juliaetta - kendrick heritage foundationjkhf.info/kendrick - 1969 - the gazette news/1969 jan...))st...

KgNDttICK AND 03))NES381 LATAS COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, ~ 2d), 1959 8"reeg PiJt;ture j Printed Lest 8'eeI),. I Southwick Area Qtmjtmp 9«y ATTR14)3 vtdtcIA Jixtxsctta News Hews 1)i10tes 0)aimcjt Listed )ljtfL)tx)it Of Past Week ))SJLS. SOLlkà 4lQIITA43E ~mv" ~~ doves 'nevus md N'orna nmnnga,~ ' 8A)f)N~ MSSL Suna LUSSaoan Phoae ~9 for Commun!tv dsv hes eomsdessd dm sve"~dn„ Phoae 225-%00 ))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl event, and ls is honedils s sludeus soeenee as Koan ssus~ BIQ)tg Mrs. Arl)e'rm)tag» expresses ap- mexxrbers of the comm)ttecs %))3 soon Iqusrtcr, to stt4and the YMCA span-I A baby son was born April 10th Prsc)at)on to the community for its be name<. aored Youth Legis)aturc at t)M Cap as nn sssnes eo ssv and .assn Lson- good support of the Amercaxi Cen- Tb c mrriitees snd chairmen ap- )toj bugding ~CkH) cer Society'8 Spr)ng Dr)ve. A total ard Dusnc, and weighs 0 )bsm 12 os. of $3'8,00 w«s contr)buted, j He joins a sister, Kerry Lynn. p„r„d, B b Bu~ 's«$ after meeting the)r )ioet fern-j Dayl)ght 8+vjng Time cussed by! Convention Attended A week ego, on Thursday and Frj-, s = fs sdLng c'f b)3)s and corn Iinto effect across the nation car)y'Ida, sre thc Proud grandparents dsv, Mrs. V, %V, Benfam)n and Susen . - —; Y Gam 8 ~ Ho)ben tnjttee meetings with the mock ees Sunday morning Aprx) 27 fer six j~ at(ended ihe d)strict Res«rene You g i 8 i iun : <Arena) Le@ann)res, i 8)oo recesejng et 4:00 p. m. to pcr- months. At 3:00 a. m. Sunday morn- I ge)cased Fxoxn Hosp)ta) People's 8ociety convention ln Mos hear Scn. Edmend ing th cow, Mrs, Senjamin was elected as Lunch Counter (F)remen'8 Ha)3): Miiskie iD..M8.) speak at a ra))y one hour. If 3rou don't wish to walt„'of ~h b, h secretary for the Lew)«ten sane. Firemen at thc Boise Hot»). That evening el up for this exciting semi-annus) 'was rcleasel fxom the St. Joseptx'8 There she stayed over-night in the Exh)b)t 8«u: It bert B rgcn b~quet md goverxu'rs bs)) was he)d-" event you csn sct them «heed one Hosp)t«L Lcwtston, en Monday. Be Been Passman home. Bingo 13en Seeker I and +t"rdsy the fjxi«3 reacting and 1 hour Saturday night. j was strjc)ccn Si&arday night while Tra ~oat. Oxv ~;~ ) t)i signing or vetoing of hiHs was tv)siting tn Lcwjstixn, and taken to the hospit«L Hc )8 xect~xxttng at hoxnx~ get Bar 8 Q; L. Srome))ng Ph)) Her ', Sunday 'K)4 9 D a 1, ting some much neeied rest. mann, %4yne Beech r r BtFox Mrs. Ro))jn ArmTtage attended the Scrvtxxg Jay'-E)tes: Joan Stout pf gag py K 'hoaea Px.4~ Northern District Homemakers M J h L ~~ f ~> Bcun)on: Don Springer Cook grsanLsxsis aught»r Councj) in Lewtston, Tues4y'. Mrs. i k h ~ ~~t) th Queen: Jan» Both jsA5'r Ajs)p Prejcct naca«VPAa „asa oook, ns., dsdnnamv Perkins ses elected d)strict secre- p~ ~~ ~ ~ ~+ Eddj Dance: %))xon Esser l : chosen a p~ for the De«xy ary for the e aetn4 t uycar @~'witenms)er. )n V)etnsm, which ran ~a~: ~@+ ~ 'CohNHG VNKK Flag in last week'8 edit)on of the Qasett»- C)»axx Up: Andy Pdnderson Tom j I would have cxaxstructcd 8 dike Savu ran da hter ef Mr and R~. )Bear Creek near the Kendrick B)gh off)cud)y) mid cued. Wa of anothc» Gyn~~; R B)d,m ~-',~or C) P)sy M~ T E King attended the Youth so)di»r On Frjdiiy cvcxxjng, April 38, the i k,~ ~ ~ b th J~ ) tither pi»cvs Eddie hadx been serving iii an 8 r Adv rt)lt ~ ~~ I th ~)unior c)888 pres»cited Vjt 8 Shook .'istrict and thc Citv of ~g, Mr. and Mrs Ikc Oixtmen to Sunday. t)))Cry batt«)ion for eight xnonths. 8) ~+~ ~ <the Fern))y Tree," a p)ay vrxjttcn by t Friday ~~n)ng " Jeff Quiex tds)tcd mlaUvce in Seatt)e. Xxi Vjetnsrii hc became 8 gunner oxi F + Ah™ ~ . I Hjjdegerde Do)san The cast con- i Thc councS voted st a ~hd They )eft Friday aftcxxxxoon and Fe- Acxh Ãe»tlag t)ie cannon, and )ster was promot»d F'' ~mn~~s~ ~m~;8)sted of ten seniors and en» jun)nr xn»ctjng not to ' th m ~t ttxrncd on sunday. They had a won- %he Extension Homemakers Cliib xo «orpors), 3xi h)arch he work»d of t)ic FFA @say"» Borgcn. advisor Ihigii student. dcrfui trip going, except rid>ddi~dr into m»t in the home of Mr. «nd Mrs. D, in the motdir poo1 ss en infantry The c)ass made 8 Pmf)t ef S170.00. j )cge) a ~~ ~~ thc ~~< fc)t some snow on the Pass. V. Kuykenda)) in Levdtston, on Thurtd- mechanic. Becaudie of his efficiency ~'g'gQ fll 'I foal The p~ '+tB be uiied fox'hc might Impose too much xtsk for Char)cs Qudmonsnn day for jts April meeting, Mrs. vj and hard «ork he was granted the +~/ J fgeg I gggQ i the city Mayor Donam Etchncr Park, has Purclxaired a tra)3»r house Ola Martin, Mrs. Brure Tarbert and fnureday Veeat)nn abner'he U. S. I The CXCet)ent prOduCt)an W«S dj- l~d Manday ~g th ~~,and meal Mxs. L»3«nd Marchen snd «on joined 8, New J»rsey. ~ I l™ted by Mrs A- )1- Macy and j had )earned both thc Rorthcrn Pa- Stre»t. has been a visitor in the the group there, making )t. 8 kind of On March 20 hjs psr»nts rccc)vcd Q Qf Q ggggg i aaxjstaxlt director, ÃFS. Jaxncs Xioog- 'ific Rat)way and thc Stat Btgh Ervjn Mabbott home fox "Old Home" get-together, After a word that he hsd wade Es5, and he )way Department hsd )nd)cated they week delicious dinner s»rved by the hostess now is s»rgcant in arNl»ry. The G»nese» track teem f)n)shcd'— iwou)d hold the city xtespons)b)c fox Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L Graxxtuxxd 8 planning ~n wss h»ld to plan third in 8 fourteen-teem track meet,< P + At f38)sy Cexxtest ,,any dsmage which might occur dux- and Joanne of Troy wet'unday for a fo~od sale in Kendrick on Lo- on Monday, Thc meet was hc)d at~j ~~ay. Ap ) 19, the Kendrickjtng conxxtxtxct)on ~ or m the fu-.even)xxg vts)toxs in the J. M. Mxxrxxsy cust S)os«em Day. Mrs. D)ck Bern- $ Kxg Kern)eh snd tnc)udcd 80 A< D)strict j ' dm'y p~ucts ~ ~'y: don wss an afternoon guest, T)ie g g~ g geitvlg 2 track teams -'- Oxe6no'S d)strict me»ttng was reviewed and 2 COnteet at the Kerby Ranch near! djsco~ddi~~ tbe Xnatter W)th the achOO) aed .daughter, Mr. and MXS. Gary'va)uate). tLg ~ jig ~ team- Oro8xxo »888y won hc xneet 'A!nore. Thc da)ry proctucts tcsxn j trustees voted te withdraw sponsor Eggs%4 Wednesday over n)gtxts at pl f$ gjggff Qgggjog and Lspwe) f!n)5))cd sccoxid. Thc su))- +)sc»d fourth. They werc sided by j ship 'ovj)3. ther Xews dogs edged P)cree by one point to:Dmi Parks. udxo had the high in-j Miyor E)chncrsa)d thedoor teste)'M~ A week sgo Sunday Mr, atnd Mxv. p)sec i djv)dua) o}'exti)», and Mr. «nd Mxs Dave C)ayten was s)ect»d and J)xn Schsrnborsti )st )n 300.vd. dsshi.tcsni wee cot«posed ot Dele Taylor,>but the councg dM not fc»3 ~*t)onii and Mr- and Mrs. Adxjan Johns en King attended thee 88vcr )nsta))ed pxss)dent of D)strict 5@ )st in 28)),yd dash Hen Psxks an{i Ron Rexxfxow. i wcr» acceptable at t)x)8 ttxne to cen j Tuesday Axxn)versary of the John Stan)eye «t. P T A- st )ts )ast meet)ng cf the ~ ~~. T) for 38) in ~'='stxxrdsy, May 3rd the livestock t)nuc. Mrs. Sam Haddock of Mnscxxw laxa prof)xle. schon) year on Monday c~'ening j '.judg)ng team wi)i go te Moacow to I I been tl)r4m tie the U~ty - ef MF. «nd Mxs. Roger srtme))e of other off)cere )net«))ed for the ecan- j~J~P ~~ ~ > ~ ~Icompete )n the contest xxponsexed by;sewer Lagoon ~ ~~ '%'~x ~ Hxiap)tsl in seatt)e ~ ~en were Sunday afternoon ing yc«t''ex»: Mrs. Rap'ob)nano ' the Uxx)vcxe)ty dof Idaho. Construction of Kcndr)ckes news I tx%«txxxcnt She ts a sister of %rxL V)8)terS Of her patvette, Mr, Snd Mrs. Vice rea)dent; Mrs. Ren ÃCC«rttteys ln d)SCus May 13th the F. F..A holde the < SCVi~ )«geon cont)ntted te PXO Qm) COP», Jug«etta. «nd Mga Jack Pars)ey, BFOCe SChltrn))erst: 3rd in SS)-yd-,xt)Strict COXXtsst in S~ at tha greSS th)S Week aceerd)XXg tn City s Sunday VtejtOXXX in the Aea Cegik, Rev:and - Ara. A. ts Tw)st- Of ".tres)8)ttvir. MxiL~ Jg))gnpsoxt Ftx)L.- - '4)jfPNetnck Expoxdt)o«L, ofxic)a)a, Th )8 -hs)ng 'sr axxd Lec QF)ao)ds home wexe %r Moscow were Sixndsy d)nner guests was Ins~ off)88F Thc meet ')6)c F»I«y teaxn: 4th ptxxcxe: 5%3g cetus~tet) 3 'cxf tj)xe ~.~-- 'x)d )Nxxx- Rah«ct Cook JNNt ef Ãr, and Mrs. C. A. Cuddy. i)~f wse held at Kend«< Busch, Jerry Greco, Ron Ncuco)3 an'd R«s)ecxxn Play +noeees A Sons fertj)jeer Plant. 4hia the daug)xtjsxa Mr. snd Mrs. T'. E, King were, Mra Msgnuson program c)X«)r; Bruce Sc)tarnhorst Satxxxday, Apr)3 10, the Kendrick excavation is comp)etc. thc lagoon Jack S)xd and Debbie of W'c)ppc, «nd Fr)day over»night guests in the Dr,: man. )ntxoduced four piano students„+est m~t, Bm 88 b )t rc)8~ ai F. H. A Chapter held its anmx«3, wi)) bc 3)ncd with c)ay to prevent Mr. end Mrs. AnxoM St)xxxxxcrcnaxt Of E)dr)dge heine in LCW)sten, 'O)ene Sratntners J«X68 V)'h)ting»re Ch k + 8 ) A 20 S i Koffee K)dnap. Th8 gXOCXP earn SC»psgC, ', Deary. Sunday afterneon the T. g. K}ngs Janet Lehman and Qlsele Magnttsone " ~ ' j ed S58.03 in raneomS, and Weuld eke I Mxs. Lee QrinoMs and Mrs. Cart vts)ted the Elmo Eldrldges ln Ken,who p)ay»d Pl«no se)ecoons. Mr. > > ~ >~ ~ U~ jto thank»vcryonc who Pert)c)pated~ :Loomis werc Lcw)eton vtsttexs on dock. T) t »vied~ the K) g ca)). snd are. Q qp Mc~ck then ~w- F F «OLI38 1 in the event. cd in the Ocle Vannoy home. -Cd moviex and p tape r»cord)ngs'he annual FFA peccant c'on Bsn» 1 KQQ fg Qf gQNQ 'r. and Mra Earl Leomis, Birisn Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. of highlights atxd events they»x- quet wxxs he)d Apr)) 37, D)Oner vasss I ,and Scott were in Spolcane, Monday, N. N. Benjamin A)ted in the Andy'peri»need while atte))d)ng the Olym- scrled by the FHA girls )n the mu)t)- I II , T Xh M:for a mcd)c83 appointment for Scott. Janet and D)Ck JOnee hOmee ln p)C Games at MCX)CO City. )«St fall purpOSC raam, Dr. H«rry CS)dWC)). I e j g$ QQ$ V +pQQA Mr. and MX8. Lee Gr)na)de SteVe Clsrkston. The "Toy T)ger 'or parent at 'cNcow was gus)it speaker Sor Ihc j and Ccenie of, Libby, Mont have @)tuxday afternoon vjs)tore )n the. tendance we)it to the s»n)or c)as« even)ng Dr, Ca)dw»B spoke on th» j moved to Ju5«etta. They are mak- Rrvtn Fry hom» werc Mr. «nd Mrs.l A d)sp)ay of Home Economics class ' ~ I f~~ ~ emaaeee w The Kendrick Grange xnet at the ing their home w)th hcr fathcx; Asa R)chard Hasslnger of Qitford, and projects wer» dhxplayed by student ++) Fraternal Temple on Tuesday, April Cook, Sr. The cxmnmunity we)comes Mr. «nd Mrs. Fred Hsss)nger snd teecher Miss Mary Ãe)eon of the i 15, with 25 members pxescnt. j them. family of Vjfa))«W'«))s. ,'. of I., who ia taking hcr student., Mr. Borg»n ~scn)e) sw«M to ~- M m M gt ~ M M t Bsmd take 'arl Loomis learned Satx M«rk Musto» spent the w»ekecnd,teaching at K. H. 8. ilg members ixl th» ch8pter the ~ y QSFHltS Of % son, MIChsel h ~ y,morning f the death ef h)8 b~ ln Law)stan with h)8 grandparents, 1 De)jc)ous ple and coffee was served The ))v»stock award given to mern- %™ i bcr who tsk»s tb gree~) +ter st in) p)g in 3goscew The lad weighed jnI thc First I 8CO. Gary D. Qcrtje «nd Sharl Harris; at 4) Ibs... snd '")ns b of Kendrick were Friday over-night: ~ I Mad»x won the crops award which is 'rs. Vfaync D«vts was resented,'nms os we. and asm, no( aemde, iRiVCF R«CC j~g,earn d bm. msh d, oun,~d g~~ n Mp~wsP~ D~a~ ~ n~~ ~~n. a sun mnsnun amend aon nt 8unday ln the Irerd ,'r. and Mrs. David rtJe and Mrs. Roy Q)enne chaxxxn«n of thc . Tuceda fo)lowed Puet«%orna )n Lewlston. I shoP award snd Dan Eagan «nd D«F- I "«Ppy Psx»nts o 8 d 'u) ~r ~1%'omen'8 Acitivity announced that 'xa„estde service at No~™ H)3) 8usan Senjamjn was* a Thurs- i > ~ jr»)) Te)chxxxer won the ~p awsrcL Sunchy, Apr)I )oat Gr)tmsn )N»mor)8),thc local entr)ex for the Rational,cemetery Law)stem w)33 fo))ow fox day 0&n) ht 'guext of heF grN d j, - lN)ck El))snd was presented the pub- hosp)ts). Th» new ~vs) hs ~n1 Grange cotton sew)ng contest wi)3":thc fern)ly hcxc. mover, M~. Q ~rude Pel»~4 )nj ') sp-king diphy f~ winn)~ ~ ~< 'f'rg~'"''"g 'j~ ju~ "then~'m" g Mayi Jullsetha j St)t. Entree may be made by Qrange: Ann)vcrsar)es Rcsxxcmbercg Mrs'd th Senkens " v)s ted ln CIub a~ fo))~ d some 200 op~.,p)ec)ng tb)rd in the state. The Out- Grsndpsxvxits are Mr. «nd Mrs.) md~em ~~~~ 2 y l Mrs. Patsie 888«ntyne, Alta Moore. the Q)Ven Muetoe home Sund«y CIub, Vs«8 fo))OW»d dy some 200 Sp»c-, R~ G ~ d W K W „t R H~ E 1«nl S„~ M 8~ MFS '.Old Or OV»r, but muet be SpOnSOred,'Ruth LC3+ d Mr. snd Mrs. C. A. Cudd callcd- D +))))sms ef 410 N B)aine j by a Q~c member., Ryc, Mts. M)jc Maund, Mr Ethel Speci«) rcqu)x»ments for thc con. IMces»r on Mx, and Mrs, John S)snIcensh)p,t Sunday evening. ':.the Pot)etch Creek bridge below the taiive for the F)ret Security Bank pre- pfIE be 100 percent cotbm ox a cotton'.Mrs mouth of Cedar Creek, «nd»ndel et jscntcd N)ck wjt)i 8 wr)st 'watch from Mr ~d Mrs. CJ«renege Ivic pave bland end the sa)cs sliP if Purcha~„ I Q,cst)jng fern)ly of Moy)e Spring, were Thurs- <+@k Sp y Grad» ridge st Kend jF)rst Security Bank The «Ward is 8 n»W ~n Tb". „@o came to make must be presented with the pxoject.',gcP)th S. C)ark, thc )atter a guest day ovet night guests ef the Ray-I I's j bee»d upon thc boys farm)ng ptxx. hh home neth th n Monday Aprx) CC83) pattern must be used-:.from Lcw)eton, gath»ted a..hc cafe mond Smiths. Mra. Linda T)ng)ey ~ P, g un )p', o~- ng~ grstn and lead»rsh)p sh5ity, F bm~ 10 at Coats 4 Clark thread end sjppcr j for 8 hlnChcon cc)»brat)ng the birth» and babV Lor) ave staVina Vrlth theI ' Pp~ ~~~ John Eagen Snd R«y'cd)n I must be eueed and PFOO«f use be'day SnniVersariee Of Mrs. Kat)e 0)- sm)ths for sn extended Rett. A)sn "P ~ p < P' y )ected to th Degrc I H ~k,, @ ' jw)th the Prefect For covered be)ts son snd Mxs. Maude DaughertJr, axxa Stampers of Jul)sett« were FF)daytthr)))8 tor the ¹pe:t«ters snd con- ~ ~ @ I+ ~ birth, He txoiv t)ps the sce)CS et 12~«nd button "Prim" brand must bcjth» Golden %'eddlag Ann)veraaty of callers, Nr. «nd Mrs. Cecil Stamp-'t~~ Were Sunday v)s)tars,( „Fred, Lohman was toP w)nner i'n siva'8 g vc to mern 8 8+8~ honte end 8 sister, Ji)] in Seattle and Also at this meeting there w))I bc, 'thc occas)on was baked by MF, and Mrs, Hargn Morton ofI 'is," he mak)ng the tr)p a)onejw)io ))eve helped the chapter'ros a btotlxcr Sk)p )n Moscow 8 contest of bread snd candy mak-IFF«nccs Fry Lew)eton" Mra, Stella:MCIver at)d in a rubber raft in 45 mimites, Jerry j )dent Den E«g»n adjourned the meet- I ~~ ing. For the bread contest: The'cx)ts tt Re')~calx Lodge J Arxt))tage ware Sunday ca)lera S)«)te)y of Troy came in f)rst in the, ing snd everyone jo)ncd in s salute entry must be one loaf of ham»made Mrs Ed)th Ramey )n the Harve Trlnlett liame. Kaya)c", in rubber raft compet)t)on i to the thg Mr, snd Mrs. K M Mc~ 'hite bread with the approx)matejecmbly Pres)dent, of Idaho, made her Debra and PQ)3)8 McIver were Don Mlllard and Nell Er)ew)ne c«me I Pen stse g~x3)fixe Any Grange off)ct«3 vts)t to Jumsetta Rebeksh S«turday ovet n)ght guest» of the)t c)ut )xt f)rst p)«ce. Dwlg'ht Snyder ( I3ELEQAIS RETtfRN Hohtp a daughter, Anna Laura, born. Tues. member mal ent«r their own bak Lodge Fr)dsy grandmother, Mrs, 8tel)8. Mclvt)F. ~l +~s sost Cre in ~~~ Thursday morn)ng at 8 o'lock four day, April l5 at 3:00 p. m. «t Gr)tman ing, snd the )oaf xnust be accom- guest of honex «t a banquet held at Mrs, Ste))a Mclver W«8 a Fttday [am, md Monh I~~m and Skip GHS students snd the)r advisor, Mr. hCNP)txx), Moscow, The I)tt)c M)ss p~ d bv the ~Pe the VF«ndcr Inn, JuB«etta. enner g cst Of t 8 Vr~e Cmd)8~. 'P P '" Ho~M iett fOr Bo)seto«0»nd Youth ~le~ 0 1b „))~s. Shc fob 8 nc ~dy entry™y~ 12p)~e~ Out~f-town ~~~ p~t at the That even)ng MF. Snd Mrs. Q)Ven, ... -- "."--. L @el«lure D ug S~)~F m~ tWo-ye«mid el~ter, Rose Marie. Mrs. of ay kind of candy. Any Granger,)banquet included hf)88 Caro)yn Hsn- Mustoe were callers, I'AMlLT REMlixllQliil ' Pr ~ Mchndd 4 the farmer M .' «child or grandcM)d o«Qrsngeicnck Ass»md)y Secretary of Ca)d- MF «nd Mrs ~ad» Csnd)er v)8)t„ iicntcd Genes»» ss 8 represcntst)vs) I ~ I M 'i k >< ~t member may enter. Recipe must ac-)~~8 and M~ E)»«nor Buff Asscm. ed shs Heavy Bosses, de[sudsy arses $>b dohnnne ss a sens~or, dueness " "m', oomp+% sne eatvv. Idly Chaplain, of Qrangcvi))e. Fol- xioon, MF and MFS, Qiff C«ndler Were HamptOn, Senate Sergeant-at-arm@, ef Gen«»C. FOr furth»r jnhirm«t)an On anyi)O+gg the b~euet 8 Specs)al Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Srown wete p)Os«ant)y surprised when five of snd Kathy Sc)too)cr ns 8 reporter. or a)1 of the 8 contest, p)» 8 co -I was held )n +8 Rebekah Ball at Su)td«y supper guests oi the v)rsde the)F'8)x 8ot)s c«l)ed during the d«y To xnskc thc trip tvort)ttvhj)c, Gcn- )MUSIC RKC|TAQ tact Mrs. Roy Glenn. Please bring i Julia»tts wh»re the Pres)dent spoke Cand)ers. 8undsy, at the fern))y )mnic. csee's bil) concerning cnnsolid«UOn extra pieces of candy so it may bc to the mcmd»rs on ~ Pxomot)ng Odd. Mr ~d Mrs D ug Arm)bee ~d O~~hight guest ~~ 'Mr. «nd t'ns ~ss~ by b.th Oc House ~d to t c 8»r Ccc boys froixi oux' fe))owsh)p ~ Fo)lowing MF. end Mrs. Dave Armjtsge, «11 of Mrs; FF)Lnk Candler and Mrs. Ada >„„P „d 1 < b, @ >, „+ G „There w~)) bc « )it aiC FCC)tal at erc« )tms cnt»rt«in»d with a special drill Lcw)eton, were Sunday supper )tuests Daughorty of Kent)»tvjck. Other "" c " . thj) Kendrick United Methodist Pris»S Will be presented for first i »pe))jng out the )Ct ters Of hcr name, of their psrcnts, Mr, «nd htts, Wo)))tt ca))ors tv»re tho Gilbert Cond)crii of cr"o" Gco"g ~+'m . - C)jure)t on Suxid«y «ftcruoon, Aprl) «nd second place winners )n each nf ~cr „.),)ch hr m) tngc. C)nr)teton; Cher)88 Candler, Wn) tcr N, at 2:00 p. m, (DST). Pup))8 of these cotttcsts. Ch))drcn'8 csxidy tvj)) bouqtiet of P)itk roe»8 by t)i» Rob)e Mrs. Rol)jn Arm)tctge spent )cuit Ciltid)cr cittd son Gory) mid MF. «nd +QQ'g+L,}JjI),g ) F "f, g, Mra Robert hiiIgxttiwxt, MIrs, Maxbe fudged s»par«to)y froxii rid'ii)is. week ln Idow)iitott in tho home of hire. Al II«rr)son, 8)) nf LOW)sinn'. ')em»xi)mgcn nnd Le» Miigttusnn vi'j)) 'cfrcshm»nte tv»n s»ri'ed by Nr. b«„tj»))v decorated ')n sn «rrav of Mr. nnd Mrs. Duaxic 5fcs)co, 8)ic nt- h<r it)id hfrs. Zini Zones nni) tarn))y $ 'fUpggg Hfgp Presented in 8 ver)ct3 of inus)- smi hits. E)mo Fa)drjdge, hii. end id«ffo,j[)q pen„jes end P)itk teiidc<) thc Iz«21(18capa Schon) nn ot DcrirV )util t)ic Jmucs Cnuillcrs t~f Ce) stlrciiOns. The pttb))C )S Cor- NF8. L)Oyd Farr)ngtnn, Mr. ltd Mrs Out-Of-tn~ta jtueets pi~smt fOr the WVcdncw)ay nni) T)iursdny morn)ng. 1«ndr)»ac. Tho )'"ron)c Ciini)h rs ii)iin h))» Iu A„»» Crosnr, 3000 I, F. Y, djs))y invited to attend. Sud Fcl and Mr, and hfis, FA. D»o- tneetjit)I were Doris hiorcf)c)d D)s ~V»"tn»i)ii)') I'"i"c )o, exc)iiiii)vn student finn Au.)ra))n, bald, ti'jc) l&puty Prcsiijcnt, A11d Thee)wet ic )11 )>n ))vjiig )it t)i» 'Iioiito oi'tr, j F)RST ( QM))tI)lily;1,ITS Coons of L»ivjston, iind Mil)18 John W'IHS AVfARD ond hjis, George I'3'wis on C»diir i GEN)e'.S)",)„— Pc)< r Bock< r, Kurjis QQQp ER KXtj) gp'))I"Je)tg sun of Orofjno. I))())1'r. finm April 2)d uittil M«Y 11. I zenucr <Wiiirj)gn )Ii )))))itg, J(l Awt Hc)- Coffee iind coo)iics »vere rirv»d itt Q)RCLE s)ir 18 iiporisoici) by the ccinpcretjvc )i)jujx cini)v Ed"c'r on~) pano Tvicr ', jthc rjs~.«e iif t1«'i>cetinx'., 4Vnrr) hns )iden rnci)ved that, tVot'- Ien~)nn Sitvjco ond i)in Riiiioii i'cu 1') N'ul oj Mi. nail hjrii. )! i'vjii - - = 1-11 1 Ouiiile))nn, Ml!ss Ci'O'Nec tvj)) II,~ ' 1, ' ', j wi)1 )eo nit " c "mpjiiA'i' in I'ii "j ) )),Y CI),1PTE)t I,"i.nTA).LATION" )"i~ of bout)twjclc, dos bc»ii nword- ')')io Cjii) I')in tynuuii, Society )iiivr 8 Aw s)ice)c)nj„ iuso)-;ini»nj« " '" '"' ' ' 'SO«)der ciuuP gtnun»c»'«'»»erj G~)..gii} 8)'),„) I!i ('~",;j-,. ( 1' Ci) 1)in ("„ I, A. Hnunr AtViti<) tVhiie ref t)ie Kiiidrjii)C 1)niirdj h)ejdns)!~1 W)ij)n i)u~ )ii )inn, '.l)C Chu»'-)i, A br»nkfu.i iV;i:..C: tdje V;Ce)C-eud APril "0-27. in @'.Ijon niiir )3)smnni), Vjn)umu, C)u)rnli W)11 iu».'1 Oi id» hmuis Oi''inni ldehe 8)u gone jn IntVO, aud liy thC )'Or»OIS ).)u)l T)iC ninnthly Pnt-)u'1C nu)')i«rri)1 >) 1 1 ' 'k ) t) ! )nsjol)stion vs«j isc !oh) Thur:dnv, Hc iiliin hos doc)i pi'onloic(1 front Pic hit'8, Gcsnrgn hi»i i )c)c )ii,jii))ii ii is, ( ii fi'nut ()ioro io Vjt')tjttjit. hi)i:, Croscsr )lc)rdlvnx oili) fr4!Od 0( i)i '>>ui- bc Mi xl(IOY evens)ng ii'1 6.', fi jn t)ic ) 'e Spc/4. Thursdity, Apr)1 24, itt 2".00 P. w, w;)11 bc )8 I)i» States uitt)1 Nov, 20.,niuuicents cztfoiyc) 8 en)Inc )inur. )iendrjck Fire HalL I )In)). i

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Page 1: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl


8"reeg PiJt;ture

jPrinted Lest 8'eeI),.


Southwick Area Qtmjtmp 9«y ATTR14)3 vtdtcIA Jixtxsctta News

Hews 1)i10tes 0)aimcjt Listed — )ljtfL)tx)it Of Past Week))SJLS. SOLlkà 4lQIITA43E ~mv" ~~ doves 'nevus md N'orna nmnnga,~

' 8A)f)N~ MSSL Suna LUSSaoanPhoae ~9 for Commun!tv dsv hes eomsdessd dm sve"~dn„ Phoae 225-%00

))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by@sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl event, and ls is honedils s sludeus soeenee as Koan ssus~ BIQ)tgMrs. Arl)e'rm)tag» expresses ap- mexxrbers of the comm)ttecs %))3 soon Iqusrtcr, to stt4and the YMCA span-I A baby son was born April 10thPrsc)at)on to the community for its be name<. aored Youth Legis)aturc at t)M Cap as nn sssnes eo ssv and .assn Lson-good support of the Amercaxi Cen- Tb c mrriitees snd chairmen ap- )toj bugding ~CkH)cer Society'8 Spr)ng Dr)ve. A total ard Dusnc, and weighs 0 )bsm 12 os.of $3'8,00 w«s contr)buted, j He joins a sister, Kerry Lynn.

p„r„d,B b Bu~'s«$ after meeting the)r )ioet fern-j Dayl)ght 8+vjng Time cussed by!

Convention AttendedA week ego, on Thursday and Frj-, s = fs sdLng c'f b)3)s and corn Iinto effect across the nation car)y'Ida, sre thc Proud grandparents

dsv, Mrs. V, %V, Benfam)n and Susen . - —;Y Gam 8 ~ Ho)ben tnjttee meetings with the mock ees Sunday morning Aprx) 27 fer sixj~

at(ended ihe d)strict Res«rene You gi 8 i iun : <Arena) Le@ann)res, i 8)oo recesejng et 4:00 p. m. to pcr- months. At 3:00 a. m. Sunday morn-

I ge)cased Fxoxn Hosp)ta)People's 8ociety convention ln Mos hear Scn. Edmend ing thcow, Mrs, Senjamin was elected as Lunch Counter (F)remen'8 Ha)3): Miiskie iD..M8.) speak at a ra))y one hour. If 3rou don't wish to walt„'of ~h b, hsecretary for the Lew)«ten sane. Firemen at thc Boise Hot»). That evening el up for this exciting semi-annus) 'was rcleasel fxom the St. Joseptx'8There she stayed over-night in the Exh)b)t 8«u: It bert B rgcn b~quet md goverxu'rs bs)) was he)d-" event you csn sct them «heed one Hosp)t«L Lcwtston, en Monday. BeBeen Passman home. Bingo 13en Seeker I

and +t"rdsy the fjxi«3 reacting and 1 hour Saturday night. j was strjc)ccn Si&arday night while

Tra ~oat. Oxv ~;~ ) t)i signing or vetoing of hiHs was tv)siting tn Lcwjstixn, and taken tothe hospit«L

Hc )8 xect~xxttng at hoxnx~ getBar 8 Q; L. Srome))ng Ph)) Her ', Sunday 'K)4 9 D a 1,ting some much neeied rest.

mann, %4yne Beech r r BtFoxMrs. Ro))jn ArmTtage attended the Scrvtxxg Jay'-E)tes: Joan Stout pf gag py K 'hoaea Px.4~Northern District Homemakers M J h L ~~ f ~> Bcun)on: Don Springer Cook grsanLsxsis aught»r

Councj) in Lewtston, Tues4y'. Mrs. i k h ~ ~~t) th Queen: Jan» Both jsA5'r Ajs)p Prejcct naca«VPAa „asa oook, ns., dsdnnamvPerkins ses elected d)strict secre- p~ ~~ ~ ~ ~+ Eddj Dance: %))xon Esser

l: chosen a p~ for the De«xy

ary for the e aetn4 t uycar @~'witenms)er. )n V)etnsm, which ran ~a~: ~@+~ 'CohNHG VNKK Flag

in last week'8 edit)on of the Qasett»- C)»axx Up: Andy Pdnderson Tom j I would have cxaxstructcd 8 dike

Savu ran da hter ef Mr and R~. )Bear Creek near the Kendrick B)ghoff)cud)y) mid cued. Wa of anothc» Gyn~~; R B)d,m ~-',~or C) P)sy

M~ T E King attended the Youth so)di»r On Frjdiiy cvcxxjng, April 38, the i k,~ ~ ~ b th J~ ) tither pi»cvs

Eddie hadx been serving iii an 8r Adv rt)lt ~ ~~ I th~)unior c)888 pres»cited Vjt 8 Shook .'istrict and thc Citv of ~g, Mr. and Mrs Ikc Oixtmen

to Sunday. t)))Cry batt«)ion for eight xnonths. 8) ~+~ ~ <the Fern))y Tree," a p)ay vrxjttcn by t Friday ~~n)ng" Jeff Quiex tds)tcd mlaUvce in Seatt)e.

Xxi Vjetnsrii hc became 8 gunner oxi F + Ah™ ~ . I Hjjdegerde Do)san The cast con- i Thc councS voted st a ~hd They )eft Friday aftcxxxxoon and Fe-Acxh Ãe»tlag t)ie cannon, and )ster was promot»d F'' ~mn~~s~ ~m~;8)sted of ten seniors and en» jun)nr xn»ctjng not to

'th m ~t ttxrncd on sunday. They had a won-

%he Extension Homemakers Cliib xo «orpors), 3xi h)arch he work»d of t)ic FFA @say"» Borgcn. advisor Ihigii student. dcrfui trip going, except rid>ddi~dr intom»t in the home of Mr. «nd Mrs. D, in the motdir poo1 ss en infantry The c)ass made 8 Pmf)t ef S170.00.j )cge) a ~~ ~~ thc ~~< fc)t some snow on the Pass.V. Kuykenda)) in Levdtston, on Thurtd- mechanic. Becaudie of his efficiency ~'g'gQ fll 'I foal The p~ '+tB be uiied fox'hc might Impose too much xtsk for Char)cs Qudmonsnnday for jts April meeting, Mrs. vj and hard «ork he was granted the +~/ Jfgeg I gggQ i the city Mayor Donam Etchncr Park, has Purclxaired a tra)3»r houseOla Martin, Mrs. Brure Tarbert and fnureday Veeat)nn abner'he U. S. I

The CXCet)ent prOduCt)an W«S dj- l~d Manday ~g th ~~,and mealMxs. L»3«nd Marchen snd «on joined 8, New J»rsey. ~ I l™tedby Mrs A- )1- Macy and j had )earned both thc Rorthcrn Pa- Stre»t. 8» has been a visitor in thethe group there, making )t. 8 kind of On March 20 hjs psr»nts rccc)vcd Q Qf Q ggggg i aaxjstaxlt director, ÃFS. Jaxncs Xioog- 'ific Rat)way and thc Stat Btgh Ervjn Mabbott home fox"Old Home" get-together, After a word that he hsd wade Es5, and he )way Department hsd )nd)cated they weekdelicious dinner s»rved by the hostess now is s»rgcant in arNl»ry. The G»nese» track teem f)n)shcd'— iwou)d hold the city xtespons)b)c fox Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L Graxxtuxxd8 planning ~n wss h»ld to plan third in 8 fourteen-teem track meet,< P + At f38)sy Cexxtest ,,any dsmage which might occur dux- and Joanne of Troy wet'undayfor a fo~od sale in Kendrick on Lo- on Monday, Thc meet was hc)d at~j ~~ay. Ap ) 19, the Kendrickjtng conxxtxtxct)on ~ or m the fu-.even)xxg vts)toxs in the J. M. Mxxrxxsycust S)os«em Day. Mrs. D)ck Bern- $ Kxg Kern)eh snd tnc)udcd 80 A< D)strict j

' dm'y p~ucts ~ ~'y:don wss an afternoon guest, T)ie g g~ g geitvlg 2 track teams -'- Oxe6no'Sd)strict me»ttng was reviewed and 2 COnteet at the Kerby Ranch near! djsco~ddi~~ tbe Xnatter W)th the achOO) aed .daughter, Mr. and MXS.

Gary'va)uate).tLg ~ jig ~ team- Oro8xxo »888y won hc xneet 'A!nore. Thc da)ry proctucts tcsxn j trustees voted te withdraw sponsor Eggs%4 Wednesday over n)gtxts atpl f$ gjggff Qgggjog and Lspwe) f!n)5))cd sccoxid. Thc su))- +)sc»d fourth. They werc sided by j ship 'ovj)3.

ther Xews dogs edged P)cree by one point to:Dmi Parks. udxo had the high in-j Miyor E)chncrsa)d thedoor teste)'M~A week sgo Sunday Mr, atnd Mxv. p)sec i djv)dua)

o}'exti)», and Mr. «nd Mxs Dave C)ayten was s)ect»d and J)xn Schsrnborsti )st )n 300.vd. dsshi.tcsni wee cot«posed ot Dele Taylor,>but the councg dM not fc»3 ~*t)onii and Mr- and Mrs. Adxjan Johns enKing attended thee 88vcr )nsta))ed pxss)dent of D)strict 5@ )st in 28)),yd dash Hen Psxks an{i Ron Rexxfxow. i wcr» acceptable at t)x)8 ttxne to cen j Tuesday

Axxn)versary of the John Stan)eye «t. P T A- st )ts )ast meet)ng cf the ~~~. T) for 38) in ~'='stxxrdsy, May 3rd the livestock t)nuc. Mrs. Sam Haddock of Mnscxxw laxaprof)xle. schon) year on Monday c~'ening j '.judg)ng team wi)i go te Moacow to

I I been tl)r4m tie the U~ty - efMF. «nd Mxs. Roger srtme))e of other off)cere )net«))ed for the ecan- j~J~P ~~ ~ > ~ ~Icompete )n the contest xxponsexed by;sewer Lagoon ~—~~ '%'~x ~ Hxiap)tsl in seatt)e ~~en were Sunday afternoon ing yc«t''ex»: Mrs. Rap'ob)nano ' the Uxx)vcxe)ty dof Idaho. Construction of Kcndr)ckes news I tx%«txxxcnt She ts a sister of %rxL

V)8)terS Of her patvette, Mr, Snd Mrs. Vice rea)dent; Mrs. Ren ÃCC«rttteys ln d)SCus May 13th the F. F..A holde the < SCVi~ )«geon cont)ntted te PXO Qm) COP», Jug«etta.«nd Mga Jack Pars)ey, BFOCe SChltrn))erst: 3rd in SS)-yd-,xt)Strict COXXtsst in S~ at tha greSS th)S Week aceerd)XXg tn City s Sunday VtejtOXXX in the Aea Cegik,

Rev:and - Ara. A. ts Tw)st- Of ".tres)8)ttvir. MxiL~ Jg))gnpsoxt Ftx)L.- - '4)jfPNetnck Expoxdt)o«L, ofxic)a)a, Th )8 -hs)ng 'sr axxd Lec QF)ao)ds home wexe %rMoscow were Sixndsy d)nner guests was Ins~ off)88F Thc meet ')6)c F»I«y teaxn: 4th ptxxcxe: 5%3g cetus~tet) 3 'cxf tj)xe ~.~--'x)d )Nxxx- Rah«ct Cook JNNtef Ãr, and Mrs. C. A. Cuddy. i)~f wse held at Kend«< Busch, Jerry Greco, Ron Ncuco)3 an'd R«s)ecxxn Play +noeees A Sons fertj)jeer Plant. 4hia the daug)xtjsxa

Mr. snd Mrs. T'. E, King were, Mra Msgnuson program c)X«)r; Bruce Sc)tarnhorst Satxxxday, Apr)3 10, the Kendrick excavation is comp)etc. thc lagoon Jack S)xd and Debbie of W'c)ppc, «ndFr)day over»night guests in the Dr,: man. )ntxoduced four piano students„+est m~t, Bm 88 b )t rc)8~ ai F. H. A Chapter held its anmx«3, wi)) bc 3)ncd with c)ay to prevent Mr. end Mrs. AnxoM St)xxxxxcrcnaxt Of

E)dr)dge heine in LCW)sten, 'O)ene Sratntners J«X68 V)'h)ting»reCh k + 8 ) A 20 S i Koffee K)dnap. Th8 gXOCXP earn SC»psgC, ', Deary.

Sunday afterneon the T. g. K}ngs Janet Lehman and Qlsele Magnttsone " ~ 'jed S58.03 in raneomS, and Weuld eke I Mxs. Lee QrinoMs and Mrs. Cart

vts)ted the Elmo Eldrldges ln Ken,who p)ay»d Pl«no se)ecoons. Mr. > > ~ >~~ U~ jto thank»vcryonc who Pert)c)pated~ :Loomis werc Lcw)eton vtsttexs ondock. T) t »vied~ the K) g ca)). snd are. Q qp Mc~ck then ~w- F F «OLI38

1in the event.

cd in the Ocle Vannoy home. -Cd moviex and p tape r»cord)ngs'he annual FFA peccant c'on Bsn»1 KQQ fg Qf gQNQ 'r. and Mra Earl Leomis, Birisn

Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. of highlights atxd events they»x- quet wxxs he)d Apr)) 37, D)Oner vasss I ,and Scott were in Spolcane, Monday,N. N. Benjamin A)ted in the Andy'peri»need while atte))d)ng the Olym- scrled by the FHA girls )n the mu)t)- I II , T Xh M:for a mcd)c83 appointment for Scott.Janet and D)Ck JOnee hOmee ln p)C Games at MCX)CO City. )«St fall purpOSC raam, Dr. H«rry CS)dWC)). I

ej g$ QQ$V +pQQA Mr. and MX8. Lee Gr)na)de SteVe

Clsrkston. The "Toy T)ger 'or parent at 'cNcow was gus)it speaker Sor Ihc j and Ccenie of, Libby, Mont have@)tuxday afternoon vjs)tore )n the. tendance we)it to the s»n)or c)as« even)ng Dr, Ca)dw»B spoke on th» j moved to Ju5«etta. They are mak-

Rrvtn Fry hom» werc Mr. «nd Mrs.l A d)sp)ay of Home Economics class ' ~ I f~~ ~emaaeee w The Kendrick Grange xnet at the ing their home w)th hcr fathcx; Asa

R)chard Hasslnger of Qitford, and projects wer» dhxplayed by student ++) Fraternal Temple on Tuesday, April Cook, Sr. The cxmnmunity we)comesMr. «nd Mrs. Fred Hsss)nger snd teecher Miss Mary Ãe)eon of the i 15, with 25 members pxescnt. j them.family of Vjfa))«W'«))s. ,'. of I., who ia taking hcr student., Mr. Borg»n ~scn)e) sw«M to ~- M m M gt ~

M M t Bsmd take 'arl Loomis learned SatxM«rk Musto» spent the w»ekecnd,teaching at K. H. 8. ilg members ixl th» ch8pter the ~ y QSFHltS Of % son, MIChsel

h~ y,morning f the death ef h)8 b~

ln Law)stan with h)8 grandparents, 1 De)jc)ous ple and coffee was served The ))v»stock award given to mern- %™i bcr who tsk»s tb gree~) +ter st

in) p)g in 3goscew The lad weighed jnI thc FirstI


Gary D. Qcrtje «nd Sharl Harris; at 4) Ibs...snd '")ns bof Kendrick were Friday over-night: ~IMad»x won the crops award which is 'rs. Vfaync D«vts was resented,'nmsos we. and asm, no( aemde, iRiVCF R«CC


d bm. msh d, oun,~d g~~ n Mp~wsP~ D~a~ ~ n~~ ~~n. a sun mnsnun amend

aon nt 8unday ln the Irerd ,'r.

and Mrs. David rtJe andMrs. Roy Q)enne chaxxxn«n of thc . Tuceda fo)lowed

Puet«%orna )n Lewlston. I shoP award snd Dan Eagan «nd D«F-I"«Ppy Psx»nts o 8 d 'u) ~r ~1%'omen'8 Acitivity announced that 'xa„estde service at No~™H)3)

8usan Senjamjn was* a Thurs- i >~ jr»)) Te)chxxxer won the ~p awsrcL Sunchy, Apr)I )oat Gr)tmsn )N»mor)8),thc local entr)ex for the Rational,cemetery Law)stem w)33 fo))ow foxday 0&n) ht 'guext of heF grN dj, - lN)ck El))snd was presented the pub- hosp)ts). Th» new ~vs) hs ~n1 Grange cotton sew)ng contest wi)3":thc fern)ly hcxc.mover, M~. Q ~rude Pel»~4 )nj

') sp-king diphy f~ winn)~ ~ ~< 'f'rg~'"''"g 'j~ ju~ "then~'m" g MayiJullsetha j St)t. Entree may be made by Qrange: Ann)vcrsar)es Rcsxxcmbercg

Mrs'd th Senkens " v)s ted ln CIub a~ fo))~ d some 200 op~.,p)ec)ng tb)rd in the state. The Out- Grsndpsxvxits are Mr. «nd Mrs.) md~em ~~~~ 2 y l Mrs. Patsie 888«ntyne, Alta Moore.the Q)Ven Muetoe home Sund«y CIub, Vs«8 fo))OW»d dy some 200 Sp»c-, R~ G ~ d W K W „tR H~ E 1«nl S„~M 8~ MFS '.Old Or OV»r, but muet be SpOnSOred,'Ruth LC3+ d

Mr. snd Mrs. C. A. Cudd callcd-D +))))sms ef 410 N B)aine j

by a Q~c member., Ryc, Mts. M)jc Maund, Mr EthelSpeci«) rcqu)x»ments for thc con. IMces»r

on Mx, and Mrs, John S)snIcensh)p,tSunday evening. ':.the Pot)etch Creek bridge below the taiive for the F)ret Security Bank pre- pfIE be 100 percent cotbm ox a cotton'.Mrs

mouth of Cedar Creek, «nd»ndel et jscntcd N)ck wjt)i 8 wr)st 'watch from Mr ~d Mrs. CJ«renege Ivic pave bland end the sa)cs sliP if Purcha~„ I Q,cst)jngfern)ly of Moy)e Spring, were Thurs- <+@k Sp y Grad» ridge st Kend jF)rst Security Bank The «Ward is 8 n»W ~n Tb". „@ocame to make must be presented with the pxoject.',gcP)th S. C)ark, thc )atter a guestday ovet night guests ef the Ray-I I's j bee»d upon thc boys farm)ng ptxx. hh home neth th n Monday Aprx)

CC83) pattern must be used-:.from Lcw)eton, gath»ted a..hc cafemond Smiths. Mra. Linda T)ng)ey ~

P, g un )p', o~- ng~ grstn and lead»rsh)p sh5ity, F bm~ 10 at Coats 4 Clark thread end sjppcrj for 8 hlnChcon cc)»brat)ng the birth»

and babV Lor) ave staVina Vrlth theI ' Pp~ ~~~John Eagen Snd R«y'cd)n I must be eueed and PFOO«f use be'day SnniVersariee Of Mrs. Kat)e 0)-

sm)ths for sn extended Rett. A)sn "P~ p < P' y )ected to th Degrc I H ~k,, @ ' jw)th the Prefect For covered be)ts son snd Mxs. Maude DaughertJr, axxaStampers of Jul)sett« were FF)daytthr)))8 tor the ¹pe:t«ters snd con- ~ ~ @ I+ ~ birth, He txoiv t)ps the sce)CS et 12~«nd button "Prim" brand must bcjth» Golden %'eddlag Ann)veraaty ofcallers, Nr. «nd Mrs. Cecil Stamp-'t~~

Were Sunday v)s)tars,( „Fred,Lohman was toP w)nner i'n siva'8 g vc to mern 8 8+8~ honte end 8 sister, Ji)] in Seattle and Also at this meeting there w))I bc,'thc occas)on was baked byMF, and Mrs, Hargn Morton ofI 'is," he mak)ng the tr)p a)onejw)io ))eve helped the chapter'ros a btotlxcr Sk)p )n Moscow 8 contest of bread snd candy mak-IFF«nccs Fry

Lew)eton" Mra, Stella:MCIver at)d in a rubber raft in 45 mimites, Jerryj)dent Den E«g»n adjourned the meet- I~~ ing. For the bread contest: The'cx)ts tt Re')~calx Lodge

J Arxt))tage ware Sunday ca)lera S)«)te)y of Troy came in f)rst in the, ing snd everyone jo)ncd in s salute entry must be one loaf of ham»made Mrs Ed)th Ramey)n the Harve Trlnlett liame. Kaya)c", in rubber raft compet)t)on i

to the thg Mr, snd Mrs. K M Mc~ 'hite bread with the approx)matejecmbly Pres)dent, of Idaho, made herDebra and PQ)3)8 McIver were Don Mlllard and Nell Er)ew)ne c«me I Pen stse g~x3)fixe Any Grange off)ct«3 vts)t to Jumsetta Rebeksh

S«turday ovet n)ght guest» of the)t c)ut )xt f)rst p)«ce. Dwlg'ht Snyder ( I3ELEQAIS RETtfRN Hohtp a daughter, Anna Laura, born. Tues. member mal ent«r their own bak Lodge Fr)dsygrandmother, Mrs, 8tel)8. Mclvt)F. ~l +~s sost Cre in ~~~ Thursday morn)ng at 8 o'lock four day, April l5 at 3:00 p. m. «t Gr)tman ing, snd the )oaf xnust be accom- guest of honex «t a banquet held at

Mrs, Ste))a Mclver W«8 a Fttday [am, md Monh I~~m and SkipGHS students snd the)r advisor, Mr. hCNP)txx), Moscow, The I)tt)c M)ss p~ d bv the ~Pe the VF«ndcr Inn, JuB«etta.

enner g cst Of t 8 Vr~e Cmd)8~. 'P P '"Ho~M iett fOr Bo)seto«0»nd Youth ~le~ 0 1b „))~s. Shc fob 8 nc ~dy entry™y~12p)~e~ Out~f-town ~~~ p~t at the

That even)ng MF. Snd Mrs. Q)Ven, ...— -- "."--. L @el«lure D ug S~)~F m~ tWo-ye«mid el~ter, Rose Marie. Mrs. of ay kind of candy. Any Granger,)banquet included hf)88 Caro)yn Hsn-Mustoe were callers, I'AMlLT REMlixllQliil ' Pr

~ Mchndd 4 the farmer M.' «child or grandcM)d o«Qrsngeicnck Ass»md)y Secretary of Ca)d-

MF «nd Mrs ~ad» Csnd)er v)8)t„ iicntcd Genes»» ss 8 represcntst)vs)I ~ I M 'i k >< ~t member may enter. Recipe must ac-)~~8 and M~ E)»«nor Buff Asscm.

ed shs Heavy Bosses, de[sudsy arses $>b dohnnne ss a sens~or, dueness " "m', oomp+% sne eatvv. Idly Chaplain, of Qrangcvi))e. Fol-xioon, MF and MFS, Qiff C«ndler Were HamptOn, Senate Sergeant-at-arm@, ef Gen«»C. FOr furth»r jnhirm«t)an On anyi)O+gg the b~euet 8 Specs)al

Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Srown wete p)Os«ant)y surprised when five of snd Kathy Sc)too)cr ns 8 reporter. or a)1 of the 8 contest, p)» 8 co -I was held )n +8 Rebekah Ball atSu)td«y supper guests oi the v)rsde the)F'8)x 8ot)s c«l)ed during the d«y To xnskc thc trip tvort)ttvhj)c, Gcn- )MUSIC RKC|TAQ tact Mrs. Roy Glenn. Please bring

i Julia»tts wh»re the Pres)dent spokeCand)ers. 8undsy, at the fern))y )mnic. csee's bil) concerning cnnsolid«UOn extra pieces of candy so it may bc to the mcmd»rs on ~ Pxomot)ng Odd.

Mr ~d Mrs D ug Arm)bee ~d O~~hight guest ~~ 'Mr. «nd t'ns ~ss~ by b.th Oc House ~d to t c 8»r Ccc boys froixi oux' fe))owsh)p ~ Fo)lowingMF. end Mrs. Dave Armjtsge, «11 of Mrs; FF)Lnk Candler and Mrs. Ada >„„P„d 1 < b, @ >, „+G „There w~)) bc « )it aiC FCC)tal at erc« )tms cnt»rt«in»d with a special drillLcw)eton, were Sunday supper )tuests Daughorty of Kent)»tvjck. Other ""c " . thj) Kendrick United Methodist Pris»S Will be presented for first i »pe))jng out the )Ct ters Of hcr name,of their psrcnts, Mr, «nd htts, Wo)))tt ca))ors tv»re tho Gilbert Cond)crii of cr"o" Gco"g ~+'m

. - C)jure)t on Suxid«y «ftcruoon, Aprl) «nd second place winners )n each nf ~cr „.),)chhr m) tngc. C)nr)teton; Cher)88 Candler, Wn) tcr N, at 2:00 p. m, (DST). Pup))8 of these cotttcsts. Ch))drcn'8 csxidy tvj)) bouqtiet of P)itk roe»8 by t)i» Rob)e

Mrs. Rol)jn Arm)tctge spent )cuit Ciltid)cr cittd son Gory) mid MF. «nd +QQ'g+L,}JjI),g ) F "f, g, Mra Robert hiiIgxttiwxt, MIrs, Maxbe fudged s»par«to)y froxii rid'ii)is.

week ln Idow)iitott in tho home of hire. Al II«rr)son, 8)) nf LOW)sinn'. ')em»xi)mgcn nnd Le» Miigttusnn vi'j)) 'cfrcshm»nte tv»n s»ri'ed by Nr. b«„tj»))v decorated ')n sn «rrav ofMr. nnd Mrs. Duaxic 5fcs)co, 8)ic nt- h<r it)id hfrs. Zini Zones nni) tarn))y $'fUpggg Hfgp b» Presented in 8 ver)ct3 of inus)- smi hits. E)mo Fa)drjdge, hii. end id«ffo,j[)q pen„jes end P)itkteiidc<) thc Iz«21(18capa Schon) nn ot DcrirV )util t)ic Jmucs Cnuillcrs t~f Ce) stlrciiOns. The pttb))C )S Cor- NF8. L)Oyd Farr)ngtnn, Mr. ltd Mrs Out-Of-tn~ta jtueets pi~smt fOr theWVcdncw)ay nni) T)iursdny morn)ng. 1«ndr)»ac. Tho )'"ron)c Ciini)h rs ii)iin h))» Iu A„»» Crosnr, 3000 I, F. Y, djs))y invited to attend. Sud Fcl and Mr, and hfis, FA. D»o- tneetjit)I were Doris hiorcf)c)d D)s

~V»"tn»i)ii)') I'"i"c )o, exc)iiiii)vn student finn Au.)ra))n, bald, ti'jc) l&puty Prcsiijcnt, A11d Thee)wet

ic )11 )>n ))vjiig )it t)i» 'Iioiito oi'tr, j F)RST ( QM))tI)lily;1,ITS Coons of L»ivjston, iind Mil)18 JohnW'IHS AVfARD ond hjis, George I'3'wis on C»diir i GEN)e'.S)",)„—Pc)< r Bock< r, Kurjis QQQp ER KXtj) gp'))I"Je)tg sun of Orofjno.

I))())1'r. finm April 2)d uittil M«Y 11.I zenucr <Wiiirj)gn )Ii )))))itg, J(l Awt Hc)- Coffee iind coo)iics »vere rirv»d itt

Q)RCLE s)ir 18 iiporisoici) by the ccinpcretjvc )i)jujx cini)v Ed"c'r on~) pano Tvicr ', jthc rjs~.«e iif t1«'i>cetinx'.,4Vnrr) hns )iden rnci)ved that, tVot'- Ien~)nn Sitvjco ond i)in Riiiioii

i'cu 1') N'ul oj Mi. nail hjrii. )! i'vjii —- - = — 1-11 1 Ouiiile))nn, Ml!ss Ci'O'Nec tvj)) II,~' 1, ' ',

jwi)1 )eo nit " c"mpjiiA'i' in I'ii "j ) )),Y CI),1PTE)t I,"i.nTA).LATION"

)"i~ of bout)twjclc, dos bc»ii nword- ')')io Cjii) I')in tynuuii, Society )iiivr 8 Aw s)ice)c)nj„ iuso)-;ini»nj« " '" '"' ' ' 'SO«)der ciuuP gtnun»c»'«'»»erj G~)..gii} 8)'),„)I!i ('~",;j-,. ( 1'

Ci) 1)in ("„I, A. Hnunr AtViti<) tVhiie ref t)ie Kiiidrjii)C 1)niirdj h)ejdns)!~1 W)ij)n i)u~ )ii )inn, '.l)C Chu»'-)i, A br»nkfu.i iV;i:..C: C« tdje V;Ce)C-eud —APril "0-27.in @'.Ijon niiir )3)smnni), Vjn)umu, C)u)rnli W)11 iu».'1 Oi id» hmuis Oi''inni ldehe 8)u gone jn IntVO, aud liy thC )'Or»OIS ).)u)l T)iC ninnthly Pnt-)u'1C nu)')i«rri)1

>) 1 1' 'k ) t)

!)nsjol)stion vs«j isc !oh) Thur:dnv,

Hc iiliin hos doc)i pi'onloic(1 front Pic hit'8, Gcsnrgn hi»i i )c)c )ii,jii))ii ii is, ( ii fi'nut ()ioro io Vjt')tjttjit. hi)i:, Croscsr )lc)rdlvnx oili) fr4!Od 0( i)i '>>ui- bc Mi xl(IOY evens)ng ii'1 6.', fi jn t)ic )'e

Spc/4. Thursdity, Apr)1 24, itt 2".00 P. w, w;)11 bc )8 I)i» States uitt)1 Nov, 20.,niuuicents cztfoiyc) 8 en)Inc )inur. )iendrjck Fire HalL I)In)).


Page 2: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl


t;ellesee Itema

Of IAieal IliterestMrs, Ella Merhryn has returned to

Genesee after spending the winter inTucson, Arizona.

Mrs, Olivia Anderson was taken toParadise Villa Nursing Home Tue-day-afternoon where she;is being car-ed fol'.

Mr. and Mrs. Eoh James returnedMonday ninht foltowT.s -eriiif withher parents, Mr. and Mrs.„.LaynenceSorensen in-'Suthemr, -'Oregon; Mar-ilyn reports her parents like theirnew home very muoh, and send warmest greetings to Genesee t friends. Be-for returning to Genesee Bob andMarQyn also enjoyed a short visit to'California.

A number of relatives and friendscharivared Mr. and Mrs. John Stout,'newlyweds, last Saturday evening attheir home.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nordby andMrs. Clara Miller called on Mr. andMrs, Bob Gray Saturday evening.Mr. and Nrs. Walter Erickson werevisitors of the Grays Sunday after-noon.'rs. Tom Goodwin and two daugh-ter!i of St. John spent Saturday af-ternoon and Sunday with her parents,Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Grieser.

6RA I Ni PRICESWheat, new crop, bu. '1.16-I/>Gem Barley, new croy, ton $40.00Oats, new crop, per ton $45.00


'senesce UnionI ENESEE. III'of RA

it'er Gifts J'n Geneseefor sliowers, birthdays, anniversaries, and tile graduates.

-+e carry a choice selection of gifts for your shop-ping pleasure —shop with ease and convenience here.

Come in ond took around

Cosmetics —Jewelry,Hallmark Cords for Every Occasion

@other p,Day, Sunday, klay $ 1

'isit our Baby Department

We carry the best of everything for Baby.

Remember Mother with a delicious box ofBrown & Haley Clkocolates —$I.75 to $4.00 per box



2'-/~,Tin 4 for %fSea Island

PINEAPPLENo.2Tin 5 for l)

SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING3 lb. canWestern family

TOMATO 4UirCE46-os Tin

'for II

Cainph'ell'I 6-pakTOMATO JUICE

PATIO SPECIAL—24-inch B.Regular —$29.95 I>4





UNCLE SILL'S PICKLES22-ox jar each

dills and cucumber chipCampbells



, ;:- ";;-"A'll Tastewell

1.60 "-'sos T",'.E'

f., )H.OOKraft

POMacaroni fh Chhese.Dinners-{sl lI

Norbest Grade ATURKEYS

1.1)0 "'..';";..'"""'Se, Johnson's


9.95 "lo".","'""" .ll.tl{l

RHODES FROZEN BREAD4 lo'af = '' = each 796

~ Centennial PANCAKE MIX gQ1

4 lh hag — 39re% 2 lb. pkg FIG BARS

le:It Dark Karos CORN SYRUP

l.l',lo '",',lih'.""""'"' 106

Bulk I'ertilizcr olso a.oilo~te ot ou; Bu!',t Plant

c- - i - ~ - ~I ~ r.] ''e

;goer,TH@ f 1'Tlljt8TOH<

,UF~ELOC~A:%af lsfEO,KH~E ~~—

ts'n e tt

Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Esser andi, +' ~' fo. If" 3 „-< 'dr h eEEI,g sh)p> lip{ <II .1(tI Ray entertained at dinner Sunday for I Ne@ Items Fran I

I. 1X $,4,1Q e XleIllS UCLDII

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Greco and family,I


eW8 ems Om BY kfAPk'V llOSfl: Ofelln

Mr. end Nrs, Phil Wimer and sons,airs. Richard Witt retu:ned Vyod.

The Juliaetta A. L..C, VV. met,,„. It., PI<AI~ ilesdsy froni Honolulu, whereLewiston. Loretta and boy re -

I', - last T esday at the church, with ten Ihkks, lt')SK '1'pam several days with har husband

ed for a longer visit.. PMe .AT M I ',. ' 'adies being present. Mls, Tom Den- 1'hone '80.4"g"whiit he was on "Best and Bee~„,'.

Mrs. Floyd- Benjamin returned to'ler Ied the study. Mrs. George F. lit;oii" Iefsve froni his duties hl Viot.Genesee Sunday night following a,'r nd M R E @~b tt d

Dennler served a delicious refresh-several months stap in Covina, Calif led 1', 50th ddi

' b, ment at the conclusion of the ses- eT th I»ine O1 M'" Gerff III ingle attended the Latsh

G or e L om for an all-dsy sessitfti County Chambers of Cominerce

daughter, Mrs. Joel Randall„who will,'' " ~ y Mr, ana Mrs, Bruce Giese enter-I „A„„C„e„Australia, s 4-H illeeting Wednesday evening at, Cor.

and friends for two Ps ay a tained with a birthday party Sotul' d t win be a guest. tei'8'og Inn Potlatch


uroh in Moscow Vesp ser ices day night for their daughter Debbie. Exchang ~ ."'ttend'this meet- Keith Ingle'vi~ted with Eldonmaw s M

. 'were at 3 fotllowed'y the reception Twenty guests were present. A fine yell b wel omed Pot-luck din- 'on. Thursday afternoonMr, and Mrs. Don Edwards and from 4 to 0;30 p, rrl, .. I time was had by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Jacobs returnedihfr. and 'Mrs. Laverne Anderson l Mr. and Mrs. Gary Browning and iyednesday at the Melvin Konon

to Genesee Sunday night from ™nand 'f

miiy visited Sunday with her children were Sunday dllmer guests Other News home in Uniontown. Ãl, ond Mls„Fans where they; w'ere delegates tol @ M s R D Stout h is

i of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs Cindy Strong and Lori, Di pl"I Bahr f r Mgethe'JayCee-Jay-C-Ette state convei'tient in St. Jose h's hos ital Mrs Glenn, in Kendrick. Potlatch are visiting in the Bob Chil- wiih the Bisntieids Fndsy evenio

lion held there Thursday through '..' ' Mr. and Mrs, Glen Jones of Gene- berg home, hir, and Mre. Fled Clemenhagon,StOut ia gettmg ateng Satiafaoterhly. s«»s AII«cia» and Mrs M~ M d M cha las cuddy anti Jl Iaetta ond Mr and Mrs caffe

A~d~~~~~.helped with lne Clark and son Ken of Moscohv ~hild~~~ of Orofino were Th1ir dak % snsonthe'blood drive in Moscow. Laurie were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. luncheon guests in the Alva Craig guests of Mr, and fhfre. Grant Clafth.

JoAnn of Ciarkston were Saturday Anderson attended a Juluer Leaders and Mrs. Wallace Clark.~ luncheon g es s n

collagen. Mr and Mm. Robt. ciom.I evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Gene 4 H meeting in Moscow Saturday Vickle James of Genesee was a Josie Guier and Joe.Woodruff. morning. 'Friday over-rdght guest of Jeanette Shamn Schoonover were Thurnday

I Taoer. i evenin cauers of Mr. «nd Mra. Phil «nd K«ig «p nt Bury with Mrth

COFFEE PARTY Mr. and Nrs. Mel Hattan and Mr.I Mr and Mrs D nald D 1 visit- p~ Eui«Galloway, Janice and Jerry.

and Mrs, Leon Danielson visited Fri- ed Saturday with Mrs. Kuni Dennler, Mr. ond Mra, Bouin Armitage Df Mr, ond Mrs, John Thomas, DesIday eveinng with Mr and Mrs W O 'n Lewiston. 'outhwick hvere Sunday dinner spent 'I'hursday with Mrs J D. Vlril.GENESEE—Mrs. Don Bennett was !Bergen. Mr. and Nrs. Faye Reams 'Q. and Mrs, Adolph Dennler and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cuddy. Eon.

honored with a coffee part> Tues-Iof Moscow were Saturday evening Debbie were Sunday visitors of Mr. Mr. and ihfla. Ed, Nelson, Ken- Mra A C Wilson fk w to Unionday morning in the home of Mrs.'visitors in the Bergen home, and Mrs. John Chapman and family drlck, were Sunday afternoon visit.Carl Sd m&orst M s M~ Sto„M„dM V.c Daniel,on w re i Lewlston ors of +r and Mrs Roger Itsteioon spend sonic tllne with their daughnwas ~e~ess, . Il,st weekend houseg est, of Mr. and

Peter Hi t of Lewlston vi ited and daughter. ter, Miss Leona SrilaoEL

Thirteen guests attended, Five, M P t M~ -''r. and Mrs. Bill Belt, Thurs- Mr. and Mra, Marion Souders and Mr. Ihnd Mrs Richard Benjo

family called Saturday ln the Cecil snd ftandy spent Sunday ofternotxhrs. Glen dyuiki with Mr. and kfrs. Frank Noising.

ielsons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. iston were Saturday evening visitors Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Learn oi'on and sonr-:—,'Norman Flamoe in Spokane, and were of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glese and G~geviile, were Sunday afternoon Mrs. Pear/ Hoseltine. kfrs, Lionio',Sunday dinner guests of the Sanford family ~ ,visitors of Mr. and Mra. gain AVeav- Ingle, Mra. Gerald Ingle, Mrs. Rleh-

ilEvans family. Ttm, Stephen and Sandra Cleve-. er and Cheryl, Mra. iVeaver aod Ed- «rd Benjamin attended the Nortliorn

Mr and Mrs R@gg M~@+ f land of Lewiston were Saturday over win had attended grade Reheel to- District, Extension Homemakeno

Macaw were Saturday evem night guests of their aunt and fam. gether as chudren„ in Montana., Council meeting in Lewbhton, Tues-: day, April 10th.

II Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ander'son of Mos- THA'tiK YOU

, ~

cow were Sunday afternoon, coffee Q I wish to thank each snd every SfSTER OF LOCAL Mgfhr':, guests. l'CgbV4J, +Ogeepf, jone for your expressions of love by DATING CIAME CkfAPgnONE

Mr. and Mrs~Don Morken ofBelle-.', flowers, cards, callo and prayers, vue and Mr, and Mrs, David Rice of Th nesee High Sohool Music De-!while I was in the hospital. —Alice GENESEE —Mra. Jotneo McDer-

Seattle visited from Friday until Sun- portment Presented a festival concert Fry. IT"lch mott (Helen Grieser), obiter Of Ao.'ay with Don's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tu sdsy evening, April 22 at 8;00 p, drew ond Bernard Grieaer, lo voca-

'i E A Norken. Joining the Morkens m. in the Multi-porpose room. Like salads. You'l find all iso tijonlng thiis week tsn the P.inc~ Car-'!and guests for Sunday dinner were Numbers were presented by: ™Wingsat Blewett'a in Kon io as a child ref le oi Doting Gffnhe

John Stout and flu iiy Senior High Chorus.', w p ce 'ouples, Male contestant beishg

and Mr. and Iylrs. Ed Morken and N Nan ls An Island: Joan Whitney. j ———. —Charht Weov«r, They sailed throughi I

Naneite. Afternoon callers were Mr. Alex Kramer I ttls, Panama Canal tO Cul'aCOO, S. A.,''and Mrs. Jim Odberg. 'h ee panes«anka, Jeno Takocs Tlh~ ITth Century italian Softgs; where they will fly bock to Loss An.

aripIIOngiS QO '', Mr. and Mrs. Jane Trfustet, Julia E u noon: Mo""tat" T"ne Ar ! c Montsserde cost .i. surisue soles.i and Linda of Woodburn, Oregon were ranged by Sven Lekberg Burnished Brass: John Cacavss lich;n works for Chuck Barrio oa le.

PIIANB AT S.FG41 ', from Friday until Monday house- So o Euhd Ensembles: eeptlonisl on the Newlywed Game.', 'uests of his brother-in-law and sister, ~ a eu 'olka William Bell I The Genesee Chorus will. perform She hfts ftlso cjioperolhtMf ceu~ io

-'.,Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Peterson and ruce Nichols, sausaPhoneI at the Lewiston Festival Thursday the Islaftd of Hoiu!„Weal lndieo, port-

!family, Mr. and Mrs. David peter- Mary Beth Esser, accompanist:evening at 8:IS and thc bfind Frkisv Ifga,', Bcu '". isles. Cpitj, aodi 'son of Lewiston were Saturday eve- When Was Seventeen: Swedhh Folk, afternoon at 2 50 Ih anti oi 'ILIrt pique In the Bahofnos

'nin eats. On Sunda, the Peter- '

sons and their guests attended a pup- K thk <anikkeberg, soprano.I pet show at Lewis-Clark Normal Mrs. M ly Beth Easer, accompanist


David Peterson assisted with the per- S Ix'Ise Symphony: Joseph Hayden j -j< 'f

IforillanCe. 6th grade brass quartet: i . s j

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Becker and chil- 'iH Myersi irumPet. tNVHTMENT MANAGEMENTdren and Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Beck- t Mike Becker, baritone,er were S nday d m~ g est of Mr., Chuck L a~, b ~to~ 116 East Third MoscolY Ph, 882-and Mrs. Don Linehon. Keith Davis, sousaphone

'yself When Young: Liza Lehmann.JOLLY JANES HOME EX. CLUB m mmmm+++A mA Am n w mmmm m n. ++++Q~m~

GENIt~E The Jomy Janes met Dorothy Jones, accom panistinter'","",'Spring ~an en,IIeei'sN~ meethg APAl 28 with Julle Mens 0 t~

Roach Jutie will also brhlg the pro- Dan Jarvis, Dale Rckman, 2nd bass, „'>Chuck Wedin, Beb Bielenberg, 1st t SEED POTATOES

On May 2nd the Jelly Janes HomeExtension Club wm host.a work shop Darrel Green, Doug Kinyon, 2nd tenor I


'eaturing the use of small household ~g Davis, Mark Busch, 1st tenor ~IItools. Orfentals - By Ceasar Cui 4I

The meeting will be held at the 'ile Herman bass c>arinet

; Geilesee Union. Whse r-meeffng room K ye Jensen, accomPanistat':30. p. m, and glgj be. open to the prelude and Frigue in F Major: Bach.,~j GARDEN SEEDSpublic. Stephanie Kambitsch, piano '+

OEEESEE, IDAHO ' 'Echo Lance ..Fred liooy! I

-IserThe ClasolfledEE,FEEr BAENEIRr, Sheldon HamPton, snare drum rLO fr

fI: Gavotte: Popper, arrg, by Wm. Bett jg

Keith Davis, sousaphone +Jeff Dich!, accolmpanist

Jr;Sr. St. High Band + GARDEN HOSEKentucky 1800 - Clare Grundman ~

High Quality Asgrohf arid Lilly Seeds



. 4++++++O++IF++++++++sk+++++++++dih++++~++++++++5'4h+O 4'dh+*Ah+++O O+++++++++t++~



)fcYJ l.

)iS .''- "~us



You, afld your (afmar-ronchornoighberi, know whet you


ln long term crodlI. Youwant Iho.pyvllogo of paying J~M

Ieff ot any time whhooi pon»oily, Lowest coal conolotofiIwith Round buainooa proc.Eicos. Voice in monogomanl.Share or the earnings. Free-dom to uoo the mofioy formost any purposo. d S

Those are the features 'I

whlchhavoboofibuilthIIotheLand BofikoyaiomsTha Num. d tt I

bor One aouroo of (aim meit« dsgogo crodlt in ihlo oroo.„ond ti js rsthe one source rarimofa own,


oo~~ —~rg~~~ +gEEDERAk 1ARD RARE

',i THE ELE'CTRIC SHOPGENESEE rAltl, SIMONS AT A882-2812 1lo E, 2nfi ~4h++0 y+++o ~F+ i +JN Fa Fo 4 >p ', ~~'sn'"

Fe"s'Y4'ssssss'IsrlsPississsrsisslsrtsOOrseFOss~sltsisOsrfr+Ikttkr+tks+$ +4'++~

Page 3: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl

teacher of the, public school for nextyear, Tak)IIg the place of May Fin-)ny is Miss Ll)))an Larson of Sand-point,

Mrs. Lloyd Easer entertained w)tha birthday party Tuesday of last weekfor her daughter, Patsy, who was 7years old,

. O, V, Johnson was taken to the Co)-of Ju))aetta! fax hospita) Motuiay morning and infirst grade I the afternoon underwent an operation


April 28, IS39Mss Charlotte W)ttman

has been se)ected as the

.~ 9 A. ~ +++o++++oo+++++o+we'cwecccec4" w~~




I ~

t i

tPIt~ t~ t

~ t~ t~ ttt


6')th Apyrovod Cred)t

tI) Leiciston, Idaho,"PHONE 743-8561

+44++++4 e4 4+++~


v t

4 ~


~ tI ~

~ t

tI tv t

I tctv t

~ t~ tvt

v ~


c ~


~ t

~ t


t tt t

t t

t ~


I ~


t ~t t

Interest OnNew Cnr


I, C I 'II'


t ~

t ttt

t lit 11'

i i'I!





Pr lit eaton, hi ahoNew SubscrtpttonsHerbert Purcell, CityJohn Flomer, P. O. Box %4,Goldendalc, Calif, %620Marilyn James, City

~wv yy w~+


Q Easy to applyQ Low odora Tough, scrubbabfeat Flows SmoothlyQ Beautiful Colors

BROCKE &%NS, INCPhone 289-5983

TV Store Kendxidc

We'e Open Again...To Serve You

Cocktails and Fine Food5 NIGHTS A Isii)rEEK —TUES. THROUGH SAT.

OPEN AT 5:00 P. 1lL



DentistEAST 2nd STREPhone TU 24)751














%e Still Have.



Just Ph.one 289-4887

THURSDA,Y, APRIL 24, 1ft6ft

li'ctr apl';ndlcitis. Farmer Nixon has finished seeding SubSCrfptfOn Renet)ralSStudents of Cenesee high sc)Iool 25O acres of mostly fall wheat. Genesee",w))) be entertaitIed at a dancing parts Mr. I~kwood purchased a car load, Jerry Brink, pocate))o, Idaho

, Fr)day evening fo))ow)ng the 6:ttior of fine hoi:s from Nagel and Bomberg 'I'hor Gilje, Route 2


I Talent IIevue at Roys Inn, Preliminary work on the Sanford Merk. Roberts, Route 2Saturday evetdng the fo))owing 4-H Evans flour)ng mill is coming a)ong C. R. Harrison, Cityys Jim Busch, Charles Wilson, fine this week on the o)d stta Elmer Swenson, Route 2IThomas Wdson, Tom Edwards, Ra)ph

I Anderson, Noel Wr)ght, Neal Kinyon ~~" ~ ' 'e p-1 th ~ M,'David Headrtck, Wayne es and A surprhe bray party was giv- Thor Gi}je, R ut 2


I E)i Headricks with the)r )eader, E)von en for C)arence Henderson on his C. R, Harriso~, CityHampton were in Moscow»ttend fourt)eth b)rthday anniversary on Sun VI)))fam Rader. Pu))mana class of livestock judging, This is day March 19 A, de))c)ous dinner Wade Mayet, Lewistonthe ftfst activity of th new b ys 4-H %~ se~~ at ~n

"0 rge M'agee, I ~ton

C)ub following their organ)xat)on. Lse present were Mr and Mrs, Mrs. W. %, Burr CitAprf) 25 I . Luke Grosechse and son; Mr. and Homer Burr. R)ch)and

A trackrneet w01 be held a Le Is Mrs, Julius Hoppe,.Mrs. Fva Wrigbt, Mrs. E. N, Johnson, Los Angeles!ton Friday afternoon, The Genesee Mr and Mrs Arftey Cuddy and dang)I Thomas Gooch, Uniontown!high school wB) be rePresented by ters Mr. and ))trs, Ray Southw)ck, Merle V. Roberts, Route 2'CecJ Boliou, John Vandenbu",g ™ Mrs. Grace Wens and son and grand. Laverne Anderson, Route I'lait, Charles, Lorang, Cecil Gray, daugh«rs Mr and Mrs G)en Han, 'A, J. Kern, S. San Gabriel, Cahf.;Arthur Mayer, Howard Smith, Ben- son a~ c)I))dren Rev and Mrs Turn phil Schooler, Lewiston!lamin Schooler and Walter Casebolt. er and fam))y, Mr. and Mrs, Given Mrs. Tom Goodwin, St. John

Sam Lange, Christ Langei Henry Mustoe and Jack)e Mr and Mrs. The Hat)an Ranch, MoscowHanson, Ole Flamoe, A. A. Murphy, Howard Southwfck and family, Mr, Fred J. Morscheck, Route 2Mrs, John Kempf, and Mrs. C. F. Tu- and Mrs Harold Wh)tfnger and fam- %, H. Rosenau, Lewiston

! omy, left Wednesday morntng fOrOy, Nina Slea, Ruth Cuddy, DonaM Mrs. B. B. Ca)dwe)I, Modesto, Calif.

'rl), Ever tt. Chmber,demonstration in that ctty Ver)in Benjam)n Harvey Morris and George Grieser, p. O. Box 1253

Wri)e unloading a car of Studebak- Carol Thornton, C)earlake park. Ca))forn)aier cars Saturday afternoon .E E On Tuesday evening of thh week Mrs. Vera He)nr)ch, 93) Mabe))e, Miller had the misfortune to is ocate Evelyn Farri~ngton, Uoyd Farr)ngton, Moscow, Maho 83843his rtght shou)der. David Craig„and Everett Farr)ngton Ora Gage, Route 2,oe Trautma" has purchased M te tained group of voung people

a!Mary Ha~vens Barbara Long Mary

-':-- Mont«ue h» recetved w«d,'»d A)cne D b~, Myra Ir-I»~!'f:om,",i: son, Capt. R, M. Montague'berg Bettv Bovd Alma Cox, Helen',„-mFran=e that he expects to return'Nzz,man Me~el Sch

: Vincent, Tedd ~ Weyen, Rex B/awatch,A large force of men were put to K nneth Woody John Wa))ace Cheswork Monday morning wreckIng the.te Vine nt Frank R)der Bob Watts


o'-d LUtheran church and by ~ght e»iG}enn and Harr New~, Bm C X..

Wedne+ay'!daughters d

v)e" p rforming the ceretnottv avitt.A baby girt has put in an appear-I

ance QI t",e home of Mr, and Mrs.',I Thos. T.tostenson. ,'f

W. Vl. Gray returned Wednesday '. ),fmm a stay in Califo.nia and Sa)t,'Lake City,

Messrs. George Watts, Ai. Wycoff. I

I and Lect Stamps, wood butchers are;in thc Asotin county ass sling George ';

Steits with ) 's new buildings.



I'afe DePOSit i8OX-

I st I



Hundreds of years aga the pride of wood productresearch vtas the cteaHon of a atra tght sided boardfrom a taut)d log. Today the emphasis ts on thedovotoIsmont of new uses of woad ta meet the con-sumers ever growing demand for wood products.

Potlatch research ls customer ottettted and strivesta conceive and develop products that wttl have alower tn-plo'co east and at the same Hme give,greater aattsfaeHatt in performance and appeat.attee.

Ta accomplish this, aur research peopfe are con.stantly worttlng on means to tmprove e'ffictency natanty of machtttery but also the eattvorstott af logsinto products, l4soateh cotttets ato maintained atplant sites in t.owtstatt, idaho, and Cloquet, Minne-

tvchatctea teaHas S «4 tet taeattavta ttteehtao.


insuring close communieaHott with the produc-tion personnel and providing for trial tuna of theproduct in the mill for successful results.

Sttottg emphasis is put an the evaluaHan of thesafety of structural products. Before going on themalttet these products aro put through rigorousmachine and field tests, —buildittg official, atchi-teets and buitdets ol'e consulted.

By meeting the progressive needs of aut custamots,we tnsure continued interest itt aut products andeonHnued etnplaymont for all aut wottters,

Vfe ltttow that by filltng need», we serve out om

ptoyees. Attd that ts one of ant important ways ofservlflg 'thts eommuttltyt

.w, I tt)

It Really Costs So Little

Just e fete cents a day rents a Safe DepositBox in our vault... keep valuables safefrom fire, theft, any loss.

Ivor A/l your Safekeeping ¹els,See Us.

<..5'..')A:.'I)'(Q:< "70't1


O~assssasnsO'. O. Ptoe)dent MORRIS P, SOHMAN, V:Ptsoa


JVHÃ ssssuststngtr F. O. KtOCKE W'. A. SOBRARC. Asssssstss JOHNSON O. RONALD SOHMAN M. P. SOBMA@

Page 4: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl

Pierce, and Mr, and Mrs, RobertStanfield (their daughter) who havebeen in Alburqurtlue, N. M,, wherehe was receiving army training,visited in the Alma Betts home onSunday, then went on to Lewistonto visit another grandmother, DolaChristensen, He is due to report inNew Jersey, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lawrencewere Kendrick visitors, Monday.

Emil Beyer and Bud Adamsonattended the stock sale in Lewiston,Saturday,

GffrlifigIIause Memorial»I am the @eat Iapreaeatta

tive for Qaritnghesa Memos'.tais of Lawfaion, Outr manumania arid maAezs ass of theftnsat grttuatto fnotudtag thra

Itock «f kgott «teil Sattsfao.tton guarantasdL

JOS KkLAFULscal ftest. PIL, hT 14014

Kermit Malcom, Manager

""""""'I""SOUT OF+QQ k r

GLA,SSTruck «5 Tractor Cushions Recovered

Auto Painting —Body Work

t:. R. Little A.uto ShopKendrick, echo


Penny Jacobs, Owner and Manager

~ ~ II II jI ~n I ~ I I

1 i ~ a I I n

Ir'I I I'"i',e

I ..ll I'I... i .'lHere's yciur best

two-fisted herbicide punchfor complete weed control.


You can't argue with results. McGrcgor's have had nine years success-ful Palouse country experience killing wild oats with Avadex and Avadex8% followed by Sinox-)V to eliminate tough broad leafed weeds such asnightshade, pig weed and fan weed.

RAH(H AVIATIOHCall Ron Bielenberg or Sob Barbee today. They have a big, fast hfrGre-

gor sprayer ready to apply Avadex just as soon as you are ready to go.McGregor sprayers are built strong. They pull you harrows while spray-

ing to give you the fait incorporation that always pays off with betterwild ants kills.FEATURING THE ALL NEW GRUMMAN


Phone 88b4N1

,v..ci re~'or.Competitive Prices Eq Fast ServiceExperienced Pilots db Personnel




9""'"sG"""IGOLDEN II ULEI""'"'"""--""'""""""-


on Wednesday.

AtaCdl BETXS Maw. Ray Charpentier visited in

Recce'cord ives sn afternoon calle/II Alma Bette home, Monday, Kenny Charpentier and a friendII Agatha Perkins, Mrs. Albert Law. from Lewiston spent a few days ofII rence, Mrs. B.A,. Kite and Alma Bette their vacation here with his grand-

attended the Northern District Con- Parentse Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chattpen-vention at Lewiston, Tuesday, About ~er

«Simple, dignified funeral SerVieeS. I 2O0 were present, A very good day The Southwick Extension Home-was enloyetL A discussion and de- makers Club enioyed a meeung with

ÃeW building, pleaSant SurrOundingS . (bate by class members of the Lewis» Mrs. D, V, KuykendaH in Lewiston,Clark Normal School was enJoyed. Thursday, Mrs. Viola Martin and

II'The afternoon speaker was Rev. Da- daughter Mrs. Irene Tarbert; Mrs.

PHONE 883-4578 LEWISTQN, IDAHO II vid Torres, director of "Teen Chal-JoyceMarvinwerepresentasguests,'enge"

at Seattle. Business and other It seemed like "old home week" asentertainment closed the day. they are former members.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carpenter of 'George Fink is helping KennethEHensburg, Wn., left Tuesday, after Wilken with farming this week.

'pending a week with their aunt, Roy Starr of Lewiston wasAgatha Perkins. neighborhood caller Friday, He was

j Agatha Perkins called at the Al-~born and raised here, but had not'been back for several years.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Marvin anduI x YAW axrnm family of Lewiston were week-endi XJ~~LJ J- A HLL~L. i ~INCA!IW<KIIItiI5~ visitors of her mother, Mrs. Agatha

I Perkins.wee I Albert Lawrence had the misfor»

SCIIOOLI tune of cutting his left knee with'-Qli ~ I ELECTION I a chain saw, Friday, It was neces-

fOr AppOintmentS PhOne AT 5-2361 I Kendg~ Jggg School Di,n4ctl sary for Dr. Christensen to close theNo. 288, Latah County, idaho wound with stitches. All wish him

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a speedy recovery


the annual school election of Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nielson ofdrick Joint School District No, 283,iClarkston and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin

OPEN —April 14-.15-16 CLOSED—April- 17-18-19 County of Latah, State of Idaho,IITarry visited with Wm. Kauder, Sun-will be held on Tuesday, May 20, day.

II 1969 at the Kendrick High School Mr and Mrs. Don Christenscn of

itween the hours of 1:00 o'lock p.~

m. DST to 5:00 o'lock p. m. DSTon said day. That at said election

~ I 9 tl i the following business will be trans-

1. One Trustee to serve for a term

g R+ I

0f 3 yea vs I be elected from

(Kendrick}.2. One Trustee to serve for a term

FOR SPRING FERTILIZERTrustee District Zone No.(Juliaetta-American Ridge).

USE- The name or names of all candi-I

I dates for election of Trustee, to-'e r

II gether with the term for which

Iirg . -

e Ii nominated, shall be placed on fileSPeCm/ TruCk PnCeeI

with the Clerk of the Board of~I j

Trustees at least 18 days prior tot ld (+$ [l

I'I clerk shall, not less than 16 days

I'otify by mail each nominee who has,

KENDRICK IDAHO PHPNE 28ggg6$ f i Petition. Unless such nominee shall,/

r not less than twelve (12) days priorI to the day of the election. declinetthe nomination in writing filed


Clerk of the Board of Trustees,l;his name shall appear upon the bal-

I,ntherans Know That 'ot.That the election 'at said meeting

AAL Hemembers The Members shall be by secret and separate bal-lot. Only electors residing in ~

Members of AAL share mora than Just excellent life Itee Zones 1 and 2 wig vote at said

II insurance protec5oti. They enjoy the Special Differenca-LOWER NET COST.And, they parcttcipata in AAL's fraternalbenevolence granti. They know from personate experienca Kendrick Joint School District

how AAL Remembers the Members. No. 283, Kendrick, Latah Coun-Call this local Lutheran for full details.

Il'Last pub. May 1, 1969.6~ C. S~~ ..-..:"; .. Itj NOTICE OF ANNUAL809 CED~ STREET II SCHOOL MES'TING AN9 ELECTION'E~TO+" ID~O . r

„'t In Johit School District No. 2N

ii Latah and ¹sPerce County, Maho

ITelephone SH S-I$42 'l[ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That


the annual school meeting r of JointI|i School District No. 282, County of La-

tah and NeWerce, State of Maho,will be held on Monday the 19 day of

,May 1969, at the Genesee Schoolhouse

'in said district, and the polls of said,election shall be open between the l

hours of 1:00o'lock and 7:00 p. m. on I

. said dsy.Schlueter's- That at said meeting the fo0owingI business will be transacted:

One Trustee to serve for a termof three (3) years wni be elected,From Trustee District No. 1.

2. One Trustee to serve for a term

SerVing tbe Mand Empire'S icr aree <ar ve~ '

r e~ectea,From Trustee District No. 5,

~ ~ The name or names of all candi-Aenal AppheatIon Needs. dates for election of trustees, togeth-er with the term for which nominat-

,ed, shall be placed on file with theClerk of the Board of trustees at leastEighteen (18) days prior to the dayof election, e'xcluding the day of elec-tion.

That the election at said meeting ~ ~ I ~

will be by secret. and separate ballot.Dated this 14th day of April, 1969. ROltiI gIELEgg ERG


G EH ES E E, I DAHO p„'bd,t'„.Ap~17'.24,'Igegun'' ')FOR PROVEH RESULTS,


Atlas 6-8811



Frame Alignment

Service for Cars, Trucks,and all Heavy Equipment

ALSO,-Painting and Brake WorkDay and ¹ght Totting





.I Xjyert: '-,I


PHONE SH 3-7751

CHUCK'S SHOP','Nh db 8 Streets Ieteistow

:II<II,<II I0: I 'I>II ~ .


i e '~ ~ g~ I

Whatever you need-repairs, tires, batteries, all accessories,gas and oil-can be charged on yo(lr BankAmericard

ra 'iervteemar tea owned aad IIeeaacd by nantrrrnnertea ttereiea Goqreratbrn

Page 5: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl

THURSDAY, APjtII 2i, 196$I

P I i FiSH jh aahi9 tt9 )rT ', b td~tet~k~ stoedwv emrsemP'IJtr doell tutt

i ',, May aint. Ii, tarjjj reCeiye 5,250hiftia. EI)ÃEST SIIOE)18 T ~~~7 FI~H

iicatchsbje sjxe trout and has nones

P)tone 2r0-9980 i added ratjnbothrs from winter hold

Boise —The Idaho Fish rtg Game,:ove~Friendshii> Club 'Dept. is in the precestt of pjantittgI Three of our lowland streams area

The Friendship Club met st the about 75000 catchable rainbow'rout scheduled to receive a total of abouthome of Mrs. Arnold Hoittjngton on jn the low-lend waters of the clear-',11.250 trout- These are: Lawyer'eThursday, April 17th. Work was i water region, «ccozdjng to Terry Crtnek bet~een Craigmont, and Cotcompleted on a large and e small I Hojubett., regional fisheries biologist tonwood'be Pejouse Rives natequilt for the hostess, ¹s.Hoisington, ~These fish wj)I be planted in many L ajrd Park, and the East Fork oC

Thirteen members and one child were i of the low-hnd lakes snd streams, Potlatch Creek. A)j the jow-)an@

present. A, luscious dinner was serv-1prior to the opening scheduled for. streams may be high and roily frojjj)

ed at noon, with Mrs. Alvin Stejgersr Mey IrtL Ispring runoff and difacult to f)s)R.

as cc-hostess. Winchestes Lake will receive ap- t Some other )ew land streamsThe next meeting will be held in Proximately 22,500 fish in the IjSIhave resident taahut Or smaj) stSSRb.

the home of Mrs. Ernest steigers on of a pound range. prospects should ihead populations are Ejk creek ))setMay 1st. be good to excellent with jim)t

IE)k River; Big Canyon Creek, Ptsfi

catches of trout from 0 to 18 inches hatch Creek and Cottonwood Creek.Other News Items a good possiblity. During the esr)y j There js a new reIN)ation chsangtat

Mrs. Ernest Fliger snd baby part of the season, cutthroat trout'his year which discontinues fishingdaughter, Cindy, of Moscow, were from 10 to 13 inches wjU also be.,'hours in Idaho. So flshessnen artsTuesday over-night guests. in the taken- Still ashjng with balt such„not restricted as to the time theIyhome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, as corn, sahnon eggs. marshma)jows,caRR ash. Mann's Lake is the axMarion Stevens. Leah visited Grand- and worms wjjl probably be the most ceptlon in this area, and the hoa)aspa snd Grandma Fjjger. Ejfr, and popular method, but trolling from a are set by the LNtbdsttns orcharijieMrs, Rufus Fairfjeld were Sunday boat also produces welL Boaters are,'Irrigation District. Daily limits oRR

evening guests. retnjnded that a 10 m. p. h. maximum tout'sny-jsnd lakes are 10 trout, aaaaf

Larry Heimgartner and a friend, speed limit is in effect on%'jnchester',on the )ow-)and streams, 15 taanat, agBecky Smith, O)ympia, 'Wn., students Lake. i7 pounds and one ash.at E, 'W, C. E., Cheney, were Satur- There will he about 15,000 ash


over-night guests in the home of leased in Spring VaHey~ojr,'is

parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eldcn and these supplemented with cut- VALLEY OF PUPat TVHejmgartner. Saturday evening sll throats and rajnbetvs that over-win-viejted in the Gerald Heintgartner tered should provide good fishing. "Valley of Plenty," written by RSRSA.

home in Lewiston. 'n addition to bait ashing, the use B. Lyon of Emmett, Idaho, capturssMr. and Mrs. Don Johnston of Le- of'ubbles and f)jes in the evening much of the eerily history of the

nore spent Sunday evening in thejhours has a)so been produ«ve in area. The book covers a period etNewt Heath home. Mr. and Mrs. recent yeats* No mojors are aj history beginning with the advent Of,Kenneth Rugg and famjjv. Learmton. lowed on boats in this reservoh. the Fa)k Store through the co~were Sunday dinner guests. The prospects for «i jttg at Weha ~

Mrs. Ejdon Heimgartner received Lake aas fair for the opening week- .word of a severe ))cart attack suf- end, wjfh 7g500 fish scheduled for m> . mmej Valley. Spr'"- .—.—

tered sunday morning at his home. this )ake- Tromnghasbeeaa the most throughout )ts Pages are manyquahRL

by her brother, Don Gruel), Lewis-. effective method in these waters.,pioneer photos, as well as maps egton, Manaa's Lake wijj receive about early settiemeatts end pictures of his

Fern Stevens, a U. of I. student, 7J)00 trout, and an shdded bonus for toaical importance.waa home ovea the weekend. fishermen on this reservoir are the

Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Steigers, Of-, jasgemouth bess r t"".t"g upford, accompanied by Mr. and Mra pounda No boats are aI)owed, andErnest Stejgers, drove to Nyssa, Ore., the ashing is open fmm 5:00 a. m I

to attend the funeral of a boyhood to 8:00 p. m.friend, Oscar Kurtx. Leaving the Moose Creek reservoir should pro-Gifford home around 5:00 a. m. Sat- vide good <~t~>~ of rainbows from


!urdsy, the group arrived back st 11 to 18 s»~. t on opening week-end.5:00 p. Rn., Sunday, going via the, It is scheduled to receive 5,250 fish, iI

Wsj)ows Valley end Enterprise. The . Fswitsgtgy shouM be fair during the,weather was very pleasant during early part of the season on Rjk,the trip. escaping the heavy rein ex Casek Beservojr. for planted

rain-'eriencedin this vicinity. They met bows and jake-~ eastena brooki

saijth Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Stejgers'p to 15 t~"s in length. There I

of Puyellup, %'n., whj)e st NEsistL win be about 4~ ffish re)esused prior,:Mr. snd Mrs, Don Hoisington and,to the OPenjng.

famoy were Saturday supper guestsii This js the first year that CXtsnp-';in the Ted Weyen home. Sunday i bell's Postd hss been opened early

'fternoonthey a~)ted in the @cele)with the )owjsasd season, and goodHoisington home. I catches of planted rainbows and I

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heimgartner sndj jargemosath bass shofamny >mted Sunday afternoon inIThe access road into this pond jsIthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wicks 'enera))yat Oroi'ino. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pe-(season so you athou)d check


Ju)jaetta, were also guet. before begs»i"» the trip.Mrs. Qeo, Harden and Betty Cow Fishermen are reanjnded that


Stites, and Walter Zumhofewere Wednesday dinner guests in&e Lese Hejmgartaser home. Sat-'.

$ 0118-PINIOIjjMra Thnothy Straw, daughter-in- -—aata s:a:was:~

law of Mrs. Leslie He)mgsaatner, and

Lewiston. Congratu)atjons, girls! IOLgsps ! > -] Let «s 9eI yeaEARLY LAKE SEASON Treats the wheie ~lie NN

there is sn earh Pdest inim Fish- .i

li' ' reaeghewtwing seasan for ruactdnaw tmut ttud anensi es ~ ns,I dj.tarte eton abend oi tbe special ioa. the saaesnwe tract. p layland lake season in the PanhandleRegionarnorthem Idaho. Priest Lake Gott)bines Neomycin, Suifa-

Iapecjnj season for gian) mackinaw methazine and Attapulgitetnsut runs from Aprj) ES to December)S ~dth gaff ho k mhbitA in l~d- tO fight the baCteria in thejng fish from n boat from April )5 io gut that CauSeS SCOUtSr

give systemic action againsther )5, This ejso appjjex io Ijpperi . ~ t k 4prieat gage. These water am op n PneumOnia, and O a SOr

year-round for kokanee fishing, stvjg and help purge baCteria andihe daily bag limit for xportsitten- toxic tnaterjals. EHectjve ine ndt 'here is no possession limit.

~treating geives, sheep and 'rchmartth.



vAssAR RAwLs I cRass

aOOe009 FOI






lS.glori s..'unera.. I .>ape,.


['I '' 'il '' ',''l1



(Of All Killds)YVe %dl Order Anv Special Items De8irolMOBIL TIRES - BATTERIES

%e Give S E" 8 Green Stamps on All Burning Oil-if paid by the 15th of month folio+kg


Phone N9-40tlI Residence 276~9131L ~I

btjs lll olio passjya oaal)t. 6/an)

jjoNS eaajjt on

$124.95f 7'Qff Ill.t

(!RS. 'S .„'..

TklE KENDRICK QAXET'I NA'1 lONAL LISI)AltY WER K QT II%Pubiished every Wednesday atter . GEttESEE-btrs. Atorton ttotbon.

noon (dated Thursday) at Kendrick, jocaj jjbrarjan reminiia residents thatMllilo, bv rene i. Imti w. A. troth Aprii tt through the sstb is obssl'ved Amer)Can )h)GeeSubscription $2.jjty per year as National Llbritry Week. Maho Ij.Sh oytd ~jatts postage paid At, brarta» are corn>rtut.t.'~ trna cesuo»

Ketujr ck, Idaho jj058 s providing quick attd easy access Phone 2SMIj)0Sjr!ctly Independent, in Politics. the world's beni thought . Vjajt your Mr snd Mrn Dave Crocker end

local library this week, jake ouj e family snd Xlarielle Sandqujst, a)j ofI X pi " '

Lewjstoni were Saturday even/ngrds to the li e. Minimum 30o,

Rsjbd tgr 'rews. Steve Crocker remadnedNOR)day: 7 to 0 p, RR). over-night and on Sunday Mr. snd

AL'rhl) SOClETY Tnurscitui: 2;00 lo 4:X p. m, Mrs. Andrews were guests of Ms.

QENESEF M D,h, sda 1Saturday':30 f )):30 a, m.

vi ~ with M,. and M~. WM)eyand Mrs. Dave Crocker. They sjso

wijj head the Altar Society as their Andrews and famuy, Lewjaton.president for the coming year. Other COMJCUNITY CHURCH NOTES Ray Benscoter of Lewlston was anew officers elected at ihe Wednsdey; Monday dinner guest of hjs parents

GEItiESEE-The seniors of Genesee Mr. and Mrs, Frankje Benscoter„,~ Z~,„S„p,,„„,~,'ighsch j wiiibehonoredat t~ jj:00AI Z

attended the Hjstorica) Club )uncheonin Moscow Thursday,

CUfford Hermann, secretary. -=~ Mr. end Mrs. George Havens endMrs, Zenner reported on the Dean- QQEDDE -i)VISITS Mrs. Daisy Anderson of Moacogay

ery meojlng she attended jn Cotton- were Tuesday and Friday visitors ofwood on March 34th, Dick Qoedde, Unfontown, broke 01 Mrs. Carl Fjsk, at the St. Joseph'

Itjext meeting May 7 in thc home of oiit of 100 c)ay birds Friday at thc Hospital, Lewiston. They were alsoIttrs. Stanion Becker. Lewiston Qun Club to win the Prtts- visitors of Mr. and Mrs, L W. Ha-

liminary Handicap to the Western vena in Clarkston, and Mr. and Mrs.Zone Handicap. Dick was shoot)ng Ted Havens and family, Lewjston.

HOME GARDEniERS NEVlfS Mrs. Norla CsH4en and Mrs. Walt-er Benscoter were Monday ca)lera of

m t r'i JAY«C-ETTES TO MEET Mrs. Ella Benscoter,GEIhESEP jh J @E 'lj Miss Li da jjfcC jl and tw gj )

I friends, ss of Lewistoa, were Mon-change, fternoon visitors of

Mrtt. Adrian Nelson read a paper on 'gj " @ g Mrs. Welter Benscoter.bulbs and insects. turn out is urged. Don B-.nacoter of Lewiston v.'ae a

Slides of Viet Nam, taken by Har- Wednesday afternoon visitor of Mr.vey'foodrulf, were shown by Mrs. hd ~™~W and Mrs, Fran):ie Benscoter,Woodruff,

I wish to thank all who remem- M„s.El;e Benscoter drove to Peckaowers and on Sunday, as did Mr. and Mrs. DickOn the next meeting dais, members visits during my recent stay in the Benscoter and Mr, and Mrs. games

Wijj )Our the gardenS Of ftfr. and Mra hOSpjtaj. —EdW!n FOreet 17olpd I.yle, the latter Of MOSCOW, andBa-'arrySampson in Moscow, The date sjl pjcavet of C)arkston. where ajjl

wljj be announced later. )rou can't work without a good,'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd l

oreakfast. rou'u f)n'very des)red Dryden, The specja) gue t watt slCAIID QF ~gs )tean from bacon and i)tggs and fruit; sister of Mrs. Benssxtter and Mrs.

Ifor aQ kinds of ceres)a, hat or oojc Dryden, Mrs. EKaabeth Blaney, who)b,~ ~th ~ lk o~jg t. 8 B)brett's 1 if d~ caved on Frid y from C el

Calif., to spend a few days visiting

the hospital and sine» retijrning homerelatives„ then go on to Barhsrbor,

Your though'tfu)ness has mean'j ao I Mr. and Mass. Frankle Benscotermuch to me. 'pent Sunday )n Lewjston, visj ting

Mrs. R. D. Stout , rt EFA ~ i ~ relatjyes.s g Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benscoter

NITED !INelson, Cjarkston, and Mr. and MrsITom Greene snd family, Levb&ton.

FOR SALE; Sport % Honda, Sunday djmer guest of Mr. a d

110C. r David Scjojer AT S~ Genesee Mr . Nor)a Ca)))son were Mr. anMrs. Hugo Eberhaaa)t of Lesa&ton.

jd tasargsj Aatesf Sjjssna GARDFNtS plowed oa harrowed, Afternoon callers were Mrs. Marie12 1 or 0.101McCrscken and a friend. Levy&ton.

a A week ago Sunday MR; and Mrs.(LOST —Siamese black and grey Nor)a Cajlison were dinner gueata

cst. Reward offered for its return. OC Mr. and Mra, Dick Blewett. InI Paul Supple, Kendrick. 17olpdithe afternoon they were caUers or

',htr. ~ tdm. tsude Wnght ~ Mw-gj f)ttgf) '!9ONgk8 LAESfBS and Ew'es for Sale. WernertxsreL and sino of Mrs

Brammer, Phone 2sj)~0. 15-2C )ay and Mrs M))dred SpjcerFOR UNION Oil Products ln the reer or Clsrtwton were auaday even-

, < ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeHaS~,

> 8 g g g g 8 g gI FOR SALE Three 20 jn truck Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Benscoterwhee)s. Wm C. Swan. Phone 270-, snd Mas. Qteorge Havens wesat Sat-3002 17 tfch 'rday afternoon callers of M r. and

Mrs. Louis %'right ln KendrtckWhen you have your sawa f))efj oo FOR SALE —7 S-ft sections Inter. Mr. and Mra. airs)ter Benscoterear pereteton meabtae. attar out spring tooth w/draw her Glsa were sunday vtsitom oi htr. end tera

Wegner. Ph, RS&48RE. 10-2pd, John Ksyler jn Peck. They abtoCor stujck ssrvrtes and iaxpert wana the Dworshak Dam.

eeeerst ptdngse and auiecorating:, vires t Hurtburt and warney htsy.J)M HO)9)NQTON Were gemeteed. pintle rveoteg. rl'.. wt're visitors oi Nt'. estd sam

AT M45), or vbvije l. G. Burncjj.'orls Cnj))son one day last vbneek

Roule I, Genoese, idaho pdMsrajj ss we~ Mr. and Mrs. Joe ThompsrtnPICKUP Am DELWImV AT and fainljy. the latter of Lenore.

ASILAJ)f8 HARD%'dg)E MTQATS'j)jj Dick Scharchorat. AT 53))j, irno ansSver cajj AT $ 2)6) >Irts pAXBEY E)AO)VN. e

FOR!RIER VALLEY RESIDEttb T,Cam Car) Schatshorst, AT 54)e) for PAA'SES AT MOSCOW

FRAHK it'e SARTORI AT ~~™j '

Mrs. Pnnsey J, Broatw, 92. >josccw.LA%)tER resjdeni ance 1929„died at Grijman

ptfl i P tora 8 j)djn i NOTICE —I will not have stmw" Hospital Sunday, April 21. She wasberries f'r saj» thin year. Pjeatgc,, wtd,,

ph ~j)jj) ik ih 'ri hc widtNv or Guy 0, Broth n a rt'eight

KEq~))IC)t, IDAI)O I cjaa Armjtegc. II.IItd )ruck driver.

)Vedntanthlyss 0 a m to 0 p. nLI NA)bjTED CHURNING CREAM

She was born Junc 9. )jj86, at Miller.

Letrjnjon rtrjce nt Krstdrjck, )acre Mnrv Arooi snd came jo Id~go in )9O)I at Kendrick Table SOPPly, Kcnd-

It Q iden rrttjtt Dairy I wjs-Dr, B, A. Q)riStensen I ton '. tf and married Brown at Pttijman in

=-- —- —— ----——'901, He died June )4, )950,II Qfaee Honte I IFORM SALE —Nearly 'I-yr~)d Ben Tjrcv moved jo Ahsahke and j'ten

)0>00 A, >< T 5S00 p j)L Iith black i'hite ~ (po~)ej io jhe Gonesee Valley

I ' 'I with stand, 23-ln, screen. Want toI gaaaargeney Caps 1 AS Noaars Qn I buy used —in overtttuffed sofa ram& unUI Der came to M~w.

Itlolf)eNe» chair jn f+~l ~ ~nd)tjon P) Survi'vore include 8 soh, Doalsld

iI Q25os Phone 5j@2 ltass)denos 51)71 17.2ch Brown, Culver City, California; Rs

QNes Ila l sister, Ijlrs. Bess Smith, Moscow, andII Cfar)stesawm Sul)ding Kendrlek f,~E HO~ —4-~~, bg th

Sving room with wajj.to-wa)I car- Funeral services were Tuesday at ~'rsaf094CScAEANf4'et.IQtchsn with built-in oven and Short'hape) wijh jhe Bev. James

Sewing room. Newly planted grass~th undeqr und spri~jjng sys. ofricjajj~. 8 rja was at hfmcow *

", SHIP BY TRUCK2oHour Dry Cleaning at Jane's Clean-erst Lehvjstolle fol'esidents of QORRODOOr-tO-BOOr BeljtVery

II ~; Kendrick, and JU)jaotta jag ORDINANCEII a 1 II because we have been forced to dls«Qas Franchise, Qas Distribution

Fasts Safee Dependa>)e II conunue our Routes in these arsaL and Transmission Systems, snd QastIANE'8 CLEAItrSILS Installation Regu)atjons should read

C)ydo Sweet Ordinance KQ.II lllk I VIR9 99APMP jI LENISTQW; mAXIO jsea)j D. F. Scharnhorst. Dial SHerWOOd 3-654t

MayorSee ths lfent Sprjnjljoojh field cu)tjva.

I QFFICII palp')MS)N II)or now. Ae best on the markeL Folds City Clerk

III'er ease nr jrnsssporjsjjoiL .Norkjs)j

+ESIDE>QE p+ON10 ~II avtdfhs 18, 21, 24 $0, 20 fL.Nb'sMO CYclo-VAC Ri"

,1II drsfj, IIyd. or manuaL 2 nsodeja


NOW 5 ft 5 baav FIRSX, QarrOW gg,95 A Complete Low» are oo

pjab asp ajjppjnee learest do

9 Eh 3 JUGAL l '-rscion"nede farrowing crates, Lateo atjtpoved bajj otnpIaaf eajahor «jso aratjabjee", bali beasine wheejs.

Now 00 f1.pui) ac)d sprayer.... Ritoeed 411OV deeE.

Cu t m Slaughtering Self.propelled Njjxjde f)ejd sprayer hsy hajeh) sajoejots.80 07NI,00 h One ploaa Iiji jjp 61idoMOSt Cllts %rappefl 2 )0-tf. J, 9, Drlss en Nssbber haa aljp cjejah.

uieh FIOyen wjjh I) nnjt Iljjch

IllI cher Beef by SMM~~Q/M~/~rII Half Slid Quarter

IUsed 01 foot fold)nil Barber ferlabaet

II spreaderCustonl Butchering New lxtader ljjs all wheel )raerors.. Uae teen) dajsghetee

II 0395.00 Complete, wiih cotta)tet ehitte

II x %J 9UI)0 wjjh 0N Itynjor winch, cans)tyt

Every %'eeh jjuaaabs, Cst sstgje donor

I ppng BY IIALV'HOLE Ijj Hstotjonn —52 ln. gohn Doors8)sr)ng Tooth, Ljjass ¹av. )Ve Like

I 5 ncetjont 5-tt %Vosdhog SpringI

fAnjmai Sh ld 8 In By 9 l) to u r

ILive plek up e n g '

Injennjjonsl )9-r'o,t ac I'I4 Mlles Fast ot Troy nn Troy- 4 Injin Drorc 500 west)cas

II Detary Inghavay Used Pjttsrn, Drjjjse Culllvaiors Ji I't i t8t A

I HOOF. aSS~3a See~~ffleff Ka~na~eK

Page 6: Juliaetta - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1969 - The Gazette News/1969 Jan...))st of comm)ttcc c)ts)rmcxi eppo)nted tng by @sneer Ilrtve Co teel ML~m. dn die anausl

THURSDAy, APRIL 24, 19ii9

ig:I)%2 II, Itllhf 4 sOF Xt Ri feIII 8 irf'1%1 0

1013:>".iY<".I .- E'.>'ontestVoid where Prohibited by Lsw




KendrickMarion anII Ellen Rowricn

I&aa~w- r- ~-~ espy ~meedega~&aa ~~a»~»




Mg n n s m r r u ~ BS I ~


i XEE NAPKINS—(60's) 4 Pkgs.

II LESSON OIL—48-os. Bottle—





a P,~i WEsT



1-lb. Can...........TS<

8-lb. Can .......,...$2s33

Iet Us Cheek Four Car's



might seve costly re-

8'e Use Quailty


dar Oi/ Products


$( ir ti i' I glt




0IRTHCAY oiNNRR Rsczivss MAsTERs Lclairri Arcs Has CBNrrcroa Scctiorr Locrrl Happcrrmphonor guests aat a dinner "out" in Mra Bsrhmu y. Msuwett ds"gh MsrrY Actrvrtrcs Activities psrrcr1 In lltcrlrIrrck Arcri Tbe Horse In tireirrattng their birthdays. Later the, ed her Master's Degree ln Education MRS. LLOVD CRAIQgroup bowled in "scotch doubles" at from the University of Kansas at ». nnd Mm. Roger Beaker and

omhards Lance others present tstwrsuce, Kausaa Mrs .Manwee ~d~ Luttmms hgorM Beget trtends tnrm toudsmn were sunday; Graf FIISIICI )mtwem ¹.and Mm om ~ md has completed rqN~mU for e

n L rson, daughter of Anyone having blankets or quilts dinner guests of Mr. and Nrs. JohnM. and Mrs, J~M~ d Mmk degree, and wO be gm uated ~&

d ~. H~ld L ugae ~s,to send to the L. W R. should have Frary and Lort,A Good 6scuody-for that Frhrrrtty

all Of SOuthWtek, an -Mr. aad Mm. SOme ls200 perSOnS during the June ~ ~ .

R y L ~ fl them at lbs.ChurCh by Nay 1et. Nr. and Mre, Wayne HruV4 ent >tatned at dinner on Sunday for Nr. F~+y„SATUBIIAy II00 PJhg

even- the University, Lewtston, at a church in Ctarks Nrs, Virgil Harris and fatally i

ale rr tt0rrThe honorees were Saturday even eand Ron Sapp, att of Lewtsix,a. Mr igL00 @diets Br

as no pargsfrlg rneteret Tile yollllg couple are making— their home in the Lewlston Orchards. ""'"L Theatretha W'm. Fry home in Juttaetta, to Nr 'and M D

„',legrletswm4Other News ce1ebrate Nm Wm, Fry's birthday Mr

Howard Hecthner wm a Tuesday matve~n,. De»«Weyen and David Ktatt,'

ittle Leagle afternoon visitor of Nr, and Mrs,,:Robert Draper. on Sunday after vis!tlag a week with tu

r'elatlves in SPokane, Wenatchee and S ttl, w

I j,Sunday afternoon visitors of gues+ 'a the home of Nr, and Nrs. ed fronr ~ay of last week to

g Q, Ig~ sad birs. Roy Craig. Mr. and Nrs, Loren Brunttn of R A StTroy were prtday evening tusttorain the Eldon Glenn home. hoa, on S d f 1

egaer re me

ghursdsy Mr. md tire. Wtthert t it ~m i „O n

Fairf'eld SP kan % tch NI Twyl O Ifseebreakfast guests. Wa„and Coeur and Carols Farrington, alt Klnman

Glen Stacker aad daughter of L ~stoa Her son-iri-law and daugh- University students, Spokane, arrrtInde, ANIPI1 X7 Mr. and Mrs. Witbert Bruastek and tNe ymo h, ere Saturday visit.. Mr. and M

Si&ow ily w ere Sunday dinner guests of7:Nl to 8:80a. m. DN'Mr. ~d Mm -Joh BI~earp and Nr and Nrs, Albert Glenn. turned home hvith them, Mr. «nd Mrs, Barney Driscoll of

Ricky an Lor Gl nn "nday Surrday bfr and Nr> bla I„Lon Lewiston hvere Sunday visitors ot

We Need $200 to Sponsor tke Programi

saturday supper guests. : afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and N~Mrs. Ada Daugherty, Eennewick, and bfrs QVIIbert Brunstek Jim Odberg home at Genoese i Moscow, visited in the Darby home

EQQC, HA+ vrss a Saturday over-nigh't guest of . Nr. and Mrs. Ben Case of Water-HOT CAKES all you can eat—EGGS- Ll vd Cree and Jean 'ille, Wash.. and lVtiton Samuelson h d

COFF~~ ~n A aes s-" ~ BBIt R-' s. Robert D aper w a Ved- of Tacoma were week-end guests of Chmles K terb k d f yil f her grandd ught r, Mm. Ath %ltd,aesday afternoon guest of Mrs. Roy Dorothy Meyer. G~ge nt M d N e ~ NR ~I tu~

md l~ 'C~g. and a ~tday caller of Mr Mr and Nrs Hme Roil. Rein- Tutor ~ f'~tt,and Nr- ~ Mm. day folio~~ a weeks A,tt ln Cen-ADULTS: $L00 and bfrs. Jesse Thornton.; hard Wilken, Mr. and Mrs. Narvin Gary B~~kg and f~g ~ f tral P int, Ja lmmhvttte and ~th

Nr. a d Mm. Go~on Pete~ were Stlflow, Ma~ann and J~, Mr a d Jutisettag am y' Rdls, O

-',among the Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. John Blair and Robert, Mr. and Nr and Mm H ld Old had Nr. and Nrs, Carrot Bcggaa anNr. and Mrs. Bob Henriksea and Mrs. Ted Meyer sad family, bfr. and as lve„k.end guests Mr ~ Mrs g daughter of Anatone were weekendfamily, Troy, other guests were Nr.! Mrs Reinhardt schroeder snd tarn"

I J. staarstead and daughter ot Tread guests of N" and Mrs Dick Parsand Mrs. Frank Heariksen, Pomeroy,

i ily, Mrs. Thelma Neyer and Dorothy, heim Norway The Snuggteggg ~e tey,

OFRctAL ENTRY and Mrs. Sylvia O. Peters of Spok-,i Meyer were Sunday dinner guestsi aow visiting in the U S after hav- Nrs Dick Parsley

i ane.I

of Mr. and Mrs. Horst Reil. The tag lived here for many years They Junior Achievement Award Night! Mr. snd Nrs. Andy Dreps of Lew-. occasion was honoring the birthday i returned to Norw to ret>e" sponsored by the Masonic Education', iston were Friday visitors of bfr anniversaries of Mariana Sitftow and, Mrs FAItth Ramey of Btsckf< t Ass"n, which wrLs iield at Asottn on,'nd Mrs. Herman Johnson. Nrs. Horst Reil. ;Idaho State Rebekan Lodge Presl- Tuesd > of hM't week. The PaW y

'repswas ateo a Monday visitor., Nrs. Thelma Meyer, Mrs. Tcd, dent was a Friday over night guest granddaughter, Shelley Shepherrt ofMr. and Mrs. biarvln Vincent were,Neyer. Mrs, Bill Thornton, Jr„andi in the home of pearls Lan'n Sat» Ctarkston won first place la the

t ~t ~ I ~I~ I Monday evening callers.IMiss Dorothy bfeyer attended th

~i rdsy bt~ Ramc>, and N<~ ~~ Junior Achievement Award contest.

jcharles Fey was a Sunday supper

IPalouse Conference Convention in; attended the R b imh Db,t~.< ai~<. Contestants w'ere 14 outstandirrg

guest of Mr, arid Nrs. Ted Fey andiMoscow, Thursday,f0ill I1y. Nr. and bfrs. Charles Havens aad. Mr and Nrs Rolr Ar Itsge andi selected froai several eourrties of the

Nrs. Dennis Jackson was a Thurs- Jeff of Ctarkston, and Mr. aad Mrs.i son Max ot ~Vh ch ter were S~d isoutheastern part of Washington.

; day visitor af Nrs. Jesse Thornton. Harry Newman and David w'ere di~erl Wayne Thornton. Lewiston, was a'Srmday visitors of Helen aad Ted,CI m nhag n ~I Saturday caller. Mlelke.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson Nrs. Ted Fey and Cindy wereu I

'I v S dyviit ofM. dM . visit 1 th Fed N an hoAndy Dreps and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monday evening, ,to taklr this opportunity lo thrlak ev-

Hunt in Lewiston. Mr, and Nrs. Aug. Brammer were l 'eryonc who has assisted or hettndMrs. Ted Fey was a Monday even- Monday afternoon callers in the Fred i completed. Nrs- Wolff served de-

Irac dlrrtag this time

-ON.R OF FOUR IhIKVf AMX ing visitor of ¹s.Fred Newman. Newman home. I cannot help but note tl o differenceTerry Allen was a Monday aver-) g p~~ in equipment and methods ot fightirrg

R, DOR SPORTS COUPES dght gue t of Ciady Fey. IHomemakers Club Meetsi

ln the Convention„held ln Lewtstonif

Auen Jeffries ofi The April meeting of the Letsad. Apru 15th were MYBL James Whit jre Brace arne a mom r ra,

Boise were Friday over-night and Cameron Homemakers Club was held inget Mrs- Thee Neake. Nrs, Leon-II early thirties,

saturday guests ot Mr. and Mre.iat ths home et Mra tnouard ttrottt. erd spotty Mra sordes tretem, Mre.l oood iueh to altr be» chn't snd t»I s I a I eonsrd Wolff. AII drove to the Favors for the North Distr}ct Con- Emll Sitftow snd Mrs. 'Wttbur Cor-I the departraent as a whole.

'I;!I'Il II I'i; Ijl i) Ii, Dworshak Dam, vention of Homemakers Clubs were'~+. George *ndcrsoriMr. aad Mrs. Leonard Wolff snd

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jeffries were.'t; it ii I I I .'I, 0 .I'.l. Saturday over-night visitors in Coeur jld'Alene. Sunday they were among25 other guests in the home ofWalter Burns, who wss celebrating Rfri S.tl reran'is 90th birthday anniversary. Mr. ~r. I;R I rrdlsie:

%E SPFCiAUZE IN HOME-Sna COOKIHt; IMrs. Jeffries. Eareute home Sun-I

day they visited Doug Christeasen —HOON $ 1'KCl AL—and Bill %'eyen, patients at the Grit- I

CITY man Hospital in Moscoer. III~ I

We WiQ Nore BeOpen On Sundaysand Mrs. Marvin Vincent. his latest marriage counselor

Steehg —Beer —Sentlwieheg —Feseteln"IIIo," replied the mnn, "I let her[I e I

Nine musicians from the surround- Blrriep," 1Ne EnIOy Sernfifl YOtf


ing area presented the musical pro- ) I

gram at the regular meeting of the you hrrven't got time to think about IHammoad Organ Group at the Y. such thh g but white you'rc feeling

Mm. Glen Stevens ~d Mn. Douglas dmn fa~, A B~h g no further iFields from the Stony Point area; crease, for 22 year olds w~ esra

IMiss Dorothy Neyer, Mrs. Oscar $7.N0 for the next 42 years, thev mustSihrd. Roy Ramey, Mrs, Herman pay social security taxes worth

222,-'chupfer,Mrs. Burton Souders, Jr., 963, tf only 4 per cent interest is as-Mrs. Jack Lohman snd Mrs. Max Burned. Theh "annuity" at age 85

p / l Ivttt orlly bel Others attending were Mrs. Effie Thgk of ItiiI..E Powell (mother of Nrs. Stevens);

„'OrSuaxuuerand Oscar Slfnd. (or Iaverrtnrerrta) Tldrdr of Ooat

Represeatattv» ef

G~ The Ke-ge-ta campfire ~ ~his a8 @ hrd minter for carsgirls went on a hike after schooi on F~ I,tfe Irrsrrrance Cerrrpsny ~ ~

April 14, The memberrl thtked dong trucks. It would be mme to bnng your earPotlatch Creek, after which they aletheir lunches ccohsd over ete camp. trilflRg01'mlirgitg> in for a Springtime tune up to make ee-r

tain it mill be ready for dependable su

Stephanie Kambitsch, scribe mer drsvfng.


1 Ib.-79c —2 lbs.4Il.49 —' lbs.4I2.19',

s. 010 '',6 oz. Inst.-9$c 10 oz. st..II ~

HKX FACIAL TISSUK-'ruit Cocktagl- 4/g te rt Cheek up nOIO-

nsize Kleenex —8 Boxes ....$1A}0 2 Standby-40S Crhas parr's laterF

I Crit Green Beans,,„„irt .....................................................57) hl'


ERN FAMILY POTATO CHIPSBoyd ...........,,..............................,dec, Hi-LO FrOZ. DeSSert, „„„,„,,„$IIRL II9C,

eWe".:S >roCery '4NK.flci",R).,cSllpy.y'Your

Friendly'tore"e 888N81 XemfrieIf: > gIN TRA.VIS PHONE gag-Ig <

~ 'W 'W W % M 'W & 'V %' m 'V W W W m ~ uev ~ W W vV % W W V V W W