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July/August 2014

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Larkmead Vet

The George





Waterfront Cafe


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What’s On in July/August 2014

Tue 1st Silver Threads in St Laurence Hall at 2.15pm

Wed 2nd Parish Council Meeting in The Greet Hall at 7.30pm

Sun 6th Car Boot Sale on The Green from 7.30 am

Mon 7th Focus Photographic Outing to Thame

Wed 9th WI Meeting visit to Manor Farm Herbs Bicester

Thu 10th Village Coffee Morning in St Laurence Hall 10.00 - 12.00

Sat 12th Warborough Fayre on The Green South from 1.00 pm

Tue 15th Wallingford Farmers Market 8.30 - 1.30 pm

St Lawrence House Communion at 2.15 pm

Thu 17th Warborough Walkers meet at The Pavilion at 9.45 am

Thu 24th Village Coffee Morning in St Laurence Hall 10.00 - 12.00

Wed 30th Mowers & Growers visit to Farnborough


Sun 3rd Car Boot Sale on The Green from 7.30 am

Thu 7th Village Coffee Morning in St Laurence Hall 10.00 - 12.00

Wed13th WI Meeting

Tue 19th Wallingford Farmers Market 8.30 - 1.30 pm

St Lawrence House Communion at 2.15 pm

Thu 21st Village Coffee Morning in St Laurence Hall 10.00 - 12.00

Warborough Walkers meet at The Pavilion at 9.45 am

Wed 27th Mowers & Growers Social Evening in St Laurence Hall at 7.30 pm

The opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor is pleased

to receive material for publication, but reserves the right to amend or reject it at her discretion.

Copy date for the next edition Friday15th August

Parish Magazine Contacts:

Editor: Sue Dyke, 18 Henfield View, Warborough OX10 7DB

tel: 01865 858555 e-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Milly Duncan, Cranbrook Cottage, 17 The Green South,

Warborough, OX10 7DR tel: 0771 7666019

Email: [email protected]

Distribution: Ken Webb - 01865 858187

Printing: Colourplus, Chalgrove - 01865 400040

The magazine is published monthly (but single issues for July/August and December/

January) and is distributed to all households in the parish.

Cover photograph ‘Sunset’

by Chris Webb - member of the

Warborough & Shillingford Photography Club 3



St Birinus Church, Dorchester Roman Catholic Services Masses: Weekdays 9.30am, Sat at 6.30pm, Sun at 11.00am and 9.30am at Berinsfield.

Confessions; Sat between 5.45 - 6.15pm or upon request.

Exposition &Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Sun monthly 5 - 6.00pm. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sun 9.30am during Berinsfield Mass.

Date Morning Evening

Stadhampton Warborough Warborough

6th July 9.30 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm

Trinity 3 Parish Praise! Parish Eucharist Evensong

13th July 9.30 am 8.00 am BCP 6.00 pm

Trinity 4 Parish Eucharist Holy Communion Evensong

11.00 am

Parish Praise!

20th July 9.30 am BCP 11.00 am 6.00 pm

Trinity 5 Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong

27th July 9.30 am 8.00 am BCP 7.00 pm Taize

Trinity 6 Parish Eucharist Holy Communion in Dorchester

11.00 am Abbey


3rd August 9.30 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm

Trinity 7 Parish Praise! Parish Eucharist Evensong

10th August 9.30 am 8.00 am BCP 6.00 pm

Trinity 8 Parish Eucharist Holy Communion Warborough

Feast Service

on the Green

17th August 9.30 am BCP 11.00 am 6.00 pm

Trinity 9 Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong

24th August 9.30 am 8.00 am BCP 7.00 pm Taize

Trinity 10 Parish Eucharist Holy Communion in Dorchester

11.00 am Abbey


31st August Team Service at Stadhampton

Trinity 11

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St. Lawrence House, Warborough. There will be a service of Holy Communion

on Tuesday 15th July and 19th August at 2.15 pm.

If you would like transport to Church please contact:

Gay Goodall 01865 858505, or Cherry Pearson 01865 858548,

No later than Saturday afternoon.


July 6th Romey Jameson July 13th Romey Jameson

July 20th Wedding July 27th Pippa Lamb

Aug. 3rd Wedding Aug. 10th Cherry Pearson

Aug. 17th Cherry Pearson Aug. 24th Wedding

Aug. 31st Hilary Warburton



23rd May Ivan Jolliffe (W)

6th June Grahame Duffield (W)

Memorial Service

16th June Mike Friend (W)


30th May James Fairbairn & Sarah Shaw (S)

Wedding Blessing

31st May Richard Meagher & Emma Nettleton (N)


15th June Carla Day & Darla Bowen (W)

Come and join us at the


Just drop in for a coffee and a chat

in St Laurence Hall, Warborough 10.00— 12 noon

Thursday 10th July - Pat & Chris (300 Club Draw)

Thursday 24th July - Paul & Rosie

Thursday 7th August - Ann & Sandra (300 Club Draw)

Thursday 21st August - Sandra & Connor



Team Vicar

Parish Office



Licensed Lay Ministers/Readers

PCC Treasurer



Sunday Club

Church Flower Arrangers

Friends of St Laurence Church

St Laurence Hall Bookings

Parish Magazine

Parish Council Clerk

Greet Hall Bookings

St Laurence School

Parents & Friends Association

Pre-School Group (WASPS)

Allotment Organiser

Focus Group (Photography)

Lunch Club

Mowers & Growers (Gardening)

Silver Threads

W & S Cricket Club

W & S Short Mat Bowls Club

W & S Society

W & S Tennis Club (SWATA)

Warborough & Shillingford WI

Warborough Walkers

Neighbourhood Watch


Surgery Car Service

The Revd Caroline King

The Revd Myles Godfrey

Mr Richard Pascoe

Mrs Edna Strange

Mr Brian Newey

Mrs Edna Strange

Mr Mike Powell

Mrs Pat Hopkins

Mrs Sue Dyke

Mrs Pippa Lamb

Mr Rick Rowse

Mrs Pat Arnold

Mrs Sue Dyke

Ms Jo Burns

Mr Will Partridge

Ms Nicole Cooper

Mr John Cooke

Pre-School Manager

Mr Will Partridge

Mr Ray Thackrah

Mrs Chris Buckland Jones

Ms Anne Catterson-Smith

Mrs Muriel Potter

Mr Jonnie Bradshaw

Mr Bill Woodward

Mrs Liz Eaton

Mrs Fiona Reay

Mrs Sarah Allan

Mrs Sue Rampton

Berinsfield Health Centre

Mr Raj Niventheran, The Stores






















01491 839122







858673 858126




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Dear Friends,

As we approach the quieter summer months and hopefully the promise of better

weather, I hope that you manage to take some time out of the daily routine and

busyness of day-to-day life. The idea of rest and refreshment appears on the first

page of the Bible. In Genesis Chapter 2 God takes a rest, God looks around at his

creation on the seventh day sees that it is good and hallows the Sabbath. It was the

day on which he no longer did things but purely delighted in them.

If God needed a rest so do we. To enjoy a full and complete life we need to strive

for a balance between being and doing. I hope that this summer you manage some

valuable ‘downtime’ whether at home or on holiday and that during that time you

are able to make space in order to cherish your life, spend time with the people who

love and care for you and just enjoy what you have been given.

Happy Holidays

Best Wishes


Since I last wrote we have had some lovely well-attended Easter services, thank you

to everybody who worked so hard to clean and decorate the churches for Easter,

they looked wonderful. Towards the end of April we held our Annual meetings

(APCM), at these meetings we elect churchwardens and the PCC for the year, we

also recall the previous year and thank people for their contributions towards the life

of our church and our village.

There has been a change of churchwardens both in Stadhampton with

Chiselhampton and in Warbrorough and Shiilingford. Sandra stood down at

Stadhampton following 2 extremely busy years during which she oversaw the re-

ordering of St Johns including 6 months when our services were held outside of St

John’s either in St Katherine’s or in Stadhampton Primary School hall. We now have

fantastic facilities in St John’s that are available to the whole village. In Warborough

Peter Buridge also stood down as warden after many years, Peter has been involved

in so much, but was particularly instrumental in enabling small groups to form

for different aspects of church life. I am delighted that both Sandra and Peter remain

very much involved in church life. I would like to thank them both for their fantastic

work on behalf of the church and benefitting the whole village, it is most definitely

Au-revoir not goodbye.

With best wishes


St Laurence Warborough Christian Aid Door to Door Collection

My thanks to all that made donations during this year’s Christian Aid collection.

Thank you also to those that gave their time and energy to carrying out the

collection door to door.

The total given and forwarded to Christian Aid this year was: £425.87.

Cherry Pearson

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Saturday 13th September 2014 10am - 6pm

A sponsored event to raise money

• directly for your church and

• indirectly for Oxfordshire’s churches

The Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust celebrates its 50th anniversary this year so

I hope that the profile of the Ride (cyclists) and Stride (walkers) - the St/Ride - can be

raised! The year began in April with a Jubilee birthday celebration for the St/Ride

community in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of

Wessex. This was a very special occasion: a short ecumenical service, an address by

the Bishop of Dorchester and the cutting of a bike-shaped cake preceded the

presentation of those present to their Royal Highnesses.

Over the past 50 years, more than £3.5 million have been given in grants to repair

and restore churches of different denominations within the county, with the St/Ride

raising more than £1.8 million. Last year saw over £127,000 being raised, just £1000

short of the record 2009 total. In Warborough and Shillingford, a record sum of

£1400 was raised! Congratulations to all cyclists, walkers, church welcomers and

sponsors for raising this fantastic amount - a remarkable achievement considering the

current financial climate! Without you this would not have happened.

Looking forward, please put into your diary the Saturday 13 September 2014 date of

the 2014 St/Ride - just over two months away - as it gives you the opportunity to

raise funds for both St Laurence Church, Warborough (or the Oxfordshire church of

your choice) and Oxfordshire’s historic churches by visiting as many churches as you

can, or by welcoming St/Riders to your church. Why not help celebrate the 50th

Anniversary by raising at least £50, or getting 50 sponsors, or even better - for the

real enthusiasts - to take up the challenge to visit 50 churches or travel 50 miles!

Sponsorship forms and lists of churches will be available in early July. It is easy for

sponsors to register on-line by visiting the brand new OHCT website -

www.ohct.org.uk - which gives details of collecting sponsorship through the

JustGiving website.

For more information, please contact the Church Organiser

Michael Watkins on 01865 858597


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1ST Prize £ 45.00 No. 052 Charlie Martin Warborough

2nd Prize £ 15.00 No. 093 Derek Hawkins Warborough

3rd Prize £ 10.00 No.170 Jane Harrington. Warborough





The ‘Songs for St. Laurence Hall’ Concert by CAT’S CHORUS in May was a

great success. The programme contained many popular numbers but the locally

compiled unique arrangements added to the enjoyment and held everyone’s

attention throughout the evening. Our appreciation was extended to The Musical

Director - Elinor Carter by The Rev. Caroline King. The evening finished with a

retreat to the Hall for snacks and refreshments which were also enjoyed. Overall,

the evening contributed £620.00 to the Hall Improvement Fund.

The 2014-5 Series of Monthly Cash Draws has now begun but that does not mean

the ‘door’ is closed – our Treasurer, Sue Dyke will accept late comers.

A significant quantity of household goods were recently offered for our Sale Tables in

the Hall – but participating in the June CAR BOOT SALE proved to be a good

idea when it provided £143.00 toward hall improvements.

Obviously, any income from the TABLE TOP SALE held in late June was not to

hand when compiling these notes but the promised support is encouraging.


The award we received earlier this year from the WAITROSE COMMUNITY

MATTERS Campaign plus a donation from a local business man we have now

satisfied requests for several chairs with arms to be available in the hall.

We do now have some proposed projects for a significant programme of work

around the hall which addresses the approach area – the safety of the emergency

exit and reducing the risk of rising damp in the external brickwork.

Quotations are being sought, but we are not able to forecast a start date until the

necessary funding is to hand.

Opportunities for gaining a grant are also being researched.

The St. Laurence Hall Management Group thanks everyone for their

support at all times and trusts you all have a great summer holiday.

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Welcome to Mowers & Growers news!

We’re busy getting ready for the Warborough Fayre where we’ll

have a plant and produce stall as well as a tombola. As

mentioned last month, we would be most grateful for potted up cuttings or spare

plants to sell - any offerings can be left at the Burridges (18 The Green South) at

any time. Homemade jams and home grown produce which always go down

well at these events would also be much appreciated as would tombola prizes;

these can be delivered to Anne Catterson-Smith (859963).

At the end of this month on Wednesday 30th Peter Burridge has organised a

private evening visit to an outstanding local garden: The Old Rectory,

Farnborough (near Wantage). The award winning garden, which has been featured

in Country Life, is full of interest with a series of immaculately tended garden rooms,

including herbaceous borders, an arboretum, boules, roses, a pool and vegetables.

There is an explosion of rare and interesting plants, beautifully combined for colour

and texture. With stunning views across the countryside, it is the perfect setting for

the 1749 Rectory which was the home of John Betjeman in whose memory John

Piper created a window in the local church.

The visit starts at 6.30pm and includes a snack and home-made lemonade

provided by the owner, Mrs Todhunter. Non-members would be very

welcome to join us and all you need to do to book your place is contact Peter

Burridge either by phone (858241) or e-mail ([email protected]). The

cost per head will be £7 for non-members and £5 for members. Another stunning

garden visit not to be missed, says Peter!

And finally a note for your diary – we have organised an afternoon visit with guided

tour on Wednesday 24th September to Englefield Gardens, Theale – all are

welcome to come - more information about this in September’s magazine.

St Laurence C of E Primary


Open Morning Tuesday September 16th 2014

9:00am – 11:00am

Everybody welcome

Wallingford Farmers Market

Tuesdays; 15th July & 19th August

between 8.30 am - 1.30 pm

Market Place and Feathers Yard, Wallingford


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Warborough Fayre Raffle Prizes 12 July 2014


1 Ltd edition print (63/950) ‘Blue Dancers’ painting by Edgar Degas

2 Aerial Photograph of winner’s house

3 Gloucester Rugby Shirt signed by 1sT Team

4 Wallingford Butchers Voucher

5 Hamper

6 3 Hour Sculpture Session

7 Manicure & Paint or Shellac Gel Nail Manicure

8 Beauty Voucher

9 16 year old whisky

10 Handmade Baby Quilt

11 Hamper

12 Meal for two plus a bottle of wine at The Six Bells

13 Midsummer Murders goodies

14 Homemade Carrot Cake

15 Reed Diffuser

16 3 bottles quality sparkling wine

17 Collection sweets – Thorntons, Ferrero Rocher & Haribo

18 Box of goodies (1)

19 Box of goodies (2)

20 Bottle of Whisky

21 Rosenbaum Solingen 72 piece cutlery set with carrying case.

Tickets available at @1.00 each from:

Chas Bain, The Cricketers, Thame Road, Warborough

Giles Chamberlin, 9 Henfield View, Warborough

Joff Hancock, The Green North, Warborough

Jackie Newman, 23 Hammer Lane, Warborough

Shirley Collen, 102 Thame Road, Warborough

The Six Bells, The Green South, Warborough

Ken Webb, 4 Cherry Close, Shillingford

Tracy Armstrong, 15 Court Drive, Shillingford

Peter Worley, 10 St. Lawrence House, Warborough

The Post Office, Warborough

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The subject for the display of photographs at the June meeting

was ANIMALS or BIRDS and this produced a good selection

of photographs from members. The winners were: a

Marshall Eagle by Ray Thackrah, a Reindeer by Mick Edwards,

a Barn Owl by Ken King and a Goose by Ken King – these will all be displayed in St

Laurence Hall in the coming month or so.

The Club will be represented at the Warborough Fayre where we shall be holding a

competition, ‘Warborough & Shillingford – a different perspective’, to

identify pictures taken around the villages. We shall also be doing ‘Light Painting’

which I am sure many of the children will find interesting and fun!

Our fortnightly Summer meetings will be trips out to take photographs and we shall

be starting off at Days Lock, Little Wittenham and the Clumps on Monday 23rd June.

On Monday 7th July we shall visit Thame. If you are interested in joining us on any of

our trips please do please get in touch.

For more information contact Ray Thackrah on 01865 858541

Have a look at our members’ photographs at www.wandsfocusgroup.org.uk


You will have read in last month’s magazine that

David Moren-Brown has taken over as Editor of our magazine.

However, I am sorry to say that due to a change of circumstances

this has not happened and I will continue as Editor

for the time being.

I should therefore be grateful if you would continue to forward all

articles for publication directly to me at:

[email protected]

Many thanks

Sue Dyke

Available for meetings,

children’s parties etc.

Reasonable Rates - Good Car


Please contact: Pat Arnold 858948



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Greet Hall

Now that the work on the Greet Hall is complete (with the exception of

the wooden fire doors, due to be replaced in June), we would like to thank all the

individuals and bodies who have helped in the work and processing of the grants

involved. The building, given to the village by the Greet family in 1924, is an

important asset in our community and when necessary repair and upgrading work

was estimated to be in excess of £90,000, the grants offered by the Oxfordshire

County Council Village Grant Scheme ensured that the complete work could be

carried out in a comprehensive package.

To summarise what has been achieved - the main hall and lower level rear roof have

been replaced, using new clay tiles, new battens, felt and new timbers inserted where

necessary. The heating system has been replaced and roof insulation installed to

retain the heat for longer. The lighting has been modernised and up/down lighters

installed to offer controllable lighting for social events. Another grant has enabled a

modernisation of the stage lighting. The hall has also been redecorated. Throughout

this process it has remained open for its regular users - short mat bowls, keep fit

clubs, WI branch meetings, Judo club and the PC meetings. There is also a junior

acting club, music, dancing and regular private functions.

The following grants were applied for and have now either been received or are

being processed:

SODC £25,121

ORCC £7,000

Trust for Oxfordshire Environment £50,000 Our thanks to these bodies for their

contributions, to Will Partridge for masterminding the work and to our local County

Councillor, Lorraine Lindsay-Gale, for her help and support.

Tree surgery

Work will be carried out on the yew tree with a dead branch in the churchyard and

the lime trees on the Green.

Playground on the Green

The swings have now been made safe.

Come and support Warborough Fayre on July 12th on the Green South

from 1pm - all proceeds going towards the purchase of new play

equipment for the Green!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd July at 7.30pm

in the Greet Memorial Hall.

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Fill in each grid so that every

column, every row and every

3 x 3 box contains the digits

1 to 9.

Answers on page 21




In ten minutes, find as many words as possible using only the

letters in the box.

Each word must use the centre letter and at least three others,

and letters can only be used once.

Plurals, foreign words or proper nouns are not allowed, but

verb forms ending in ‘s’ are permitted.

There is one nine-letter word in the box.

Your rating: - 15 words average. 20 words good.

25 words very good. 30 words excellent.

1 A Bulldog, a Spaniel, a Labrador and a Beagle all lived in a dog sanctuary and after

their morning walk each had their usual titbit, a bone, biscuit, chew or a

chocolate drop. The beagle prefers chews to biscuits while the Labrador never

eats bones, unlike the bulldog who will eat one anytime. If the spaniel has a

sweet tooth what titbit did each have?

2 Which book was recently polled to be the overall children’s favourite?

3. In which year were Mars Bars first on sale? 1932 – 1934 – 1936.

4 Which actress is married to actor Timothy West?

5. Pewter is an alloy of which two metals?

6. What is the noun for being a right handed person?

7. Who scored the first goal for England in the current FIFA World Cup


8. Which plant name is sometimes used repeatedly to describe background


9 What is the International Vehicle Registration Code for The Netherlands?

10 What should be the next number in the series 13 – 18 – 23 – 26 – 31 – 36 – ??



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Police Enquiry Centre & Control Room Telephone 101 Thames Valley Police are advising residents living in South Oxfordshire to

be extra vigilant following shed and garage breaks in the area. Most

incidents have occurred overnight. For crime prevention advice on securing sheds/

garages and details on property marking please click on the link below:



If you see any suspicious looking people or vehicles in the area, try to obtain vehicle

details including colour, make/model, registration number and a description of any

person seen.

Please report any information to the police as soon as possible on the 24 hour non-

emergency telephone number 101 or call 999 for crime in progress.

Alternatively if you have information but wish to remain anonymous, please call

Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online @ crimestoppers-uk.org. No personal

details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

1/4 advert

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Warborough and Shillingford Pre-School

A small and friendly Pre-School set in the beautiful

South Oxfordshire countryside.

Purpose-built premises in the grounds of St Laurence School, Warborough, with

garden and all weather outside area enabling freeflow indoors and outdoors play.

Impressive Ofsted reports.

Idividually-tailored learning based on structured free play.

Children welcome from 2 years old (nappies no problem).

Open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm with flexible morning and afternoon

sessions. After school care from 3.00pm - 5.30 pm for children aged 3 to 11

years. Sessions £3.40 per hour,

Early Years voucher funding and most other childcare funding accepted.

For more information or to arrange a visit for your child,

contact the Pre-School Manager on 01865 859933


Warborough & Shillingford Pre-School, 16 Thame Rd, Warborough OX10 7DX

Registered Charity 1037228. Member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance

Due to some uncertainty with the weather forecast the June meeting was held in St.

Laurence Hall instead of Mary Macdonald’s garden as originally planned.

Unfortunately due to various reasons only sixteen members were able to attend but

this did not prevent those present from enjoying a delicious tea provided by the

Committee members. Dainty sandwiches plus homemade cakes and scones were

plentiful, complemented of course with freshly brewed tea.

It was again a pleasure to have The Rev. Caroline King drop by for a cuppa and have

a chat with everyone.

The meeting in July features a talk by Carole Banks about the work and history of the

Blue Cross Organisation. This will surely hold every ones attention. Bring a tissue,

just in case!

The Silver Threads normally meet on the first Tuesday of each month

(except August) at 2.15 in the St. Laurence Hall.

Guests and new members are always welcome to any of our meetings.


on The Green from 7.30 am until 12 noon

Sundays: 6th July & 3rd August

Charges for Pitches between £6.00 and £10.00

Enquiries to 01865 858187



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Warborough & Shillingford WI

On Wednesday, 11th June 2014, 14 members enjoyed a beautiful

summer evening visit to Manor Farm Herbs, at Fringford. We sat

in the garden of the owner, Jane Petry, who talked to us about

herbs and their culinary, medicinal and horticultural uses. Jane also

told us how we should be looking after them, so we discovered why they sometimes

fail! We were then given a free rein to wander around the herb farm, and suddenly

14 women were like children in a sweet shop!

Refreshments, made by Jane, all contained her herbs: Cheese & Herb Toast, Fennel

Bread, Mint Scones and Chocolate & Rosemary Cake, all delicious. The car boots

were filled to overflowing with the herbs we bought. It was a thoroughly enjoyable

and interesting evening. The website has all of Jane’s herb recipes.

Book Group: In June the Book Group met to discuss “A short walk in the

Hindu Kush” by Eric Newby. This is a story of two inexperienced and woefully ill

prepared English adventurers, who set off on a legendary journey from Mayfair to

Afghanistan, and the mountains of the Hindu Kush, North East of Kabul.

The book, written in 1956, was a book of its time. It was very readable, and enjoyed

by us all, full of self deprecating humour, sharp wit and understatement, although at

times pushed the boundaries of credibility.

July: On Wednesday, 9th July, our speaker will talk about Japanese cooking and

demonstrate her skills. This will certainly be a different and interesting evening.

More information about W.I. events is in the Newsletter.

Names and contact details

Sarah Allan, President, tel 01865 858673 Julie Meadows, tel 01865 858755

Chris Tilley, Treasurer, tel 01865 858738 Ann Wells, Secretary, tel 01865 341246

Wallingford Museum and TWHAS

Current: Museum open with new exhibition

‘Siege and Strife: Wallingford and War’ PLUS Agatha Christie

Sat 19 July - 'Family Archaeology Day', at Museum

Sat 16 August - 'Saxon and Viking Day', at Museum

Sat 20 Sept – 'A Very British Murder’ – talk by Lucy Worsley

Tues 14 Oct - Additional exhibition opens at Museum

"POW Sketchbook - Will Wilder's original 1942-45 drawings of

life in a Japanese prison camp"

Thurs 30 Oct – ‘A Night at the Museum 2’ - NEW (repeat by popular request!)

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Benson Art Group Exhibition – Friday 18th and Saturday 19th July 2014

We wish to welcome you to our 21st annual exhibition held by the Benson Art

Group. During the past 21 years in excess of £9,500 has been raised through this

event to support the Millstream Day Centre. We hope you will visit us during the

weekend of 18/19th July 2014 at the Millstream Day Centre (signposted from Brook

Street and next to the Medical Centre) to enjoy, and perhaps purchase at modest

prices the paintings we have been working hard to produce for you to view. As in

previous years, a variety of media has been used to create landscapes (some of which

are local), animals, birds, still life, etc., etc. and even some more modern works. We

anticipate there will be in the order of 80 paintings for you to view, most of which

will be for sale.

We will open the doors on the evening of Friday 18th July at 7pm until 9pm and again

on Saturday 19th July 2014 from 10am to midday. Entry on the Friday will be £3 to

cover a programme and to enjoy a complimentary glass of red/white wine or soft

drink with some delicious nibbles while viewing the art, or perhaps to enjoy a glass in

the delightful garden with old or new friends. If you are unable to come on Friday

evening or would like to come again, we will be back at the Day Centre on the

Saturday morning when entry only costs £1 and includes tea or coffee and biscuit

together with a programme. There will be raffle tickets on sale at the door, your

chance to win one or more of the prizes that have been donated by the artists.

We are a friendly group of enthusiastic artists with a variety of abilities and working

in different media who meet every week on Wednesday mornings (apart from some

holidays) at the Parish Hall. Occasionally we invite a professional artist to give us a

demonstration or to conduct a workshop when we learn about using a different

medium or various techniques in drawing and painting.

We are looking forward to your joining us on 18th or 19th July at the Millstream

Centre for our exhibition, which has become an important social and fund-raising

event in the Benson calendar.

Trisha Scott on behalf of the Benson Art Group

Mon-Fri 7.00am - 7.00pm

Saturday 8.00am - 7.00pm

Sunday 8.00am - 1.00pm

Warborough’s Village Store

Fresh Bread Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Newspapers and Magazines

‘Cook’ Frozen Ready Meals and Puddings

Good selection of wines and spirits and beers always available

Don’t forget you can also purchase your Lottery Tickets in store

Please continue to support your Village Store – it is an important part of

village life and you will always receive a friendly welcome!



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Wallingford Flower Club

A Flower arranging demonstration is being given by Kyoko Regan entitled

“Dreams come True”.

This combines both Japanese and European Flower Arranging techniques which is

taking place on Wednesday 9th July 2014 at 7pm for 7.45pm at Crowmarsh Village

Hall, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh, Wallingford OX10 8ED

Visitors £4 each For further details Contact Fay Crabbe on 01491-834303

Wallingford & District Art Club

Date: Tuesdays, 7.30–9.30 pm, Centre 70, Goldsmiths Lane

On 15 July Rob Dudley will be using watercolours to demonstrate painting light on

water. Non-members are welcome for a fee of £5. On the other Tuesdays of the

month there will be the usual untutored workshops, where non-members are

welcome for fee of £3. Please bring your own materials and a project to work on at

painting workshops. There will be no demonstration in August but demonstrations

will commence again on 16 September, with Tony Jackson painting 'Life in India' in

acrylics. For further details about this or future demonstrations contact either

Rebekah Robinson 01865 858463 or Gill Selby 01491 834181.


Following the success of the 2013-14 season with eight of our nine senior teams

retaining their league status with promotion for the ninth year it is time to turn our

attention to the upcoming season. Our five Men’s and four Ladies teams provide

competitive hockey for players of all abilities.

Wallingford’s objective is to provide “Seriously Fun Hockey” to all of our members

from those who join our thriving junior teams in the Under 6s through to those

looking to pass their skills on to younger generations. Our junior section for Under

12s has 260 members and plays matches and tournaments throughout the season.

This coming season will aim to develop the boys and girls U14 and U16 teams to

help integrate them into our successful adult teams.

Wallingford Hockey Club is always looking for new members of all abilities, so,

whether you are a current player looking for a new Club or someone looking to

return to hockey after a while, we have something to offer you. There is no better

time to join Wallingford Hockey Club as we are offering half price senior

membership fees for new members for the 2014-15 season.

To find out more please visit www.wallingfordhc.org.uk or contact either

[email protected] or [email protected] for

further details.

Warborough Walkers will be meeting at The Cricket Pavilion

at 9.45 am Thursdays 17th July and 21st August

. Everyone is welcome to join us. Our walks are always on the 3rd

Thursday monthly and we walk about 5 miles. Further information from Sue Rampton 858126.


Warborough & Shillingford Tennis Club

Notice from SWATA:

Please be aware that the tennis courts on the Green are community courts. The

maintenance is funded fully by membership fees and fund raising.

To use these courts for lessons and recreation you must be a paid-up member

(juniors included).

If you would like to join, please complete the form or contact Fiona Reay at

[email protected]. We look forward to seeing you on the courts.

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John Howell writes for June:


It is good to be able to begin my newsletter this month with some good news.

Employment figures published this month show that there is a record number of people in

employment. Nationally it is a good picture and locally unemployment has again fallen.

Across the whole of the constituency the number of unemployed claimants stands at 371.

This has been improving month by month. I know how distressing it is to be unemployed

and looking for work so I am delighted to see these figures. Of course for those still job

hunting it remains difficult but I hope that the trend will give them hope in their search.


There has been coverage in the media on delays in processing passport applications. The

Home Secretary has announced some interim measures to help relieve the problem whilst

a longer term review is undertaken. The Passport Office is issuing advice for people

waiting for a new or renewed passport and in the first instance please check that.

However if you do not get a sufficiently quick response and your travel date looms very

close please do contact my office on 01491 613072 and we will see what we are able to

do to help.


The Queens speech sets out the legislative agenda for parliament for the year ahead. This

coming year I am pleased that there will be two Bills to help pensioners. One will give

more flexibility to those with a private pension and the second will give more discretion to

people who have saved for their retirement over the use of their pension funds. I have

been contacted by many constituents on such issues so I am sure this will be welcome. At

the other end of the scale I am pleased that there will be a Bill to help with the costs of

childcare. This is a particular issue raised with me by working parents especially as the cost

of childcare in this area is high.

The Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill will improve the

complaints system in the Armed Forces through the creation of an ombudsman. It would,

of course, be much better if there was no need for such a provision. However we owe it

to our service men and women to ensure that every allegation is thoroughly investigated

and to that end I will be pleased to see this provision enshrined in law.

I am also pleased to see that we shall debate a Bill to tackle child neglect and to deal with

serious crime (Serious Crime Bill). At the opposite end of this in the Social Action,

Responsibility and Heroism Bill, we will look to bring forward measures to make provision

for the courts to take full and sympathetic account of the context where someone

intervenes in an emergency to help others and subsequently finds themselves taken to

court on account of their action. This will bring some common sense back into our health

and safety culture which I very much welcome. Further details of the proposed legislation

and the work of Parliament is available on the parliament website at www.parliament.uk.

As always I am interested to hear views on the proposals before the House.

For more information my website is regularly updated and offers information on my work

both in Westminster and in the constituency. The address is www.johnhowellmp.com In

addition, if you would like to subscribe to my free e-newsletter please e mail me at:

[email protected]

You can also follow me on twitter @johnhowellmp or on Facebook www.facebook.com/



Service at Dorchester Abbey 7.30pm Monday 4th August

In common with many churches across the country, Dorchester Abbey will be

holding a special service, vigil and prayer on the eve of the centenary of the outbreak

of the First World War. This will be in the presence of Lord Camoys, one of the

Deputy Lieutenants and representative of the Queen.


ABBEY will be back this year and will be taking place inside the Abbey and in the

Cloister Garden on 23rd, 24th August, 12 noon – 6pm, and 25th August, 10am – 4pm.

This year, in addition to the construction skills, the emphasis will be on those skills

which would have sustained the monastic community of Augustinian Canons

between 1140 and 1536.

Exhibiting and demonstrating will be stonemasons, a wood carver, a stained glass

artist, an embroiderer, a blacksmith, a calligrapher and illuminator, a herbalist,

weavers, spinners and dyers, a coracle maker, a pole lathe turner and a basket

maker, plus others. As before, there will be hands-on activities for visitors to try.

Again entry to the event will be free.

For more information please contact Sue Dixon 340766 [email protected]






OPEN from 2.00 p.m.




Stadhampton WI has formed a working party and made plans to revive

the Village Show which proved to be so successful in the 70s.

We would like to invite villagers from Warborough to take part so if you

would like a schedule please email me at [email protected].

With thanks

Sue White

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Dorchester Team News

Talking Point by Reverend Paul Cawthorne

As spring turns towards summer and the crops in the field start to shine, its difficult

to think about those for whom food isn't always plentiful. In fact if we are honest

sometimes its easiest to ignore such things, resting on how 'hardworking', to use the

current politically convenient phrase, has brought us to be able to have enough in the

larder and to spare. For more people than we think, this is not the case and when

Jesus enjoined his followers to feed the hungry he was giving an instruction which still

resonates, even in our technological but still powerfully unequal age.

I used to work for an aid agency feeding hungry refugees who had been forced by

superpower-induced wars in Africa and Asia to flee their countries and fields to seek

refuge in special camps where they could be free of the gunmen wielding American

and Russian armaments which ravaged their land. There it was easy in some ways to

see the justification - pictures of starving children make good TV for motivating

people's generosity, on the ground the reality was just as acute and more. So we

arranged for donors to fly airplanes full of food and managed to get the malnutrition

under control so that babies survived and elders without any savings or home put on

weight and could walk and talk again.

Back home its more subtle but not completely different. People here are still

casualties, but of different things like the bursting of our speculative bubble in the

recent recession. A cut in rent rebate because a child turns 18 and new rules say the

parents now have a "spare" room so they should be living in a smaller house can

mean the difference between three meals a day and one and the scraps. Its hard to

apply for jobs when you can't concentrate because you are hungry or when you can't

afford to use a washing machine for interviews or the bus fare to get to them. I'm

not overdramatising, I am seeing it here and now.

So its good that organisations in the UK are slowly but surely gearing up to meet the

needs of the present-day poor. The Trussell Trust providing food parcels has been in

the news as it reports how much more its services are being needed and used. There

have of course been attempts to stifle conscience by trying to pretend there isn't a

problem- some people, sadly, prefer not to see or to get the Daily Mail to rubbish as

do-gooders those who are trying to follow Jesus' teaching about feeding the hungry.

Here in Oxfordshire, there are foodbanks in Wallingford, Thame and Abingdon,

doing lots of work to ensure people hits by life's slings and arrows at least remain

properly fed. Each of our churches has a collection box where people can

contribute.....from plenty to need. This is the kind of thing the church just gets on

and does without fuss, because it needs doing, because a God of love wouldn't want

us to walk by on the other side. Its only a first step to helping someone get back on

their feet, but as a wise person said rather than curse the darkness, its better to try

to light a candle. From meeting people through food projects grow provision of help

with housing and mental health support, debt advice and job mentoring. As the state

inclines to withdraw, if we don't do it, who will? As the traditional hymn puts it:

When I needed a neighbour, were you there?


Warborough Post Office

Your Post Office is open in the St Laurence Hall at the following times:

Monday to Friday 09.00 to 13.00. Saturday 09.00 to 12.00. The Last Collection Time at

the Post Office by Royal Mail is 11.05 am. The full range of facilities available at

Warborough Post Office is on www.postoffice.co.uk.

Telephone Services

Is there anyone in the village without a telephone service? If so the Post Office is offering

to arrange a telephone service without the usual £60.00 connection fee. Additionally, if

you sign up for Broadband and a Telephone you receive a £50.00 Credit. If you only want

the Telephone service the Credit on offer is £25.00. These are very good offers I think

you will agree. Do come for a leaflet.

Travel Insurance

The Post Office also has some very good Holiday Insurance deals. Do come and ask for a

quote for your particular requirements. Dependent children go free. Classic Single trip

cover from £2.69 per day.

Travel Money

Again the Post Office also has some very good rates for over £500.00 on any currency

and Euro over the counter rate. Do come for a quote. All currencies available within 24


Travel Money Card Plus

Available in 8 currencies. Can be used in shops, bars and restaurants just like a Master


International Payments

The latest Post Office promotion is on International Payments. No Fee payable with

competitive exchange rates. Bank account to Bank account. Transfer from £250.00

upwards. Available on line or over the Phone. A Standing Order can be arranged with a

fixed exchange rate. 34 currencies available.

Insurance Policies

The Post Office has available policies for Car Insurance, House Insurance, Van Insurance,

Motorcycle Insurance, Pet Insurance, Over 50’s Life Insurance and Life Insurance. Before

signing renewal policies for any of these, do please come and study our leaflets.


I am still surprised how few customers take advantage of our ability to process their

cheques for most major Banks and Building Societies. If you bring your cheque to pay into

your account, please do bring your cheque with your paying in slip and we will send it to

the Bank Data Centre for processing. Your cheque is placed in the particular bank

envelope and you are given an immediate receipt. Do try our service. Free cash

withdrawals with any of the Banks or Building Societies using the Post Office Counter Pin


Mobile Phone Top Up

All Mobile Phones can be topped up at Warborough Post Office. Do pay using your

Contactless Debit Card at the Post Office Counter Pin Pad.

National Express Coach Tickets

You can obtain your National Express Coach Tickets at Warborough Post Office.

This all brought to you under the control of Michael Powell

Mike Powell

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The Corn Exchange Wallingford

CINEMA (Cinema commence at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated)

July dates

Tues 1st & Thurs 3rd Run and Jump (15)

Fri 4th – Sat 5th Grace of Monaco (PG)

Sun 6th ‘Don Giovanni’ recording from the 2010 Glyndebourne

Festival of Mozart’s opera, 2.30pm start, tickets: adults £15,

Under 16s £12.50.

Mon 7th –Tues 8th Grace of Monaco (PG)

Sun 13th –Tues 15th A Million Ways to Die In the West (15)

Sun 20th Monty Python live from the O2, 7pm start, £12.50

Mon 21st – Fri 25th Jersey Boys (15)

Sat 26th Encore of Monty Python live from the O2, 7pm start, £12.50

Sun 27th National Theatre live Skylight, 7pm start, Tickets £12.50


Wednesday 2nd July: Encore the Youth Theatre within the Sinodun Players are

Showcasing all their hard work from this year starting at 6pm. Tickets £5

From Wednesday 9th to Saturday 12th and Wednesday 16th to Saturday 19th July,

the Corn Exchange will see an event like no other, when the Sinodun Players

perform House and Garden by Alan Ayckbourn. We advise you to book early, as

seating is limited to 40 per play. Tickets £15 for both plays or £10 for one play.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back after our summer shutdown when

the doors to the Corn Exchange open again on Friday 29th August.

Bookings can be made online at www.cornexchange.org.uk, by phone on

01491 825000, by post or in person - the Box Office is open 7pm-8pm every evening

and 10am-2pm every Friday and Saturday. Published events may change from time to

time, please consult our website for the most current listings and complete listings.

Mill Stream Surgery in Benson Flu.

Immunisations clinics are changing for patients This year at Mill Stream

Surgery we will be trying a new approach to immunising patients against seasonal flu.

We will be running a drop-in clinic on Saturday 18th October from 9am to

12.30pm at Mill Stream Surgery, when we hope as many as possible of our

eligible patients will be able to attend. No booking will be required. As usual we

don’t intend to send out invitations to this clinic routinely so please put this date in

your diary now. More information will follow nearer the time.

Fran Butler, Practice Manager, Mill Stream Surgery



Exercise classes, Keep Fit, Jujitsu, Short Mat Bowls,

Children’s Drama & Women’s Institute all take place at the hall.

To hire the hall or tables, chairs and cutleryfor your own special


Contact: Will Partridge on 01865 858412 or 07714991933

Booking Clerk & Caretaker

Musical Banquet

A Gala Concert in aid of Church Restoration

St Peter’s Church, Marsh Baldon

Saturday 5th July at 7.30 pm

The acclaimed Oxfordshire trio Musical Banquet will be performing a

themed entertainment of Early Music from Britain and Europe performed

on period instruments with Countertenor voice.

A Feast for your Ears!

£10 (£8 concessions, £5 under 16’s) including souvenir programme

Tickets available on the door

WORDBOX: 9-letter word is


1. The bulldog has the bone,

the spaniel a choc drop

the labrador a biscuit

the beagle a chew.

2. Winnie the Pooh.

3. 1932

4. Prunella Scale

5. Lead and Tin.

6. Dextral.

7. Daniel Sturridge

8 Rhubarb.

9. NL.

10 39. (Add five twice then add
