judge fjot quality by price! fine $ amd repairing. · day liesthevill resume charge of trill fresh...

VOL. i . No: 4 8. _ CRANFORD,, UNION COUNTY, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24; 1S94. $2 PER YEAR. Broad St. Cor. E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH. N. J. JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE! When we sellcost isnot- considered., '. Best Sugar Cured Ilams ...: ;. ...12c lb Best Sugar Cured Shoulders ....... Best XXXX Minnesota Floor. '.-.. ; Best Family Flour - - Condensed Milk o n l y ; , .......... Ijiundry Soap, 100 cakes iu box!,. \ Fine Teas, all kinds,-only .... " Fine Breakfast CbfTeo o n l y ........ Sc. lb . .$4.25 bbl ._';63.50 bbl .... 7c. "can 32e. lb, ..... 30c lb 1b3for*100 ;New Crop New Orleans JloIassesottiV ............... J5 gal,.-. - Manilla Syrup only..'.".'.' .T.'.."'...".'.. 35 gal Local Items. On Friday night the anniversary of the Casino's opening will be couuneinor ated by a brilliaut duiice - Rev. F. J. Mundy. lately of Spokane, Washington, occupied Rev. George F. Greene's" jinlpit on Sunday morning. Tho statement, "published in lust week's issue, that the house occupied by Ct 8. Littell IjAdbeen sold, is erroneous. Last FridaiuLoms'Gauzel and.wife. formerly of Westfield, moved into the house on Hojlv street recently vacated by 17. L. VanDeveuter. " : " JIiss Carrie Purcell is R s ridjs port shortly to act as bridesmaid at the nuptials of Miss Grace. Hand. The bride elect U a niece of Mrs."William Close. ' •'. . -- . -'•-• Tlie Grand Jury will finish ils'labors tomorrow juoruiiijr: •-Edward Book- hont fiiiys there will be no indictmriits or presentments inado dtut yf Cnuifonl. against Any rwi- o Orders shipped to all parts of Union County Tree of charge Store open evenings until 8 p. m., Saturdays 11 p. m. STORE ONLY 2 MINUTES WALK FROM C. R. R. AND P. R. R.DEPOTS. Captain A. W. Powell has been waltz- iiijr ntKint town to the., "tnno of Home SWvrt'Houie since "'J-Jattinlay. On Sun- day liestheVill resume charge of Trill Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily - . .•••• AT THE . / ' "" Westfield Fish & Oyster Market. CLV3IS, LOBSTERS, SOFT SIIELI, CRABS, I>cllverI**H lu Cranford, Tuesday si Tlvursrtnys, 8ntur<ln>H, The most for your mon- ey at all timesi at the BEEHIVE NEWARK. •(Irwilcst of ull COMIC OPKISA Sl'CCESSKsi p'Tfiese in Hfisiery M Lildies Fast Black Cotton Hose, inado of-tiut'st combed yarn, with high spliced Juris, spliced cole and ribbed top, whilo they last we shall offer them at 20C. Ladies Plain Black Euglish Cashmere -hose. : ...... Ladies Fine French in evening shades, 39c. All Silk Hr.no former $3 02 at, ..... ,.,, ... 82.19. Men's Extra Heavy Fast Black Cotton Socks, a very serviceable article, at tho fpecial price: 23c. MERINO WEAR. ~T The best time to bny n needed article I ii when yon need it most; Warm Un- " .derwear is in especial demand just now. / Ladles White Merino Vesta or Pants, superior quality.,.. v ...,, . . . . : .^.Bpp f . Ladies White Wool Vests or-rPants of dollar v a l u e ...... . '..,. 76c- 'Ladies Black WV>1 Equestrian tights, perfect fitting ;./.':... SI.49. Men'* Heavy Scarlet Shirts, double. back and front, were $1.50.... SI.35. WE ARE D0INO A RUSHINQ BUSI. NESS ON COLORED SKIRTS. GOOD VALUE GIVING IS REflSON FflRIIl. Ladies fleeced underskirts in whito ...,,...:. 69C. Ladies Striped.-Flannel Underskirts with scalloped' --border., silk embroi- dered. ... -...-..." 76c. Ladies Quilted Black Sateen Skirts from .- SI.IB. up. And don'l.forget our Cloaks, our Shoes, our Gloves, our Millinery, or our Fur Capes. 707 to 731 Broad St., Newark. OBUER I1V MAIL IKTOD WANT. ,,-, JOHN JS- RAMCIN, •-•« Electrician and Locksmith, 110 BROAD ST.. ELIZABETH. KIretrio Gu IJfhllW. Call HcUaand llurulw AUrnu, Lairn Sluwcre. Haws andCutlery Kuarpnd Or TO-NIGHT! "Tiie Giltiooleys Abroad" The Gormons, S*« Late of Gorman'• Mlmtroli. ANDACOOD COSIPANV MUCKS-7BC, BOeAllir., 25.' SATURDAY OCT. 27, ROIICSOKE FEflST FBflfl W .UID! D. W. Truss &Co. fiorton'^Minslrelsi Pllll CrtMEIJIAJi H. J. Vnrlu>>-, NiilCurtia, . Chili. Hyrqe, 1'Vwl Albcrt nnt'VOCAI.IHTS. FrnKVlSthmitt, f. H. Lnrkln. Turn Kmlini;. J Mt •AND THE Renowned Crescent City Quartette The* L y w l Theatre, Thursday Evening, Oct. 25th. America's Favorite Comedienne, SADIE-:- SUPPOHTED I1V . •'"•"iMAxTiGMAN AND: STAR CAST, IN B.CVTfTEPHEXKON AND «'M. YAHD- USY'S The Passport PRICES-Flrst 6 rows, $1.00! bal. aniie 7sc, 50c, 35c. and 35c. SATURDAY, OCT. 27, MUGgjS LANDING. III» TO 1JATK, Matinoo at S. . Bomethloff V t M | Homflwhere. Husband—Thoso biscuits arc what heavy, my dear. Dont yon think •o? funny. Tho cookbook At a regular meeting of the, Democra- tic'Clnhheld on Thursday night, Sam- uel Parks resigned his office as presi- dent, giving ns his reasonthat^fioveni- went employees are torliTJIentii lifnire actively in politics. Jasper C. Hunt was elected to fill thovneaucy.. Richard •E. Clement also resigned from the Coun- ty Executive .Committee. - Tlie statement pnblished in the Jonr- nnl on Monday to the effect that the np- f ior story of the Miller .Block hitdbeen eased for a gentleman's clnb is prononnced nntrne by several^ the men interested in, tho pro]>osed clnb.' The clnb theysaX ia not organized,and noth Tlio M.' E. church' steward* will meet to morruw uight. . .. _-. ' ' - iCliattertoifs Holly nvsyinij; nipitlly. Work on Mr. street honso is Tlie Weiliu^ay Morning Club; which met at Mrs: Wilhnr's this ujfmin£ lead "The Taming of the.Smif. " Tlie tweatit;th anuiversarj- of their wedding was ivlebrahil on ivitunlay uight by Mr. and Mrs. Hugo JO. Feth". The Athletic Clnb footlmll-toani will play the Kiwlle football ifam at Roost>- velt .Manor on Saturdnr itftt'rnuon, t »:;!0. . ' ., •' An attractive nn^gramme has ljtvn ar- sangtM fur.the Cliristian EudeaVfir soci- able to IK' held at the. home of E. B. llorton to/;iuurrow uight. ' • A Royal'ArCilnmn Smoker with the donbk' purpose ofamri^inj? the Utys al- ready within the fold ami bringing ers in. will b»- held at the Council rooms on Nov. :t. '. \ ...-:' A SELF MAI)Ell.«. Tlie Democratic Stand J Bearer In - The Congressional ampaign. ' Th i for lots is growing rapidly. chafer is ,T. S. Ilillar. ol .stroke, of. the. vjirpenfrr's • bimimer-'-wil} soon lie heard on'JIr. Hillar's property. if-i:<»yt,M^«ijw«'L, ,. . 3h-art i3 pnrtttArra V ford this year, don't fail tft final meeting of jhe Registry the tinvn rooms iieit Tuesday between 1 and » p. in., Mrs. Charles s! Littell left town for Baltimore yesterday morning ti> attend the W€ilding on Nov. 1st, of her sister. Miss JElhi Wolf. She will be gone 11 fortnight. Oii the saufe tr.iin Mrs. E. Edgar Heston departed for "Newark, Delaware,- to visit ner parents. ..-.. - Aftlie 'Spwial meeting"uf,. the Ath- letic Club, held on Monday evening it was decided that, the-Exururiru Coin- Geo. Opera House Block, Craiifortl; - Fine $ Custom! Tailoring t'tc, I hive put in a li' for AMD REPAIRING. stock of-CAHSIMERE.* WOItSTEDS. CHEVIOTS. FallandWinpCloth^ A Good Suit of Clothes to Ofder for BETTER ONES FOR $15 AND UPWARDS. - ^ ALL guaranteed satisfactory in mluerihi; workmanship and fit ifgbT clnb theysaX i ing will he don tintil tl4l h g . oh townnVsecnritig rooms tiClb' huildr ing project takes definite form. Those in a position to know assert that the Alcams Society's presentation of •'Tho Musketeers" next Tuesday night will lie the most . brilliant and artistic performance* yet given uy Hint talented organization. Mr. Brennun. wlio has re- •plnx-ed Mr. Fisher in the""character ."Gontrain" is a tenor of phenomenal ability. .His acting is likewise.report- ed to be admirable. Seats for the ev- ent are Helling rapidly. _ No.Jover of good music can afaVrd to miss it. Several members of Hook &Ladder Company No. 1 rolled up their shirt sleeves on Friday night nnd startedii: to ornament with plaster tho side wall." of the truck house. The}- succeededin Betting only a part of the adhesive ma tcria] on th« walls. Much of the phis ternttaclud Itself to their arms, faces and benrda; The boys certainly appear ed industrious, if not handsome. Everv 10 days 10 yonn^r women lock themselves in a room of one of their, re- spective homos and stealthily produce four pucks of cards and proceed to play enchre.' The members of this donble octetK' nr<\ JUSHL'S Carrie, -and Eloivno Piirecll. Helen fark. Hattie and Nclli .BlilktvMarsneritu.Abry, 11,H<IUI1VI; Hcnrirltn-J.ickpniv,: "•Jliirie r TltimTiief. Edith .TOUCH. Mabel Thornton, - Fannie •P<«MiniiM,-.IViiii«."1V<.K!.riusv,^Jli3.":::itot«Tt lilakt", M'ni.K. W. Tliorton-and.Mrs.; ilarry Tlmhiton. Tti<>'next .meeting \\*jll l«i held at the latter's residence on - Through moonlight .navigation in the Railway river is never dangerons, itl. is- occasionally attended with inconveu" iente. \Thatiis the opinion of ei-Police- 111.111 Sanford^- who witb his daughter Lnlu went rowing one night last week.' Now ns Sir. Sanfo.nl is n devotee of astronomy. h,c natnrally took advantage- of tin? opportunity to examine them'inn- tnin scarred face of Lnna. Mianwhilo Lnlu wan pinging "Jly Sweet heart's the Man in the Moon," anil gazing np to see whether he_ noticed her_coqriettish ballad.'. . All this \tiiuo the- boat wa« drifting down Btream. , Snddenly its bottom grated on the top of the stone dam and thero it stuckX Mr. Sanford pushed and Luln rockod.vbnt the boat remained stationary. They then'shout- ed for help and wero rescued by Messrs. liookhout, Klasc. and E' Dr. Th-OmasHnshiw,-- rector- of the chnrch of tho Holy Sepulcher. tfave an illustrated lecture in tho Casino' last Thursday night entitled "Glimpses of India." ! - By the aid of a stereoptieon lent by E. XT. Austin nnd manipulated by Berkeley Austin, the speaker was en- abled to present his snbject in a. form that was otpially pleasure giving and In- structive. •Moretlmu'l.'M pictures were thrown on the,sheet, ]Hrtraying the ve- hicles, . dress, types, of character and buildings existing in England's" Eastern Empire. Dr. Hughi's's descriptions were marked by Mini'licity anil jirecifion nnd the interest did not flag a moment. The proceeds of the enter- tainment, which was. well patronized, were' devoted to Trinity chnrch. . - - What the. Democrats of Cranfonl can do .when' they exert- tht-inselves was evidenced at tlieir primary on Monday night Rirhard E. dement of the Comity Committee opened the jiolls at 7 o'clock. Charlt's Beadle presided .nnd OeorgO H. Brut|e was chosen secretary. The tellers were Elgar LIHS and George W. l)eniiui;L'alrin Voorhis wasjndge. Thus organizeil, the vot<-rs procbileil to chtMisi' their delegates to tho Assembly (.'onvt'iitioii. Three tickets were iu the field. Judge Brace headed them all as ,i.-. i oiib'ilate. 1,f'.>rrri»enil^ i r-. 1of the f^unty Ex^-ciltivyf 'ConimitTee'. ' f i *ordi'!egati'H the tickets ' werer(l) Oanicl Torbush, John \V. Close, Jr.,. Peter Patten. (J) ClinrlcM Leo Abry, Franklin O. Tnjioir Georgi' II. Bruce. (.1) Daniel Torbnnh, Cornelius J. Crowley,- Peter Patten. Ticket Jfo. 2 was overwhelmingly vic- torious. Of IT lulllifH cast.'Jndije Bliico for County Comraitteeman received ":), blank 4; for delegate. Mr. Abry received 57iMr. Taylor. M: Mr. Brnce, 51; Mr, Torlmsh. 23; Mr. Patten, 10: Mr. Clone, 14; Mr.» Crowley, 0. David Rankin re- ioy» that they should bo light.—Truth, ceivod 1 vote for alternate. imttee be fuiitowoa'd to oxiriite a pro- piminif - .Icrsi'y. His reconl is one of reninrkable success, showing phe- nomenal energy, perseverance, cliarac : ternnd ability J Mr. Dunn was born in Tippi-ran-, Ire- land, -j.n the yenr 1IWS. lie caiiieto! New Jerwy in -ISIS, at .the ago iifwven. His inother die*l wheiihe wiisTonr years] old and he was put with a farmer who engiigiM' to give him thjeo innnths schooling each year until he nrrivid at sixteen. Tho fanner neglected his part of the contract, so that when he left tlie farm the lad did not even know the al- Frank T. Lent Archi^ct per lease for the new clnb lion bnjltby Mr-R.Hlgere. Work to lie will, be t. When nlKiut,eleven years of age.being unable longer to erithue. the lnirdxhi _ .RATII'A BUILWNU CRANFORD, :: Entire Attention Given to :: :: NEW JERSEY: Suburban Work In this Vicinity. ONE!_rlUMll_Ritp BUILDINdS INFOUR tiiiciTufeui'euA tiobaaiBstarfcd :is soon as |>ossible. % - Mr. Jnles Tun-as, a promiuent artist and illustrator, of New York, sjient last Saturday and Sunday in Cranford with Mr. Willinm'Drysdnle. Mr. Tutuis lias recently retunietl from Jaimn, stopping fpr n few weeks on his cattle .ranche in S5i»utherii Ciliforiiia,. r _ Jle was delighted with some of the picturesiiue river views in Crjinfunl, several 'of which he will pndiably put on .canvass, as the stories, of. Mr. Drysdale thiit he is illustrating for Harper & Brothers will bring him to tlie shores of the Kahway agaiu. g ' W-Aras'^nlrjlVti-d to .on the l»vn]iii>hk-aHAOr..vi:ilAl.ofInKf,,rn,ivaiwTi.tMS !!»t I"' '," Mll "'' r> ' SH '""l l'«r,™lprs.Miil Is nin'awny and shimicd from '•*'•• ''•»' ''"!'• Imuiy aiiarnm." """. Io •""I'ljrfwm.niilnili)-. nuci:, ONB D ot- fann..he runaway aiid shipped from when 1 Atlantic City now stand, as a cabin buy .on a vowel trading with the West Indies. Fivl> years later ail older brother ftinnd him "on the vessel and took him to .Gloucester Citv, where he was.employed as "a lwbbin iiov in a fae-, fc tafy. At iiboutthe age of sixteen hoi left the factory nnd went to leiim iron ' in.onlding with the firm of Wnlker & Li-eman. When alKirit niiiti uiouths at that trade tlio foundry burned dnw Blankets, Robes, Whips & Horse HXFINK, and wiLs'hot rebuilt, young Dunn then turned ..his attention to the trndii of ^.^. : ., i brass tuniiiiK and silver bnrnisliiiig DCDTIVL-VT ni'tcTinve• witI ' tm ' fin " of Knight & VaiiKirk. at PERTI.NLNT OLESTIOXSlFrankforil. Pa. The death of one of the : ' i partners threw him out of his trade, but For tlie Cranford Township Commit- lie took .the unit best thinc.tliat of paint tec to Answer, ...4liam'.tlic.I'Iaiufielil Daily J'nwi.)" To f iiE EIUTOK OFTIIK D.iiLY PKESS: Why has the Township Committee of Cr.infnrd. in its wiso jn lgincnt. c nploy. ed CaiTnl P. Ba-.sett to silpenntrnil tlie construction of its fewt-r.s.-.it a cost for engineering ajipro^imating t'jan tho bil f th g g jp^imating ^l.tlX) mor t'jan tho bi«l (»f aiuither reputable engi neer who is well known to i-ven* uieiu ing. and while an -apprentice lit" thiit trade leanieilhis first jossoiis.in.tlie ul> phaliet. He soon . liecunio master uf leading, writing and aritliiuetic, 'and Sundays, holidays, 1 ' and all his evenings were devoted to study, so that,, at the URP of twenty-one, ho had' thoroughly mastered tho - Kiij:l:s!i hr H R y , mastered tho - Kiij:l:s!i dlihtd i h h i t y He j::!i hiirgiingi. H was delighted with history; and his edu cation opi'nel ii|i to him* a w w world, theorijoymolit of ivhieli iio amohnt of *— ~'" fc " »••-- *•*> « «- ^ 4.1\i.4t 4«.f VajV, |I|A 1*** * crsof CnKifnrd nlish the idea of piiv iif;,tht; nlfove ji.tui^l Mr. Bassott at aJ.-it** atTnitiiHial .^IHII to meeting of Him iltd Town Conmiittce • • »TCLS;periuilti.-d to change the fignri?. which mado'liis price (according to the Cranfonl Chrun- iiie) greater than his furmer projHisi- tion. Why was imt such an opjiortnn- ity offered to the other gentleumnr -Mr. Baswtt's figures wire not snbmittvd to thp~Town Committtv nntil-tiiree or four days after the pmiiowil of the other en- gineer; who remained ignorant of the action of said committee for nearly two weeks thereafter. Under such circumstances what assur- ance has anyone pmjiosiiig U> construct said sewers for the town, that the pro- priisal. even it the lowest, wonld lie nc cvptiilj ,.».. Ta.xpayere of Cranford. tuiiik well .py what yon nre doing b t t t i l i b Proof of the •furnish If tlec'-' A TAXPAYER. Amusement Notes. Manager Drake announces as his 1 at- traction ,forto-night theGormaus.Iohn. •Tames nnd George, iu the new musical fiirce entitled, "The Oilhooly's Abroad." The, Gorninns nre well knownfav orites. having for years been proprietors of the Gorman's High Class Minstrels. The attraction fi»r. Saturday night is "Wang." one of the most tinuiptuouslv g mounted sjW-tmrnlar py s on the stage l i h j i ge There are more than till people in the cast. Gortons Minstn-ls furnish the en- tertainment for Monday. 'All the siM.*c-" ialties are arti.sts'in their lim\ On Thursilay evening will nndoubt. illy- (K-cnr an cvt-lit that will bring forth a most fnstiiiuitiblp nnditnee. it lxing the np|Kaninceof JlissSadieM^ar tinut in her succissfnl ttnncilr. "The Pas.«|K,rt,*' by Sttpbvnson nnd Vanlliiy. authors of "The No:ninee."\ Miss Mar- tinofs earnest, work throughout her pro- t sional c a n r h V h l h tl t -ssional can'er u r p l her greatly h b to theatregoers, as has IH^-U t-hown by tho representative gatherings of SiK-ilil importanco that have even-where gnwt- i'd iii.Tihis.st^.iii'irL - Mr.. Mas, t ^Knian w'fll'lw Mfs.-( Miirtiiiut's prihcijial 'sup- rt^and^they will 1m assisreil br w^ll town artists. Tlint jiopular olcl time Tavorite, "Muggs Landing," is tho nt traction for ijatnnlay afternoon and evening. To tell our own ncirli ia generally folly, bnt that folly in without guilt To commnnlcato thoso with which wo are intniatcd la olwoji troachciy, and txeachcry for tho most port ooiublnod with folly.—Johuaoa. passed nnd signed to improv;, way nnil Elizabeth rivers, Dunn", though a Iiov cuiuparntivcly spo.iking, was one of the vici'-jircsiilrjitH yf.tljc.lii^eUTift.-.-Hf'"-K|«''lte-in "iliiinythe. C'oiini'ciicut towns for Dniigliiss After t he campaign was over -bit' had inuduJiU his iirniiigi'inents tnsliidv law withBrieil. at Nnrwich.' Omn. lii. 1H0U Mr. Dunn removed ti> ICIjzubelh; imd in lf«i was lidniitteil -totlio liar. His BIT- vices to the party were rewarded by his election as an- alderman in 1H7H. Tin- next year he was elected a Menilxr of Assembly, which oflice ho held for four years.discharging the duties of the same with great advantage to his district and honor to himself. On tho adjournment of the Legislature in IS02, botook up the practice of law nt Elizabeth. Ho devoted himself assiduously to this and held no political oflico nntil tho fall of IWtfc when he was 'elected a uiemlierof tho City Council, of ElizalWh. Ho was elected to CongriiwnMho fapt Presidential election, recuivine a in'a jority of »»3-in the new Eighth district, iimueiliati'l.yiin his entering '"Upon" his duties ho stepped to the front rank of debaters in Congress, and himdelivered excellent speeches on tho Silver, Elec- tivejjnd Tariff questions, which canie befbro thnt liody. He had interested himself greatly in procuring improve- ments for his district: nnd Jias had bills the Hah- , and a bill granting permission for the building of a bridge across Newark Hay from Eliza-' liethport to BiTgen Poiiit. us well nn haying a bill for a public building nt EliaitMith passed'by the IIouso. This last lneasiiru Mr. Dnnn hopi'S to have passi-d by the Hi'iiatu and signed during the Den-mlnT session. , ( Mr. Dunn is a brilliaut man in every resi>oct. His Deiuooraiv is df that sturdy, independentmoulilnUvuys found in self-liiadfl nun. nnd having' spnnift from the jH'opli', lie c;in jimimiato tlieir needs nii'Ltho ju.Ml'i™of thiir di'liiuudH. His cjiiididncyfor Congress at the pres- ent time is hailed with jfclight by bin friinds, who claim that them Is no doubt of his election. . Business Notes. lifii'-now'.H'ynur'cTimieij'tVi bii^ at' less than cost,:at thostomof-4; \Ve»miigol; Broad street; WestfiiOd, who is about trt retire from business. Get one of Fink's closed carringi's il yon would drive during tin* cidd season without. .discomfort ..or,. !1 ,ri-sk.../.>f, taking 'c-old." •'"''• ""' ""•" : . ' "' 8»n DlCgo is too oldest city iuCali- fornia, and the t-nina ol tba mlulop ol 1709 an MMproMrrod. •CARRIAGES, and SLEIGHS, ELM St. CARRIAGE REPAIRIE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -,-"'•-- Jobbing Promptly Attendecl to. Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery Work OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, . . . "' , ST. (iKOHOE'S'AVK, NEAIt OKANI) 8TKEET A largo variety «,f Monuments. Headstones, etc.. in the best American and lr'" S •'"' '' ''""Si 1 " 11 '}' on hand. Designs nndestimati's'fiirulsh- DAVID B. LENT, Roth's Building, Cranford, N. J. REAL ^ESTATE > INSURANCE * LOANS, Agent for tho Homo Kiro Iusiinincq C'oinpnnv, of New. York, i,..^. Nortliern 'Asa'tira'iico Cbinpany,- Calcdoniim - Insurance and The U. S. MntiiiiLAccidcnt Association. H ° l "",r.°T.?.* l J*.°-' l -T ? l-f'..f 1 ? 4 ! Jhe <Jt|Qlc«a«. UailOlnit Lats. in Town-.l Drtlom Pn«« PLAIN AND ORNnlENTAL ESTABLISHED Ut 1833. CHURCHES -ANIl- . U Stained Glass Worts." Memorial Windows IXTIIK Opalescent 13th Century Antique Glass. OIY.STA 1.1,1 M: CL^SS- SIiow Rooms & Factory, 142 E. 33d St. bet. Lei. &10Fes, LEADING SHOE STORE OF WESTFIELD Ladies and Cents 0 ROBBERS Traveling 9 Broad Street Westfield:

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Page 1: JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE! Fine $ AMD REPAIRING. · day liestheVill resume charge of Trill Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily -. .•••• AT THE . / ' "" Westfield


Broad St. Cor. E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH. N. J.

JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE!When we sellcost isnot- considered., '.

Best Sugar Cured Ilams . . . : ; . . . .12c lbBest Sugar Cured Shoulders . . . . . . .Best XXXX Minnesota Floor. '.-..;

• Best Family Flour —- - Condensed Milk o n l y ; , . . . . . . . . . .

Ijiundry Soap, 100 cakes iu box!,.\ Fine Teas, all kinds,-only . . . .

" Fine Breakfast CbfTeo o n l y . . . . . . . .

Sc. lb. .$4.25 bbl._';63.50 bbl. . . . 7c. "can

32e. lb,. . . . . 3 0 c lb1b3for*100

;New Crop New Orleans J loIassesot t iV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J5 gal,.-.- Manilla Syrup only..'.".'.' .T.'.."'...".'.. 35 gal

Local Items.

On Friday night the anniversary ofthe Casino's opening will be couuneinorated by a brilliaut duiice • -

Rev. F. J. Mundy. lately of Spokane,Washington, occupied Rev. George F.Greene's" jinlpit on Sunday morning.

Tho statement, "published in lustweek's issue, that the house occupied byCt 8. Littell IjAdbeen sold, is erroneous.

Last FridaiuLoms'Gauzel and.wife.formerly of Westfield, moved into thehouse on Hojlv street recently vacatedby 17. L. VanDeveuter. ":"

JIiss Carrie Purcell is R s ridjsport shortly to act as bridesmaid at thenuptials of Miss Grace. Hand. Thebride elect U a niece of Mrs."WilliamClose. ' •'. . • • -- . • -'•-• •

Tlie Grand Jury will finish ils'laborstomorrow juoruiiijr: •-Edward Book-hont fiiiys there will be no indictmriitsor presentments inadodtut yf Cnuifonl.

against Any rwi-


Orders shipped to all parts of Union County Tree of charge

• Store open evenings until 8 p. m., Saturdays 11 p. m.


Captain A. W. Powell has been waltz-iiijr ntKint town to the., "tnno of HomeSWvrt'Houie since "'J-Jattinlay. On Sun-day liestheVill resume charge of Trill

Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily -. .•••• AT THE . / ' ""

Westfield Fish & Oyster Market.CLV3IS, LOBSTERS, SOFT SIIELI, CRABS,

I>cllverI**H lu Cranford, Tuesday si Tlvursrtnys, 8ntur<ln>H,

The most for your mon-ey at all timesi at the


•(Irwilcst of ull COMIC OPKISA Sl'CCESSKsi

p'Tfiese in Hfisiery M

Lildies Fast Black Cotton Hose, inadoof-tiut'st combed yarn, with high splicedJuris, spliced cole and ribbed top, whilothey last we shall offer them at 2 0 C .

Ladies Plain Black Euglish Cashmere-hose. : . . . . . .

Ladies Fine Frenchin evening shades,

39c.All Silk Hr.noformer $3 02

at,.....,.,, ... 82.19.Men's Extra Heavy Fast Black Cotton

Socks, a very serviceable article, at thofpecial price: 23c.

MERINO WEAR. ~ TThe best time to bny n needed article

I ii when yon need it most; Warm Un-" .derwear is in especial demand just now./ Ladles White Merino Vesta or Pants,

superior quality.,.. v . . . , , . . . . : . ^ . B p p f

. Ladies White Wool Vests or-rPants ofdollar va lue . . . . . . . ' . . , . 76c-

'Ladies Black WV>1 Equestrian tights,perfect fitting ;./.':... S I . 4 9 .

Men'* Heavy Scarlet Shirts, double.back and front, were $1.50.... S I . 3 5 .WE ARE D0INO A RUSHINQ BUSI.



GOOD VALUE GIVING IS REflSON F f l R I I l .Ladies fleeced underskirts in whito

. . . , , . . . : . 6 9 C .Ladies Striped.-Flannel Underskirts

with scalloped' --border., silk embroi-dered. ...-...-..." 76c.

Ladies Quilted Black Sateen Skirtsfrom .- SI.IB. up.

And don'l.forget our Cloaks,

our Shoes, our Gloves, our

Millinery, or our Fur Capes.

707 to 731 Broad St., Newark.OBUER I1V MAIL IK TOD WANT.

,,-, J O H N J S - R A M C I N , • - • «

Electrician and Locksmith,110 BROAD ST.. ELIZABETH.

KIretrio Gu IJfhllW. Call HcUaand llurulwAUrnu, Lairn Sluwcre. Haws and CutleryKuarpnd


"Tiie Giltiooleys Abroad"The Gormons, S * «

Late of Gorman'• Mlmtroli.ANDACOOD COSIPANV

MUCKS-7BC, BOeAllir., 25.'


ROIICSOKE FEflST FBflfl W . U I D !D. W. Truss & Co.

fiorton'^MinslrelsiPllll CrtMEIJIAJi

H. J . Vnrlu>>-,NiilCurtia, .

Chili. Hyrqe,1'Vwl Albcrt


f. H. Lnrkln.Turn Kmlini;.


Renowned Crescent City Quartette

The* L y w l Theatre,Thursday Evening, Oct. 25th.

America's Favorite Comedienne,





The PassportPRICES-Flrst 6 rows, $1.00! bal.

aniie 7sc, 50c, 35c. and 35c.



Matinoo at S.

. Bomethloff V t M | Homflwhere.

Husband—Thoso biscuits arcwhat heavy, my dear. Dont yon think•o?

funny. Tho cookbook

At a regular meeting of the, Democra-tic'Clnhheld on Thursday night, Sam-uel Parks resigned his office as presi-dent, giving ns his reasonthat^fioveni-went employees are torliTJIentii lifnireactively in politics. Jasper C. Huntwas elected to fill thovneaucy.. Richard•E. Clement also resigned from the Coun-ty Executive .Committee. -

Tlie statement pnblished in the Jonr-nnl on Monday to the effect that the np-

fior story of the Miller .Block hitdbeeneased for a gentleman's clnb is

prononnced nntrne by several^ the meninterested in, tho pro]>osed clnb.' Theclnb theysaX ia not organized,and noth

Tlio M.' E. church' steward* will meetto morruw uight. . .. _-. ' ' -

iCliattertoifs Hollynvsyinij; nipitlly.

Work on Mr.street honso is

Tlie Weiliu^ay Morning Club; whichmet at Mrs: Wilhnr's this ujfmin£ lead"The Taming of the.Smif. "

Tlie tweatit;th anuiversarj- of theirwedding was ivlebrahil on ivitunlayuight by Mr. and Mrs. Hugo JO. Feth".

The Athletic Clnb footlmll-toani willplay the Kiwlle football ifam at Roost>-velt .Manor on Saturdnr itftt'rnuon, t»:;!0. . ' ., • '

An attractive nn^gramme has ljtvn ar-sangtM fur.the Cliristian EudeaVfir soci-able to IK' held at the. home of E. B.llorton to/;iuurrow uight. • ' •

A Royal'ArCilnmn Smoker with thedonbk' purpose ofamri^inj? the Utys al-ready within the fold ami bringingers in. will b»- held at the Council roomson Nov. :t. '. \ . . . - : '


Tlie Democratic Stand J Bearer In- The Congressional ampaign.

' Thi

forlots is growing rapidly.chafer is ,T. S. Ilillar. ol.stroke, of. the. vjirpenfrr's • bimimer-'-wil}soon lie heard on'JIr. Hillar's property.

if-i:<»yt,M^«ijw«'L, ,.. 3h-arti3pnrtttArra V

ford this year, don't fail tftfinal meeting of jhe Registrythe tinvn rooms iieit Tuesday between1 and » p. in.,

Mrs. Charles s! Littell left town forBaltimore yesterday morning ti> attendthe W€ilding on Nov. 1st, of her sister.Miss JElhi Wolf. She will be gone 11fortnight. Oii the saufe tr.iin Mrs. E.Edgar Heston departed for "Newark,Delaware,- to visit ner parents. ..-.. -

Aftlie 'Spwial meeting"uf,. the Ath-letic Club, held on Monday evening itwas decided that, the-Exururiru Coin-

Geo.Opera House Block, Craiifortl; -

Fine $ Custom! Tailoringt'tc,

I hive put in ali' for


FallandWinpCloth^A Good Suit of Clothes to Ofder for

BETTER ONES FOR $15 AND UPWARDS. - ^ALL guaranteed satisfactory in mluerihi; workmanship and fit


clnb theysaX iing will he dontintil t l 4 lh

g . o htownnVsecnritig roomst i C l b ' huildr

ing project takes definite form.Those in a position to know assert

that the Alcams Society's presentation of•'Tho Musketeers" next Tuesday nightwill lie the most . brilliant and artisticperformance* yet given uy Hint talentedorganization. Mr. Brennun. wlio has re-•plnx-ed Mr. Fisher in the""character."Gontrain" is a tenor of phenomenalability. .His acting is likewise.report-ed to be admirable. Seats for the ev-ent are Helling rapidly. _ No.Jover ofgood music can afaVrd to miss it.

Several members of Hook & LadderCompany No. 1 rolled up their shirtsleeves on Friday night nnd started ii:to ornament with plaster tho side wall."of the truck house. The}- succeeded inBetting only a part of the adhesive matcria] on th« walls. Much of the phisternttaclud Itself to their arms, facesand benrda; The boys certainly appeared industrious, if not handsome.

Everv 10 days 10 yonn r women lockthemselves in a room of one of their, re-spective homos and stealthily producefour pucks of cards and proceed to playenchre.' The members of this donbleoctetK' nr<\ JUSHL'S Carrie, -and EloivnoPiirecll. Helen fark. Hattie and Nclli.BlilktvMarsneritu.Abry, 1 1 , H < I U I 1 V I ;Hcnrirltn-J.ickpniv,: "•Jliirier TltimTiief.Edith .TOUCH. Mabel Thornton, - Fannie

•P<«MiniiM,-.IViiii«."1V<.K!.riusv, Jli3.":::itot«Ttlilakt", M'ni.K. W. Tliorton-and.Mrs.;ilarry Tlmhiton. Tti<>'next .meeting\\*jll l«i held at the latter's residence on

- Through moonlight .navigation in theRailway river is never dangerons, itl. is-occasionally attended with inconveu"iente. \Thatiis the opinion of ei-Police-111.111 Sanford - who witb his daughterLnlu went rowing one night last week.'Now ns Sir. Sanfo.nl is n devotee ofastronomy. h,c natnrally took advantage-of tin? opportunity to examine them'inn-tnin scarred face of Lnna. MianwhiloLnlu wan pinging "Jly Sweet heart'sthe Man in the Moon," anil gazing np tosee whether he_ noticed her_coqriettishballad.'. . All this \tiiuo the- boat wa«drifting down Btream. , Snddenly itsbottom grated on the top of the stonedam and thero it stuckX Mr. Sanfordpushed and Luln rockod.vbnt the boatremained stationary. They then'shout-ed for help and wero rescued by Messrs.liookhout, Klasc. and E'

Dr. Th-OmasHnshiw,-- rector- of thechnrch of tho Holy Sepulcher. tfave anillustrated lecture in tho Casino' lastThursday night entitled "Glimpses ofIndia." !- By the aid of a stereoptieonlent by E. XT. Austin nnd manipulatedby Berkeley Austin, the speaker was en-abled to present his snbject in a. formthat was otpially pleasure giving and In-structive. •Moretlmu'l.'M pictures werethrown on the,sheet, ]H rtraying the ve-hicles, . dress, types, of character andbuildings existing in England's" EasternEmpire. Dr. Hughi's's descriptionswere marked by Mini'licity aniljirecifion nnd the interest did not flag amoment. The proceeds of the enter-tainment, which was. well patronized,were' devoted to Trinity chnrch. . - -

What the. Democrats of Cranfonl cando .when' they exert- tht-inselves wasevidenced at tlieir primary on Mondaynight Rirhard E. dement of theComity Committee opened the jiolls at 7o'clock. Charlt's Beadle presided .nndOeorgO H. Brut|e was chosen secretary.The tellers were Elgar LIHS and GeorgeW. l)eniiui;L'alrin Voorhis wasjndge.Thus organizeil, the vot<-rs procbileil tochtMisi' their delegates to tho Assembly(.'onvt'iitioii. Three tickets were iu thefield. Judge Brace headed them all as,i.-.ioiib'ilate.1,f'.>rrri»enil ir-.1of the f^untyEx -ciltivyf 'ConimitTee'. ' fi*ordi'!egati'Hthe tickets ' werer(l) Oanicl Torbush,John \V. Close, Jr.,. Peter Patten. (J)ClinrlcM Leo Abry, Franklin O. TnjioirGeorgi' II. Bruce. (.1) Daniel Torbnnh,Cornelius J. Crowley,- Peter Patten.Ticket Jfo. 2 was overwhelmingly vic-torious. Of IT lulllifH cast.'Jndije Bliicofor County Comraitteeman received ":),blank 4; for delegate. Mr. Abry received57iMr. Taylor. M: Mr. Brnce, 51; Mr,Torlmsh. 23; Mr. Patten, 10: Mr. Clone,14; Mr.» Crowley, 0. David Rankin re-

ioy» that they should bo light.—Truth, ceivod 1 vote for alternate.

imttee be fuiitowoa'd to oxiriite a pro- piminif -

.Icrsi'y. His reconl isone of reninrkable success, showing phe-nomenal energy, perseverance, cliarac:

ternnd ability JMr. Dunn was born in Tippi-ran-, Ire-

land, -j.n the yenr 1IWS. lie caiiie to!New Jerwy in -ISIS, at .the ago iifwven.His inother die*l wheiihe wiisTonr years]old and he was put with a farmer whoengiigiM' to give him thjeo innnthsschooling each year until he nrrivid atsixteen. Tho fanner neglected his partof the contract, so that when he left tliefarm the lad did not even know the al-

Frank T. Lent Archi^ct

per lease for the new clnb lionbnjltby Mr-R.Hlgere. Work

to liewi l l , be

t.When nlKiut,eleven years of age.being

unable longer to erithue. the lnirdxhi


CRANFORD, ::Entire Attention Given to

:: :: NEW JERSEY:Suburban Work In this Vicinity.


tiiiciTufeui'euA tiobaa •

iBstarfcd :is soon as |>ossible.%- Mr. Jnles Tun-as, a promiuent artistand illustrator, of New York, sjient lastSaturday and Sunday in Cranford withMr. Willinm'Drysdnle. Mr. Tutuis liasrecently retunietl from Jaimn, stoppingfpr n few weeks on his cattle .ranche inS5i»utherii Ciliforiiia,. r_ Jle was delightedwith some of the picturesiiue river viewsin Crjinfunl, several 'of which he willpndiably put on .canvass, as the stories,of. Mr. Drysdale thiit he is illustratingfor Harper & Brothers will bring himto tlie shores of the Kahway agaiu.


'W-Aras'^nlrjlVti-d to .on the l»vn]iii>hk-aHAOr..vi:ilAl.ofInKf,,rn,ivaiwTi.tMS !!»t I"' ',"Mll"''r>'SH'""l l'«r,™lprs.Miil Isnin'awny and shimicd from '•*'•• ''•»' ''"!'• Imuiy aiiarnm." • """.Io •""I'ljrfwm.niilnili)-. nuci:, ONB D o t -fann..he runaway aiid shipped from

when1 Atlantic City now stand, as acabin buy .on a vowel trading with theWest Indies. Fivl> years later ail olderbrother ftinnd him "on the vessel andtook him to .Gloucester Citv, where hewas.employed as "a lwbbin iiov in a fae-, fctafy. At iiboutthe age of sixteen hoi J£left the factory nnd went to leiim iron 'in.onlding with the firm of Wnlker &Li-eman. When alKirit niiiti uiouths atthat trade tlio foundry burned dnw

Blankets, Robes, Whips & Horse

HXFINK,and wiLs'hot rebuilt, young Dunn thenturned ..his attention to the trndii of

^ . ^ . : ., i brass tuniiiiK and silver bnrnisliiiigDCDTIVL-VT n i ' t c T i n v e • w i t I ' t m ' f i n " o f Knight & VaiiKirk. atPERTI.NLNT OLESTIOXSlFrankforil. Pa. The death of one of the

: ' i partners threw him out of his trade, butFor tlie Cranford Township Commit- lie took .the unit best thinc.tliat of paint

tec to Answer,...4liam'.tlic.I'Iaiufielil Daily J'nwi.)"

To f iiE EIUTOK OF TIIK D.iiLY PKESS:Why has the Township Committee of

Cr.infnrd. in its wiso jn lgincnt. c nploy.ed CaiTnl P. Ba-.sett to silpenntrnil tlieconstruction of its fewt-r.s.-.it a cost forengineering ajipro^imatingt'jan tho bil f th

g g jp^imating l.tlX) mort'jan tho bi«l (»f aiuither reputable engineer who is well known to i-ven* uieiu

ing. and while an -apprentice lit" thiittrade leanieilhis first jossoiis.in.tlie ul>phaliet. He soon . liecunio master ufleading, writing and aritliiuetic, 'andSundays, holidays,1' and all his eveningswere devoted to study, so that,, at theURP of twenty-one, ho had' thoroughlymastered tho - Kiij:l:s!i h r H

R y ,mastered tho - Kiij:l:s!i

d l i h t d i h h i t

yHej : : ! i hiirgiingi. H

was delighted with history; and his education opi'nel ii|i to him* a w w world,theorijoymolit of ivhieli iio amohnt of

* — ~ ' " f c " »••-- * • * > « «- 4 . 1 \ i . 4 t 4 « . f VajV, | I | A 1 * * * *

crsof CnKifnrd nlish the idea of piiviif;,tht; nlfove ji.tui^l

Mr. Bassott at aJ.-it**

atTnitiiHial . IHII to

meeting of Himi l t dTown Conmiittce • • » TCLS; periuilti.-d

to change the fignri?. which mado'liisprice (according to the Cranfonl Chrun-iiie) greater than his furmer projHisi-tion. Why was imt such an opjiortnn-ity offered to the other gentleumnr -Mr.Baswtt's figures wire not snbmittvd tothp~Town Committtv nntil-tiiree or fourdays after the pmiiowil of the other en-gineer; who remained ignorant o f theaction of said committee for nearly twoweeks thereafter.

Under such circumstances what assur-ance has anyone pmjiosiiig U> constructsaid sewers for the town, that the pro-priisal. even it the lowest, wonld lie nccvptiilj ,.»..

Ta.xpayere of Cranford. tuiiik well. p ywhat yon nre doingb t t t i l i b

Proof of the•furnish If tlec'-'


Amusement Notes.Manager Drake announces as his1 at-

traction ,forto-night theGormaus.Iohn.•Tames nnd George, iu the new musicalfiirce entitled, "The Oilhooly's Abroad."The, Gorninns nre well known favorites. having for years been proprietorsof the Gorman's High Class Minstrels.The attraction fi»r. Saturday • night is"Wang." one of the most tinuiptuouslvgmounted sjW-tmrnlar

pys on the stage

l i hj i ge

There are more than till people in thecast. Gortons Minstn-ls furnish the en-tertainment for Monday. 'All the siM.*c-"ialties are arti.sts'in their lim\

On Thursilay evening will nndoubt.illy- (K-cnr an cvt-lit that will bring

forth a most fnstiiiuitiblp nnditnee. itlxing the np|Kaninceof JlissSadieM^artinut in her succissfnl ttnncilr. "ThePas.«|K,rt,*' by Sttpbvnson nnd Vanlliiy.authors of "The No:ninee."\ Miss Mar-tinofs earnest, work throughout her pro-t sional c a n r h V h l h tlt -ssional can'er

u r pl her greatly

h bto theatregoers, as has IH^-U t-hown bytho representative gatherings of SiK-ililimportanco that have even-where gnwt-i'd iii.Tihis.st^.iii'irL - Mr.. Mas, t^Knianw'fll'lw Mfs.-( Miirtiiiut's prihcijial 'sup-

rt^and^they will 1m assisreil br w^lltown artists. Tlint jiopular olcl time

Tavorite, "Muggs Landing," is tho nttraction for ijatnnlay afternoon andevening.

To tell our own ncirli ia generallyfolly, bnt that folly in without guiltTo commnnlcato thoso with which woare intniatcd la olwoji troachciy, andtxeachcry for tho most port ooiublnodwith folly.—Johuaoa.

passed nnd signed to improv;,way nnil Elizabeth rivers,

Dunn", though a Iiov cuiuparntivclyspo.iking, was one of the vici'-jircsiilrjitHyf.tljc.lii^eUTift.-.-Hf'"-K|«''lte-in "iliiiny o£the. C'oiini'ciicut towns for DniigliissAfter t he campaign was over -bit' hadinuduJiU his iirniiigi'inents tn sliidv lawwithBrieil. at Nnrwich.' Omn. lii. 1H0UMr. Dunn removed ti> ICIjzubelh; imd inlf«i was lidniitteil -to tlio liar. His BIT-vices to the party were rewarded by hiselection as an- alderman in 1H7H. Tin-next year he was elected a Menilxr ofAssembly, which oflice ho held for fouryears.discharging the duties of the samewith great advantage to his district andhonor to himself. On tho adjournmentof the Legislature in IS02, bo took upthe practice of law nt Elizabeth. Hodevoted himself assiduously to this andheld no political oflico nntil tho fall ofIWtfc when he was 'elected a uiemlieroftho City Council, of ElizalWh.

Ho was elected to CongriiwnMho faptPresidential election, recuivine a in'ajority of »»3-in the new Eighth district,iimueiliati'l.yiin his entering '"Upon" hisduties ho stepped to the front rank ofdebaters in Congress, and him deliveredexcellent speeches on tho Silver, Elec-tive jjnd Tariff questions, which caniebefbro thnt liody. He had interestedhimself greatly in procuring improve-ments for his district: nnd Jias had bills

the Hah-, and a bill

granting permission for the building ofa bridge across Newark Hay from Eliza-'liethport to BiTgen • Poiiit. us well nnhaying a bill for a public building ntEliaitMith passed'by the IIouso. Thislast lneasiiru Mr. Dnnn hopi'S to havepassi-d by the Hi'iiatu and signed duringthe Den-mlnT session. ,(

Mr. Dunn is a brilliaut man in everyresi>oct. His Deiuooraiv is df thatsturdy, independentmoulilnUvuys foundin self-liiadfl nun. nnd having' spnniftfrom the jH'opli', lie c;in jimimiato tlieirneeds nii'Ltho ju.Ml'i™ of thiir di'liiuudH.His cjiiididncyfor Congress at the pres-ent time is hailed with jfclight by binfriinds, who claim that them Is nodoubt of his election.

. Business Notes.

lifii'-now'.H'ynur'cTimieij'tVi bii^ at' lessthan cost,:at thostomof-4; \Ve»miigol;Broad street; WestfiiOd, who is about trtretire from business.

Get one of Fink's closed carringi's ilyon would drive during tin* cidd seasonwithout. .discomfort ..or,.!1,ri-sk.../.>f, taking

' c - o l d . " • '" ' ' • ""' ""•" : . ' "'

8»n DlCgo is too oldest city iu Cali-fornia, and the t-nina ol tba mlulop ol1709 a n MM proMrrod.



CARRIAGE REPAIRIE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.-,-"'•-- Jobbing Promptly Attendecl to.

Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery WorkOF EVERY DESCRIPTION,


A largo variety «,f Monuments. Headstones, etc.. in the best American andlr'" S•'"' '' ''""Si1"11'}' on hand. Designs nndestimati's'fiirulsh-

DAVID B. LENT,Roth's Building, Cranford, N. J.

REAL ^ E S T A T E > INSURANCE * LOANS,Agent for tho Homo Kiro Iusiinincq C'oinpnnv, of New. York,i , . .^ . Nortliern 'Asa'tira'iico Cbinpany,- Calcdoniim

- Insurance and The U. S. MntiiiiLAccidcnt Association. •H°l"",r.°T.?.*lJ*.°-'l-T? l-f'..f1?4! Jhe <Jt|Qlc«a«. UailOlnit Lats. in Town-.l Drtlom Pn««




U Stained Glass Worts."




13th CenturyAntique

Glass.OIY.STA 1.1,1 M:

CL^SS-SIiow Rooms & Factory, 142 E. 33d St. bet. Lei. & 1 0 F e s ,





9 Broad StreetWestfield:


Now Fall Dross Goods.

New Department. ^ ' X ' a ' ^ . K

Constable Schindli-r upon lH'in^ MUIU-lnoned, conducted the woman tolholock up lint owing to tho damp condi-tion of tho carjict decided to incar-cerate her In a car. Amos Randolph,who passed tho car about midnight re-leased Mary and took her home.

•,••' , Business Notes.Repuhlicans and Democrats may be

seen driving alnnt Cranfortl lo-dny inFink's carriaites. because tho vehiclessold by tho Wcstfield dealer are ac-knowledged to be the best in the market.

driviiiK a little ahead of Mr. Dnni'm-'iri|{ noticed the cowardly lllnht and h'avechane, coni]M>llinK tho man to returnand roreal hln iiaino nnd addreNi Dr.Cooper nays that Mr. Damon is aoinKnicely, and iireillcM thnt ho will ho ableto be ahont again In a mouth. 0 Broad Street


Page 2: JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE! Fine $ AMD REPAIRING. · day liestheVill resume charge of Trill Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily -. .•••• AT THE . / ' "" Westfield



x Editoi And Proprietor.

• :/ '••{ T E R M S . . V

Strlctly.C«»ri In Advance.

PER YEAR.. . . . . . .« .<»BDC MOJCTHS 1.006DJGLE c6riES..-.-.s-.-.-.» -05



Ylia Chronicle may !»• Found on Sale-InCrsBfun] at Thoralon'a IIott»« VarwUlllns

• Store, and at the Union Neva Stand.

Tho Ciiitoxici.E piiblialica.to-day

at Hie request of mi ardent admirer

of John T, DUnn a -sketch of the

Congressional candidate's career. It

is an.interesting story, und we doubt

iibt tliat it will borcad with plcasiiro

l)j Democrats and Itcpublicans alike

•' A usage of the Crnnford Board'ofEducation .which we respectfully rcc-ointnend to the Townsliijii X'omuijli-tc«lTtlic"jiI.iiciiig'on rfjeojd. of dia-

^T^Krrrv*t'l1t"' Hoard. Thisis only fair to the. dissenter;- it re-lievcs"him from any future criticismthat may. b(> brought ugaiuaU theBoard's action. • . _ / • " '



f. The edilorial/'tve" of.tlie C'liA.v-roltn CilKoSKiKtvill have n new

- significance nfter Wednesday next.John A. I'otter, the proprietor mideditor of tho newsy little sheet isaboutlo lake n'partner who will liebound to him 1>y u tenderer tie tlunia inero busjne.y, eoiitraet,../.,,l>djtor:

' " " Totter*is' to\~irei1:: tlie jiri'dn elect bo-*. iiig Miss Caroline V. Boiee, of -II)

Jnckrion avenue, 1'laiiificlil.—ICIha-Mh UenrUI, (hi; 1M.


An aifiiniliou of the t'riiiifordTownship Committee which thosegentlemen cannot ignore i.-f contain-ed in a letter from C'orneliiin Vree-land,.City Engineer of llayonne, tothe Klizubcth Juiirnal. "" Mr.Vree-land, who resided in G'raiiford formany years, iB an ' engineer of estab-lished reputation. He has oftendone professional work for this townand is well known to every memberof the Committee. Mr, Vreelunduntil rally was anxious to superintendthe construction of the CrunfordBetter. On several occasions he wasinvited by tho Committee Jo give ex-pert opinion concerning tho. work;


'•At Monte" In the CaMao on Monday' '• NJgft't - -

-Mr.'an&'Mn. Jasper C. Haut 'of ITn-ion aventie were "at home" in tho Cas-ino on Monday night. ; Tlieir hospital!-ty was enjoyed Iiy more than one linndred residents of the town. Sereral iliatioeuisbed non-rc*idpnt» were present,prominent unions them lielng HimJunes Mnrtine of Plulnfield, W. Jt MeClare, ei-Cuunty Attorner, and ftwt-master M. SI SctuMer/df Watfleld.

The first to arrive were tho JasperWhist Clnb, who assembled on tlie ntdeeand played cards -from S :80 to 0 o'clock.At that boar the other guest* cainoin.It was indeed a bower of beuuty.Jpwhich the host and hostess receivedtheir visitors. A biink of potted plantsadorned the centre of the room. TlieHtanv was beautified with palnia, nictnr-09 and bric-a-brac. /• Dancing to Gar-land's mn»ic ami feasting mndo tho cv-

iiiK pam merrily away.AmotiL' those present were: Mr. nni"

Sirs. WeldenlMidi. Mr. rind Mrs. Fer-Kcuon. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp. Mr. nmlMra. Wilbur, 3Ir.jit»I' Mrc.. Smith. Mr.and Mrs. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8.Littell. Sir. and Mrs. Starr, Mr. nndMrs. Higbio, Mr. and Mrs. HarryThornton, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Thorn-ton, Mr. and Mrs; Powell, Mrs. Nix,Mr. and Mrs. Coeliran, Mr. and Mra.Derby. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie, Mr. andMrs. Messici. Mr. Mclntiro,Robert Rindell, Louis Rvkele,of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Seward.Mr.and Mm. Madden. Mr. and Mm Eli',Mifs Ely, LouisMaddie, G.;It . BniCB,Miss Day. M.-M. Hcuildcr. of Westfleld:Jatnm Marline, W, R. McCInre, Mr.and Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Heaton,.. Mr.and Mrs. WaKstaff, Miss Hitwon. Rnbt.Ililwiin,'tho Misses SbeliHT.• Blijr-ftinlMrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Blondell, Mrs. andJliss Bennett, Harry Bennett, Mrs, andMIHS (/nnnlson, Mrs. Wm. Beattie, Mr.and MrH.-Dmnoii;. Mr. and Mrt.r-BankBr,rMr. and Mrs;- Brewer! , Mrs. Kpdgera,Mr.jindMrs. ParHons,-G«itr-Thonipsoh,MK and Mrs. Oltlhmh, Dr. and Mm.Allen, Mr. and Mm, E. Bijokhont,r., Mrs. Oreene, Mr- V nirntor, Mr.mil Mm. Brunihige. Misi Wcs-wls. Win.Parks, Joseph Purecll, Mr. and Mm.TiarntT, Mr. nnd Mrs; Drake, Mr. nndMrs. James Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hel-•ker, Mr. and Mrs. liin^hiiiit, MissKFiujner. . " ,


On Hat. Oct. 20th, Mrs. and. Miss Bcii-•tt received their friends at a '"tea"

nun 1 to 7 o'clixrk at their beautifullomo "YKKilrasilP1 on Riverside avenuen a deli(?ntfnl iiifonnnl manner; Thelouie, well iulapte<l fur snch an nITair,

tnsh'fully decurat?d ,\Hth ilovverf*,t i J J l d U m ^ t h ep . r c w j i t i . o u J J u j

iarlor and dining mmn with a profusionffplnk aniVwhite roses .and pale pinkmil green ribbon! Mies Mamie Hi^ble,Hiss Minnie Wagner and Miss Ouiil<m,"a Juiing-WnshinKton, D; -C debut-mte. serveil the chiKiilate," tea, etCjIii:ho dfiiiiig room.^

Thn•.jtiuwts"- >\Tre.: tasfefrilly ilreiiswl.lid wero enlivened on tin* occasion byie lH>aiity of the day, ,1 real Iudiiinilmnnrone, and perhaps by thepres-lciMif ninny.gentleiiieii, ati nnnsnailyrK)!iiiinitHarbeiiiK in attendance. The

isitors were nnariiiuoiis in sayitiK that!»• alTAir WAS brilliant and enjuyable ainlluit M.rf. and Miss Ueunett Hiif«tainedleir'rep'ntation' of beinK cordial andhimniiiK.hostess: Regrets that Craiifiirilan so SO4)U to lose them were very geii-

•ml, ' ' ••

j^;jthHtV:#1.;tfitll6iU.^o3C^31iVlaxjmyerii. I ieiiee' he • • had ' every

h J i h U ^ t l MJ j c j K i p i t rin?ht of a newer .engineer his bid


He Was Favored by Itajn Vatit tho Blanaffer• ' Urownctl llini Out, • . " \.

Tho retired left fielder was tolling thotory. "Hunk MoUiuuis," ho Baid,'was tho grenlefit first baseman I overeen. Ho conld play tho bag outer eight

when ho wiis, amiiid. to,_bu t \\f WMtbo'Kj3eitViiian iii—37- counties,—and "h»didn't play no ball ivliril bo could git;pnrrii it, l lo was aliay.s-turniu up witha spiked foot or it split thumb or fiqnio--t l i f (h kif l i l l d t

would \)b given eijtinl eoiisideratfo'iithin of tho kiful, an L'inerally mado out

il euliHidcrntum 1 t 0 j ( n , ^ xnnr^-u.UM.(liortime.-tTiio;iroT*'tft!a£;!iIK#itrWfo^

suites hi* case as follows:' ... - Ingiio no utrnek a innua ur who was' 1 .L'sire toVnl.iiiit a »t«t.in«t of fact* onto Ilank'a. curved II.. took him to

- • ' — ' one Hirto wlien tlio BMSoiibefe'iiu au lolI re toVnmiit a l« te in t of fat .

.'n-liitivc to (he netiim o f tin' Town one mclo when tho Beasoiibeb'UU au loliViiniiilttei- in reference tothe. coimlr.uc-1 Wm that ho wouldn't stand no grafts.

H k d hi h t if h d i d ' tthin of the iirn|K>M'd sewers in and furpaid tim-tixhiii.' I-Vill \v Iirief ami siili-

;iiiit iHiiils later hliould j\in require''thrill. ' . . . ' ' . ' —

"" Tiic Town Committee lirir* einplovctlMr. (.'arrol 1". lta.»>elt to-do, tin-" cii|Viti-.it'riiiK work'in c<ni.«triicliiiK the propos-al wwert* at a.price inuili in exec-.s of aproportion mud)- to »nii| (.Viiuuittm1 byme. . . : "

Mr. llnn-sett's pritposilion in UH follows:On aiM'stimati'il co-t of iJ.Vi.i mi at therate of 5 per ci-nt. All iu execs* of

_ ij.V'i.(ioo nt.lhi: rate i>f J l .prrrrut . -• - . ;'My projio-ul i>> Kiid ('••linnitlt'o wa-« as

follows: t'orall work oulsiile of thrtownship limits ;ipi-r cent, on cost. Onall work within HH.vU.'1\\;\i>s}u|>.a.pi'i-^.IIL,.I'll i'o.st. All". lt:ls>» It )' tilll:ifjt'.H llii1 costof the wcni; outride of thi' township atalnmt .•i'-il.iiiio. My I'Minmte,' arconliii^.tu Mr. DasMit's" plans, r,,r thO'Mime'work, is Sld.OiKi. shoiil'il.tlnf i o Mr. H.i.tii $•-',">», My i hwork would !"• i.CMSt .jli'J.III.II. Mr.f2,IIT*i.' Mvoharciwi.mld IK; t-'.OSi.<>'il,IHIll. Ml'. 11.My cliar^i-s fur the

' should tliiMr. It. .would npen .for the

v i w.ame

's p:iy would amountr^es for thc-sjuiie'in. ShiHild ihe.Mtirk"1). Would lVI'l'iVe.forJlii" silue worl:liMiild the work cost

would nri'lve f'l.KT.Ysame work would In-'wiirki'o.'.i i-'ioiiimo,

SI.;;.-.. My cliarWork .-hould he

/ The romiiaiisnii shows this difference.viz: For*.V.,«>ii Mr. 1). will r.ivlve^.liOeMT.ss; for *l>'l,t>l>l>, $s:i.">; , '•0.0110.f 7W; If 1011.1 UN I. *li!I.V <a*Kr*—

Estiinatim; from ..Mr. U K ' ^ v - p b n sand niy;**-tini'iite of cost, the actual cosio f - t h e M -WITS »:. ]irojeeied would note i ce id iNO.IIIIO. Onli i ls !1-Mllll|ltion thetown has ii^recd to pay Mr. II. i^mmure than the whole can he done for.

Outside of any |H-rsoiiat inti-n. »t of myown tu the matter, what luive ,th.> tax'pavers of (.^'anfonV'to say": "Very re-qiectfully yours. •

• (' V 7 >, , . , . tL itvli! it i i i*r«ji)inBaymne^ N. J , (lit. If, IKlil. . . . "

Unforttl jHTtely tlxo<* tnxj)avers~eaneay nothing until the next" Springelection timo comet. Hut wlmt haveh J

IIo marked out to him that if ho didn'tplay every day ho would Kit laid^iff nn

" is puy. Horo heels au thumbs wasbarred. . . '•'•••' '-,'•::,'/

"Hank, beiu lazier than over thatyear, was considerhul stirred np nboatthis. IIo didn't Imvo no likin to piny,but ho was hot after thu.loni; green, nilhi) ];i'p" phiyin aloiiK uti kiekin liko abay Ktcer all thu time. Finally ho ^ot acouplo of days' lay off' an went tohis mother, *o ho. naid, . IIo „Hiiio'iin "conniliiini'ii of. IteiiiK nick, buttliu ni:m:l.','ii' lol him t' (jit inter th1

giuuo or lost* '-id eoM plunks, an ho f;ot•!!v. .£l.!x!,.!l;.0'..vn.couhui!t..i>lay....--Thero\\\L< n I>i f laiu. Jus' heforo tlio tiiuot' fall Ihii (.MIIIII on the day after- thatJllej- »i;s another 1'in rain.

"An it went on like..this ferafitraijilit30 clays. It. would nthiys raiu jus1 bo-foro.tljo K'Uue, whether wo.was homo ornwny, llauk ho (,-ot fat loalln aroundan was t)n first rato lerins with hi&ulf.Finally tho niiinaKcrliail to let out soiuoof the men to rcdiico expense, nil HankKOt tho run; Tlieii the rains stopped.Now, what do yoirtliiuk that man done,bo's hu eoulil f;it liis money withoutwnrkiu? Set-iushn kiiewKoinethiu alK)iitraiuiuaUiu, an wlteii ho tin>k that triphome lin (jot his chcnjicals together andidn't do a tliiiiK bit mako rain everyafternoon jus' before tho Kama "—I3uf-

• falo i:xpiifs.

. Iluir lii SI,,,;,. „ < Mlrkril.Tliero aru two excellent ways of singe-

ing a chicken. Theln'st is over the Muzuof an alcohol lamp. 'Another way is toli. ht a looiely twisted iiewsjia'iK'r on thooutside of the stove and hold thcrhickci)in the right hand, iniickly passing itback and forth through the Humes.

"*•'' IliiitVttI>riirt,>J'iini»lii'«'.iii I'lunU.- Bub a ]muud of sulphurated ]K>tasb iis

due as jHissihlu, and mix it thoroughlywith -t pounds of soft soap. A largu tea-Bpuonful of this shoulil lio mixed witheach gallon of soft froier-and tho plan*_well t^irnyedwlth tboVioli)liOii:' *' "

WI.T Did Mr. Dw>«r-. ttamont SuildtnlyEnd UU IbKlns CAtttrt-Ttui Qoeilloo

' of Afv-Somtthlae That Will P« Fkfilenjftj XntcrcstlBs; to Ifon«meii.

Tito racing vmtan hod .begun, and incoDM-qncucc Haratoga was thronged wi thvisitors. The hotels wero crowded, andtho cOttagca had long since been' taken.Tho balmy air, tho sight of magnificentequipages, handsome, well dressed menand beautiful women all conspired todrive away care, no matter what one'strouble might be.

So I thought as, comfortably seatedin a hngo rocking chair, I looked aboutmo from tho piazza of tho (irand Unionhotel ono glorious morning fu July,

All the peoplo near mo seemedintent on discussing only imo xnbjcct—viz, racing. I rcniember distinctly tobavo'cangbt several times tho cxpression: "He's nsurowinucr. Nothing ranbeat him." Then again,somobnowoaldpay: "Tho Black Whirlwind is a won<IC7. Ho will win in a walk," and va-rious otber liko opinions. Not being fa-miliar %vlth racu horses and racingslang, I was nuablo to nioko - heads ortails oat of all I bad beard, and reallzing1 that I was out of my clement I con-eluded to toko n stroll and iudulgo in aqnict smoke. After 'baring traversedtwo or'tbrcb blocks. I found myself justbehind two gcfitlcuicn walking lcitmro-ly nlnng, who seemed to ba talkingabont something in a very Berious man-

v* The walk-being lidrrowi'l madono effort to pass them and lazily follow-ed behind, cujoyiiig my beloved pipe.

Vtry Bopni.X^iigain^ heard tho word'Whirlwind,'' and I confess that my

cariosity wns griiutly escitcil. Just athis .•moment a' rather stiff summer

breezo came np, and bearing directlyoward us wafted distinctly to mo their

conversation. Tho larger of tbo twowhoml will desiguato as'Mr. A.)Aaid:o tbo other, ' 'Ho you aro surely going:o start him iu tbo —— stakes today,iro you?" j

Tho smaller mnu (whom I will tliisig-riatons Mr. D.) replied:. "Why, certain-ly. I'm snro to win. Thero isiiotliiugligilile to start that can liiako "my colt

oven extend himsolf. Of cunrso ho willitart and win too."

"Well," said Mr. H., "Ihavoa prop-sition fo make, or rather, I should say,

a bot t ^ '


tn Percalines, Silesias, Sateens, plain•olorn, and-numerous fancy linink'Sv fastilack Moire linings, from *

10c. yd to 25r. yd.iRASS CLOTH. HAIR CLOTH,

— CANVASS.Worsted Yarns, Ice Wool, 'Saxony. Gerniantown,VVash. Silks, _'•—Emb'y Twists

p ^."Let'it hear it,";.sald1,Mr,,,D,,.rT,....„.rWvefi' colii and meoiinrcd-toiies Mr.

H. then suid, "Mr. D., I will bet yon$5,000 thnt if your colb.crosses tho wiroirst today tho race will not Ixi given tohim and $5,00U additional, that if yondo start him ho will ziuVcr again rnu inanother race.". . • ... . . . . . . . . . .

Byrthhvtiiiio I was trembiiiigijpithxcitement, but something beyond my

control forced mo til routiuuo being nnunwilling eavesdropper.

Mr. D. quickly replied: "Why, whats tho matter with you? Has any thing

unusual happened that lins caused yourgood »eufco to forsako you? Yonr propo-ition is too foolsh to bo thought of for

a moment."~~ •"Well;"- replied Mr. H., "a littlo

bird brought mo sonio extremely inter-esting nmvs obont your colt, and I doot liolievo .that my mental faculties

have fdrKake.ii mh. • 1 repeat that I amilling to mhkn tho wager, and I know

'till well that I thoronghly uudcrstanilwhat I am sayirif,' and doing. Do youaccept tho Wager or not, Mr. D. ?"

All this time I was only a few feetbehind them, regulating, lay pace by:heirs and trjing to . appt'ar very preoc;_

Former Prioo 81 Yard. Dome

After EOino hesitation Mr, ..P. repliedUiat ho. would consider the matter undj:

ould give an ansiver before 1 o'clock.Somehow I did not feel as if I had

niit.t/el1j.j;|rxgriat..«fi«listtitt!i«tBUffrlnrt'. at liny mto I f hOught'tlfiit I

iiad heard cnougbrVii I turned aiid ro-Iraciid hiy fotithteiis, thinking thero was-omething vr.rj';peculiar in wiiat I hadvorhcard. ' I Worried over it so iimcli•hat I concluded to go out to tho race•ourso/ I called a cab and was soonhere. In tho betting pavilion l a p - ,

proaehctl. a-lxiah who- seemed "to thelanuer -born" and politely asked if honew a^uythiug uliout a horse" called'tho Black \Vliirlwin(l." He (miUr-itood at onro nnd told me tho properliame \vns-Trcmoiif,' and Wont iiii to say

that in all America thero was not aIt-year-olil who ciuild outrun him."

After Ihiuiking him for his.informa-ion I went up to tho grand stand aiidhem purchased :i ]>rugraiumi>.-- .Sun!•noagh, Tremont .was catered in* the'nurlli race. yerv_iniji:iticy(!)y.,I,..Kut.liiTivami'Tviiiteil. Finally the'lirst raceVnn -ruiij v.'liich '1 watcheil with littlor no intiTi'st, aiiiUii'ttTtho jockeys had

ilismountcd again madti my way to thoItetting rinf\'. 1 stood on tho.oal.'-!;ir(s>f .the crowd, quite intrresteil iu what I

and heard, though l.conld not un-derstand tho modus operand! o f thobookmakers. 'Suildeiily I , heard n Io{«lhout from the* end of tho ring. I trieil

!o ascertain what wa:i tho inatte!', bntivas pushed and jostled about h'/ Ihu•rowd so savagely that 1 .could Jiot gettn answer to my inquiries. Koon, how-ver, I heard a voico cry out, "Scratch

Tromoiit!" ' .

This was repeated by many on nilddes.. Every olio appeared surprised,:uid no ono sn'med able to givoany rea-con for tho colt's withdrawal. *

After tho excitcineiit had Kiimewhatiulisided11 returned to tho grand standmd sat there, thinking, deeply. -1 ro-inaiuhered tho .conversation of a fowliotirs previous, nnd I tried very hunl toTorm Koine tipluion as to tho ins and[iiits of what I considered'a very strungo•aso indeed. Tho only conelusion.that I

l M Hh-fs'uVvVi'iitriiirsV ;"\Voll,"at'his't"fl'iti'tliii ,fur-tho ntakerac<\- I fnrKQt til miy thatMr. II. had his liest llycnr-ohT for nstarter.u Whllo tho horses wero nt thoport I heard a man sitting near mo f.iy,"Why, Mr. H. y i l l win j«uro now tlnit

Trcmont'Bont nf tho"Wfty:""AIfei»

utiia a puia arc tor

biliousness, bilious headache,dyspegsia,, heartburn,..torpidliver, dizziness, sick head-ache, bad taste in the mouth,coated tongue, loss of appe-tite, sallow skin, when causedby constipation;, and consti-pation is thejriost frequentcause of all of them.

Book-free; pills 25c. Atdrugstoresjor write B.F.AllenCo.,365 Canal St., New York.

J . A. OAKLEY, Jr .



Elirabotb,, . . 5. J.

Berry & Co.,104 Broad St., Elizabeth.


Dressmaker's Supplies!NEW FALL LININGS,



59 Cta. Yard.




New Fall Dress Coods.KMImntcigiven tar

l l i


BuMng Lots for Sale!Why you should own a Home on this

splendid property;- -

|i Window SHIUIPH. We him- ulvt-n wil]i<rui--lon lo'wvcml ca^tomeni. t&~hel us ilo your

work. _..: . ^ -

Wesley A. Shaw,Walnut, Cor. South Ave.

"J).C_only store, -that -advocates

low pricesjn Granford.

^ lbs. Rice ' . . ' . . , . . . - , . '... 2."»tv .

..1 Ilia. S01I11 .CriR'ktrH.'. J>.JC.

5 11H, Ginger S m i r i n . . . , . . . . . . : Me.

liiibbits nml all Hoiips (1 for ix.

ComU'iisi'il Milk-.Tfor 2Jc.

1 Hi. Ua'kiiiK Powder IS'c.

1 II). O w l C q f T e e . . . , . - . . . . . .-.•••£-. 2-"ic.

SiiilnCrai'kfrs in CartnoiiB... (ic. 11».

FLdllR n"*--: •••""•'•TLUUn,. unrrci-.r;".".....:;.£1.7.-,.

Hay," Slraw, Grain and Feed.

, Mrs. Twieki iiiiaui—Yon have, n nowoachmau, haven't yon?

Mrs. PlaukiUKton—Yes. How did•011 know? • . -, • • y/' Sirs. Twickenham (who lives nextiloor)—Our cook told us tjiis morningiho would Htayaiiotlier^non'li.—Truth.



Williams, JSL tossTOWELS, &c.

23 do». large JacqouJ Tovfels, 10c.10 doz. Tnrlrfgb Bath Towels, 23c.Sdoz. Tnrklah Bath Towels, very

ID dozen Linen Damask Towels, enibroideroil end*, 21r. •

£00 yarta all .F<**1 Kovaltj Saltings,29c, former price BOc..

50 dozen Lollies' All Linen Einbroidered Handkerchiefs,1 jnannfactnr-ers' seconds, worth .from 40c. to SOc., at°8c - ' ' " ' '" ' - • I

*S0 dozen Men's Grey Mixed BbJrtaand Drawers, half pfool, We. '

Ready-Made Sheet.i


Pal Carpets Now In.

Special Offerings!


. -ISjiilO—15c.5ta80-16c. •51x80—18c. ''

T Special lot Pillow Cases, 42x30, Be., or3for 25c. * • - . ' • • • • • • • •


Utica Muslin Sheets,Bolsters and Pillow Cases.

ALL 8IZES.- Live. Geeaa JTeather, Pillows,. 8 lbs.

each, $1.75. ,Turkey Feather Pillows, 20x27, 00c.

~Tnrkey Feather PJlloWB, ?2s28,i83c,™T

" BLANKETS, all grades.QUILTS, all grades.

Embroidered Baby Carriage Blankets,25. Crib'Biankets.

118 Broad Scr, Elizabeth.

Five minntes \valk from the Rail-way Station; ,tfi>k highest ground

• iu Cranford. -.


An eslnblishal neighborhoodx com-posed of' elegant private residencesand the Crunford Country Clnb. \

ADVANTAQES:Pure nir; uusnrpnssetl mountainviews; wide avenues; good gido-walks; ubundant water supply;-gas,electric lights; fire protection.


Only such as are necessWy.to main-tain the character of the futureucishborhood.

INDUCEMENTS:; _,_./Money for building purposes advan-ced to purchasers Of lots; easy terms

v of repiiyment made.

PRICES OF LOTS:$750 to H.OQO, nmmlinff to siio and

location><; Perfect titles given. '

A beautifully illlistrated^bapk,. .descriptiveef_Roosevelt Manor, and other infprQ-ia.tion

pplying toJames



.... I.'iio best nieiits to IJO obtained in the market': lilivj'fj.s 011kind, 11't loii/


,,, Fruit, Vegetables, Eggs; lard and Sea Fbdif."' • ;>"Prospect St. . — *••' , . / ; Westfield, N. J.

North Broad St., Elizabeth N. J.Opposite Central Rallroatl Station. /

OUR~SCES AlwayTspeaOor themselves.1'illilniryVllest i'lour, jic-r buff, i>(»e.-, prr barrel,1 * I . T J .(Jold Mciliil Flour, per bag, "iTu'., jicr ha rrcli ->> 1. ,50. ' ; . .I test Kainily I'linir, per bag, fioc; per barrel. *;i.i.*i.

Kino Ociinicrjf IlutR'f 'J5u Totted IliiniI lbs. Kiuo-4Sft*i«ST. •J.'ic Oil ,8anlines.\ lbs. ]!est IJico 2.1cI) lbs. Jk'at .Starcb 2.1ui! lbs. (linger Snups . . . - . . . . . . . . i:icNew C'aliTornia Apricots, per lb l i e\ e w California l'riincs, per lb.. l_l),e

Cakes Laundry Soap. . . . , . jOanrNew Jiuekerol, jior l b . . . . 10e

l'ino Xew. Jfackercl, per kit. ... 8,1oHiillimtiiu' l'ale Kxtm, jicr doz.. OOe1 lb. Ten &• ."ijlbs. (iran. Sugar 40e




Mustard Sardines.:i cans .Miik forKell.Milk.. . .1'u re Popper, per l i j . . , / . -.'oc"v Jk; can I'jiu; ApjJo,.;.,. .,i .;.v...;Xpi;

Ke\r "Toliiiitbes."..... . , . , . ; • . . Si'

Cognac Jtrniuly ;•.,,....' Toe

Holland Gin. Tfic

Table Sherry.-, . T T T . . . . . v . . , ,.,,,5(!c


;#5TiUXPAY TRAIS8 FROJIEUZ UlETHA. M.-J40,515,8m,D07, wo, -fntni.P.JI.-li30,l!B,aui,441«(i5t

U50.. -

Time Tallin In Effect June 30. woTRAINS


00a. m.;5»p. m.


j^avo^orNcwVork-BttS o. m,i^.»p,

., Lcn'vo for tho West—7 50 «.».,< »]i>in-J. C. CHASE. MlJ^Z^?V. T. PlEIlMiK, WBlrlbullni.- t'Urk.

THE MISSES VAIL *' DEAXE win1 , Reopen Their School,'279 North. Broad' $t., Elizabeth,

On .Wednesday, Sept. 26.Primary, Intemiediato and Auulemic

DeiJartincnts. .f^" A few boanlintr impila tnken. • For clrcrjlire apply nt the school.


JIEffflRK S flEff YORK R. R.H33, 834, "30, 838, H40 nml H4'.> llroail SI,

Best Shorthand and Type-Writing Deparrment in the Sta(e.

' RATES LOW. , - . ' ' •Address for Ciltalogiio or ColU'tre Jouriui],

II. O0I.K3IAN. rrc-l.lrnt.'

LAjySLEYBusiness Obllege

23d YEAR.323 Jefferson Avo., Elizabeth.

<lo to the Fountain IZtfad Tor .The New Rapid Easy Short-

hand and Typewriting -

Fall Term Opens Sept. J17.

W 5 rp r October will bo jli'esentnl

on graduation, with / */-y' -

A $75 TYPpTER FBEE!Al>j'ly for circiiliirn'or JuliiiIssJun to

\ J . H. I&SSIZY. Ph. P. Principal.


/ ... DEALER IN. .

r4ints, Oils, Class, Varnish,

Wall Paper, &c.,GRANFOKDv ^Nr J: " ;

C. VREELAND,City Surveyor & Civil Eogineer

11AVONNK, .V. .(. AN1» tIt.lN10i:l>.

Dealer iii Fruits and Vegetables,f (iiianintfcil frt-sli i'Vi>ry iliiy.

'.-:' ih'liyrrlt'Hlnf'nmfnnl TurMliiy.-, Thnr-;

Ho-Meiict' (Vntrjil avciiiii1, AVc.-*ttI*-M-


Q. L. BHUER'S,1 S3 Broad. Btreot.'Elizabeth, N.-Ti

Wo ivill- t r im free of clmvgc to nilC f J '

'i>prtrrTfcs AS i.a\v As IN NKIV VOIIB.

J.Broad Sti, Westfleld, Now Jersey,

(Next door to Welch Dron.,)

Harness and Horse Supplies.Rppalriiur promptly hnil neatly done.

• rut lilm to tho test Byun a IOIIH dlNtnnco tulo*in him pay tliu kill. "— " M y mind vnudabs somotlmos,

doiielierknow, SIIB.I Dulloflold," eald Mr.Happy. •


arn ghntts.. but the'.t 14*. - i n jnlr m i l

A'• Ural Mews luyn thst evonpBlcr ttta tw coim-rtctl Into

H i t "limWajl wateJ h j taua DllcrntlonIn etiiKtatla* at tt» w!«<i* S.000.OUO

"Yon.' I did not know It hod eror rc-turmil after its (lrnt ramblo."—Pitta-burg Chronicle-Tolcgmpb.

"frennennu it nm UWII tmm n>»«»ileatlily polo iw each of Iliolrx. "To bonl>ot ou tint (jlncin of tho fortriwnt nin-

tomorrow morning." ho koiit n»-poattuii to liimsulf, thniiK'hhimself that tho wonU coiihl huvu noreference to him, for tho cznr liiunt kivptroth eten with trnitoro, or none wouldbo found to flurvo him In future.

and tho othura calmly us-

emnll plc-cb of tucat'" Av«y email ptcro.was placed on her plate., wheuahoro-markoil: * "

'.'Iwnut a pieco to oat, not to lookatl"

Au iiudlblo smllo traveled aroundamong tbo boarder*, and nn andlblofrown nettled on tho brow of tho land-lady.—Washington Capital.

in.no'A! if.'to unit*.y / : -•' " ;." - ' - ANY IIOL'II l l f AriMllNTMIINT.

38 Park Row, Potter Building:,NEW YORK CITY. ,

Attorn*? A Oonaulor at Law forK«w J»r««f.


iwtrmiimi.I l ' H Ko'cnn, Sauces and Picklcn.New Vermont ilnplo Syrtip. 1Itoyal, Cleveland's nnd Dnvln Dakln|

Powders.Star and Columbia braiidn Lobster


Seal of Palermo Cigars 5 Cents!Filial In ll»vor KnU IxKiuel to ">y Wo. clg»r|

Page 3: JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE! Fine $ AMD REPAIRING. · day liestheVill resume charge of Trill Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily -. .•••• AT THE . / ' "" Westfield

JOHN J . REIDGood Boilding Orick.

S e t l K n r o m l , S". J .I bare fnrnbhed tnrfc "ia"Wcstfielil

for the WntfitU Club Home, StandardInxilding. Hsinccke1. Dsxsli slid Ivnrz-

' lulls bnildin^s and many private rfsi-dences. BBJ desire to EXTEND JIYBUSINESS TO CRAXFURD. - ^



aU ta all war*.JOHN J.REID, ~

P. O. Box 9. Xethenrood, N. J.


. H. J.sec^- J i a i e Grnoo&feVine *\cm* for •

Wftlks mod Drills. For sale at Fan-wood. <ur will be delireml ml res]- "deoce. Address,

John C. Cook,. - ' S c o t c h Plains* H. J.Order* TwrnlmpUr Atteadcd to.

©rarid Fall Opening IA n d t h e formal display of ou r magnificent and unparallcd as-

so r tmen t of i „_,..•• • - • • , - . . ' ' ••.„„.„

Tatca place this week. Our showing of Cloaks, JlilliiiWy, Press (.ooils,Silks, Upholateryi'lioyB Clothing, Infinite Wear, stands. without equalO»ving lo unpopular demand wu liave added ir department for .tho- sale of

Ladies', Misses', Children's and Boy's. Where, wo shall follow the "sumo principle of giving more for tho monev:han other stores, as in other departments. .._ ™ r • (

Hail orders promptly filled; Samples sent'cheerfully on request.



- 148-152 E. Frtmf SU FUlnSaM, N. J.

' V/oolston & Buckle,


I No*. 1<1 4 145 Scrth ATT., S. J.


Taylor's Dress Cutting-School., r And Dress Matin,- Wrlors. E<tal>

.ACOn Ifohrd forlw>i»ra»sal U IfraadSmVt.Elizabeth. X. J . Ewrjihinjj taucbtpertaining fo Cisl-rL»M drctexnakini;."• ' youisra-v II lakra. Oortumii

4( BIIOAD Stftetr. Ctn. K=f. J. S. P. BrcvklS y Also Ml Brood St^ret. Newark.


Photograph Parlors,Cor. Kfairi& Cherry Streets,

• , - BAHWAT.H.J.Handsomest ftndirt in the ~1«1<-. -

Wort F-<in»)]j-A


Will Olvo The Cnnnxiruc ISradm I DownCabinet "Aristo^JItreuEar I tk« 5iO0>ior'tliIs

BiHingre & Phi l l ips ,


•>V«-York, at X.W York iinos.Will luaki- valb'in Craiifunl for or- -

ilers anil '.lelitiry on Tnesilay...Tlinrsday ami SatnnLiyofcarli


BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEALPork, Corned Beef,

Ham, Shoulder," "' " Poultry, &c.

Opera House Block,

Carpets Cleaned,REFITTED AND LAID.



. I$aiiil)eia&ei.* Sc C o m p a n y ; ,

147-149 Market St.. near Broad,, Newark, N. j .

They conic to get the'$3 and $10 Golij. Pieces that

M O S H. VAN HORN,,73 MARKET STREET, near Plane Street,

Arc giving; to imrehasers'of *5(.) and SI00 worth of- Carpets ami Furniture;

• ' ' 35"iii gold on »50 worth and *l(l*iiifg(lltl on #100 worth, ,

Note the name AMOS before entering the store; ' ''

Our Special Sale of Carpets.61.00 Carjiets we are nelling «t 7,5i\ per yanl. '*\ piocps of Tajie^trv

Hriis?eU Carpet, of 25 different patte'riH,'nil marked in plafu tigures amion exhibition in our show windows at the low price of 75 \ per .yard.

PARLOR SUITS.To .different patterns of Parliir Suits, all on one floor, in all kinds of

I'overings, ranging at the folliining prices: 8W, #30, $40, «.1o, ?l!0, (f',0,*S0, Sim, «100, ifltO, 6H0, *l«il nd SISO

. J V _ • . *

BEDROOM SUITS;Antique Oak. Hpdroom Suits, 8 pieces, at *I.i, 820,-fW,.:(&[), J;UV,

j-fJjjSaO, *55nnd *GO,all'of the I laUXLyon inanufaotnrej.which i iconsidered the beat uianiifacturo in tho eonntrv. • • . - ' • ' '

l'ostul yards lind letters are received by us. from all part.s of the Stateevery.lay ordering the famous P O R T L A N D R A N G E , l'eonleoriler them simply because thoir fffeiuls or neighboru have had oni> 11 longtiineand'ivdlniineud it to thein^ -T/reilit given.

—— " ' . ' '- ' r - ——: — c - * - : — - . ' • ' ) ' " • ' :

Goods delivered freejt- charge to all parts of the State.


•Evrry day. we have partit's calling and wishing to be. shown 'throughour New Stur.ige lliiihling. as they have never becii -.through one before.\nd they all ngfej. how do yon keep it so cltan? Itates low ,-iinl furniture-tiiovgil with v;ins;——: :—___=r7^rt.,,<,t)l,..j«-M.1i«- -,- W ^ W I K . . * , " ^ ^


Real Estate and Insurance,Office at CRANFORO HALL.

GflS FOJR fOEIt I' This com pany is

now ready to sujiplyany who are locatedon the several streetsthrough which gasmains are laid, withgas for light andfuel purposes.

House connectioncharges nt 20c. per

pur .foot from curb,extra charge.

Jleters set without any

Gas Heaters and Ranges placed Readyfoit^M

Gas, $i.75.per Thonsand

124 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N ; j .

New Carpets, Mattings Oilcloth

E. M. FRENCH,• Elm Street, near depot. TfystEeld, H. J

L. L . MAWWIWG.Plainneld'<>i>p-n -t lu^ncunitli

HIB ;,.iimf>T ST/.'.I.V u.u:i:i.i: AMI<n:.\xiTK IVIIHKS is mi:ST.ITK.

Monument-* ntul irtu'l-lotie* f-.f <"<mtttr>-rint!-. AH Onlcr. IMucrvI A- ?Va I'jt.

II. Krossc,

A 1 X AND PORTER., , , , f

t«r. Mar.h.ll A Tib >••-. EILi»b»lh, S . 1.> TKI.KI'IIOXK (JAM. |IK II. " .Hrlivrrlr* In Cninfunl. Jlott'Ufx. TUure-

•>>)» Hurt Hntunltt).^

; \ ' Aluilllnllltll ;lt>il iilnMi.

M.CIiurli'S JIarKor of tlii! pliyricillalHHTttory of tlie University nf (Ji'iicva,Kivrt'Ii'Imlustrie, lias UKKU! a curiousdimjvvry. He 1I:IH fouuil that by rub-bing on K!as.s*-with ait aluiiiiiiiuiii pointwe obtain clear inctiillitv liuci, whichcannot lie removed by washing, ii«_ni:it-ttr.liowOfti'n n-jicatcd. Many applica-tions raiVbL'su^pcstcd fur aluminium inthis direction. It can boused instead oftho cBRravVr'n tool in rnttiii/j designs

.011 glit**. With--tliev uluniiniimi pencildiuniouds can luMiiHtiiiKuishcdfrom im-itatioii. since it will make no mark on adwiuniuU. H..is. i»»il.lr-that- t hv i in rdiscovery may maki' a ^rci(t diil'ereiietS'iutluf iimking of cut orenpraved glass.

• TIM, T«>lij;ti. Fur TlM-lil.

Two runaway convicts took refnjid ina. church which was having an experi-cii'v im ,'tin^. Tiiey lisiened tiLthu slu-riis tuM. by several of tiie-'fi'ifcncratedtiniil i.nc cf_tlie.Iello\vs cxclaiuieil in' aV'Jus]nT to the.otlicr; ."('ullie, .lim, Jet's'et '»tit o ' lh is! l t ' sn tnii^h-<'rnwd. and

no uuujv life's worth a cop]ier!'^ A;idout itey lit.—'Jjostim True Kiag. ••'-••.

DeiiiiisKooriilin'.'wliodicd in Irelandin tin; early part nf isfl!, had 4S I'liil-dreii, '.':)(; Kiniidchildrcn ' " " ' " ' " «n-'"t-fjrandchildrrn. .

.•"Thbuiler in" Sejiteinlii'c indicates apood irop of Brain aiid fruit, for thonoit year.—Old. I'roverU

ii cePut tliii yolk of an egr; into a dish

witli a teasiioouful of white miKar and a«eas]>o<inful of oraliKo or •lemon juieu

ii l»at liKhtly together with a fork,f a* i!w wliilisi <»«• a ]>Jatc- attd- oittl'n:lunch Vifjsalt. Tfiisr'iwith" ii 'liriiiiil'biadeiltnifo lic.it ftlfoAMilT froth. Sovranliphtlv as possiblo mix nil together inIho dish. Transfer it toaclcan tumbler,which it will^iicarly illl i f properlynia;ic.-^t taust Rtaiid In n warm place.-'A»yTrntS'juiciriiiQJr'iiii iiisM'in'placb oforango or lemon, or even brandy if thodoctor has ordered,)!.


n<m'fo Inmiri' IVnerrtil ai)il lErrrmlilnit. ' .Slumber mini n Swr«-'t Month.

A warm bath, a light lunch and aclean mouth licforo retiring arc goodthings to take. They promoto sleep anda •'clean" tongue in tlui morning. \Vhatthis lunch shuiild bo tho consumer mustdecide* Thu juiee of a ciiuplu of oranges,lialf .a giapo fruit, a cup of tea withdry.toast, a sandwich and gla^s of ale,cup of hot bouillon, biscuit and a glassof sherry,'crackers with milk anil vichy,or a bowl of bread and milk is thochoice of n.i nnui(v ditVcrenj iigoiiJlV.fl).

'Jicaltliy'TriiinPiiiiisoine. :

•—TIio-liest-tliiilK iii thu mcruing after acold plunge or spnngo bath 'is a cup nfhut tea or eiitlVu with a little lemonjuice. The earlier this draft is takenthe ^tetter. It should preeedo thu break-'fasfliy at 'least, half an hour. This is

Tprimu for the iiiiuientary caii;U. It is acomfort to the stomach, and puts the"(HKCSlivn organs in onler. A cup of lintmillc is also pri'scriliei', and even hot

"water the first thing in tlm'morning isnot lnjil. l:nr iiiiyihing but thu abusivecup nf cold ivatcr the |'i)'iri>tiaiiaclj willbo grateful. If an npiietiti) fur breakfastis wanted, and tht1 lime permits, t:il:o awalk to tile comer, aluiu1, inhaling andforcibly exhaling lliu air through thenostrils. No Slit cure in therapeuticscan ciimparo with this.—JCuw York..World. , : _ _ _ _ " s ' '

Sl£ii« of Cuiulnu Trouble.

Joliimy—I tell you, papa's going tocatch it.after the'company's gone..

Toiiuuy—^How do you know?.Tohuny—He's told ma onui'or twice

FIIO wasriiistaken about something, andflic's said, "Why, darling!"—London

It is a crinio to kill an Aniurican cagloin tho state of KLw'York, and it is alsoan offense againft the'law to havo onoof tho noble birijs in possession.

»> HaTmia,1 ZacntccnBi-JI«iCo;"uuiT Caii;ton nro nil situatid between tho twenty,third and twenty-fourth degrees of northlatitude.


Amos H. Van Horn• • * ' IUJHTK1).) . .• ''

73 Market Street, Newark, N. J.NEARfeST PLANE STREET.


Old Ocraii Ii« Trdriuc Awoytlir KncHflh' /" Cn««t by HIP Itad.'

Tiio flot innrslies'of Peyci^ey Jihvogained lialf a miJu mncuthoflnytt of Ktl-ward II, when the wn nlniost washedtho walls of thu rastlu thut now htamlnhiyh uiid dry inland. Tho fiamo tilingban huppciUMl on thn Konuioy flatP,

h ho ancient enstle of tympne has

tliceu lookustlumKirilioiwxjspriuR tidolyfmld add tln.'ir.^'jafjsy ineaiiirtva tptiioinsrpfounH of (sea iiorhuii.."""Button tliorocky parts* of thu Antrim coast wo Imvotho «•;>, nlowly. working its way inland,

intrcnrlirnontri that HMII; HO rexistli-Hs.UndiTtjm waves lit), tracts of IH^IUIKIthat OIK'C ypon a timu muxt havo fitoodwell in shun-, aiid-bunluco In'ars wit 'nt-HH to thu ravages that have taken plantwithin a fuw Centura's, a fti\vticks oftho cliK-k as pH>loj,'if;tM.(*onnt tiinw

TJiu tea,, ever wiiHl»»ff anil toafintfitK founilatioiiH, ono djr*lirok(i down* aconsiderable part of tlm castle, and HCV-eral ""i TSons wont killed -by thij catas-trophe. JTliirt was i;i thu days wlienDnnluce was Iiold by other tenantfi thanthu birds. Then a Immo and a-strmiK-hold, now but a- ni(;niento of pa^t joyand glory. • .

Another marked cxnmplo of tho icurity. of rof-k' d^fenrit-s - ni the pea isytho invader ofciirs._at Filey, on theYorkshire eoiist. <)njj-"-SO .vearsjii^

:tllofW«^1iY»arliwriy_ninWhK"ar7'uiMl I hiancient church .nf' Ht, ililda, \vliicli i.-buiit mi the HiJid ruck. Now this is s«i

'.bniken away on the M'award .«idi* tliat•it is inipiissablc.. Another «0 yt.'ars:niayjico thu church undenniued^—-Ar«o^y.

A lU'iuiirl.iililc IU*K4.... Tim following peculiar incident istulil liy a ' Ualtiiiiftii' man as ot'eurrin^'tn bis ('ti.\ •terrier: "One daj-, -while tlmct 11;U' door'was open, the dotf descc'ijilcdin search nf .n\tti nt a!«.ut-U o'cluck. .At

tin; f<*r andthought lost. No further notice! wastaken in.'llii'niatUTuntiUhenext niorn-intx at 11 o'clock, win1!] I was attractedby a ii()g yclliiijfr-^flera careful searchin tho cellar, whii-h revealed only apile of .ti.iinl.by. tlm wall, I nnticed tbo

"do 'ri nohti protriulini; tiintu^h an inchboard at tho tup window of thti rcllarlooking into thu yard. I went immeiti'ately-u'p'filai!rs and removed llvo bricksfrom thu pavement and pulled tho do^aiif'. After a careful inspection ^ dis-

d ) h d di d h fcovered ))o hadp ^

under thc.founda-tiou (if tJio huiirUi in* the sand, whichhad caved in on him. rinding no other

factv'ii (liHt'anco nf nix fert,: anil on ar-riving rit th'trfirick MirFacV, \vhich liadbeen ri'ccntly juvi'il, dutf toward tliowindow, u distanco'of threo ft-rt, niidhad nearly" eatHi through tlio Imard inhis ffTort^to. fr>.r.|iiui-i:<;ilTrm;ini..M'a-*ii.(;,'tr«

'ly I'il'iaiistVd'wlii'ii fouud, liavini; lici'ii2tf hourH uuiliT^'rouud. One eye wasoutirely cloned from unnd, tbu othernearly sa"—Italtlmuru Hun.


Tlio Ynunj* 5I«n I'lulrrsto^id ft After A. Lcxlrugrnpltrr Ili-lprd Iflui,

They weru fiittiiiK in tho parlor of awest siiln house, ami tho conversationwaa draKKii'f,' sonio\vhat. Thcy'hnd i-x-hauHted all thu avatbtblo social topicn,had taken it dip into literature, by criti-cising Homo of thu latest no-veln, find, din*cussed tho summer resort^ji

nlwut tho tluaters, and there did. notWK'iii to-Int ntncli'lrft.^.^ ' : -v *-:,::,*r:-^

After Jin cnihariassitig pnijuo of fivemnmtes tbo fjirl witd: ,**-Wo Iiavu /*oth f ^ H ^ h

f',Vcs?" put iu tho yountf man inter-cstcdly." •".

*'VCH, slu* is a cranlc about Mel:iiers.(Every day" sho has hohui new t-ielciiess.As a matter of fact, slio is a reat lni:;toni'wnnian,' strong and healthy as canbe, -but she imagines she has uno.fiuit'inthe prave!" . i " "„ "Must keep h< r busy finding '*.yh»p--

said thH'H, and sonic of her c


I^irrcprobcrmi^r,hot* ''•' 'i-A l J l t t h W d t lilt«rttot ftP XFTT.tOFinni v IUTV, tf=F the tclr,t lili^ttUt*'Arnl-it»l|i r r c r S t r ^ r1C5 rtTn^ci^T <-vrn thbtotciit C^J tiAi:cl «onrtiia<-«, when rcy hurly *oclI ' tantlt In ilarktit<l'» thcniUraruU,I vrttlilrr— her n\\-tx-1 vrt>rtMpei>- .M <I«l\»_il;irJt ftornifi bnr.k orrr b*-r.An(t'lf*tfiry do I kn/jv.- nij"tn-w,t * ' , .Would lxar thru All to piro her n-nt

Bnt, no; the fn»pT=it orncp* DtmnmtWart thrccch h»T lite their *w« t iii.:riUn)r«iAnd the tall iihljw, with wtctl Mown iaibt.Bring to lu r ».>ripf < f niphtingalrv.Yd, do thty htilJ, whin>'(r they \m;Bice <« 1»T *«i" l^>t ttung «.f mel


hat 6OOP tboy foupd it waa tcfi tho old dor, with terriblepressed them closely they leaped! jground, rniito the edge of the cliff, &sdclasp«l' iu .each othey'p armsi i

- ''And tiiu don? j For - days ho' raTedJiko a madman and'acemed to know nootic. Tlien.lio becamo qaietert and theythought ho would bo himself again.Bat une mooulJght eight titty saisaeAhim, Bad K-TCT.it 6<t ont to H-ck him.Ho was riding up and dinra th^ edgn oftho cliff yonder, raviiifffoud blasphemingterribly* IUHI uouu of those who hadcoiuo to find him darod approach. . For

j hoora ho raved. Then, just u tbo mooni • ] camo from b, hind a cload, they saw

_ _ , - „ , , . , , ™ , , • • , - . , - - , ! him rido bm-k from tiiu d id alittledis-T H E W H I T E - H O U S E . l«»«* T 1 » i»wi,«.i,.i ,haniyan«i

^ ^ • ^/shunting, 'Now, my friend, both to-: ' • - • ' . - , /Ketlier!^ fio rorfu full pTHctl at (he prcci-"Tlii» cumvii onght tohavoaliisfo^.j p i c t v B l U I l t , h c r ( I p ) t ] , 0 white Malliqn

Pablti," 1 f).iiil to tku^uiflu as, Kup^rALaltOil fiudili-iily. aii l thu 'Ion went overliiiisli^f), I U-anwl back on my UahJa-t-s alone. In i-.idair h«t tdinok .his fct and.unii dnamily jpawl at tho KVUO bvfuru ^hurhd a rurn* »t tiiu frii-ud who hadus* - "•'.". l • ' ' -ijotrtcd him at t\w hint fuinntc, and

It was a Buniimr iii^lit—a ufi*ht iu tiioit and them tin; pna t whitu staJUontho ranthwi-st, WIHTO nights art; j.t riivt. 'turucfl to wtdiic There ho nrau'd-*. wnorTho moon was at tho 1 nil, and not a - r o n c a i i wo.Jiim plainly now—stillcload was in the* fky to ul>scuro her louuinj; over thu pneioiw. It ii.fnjiartfdiaiice or the light of tho myriad 'him that tho cliff-aiid thu canyon gt tP t a r n w h i c h b o r e J U T c o t i i p a u y . , Tins, t h t i r iianit-^ -•. •-r-:r •••-•••:.••-y--- •••"'-•••

air waa i\x>l and bracinj:, yet Kiloiy. - "And it is vnid by tlio enpen*titioud,and thiTO-waif jest enough hnyzo tn lull Hiiur," contiiuKdi'abln, »lrawiD«closerone's spirit* anil caow hint to forget to the firo uiid hhundtrhitf tili^htly .tiiu world and indulge in" fanciful tcvvr-: ••that on t!m unniverxary of old Doa .ies Bach as only eonthcru breezes in- j Ftrunudu's death and on La<Jy, Vi*at>cr#tipirv.... - . . . ;.••'••-..• • ' ' - • • : • - • - . - • - - - -•• g a i u t ^ d a y , t h u j ' ^ h a ^ t s p f - L a d y V ^ a b e l

• Wo had pitched onr camp on ono of nud J<*t» rido ftntJi <m t)\>-lil.iuan, andtho aloping liills on vt>b.p,-,Euut.h...6)duVof..x.thiitL.£if-.thu ulUd'ni-pursnert thx^Tiding"^tlie canyon, whert* a Jittlo fitrram. of, tlu* 'whito stallion, which leavi* it.?eta-clear, sweet water rijipUil friiuTaitpriiiR tion at *u'ch times. Aiid—oh, Benor, forin n ravini' dijwu into the canyon be-; the luvo^of <)*»!, look!." ' . . ,low,- Abcire iWAVas tho nighiugf odor-! Srartlid, 1 liM>ketl quietly across tbo -(Ui» forvtft of juniper'aiid pinon. Below , ciinyou, - . Thu/ rock,which appeared .tow.w a little stretch of relvety gTa/s ex-.' very little tiko. awhjto horsu seemed totcuding clear to thn floor of thu canyon !• vuniiOi as though in mist. Th*» thcroon both hides of the littlo stream. Right ,wus a series of hl<xxl ctirUli'ug shrieksand left utretched the canyon it.Be.lf, its nnd curses nnd Myinj; al»nig thoi-dpe ofwalls, pnvipitous fMr.the most parr,TIN- theelilf njdc ihrve persons on horseback,ing grandly huhdrtMls'nf feet high on ' atxl nm>, bchiiul tliootllt-rs, r(Ml';*t a Ttaf"each side. ; . j white horn*. • < >. " I t i« U'autiful, i ' ab lo / ' I con t inu i ' d . i It was only a motnent, nnd then thu .•*It must havii a_lii/-tory of .vomu kind drunken i-mvlmv*-p:u>.s^d uut vt hi;;h^ • -.OX,1* story—:iior** '• 1"'K" "'',"• ' " ' ^ th*1 "tiny tli el; <:f viifmr whieh Ji.ui, '

"fcii,•j-eniir. that i t has—aye, that i t f»>r.tho.-u Uxv m-oiids Jit'jit thu i!:i,<nt-haiv** linswrnrd tho Mexicau, l ighting li^lit from ..the-'whiti' 1HT.-C rock moveda frt'^li eigan'tto raud puHing at it re- un, leaving lite mek tainiiii;< ciut in thi' 'iKrtively :i munient.. "Would the «euur clear li^ht, ji::l MS Ih'fon'. fcitill shivc-r-hear if:" J • _ . • ' . ' - ing with thu Midden f r i gh t I .hjjtljiad^i.,....

Ku .and had many .^urvants andH i

to vice und idleness uu.slaves. Hi! was a great ent*rtaiuer « u t \ t r } Ii md Hurt m> t* d i> upon tinDon Fern undo, and [H^opln used t<> < nim n < n u t inns lining 1 xn lit nt ami worthyniaiiy niiles^iunjtre<ls^tln>ii.«auil.'v^lo'JfiiiTgraiid dinners nnd-fialK^

" H e was not n go«Ml man. No Ho h i i t h f i« I in^ ind _iifr« r tn n,rf ii;u»XuQ:WftHjTi ,.tTUtJ._inast*T,JUid' hard with all to limn m IK m^shis {Kojile and m;i<I<> tltfm all lmt< him W itli i n < dm itiun ii vU int i^ s t l u yHe was kind to only two living <rt i *»f n in Irk ibb

Vlm: Ui'uTy tVatii;J; Hir ollx r Id * Jut fwas his g n a t whitostullitm, tlm larj, t 1 »il \\. i<

<li of ti n IJ)

i f tin SKMI\ n ition ^ji fttula tnkin^ li^uri \\)u xlu r

i two thn old dnn loved, an hi1] two luU II /IINIII Wining

I«idy Wiilwl was tint;nnJy I«-autiful, hut i< " furshv was kind and pxMt, an»g he peple loved li«r a* inMch.as tiii.-yiiand Urn \ by any philanthropist rthwtry,

•laughed a little, though,; rind t*'«ii«I:**Wbafa rciiiarliuhlt't'oiiipiaint! I don'ti-upl»isu it was true, doyou?'' Tho youngiwoniat.i'«..J;utu J*kJi, on - a pitined- expressHon. ;,'I mid shu b:iu\ her b/mes weroos.-ifving," she r<.-mark<'d.«,. "S> I uuder/tooH.- -And Ia?1;edifit

dared go m ,ir iiim. ; brain 1/"•"Thi^LaAly'Yj.al^tlhail'iiiaiiy'Miitenf. i It ha?Tliti we:ilthie>t and jiins^ariHhMTiitic dn>M.JMV'.l -1*-1*'!' il' eotiijlry «ajiAt-_tu. hUu lur_-. bJmirju^Avdher hand, many nf ih>-m from farntT j drrgruthiat'1.('alifnrnia, and jroim*, it -I* saitl, eamo I ator Kyln-jiieven froni Sjiaiit. Hut tho Lady VKIIM'1

s tijught huim eommnnliri-u niy filearfim* to btarad-

from full lilivded Indian rollegt.

fif Vale or Ifarvard.-^S*-n-North Atnerican Ktjviy.w.-Ji'

iiild have ijiuir of thi'in. 'Shu luvt dJicr pony aifl lur d n ^ iind. birils nnd

'was true." ."The }"<::uig woman' pn^'tMl Jier hand

wearily MVIT Hi.V fi'iihcail. She Junkedat t heynung man pityingly tfind nid:

f ' m • ] * . & ft t 1 I i l l l i l l , l " f I l l l l i II | , II • ! .L4~> k | | T q l

VI Jim nfnud ynu do nut yet undtTsliind • . • , . , ' • . , , , ',. j iMcairiM ( i rn t i,f what he ra i l ed h». . —.»

ishiu.-.-s mid hwni'i; .-lie flimiM inurry,'

II.- \V«»rk».J

A litll*- a baM he.a<l an.Iandrifted into.11 Muiuie\v u half dollar mi

tin: <!ria of my itiiuuk. 1 wild tincame to me and told Iim thai her IHJIH'H\\i-iv o.vilyin^."

'Til*' ynimg iij;ui bit Ills jimstarjH1. "Ifully innl<i>tt>"il \yhat" y«m mid, ili?«Urmvn, " hn rcnliiil. " I think, tofi, thatI.gather the miming.of tliV renuirk.Still I do i:ut suppoMi that, except inrant instances, mich things do occur."

She put both juimltf to Jier brnw thistime, unih_±<\ i\ bit and abruptly elian 'Ml

Half mi hour Inter' (fin 3'oung manpaii'-edoii his way to bin room nnd limit-ed up a dictionary. Jin turned nervous-ly to tho O's, found O's (mil rail his fin-ger down tlm ecilumn until Jio eann1 tn"ossify." Thi-n Im threw his liaiids intutlm air and hhrii'keil, "(iirnt Keotr, nnd1 didn't know that oMdfy nu'.'tiiM tu turnto.bonet"

llotr I..S.TV.. ttr.Crack it in sinull lumps nnd fill u

btm-I, ii.HingiiKplit NIHK)II fnrtnuisferrliig.-U*&.Uiu .fiiiteSitrf^wittrr.1" With ftlmiHl-twm'r cut glass bowl or even out) cif flu'tchina the whuln fnniiH n pbaslug nd-jniK;t to the M-rvirr, nnd with enrufea IsTery coiivcnient as well.

her prnple, but a inaii, no, Unt: afli 'i ini ' lher <Mi:t", but f-ln* t u n i c i tin in a l l . ; street ^;il"<iti u\itl tliliwiiy. So ii i icr a I'l-wji-ru^ tli«- old (Inn \ tli'r'ItfirrV-'-^—•' * . •

' 'I *iinine jt h'-Jii«ii|er of bv.er, ",Jio.-ai(LTin- M-Jmtiii' r wa.-> giyrii him Ju>t m

h<< was ahout tu ilrink it u big manin

In- badntul at uiK'-. a v.iunNcted for her; '

'"i'ftis1 yri'-ved. ilii'I^i'Iy \".-;tln 1 verymuch, for not only did sin- not love anyof tbo.-e who hud «i|). r.-I tln-iiLH-lw-. toher, lint her heart \\>i» alrea«iyv^i\*en—l,'i\e'il'to onyh

her Jalh* r*s penii^ a. wifr gi-t^ yunr

ramu iu iiii*) Miid:. .''H.ill.S,: Sln-rtv.Wln.'s buying?"

' " I am, ".replied Shorty, witluligigty."You,' ' M-oi)ed tbo big'man.1 "Why,

you iievT hie! a c u t in your life. Your

juung man iiann d .bi-e, WJK>IM lul bad J "That's^. »I! right, " said Hlmrty.lieJjH'd to iiiir.-e .thnnigliL.n l< fril.Iti ill- j "Meblii* KlmdiwH,1 but Vvit-^ut nnuit-y

Hun Mil' u-c«Vtii lne»:t by stealth 1 toiliiy."nearly eviry nighthut lth< nisi h'es. Hut

nkn wn tonight

a n y "Hnw'd you gvt it?" ."''\V' P , " n-pli'ed ..Sh'irty, " I don't

know n^ I mind telliu. I hail uruuiil'/ofbad treth, an sJin gimniK enough to getVlii jMilb d . " '• .

. **I^iiln't yiHI get Yin pulled?*'"S|iire( but 1 wnrkiil Jier for r»(> Ci»nt!*

f'»r g;i«, nil this in tint M>. ISt•«?*'—Uuf-

.iver tin1 plat* liu lieyond tho canyon

And lure- in Pablo'a story as nearly and was lying rigid, with tleok.i «jfns_I_caii translate it. for he spoke in foam on hi:; lips, I brought him ronml8l':tmFlrr'"-"' • - .mnn, nnd'lie* hat op, Ills eyes Htaring

• "poe-s the Miior »=oo tln» clilT. ou the- wildly. ^ -ot|HT side, htiw Jiigli it is? That is tint" ''Well, l^ablo/' I naid iu iw sti-arir »„_cliff of tlui White Hum'. It is many voieo as I could command, "you'mastJiundrnl f ir thiglr and straight tip iind ^ have.had a dirmn. , yoCT^^t^ni-prtfn'g-'down." : And at thu top wlien the nuMih ing around ainl yelling fur a full tivt»is a little higher the unor will «•«• tluv niinutes." . \ , - - . - • • .whi te Iinrse. It is n g r e ^ t w h i t o rin-k im " W h a t , wnnr, I? A dream? T I » n i tthe edge of the cliff, and by cb/ar nmuti* was n o t " — ".light i t looks l ike a .white JiorA-. I t has " I thy ik :?t ,was the- "brrait F a b l anot olwuy been ' tl/i're, nnd now, they.; You ate. a big"supper, and that liot 'soursay, on the amiiv«i>:iries. of a e t r t ah i bread, would lal l nn ifidinn. V'day the gh(*t »if old Don Fernaudo Pablo emu-hided not . to run away, _aicomes ami riiles it along t ho edgenf tho !»' niight Jiave dune, if I hadn ' t lictmcanyon. ' • ••', P- able to ennvinn' Iiitu ~ 'ic wits ' i .nlya

"Don Fernando? Oh, aye, May.tho dre!»n..—H. L. K<t<-hum iu Komuure.blessed saints Jiavo men'y upon him!" ; * ~ •—. —.— •— —i'jaculate«l:IIalilo,,cr»ks.siuK Jiimwlf. - ' l'»~.ii>iiiiir« «r ih r JodUo. : "

. "Many years ago Don I'VriiiUido t'or- . The Imli.m lias within him tho enpa-tez—lie WiW a grandson or something nf bilities uj'nn which to bam a betterthu great (Virtez—lived over a t«ne lie- *' waiihodd und nii/< n.-liii- despite thu'yonil the cnnyiui several miles. Don barbarous i i ;s t imts j attributed to him.Fernando \yas rich and lived in a grand ', With no' ineentivt) to work and wi th

mm rhnn^h~^r lbl 'ami f>|>hinxliki in dt in mior thi I idi ui

ind jifltrtK i

nnd fleetest lmr.-e in all t h e ' m n n t n t ik<nph> K ill\ or inr lit <.tu illv Ihn

eyes, and welT' Jiit'tuight. Yes. 1 Jin w< in in dining a hfi of ( hn ti tn r\J>ii pioplii w.tn a< tu.iteil bj aas ptiinaud noble us that J-IIOWII

dti'n7"whifh' wiiii a great d<-.-iI. S lmbad ' Among the Indians arc lino naturalgolden hair and ey«-n liku the sky, .and i orators and htate.smrn' unialed by ft:w'it i.s K I M (Jut birds listeued wh'-ii sbn < edijeatfd white men. Under educationtiaMg. And tlmjmrx!—ay»*. be was won- : tljey have ^ l ^ v n tlnnisel\i-fi quick andderful. Hii was as big ustl iree ordinary ! ready leumLT.% t-nnipi t ing easily wi th

plaint*' are veiv Jaiiglirdili'.' \Vliv, tho " " . " ; * . . . ' . . • " ' • — » — . . , -.ys . . - . " - - ^ - . . - . , . . . . . . , , r . . . .other dav she came in and told m.-in " ^ v* *»»}•}"» ' » . i d M H H * th.-Kruund, ( wliit.t pupils ..f the K u m w ^ , 1 l.avjiIH-rfect w'riouMitw that her bones were " « ' l i :« «f JJW" wluty .nann mid eyes , obn rved thyi... .it t lm* Mu.hes am -:.ni1 JJ I r , ,• . • . . t h a t flashed iir» and wits almost as . mnv inn d that tliev aro as rapable-a^

thu 'Lady VNilicCii WUMIIIK il.iy ;w«siii'iir at lm.':d i-Iin unit 'li .T,.I.IV<T IV.TIIMen t,>^,-tli,'rr find tti<- Mnry c;uni' to tlmi-ar.s nf tlir uM don.

"Jfn sfiuti d to find tIH-JII, ^^Vl'ariltKto kill tlu in !»,Di, hut Ili 'y liarl I t , nwariu'd and had tati,-n two <*f Jtlur ll'r.f.-

IIIIHI liHHlti -tliu .dun sadtlli-d l i U w i i i t u i - - - -,-- ' -A \-*'s* i inkrrr.- •" ••••' - .shiliinii nijil -/liirnwil tlniii. T i n y had | . Ilroukhii ran l»«i>t nf having tlio lar- 'tak.'il'tlH^r Ma}-over tint liills hliiidly, ! *;» .-t Imad I akrry in thtj wi r ld . '.S.'Vcnty .nit Mini,/ ini-tini't-I'd Ilii' don to follow | thounand lo;urs iir,' <laily tunn.il nut,

Ihn iliri'itioii thiA-iiad tnk.'ii, anrl in n \ n «|<ji riiiK ' :JHU liarnds »f (lour. T h n oliun,lt1<:,'t"rail'p(lfryi|«'fMin'ii"iiiii';'iiipl(j.vvtJ'-1"!

in tin- lnki.'iy, and lyr dulivcrin^ t h o 'lirrad in Nt*w V.irk aiid adjacent pluccii

'Wli rn tlin InvtTH nawthi 'y W.TI1 pur-1 nvt r 1 no wa^nnti, ct)u.struct<'<l for tho(Uwl, they j)tit!|tlicir jndc.1 lmrii<:K to purpt*c, iiru i n cnustant nsti.—Nuw

loir )itBho»l'iF|l(:*<l, hoiiiiiK to v»:;\\*\ York New*


Electrician and Locksmith,110 BROAD ST.. ELIZABETH.

ElKtrlc<!«»LlaiMliur.CalUW|l.«n<l llarpl«r'Alarm*. l.»wn JIo«rri; fa«» »nd miltr]


Now Fall Dross Coods.

HBW Department. m»Xl»".'. . . fur


(limlowventlriiiiton!next work.

CoiiHtnblo Schlmllcr ,IIIHJH U'iiijf mini-monoil, condnetcd tbo woiunn to Iliol»ckm) bat owing to the .dainp condi-tion 61 tlio tttriret decided to int-nr-(XTntoher inn1 car. Amos Randolph,who prowed tho oar nlxmt mli1nlf(bt ro-k'useu Mary and took her home.

Business Notes.RpnuiilicnnH nnd DonincmtH tuny lw

wen drivintf iiliont C'rnnford t" dny inFinlt'i) carriaiteH, ht-cntuo tlio vohlclenBold by tho Wralfic-ld denliT aro n cknowledgwl to bo tho best iu tho market.

driviiiK a liltlo ithciul "f Sir. Daniou'Hri« noticol the cowardly Iliwht mid icavi'chime, COIUIM'11III« tho inaii t«> ri'tnniand nivenl bin immo nnd nildrew. I»r.Cuowr say" thnt Jlr. Damou in dcilnxnlcoly, und |>rwllctn thnt ho will bu ableto Iw abont again l» n mouth.


Broad StreetWestfield;

Page 4: JUDGE FJOT QUALITY BY PRICE! Fine $ AMD REPAIRING. · day liestheVill resume charge of Trill Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received/Daily -. .•••• AT THE . / ' "" Westfield



«V • VarjUij V«l«» Vpon Th«It-—* — ~ ~ T&m«ii tltflpiuoif*.

In tho earliest tiuins of pnrchasoawoman was bartered for wtul goods orfor services rendered to htr father. Iutbo latter way Jacob purchased Racheland her sister Leah. This was n Becnanmrrlage, whero a man, as in Qcuoiis,leaves his fattier and jjls.niotlirr aul•ole'jve.1 unto hi-i \. ife, uud they becomecno flesh or Mil—tho woman's. Theprico of a brido iu British Colombia anil

JITpiiconver inland varies' from £'20-to£40 worth of articles, Iu Oregon an IK<lian gives for nwifo horses ' blanketsor buffalo' robes; in California, ehollmoney or horses;: in Africa, cattle.

A poor Damara will sell a daughtoifor ouo cow.| A richer Ka'flir expects

.,from 3 to 3b! With the Banyai, if noth-ing'be given, her family claim her chil-dren. In Uganda; whero uu marriage'recently[ existed, sho may he nbt:iinu<]for half n dozen needles, or a coat, or-npair of shoes.-'An.-ordinary prico i" abox of percussion-cups. In other partsa gait or a couple of hufLskiiis.wiil buya girl. Passing to 'Asia, we llnil herprice is sometimes f> io fill1 rubles', ur atothirs a cartload fif wood or hay. "Aprincess may bo purchased for a.OCO

In Tartary a votaau can IKJ obtainedfora few pounds «f butter, or wliero arich man given '.'0 snmll oxen a nownun may HntTvedAVithTi pig.; Iil'Fiji herequivalent is :i whale's tooth ^or.ii mus-Lit Those iind similar pricca elsewherenri. (loqueut tt sliniony tti the little vulue

on hi* wife.—NowYork




clllo BeoM, llin Notorious Rtioplirter,"I'm Drltxtrd and .lout Iu Ring him—A


Coffle,'U:oa i ncliantron of my aonl.Beauty illrlno 4-nn>bc» theo.

Mrlh'ml form of Him ihou art.Thy ccgle wjx'U> lnthiullA inc.

_i_-J>1,000-A SHOT. -

II la E«>m.mlr»l, Aftor Alt; ir Ciinilili

Ono thousand dollars a Htiot is rathei«'XIH iisivii shooting, Imt when you cometo figure it out you /Will. .find that it isnut iiuitaus much in proportion as $""'a shot uutl.r cvrt.iirilontliticiiiH. Tlmolilsmooth bore rannoiij short inibarrol andtihort iu the breach, hud to.Jio trainedw itli thu gri-ativt paticuco autl care outhu object. ninicd at, lind if thn lollptinnd ball didn't. Inndislu'tly when: itwii^ inteiidi'il it tlitl verj' iitth'hann; ,

W ith tho-big pin uwat ie gun at HandyHtxik it is impossible to maku u miss.lim just touch her off at (JI.OllO pertouch, and if the project] lu tlrojis wltliinoni sixth of a mile of whero it was in-built d to tlrnp them is imnirdinto andft rums trouble till(\ fx] tx\\ pruli.-ilulity mi

/ uwwity-for- the cxpomlitufn nf iiui)t!ii.'rdcillur mi that particular target. It costsmore to fl'ro thu big. Krupp.gtui than itduett our dyuaiuito gun, blit the cxi'tiu-tion licars no comparison. Ouo iiuiiilrt'tlgnthng guns, firt-d nt shnrt Intervals' ft»rone Imnr,. wimltl n>stJjilO,0M>. Kven iftin object *bi:tnt was within range theshifting would.not liu unn-ti'iith itscfftxfho us the s'biKitiiig tif -thu. KamlyHook terror—Niw York' Mail nnd F,x-

I n lllfi store.

Tho scene Ii laiil iu ono of Now .York Vhugo up town dry goods stores. It is thehour nt tho crush/ Crowds of bargainhnntnig women snrgo up.nud down thelong, Btlfliufrnlsle-V 'fho cry nf tho sales-people, thu chatter of tho cash, girls, thenoise of scuflling, Imrrying fj'otj thelimn of conversation, rising to iiiiist np.on'bargains-hero nnd there—alh'Himglt!iil^i confused, sulxlncil roar. ,

At quo of flibTl'usIest counters, whereare piled high rich autl costly laces,hpliliug their own against tho elbow-ing, irritated, feverish, ce:i>idc*dy ii'ioving throng, aro n pair of fashionablydressed women. Both perhaps wear dia-monds but they nro not conspicuouslydisplayed. They nro quiet of demeanor.Nothing by look' or action would sepa-Tilt*? tiicni, HO far as tho superficial viewwould reveal, from hundreds of other*in that eddying, clamorous mass.-Evidently ouo of thowumi'ii is the

purchaser, tho other merely accompany'ing her. They consult over possible pur-chasiiK. Thcsu completed, they givo thedirection to tho saleslndy, Tlio price Ishigh. They consult their pock'otbookYuuil discover they havo not sufllcieutc'hangti about them. " „i ^'l'leaso • tosend-thu'(jrtoiTs'C 07; DItomorrow. It will bo ahundnnt time,> Tho saleswoman is plea-ietl. Sho bid*

her ajjreeablo custoniers7'WconKiligaln!They reply with a charming smilo nnd'amJust in tho crowd. Unnoticed afterthem wanders a pretty, blue eyed girl.Sluihas been standing near them, purseill hand, at tlio counter, rather wistful-ly eying their purchases, wondering ncilotilit if Him Hhnll havo money enoughsonin dny to tlo ns they. Her hair.is gold-in nud hangs peudeiit In. a plait down

Uicarcntlrai of A light,bouT* Uu I thtu njitne thce.

rubbed bU eyef, "this 'ers'e ia'rcm gnFast 'is lawilsliip ROO to'bad »t |o'clock of tho iaornin, wbca I know forcertiu—"avln 'al it from 1bo eocondfootman 'iujsclf over a glass t'l l b i


j g g'la nxnal boar* is 11 at night, and tlteo,close ou his bccla, comes 'u Iawdihip'ifb i d i J d f l

, pbrorcr a*BW«arin and 'Ctusin Jreadfalto 'car urn) (ookiu flt pi"""<t wc i

Goods calle«l for and delivered inCranford. Toestla}-» nnd,Friday* or may.ix- left «t|J C. Hummer s

Geo. XV. Balicr.

I'nrl l>.I ho r ea l irt Luuis has a j)ietur-

CMjut cud oriental aspect, but the streetsaro le-s o than one iiii;i^i[ies. They arewide and resemblethosn of tTii'jji? Town.Jhimiirotis ICnrojieaii shops also line theirfront*. . . . •. " .

LMII^; behind the tuwn h thu Champdo Mnrs. It it used as a plaen of amuse-ment, audopcnui;; into it are tin'streetsof Hurbnii and ('o'rderie, whiln to theleft ofthei|uayH is tbeba/aamr.marlcetplace. It isVurruundcil by an iron rail-illK.. IlllH ' Fevl\al );-M<:t leading to lhi>prim ipal streets and is divided into,two o<jual parts l,»y l' iri|uar street.

l d l

her iieek. Her eyes nro big and bine,with all the Innnccn™ of a schoolgirl.A jaunty sailor hat cap* a trim and ht-tractive figure, ' . . ':

Thu women from the counter move'toward tho door. The littlo girl is notfar behind. If you hud looked closely—miniutliing you would havo, nuvelthought of doing—you might havo seena Hharjvkeen eyed young uiaii eying thegitlyKwiMy;; ;If "yiift linirbueiiiui iitfeh-tivo observer, yon might havtrsuen this

innocent, bine eyed littlo girl nndslini'ply at tlw two.women t& they passout, tht'it'iurn-ou' her ht'i'l -ami go backmilling tlio crowd, ,'fheii y^ii would haveuntici.'d that the sluirp ovtid j'oung.manquiitlyleft thoxtnrnwjth thu twowoiir.en. Ho. is fasliiuif'abfy'druosudp- idly,wears II canounilhas iluubtlcKH bbiiii ninlc-ingyniniu pureiiaso/ himstilf, Half IIblmrit nwny ho taps'onn ul. tliu woman" onthu shouliliT.

".Madam," lufnaya hull roughly, hitpolitely, "theivouiannttlio lacucounturwimld ltku to/km yon."

Tho woni/n lonk np with aitouish-ineiit. -Thw nro t|ultn uuio thuy liavo luft•iiithiug, ylint tho young mm In urgent

they hud buttur not


"I ain't," observed Burglar JoeyBrown as, wheezing and gasping, hostruggled through Lori Heathinffton'iifcullcry window, "I ain't ainiarrcrnaI nscil to bo when I foBt entered thopurfossiou, iiot by a long ohalks. I'mliuttiij^on flesh, that'^ wot I'm doln,aml>'it'8 timo I left off bnrglin ondtoot a pnb. Lawd, bgt.t|>at'8 mado mesorter snltry!" '• - ' '...

„ '-Burglar Joey Drown took a largoMAhaudlcorchief from ono of bis raspl-clously capacious. pockets and • wipedhis facp with oncrgy. i lo waa an oldhand at tho game, was Joey. True, hohad been "quodded" onco or twice, butwhat of that? Every burglar whoso soulin Iu his work ninst expect to-bo""quod-ded" occasionally during his career.Bosldeu them doses of "penal" affordtimo for roacction and rest. '. - Jcoy had made-hjs way canrionslyfrom tho mows which lay nttho backofLord Ileatliitigtoh's townrosidenco, andwhen ho had reached tho email courtiyard .which separated tho stablea fromtho main building tho rest had beeneasy; and hero lio was in tho Kcullery.

Joey .'-rabbet] his.fnco uutil it shoneJiko a copper kettlo and then rotmrncd,thohanderKcIiiof ttVliiiipocket. •-

"If this 'eroexploit,"saidMr.Brown,'addressing tho tuba and .bowls aroundbiin,/"turnsi up trnmp.i and brings intho dibs, well"—with,, n .butisfledchucldo—"Joo Brown and bnrglinwill part company. Joo Brown ia get-tin too fnt for thin kind or work. ' Andnow', as Maoboth observes in tho play,'Let us away,' and" inspect 'Is lordship's

—Druoklyn Eaclo. f fliine* Joey, ray lad, wo'll 6eo tbuiBOUt." ' • . • . ' i

Bo saying,1 Mr. Brown crept toftly up |»taif3, Btopping' at intervals to listenand inako Bare that howaaunpertx-ivod,


Ho reached thoiurst floor and paused*as if uncertain ,whithcr_to direct liiae'eps.• "Let's see," ho Baid, " 'is lawd-ship'H bedroom looks uu to the street,and youra—I remember now that thopowdered haired' cove ikiplainwl—'erladyship is bnt 'cr town. Very well,-then. Tlu) niuwses is to lay back,* EHJ thofront of the 'ou.so nmst be aforo nu -Ahi thcy'poa-tnlkin, anil 18'poso they'vegot this part of tho 'onso all to their-selves, eincu there ain't no children crguests." • - .

Tho talking w.as evidently going onin n bedroom which opened into a cor-ridor that lay on Mr.' Brown's righthand, anil BO, with tho ntmont caution,tho" bnrglar crept softly down tho pas-sago until he reached a door that waspartly ajar. A littlo investigation"serv-ed to uliow Mr. Brown that tho chaiurbcr to which tho door belonged was adressing' rooni, ami- that, fnrthennorc.thu (Irexsiug room opened into thu bed-room in which" tliu conversation" wastaking place. Very stealthily tho bonse-breakcr entered and crawled to the bed-room door. Arrived there,, bo cxperi-•cncedn(>difilcnlty-in bearing every wontthat-wa3"Bpoken. -- •

I f

FET»;B FIXQEn, Prop.



i;eene. Ho lilandlybl

uitu Unit

tin' hngiTv-limil (iii-fitlierrido by J/IV-t.ri tlfrhcilfij.whi-ri' tlw* wari-s am cxiKiieil.fruit "•tails...oiTujiy tin-, lipprr enii, unitlit re is exhibited it iu:\rvt>Ionn yiiriety,uniildtimr that wnuld inalcirjlio frtlit

PI ml iiiis'fn'great ye'lhiw hi'iifis nrc siiloby Mile., with custard n]ipl/s, alligatorpeur, luiuigoeti,' pliieapjilyt liinl otherstoo nunierotiH to uK^ntiouy Muugot's nrotho must csteenii'd by I'/nmpuaiiH.- ."Timlowtr market contains' thu. butchers'thorn, whero fowl, llsh and kit! arecouspicuons.—Ainhu .Yoa'r_Ilouii«U\_..j

Tlio Mantli. <if «;l.«rllj.It is tho one gnrnient tho fiishion of

wheh uo'ver clinriRiVi,' writes Until Ash-tuoro in Ladies'Homo Journal. Tho

' ywirs may gO/untl ctinie, iimlyotHliowlinCloaks herself in this mantlo is at oncohappy herstuf and thu giver of happi-ness. In cut it never changea It is til-ways largo and .full, so that it pan m -velop thoso who aro unhnppy imil givothem warmth nnd comfort. Like the

^ clnak/woi-u, by, ,t,ha iniuce. in tlw-fnjrytaliyit is invlsiblo tonll liut thiisn whnso

• ey«« aro lundo clear' by faith. It it thogarmi'iit that I would lik'n my girls toWear. It Is true that much patliucti nnd

^uiuch felf douial MU rt'iiuiri'd li-fpre/ th i s cloak is put on, us it siitmlil 1H',' for

/. .nil time, but onco assumed the ummiiit/ of jny to bo got frmu it anil tlio happy

'•; / henrtlK'ats to thi'Venrers of It cannot/ possibly Wi oviTi'stinmtvil. , '

A (.'Btltlllll* .111

Mr. Jackaon—MlM Xlbertlna iu?Mir. Johnson—Yep, an I will m-o iaj

,,, «h« (t*y» ln«o lougasitlch iro tMr Joui.'-_i_ In thing aa yon be prowling around our.

«U«,—Burper1* Wwkly.

y ggit is flmibtlesH all a mistake, bua.returnthejMaust. Otherwuiu— uu ollioor aUnds

tno c(jrner.yWing that them in no uscapn, tho

jvoniin retnriL_Oiiu of thuni is Acitrchod/in thu Kiiperintuudeiit'H IIIHIM. A roll u[

s, worth probably hundreds oiin found, ingeniously stowed

-away iu- n n-ar piicket.-"Evlfloiitry WoliTall expert. Hho is a queen of tho shop-liflers,~anoriiho has run against ouo olthe sharpest privato detactirw in thocity. Hu knowing her, KIIO not boiii|{

'jni'H-]iarHbu'lar womaiir Nollio rlcoterfffvery wide and gonerouu notoriety, isnow doing time in Hing Sing. For yearssho had been ujieruting against tho,Btore.i, living liku a woman of wuafi)iand fashion. It is a guy lifo whllo itlasts, tho work is oxiy, but always istho day bound to come when HhowlllIeol_that tup upon her nhuuldur iiudknow that she is caught.

1 Just how »ho was diBCQVored »hoprobably nover know. Neithor do n longlino of other shoplift] r« that bavo boonsent over tlio road from a niistakon' at-tempt to work this store. Nolthor Nol-lla Scott nor any of tho re«t waa ovorfor a momout conscious of tho innooontlooking but watchful oycx intently laidoponthenl by that pretty littlo girl,with tho Bailor hat and thu golden hair,bound in a schoolgirl's plait. -'•>

-This in o/iirpf tlio'miiiiy 'ti'ioiua adopt-d by tlio /great dry good utoroa of Iho

city to protect thomsolvuH from thuplundering shoplifters which prey Jipnnthem.- It is a very popular means, bo-causuitiB nno of tba-nureHt and mostelective, (Uid »t tho satuo timo tho pa-tfoiis uf tlio storo aru not aiiuoywl by thepalpahlo presencv of a detective. Theydo not feel under any irritating espion-age, and thu shoplifters never knowwhin these soft, innocent looking pawnnrc to pounce uiwu tluini.—New YorkHerald.

vnlyooblcs,"Joojv whoso'hoots, it is hardly noce»-

sary toexplaiu.-'had been left in a ehadycorner of' tho mows, innilo his waynolselcaily.'out' of tho ccullqry Info thokitohon nud theuco into tho corridor.

Theso footiuon," said Jooy, whoscorned to bo perfectly acquainted withhis wherealwuts, "snqro llko 'ogs. Imight do a 'ornplpo in boots 'ero,ondhonx :Va 'oartlwltli" HiiiV'tiawfol row'goinpii'.'";""' ' .

After looking in on- tho slumberingfootman for n momont Jlr. Drown pro-coeded on his way ond 'ascoudod to thofirst floor.

' ;They'vo Hevcral littlo articles in thotlroriu room wot I want to inspeor.Tho;murmured, "after which wo will 'payour custom'ry wjsittotho plato closet."

Jouy mudu hi.'i wiiy quietly into tliodrawing ruoni, bnt boforo nnuesiugnuythiug of vuluo ho deposited himselfupon a divan and grow pooticaL

"Just to think,'Mio murmured, "ou'ythin IJUO crib, and then I'vo done withtho purfuusiou foro'vor. Littlo. pab intho couutry—^hiidy meddertj-^cowtt nnd'•hucp baiiin—new laid eggs and milkthorowill Joo Brown spend tho hautuuuiof lilflduya—liio uyun'iu of u useful cu-reor. 'E will go to church, boa church-warding." Hero Jooy gavo vent-to amust unctuous chuoklc "Just fancy,Jotgr'iindin tbo bag! Oh, wot 'dolightiartr in store for Joo Brown when 'o ro-tlrua from businoBsl It won't ba longoforo theru's u Mrs. Joseph eithur. Wpt,oh, wot iu homo without tt'uiutlmr? And


l o n wa Iiyou to

td wortmi tliwo'cro «olilcn"-

LordIlcatblugtoii was exclaiming, "andI'll troublo you to leavo this room atonce ." . - .• • — • ~" .

"Not until I get what I want," answered tho other- iii air insolent tone.

"You sliaiT.ncver havo another far.thtng from ine," said tho, peer. "Yonhuvo run through all your own'nioneyuud a considerable portion of mini', andI won't stand your blackmailing anylonger. Now, you can leavo this roomand my hoasu aa soon as yon like."

Tho yonnger man uttered aHerco im-precation. . •. -.

"If you, wpu't pivo mo^what-Iwant," bo shouted, "I'll find a way ofmaking you.""•:- • "As'yon seo-flt to descend" t*1 Vulgar*threats," rotunud Lord Ileathingtouquietly, "I shall havo to. liavo^yoii putout of .tho house,"' ' • ' '

So saying, ho ndvnnced toward thobellrbpo and was libout ta pull it whenhia brother sprung forward,'and beingby.far tin: more iiowuriiil of, -thu twj>

' knocked .binrdqwii with one blow of bis'list. Then, ns Lord Boathington at-tempted to rise, bin relntivo droppedon to his knees and held him down bytho thi'u.it.

"Help! IIolp! Mnrdeil" exclaimedthu prostrate man iu half stifled tones.

• Joey, luukii:(,' tlirungb. the door, saw.tho yuangcr miiu pnt his hand insidehia coat and draw a shining object fromhis pocket—tlio samo object thai -hobad examined' EO intently in tho halLJooy was ut)t an iudividnal possessed ofmuch virtue, Imt • iio WJIS an £ngU^h-mau, and in couiiiion v.itJi hii country-.lucu was always-inclined to Bidu withtho weaker party when any strugglewns going on. Ho knew that any-in-torfereuco oii'his part would lead to bisdetection and Bubscqaeut arrest,- but hodid not allow tliat thought to.deterLimfiuun tixi co-anio'rf'-ttction-wbieh hti rfe-

Harness & Horse GoodsAl tlielnn-wt prieM ronKl t-tDt with rrllatlt* ^KKIH.

Boots, Shoes, Rubbers." —A'CESTS »OIt-

Williams & Clark's Fertiltzer3..C»ul« «nd ionllij Fcodj of all Kliid».'

155-157 Main St. Rahway{N.J.

A B O V E / all'others in quality, quantity and assortment

B E L O W all others'in prices,

BRlDEKEp & GO.,todo a lively trade, making'friends wlio stay forever. • ?,

PtiroOlil Uye WiiiBkoy, Gin, Knommel, Jnmnicn Bnm

. " Apple Jack, Hitters, .Etc, Etc ; . . . . ."fiOcrpor qt!--^

Fine Old California & French Brandy for family or medical usePort or Sherry Wind, $1, *1.50, mill S3 por gallon.

Piilntchek BitteH and Wild Clierrj-Brandy, GOc. per bottle

All kinds of Imported Cordials, Champagnes; Jlliino and, Frencli

• : ' . Price list complete thereof free on application.


"'-• -' Xow ready nt

Miss C. D. Squlor'a, ^.-II™--K,-o.,-EII«aBi-H>;~H."X

Agency Universal Patterns/

Woodruffs StagesFor Picnic Parties


ROBERT WOODRUFF, Jr.W * Box 4S6, Wdtfleld.


JwaW BPoefier ^ go.,Elizabeth; Ave; <fe7th St, Elizabeth


will jiejiwheat, n

EVANS & WHITExxS* EHZal»etIi Avc. . Ellajabeth, jj. jr(

l i k i i m of H ^ Order.M a t e r i a l s e l e c t e d a n d t e s t e d b y n s p e r s o n a l l y , a n d warrnnted . - to h e of

•""• '•""' • • •.' t h o v e r y . b r a t q h n l i t y . . . . .

All Wheels and Work Guaranteed for One Year!WEIGHTS FItO,M 10 TO 30 LUS. . .

Agents for tho Stearna Bicycle



87 Broad Street, Elizabeth.


t DUmtirnBlnv to llurclium.

Thcro Is littlo encouragenipnt for a•oijoJ'O II burglar nnwadnys. When

hi' lias mi earnest aspiration to rhiu toeniiutnco iu tho-profession, inventivegiuius always does all It can to botherhim. For instance, tho vnnlts of thoKuhtrcasury in San Francisco ani fittedwith.wires laid between every two rowsof brick, BO that any attempt to inter-fere with tho Cement or Ihu bricks wljldisturb an clot-trio circuit nnd sound i>warning boll Roston Courier.

." . . . I*- ' . - ; /-1 . '; tForth bridge receives a now coot

of paint every ihroo yearn, and ono-thinl is dono each year,-so that thopainters are continually at work. Bo-nldes tho painting, orcry part of thoutrncturo 1» carvfnlljr. ,«j[tuiJil««l .,and\'6om at "(lefoctito riroU removed and

i h

p ; , i v H lwonilerful ulacrity for a mull of his

4Creak! , .' ' -"Soniobody on tho move, "Baid Joo

softly. "There's a door g o i n . " Ho lig;tonud intently, and liia ciuiuk ears soondetected tho eonuft of footsteps crosshiatho hall . ATrlvcd at tho foot of thoBtairuaso, tho -person; whooVar^ i t waa,bogaii to nMooiul, npon wliich tho bnr-Rlor left h i t placo of concealment, crawl-ed to tho door anil peeped out. • , •

" 'la ntwdsbipl"Joo quickly got back t o his acrccn

and decided t o (jive tho master of thohotuo a (food hal f hoar in which to ge tto bod and to sleep. "That waa a Horror's l iayo ,"ho Holiloipaizod. "Snpposln I'odu't 'card Mm and 'o'd conjo j p l u n ni n 'oro and found ins reatln ou 'iusofay! W'y, i» 'ud 'avo moant goodbyto tho pub. and 'ow oro ypr^'.to^.^hi*.BcruUba"or' P o r t h u i i " Thia ought t otoach you, Joey, that, l ike othiir woca.-tloua, uburtillu i s never entirely learnt'Now, tauppotio wo"—'•

_ Creukl - "

"Somo ouo t'ko abalrtl" was Jooy's'clusslo ntter.uicii iu ho onco more crawl-'ed to thu door nnd peeped out.

Tburo wan souiu ono elso about. A sJoey poopMl out u tall, dark man ineveulu« tin '.is Imued from tho room fac-ing thu* which was honored wi th Mr.Browii's prcFcnco anil stood for n mo-ment examining something wfclch glLs-tened i n tho moonlight, for, contrary t oJoey's expectations, the moon hnd dis-efigagiHl hersidf from tho clouds whichhad iirovluurflyenvclopeil her nnd wasnow aheddin^ her soft l ight ou thowortil Tieucuth her. - '

Whatovor the th ing was that hu wascxiuiilniug tlio man put it quickly intci(ho limidu pocket uf his dress coat andthen made his way to tlio staircase. A sthe ray which cauio through tho fan-light «ycr tho door fell on his faeo JooyBaw that it w a s convulsed with ragoand every evi l pasxlou.' I l ls teeth wseroJFl'WftyA-JWl' Jiin. ijiirk. oy<vi .«1KUIIB(1'w i t h fury.r 'Ac tlio foot o f tuoBtillrc&oho pUUK4Ml. , " •

."lib rofniwal" ho 'liinsod. "Jly owiibrother mfusni mo this foTor—a trlfloto him, all tho world to mo.. Verywell." Ho mopped speaking nnd Beeni-d to U ith hi •

nevf onea put iu their placo.Herald.


ppcd to UTuaUtt with "Belfforiiniomout Then, with on oath, ho beganto o»«md tbo stairs.

"Woll ,"uid Jooy to hluisolf as h»

stilved to taku. Ho saw the npliftcdwoapou; Hu heard Lord ~HcathiugtouV

diaboli6ul look on tnu'faco oftlrd oSier

tako tome miiiutes to describe, and itmust bo remombercd that tho occur-rcaoo Wu nro describing; was of lessthan a minute's -dnration from first tolost. It wax a largo room, and betweentho door nud tho-struggling conplo wasa lingo four poster—— - '""••

Jooy, on seeing tho uplifted weapon,snatched a pillow from tho bed andthrow it with all his forco at tlio wouldbo jnuxdurcr'a head. Then ho sprangacrow tho bed and grappled with himero ho had timo to toko his brother's life.

With on exclamation jjt baffled ro-vengo Lord Ucathhigtou's brotherturned on tho burglar and. buried hiadagger—for tho weapon was a poinardof* Italian make, which nsnaliyhnngontho wall of Lord Heathington'8 stndy—in Jooy's side. SininUiiiic<]nslT,l^wjiorr.glai'"dealt''hini"n trcmeiidons blow onhis hoad with n jimmy, oud when thofrightened domestics, arooeed by theirmaster's frantic tugs at tho bellrope,arrived on tho ficeno they found honsc-breaker nud peer's brother lying sido byside, tbo first dying, tho second onlyunconscious ;

An lionr later Joey recovers con-••ioHsnosis thankn to tho ciTorts of tho

ili^ttirs who wero hastily called iu. Lordlleathingtou's brother, dangerously butnot mortally hurt, lies in his own room.Joey himself rests on hislordship'ts bed.His ••- - -pliy

Lord Heathlngton, eternally gratefullo tin) man who has saved his life, sitsby tho betlsiile, anxiously wntching thosiitlercr'8 face.

JIU'.V'H lips move, nud tho |>oer bendsovir him nud listens for wlint ho wonld

^i;, "N. .1.

.> flr*t-<-la.« family Hole]: alan'rrery cun-*en|.-nrt* for ciitt-rtiiluiuvnt of nrivatv mirlfeit>i»^»ortin>tli-e _„ . • • -

C.M. HALE, Proprietor.Ti-Ii-iihone Culi; !)B M. Roselle. '


LEH8GM COAL' • •' ; - ' A J « J »


WOOD.mm 11, Ojtrra Shnm: Muck. \ ^

I'm (I* Onteimhtl Arcmie.



Union Gounty Hotel,GARWOOD, IM. J.


Midway between Craiiford and WegtHeld. ^ TK?., i i « M .public, honBe • on the -onntjv Ednd : " "Aceommodniions for pennnnenf and tranBieut guests.




His Jifo is fust obblng uway, for tholihysiclnns say tliat they cannot savo it.

"Didn't—take-—uotliin—yer— lawd-fhip," murmurs Joey faintly. "My—'my lnst.rfih, ycr Iawdship. Goin toturn honest, ycr 1"—/J««iy'»vo(w:faiU.h,irfl,ii«<t1'tW:tlpfttor;

byliH sfdo puts n corilial tb bis lips."Tako — pub — conntry," continues

Jooy, with an effort, "moddcrs—cowlnnd sheep, yer Iawdship, tnrn honest—cracked this—larat crib—htwdnhip"—And then, with a- long nigh, tbo bar-.'RtarV bonl "t'dkei;"vfiug,' and who •williny that by his last bravo act Joey didnot redoom his crimes of tho past?—Uillion.

\ Scroll-Sawing and Turning.

Doors and Panel Work-

21 STEINER PLHCE,N o r t h Plalnflcld, ' T<i. J."


MODEL TROY LAUNDRY COMPANY• . si cci:ssons TO ' •••_;_._•_ - • ' '

LAGGREN $ CLEVELAND.• .With new n niiagement nnd increased facilities wo are'prepared to do'

all lautidry woilk in a faultless niamier. Cblluw amlcuffs a si,cch(ltv -Goods entrusted to us are insured. Send us word and no will call Mou*days and Thursdays. ~— r . '.

GEO. H. DAVEY, Manager,271,273 Morris Ave., Elizabeth, Hfj.




ndtor Brooms Co. N. Y.sqnohanaa Connty, Pi

The Clleuiii'Mt ytonu Vnrct lii tlio State.YARD No. OOI East Crand Stroot, ELIZABETH, Now Jersey.

— Estimates rlicrrfully given for work between Jerney city nnd Enaton.

Agent, H. 8. BACHMAN, Roselle, N. J.




SURVEYOR.Room.334, CeBtmJ BnUdlutr, - ~

Cornor Liberty ond West Streets,> ' e u - V«-rk, r -.


Kllknbrtli, N. J.• Ornra IIorns-«il) to t>;!0 A. M.


Carpenter & Builder,

• omcE Roo.iu,:: iOpera House Block.

Locks KIIDIW, Butts. fxTews, Nuilso: .. nil kintl.-t, mul

dentral llardtrnre for Sale,A t 'Reasonable Pricesr >••--

l i e 3Btcxlcan Afmrti,. _ Th9 Mexican ngaTQ la agrawrthn/^S. fa wittiiiii. to:; d o t gWina t According to a tradition of thooonntry, it was tho flist plant God maOaAnother species of tho agavo i» used fortho Bamo purpose aa soap, its leareawhen broken and robbed together pro-dacinRa cleanslijg .lather,. It i« also •employed in' poimninff fl&h to bo oaton,this poiaon. Hko BO iuanyotbcra, havingno effect npon tho person who cat* tliofish.—St Louis fbst-I>l<patch. - j

J. L. DERBY,Fine Family Groceries


DER. Juxt aa jyootl as any other, • and atone half tho price. • Givo it « trial.

Opera House Block/Next to- post Ofllce. Oranford. N. J .


No. 150 Nortli Avenue,

Plalnfield, N. J.

Edgar 8. Ells,Real Estate & Insurance.

' 3 Opera Houso Block.

Gco. H. Bruce,

" IVik-tor nnii A'i'vocnfo^in Atlmlrnlly.' OFFICE Horltt":

io.on A . ti. to s;oo i'. M.- " ANY IIOUII OV ArroiNTMEKT.

38 Park Row. Potter Building,

Attorney A ConnMlor at L a v forNew Jcraty.


C. A. Smith & Co.,

LUMBER AND COAL,Sash Blinds, Doors and Jiouldlng.

Lime Plaster, Canada Ashes, EtcWESTFIELD; N. J.

New Canned Goods!- A T -

J. C. Hummer & Sons,Sillier Block.

7", Every article mentionedpacked this season and sold

under a guarantee IS. & W. Tomatoes. \StnudartlEiiriy-Jnnonnd Hamburg Pens. rThistle Brand Corn: ' '"V .Hiuubnrg and Onnndago Benns.Richiirdson & Kobbin's Potted Meats.Eagle, Tip Ton, 'Magnolia, Daisy, Con-

densed Milks.Heinzos Kotcnp, Sauces and Pickles.Now Vermont Mnple Syrup.Roynl, Cleveland's nmf Dnvls Baking

, Powders. .Star and Columbin brands Lobster nnd


Seatof;Palermo Cigarsseerttsf4

Initial lnliavurund botjuet tonnj* 10c. Tigat;^"

Wf l;:ivc tinI l.l,-],,.|i-.">

• •• V. i l h . h l . u .

1 J--at

Laillos ("iinr-: J,1 . luaiil or I

l i l t M l

Furl\'-lrjif-liiitl CHI

I , . v . i i'. IiiL-licsIv.,, inside- IHU'k

Ciinmlii Spi l l ,OI I I I I I I J I H I . I I P I ' P

V t l l j

KliTtrlr SailMii-kii Siral, :»l

'l»cp ^tllr^l colliirfiili'V Sutill Illlfl

jd.l«l nlUiifsioii llnru

»»wii two- IIL-III•-[iirin oollur, vitlti

Good ShotL u l l w flub Doni

^ r i t t c htyle, jwln

Dmitfllilt-in leather H"1 lUiu-bcrcttc

, ll.i)V Cnlf Rhol

*riiin|)(Ml Vniil'w, ncliU'dly fbcn]int..

A. & F. CLARK,

BL.UESTOWE.'lag Stones Laid nnd Cnrb Stones Bet.

Mantels, Hearths, Sills and Steps.£ u t Kraad St., Ellubtth, N. J.


Electrician110 BROAD

KlectrloOMlJithAlnrms, U n Mo"nvrpcncd.

I tl 1i

1 11 NIIO |>ut lilm'to tlio tCKt By' np uu n lonn illstauco tolo-

< mil: ing him pay tlio bill."—, I vo«l. ,

Hi *' Heal Now» nays that oveuv \\ i, 1 itcr can bo converted intop a n .|rn ViOg w nter by aand fllteratlonta filter LiaUna t t tho rato of 9,000,000» i U t p e d

self wondcnnjftr-nmwnrnmw .*«*«*deathly pnlo uu each of thelrn, "To boshot uu tin) glncis of thu furlroH nt MIH-riio tomurrutv nuiniliiu," 1m kept re-peating to hiiiHu'lf, th»ii),'!i iiK.'nrini;himself that the wonls 11A1M lmve noreferenco to him, for tlio czar must kivptroth'oven with traitors, or nenu wouldbo fonnd to iurvo him in future.

Doatoiolfaky and tbo otbeni calmly ao-

"My ininil waudahs Bomctimos,doncherknow, Minn Bulleflelfl," said Mr.Happy.

"Yon surprlso mo!""Aw?""Yen. I did not kuovf It had cTor re^

turned after Its tint ratnbloV"—Pittiiturg Chronicle-Telegraph.

smnllpieco o f meat. A very small piecewas plactil on her plate, ivhen aho ro.marVorl; ' ' •

"I wont a pleco to cat, not to lookat!"

An. audiblo cmilo travelod aronndamong tho boanlera, and an midlblofroiru IK ttlod on tho brow of tho land-lady.—Wellington Capital.

nun A. x. to r,.d> r.M.A^V IIUUIl nv APIMlSTlfKNT.

38 Park Row, Potter Building,NEW YORK CITY.

Attora*r A Connnlor at Law,forN«w Jmaf.


"' tleiiHi-iTMUKB. '• •Ilelnio'H Kocan. Sauces and Pickles.New Vermont Mnplo Strap.Itoynl, Cleveland's and1 Davis BakitJ

PoivdemStar and Columbia brands Lobster


Seal of Palermo Cigars 5 CentEtiuttlln flavor;and boqaet toanyitta, <'

Electriciai110 DUO/

.' Electric fllui I.IAlarms, L&wn