jpku tm newsletter_images_july_2010

Club No. 858173 Division C, District 82 Mission of Toastmasters To provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individ- ual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence JULY 2010 The most beautiful thing about Toastmasters and which touches you most is the exuberance of its members who are always keen to do more and take up new challenges. The past few months in our club have been really eventful and there are lot of things to talk about and remember including the induction of new EC, training of the officers, JPKU‘s 250th Meeting Celebrations and so on. In this issue the outgoing and the incoming Presidents‘ talk about their experiences in the club, DTM Deepak Menon shares mantras for success, Sangeeta Malik covers the Officers‘ Training Program, VP Education CC Aneesh Jain describes his account of the ‗Reverse Meeting‘ followed by eye catching photographs. Our very own Akhil Sood features in an interview for ―Know Thy Toastmaster‖. Watch out for the ―The Hyde Park‖ section, followed by the winners of the month. Hope you enjoy reading!!! Kanu Shree The Editor’s Note Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi Vol. 4, Issue 1; July 2010 Images

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Club No. 858173 Division C, District 82

Mission of

Toastmasters To provide a mutually

supportive and positive

learning environment

in which every individ-


member has the


to develop oral


and leadership skills,

which in turn foster


JULY 2010

The most beautiful thing about Toastmasters and which touches you most is

the exuberance of its members who are always keen to do more and take up

new challenges. The past few months in our club have been really eventful and there are lot of things to

talk about and remember including the induction of new EC, training of the officers, JPKU‘s 250th

Meeting Celebrations and so on.

In this issue the outgoing and the incoming Presidents‘ talk about their experiences in the club, DTM

Deepak Menon shares mantras for success, Sangeeta Malik covers the Officers‘ Training Program, VP

Education CC Aneesh Jain describes his account of the ‗Reverse Meeting‘ followed by eye catching

photographs. Our very own Akhil Sood features in an interview for ―Know Thy Toastmaster‖. Watch

out for the ―The Hyde Park‖ section, followed by the winners of the month.

Hope you enjoy reading!!!

Kanu Shree

The Editor’s Note

Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi

Vol. 4, Issue 1; July 2010 Images

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July 2010 2 CONTENTS

Passing the guard Page 3

The outgoing president hands over the charge of

the club to her successor Malkiat and his team

—Manoj Kumar and Malkiat Bindra

Officers’ Training Program Page 5

Fun, food and most importantly knowledge for the new role

players as they don their responsibilities —Sangeeta Malik

Know Thy Toastmaster Page 8

Let’s get close and personal with our very own Akhil

The Hyde Park Page 9

A glimpse at how our toastmasters make

an evaluation effective

—-Ritu Arora, Vikas Malik

Akhil Sood, Kanu Shree

Best of the Month Page 10

Find out our star performers week by week

JPKU 250th Reverse meeting Page 6&7

Unforgotten moments — Aneesh Jain

Club Contact Details Page 11

Acknowledgments Page 12

Would You Like To Be Clairvoyant Page 4

Gurus’ Mantras for success - DTM Deepak

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July 2010 3 PASSING THE GUARD The New Team Takes Over

The hurly-burly of the morning, the mad rush all around, if there is any dearth of noise,

the honking vehicles are overcompensating for this by far. As the day progresses, the

crazy morning tide subsides and finally the darkness of night envelops the daylight and

makes everything look coming to halt. The silence and darkness of the night doesn‘t last

for too long. The rising Sun with its radiance, fuels life to every creature. This usual cy-

cle of day and night goes on, and we, humans, seem to be playing a tiny role in this big

movie. There are days when we feel blue, and there are days when we feel charged-up;

motivated to pursue our dreams or gather courage to conceptualize brand new dreams.

Whichever way one chooses to spend the day, the meaning of life lies in reinventing one-

self...every day!

The memories of last six months are still fresh in my mind and it feels that the time flew like a dove. When I

look back; pictures of numerous events encapsulate my mind. Every meeting was unique in itself and unfolded

wisdom from different perspectives. Our Club is known for ‗Always being ahead‘ and last term wasn‘t any dif-

ferent! The prestigious Golden Gavel award, representation in the Toastmasters mega contests and most impor-

tantly, milestones achieved by our members, make our club one of the best clubs all over the world. The EC

Team – comprising of multi-talented individuals, with the consistent support from all the members, has done a

fantastic job and we have successfully carried forward the legacy of our club: JPKU Toastmasters – Always


It is said that to be at the top is easier than staying at the top. Continuous improvement with the ability to re-

invent is the only way to sustained success. Harmonious and positive learning environment, enthusiasm and new

ideas, and continuous guidance and motivation from the veteran members, are some key factors that keep our

club alive and kicking. JPKU Toastmasters is endowed with people who go out of their way to help each other in

their learning curve. Like a small family, every member is an important asset that adds immense value to the

club. This friendly environment provides us with an opportunity to not only transform ourselves but also share

the benefits of our transformation with others. And this is precisely what we do here at Toastmasters! Congratu-

lations to everyone for making the Toastmasters learning experience exciting, challenging, motivating, so much

fun and yet keeping our culture and values intact. Let‘s keep re-inventing as we move ahead on our journey of

learning and sharing. In yet another process of re-invention, the new EC Team has taken over the charge to serve

the club. With excellent leadership skills and never-ending passion for excellence, I am sure the new EC team

will take the club to greater heights.

Keeping the reinvention at our heart, let the transformation impact us for betterment; let‘s embrace the change to

find the true meaning of life. I finish with a quote by Mike Watt, ―The only thing new is you finding out about

something. Like nothing's really new, but you reinvent it for yourself and find your inner voice. ―

Happy reinventing!!!

Manoj Kumar

Immediate Past President

First of all I would like to congratulate the newly appointed

EC members - Aneesh Jain (VP-Education), Jyoti Narula (VP-

Membership), Kanushree (VP-Public Relations), Vinay Jain

(Treasurer), Sangeeta Malik (Secretary) & Vikas Malik

(Sergeant At Arms) for being selected as the Executive com-

mittee. It is their hard work and skills which will help us to set

and reach greater heights.

Also, I would like to thank the members who helped electing

them. I would ensure that the EC will not let the trust you all

have shown in them go in vein.

Handling a Club with Achievements such as JPKU‘s is a great

responsibility. The club which has been the ―President‘s Dis-

tinguished Club‖ for past 3 Years. The Home Club of the Im-

mediate Past District Governor (Deepak Menon), LGM -

North (Vinay Jain) and the current Area C2 Governor (Ritu

Arora). This is a huge responsibility and we will not shy away

from it.

All of us have dreams. But only a few of us have a will to act.

A will to act and achieve the targets set for us. This requires

persistent hard work, a clear site of the target and the resources

to achieve those targets. If someone is provided all of these,

the path to success becomes easier. The journey becomes more


I hope that we all achieve what we are here for and then set

higher targets because the Journey to learning and improving

ourselves never ends.

Thank you.

Malkiat Bindra


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4 Would You Like to be Clairvoyant July 2010

It was on 5th of July 2009 that Immediate Past District Governor Arunasalam Balraj declared,

―Mark my words Deepak, District 82 will again achieve the number one spot in the world in 2009-

10!‖ As I write this note, we are twenty-one days and twenty-one CCs away from reaching this

seemingly unattainable milestone.

Was Balraj clairvoyant that he could plumb the depths of the unfathomable to see into the future?

Was he a soothsayer who could predict this outcome almost a year ahead of it coming to pass? No,

he just had a clear vision. He knew that the district had sufficient resources built from the experi-

ence of the preceding years that could enable it to achieve this goal. He also believed that the lead-

ers at the helm had the ability to plan for their success and for the achievement of this elusive goal.

And plan they did! And so can you!

But before you can plan, you must know the goal. What is it that you want to achieve? Politician,

strategist and writer, Chanakya (350 BC-275 BC) wrote "Before you start some work, always ask

yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful.

Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead." If the goal

is clear to you, the road to achieve it will present itself to you.

As a member joining a Toastmasters Club, your first goal is usually to become a Competent Com-

municator (CC) and a Competent Leader (CL). But it‘s a good idea to stretch yourself and find a

BAG or better still a BHAG! A BAG is a ‗Big Audacious Goal‘ and a BHAG is a ‗Big Hairy Auda-

cious Goal‘! Now don‘t jump at it and decide, ‗Hey, I shall be a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)

within twelve months of my joining Toastmasters!‘ Its achievable but near impossible considering

that one of the requirements of DTM is that you must attain the Advanced Leader Silver (ALS)

award for which you need to serve a year as a District Officer.

That takes us to the next point which is that your goal must be SMART:

Specific – It must be crystal clear

Measurable – The results can be validated

Action-oriented - It begins with the word ‗to,‘ followed by a verb

Realistic - It is practical and achievable

Time bound - It contains a time table for achievement

Thus, for example, you could articulate your goal as follows: ―To attain my Advanced Communica-

tor Bronze (ACB) and Competent Leader (CL) awards by 30 June 2011‖. For a member who has

recently joined a Toastmasters Club, this is a BAG which meets the requirements of being SMART.

You can extend this to any aspect of your life be it personal or professional.

Now that you have set the goal, you need to plan how you shall achieve it. This would mean that

you need to ensure that you have the tools and the resources to accomplish these goals. What could

these be?

By DTM Deepak Menon

The first thing you would need to do is to get the assistance of a mentor who can advise

and guide you. If no mentor has been assigned by the Club yet, ask your President or Vice

President of Education to assign one to you.

Then determine the speech projects you would need to complete and roles that you

would need to perform to achieve your goal. If you are starting from scratch you need to

complete ten project speeches for Competent Communicator and another ten for ACB. The

CL award requires you to perform a minimum of twenty-one roles which include two pro-

ject speeches.

Next confirm how often your club meets. Would this provide you enough opportunity to

complete all your projects? If the club meets fortnightly, this poses a challenge since you

will not have enough opportunities to complete all the requirements in the time you have set

for yourself. Therefore, you will need to visit other clubs and request for slots in their meet-

ings as well.

Enlist the support of your Club. Inform your VPE about your goal and how you aim to

achieve it. Often we set our goals but then fail to communicate it to the persons who are in-

strumental in its accomplishment. Unless the VPE provides all the slots in the meeting for

you to achieve your target, how will you succeed! The VPE may even schedule special

meetings just so that you can achieve your goal.

You are ready to start your journey. Remain enthusiastic about reaching your destination

and never be afraid of hurdles and obstacles as these are bound to appear. My friend Chana-

kya also wrote, "Once you start working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't

abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

Be willing to adjust your plans to account for changes in circumstances and situations as

and when they occur. For instance, what if you are required to move to a different city mid

way through the year? No problem! Look for clubs in the city you move to or, if none exist,

seize the opportunity and start one! Your District Officers will be more than happy to assist

you in your endeavor. Every problem has a solution waiting to help overcome it; you just

need to be creative!

Come 30th of June 2011 when you are close to achieving your goal, feel the glow, celebrate

and bask in your achievement! Remember it was not clairvoyance that helped you achieve

what you had set out do but the clarity of your vision and the careful plan that you set up

that made it happen!

But then let that be our little secret! For the world around you, feel free to de-

clare that you are clairvoyant because you can see a year ahead into the future!

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11thJuly‘2010, a hot sultry morning and five of the JPKU Toastmasters Club Ex-ecutive Committee members set forth on a journey to U.P.- NOIDA, mapping their

way, road by road, turn by turn till they reached their destination CSC-NOIDA

towers. However difficult, the road to your destination is never too long provided your determination is strong.

It was a Sunday morning, bringing forth a new educative voyage - towards a path of more responsibilities and an Officers‘ Training Program for Division C of Dis-

trict 82. After a formal registration we were warmly led into the hall full of stars -

District 82 Lieutenant Governor Education & Training Dr. Punita Singh, Division C Governor Mr. Rajan Sinha, Assistant Division C Governor (Education & Train-

ing) Ms. Sarita Sharma and the Area governors: Anurag Ranjan, Anurag Awasthi,

Arun K Chaba and not to miss our own Dynamic young and radiant Dr. Ritu Arora.

―Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream pre-

cedes the goal. "We were all brought here to aspire, to dream, to reach the sky and we certainly were led into an inspiring dawn.

Achievements galore!!! I‘m sure it made each one sitting in the hall feel proud to be associated with such an organization.

A warm welcome by Div. Gov Mr. Rajan Sinha was followed by a chain of intro-ductions. Soon each guiding star (Area Governor) further reflected on the stars of

his or her constellation of various clubs. Being the guiding light, he/she introduced

the office bearers of each club under his/ her charge.

Soon stepped up LGET Dr. Punita Singh, the sun among the stars, with her bright light of wisdom. The power of her words reverberated in the entire hall. Toastmas-

ters focus on ‘Expand and Enhance‘ encapsulated the message for the day and pro-

vided the energy to achieve the goals for the year ahead. Motivating the leadership and the team spirit, she led us through a ride of various acronyms - CCs, CLs, ACs,

ALs, and DTMs, culminating in the SMART goals of the Distinguished Club Pro-


By Sangeeta Malik

The oath-taking ceremony of the Area Governors was chaired by the LGET, which was followed by the an-

nouncement of parallel sessions. The officers then split

into three groups and the neophytes were brought under the wings of trained officials. Parallel sessions for nou-

veau installed/elected Presidents and Vice Presidents -

Education, Vice Presidents - Membership and Vice Presi-dents - Public Relations, and Secretaries, Treasurers and

Sergeants-at-Arms were conducted. Toastmasters who had

successfully performed these roles in the past helped the new officers in decoding their roles and responsibilities.

These sessions were followed by Dr. Ritu Arora‘s session on ‗Educational Awards‘. With her warm smile and encouraging heart, she set

the tone for the clubs to realize more personal achievement and greater club


Enlightened about their responsibilities and expectations, it was time for the

club representatives to make their own club success plans. The training re-started with an intense planning session where the club representatives had to

set targets for the next six months and design a road map to scale those

heights. May we all succeed in our little ventures.

The Officers' Training Program ended with the distribution of certificates and a

vote of thanks. Certainly the participants felt more confident about the task at


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July 2010 JPKU 250th Reverse Meeting 6

By Aneesh Jain

When history is made, it should be celebrated in style and this indeed was

the case when the members of the JPKU Toastmasters Club decided to make the

250th meeting a memorable affair. And even though Phoebus tried tooth and nail to exhume their spirits on the day, the members continued to strive hard and put

together a truly special meeting.

The 250th meeting, held on June 26th, 2010, was no ordinary meeting, and like all extraordinary events, stars of astronomical stature attended the event. The

new District-82 Governor, Mr. Nagaraja Rao, DTM; the immediate Past District

-82 Governor, Mr. Deepak Menon, DTM; the new District-82 Lieutenant-Governor Education and Training, Dr. Punita Singh; and the new Area-C2 Gov-

ernor, Dr. Ritu Arora, DTM, all graced the occasion and blessed the club, mak-

ing this meeting special not just for the club but for the entire Toastmasters fra-ternity.

The JPKU Toastmasters Club‘s new Executive Council was also installed during

the meeting, although they took formal charge only on July 1st, 2010. The new EC comprises, Malkiat Bindra as the President, Aneesh Jain as the VP – Educa-

tion, Jyoti Narula as the VP – Membership, Kanu Shree as the VP – Public Rela-

tionships, Vinay Jain as the Treasurer, Sangeeta Malik as the Secretary, and Vi-kas Kumar as the Sergeant-at-arms.

The presence of eminent dignitaries and installation ceremony were only the

base of the 250th meeting‘s specialness. What made the meeting truly unique was the fact that the entire meeting was conducted in the reverse. Yes, you have

interpreted it correctly, the meeting indeed ended before it started and yet lasted

a full two hours! The supplementary evaluators presented their report before anyone in the meeting had spoken; the speech evaluators evaluated the prepared

speeches before they were delivered; the table topics speakers spoke before they

were given the topics. Sounds chaotic? Well… It was fun, to say the least. Eve-ryone one participating in the meeting had to follow the rules set by the supple-

mentary evaluators and the speakers had to carry the extra burden of living up to

the evaluations presented by their speech evaluators. And didn‘t the audience enjoy the entire experience? Deepak Menon, DTM, was the Toastmaster of the

meeting, Sangeeta Malik conducted the Table Topics round, and Dr. Ritu Arora,

DTM, was the General Evaluator. Our new District LGET, Dr. Punita Singh pre-

evaluated our new District Governor, Nagaraja Rao‘s speech, Shraddha Nakra evaluated Akshita‘s speech who became a Competent Communicator during the

meeting after successfully delivering her 10th project and our new club President,

Malkiat Bindra evaluated our new club VP Education, Aneesh Jain‘s speech. Every moment of the meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by the entire audience.

The meeting was followed by a small after-party, the main attraction in which

was the chocolate truffle cake, besides the presence of other food items, a guitar

and loads of singing. Cheers to the club and all its members!

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Images from the Reverse Meeting 7

Moments caught on Camera from JPKU 250th Meeting

New EC Induction DTM Deepak Menon Installing Malkiat as Club President JPKU Members and Guests

Standing Ovation LGET Dr. Punita Singh Evaluating DG Nagaraja Rao Manoj as TT Speaker

July 2010

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Akhil Sood is one of the many Faridabad residents who shuffle between Delhi and Gurgaon for

work . He has recently started his first venture "Conquering Maths" which is a school level coaching

institute for competitive examinations such as BBA and CAT. His hobbies range from trekking to

dancing, reading books to movies, writing to photography. He has keen interest in sports specially

cricket and tennis. Akhil is one of the fastest growing members of JPKU TMC and has recently de-

livered his Ice Breaker. Let us know more about thy toastmaster from himself...

What drove you towards Toastmasters and how is the journey so far?

Toastmasters was referred to me by a friend and mentor Vikrant Kathuria.

He observed that the club can be beneficial for improving my delivering skills. So I joined the club to improve upon my known weakness. The jour-

ney so far has been exciting. The first meeting where I saw the talented

speakers was just awesome. There is so much to learn, not only about speaking skills but also about the variety of great information that can be

taken from the speeches.

From your Ice Breaker speech you seem to be a multi dimensional guy,

always taking up new challenges. Which one(s) is /are the closest to

your heart?

I have never got pre examination fever throughout my life, so that trait

works for me when I am always ready to take new challenges. The ones that are closest to my heart are the ones which I have not yet attained. Getting an

admission into IIM A. I have taken CAT three times but my scores don't

reach the level of IIM. The second one is to get a girl friend who can find a way to love me despite all odds.

You seem to be a natural impromptu speaker. Would you like to share

the secret behind this with other TMs?

Impromptu speaking, I don't think I am good enough. Fortunately I was fa-miliar with the topics I got, so I managed to do well in those cases. The se-

cret for good impromptu speaking lies in the stuff you read. If you make

sure that you read a lot of diverse and the current subjects, you are more likely to get

a familiar subject and prior knowledge

helps a lot.

As a teacher, do you think a concept such as TM should be a part of curriculum in


I absolutely think our education system needs a big overhaul. The first impression a person

creates on someone directly comes from the fact how well he speaks. The schools are paying

attention to debates and extempore. But they need to catch the students‘ attention. These things were there in my school also but I never spoke anything because I thought they were

not important. So it‘s a great idea to carry the legacy in schools, but we should concentrate

on students' attention and convert his unwillingness to interest.

Any suggestions for the fellow TM or the concept in general?

I feel recording the prepared speeches will help. It will allow a speaker to analyze himself /herself better and at the same time also gives an opportunity to other members to listen to the

speeches later (in case) they miss a meeting. I personally didn't like the idea of using a lap-

top for visual aids. It becomes more of a presentation and less of a speech,. My attention di-verts to the slides and I start reading rather than listening to the speaker. So

even if a person is using a laptop, he should write minimal content. I am

not aware of the existence of our club on face book. Face book can be huge medium to reach people

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July 2010 THE HYDE PARK— Effective Evaluation 9

The Hyde Park in London is famous for its Speakers’ Corner, which allows anyone and everyone to speak on a topic for as long as they can unless the police finds it offensive, and the Hyde Park police has had a history of being offended very very rarely even on sensitive issues. As a salutation to the freedom of expression, we bring Hyde Park from London to our newsletter, and invite everyone to publish their comments on a certain topic, which for this month is: “How to make an Evaluation Effective”

Evaluation is the most significant factor leading to improvement; I believe we can

do the following to make an evaluation effective:

1) The evaluator given the role is experienced enough (which essentially means I

can rest in peace for a couple of months) and more importantly the evaluator

should have given the speech on the project he/she has been asked to evaluate.

This will make sure that the evaluator is aware of the objectives that will help

him/her to decide if the speaker had lived upto them.

2) Recommendations are very important and they shall not be there just for the

sake. If an evaluator points a recommendation, he must also try and show the

speaker how to improve upon that. This will ensure that the speaker has the first

hand experience to learn. Some evaluators do this but others do not. So we can

make it a same platform.

Akhil Sood Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.

-Zeuxis 400 BC

Learn to evaluate!!!

Suit the Evaluation to the Speaker

Recognize Improvement

Evaluate Behavior, Not People

Be Specific

Always motivate.

Kanu Shree

In my opinion, you can make an evaluation effective by : 1. Sticking to objectives 2. Making it motivational 3. Remembering that evaluation is your only chance to help the speaker grow, and the best way of doing it is by showing a mirror to the speaker.


- Contact speaker before meeting - to understand his/her specific ex-

pectations from the topic.

- Every speaker has some weak points which he/she is always striv-

ing to get over. Evaluation should have one session dedicated to

these weak areas besides given speech objectives.

- Evaluation should be highly specific - It should have examples of

what went well and how it went well for "the speaker"

- Avoid Generic Statements/phrases such as "monotonous voice" or

"clasped hand" - Give examples of how pacing the voice at different

parts of speech would have added to the quality to the project.

Vikas Kumar

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July 2010 BEST OF THE MONTH 10

Here come



3rd July: Devesh Trivedi 10th July: Vanshul Arora 17th July: Aneesh Jain 24th July: Nitya Ranjan 31st July: Punita Singh

3rd July: Devesh Trivedi 10th July: Ritu Arora 17th July: Deepak Menon 24th July: Atul 31st July: Deepak Menon

3rd July: Akshat and Akhil Sood 10th July: Akhil Sood 24th July: Atul

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Our Executive Committee

Malkiat Bindra: President

[email protected]

Aneesh Jain: Vice President, Education

[email protected]

Jyoti Narula: Vice President, Membership

[email protected]

Kanu Shree: Vice President, Public Relations

[email protected]

Sangeeta Malik: Secretary

[email protected]

Vinay Jain: Treasurer

[email protected]

Vikas Kumar: Sergeant-at-arms

[email protected]

Venue of Meetings

Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered

Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area,

New Delhi—110016.

Time of Meetings

Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m.

Whom to Contact

For all queries, please contact:

Malkiat Bindra: +91 9811064605; [email protected]

Aneesh Jain: +91 9971119361 ; [email protected]

Kanu Shree:+91 9891006683; [email protected]

Sangeeta Malik: +91 9818051336; [email protected]

Vikas Kumar: +91 9560690622; [email protected]

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Club No. 858173

Division C, District 82

Always Ahead…!

Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009

No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced

without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries

and requests should be directed to the club‘s public relations

committee at [email protected].

I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed

to the newsletter. Thanks to Malkiat and Aneesh for their sup-

port. Finally, I would like to specially mention the names of Dee-

pak, Ritu, Manoj, Vikas, Akhil and Sangeeta for their prompt


Images is published on the last day of the month. All contribu-tors are requested to send in their entries to [email protected] by the 25th of the month.

Important Links: JPKU Toastmasters: Division C members: [email protected] District 82: