jquery mobile workshop


Upload: ron-reiter

Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Learn how to create a product searc


Page 1: jQuery Mobile Workshop


Page 2: jQuery Mobile Workshop

What are we going to do? • ProductShop – Product Shopping Application

• Build a List View using jQuery Mobile (codiqa.com) • Make an AJAX call and populate the List View

•  http://productshoppingapi.appspot.com/search?q=digital+camera

• Upload your jQuery Mobile project to Google App Engine • Browse using your smartphone / tablet

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Codiqa • Create an account at http://www.codiqa.com • Create a new project called ProductShop

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Build the application screen

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Build the application screen •  Form

•  Search button •  Placeholder: Search Product… •  Name: q

•  Submit •  Text: Search •  Icon: Search •  Theme: Blue

•  List View •  Id: products •  Delete the divider

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Start Working • Download the project to a working directory

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Edit app.html

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Build the AJAX Search •  Delete the contents of the list view we created using Codiqa •  AJAX endpoint - http://productshoppingapi.appspot.com/search?q=<query> •  The endpoint sends CORS headers so we can use it form anywhere. The back-end is a

simple Google App Engine Python application which uses the Google Product Search API.

•  Once we get the response back, iterate over the items array •  Empty the #products list view •  For each item, get the “product” item and create a list item: <li>

<a href=“{{ item.product.link }}”>

<img src=“{{ item.product.images[0].link }}”/>

{{ item.product.title }}


</li> •  Finally, refresh using $(“#products”).listview(“refresh”).

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AJAX Search Code // run this code only after initialization $(function() { // handle search form submit $("form").submit(function(event) { // prevent the default submit behavior event.preventDefault(); // prepare the query URL var url = "http://productshoppingapi.appspot.com/search?" + $(this).serialize(); // make the AJAX request, and iterate over the results $.getJSON(url, function(data) { resetProducts(); for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { var product = data.items[i].product; addProduct(product); } $("#products").listview("refresh"); }); }); });

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ResetProducts function resetProducts() { $("#products").empty();

var divider = $("<li data-role='list-divider'>Search Results</li>");



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addProduct function addProduct(product) { var productView = $("<li><a href='" +

product.link + "'><img src='" + product.images[0].link + "'/> " +

product.title + "</a></li>");

$("#products").append(productView); }

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Uploading to Google App Engine •  Download Python if you’re on Windows •  Download the GAE Python SDK •  Go to http://appengine.google.com/ and create a new app (you’ll need

to do SMS account activation) •  Choose an identifier •  Create a new Google App Engine app with the identifier through the

Google App Engine Launcher •  Add your directory (codiqa-app) to your project directory •  Add the following to app.yaml: - url: /app static_dir: codiqa-app •  Upload through the Google App Engine Launcher •  Access <youridentifier>.appspot.com/app/app.html through your

mobile phone or tablet •  You’re done!

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Reference • Download everything from here:

•  https://github.com/ronreiter/productsearch