juan carlos lozano, chairman of the ifalpa accident analysis and prevention committee

The IFALPA vision Capt. Juan Carlos Lozano – Chairman IFALPA Accident Analysis & Prevention Committee ICAO-COPAC Safety Seminar 2011 The IFALPA Vision on Protection of Information 1

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The IFALPA view on the protection of safety information by reviewing the current problems found and the proposals from IFALPA to properly address this problem.


Page 1: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

The IFALPA visionCapt. Juan Carlos Lozano – Chairman IFALPA Accident

Analysis & Prevention Committee

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Page 2: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

What Is IFALPA (I)IFALPA is the International Federation of

Airline Pilots’ AssociationsA non-political and non-profit making

organisationIt stands for over 100,000 airline pilots

represented by more than 100 Member Associations from around the world

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Page 3: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

What Is IFALPA (II)8 technical expert committeesAccident Analysis & Prevention

Committee provides guidance and organisational processes that ensures Federation’s safety activities are focused in the development and implementation of prevention strategies that contribute to improved safety in air transport

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Page 4: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


SEPLA (Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas) is the Spanish Member Association of IFALPA

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Page 5: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Aviation Safety

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Page 6: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

The Paradox

Aviation accidents have cost many lives but have saved many more through good investigation

A “high cost” learning processPast methods are no longer acceptable.

We need a new way to improve aviation safety without loss of lives

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Page 7: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

The Method

The adoption of a business-like approach to the management of safety, based upon the routine collection and analysis of daily operational data


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Page 8: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

The needsOperational data must

be reliable information from all sources (flight data, voluntary pilot reports, maintenance reports…) concerning any event out of the ordinary

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Page 9: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

The Power Of Information

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Page 10: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Before We Go Further

IFALPA policy: “It would be unacceptable to give

blanket immunity from sanction to all personnel that could, or did,

contribute to a safety occurrence.”(IFALPA Annex 13th, Appendix C)

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Page 11: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

There Is A Problem

If a voluntary reporter is subject to consequences for confessing an honest mistake:

- There will probably be no further reports

- Safety Management will become more difficult

- This is just human natureICAO-COPAC Safety Seminar 2011 The IFALPA Vision on Protection of Information 11

Page 12: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


There are various ways in which voluntarily provided information can be discouraged:

Job sanctions by employersRegulatory actionCriminal sanctions based on the informationPublic disclosure of the information

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Page 13: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Society Requires A Balanced Approach

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Society demands further safety improvements

Society demands the effective administration of Justice

Reporters demand predictability of consequences following their report

How do we satisfy all the demands?

Page 14: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

IFALPA Proposal

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Page 15: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Key Element 1: Protection Of Privacy (I)Recordings of the flight deck are essential

investigative toolsThey were never intended to be publicThe actual recordings must be protected

from being published to the general publicOften, they are the last words of the crew They deserve respect and privacy

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Page 16: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Key Element 1: Protection Of Privacy (II)Cockpit Voice Recordings are not

“voluntarily” provided by pilotsCVR’s are required to be operative in

every flight and the crew cannot switch off the device.

All conversations are recordedFuture provisions for Cockpit Image

Recording (CIR) could worsen the situation

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Page 17: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


• The actual recordings (CVR, ATC inter-facility) must be fully protected from publication

• Information from the recordings can be useful for safety and justice investigations if properly edited for relevancy

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Page 18: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Key Element 2: Fairness (I)

• Individuals will not voluntarily provide information if it can be used to harm them

• This is not unique to aviation personnel • Use of the information is the central issue

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Page 19: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


Adopt a standard which gives individuals guidance on how their reports will be used

Follow the standardApply it in every instance

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Page 20: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Key element 3: Balanced approach(I)Society will never accept immunity to

pilots, controllers, etc.IFALPA has already acknowledged and

endorsed the concept that there are circumstances where action against an operating crew is in fact required in the interests of justice

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Page 21: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Key Element 3: Balanced Approach (II) Where an act is done with an intent to

cause harm orWhere an act is done with complete

disregard of the chance for harm

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Page 22: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


Unless the previous conditions (intent or carelessness) have been demonstrated,

In all other cases, the underlying cause must be addressed, not punished

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Page 23: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee


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Page 24: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

IFALPA Message

Appropriate protection of information will allow the interests of society in justice and safety to be advanced

IFALPA is prepared to be a part of the solution

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Page 25: Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee

Thank you

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