judgement of longevity by d.p. saxena

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Techniques of vedic astrology in arriving at longevity


  • a?lcv

    i Judgement


    ByD.P. Saxena, MA.

    RANJAN PUBLICATIONS16, Ansari Road, Darya Gar\i,

    NEW DELHI . 110 OO2 (INDIA)

  • PrefaceIntroduction

    1. Correct Birth Time2. Arishtas and Arishta Bhangas3. Divisions of Life4. Death Inflicting Planets5. AshtakaVarga6. Other Methods of Ayurdaya7. Pindayurdaya and Amsayurdaya8. Novel Method of Determination of Longevity9. Mathematical Methods and their applicability

    10, Aeidents and the Unfortunate Eventsll. Epilogue






  • Preface

    There are persons who hate astrolory and have no faith init. There is no apprehension from such persons. They are inthe open field and can be dealt with. The greatest apprehen'sion is from those who love astrolory and have great faith inits predictions. The reason is that they make too heavy de-mands on it to be easily satisfied. Longevity of human being isone such subject. They will not be satisfied if they are merelytold that the particular person has a deerghaJru or a long life.They want to have the answer in quantitative terms, pre-cisely, in years, months and days etc. I am also one suchadmirer. Being a serious student as well I worked on thesubject. The net result of my labours is presented to thereaders.

    As an admirer of the science and its student I have alwaysbeen interested in taking it to as many peron as possible. Ihave been for the purpose teaching this science under theauspices of Delhi Chapter of Astro Scienes Research Instituteof India. As for writing a book on a subject like longevitywhich is both difficult and vast I have to admit that the divinegrace of Gurudeva H. H. Swami Madhawanandji Maharajinspired me for it and the Invisible Hand of Lord Hanumandid the job. I bow my head in reverence to the lotus feet ofGurudeva and dedicate myself to the service of the Lord.

    My sincere and unsolicited thanks go to Ranjan Publica'tions who readily agreed to publish my work under their sealand cover.

    I am also indebted to Sh. S. C. Chaudhri who helped me ina second reading with a view to edit it.


    D. P. Saxena

  • Introduction

    Determination of longevity of human beinp in exact andprecise terms of years, months and days etc., is a diffrcult task.It is transgressing the Providential domain. As we are imper-fect human beinp our methods can claim perfection, if at allthey do, only to a certain extent and nothing beyond that. Themasters had their way and the best way to reach some of theirheights is to follow their foot prints.

    The sages tackled this question very competently and wehave no better alternative but to follow them most scrupu-lously. They based all their conclusions on a comprehensivestudy of the birth chart- To arrive at correct conclusions,therefore; the first important thing is to judge the reliability ofthe time of birth upon which the whole edifice of the chart hasbeen prepared. As it is not the purpose to show how therectification of the error in time oi'birth is made, we haverestricted ourselves only to check up the conectness of thetime of birth and not to indulge in its correction. The firstchapter deals very briefly with this subject. Three methodshave been explained here very briefly. The first is the easiestmethod in the light of Ruling Planets advocated by very emi-nent astrologer of our days, K. S. Krishnamurti. The second isthat of counting the constellations and checking up the posi-tion of Moon. There is yet another method by which we checkthe sex of the new c\omer and if it is the same as it should bethe time of birth gets confirmed.

    It may be mentioned here very clearly that our sagesmeant by life the yogajayu determined by various combina-tions of planets called the yoga. Their judgement started withthe time of birth itself. In chapter 2 therefore the three types'of arishtas known as Gandarishta, Tithi ganda and lagnaganda, visha navamsasi, inauspicious muhurtas for the birth

  • 6have been explained. Sadyo'arishta, arishtas, and yogarishtashave been described briefly and the principles in the back-ground explained. various flactors that nulliff the effects ofiUo.'" arishtas have also been refened to in the chapter'

    There is a special emphasis on the study of childhoodperiod which ranges upto 12 years of age with minor adjust'ments both wayJ because it is during this period that theprospects of liG depend more c,n various external circum-

    "t.rr"u" than on the blessinp or curse of the planets. In other

    words, the problem of early life was considered with referenceto Desh, Kala and Patra that is the country, period, and thepeison. chapter 3 deals with the claqsification of life into1h""" compartments, namely, the alpayu, madhyamayu andpoornayu tased on the study of the strength/weakness of-houses

    and planets. This has been followed by an attempt atstudying the various factors that prove deterrents to the pros-pects of the continuitY.

    In chapter 4 the principles relating to the study of thebirth charl have been explained. The good and bad planetsand houses, importance of nodes, variousyogas, importance ofdrekkana.s and navamsas and the principle of Bhavadbhavametc. have been dealt with. various causes of death have beenstudied. Transit systern, Pada rasis, the Upgrahas, Tara dasa'system, Spashta Deha, Spashta Mrityu and Spashta Jeevahave also been included in the study.

    Is is after confirmation in various ways that life would lastfor some substantial period, atternpts were made about thecalculation of longevity mathematically in precise terms. Inallthere are 32 methods. All of them could not be included in thisbook for reasons of space but the most important and popularof them have found their place' Chapter 5 deals with ash-takavarga system of calculations. Preparation of charts,Ekadhipatya and Trikona Sodhanas. Mandal Sodhana, Rasiand graha gunakaras have all been explained in detail with.practlcal example Samudaya ashtakavarga and its calcula-'liotrs

    with practical illustrations have also been included. Inthe end, a word about the circumstances under which Bhinna

  • . 7

    ashtakvarga or the Samudaya ashtakvarga should be triedand working out the dasa system has been explained'

    Badrayan's horary system of calculating the longevitywith step by step considerations supported by practical calcu'lations have been explained. The Rasmikayu calculations,Bharanas and haranas, the nakshatrayu, Gauri Jataka andJaimini system have been included with practical illustra-tions. They form the subject matter of chapter 6.

    In Chapter 7 the Pindayurdaya and the Amsakayurdayamethods have been discussed in detail and illustrated withpractical exarnples in each case.

    Chapter 8 has been devoted to a new method of determin'ing the longevity. Its separate treatment would indicate'itsimportance. The method is really novel in the sense that Ihave not found it in the classical books. It was found in thebook 'Span of Life' written by Sh. G. S. Rama Murthi. Thesecond edition of the book was published in 1971. Sh. RamaMurthi has stated that this method is being practised success'fully by one family of astrologers in the South. There are twomain merits of the method. The one great merit is that it is toosimple to be explained and practised. There are no ifs andbuts. The way it has been explained indicates that it is univer-sally applicable. The other advantage is that it is very easy topraciise without any mathematical calculations. As regardsits usefulness this author has very little to comment, as thesame has not so far been used by him. The ne,"sons for itsrecommendation is that it takes into account the life fiactorsfrom various angles. The calculations are rnade ovr that basisof four important fiactors which deal with life in its variousaspects. The lagna represents the native. The third houseindicates his prowess. The eighth house is for life itself accord-ing to astrological prirrciples. The tenth house stands for kar-masthana as well as the retirement from life. The readers arerequested to practise it thernselves and draw their own con-clusion. It would be better if they could share their experi-ences with others.

    Chapter 9 deals with all the methodsof calculations oollec-tively. Their practical utility has been discussed and various

  • 8circumstances under whlch one or the other method can beused has been explained. In short a comparative study of themethods is the subject rnatter of the chapter.

    In practical life of today it has been noticed that themethods fail not so much on account of their own short com-irrgs as due to the diffierences in the times then and now. Theetresses and hurdles on the way today are not only many innumber but also much deeper in intensity. The accidentswhich take a heavy toll of hurnan life every now and then callfor a deeper study. Of course as human beinp we are quiteimperfect instruments to judge the ways of providence. Wecan howerrer be more careful and cautious attempts. The extracare that can be taken in judgement has been discussed andexplained to some extent in the chapter.

    In the Epilogue the author has tried to cval.uate the vari-ous methods by way of critical appreciation of the methodsand their practical utility. A word about what the author hasbeen doing in this respect has also been added by way ofadvice. This may be followed or rejected lies within the discre-tion of the readers.

  • #jChapter 1

    Correct Birth fime

    The basis of calculation of lonpvity, be it in mathematicalor general terms, is the plaaement of planets and the risingsign as the ascendant or the lagna. For this it is very neees-

    "JV to check up the horoscope ilthe

    "ame has been pr:PT*

    *"loUV. The rectification methods may have to be applied in*rrr"

    "tl*". The one thing that is abeoluteiy necessarf,/ i" F-ryt

    a detailed chart prepar"a fo" the time of birth' It would be

    freferable to have a computerised-one. l-to prearclions shouldL ventur'ed on the basis of the *Tewa" which shows the 12rasis and the placement of the planets in it. From personale:rperience it can be said that the minimum requiremenF o.f t*oik"bl" chart are the cusps of all houses and the longitudesof the planets in degrees and minutes at least, if not in sec-onds. After getting the chart in the way explained above thereare two shoit cuts to check the correctness. One way is to tryto check up a few events of the earlier life of the native. If thesame have taken place during the period indicated by thechart it ean be preeumed that the chart is correct to a reason'able degree

    "tra th"t further predictions can be ventured

    within certain limits of time. This is an eaqy method and canbe relied upon. No rectification need be undertaken. The othermethod is itre method of Krishnamurti Padhdhati or K' P', asit is pnerally called. In this sletem we ane guided by theRuling Planets of the moment.

    The concept of Ruling PlanetsEvery moment of our life is governed by some or the-other

    planets. hhe planets ruling at any particular moment of timeare the:

  • 10 Judgement of Langeuity

    l. Lagna rasi lord2. Lagna cuspal lord3. Moon sign lord4. Moon's constellation lord ;5. Lord ofthe week day.

    An example will clarify the case. The time, day, date andplace for which the R. Ps. are required to be determined andthe horoscope to be checked is given below and the methodexplained. The lagna cusp of the horoecope is I _ 2g".47,.

    For determining the R. p.17-8-1991; Time 16.09 Hrs. day Saturday and place New


    The lagna on 17-8-Lgg1 at 16.0g Hrs or I.S.T or IS.47.SzLMT at Delhi is calculated as under. Reference Tables of As-cendants on Nirayan basis by N. C. Lahiri.

    ST on 17-8-1900 at 12-00 Noon (LMT) = 9 - 40 - 4g17-8-1991 at

    Time interval

    Correction for Time interval

    Conection for Delhi

    .10 (-)

    13 -29 -06

    Ascdt is g-ro.oo or' 13'29

    Iongitude of Moon at 16.0g Hrs. ? - ?. 46,Hence Ascdt sign lord is JupiterAscdt. Constt. lord is Ventrs

    9 -40 -333 - 47 . 52 (+ )lg - 28 .25

    38 (+)t3 -29-03

    B (+)

  • Conzet Birth Time

    Moon sign lord is Mars

    Moon Constt. lord is JupiterDay lord is SaturnThe Ascdt sign lord of the Chart is Venus.

    Ascdt constt. lord of the chart is Mars.

    The sign lord of the ascendant and the nakshatra lordshould be one of the Ruling Planets. Venus being the ascen-dant lord of the chart is correct because it is also one of theR. Ps. Mars the nakshatra lord being also one of the R. Ps. isalso conect. It would be a little more interesting to note thatthe sub lord Mars is in Saturn star which is also one of theruling planets. If we wish to go into the calculations of sub-sublord he would also be one of the ruling planets at the time ofscrutiny. This appears to be the easiest method of checkingthe chart. Generally the difference of time may not exceedabout 10 - 15 minutes. In that case the lagna cusp may be insome other constellation which has to be moved to suit theruling planets and time adjusted according to the place ofbirth. The following case was refened to the author in Janu-ary 1991. Instead of checking the lagna at that time oneglaring fiact of life came to notice which was confirmed. Theglaring fact was that the native who at the time of consulta-tion was past 48 years, should not have been married. Thehoroscope of the native is reproduced below for readers'ex-amination.

    Moon 8.25 Sat (R) 16.58Ascdt 29.47

    Ketu 6.39 Jp (R) 2.0s

    Bah 6.39

    Ven 5,34Sun 4.33

    Merc 28.*|Mars 19.35


    The subject is not marriage; hence how it was judged is

  • Judgement of Longeuity

    not being dealt with here.The other equally easy method is also explained. Conrrert

    the time of birth into vighatis if it is given in ghatis. If the timeis given in LS.T. (Indian standard time) eonvert it into ghatisand vighatis after sunrise and then corrvert them to vighatis.Multiply the vighatis by 4 and divide the result by g. Take theremainder and count asi many nakshatras from Aswini/MaghaMoola as the remainder. This is according to the posi-tion of Moon at the time of birth. If Moon has croesed Aswinibut not Magha count from Aswini and check up whether Moonis in the oorrect nakshatra in the chart. An example will makeit clear.

    A child is born at 55143 ghatis after sun rise. Each ghatihas 60 vighatis. Hence total vighatis are (60 x 55) + 43 = 8348.This divided by nine gives a remainder 4. Moon is iri Leo at

    . L4.2L. We therefore count 4 from Magha. We get Hasta thenakshatra. In the case under reference Moon is in poorvaPhalguni. Thus the time of birth is doubtful. Rectification ofthe chart is not the purpose here, hence the same has not beenexplained.

    In Uttar Kalamritam there is one quite interestingmethod. Convert the ghatis into Vighatis and divide thern by225. lf the remainder is between 0 and llb or 45 and g0 or 1b0and225 the native shor:ld be male; otherwise a female. In theabove case the Vighatis are 3343. This divided by 22lleaves aremainder 193. The remainder is between 1b0 and 225. Thebirth therefore should be of a male child. The native is reallya male child. This one is too simple to be adopted. This showsonly the sex of the chitd. It does not confirm the time of thebirth. Unless there is some grave mistake of time the methodmay not work. It has nothing to do with the actual time. Itdeals with the period. Readers may be benefitted in predictingthe sex of the child just from the chart. The author does notclaim much of dependable experience on the subject. Researchis needed which some of the esteemed readers may be inclinedto undertake.

    There are other methods of checking the correctness oftime of birth. The one method is through the Ardhayamesh


  • Conect Birth Time 13

    also. This is a long procss. The same is not being dealt withhere. Those who are interested may refer, for easy expositionthe book A5rurnlrnaya by Acharya Mukund with Hindicommentary of Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra.

  • Chapter 2Arishtas and Arishta-Bhangas

    The longevity can be determined in many ways. They areboth astrologrcal and mathematical according to astrologicalprinciples. It is however agreed to by the sages that themathematical calculation should not be undertaken before thechild attains at least the age of 12 years. It is believed thatdeath before or upto 4 years of age depends largely on theoonstitution and the sins of omission and commission ofmother. Mother may be herself suffering from disease whichmay hamper the growth of the child who lives on her milk andprove fatal. The death between 4 years and eight years mayoccur due to father's negligence or his bad karmas. It is noteasy to identiff the sins (bad karmas) of father but it caneasily be appreciated that the negligence or ignorance of fa-ther can make or mar the longevity. When the child is suffer-ing from chicken pox the father may consult the witch doctorsinstead of medical oflicers, and be the cause of death of thechild. Competent medical officers may not be available whichmay also cause death. The death between 8 and 12 years ofage is supposed to be due to the sins of child itself in hisprevious birth. Whatever be the neasnna it is quite reasonableto say that no assessment of life-span should be attemptedbefore the child attains a stage where he can look alter himselfat least to some extent.

    In view of the considered views of sages and seer it ispropoeed to deal with the arishtas and the classs of life in thirschapter.

    Life has been divided into three classes, namely the al-payu or short life, madhyamayu or the medium life anddeerghayu or the long life. The appropriate period of alpayu is

  • Arishtas and Arishta-Bhangas lb

    32 years. The arishtas which may reduce this span have beendivided into three classes. They are saddyo aGhtu", arishtayogas and yogarishtas. The saddyo arishtas give their resultspromptly or, say, upto 8 years of age. The ar-irshta yogas do itbetween the ages of g and 20 and the yogarishtas betieen theages 20_and 30years. They are all, therefore, called the alpayuyogas. In the sense of our modern divisions of life the sjddyoarishtas may be calted the Balarishtas. They are of threekinds namely the gandarishtas, the grabarishtas and patakivedha arishtas.

    GandarishtasThere are certain periods which are considered inauspi-

    cious for any birth. They are called the gandarishtas. hhegandarishta.s are three in number viz the gandarishtas, tithi-alisftas and lagna-gandas. Virtually they are only two. Thethird one the lagna-ganda is only an extension of

    -gandarish-tas. .

    There are se\En planets and two nodes. Each of themrules orrer three constellations. The constellations of Mercrrryand of Ketu are not judged auspicious for any birth. These areAswini, Mula, Maghq Aslesha,Jeyeshtha and Revati. If Moonhappens to be posited in any of these onstellations the new-born is supposed to sufrer from the ill effects of gandarishtawidely known in the lay-man,s languap as gandalmoola. Theparents of the child born in gandarishta seek the advice ofastrologers regarding epecial poojas havanas and charity etc.to be done to propitiate planets toavoid their displeas.tr"'. ttr"learned Acharya Mukand has further sub-diviied the gan-darishtas into three. They are the Dina-gandas or day ganias,Ratri gandas or the lSrt gpndas ana the Sandhi E""a*.According to him the birth when Moon is in Mura ur" J"rr"-ththa is the dina-gandq that in the Aslesha ana Irragha isRatri-ganda and in Rerati and Aswini it is Sandhya g""a"

    fithi gandaThe former arishtas were due to Moon's occ'pation of the

    constellations. Tbis is about the births on certain-dates of the

  • 16 Judgemc* of tnns*ity

    lunar months.The Hindu lunar month is divided into two fortnights

    called the Sukla Paksha (the bright fortnight) and KrishnaPaksha (the dark fortnight). The period when Moon is increas-ing is called the Sukla Paksha. The cuunting of days is 15 foreach instead of 30 straight-way. The first one ghati (24 min-utes) of the first and the last one ghati of the last 15th dateforms Tithi ganda. In this way thele are three tithi gandas vizthe periods between the 15th and lst, 5th and 6th, and be-tween the tenth and eleventh. They are all treated asinauspicious. For academic purposes only these tithi gandashave been mentioned here. In fact all this is with reference toMoon's position vis-a-vis Sun. The tithis in Hindu calender arewith-reference to Moon's position in relation to Sun and notamrding to the number of days passed.

    Lagna GandaAs has already been stated earlier the lagna gandanta is

    only an extension of the gandarishta. The constellations ofKetu, it would be noted, fall in the beginningof Aries, Leo andSagittarius rasis and those of Mercury in the end of Cancer,Scorpio and Pisces. If the lagna happ"ns to fall in the Sandhisof these rasis the period of one ghati on both eides is called theLagna-gandanta. A great deal tras been said about them inMuhurta Par[iata and Muhurta Martanda" It ie a point forresearch whether they are inauspicious and if so to whatextent and why. Readers may have their own experimentsand conclusions. To the author they are not always bad. Allthis depends upon the position of their lords in the chart.

    It may be stated that in Hindu astrologr Sun, Moon andthe lagna are the three pillars of any birth chart. The auspi-ciousness here is with reference to lagna and its onjunctions.

    It is however for consideration here that only the coastel-lations of Ketu and Mercury are considered evil. Why thesetwo have been singled out is a matter for research. So far asthe practical experience goes no star is universally good orbad. It is his position in the horoscope that makes him thirs orthat. In the view of the author it is neessary to judge the

  • Arishtas ahd Arishto-Bhangas tT

    position of Mercury and Ketu in the birth chart before pro'ffi;;;;il1"a-i-""t. It is the constellation lord whichgovernEl to a very gJ

    "*tent the fruits to be given by the

    planet tenenting the cnnstellation'There is similar mis-conception about houses 6 and 8

    of ftoio"-p.. Both are treated "" "lt'

    The author' however'i"

    "ot of tfris view. They are bad when the affairs of lagna

    are under consideratiorrl Th"y are not bad for the affairs-of;ii th" houses. foi it


    affai; of 10th house, fior example,ifr"y

    "r" rather auspicious. Eig\th lrouse of the chart is

    the llth house, th" ho.t*" of the fulfillment of desires'for the affairs of tenth house, the house of thep."f*"1"". Likewise the 6th house is the 9th' for l0th house'In a gimil", -"on"i the author feels that Mercrrry andKetu should not be singled out for maltrcatment' Mars rnay bea greater evil.

    Visha Navamsas or the Poisonous Navamsas

    As some constellations have been declared inauspicious soalso some smaller portions have been clagsified as bador inauspicious. 'itt"y are rather worse than theinauspicious ones. They are termed as Visha or the poisonwhich are as under:

    l.FirstnavamsaofAriee,Taunrs,VirgoandSagittarius'2. Fifth navarnsa of Libra, Gemini, Leo and Aquariue'

    3. Ninth navamsa of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

    The ill effects of the navamsas are as under'

    The navamsa of Sun is harmful to father, of Moon tomother, of Mars to maternal uncle, of Saturnto brother'of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus to the native himself'

    For propet appreciation of the above observations it isn""oory to a"aiy.e a few cases. For Aries and Sagittariusthe first NavamEta lord would be Mans. For Aries born theIagnegrr would be the 8th lord also and for sagittarius theifrft. notf, poeitions are inauspicious for the native. The firstnavamsa tord for Virgoans and Taureans would be Saturn'

  • 18 tt"t't?,t\ J ud.g ete'nt of Long eu ity

    For Virgoans he will be the 6th lord. For Taureans the posi'tion is not so. We have to take into consideration the constel'lations involved. It would be the constellation of Sun who is agreat enemy of Satum. Similarly other positions can also beexamined. The fifth navamsa lord for C'emini, Libra andAquarius would be Saturn. He is 8th lord for Gemini, an

  • . 1

    Ari s htas and Ari shta-B hangasa: {:19

    The Kulika Muhurta is offset if the week day lord andMoon are strong and if a benefic planet is pcsited in the lagna.

    Apart from the above our sages have identified certainsensitive points in the zodiac which are considered to beinauspicious if Moon occupies those points at the time of birthof the native. They are to be found in all the rasis. Theirdegrees are however difrerent in each case. They are Aries 8',Taurus 25" Gernini 22', Canrer 22';Lm 21"; Virgo 1'; Libra 4"Scorpio 23"; Sagittarius 18", Capricorn 20" Aquarius 20' andPisces 10'.i : .

    After discussing various sensitive poinLs in the zodiac andtiminp of birth etc. considered inauspicious it becomes neces-sary to detail the planetary combinations called the yogaswhich inf luence the l i fe span of the individual.Considering the spacr: available in the book it is not possible togive all the yogas given by the sages. Those who are interestedare advised to consult the ciassical books on the subject. A ref-erence to some of them is enough to explain various funda-mental principles. .t ) \ j r -1 1i

    It has been stated earlier that arishtas are in relation toLagna, Sun and Moon. In other words there are three cardinalfactors considered important in the a.*cessment of longevity.The liactors that afllict the lagna, Sun or Moon individually or'severally will tell upon the life span of individual. The positionof planets that is 6/8 are detrimental. The 6/8 position meansone of the planet is in the 6th house and the other in the8th house from each other. The other point that is detri-mental to the afliairs of house concerned is the 12th housefrom it. The following few yogas may be examined in thisbackground.

    1. If Sun or Moon are afflicted in the lagna by Rahu or as-sociated with Saturn and l{ars occupies the 8th house,the mother and the child both die.

    2. The malefics occupy 6th, 8th and the' lzth, houses.er, without any benefic influences produce the same effect.

    3. Mars in' the lagna or 8th house and SunMoon

  • 20 Judgement of LongeuitY

    afllicted by the effects of eclipse produce the same r-sults.

    4. Moon in the 7th or 8th house surrounded by the maleficsproduce the above effects.

    5. Malefics occupying 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses formthe yoga of early death of the child. .

    6. Lagna and 7th houses sandwiched between the maleficsbring about the results at 5 above.

    ?. Aflliction of Sun by Mars in the 7th house from Moonbring about the demise of the child within one week ofthe birth.

    The yogas detailed above are rry few in number. Theyhave been detailed herejust to elaborate the points broughtout above. It may also be pointed out that the houses 2 andseven are regarded as marakasthanas because 2nd is 12th tothe 3rd house and ?th is 12th to 8th - the two ayusthanasi orthe places indicating life/prowess of the native.

    There are yogas which give death in the matter of days,weeks, months and years. They are not being reproduced herefor obvious neasons.

    As there are yogas for the arishtas there are yogas whichnulliff the effects of arishtas. They also need careful study be'fore pronouncing any judgement on the basis of mere arishtas.Jupiter is the greatest benefic planet of the solar system. Hisauspicious position in the birth chart is an indication that thenative can tide over his bad period by proper remedial meas-ures like bhakti (derotion), alms and charity etc. Some of thearishta-bhanga yogas are detailed here only to underlineagain the underlying principles.' 1. Jupiter in lagna, Kendra (4th, ?th, or 10th houses) or' Trikonahouses (Sthand 9th) wards offall the lagnarish-" tas. This is doubly so if the rasis ocorpied by Jupiter are

    his own (Sagittarius or Pisces) or that of hig exaltationthat is Cancer.

    2. Any benefic planet in Kendra with Sun in the llth housecan ward off all the inauspiciousness of lagna.

  • .4rishtas ond Arishta-Bhangas )l

    ,, 3. If the malefic planets are in the vargas of benefic planets: and are aspected by benefics who are strong and in the

    vargas of benefic planets the misfortunes of lagnarishtasare warded off. The vargas here mean the Navamsas.

    , 4. All the arishtas are st at naught if all the benefics arposited in their vargottama navamsa (where the planetoccupies the same rasi in navamsa chart as he does inthe birth chart) and all the evil planets are in the rasis offriends or benefics.

    5. If any one of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus is strong and oc'cupies Kendra and is unafflicted by aspect, coqjunctionor association of malefics all the arishtas are warded off.On Saravali Mercury has been left off). In fact Mercurybecomes a benefic only when he is unafflicted.

    6. If Mercury is posited in his moola trikona, or in his ownnavamsa duly aspected by Venus the arishtas arewarded off. The same results follow if Mercury in thelagna is aspected by Jupiter.

    The yogas warding off the arishtas on account of Gan-danta evils are grven below.

    1. If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in 5th and 9th housesfrom each other.

    2. Ketu's occupation of 3rd, 6th, or llth house which hap-pens to be Libra, Capricorn or Pisces is an importantanti-arishta.

    9. Rahu's occupation of the 3rd, 6th, or l1th, house dulyaspected by the benefics produces the same resuJts.

    4. Rahu's occupation ofAries, Taurus or Caner which hap-pens to be the lagna of the native produces the sameresults.

    6. Saturn's occupation of ascendant, 3rd, 6th, or l1th housewhich happens to be his own rasi or the rasi of hisexaltation or that of Jupiter produces the same results asabove

  • 22 Judgem'ent of InngeuitY

    6. In the case of night borns (between the period of Sun-setand the followingSun rise) Moon's occupation of the 1lthhouse is an auspicious augury' In the case of day bornsVenus, occupation ofKendra, Trikona or llth house pro-duces the same results'

    The various yogas that cancel the bad effects produced byMoon's position.

    1. Full Moon aspected by all the planets'

    2. Moon in his highest position of exaltation duly aspectedby Venus.

    3. Er.en a weak Moon posited in the navarnsast of beneficplanet and aspected' by the benefics is competent to pro-duce the same resullt as ahove.

    4. According to Saravali, and Kalyana Verma the occupa', tion of 6th, ?th and 8th house.s from Moon by the unaf-,' fli"J"d benefies produces strong arishta-bhanga', , 6. I\[oon posited in the 6th or 8th house duly aspect$ b.y

    benefi& (if birth is in bright fortnight) and by malefics (ifbirth is in dark fortnight) is a strong antidote for allarishtas.

    These are some of the inauspicious yogas' The yogascancelling them have also been detailed. More can be had fromclassical lexts or some of smaller books on the subject. Thepurpose of repeatingsome of them is to underline their impor-i.tr.u. Their i*po"tan* can never be over-emphasised whensubject under discussion is longevity.

  • Chapter 3j-: i . rj".ftiajy

    Divisions of Lifet ; \ r':i

    In the foregoing pages the discussion was restricted to avery short span of period called the childhcod days. In thatshort space the inauspicious timinp of birth and sensitivepoints in the zodiac affecting the life of the new born, andsome yogas nulliffing the arishtas were discu*sed in brief.

    'The childhood period is normally a part of alpayu which

    extends upto the age of about 32 years. This division is just anarbitrary division. In practice there may be a difference of 2-3years both ways. The person living upto the age of 30 or 35years will be supposed to have an alpayu or the short life' Asepiilate treatment of the period of childhood has been glvenbecause the life during that period depends more upon theexternal circumstances than the planetary combinationscalled the yogas or other factors. Despite so many arishtaspresent in the birth chart for the childhood days it has beenseen that child often does not even fall sick during the periodof arishtas. This is due to many factors. One of them is theadvancement of medical science. The chicken pox known tillthe other day as a dreaded and fatal disease has now almostbeen banished. Further, the high degree of health conscious-ness of the general man ha,s contributed immensely to reduc'ing the mortality rate. These days the illness is not supposedto be a curse of some divine power. No ojhas (persons practis'ing witchcraft) are invited to cure the sick child. These andmany other factors have often fought the divine curse of theplanets and achieved the ultimate victory. This was particu-larly on this account that a special treatment 'Has given to thechildhood period. For further study it is necessary to have afresh outlook on the life span as a wholc.

    $ C *lelrirrl sriJ ' ilte{iil irrs atsn*' 'ili ii** li 'ti

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  • 24 Judgement of LongeuitY

    In the context of our study a brief reference to Ashtottariand Vimsottari dasa system appears necessary' In terms ofAshtottari dqsa the normal life of the individual is taken to be108 years. In Virnsottari system it has been taken as 120yearn. In fact none ofthe periods has beelr nearer to the actual

    "prtt.In view of this position the long life is taken to mean 96

    yL** with marginal adjustments on both sides'The life span of the individual is divided into three catego-

    ries or classes namely the alpayu or the short life, madhyayuor the medium life and deerghayu or the long life. The shortlife or the alpayu runs upto the age of 32 years' There arevarious planetary combinations which, other thinp remain-ing the


    do not allow the longevity to go beyond 32 years'The factors that attempt to cut short the life are known asarishta.s and those that nulliff their effects aI known asarishta bhangas. In judging the life span both of them need acareful study. In the classical texts one can come across yogaswhich fix upthe life span too precisely in mathematical terms.There *"" yog* which limit the longwity ta 22 yearc or 30years. nre stuay of such yogas is neither required in the work-nor

    desirable also. It is not advisable to determine the longev-ity in absolute terms on the basis of the yogas' An approxi-mate idea to a certain degree of reasonable accuracy is what issought for here. Some of the important yogas for the alpayuare detailed here.

    1. Second lord in 9th house, Jupiter and Venus in llth andSaturn in ?th house.

    2. Mars in the ?th house, Venus in 8th and Sun in 9thhouse.

    3. Saturn in the 7th house and Sun in the 4th.

    4. Malefics in the Kendras without any benefic influenceson them and the ascendant lord weak.

    5. Out gf the three important planets that is the 8th lord,10th iord and ascendant lord only one is strong and theother two weak.

    6. If all the planets are posited in the houses I to 12.

  • Diuisions of Life 25

    In respect of the yogas refened to above the main consid'eration has been of the lagna and of the death inflictingplanets. The planets in the houses 2 and 7 and the lords ofthese houses are the maraka planets. The same thing shouldbe studied with reference to the ascendant lord, 8th lord, 10thlord and Saturn the ayush karaka planets. Other combina-tions for alpayu are as under:

    1. The ascendant lord is an enemy of Sun and is posited inthe house of his enemy.

    2. An the planets occupy houses I ta 12.

    3. Moon is weak in the chart and Jupiter and Venus occupylagna and Mars and Saturn occupy the bth house..

    4. Saturn in Aries (debilitated ayush karaka), Mercury in' Taurus, Sun in Taurus/Virgo/ Aquarius and the 8th

    house occupied by a nalefic.

    6. The 8th lord in kendra, Jupiter and Sun in lagna (if thelagna happens to be Cancer).

    6. Jupiter in lagna and Moon with Rahu in the 7th or 8thhouse.

    ?. The 8th lord in kendra or the 12th house from lagna orMoon.

    In the Prasna Marga some more combinationsl are grvenwhich cause alpayu yogas. Some of them are:

    1. Weak lagna lord and weak Moon.

    2. Lagpa and Moon having malefic aspects over them.

    8. Lagna and Moon being associated with malefics.

    4. Combust lords of lagna and rasi.

    6. Solar or lunar eclipse at the time of birth

    6. Moon in the 8th house.

    ?. Kendras, ttikonas and the 8th house ocnrpied bymalefics.

  • ,26 Judgement of l-ongeuitY

    There are many other yogas which indicate a short span.Normally the alpayu means the age upto 32 years. This is soonly in normal cases which generally do not obtain in practicallife. This is only an approxirnation. Some marginal adjust-ments both ways may be required. In fact a very careful studyof the factors affecting the life both by increasing it and by,decreasing it is necessary. The study of planetary strength isalso equally important.

    The higher and lower limits of madhyayu are 64 and 32years. As it is with the alpayu here also the minor adjust-ments are necessary. The persons enjoyrng the span of 50 and70 years shall both be considered to be having a madhyamayu.There are yogas for the madhyamayu also. The principlesgoverning the madhyamayu are the same as for alpayu. TheSun, Moon and the lagna are given maximum importance andthe rnutual relationships of tlrem as a result of their place-ments with reference to each other are studied. Some points inthe zodiac are declared inauspicious and the lagna rising atthose places is treated as undesirable for purposes of longspan. Some portions of the constellations are also found notconducive to the long span of life. In the madhyamayu alsoalmost the same principles are observed with some difference.It was the cusp of the lagna which was given special attentionto these. Here the exarnination is of the lagna as a whole.Saturn being the ayush karaka holds the same importantposition in the consideration of Madhyamayu as it did in thealpayu. The 8th house and the 8th lord get the sarne impor-tance.

    . r ! i , j : r I . . . i

    Some guiding principlee for determining the strength ofhouses have been laid down in the Prasna Marga.They arew e a k i f : : ! . . . . ! , , ,

    1. Their lords are weak. ' rii, iil"l'. 'ur

    2. They are occupied by malefics.3. They are aspected by malefics.

    ,'.. , ii;:;il. ';i 'r ' 51{qrii .1i' : .{'t

    4. They are hemmed between the maleficq. ' ','i ," . r . , ] ]

  • 1Diuisions of Life , :,,, 27

    5. Evil influence of the badhakadhipaties

    6. Involved in malefic yogas, and

    7. Not being aspected by their lords.

    The flactors opposite to the above indicate the strength ofthe houses.

    ' A" it is for the houses so also it is for the planets. TheLstrength of the planets here does not signiff the shadbala

    'necessarily. For his strength the planet should not be aspected

    by or associated with malefics; should not be hemmed betweenthem or in their rasis or navamsas. The planet should not beplaced in an evil house and he should be posited in his owniasi, rasi of exaltation or his friend's rasi or navamsa or hisrasi of e:

  • 28 Judgement of Longeuity

    the span of middle life. All those can be treated as yogas formiddle life.

    1. If a benefic ir, his own sign aspects the 8th house the lifespan may be 10 years or 40years.

    2. If a powerful benefic planet occupies a quadrant andMercury also occupies a quadrant which happens to behis own house/friends'house/his house of exaltation withMoon in the 7th aspected by Jupiter the native will have50 years ofage.

    3. Mercury, in 4th or 10th house, Moon in lagna, 8th or12th house and Jupiter and Venus posited in any onehouse together the native may have 50 years of age.

    4. Sun in association with malefics occupies the lagna,Moon in 10th, and Jupiter in the kendra, the native getsan age ofabout 55 years.

    5. Venus in lagna, Jupiter in kendra, and Saturn in 9thhouse. The native enjoys an age of63 years.

    6. From lagna to the 4th house, if any one of the houses isoccupied by four pianets the person enjoys 61. years ofage.

    7. The person gets 60 years of ap if the lagna or any of thekendra houses is occupied by Jupiter and Venus andthere is one planet in the fourth house.

    8. Venus in lagna, Jupiter in the quadrant and Saturn in9th. The native gets 63 years of age.

    iikewise many yogas indicating long life may be quotedhere. Before such yogas are reproduced it may be clarifiedthat the long life extends upto 96 years. With suitable adjust-ments of the strengths of yogas, of the planets and of thehouses the maximum limit can be stretched upto 108 years.Persons have been seen living beyond this span also. Theremay be some who may cross even the limit of 120 years. Thesages are reported to be living those ages and beyond in nor-mal course. Their longevity comes under amityu yoga, Muni

  • Diuisions of Life 29

    Tulya (like a saint) 8yu yogas and Indra Pada yogas. It is notconsidered necessary to deal with them because such longspans of life are not a normal feature in the days we are alllMng. They are something abnormal and exceptional for us'We witt inciude them all in long life or deerghayu' The JatakaTatva mentions the following combinations for long life'

    1. If Moon is in 5th house, Jupiter in trine position andMars in the 10th house.

    2. If the 8th lord who happens to be a malefic or Saturnoccupy 8th house.

    3. If the lord of 8th house is in his own sign or'Saturnoccupies the eighth house.

    4. If Saturn occupies the 5th house which happens totl6 hisown house or house of his e:raltation.

    5. If the lords of 6th and 12th houses are pcited in lagna orifthe lord of lagna or of 10th house oocupies a quadrant'

    6. (a) If the 10th lord is in 5th house;(b) If the lord of 8th house is exalted;(c) Ifbenefics occupy the quadrants.

    ?. When Saturn is associated in the kendra with lords of10th, 8th and the lagna.

    8. Lord of8th house posited in the lagna and aspected byJupiter or Venus.

    9. Jupiter & Venus posited in quadrants.

    In the Prasna Marga also there are some yogtss indicatinglong life. Some of them are given here for the benefit of read-ers.

    1. Lagna and Moon should be strong.

    2. Lagnalord and the lord of Moon sign should have beneficaspects on or association of benefic planets with them.

    3. Jupiter posited in lagna.

  • 30 Jud,gem.ent of Longeuity

    4. Guru chandra yoga in iagna. ,,;t':

    t -,, I

    .illl o* ,.,,

    , 5. Strong lagna lord in the quadrant. )ii r, {,r e}i[ Jo a:;i6. Lagna lord and the Bth lord together in any houee.

    It may be noted that the above statements are all generalstatements which are helpful to prolonging the life span butbeing too general need very careful study. No pronouncementof the span of life should be made upon them.

    (Tqt in Sanskrit usith notes and conmentary in English)+ Brihot Porosofo Horo Sostro ,r -

    (2 Vol. set) I :* Pholo Deepiko1 Ut lOr KOlOmri tO ?) : ' r1 r , ' : i i " ' '+ Joimini Sufrost Bhrigu Sutros .lar.lix.i ri:i ,,+ Sotyo Jotokom+ HOrO SOfO ,

    r i i l ' l ' ' r l r : ' ! i r l : ' ' i l r ' r : :

    t; ; r 1,.:'1t)$l,i i.t !:rji lBrihot JotokDoivojono VollobhoGorgo HoroJotoko Porijoto (3 vol. st) 'r' '," *

    f i i i i l j i i i l l ' . h j 'fii{l] '

    MohorishiPorosoror i i I

    MonfreswaraI(o/ldoso iMohorishi JoiminiMohorishiBhrtguSoge SofyocharyoPrithuyosos son ofVarohomihiroVorohomihiroVorahqmihiro ISoge GorgoVaidyonottto .i

    ,r.r -'.1ili,I: -,

    i , '$ ; , . i . . *

    j l l i



    Bhrigu Nondi NodiSopto Rishi NodiDoctrines of Suko NodiNodi System of PredictionBosis of Dhruvo Nodi ' r

    -' J.N.Ehosin "- R.Sonfhanom

    Rotton Lal* Sotyoc haryo I

    Phone :3278835P/eoseCon toc t : r : ' 1

    RANJAN; i . 1 , ' 1 l r . r i i / , "

    PU BLICATIONS16, Ansori Rood, Doryo Goni, New Delhi-llm02.

  • t : , . . - ! i . '

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    Death Inflicting PtanetsiTlli 1. ; . I j ' ,


    liongevity is a very vast subject. Life span is not only thespan that the planets grant. It is also affected by the circum-stances that put an end to it. As the planets grant life so alsothere may be the planets which not only affect life but directlyput a stop to it. Such planets may be called the killing planetsor the death-inflicting planets known as the marakeshas inthe technical vocabulary here.

    The discussion has so far been about the fiactors causinglife and sustaining it. Various Sadhaka and Badhaka factorswere studied. Sadhaka factors prornote the prospects of life.The Badhaka ones may be taken as deterrents to sadhakafactors. The same question of life can be studied fnom an otherpoint of view. An attempt to identiff the planets who canpossibly cause a cessation of life or bring about the death willalso be equally important. Any measure of suocess in thisattempt would also be rewarding. We know the time of birthand date of birth etc., when the horoscops is produced forjudgement. If by any device we can find out the probable dateand time etc., of death our problem is solved. The longevity,after all, is nothing but the period intervening between thebirth and death. In this chapter the problem shall be analysedfrom this point ot' view. The death inflicting planets will beidentified for the purpose..i: No particular planet is universally bad or good. It is only

    its placement in the birth chart that makes him so. The rankmalefic planet like Saturn has been seen as the most beneficfor some natives and it may look stranp but true that thesame rank malefic is considered to be the karaka or thesignificator of life. The most benefic planet of the solar s5retem,

    rrib ot."rc.iw:s.d f r:r' :1 ' r . '


  • 32 Jrtdgemcnt of I'ongeuitY

    Jupiter, is not credited with this dignity when the question oflife span is considered.

    In order to identiff the death inflicting planet it is neces"sary to identi$ the evil house of the horoscope from the pointof view of life because it is the place of the planet that makeshim dreaded or the dearest Planet.

    Lagna or the ascendant in the chart represents the physi'cal body of thd native, his general health and immunity orotherwise to diseases. Any house detrimental to Lagna may, ifnot must,prorre detrimental to the eontinuan@ or sustenanceof the physical body. Chandra lagna or the sign where lVloon isposited at the time of birth also gets the same importanoe astihe lagna. Twelfth house to any house is always detrimentalto the affairs of the latter aecording to astrological principles.

    As lagna and the Moon sign in the birth chart stand forphysical existence, house 8 stands for the life of the individual.Eighth house to 8th is the third house which also gets thesame importance because it stands for Prakrama or the prow-ess of the natirrc. Any deterrent to 3rd house would be fiatal tothe native in the same way ae it would be for the 8th house.For the consideration of life therefore the important houses tobejudged are the lagna, the Chandra lagna, the 8th house andthe 8rd house. The detrimental house will be 12th house fromthese houss. The twelfth house for lagna is the 12th house ofthe chart and lfth to 8th and 3rd houses will be ?th and 2ndhouses of the chart respectirrely. The lfth house to Moon signcan be determined by finding out the house from the as@n-dant where Moon was posited at the time of birth. In short theevil houses from the point of view of longevity would be thehouses, 2,7 and 12 from the ascendant and the Moon. Theplanets associated with these houses in any manner are po-tent malefics. Here one thing that is to be kept in mind is thatthe lagnesh or the lord of the ascendant should always betreated as benefic unless very badly afiicted. For the Capri-cprnians Saturn is the lagnesh as well as the 2nd lord or themarakesh and the death inflicting planet. Despite his lordshipof the 2nd house he will generally remain a benefic unless heis afilicted by other planets. Similar is the case with Venus'

  • Death Infl.icting Platwts 33

    For the Taureans Venus is the lagpa lord as well as theseventh lord and therefore the marakesh. Unless he is af-flicted by virtue of his occupation or association etc., he willprove a benefic. Having identi{ied the houses the study canproceed further.

    Apart from the evil houses and the association or connec-tion of the planets with them Saturn being the anrsh karakahas also an important part to play in the question of life anddeath.

    The important evil combinations are girn:n below.L. The eighth lord posited in the houses 6, 8 or 12 becomes

    a potent maraka. Death may oocur in major or minor pe-riod of this lord.

    2. The lord of sign occupied by Saturn also becomes a mar-aka. Death may oome about in the main or minor periodof 8th lord.

    3. The planet onjoining the eighth lord also trecomes amaraka planet. The death may ocur in the concurrentperiods of the two planets.

    4. Lord of 8th house from MoonA,agna occupying the 8thhouse and aspecting lagna or Moon. The period of both8th lords are bad.

    5. Lagna lord occupying an evil house in conjunction orassociation with Rahufi(etu becomee a death inflictingplanet himself.

    There are many other situations where the 8th lord andlagnesh turn to be maraka grahas.The main points to under-stand and remember are:

    1. The planets concerned with the maintenance of life doturn malefics by their plaaements in the evil houses.

    2. The sign lords of evil houses are sometimes the potentdeath inflicting planets and the planets connected withthese planets also become malefics to the extent ofbecoming the death inflicting planets.

    In effect there are many death inflicting planets. In some

  • 34 Judgement of Longeui$

    cases all the planets and nodes become marakeshas. Some ofthem may become so by virtue of occupations of evil houses,others by virtue of lordship of these houses and still othersby conjunction or associations. In such cases the actualmarakesh has to be determined on the basis of relativestrength of planets which again needs a careful study'Normally the lagna lord is always benefic. If he occupies thelagna and obtains the dignity of exaltation etc., he becomesvery powerful. If he happens to be comparatively weaker thanthe81h lord, the later in his minor periods will cause illnessand death in his major Period.

    Besides the above there are some mone yogas which maybe noted here.

    1. Ifthe lord ofthe lagna and the 8th house occupy housesLlLl\fl 19 or 10 alongwith some other planet the deathoccurs in the Paka period of the planet occupying the 8thhouse.

    2. If the 8th lord is weak and occupies any of the trine orquadrant houses along with some other planet the deathtakes place in the period of 8th lord.

    3. If Saturn occupies the lagna or the 8th house it may bethe period of Saturn - major or minor-when death oc-curst.

    4. The lords of lst and 2nd house, if occupying movablesigrrs, give death in their own periods.

    6. The conclusions may be drawn from Ashtaka Varga also.

    The classical writers have identified the evil periods onthe basis of birth constellations or the Janma Nakshatras aswell as the rasis in the lagna.

    It may be pointed out here that despite all the exencise atthe identification of maraka planets it has not been possible todetermine the importance of each planet as a maraka graha.The yogas simply tell us the nature of planets, that is theplanets who can as well play the part of marakas. Who are themost pctent of them to do the work remains still to be identi-fied. It would be better if some sort of classification is made of :

  • Death Inflicting Planets 35

    all the maraka planets and on that basis identification of thevilest and worst malefic can fruitfully be attempted.

    It has been said earlier that houses 1, 8 and 3 are impor'tant for the existence ofthe native and 12th house ofeach ofthem is the deterring house for the fulfillment of the objectiveof the house. This is to say that if the houses 1,8, and 3 referto life, their 12th houses refer to be the maraka houses. Thelords of these maraka houses, their occupants and the planetsconnected with them become the death inflicting planets.There may also be some other planets who may not be directlyconnected with these maraka planets or the houses, yet mayappropriate to themselves the responsibility of marakeshas.Such planets, if planets they can be called, are Rahu andKetu. They easily deputise for the planets associated withthem in the same house, for the planets who aspect them, forthe planets whose constellations they tenant and finally forthe planet who is the lord of their tenanted rasi. All thesedeath inflicting planets can be grouped in three categoriesnamely the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. The second and?th lords are the death inflicting planets. The occupants ofthese houses are also classified as death inflicting planets.Planets conjoined with the above two lords also become themaraka planets. In some cases the lords of the 3rd, 6th and8th houses are also the killing planets and also the aspectingplanets some times assume this responsibility. Lords of the22nd drekkana and 64th Navamsa occupied by Moon can alsobe clubbed together with the maraka planets. In the face of somany planets and sometimes almost all the planets it is nec-essary to classi$ them as Primary, Secondary and Tertiarydeath inflicting planets in accordance with their power toperform the unfortunate act.

    The most important are the planetsoccupyingthd 2nd and7th house. They are the primary death inflicting planets. Theoccupants are stronger than the lords. Amonpt the occupantsthe malefics are stronger than the benefics. In the lastamonpt the Primary death inflicting planets come the lords ofthese two houses, that is, of 2nd and 7th and the planetsconjoined with them.

    Amonpt the secondary planets are included the beneficplanets occupying the 2nd and 7th houses. The lords of 3rd

  • 36 Judgement of LongeuitY

    andSthhouses,calledthehousesoflife,alsobecomethemar-akas if they are associated with 2nd and ?th lords'

    In the list of tertiary maraka planets can be includedSaturn the ayush karaka if he is connected with any of themarakas of the above two types and the lords of the 6th or thegtu ana houses. Last of atiis ttre weakest planet in the horo-scppe, lords of the 22nd drekkana and of 64th navamsa occu-;i; by Moon. Amongst them all the planets most afnicted by;p""i conjunction *ita/ot association can cause death' Whichpf"""t! wiit ao the work will depend upon their power of deathinfliction to be judged judiciously'

    The case can better be e:rplained by an example' JVIrs'Indira Gandhi's horoscope is taken up for examination here'

    The first problem here is todetermine whether her lifefalls in short, middle or longlife category. Exact Yogasmay not be available every-whLre but on the basis ofprinciples outlined an ideacan be had. In this case la'gna is afllicted as the rankmalefic Saturn occuPies it. Itis also hemmed between twoother malefics and Ketu. Thelagna lord is Moon who isnot only in the rasi of his

    enemy but also aspected powerfully by the marakesh Saturn'Fifth house is occupied Uy Sun the marakesh and also by Mer'

    ""ry trr, 3rd and- 12th lord. under such circumstances it

    *oita not be diffrcult to conclude that Mrs. Indira Crandhi had;h" ;ip;y" yoga. It is every body's-knowledge that the yoga.didnot fructiry. Tlis wasbecau.e of the powerful aspect of J-upiter;; th" ma?akesh Sun and his associate the Merqrry the 3rd

    "',arztnlordofMrs.Gandhi.Jupiteralsohasaspecialaspectott ttt*tt, the lagna lord. This made her survive the alpayu'The exact yogas may not be available but the spirit of tfem

    "-fro"ia Sriieirs. Guru Chandra yoga^is an indication of a long

    life. Heie Jupiter aspects the Moon. On account of this aspect

    8 \SunMerc

    / g \VenFlahu

  • Death Inftictittg Planets 37

    of Jupiter Moon can be treated as strong lagnesh aspectingthe lagna. The third factor indicating long life is that thelagna lord and the eighth lord should notbe in the same housetogether. In this case both may not be in the same house buttheir mutual direct aspect may be taken to mean to have thesame effect. Thus there are indications that the span of lifemay be classified as long life. Here it may be pointed that thefactors indicating the spa.n are not very powerful. After mak'ing some adjustments towards the lower side it can safely besaid that she would at least live upto the upper limit of themadhyamayu. After determining the approximate span of lifean attempt has to be made for determining the death inflect-ing planets.

    Prinary MarakasSecond and 7th houses are the maraka houses. Their

    occupants and lords have to be taken. They are Sunand Salurn, Mars by virtue of his occupation of the 2nd houseand Mercury due to his association with Sun the marakeshhas also to be included. Saturn is an ayush karakaplanet turned a maraka by being the lord of 7th house. Moonas a lagna lord in the 7th may not be a very great marakaplanet particularly when aspectud by Jupiter the 9th lord.Being the 6th Iord also simultaneously Jupiter is not whollybenefic.

    Amonpt the Primary Marakas are Saturn Sun and Mars.Then there are Venus, Rahu, Jupiter and Mercury. HereSaturn is most important because he is the 7th lord (maraka)and 8th lord posited in lagna without any benefic aspectexcept that of Moon. Next in importance areVenus and Rahuas occupants of 6th house, and Jupiter as lord. Nodes are monepowerful than the planets. We get on that basis Rahu at num-ber 2. Actually she was murdered during the mahadasa ofSaturn and Bhukti ofRahu.

    , This is one way of finding the span of life of the individual.In the first place determine the class of life, determine theparaka planets that will cause death near about the period oflife determined by the yogas.

  • 88 Judgernent of I'ongeuitY

    Heretheauthorwishestosaysomethingofhisowne.xpe-ri"rr." ,"gt"ding the determinatibn of the class of life and thealt"t-itt""tion if the maraka planets in order of theirstrength. Readers are free to accept or reject the method orhave their own exprience.

    The stress is not on the ascendant, because the sameascendant continues for about two hours' During this periodlhe position does not change substantially' Even the fastestMoondoesnotchange*.r"h'Ifascendantistakenintoconsid-eration it has to be iccepted that the births at the same placewithin a difference of two hourrs shall have the same type of

    l i feandthesametypeofeventsshal lbewitnessed.E:rperi-;;;il" that it is not so. This is not so because the cusp ofthe ascendant changes every four minutes or so' The constel-lation may remaitt Itt" o*" but the minor stars coming intooperation ao change. This can very well be understood by thepiliti"" of Moon. II" *ry remain_in the constellation RohiniLut a little shift forward will tell us which planet TJl b"running its sub'period or minor period at the time of birtha"ii"gift" mahadasa of Moon. The same position can beadopted in respect ofall the other planets and the lagna andthe difference noted.

    Ascendant stands for the native and the cusp explaing thegeneral nature of him or her' Imagining Moon in all the placesif planets and the various houses the position of constellationlords whose major period is under operation and that.ofsub-lord whose minor period shall be operative makes thedifference. For finding out the elass of life, alpayu'-"afty"ot"yu or deerghayu the study of the constellationandsublordis''*"""'"y.Ithastobeseeninwhoseconstella.tionthecuspalconstellationlordandsublordareposited'Byway of an e-xample, cusp of the ascendant has a longitude ofrzs .go .HadMoonueen in th ispos i t ion i twou ldhavebeensaidthatth."nat i l renrnsthesub.periodofSuninthemajorGroa of Ketu. The cuspal lord dnd su! lord of the ascendantin this case are Ketu and sun. The sub lord of the ascendantcuspisthedecidingfactorintheassessmentoflife'Followingrules may be noted.

  • Deoth Inflietin'g Planets 39

    1. Ifthe sub lord ofthe ascdt. cusp is posited in the star ofa planet occupying the badhakasthana or the marakast-


    hana and is tl* *tttt*ted with houses 6th, 8th, or 12ththe life can be treated as short.

    t Fo" fixed houses that is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquar-iusthegthhouseisabadhakasthana'Henceonlyinsuchcases the indication would be a short life'

    2. If the sublord of the lagna cusp is in the star of the planetoccupying the lst, 5th, fth and 10th or owning thesehouses the life is long.

    3. If the lagna cusp sub lord signifies both benefic andmalef ichousesthespanof l i feshouldbeconsideredasMadhya or middle life.

    The above rules are simple and easy to apply' The positionwill be clear by the example of Mrs Indira Gandhi's horoscope.Details of longitude have to be noted which are as under:

    AscdFCanet 27' 21', Sun-Vrischik 4'08, Moon-Capri'corn 5.37; Mars-Leo 16.23; Mercury-scorpio 13'15;Jupiter-Taurus 15.01; Venus--'sagittarius 21'00; Saturn-Cancer 21.47 ; Rahu-sagittarius 10. 33; Ketu-Gemini L0' 33'The lagna cusp falls in the constellation of Mercury and sub ofJupite;. ThusJupiter is the sub lord of the lagna cusp' AtfS.Of fre is posited in the constellation of Mmn' He is thelagna lord and as such a benefic. By occupying the

    '/th housene rras assumed'the responsibilities of the marakesh also.Hence he is a malefic. Thus the sub-lord of the cusp, Jupiter isconcerned with both benefic and malefic houses. He himself isthe lord of 9th house a benefic. According to rule 3 IndiraGandhi was ordained a middle life which is arrived at abovethrough detailed examination of yogas.

    For purposes of signiSing the results of various housesfollowing principles have to be noted. They are:

    1. The occupa.nts of the houses are stronger to offer theresult ofthe houses they occupy than the lords ofthqsehouses.

  • ,m Judgement of Longeuity

    2. The planels in the constellation of the occupants arestronpr than the occupants to offer the results of thosehouses.

    3. The planets in the constellation of the lords of the housesare stronger to offer l,he results of the lrouses than thelords.

    4. Nodes. if in any way oonnected with houses are the,

    strr:ngest of all to offer the results. Their order of offeringresults is like this in the descending order.

    , (a) Nodes give the resuits of planets conjoined with them.(b) Nodes give the results of the planets aspee,ting them;

    and(c) Nodes give the result of the lord of the house they are

    posited in.In respect of the death infticting nature following rules

    applv.(a) Badhakasthanas, their occuparrts and the lords are the

    worst tnalefics, worst than the maraka planets.

    ft) The occupants and the lord of ?th house come next inpower to do the job.

    (c) The occupants and the lorcl of 2nd house have less po-tenry than the planets at O) above.

    (d) The occupants and the lord of6th,8th and 12th housesare the least powerful of all.

    After assessi.ngthe span of iife the next step is tojudge thedeath infticting planets operating near about the period of herlife span.

    I{er la.gna is Cancer, a movable sign. Its badhakasthana isllth from it which is Taurus. Jupiter occupies Taurus' I'Iealso signifies the afftrirs of 10th house, the karmasthana.Being the 6th lord he is already a malefic. Being in the starof Moon who occupies the ?th house Jupiter becomes apotent malefic. There is no planet in any of the threeconstellations of J'upiter. Next, to Jupiter in power comes

  • Death Infl.icting Ploruts 4l

    Venus,tt" 5"6|ukedhipati. He is in his own nakshatra andhence very strong. Mars is also in Venus constellation. He isnot a-q great a malefic because by being in the constellation ofVenus he will offer more predominantly the results of thehouse occupied by his star lord. Thus Jupiter and Venus are inthe list of worst malefics.

    Next in order is the 7th, house. Moon though in Capricorn,does not occupy the ?th house because, its longitude is27.2l-Hence there is no octupant of ?th house. Saturn is its lord.Sun and Mercury are in his constellations' Here Mercury isposited in Scorpio with Sun the second lord, and he is alsoaspected by his star lord technically posited in the 12th bhava.Sun being the 2nd lord comes as the least malefic. In thedescending order we have Jupiter, Venus, Mercury Saturnand Sun. Here Rahu occupies one of the houses of Jupiter andis also associated with Venus. Hence Rahu becomes molpowerful than Venus and Jupiter and therefore replaces both.Mrs Indira Gandhi was murdered when she was running thedasa of Saturn and Rahu.

    The intention of introducing this systern which is knownas Krishnamurti Padhdhati or merely K. P. is just to getthe new students acquainted with it and leave it for them tofollow or not to follow. They may like to draw their ownconclusions.

    The discussion so far has been about the death inflictingplanets. We may do better if rve can at any time identiff allsuch planets - potent as well as probable.

    1. The planet posited in the 8th house can cause death. Ifthere ar'e more than one planet the strongest of themgets this trrcwer.

    2. The planet aspecting the eighth house can also causedeath.

    3. The drekkana of eighth house is al-qo important.

    4. The navamsa of 8th hous is also an indicator of themishap.

  • 42 Judgement of LongeuitY

    5. The planet in exaltation in the 8th house'

    6. If the planet posited in the 8th house is in the navamsa ofthe sign of his exaltation or his friend's rasi'

    ?. The planet who is vargottam in 8th house'

    We can as well consider here the chances of accidentaldeaths revmled bY the Yogas'

    L. If the lagna lord is with the 8th lord and many otherplanets many persons aie a,ton-S.with the native' TheLme results foliow if the 8th lord is positd in 8th housealongwith many other Planets'

    2. If Mars occupies the 10th house and Saturn the fourthone death may occur bY accident'

    3. If Saturn, Mars antl Rahu occupy the 8th house thedeath maY be bY acci'dent'

    4. Mars in 6th or 12th house, Saturn in 8th and Moon inhouses 6lSlt2the person meets an unnatural death'

    Divide the zodiac into 3 parts of 4 rasis each' The startingpoint of the first part *ould be the lagna rasi' In other wordsiutr"t i" meant isihe first four houses from lagna as the firstp"ii, tft" next four houses namely bth to eighth house theil;a part and the remaining four houses the last part. If

    ""v *"iV*alefic planet occupies any of these three groups

    *ilnoot any benefic influence, he becomes potent enough to

    "".r=. death in his period. The planet in the rasi sandhi be-

    stows illness, sotrow and pain' Here there is some differenceof opinion. Some eminent astrologers feel that it happens only,"tren the planet is retrograde in motion and reached the lastdegree of the rasi at the time of birth'

    In Jataka Pariiat the learned author says tlat if the bthdasa from birth is lf M"t", 6th of Jupiter, 4th of Saturn or ?thof Rahu death takes place in that period'

    Maharishi Parasar has talked of Tara dasa' The first Vim-sottari dasa from birth is called the frst tara dasa' As thereare nine dasas in the Vimsottari system there are nine tana

  • Death Inftiaing Plonets 43

    dasas also. For each dasa he has indicated the nature of

    results by their "";;"-*

    ihw are (1) ianma tara (2) Sam'pati (3) Vipat tai x"tt"il" Ol p""tv""i

  • 44 Judgement of Longeaity

    benefic planet's period which has been identified as evil, thedeath may be expected in the middle of the dasa period.Similarly, if the lagna rasi is strong by day the death maycome duringthe night and vice versa. These appear too simplerules to be followed in such intricate cases as life and death. Itwould be better if the planets are judged in the back-ground ofthe houses they own or occupy.

    1. The planets owning any of the trine houses are alwa5rsbenefic irrespective of their natural qualities.

    2. ,The lords of 3rd, 6th, Bth and llth houses are always tobe considered as malefics even though they be benefic bynature

    3. The benefics owning the quadrants become functionalmalefics and the rnalefics in the same position becornefunctional benefics.

    4. Lord of Lagna is always to be considered as benefic be-cause lagna is the one house which is both a trine and aquadrant.

    Based on the principles of Laghu Parasari some eminentastrologers say that the planet merely by virtue of his lordship of an angular house does not behave the opposite of hisnature. One exception is the lagna lord himself. It is on-tended that lagnesh even if he is the lord of sixth or eighthhouse remains a benefic. Similarly, the two luminaries Sunand Moon do not become malefi

  • Death Infticting Planets 45

    bhava which forms the same bhava from the concerned bhava'If for example the affairs for judgement pertain to 4th' house,the fourth house should be judged and also 4th to 4th that isthe 7th bhava should also be given equal importance. If affairsof 10th house are to bejudged, the seventh house should notbe left out because it is the 10th house from tenth. If the lon-gevity judgd from the eighth house is the concern the 8thhot* from the eighth should also be judged. It is on the samelogic perhaps thab 8th and 3rd houses are considered to berepresenting life or a5rusha. The house 12th to any housebecomes a detrimental house. Therefore 2nd and 7th, housesare taken to be the marakasthanas. The twelfth house is alsrrtaken into consideration in the context because the lap3ladenotes the physical body of the native and death neansdanger to this physical body. The 2nd and 7th houses are tliem"".k*thanas but 7th is a greater evil than the 2nd' It is the7th lord who is more potent killer than the 2nd lord and on thesame analory the occupants of the 7th house are strongermalefics than the occupants of the 2nd house. Similarly,amongst the tnaraka planets those who are associated withthe ?th lord becorne greater marakas than those who are notasqociated with the 2nd lord. In case the death inflictingplanets are not judpd to be potent death inflictors the 12th,ilo.r* lord and occupants should be judged. Sometimes whenno planet is judged to be strong enough to inflict the penalty ofaeattr the malefic planet does the job. About the potency etc' ofthe planets for giving the results of a particular house theirmutual relationship (not friendly or inimical) should bejudged. Maharishi Parasar has outlined 4 type of mutualconnections of the planets. They are.

    1. Mutual exchangeof houses

    2. Mutual aspect

    3. Planet's full direct aspect on the planet occupying theformer's house.

    4. Occupying the same rasi

    In Jyotis Tatwa one more relationship is added. The plan-ets get rnutually related to each other if they are posited in

  • 46 Judgement of Langeuity

    triire or angle from each other. If Mars is in 10th house andSun in lagna or the seventh house,then Sun and Mars willhave mutual relationship. Similarly if Mars is posited in sec-ond house and Saturn in 6th they are mutually in trine and assuch related or better connected with each other. E:rperiencehas shown that such positions can not be ignored.

    On the question of marakeshas, Saturn and the nodee,particularly, Rahu should be paid special attention. If Saturnirs connected with the maraka planets he appropriates tohimseff all the powers and becomes the biggest marakesh.The position of nodes is still more sensitive. They assumethe qualities of the planets who are conjoined with themor aspect them or are their sign dispositors. To end thediscussion on Marakeshas the position maybrieflybe summedup as under:

    1. The houses 2nd and 7th are the marakasthanas. Seventhis worse than the 2nd and the planets as lords and/or oc-crrpants of these houses are marakeshas.

    2. The planets connected with houses g, 6, 8, 11 and twelveare the malefic planets.

    3. For the identification of death inflicting powers thestrength and weakness of planets should be judged.

    4. If all the planets are equally powerful the 6th lord shouldbe treated as most malefic.

    5. If Saturn is onnected with the maraka planets Saturnshould be cpnsidered as the greatest malefic. The samerule applies to the nodes.

    6. Rahu posited in Scorpio or Capricorn becomes a greatmalefic. This is one view. According to Parasar the maincondition is that Scorpio or Capricorn should be thelagna also and Rahu posited in lagna.

    7. Gulika is regarded as the maha maraka.8. If there are many maraka planets thene will be illness

    during their najor and minor periods and the sixth lordbeomes the decisi\re factor in catrsing death.

  • Death Inflicting Planets 47

    T?ansitTransits offer their results only when the relevant dasa

    indicates a particular event. The planets are always movingand transiting some or the other sensitive points but death isnot caused because the maraka dasa does not coincide withthe time of transits. Transits speciS the periods more pre-cisely than the dasas or the yogas. To find out whether aparticular transit will prove fatal or not it is necessary tojudge the dasa running at the time of the transit to get theresult. If it is the maraka dasa running at the time of aparticular transit the result will be fatal otherwise the transitmay simply pasrq away or at the most bring about some com-paratively minor event like accidents or illnesses.

    As there are nine planets so also the sages had a concept ofnine sub-planets. These sub-planets are non luminous bodiescalled the Up-grahas. They are Kala, Paridhi, Dhuma,Ardhyam, Yamkantak, Dh4nu, Gulika or Mandi, Vyatipataand Upketu. How their longitudes are calculated is givenbelow.

    t o l n

    1. Dhuma = longitude of Sun + 4. 13.20.002. Vyatipata = 12 signs - Dhuma3. Paridhi = 6signs +Vyatipata4. Dhanu = 12 signs - Paridhi5. Upketu = Dhanu + 0.16.40'00

    For Gulika (for day borns)Days duration is divided by 8 and multiplied by the multi-

    plier. Multipliers are on Sunday 7, Monday 6, Tuesday 5,Wednesday 4, Thursday 3, Friday 2, Saturday 1.

    After calculating the Ishta kala longitude of Gulika isdetermined as the iagna.Gulika for night borrrs

    Night duration is divided by 8 and multiplied by thefollowing multipliers according to the day for which it is

    , '

  • 48 .Judgement of l-ongeuity


    Sunday 3, Mondav 2, Tuesday 1, Wednesday 7, Thursday6, Friday 5 and Saturday 4.

    This process will give the Ishta and like lagna its longi-tude can be worked out.

    Deternrining time of death from Tlansits1. Add the longitudes of Gulika, Sun and Lagna. When Ju-

    piter in transit reaches the rasi and point arrived at asabove death takes place; or

    2. When Jupiter trarrsits the trine to the rasi of the lord ofthe above rasi death takes place.

    3. When Jupiter transits the rasi or its navamsa obtainedby deducting longitude of Yamakantaka from the longi-tude of the lagna lord.

    Saturn's transit1. lObtain rasi after deductingthe longitude of Saturn from

    that of G'ulika, Death takes place when Saturn reachesthe navamsa rasi of that rasi.

    2. When Saturn transits the trine of the above rasi.3. Add the longitudes of Dhuma, Vyatipata, Paridhi,

    Dhanu, and Upketu and obtain the rasi etc. When Sat-urn reaches that rasi or its drekkana death takes place.

    4. When Saturn transits dwadasamsa of Gulika.5. When Saturn transits the trines of rasi arrived at by

    the total of the longitudes of 6th lord, 8th lord and 12thlord.

    6. Jupiter transits the navamsa of Gulika.7. Moon's transit of the rasi arrived at by adding up the lon-

    gitudes of Moon and Gulika.8. Sun's transit of the rasi anived at by adding Lagna,

  • Death Inflieting Ptonets irgMoon and Gulika (Addition may be with rasis or withoutrasi; both ways Sun's transit of the part of the Zndiac isdangerous to life).

    9. Jupiter transits the rasi or its trines anived at byadding up the longitudes of the lord of lagna, Sun andGulika.

    10. Jupiter transits the rasi or its trine amived at bydeducting the longitudes of Yamakantak from thelagna.

    11. Jupiter transits the rasi or its navzrmsa arrived at byadding up the longitudes of lagna, Saturn and Gulikaand multiplying it by four.

    12. According to Prasna Marga Saturn's first roundof the zodiac brings death to alpayu, in the secondround to madhyamayu and in the 3rd to deerghayunatives.

    The classical writers have given some other methodsof calculating the evil periods. For day borns thelongitudes of Sun and Saturn should be added and theconstellation determined. The death shall take place in theperiod of the constellation lord. For the night borns theconstellation should be determined by longitudes of Moonand Rahu.

    Therc is also the system of calculating Spashta Jeeva,Spashta Deha and Spashta Mrityu. If the total of SpashtaJeeva and Spashta fhha exceeds Spashta Mrityu the nativeenjoys deerghayu, if the same is less the person has short life.The calculations of Spa^shtaJeeva, Spashta Deha and SpashtaMrityu are given below.

    1. Spashta Jeeva = (Iong. of lagna x 5) + long. of Gulika.2. Spashta Deha

    .= (long.of Moon x 8) + long. of Gulika.

    3. Spashta Mrityu = O.ong. of Gulika x 7) + long. of Sun.Some easier methods have also been outlined for deter-

    mining the death period.

  • 5r)1.


    J ud,g eme nt of Longeoity

    If all the seven planets join together in transit in thelagna or rasi (Moon sign).The same result follows if the above associationtakes place in the 7th rasi from Moon sign or ascendantfaelr.

    3. If all the malefics join together in the 8th rasi from lagnaor Moon sign.

    4. If one malefic transits Lagna sign or the Moon sign and'

    other malefics come to 6l8lL2 houses.There are so many ways of determining the dasa of

    planets malefic to life. The question as to when weshould erpect the transit results to fructiff still remains tobe answered. The question has been replied by the sagesas under:

    1. Sun starts giving results 5 days earlier than his transitto the next sign.

    2. Moon does it 72 minutes earlier.3. Mars does it 8 days earlier.4. Mercury does it 7 days earlier. Venus also does the


    6. Jupiter does it 2 months earlier.6. Saturn does it 6 months earlier.7. Rahu and Ketu start doing it 3 months earlier.

    It is now proposed to study the causes that bringabout death of the native. This is another way ofdetermining the longevity. The sages have thrown a floodof light on this aspect of the question. It is the 8thhouse that needs a comprehensive analytical study inthis respect. Amongst the causes there will be, interalia, the fatal diseases, unfortunate aeidents as well asthe psychological and sentimental factors leading to suicidesetc. About the diseases, etc. it is necessary to knowthe three humors and seven elements represented by theplanets. All the diseases in those days were the result ofimbalance of these humors. They are:

  • Death Inflicti ng Planets 51Elemcnts and. Patts

    of body.Fire, bone.

    Planets Humars

    Sun Biles.Phlegm, wind. Water, blood.Biles. Injury b3r arms,


    Fever, skin.Unknown diseases,fat.

    Phlegm, wind. Hunger, semen.Wind. Thirst, nervous

    system.The rasi in the eighth house will represent the the part of

    the body of the l(ala Purusha and the planets their owneffects. The important parts of 8th house are the drekksna ofthe rasi falling in it and the nanamsaof the lagna. The planetsimportant in this respect are the lord of 8th house the occu-pa.nts and the planets aspecting the eighth house. If there isno occupant ofthe house, the eighth lord and the lord of2}nddrekkan of the lagna are to be taken into acrount.

    1. The sign of the eighth house represents the part of thebody of l(ala Punrsha. The sayne part of the body of thenatire will be alfected. The trouble will be indicated bythe planet occupying the 8th house.

    2. If there ane many planets occupying the house thestrongest of them will represent the trouble.

    8. If many planets are strong in the house the trouble willbe complicated by the qualities of the planets concerned.

    4. The strongest of the planets aspecting the eighth housecan also cause the disease.

    5. If no planet aspects the house the rasi of the ZZnddrekkana or its lord would represent the fatal disease.

    The main principles that emerge from the above ane:


    Mercury all three.Jupiter Phlegm.


  • 52 Judgeinent of LongeuitY

    l. Occupants are stronger to cause illness'

    2. The lord of house comes next'

    3. Planets aspecting the house come next'

    4. Lords and rasi of drekkana are the last to give diseases.

    Thecausesofdeathcanbedeterminedbythedrekkanaof the rasi falling in the eighth house. Each has its ownpeculiarities which are available in classics. They need not berepeated here for want of sPace.

    Similarly the troubles indicated by the Navamsa of therasi indicate the cause of death. Just by way of an example, ifthe eighth house happens to be Scorpio or it contains ther"rr-ri* of Scorpio tlie cause of death may be sprue, jaundice'or injury by stone or arms.

    If the occupant of the house is exalted there he willgive the troubles accrrrding to its nature. Sun in such positioniill

    "r.t* death by fire, Moon by water, Mars by quarrels or

    armed fight etc.

    If the occupant happens to be exalted in thehouse and also in the same navamsa the results will beas under:-

    Sun - Death due to some scandal or ill repute'

    Y*") - Death by a quadruPed.MarsJMercury - Death due to bad blood.Jupiter - Death due to phlegmatic disease'Venus - Death due to mouth disease.Saturn - Death due to starvation.

    If the planet is vargottam in the 8th house the cause of'death in the case of Sun is due to iron (it may be injury by ironrods), Moon give it by quadrupeds, Mars denotes fall fromhigh place, Mercury from wind troubles, Jupiter by his ownhands (it may be suicide or accidental firing), Venus by leprosy and Saturn by cancer, tumour, injury etc.

  • Death Inflicting Plnnzts 53If the planets are in inimical sign in the 8th house Sun

    gives death due tci'impure blood, Moon by troubles of thebowels, Mars by the diseases of the sexual organs, and Saturnby a quadruped specially the horse.

    The other details of the causes are as under:1. If Mars is in the quadrant and Rahu in the ?th house the

    persron himslf is the canse of death.2. If malefics are in the kendras and lagna lord is sur-

    rounded by malefics the death is due to the native him-self.

    Death oocurs due to the natire's own wife or husbandunder the following conditions

    1. Ingna occupied by Sun and Saturn, Moon and Mars intlp 7th, and Venus in the Znd house.

    2. Piscs is the asce,ndant. Sun and Moon o@upy it and themaletrlcs are in the 8th house.

    8. Saturn and Mars in the ?th house and the ?th lord oocu-pies 6th 8th or lfth house.

    4. Saturn and Mars in the 7th and Sun as the 7th lord irspositd in the 6th/8th/12th houee.

    There are many other reasons of death. Some of them areas under:

    The person dies in the prison if:1. The lagna lord alongrrith malefic ocupies house of his

    debility and the 8th lord not oeupying or aspecting thehouse.

    2. The lord.s of lagrra and 8th house are poeited in thehouses of their debility and aspected by those planetswho are in their own houss of debility.

    8. The lords of lagns and 8th house are in their houses ofdebility and aspected by Rahu and legnesh notaspecting the ninth hotrse. The native in sudr acondition dies in air.

  • 64 Judgement of longeuitY

    There are yogasr indicating the death of the native intoiletg by hangrng, in combats and armed strugles.

    Similar conclusions about the place and mode of death,etc., can be drawn from the Padas of lagna and other houses.The rules are:

    1. If the eighth house rasi from the lagna Pada and 7thhouse pada are movable signs the death takes place outof the house.

    2. If the eighth house rasis from the lagna pada and 7thhouse pada are both fixed signs death takes place in thehouse.

    3. If the eighth house rasi from the lagna pada and the 7thhouse pada are dual rasis the death may take place onthe way in the journey.

    The determination of Pada rasis is erplained. If supposelagna is Aries and its lord Mars occupies the ninth house, thelagna pada will be the ninth house from Mars that is the fifthhouse of the horoscope. Similarly in the same case the 7th lordVenus, suppose, is posited in the 4th house which is 10th from?th house the pada of the 7th house would be tenth from 4th,that is, the first house. Thus pada of the ?th house is lagna.The pada calculation is the contribution of Jaimini. He hasfurther said that

    1. If the third rasi from Pada navamsa rasi ie a movablesign the death of the perston is in an unnatural way.

    2. If the 6th, rasis ftom the pada rasi or the navamsa rasiare movable signs death takes place in an unnatural wayand in a closed room.

    3. If one of the rasis in the above case is movable and theother dual death takes place bebre the normal period.

    4. If the third rasi from Pada rasi or Pada navamsa rasi isoccupied by or aspected by malefics the death takes placeat stony places.

    6. Lf the eighth ra.si from lagna or atmakaraka and Pada

  • Death Inflicting Planets 55rasis or Pada navamsa rasis are occupied or aspected bythe malelics and particularly by Rahu death takee place

    , by hanging.

    ''6. If th" 3rd rasi from the lagna or the atmakaraka happensto be Libra death is by lathis and if Leo is the rasi thedeath is by snake bite.

    $:?. If Saturn is eighth from atmakaraka death is by takingpoison. If that is aspected by Mercury the death may befrom dianhoea"

    There are many other ways in which Jaimini has tried tostudy the causes of death.

  • Chapter 5

    Ashtaka Varga

    Ashtaka Varga (A.V.) system of prediction is one of themost popular and easy way of prediction. It has achieved theadmiration of most a-strologers. They start all their predictionsand end them with it. Vraddha Yawan is all praise for it andhas gone to the extent of saying that he who knows the impor-tance of ashtaka.iarga is Go$. His famous lines are even todayrepeated with reverence.

    erqo-q'fs Ewqrf: s{qr5ilqffli: I3T-6-drfs qErd{i d \ilr{rfr n: $r+

  • AshtahaVarga 57

    planets namely Sun, Moon, Mars. Mercury Jupiter, Venusand Saturn, and one lagna. In all there are thus 8 chartsgrving the name to the system as Ashtaka Varga system.Ashta means eight.

    The system deals with the nischayatmic aspect of astrol-ogr, that is, it talks in precise dates and timing of events. Theexact span of life irs the subject which is of great concern notonly to the native but also to the astroloprs who venturecertain predictions. A.V. system has an answer to such prob-lems also. Before going into the calculation of life span accord-ing to the system it is necessary to have a brief resume offundamentals.

    Every planet has some benefic places. They are in rbspectof himself and in respect of other seven planets and the lagna.Briefly summarizing them they are:

    l. Sun gives benefic points as undenL,2,4,7,8,9,L0 and 11 from himself; 3,6,10,11 from Moon;6,7,12, from Venus, 1,2,4,7,8.9, 10 and 11 from Mars;3,5,6,9, 10, 11, 12, from Mercury; 5,6,9 and 11 fromJupiter; I,2,4,7,8,9,10 and 11 from Saturn and 3, 4,6, IO,11, and 12 fron Lagna.Total number of points are 48.

    2. Moon gives the following benefic grcints3,6,7,8,10, and 11 from Sun1,3,6,7,10 and 11 from himself2,3,5