jquery.nstsliders.js - nestoria range slider jquery plugin

Nestoria Price Sliders Savio Dimatteo, Lokku HQ, London, 1 May 2014.

Post on 14-Sep-2014




5 download


Nestoria range sliders have been reimplemented as a jQuery plugin. This is mainly because existing range sliders cannot be used comfortably when it comes to handle dynamic price ranges. At Nestoria we display properties with dynamic, wide price ranges, and our design allows to dedicate only a few pixels for the price range slider. We needed a range slider control that could make the best out of these few available pixels. In this talk the author explains details of the implementation of the part of jQuery.nstSlider.js that solves this porblem, and provides a more general introduction about open sourcing jQuery plugins.


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Nestoria Price SlidersSavio Dimatteo, Lokku HQ, London, 1 May 2014.

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Dynamic Price Sliders● users filter by price through a range slider

● dynamic price sliders: range changes based on result set

● calculate the potential price range

The min. and max. price calculated on the listings as if the price filter wasn't set.

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Why “Potential”● users specifies the price multiple times

○ e.g., first handle, second handle, first handle again

● the other handle should stay fixed

● ok to move handles when other elements are used

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The Problem● a lot of listings falls within a certain price range

● a few listings have prices outside that range

● wide wide range!

crazy cheap ultra expensive

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Why The Problem

crazy cheap ultra expensive

300px wide !

● we would need more pixels...

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Use a non linear scale.

● many listings in price sub-range -> use many pixels

● a few listings that distort the range -> use a few pixels

Squeezing prices

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● are most of the listings grouped towards the beginning of the price range?

● are they grouped around few multiple ranges?

● are they evenly distributed over a certain price range in certain locations?


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it doesn’t matter

One answer

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any distribution of listing prices pixel to value mapping

value to pixel mapping

400£ 31px

31px 400£

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1) compute the price histogram

● Any number of buckets is fine, we use 128.

The Idea

price (buckets)


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The Idea2) extract a normalized probability density function (PDF) from price histogram.

note: sums to sliderWidth

price (buckets)


price (buckets)



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The Idea3) transform PDF -> CDF , a cumulative density function.

note: doesn’t decrease

price (buckets)


0price (buckets)



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The Idea4) use CDF to obtain the mappings

price (buckets)



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The Idea4) pixel-to-value mapping





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The Idea4) value-to-pixel mapping





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Awesome approach● flat histogram -> linear increments

● two prices -> valid histogram

● one price -> a flat histogram!

● negative prices -> histogram is an ARRAY at the end…

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Implementation is funny● what you think you would have

● what do you actually have

price (buckets)



36 37

340 £ 350 £





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Sharp price distributions



Bucket 0 Bucket 1

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Sharp price distributions


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Sharp price distributions



0 £ 2000 £

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Sharp price distributions



0 £ 2000 £

# of pixels to cover

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Solution: Interpolation● apply a series of (linear) interpolation steps● one step:

a : previous price (interpolate from)

b : next price (interpolate to)

n : number of intermediate pixels to “cover”

0 £(a)

270 £(b)

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pixel-to-value● result of the interpolation● stored into an array for direct lookup

0 1 2 ….. sliderWidthPx

34£ 56£ 78£ 129£ … … … … … …. … …. … max£

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1. binary search in the array of values○ find closest known prices P1, P2 s.t. P1 <= price <= P2

2. find the index of the closest known price -> place the handle at that pixel.

0 1 2 ….. sliderWidthPx

34£ 56£ 78£ 129£ … … … … … …. … …. … max£

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.jsGrunt is truly a blessing: grunt-init jquery

● Gruntfile.js with uglify, concat, clean, jshint, watch, qunit● manifest for jquery plugin registry● manifest for npm package● README/LICENCE/CONTRIBUTING.md● provides a banner task to actually write an header in your

minified javascript

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.js

banner: '/*! <%= pkg.title || pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' +

'<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +

'<%= pkg.homepage ? "* " + pkg.homepage + "\\n" : "" %>' +

'* Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author.company %>;' +

' Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, "type").join(", ") %> */\n',

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.jsAdd an addictive demo page (important!)● commit index.html and assets in gh-pages branch of your

github repository

● make something that works and looks nice

● be inspired: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.jsTest test test!● I converted all jasmine tests into qUnit tests (crazy)

○ jQuery UI uses qUnit○ jQuery community traditionally uses qUnit

● qunit felt more mature and simpler than jasmine○ less behaviour oriented

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.jsTesting across jQuery versions!● Grunt is truly a blessing

● grunt-connect

○ allows to run a web server that hosts the tests

○ test specific versions of jQuery in one go!

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Releasing jquery.nstSlider.js grunt.registerTask(‘test’, [‘connect’, ‘jshint’, ‘qunit’]);

qunit: {

files: ['test/**/*.html'],

all: {

options: {

urls: ['1.6.4', … , '2.0.0b1', '2.1.1-rc2'].map(function(version) {

return 'http://localhost:<%= connect.server.options.port %>/test/nstSlider.html?jquery=' + version;





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Conclusions● typical example in which simple reasoning ends up in more

complex and detailed implementation

● a really exciting experience with open sourcing the sliders!

● 80% of people like it according to Reddit upvotes

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ConclusionsjQuery plugin project:● releasing the plugin was fast after all! (just one night!)● visual projects trigger peoples’ imagination when requesting

new features...● people care about accessibility● hard to test :-)● Grunt is truly a blessing!

○ Use Grunt for your JS projects!

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the end


github: https://github.com/lokku/jquery-nstslider/

reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/hackernews/duplicates/249rw3/fully_customizable_jquery_sliders_singledouble/

hackernews: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7665894

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN5AfudLHws

bower registry: jquery-nstSlider