joyner - morningstar ministries...i know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books...

DEAR FRIENDS, It seems that the anointing to keep going higher contin- ues. It is always shocking how fast the years go by. We’re at the end of 2015 and this certainly was a significant year. Overall I think we will remember it as the beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Vladimir Putin seized the initiative, and Russia and China are positioned to dictate major world events for the foresee- able future. The world’s respect for American leadership has probably not been this low since World War II. This will no doubt have a major negative influence on U.S. interests. However, most of the world, and many Americans, see this as potentially a good thing. How? In one pole, 96% of Americans thought Putin would do a better job fighting ISIS than Obama. It’s hard to argue with that since Obama has done little, and he does not seem to have a plan for doing anything serious. The incompetence of what we have done is mind- boggling. Recent congressional hearings revealed that the hundreds of millions of dollars spent training the opposition forces in Syria resulted in five soldiers being trained—about a hundred million per soldier. This does not include how many of the weapons and equip- ment we sent ended up possessed by ISIS. “ Overall I think we will remember it (2015) as the beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the fall of the Iron Curtain.” 1 PARTNERS UPDATE DECEMBER 2015 JOYNER RICK A word from ALSO IN THIS ISSUE PAGE 1 PAGE 10 DECEMBER 2015 SENT TO CROSS ENEMY LINES MorningStar Missions MORNINGSTAR AT A GLANCE PARTNERS INSIDER PAGE 6

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Page 1: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and


It seems that the anointing to keep going higher contin-ues. It is always shocking how fast the years go by. We’re at the end of 2015 and this certainly was a significant year. Overall I think we will remember it as the beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Vladimir Putin seized the initiative, and Russia and China are positioned to dictate major world events for the foresee-able future. The world’s respect for American leadership has probably not been this low since World War II. This will no doubt have a major negative influence on U.S. interests. However, most of the world, and many Americans, see this as potentially a good thing. How?

In one pole, 96% of Americans thought Putin would do a better job fighting ISIS than Obama. It’s hard to argue with that since Obama has done little, and he does not seem to have a plan for doing anything serious. The incompetence of what we have done is mind-boggling. Recent congressional hearings revealed that the hundreds of millions of dollars spent training the opposition forces in Syria resulted in five soldiers being trained—about a hundred million per soldier. This does not include how many of the weapons and equip-ment we sent ended up possessed by ISIS.

“ Overall I think we will remember it (2015) as the beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the fall of the Iron Curtain.”



A word from






MorningStar Missions




Page 2: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

That’s a lot to be ticked off about if you’re an American citizen, but is the church doing any better? Think about the many gifted people, new music styles, or art forms that started in the church, then got rejected and ended up used by the devil. Remember, what we release in heaven (or in the spirit), gets released on earth. As American citizens we deserve to be outraged, but we need to examine ourselves as well.

We must constantly examine what we’re doing to ensure the resources entrusted to us bear kingdom fruit. We have heavily invested in some people only to see them backslide. This happens. It even happened within the inner circle of the greatest leader there will ever be—Jesus.

All the Lord’s disciples fled the night He was arrested, but only a tiny percentage of the followers completely turned from Him. The greatest earthly leaders will never compare to Jesus. We should expect a greater failure rate. However, if we’re losing more people than we’re keeping, it’s time for us to make changes in the program. It is time for some major shifts in the church and our basic strategies. Every decade since the Jesus and Charismatic Movements the church has lost more of the emerging generation.

I’ll have more to say about this in future bulletins, articles, and at our New Year’s Conference. Change straight from the Captain of the hosts of the Lord is coming. We are not in a post-Christian era but a pre-Christian era. The harvest is upon us, but it will not come by us continuing to do the same things. There is a basic change in church structure and strategy.


Seizing and keeping the initiative is crucial in military operations, world affairs, business, missions, and virtually every successful endeavor. If we have the initiative, our opponents must react to our actions. We cannot win on defense. If we are going to prevail, we must seize and keep the initiative, or momentum.

Since World War II America has kept the initiative most of the time. We were constantly challenged by the Soviet Union and sometimes China. However, overall they reacted to our actions because we had initiative to the same degree that we had strong, decisive leaders with vision. This was up and down with the changes of leadership, but even in the down times we remained the largest single factor in world affairs. Yet regardless of a nation’s strength, it will lose the initiative without strong, decisive leadership with a clear vision.

“That’s a lot to be ticked off about if you’re an American citizen, but is the church doing any better? Think about the many gifted people, new music styles, or art forms that started in the church, then got rejected and ended up used by the devil. Remember, what we release in heaven (or in the spirit), gets released on earth. As American citizens we deserve to be outraged, but we need to examine ourselves as well.”




Page 3: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

America, and the West in general, is suffering from an obvious lack of leadership. We are reacting to world affairs instead of helping to steer them. Putin jumped into the vacuum. Now virtually the whole world, including many of our allies, are turning to him in some degree because he is strong and decisive.

This vacuum of leadership is also a major factor propel-ling Donald Trump to the top of the Republican Presiden-tial race. People who don’t like him or what he stands for or how he says it still give him high marks for leadership. Almost everyone now sees the lack of leadership as our biggest problem. As military and world history teaches, even doing the wrong thing decisively will usually have a better outcome than not doing anything—or doing the right thing timidly.


So how does this vacuum of leadership benefit us? Leadership and courage has been as lacking in the church as in our government, costing the Western church the initia-tive. Yet we have one major positive even with the leader-ship vacuum we now suffer under—God has an amazing farm team that is almost ready. Their numbers may not be

great, but they don’t need to be. God does not invest in extraordinary leadership He does not intend to use.

What is about to be released in the Western church, and in the nations, is a sure sign that He has a good plan for our future. It may get darker for a time, but our future is bright. Our Leader is the greatest leader there has ever been or ever will be—the King of kings. He cannot lose. He has promised that those who follow Him will be led to triumph, and we cannot lose if we follow Him.


I have been privileged to know some of the most effective leaders in almost every field, many of whom have become my friends. I quickly discerned that this was not by accident, so I studied every leader that I was privileged to know. I also studied leadership. Hardly a month goes by when I do not meet other exceptional leaders, and I am still learning important lessons about leadership. The number one priority in our ministry and schools is to teach and train leaders—this is the core of our purpose.

MorningStar University (MSU) is developing greater traction and focus, and we are honing in on what I think could be one of the best leadership schools anywhere. Our goal for every student is to lay the strongest possible founda-tion for leadership in any field. Many graduates of MSU are already accomplishing remarkable things. I believe we are getting better at equipping them, and I expect even greater fruit in the future.

CSCL, our K-12 school, is likewise producing exceptional leaders. This coming year we will be able to focus on leader-ship development in a way that will greatly increase what we already give our students. A much greater focus on this in our local church is also bearing great fruit.

I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and other areas of influence as well. This is the main thing we are called to do.


The recent Kingdom Business Association (KBA) confer-ence was called the best yet. I understand if you get tired of hearing us say this about every conference, but to me this is a critical issue—it shows that we are keeping the initiative and


Page 4: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

going higher. Whenever we lose the initiative in something, I believe it is time to pass it on to others to take further. There are times for resting to solidify gains, but to stay in the River of Life—a continuously flowing river—is going somewhere. KBA is still on a roll.


In your own life, are you keeping the initiative in spiritual growth? Are you getting closer to the Lord? Do you know His voice better than you did last year? What fruit have you born this year that is evidence of you abiding in the Vine?

Falling into a spiritually lukewarm state is the worst thing that can happen to us. As the Lord said in Revelation, it is better to be hot or cold than lukewarm. Think about that—He said it was better to be cold than lukewarm. Indifference is the worst insult to any relationship. The cold, or the backslid-den, at least know that they are. It is easier to wake these up than those who are deluded by thinking they are okay. To become lukewarm about our awesome God has to be the worst deception anyone can ever fall into.

Biology teaches that living things that quit growing begin dying. Physically we may deteriorate with age, but spiritually this is not acceptable. If we are going to have progress, if we are going to be successful or have victory, we must keep the initiative.


If you think you need a little boost, plan to attend the New Year’s Conference. We always have a high level of spiritual energy here, but we are now in an exceptional time. I don’t think you can be here without catching some of it.

2016 will be a crucial year, maybe the most important in our history. We need a clear vision going into it. For those who attend the conference, we will be praying for a word for the coming year, for the body of Christ, and for the nations.


My latest book, Army of the Dawn, is now at the printer, and it will be available soon. I am going to be straightforward. I think it is a crucial book for our times. It is prophetic and practical. If your vision is not clear for the future, this book will help you establish a clear vision and provide practical steps

to accomplish it. The book is about the most important and exciting event in history since the Lord walked the earth—and how you can be a part of it.

To assist our Partners with Christmas shopping, if you order one book at our discounted price of just $15, you can order additional copies for half price, or $7.50 each. This is a great gift for your pastor, teachers, friends, or family, especially any who know the Lord but are drifting in their walk. This price also includes free shipping. Call in your order at 1-888-778-7141.


As I shared in our last newsletter, the court date for our suit against the county on our Tower project was set for November 9. We knew we couldn’t win on this level because the judge disal-lowed all of our evidence. This was not only highly irregular, but extremely suspicious. I am expecting an investigation.

In a recent pre-trial meeting, the judge said he had second thoughts about denying us the use of our evidence. He said to come to trial “prepared to present your evidence.” We were encouraged that maybe we would get a fair trial here, and we were confident that if we could get the evidence before a jury, we would win. We intended to appeal to whatever level it took to have a jury hear our evidence, which was our constitutional right.

Then the judge called our attorney back and said he was going to keep his original order to disallow our evidence. However, this time he was going to write the order in a way that would allow us to go straight to appeal instead of going to trial with, as our lawyer said, both our hands and one leg tied behind our back. At this writing we are going straight to appeal, if no other curves are thrown at us.

This is a bizarre series of events. Our lawyer and others I’ve shared with said they have never heard of anything like it. One of the judge’s basic responsibilities is to ensure that all evidence gets presented. It was obvious to us that the only way the county could win this case was to suppress our evidence, but for the judge to go along with it is more than strange.

As I preach and believe, anything that happens too fast or too easily is usually insignificant. I think this Tower project is of great importance, not just to us, but also to the body of Christ. It is a biblical symbol, and we intend to stay on this and do all that we can until it is completed.



Page 5: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

Since at least the local court is intent on denying us the presentation of our evidence before a jury, I intend to get far more proactive about presenting it to an even higher jury—the public. In America the people are the sovereign, and our Constitution gives Americans authority over the three branch-es of government. Neglect of the Constitution has allowed the courts and the executive branch to usurp the authority of the legislative branch, the states, and the people. What I have learned in this one case is worth more than one book on how perverted our justice system has become.

To stand against the judicial tyranny that Thomas Jefferson so vehemently warned about may be the main reason that the Lord has allowed this. It is hard to imagine just how bad it has become until you go through something like this. Of course, I don’t want to judge the entire system on our one experience, but I am constantly assured that what we are experiencing is normal now throughout our court system.

You will be hearing a lot more from me about this in the future. I think you will not only find it shocking, but shocking enough to resolve that we cannot allow the justice system to keep going in this direction. Whether the people rise up to do something about this, and the other ways that our basic rights are being trampled, remains to be seen. I intend, however, to do all I can as a watchman to sound the alarm loudly and clearly.

Of course, I understand that we have a higher Judge, and we have presented this case before the court of heaven. In His wisdom, I think He is using our case to help us all learn lessons that there are far more important things than the Tower itself. Stay tuned.

Also, our legal fees are not that much, and we do not use any Partner donations for them. The Tower is a separate entity with its own source of funding and accounting. All your contributions go straight to our core ministry purposes.

Thanks again for partnering with us. We know your hearts are with us when you invest your hard-earned treasure in this ministry. For this reason we count you as true members of the ministry, and we always value your feedback on anything we’re doing. As always, I pray constantly for the II Corinthians 9:6-12 grace in your life:

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap spar-ingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;


Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness;

you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God.

For the ministry of this service is not only fully supply-ing the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God.

In His Service,

Rick Joyner I Corinthians 16:58

“Biology teaches that living things that quit growing begin dying. Physically we may deteriorate with age, but spiritually this is not acceptable. If we are going to have progress, if we are going to be successful or have victory, we must keep the initiative. ”


Page 6: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and


“There is a deepening awareness that the world is not the same as it was even last year. Many of the world’s crises are beyond human remedy. What an excellent time for the ‘light bearers’ carrying Jesus to be deployed without delay. The whole earth moans for the Lord of light to make Himself known.”


Page 7: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and


All Scriptures are from New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated.

“We are finishing our time at the annual meeting of the World Public Forum in Greece on the Island of Rhodes. Representatives from sixty nations gathered together under this year’s theme of ‘The World Beyond Global Disorder.’ Even among the mostly secular attendees, there is a deepening awareness that the world is not the same as it was even last year.”


Are we prepared to be hated for the name of Jesus? In John 17:14 we learn, “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the

world.” Then in John 17:18 we read, “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” He is in us and He has sent us to release the good news. In verse 26, Jesus prays to the Father: “I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.”

Our part in fulfilling the Great Commission authorizes and empowers us to disciple the nations and learn to see and love with His heart. This will cost us dearly in terms of our comfort zone, our lukewarm complacency, and our own desires and agenda as our carnal nature is burned up.

Jesus is worth it all. He desires us to have His joy, and He speaks to the Father on our behalf: “But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves” (John 17:13). We live this set apart life for His joy, not our own. We know without faith it is impossible to please Him (see Hebrews 11:6).

As I write this, we are finishing our time at the annual meeting of the World Public Forum in Greece on the Island of Rhodes. Representatives from sixty nations gathered together under this year’s theme of “The World Beyond Global Disorder.” Even among the mostly secular attendees, there is a deepening awareness that the world is not the same as it was even last year. Many of the world’s crises are beyond human remedy. What an excellent time for the “light bearers” carrying Jesus to be deployed without delay. The whole earth moans for the Lord of light to make Himself known.

We discussed in depth the increasing crisis of the migration of refugees from many nations flooding into Europe. In Greece alone, over 350,000 have come ashore this year. As

Greece suffers their own economic crisis, the European Union pressures them to reduce spending while still taking care of the largest percentage of refugees to pass through its borders without outside aid.

Some in attendance at the Forum blamed the current crisis on America’s vacuum of leadership and inconsistent foreign policy. Others blamed it on Israel. However, there was solid agreement on the cause being radical Islamic extremism. We heard many reports of harsh brutality and barbarism like that of the Dark Ages. Torture, rape, beheadings, and unimaginable cruelty are inflicted upon innocent people of all ethnic back-grounds. Millions are fleeing in hopes of a better life for their families and a fresh start in a new land. How the nations welcome these fleeing masses may well determine whether they are a sheep or goat nation in the end times.

An encouraging consensus prevailed on the breakdown of the family globally. Core beliefs in the God-ordained structure of family, marriage between a man and a woman, and traditional values in every society have been increasingly attacked in modern times, leading to horrific results and catastrophic consequences.

Page 8: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

Here we are praying for Daniel prior to his return to the Athens refugee center and back to Syria to aid the refugees.




made manifest for all to see. Daniel also shared how he met with leaders of the European Union in early July. He had a private meeting with Angela Merkel, leader of Germany, who told Daniel she is the daughter of a pastor.

The session on the wave of migration also discussed how Europe is a Christian continent, yet most do not attend church. Still their hearts are open to welcoming the immigrants while to date, no Muslim nations are accepting the flood of predomi-nantly Muslim refugees.

Many Muslims have come to Jesus. Daniel shared with us about the supernatural miracles, healings, and people experiencing the reality and love of Jesus. Tumors are falling off, and hearing loss and damage from bombings are being restored. Hope is



We were blessed to see our dear friend Daniel, who was born in Iran and trained as an extremist before being radically saved. He now ministers to refugees in Syria. Daniel updated us on how the Turkish government sent two hundred soldiers to warn Daniel, his team, and thousands of refugees. They had twenty-four hours to leave Turkey and go into Syria, where many had fled from bombs, fighting, and persecution.

I took the opportunity in one session to ask the Turkish Ambassador about the blocked shipments of aid and equipment we and others had shipped to help the refugees, and also about the armed threat to refugees to leave Turkey within twenty-four hours and return to Syria. He denied knowledge of these events and conveniently spun the conversation to a shallow political discussion about the general influx of many refugees into the nation of Turkey. Even that day in Ankara, Turkey, nearly one hundred were killed and about two hundred were injured by a suicide bomber, allegedly sent by ISIS.

I also shared with the Turkish Ambassador and the session’s attendees how the Muslim mayor of Kobani, Syria was so moved by Daniel and his team’s compassionate humanitarian efforts to the Syrians that he is permitting the first Christian church in two hundred years to be built in Kobani. He is also giving land for the church and refugee camp to Daniel and his team to build permanent buildings and an orphanage. This kind of love will soften the hardest of hearts to receive the love of the Father. It will also change minds as the heart of Jesus is

“ Recently, Kurdish fighters in Syria who have helped Daniel and his team marveled that at times he was seemingly invisible to enemy combatants, even under bright lights. He testified to the Kurdish fighters that the Lord sends angels to make him invisible to the enemy.”

Page 9: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and




Our friends and partners from China have rescued four hundred young Yazidi women. All have been raped by ISIS terrorists, and a school and homes of hope and restoration are being prepared to comfort, educate, and restore these broken lives.

I met a reporter from Canada who has written for National Geographic magazine. He soon will travel to Kos and Lesbos, islands of Greece, where refugees have flocked. Daniel answered email questions by this reporter about how these two islands have enough food, water, and medical care but are in desperate need of translators who know Arabic.


Desperate times call for God’s people to step up as never before in history. We are called to do great exploits, and human nature and history have shown that too often people have only risen up when forced to make a stand. We are in that time, and the urgency warrants us to inquire of the Lord how we are to make a stand in this hour. The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing upon God’s army to stand for truth and righteousness with faith and boldness. Courage is available as we trust the Lord for wisdom and revelation. We each have a part to play and souls are at stake. How will we respond?

Help us by praying, and as the Lord leads, make a donation to our Rapid Response Fund or Covert Missions Fund at .

Contact the Missions Department for more information about the many opportunities in intercession and ministry support teams. Call 803-802-5544 ext. 392 or email [email protected] for more information.

also being restored as God’s love and message of the transformed life through Jesus Christ is shared and demon-strated daily.

As I write this, Daniel is most likely back in Syria. He returned first to Athens to visit the refugee center he founded three years ago before making his way back to Syria by himself under the cover of night. He did not want to endanger other lives as he made the dangerous crossing, climbing over the fence and running under the protection of our Holy God to give himself away as a witness of Jesus and to serve and disciple the masses coming into the kingdom. Please pray for Daniel and his family. Recently, Kurdish fighters in Syria who have helped Daniel and his team marveled that at times he was seemingly invisible to enemy combatants, even under bright lights. He testified to the Kurdish fighters that the Lord sends angels to make him invisible to the enemy.


Just a few weeks ago, Daniel was growing increasingly weak, feverish, and sick from what some thought was prostate cancer. As he grew weaker, his wife and sister-in-law, a nurse, came into Turkey to pick him up. He had collapsed and was thought to have died, and he was hallucinating about seeing his wife. They quickly picked him up to fly him to England for medical treatment. The airport officials said he was too weak to travel. They pumped his body with antibiotics and forced him to rest, and he traveled three days later to undergo extensive tests. It was learned he was slowly being poisoned.

Daniel refused an offer of a police investigation to punish the one who poisoned him. He did not want to endanger his innocent staff, and he has chosen to forgive whoever did poison him. Truly we are witnessing a real hero of the faith. This man is on a mission of love that transforms all who meet him.


Hajeeb was born in Nineveh and is called to minister the love of Jesus to the Yazidis in Kurdistan, Iraq. He shared heart-breaking reports of pastors being imprisoned and tor-tured, churches turned into jails, wives and children being separated from their families and sold separately into slavery. He is committed to loving and helping this often persecuted people group, the ones who are unwelcome to Muslims and shunned by Christians. He said the Lord showed him how much He loves these unloved treasures forced from their mountain home.

Najeeb—born in Nineveh and called to minister and love the Yazidis who have been rejected by Muslims and Christians.

Page 10: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and




NEW YEAR’S CONFERENCE Get ready to end the year with a blast! The New Year’s Conference is around the corner, but there is still time to register for this epic event at This year, Rick Joyner will focus on the prophetic meeting the practical, equipping the church to “take authority in Christ and push the darkness back.” Cast away your fears and get focused on His Love and agenda—He is the only one who can prepare you for the times!

KINGDOM BUSINESS ASSOCIATION This year’s KBA event, The Shift, was indeed a time of shifting as Dave Yarnes, Lance Wallnau, and others offered profound strategic truths, inspiring and equipping par-ticipants to take the business world by storm. These power-packed days conducted from a kingdom-of-God perspective offered practical ap-proaches to transforming the ordinary to the extraordinary ! For more information about KBA and future events, visit


We are thrilled to announce that the Bob Jones Vision

Center is now fully funded! We are so thankful to you, our Partners, for your loyalty and generosity that enabled us to turn this vision into a reality. Earlier this year, we had our groundbreaking ceremony announc-ing this project dedicated to the fulfillment of Bob’s vision—a place of Prayer, Praise, and Prophecy. Dur-ing Harvest Fest, we hosted our

What’s Happening at MorningStar


Who is ready for a life-changing mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya? Dave Yarnes (Vice President of Morningstar Ministries and

overseer of the Partners Department) and his team are preparing for their next trip to Africa. For two decades, the team impacted businesses, governments, and ministries through poverty relief, economic empowerment, and development of schools and orphanages in the slums. Dave is taking a select group of business-minded people who want to be part of this transformational journey. Are you ready to do whatever it takes to have an impact in all areas of society? There are twenty slots available for this powerful trip on February 19-27, 2016. Costs are $2,995 per person or $4,995 per couple (airfare is not included). For more information, email [email protected]. You will never be the same again!

Lance Wallnau speaking at The Shift, KBA event.

Carrying his vision forward

through a memorial center used

for Prayer, Praise, and Prophecy.

For more information please or call (800) 543-0278 x276

dessert fundraiser to mark the completion of the fundraising campaign. It was a wonderful time of reflection and fellowship. As the building plans move forward, it won’t be long until this “portal . . . right to the throne room” will be up and running. We are so grateful to you for being part of this vision. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Children from Kenya.

Page 11: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and



Last month, Morningstar University’s Special Forces teamed up with Operation Blessing to provide disaster relief in

Columbia, SC following the catastrophic flooding. The team touched hearts and lives as they distributed aid and water to families in crisis. They also served in individual family homes that had been completely wiped out by the flooding. One home-owner woke up in the night to a gargling sound, escaping through a window with his wife and three children. His car was already flooding and the family was forced to wait for further help. The water was chest deep by the time they were rescued and brought to

safety. Special Forces team leader, Ed Perez, stated, “It was amazing to see God at work in the midst of disaster—the light shining in the dark-ness.” The whole team felt blessed to serve these people, being deeply moved and humbled by the experience.


We are excited to announce that

our exclusive 7-Day Family Food Buckets are now on sale. Nathan Plowman, Director of MorningStar University’s Special Forces Missions Program and survival expert, has teamed up with food chemist, Annette Fischer, to scientifically design this unique, nutritionally sound disaster survival product. Nathan has been involved in poverty recovery in several countries as well as disaster relief efforts in the USA, including Hurricane Katrina where he ran a relief base for four months. His experience provided the inspiration for the creation of the versatile, convenient food buckets, each containing twenty-one (eighty-four servings) healthy and tasty meals! Order your food bucket today at

It has been a remarkable year, and we are grateful to you for being a co-laborer with us in these crucial times. Many significant events have

happened this last year, and we are waiting with great anticipation for all the Lord has in store for 2016. Despite challenges, Morningstar continues to increase outreach, ministry, and impact around the world. We cannot do this without your support. Please consider

a special Year-End Gift help to help up continue to do the Lord’s work here on earth. We are committed to multiplying everything we are entrusted with, accepting it as a sacred trust that will reap a reward for those who sowed. If you would like to contribute, please email or call 1-800-542-0278. Thank you. All giving that is postmarked on or before December 31 will be credited for the 2015 tax-giving year.


Special Forces team help restore flood damaged home in Columbia, South Carolina.

Page 12: JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries...I know we are known mostly for the prophetic, worship, and books and resources, but I think these things will become more focused on leadership and

See the impact you have made this year. 

Working together in the HarvestOur Global Impact


NEW YEAR 2016DECEMBER 29-31, 2015