Running smoothly

Lesser Baronial Officers

Captain of Archers - Rendell

Thursday nights 6pm TT

Captain of Thrown Weapons - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato

No not yet next week depending on the weather

Chancellor Minor - Cordelia Colten

Demo Coordinator – Ursus

Equestrian - Ysabeau Tiercelin

Champs and proving grounds coming up.

Historian – Rhiannon Elandris

Trying to put something together for champs.

Marshall of Fence - Logan

There are some equipment concerns

Steward - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato

Youth Combat - (vacant)

Youth Fencing Marshal – Brigette de Saint Mere-Eglise

Purchased two division one swords. Waiting on approv-al

Web Minister – Juliana Rosalia Dolce di Siena

New site under construction


Seneschal - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato Seneschal

Need an autocrat for summers end

Guild Reports

Brewer's Guild - Caleb Reynolds

Nothing new

Cook's Guild - Wolfgang & Katryn

There will be fighting and cooking out in Lockport.

Textile Guild - Ysabeau Tiercelin


Dance Minister - Brigette de Sainte Mere-Englise

dance in September

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Scribal Guild – Sthurrim Caithnes

remain a barony scroll. Big scroll!!

Old Business

Don't forget to make award recommendations! They're needed for both Baronial and Kingdom awards.

Archery equipment acquisitions is with the finance com-mittee pending the improved health of the Head Hael Hound.

Free first event site fee with the finance committee for implementation.

Also working on written policy. Caleb is going to add this to the financial policy.

Trial run during Ice Dragon. Feedback?

Yes but lots of questions.

New Business

Baronial Election! I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I think I like it.

Meeting Closes @ to the joy and delight of all assembled.

And the Peasants Rejoice. Yay…

Meeting minutes for the Baronial Business Meeting, June 2nd 2015 (taken by Seneschal Padraig O'Branduibh)

Meeting Opens @1910 06/02/15

Officer Reports

Greater Baronial Officers

Baron & Baroness - Carolus Loke & Isolda Filia Georgii

Champs was wonderful.

Congrats to our new champs.

Thanks from TRM for the things we made for the bas-ket.

We need heavy fighters for BRT.

Seneschal - Padraig O'Branduibh


We have an ice dragon bid. Vote?

Investiture bids.

I need to be contacted by anyone who is think-ing of putting up a bid if I haven’t received any by the meeting.

On the docket for tonight:

Borrowing of things and stuffs.

Deputy – Eleanor, Autocrat for Baronial Champs 2015


Looks like we made money!

63 adults + 6 comps.

Kitchen was challenging.

People were overall happy.

Pursuivant - Miriel Du Lac

Champs went great.

BRT is coming up. Contact if you want something to happen in court.

Chancellor of the Exchequer - Caleb Reynolds

~14,000 dollars in the account.

Set for investiture and ice dragon.

Champs receipts in except for feast.

Domain name has been renewed for 5 years.

Knight Marshall - Horatius

Still practicing Wednesday at 7pm.

Champs went well.

Bulvi ran a fast tournament.

Otto won and appeared at 7 Pearls.

Everyone who can fight please show up to the demo.

Next big muster will be Pax out in Thescorre.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Beatrice de Winter


Chronicler – Magnus

Newsletter pending.

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Hopefully a week or a week and a half.

Officer reports requested as well.

Castilian - Ursus (Absent)

Minister of the Lists - Brigette de Saint Mere-Eglise

Everything went well at champs.

Lesser Baronial Officers

Captain of Archers - Rendell

Lots of folks at champs.

Hornwood next week. Should have 8 or 9.

Practice Thursday.

Approval for arrows. Theodoric is working on them now.

Captain of Thrown Weapons - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato

(Absent – Caleb speaking, Joe just back from long trip)

Practice drowned out this week.

Practice next Monday

Pax is 7 pearls thrown championship.

Thrown at BRT in the gravel pit.

Chancellor Minor - Cordelia Colten

BRT is coming up. Lots of kids activities there.

Great chance to recruit families.

Demo Coordinator – Vacant

Equestrian - Ysabeau Tiercelin

Kingdom champs is July 4th in Stormsport. (Equestrian Champs & AEcademy)

Procession costume competition.

We’re making new barding, banners, & stuff.

If you want to process in please wear green &


Historian – Rhiannon Elandris

Small display at champs.

Next big display will be at Summer’s End.

Working on a facebook page for Hael Historical.

Marshall of Fence - Logan

(Absent – Carolus speaking)

Proposed list of new gear required given to group.

Financial committee will discuss this with MoF

& Fencing community.

Steward - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato


Some things are missing. We’re investigating when it disappeared.

Will need replacing.

Youth Combat - (vacant)

Youth Fencing Marshal – Brigette de Saint Mere-Eglise

No youth champ as we only have one fighter.

Maybe have at BRT.

Laws in Pennsylvania are changing on July 1st. May re-quire changes for our side. We’re keeping on top of it.

Web Minister – Juliana Rosalia Dolce di Siena

We still have bits.

Domain renewed for 5 years.


Seneschal - Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato Seneschal

(Absent – Caleb speaking)

Brief meeting last month

Will have another one in two weeks @ Wurlitzer pizza.

Summer’s End has a site. Angus McBain is autocrat. @

Chestnut ridge park. (woohoo!)

Guild Reports

Brewer's Guild - Caleb Reynolds

Still waiting to hear back on articles for A&S issue.

Cook's Guild - Wolfgang & Katryn

We exist. Will be doing things at the next Hael storm.

Textile Guild - Ysabeau Tiercelin

Working on projects for Baronial stuff.

Dance Minister - Brigette de Sainte Mere-Englise

Possibly doing stuff for BRT.

Scribal Guild – Sthurrim Caithnes

This Sunday, scribal fun time. 1:00pm @ Ninja Jill’s house.

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Notifications will be on elist and FB.

Old Business

Don't forget to make award recommendations! They're needed for both Baronial and Kingdom awards.

Archery equipment acquisitions.

Money is changing hands. Arrow parts are here.

Being assembled.

Free first event site fee with the finance committee for implementation.

In the hands of the Exchequer for inclusion in

financial policy

New Business

Request for new fencing equipment submitted.

On its way to the financial committee for nego-tiations.

Request to borrow baronial pavilion(s) by Wolfgang. Wish to borrow older pavilion for use by his fire hall.

Voted and passed.

Wolfgang’s Ice Dragon Bid!

Discussion ensued.

Voted and passed. (woohoo!)

Meeting Closes @2010 to the joy and delight of all assem-bled.

And the Peasants Rejoice. Yay…

Court report for Baronial Champs 2015

The Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Carolus and Isolda, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael, held at Baronial Champs in the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael held on the 23rd day of May anno societatis fifty, Lady Miriel du Lac Herald.

Court Opened

Their Excellencies welcomed all the children present to at-tend them. They spoke of how the children are our barony’s future and they want them to always be welcome. The chil-dren were presented with dragon rings.

Simonetta and Siobhsn asked to enter court. They spoke of how the year before they had returned to the barony to attend Baronial Champs, and how The Excellencies had welcomed them with open arms and hearts. Because of this they wished to give Their Excellencies some gifts. They gifted Her Excel-lency with many different peacock themed items. His Excel-lency was gifted with Dragon Themed items.

Their Excellencies summoned the autocrat of the event; THL Eleanor Godwin They gifted her with a Peacock locket as thanks for all of her efforts in running the event. They invited her to speak to the populace. Her Ladyship thanked her event team for all of their hard work in helping make the event a possibility.

Their Excellencies asked all of the populace who participated in the competitions that day to come forward so they could present them with belt favors bearing a cross stitched pea-cock on the front and dragon fabric on the back.

Their Excellencies called for Sir Otto of Westphalia, they asked if he would serve as their champion. Sir Otto accepted and was presented with the champion regalia and a scroll by Mistress Sthurrim Caithnes.

Lady Katerin Starcke was called forth, Their Excellencies thanked her for her service to them as their fencing champion and she turned over her champion regalia.

Their Excellencies called for Lord Alexander du Lac, they asked if he would serve as their fencing champion. Lord Al-exander accepted and was presented with the champion rega-lia and a scroll by Lady Brigette and Krysten.

THL Cynwulf Rendell was called forth, Their Excellencies thanked him for his service to them as their thrown weapons champion and he turned over his champion regalia.

Their Excellencies called for Akayuma Yatarou Kage’o, they asked if he would serve as their thrown weapons champion. Akayuma accepted and was presented with the champion regalia and a scroll.

Lord Wolfgang Starcke was called forth, Their Excellencies thanked him for his service to them as their archery champi-on and he turned over his champion regalia.

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Their Excellencies called for Lord Gawin Hawkseye, they asked if he would serve as their archery champion. Lord Gawin accepted and was presented with the champion regalia and a scroll by Baroness Rosemund von Glinde.

Mistress Gillian Llwelyn of Ravenspur was called forth, Their Excellencies thanked her for her service to them as their A&S champion and she turned over her champion rega-lia.

Their Excellencies called for Lady Edith of Winterton, they asked if she would serve as their A&S champion. Lady Edith accepted and was presented with the champion regalia and a scroll.

Master Antonia de Luna and THL Renata Rouge, were called into court. Their Excellencies thanked them for traveling to the Barony to help marshal the throwing championship that day. They gifted Renata with a small axe pendent and Anto-nio with a dragon earring.

Their Excellencies called for Simonetta and Siobhsn, they asked if they would serve as their Chivalry Champion. Simo-netta and Siobhsn accepted and were presented with the champion regalia and a scroll by Baroness Rosemund von Glinde.

Lady Logan Latta de Kent was called forward. Their Excel-lencies asked her to speak a little of the Queens Anne Trophy and what it stood for. Their Excellencies then spoke of how Theowyn de Wood had overcome many hard situations and still fought so valiantly and energetically on the fields of bat-tle this year. Because of this, she was awarded the Queen Anne’s trophy and a garter. Mickus accepted the trophy for her, because she was not present at the event.

Their Excellencies asked Lady Logan Latta de Kent to re-main and called forward their Venerable Order of the Ice Dragon. Their Excellencies spoke of how Lady Logan had worked hard to grow and expand the fencing community in the barony. Because of this they inducted her into the VOID and presented her with a medallion of the order.

Their Excellencies spoke of how each year they chose a fighter in the barony as their most improved fighter. This year they choose Mistress Jenna MacPherson of the Lion’s Tower, not only for her improvement as a fighter but for her experience guiding young fighters over the years to become fighters for the barony and the kingdom. Brother Bobby (Lord Robaird), accepted the new fighter dagger in her steed.

Lord Magnus de Lyons was called into court. Their Excellen-cies spoke of the Most Improved new Fencer award and said that Lord Magnus had been chosen as the recipient this year, for his hard work and efforts on the fencing lists. He was awarded with the Most Improved New Fencer medallion.

Lady Katerin Starcke was called forward. Her Excellency spoke of Katerin’s skill with cooking outstanding food. As well as her skill with handsewing period garb for herself and others. Because of this they asked for the Order of the Gold-en Bee to come forward, Lady Katerine was inducted into the order and given a medallion.

Their Excellencies’ court was suspended.

Late Evening Court

Their Excellencies court was continued as by order of elimi-nation they found Davis to be their Iron Man winner for the event. He was presented with a scroll by Baroness Ekaterina Volkova.

Their Excellenies then named the winner of the baronial champs bardic competition Brother Bobby (Lord Robaird ) and called him forward. Their Excellencies asked if he would serve as their champion. Brother Bobby accepted and was presented with the champion regalia and a scroll.

Their Excellencies spoke of the delicious desert competition held that day. The winner was announced as Siobsn and was presented with a porcelain Artichoke and some candy.

There being no further business, the court of their Excellen-cies was closed.

Lady Miriel du Lac Herald.

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Want to know more?

Baronial website: http://www.wnysca.org/phpwcms/index.php

Baronial Yahoo group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Rhydder ich_Hael/info

Baronial Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/343207347058/

Canton of Beau Fleuve page: http://beaufleuve.aethelmearc.org/

Kingdom website: http://www.aethelmearc.org/

SCA main website: http://www.sca.org/

NEW TO THE SCA? Go here: http://chatelaine.aethelmearc.org/

This newsletter is Hael powered….Hael Yeah!


Lord Magnus de Lyons (Lance Kazmark)

36 Wayne St.

Depew, NY 14043

This is the June 2015, issue of the (The Ice Dragon), a publication of (The Barony of the Rhydderich Hael) of the Society for

Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). (The Ice Dragon) is available from Lance Kazmark, 36 Wayne St. Depew NY 14043.

It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2015 Society for Creative

Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the

Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.