jtowmal ig mm - university of hawaii · a in hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me wigm philadelphia...

Jtowmal ig Mm eeiabiiobexl ln1v 2, ISfitt. XXXII. WO. 6460, HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY. WEDNESDAY,- - SEPTEMBER 26, 1900.-TWE- LVE PAGES. PRICE FIVE, CENTS. igOFESSlOMAL CAROS. GALVESTON KRESS grows that this method of settling the strike will finally be adopted, although the mine-owne- rs declare they will deal only with their employes as individuals and the strike leaders say they will in- sist upon formal recognition of the FOR BOTH THE HOUSES r menta would aurpr.se anyone who might return to Galveston after an ab-aen-co of three or four days. tire feature that haa caused a better feeling ami a more pronounced wllling- - to work Is afforded by the fact that the "time" of all the laborers em- ployed Is being k. pt at headquarter. The men. being ussured of condensa- tion for their labor, naturally go ab ut the.r unpleasant tasks with much bet- ter grnce than heretofore. A thorough Investigation reveals the MORTALITY r. wvHTH , hi and to Watt wi in' m . nay I N..lrr Puh- - ( .inr I la lL I union. This difference would appear sufficient to keep employer and era- - ploye apart forever, if persisted in. One little band of miners in the Wyo- ming valley, those of the West End Coal Company at Moeanaqua, number- ing a few hundred men, stand out OF STRIKE 100,000 Miners Are Idle. Over It May Mount to Seven Thousand. Republican Yicket On Oahu. prominently as the only men at work out of nearly iW.000 in the Lackawanna and Wyoming region. Efforts to In- duce them to join the strikers have fact that every department Is as well organized aa possible under the clrrum-tanee- s and that all are working y. Supplies and money are now pouring failed. They say they have always In from nil ver the country. It Is been treated kindly; they have no thic i grievance and they will, therefore re ln NQ VIOLENCE AS YET THE KAISER'S SYMPATHY I that at least seven figure? are d to express the amount of cash LEGISLATORS ARE NAMED main loyal 'to their employers. thus fur received. This Is used WILKESBAUKK, Pa., Sepi. 18. M ira IS to 13 HomliTI t to The Work of Relief and Rehabili Tin t - is no. change in the strike situa-- i (ioa In the Wyoming valley this morn-- ; r oiieries that were cnmp.ii-- ! I 'ird Senatorial and Fourth 1 I Only Group of Coal Dig- - IF- - n if and virtJkWT n..ra, t to ed to suspend operation yesterday, are Fifth Representative DlS Mia tr.sl - T T!nl.nJ i; Judiciously, and the effects of the pres- ence of such a large relief are already apparent. The death list will reach the total of 4.137 with the additions sent out today, only a comparatively small number of the negroes who perished have been re- ported. After considering all these facts, one can hardly do anything else a m.. to gets resist in reeping at Work. tation is Steadily Going on-A- mple Funds. Tl. trict Men. fiAfA KSruN. September 15. -- Th. re if t.rtnl. n4 Alahao ta. n, I AI I 4 and T to i. had watchers in the vicinity of every colliery to- - se if any miners report-- d for work. Tho colliery at Moeanaqua operated by the West End Coal Coinpany, is the y mint in this district that is work- ing. WAZELTON, Pa., Sept. 18. The sec- ond day of the anthracite coal strik? ai an t"ii ( i ' H i; . in tli- - lint t PHILAlJiF.I.PHIA. Sept. 17. The ,'ieat atrike of the miners in the anth-raeit- a 'coal fields of Pennsylvania, whUHh represents practically the hard coal output of the world, has begun. il.i who ilid nt ll In th- - atorm. Thfy Fort 1 W I' MIC oMd at th hanN f Ihclr f' llow rnt-- a p :: Si . but conclude that the total to be finally reached will be above 6.C00. Judge Mann stated today that In hla opinion the list would go as hlKh an j T.iwk). The exact number of course, will never be known. There are no developments which .vollld lea. I to the bei..f that the esti- - I nd 7 to ii in Hm nr whlt-- . iiir- - nr.' blni k. b gaa very quietly in this district. Ac- - HAJE1 from all IN, lJa., Sept. 17. President coruintr to reports- received parts of the districts there was no l in f Hi. mi Ii.m hT. Ami mir-viv-- 'l that iivfiii Huturlay niKht of hurrlmni' nnl hrrnr Tli' nthcra mmo M M I H .nr. Nooanu .1 WMt . r. O. tea Ml; rool-oian- ti t .me. h I'ira i to in I od to I ) tl. break in the ranks of the strikers, and S3 in many mines there were fewer men 8j working than on yesterday. Some of ' the collieries are so short of men thaX;S8 it is doubtful if they can continue' work ?i during the entire day. 8i Every official connected with the Si i'nited Mine Workers now in the di.-- - .Si trict. with the exception of President S 'tn on 1 Si si ?. r Si ss Si Si Si Si S3 SS si SS Si SS SS SS SS SS SS benator'al nominees of the Repub- lican party for the Third Senator- ial District, comprising the Fourth and Fifth Representative Districts, Island of Oahu: B. F. Dillingham. C. L. Crabbe. Cecil Brown. W. C. Achi. Frank Pahia. George R. Carter. Nominees for Representatlveo from the Fourth District, Oahu: A. Q. M. Robertson. W. H. Hoogs. Jonah Kumalai. Samuel Keiki. A. Gilnllan. Nominees for Representatives from the Fifth District, Oahu: L. L. McCandleps. J. L. Kaulukou. Enoch Johnson. "H. R. Hitchcock. I,. J. McCabe. W. J. Coelho. Hln St ' II OV. I r. mm whit fiom nr-b- y Tli. y nr.- - thf m. n i iniifht robbing th.- - ib al th- - nboula of thU k f ... .mil (!.. iilr Not a tlth of th atory hi i h.-- tl,. outal.lH Thr' wrr- - inor' . xtn utiona h re In two daya than In all the I'nltt-- Btatoa In a yoar. mate of u property loos of $:J,rOO.0O0 is t o high. While one occasionally finds business man whose property has not j suffered greatly. It must be stated that the class la hopelessly In the minority i ii I that large ..ases are the rule. The people are becoming more cheer- ful every day and it Is more than re- markable to observe the composure ex- hibited by sonic of them under the ter- rible circumstances. The Individual ' - been lost in the community's .rrmiNAHT burgeons. t.AFMIAM Veterinary Mur atitehafl of the United Mine Worker's I'nion gave out the following statement t: . "Information received up to to-niy- ht tJMMym that 112,000 mine workers are on Mr ik in the anthracite region. Of this IMMlHaW 72.MO0 are In District 1, 30.000 in District 3 and 10.000 in District 7. i ports received are to the effect that a large number of those who went to the mines today will Join in the suspen- sion "The number of men now out on strike exceeds that of any other indus- trial contest in the history of our coun- try." PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18. If, as President Mitchell, of the United Mine DonMat. ooBoo King St. Stahlaa. Mitchell, started out before 6 o'clock this morning for picket duty at various collieries. All had to head- quarters by 8 o'clock, and reported that they had been successtul'ln inducing men to stay riway from various work- ings. A number of leaders also reported K !) Ur or night preSBptlf nt4. saasialrna, ahototri' town few have mJoyd their const prlvllc of a lrum-hea- ! . ourt oMirtlHl. with an army officer aa i that several ,f the mines are being '.( MA riuh Hto Tel 77 R v to p a. ioi.T anrt on every hand may be seen I m ..pie m ho have loot their all. doing everything in their power to comfort a neighbor who perhaps has not been so unfortunate. Everybody seems to be iloing nil they can toward ultimate re- habilitation and the determination to build n city which will bo blgper ami guarded by watchmen to prevent union men from attempting to induce non- union strikers to quit work. The first march of strikers in this re- gion taok place early this morning when the ,tia enaer of life or death. The moot hav ten ahot down aa thwjr roWaaA loldlera and cltli.-n- allk-ha- . -- n clothed with thi; iiuthorlty to kill any .ii- - aught a'.eaUnK from The above ticket was nominated last night by the Republicans of Hawaii in BOWMAN. DDI -- Ailloo aX I .ore above Masonic Tempi. He i Mm tow I i w ( p about one hundred men from MeAdoo Vudenn id and Torktown, head, d by a convention at the Drill Shed. The Sen- - ror fn ith hid . our I to 1 .i , the dead, or even from the pllea of wreckage. ne artillery ooldler ktll.-- five men within the mlrtute with on KraK-Jor-Kena- a bullet for each from the Ave eartrlda-- a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the south at0rs are to represent the Third Sena- - ! side en route to the Colerain collierv tbe 141,000 mine workers in the Pennsyl- - jwilh R vlpw to lnducing the men ttle torial District which includes the entire vnnia anthracite coal fields were idle to (juit work. The strikers did not us ; Island of Oahu and were chosen" by the yesterday. It is certain that this num- - ' iorc but. were il.lite successful, as a ' enure oanu delegation The Represen- - number of non-unio- n men returned to ber haa be. n considerably augmented their homes. The marching miners then tatives are from the Fourth and Fifth today. Reiorts from the four big dis- - "'' to MeAdoo and disprived. ' Representative Districts which com- - A crwd of Hungarian women of Me-- , trtcta smbractng the hard coal region Adoo, some of them carrying clubs, pose all of Oahu and, were selected from are to the effect that fewer men are at surrounded the Crawford and Dugan each District by separate conventions r ttjday than were working yler-li- ; S! convention had a little day collieries that .worked full rooke(J equally for a fen minutes, but squabbling at the commencemeftt of Its o. a. wAia.. - m . Lnt WU I aenra I o broader In every way than the one a I. i h has been destroyed appears to b general. The people are still leaving the city In considerable numbers but the relief work liM-all- has now been gotten down tn such a fine point that It Is likely that there will be a marked diminution of the exodus during the next two or three days. The fears of an epidemic hav been allayed by the presence and the dist (but ion of medblnes and dis- infectants and therefore a feature which would undotibti dly have had the Red of causing many to aeek succor elsewhere, has ben eliminated from i Itlx. n kill. 'I two nenroea In the twink- ling of an ye u barrel of his ohotyun f..r m ti There h.n noi l. . n a day ih..t dozen have not died In thla way. - i rule the M.n ks a . i . killed with- out .my trial, while in i"e u a w hit.-(hotll- wrt f H tnnl'.l ..f trial Hewrul thouannd men arA' at work i burins away the dehrla on th' WONTAOtrB TTTRNF.R -- V Hon. Whtr lrm m Haratoni Btrt. . i m o. h , wpimwi ovuiij a., jcjiuuu) "i i. cnii- - tin.' women were toia mat the worn D- - r badly rippled or shut down today, j ing done there did not Interfere with The r has grown much colder j the strike, and they returned to their than yesterday and this change Is homes satisfied. At Jeansville wash-greete- d rr' last ,,iRht inu"lbfr of men were with enthusiasm by the work- - i he'd up on the Haze ton road while fe- - ers who argue that the increase in de- - urninK from work and were forced to the situation. t . rtonA. Vitn Cplture. Sin.'. a tartan r aojtal atiotion paai tie hundred ami tl f t y l.o.li. m were re- - THANK PReSIDEXT M KINI.F.V. meeting. Members of the Fifth Dis- trict declared they were ready to pro- ceed at once to the business of nomin- ating Senators. The Fourth District on the other hand wanted a caucus of the two committees to prepare their candidates. The Fifth objected to the Fourth going into caucus, stating that OMtM MOT Ott'iM' i inan.i ior coat, win nasien tne auiusi- - r.rcn.ise nnr to ra to th.. mloec tndav WASfllNt'.TttN. S.pt 17. -- The following dispatch haa been received al th White ... . .t f i ..in i :.. n re. k.' .11 id bur lie, 1 yesterday. No attempt la now being oh to identify recovered bodlea. To- day most of them are found naked and mutilated beyond recognition. ment of the difficulties between them and their employers. Talk of arbitra They kept their promise. Workmen f the Lehigh and WllkeS- - the hope barra t'oal Coinpany at Audenreid were (Continued on Page !.) tion Is so persistent that u. i.irn ntawuNca c nkw Tom k R AOSaV Aomn. SJoaolufa pngageo tins morning in palling tne tires from under the boilers at thos it had taken time by the forelock and t This indicates a suspension ; made up ,ts mind as to whom lt ,shed POPE LEO'S LETTER TO niTCTa atMt.KH PAOR. Arefctteete a loo MM Arllna- - THE VICAR OF ROME to put before the joint sesion. The Fourth District finally prevailed and both went into caucus in separate rooms. Evidently the Fifth was not as well Other reports from the south side to- day give instances of Individual cases of violence yesterday against miners who did not quit work, but no one was se- riously hurt. it was estimated at noon today that PL t . eat. he I.I H SAVED MY A iTTTKI! U VSHINtSToN. Sept. ellent work In saving Uvea during the hurrl-raa- o was done by the officer a and crew of the revenue cutter Ualvoaton. which waa station! at that port. The first mail through from th stricken city lie. Washington today and brought a ltir from t'hlf Engineer W. H. Whitaker of th Oalveston. Unbr tlale of Hepternber 9 h aays: "All shads on the wharvea hav been ,. .1 to Hi. ground, or nearly so do ted think there Is t house that has i m r o boa m. th number of additional men in district who Joined the strikers this prepared as announced in the open ses-thl- S i,irl fnr over the nartitions and OMK. Sept. 1",. The Pope has written a letter to Cardinal Hefcpighi. Vicar of r..rt st morning was about 500. On the north side all but three or four collieries are operating with reduced forces. Strik R Rome, m1. ut th proeelytlsm carr'ed on by certain Protestant sects (Ameri through the many cracks in the walls of the Drill Shed came the sound of speechmaking and argument. AS TO APPORTIONMENT. can Methodists and Baptists) and the Waldenslan body. The letter open thus: c mo t its ma K!LL CO , LTD -- B iun tri. iono oad RotlorsBO k- - "From the very outset of our Pontificate we have had occasion to point out aa one of the moat deplorable evlla brought by the new order of things to this i nior. or los damak'. I "i cplfal of the Christian world the acttv proaelytlsm displayed on the part of ers say the workings are not mining any coal, but are running the machin-- ! i i v to give outsiders the impression that the strike has not affected them. I With one exception that of the Eck-- j lpy collieries reports show that fewer ; men are working at all the mines on j the north side of Haz Hon today than blown to the around. While th wind r : and the peril to which the faith of our people was in consequence exposed; waa blowing over sixty miles an hour tr.d, addressing our Cardinal Vicar on thla subject" (an allusion to the pontifical wa ant out a boat with a rescuing par htt.ra of June i7 aod March 2.V IsTS). "we reneatedlv Imointcd to the faith ty to row up one of the streets. The ful exhortatlona, counsels and warnings, putting them or. their guard against the drat trip they an ded in saving thlr S v m MJVB, C 'i liifiitoor. oaVo nmm Moooa VMa. n4 Marehaal Ntaj P J oviars la its far typewrit" t lWtW W'iRKg-Baainao- ra and Ptimplnf and D im Ma-ar- T on4 oangato powor plants, mt-t-m tt, airsiaon Maafe. Tat BM many efTorta which sects of all kinds Introduced from abroad w-r- here making. teen women and children and brought ni .i. r the shelter of the public law, in order to spread in the minds of believers them hack to the veaael in safety. th. polio i, of denial tnd error. "It was ualsa to attempt to row the on yesterday. GRIEVANCES DISCUSSED. NEW YORK, Sept. IS. John B. Garrett, vice president of the Lehigh Coal Com-paa- y, In an Interview made the following statement In review of the various gric-v- - i s alleged by the United Mine Workers to exist in tne anthracite coal fields: "It Is now clear to every one, from the evidence of facts, that the design har- - ant agalnat th terrific wind, ami aa th water was at that time not over a berrd by thes. heretical sects, which are a manifold emanation of Protestantism. C B- - f AT Mia W man's head In the atreet. a rope would la to fix th atnndard of religious discord and rebellion In the peninsula, and chief ly In thla Alma Urha. In which (Jod hlm. If, l.y an admirable .i:,.... ,K of events. I. nt out to the neareat telegraph pol and by that means a boat could plated the center of that faithful and Splbllmi unity which was the object of the prayer addressed by our Divine Savior to Ills Heavenly Father (John xvli 11-- 21 1. be I i, lie. I along fr-.- pole to p !e. This waa accompllahed only by th moat OBPTSlAt'TOROl 'tt. Osannsisi aat ' ant' which the l opes Jealously guard, d at the coat of their lives, and despite the oppcaltlon of men and the vicissitudes o j t me. heiciib-a- efforts on the part of the men who l. out th" rope, but between The sct. not being able to rely no:i the strength of the truth, avail tlicm- - After the Senatorial candidates were announced, A. V. Gear called the at- tention of the convention to the fact that the Organic Act especially provid- ed for the apportionment of the four and two year terms of the senators. The convention desired to make this apportionment for the candidates as they then stood. A copy of the Act was procured, but as the motion to make the apportionments had already-bee- n passed, no change was made. After making the report of the com- mittee to the convention as a whole as to who had been selected for the long and short terms which was done by the flipping of a dollar in two instances a motion to lay the report on the ta- ble prevailed. The Organic Act section to which attention had been called. as follows: Section 30. That the Senate shall be composed of fifteen members who shall hold office for four years: Provided, however, that of the Senators elected at the first general election, two from the First District, one from the Second, three from the Third, and one from the Fourth Districts (Senatorial Districts) shall hold office for two years only, the details of such apportionment to b provided for by the Legislature. THE MEETING OPENS Curtis Iaukea called the me. :ig to '.aillir,, ,,p " li , als for the extinguishing or weakening of the Catholic faith, of the unprotect- ed tenderness of years, of Insufficient education, of the privations of Indigence. awlmmlng. walking and floundering K In III" teeth of the gale th rop would finally be made fast. Then Jt ani of the simplicity of many who are SXpcaod to flattery, attractions and seduc- - tn i.. "In the far of thes facts we feel, first of all, th need of publicly declaring waa all that a crew of one officer and 't a t,.n r aa W nav done on other occasions, how painful is th condition of tl . head of ae.n men could do to pull a boat ln aaalnst the flr. blaata of the hurri th Catholic Church, who is constrained to behold the free and progressive nd-var- re of hereby in this holy city, whence should be spread throughout the whole w. ild th light of truth and of example. ar.d which should be the honored stat cane. Hy working all Saturday after noon in. I evening and up to 1 oil k of the K-- of Jesus t nrlst. As tnougn the torrent of unwholesome uachinir WlAW utacT rocm a tan Daafi "This company conducts no stores, nor d es It exert any influence upon employes to i refer one merchant above another. It tt' ploys no doctors and makes no charges t.fri.lnst its employes lor medical service ).. them or th ir families. Inquiry has satisfied me that the alitive is also the rasa with the companies generally. Semi-rccnthl- y pay is observed by us In few ecus, being in all in which the men havc nianded it. It would Je observed any- where, were the demand made, as called for l.y law. "The use of the word 'ton' as applied to 3.300 pounds is a misnomer; lt is simply f i:r.lt of measure, which might be called a car or a cartload or by any other nam'-- , and is the quantity of actual coal, plus bene, rlate and other foreign material, for the removal of which a certain payment is mcde under the agr c: scale of wages, j "The price charged for powder Is an apparent but not a real grievance. In s- - me regions $2.75 per keg is charged? In others CSJ per keir. This of Itself should be sufficient evidence that the compensa- ble n of the miner Is set Independently of the price of powder, as a net return for a day's labor must be essentially the same in relehborlne fields, whether one or QM morning th brave boys sue Hun. lay CTU aar at hat liffor frooj i roaculng thirty-fou- r men, wo aa T.eir men and children. whm they put In a .a i wnt " i a prop My ts 'hmr mm I i f aafety and provided them olTt.'tAH I with enough provisions f..r their I mm dial wants. Klnally on account of the and depravity, which dally and with impi.nity comes from books, professors' chairs, theaters and journals, were not enough, to all these causes of perversion there haa been added the Insidious activity of heretical men. who, in conflict among themselves, find accord only in traducing the supreme pontifical authority, th Catholic clergy, and th dogmas of our holy religion, the meaning of which, and still more, the august beauty, they are unal.1 to understand. "On this account the faithful, who frcm all parts, even the most remote, com" on pilgrimage to Rome In order to find her comfort for the piety and their faith, are deeply affected at seeing this soil, whi h has bam !athed with th blood of the martyra. Invaded by sects of every kind, Ir.tent only on uprooting from the souls of the people that religion which none the less has been declared the religion of the Stat, and which forms the principal object of their love and veneration. "You will easily understand, my Lord Cardlral. how painful this state of tllrgs Is to our heart, and how lively is cor desire to sec appropriate remedies larkrieaa. Increasing. violence of the otorm ami th vast amount of wreck - i In th atreata. the rescuing party tfn raa Ca waa reluc tantly complld to return to th vaal. :TWir.bU Unni oajotla i 1 a; pilot, a rut men as may iw am, n not to altogether remove the evil, to at "On Isiard ohlp It waa a period of In-te- anxiety for all hands. No one ahrpt. and It was only by superhuman order and spoke as follows: "The duty has ben devolved upon me to open this convention. In declar- ing it opened it is hoped that in all Us deliberations, good feeling and har- mony will prevail." He was applauded, W. C. Achi nominated James H st leasen Its gravity and bitterness. And it is for this reason that we received other price is charged for the powder Another evidence that the Trie of great consolation from an excellent worn, tc which we ours.-lve- s gave the inspira- tion and Impulse, which is called the preservation of the faith, a'nd still more from eflorta by orTb ra and crew that we r...ie nit th hurricane In safety. With prwdev does not create an injury to the n 'r.. r is shown bv tbe fact that when AOKNTB kgani to taaa 'tfiojoata, aaatvtat at Ksaa. aoaro oaao km St. the good rsults which it haa begun to give, owing to tbe untiring care of those who direct tt or who belong to It. the v eptlon of the irrying away of The nominations th- - subject was agitated some time j Boyd as chairman to of the larger companies offer- 1 the ta.rt f irward rigging and the were closed and a i kah.Ja- - en. hurt Mr. Boyd was unan-H- e expressed his ap- - smashing of all th windows and rky- - imously elected. llghta. the vesaal suata'ned no serious inlurv. Not a single person on board 'yao' Aeeoptanr I" Th kttvt was injured In any way." Wll- - rc"sen to such revision of their wages pr-ciat- ion of the honor bestowed upon 'as would continue the same compensation him. "I hope that in this meeting all fr their labor as they had previously re- - factjonal feeling will disappear. Let reived wncVr the agre-rnvn- t which was us a act a8 Republicans," said he. t! . n operative. I Judge Peterson was elected secretary. ; "This wa nromnt rejected, snowing, The chairman announced the purpose in- - effect an tbat tho purpose was to SITUATION IS BKTTER. tIAI.VESToN. Texaa. Sept. 11. "The .IV "Iet all endeavor to strengthen the Character of the Catholic people by Inspir- ing noble and holy reaolutlons, and at th same time by warning the Incautious that under the harmless guts of collgcs for youths, seminaries for girls, schools for languages, a higher education, assistance to needy families, there Is hidden the wicked design of Insinuating in minds and hearts condemned heretical prin- ciples. Let the faithful b convinced of the truth, that nothing can be greater or mere ii I iss as than the treasure of tha faith for which th"ir fathers fearlessly faced not only want and misery, but frequently violent persecutions and death Itself. "And thla feeling of strength cannot bin b natural and deep-root- ed in th souls of this, our population, which knows well that the Catholic Church not only pos- sesses divln.- - characteristics which distinguishes It as the only true one and the o ily on which has rectved the promise- - ef Isjmortal life; but that lt has also at all times conferred Inestimable benefits upon Rom. Italy and the world, over-- c mlng barbarism by the Justice and th.. civilization of its manners, spreading, as St. Leo, the Great, well says: (Sermon f, in Natal. S. 8. Petri et Paull) the away of Christian peace Is far beyond the limits explored by the Roman Eagles: saving lettera, libraries, culture and morumnts; inspiring every order of sci- ence and art. giving help to the weak, the poor and the down-trodde- n by generous affection and the magnanimity of sacrifice and heroism." nran no aaUwwg to m tha "pnram rtp? of wages, anil inai n una iv.uiu , jo... "-- -- situation continues to Improve." Is what one la told now when he applies m.oWuH thev nreferred to maintain the the first order of business tne nomma- - ' anaa t'lty at any of th various headquarters for information. This statement Is being tho ubj)t la rplani e th miry. ta Ik MrhMM Dlanka In th apparent grievance, which could bo and 'had from that time to this used as a grrund of complaint of unfair treatment. "Eliminating the foregoing alleged ' grievances from the list formulated by the United Mine Workers, nothing what- - mad with gratifying monotony all tion of candidates for Senators. THE FIFTH WAS WARM. Colonel Jones moved for a recess of fifteen minutes to allow the delegates (Continued on Page .) oarer th city. Th work baa been intferm anit mwa. kla k.n.i.ht .town to a business baals as n fo.if ara aa Wfll far as possible and th system and or-l- r dlsDtayed In the various depart- - (ConUnued on Page S.) If lrl.

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Page 1: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the

Jtowmal ig Mmeeiabiiobexl ln1v 2, ISfitt.



GALVESTON KRESSgrows that this method of settling thestrike will finally be adopted, althoughthe mine-owne- rs declare they will dealonly with their employes as individualsand the strike leaders say they will in-

sist upon formal recognition of the



menta would aurpr.se anyone whomight return to Galveston after an ab-aen-co

of three or four days.tire feature that haa caused a better

feeling ami a more pronounced wllling- -

to work Is afforded by the factthat the "time" of all the laborers em-ployed Is being k. pt at headquarter.The men. being ussured of condensa-tion for their labor, naturally go ab utthe.r unpleasant tasks with much bet-ter grnce than heretofore.

A thorough Investigation reveals the


r. wvHTH, hi andto Watt


in' m. nay I N..lrr Puh- -


.inr I la


I union. This difference would appearsufficient to keep employer and era- -ploye apart forever, if persisted in.

One little band of miners in the Wyo-ming valley, those of the West EndCoal Company at Moeanaqua, number-ing a few hundred men, stand out


100,000 MinersAre Idle.

OverIt May Mount to SevenThousand.

Republican Yicket On


prominently as the only men at workout of nearly iW.000 in the Lackawannaand Wyoming region. Efforts to In-

duce them to join the strikers have

fact that every department Is as wellorganized aa possible under the clrrum-tanee- s

and that all are working y.

Supplies and money are now pouring failed. They say they have alwaysIn from nil ver the country. It Is been treated kindly; they have nothic

i grievance and they will, therefore reln NQ VIOLENCE AS YETTHE KAISER'S SYMPATHYI that at least seven figure? ared to express the amount of cash LEGISLATORS ARE NAMEDmain loyal 'to their employers.

thus fur received. This Is used WILKESBAUKK, Pa., Sepi. 18.M

ira IS to 13

HomliTI t toThe Work of Relief and Rehabili

Tin t - is no. change in the strike situa-- i(ioa In the Wyoming valley this morn-- ; r

oiieries that were cnmp.ii-- ! I 'ird Senatorial and Fourth1 I Only Group of Coal Dig- -

IF- - n ifand

virtJkWTn..ra, t to

ed to suspend operation yesterday, are Fifth Representative DlSMia tr.sl - T T!nl.nJ i;

Judiciously, and the effects of the pres-ence of such a large relief are alreadyapparent.

The death list will reach the total of4.137 with the additions sent out today,only a comparatively small number ofthe negroes who perished have been re-

ported. After considering all thesefacts, one can hardly do anything else

a m.. to gets resist in reepingat Work.

tation is Steadily Going on-A- mple

Funds.Tl. trict Men.

fiAfA KSruN. September 15. -- Th. reif t.rtnl. n4 Alahao ta.n, I A I I 4 and T to i.

had watchers in the vicinity of everycolliery to-- se if any miners report-- d

for work.Tho colliery at Moeanaqua operated

by the West End Coal Coinpany, is they mint in this district that is work-

ing.WAZELTON, Pa., Sept. 18. The sec-

ond day of the anthracite coal strik?

ai an t"ii ( i 'H i; . in tli- - lint t

PHILAlJiF.I.PHIA. Sept. 17. The,'ieat atrike of the miners in the anth-raeit- a

'coal fields of Pennsylvania,whUHh represents practically the hardcoal output of the world, has begun.

il.i who ilid nt ll In th- - atorm. ThfyFort1 W I' MIC oMd at th hanN f Ihclr f' llow rnt--a p



but conclude that the total to be finallyreached will be above 6.C00.

Judge Mann stated today that In hlaopinion the list would go as hlKh an j

T.iwk). The exact number of course, willnever be known.

There are no developments which.vollld lea. I to the bei..f that the esti- - I

nd 7 toii in Hm nr whlt-- . iiir- - nr.' blni k. b gaa very quietly in this district. Ac- -

HAJE1 from allIN, lJa., Sept. 17. President coruintr to reports- receivedparts of the districts there was no

l in f Hi. mi Ii.m hT. Ami mir-viv-- 'l

that iivfiii Huturlay niKht ofhurrlmni' nnl hrrnr Tli' nthcra mmo

M M I H .nr. Nooanu.1 WMt . r. O. tea Ml; rool-oian- ti

t .me. h I'ira i toin I od to I ) tl.

break in the ranks of the strikers, and S3

in many mines there were fewer men 8jworking than on yesterday. Some of '

the collieries are so short of men thaX;S8it is doubtful if they can continue' work ?iduring the entire day. 8i

Every official connected with the Sii'nited Mine Workers now in the di.--- .Sitrict. with the exception of President S

'tn on 1









benator'al nominees of the Repub-lican party for the Third Senator-ial District, comprising the Fourthand Fifth Representative Districts,Island of Oahu:

B. F. Dillingham.C. L. Crabbe.Cecil Brown.W. C. Achi.Frank Pahia.George R. Carter.

Nominees for Representatlveofrom the Fourth District, Oahu:

A. Q. M. Robertson.W. H. Hoogs.Jonah Kumalai.Samuel Keiki.A. Gilnllan.

Nominees for Representativesfrom the Fifth District, Oahu:

L. L. McCandleps.J. L. Kaulukou.Enoch Johnson.

"H. R. Hitchcock.I,. J. McCabe.W. J. Coelho.

Hln St' II OV. I

r. mm whit

fiom nr-b- y Tli. y nr.- - thf m. n

i iniifht robbing th.- - ib al th- - nboula ofthU k f ... .mil (!.. iilr Not atlth of th atory hi i h.-- tl,.outal.lH

Thr' wrr- - inor' . xtn utiona h re Intwo daya than In all the I'nltt-- BtatoaIn a yoar.

mate of u property loos of $:J,rOO.0O0 ist o high. While one occasionally finds

business man whose property has not j

suffered greatly. It must be stated thatthe class la hopelessly In the minority

i ii I that large ..ases are the rule.The people are becoming more cheer-

ful every day and it Is more than re-

markable to observe the composure ex-

hibited by sonic of them under the ter-rible circumstances. The Individual

' - been lost in the community's

.rrmiNAHT burgeons.t.AFMIAM Veterinary Mur

atitehafl of the United Mine Worker'sI'nion gave out the following statement

t: .

"Information received up to to-niy- ht

tJMMym that 112,000 mine workers are onMr ik in the anthracite region. Of thisIMMlHaW 72.MO0 are In District 1, 30.000 inDistrict 3 and 10.000 in District 7.

i ports received are to the effect thata large number of those who went tothe mines today will Join in the suspen-sion

"The number of men now out onstrike exceeds that of any other indus-trial contest in the history of our coun-try."

PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18. If, asPresident Mitchell, of the United Mine

DonMat. ooBoo King St. Stahlaa.

Mitchell, started out before 6 o'clockthis morning for picket duty at variouscollieries. All had to head-quarters by 8 o'clock, and reported thatthey had been successtul'ln inducingmen to stay riway from various work-ings.

A number of leaders also reported

K!) Ur or night preSBptlfnt4. saasialrna, ahototri' town few have mJoyd their const

prlvllc of a lrum-hea- !. ourt oMirtlHl. with an army officer aa i that several ,f the mines are being'.( M A riuh Hto

Tel 77R v to p a.

ioi.T anrt on every hand may be seenI m ..pie m ho have loot their all. doingeverything in their power to comfort aneighbor who perhaps has not beenso unfortunate. Everybody seems to beiloing nil they can toward ultimate re-

habilitation and the determination tobuild n city which will bo blgper ami

guarded by watchmen to prevent unionmen from attempting to induce non-union strikers to quit work.

The first march of strikers in this re-gion taok place early this morning when

the ,tia enaer of life or death.The moot hav ten ahot down aa

thwjr roWaaA loldlera and cltli.-n- allk-ha- .

-- n clothed with thi; iiuthorltyto kill any .ii- - aught a'.eaUnK from

The above ticket was nominated lastnight by the Republicans of Hawaii in

BOWMAN. DDI --Ailloo aXI .ore above Masonic Tempi. He

i Mm tow I i w ( p about one hundred men from MeAdooVudenn id and Torktown, head, d by a convention at the Drill Shed. The Sen- -

ror fnith hid .

our I to 1.i ,

the dead, or even from the pllea ofwreckage.

ne artillery ooldler ktll.-- five menwithin the mlrtute with on KraK-Jor-Kena-

a bullet for each from the Aveeartrlda-- a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me

WIGM Philadelphia Den'aTampl Tel til

Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the south at0rs are to represent the Third Sena- -! side en route to the Colerain colliervtbe 141,000 mine workers in the Pennsyl- - jwilh R vlpw to lnducing the men ttle torial District which includes the entire

vnnia anthracite coal fields were idle to (juit work. The strikers did not us ; Island of Oahu and were chosen" by theyesterday. It is certain that this num- -

' iorc but. were il.lite successful, as a '

enure oanu delegation The Represen- -number of non-unio- n men returned tober haa be. n considerably augmented their homes. The marching miners then tatives are from the Fourth and Fifthtoday. Reiorts from the four big dis- - "'' to MeAdoo and disprived. '

Representative Districts which com- -A crwd of Hungarian women of Me-- ,

trtcta smbractng the hard coal region Adoo, some of them carrying clubs, pose all of Oahu and, were selected fromare to the effect that fewer men are at surrounded the Crawford and Dugan each District by separate conventionsr ttjday than were working yler-li- ; S! convention had a littleday collieries that .worked full rooke(J equally for a fen minutes, but squabbling at the commencemeftt of Its

o. a. wAia.. -m . Lnt


aenra I o

broader In every way than the onea I. i h has been destroyed appears tob general.

The people are still leaving the cityIn considerable numbers but the reliefwork liM-all- has now been gotten downtn such a fine point that It Is likelythat there will be a marked diminutionof the exodus during the next two orthree days. The fears of an epidemichav been allayed by the presence andthe dist (but ion of medblnes and dis-

infectants and therefore a featurewhich would undotibti dly have had theRed of causing many to aeek succor

elsewhere, has ben eliminated from

i Itlx. n kill. 'I two nenroea In the twink-ling of an ye u barrel of his ohotyunf..r m ti There h.n noi l. . n a dayih..t dozen have not died In thla way.

- i rule the M.n ks a . i . killed with-out .my trial, while in i"e u a w hit.-(hotll-

wrt f H tnnl'.l ..ftrial

Hewrul thouannd men arA' at worki burins away the dehrla on th'


Hon. Whtr lrmm Haratoni Btrt.. i m o. h ,

wpimwi ovuiij a., jcjiuuu) "i i. cnii- - tin.' women were toia mat the worn D- -r badly rippled or shut down today, j ing done there did not Interfere with

The r has grown much colder j the strike, and they returned to theirthan yesterday and this change Is homes satisfied. At Jeansville wash-greete- d

rr' last ,,iRht inu"lbfr of men werewith enthusiasm by the work- - i

he'd up on the Haze ton road while fe--ers who argue that the increase in de- -urninK from work and were forced to

the situation.t . rtonA. Vitn Cplture. Sin.'. atartan r aojtal atiotion paai tie hundred ami tl f t y l.o.li. m were re- -


meeting. Members of the Fifth Dis-

trict declared they were ready to pro-

ceed at once to the business of nomin-ating Senators. The Fourth Districton the other hand wanted a caucus ofthe two committees to prepare theircandidates. The Fifth objected to theFourth going into caucus, stating that

OMtM MOT Ott'iM' i

inan.i ior coat, win nasien tne auiusi- - r.rcn.ise nnr to ra to th.. mloec tndavWASfllNt'.TttN. S.pt 17. -- The followingdispatch haa been received al th White

... . .t f i ..in i :.. n re. k.' .11 id bur lie, 1

yesterday. No attempt la now beingoh to identify recovered bodlea. To-

day most of them are found naked andmutilated beyond recognition.

ment of the difficulties between themand their employers. Talk of arbitra

They kept their promise.Workmen f the Lehigh and WllkeS- -

the hope barra t'oal Coinpany at Audenreid were(Continued on Page !.) tion Is so persistent thatu. i.irn ntawuNca cnkw Tom k

R AOSaV Aomn. SJoaolufapngageo tins morning in palling tnetires from under the boilers at thos it had taken time by the forelock and

t This indicates a suspension ; made up ,ts mind as to whom lt ,shedPOPE LEO'S LETTER TOniTCTaatMt.KH PAOR. Arefctteete a

looMM Arllna- - THE VICAR OF ROMEto put before the joint sesion. TheFourth District finally prevailed andboth went into caucus in separaterooms.

Evidently the Fifth was not as well

Other reports from the south side to-day give instances of Individual cases ofviolence yesterday against miners whodid not quit work, but no one was se-riously hurt.

it was estimated at noon today that

PL t . eat. he


work In saving Uvea during the hurrl-raa- o

was done by the officer a and crewof the revenue cutter Ualvoaton. whichwaa station! at that port. The firstmail through from th stricken city

lie. Washington today and broughta ltir from t'hlf Engineer W. H.Whitaker of th Oalveston. Unbrtlale of Hepternber 9 h aays:

"All shads on the wharvea hav been,. .1 to Hi. ground, or nearly so

do ted think there Is t house that has

i m r o boa m.th number of additional men indistrict who Joined the strikers

this prepared as announced in the open ses-thl- S

i,irl fnr over the nartitions andOMK. Sept. 1",. The Pope has written a letter to Cardinal Hefcpighi. Vicar ofr..rt st morning was about 500. On the north

side all but three or four collieries areoperating with reduced forces. StrikR Rome, m1. ut th proeelytlsm carr'ed on by certain Protestant sects (Ameri

through the many cracks in the wallsof the Drill Shed came the sound ofspeechmaking and argument.


can Methodists and Baptists) and the Waldenslan body. The letter open thus:c mo t its maK!LL CO , LTD -- B iuntri. iono oad RotlorsBO k- -

"From the very outset of our Pontificate we have had occasion to point outaa one of the moat deplorable evlla brought by the new order of things to this

i nior. or los damak'. I "i cplfal of the Christian world the acttv proaelytlsm displayed on the part of

ers say the workings are not miningany coal, but are running the machin-- !i i v to give outsiders the impressionthat the strike has not affected them.

I With one exception that of the Eck-- jlpy collieries reports show that fewer

; men are working at all the mines onj the north side of Haz Hon today than

blown to the around. While th windr : and the peril to which the faith of our people was in consequence exposed;waa blowing over sixty miles an hour tr.d, addressing our Cardinal Vicar on thla subject" (an allusion to the pontificalwa ant out a boat with a rescuing parhtt.ra of June i7 aod March 2.V IsTS). "we reneatedlv Imointcd to the faithty to row up one of the streets. Theful exhortatlona, counsels and warnings, putting them or. their guard against thedrat trip they an ded in saving thlr

S v m MJVB, C'i liifiitoor. oaVo nmm Moooa VMa.

n4 Marehaal Ntaj PJ oviars la its far typewrit" t

lWtW W'iRKg-Baainao- ra andPtimplnf and D im Ma-ar- T

on4 oangato powor plants, mt-t-m

tt, airsiaon Maafe. Tat BM

many efTorta which sects of all kinds Introduced from abroad w-r- here making.teen women and children and broughtni .i. r the shelter of the public law, in order to spread in the minds of believersthem hack to the veaael in safety.th. polio i, of denial tnd error."It was ualsa to attempt to row the


NEW YORK, Sept. IS. John B. Garrett,vice president of the Lehigh Coal Com-paa- y,

In an Interview made the followingstatement In review of the various gric-v--

i s alleged by the United Mine Workersto exist in tne anthracite coal fields:

"It Is now clear to every one, from the evidence of facts, that the design har--ant agalnat th terrific wind, ami aath water was at that time not over a berrd by thes. heretical sects, which are a manifold emanation of Protestantism.

C B- -f AT Mia W man's head In the atreet. a rope would la to fix th atnndard of religious discord and rebellion In the peninsula, and chiefly In thla Alma Urha. In which (Jod hlm. If, l.y an admirable .i:,.... ,K of events.I. nt out to the neareat telegraph

pol and by that means a boat could plated the center of that faithful and Splbllmi unity which was the object of theprayer addressed by our Divine Savior to Ills Heavenly Father (John xvli 11-- 21 1.be I i, lie. I along fr-.- pole to p !e. Thiswaa accompllahed only by th moatOBPTSlAt'TOROl

'tt. Osannsisi aat' ant' which the l opes Jealously guard, d at the coat of their lives, and despite theoppcaltlon of men and the vicissitudes o j t me.heiciib-a- efforts on the part of the

men who l. out th" rope, but between The sct. not being able to rely no:i the strength of the truth, avail tlicm- -

After the Senatorial candidates wereannounced, A. V. Gear called the at-

tention of the convention to the factthat the Organic Act especially provid-ed for the apportionment of the fourand two year terms of the senators.The convention desired to make thisapportionment for the candidates asthey then stood. A copy of the Actwas procured, but as the motion tomake the apportionments had already-bee- n

passed, no change was made.After making the report of the com-

mittee to the convention as a whole asto who had been selected for the longand short terms which was done bythe flipping of a dollar in two instances

a motion to lay the report on the ta-ble prevailed. The Organic Act sectionto which attention had been called.

as follows:Section 30. That the Senate shall be

composed of fifteen members who shallhold office for four years: Provided,however, that of the Senators electedat the first general election, two fromthe First District, one from the Second,three from the Third, and one from theFourth Districts (Senatorial Districts)shall hold office for two years only, thedetails of such apportionment to bprovided for by the Legislature.


Curtis Iaukea called the me. :ig to

'.aillir,, ,,p" li , als for the extinguishing or weakening of the Catholic faith, of the unprotect-

ed tenderness of years, of Insufficient education, of the privations of Indigence.awlmmlng. walking and flounderingK In III" teeth of the gale th rop

would finally be made fast. Then Jtani of the simplicity of many who are SXpcaod to flattery, attractions and seduc- -tn i..

"In the far of thes facts we feel, first of all, th need of publicly declaringwaa all that a crew of one officer and't a t,.n r aa W nav done on other occasions, how painful is th condition of tl . head ofae.n men could do to pull a boatlnaaalnst the flr. blaata of the hurri th Catholic Church, who is constrained to behold the free and progressive nd-var- re

of hereby in this holy city, whence should be spread throughout the wholew. ild th light of truth and of example. ar.d which should be the honored statcane. Hy working all Saturday after

noon in. I evening and up to 1 oil k of the K-- of Jesus t nrlst. As tnougn the torrent of unwholesome uachinirWlAW

utacT rocma tan Daafi

"This company conducts no stores, nord es It exert any influence upon employesto i refer one merchant above another. Ittt' ploys no doctors and makes no chargest.fri.lnst its employes lor medical service).. them or th ir families. Inquiry hassatisfied me that the alitive is also therasa with the companies generally. Semi-rccnthl- y

pay is observed by us In fewecus, being in all in which the men havc

nianded it. It would Je observed any-where, were the demand made, as calledfor l.y law.

"The use of the word 'ton' as appliedto 3.300 pounds is a misnomer; lt is simplyf i:r.lt of measure, which might be calleda car or a cartload or by any other nam'-- ,

and is the quantity of actual coal, plusbene, rlate and other foreign material, forthe removal of which a certain paymentis mcde under the agr c: scale of wages,

j "The price charged for powder Is anapparent but not a real grievance. Ins- - me regions $2.75 per keg is charged? Inothers CSJ per keir. This of Itself shouldbe sufficient evidence that the compensa-

ble n of the miner Is set Independently ofthe price of powder, as a net return fora day's labor must be essentially the samein relehborlne fields, whether one or QM

morning th brave boys sueHun. layCTUaar at hatliffor frooj i roaculng thirty-fou- r men, woaa T.eir

men and children. whm they put In a.a i wnt " i a prop My

ts'hmr mm I i f aafety and provided themolTt.'tAH I with enough provisions f..r their I mm

dial wants. Klnally on account of the

and depravity, which dally and with impi.nity comes from books, professors'chairs, theaters and journals, were not enough, to all these causes of perversionthere haa been added the Insidious activity of heretical men. who, in conflictamong themselves, find accord only in traducing the supreme pontifical authority,th Catholic clergy, and th dogmas of our holy religion, the meaning of which,and still more, the august beauty, they are unal.1 to understand.

"On this account the faithful, who frcm all parts, even the most remote, com"on pilgrimage to Rome In order to find her comfort for the piety and their faith,are deeply affected at seeing this soil, whi h has bam !athed with th blood of themartyra. Invaded by sects of every kind, Ir.tent only on uprooting from the soulsof the people that religion which none the less has been declared the religion ofthe Stat, and which forms the principal object of their love and veneration.

"You will easily understand, my Lord Cardlral. how painful this state oftllrgs Is to our heart, and how lively is cor desire to sec appropriate remedies

larkrieaa. Increasing. violence of theotorm ami th vast amount of wreck

- i In th atreata. the rescuing partytfn raa Ca waa reluc tantly complld to return to

th vaal.:TWir.bU Unni oajotla i 1

a; pilot, a rut men as may iw am, n not to altogether remove the evil, to at"On Isiard ohlp It waa a period of In-te-

anxiety for all hands. No oneahrpt. and It was only by superhuman

order and spoke as follows:"The duty has ben devolved upon

me to open this convention. In declar-ing it opened it is hoped that in all Usdeliberations, good feeling and har-mony will prevail." He was applauded,

W. C. Achi nominated James H

st leasen Its gravity and bitterness. And it is for this reason that we received other price is charged for the powderAnother evidence that the Trie ofgreat consolation from an excellent worn, tc which we ours.-lve- s gave the inspira-

tion and Impulse, which is called the preservation of the faith, a'nd still more fromeflorta by orTb ra and crew that wer...ie nit th hurricane In safety. With prwdev does not create an injury to the

n 'r.. r is shown bv tbe fact that when

AOKNTBkgani to taaa

'tfiojoata, aaatvtat at Ksaa.aoaro oaao km St.

the good rsults which it haa begun to give, owing to tbe untiring care of thosewho direct tt or who belong to It.the v eptlon of the irrying away of The nominationsth- - subject was agitated some time j Boyd as chairman

toof the larger companies offer- 1the ta.rt f irward rigging and the were closed anda i kah.Ja- - en. hurt Mr. Boyd was unan-H- e

expressed his ap- -smashing of all th windows and rky- - imously elected.llghta. the vesaal suata'ned no seriousinlurv. Not a single person on board'yao' Aeeoptanr

I" Th kttvt was injured In any way."Wll- -

rc"sen to such revision of their wages pr-ciat- ion of the honor bestowed upon'as would continue the same compensation him. "I hope that in this meeting allfr their labor as they had previously re- - factjonal feeling will disappear. Letreived wncVr the agre-rnvn- t which was us a act a8 Republicans," said he.t! . n operative. I Judge Peterson was elected secretary.

; "This wa nromnt rejected, snowing,The chairman announced the purposein- -effect antbat tho purpose was to


tIAI.VESToN. Texaa. Sept. 11. "The.IV

"Iet all endeavor to strengthen the Character of the Catholic people by Inspir-ing noble and holy reaolutlons, and at th same time by warning the Incautiousthat under the harmless guts of collgcs for youths, seminaries for girls, schoolsfor languages, a higher education, assistance to needy families, there Is hiddenthe wicked design of Insinuating in minds and hearts condemned heretical prin-ciples. Let the faithful b convinced of the truth, that nothing can be greater ormere ii I iss as than the treasure of tha faith for which th"ir fathers fearlesslyfaced not only want and misery, but frequently violent persecutions and deathItself.

"And thla feeling of strength cannot bin b natural and deep-root- ed in th soulsof this, our population, which knows well that the Catholic Church not only pos-sesses divln.- - characteristics which distinguishes It as the only true one and theo ily on which has rectved the promise- - ef Isjmortal life; but that lt has alsoat all times conferred Inestimable benefits upon Rom. Italy and the world, over-- c

mlng barbarism by the Justice and th.. civilization of its manners, spreading,as St. Leo, the Great, well says: (Sermon f, in Natal. S. 8. Petri et Paull) theaway of Christian peace Is far beyond the limits explored by the Roman Eagles:saving lettera, libraries, culture and morumnts; inspiring every order of sci-

ence and art. giving help to the weak, the poor and the down-trodde- n by generousaffection and the magnanimity of sacrifice and heroism."

nran no aaUwwg tom tha "pnram rtp? of wages, anil inai n una iv.uiu , jo... "----situation continues to Improve." Is

what one la told now when he applies m.oWuH thev nreferred to maintain the the first order of business tne nomma- -' anaa t'lty at any of th various headquarters for

information. This statement Is beingtho ubj)t larplani e th miry.ta Ik MrhMM Dlanka In th

apparent grievance, which could bo and'had from that time to this used as agrrund of complaint of unfair treatment.

"Eliminating the foregoing alleged' grievances from the list formulated bythe United Mine Workers, nothing what- -

mad with gratifying monotony all

tion of candidates for Senators.


Colonel Jones moved for a recess offifteen minutes to allow the delegates

(Continued on Page .)

oarer th city. Th work baa beenintferm anit mwa. kla k.n.i.ht .town to a business baals as

n fo.if ara aa Wfll far as possible and th system and or-l- r

dlsDtayed In the various depart- - (ConUnued on Page S.)If lrl.

Page 2: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the


GALVESTONir.and of the Atlanta. The Montgomerywill undergo general repairs before be-ing again placed in commission. Al-- Jthough she has been In commission for j

abcut six years, the repairs she will re- -


BMORTAllljquiro are not of an extensive character.

Commander ..ohn P. Merrill, who hasibfen in command of her, has be-- n placedon wailing orders. When tb; Atlanta

She Hopes for Good ResultsFrom the HagueIN (Continued from r

joins the South Atlantic squadron it willconsist of the Chicago, Wilmington and

; Atlanta. cHolism frnm M .addressed to President u .. ' VBICYCLES FOB WAITEBS. The people of G.lv, 'TJaps and Russians at

Outs.the great interest v,States Government havetheir behalf In ,v,

their mmmSSSthey Pver

TMK HAGUE, Sept. 18. The SlatesGeneral were reopned today by QueenWilhelmina, who was accompanied byher mother. In a speech from the throne.Her Majesty referred to the continuedfriendly relations with foreign counttiswith the exception of China, and mention-ed that the conventions of ihe peace con-vention had been ratified by almost all

Twenty Thousand Guests Will BeServed at Paris.

i PARIS, Sept. 15. The greatest ban- -

l : i t of modern times will be a dinner! to be given next Saturday by the Gov- -'

ernment to the Mayors of France.Twenty thousand guists are expected to

Government which tito the distre n it. ....

EARL LI TO NEGOTIATE so know that at the head of A4 '

nient ls ATI ttrttl rrli 4




a Lar

whose every effort Is toi sit at the tables under tents in the the powers. The Queen said:"I hope the International Bureau of Ar- -Gardon Tuilleries.

ard TH1-- : KAISERS SYMPAjJChinese Soldiers Organizing

Drilling in the Interior-Stat- us

Quo at Peking.

The catering firm of Potel & Chabot j bitration Tribunal will shortly be estab-ba- s

taken entire charge of feeding thlsjlihed here end that it will nil the end forarmy. The chef and his assistants will which it was founded, by assisting more

rldebout the tables in motor cars, su- - i peaceful settlement of the differences be--ALL SIZES McKinley has recei.sage of sympathy on the.. '.niiam or On,STKTT1Xi ' "viiuauv, lit -

FrtsMrnt of thf. T .

perintending 3,000 cooks and waiters. tween nations, as a work of importance,waiters mounted on bicycles wUlH eSSet SouthW ASHINGTON, Sept ica. Washington: t1;5,; Hycur Excellency the I

leenfe1t vm,,v, 'iWashington e ok mm wui ' wura. Aincan war and the Chinese troublestion has been received in

.Mi:. . i us Kiwn.-t'- will in- - around tne were in iter .Majesty s mention oi ineshowing that a dangerous tension ex- - 71 r : aim tne mi.lthat haa )..fQ11. r, .v,. . - .. . . n tho f.rv.if0 f h.u dib..u mav 1 w u "rpiuiaiue eveuih. necessuauiiK meists in the relations of the Russian ana " " v pritence of Netherlands warships toi i he j - me own and vl,of Galveston and manv other nortcotst, and I mourn with vonThe State be PrornPt- - The menu begins with hors protection of HollandersJapanese armies in China u ucuvra, mi suup. twu luuuwb " ' - uor Majesty pronounced the finances r

nes de saumon, gla'CMs Parisenne, fillets the country to be in a satisfactory condl-d- eboeuf en befievue, pains de canetons, t!cn, but said further taxation m. aires

de Rouen, poulardes de Brcsse roties, were necessarv, principally to cover the

and Navy Departments will not admitthat they have been infopfned that thi.'

friction has reached this stage. It iai altogether likely that the President un

f- - vx. v.ic uiihcui BUteS k.rihle loss of life an.l property L,the hurricane, and the : rid'meUr is equaled onlv byspirit of the citizens of the nt.,who In their long and continual Jwith tho ailvw f, , . .


KING STREET, Next to Bulletin Office.


cost of compulsory education.

j Anthony Hope Hawkins believes veryjrfnuch in men of letters standing byeach other, and he has worked tre

oatiounes de tatsans. Saint Hunert, sai-ade- ,

Potel glaces, Suisse condes anddessert.

The wines are Preignac en carafes,Saint Julien en carafes, Haut Sauterne,Margaux, Catvet, 1887, and champagneMonte Hello.

prcved themselves to be victorioatT cine, .ri.lv- Vint-- . r n .""e1 'jniveston

iiEaiii w new prosperity.mendously hard to help on the fund

w- - .W1L"A J1 he dinner reullires l.r.OO tiheasants. which the Authors' Society of London.2.500 ducklings, the same number of

chieUeny S AAA rwilinrlu tf unltrwin t".is trying to accumulate, from which

j. m i iwwm s reply is as follW(Executive Mansion. Washington

17, 1900. His Imperial and R

(") v'a rvi -- u i (.ii f ,i , I "

pounds of fillet of beef, 33.000 bottles of Pensions are to be Pald to authorswine and 3,000 bottles of champagne. whose literary merit has not brought

This dinner will be followed on Sun- - thein a corresponding income, and whoday by a smaller feast given by the view Increasing years with fear.

Council of Paris at Vincen- - cently an unfortunate writer, who vis- -

derstands fully this feature of the Chi-

nese situation. Writing to a friend anaval officer says:

"There la very bad blood between theJapanese and Russians. One day theRussians fired a volley into a Japanesedetachment and apologized. The nextday the Japanese fired into the Rus-

sians and likewise apologized. Two orthree were killed or wounded on eachside. It .is said now the Russians arewithdrawing their troops from Niuch-wan- g,

and they will not participate inthe advance on Peking. The Russianscaptured country around Niuchwangand are holding it. The Japanese seemto be doing all the work. They are

thy is very grateful to the Anwrlciii i.! in ami i ujri; , 1111 ifl WW T ni..... .. , Ilt. man.nes, at wnicn tne iord Mayor or Lon

don will be the chief guest. iiu u&vc sunerea Doreavement tani i.. . i ,, . ... ,,,l7 ij.iiii'sion 1UIthank you most earnestly.

ited Mr. Hawkins at his rooms inj

Buckingham Street, by the Embank-- ;ment Gardens, exclaimed on leavingwith something in his pocket: "Oh,sir, I feel Providence must have sentTROPICAL CYCLONE


Hives are a terrible torment tolittle folks, and to some olderat rtrrtiii me to you!" And the reply came with

IIN DLlKIVlULA i a twinkle in his benefactor's eye: "Let'us hope, however, that Providence will

Remington StandardTypewriter.

oooFOR THE CONVKN'TENCE of the general public we have transferred

Remington Typewriter DepartmentTo the store of the PACIFIC CYCLE AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY,

Doane s Ointment never falls. Mlanding large quantities of supples, and j renei ana permanent cure. A:not acquire tne naott ot doing so. cnemiat 9, bu cents.have thousands of troops ready to landwhen the moment arrives. The Rus :Thc 'Still-Vext- " Islands are Get- -

LARGE ASSORTMENT OFting a Taste ofWeather.

sians have charge of the railv. ay, andIt is naw running through to Tien-Tsi- n.

The railroad men all quit work when,the Russians took charge, and the Jap- -

anese no longer use it in transporting! European and Americaiblock. Fort street.troops."

Reports received here relative to the

fciT. DAVIDS, Bermuda, Sept. 17. Atropical cyclone is central near these isl-

ands. The storm set in this morning andis rkging with increasing severity this aft-ernoon. Heavy cyclone rollers are sweepi-ng; in upon the coast and a strong north- -

AN EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER REPAIRER has full charge of thisbusiness, and quotations on new machines, or estimates on repair work of anyJtass of typewriters will be cheerfully furnished upon application at the


occupation of Peking show that greatrivalry exists between the Russiansand Japanese. So far as known neitherGovernment, while sharply watchingdevelopments, is making the acts ofother troops the subject of any diplo-

matic representation.H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd.

DRY GOODS!Just deceived,

7 Which Will be sold at Special Prices. 7FOIl ONE WEEK WE WILL GIVE BARGAINS.

NOTE THE PRICES:VALENCIENNES LACES, from 15c a dozen up.TORCHON LACES, 5c a yard.IMITATION MALTESE LACE, 5c a yard.CROCHET ETCHING, 2 yards for 6c.CURTAINS, 2 yards long, twe a pair.


eest gale is blowing. All the telegraphwires have been blown downjand thisdispatch was sent to the cable office inHamilton by messenger on horseback.

Southeast rollers began to wash theshores yesterday, but the barometer con-,tii;- u

d high. During the, night, however.It commenced falling, showing 29.91 inchesat 7 o'clock in the morning. .The windwas rising. By noon it had reached agale force from the northeast and rainwas falling. The barometer than record-ed 29.71 inches.

The storm continued to increase duringthe- afternoon and at i o'clock the windwas blowing more than sixty miles an

At the same time it is admitted thatsuch overt acts as are reported by Am-

erican naval officers cannot be con-

ducive to improving the relations be-

tween them, and may become a casusbelli. Because of the jealousy existingbetween the two Governments officialsare inclined to think that in view ofthe unwillingness of Japan as well asother powers to withdraw, Russia willdetermine that her interests necessitate


PURE LINEN TABLE DAMASK, 60 inches, 50c a yard.BABY RIBBON, In 10-ya- rd bolts, for 15c.


THE BARGAIN STOREj the retention of her troops in Peking.


hcur, carrying away telegraph wires.Heavy seas are rushing in upon thecoai-ts- . It is impossible to ascertain thedamage done. The barometer continuesto fall, recording only 29.32 inches now.hut the wind has veered to north, al-though it ib blowing with the same Opposite the Fire Station. Fort and Berttanla 80

ALBERT BLOOM, Proprietor

in the West River district that Chinesetroops are visible In every town, andthey are actively drilling. A Chinesegunboat is again patrolling the riverand it is expected that some action iscontemplated. The Sandpiper, whichhas bt-e- patrolling the delta, has pro-ceeded to Canton.

NEW YORK, Sept. IS. A dispatch tothe Tribune from London says:

A German telegram from Shanghaistates that troops are streaming to TsiNan Fu from the whole of China, andthat Tsi Nan Fu, which is about six

Just Received!PER S. S. MOHNH

A Large Shipment of


Complete Plantand expert workmen,


A Million and a Half of LaborersShut Out.

LONDON, Sept. 15. The effect of thecotton crisis is now plainly visible. TheLancashire Federation's circular recom-mendation that all users of Americancotton abstain from working their millsfor at least twelve days during Octoberis likely to be generally supported. Themills are already closing down through-out the country. Within a week propa-bl- y

a million and a hp if of operatorswill be unemployed.

Some concerns are running part oftheir machinery, while others are work-ing but two days a week. But in most

fit turn out work ASinai cannot De AV 55 5SURPASSED

hundred miles southwest of Peking, isregarded as the permanent residence ofthe Emp ror.


steamer Sachsen, having on board FieldMarshal Count von Waldersee, com-mander In chief rf the internationalforces in China, and his staff, has arriv-ed here.


a anywhere No Br '1leases the machines will not move againtill lajte in October or early in Novem-- Iber. The fall In futures at Liverpool is

j attributed to speculators realizing,j Meanwhile there is a fine spinningtrade. too old tO DCIFor Sale at Lowest Prices By

H. Hackfeld & So. Ltd. REPAIRED!ny Seeusers of Egyptian cotton; the stock atLiverpool is 10,000 bales above the cor-

responding week in 1S99. Some spinnerswho formerly used American cotton arenow turning to the Egyptian, but norelief is expected till the new American

is about it to-

il throw your

' Man Threatens his Wife and SheDies of

CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Mrs. FlorenceBuhler died at the County Hospital lastevening because her husband, ErnestD. Buhler, frightened her. He threat- -encd to kill her. She was so terrified

j that she fell unconscious in the street,where they were walking at the time.

Afterward Buhler was locked up in

IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA forecrop arrives. Uhe fears that it will not

old books away. 1Ladies, Attention 1

the police station, where he became de- - --ooo-j spondent and committed suicide by

prove better than that of 18S9 are thedisturbing feature. Nelll Brothers, thewell known cotton statisticians, esti-mate it at more than nina and a quar-ter million bales.

This combined with the chances ofspeculators manipulating to keep pricesup may result In prolonging the crisis,and as the rising coal and general pricesIs steadily telling all around, grave In-

dustrial troubles in Lancashire may en-sue. Otherwise Fix weeks of enforcedidleness would not seriously affect theLancashire operators, who are the most


prosperous class in England. Why NotKeep Your

Wardrobe Neat?

CORSETSWe will dispose of these goods at prices raDginr from

30c up to 50cEarly Call Will Have the First Pick.

puncturing the artery in his wrist withj a pin. The police found him lying oni the floor and took him to the jail hospi-- jtal. He again attempted his life inthe same manner and died.

Several months ago Mr. and Mrsi Buhler quarreled. She filed a bill fordivorce but. repenting, withdrew thesuit and they continued to live together.Two Weeks ago when they again quar-- ,reled, Buhler threatened to kill herMrs. Buhler escaped from the houseand started down town to see her law-- !yer. She was again attacked In thestreet by her husband, who brandished

ia. revolver and made threats to take! her life.

Mrs. Buhler then fell unconscious.(She was taken to the County Hospital,where she remained until her death.

! For a time it seemed as though shemight recover, though it was evidentthat the fright had been a severe shock.A few days ago she was told of herhusband's suicide, and from that timeher condition became worse.

Their union will grant to those outof work pay of 20 shillings or 2." shil-lings weekly to each family. Oldham,where alone 50,000 persons were idlewithin the week, may be taken as anexample of the prosperity of the cottonoperators. Last August small clubswere generally organized by publichousekeepers and similar persons, thesubscribers paying 6 pence per week pershare throughout the year. These paidout 170,000 to Oldham operatives, whospent It on a holiday of a week or so.



HOTEL STREET Sets of 21 Pieces S3.

Sample Sets $1.

Cause of Bnght's Disease.NEW YORK, Sept. 18. A dispatch from

Iondon was published in the UnitedStates August 20 announcing that thecause of Bright's disease has been dis-

covered "by Dr. Evid Brown, formerly ofjNew York and now of Rome." Dr. Wil-'lia- m

Ovid Moore, late of New Tork city'and now of Rome, asks that a correction' be made. He says: "At the last interna-- !Uonal medical congress a paper was readby Dr. William Ovid Moore, giving anaccount of his discovery of the mysterl-'ou- s

poison which causes the symptoms inBright's disease and in many other all-- :Hunts. This poison is a heavy, golden

i yellow liquid, which In appearance resem-ible- s

olive oil. Rabbits which have receiv-ed injections of this poisonous ingredientj of the human body have succumbed in'convulsions within a few hours."

Changes in the Fleet.j NEW YORK, Sept. 18.-- The cruiser At-lanta, which has Just gone Into commis-sion again after extensive repairs at thenavy yard here, will bn stationed on theAtlantic coast for a few months and will

c eventually attached to the Soih At-- 1

lantlc station to take the place of the; cruiser Montgomery, which has beenwithdrawn from Admiral Schley's squad-

ron and has Just been put out of commis-sion at the New York yard.

Captain F. G. Pendleton, who has beensuperintendent of the gun factory at theWashington navy yard, will be in com- -


Nil I

Pacific orcie I i,Read the Advertiser. Ehlers' Block, Fort St

Page 3: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the


chief signal officer, dated at Ht. Michaels.August Hh General ; FOR BOTH- -marly completrd hln trip over ti.I WAR

wh.-r- tha Alaskan telegraph line is tv. . Pacific Import Co.,...strit.. Mi .11. pat. h rr. test. ! trending rf materials to A.k..

THE HOUSES(Continued from Pace L)

finishing thr line.UP0S1NGa Diaeatera oo Fishing Banks. INCORPORATED.Fort Street Progress Block.

rr JOHN, X F. 8.pt. M-- Thr flmtut a artt of diaeatera to thr fishing tl- - - t

"i th Grand Hank .luring thr pmust.rm haa Juat ern reported. Tha Ulou--

r achoonrr Talisman brought to Bay j

nulla, twenty mil.- - aouth of Bt. Johna.'

from both district to (to Into caucusand prrent thr names aa choHn there.Stewart of the Fifth objected. He saidthr Fifth waa rady to proceed rightthen.

Archie Ollflllan of the Fourth waxedeloquent. "We will adjourn,'" wild he.

ih at PortugueseBorder.


th . r-- w of thr Province town achoonrrWilli A. stacker, which foundered laatKrldajr. having hrrn lit. r:Py Kratrn topb- - m by th wavra.

At.lln . i,.. v .rln" rid.- ...it tli. gale.

addressing hla remarks principally toMr. Stewart, "because we have no ma-chine In thr Fourth Iaughter.)

Stewart retorted by atatlng that theFifth had merely tuk-- n time by theforelock, and were prepared to vote."Your machine la n-j- t ivared up," saidStewart.

We Sail mtentionThat our New Tork buyer baa purchased in New York from one of thelargt-s- t Muslin Underwear manufacturers, for spot cash, a large line or

.the achoonrr sprang a Irak and aoon be-'ra- m

waterlnga'd. t cab parted an JKrugf--Cptur- e Of drlftrd My-n- f ml I. a Water

Ullflllan ame bark with a atatementthat he waa triad Ihe had notiltif Amount of Trtrmial

pj1 ing Stock. oo

ir'.inl i t;. I It;ius" n;'d h".' K'publlcaniam ta never prepar-d- . Itarrowa. That la way the FourthDistrict propoaea to u..-- t


ri,.a.-- i imt nt'in an. I ror- uxtl. and tlirrnttr crw wrrr confined on deck, pnnrp-In- rthe whoU timi- - to krep hat afloat. ItImpoaalblr to lava thr veaaal. aa on-l- y

two lories remained aid thr rrw wrrril out abandoning ho(aa of rsu. when

lilisman waa sighted It waa onlywith th ureal. st difficulty that thrtwmty-fou- r man wr takrn off. orgcv

. !.. n. unmarrtrd. a natlvr of ftom-srvltl- e,

cot away In a dory flia fan

i m V l,t-'- . h toI p.im Ion .tya ' AI. istmboerg CMh

uid thrrr ar ra- -

Ladies' White Muslin Umbrella Shaped

SKIRTS.The moat up-to-da- te goods at great bargains. In all 75 dozen SKIRTSwill be placed on sale much below the regular price. No better oppor-tunity was ever offered to buy Muslin Underwear at such prices awe

Andrewa did not underatandthat bth ldea were to go Into caucus.Mr akd for Information and receivedro anown.

t Itoiha haa giv- -- affirmative rcpliea. Continuing he atat- -

Rl ArKQ WIV THF '"' ' r,,t a"n- '; ""DLMVIJ TV 111 I I IL th- - Jomt OOBTMtaOB minf Hla ldra

C ID A t r-- VSil'' ,hat " wer' to v"te a" they were- -

LUdAiN lLlvIIUIN3 v',"t,Ml tt" y"iv t:,k,n m ,,iM,n se8- --- i.in.

are offering the same for this week,

nr Man's rorraaH.it-- 'says It la stated taaatjpar Iad a kf I'ro-- I

abowt Ov lobar ft.tH f the Dally T l

as Mariirt baa br.--

. with Mr Kru- -

-- ,,. rit how. !

Our great special will be an extra wide umbrella-shape- d Skirt, fourrows of lace Insertion, atThr Whites now Declare Them

selves in Favor of


Jon. of thr Fourth brought up..f jroxira. (ieorgr artrr

nroar to !i itr that In the meeting ofthe Fifth District thry pascd a rulrthat In thr absence of or Inability ofany mrmlrr to b present he couldnoniinnt.. a j.roxy hit h was to be act- -

I gat irl.-- s ii.ti . , Mr I.

High Novelties in

Ladies (Eorset overs eaIf. rrmalnrd In an AnrxA,r rit,: gpt j,.. rlec- -

,h" ''""r Ai i,, I onstltutlonal

.1 Hal rily a P.,,,,,,,, niVr rwit,, ,n fvr ,,f fh,

el on by the entire committee. Hepr - .1 four sm ;! .xi s to th- - Joint

One waa in writing and threewere a. td upon by the District Com-

mitter ac.ordlng to th rulea adopted.Col. Jones said t h.-- r was one ab- -

ltl.na . roaa I r d ae We Invit Inspection.aula, k party throuahoot thla rntlrr pr..v --!, and thr Whlt.-- a now openly

marlyra to ba unnexatlonl.ta. Trnt.'.'i. . nd ...I. i.. mrn ha-- ! ..rk.l

ti.marlvra up almoat to a frrnsy. andwrartna bada" containing a akull an I

i from tt - Kourth and he would) llkr to have a rutin from the chair asto whether ujw.n the oral atatementa of

.Irrawrd In blm k. inli irM ry award bya akMHia.

ii.ma. Mr ,m' k t MiWkan enseltlra in ih

Mi..rM i Iran ' id aa.., ,.f worn, n and

in ttlra Pd by th llrltlahi h. add.-- d that .r

mtrr bratan. '

.ii rut.; in .iti- - i:

mnnbrrs the name could be voted in.Carter stated his proxies were not oral.Tl v were aanctloned by the entire

intnlttee.He aaldthat If It had been known

by the sending the proxiesthat they would not be sanctioned inthr Joint session th.-- would have beenpresent, but on the ruling of the Dis-

trict t'ommlttee under Its rulea, thry

ri. ...lajnra. Blanlfvlna lrath to thr an

party, jatraded throuah thrt rln. li at atreeta of the city laat nigh.

rrylna tallow ran. II. a and tori hr.. A

n. f.inrral ..f U.r t i.oldti .in piii.lil '.-l- ay and waa altrndrd hy at"it

.!..t. i .. Tl. a t.lt peopl.ar. and arr avoiding confllrta

ALASKA AND HAWAIIhad acted In good fulth. The debatewas Interruj.tcd by a call for the roll,and a motion was put by Henry Water-hous- e

that the convention proceed toLocal Rafarancaa in Kooaavalt's Let-ta- r

of Acceptance.YfTKIt HAY. N. Y.. Hrpt. 11-O- otr.

Reestrvelt's letter of acceptancr con-taln- a

thr follow Ina parajrrapha of Intrr-ea- t

to Hawaiiour next acquisition of trrriiory a.

that of Trmaa. arurrd by treaty after

the business of the evening. It wasadopted. Col. Jones began again onthe dispute over the proxies. He aaldthe rule of the Fifth District should notbe binding upon the convention. Stew-art rose to a ilnt of order.

SKN.TKS AUK NAMED PAeiFie import eo

Mltjl K f. i i 11

dlna at Komatlpnort.iM. iiii-i- i ha bsj n x.oit

It IB p." trd ih.t ih.'lilar will br .Ir.tro). I

i nnraatnaaa hrra.. a town on thr frnntlrr

mawvaal. and thr railroad 'tan.ii t.. p i Mian. . rri

ituatd about ft ft nm...M ir.ra ith th ... pit.

K oiaiii r ih.. llrltiahl.i . nt all Upt.

IWra hv rail a I fr ..,rrltory

r m . 1. 1. is--. al .. k

n aa.pt la Lonl Roberta rr- -

M.t ha......r. an. I. - ilat ..fi th. that a f. n .m't k'r

iav takrn plawe brlwern the--wopn and th.. Unera Mr add.

il rrn. a haa raptured ft ftin addition t r..rty thrrr

t and i.thrr rolling at ktiH.h dr., Ii- ,,,,, ,.,J ;Mr

HTCOBPOBiiTED.1l Frosr- -

The chairman calbd for the nomina-tions for

It. F Intlirtgham was nominad byC. B. Wilson.

C L. Crabbe by harles Wilcox.Cecil Brown by A UllHIIan.W. C. Achl by T. Mcfanta Stewart.Frank Pahla by Judy Kaulukou.

R. Carter by W. C. Achl. j

Stewart to lose tP nomina-tions, and Y'.x m tion wasS: .. t nioi I. p 'ti.t the hatrma:)cast a ballot for the six nominees wasthat i J.

d to .iriuhy

it had bren wrested from the Mexicansby th" Teaana thtmaelvea Thrn cam.,thr a '(ulaltlon of t'allforniu. New Mo-kr- .

Atisnna. Nevada and parts of Colo-rado and t'tah aa the result of thri an war aupplrmrnted Ave yeara lateri.n :h. loi'lsdrn purchase

The ti"t acijulaltion waa that ofAlaska. ui 1 fn.ni Uuaala by treatyand purchase- - Alaska was full f ra-in ..iu. of whom had idvan. I w II

beyand tbe stage mi savagery and Tere. in Th. a . r- ! "l c .ntilt.-.- l

.'..ail in.- .un h,.. nor was thrlr a -

,o i rruln I Thi i nr. has.- - wassaada by tbe men who had Juat pot

ih'i n triumphant war to restoreI'ruon and fr. th.- - .law hut none

' tn. in drenird it neccsaary to ;. jm,tlw d.K-trin- e of tbe "consent of tbf gov

i... I to a . .inclusion so fantastic aan -- ssltate the turning o t f

ka to ita original owners thr In Hanand thr Aleut. For thirty yeara thr

mtrd Ktatea authorities, military andI v II. eaerclsrd the iuprrm authority

in a tract of land many times larg-- rthan tbe Fhillppinea. In which It did

. m likely that thrre would rlir any conalderatdr bdy .f whlt- -

Nearly thirty years passed b f . ' t.

i lh aftrm ' - i.


also carried. Th- above nominees wereduly declared th. senatorial candldat s

of the Third Senatorial District.uncord f tmbmo.

Stewart moved t" apportion the fnnii. f the senators and that a commltt"of thr-- . from ach district be appointedby the (hair to makr such apportion-ments. f..r the Tour year t. rm and fortlx- - two .;.r

Jop. . f..r th" Fourth District second- -


Imjeridlnti- -in Mb

led the motion. Considerable discussion"nn on a LareScale followed o. r the cjUeation. and the co-

ntention finally ran upon tb- - snae(brought in by A V. C.ear. This wassection .10 of th. Organic Act providing

I for the legislature to mak. auch dlvla-'- ,

Ions. The chair, however, appointed J.P ".Kike. W. U. Farrington and J. D.Mi Veigh for the Fourth District: andJuda-- - Kaiii'ikou. William Kathbuniand Knoch Johnson for the Fifth District Th. commute.- - went Into exec-

utive session, and later announced that'they had l- - ilrd on vil Brown and'

C A. hi. for the Ionic t rm. but Inthr case of Frank Pahia and C L.

j Crabbe. th.-- eventually decided to letthe toes vf a cln decide . It was "headsfor Pahla. and tails for Crabbe." Thedollar waa flicked into the air and came

I' .JIM-- ' '1

i"n aaye'r Hlali y waa fair y

assajpsj urn aaaaamta( tha prlay eamnrN M

'ry wwaM aea revi-- rrawajr, aVpt.mtr M.I thmuafc in t nil. t

. U.r Jtaanlt,.

thr '. rf.:.mo.a;. .

ninalkan ran ba sawwaI nt pVptrmoar. and thr

- . I i., i..r.r .

itd bare aa thry arrI Iberakt Kara not

' andldatea and anaa for eoanpaatina

. .mtM-- r of Ir.r- -

will ba un antral. I.

a in witbawt a atraaal.f haa barn o8.r I

' th. w r-- n pokka awnterrd aurlna thr

.. ,....r.-- t.

" ,,ra mt Tact wWt vtarttHra ! open lha

aited A awirn lla


with th.- - hig , V.nr which will be faahionat h? In th a fall, and a jacket In Louis XVI. brocadeA smart tailor jacketwith the waistcoat effect.

n. xi instancr ..f . xpnnsli.n .m--.

r- - 1.

which was over in the Island of Hawaii.n rffort waa mad at thr rnd of P.- -

Harrison s Administration to ao-u- rr

thr annexation of Hawaii. Th-- -

Tot was unsuccessful In X drbat ini.ar.aa. on February 2. one cf

leadera In optoslng thr annexati nf thr islands, stated. "Thewe lalanda

.ir- - more than two thouaand mllea dla-ta- nt

from our extreme Weatern b u i

lai We havr a srrioll. ra. e problemnow In our country and 1 am not in

r t iding to our dorneatli fabrla mutiiM t..f this rhar-- .

t. r ur conatltutlon mahra noi ..ii fir colonial eatabllahment.

ny territorial governmrnt we might.i il.lisn would neceaaarily. because of

the population, be an oligarchy, whlcawould have to br supported by armed...I.I,. . Yef Hawaii has t;..w bee,,annexed and her delegates have sat n

the national conventions of the twoereat parties The feara then ex pre". d in relation to an "oligarchy" and"armed soldi- - rs" are not now sertoualyrntertalnr.l ' any human being,they are precisely tbe objectionsurged against the acquisition of thePhilip p'n.s at this very mom.-r- t Weare making n. new departure. We i 'n .t taking a single step which In any

a aflr a our Institutions or our tra-ditional roHclea From the beglnn rnc

wr nave given w Idrly varying degre- -a

.f to the different t- -

ac.ordlng to th.-l- need- -




h. ad. up. " th- - '.-b- g: ing cil Brown,j W. C Achl and Frank Pahla the first;choice.

As the question cf the term apportion-ments was somewhat legally InvolvedStewart thought th- - r .inventionleave the matter for the respectiveexecutive ..mmlttees of the two dia- -'

trtcts. Gear thought It a matter for thelegislature. He moved t lay the re-po- rt

on the table, which was carried.The convention then adjourned to al

the Fifth was holding sway, their faceswreathed in smiles.

"I object to btlng entered in the listof nominees for the Fifth District.". oruinu.-- McCandless. "I understandand have understood it that there Is aman here who is trying to knife me."Nobody looked particularly savagewhi.e he was speaking. "It is a ques-tion of being knifed a peeoMd time if my

Auction of Little Ones by SalvationArmy Tonight.

IU. Mr. WcstereeJt of Kawiabaorcb was present at the morning ses-- n

of the officers' council of the Army;. r Jay and by request made a short

. in - n the needs and difficulties ofth. Hawaiian work. His talk was very

(Continued from Page L)

low the two di.-trk- ts to caucus and narrc is put up now, he contm.;e.i. i

eat?n in the senatorial contest. Imakr theralty of th

preaarva'.-ury raeala

a ray a)CbnaBbaftam

lr selections for Ihe candidates waa 1'to the Legtslatnre bellev

e.r remains but a n. ral demand forIn. reased pay and recognition of the or- -the Inclination is in this kaaet- -fur n.i:i-- appreciated by the Salvationists,.ling to do the same thing" "ris of .! as t!.e agency through which ,and arrangements were made for Mm to.far tbe Fourth and Fifth LnstrU ts

THK FCCKTII DISTKKT No Not! .ik again to the council on 1 hursdaylei . en should be a. 'justed. "W. S. Thorn, a director of the Pennsyl- -Mr Dowda. who had nominated Mtlr the a Coal Compear, made this statement. onel J. nB. chairman of the Fourth McCandless. refused to w ithdraw

lil.tri.i committer called for order, and' nomination, ami Mr McCandless

n.. rnlng. ,

That the Army soldiers can enjoytbtsasetves around th festive board was.Quite evident lust evetdngi when th.- - local

had a'oT a talk with the company's mine su- -

There the pleasure of being elec ted by a utian- - h i ;nt ndent over th. long distance w ire:W. H Hoogs waa made aecretary.. . a m ah. i t .......in Tha num. .a

w Fartlajarnt.omrthlag rn-e- r Imous vote, and not a "knife" showed! "VVe operate thirteen collieries atw aii.f the - arid th.ir visitors ga'.hered aWHUafl

un during the counting of th.- - votes.representatives were nominated quick l.nt two are closed. The strike appears tor general throughout the mining dls- -The nominations were as follows:ly, the nominations cloned, and tneretary of ntate Hay la on.- - of the.... . Mm V. 1 ....... , mt n Kail... fur c.n t ir- - H. R. Hitchcock. Knoch Johnson. Ultncta. Many men have reported in our

U Mct'andless. L. J. Mabc- - J. U. ' mires, but hardly enough to Justify work- -.inn ...an . ... - .nuv v. - -ptlent of men. lie uses to o. - - a i...,.Kaulukou. S II nwmon F f T Wa- - ins the two collieries, so mat it is prvo- -hell fill to newspaper i

Choice of the Fourth District.in amour'rarl U A c. M was nominated by i- -i tiouse an i v j t.oemo. Thirty

. J P Cook- - W H. Hoogs by Oeorgc votea were caatMcle.sl. Jonah Kumalal by A. V. C.ear. A ballot was tak n on th- - names, re- -

.n.l re. rtvra them frerljr In his officeand alvea them such Information andhints aa thr proprlrtirs will permit.Kven th rrpreeentatlves of the sen-

sational or yellow papera are treatedwith courtesy, though naturally with

npernr to nrrtaeilr tak.irerni p.illthla nnmKa.t at Isaet

riiuitng ns ioiiows:J K iki J D McVeigh: C.llflllan by

two long tail's i a their hr-l- l and partookof the good things spr- - before iio.-m- .

:1 he after-dinn- er speech- y were Hot nt Uae' m L;al kind, the address-a- made by tt. -

nt d. legates being confined entirelyto Salvation Army topics, an; il .iatedto .n'huse and enccursgr new . .n verts

'ar l .ginners In the good way.Tnigh1 the "Auction Sal, of :Mren"

w,il l. conducted for the first tim..- - in Ho-nolulu. Th service, which is intended tosi ow the different influences in the world

i to which people generally yield tbean-selve- s,

aid point out the superiority ofChristianity, is most interesting. MajorWeed will act as auctioneer; the childrenare those of the Army's Sunday school1 re, and prominent members will takepurt.

. I.

ally lacaution Imagine the Secretary s- iW.v.r

on afternoon during the hratHh

Crabbe. William Ayl.-t- t by Ikyd. Thnominations were dsed. and up.m mo- -Hon of A. V. Gear thr chairman castth ballot for all

The committee th n adjournt--

TDK FIFTH DISTRICTIn thr meeting of the Fifth District

(committer affairs took a different turnTh- - rr was friction at the start. Whn

f.f thr rnh-- a

in drlvtng

u h that they will be closed.the tie-u- p will douutiess last a sreeb

and then the men will b.gln to get d.s-StlSa-

and will want to return to work." h miners, as far a we can liyirn. havenot sufnclent resourcea to cairy on ap- - Ringed strike. Should the strike con-ti- t,

oe for a long time railroad earningswill, of course, be affected.

"The opera tots can hold out fof atleast six months. It Is our custom tocetry on ou" books orders for s:x months1; advance. We have a fair supply onhand. Rttailers, a pi.Claity In the coun-

try hold good-stx- ed stocks I think tbesituation Jtrstlfits an advance In prices.

'We anticipate r.o trouble at cur minesRxira watchmen have been hired, butthis is the only precaution which we havet.-k- I di not thmk that any pauperlator will be Imported unless the strikesh uld b' prolonged." .

..f the i hlneee crisis tsays waiterWellmant. when he was up to hla earsin work and anxiety. t hear from thrllpa of William, his faithful messenger,these words: "Mr. Secretary, tbe New

L L. McCand less. 30: J. L. Kaulukou.2: Krux h Johnson, tt: H It Hitchcock22: L J. Mci'ab- -. ; F '. T Water-hous- e.

17: W. J. Coelho. 17. and S. M.latnon. 1.1

As the committee had A&cMcd 'bat thfirst six receiving a majority of votesshould b- - dnetafed el--t- ed. the chair-man announced M ssrsv M "and!- - vs.Kaulukou Johnon. iBtchco-- andMcCabe elected. A ti- - vote on Watr-hous- e

and jCoe'ho w a wrmounced. anda new balolt was e::sr for the two. re-sulting in Cnetbe recel'bxg i and Wa-terhou-

12 votes. Coelho waa declaredthe sixth member of thr nominees se-lected by the Fifth District.

Th e committee adjourned.

ax. afthat la

thehe-- L I. l 'andleas' name was mentioned

aa a nominee for iV lower house ofTork want yon to step to theHay gasped, caught." Mr. . legislature he rose to his feet In' heart

Latest 8ugar Prices.N K W YORK. Sept. 18. -S- ugar-Raw.

firm; fair refining. 4 l-- centrifugal, 9C

Be; molasses sugar, 4c. Refined

In the nick of time, recover- - Rnror ant protested against his nam..I Ma dlt.lomatlc urbanity, ami rrpiie i. ,

b.-ir.- uae. In that connection.I have been knifed by somr one inn Hay that the secretary expreaaea deep

6.50c; pow dered , 6. 25c ,Firm: crushed,granulated. 6.15c.

this committee." said he. his oice ris-ing as h- - indignantly made hla protest.r.arrt that Juat at thla moment he la

. rv much engrossed In Important, "I waa knifed in the contest. nrh - I'nfortunatalT what he said ; . . ..... T . i .ki-- 1 Music is sometimes divided into twopn i.mr ..!... i.i. br.-at- could not. undrr tne i ssrs, sacred and profane. For pmr- -

Mr. Rosin Box: "My friend, you don'tlook welL"

Mr. Violin: "No; I'm completely un-

strung.' Judge.

Minister of War Castro of Salvadorhas been executed because of a plot,which involved a murder, against thePresident of that country

1 -- A gtseaUb rules of the telephone exchangr. he srnt The committeemen of the Fourth Dls- - ticulars as to profane music, go to afrWSX ;trtct gathered around tne room in wnicn , sacred concert- - Boston Transcript.Orraly. over Ihe

Page 4: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the


born in Dresden February 25, 1859, wasa captain in Uie First K-gi- t of UhNEWS OF WORLD BLOCK

4 4 Great Haste is Not

Always Good Speed.


Commercial Advertiser CONDENSED

Discount remains nigh in London.liompeis preuu wm,w - .Peking, wii.cn aaas to xnc compi.ta-iminei- s.

, lions. It is bilived that their obj.ct THINGS TOR THEDINING TABLE !

Some very neat patterns in

Tabic Cloths, Napkins, Doylies

Hatch & Foote. broK.-r- s H -- e ioiKhave an,U j

be punished.KtugeeP ire leaving Galveston by

lhe hui.drtds. '2Another storm in Nome harbor has

cost several lives.Kearsarge Day at portsmoutn, w. n.,

mijw: v j "" A

San Francisco has ratse-- i ao mt wwvfor the stenn victims.

Marcus Daly, the capitalist. :s suffer-- ,i,:c from heart trouble

F.rst Lieutenant L. E. Hi Four.hInfantry, has resigaeu

There is a growing eastern marketfor California redwood. '

...... .uaiveaion ve u--- .

Tiie tinet line ever imported in

IRISH and AUSTRIAN'uuiiu utj me mm .... 'private soiater. captain Aietueston, in;

Ah the church.s of Galves.cn ar)a fit of tempfrary insanity, attacked!either wrecked or rained. I men of company, shot one or more anJ

B. H. Sothern s -- Hamlet receive ! was sJlol himself in getf-defen- se. Far-war- m

praise in New xorK. ther particulars wh-- n received."


PHONE 157.



lans and a Chevalier or the order oi imk i lie was unm-irrird- .? e Uuss.ans. it is rumored, are rap

idly pushing into Mai.churia, wheiv anIndications Dolnt to extensive op?ra- -

tior.s before the arrival of winter. Theyhave suspended work on the railroad to j

in this is U) compa ti,(. other powersto cos nt to the .lestruction of Peking

FourU,Pn:h United States Ir.fantry and000 Boxers at Motao (Matow), on the

road tQ png. Americans madea gallant stand, and a detachment ofBengai Lancers, near by, hearing the

innnp, came to tntir rescue ana cnai- -

ed the Boxers in the rear Tno chi- -nese were routed, leaving 200 dead. TJieAmericans had no casualties.

; neral Mai-Arthu- r reports under;date of September 16: "Charles Mc-Quest-

captain Fourth Unit.d StatesInfantry, died y.sterday at Mangjnone,liacor, Cavite province, 8:30 evening.f rom a gunsnot wcui d caused by ai

K. . l. n Linus ns v.i t.,v and'her son, Lloyd Osbourne. are buildingtwo houses on Lombard street. Sap.Francisco, and interd to make the'rhome in that city. Sine- - the death ofthe great novelist Mrs. Stevenson hasbeen traveling, and these two hous.-- s

are modeled after some she saw whilein Portugal. They will be architecturalnovelties and will face each other. The!family Income has been mateiially In- -tirascu u me smxf isiui ciramHiizauoaof Stevenson's "Prince Otto."

The national wholesale druggists arein session at Chicago. They favor anational pure food law to regulate theInspection of drugs by a general lawinstead of, as at present, by the lawsOf the various States. A memorial willbe prepared for Congress embudvlne theclaims of the druggists that the presentfetate laws cenrlict ar.d injure the drugtrade. Modification of the war stamptax will also"be urged. Before the ad-journment on Friday the associationsexp' ct to have a committee on its wayto Washington to present their projectsbefore th congressional committees.

The conference of the Institute ofJournalists, held in London under thauspices cf Lord Mayor Newton, pass-ed a number of remarkable resolutions,the results of which are awaited with agreat deal of curiosity. For instance,hereafter if the dictated of the Insti-tute are obeyed, editors must refrainfrom inviting contributions from per-sons of wealth, position, society, etc..because they thus deprive of valuablespace those who are Journalists by pro-fession and have no other means oflivelihood. It was resolved also to forma committee whose duty It is to investi-gate charges against papers manipulat-ing items of news or unduly expand-ing cablegrams. Another committeewas appointed to draw up a scheme forthe examination of all persons aspiringto a newspaper career,

The State Department has receiveda dispatch from the Consul at Fuchau,China, transmitting a copy of an agree-ment entered into between the Viceroyand Tartar general of Fuhkien provinceand the foreign consuls at Fuchau,which provides in substance that theChinese will do everything in their pow-er to protect the lives and property offoreign officers, merchants and mis-sionaries resident in Fuhkien and atAmoy; that central and southern Chinashall not be attacked by the foreienpowers so long as the local authoritiesmaintain order, and that the admiralsof the several nations will be informedthat it Is not advisable that a num-ber of naval vessels should visit Fu-chau. lest the people be alarmed. Theagreement is signed by the Russian.I'nited States. Japanese, British andFrench consuls, and by Viceroy HsuYlng Kuey and General Shan Lien


A distinguished scientist has seri- -


9''V." " 'Vt"".'"-- .- - I

' '--

A-- '

f fllIf- J:ir' "1 1 Jfl

To it I owe my


is a TonicandJttW'nourishing qoalitiesjttiiany Tonic'or'bewaoe 'u

the market

Lovejoy & Go



- r ' . la NeW York);nn.ists to o.- - a great succ sm.

There are but 16.UU ) regular troopsleft In the United States proper.

It is now der.Ld th t the Tana :a dis-

trict of Alaska is rich In gold.ix persona perished In a Front street,

Cincinnati, tire on Sepiember is.Yucatan rebels have attacked Govern-

ment troops, and a big battle is on.Russia refuses to chancre her plans,

and will not withdraw from Peking.Russians are repairing the telegraph

lire between Hen-Tai- n and Peking.The big trees In Santa Cruz county,

jf'al., are in danger from forest fires.American Steel .nd Wire Company's

plants are resuming work at Pittsburg.Crok r says that New York city wi 1

give a Democratic majority of 100,000.Colorado Republicans have named

Frank C. Gcudy of Denver for gover-nor.

i otlK tt Is trying to get control cfthe National Sporting Club of Lon-don.

Gerrge E. Smith, "Pittsburg Phil,'-wil- l

leave the turf. He says it does notpay.

The transport Lawton will make butone trip to Nome to relieve the indigentminers.

The Germans have captured andburned the town of Tiang, killing 100Boxers.

All the powers have accepted LI Hungi'harg as a negotiator. He Is now ii'Tien-Tsl- n.

M"Xlco's national holiday was observ-ed In some of the old Spanish towns ofCalifornia.

President McKinley has directed thatthe Government of the Philippines bliberalized.

Colorado Indians are stealing cattleand threatening to make war on womenand children.

McKinley will not receive delegationsin this campaign, owing to the situationin the Orient.

Ex-Gover- D. H. Chamberlain, anId time Republican leader, has come

out for Bryan.John B. Randolph, the well known art

critic of New York, was killed by afall down a staircase.

A bill has been introduced in theMexican Congress appropriating $:iJ,ooefor the Galveston sufferers.

Hamilton. Kans., a town of 300 peo-ple, was visited by a tornado and suf-fered much property damage.

Butte, Mont., has 30,470 people, an in-crease cf 19,747 since 1890. Sacramentohas 29.282, against 26.386 In 1890.

In the Goebel trial James Stubblefieldtestified that James Howard boasted ofhaving tired the shot that killed Goe-bel.

The Department of the Interior willsupply aid to the Pima Indians of Ari-zona, whose H"lds are suffering from

lack of Irrigation water.A squadron of the Sixth Cavalry will

leave to relieve a native Christian vil-lage which was attacked by Boxers,forty-si- x miles southeast of Peking.

.Montreal loses the Elder-Oemnsteriou-

Transatlantic line, w hich goes to Bos- -

The Honolulu TobaccoCompany, Ltd

Uaa Received x' "Aostrsns" from New or

The World Renowned Brau.i ot '"IfiARH

Lillian Russell,1L' KLKAST CIGAR can be porchuedtarURITAnOo. CE(T8 ONrY



Many people trust to lucktO pull them through, and areoften disappointed. Do notdilly-dall- y in matters ofhealth. With it you canaccomplish miracles. With-

out it you are no good."Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels andblood healthy by the use of Hood s Sarsa-pariil-a,

tlie faultless blood purifier.

Cores "Three dreadful sores brokeout on my limb, Tvhxch svelled so I hid to

walk 'with crotches. cAfter taking Hood" sSarsaparillj. (he sores were completely

Mrs. Kezia Wcstbrook, Cheboygan,

ITvir PWr etint !ivr i'!a: the arilonly calhurO Ui takj wuii ikmd'n Sarsapnr.Ua.



People It.

Just sick enough to feel heavy-heade- d,

lazy and shiftless, to have no ap-petite, to sleep badly, to have what youeat feel like lead In your stomach.

Not sick enough to take to bed, butJust sick enough to not know what todo.


MaltNutrineThat's what you ought to do a good

sensible tonic that will sharpen yourappetite and put new go into yournerves and muscles. Come to-d- ay andbegin taking it right away. You'll findJust what your system needs right here.It Is Just what It's name implies.

25cts. a bottle.



' a



Pine Line-- OF-

Peterson'sOffice Desks


Just Opened.j

Hundreds in use in this city



W KDN es day SEPT. 2C


'The Territorial Republican Committee

is more acceptable than we daivd hopefor. Its points of contract are amongits strong points. With J. A. Kennedyat the head there would seem to be noreason why all Republicans should notbe on good terms with each other forthe rest of the campaign.

The Humane Officer says thai Tram- -

..r fain out mules which are '

too old for the business. He also sends,.. mm to,. nU ,mi maintains trackage ;

too old. In fact Tramrar P.i;n has suenreverence for antiquity that he oughtto be e!" tod a corresponding memberof the Al heologlcal Bociety.

Mr. A. V. Gear was strongly urged byhis friends In the Fourth D.strict as aSenatorial candidate, and much of thefriction in the district had arisen inconsequence. Mr. Gear decided yester-day afternoon however, that in the in-

terest of harmony and the j arty hewould not allow his name to go beforethe convention. He is entitled to creditfor this course. Mr. Gear is a trimsparty worker and the ticket will re-

ceive the full benefit of his support.

Mr. Damon does not say he is a Dem-

ocrat and it is hardly probable that heagrees with any of the principles ofthat party. As a conservative bankerhe must be In favor of the gold stand-ard; as one of the original members ofthe Annexation cabinet he can hardlybe set' down as an opponent of expan-sion. For good reasons that weneed not state he could not denouncetrusts wttl.out blushing. We can mere-ly assume, therefore, that Mr. Damonhas loaned his name without interestto the Democracy and has refus.d tosubscribe to the Kansas City platform.

The platform of a rarty should bemade with deliberation. Generally thenational platforms are a slow growth.Weeks before the convention meetsparty leaders are asked to suggestplanks and when their advices are allIn the political generals-ln-chie- f sit incouncil and decide what they want.Then a competent writer for the press,usually an Editor like Charles EmorySmith or the late Manton Marble, putsthe platform together and the com-pleted work goes before a politicalboard of survey which turns it over atthe proper time to the platform com-

mittee of the National Convention. Ifsome such care had been taken withthe Hawaiian Republican platform thatstructure would be much sounder thanIt is. At least there would have beenno omissions of a plank endorsing theNational Administration, not to speakof plank commending the Territorialone.I


The Republican delegates to the Ter-

ritorial convention deserve the ap-

proval of their fellow citizens. Theyhave nominated for Delegate In Con-

gress the man who can command morevotes than any other Republican In

Hawaii. Furthermore they have elect-

ed a representative Central Committee,and aa s'rong an executive committeeas could be asked for. All their workis well done.

The Oahu delegates at the conven-als- o

tlons held last night nominatedstrong tickets.

Probably every man In town can In

f.ve minutes construct a ticket whichwill suit himself better than that offer-ed by any party convention, but itmust be remembered that a party con-

sists of many trades, professions, na-

tionalities and prejudices, which areentitled to be heard. The Republicanticket Is necessarily composite but t Isclean, honrst and of more than averageability. The ticket was chosen aftermuch Internal friction and all whomthe respective factions wanted are noton It, largely because there are notplaces enough to go around. The i.etresult, however, is a ticket in which thedifferent elements of the party are giv-

en fair representation by men unob-jectionable to the other sides. It Isa ticket which every' fair minded citi-zen can conscientiously work and votefor, with the knowledge that he is r.otpromoting a private machine. The onceconflicting sections of the party can

nd will Ignore their previous differ-ences, and work heartily In support ofthe nominees as a whole.

With three tickets in the fiel.i thnRepublicans have no walk-ove- r, butthey have such a good fighting changethat the situation should and will callout all the working talent in the party.There Is no cause for sulking and therewill be none, nor any half-hearte- d

work. When all the Republicans inHonolulu move together, the momen-tum Is tremendous. The outlook forsuccess Is better than at any time sincethe campaign opened. Patience, goodnature and hard work will win.

fThe Old Kearsage.

WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. --Sec ret a ryLcng will be at Portsmouth. N. H.. todayat the presentation of the historic tabletcemmemorattve of tho old Kearsarge,which was built In the Portsmouth yard,to the new battleship Kearsarge. Immedi-ately thereafter It Is expected that Secre-tary Long will return to Washington torume his duties. In the meantime Ad-miral Crownlnshleld, chief of the Bureauof Navigation, Is acting Secretary of theNavy.

Salisbury in ranger.LONDON. Sept. 18. There was an un-

usual gathering of uniformed police andScotland Yard detectives at Klng"s Crossrailroad station this morning, awaitingthe arrival of Lord Salisbury from hiscountry seat, it Is said that since thePremier's return to Hatfield he has re-ceived an anonymous letter of a characterwhich has led to increased police

suggested the sinking of boilers SMOKrLD BLOATERS.HOLLAND HERRINGS,



wuf .. me Rial., uauc vi me i.anaua-- , rom. n a xuei, saia a prominentRailway, which goes to Que- - glneer of the city. "That sounds rath- -

A' tramp, taken out of a box car Bf)ZSS'j i?t52Stockton, Cal.. had fasted seven days, l , necessaryand was almost blinded for want of i

"ol1 water. but a scheme of the same,light. He had entered the car at New . sort was urged w ith great energy backOrleans. in the sixties by a Washington inven- -

It is rumored In Johannesburg that tor named Foraln.. "! J?0

SALTER & WAITflGrocers. Fort StreetOrheum Block

Received By S. S. Australia:


correspondent of the Tribune. mathematician of ability. The internalThe American Sheet Steel Company heat of the earth is supposed to equal

and the Republic Iron and Steel Oom- - ,abut one degree to the 100 feet of pen-lan- yhave entered an arrangement by 'etration, but he claimed to have discov-v.hie- hthe former withdraws from the ered that the percentagemerchant bar trade and the latter fTOTO 'much was very

trreiter and Increased insheet production. i corn- -

The Democratic National Committee pouml ratio aft' a certain depth wascptttptelna of light contributions from reaehcd- - He urged out an elaboratewealthy Democrats. Clark of Montana table and proposed to sink a hiuremay give $25,000 instead of $5:0,00 and shaft, with accumulators at the bot-,VV- 7'

J?''1"10"1 Ravo. 10'000- - out of torn, from which unlimited steam wouldPnYlommSSon9 ' supplied to the service. All that was

Gilb-- rt Parker, the novelist was nefded wa million dollars capi-- h

sen by the Conservatles at Graves- - to pay for the digging of the plant,end as their candidate for the House and he immediately set to work toof Commor s at the coming general elec-- ! raise the amount.tlon. Owing to the relative position of "Forain

le2toTrm thiS Ch0lC? W ?iJ'4ornUBaron Von Est veld.;.' secretary of the V ! compan'' i meanwhileCongo Free State, is about to resign, calculations were assailed by sclen-hi- s

Office. It is reported that his action' tIsts and il was shown pretty clearly

is partly due to the Cad that he that the figures were incorrect. Hewith the recent scandals Plied with great bitterness, and thegrow ing our of the operations of com- -' scheme went to in the shock of

ZJTounCrT S that eXI' !olU"8lthe controversy. Vhat became ' Fo-rrin- ce

Alb'-- rt of Saxony v as killed in, aln 1 knOW- - If tne PWe 13

a carriage accident at Wolkau, a short ever af,tually solved I suppose he will

UNDERWEAR, a fine assortment.AT-


j deep enough to use the heat of the

" If my memory is correct Foraln was

ue Ilaanea out of the limbo of cranksand missionaries to take his properplace in history."


We Have Just ReceivedAn Assortment of the Latest in

Side Combs,Back Combs


(uaiance mm Dreaden. He was theruth son of Prince Frederick George ofSaxony, brother of the King. He was


Hair Dressing in the latest styles.

Manicuring, Scalp Treatment. j

Shampooing and Face Massage.




Page 5: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the



At the Bethel Street Store of thek K. PI A, one of the candidates notrinated on the Democratic ticket at the

convention last Honda) night, has refused the nomination. Ptt said yes-terday t'.iat he was lcminated hy the Democratic nartv without anv ire- -

vi' M notice."I am not a Democrat," said Pua.ft.- - further stated that he had told th? 'Democrats so before the convention.PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Ltd I na declared that he is an I ndept-r.derit- . He said that his affiliation with thai

On account of removal from King Street, and to makeroom for a car load of New Goods on the way,

We Are Closing Out

party is such that he cannot accept the honor which has been offered to nimby the Democratic party. There is a cfrtair.ty that Pua will be one of the Inde-- .

mb-ii- t candidates for the next l,eg;s'Ht' re."The nomination made at the Democratic convention last Monday night was

miely .in endorsement." said he a. "liecause th.--y know that I will be. 'ict-- d d.i one of the candidates for tht It:l. pendent party."

I ua was present at the ear'y part of the Democratic convention last Mondayj

l isht.'but, having been informed by his friends of the intention of Hie Demy-- 1

irutf. he left th.' hall s.'n aftei the lomin.-'tior- . of Prince David.yesterday morning Pua received notification of bis nomination by the Demo-r- al

i'arty He has not replied, for he thii ks that his publi - declaration in the! "!" rs that he is an Independent w ill conflmi the Democrat- that he will worksoly for t'nat party.

Pua re. -- ied his education at the Royal School and is regarded as one of theIrtellbjenl young men Of his race. He Is g pun- - Hawaiian. In lS'.c be representedthe lateral party in the House from the Fifth Disirtct.

Pua was a passenger on the Klnau yesteiday for Hawaii. He will visit Northand South Kohaia. Hamakua and probabl.' Ililo In behalf of the Independentparty.

The following Is a communication addressed by Pua to the Advertiser:



8lTTEBsPure BloodIs the best defense against disease andHostetter's Stomach Bitters makeshealthy blood. If you want to get welland keep well, take it regularly. It willkeep the bowels active and cures allsuch stomach disorders as dyspepsia.Indigestion, sluggish liver, weak kid-neys, malaria, fever and ague. See thata PRIVATE REVENUE STAMP cov-ers the neck of the bottle.



STOVES.One and Two Burter



Kdttor Advertiser: I noticed in this mc t iling's paper fliat the Democratic p;ir-t- y

has honored me with the nomination e n their ticket for Representative forthe Fifth District, island of Oahu. for Which I thank them. Allow me to publiclystate that my affiliation with the Independent party absolutely prevents my ac-- o

pting any honors from the Democrats or others in the campaign that is now onth,. issues are such that the Hawaiian element cannot afford to reieat the mis-

takes of the past. "United we stand, divid 1 are fall." Is our watchwoid.Yours for success. s. K. PUA.


YOUNG CHRISTIANSA SafeguardAgainstSickness




LTD. I Much Work Scheduled for thePACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Great ProgressOF THE

Impersonates Policeman andVictimizes Punchbowl

Merchants.Tro As-ociatio- in

Next few Dave.s,I Fisher'sThere will he a bible study rally nex

unday afternn at the Young Men'"hristian Association. The rally wlltake the place of the regular meeting Pianos

Dont Eat

Sour BreadAt 4 o'clock Dr. Smith, the president o

ahu College, will deliver an addresn "Bible Study." Special music will

Frank Ferreira. deputy hack inspec-tor, yesterday unravelled a police affairwhich has mystified the departmentfor a week or two pant. Several Por-tuguese storekeepers doing business onth- - slopes of Punchbowl complained totbC Hiirh Sheriff that a Hawaiian re-

presenting himself as being connectedwith the department had visited theirsi 'fes and required them to submittheir licenses for inspection.

The pretended officer of the Govern-ment in most casvs stated that the li-

censes were faulty and were not valid.If the storekeepers kept them posted up

he provided. The pastors of the vari-ous local churches will also preach


sermons on that day on some phase

m'tlow )


f bible study.The three regular Sunday afternoon

lasses. Beginners. I'evotional and

And make yourself and children sick,

when you can get the very best and

most wholesome bread In the city for

the same money, from the

Evangelistic, will b- - held at T o'clockin their stablishments they would he fttr the rally.

The Personal Worker's class will

From a small beginningthe Fisher Piano has grownto be not only one of tnebest known pianos mads,but Its sale has reaebed apoint where it is near!?double that of any Pianomanufactured in this or anyothe. country. All this hasbeen accomplished, practi-cally speaking, within thpast ten years. Not onlythis, but It has received thhighest testimonials frommany of the greatest vocal-ists and pianists that thworld has ever produced. ItIs in daily use in leadingschools and colleges every-where, and has receivehighest rewards whereverpublicly exhibited. ChicagoIndicator.

We sell the Fisher Pianea,

ommem e next Friday week at b:SO p.m.

A Lih't' class for the soldiers at Camp'trows Urger with each day unless it

n due to the (art of its becomingtter while ko in- - pa-,- - with grow h.

latent style are oarpaMin in make and quality.

liable to a fine and possibly a revoca-tion of their license to carry on busi-ness.

Th- - Impel" Ho II f the licenses endedIn the Hawaiian telling them that hehail the authority to make whateveireport he desired. A request for seventy-f-

ive cents or a dollar usually ended

Mi Kinley was started last Sunday andwill be continued every week. The

New EnglandBakery.

I Id game c ourse t study will be pursued asbeing followed by the Beginners'

!as.The .weekly,, classes in Arithmetic.

:ngiish and Mechanical Drawing will

me investigation and the Hawaiianpromised to state to the departmentthat "that it was all righj."CLOTHING

Boys' andChildren's

meet this evening at the Association.High Sheriff Brown detailed Frank vera! additional pupils have sent in also Decker Bros, and Web-ber Pianos, Story & Clarkroil all a to watch the Portuguese

business neighborhood, and yesterday their names during the past week. and Chicago Cottage Or-gans, and several other finsAn athletic fuaetice will be held thismorning he observed a man inspecting afternoon at the Drill Shed ground,the license jf a Chinese storekeeper makes.

Oaor Intending participants in the com- - jing thi near the I'.eretania street pumping stasooth wo offer oar large and well electedprice. Call and examine it. tlon. He rrverheard the man say that ing games. The entry bianKs I r tne

field day events have been printed and j

Their DELICIOUS CAKES. PIEand BREAD ar made of the best A

No. 1 material, and by experienced

white workmen.

If you try our bread once you will

certainly use none other.

J. Oswald Lutted,

verytning would he made all right for 1 fill m :ire being circulated.The Moor of the gymnasium has been i

a bribe of seventy-fiv- e cents and heplaced the man under arrest. He pave

- r r: a John M .kuula.THE "KASH" LTD.questioned as to his reasons for

lined out for baseball, basket-ba- ll andhandball purposes. The diamond ispainted red, the bandbaU lines whiteadd the basket ball diagram black. Ajexhibition game of indoor baseball wlIM

the storekeepers he stated tht

Merchant Street.idea "Just came Into his head." He Isetwrged ith biTeallgatlon and win be iirruiicp. two rroqii, two tiliphoneb.

r n. oa. Us. M and re.i ,ti Mir..' a i

- r pr of fort and Hotl P'rti. tried this murniK in Police court plnyed next Saturday evening.A uHeetWr! meeting will be held nextijuit- - a muaoer or rortuguese were

victimized. Sorm- - of the licensi s taken Monday night: there are over fifty ns

for membership.by Mokunla have not been fecovered

ft Great Variety of Miss Anna M. Reynolds, general sec- - j

retary of the World's Young Women's j

christian Association Is a passenger onthe Nippon Maru due here next Satur- - j

day. Miss Reynolds, who is going to


Phone 74. Manager


Supplies!DOLLARS ON ICEPi:oves aT-



Japan in the Interests of the work,has been secretary of the Associationsince its organization in 1'i:!. Sincet! en she h;;s traveled all over the

orld.The Travel Club of the Young Wo-

men's Chris? .ri Association met lasterasing and commenced the study' of


Prestidj'e Lights the Punand Chillingworth Ex-

plodes in Court.WDoniy nve cases Were set lor In


Ve have been selling the famous


yesterday's Ii.fclct Court. Of Uti numGUARDIAN MAKES DEMAND.! bar only two came to anytlTlnir.

itf r : . ir.;im i rif li'iue or trpneum tame goIteninto troubi. throtiah h brathig the D m


I ocrati.- - por-w- o by discharging firj cracker last nicht in front of the O

pi etim.or

Nraui' loflers tad Cxtra Castings for all Stovev Degpty Sheriff 'hilling ortthe pyn technics and Mr. Prestldge told

H OTT 7S"7g K,Na SThim to aes the hfifs. following his remarksby iicnitinv a particularly vicious bunchof explosives. This action precipitatedtrouble anil the finale occurred In the Po-- 1

(?"ourt."I d n't want to rub it into the beaso- -'

rats." remarked the Judge, lK'causo

Heir cf Lazarus Estate Wants MoneyFrom J. S. Walker.

Henry Smith, guardian of the estate'f Mriam Nmi Lazarus, a minor,which is involved in the estate of Jos-eph Lazarus, deceased, has made ademand in the First Circuit Court, up-

on John S. Walker, to deliver to him7gg, which be alleges is now in the

hands of Mr. Walker. He asks thatthe matter be settled Immediately.

In response to the petition so filedby Henry Smith. Judge Humphreys is-su- ed

an order citing J. S. "Vaalker toappear before him at his Chambers inthe Judiciary building, on Tuesday.October 2. at 10 o'clock a. m.. and showcause why the prayer of Henry Smith'spetition should not be granted. The



I they're up against it hs It ts. I don'tHgpo there will be a repetition of the"frnse for unite a while, as It will he

Giving complete satisfaction Inhundreds of Honolulu homes.Always pleased to talk and showKroeger Instruments. If you areinterested, whether ready to buyor not, come in. Other standardmakes, also.


la long time before the DemocratsDelightful Glass! have occasion to burn red ore again,i Defendant walked out of court with areprimand.

Ten dollars and costs! llow'd vou like. I... . V. T t . . . . 1 .1 . V. . . 'L ' I I'," lllJ I' Clliail . I .l A II lUe II litl '1. i . lii 'i.t. . rfi. -.n n rt . 0oo swks tne hlce, punslea up t:ils sum I

uimakaole Lazarus. Alexander Lazarus,for chastising a 'mall boy, to wit, oneIan Kaval.

"F'R CmaXHII appriir what we Mil 'hem. Tayt wtr w. i.e. and the pure fruit flaTora.

OUR ICE CREAM. Made fma lne cream and real fruit flaeora

Joseph O. Carter, as trustee under thewill of Eleazer Lazarus, deceased, andAdelaide Rawson, now Juen. of thetime and place of hearing. Hill Alt I.

Jt appeared that the defendant went totne rescue of his delivery boy. who wasI ir pommeled by Kawai. and swung

.lie- latter Individual around by the 'arThos. 6. Thrum i... . . . . . I The netit'.oner states that he oualifiedne. rai nm'" wsnif a'iminisf-rin- sever- - i " . "CHECKERING PIANODEALERS.12Z FORT STREET.

il half-ar- jolts. Mauldenhauer pleaded . as tne guaraian oi Aiiricm .aomi ' az- -t

pan wa. chewing his finger and that I arus. a minor, on July V,. 1300. and thaA(be had to resort so force in order to ef-jh- is ward is a residuary devisee underfeet th.tt member's r. lease. Dan denied the w in of joserih iz'arus. her share

In and said that the finger got into-rl- s.JT Z..TZ. being an undivided one-fift- h in said es-- roiith as the result or a punch in the i

r,., ( tate. and that she has no property oth- -

i Wilcox cave his vote to the er than said Interest. The minor is

Alarm, Cabinet,onolulu Drug Co.,mall bsjgr with the result stated alove. now nine years of age and the mother

Hall and Onyx

eLoeKs.i n Holt Klnt-k- . KIni? Street. IN THfcNEGATIVE.HIGH SCHOOL FILLED.

has been obliged to expend a large sum(

of money In preparing her child to re-- j'

ceive an education. The amount whichthe guardian states is in the hands ofJ. S. Walker, should be sett' - the j

distributive share of said m':He alkge3 there are a!s ts 1 -

wnEN I BAYAKo, a very etenive ussort-men- tof

Hawaiian Souvenir JewelryGolf Shirts Photographs.A- T-

estateleoted..j. hasminor.- now

longing and accruing to t

which should be promptlybut no part of the rents, lvever been paid to or for Mand the collection of the ren


B URT'S JEWELER. neglected. Don't give the subject a negativeHe asks that a receiver be appointed thought, as I attend to the negative

r ... , . . . . . ja i thfiro 1q tt'hfra tba mAct c'orocaf nt ri n- -


ALL COLORSRtdured to

No Room for More Students in ThatInstitution.

According to the reports of Prof.Scott of the High School that institu-tion Is crowded to its capacity and nomore students can be received there.For some time there has been muchcrowding of the pupils and Prof. Scottreported some days ago that there walscarcely room to move about In thehuildine. Now he has decided that nomore tan be taken if they apply.

From the other schools the reportsi are more encouraclng. While at the, Kaiulani school there are nearly S00pupils it does not appear that that

.number will be exceeded and at theKaahumanu school there Is still room

j for more new comers. The smallerschools are the most crowded but

to the larger schools accom-modations ought to be found for allpupils who come.

BUMWESS CHANCES. i mrmwun in receive tne rents uuring - - -i, r.t , ,ri togxaphy lies.75cpUlDS " "" Z "l l ' I will get a good negative, a KOOd

print, and a good mount, and you wLlget a good photograph.

EACH,fins bbM

"I see that somebody was badly in-

jured In a game of golf the other day.""What was the matter? Did he insiston calling his brassie a stick?' " Chi-cago Herald.

' r in om WTWDOW w. also sarrr a


In a light manufacturlna business;l.rs;e profits; quick returns. Rare op-portunity for a sMent or active partnerAddress "Manufacturer," this office,




n7 the hlgheat Tafle of RED RUrf-BE- R

Is used in tha Btampa made b7tba HAWAIIAN OAZETTB CO.

There is only one reas-- n why you "

shouldn't drink Xeaae Moore "AA" Only the highest , afle of RED RLB--Whiskey that's becao e y u have sign- - LER 1 nsed In the Stamps mfi by,ed the pledge. the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO, .HOTEL fTRErr.

Page 6: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the


TO RUN THE NEraiiiI J"st Arrived- -

fur six months at hiring fairs, the girlsreceiving board and only a low wage j

because their ignorance hitherto hasmade them only fit for the roughestwork.

It is, however, more astonishing thatgirls from these poor little homesshould know anything at all about ser-vice than that they should be. as someOf course are, bad servants. Their own j

J. LAND, i

fort Street. - - Near King.


New lines of CREPE, NEGLIGEE.;


CAMPAIGNPer Ex Diamond HdUki E. B. Sutton, i .


ier, Qiant Powder, bEHats. Cans. G. P. rw LBlrPAJAMAS ami NIGHT SHIRTS.


BOYS' and MEN'S CLOTHING.Symour's Celebrate a2?i

homes have mud floors, windows thatdo not open, no stairs, hardly anykitchen utensils, no range, the cookingscarcely extends beyond boiling pota-toes and cooking griddle cake, how canthey know even the names, still lessthe uses, of the thousand and onethings in our houses? How learn toscrub, or sweep, or dust? Yet givena short training (not too late in life)and a good example, there is not a ser-vant the world over to compare with a

Republicans Are NowOrganized.


iheart, CaneButcher Knives, wSSiftPaint and Varalh n- -WHITE DUCK COATS and PANTS


LIGHTHousekeeper'sDining Outfit.


ARTICLES:6 Dinner Plates.6 Soup Plates.6 Tea Pla.es.6 Cups and Saucers.2 Meat Dishes.2 Vegetable Dishes.1 Salad Bowl.1 Tea Pot.1 Gravy Boat.1 Sugar Bowl.1 Butter Dish.1 Spoon Holder.1 Milk Jug.6 Fruit Plates.1 Fruit Dish.1 Water Jug.

y 6 Water Glasses.6 Salt Cellars.3 Pepper Shakers.1 Vinegar Bottle.1 Oil Bottle.1 Mustard Pot.6 Knives.6 Forks.6 Soup Spoons.6 Tea Spoons.


DDp'it for theOVERALLS.

good Irish servant. She has a heartwhich is wholly given to her mistress,she never degenerates into a mere rna-ehin- e,

and she may be trusted to clingeven closer in times of trouble, sick-ness or poverty than when all goessmoothly.

Eugene Hendry Named as Perman-

ent Secretary, Col. Fisher


GATE CITT WATER riLTP1CTAD a k r-t- j. . .FOR SALE. Aermotor Wmdmllls

mllta ever come to th!, ajflTo Ship Owners,Agents, Contractors

ETC. NAVY GAZETTE The above article mm; u .LOWEST BEDROCK PRICKScall and examine for yoarwn

The hamei 0 James A Kennedy, per-

manent chairman, and Eugene R. Hen-

dry, permanent secretary, now head theRepublican Central Territorial Commit-tee. Both were selected yesterday morn-

ing at the Republican headquarters bythe Territorial central committee cbos-- -

n on Monday evening at the conven-tion. From now on during the remain-der "f the campaign th-s- e two officerswill serve the Republican party.

The committee met at 9 o'clock. Mr

We hart now a full equipment ofOrVTNQ GEAR and APPARATUS,frith competent divers, who are pre-are- d

to do any and all kinds of workcaeu:ng their services.

W . '. give estimates for all work ofIfcla kind on short notice.


No. 1 Business property on SmithStreet, between Pauahi and Bere-tanl- a

Streets.No 2. Residence property on Punch-

bowl Street, near Vineyard Street,suitable for Cottages.

No. I. Fine suburban property front-ing on McCully Street and runningfrom Beretania to King Street. Willsell on easy terms, viz: Part InCash or approved Stocks or Bondsbalance on Mortgage.

News HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COof Uncle Sam'sOfficers.


Spreckels' Block.r O. Box (61.Baldwin called the meeting to order and

The Assignments and Promotionsof Officers Weil-Know- n to

Many Honoluluans.FOR SALE OR LEASEe


Well, now there'i thi

suggested the name of Mr. Kennedy tofill the office of temporary chairman.Tie m present were:

H. L. Holstein, W. J. Coelho. Andrewi 'ox. T. McCants Stewart. George F.Renton. H. P. Baldwin, P. N. Kaho-kuolun- a,

D. H. KahauWlio. A. N. Ke-Dofk-

Matt McCaitti. James iibb, B.

MATIVF Valuable business property, cornerKing and Smith Streets. AUG. 31. Lieut.

20th inst. revoked;5.

Asst. Surg. E. V

C. M. Fahs, orderto Franklin, Nov.

. Armstrong, sick ICE QUESTHFOR RENT. leave one month.

SEPT. L Capt E. Longnecker,HATS Tou know you'll need ice toiiorit's a necessity in hot wcaUmbelieve you are anxious to gumwhich will give you Batijfattta

LIGHTHousekeeper'sKitchen Outfit,


ARTICLES:1 Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stovs1 Soup Pot (Granite Iron).2 Sauce Pans (Granite Iron).1 Coffee Pot (Granite Iron).1 Cake Turner.1 Strainer.1 Egg Beater.1 Large Fork.1 Large Spoon.1 Large Knife.2 Vegetable Pans.1 Dish Pan.1 Oil Can.1 Funnel.1 Can Opener.1 Teakettle.1 Dipper.1 Milk Pail.1 Tea Container.1 Coffee Container.1 Toaster.

OFFICE SUITES in ModelA fewBlock. wea uKe to supply you. Ordr

The Odhu Ice

InAllStyles and Electric Co,

H. Wright, J. H. Fisher, J. P. Cooke,Charles Wilcox and J. V. Jones.

J. P. Ciookfe placed in nomination thenam.,- of James A. Kennedy for perma-nent chairman, and H. P. Baldwin pre-

sented the name of Eugene R. Hendryfor permanent secretary of the centralcommittee. Roth gentlemen were elect-ed unanimously.

Rules governing the actions of thecommittee were adopted.

CoL J. H. Fisher was appointed treas-urer.

The finance Committee was appointedby the chairman as follows:

J. W. Jones, Charles Wilcox, GeorgeH. Huddy, George F. Renton. H. P.Baldwin, J. Maguire and J. Gibb.

The executive committee, one of themost important in the campaign work,was made up as follows:

James A. Kennedy, chairman; J. P.Cooke, B. H. Wright. W. J. Coelho, T.McCants Stewart, J. Gibb. H. L. Hol-stein. A. N. ECepoikai and B. F. San- -

For particulars, apply to


Merchant Street.


Hoffman & Markham,Telephone 3151 Blue. Poetoffle

der 21st to examination for retirement,thence home and wait orders revoked.

Lieut. -- Comdr, F. H. Sherman, order29th to Solace revoked; detached Mont-gomery and to Bancroft as executiveand navigator.

I'. Insp. W. J. Thomson, to duty atPuget Sound Naval Station, Bremer-ton, Wash., Oct. 1, as general store-keeper.

A. Paym. E. C. Tobey, detached Pu-g- el

Sound Naval Station, Oct. 1, and toMare Island yard, Nov. 1, as assistantgeneral storekeeper.

P. Asst. Surg. C. M. DeValin, addi-tional duty at Navy Yard, Portsmouth,N. H.

SEPT. 4. Lieut. -- Comdr. H. Hutchins,to duty at League Island yard, Sept. 17,as equipment officer.

Lieut. -- Comdr. W. R. A. Rooney, de-

tached Bancroft; to home and wait or-ders.

Lieut. L. S. Thompson, relieved fromengineer duty on Vixen and to duty as

I T. Murata's 1


!111 Nuuanu. Tel. 114.

P. O. Box MS. our larsSee the abovefront window.

outfits in

4do w.Richard F. Daly, bette. known as

"Dick" Paly, is permanent sergeantat arms fr th- - central committee, andwill be on duty at the headquarters

bony Furniture, ,

Cigars and Tobaccos,Chinees and Japanese Tsaa,

Crockery, Mattings,Vases, Camphorwood Truka,

Ratan Chain.

Silks and Satins....Of A)'

110-21- 2 Nuuanu Street.

Consolidated Soia Water Works

Co., Limited.Esplanade, corner Allen and Fort Sts.

"aluring, the campaign as the secretary's' right hand man juieui. w . is.oesier, to line amy on

chair appointed upon the enroll- - Philadelphia, Sept. 20.


SUPPLIESDON'T ALLOW disgustir.rTh. KING STREET. dandruff on your hair and ciothin

Pacheco's Dandruff Killer tprompt and permanent cure

tnenl committee. J. H. Fisher, Charles Prof. Math. W. S. Harshman, to dutyWilcox, Andrew c,,x, Lewis J. McCabe. at Naval Observatory, Washington.James Gibb, George P. Kamauoha, D. Ensign W. M. Falconer, detached;Uld W' Smith wa and to engineer duty on Philadel- -

The're'was Ihia- - rd- - Au- - 27.a discussion upon the pol- -Icy of sending out speakers into the Asst- - SllrR- - T. M. Lippit, detacheddifferent islands yesterday on the Newark and to Monocacy. Ord. Julysteamers then departing from Hono-il- 8.

im i w m diseases of the scalp; it renovia

hair and is cool and I

Of OUR STORE you'll find seoree aatMm oC articles particularly suited foesnplng.

POODS of every sort In dlmlnatlvthead. It prevents that burs!n

HOLLISTER & CO., Agents.--tin, glass, wood and stsns

tasty for packing, handy o eat llttl

Itching sensation.


General Merchandise.

Changes Asiatic Station, per cableCommander-in-Chie- f, Sept. 3:

Asst. Surg. A. G. Grunwell, detachedMonocacy and to Brooklyn.

P. A. Paym. S. Bryan, detachedBrooklyn and to Yorktown.

SEPT. 5. Lieut. -- Comdr. J. P. S.Lawrence, to duty as inspector of ma-chinery at Thurlow, Pa.

Ueut. R. B. Higgins, detached fromduty as inspector of machinery at

lulu. However, as the committee hadhad so little time to prepare lists of eli-gible speakers, theS matter was defer-red.

The chairman asks that all personsdesiring to serve the Republican partyduring the balance of the campaign asspeakers should send in their names tothe secretary at once, either by post orin person. The committee 1st anxiousto settle upon the men who are to doproselyting political work on the otherislands, and wish to make their firstselections this Week.

AKKETS for carrying hampersn4 .( experience. For Ballast!

ONE AND ONE-HAL- F STORYhouse, corner of Victoria and Greenstreets (occupied at present by MajorRuhlen), containing parlor, dining-roo-

five bedrooms, bathroom, etc.Land 100 x 70 feet, with one-ha- lf of 10feet right of way. Price $7,00.

If required, can add land 50 x 70 feetwith small cottage, adjoining, for ad-ditional $1,200.

Parties looking for a homestead In aquiet neighborhood should call on AR-THUR HARRISON for further infor-mation. 6642

White and BlackIN QUANTITIES TO St

WAIPILOPILO, KAPALAMA,(Near Tramcar Stables).

Telephone 199. P. O. Box 1014.


Home Made PoiAT


Thurlow, Pa., and to continue duties atr COURSE you don't buy tfcs mm

tsrisns. but it's of great valus te ratocaus knowing how to pack caklas te Insure safe arrival, no breakage,ee lose whether transported evt


1 he Republican headquarters in theElite building were busy all day withthe meeting of committees. The tworooms engaged by the Territorial i en-tr- al

committee are located on the sec-ond floor, fronting on Hotel street. Thelarge room in the Ewa end of the hi... k

Dump Carts furnished by the (oaenntalns on pack saddle or carried tthe leaker of j our yacht.

an hour's notice.L FIREWOOD,Fresh Tuesdays and Fridays.

659. H2 Hotel Street. H. R, HITCHCOCIj'uoiepnoy'

R. Lewers Merchant Street in Office oecnj"will le used as a private office for Sec-Ir- e

tAry Hendry, Assistant Secretary Av-ery, and for the committee meetingsThe next room win be used .

F. J. Lowrey. C. M. Cooke.M. D. MonsarraU

Harlan & Holllngsworth Company'sworks, Wilmington, Del.

Lieut. J. M. Plckrell, to duty as in-

spector of machinery U. S. S. Illinois,Newport News, Va.

Naval Constr. R. P. Hobson. proceedto Navy Yard, New York, from hos-pital, Yokohama.

Paym. Clerk ft, . Metius. appoint-ment on nomination of Asst. Paym. E.

'. Tobey revoked. (Puget Sound NavalStation).

SEPT. 6. Lieut. -- Comdr. W. G. Han-nu-

to examination before retiringboard Sept. 25, thence home and waitorders.

Lieut. -- Comdr. C. E. Fox. detachedAlava and to proceed home.

Surjr. A. C. H. Russell, detached

LEWERS & COOKE. eption room, and will he in charge ofSergeant at Arms Daly.Fine desks and tables have already

Lewis & (So.OROCERS,

111 Fort Street.Telephone 24-0- .



lots to suit, cheap.Importers and Dealers In Lumber and

wotu piai eu in we rooms, and th y pre- - Company.sent a nanasomcommittee tabu- -

e appearanceoccupies the

A longcenter of

HI King St., next to BiHr' 1


wcreiarj s once. In the outer of-fice yesterday were piled up stacks oilliterature, thousands of printed Repub-lican platforms and other literaturewhich is to be sent broadcast over theIslands. Several t hous.--i .,, i ,.f



Waikiki Inn

Building Materials. Office414 Fort Street.

Custom House BlanksOf All Kinds




Always on Bantnaval hospital, Yokohama, and to pro- -

sprinted platforms were sent out on ves- - eei home and wait orders,terday's steamers. They were forward-- ! Pa' Inspector W. J. Thompson, order

d to members of the committee at Sept. 1 modified; to additional duty atTrunks, Furniture and Baf

Handled.. ' ' "l" 111 "awan. to Ruuet Sound Naval Station as nur- - Telephone 198.

U WJ (V&aat. the latter In.hand Dr. Sandow ill L "I chasing paymaster and paymaster of

JapaneseGoodsWe must make room for

our Holiday Goods alreadyordered.

th.-.- r distribution. The platform Is 1 1oivo ootn in Knglish and Hawaiianati effective campaign"'i anwura prove

document. aa

R eived by the S. S. Australia.PRI '.KN OYSTERS.

WING LUNG CO.King Street, corner of Alak


the station.Paym. S. McGowan, to duty in con-

nection with fitting out of Alabama,Oct. 1.

A. N. Constr. H. L. Ferguson, de-

tached Puget Sound Naval Station oncompletion Of docking of Wisconsin andto temporary duty in Bureau of Con-

struction and Repair.

108 KING STncG'


30, the WAIivIKI INN will run awagonette for the benefit of its patrons,leaving the corner of Fort and Kingstreets as follows:

FOR WAIKIKI INN:0:30 A. M. 12:30 P. M.

5:30 P. M.

FROM WAIKIKI INN.7:40 A. M. 4:30 P. M.

10:00 A. M.

; i uniRi i 1 WASChallenge to Orators.

Editor Advertiser: The following is a' PJ of a challenRe teues bv the So. ial- -

j. j.ist party to both the Reoublienn Sec. Lieut. Harold Colvocoresses, U. Wkelssau aaand 1'emoeratlt chairman

DEERLESSPreserving Paint


of the cam-- S. M. C. appointed,with the So- - AUG. 2. -- 1st Lieut. L. B. Purcell, BUTCH3paign committees, to debat

Cl.illKtSI 'ir.jinted l,ae ,f absence for two weeks

I ChaJrnMkM nr ii,.. .....n . -1' i ai lc Ca mpaiKn committees: In the tTIO r.i 2.1. Lieut. R. '. Dewey, XAVY CONTRACTU



Office Opposite Club Stables.H. P. WALTON. Manager nana r.t K.. c.....i..,; r - . Single Fare, 25 cents; 3 tickets, J1.00.

. ..i:i' :",uor pr ? 1 'u- - havinK I n appointed in the MarineCorps and taken the oath of onice or

LESSONSOBJce this tall to debate with our can.li- -'h.t. s on Repubticanlsm or Democracy vs.

, Socialism. We challnM th rii,h rlIN ART V(rtl8 Ale,

PROF. VAN PRANG S ORCHESTRAwill play during dinner at the Inn onWednesday and Sunday evenings.

lU,e ther rf the KepubUcan or Democratic and "1,.t-- i c:nhnnl.I Corner Nuuanu and

Hotel Streets. Tel.

Parties to represent the laboring class inthr halls of Congress or the Legislature.Bh4 Old your candidates decline the chat-b- -i

ee you may sUbcUtttte any one elsefrom Mi Kinley or J'.ryan down to a cotn-SlO-

ward heeler.

Aerated Water.

Order From938. H. N. Ali iY,


Given by Mrs. Alfred Willis in St.Andrew's Cathedral School-roo- m onMondays, Wednesdays and Fridaysfrom 9: SO t 11:30 A. M. And at IolaniCollege on Mondays from S to 4 P. M.

MlAwaimig en early reply from you. I re Hawaiian Soda W

dered to procure the necessary uniform.SEPT. 5. Major George Richards,

'Asst. Paymaster, on duty with themarines in China, ordered to proceed toWashington, D. C.


Al'G. 2f 2d Lieut. G. C. Carmine,detached from the Onondaga and as-

signed to construction duty at Rich-mond, Va.

Sec. Lieut. F. A. Lewis, erantcd thir-- ty days' leave.Constr. J. W. Lee. granted thirty

days' leave.1st Asst. Bngr. W. C Myers, from the

jMcLane to the Semiole.Al'G. 30.-Ch- ief. Kngr. F. R. l alken- -

mam, HERBERT T. SHAW,hrganmt r Section Honolulu B. I.. P.Castle & Cooke


LIMITED Hilo's Sanitary Needs.All Orders Delrreredj!!?



Whitman & Co.,

HvrViii Slintn ShaThe pioneer Japanese printing ofn

The publisher of Hawaii Shlnpo. thonly dally Japanese paper publish t

the Territory of Hawaii.Y. SOGA, Editor.C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor

Editorial and Printing Offie neaiKing street bridge, King street P. OBox 907.


Captain Sam Johnson left on the Ki- -

nau yesterday for Hilo taking with himone of the odorless excavators belong- -ing to the Board of Health. It will berecalled that an order was made some- -

time ago by the Board to have one ofthe excavators sent to Hilo. Captain

SEALED PKOrtheMMhMi at the office ,0;i



4JtKNT9. FORT STREET Commissioners of the j.Department, until i- - ,oOO'

oer o, ifvu, i . prf r.w I

2Xi-ln- ch cotton-cove- r-- &.?r

delivered witnm e.'.-- -unif-

ication of acceptance oirf tf

Johnson will organize the system thereand will likewise make an inspectionof the town and report to the Boardits sanitary needs. It is likely that onhis return to the city a Sanitary officerwill be appointed for Hilo.

: : ProprietorWilder Co.

J. NOLTE : :Fort St., Opp. tenders must ue

stein. from the Seminole to the Wino-

na.chief Engr. C. H. Foote. granted

thirty days' leave.Srd Lieut. H. H. Wolf, granted four-

teen days' leave.AUG. 31. Capt. O. S. Willey, granted

an extension of leave for seven days onaccount of sickness.

SEPT. 1. Capt. L. N. Stodder, grant-ed, seven days' leave.

3d Lieut. H. G. Fisher, from the Dal-las to the Boutwell.

Midi HIM CO--lev 11 tne

Honolulu Iron Works CoSTEAM ENGINES,


ind Machinery of every descriptlcmade to order. Particular at tea tiespaid to ship's blacksmithlng. Jstwork executed on th shortest aeUe

The Board resen'acJany ana an oiu.OF BOSTON TDK noXECAL GIRL. K..TtrA of Conrtl

First Class Lunchs ServedWith Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger

Ale or Llllk.Open from 7 a, m. to 10 p. m.Smokers' Requisites a Specialty.

&ecreiij' -ieitu fiie insurance Unm of the HonoK'j"In Donegal there is a custom of en-agi- ng

both farm hands and servantsOF HARTFORD


Page 7: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the



L HOPP & CO. J. HOPP & CO n lii.ms. This was all and the courtjourned for the day. it i i ti r11 Hawaii Land Co. M HAWAIIi 1 60 EOF MMTh Heat t the Lowes L


James L. Mclean has applied to theCircuit Court for the allowance of his LIMITED





ftDESKS. j incorporated Under uw Laws ol

final accounts and the termination of theguardianship of W. L Grieve, a spend- - j

drift. His accounts show receipts of T

and expenditures of $3(M.'3, leaving abalance of $3,7i2.24 in favor of the estate.

Capital StockCapital, paid up



Seiki Wants HerFreedom.

Almost without numW. Pecu-liar designs, rare finishes withornamental work of every

WANTS TO BE A CITIZEN.! ' I :,"i r Wood, a school teacher,

applied for naturalization in theme Court. In his petition he an- -

g.ivi 111 Stook andOffrr for Sale 1 Mrs.

nounces that he was born in Great Brit-a'- n(

and that he took out his first papers,lr. Eitehtield countv. Connecticut, on

OFFICERS.W. C. Ac hi iresident A Manage)M. K. Nakulna Vice-Prealde- ni

J. Makalnal Treasure!Enoch Johnson SecretaryGeo. L. Desha Audi to



June 29th, 19.c--c

Oand B Parlor


ase of Mclntyre vs. Allen was or- -P TELLS OF BAD TREATMENT

KepuhUc of Hawaii.--APITAL. 40u,aet M

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS'g1 M- - co PrertdaMu n" r OU. Vice Preaidtt

Caakietr. C. Atherton Aaalstant CashiefDsrectora Henry Waterhouse, ToMay, F. W. Maciarlane. E. D. TeuaevJ. A. McCandlesa. 'Solicits the Aocounta of Firms Cor-

porations, Trusta, Individuale and willpromptly and carefully attend to allbusiness connected with banking ea-rrust- ed

to it. Sell and Purchase For-Mg-n

Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit.SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.

Ordinary and Term Deposits recelTtand Interest allowed in accordantwith rules and conditions printed la

j pass books, copies of which mayiad on application.

Judd Building, Fort street.

iy Judge Humphreys yes- -uay. A default had been entered ow- -


Jonah Kuxnalae,J. Makalnal,

J. W. BlpikaneOn odd plecisitting roomstork lit uvflp!

s for th parlor, wor library. iur

h imlngly com-2- E


Other Wives Also Ask Freedom From

Marriage Bonds News of

th? Courts.a.a

. rArtR,riVK PAINT.




The above Company will huy, leasaor sell lands In all parts of tha Hawallan Islands; and also has houses iithe City of Honolulu for rent.!hina

ini.' to the absence of the defendant fndthe preocupatlon of his agent Taul Mi.h-l- ei

dorf. Judge Humphreys ordered thatthe defendant pay all the costs of thevs.- up to date and an attorney's fee of


.ImlKe Humihreys yesterday heard argi n.ents on defendant's demurrer ?n thec;:re of Avery against the Hawaiian Ga-Mtt- C

Com paay. The 1. murrer was over-ru- hd. K. K. Thompson appeared for ihe

Of ft ndant.

Ti EROTECT MINORS' INTERESTS.Mrs. Helen A. Holt has iipplied to the

Cir ult Court for her appointment asgi ardlan ad litem of her minor childrento them in a suit in which theyar. interested, as heirs of Jas. R. Holt.to certain property at Waialua.

Closets'oo hiw ii .LA.US SPRECKELS. WM. Q.


i.i " . f'hlnaware light; letjrour friends it ! n t k.- - pIt stowed f.way In out of the wayl' i

COMPANY, LTD.409 Fort Street. Honolulu, H.

P. O. Box 447.

H. LT.



It bj not often th.it the meek little sleek-haire- d

lu'll from Japan rise In revoltitralnt their lawful lords and masters.,i"it Fiial S- - tkl has imMUd Homethlng ofthe spirit of freedom that dwell- - in these

lr Islands and she has learned from herri.iop. ari sisters that when marriage hasi ltln a failure the best thing to do Isto nd It all and shuffle off the husl.andw'.ih whorri life has SSSOSBe Irksome.

Ho .Kuat Se'kl has. In true Americanst!. . I.r ught a full-fledg-

ed suit for di- -.

rtSJ airalnst her husband, Buiehl Seikl.and It one of the first divorce suitsbtouKhl l.y a Japanese woman in the'"'"s of Hawaii and possibly in anAnieriean court.

Ir her NBStj which was tiled In the Cir-ru- lt

I'ourt yesterday. Kuni states tha;si..- MM m.irri.-- to Bilk III In Yamaifuchl,.1.1 an. on or about April K.th. IV. Shes; fa thnt she has ever been faithful to! marital vows and has In all respects


51 GARS,. . Granulated.

UNT OILS.nl and Llnaasd.

i nn oomiie,Patent Klastle Sections


RIM.id Water Psint. ta

i In white an 1 eol

ASKS FOR ACCOENTING.A motion has been tiled in the Circuit

C u rt to have S. K. Ka-n- e. guardian ofElizabeth K. Robinson, who has recent-ly tome of age, gfve an accounting of herestate.


3'JTransacts a

General TrustBusiness.


T3a. TO QUIET TITLE.The Waialua Agricultural Company

tlonal Bank of San Francisco.LONDON The Union Bank of Loots

("td.)Not hint; seta off a dining room

re advantage, or adda' onvnlenre more than a

Mdebard. No dining room IsNEW YORK American Exchansa

tlonal Bank.t complete without on". We linv"them ti suit all taatea and CHICAGO Merchants' Nationalpurses

Limited, and Andrew Cox have beenmarie defendants in an action to quiet ti-

tle brought in the First Circuit Court byHelen A. Holt and Helen A. Holt, guar-,dia- n

ad litem of Valentine S. Holt, V';ii-i- i.

K. Holt. Amelia A. Holt, James ft.lb It. Helens A. Holt and iren- - N. Host,

i mu.c rs.I Tlie minors named are the children and

hcirs-at-la- w of James R. Holt, late ofHonolulu, deceased, and Helen Holt isth widow. The petitioner alleges that

,on September 2.'i. lJnHl, she was appointedguardian ad litem of the minors by the

I'RESS CLOTH,t n ami Jute.


Authorized to act as executor, adminis-trator, guardian, agent, receiver ortrustee. Acts as trustee of corporationmortgages.

Takes Entire Charge of Real and

Personal PropertiesCollects rents, interest on notes, mort-gages and bonds, dividends on stocks,pays all taxes and assessments, and re-

mits income at reasonable rates.Buys and Sells Bonds and Stocks,

xxnam Ud hern. If as a chaste and faith-

ful wife should, but that Uulchl has Innu ny wa s violated his vows and haslirticulurly Ik-.-- guilty of extreme cruel-ty toward I. it. having on several occa- -

Awnings 1

ORDER their ,:r' "it Court. The plaintiffs claim titleMADh TO

osu r.s. notably about a year aftern.iirrlaue. kikd and struck herthreaten. .1 to kill her.

and in fee to a certain parcel of land situatedat Keheka. Waialua. containing an areai Rents safes,

burglar andand stores valuables in

fire-pro- of vaults.cf sixtv-tw- o acres more or less. The

Seiki say.-- ' 1 laintiff alleges the defendants are withShort l after this time Mrs.


Hongkong; and "anghal BanklsjCorporation.


VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bassof British North America.

iHct q General bqukioo i mm Business

Deposits Received. Loans mads saApproved Security. Commercial amiTravelers' Credits Issued. Bills ofchange Bought and Boss.




UpholsteringAGENTS FOR- UN MM . H It KFl N I N'G 00,

rran. lero. 'si.

out any right whatever In the land inquestion, and prays that she be adjudg-ed to own the land in fee simple and thatthe defendants be debarred from assert-ing :ny claim whatsoever In or to theland adverse to the plaintiff.


Member of Honolulu Stock Exchange.OFFICERS:

E. D. TENNEY, President.B. A. MOTT-SMTf- H, Vice President.GEORGE R. CARTER, Treasurer.Jf. R. GALT, Secretary.

'. H. COOKE, Auditor.V. V. ALLEN,

B. M. BALLOT",Directors.

ooVioTIVBS WORKS J. Hopp & Coiphia, I'a. WOULD DIE FOR


. ifartamrs of National Cabl. r. New TofB. DEALERS. 1

she was turned out of doors by the onceloving llulchl and she was forced to leaveh!m and take up another residence. Theyhad bees living at Watpahu. Ewa. Oahu,

ian" a few days ago Ituichi came to hersad -- aid b.. was going to kill her andHO she Stlievfs he will do unless thecourts Interfere. She states that Buichiis a strong and healthy man and is ca--I able .if earning the sum of tier month.srMes Is siitliflent tO support the two ofth m

j Ti.klng nil these things into considera-il- in. Mrs. H.-ik- i tlievis she Is entitled to

In r freedom and she asks an absolute di-

vorce from S iki. Llkewisi she reasSSlSt. m.orary Injunction against Seikl to

uf VSSl iilm from molesting or int. rfer-lii- g

with her and that he may b compidl- -' to pay her the sum of $.'irt rounsel's

fees and IB for costs of the court.Judxe Humphreys n ran ted the tempor-

ary in In net lot. prayed f..r. and if Si-ik- i

ill s not leave bis .(nondam wife In peaceIfca will .itmp up againvt the strong arm ofI 'he law.

K. M. Brooks Is Mrs. Selki's attorney.

iilm I IdunLIMITED

i MeraaaatYowhimura ivai not Wounded

Save by Himself, Sothe Police Say.

Office at bank building onStreet.

s s s--;King and Bethel Sts.PA TFINIB PAINT coMPANT,aa FrsJMlsse, Csi. I OFFICERS:I I

1. HOPP 4 CO. J. HOPP k CO

Bread and Rollsa. P. Baldwin Preside!).

. B. Castle First Vice-Preside- nt

W M. Alexander. Second Vice-Preside- nt

7. P. Cooke Treasure!A . O. Smith .... Secretary and Audits

A NOT A I'd,.n rranrl-o- . Cal.

Savings Deposits will be received amiIn erest allowed by this Bank at fesand one-ha- lf per cent per annum.

s s sPrinted copies of the Ruies and Regs,

lations ay be obtained on appllaatlss.Honolulu, September 7, 188.Lands Sugar FactorsA NOT 1 1 i:R SAO STORY.Pies and Cakes. AND-

Commission Merchants.

ITnmqalted love was the cause of v..- -

shlmurS'S desperate attempt to end hislife on Sunday ninrnins on Liliha streetwith a razor. The lovesick Japaneseswain is now lying on a cot in thetjueen's hospital. ptattaSj still for theOriental maiden who refuses to givehim her heart. With his throat ban-daged to heal and hide the terriblewound. Voshlmura yearns unceasinglyfor a siht of her who disdains to ac-

cept his hand.He says he tried to kill himself be-

cause the maiden w h-- he loved wouldnot marry him. Several times had sherefused him when pressed to becomehis better half, and finally in despairhe wandered away from her. remainedon the streets dutitiR the night trying

Its Cool his ardor, and finally as dawn'spread its rosy hue over the expanse

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu September 7, 188.


A Ion tale of erueltv I told by Mariealicnitikson In the lllwl tor divoree whhhh filed vesterday In the Cirrult Court

jin.iltiKt h r husband. A. Ilenrlckson. MMt.i. ih.it he married Henriekson at

Kan. uh-- alin. ei .June llth. ls;7. anwent tti live with him at Waimanalo. Oa-hu. Their honeymoon lasted but an.onth and after that Ilenrlckson IkKuii




a.ENT8 FORHawaiian Commercial A Sugar OsOlaa Sugar Company,Haiku Sugar Company,Pala Plantation Company,Nahlku Sugar Company,Klhei Plantation Co.,Hawaiian Sugar Company,Kabul ui Railroad Company,

and Kalihl.Kr d llv. ry to Tal

to treat his wife atomitialily, aoeordlnn to'ier story. ealllnK her vile names and ac- -i usInK her of Infidelity with Chinese and

se She" ranie to the Maternity,lb me In this City the fall after her mar-rn.K- e

and during her four months resi- - I

i. 1 1' thi-- r her husband did not comenear her. After her child was born they i

made up their differences, but at various

Subscribed Capital

Paid Dp Capital .

Resened Fond , .

Ten 24,000,000

Ten 18,000,000

Ten 8.030,00of the valleys of N'uuanu. he endeavor-ed to extinguish his own life. A razor,keen sad bright was found beside himGerman Bakery tinirs from then on they had fallings out

ur t II the last and final ru. tlon a few by residents of the valley and tOid the HEAD OFFICE:INTERESTtPPl K FORT STrnoE 67: ..ks when sin- tinaily l.rt htm tor, story of his rashness. I here was no


The California A Oriental Steamship Co


BISHOP & COBankers

her mother. 'foul play as was at first suspected. HisM asks divorce ar.d custodv of the ,,, - ... . , I ,v, ,i i Om lc


tm H.M to IUM s lot. formerly

Wllcoa's premises..1 Mr.,1. . ..!! r J UII..Vl .I'll ..... -

-- LI vrt of the ehlldren as may se-- just.THE ST. i'LAIR'S TROUBLES.

r.ow convalescing from the shock, andmay be well In the course 'if a coupleof weeks. He says, however, he doesnot care to live longeVM rs ! rtha St. Clair has lllBSSjIll suit TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING

AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS.In the Circuit I'oiirt for ahsolute divorcefn m John St. I'lalr. In her libel sheHP THE INDEPENDENTS.states that she married St. Clair on E.h-rrar- y

1st. 1S8. In Honolulu. RiKht Rev.M. rmann. Ilishop of (ilha. performing the


l mano'e Traot. S3. tea

kd.r. motiv. Sini'. lVi.. sh allcKcs her hus- -

On Fixed Deposl for 12 months, 4 aacent per annum.

On Fixed Deposl' for months, 1 satcent per annum. t

On Fixed Deposit f I months, I pe.cent per annum.


On Current D posit 1 Md sen per day.On Fixed Deposit for 11 months, Ift pe

cent per annum.The Bank buys and receives for col-

lection Bills of Exchange, issueDrafts and Letters of Credit and trans-acts a general banking business.

Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank-Ne-w

Rep He 21 ig. Honolulu, K. L

C. BREWER &CO.UDQueen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

l.i.m' has f.iil.-- to contribute to her sup-port and she has been compelled to earnSi r own llvinic. There are two children.- rvvv v

Commercial and Travelers' Letters ofCredit issued, available in all the

Principal Cities of the World.INTEREST allowed after July L 1833,

on fixed deposits: 7 days' notice, 2 percent (this form will not bear interestunless it remains undisturbed for onemonth); 3 months, 3 per cent; 6 monthsZV2 per cent; 12 months, 4 per cent


nr eleven and the other twelve years ofas, and of these she asks the custody.tr.Kether with an absolute tfVoeCS. Hi'nrySn Ith Is her attorney. I

t Mair is said to have left the Islandsfor good and all.




Native Party Leaders Busied WithTheir Campaign.

R. N. Royd and Win. Mossman havereturned to town from their tour onthe Ewa and Koolau side of the Islandas registrars. The latter reported thatSJ5 iUallfied voters were registeredfrom 1'uuloa to Waimanalo and hethinks that two-third- s of them are In-

dependents. He also said that theHome Rule Party is very strong inFuulon. Aiea. Waipahu. Waianae. Laie.Hatiula. Kaal.e-.i- Kahaluu. Kan- - 'die.Heeia. Kailua and Waimanalo.

R. W. Wilcox and I. Kalam.kalani.the leaders of the Independent HomeRule party, left on th- - Kinau yester-day. Ttipp will visit Molokal and La- -

f I

New BooksW"m. G. Irwin President A ManagerClaus Spreckels First Vlce-Pre- s

W. M. Giffard Second Vlce-Pre- s

JI. M. Whitney, Jr Treas. & Sec'jGeo. W. Ross Audit o- -

r'm Lots IN KF.KK) TRA'T.Man Island. lno a lot

IN THE SUPREME COURT.In th- - Supreme Court yesterday hut two

SaSSS Were arKUed, althoitfrh they tofik Bfthe Krealer part of the day. InI . the Kllanea Hmtar Company. CWSTteSOstgaton and A. O. Correa appeared forthe plaintiff and E. H. McClanahan forthe defendant. In Kelliilihune vs. Vi.r-rs- ,

K. V. Hankey presented the plaintiff s sr; R FACTORSAiD

Com m ission AgentsTr.vrT LOTS haiOS in behalf of their party.IN Nr Golden Rule Bazaar.tt.TAO S lot

e.is. anl 1 a n smiin ami i aincari i- -n

ared for the defendant.THE FEDERAL COURT.

It was a very brief session of the Fed-- ...l Court that Judge Estee held yester-d.i- y

He - t the ImnreKtan -.- for ar-gument on Friday morning at l' o'clo-- k

h admit t.. to practice Charles Wil- -



Hawaiian Agricultural Company, One-m- ea

Sugar Company, Honomu BusCompany, Walluku Sugar Company,

n rican Sugar Col. Makee SugarCompany, Ookala Sugar PlantatiosCompany, Haleak! Ranch Com-pany, Kapapala Rvnch, MoloksiRanch.

Planters' Line, San TncIsco PacketsCharl" Brewer A Co.'s Line of Boa- -

ton Packets.Agents Boston Bor rd of UnderwritersAgents rhiladulphla Board of Cs

derwriters.Standard Oil Company.

The whiskey that touches the rightspot every time Is Jesee Moore "AA"Call for It Lovejoy & Co., are distrib-utors for the Islands.Etc.. Etc. a.'' "Ills Lordship's Leopard.

To Have and to Hold." "Red Pottae,

AGENTS FOR THEOceanic Steamship Company

Of San Fra ..sco, Cal.


Wholesale Grocers and Dier.Leather and Shoe Findings.


1 ft I. nl r a

K A Ml I.K. which until yent'-rua- neipea 10 draw ous i.c t tlie IHuuanu vaneyllne, cmild talk, he might hrinis tears froir ev.-- the hardened patrons of the 'huseomi.anv I'oll. eman Hanrahan brought the "bus and its driver. Poal. a native.

LIST OF OFFICERriC. M. Cooke, President; G-- r

Robertson, Manager; E. F Blahor-Treasure- r

and Secretary; Coi. W. VAllen. Auditor; P. C. Jcnes. B Wster-bouse- ,

G. R. Carter, Directors.


KEI HIN BANK, LTD.Vineyard Street,

A Daughter of the Vine," "Whennlhthood Was In the Flower," "No.

loan Street" Three Men on Wheels,"The Prisoners of Hope." with "Un-Ufllten- o

l Hr-a- d." "Senstor North." "1ktitUm 1 from Indiana, "The Blaekfltrmrs Brt" "For the Queen in Sou.Afriea," "Currlta. Countess of Albor-ioa.- -'

The Voice of tha People." Rob-ert Tournay" la "Pursuit of the Fouee-oat- "

"Janice sferedtth." "A Name to'on Jure WIJ," "Monsieur Beauealre,"The Autoblcsraph of a Orlssly.' "TheCnd of an rSrs." "Deacon Bradbury."In Cubs With Bhafter." 'Troorrnot." "The Sign of the Cross," ' Em-are- es

Oetaeia," "With Kitchener toKhartoum." "In Hampton Roads,"Bea Comee," "A Oentleman Player."The Hero of a."


Agents Honolulu Soap Works Ceanuany, Honolulu, end Tannary.


Gold and Silversmith

W. C. AchiCompany.Real E5tateBrokers.

WEST KING STohia wood for sale

sad MxTrail tact


All Goods and Work GuaranteeHOTEL oTREET

Notice to Owners, Architecstand Builders

General Ban kingchance Business.

10 th ih' station yesterday afternoon and charged the man with cruelty to

ant main The unfortunate mule was charred with a hi l.undle of hay Which the

t. t d. "cop" fed him from the police mangers.

Matian. r I'aln of Tramways fame tSSSSS of the 'hus line. His affection forth. mule kind Is too well known to 1 remark d. Yesterday Policeman Hanrahann tied that one of the pair of hybrids attached to 'bus MM was plainly suffering;.

The patient animal strained and puffed at his work and Hanrahan. who is verse, 1

In the ways f the mule, collared the driver and at the station pointed out to Cap-

tain Foa af th.- - Mvunlwl Police Patrol the condition of the mule's foot.The mule v.;i!i unalile to plae. both hind fe.-- t s.juarey on the ground. II- - could

only aland on his hind toes. He dug his toes Into the earth in efforts to easethe strain on them. Captain Fox said tha' the animal was afflicted with drawn

ti !.ns. the result of constant up-hi-ll work. The continual strain of haulinn theheavy 'bus up the steep grades, had permanently affected the mule's hind legs andfeet Hml his dally tasks mean constant anguish.

if course the driver didn't know anything about it and the stable boss knewand Manager Pain was entirely lirn .rant of It. Rut the mule was thoroughly

familiar with the cause of his trouble, and. once released from the 'bus. he laidhimself down with a groan that told all his tale of woe. There was a look in hismild eye that indicated his patient, soft nature, but a curious movement of his rearfeet warned thoee who were responsible for his misery that in a fair field the mulehimself might prove his own avenger.




Is DreDared to furnish estimates

Merchant TailorPerfect Fit Guaranteed


' r nantlty. Apply to on: a in s Subscribe for the ADVERTISER Ho-nolulu's live dally paper 75 cents amonth, delivered to any part of the city.

Patronage5645it West Kln Strt first-cla- ss modern plumbing,

solicited. P. O. Box 162.

Page 8: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the



The last invoice 1

' I With the j EuropeanI GoodsChange in

THE TRANSPORT THOMAS. tho transport Port Stevens has arrived atNafcasaki from Taku, where she unloaded

The United States Army Transport 2." escort wagons which had been brouKhtThomas, 'aptain Buford, master, ar- - from Manila for use in the transportationrived in this port yesterday eveninR of tht party of foreigners rescued from

to be shipped to tifrom San Francisco with a large nam- - i 1 '

." , . ,. . . Under the Old Tarifl,

I 1 Hi 111

a Comes a sweeping reduction Ing the price of all goods of American

manufacture.J We have cut on every piece of

ber of troops for Manila. The Thomas transport Athenian has 1. ft Kobeleft San Francisco at 1 o'clock on the for amia with w;;so,n trains for theafternoon of Tuesday, the ISth, instant, First Cavalry, whic h regiment was sentmakintr an exceedingly Kood trio clown. t instead of to China. s

amon hich comprise, ic t,tmiline of

At 4:J o'clock yesterday afternoon the e 'ar Dei.artmcnt has been notified ofthe arrival at Kobe of the transportoff Koko Head.transport was sighted B Jewelry and silverware in the IRtratitnaM'le. Two officers and 27 men of idles' Golf Caoesm uuuse, miu you win De surpnsec enIt was ociock, nowever, oeiore sne tht. Ninth Cavalry wore aboard, as well

was alongside the naval wharf. The as horses and 44 mules. She will pro-doct- or

was late in getting out to her er-r- to Manila.at the great difference from for- -

land on this account the vessel was later 1 fie Department lias also been advised siuiiuMjiiiiy nannesof the arrival of the transports Warn ions here, where quality and patai.d Sherman at Manila. The Warren II tern are considerations.in docking than she would otherwiseReduction Sale na oten. txBAi on board two squadrons of the Ninth

The Thomas brought no mail for this Cavalry and recruits. The Sherman car-port as it was expected that the Aus- - 'ries one battalion each of the Second, Bagatele BoardsJ What do you think of full-size- d

solid sliver teaspoons being re-- B

duced to $8.00 a dozen, with en-- 4

graving thrown In, and all ar--tralta would arrive here first and all Fifth and Eighth Infantry.mail was reserved for the regular liner. ETC.COMMUNICATION.

Kditor Advertiser: There is an articlein vesterdav's naner about the Sailors'

tides of silverware reduced in likThe Thomas proved the postal authori-ties in San Francisco mistaken for once. proportion.

These are by no means catchprices, but regular prices whichwill prevail here from now on, on

jh.W. Jordan,jThe Australia left the day after the iinicm of the Pacific concerning the cookThomas and will arrive the first thing of the bark Ceylon. The Sailors' Cnionthis morning with just one day's later has nothing to do with the cook o thenews of the outside world than was rlt Ceylon nor with the crew, nor the

or mates of Lewis and Turk.brought by the transport. , Thp namp that appeara at the boltomAboard the great troopship there are 'of tht, article doesn't show the truth to

over 1500 soldiers of the 5th Infantry the public, therefore I pronounce him a

To make room for a lare invoice of VEHICLESnow on the way. For a limited time we v illotl'er our present oek of

Buggies, Runabouts,Phaetons, Surreys,


an tne ainerent lines of goodsS .1 . . 51 10 Fort Street.iruin me ciaies.

While reducing all our Ameri- -and Sth Infantry, besides recruits and .beachcomber of a low type.JAMES DONALD SIMPSON. k can goods we nave noi cnangeua big list of civilian passengers, nurses

the prices on any of our Europeanand surgeons Captain W. M. Coulling, Ijlsland ReVESSELS IN FORT.A. Q. M., I S. A., is the quartermaster 4 potteries, glass and chlnaware,I And nlthnuch th nrmonl laaj gicauij tcuutcu ii-C- 3, x& uvu t luis uyyuiLumi in .bargo of the Thomas. Mrs. Coul- - . - O" J . VV'L O m

forty per cent more than former- - AARMY AND NAVY.

U. 8. Tug Iroquois, Pond, Midway Isl- -nd, August 6. Company,

Limited.while out present very largetly, lasts we will sell at the old

rates. This Is a very large saving JW to vnll nrt.t vca rnnrr1 men I V,ot

l "See our stork of Delivery WagoRS,Drays, Etc., Harness Whips, Robes.

Pacific Vehicle & Supply Co.,

U S. A. T. Thomas, Ruford. San Fran-eiM-- o,

September 25; en route to Manilavia Nagasaki witli stores for Taku andManila.


ling is also aboard. Two days beforethe Thomas left San Francisco, themen of the quartermaster's departmentof the transport Sheridan wereferred to the Thomas and thoseing to the Thomas were assigned toduty aboard the Sheridan. So that theThomas and Sheridan swapped men intnTe twp departments. Corporal M.Garver is the commissary clerk on theThomas, lie hails from Des Moines.

you make your purchases from" 1 m ,these lines.v.. v now, oeiore id &a- -

Archer. Am. bk., Calhoun, San Francisco( i Vance become8 necessary.I1VII August 21.

Abbey Falmer, Am. bk., Uhlberg, Newday block. BERETANIA STREET.castle, September 18.Pwa.

On Friday, about noon, the Thomas Ar.nie M. Campbell, Am. sch., Freidberg,

F. J. LOWRET, President.C. D. CHASE, Vice-Preside- nt

ARTHUR B WOOD, TreasunwJ. A. GILMAN, Secretary.E. P. DOL1E, Auditor.

x oi l uamuie, pcpieiuoer if.Aloha, Am. schr., Frey, Laysan Island,

September 24.Challenger, Am. sp., Gould, New Tork,

September 1.



Shasta Water.NOTICE.

We buy and sel alty. act u if toappraisers, trustees, -- elven nl mmFORT STREET.

sails for Nagasaki. She has largequantities of stores for Taku and Ma-nila. From Nagasaki she sails for Ma- -'

nila.The following is a complete list of the

army officers, nurses, surgeons andcivilian passengers aboard the trans-port : ,

I Fifth Infantry Col. Comba, Capt. Par-,tfll- o,

Capt. Carnahan, First Lieut. Hamil-Itr- n,

First Lieut. Ingraham. First Lieut.,H. K. Knight, Second Lieut. II. C. Price,J Second Lieut. C. Cordier, A. A. Surg. Mc-Kay, Maj. Chance, Capt. Hackney. Capt.

,J K. Normoyle, First Lieut. Raltzell,First Lieut. Williams. (E. Jt): SecondLieitt. L. D. Cabell, Second Lieut. P. W.Meek, Second Lieut. F. B. Davis, A. A.Surg. C. A. Ross.

Eighth Infantry Maj. J. S. Stretch,


Dunreggan, Br. bk., Dixon, London,August 8.

Esther Buhne, Am. schr., Salvesen, Eu-reka, August 26.

Enterprise, Am. schr., San Francisco,August 26.

Euterpe, Am. sp., Sachs, Newcastle, Sep-tember 18.

F S. Redfield, Am. schr., Jorgenson, PortGamble, August 18.

Florence, Am. sp., Ryder, Tacoma, Aug-ust 29.

Great Admiral, Am. sp.. Sterling, New-castle, September 16.

John Currier, Am. sp., Lawrence, Tacoma,August 28.

Kilmory, Br. sp., Corrance, Liverpool,Eng., August 7.

e. O. ehase.MANAGER

Office J4 Judd Building.Telep ne, Haln 111. BK

Nature's most wonderful gift. Drink it once and you will drink no otherwater. It is a water that should be on the table at all times, containingenough minerals to keep the system in a proper tone. Nothing injuriouscharged into Shasta Water that will bring on illness, but drives illness away,Instead.

Capt C. P. Terrett. Capt. John Stafford,WE ARE PREPAREDFirst Lieut D. W. Kilbourne, First Lieut. :R P. Rithet, Am. bk., McFhail, San Fran-C- .

E. Russell, First Lieut. E. I'. Collins, Cisco, September 12.Second Lieut. A. V. L. R. de Beaumont, Sebastian Bach, Br. bk., Nagasaki, Feb- -

Second Lieut. Elliott Carziac, A. A. Sury. ruary 17.Capt. R. F. Ames Cant M B I Win. Olsen, Am. sch., Hurtman, South


Parker. Capt. C. W. Kennedv. First Bend. September 12.WITBW. B. Flint, Am. bk., Johnson, San Fran-

cisco, September 20.Lieut M. P.. Stewart, First Lieut B. H.Man hant, Second Lieut. J. S. James, Seo- -Shasta Water and

Shasta Ginger Ale



Love : Block

Blue StoneRock . . .





Enereta, Br. stmr HongkongHelen Brewer, Haw. sp New TorkHenry Falling, Am. sp New YorkA J. Fuller, Am. sp NagasakiHayden Brown. Am. bk NewcastleLyman D. Foster. Am. sch.... NewcastleJohn C. Potter, Am. sp NewcastleRobert Sarles, Am. sch NewcastleStar of Russia, Haw. ship NewcastleWachusett Am. sp NewcastlePerseverance, Br. sp NewcastleAbby Palmer, Am. bk NewcastlePrince Albert, Nor. sp NewcastlePrince Victor. Nor. sp NewcastleClan Macpherson, Br. sh NewcastleAncenls. Br. eh NewcastleFantasl. Nor. bk NewcastleInvincible, Am. sh NewcastleStiorn. Nor. bk NewcastleWrestler, Am. bkt NewcastleDrumburton, Br. sh NewcastleFresno, Am. bk NewcastleAlex. McNeil, Am. bk NewcastleGolden Shore, Am. sh NewcastleDominion, Bh. bk NewcastleJames Nesmith, Am. sh Newcastlellallramah cVi THn,Ana,lA

Also have Road Material for Buiidl

Road Beds, Foundations and 8IdwIttgold 1? quantities to suit.

Estimates furnished by

I ond Lieut. L. S. Edwards, A. A. Surf?,j Sa'.t ebj.j Other Passengers Mrs. Graves and twochildren, Mrs. Byrne, Mrs. Parth andchild, Mrs. Maus and two children, Mrs.Pardee, child and nurse, Mrs. Cowles. Mrs..). M. B1I, Miss Hopkins, Mr. Oliver, Roy

I W. Siiuires, Dr. Chas. F. Nichols anilwife, Mrs. Lyon and child, Mrs. Spenceand Child, Mis. Park and two children,.Miss Towar, D. P. Barrows, Mr. McCttl-lciig- h.

H. L. Collins, Prof. M. A. Colton.IRev. J. r. Webb, Geo. M. Swindell, W.ill. Wanamaker, A. A. Sursr. I. E. Ben-nett, A. A. Surmr. M. F. Clausslus, A. A.Surg. L. W. Patton, Mrs. Carnahan, Mr.S. L. Hunter, L. A. Coddinston, Jos.

jJ'st. A. A. Surp. H. W. Sealer, A. A.Sijp. S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Surg. C. 1.Baker, Muj. Ira C. Brown, Surp. I. S. V.;

;';.it. Wilson Chase, Twenty-fir- st Infan-try, U. S. V.: Second Lieut. Oliver S.Snyder, Eighteenth Infantiw; Secon 1

UlUt. J. S. Chambers, Twelfth Tnfantrv;V E. Norris. A. B. Edmond, E. Staples,

A. A. Surtr. W. E. Apple, A. A. Surg-J- .

K. Ashlmrn, Harry R. Pierce, GeorgeHayworth, s. B. Bbiley, If. F. Hatpin,v. A. Surg. H. FKaur,ders. H. J. Smith.

Capt Jaeoh H. Culver, Thirty-secon- d

V. S. V.Xurses Bertlin. J. Gerteh. Helen G.

Pairbanka, Helen M . Piekei, H. L. Redec- -I r, Eva Trenholm, lOugenia M. Ward,Capt H. A. Shaw, Asst. Surg., E. S. A.;Capt. Thos. Ridgeway, Fifth Artillery: W.I I Donovan, L. W. Manning, First LieutC. B. Roean. Jr.. 1'. S V Sitnnl Pnrni

W. C. Peacock & Co.GET THE BEST



Grand OpeningIN A FEW DAYS.


Poiolo Li l inN

Kennebee, Am. sh NewcastleAdderly, Br. bk NewcasUeof roofs, ' smokestackReady Rock Roof Paint Is the best for all kindsboilers, et.


No. I Model Block, office Eourt 1 tJ



Commission Merchants


Sunshine WaterHeater ....AOfcNTS KOR

Chehalls, Am. bk NewcastleRoland, Ger. sh NewcastleIrby, Br. sh NewcastleMary A Troop, Br. bk NewcastleSnow and Burgess, Am. bk. ..NewcastleBenmore, Nor. bk. NewcasUelAdy Palmerston, Nor. bk. ..NewcasUeMarlon LIghtbody, Br. sh. Newcastle, Ent

First Class Work GuaranteedHot water day and night without t he use of fire Call and ses It working v entura, Br. bk Antwerp ' "

London to accept work unleas perfectly ttlfi ola. Br. spactry.Alpine Cement,

Monterey Sand,Mortar Stains,

Canned Fruits,Pet and Highland Creams.

Standard Biscuit Co.

NOTES.The steamship -- Australia from San

Francisco is due to arrive here the firstthing this morning.

The steamship Miowera is expectedA. Full Line of

lElectrical1Paper and Paper Bags,

Boltz Clymer & Co's Cigars.


AGENTS FORThe Ewa Plantation Co.

Tae Walalua Agricultural Cs- -

The Kohala Sugar Co.

The Walmea Sugar Mill Co.

The Koloa Agrlcaltural Co.

The Fulton Iron Works, it mmm

Me.The Standard Oil Co.

The George F. Blake SteamWeston's Centrifugals.The New England Mutual U" w

ru ranee Co. of Boston. fThe Aetna Fir InsuranceHartford. Conn.

The Alliance Assurance C. - J



I from the Colonies today.The Kinau did not sail until 5 o'clock

yesterday afternoon as an accommo-- jdation to the delegates of the Repuh-- :Iican convention.

The ship John F. Currier is taking onj ballast preparatory to leaving for theSound tomorrow.. The Pacific Mail wharf hajfe. load on.The cargoes of the Algoa, Nippon Ma-r- u,

Rio de Janeiro, Carlisle City and


Supplies HUSTACE&COHawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co






Wnich we will sell at the lowest marketrate.

REPAIRINGgiven prompt and careful attention

SOLE AGENTS FOBRubber Tire Wheel Co.

The most durable Rubber-Tir- e made.121 QueenS fM KPgOXB main 47.

TH- E-

Club StablesLIMITED

Telephone 477.CHAS. BELLiNA, Mg

RelUble Horsee, Ixpert

New Rigs. Fair rrte

The Instrument Used 1b..- -


Ars Thoroughly DIslnfect4 Bef"



.rr i i

optic are all there.The following people are expected to

arrive on the Australia this morning:Mr. C.ingeman, Miss L. X. Bradshaw,Mrs. f. V. Rriggs, Mrs. M. Burns. W.U. Castle, Jr., W. A. Cheek, A. F.Dark and wife, Sidney Clementson andwife. Miss Cluen, A. S. Collins, C. M.Cooke. William M. Cunningham, wifeand two children. Mrs. W. L. Decoto.Mis. E. Duffy. Miss M. K. Duncan, H.P. Eakin. Mrs. J. T. Fastenrath andtwo children, James Feore, Mrs. J. R.Fulton and three children, W. J. Gal-brait- h.

H. B. Gehr. C. A. Graham, L.Graves, wife and two children, Miss

Hawes, W. F. Heilbrom, wife andChJld, W. F. Heilbrom, Jr., J. A. John-son. Mrs. C. N. Knapp, L. A. Leven-saler- r,

Mrs. Robert Lewers, CharlesLewis, J. W. Mason, Mrs. Mason, Mrs.B. Maguire. G. H.' Morrill, Jr., and wife,Charles Mullen, A. Meyer, Wr. D. Mutch,Mrs. J. T. MacDonald, J. H. MacLaf-fert- y,

wife and two children, R. Ober-wimrne- r,

Miss EL Perkins. W. Remem-bexge- r,

Mrs. E. C. Rowe, Mrs. J. Scott,two children. Mrs. J. Sutherland. MrsE. Severin. two children and maid, Mr.Shanklin, F. L. Thirkield and wife. J.C. Tucker, W. Tomb, T. El Wall.Miss C. A. Williams, Miss W7hitney andF. J. Wilhelm.


master General has been informed that

CR1TEKI0NrJX -g- flgfck.


ill kinds of MACBINERY.SHREVE & CO., San Francisco.

TO FACILITATE TRADE with the Hawaiian Islaads, will deliver allgoods purchased or ordered of them. FEEE OF ALL CHARGES FOBTRANSPORTATION to Honolulu, or returning sams to San Francisco.Goods will be sent on selection to those known to the Iras, or who will furnish


LIMITED.satisfactory references In San Francisco. &GASOCEANICin- flBEK. Gil 5



Apply to. T XT)..


Sawing, Planing, Turning, EtcLarge stock of Moldings kept on hand.

Kiln Drying, a specialtyEstimates Furnished on Short Notlee.

Kawalahao St., Kewalo.M&ffoon Block. Phone Main 350.;

MARKET AND POST STREETS, SAN FRANCISCO.Rlostrated catalog and pries furnished upon receipt of request.Ws hars ths largest manufactory ol Jewelry and llverware west of New

Tork City, and are prepared to furnish special designs.C. BREwEK at w. " 'at reelQueen5643

Page 9: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the



- r Protet wan also there. Sim wasbeing coaled undr rush orders to ko toCMria, howsvrr, and waa to sail the dayafter the Galilee.

MAY FLINT TO BE SOLDBy ord-- r of United States Dtstrlct Judge

de Haven, United States Commissioner! tf will sell the submerged ship May

Flint at auction Thursday afternoon at1 o'clock in front of the M.-r- !. ants'





The Governor direct a that i

ilvn thiit the following appace benfnuII OIJUCE

Officers and Men In



ah: invcSIORS.Registration Board's

Report.Rev. J. C. Webb En Route to Manila

For That Purpose.On loard ihe transport Thomn is Rev.

have been made.1 K MAKI'AKANK ESQ.I MM r let Magistrate. N. Hllo. Hawaii.H V K A A I esq .

UMtM Maglatrat. uth Kona. Ha-waii.

HKN'KT E roOPER.Secretary of the Territory

Capitol. Honolulu. Sept. M. 1900 MSO

Corporation S lices.

7im Sru In- - J. C. Webb, formerly of Los Ang.-les- , whoBS Mtti u Is en rente to Manila to lake up Young

s Christian Association work in theTOES IIMM TO TO MEETIHG WITH SUCCESS'ii p'n . Mr. Webb has hac' much tx- -

perxnee In the work, having been for j

seme time the general secretary of the

it h i salee- -

ki'NKxi'at. pfollowing plerea orhares "f at k. vis:.TT..Mi of King street

-- tery, latelyarty, being i. t of

ien"s As- - MarwDIVIDENb NOTICE. Stories of Lisastcr--Ma- y Flint to be v,.ung Sessiors He'd ard Scoresj


Real Estate--FOR SALE BY


m . , . aecIMtott. Las. evening Mr. Webb wasoDlfJ Latent bn p tha fUt oi-

-Scr.-tar- Coltmr.-- ! M the Added to the Lkts of Fran-

chise Holders.ping News.MIAlieI al branch of the organization.

Mr. Webb stat- - s that there In a de. i.Jeddearth of reading matter on bcar-- l ofthe Thcmas an I he would be IndebP .1 to

Hi.In response to a letter of Inquiry fromwk of Ihe rompetfiy U


depth, and containsr . pea

mediately,land la Kaleuao.

m 1 and 1 of La eoataimng U flt land. more of lees.

. v f r mayable In advance.

J.iiir 1. lno. Has

at y Honrluian- - wno will g.vc rnaarine3 ray Taylor, registrar of elections, acr becks for the uso of the soldiers on -- r mmun cation fcs been rexev.d fromthe VtSBel. If the magazines are 1. ft in W O. Sralih. chairma:i of th..: th le.thj inclusive.


1 lie latest Coast shipping news, ns cul!- -

d Irttn the San Francisco new spa p. r3 ofthe Mh Instant. Is a Tollows:

I 'l'Uty Surveyor of tht Port ChauneeySt. Jchn went to Mare Island last atarbton nn unpl asai.t mission. Th.j hospitalsMj. Solace cf Ihe United States Navy ar-rlv- id

from Chli.a las; Friday. She left

II re of Mr. Coleman at the Young Men's 1 .'..id cf the Island of Kauai, a letter tell- -ROSE.Secretary.

r.. .

Christian Arcot !at!on they w.ll reach Mr.II. .1 .1 ii is. Sept. l!-0-

. Webb ai '1 he will see that they arc dis-tril.- ui.

tiie s. .Pliers on th.- ship.more ru,. : .000 BERETANIA STREET.,b..v. nrty per cent KIHEl PLANTATION CO LTC

taf what the beard BSS thus far accom-plish d on that Islnnd. It had been

that the board had not h"l.t all ofits regular meetings, owing to lack cf aquorum, but this pioes not to be so. TheUtter is as follows:

McCuily street; three lota, size Tim.termB to suila Jus aft r the looting of Tien-Tsi- n, andper seat onr i TO TEACH FILIPINO

IDEAS TO SHOOT 'NoUcca of meetings of the board of

at saves per cent."HATloj SHARES.shares Walmanalo Sugar

. par valus. $4w each.it M utual Tel. Coaapany..In. 111!

l h'Stration --for Kauai and Niihau have.been pouted as follows: Hanalt-i- ,

ibe ib,'r 3-- 4; KOaaea, September 5, 8;

on t tie Teasel st. John s men dweovvreua big iuantlty of dut'aile goods. Not on-

ly the enlisted men, but the officers cnbotrd had taken advantage of the shipbflr.g a United States veel, and h:idbiought over all sort. oC silks ami oth rfancy stuffs for s and somvtheir friends. The men were otderedtheir sup-rlo- rs to turn over whatever


ir tent. r IJ . per share, has beenevled. to be. ime due and payable onthe 1st day of October. 19o. Will bearInterest from November 1. 130. and

December 1. 1900.

J. P. COOKETreasurer K.hel Plantation Co..


Dr. P. B. Pa n ow

$2.250 CORNER LOT, being corner atYoung and McCuily streets; sfsev81 x 141. This is an elegant corner,,ready for building upon, and In Use.neighborhood of good improve-ments; all new. TermB to suit pur-chaser.

$2,250 KINAU STREET LOT, to r. 14,

. HMMS H'lllf Pornoe. itsv value IMS,

I homas Bound forManila.ash fee sSstas. Dee. la and

iss of purchasers Ti with many valuable treesara perfect. gicd they had. but as for themselves

xjnvmoer V), u; hapaa, September 12.

Tiar.amaulu, September 14; Llhue, Sept- - m-l-

17, It, VJ; Koloa, September 20, 21; Ele- -1'-- . September 84, S: Makaweii, Septem-

ber M, S; Waimea, October 1, 2; Kekaha.October 3: NUhau, October 4: Hanalel, Oc-to-

8; Hanalel, October 9, morning ses-sion only; Kilauca, October P. afternoons f ?lon.

"When we advertised a meetinjr at Ha-nalel for September 3 we were no' aware

'flics A --lander dt Baldwin. Ltd.. shrubbery; ready to build upon.ludd bulldlnc, Honolulu. September it ' '! ,rat would rot sui.mlt

to th- hurr liation of a search by the1484-213-- :t Sept. SI, tt,

Dr. David Prescott Barrows of theSan Diego State Normal School, whohas b-t-- appointed upon recommenda-tion of the L'niversity of California toan administrative position in the schoolsystem of the Philippine Islands, is a

$3.500 BERETANIA STREET. be-tween Victoria and Pensacoamstreets; size 65 x 145; with trees,shrubbery, grass, etc.lit was to be a i)titlir holiday, and you

'r.erhftT. wilt pivino-- am inKlnir.

'Urulars enqulrs oftK.vi r MOROAN.

Auctioneer aad Brsker.

Uiction Sale- or -


Custom house people It was to call totime the men ho war the lt.slsnla ofr r.k that 8t John Went to the navy yard.

I'or some (Sail It Is claimed that quanti-ties cf dutiable goods have been importedei the 3ovrnmer.t essels, but It wusi.. t t.ntll thj arrival f the ho pital shipthat the amount ISacbeel such proport.on.-

passenger on the transport Thomas. t. ns to hold no sitting that day. f ssl!rMrssiwhb-- h arrived here from San Francisco "September S A Sir.fortunat. lv both Mr. Ilai a.Ke and I' nau SXTeetS; Size, 100X200. Anyeaterday, en route to Manila v. a Na--

V () m u?i.t( ,H lo attend eant corner lot with trees, etc.. aadgasaki. Dr, Ban - I to, become '- -r peapJe were duly notified that later many advantages. As fine a lot asan assistant superintendent to Fred V. on they wou'.d have an opportunity to can be found in Honolulu,

that drastic a. tier' or. the part of ih Atkinson, the United States Superin- - register.t "Turo sessions were held at Kllauea, asnecess ir . t. r.dnt of Education In the Philippinesci stoma o n lals $S.000 BERETANIA STREET,all (20) regls- -11

Tilt Put ltTH AMK8SMENT OF10 per rent, or S3 per share, becomesleiinqu nl on the 1st day of October.Mi

Stockholder an hereby notified thattha delinquent aharea on. that day willb-- published according to by-la- andsold at auction.

J. P. COOKB,Treasurer Nahlku Sugar Co.

offices- - Alexander dt Baldwin. Ltd..1 I l.j, Una;. Honolulu. Sept. mber 11.

a few Pensacola; house and lot; sire eflot, C5 x 290; fine locality.

a,.d insurers were sent o ; He doe, no, yet know the natureof ther.ally to ke. p guard on twenty .duties he Is gomg to perform. The sole ,vrors and policemen, who will' ..r-- orlKi ave a

u i rtlfled L'hints- - m inlx-r-d of the crjw correspondence that has passed be- - cr. r.ce to do so October f'thim the Cm every of comribi.nl ma- - jtween Dr. Barrows and the island au- - "Two meetings were h.ld at Kealia andIN THK n almost ev.ry part M the s earnerilf.sj I,- am.- f s Ir.ipoitnni'. .

$6. 2S0 COTTAGE near 'PenaacaUstreet; contains 6 rooms, bath aadall modern improvements; well Inv-prove- d;

size of lot, 60 x 200; poesibiyspecial terms.

A A SlIf.AR CO.thorities is limited to the cablegram tWO at Kapau, as per notice, and almost

, r- - cr.o S3 qualified register did aahisannouncing appointment by Judge"At Hanamaulu and Llhue meetingsTaft, chairman of the Phlllpp.ne Cum- -

wrft PtricUv ln aroordancc with ad-mission. He is to receive salary olu f nt arul .ltrain thcre ,vas a com.$"000 a year. state registration (14"').

iThoi gh the revi'ed statutes of the lnitdHtuts prov.de fiat it Is unlawful for any

ioAcer of thaavy to impori Roods on aSSJ lie vessel, the offio-- it the S.oace.iip said to have duml the 8or yor of th.- -Limited.

SI. Ja,

ASSESSMENT NOTICE.When Dr. Fred W. Atkins: n passed- "I regret that my ill. Vripp ) did not

to Ixe ar.y of the stoff. Surv. yor ,nrou.h San Francisco on his way to'rmlt me to attend until September 1"r Has paid no att.-ntio- to tn.- - utt: but since then I have missed no meetings.

$125 COTTAGE; to be removed;street, opposite Mllilanl St-

and Judiciary building; has 7 rooms

$4.500 COMFORTABLE COTTAGE ofseven rooms, modern Improvements,etc., with pleasing grounds; atssj oflot. 93 x 123; on Anapunl street, near

ri RDA'. i k T. l' ijaulua AGRICULTURAL CO.IS O'CLOCK HOOH. MlilTCn

Manila t. become Superintendent ofEducation In the Philippines he had along consultation with PresidentV. . . r In regard to the organizationof the school system In the Islands. At

tlldi '' " . .! Hi-- '. a ; .ti- -

t i.ds to coatis ate ail dutiable goods onth. steamer. The men have already giv-en up all they have, and Deputy St. Johnla sitting a hold on the offl v. V Importa-tl- r

ns.i mi lu.gueen atreeU

'and have fully recovered, and expect to- ir. sent at ail that been adver

tised."You will notice by the foregoing list

itbat we are to sit four days some weeksand five days ln others. As you areaware, the law allows us to hold sessions

iry day except Sundays and holidays,.ficm August 31 to October 10, but Kauaijha? always home a good record for not

that time President Wheeler recom- -Wilder avenue. Should be seea jbe appreciated. Fifteen hundreddollars can remain on mortgage.

WI8CON8IN TAXES A SPIN mended Dr. Barrows as a graduate ofThe battleship Wisconsin took a short the l'niversity of California eminently

spin around th? bay liiirtsjL Use com- - ; fitted for educational work in a capa-saas- fs

were Ustd and the engineer saw rity where knowledge of men and af- -


a the assessable stock" of thiseompaoy as to become due and payablest the office of Castle A Cooks. Ltd., on

September 15th. USD. It per cant '$10

I Will sell al Public All. Mor

of th treasurer Mr. J. Ph following cvrtlficates of


ifetlnquent A usual list, witnhirmii and sdvartlstng es-pai- d

n r bfrs th day and

ticking' the Gov. rriment, and we pro- -

to it that everything was in good worn- - far8 was need- - d. Dr Many other desirable COTTAGES,well located, at excellent terms.Barrows, who Is

M t, vrl " A r....fr.r tun u.i,h-i.- 1 T Vi . , MV Ji. delinquent October

- .. .r., Hill be n.ade tomorrow and on Tliu-Ithe Wlnnn n'.ll sd for Iu?.-- t Sound,

pe se to live up to that reputation, andmtko the expense as little as possible,at the same time giving the voters am-ple opportunity to register.

' We have gone to considerable troubleto notify the people by telephone, and In

a nati- - of Chicago, graduated fromPomona College with the degree of A.B. Ift 1N94. and was granted the decreeof. M. A. by the l'niversity of Califor- -

Ostober SSth. 19W, 10 per eant (tl par her arrival there she will be pisthe Port Orfor-- ; (irydock and after aroush overhaiding w.ll have- - her trial

p. After the trial she will c m- - backR.n Francisco and go Into commission.

). delinquent November SSth. 1900.


For addition list call at office of

Will E. Fisher,nia in the follc.uirig year. His graduate SBStW than one Instance have ridden milesstudy was carried on under the direc- - out of our to personally notify them,

have also sent (not ate messengerstasfl of Professor Bernard Moses, who7. ,,. . , (love rnipent expense ) to outer districts.gr CO, Ltdhwu-- a


is novi in m i nii:rpines as a memuer Ka'alau, for instance.r the i niteu Mates I'ommission, anci "The actual work of roistering those REAL ESTATE AGT. m AlCTIOra;h averaged



The question ale.hg the front Is whetS rrckelsc new tng. the Louis Luck-bach- ,

or the I' nit d states transport tugof Profi-cv-o- r C. C. Pl' hn. Yho Is now v ho made ipplicatio

s Alakea and Merchant Streetngaged in taking the Island census, J01- - hour a day, so you readily see thatAfter leaving Califonrn he went to,anPIc' Umo has been allbwed."fWf IJf .



Bice urn will reach ran Prase tacorilK FOLLOWING ASSESSMENTS j n hr RUm ..m is

hare been levied upon the assessable S3? tens- k of this Company, as to become 2 tons net. Tl

diss and payable at the office of tha Ha- - an July '. wii V

wallan Trust and Investment Co., Ltd.: i on AusSECOND assessment of 25 per Cent. tb Luckei.laen

October 1. IN, or. August 21. while The Sloe::THIRD assessment f i- - r -- nt. frc m I'ernambuco n - Psrnam- -

Sovember 1. ltOt; o I 1.0T m.lcs froio I:. J.ine.ri.ftifHTH and FINAL assessment, so fr. m Cat .t WSM appear :


Cklcago, w h r" he r,tudle-- d for his de-

gree of Ph. D. On the establishment ofthe BaS Diego Normal School he be-came head of the department of his-tory, where he made himself very popd-U- r.



IMi mawell Jr

EgTr Concert Tonight. f A T T AT IWXi HUUTnUThe following program has been ar- - fi 1 lfllj UrrlviJ

mnged for Ejrrj"s recital tonight at theHawaiian 0cra Houre: :.

1. Violin Concerto Mendelssohn j

Pan EgiTi violin.Mrs. EL M. Mott-Smit- h. piano. And see diagram of those cozy cottages

Ll Cello Solo which I have for sale at reasocaixte(a) Itomar.ec MacDowel tcrrng(b) Capri-ci- Goltcrmann

Mr. II. M. Mstt-Smlt- b. cello. Each contains three par--Mrs. 1L M. Mot t -- Smith, piano. lor, dining-roo- kitchen and bxtlt- -

I. IsM.i ted Honolulu. September 12, 1900.I


itir own. htiiiaa to Cilnk

' else the LjCk-ai- n

McCoy, su-- Iloiiolulti al

loth tugs were hrt'.diIt 'any people on lbs I

j'.hat it will be tie rtei.barh will wlr c:t.ptrlsasadsnt e.f the

' rrpenr, ts in comnbach, and that mear.i

U K CARTER,Treasurer of the Hawaiian Electric

OSw Ltd. t49It hi Supplied in

Last.X Itomanze et Gavotte .M. ionIt Is Lard alwavs to Uo pleasant. room; nearly new. Located near Pea-saco- la

strott.CO.miKK, Treasurermber l. Itoo WAIMEA SUGAR MIL


SarasatePa-i- l Ptrry. violin.Miss Cast!.-- . p!ano.

4. Eorg "II Sogr.o" (The D.eaml.

Ann:s Mnr.tague Torner.Violin ObfigatO, Taul Egrr.

Mrs. H. M. Mott-Smit- h, p'ano.LS. Fantai.-l- e 'Tdit" WKn:awsky

Paul Egry, violin.Miss Castle:, piano.

C. Trio Nle's CadeMrs. II. M. Mott-Srr.it- h piano.

Mr. Paul Eefry, violin.Mr. 1L M. Mott-Smit:- i. cello.

iT. Gipsy Dar,cei Sarasate'Paul Egry, violin.

Mrs. II. M. Mott-Smit- h, piano.


will be closed transfers fr Fr9&H iSssss ;1 WH t !vt jr!.iy. Bap

r .' IW, Inclusive.E. D, TENNET.

i Treasurer.


havlrs this daywith Ir. J. T.

of Ban Franelaipef as M I . I

i. tl.-e- . ocrupyindd by Dr. Caspar.URS- -

notry- -

rc- -COTTAGES and many desirable

Good natural people are ol tea irri-table. M'

If you knew tae reason you wouldcot Lc surprised.

Ever have itching piles?Not sick enough to go to bed cor well

enough to be content.Nothing will annoy yoa eo.The constant itching sensation.Hard to bear, harder to get renef.KeeiE yea awake nights.Spoils your temper nearly drives

l you crazy.Isn't relief and cure a long-fe- lt want?It Is tj he had for everyone in Doan's

Ointment.Doan u Ointment never fails to cure

Itching piles.Eczema cr any itchiness of the skin.Here is proof of it in the testimony

ofMr. Frank. Lelbly of 326 S. Main st.,

Wilkesbarre. pa., who says: "It iswith much pleasure that I testify to themerits of Doan's Ointment in cases ofmenting affliction for the past year.

I by the board,the Galilee. I:.THE BTOCKPOOKS t'F THE

above company will be closed to t'ens- -2 to 4

Tues.lay. HepTerr.pereptemlier 20. both Inclusive.

W. L. HOPPER, rp. as., T to

n 10 a. m. .

h .ns

RESIDENCESIn best locality in Honolula.

. Keep your eye on my "ad," and TO-

MORROW you may see just what yaaare looking for.

5A.VI Secretary- - (lo'drums th. w ih.- i re rr.I hav er seer, themrhal. WL

i: last, Lodge Le Progres De l'Oceanir .all caugrt the Grande Di took the fontepmast

'r- - s similar rquall a monsent ail bl'la In- - No 124. A A. 8. RITEf rietion of

ISS. Th-Pape-

la trou-y- r.


the i.iaiPtormast cut cf theGihrdo Durhrsr. o:ca rearon J dy 12 a d had conslI ! In racbinr the Inner

h -i

as In p?rt h-- r we 1 ft, as Captain Ma- -heo waa awaiting in-tr- ue ti ns from itchfhg piles. I suffered from that tor- - WILL E. FISHER,


POR SALE. r.ce. A new mast ana m W mnr.ine (1 trlwl nrlv erorvthino that c re.t i v. a j ' J I 11 t u V " BSSSJ V. w

"ar will hsve to be sent out and It will ommended to me and w hat I saw. . w Anl Ke I A.'r.ra ihn CZ n T",i 1 j he rsoi'r.n resum. her vovae. vertised. but I could get no relief Corner Merchant and Alakea Streecs.Iy of Pspeete arriv. i San nauy i procureo uoan s umtment. jup

THERE WILL 'BE A SPECIALmeeting of the above lodge at 7:20

k THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVEN-ING, al Ita hall. Masonic Temple.

WORK IN FIRBT DEGREEMembers of Hswallan Lodge. No. 21.

aad Pacific Lodge. No. s22. and all so-

journing brethren are Invited to bepresent.

' r of the W M.B. B. PRIKL. Sacrttary.


Frx r.clsco eirly in June, havtnc made the er a few applications I was much re-run down in twntv-tiv- e dr. vs. was jjeved, and, continuing the treatment,oetslnc d in quarantine b cause of the bu- - j wajl SOOTl completely cured. I haveW.nlc plagu" scare and none of h"r crew lfrhlnelnf thntIelt no 85Rns mtOieraDieto- - sllowed ashore. The cargo was goton the wharf after a great b il of mm- - lnce. and it is four months ago sinceruty and hn the larkentlr.e prepared I used Doan's Ointment To Bay that j

to fall aaii- - Lund, who was In I was delighted is only half expressing; To Rent.' US KAI sf

HAN U sSBBsm VBsrsasB assraas nsvinr (ua-.- u- mr enthu?.asm. I recommend thisMYSTIC LODGE. NO. 2. K. OF P.FOR A PERIOD OF

SEVEN MONTHS.10 1 ICE.remedy whenever the opportunity la! 1 nave an esculent tenant, obis nun-presente- d.

Yoa may publish my state-- :lf and wife, w ho w ants a cottage toment at ary time and I can always be rent in good locality; is willing to payfound at 226 S. Main street, and will r asonable rent, but wants It soon.

THERE WILL BE A REGULARad the above lodge thisII. s . niLLd

r to Sec- - . Wrdnesdsyi svening. r piernocr i vouch for the tame.' Stnd particulars to

ed In setting ashore, got his vessel underway July 7 t 2 p. m. Because of the bu-b- c

tic plssue care a pilot would not goabeard the VSSSVw 1 ut one accompaniedher out In a small boat. The orders mayhavs been misunderstood, but In any eventthe C ty of Papeete wnt on the reef.

"The barV.entlne r. malned on the reeffcr over twenty hours, and ns she wasptird- - ng all the time the strain on tbIsaS wss terrible. She was Anally got off

.and tow-- baik to lapeete bv t.e tug

10 o'clock, at Castle Hall. Port street.- u. same 7

waa vc ,.k IN THE SE' oND DEGREE.WILL E. FISHER. 'ctr.

Doan's Kidrev PUla for sale by alldealers; price 50 cents. Mailed by TheHollister Drag Co., agents for the Ha-waiian Islands.

Remernl.er the name. DOAN'S, andtake no tubstitute.

v n Member of Oaha Lodge No. 1 andPast CtwkA sadsjrain brethrsn are fraternally In- -

ia.l to attend.U ard.r C. C. S J. SaltST. is hell In quar- -,C"1VIL UOTICE "Every Man's timeA. E. MURPHY. P. C.


both elegantly and comfortablyfurnished, for rent in the best localityin Honolulu. Posesses a panoramasview of the harbor, and a marine vfcnrfree from obstruction. Contains doubleparlors, library, lanai, kitchen, pantries, four bedrooms, sewlr.g room, etex,thoroughly lighted by electricity; largegrounds in good condition, with fiaelawn, trees and shrubbery.

RENT. 2123. None but responsibleparties desiring to use same as a resi-dence, need apply.

K. of R. and 8.twer.tv-fou- r days and

a alkwed to ri ahomn of the City f f repeatsirly .ill the knees an 1

nr. A diver went down

Evs. Oncr.tine aithen the

Ar. earshe wd i


.AT1 HOBDAY. The Plague at GlagTW.j GLASGOW Sept- - IS. One of the four

IS HIS CASTLE." but it Is not so wiO.members of ore fasstty reported yestert the keel had gone thDR. W. H. MAYS

I'ENED AN OFFICE FORDon't it sometimes oc

Warsnn ,ii be atMl I rai, i new, Reretanla


W a. sa. to I f sa.at. Telephone Mais

V, tnrWuir.l An, fa mvn twwn ctFi.lc.r tho nbri . putc.has rlnce died.HAS cur to you that you should buy a

! HOME.'.ts had started upall the way fromof medicine and surgery at. e. t

tanln street, neat b'use p")obj ch. When wewas. as rlip the Papeete

as 1

and Further particulars cfPLANTATION COMPANY. t5SS S2Z. 5 n, to 12 m l to4 p m . and 7 tr P m. Sundays

G'OD LIVING AT THE GRILL.Py he Australia this rooming Lytir- - Ca11 a the office ar-f- l Srt list of a few

gus receives a rare shipment of dellca-- ; lovely cottages, which you may buyles from th Const. after th- -c Tonight v.-it- gome payment down, and pav

thrtngh the keelsonthree to six Inches eTsreete the Intent -

could gather, to pater,air.d her to Auckkwreee she wo'ild be pFirm th- PS sh woietigo to Ssa FrancNewcastle, Australia,

h.nd. New Zealand,rraanently repaired.Id bring a genrralsee or c:-- e. go to

to 11 a mTslepfcons SB. monthly the balance.iwaeiii ieiers "i gooej living win unit

the choicest ovsters. rrabi lobsters.r YHIS COMPANY

5 "I wafers from Frl lay.6 to Saturday. S,p--

B. D TKNNEY.ard load forlgteaks an 1 other delights. tas?-fu"- ly

Will E. Fisher,! REAL ESTATE AGENT & AUCTJLI Corner Merchant and Aiakea Strata

T. aal-mssht- T HAWAIIAN OATrt- - served. In the style that has made theI KTTS IS ssaawd SSJ Tassdars WILL E. FISHER, Auctr.Wbes tha Gairce was In port the French , name of Lycurgus known for years, i


Page 10: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the



Ufa i Mi,33 Queen Street.

P. 0. Box 594. Telephont 72.




"Breeder" Speaks Well1

of Him. '


THIS DAY.AstoundingSuccess


Remember Also, a very fine assortment in fancy CHEESE and froren PoultsCALIFORNIA AND EASTERN OYSTERS.

THE SALE OFWaldo J, 2:08, Has Won Seventeen

Races out of Nineteen uuuuStarts.

The following interesting article ap- - j

jvui-- i in the Breeder ajiil Sportsman of j

H. MAY & 2M LTDOF OUR GREAT InvestmentsSeptember 10:

2-B-IG ST0RES-- 2On the liixt trip maiie by the steamer j

Australia to Honolulu she carried the Xo take place at Morgan s auctiongray ghost of Santa I'aula. Waldo J. 2:08, n.,r, utthe best and fastest horse ever snipped

The Mclntvre Stnr,from California to the Islands. Waldo J.was consigned to Mr. Archie Young, who


f Telephone 22.Telephone 24.BargainSALE!


That lot on King Btreet, next to theCatholic cemetery, suitable for ware-house purposes.

Also, the former residence of the lateJames Dodd on the new Beach road.

M INT M A Y P R Hft M CAP NEW r nn

purchased him on the advice of J. C.Quirn and through the agency of thebreeder and Sportsman. On the arrivalof the horso in Honolulu, Mr. yuinnwrote this journal the following:

"The horse arrived all right. 1 cannotfind words to thank you for your kind-- m

ifl and true representation of him. Heis a beauty sure enough. He looks fit togo to a race right now. I am going to goslow with him for awhile, however. If1 can repay you in any way let me know.I should be most happy to do anything 1

Auction SaleOF


Clearance SaleFOR

Shares of StockON SATURDAY, SEPT. 29,

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.At my salesroom, 33 Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction



II is pleasant to receiveuch expressionsof gratitude as the above and we hopethat all who purchase horses on the ad- -

ie of this paper or through it will al-wu-

he as pleased as the new owner ofWaldo J., as We shall endeavor to nevermisrepresent Shy animal to effect a sale.

Waldo J.'s picture, which appears onour front page, do not flatter him in theleast. It really is a ioor picture of thegray paver and was never intended forpublication. When Waldo J. was ownedby the late If. J. Ilurrell of Portland, Ore.gen, he engaged the well-know- n artist,J. R. Hodson of San Francisco, to makea painting of him. Mr. Hodson took two


or tnree photographs ol the Horse towork from. One was a magnificent like-ness and it was reproduced on canvasand is now in Mr. Hodson's gallery on


Please remember this excep-tional opportunity of securing bar-gains at less than original cost,

ill only continue FOR A FEWMORE DAYS.

Gtary street in this city, Mr. Kurrell hav-ing died before it was finished. It is one

JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr.

Kahuku RanchAT AUCTION

of tho best pictures of a handsome horsewe have ever seen. The negative fromwhich It was copied Rtl broken by acci-dent and the only ones left in Mr. Hod-scn- 's

possession are a couple that he calls I,Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Call and Be Convinced !

Holiday Goods now on the way.Our only

this sale wasobject for holdingto make room for

inferior pictures, although we hardlythink the one reproduced on our frontpege can be described by any such term.

Waldo J. was a remarkable race horse.He came, out a green horse in IS!! andstarted in ten races. He won nine ofthtm In three straight heats, getting arecord of 2:13Vi, his only defeat that yearbeing by Sllkwood, who had to pace in2:0S4 to beat him, and Waldo J. got sec-ond money in that race, in which W.Wood 2:07 and Lady H. 2:15 were the oth-er competitors.

The next year Waldo J. started eighttirr.es. In his first race he was distancedowing to tielng a sick horse, although he


Under instructions from Col. S. NOR-R1- S,

I will offer for sale at Public Auc-tion at ray salesrooms, 33 Queen street,Honolulu, on


That valuable property known as theKAHUKU RANCH in the district ofKau, Island of Hawaii.

The property contains an area of over184,000 acres, consisting of valuablestretches of Cane, Fruit, Wheat, Sheep

Honolulu Stock-Yard- s kwon the first two heats and was secondin the third. He won every race aftertl at, however, only losing four heats al

STOW STOCK now being purchasedby MR. KERR and his assistant"buyers, in New York. We haveaccomplished this beyond ourfondest hope.

together, and at Fresno beat Chehali.Mason 2:10 nd Cattle Lands.2:C-Pi- . Pathmont 294, Fred

and TIanford Medium 2:11. pacing his me estate win De soia as a wnoie LIMITED.second heat in 2:08, his record. witn ail Lattie, liorses, iilacksmith and

In 1896 he started but once, beating W. ,carpenter bnops, and 'joois, and

. d easily in straight heats, but there thing belonging to the Ranch.were no classes for him in California andi" pot no more races. In 1898 he was tak W o oa1 n hrc f f ha m iiiinnc I ox i nl 1 A P I

facturers of all kinds of

Possession Given Immediately


$200,000.a a mmm m. m. u m. m mm a rtlimrunnr i rnu nun i rmhiilov

All Work Done By Hand and GuaranteeWE HAVE

en East and started once, being beatenby Ace 2:(ni. the pacer that was burned j

to death the other day at Providence. T.E. Keating had Waldo J. in his stringduring the remainder of the year butthere were no classes for him xcr-p-t thevery fast ones and in those Keating hadSearchlight and Anaconda to depend on,consequently Waldo J. was not started.

Mr. H. J. Purrell purchased the horsev h, n h returned to Californin and own- - j

e l him until his death, when F. Hahn ofthis city purchased him on the advice ofJ (",. Chesley. The horso was sent to,Brentwood Farm, and , turned out withthe intention of racing hhiJn 1901. Wheninquiry came from Mr. Qurnn. Mr. ITahnrut a price on the horse, littj.? thinkinghe would be sold, and Wafido J. is nowowned in Honolulu.

Waldo J.'s pedigree is as follows: Gray

Here is a domain offering an excellentopportunity for profit in an extensiveCattle Ranch, large areas for the: culti-vation of Sugar Cane, and unlimitedland for division to settlers for Fruitand Grain Lands. We repair Harness and. Vehicles, Paint and Letter

r . i " j. ii i i a. i . . it nni i r

A FEW BARGAINS TTT i - II B T 11 I . II,, I.For further particulars, apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. fve are importers or an Kinas or livl. oiwIgfMing by T'.ob Mason (son of Echo 4'- -. r i. i i a. i l. i u. v. : i. ,1.--. hainnni1 1 u til uud jja,si aiiu ivcutuuay un.u mono to uv-- ifor everything you might want in the way of a Horse, u


ar.d Belle Mason by Williamson's Bel-li c nt, cham by A. W. Richmond 1687,

grfciiuam by Gen. Taylor, the old t'.venty-r.iil- e

trotter. It is a combination of greattiottlTig, gnat running and great striv-ing blood.

The paragraph below Is also clippedfrom the same Issue:

The Honolulu Driving Association Isthe name of a new organization formedby the road drivers of Honolulu, and ofWhich Marion H. Diggs, formerly of Yoloccm.ty, California, DM been cle?ted sec-retary. The association numbers amonglt.s members many of the leading citizens


Cor. King and South Streets,In each department yet and

order to close out all odds linesthe next few davs. we are


THE RESIDENCE of Mr. W. W.HARRIS, on Kinau street near Tensa- -cola street; frontage of 175 feet on Kinau street, and a depth of 150 feet.

?oing to offer these at prices lowerthan ever. WE EXCEL AND LEADCOMFORTABLE TWO - STORY

cf Honolulu and they propose holdingmatinee racing every Saturday at Ktp!o-!a- nl

Park. On September 3d, Labor Day,stvtral contests were pulled off and ahirge crowd witnessed the day's sport.rre old California r, W. Wood 2:07,wen a mixed free for all race in straightheats, the time being 2:2C and 2:24.

DWELLING IIoirSK; parlor, diningroom, bedroom, dresing-roo- smoking WITHroom, etc., on first floor, and two bed-rooms upstairs; stables and servants'


quarters.Grounds nicely planted.Water throughout grounds.Terms, part cash, balance on rnort

gage.' High Sheriff Brown has Twenty-si- x

LADIES: Deputies.High Sheriff Brown states that Rob,--

jert Walaleale. who was a deputy sbeT i aMR. FRED PHILP in charge ot Marian


FOR RENT. uring Department.iff for the Island of Kauai, was not dis- -

missed from the force, as was reported,but that he resigned as he intends toenter politics and have a try for a Jobin the Legislature. The force of depu-tie- s

at whose heal la Sheriff Brown,includes twenty-si- s men on the variousislands of the noun. The co:nn list

Save your money by buying atQueen St. Store. --oo-JUT A GOOD HOUSE; In desirable central

location, thoroughly furnished, Is forrent and the Furniture Is for sale.Is as follows: C. R. COLLINS

Manufacturer,JAS. F. MORGAN,

SS Queen Street.

Importer andCottages for Rent. Dealer

L. A. Andrews, Hawaii sheriff; K. A.Lyman, deputy ai Hllo; C. E. Swain,deputy at North Bilo; K. S. Overend,Hanfakua; C. H. Pulaa, North Kohala;B. Faakiki, South Kohala; J. K. Nahale.Worth K.na: W. j. Yates, South Kona:F. C; Baton, Kau; J. C. Etderts, Puna. :

Maul: L. M Baldwin, sheriff: Wailu- - j

ku; A. N. Hayselden, deputy, Wailuku. :

C. It. Lindsay. Lahaina; F. Wlltrock, I

liana: S. Kalama, Makawao; GeorgeTrimble, Molokai.

Kauai: J. H. Coney, sheriff; W. H.Rice Jr., deputy; C. K. Haae, Kawal-ha- o;

K. Olmstead. Waimea; D. Donald- -

sun. Hanaiei; W. Tell. Koloa.Oahu: High Sheriff A. M. Brown;

C. F. Chillingworth, deputy; A. Mc-Our-

Honolulu; F. Tahla, Koo-- ,laupoko and Koolauloa; Andrew Cox,Walalua: John Fernandez. Wainae and i

Ewa. I

B. KERR h CO, U.L I IDS,TWO NICE nve-ruo- m eottas;ea forrent on lane leading to Beach Road,town side of Bishop's switch, Waiklki.

Reasonable rent.


Established in '.Queen Street. Honolulu.

Page 11: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the




ii m to t,n till I' m

A It a hnt. In did nut onth klrmu ystrrtay for hln home InMlli M Intends t remain In the cityfor MHOh rrlt to aitnd to privatehunlnees.

The In Proftrrm. (fall forth Iteiitihllciin convention were ar- -

in. I t.y l. W It. Klnr. They -il

rnnnldrrMhle attention by theoriginality ihown.



gal I luniiH I'.irk.r. Ju.JKf- - It! A Danielle' r III'.' Ilotnphreya nd A It I .. .. Wf r, J1 DalllSLt?!mi. .1 p. . t.ttor-- . Ht the Joint .Min WH HAVE jrrST HECEn'ED a la rart uhlnment ne 0,1.or the Fourth .m. I Fifth IMn- -M v ' '",, . nrv Company.trl.-t- h.'l.l Ut nlicht hi the Irlll Hhe.l. oleh Is the STRONGEST AND MOST OSJHTICBABLBJ CT

Will Oermit the urimtTtnra of a larsmr mount nf unaloae ef strength, than any other brand; It 1b therefore the meet

AJ-SE- N has no . qua! In color, flaen as and eand earrytng eeporp" 'ens per Duanei, measuring aoout iu per cent more earnest teSOLE AGENTS man o'ner brands, which very materially reduces Its eost asoiuer cements is therefore an economical cement la ase. uadadapted for fine toncrete work.

t M.ht Ht IHTI4

.,i I H w At ply

h 4 ! n ! i,. I.f lUlM

Mi Mitniiii n

iii.- - I price.th.. li.mr. of

.1- - r the Wtath

i nupply of

,i Uy tam

A Farewell Present.A I the ri hMl of the Am iti ii,- - Or l.e.

' ' ' u ner there wae a pretty littlemonlal In which O. M Off ley, chief

rk to folni . l Kuhl n, tKire thepart Mr nffl.y leave on the Australiam t week for Ma new atatlon at Seattle.mii lu rni i.l.n of the de--

i him a partlnnH the i hearml wu Interrupt..! when It..r iir.il Wray 'I i .i.,r ma.le a'. it little Mpeeeh of farewell anded Mr. rTI. y with a hamUome silvern.atchbo l.e.ir.nir the Hawaiian coat ofi not itnd the Ins. rlpilon: "O. If. Offley,

ih Aloha from the Amateur firihextra,

The following tests, made !n actual work by CoL D. C. Hoastfti ZUnmluTEngineers, V. S. A., at the sea wall around Governor's New IT 3

bor. has never been equalled by other cement. It is a toltoww: 1mmstrength per square Inch ne day.SS pounds; seven daya, wmmAtridays, 81J poundsFor sidewalks it gives the best celor anl tie rabt endomhle wa$mface.A few of the large contracts in which Alsen Cement was asec: CrtfR, Baltimore, S5000 barrels; Que bee Harbor Improvement. t.M karen. Bittherri Peelfi K. R. Bridges, 2fl.iX barrels.

o-- o

no ml.. nthanked the.ti ivonl

I n (tilrtirlmttta. H't'

,n o)tr atv the r

Theo. H. Davies & Qo.. LtdAGENTS HAWAII AN TERRITORY.Military C ncert TomKht

A Warner's,i Nlrefl ro.m and Thla evenlna; Honolulu will enjoy one

s. 1. r..t of the mint InterentlnR military ron- -i t of many month. Manager Allen

h pin i". I hi i of the Hawaiian hotel ha arranged. for ante cheap Hre throiiuh the courtesy of the rummiind- -

Inir officer of the transport Thorn forh i a fine nupply el a concert at the hotel, the combined

V etenm mnl of the Fourth and Fifth Regiment assisting In the program which

' n ''1M1,KJ.. '" ill be a must etenlve one. The pub- -',h",r r II - I invited to attend and the gallant

Honolulu Rust-Pro- of

B F. EHLERS & CO.officer and ln..t. of the Thomas willgrace the occanlon.I K of P , Will meet

invention Work Man. Corsets!as oil. exquisitely flavored;wft,sti ,t absolutely pure, never a neadacne la

It; equally valuable as a beverage or snil Fort Street.SHYS:I find your ALOHA TOOTH POW

--nedlclne surh Is the famous oldJ ease Moore "A A" Whiskey.

PEE S. S. AUSTRALIA. DER never makes my gums sore. Formany years I got all my tooth powderfrom my dentist; other powders caused

The rust-pro- of feature of these Corind Ice rr. ii'o p r I r

t Nuuanti and Hd for sale. Hee ad.

shout. I . onsult vsets recommend them strongly to everylady In this Territory.II.

irritation of the gums. I use your pow-der altogether, and I have my childrenuse It. I know It must be pure frommy personal experience."

I ppl. in inge. I., mons I". nr.si h. s 1'ium. I'run.. Orape, lery,

ihlniKi' 'aullMou r, Salmon, Halibut. NO. 6fi 13 a summer Corset, made of

h some reliablerelit cottage.

'1 Iforni.i Fruit

mfta frwlt. vegetaI, , ... , t s l 10

tab. Kastern aid t'allfornla Oysters This Is ONLY ONR TESTIMONIALtin and sh II. etc, etc.. at i 'a marl no's out of many that we have received

aboutfrige rator Wft Hfl.vA Just RaoaivaHH'CtS tit gO tor stopping at

, for a v twit ofMrAlohaMan Franclaco bus

fancy netting. In white only.Length 12 Inches. This Is the onlyabsolutely rust-pro- of summerCorset made.

N' . C7 Is one of the new and gracefulmodels, made of French coutil,stripped with satteen boning allrust proof.

NO. LLL Is a light, strong, new shapeFrench model Corset. A beautifularticle; very popular In Easterncities.

All the above numbers, only

ForThisWeek! Tooth Powder

We hall sell atr. m i. in mon AND

Aloha $ 1 .00 each.


GLOVES.White, with white stitching.Wbite, with black stitchings.

$1 00 a Pair- -

Figured Lawns and Dimities

20 Yards for $1.00.Fine Flannelettes


6 Yards for $1.00.Narrow Valenciennes Laces

been stopp-- d

ilrandmoth. rs T .

reewten. . ..f Mrs 1

whl.'h InvitationM . Fey 1 1 Tsy

,. ,.f honorares f Hawaiinn

pal. I up st k aln.Fsuple's l f I'ompuId at puloli no. tion

ky Jam. F Morganthe fond rulst'd by10 mill. .. amountingIllrlleil over to th.

rp.HM- - of pori haslnal and te. hnli al sub



Tooth Washwhich contain no injurious



LIMITED.Hi m,,r. .(.. . t, Ianhere go to Will AND SOLE AGENTS.

lll return by way

depoalt ..n III Linenihopt I

15c to $2,50 Dozen,519 Fort Street.Hobron Drug Co.

Fort and King.b. a-r-- h. n-- n. h. m. H. n. n. rn. B. a-- H- M44Telephone 436.

bant h they are of a

k of Lexington. Ky.. I

m hoard th.M 0,1 . r Manning Is

to act a clefaI'hi Ipplm

MMMMB---lMlMi'- tSKIRTSPlain and Fancy.

. tr t jt g v r s k r. s r r.v; & & n s s.jtsy.th- -to

n. i im on min! ltl iKIu . . i r l . .









i 11 K I'KolMKS PROVIDER 8i CoB. F. Ehlershie and

r of ii. . r -''day. the SM :o :-- FRT STREET.







f3B Shark Qshen attention is called to the fact thatwe hive on hand a stock of

Shark Hooks, Sailor Knives, Ropeand other articles needed in shark hhintfHI find II

ai tas OsMtt OfQos. Ill.. h. Xm

vim TONIGHT ! 5 We also carry a nice line of Gunn's Desksfa

fa5 Fishing Tackle, Fish Spears, Dip Nets,nutn of mnstji I

ll l ( . I.e (i'.jV .

u Mint youA now I the


m m nd sun- -

1 u somti vry d"Hold on the



Hawaiian Opera HoaseAT Oo fCLO K.

PAUL EORYKindly Sssistsd by Mr. snd Mrs II. M.

M tt Smith, Annln M Turnt-- r and MlMfact is.

Pearson & Potter Company, Limited.31 1 Fort Street. Telephone 565.

i. reported loy by Ws bars on hand a large assortment of those Justly sclshratoi

arc ths manufacturers'! if

XiahII. KKTH AT WAl.l.. NKII..I.S . ' M K" il K J iTl f Vl MTU f Vl f i V 1 C V! 0 i! V Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands



Telephone 398P. 0. Box 441

d. n The

mlng fr..m

' ! t nnit a hu h la tu

m ut tns OpsrfS Turner willII i rnmpMt Itsr

M. Mott-Hmlt- h

lfo. lilt Plo Pi.lo



In Can', st th

Beaver Lunch Rooms.ITS. Boxes

H. J. N0LTE. Proprietor.

iv nlrettdy' I'Ti'Uf l It

'' "f th sViMin.i v i

' N . h

il"t snd In.f Morgan vttll' 'irin nhrit""I'tnr, nhsra

Too don't have to take a box out to get any certain paper, bat ttesthe box drOD down, allowing you to take any papsr sat. I I

THE CLEVELAND BICYCLE AGENCY Is with us now. and will be atHOME where there are facilities to properly handle that first-cla- ss wheel.The sto. k will be sold at reduced rates to make room for New Goods ordered.

The ST HA UN'S Ulcycle from J23.00 to $75.00 still on hand.

Milwaukee Puncture-proo- f Tires, Inroof Tire In 11 Sizes atCHAIRS and OFFICE STOOLS ws have a large and WtO assorted ttsssV, frEX S. S AUSTRALIA can fit your office out complete In Linoleums and Rugs, Cocoa Flnrt

Th California fruit t'ompany,.., Kin -- iret, will re. siv Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery Co., (ACoyne-Melirte-n Furnitureh wintr In nda. And... lry. Csullflowr. Pal- -

LIMITEDrorJa'mon- - Crabs, frosen Oystsrs. and

mcs Tefphn Main 24DO 7 220 AD 231 KING STREET, EROOBJESiCornet Beretanla and Fort Streets,


Page 12: Jtowmal ig Mm - University of Hawaii · a In hla rlfle'g maa;azlne. (me WIGM Philadelphia Den'a Tampl Tel til Worker claimed last night, 112,000 of braaa band, marched through the

msrfEMBEK 26, 19(H).

HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE.daughter. Prince IJavJd.KwKP'ln". Oceanic SteamshipCoHonolulu, September 23.The Overland

LimitedA P '

NAME OK STOCK. Capital VaJ Bid led

ft Pact consfdfli Miemsef.

HMfci 1 ii at the Postofflce at Honolulu,IL T., Second-clas- s Matter.

Issued Every Morning, ExceptSunday, by the


A. W. PEARSON.Business Manager,

TIME TABLE:Tt fln Passenger Steamers of this r.ina .

Mebcantilk.0. Brewer A C o 1,000,00a ire

!K. Lilikalanl. J. H. WW?. - v. C. Wal- -Martin Lee, W. C Sct"f 1 nilVs T. Polser,

Iker, Mrs. Cl&r B"S. John Hind, N. J.Miss A. I.. Mrs. Dav:d Center

I ?T"J.v Siim Johnso.., H. P. Bald-win o2ilo "-a- . W. Palache, FrankXrchT. Kov. S. L. ),:.,. Vv' J. V !so:iand wife.- For Maul por;s, per stmr. Claudlne, Sep-tember 25. Mrs. James Taylcr and child,

'Mrs. Geo. Desha, W. II. King, Miss W.:Klr:g. Mrs. W. Young, W. H. Field. JohnCooke. J. M. Kear.u and wife. John Ka-lur.- n,

W. J. Lowrie, W. D. Lowell, R. A.Wndswortn and wife, J. N. S. Williams.C Eolte. Wah Tun, Tors Van?, Mr.f, JohnKaaua, Miss Helen Desha, Mlu Lewa Lo-ki- a,

A. F. Tavares. J. K. Hanuna, If. H.iRsuter, 11. Renter, Rev. J. K. Iosepa,

Thrte lralra Oally from 9an FraneUio. as hereunder: J,rnvTwo Trains Daily from Portland vie'.in vo



American Sugar Co.. l.MO.000Kwa i.OOO.OOO

Hamoa. JffS.OM

Hw. Agricultural Co l.QW.WOHaw. Com. & Sug. Co i B225SHawaiian Sugar Co. 2,000,000

Honomn.... . 7SO.00O

Honokaa 2,000.000Haiku SOO.ono

Kahuku MO.OOO

....OCT. 10 AUSTRALIA...OCT. 24 AI.AMrn21

)t0n Mill) i US H ....NOV. C AUSTRALIA ' --J....NOV. 17 MARIPOSA. -- .JKamalooug. Co.Lt.a I 22o,000

" Paid up I 2S0.1100wife and child, A. Enos, Father Thomas.R .. EB. O. Siiva and wife, Mrs. A. G.Sllva and Miss Gll'iland. Kihei Plan. Co.Lt. a t l.OTOflOO

" Paid up 1,500.000


mo aaj after Jan 1, 1900OUTWARD.



Kipahulu iw)-"-

Koloa I 800.000


....DEC. 291901. AUSTRALIA



Kona Sugar Co. Asa. )

20 !

100PW100100 i.ioo ..

20 .1 100 ..

20 I

2020 ;:n50 i

i ioo ;;100IOO

' 100 'ioo

i I00 i"20 I"202020

100202090 '20

100 "50 "100100


180.000raid tpMaunalel S. Co.. Ass t

Paidip 100,000McBrvde 8. Co.ht. A

Paid UP 1,650,000 11

Dally Dally Dally Dally Dallyvtfi x ex.

ua Sun.am. a . e m p.m. a.m.t: 1:11 Uf oi fag

9mtt City 9M 1:41 11 1:47 i:MKl.l l:B UiM UM 4 01 I ill

fTeiemae lt:U 4:411Tatahi. .... UJI i 4u t ;i


In connection with the sailing of the above steamer. "JLT

LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO, 8:0 a. m.,10:0 a. m., 6:60 p. m.

LEAVE PORTLAND, 1:11 a. m., :Wp. m.

Throuh without change.

Nahiku Sugar Co. A' Faldup)

Oahn Sugar CoOnomeaOokalaOlaa Hugar Co. LtAs (

" Paid up iOlowulu



2,500 000


SHIPPING NOTES.j 7 he schooner fcuzon sailed from Gray's(Earner on the 16th for Honolulu.

1 he bark Martha Davis arrived at SanFtanclfeo on the 17th- - instant, 2S days

jfrim Hilo. Captain McAllman is hermarter.

J 'i he troops aboard the transport Thom-'a- a

were allowed ashore last night. Whentht vessel get up to the wharf many oftht boys climbed through open ports andso got ashore long ahead of the others.

I SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 18.-- Tho train-- .i ' f. ship Adams sailed yesterday after-- jnoon with a large number of naval ap-- ;pi entices for a cruise along tho northern

Few St. The Government fh'p Cyrus Wake.Held will sail soon fcr the north to load



parea to issue, to intending passengers, Coupon Through 'ti,8!?'road, from San Francisco, to all points in the United Stt.. 5 1160,000 iorK oy any ateamsniD Line to al Euronenn r- - a


111! liiree Days io M90Paanhea Sug, Plan. Co .w,oooPacific 500 000Paia 760.000Pepeekco 750,000Pioneer 2,000.000Waialua Agr. Co. Aa. ( 2 100,000

" Paid up ) i 1.500,000Waianae 300.000Wailiibn 700.(0 i



only Four Doys 19 New York



General Agents Oceanic S S Co

tooteal for Manila. ST)1UIK0

Dally Dally Dally Daliy.... a ex. ex.

Hun.am. am. p oq m.

bam in .... i:oeIPM' :! .... t:MIFttlevee . ...... ..... 7 l l:Gi

Mil .... M ! .1 I N 4. SifvArt Ctty 1:11 1:01 i N 4:H

smis . t u i u rut i.m

a p. cstnsoN, f. c. smith,

Wairaanalo.... 252,000 j 100Waiuiea 125,000 100

Notice to Shipmasters.8. Branch Hydrographic Office,

San Francisco. Cal.IIS500.000


MF.AMSHit C08.Wilder S. S. CoInter-Islan- d 8. 8. Co..;



Hawaiian Electric Co.!Haw. Electric Assess.'Hon. Rp.Tr. & Ld. Co.;Hon. Steam Laundry.'Kona-Ka- u Telephonei

A- - T..I. r .... 1 I .

O. P. T. Aupwrintendent. 110

0Hy corninoiitcating with the Hranch Hy-Jr- c

graphic Ottli-- e In San Francisco, cap- -

tatns of vessels who will ate witttthe Hyxjrqgraphio Office by recording Ihw

. teurteogltai obaervetlons suggested bytht-- otttce. can h:.vc forar led tc them at











Pullman Palace Sleepera.Buffet Smoking and Library Cars,

with Barber Shops and Pleasant Read-ing Rooms.

Dining Cars, meals a la Carte.Free Reclining Chair Cars.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.

J. H. LOTHRuP. General Agent.135 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.

1D. W. HITCHCOCK General Agent.

No, 1 Montgomery St.. San Franclxeo

Mutual Telephone Comy o v irt'i i"ri, rni i i ce 01 eiiJnse, theGotbbnmixt SravT,MOK DAT

07'111 K H Ll H VU1 I I .1 A,

" Paid upO. R. & L. CoPeople' Ice & Hei. Co.

16!150,000 KObaxox. TxxM.;;g 9 5 Occidental & Oriental Steamship;

a. pilot char ts of the North Pacificj Ocean, and tht latest information regard-ing the dar.M i to navigation in the wa-- jtera whl.-- they frequent.

Mariners are requested to report to theoffice dangers discovered, or any otherInformation which can be ut llzed for cor- -

BondsHaw. Govt. 6 per centHaw. Govt. 6 per cent..Haw. Govt. Postal 8a--

em !


s and Toyo Kisen Kaisnartcting charts or sailing directions, or In viiigs 4' per cent.. .

the publication of the pilot charts of the Hilo R. R. Co. 6 per ct. Or E. L. LOMAX, C P. A T.Omaha, Nebraska,rin v s 9f. N E :4-- 2.02 61 2 Ewa Plantation 6 p--North Paeltic. C. G. CALKINS.0u,53 --5 ENh. It) mm n

11 (t 29 :a102101MB

Eieut.-Comd- r., U. 8. N., in Charge. aaniiKU riant. 6 p. C.

O.R.4L.CO T.: Steamers of the above companies will call at 'Honolulu andPort on or about the dates below mentioned:



- i m v.Olf.l 6 NV 1 I.00 4 KEI4--5.03 03 4 Ms 4- -2

M !


v a tyREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Hawaiian Navigation Co.,30 Tt 29 ib .18 . 4 NM For Japan and China. For San FrancisWM.Ol 29 U .08 60 5 UK I LIMITED.

j Session Bales Morning Session FiveOahu, $147.50 ; 5 Waialua, assessable, $101.-5- 0,

175 McBrvde, assessable, $3. AfternoonS. ssion Fifty Waialua, paid up, $110; 40

'Waialua, assessable, $100.

LJ NIPPON MARU SEPT. 29 AMERICA MARUt.er corrected to U K and aea September 14. No. 550 Young Yun et al RIO DE JANIERO OCT. PEKINGjffni. axtf) for standard gravity of Let. 4.

fees eerrectton is .08 for Honolulu. Between Hoards Ten Waialua, assess-able, $101.50.

to J. Kaiewe; R. P. 4364, kul. 1564, Pauoa,Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $530.

No. 58C2 J. D. Holl. Jr., and wife to J.H. Cummings; lot 77, Pawaa, Honolulu,Oahu. Consideration J.S0O.






This company reserves the right tomake changes in the time of departureand arrival of Its steamers WITHOUTNOTICE, and It will not be responsiblefor any consequences arising there-from.

Consignees must be at the landingto receive their freight. This companywill not hold Itself responsible for

No. 5865 R. C. Tewksbury to P. Neuj Great Actor: "I propose making p.

j farewell tour of the provinces. Whatman and George A. Davis; all property DORIC DEC. 5 COPTICC0n. play would you advise?" DEC. 13 AMERICA MARU ...real or personal, Honolulu. Oahu.deration ft. Critic: " 'Much Adieu About Noth- -

? ItS; fSrS fill: of 3--

.aim Tl im I 'T m n a.

DEC. 21 PEKINGfreight after it has been landed.NIPPON MARU ...RIO DE JANEIROCOPTICAMERICA MARU .

ing.' " Detroit Journal. '

Live stock received only at owner's .DEC. 29 GAELIC.JAN. 5 HONGKONG MARU

CHINAt 111 . All n III. .11" a risk.little sister This company will not be responsible

Tommy?" for money or valuables of passengersK 4v9 i S 9.50 10 2 ) 5.49 5 54: 6 24

"Pa, I wouldn't have afor anything. "Why,

--! l. 4 31 10 an 11 00 5 49 5.53 7.04

No. MM Pans Chong and wife to LumFie; lot 3. kul. 11215. River street, Hono- -lulu, Oahu. Consideration $2,200.

No. 5871 W. C. Achl and wife to M. G. j

Sllva; lot 32, Pawaa tract, Honolulu, Oa-hu. Consideration $1,700.

September 17. No. 5873 E. P. Kinneyand husband to E. F. Wise; Gr. 4254, Olaa,Puna, Hawaii. Consideration $1,900.

No. 5ST5 J, Bohnenberg and wife to A..immermann: lots 33 and 40, Olaa, Puna,

Hawaii. Consideration $2,500.

& 18 1.7 4 ;3 10 46 11 45 6 50. 53 7 43 FOR GENERAL INFORMATION. APPLY TOp.m.TJ 5.58 1 7 5 38 11. !9 12. S9 5 50 .V 52 8 21

"Cause, pa, Jimmy Dobbs's little sistercries an' cries until he gets down onth' floor, an' lets her tramp up an'down on his stummlek." IndianapolisJournal.

unless placed in the care of the pursers.The company will not be liable for

loss of, nor injury to, nor delay In de-livery of baggage or personal effects ofpassengers, or freight of shippers, be-- ;yond the amount of $100, unless thevalue of the same be declared when re

M M 16 6 10 11.59' 1 44 6 50 5 5l 9 Hm 7.17 1.6 7 15 a m S 02 5 6i 5 60 10 12Ii! it H. Hackfeld & Co., 0? 8.17 18 8 40 o wl 4 21 5.51 5.49,10 56

No. 5876 --C. Relnhart to J. Bohnenberg; ceived by the company, and an extra6 :0 1 67 6 21 6.IH 5 48 11 01lots 33 a id 40 of patent 4024. Olaa, Pun a- - rilCClflfl iriVrrtlCfmrritC charge be made therefor AGENTS.quarter of the moon on October 1 Hawaii. Consideration $1. liia.3.MlllU aUlVlllJWIUWUUi AH ployes of the company are for--

1 , 1 , 1 1. n .:i 1 1 frf.l cr- - , i . , , , , loll...No. 5S77 S. T. Piihonua to K. and Kfrom Ike Unltd States Coast and iLebuloa; 6 3-- 10 acres. Kalapana. Puna,

Hawaii. Consideration $224.M B'jrrT tablM- - erlng a shipping receipt therefor in thefcrm prescribed by the company, andWANTED. which may be seen by shippers upon

T' tides at Kahului and HUo ox-u- rmt on Vur earlier than at HonoluluWxiian stt:1ari1 time Is 18 hours 10

1 ,ist of deeds filed for record September BY YOUNG German; room and board application to the pursers of the com- -I o- -. 1 uvi'" nwr than Grtenwicb time, t in private family. Addi-es- s "D," P. O. pany s steamers

Shippers are notified that If freight5660Box 616.j First Party. Second Party. Class.MS taat of th meridian if 157 dsgraeaAiatta Tm tlni whistle blows at 1

Canadian-Australi- an Royal

; Steamship CompaqMaikal I,. KrKanuna JJv , which is ths same as Greenwich. 9 is shipped without such receipt it will

be solely at the risk of the shipper.A YOUNG man desires pleasant room.. ralsutee Hon and moon are for s- - n- - DoI and wife J. H. Pamalula Dtime fbr the whole srouo. .1 M Monsarrat W. R. Castle D



B. Kaiewo tt al. M. PolapolaB Wahine et al. M. K. SpencerSHIPPING INTELLIGENCE.

g : r - (W. L. Moore ct al. A. B. Loeben- -DIAHONH HEAD RTmr A I. STATION: ?te!n D Steamers of the above Line, running in connection with the

PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, tut IFOR SALEm. Weather, clear;

mosquito proof; must be central. Cangive good references. Address"Room." this office. 5651

A YOUNG man to work in a wholesalestore. Good references are required.Address "Z.," this office. 6653

A COMPETENT bookkeeper wants aposition; has had three years exper-ience in wholesale house. Can givebest of references. Address "G. W.,"this offlce. 5651

10 p.E.

r piemw r SB,WUui. light, N.

J. G. Kothwell Moana Hotel Co. .. D.1 A. Thompson, commissioner, et al.

i E. W. Wood .... 1

Tr. E. Iaklka Hon. Invest. Co., Ltd. D

a W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, and Brisbane, 0,1

3D"uie at lorxolvilu..On or about the dates below stated, vis.:

ARRIVED AT HONOLULU.Tuesday, September 25. i .,. ,f1 nnminin father.

U. B. A. T. Thomas. Buford. 7 davs from service tFROM SYDNEY, BRlPBlMafter forty years of honest" - - - i t

Al.r. Kranrln, n with 1 .".iO in.ni f,, M , .had arrived at such an For Victoria and Vuitos!sola and stores for Takn nnri Manila the Philippine?




is offered for sale by C.BREWER & CO., LTD.

Full particulars and prices can behad by calling at their office on Queenstreet.

Sails for Manila via Nagasaki on Friday advanced age that he knew his timeat noon. for this world was short, his brother

iDadres asked him to write a book de


FOR SALE.HARDEN soil for sale. Apply Hawaii-

an Electric Company, Alakea street.5660

tailing hla experiences. He consented,but added: "No one shall see it whileI live, but when I am gone you willopen my private chest and then- - youwill find the manuscript." Recentlythe old man died, and, after he wasburled, the Dominican fathers openedthe chest and f iund therein a vast

SAILED FROM HONOLULU.Tuesday, September 25.

Slwr. Manna I.oa, Simerson, for Lahai-x- i. Maalaca, Kona and Kau.Stmr. Upolu, Dalton, for Honolpu and

Kens ports.Stmr. Klnau. Freeman, for Hilo and way

jorts.Btmr. Claudlne, Parker, for Maul ports.I - 7 D.I.. f. . T 1 . .

The magnificent new service, the "Imperial Limited," is now i


Making the run iM hours without change. The finest railwvthe world.

bundle of manusc rlpt sewed together in

A BOWLING alley, pins and balls, com-- ! 1 Golden Gate Rock Crusher, No. .

plete. Apply to C. R. Collins, 12 Wes. complete, with 12 H. P. portable bolleiKing street. 566J nd engine, elevator and buckets.

j 1 Burley Drill, complete, with 40 H. P' boiler, air compressor, etc.nntipn v.

,and ice cream parlor or , 8et Fowler Steam Plows (4 gang).Nuuan-- and 'tm ' and full assortment spare parts.Apply on promises. o660 3 250 H. P. Stirling Boilers.

2 sets Green's Fuel Economizers.A HALLET & CUMSTEN piano, stool 2 Worthington High Duty Steam

and cover, for $50. Enquire at this of- - Pumping Engines, capacity Ave millionflee. Gtio9 j gallons per 24 hours, against a tots.)

; head of 420 feet.LOT 62 x 131. Desirable Hi-st- ory 1 14 x 15 x 10 Duplex Pump, capacity

dwelling, on Prospect between Alapai i2 million gallons per 24 hours,

and Hackfa d streets. Six rooms, 1 4 x 2 x 4 Pump.

the form of a book. On the cover werethese words: "The Characteristics, Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, Unltel 8ttHabits, and Customs of the Filipino j

People. By Father , D. O. M.rope.

For Freight and Passage and aU general lnformatloa sppU "

Vimr. W. G. Hall, Thompson, for Na-wiliw-

Schr. Blanche and Ella, for Hanaki andKAUhtwat

Sc-h-r. Waialua. We'sbarth, for HanaleianU KaliMwal.

Stmr. Kaiulanl. Mitchell, for Paauhau,Kukalau, Iiur ahoehoc and Papaaloa.

rnyanv ven it i.trsuu run mu.. .

Theo. H. Davies & Co , Ltd , Sail2 ch Centrifugal Pumpslarge blnal, fine view; servants' iuar- -

Careful Study and Observation of theRace. Th( y opened the book to thesecond page and found it blank. Theyopened it to the third page and It wasblank. There were three hundredblank pages. On the very last sheetwas written these words: "This is allI know, after forty yeafs' study, of theFilipino people."

TO SAIL TODAY.Stmr. Noeau. Wyman. for Anahola. lu

and Ahukin1, at 4 p. m.

ters and stable. For further partlcu-iais- ,

apply to Gear. Lansing & Co.5G19

or iI Centrifugal Pump.17x9 Horizontal Slide Valve Engine,


I 25 H. P. Upright Tubular Boiler.I Vt x 5 x 6 Duplex Pump.1 Donkey Engine.Also, California Mules, in fine order.Portland Cement.Steel T Rails, 25 pounds and i

pounds.Large lot of second-han- d Picks, 8hov.

-- Is, iioes and Tools.R. R. Tamping Bars.1 Baldw'.n Locomotive, S pairs of

MOV E M ENTS OF STEAMERS.Steamers due and to sail today and Tor

the next six dnys arc as follows:ARRIVE.

The King of Naples, in the plenitudeof his absolutism, paid one day a visitto the Neapolitan prisons, in order tosee for himself what sort of men his


LARGE beach house, having all mod- -ern conveniences. For particulars ap- - j

ply to P. O. Box 61S. 5624

ROOMS AND BOARD.BOARD and rooms can be had In refin- -

ed family occupying a modern resi-dence (mosquito proof). In coolest;

Due..Sept. 26tMti4 M

Direct Service Between New York,

Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands.Sept. 23i criminals wore, and whether they really

..Oct 9 deserved the punishments they were

..Oct. 10 undergoing. "What is your sentence?"S. S. "AMERICAN" WILL LEAVE NEW YORK FOR SAKfjji

Portland and the Sound, en route to Honolulu on octooerFrancisco about December 12th, at the Sound about Decease. -

Steamers From.Austrulia-- S. FNippon Marti S. FWarrimoo VictoriaXUe de Janeiro 3. FMoana-- S. FCeptlc-- S. FAmerica M ini S. FAustralia S. FMiowera Victoria

DEPART.Klowpra Vit toriaAustralia S. FAmerica Mnru 8. FPeklng-- S. FAUmtda- - S. FOct li-e- S. FAcrangi VictoriaHongkong Man U. F. . . .Auetrelis 8. F

he said to one. "Fifteen years, yourmajesty." "And what had you done?""Nothing whatever." "Quite innocent?""Entirely so, vour majesty. ''"And you?"he asked another. "Thirty years, sire.Victim of a false accusation." "Andyou 7" to a third. "In for life, my king."

..Oct. 17

..Oct. 21

..Oct. 24

..Oct. 27

.Sept. 26

..Oct. 2

..Oct. 2

irlvers. 3 foot guage.6 15-to- n Flat Cars, guage.12 Flat Cars, guage46 Cane Cars, guage.1 Howe R. R. Track Scale.1 Platform Scale, 36 x 47.2 Platform Scales, 23 x 3JI Stump Puller.Dump Carts.Spring Wagons.Bain Wagons.Road Scrapers.Lot Plow Harness.

ceivei freight at Tacoma and Seattle for Honolulu at ,owe8l.ra. S. "HAWAIIAN" IS EXPECTED TO LEAVE NEL,L,t ,

tS-- i . ... . - .. i. ..

cember 10th and win periorm tne same voyage ua a., -

n . m t ... j c. c,,,h Tlrooklvn. at "

portion of city. Ten minutes fromtown. Address "A. B. C," Advertiseroflice. 5657


SALARY warrant No. S9."6. fordrawn by the auditor in favor of MissLena Deverill, has been lost. Pay-ment on same has been stopped.

5S60-221- 5

TWO certificates of deposit on Bisho;)& Co'? bank in favor of J. W. Sproat.

company s wiian, ruiif-oiiui- m oni-i- , - m -...Oct. 9 "And what have you done? ' "Every-...Oc- t,

12 thing you can think of, my king: theft....Oct. 19 bui-Lrlary- , highway robbery, man-...Oc- t.

34 I w .,i.. t i.. .1 .!. For further particulars apply to Honolulu Agents.niaiiuici, uiuiuci. i omy uuuf i lucv:'i not sentence me to death.'' "What..Oct.

.Oct. LI10 H. HACKFELD & CO..is your name?'' asked the king. "My C. Brewer & Co.,i.narr.-- replied the nrst-clas- s criminal.PASSENGERS.Departed.

For Maul and Hawaii ports, per stmr.Mauna Lob. September 2T,. Mrs. Lou 8ai:C M nik r,o t'iark J TT W.-ili.ul--

"since I have been here has been 912."Alter finishing his tour of inspection,the king said to the governor: "Alltho prisoners here seem to be perfectly


one for $310, and one for $450. havebeen lost. Payment on same has beenHupped, and all parties are cautionedagainst negotiating the same. 5660

THE following warrants drawn by theauditor on the treasury, to be chargedto the appropriation. "RepairingSehoothouses," have been lost, andp tynunt of the same has been stop-ped: No. 4169, order Edward Hore,$135; No. 4170. order Edward Hore. $4.

Ther is only one bad manlanl. Miss Scott, Mrs. C. Butske. Mi J. innocentFOR SAlE.among them No. 912. You had better

Id him out, lest he corrupt the others."

iAxleCreaic&sTo ARRIVE EX-HELE- N BREWER,Any person Into whose possession the j due in October:

A Bordfelt. J. D. Paris, W. R. 'le,Miss Violet Lima, ChSSL Harding. Mr.Lewi. Mr.. F. H. Hayselden. Mrs ItCrowe!!. Mrs. M. Lane, Miss Lillie Mitch,ell. Mtas Mary E. Green, W. Tatterson,C. N. McNallv. S. N. Smyth. J. Makalnal.A. Falrley, A. McAulton. J. K. White andwife. C. K. Towt. W. Kahaalwlwl. L. T.Perk. Mr. Talhnt. OoL Norrts, D. K. Hay-selden, G. P. Knmauoha and two childrenand Sarah Wilhurton.

For Milo end way ports, per stmr. Kl- -


"Another one of thoseconcerns failed the other day."

"That's so?""Yes; old Goldbond's daughter broke

her engagement with young

sam" may come, are requested to for-ward them to the undersigned. Ed-- 1

ward Hore, Waialua, Oahu. CG5S j


READ THE ADVERT'5'vn.it. i' mier Zo. Miss n L,eong, airs.Kawshi. i 1 .is. Williams, A. G. Jones, Mrs.W. G. P Trey. Rev. J. A. Cruxan, J. M. "There Is no show for the downtrod-Tten- n.

v -- . Mackenale and son. William Jen poor man in this country," said theTtMunpson, H L. Holstein, P. McKlnnon, dyspeptic boarder. "That's a fact. The

C. BREWER & CO., LTD.Board and rooms; all modern com- - QUEEN STREET

forts; electric lights; mosquito proof j .,

a quiet, refined home. Kins: St, cars! rvniv tne highest grade of RED RUB- -Vatn raoo 1 p.v d .ot,ey . w . uicox, .

M wUh Qnly one gult of clothes hasJ1. ItailuiiKBiam, V . r . uianr, .vuu ... I'no redress at all," said the Cheerful 75 Cents a MorJames Glbb. C. 8. Smith, A. P pass the door. Prlcen moderate. Tele- - BER Is used in the Stamps made by

phone SWl-blu- e.!

the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.and Idiot. Indianapolis Press.lieller, E. W. Rusted, Wm. Horner