june 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. she will handle the admin duties (entry...

MACATAWA BAY YACHT CLUB • 2157 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE • MACATAWA, MI 49434 • 616-335-5815 June 2012 www.mbyc.com

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Page 1: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,



June 2012 www.mbyc.com

Page 2: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,






REPORTEnhancing Sailing atMBYCLast month I wrote about“what’s new at MBYC”.Two items that I mentionedwere enhanced JY sailingprograms for Thursday andFriday nights, and an adultlearn-to-sail program. Iwould like to elaborate onthese programs, and the

benefits for our Club:

1. Enhanced JY programs for Thursday and Friday nightsMember volunteers resurrected JY sailing at MBYC on Fridaynights a few years ago, and the ladies initiated a Thursdaynight ladies sailing program more recently. Both programshave been very successful, and have provided exciting, lowcost sailing opportunities to experienced sailors as well as newmembers. This has led to some new memberships as well asincreased activity in the clubhouse on race nights. A majorfactor in the success of these programs has been the ability toprovide JY 15 boats from the JA fleet to sailors who do notown their own. This has put more boats out on the water,and more members on the roster. As we debriefed the pastseasons, we have asked, “What can we do to make theseprograms even better?”

Here is the feedback: Appoint someone to be in charge of theadministration of the programs, and to oversee maintenanceto ensure that boats are always in sailing condition for theevening programs as well as for the JA sailors on Mondaymornings. These activities were dependent on volunteers andthe JA coaches and could be handled more effectively by asingular appointed person. So, here is what will be new for2012:Sailing Coordinator: We have hired one of the Hope SailingTeam members, Evelyn Ritter, as one of the Dock Attendantsthis summer, with a special job description. She will handlethe admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), checkout and check in boats and oversee maintenance, and providerace committee for race nights. Look for Evelyn on Thursdayand Friday nights in a blue shirt, and thank her for helpingour sailing programs.

2. Adult Learn-to-SailJulie reports that a number of potential new members inquireabout a club program to learn how to sail. Some membershave also asked about a program for them or for someone intheir family. We have excellent programs for youth throughthe JA, but have not had a structured program or appropriateboats to provide education and training to adults who maynot find a small boat like a JY suitable for learning.We also have a number of sailors in the two JY programs thatdid not receive any formal training in boat handling, sailingbasics, or fundamental racing rules (like who has right of way).The Programs: We are finalizing the details of an adult learn-to-sail program that will provide the following modules:

A. Sailing fundamentals: Classroom educationand training on the water in JY15sB. Sailing fundamentals: Classroom education andtraining on the water in keelboats (S27.9)C. Racing fundamentals: Classroom educationand on the water coaching in JY 15sD. Racing fundamentals: Classroom educationand on the water coaching in keelboats

These programs will be launched using educational materials(handbooks and DVDs) from USSailing and others, and willuse member volunteers for education and on the watertraining. The intent is to provide basic, low cost sailinginstruction. The goal is to get participants comfortable withhandling a sailboat in moderate conditions, with emphasis onhaving fun. These are not certified courses, nor will they betaught by certified instructors. Look for more informationto be posted on our website.

Are you an experienced sailor ?? Maybe you skimmed overthe first part of this article. The point is: Let’s get people outsailing! Invite some new people out to the club this summer,and let them take the tiller or wheel of your boat. Share theclub experience with some refreshments on the patio. Letnew people discover why your grass is long, and your house isdark on the weekends!I hope you all have a great summer season at Macatawa BayYacht Club!Jack Knoblauch

In MemoriamRobert Sligh

Born Mar 27, 1954. Died May 21, 2012MBYC Member Since 1959

Page 3: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Y a c h t C l u b

M a c a t a w a B a y

MBYC Flag OfficersCommodore Jack KnoblauchVice Commodore Tom SlanecRear Commodore Bob MaloneBoard of DirectorsImmediate Past Commodore

John DonnellyTreasurer Ted SimpkinsSecretary Shae KobsDirector Kathy DayDirector Scott BerneckerDirector MaryJane SchoenherrDirector Dave KeeginDirector Chris KrimendahlDirector Greg VandenBoschDirector Eric AshJudge Advocate JD StoneManagementGeneral Manager Julie VanderVeerAccountant Marilyn BakerExecutive Chef Jim RuehleOutside Manager Douglas KnappRestaurant Manager Irena MillerWind Scoop Editor Jon BontekoeWeb Scoop Bob Standishwww.mbyc.com

Our cover pictures record the historicalmoment on Friday, May 25, 2012 whenthe new building, Junior Sailing Center,was opened and dedicated. Our annualStockholders’ meeting was held in themain classroom & boat storage roomwhere the MBJA staff will teach boatsetup and sailing basics. Photos showmajor donors Jeff & Mitch Padnos cut-ting the ribbon with CommodoreKnoblauch and MBJA chair Steve Sisson.Several Padnos family members attended(seated front row). Other photos showthe size of the room and a building viewfrom the clubhouse. Photos by jb. Sendclub photos to [email protected] need members to document withcameras the summer of sailing and fun.

Page 4: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Annual Burning of the Socks Party

Burning of the socks is an old NewEngland tradition of chasing thewinter cold away and welcomingsummer. Socks photos by MarcySocks photos by MarcySocks photos by MarcySocks photos by MarcySocks photos by MarcyBeyer and jb.Beyer and jb.Beyer and jb.Beyer and jb.Beyer and jb.

Page 5: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Page 6: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Memorial Day 2012

Page 7: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Memorial Day photos by MarcyMemorial Day photos by MarcyMemorial Day photos by MarcyMemorial Day photos by MarcyMemorial Day photos by MarcyBeyer, John Forsyth, jb.Beyer, John Forsyth, jb.Beyer, John Forsyth, jb.Beyer, John Forsyth, jb.Beyer, John Forsyth, jb.

Page 8: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,








REPORT“There is a poetry of sailingas old as the world”Antoine De Saint-Exupery

How wonderful it is to shutdown the engine and justlisten to the wind and thewater rushing by the hullfor the first time eachspring. It’s an enchantingsound and feeling that

never seems to grow old. Finally the boats are ready and theClub is ready for a great season. Hopefully you will bepleasantly surprised by the improvements and changes thattranspired this past winter.

Docks & Grounds: Did you notice the Clubhouse has beenrepainted to match the new Junior Sailing Center? This givesour property a more “campus” like feel and improves the overallaesthetics of the grounds. Dockmaster Doug Knapp did ayeoman’s job singlehandedly completing this task. Doug hasalso been very busy replacing, repairing and cleaning allaround the Club property. The place looks great and Dougdeserves a big THANK-YOU.

Another pleasant surprise is that the Junior Sailing Center(formerly dockmaster’s) restrooms/showers now haveventilation, heating and air conditioning. We took advantageof the redo of the dockmaster’s building during the JSCconstruction and installed the HVAC system at a considerablecost saving versus doing it at some time in the future. Anothernew feature for this season is we will now have ice cream,snacks and non-alcoholic beverages at poolside. This is anotheridea suggested by our new General Manager Julie Vanderveer.Julie is brimming with new ideas to enhance memberexperience and Club revenue.

Dredging: We were confident, due to the condition of theeast harbor and the past year’s weather, that dredging costwould be down this spring. We also had two contractorsbidding for the job which significantly lowered the per cubicyard costs. Our dredging costs for 2012: $4950 vs. $20,000in 2011.

House Committee: The new patio furniture we ordered inearly April is promised to be delivered by late June. Toaccommodate two additional 42" round tables the BuoyRoom patio has been enlarged approximately by 20%.

Menu & Wine Committees: The Menu Committee workingin conjunction with Executive Chef Jim Ruehle has createdseven new items for this season’s menu. We had a tasting inlate April and I can assure you Chef Jim has outdone himselfcreating some very tasty new entrees. Please give them a try.The Wine Committee has selected four new wines for thewine list and two new house wines are available at a veryreasonable price point. For those who want to bring theirown bottle of red or white to the club, we will serve it to youfor a $15 corking fee.

Suggestion: To truly enjoy your dining experience at MBYCI urge everyone to please, whenever possible, make reservationsin advance and RSVP to special events. This is a HUGE helpto the Club Manager, the dining room and kitchen staff andultimately to the enjoyment of the members. Anotherreminder is to utilize the comment cards provided with yourdining room/bar checks. We want to know how we are doingand want to make improvements ASAP when needed.

All in all I’m looking forward to a great season at MBYC.With an energetic and enthusiastic General Manager in place,a refurbished Clubhouse inside and out, the new Junior SailingCenter up and running and those fabulous Macatawa Bay,sunsets where else would you rather be?“Who is staring at the sea is already sailing a little” Paul CarvelTom Slanec

Mothers’ Day Buffet

Page 9: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


The MBJA kids and parentshad a Saturday night bonfirewith hot dogs and lots of junkfood. It was the largest groupof kids this editor has ever seenat a bon fire. Photos by MarcyBeyer and jb.

Page 10: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,










Mary and I so enjoy livingin this beautiful part of theworld. Spring is the mostenjoyable for us, as the areacomes alive with boaterspreparing for 'splash down'and the annual excitementof that event. Our club isalso ready for the new sea-son with our new prizedJunior sailing center, our

new GM Julie VanderVeer, new dining-room staff, and a fewnew MBYC members who are anxious to experience the joysof their membership!

I am pleased to report that MBYC membership is strong. Thefollowing is our total membership status for the last five years,as of June of each year.

June 2008 .... 383 membersJune 2009 .... 382 membersJune 2010 ....385 members

June 2011 ....376 membersJune 2012 ....394members

Our Membership and Marketing committee with GregVandenBosh as chair has worked to develop a new member-ship brochure, that does a fabulous job of communicatingthe attractiveness of our club. Julie will have a supply of thesebrochures in her office. If you know of a potential new mem-ber, please ask Julie for a brochure to pass along.

Our membership goal each year is to attract 25 new mem-bers. So, why so many? The answer is simple. We need toreplace those that for any number of reasons are no longerinvolved in the club.

So please, help the membership committee reach it's annualgoal. Talk to your non-member friends. Let's share the love.This is a place that many can enjoy.

Bob Malone

Welcome spring! Just around the corneris the beginning of our 31st season ofyouth sailing instruction. Leading ourteaching staff is Genni Perry, a senior atAlma College. She has been a part of theMBJA program for over ten years, firstas a sailor, progressing to helper, theninstructor. We welcome her experienceand leadership to our staff. Lexi Petter,Alex Post and Jay Mitchell, all of whomare products of our MBJA program, willmove up to instructor status this summer.Lexi is a recent Black River graduate andwill be attending American University inthe fall. Alex is finishing his freshmanyear at Georgetown and also competeson their collegiate sailing team. Jayrecently finished his freshman year at theUniversity of Illinois, studyingengineering. We will also have one newinstructor in our program, Jason Doyle,a junior at the University of Michigan,who sails on their college team. We arevery fortunate to have such great

In 2011 the Board approved an incentivefor members who recuit new memberswith a bonus. The initial bonus will be avariable dining room credit based onthe membership level of the newmember: Active $150, Intermediate$100, Junior $50. Unused dining roomcredits can be carried over to the nextyear. Members can accrue up to the threenew member dining room credits percalendar year. New member referralcredits beyond the three outlined abovewill be converted to the equivalentdiscount off the upcoming year’s annualdues with a cap at two new memberreferrals eligible for discount.

New MemberNew MemberNew MemberNew MemberNew MemberRecuritment IncentivesRecuritment IncentivesRecuritment IncentivesRecuritment IncentivesRecuritment Incentivesexperience on our staff! We will be

hosting Black River Public School fortheir spring term through June 7. Therewill be middle and high school studentslearning to sail optis and 420’s. Take amoment to greet Genni, Lexi and Jasonif you are at the club during the day.

Registration has already begun for oursummer classes which begin June 18.Please check out the revised classguidelines on the registration link as well.Looking forward to seeing you on thewater! Marie Mell

MBJA ReportMBJA ReportMBJA ReportMBJA ReportMBJA Report

Mothers’ Day Buffet

Page 11: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


April the club was witness to another La-dies Luncheon. For this year’s luncheonladies were requested to wear outrageoushats. Linda Knoblauch, a fan of thesethings, set up some displays featuring his-torical items from the history of ladies’fashions. Photos by Marcy Beyer.

The past commodores also had a lun-cheon. Those attending are pictured onleft. (photo by Michael Kiss)


Page 12: June 2012  · this summer, with a special job description. She will handle the admin duties (entry forms, fees, boat assignments), check out and check in boats and oversee maintenance,


Macatawa Bay Yacht Club2157 South Shore DriveMacatawa, Michigan 49434

J U N E 2 0 1 2Sun. Fri.Thurs.Wed.Tues.Mon. Sat.

Race Events

Private PartiesSocial Events

Bayshore YCSeries

WindscoopCopy Due

Coast Guard AuxBoat Inspections

New MemberWelcome Dinner

Fathers’ DayBuffet

Fishing Tournament

Hit the Wall

MBJYCMovie Night

Shrimp Boil



JY 15 Ladies

Junior Racing

Laser Summer

Opti SummerLaser Summer

Laser SS

South Haven Inv

S2 7.9 Wooden ShoeRegatta

South Haven InvS2 7.9 Wooden Shoe

Chicago NOODs

MBYC #2 &PHRF #1

Commodore’s CupMBYC 3

Tripp Cup

Queen’s Cup

WMYSA Regatta Queen’s Cup

Events in JuneEvents in JuneEvents in JuneEvents in JuneEvents in JuneSaturday June 2Saturday June 2Saturday June 2Saturday June 2Saturday June 2 CG Aux InspectionsCG Aux InspectionsCG Aux InspectionsCG Aux InspectionsCG Aux InspectionsSaturday June 9Saturday June 9Saturday June 9Saturday June 9Saturday June 9 New Member DinnerNew Member DinnerNew Member DinnerNew Member DinnerNew Member DinnerSaturday June 16Saturday June 16Saturday June 16Saturday June 16Saturday June 16 Shrimp BoilShrimp BoilShrimp BoilShrimp BoilShrimp BoilSunday June 17Sunday June 17Sunday June 17Sunday June 17Sunday June 17 Father’s Day BuffetFather’s Day BuffetFather’s Day BuffetFather’s Day BuffetFather’s Day BuffetSaturday June 23Saturday June 23Saturday June 23Saturday June 23Saturday June 23 MBJYC Movie NightMBJYC Movie NightMBJYC Movie NightMBJYC Movie NightMBJYC Movie Night

Cooking Class




Chicago NOODs

Chicago NOODs

Commodore’s Cup

JY 15 Ladies

JY 15 Ladies

JY 15 Ladies

Bayshore YCSeries

Bayshore YCSeries

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