july newsletter


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An overview of what has been going on since June, as well as looking into the future.



Konichiwa fellow Ninjas! How have your summers been? Although it has been very hot the past few weeks, I hope you are all enjoying your time off, but at the same time taking advantage by either working, volunteering, or doing something that you enjoy! My summer has been very hectic and filled with Key Club, and you, my Ninjas, are on my mind almost every day, keeping me busy and motivated to do more for my community, our community!

I and the division officers are very eager to plan events throughout the summer, so please keep on the look-out for emails, facebook updates, phone calls, etc. to make sure you don’t miss any of them! One of the most recent divisional events that took place was the Inter-Divisional Outing which took place on July 22, 2011 at Cunningham Park. There was much food, Key Clubbing, and many activities, thanks to my counter-part, Lieutenant Governor Carla Pacheco. Both her and I, along with our division officers, worked very hard to plan this outing, and although it was very hot, it was a success! So a big thanks to all individuals who came and supported!

Just a few announcements, the August Divisional’s date is still TBA, so I apologize for that! It will most likely take place from 7-5PM, as usual, so please try to make it! It will be an air-conditioned room, so no worries! Next, I have been pushing a lot for MRFs, and I must urge you all to fill them out EVERY month, whether your club attends any activities or not, you must fill out the general information (name, school, etc.) and deliver it to myself and District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin by the 7th of every month. Lastly, I have been asking for service spotlight articles, so presidents please urge your editors to send them in so I can publish them in my newsletter, brownie points to Bayside HS Key Club Editor, Kevin Deng, for being the only one who sent in an acceptable article. Thanks Kevin!

Hope the rest of your week goes well and please thoroughly read though this newsletter, as many important announcements and different topics will be discussed by different individuals of the district board!

At your service, always,

Antonio Xu Liu

Lieutenant Governor

Yes! Other than being a Key Clubber, I am a Wizard! The last movie of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series came out on July 15, 2011. Hope all the fans out there got to see it! If you haven’t already, go as soon as you can, you don’t want to miss it on the big screen!

Up Coming Events!

August Divisional: To be Announced

President’s Hang out: To be Announced

Fall Rally: To be Announced

Bowling-for-a-Cause: July, 29, 2011 (Friday!)

Location: Jib Lanes ( 67-19 Parsons Blvd)

Time: 1-6PM

Others: $20 includes two games, shoes, food, and drinks!

IRI Queens Walk and Picnic: July 20, 2011 (Saturday!)

Location: Cunningham Park

Time: 9-12, 12~6PM

Walk starts at 9AM, and picnic starts at 12, please come to help serve food, host games, etc. it’ll be fun!


Official Newsletter of New District Key Club Division 8

July 2011 Newsletter The Ninja Report


Hey New York District Key Club,

I hope everyone’s summer has been treating them well. Although I don’t like to admit it, we’re just about half way through, with a new school year drawing closer. As Key Club progresses during the Summer I would encourage you all to get involved and start planning and attending those projects.

Just a few weeks ago the New York District Board (and a few Key Club Officers) returned from the gorgeous Phoenix, Arizona where the Key Club International Convention was held. We had just fewer than thirty Key Clubbers from the New York District represented at workshops, social events, and of course the house of delegates.

Some of the entertainment at the convention consisted of Keynote speaker, Eric Saperston, who told us of his inspiring life changing journey, and Craig Karges the “extraordinist”, who was the award-winning entertainer wowing Key Clubbers with his mystical illusions. Meeting members from all over the United States as well as from foreign places such as Italy, Jamaica, and Aruba was a truly unique experience.

Key Club ICON, this year was one of true amazement, an experience in which I’ll never forget. I hope next year many of you will get the chance to attend the 2012 Key Club ICON in the beautiful Orlando, Florida! (For those of you that are wondering, yes...Disney.)

Hope you all enjoy your summer, but don’t forget about Key Club. Summer provides Key Clubbers with the chance to perform some seriously successful projects, take advantage of it! Also don't forget to subscribe to the New York District website (www.nydkc.org), as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (on.fb.me/meTPeC).

-Gov out The Governor at one of the ICON’s Tour’s stops! Looks like it was an awesome experience! Are you going to ICON next summer?

International Convention, Lieutenant Governor Antonio Xu Liu Although I unfortunately, along with a few other members of the district board, was not able to attend International Convention at Phoenix, Arizona this year, we heard many awesome things about it! Other than the amazing tour to many different landmarks in the West Coast, International Convention consists of the assembling of Key Clubs from all around world, from Ohio to Germany, and from Australia to the Bahamas! At the convention members meet to not only celebrate the ending of a very successful service year and audience many awesome performances, but most importantly take part in the electing of the new International President, who for this service year is Annie Lewandoski, International Vice-President, Catt Lovins, and the 11 Trustees that will serve under them. This year the international trustee who will be aiding the New York, along with the Ohio and New Jersey District is Nick DePorzio, congratulations Nick! Nonetheless, ICON is more than just a week-long trip of vacationing, but also a week-long trip of service and leadership. Hope you can make it to ICON next year at Orland, Florida!


Hello New York District! My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, the District Secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. It has been fun working with some of you and I want to let you know that we are off to a good start. Please make sure however to keep up with your club's paperwork during the summer. Remember that even though it is summertime, you should still be committed to Key Club. It is important that we continue to serve our home, school, and community.

Though events are limited during the summer, it is vital that you submit your club's monthly report forms (MRF), is a key device for relaying information from your club to the district. The form is due on the 7th of each month and can be submitted through the online submission (on the district website), by email (use the PDF form of the MRF), or by snail mail. Submitting these forms can ensure that your club gets credit for service they have done. Even if you do not have service projects that month, still submit your MRFs.

If you ever need to submit a monthly report form late, please make sure to email me ([email protected]). This way, not only do I know that you need more time, but I know that you will be submitting your club's monthly report form. If you ever need help, please do not be afraid to ask me. Later this month, I will be sending out Tips for Club Secretaries, a guide that will prove to be extremely useful in many areas.

For the election report form, please make sure that you send it if you haven't done so already. This information is needed for the District Directory. I have started a blog / website for club secretaries, nydkcsec.wordpress.com, acting as a forum for questions and inquiries, and provide important updates. Feel free to follow it as often as you like and hopefully it will be updated every two weeks.

As a reminder, please subscribe to the New York District Secretaries Google Group (http://groups.google.com/group/new-york-district-key-club-secretaries) and the official Secretaries Group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_191839670863138&ap=1). Remember to keep up the good work. Enjoy your well-deserved summer! -District Secretary

Daniel Ivan Lin

District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin also went to ICON and had a blast, as you him posing and smiling his best at one of the Tour’s stops! Hope I have as much fun as he did next year!

A few things Daniel urges us to do:

-Submit Monthly Report Forms, by the 7th of each month!

-Submit Election report form!

To the right you will find a chart of how each club in our division is doing with paperwork, please try you best to send me your MRFs as you send them to Daniel so that I have them for my own records as well. Brownie points to Benjamin N. Cardozo for perfect Paperwork!


Hello, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Having just returned from being trained as a District Treasurer at International Convention, I am excited to soon be putting that training to good use!

Even though dues are due in November, it’s not too late to start collecting. It can be the difference between handing them in on time and being late. Start asking members that will be in your club next year and discuss this at summer meetings. Many club treasurers mentioned the need for dues resources on the Treasurer Survey, and I am currently working on it hopefully out during September. If you have not completed this survey please click on this link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5D9HX5.

As the new school year approaches, club treasurers should be beginning to make the club’s budget. It is essential for the club to make more money for the club’s fund. Start a budget if you don’t have one, because they do help. It’s another reason to collect dues now; you will know how much money you will gain in your club fund (usually $1-3 per member). When making your budget, take everything into consideration, from Kiwanis visits to the end of the year party. It is better to budget an event that you may or may not plan rather than not budget it at all. Make sure to know if your club requires an approved copy from the school administration.

If you had the opportunity to see the FRF spreadsheet, I am amazed with the treasurers of the mighty New York District. In three months, we beat our goal. Out new goal is 100 FRFs by LTC. As a reminder, after you fill the FRF, please send me proof of the fundraising from a copy of the check to letter from the organization. Keep them coming! Stay tuned for more resources being release. As always if you have any questions or ideas, please email me at emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc. Don't forget to join us on Facebook and Google!! Lastly, check out my newly released Treasurer Tribune for more information. Yours in service Emily Gicewicz District Treasurer.

Emily smiles and shows off her plaque at International Convention folks! One that also occurs at ICON is the awarding of many different awards, congratulations Emily, you deserve it!

Throughout the past first four months of my first term, each and every individual in my our division, each and every Ninja has been very supportive and spirited, but at my July Divisional I wanted to especially recognize Alexandra Selby, treasurer of Bayside High School Key Club. Her determination to do her job and fulfill her responsibilities, even go above and beyond became obvious to me when she contacted me every time she had a doubt about something, when she told me what she was having trouble with and how she could overcome that obstacle every time one appeared, and most especially when I was reading through District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz’s spread sheet of the district’s total number of FRFs and saw that Selby had completed 8 FRFs over the course of less than a few weeks, allowing her club to become the club with 2nd highest number of FRFs in the district, on file. Keep up the good work Alexandra, along with all other treasurers out there! Please keep in mind that FRFs and fundraising in general, they’re done for the use of helping the needy, not a form of competition to solely gain the “title” of being “the best”.


Did you know that if the Key Club International Central Office is in Indianapolis, Indiana?

Did you know that our District’s mascot is a beaver?

Did you know that to find out more about each member of the district board you can go to www.NYDKC.org and click District BoardMeet your District Board?

Did you know that Bill Clinton and Tom Cruise used to be in Key Club when they were in high school?

I am Amber Lee, District Editor from 2011-2012. One of my main jobs as District Editor is to create the District Newsletter known as “The Empire Key”. Now, what is “The Empire Key” It’s comparable to all newsletters from your home Key Club, but my newsletter is just a guide for the District with greetings, important District news, District Projects, Service Spotlights, and New York District’s way of service.

As one of my goals, I will be creating most likely four issues of “The Empire Key” (one per season). There will not be less. A log will be sent out each month for required articles from LTGs. It is important that you submit articles and contribute to our newsletter. There are over 5000 Key Clubs of this world. One can’t possibly travel to every country and club to see what they are doing. This is where newsletter comes in handy. We get to view the service provided by the District during that season/month. Your own club or school can be starred on more than one page! You’re designs, thoughts, articles, and anything you wish can be incorporated.

I encourage all LTGs to convince the editors of your division to make newsletters following graphic standards and Key Club colors. Believe it or not, we can hold a whole new way of communication just by flipping our pages. We show our passion, color, and family through every word and thought we have for Key Club.

The Empire Key is the District’s way of expressing the District’s hard work and keeping the Key Club core values of character building, inclusiveness, leadership, and caring.

Stay tuned for my first issue of “The Empire Key” being released during August of 2011. Any questions, any ideas, or any suggestions, email me at [email protected] or contact me at (347) 653 3656.

Amber Lee

Key Club District Editor

Amber looking celebrating at one of her Home Club’s events after having been appointed District Editor, best of luck Amber!

You’ve been reading a lot, take a break and solve this word search puzzle made up of words that relate to key Club!



On Saturday, June 18th, one of the biggest and most anticipated events of the year, Relay for Life, was held at the Bayside High school Athletic Field. If you didn’t know, Relay for Life Is hosted by a great foundation called the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society focuses on finding a cure for cancer and assisting the needs of people in order to fight it. On that Saturday, Bayside High School Key Club attended this event with great enthusiasm. With 30 members, we walked endlessly along the track field. Even though it was a warm day, everyone talked, danced, sang, laughed and even so, cried. During the Relay for Life, some of our dedicated members even performed for the audience; they danced and sang. And when the sky turned dark, we sat on the grass, looking at the paper bags, consisting of glow-in-the-dark tubes, settled on the bleachers making the big word, hope. Yes, hope. Relay for Life is all about hope. When we look at patients with cancer, we see that they’re fighting, and that they need hope, courage, and faith more than anything. On that day, Bayside High School Key Club marched and raised $1965.45 for the American Cancer Society. We had fun, but most importantly we realized that with hope, courage, and faith, we can do anything.


Throughout the past the past few months our division has had many divisional projects, meetings, events, and such, and for all of them we have always been fortunate to have very important and dedicated individuals present to support us both morally and physically, so let’s just take the chance to acknowledge all of them right now!

Mrs. Rebecca Ovadia, Kiwanis Committee Representative

Mr. Jason Steiner, Kiwanis Committee Representative

Helen Chen, Lieutenant Governor of Division 9

Daniel Ivan Lin, Distict Secretary

Christina An, IP Lieutenant Governor

Tiffany Kwong, Past Lieutenant Governor

Nadyli Nunez, IP New York District Governor

Carla Pacheco, Lieutenant Governor of Division 8A

Oscar Tan, District Webmaster

Nancy Zhang, IP International Trustee

Domenick Pesce, New York District Governor

Becky Hopkins, Lieutenant Governor of Division 5

Jay Wong, Lieutenant Governor of Division 7

Mr. Tsang, Flushing Kiwanis President

Mr. Stephen, Howard Beach Kiwanis President

Mrs. Witherspoon, Lieutenant Governor of Queens East Kiwanis

Mr. Witherspoon, Past Lieutenant Governor of Queens East Kiwanis

Mrs. Megan Stiles, Children’s Miracle Network Representative

Mrs. Paige, American Cancer Society Representative

Diana Tian, Past Lieutenant Governor

You guys are all so amazingly awesome, thank you so much for traveling the distance, spending the time, and most importantly spending the energy to come and support not only myself, but rather our Division, from the deepest end of my heart, and our division’s members I’m sure, we thank you! Sorry if I forgot anyone please let me know if I forgot you!


There are two individuals who I excluded from the previous page, and I did so because I wanted to dedicate a few extra words to them, because these two individuals have really gone above-and-beyond of what is required of them to aid myself and our division in general.

Mr. Steven Jacoby is the adviser of Bayside High School Key Club and has been managing the club for quite some time now. He unselfishly dedicates a lot of his time to Key Club, not solely for the sake of us, his “children” but because of his on-going desire and passion to continue to help not solely those in need outside of the U.S., but those in need locally. He has gone above-and-beyond of what is expected of an adviser and has become more than that to his Key Clubbers, myself included. He has aided me since the day I joined Key Club at Bayside High School, and continues to aid me in any way possible through my endeavors to bring our Division, the Ninjas, towards success and change. Thank you so much for all you’ve done Mr. Jacoby, you are truly an inspiration, all that you do is not solely making a difference out in the world, but in each and every single one of our hearts as well. Thank you.

Ms. Amber Lee is the District Editor of the New York District, appointed just this past June. And although I’ve only known her for a little more than a month, she has attended every single event and meeting that she was aware of involving our division since. Residing in the far end of Brooklyn, her passion for service and willingness to help bursts out of the boundaries of her own division, as seen throughout the past 5-6 weeks that she has been involved with the Ninjas. She is one the nicest and most hard-working individuals I’ve yet to meet in my life time, much less in Key club. Her commitment to her work and towards making a difference is truly one of the reasons why I joined Key Club in the first place, because Iit reminds me that there are individuals as caring and committed as here among the sea of corruptness and evil that is Society. Amber thank you so much for all the times that you’ve traveled 4+ hours to support us, given me hugs when I was on the verge of breaking, cracked lame jokes whenever I seemed upset, and much more, you’re awesome! Keep up the good work!

Mr. Jacoby at the LTC of 2011, posing with our mascot, the Beaver!

Amber and I at Bayside High School’s Relay for Life Event, where she joined the division for a Presidential Council meeting, and contributed about 10 hours of volunteer work towards American Cancer Society with all of us who were there! It was a very long but awesome day!


This is your New York District Key Club Webmaster, Oscar Tan. I’ve recently updated the NYDKC official website. Please, take a look. If you notice on the home page of this website, there is a section labeled ‘Service Spotlights’. So, what exactly are service spotlights?

Each month, key clubbers submit club spotlights. Club spotlights usually show an article about a certain service event attended. Along with the article is a picture that portrays a service duty performed by Key Club members of your Home Club. This is rather simple, because even a few words can be a spotlight.

Service Spotlights that stand out are often posted onto our New York District Key Club website, <nydkc.org>. How do you get your Service Spotlight onto the website? When your Service Spotlight article is finished, simply send it to Amber Lee via [email protected] or your LTG to post on his/her newsletter. Our District Editor will then choose the spotlights and send it to me. I will post it on the official website.

Service Spotlights are a great way to show off what service your club has done, and it may be featured on the front page! So, use some time and just submit those spotlights.

Oscar Tan

New York District Key Club Webmaster

Hey, Key Clubbers! How has your summer been so far? As our summer vacation begins to slowly come to an end towards August, it means that it’s time for Fall Rally planning! As many new members are joining our Mighty New York District, they may be wondering what exactly are Fall Rallies and DTC’s.

Fall Rallies are a great way to not only train officers, but motivate members and raise money for a charity. Some Key Clubbers aren’t able to make it to the annual Leadership Training Conference, where large training sessions are held for the various officer positions, and this is where Fall Rallies and DTC’s also known as Division Training Conferences, come into play. Basically, two to three divisions collaborate on a huge Rally and plan workshops with guest speakers to assist in officers training. Because three Divisions make up a lot of members, Division Training Conferences come into play. At DTC’s we basically have a smaller Fall Rally with only one Division. Mini charity projects are also held at these two events to help raise funds for a cause that is usually voted on at the event.

All officers and members are strongly recommended to come to both of these events. There will always be resources for members and officers to take back to their home clubs. If anyone has questions about either of these two events, don’t hesitate to ask!

Yours in Leadership and Service, Andrew Abbey, Division 26 Lt. Governor [email protected]


K-Family Relations By Lieutenant Governor Ellen Dooley

Many of us know that we, Key Clubbers are not the only members of the K-Family; along with Kiwanis, there are also K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle-K, and Aktion Club. But, why do we need maintain contact with other members of the K-family? Maintaining relations with the younger members of the K-family is important, because it gets the younger kids interested in community service; this teaches them the Key Club core values as they move along in the K-family.

One easy way to connect with the younger children is to do something they love…color! Visit a K-Kids Club during the holiday season and make holiday cards for your local nursing home. Your local Kiwanis can also be one of the most important assets to your Key Club. Whether it is a problem with your advisor or you’re in need of financial support, Kiwanis is always there for help. To strengthen relations with your Kiwanis, invite them to come to your club meeting, this will show that you want them to be a part of your own club.

Another way to strengthen relations with your local Kiwanis, Circle-K, or Aktion Clubs, is to plan an event with them; it’s as easy as contacting the president of the club and planning a meeting. Once you have that initial meeting planned, the rest is simple: plan your event.

But how do you get in contact with the other members of the K-Family? One easy way is to get contact with your Kiwanis; they are one of the most valuable resources and will always be there to help. Another way is to contact your Lieutenant Governor whom can help with any questions that you may have about the K-Family.

Ellen Dooley

Division 16

Kelly Chan, the President of Queens College Kiwanis and the Marketing and K-Family Relations committee Chair for the New York District, organized and carried out a picnic on July 17, 2011 at Cunningham Park, to which our division, division 8A, as well as division 9 and 10 attended, along with many members of the District board. I just wanted to take a moment and thank her for all her efforts helping the Key Club branch become more associated with the other branches of Kiwanis. She worked very much to plan for the event, which in turn was rewarded at the end of the picnic where she raised a lot of money for a chosen charity, but most importantly strengthened the bonds between Key Club and Circle-K, along with Kiwanis in general. Awesome job Kelly! Keep up the good work!


Leadership Training Conference 2012

LTC is fast approaching, whether it may seem like it or not. Unfortunately, this year it will place about two weeks earlier than the previous year, March 30-April 1st, which means you guys have less time to prepare for it! Elections must take place earlier, so that you may register your current and future officers! You will also have less time to fund-raise for it, so please act quickly! Remember that your sponsoring Kiwanis club is there to support you and your club both morally and financially, so make sure you take the extra step to get in touch with them, go to their meetings, invite them to your meetings, so they are aware that their time and money is not going to waste!


With LTC approaching, also comes the idea of awards, make sure you have board meetings often, even before the school year begins, to discuss with your officers what awards your club may potentially want to apply for, or what awards does your club qualify for? As co-committee chair, I will have a lot of this information, so make sure to keep in touch with me too! It’s always good to know the criteria early and ahead of time so that you can work to fulfill it, thus increasing your chances of winning! Potential awards to apply for include:

Distinguished Key Clubber (DKC), Distinguished Officer (Depending what officer you are), Scrapbook traditional and non-traditional, etc.

Key Club Week

Key Club Week is the first week of November, and it is a worldwide event where clubs try to the best of their extent to increase membership by participating in Key Club activities that promote the club itself. Each day of the week for that one week is assigned for a certain “event”. Examples include the following:

Wear your Key Club Hoodie day, Key Club tattoo day (order non-toxic Key Club tattoos online), teacher-appreciation day (send teachers Key Club pencils/cards showing appreciation), etc.


Secretaries and treasurers make sure you work together to ensure that dues are paid by all members of your club. Dues for each club are different depending on preference, but it should be around $12-$15. Make sure you use receipts, to give proof to members that they have paid! Goal: Earn early-bird patch by submitted dues by the early deadline!


You may want to form committees within your clubs, where you have dedicated members assigned to a certain task. This can be effective if you are wise about the individuals you pick, and the tasks that are assigned to them! Having too many committees and committee members can go terribly bad, so just be aware!


Domenick Pesce

District Governor

2442 Kenmore Street

East Meadow, NY 11554

(516) 698-0876

[email protected]

Daniel Ivan Lin

District Secretary

91 Boerum St, Apt 7L

Brooklyn, NY 11206

(917) 405-7968

[email protected]

Emily Gicewicz

District Treasurer

33 Helen Lane

West Sand Lake, NY 12196

(518) 763-7309

[email protected]

Amber Lee

District Editor

1935 Cropsey Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11214

(347) 653-365

[email protected]

Oscar Tan

District Webmaster

277 Bay 20th St.

Brooklyn, NY 11214

(646) 255-299

[email protected]

Antonio Xu Liu

Lieutenant Governor of Division 8

63-11 Queens Blvd Apt C8

Woodside, NY 11377


[email protected]

Rebecca Ovadia

Kiwanis Committee Representative

(516)-698-2863 [email protected]

Erika Lim

Executive Assistant of Division 8

(646) 610-9296

[email protected]

Eric Leung

Divisonal Secretary of Division 8

(917) 365-9869

[email protected]

Divisional Mascot: Ninjas!

We have bracelets, buy them please, they’re 1 Dollar, and they say “Division 8 Ninjas” With a picture of a Ninja on it.

Please send in designs for Divisional t-shirts and hoodies to [email protected]