journey to the edge of universe

Journey to The Edge Of Universe

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Journey to The Edge Of Universe

MILKY WAY GALAXY The Milky Way Galaxy is our home galaxy in the universe. The galactic center, which is located about 26,000 light-years from

Earth, contains at least one supermassive black hole . Number of Stars: at least 400 billion . Diameter: 220,000 light-years .

Our SOLAR SYSTEM The Solar System was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago . The Solar System consists of the Sun, planets, dwarf planets and

other astronomical objects bound in its orbit . The four smaller inner planets, (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars),

are primarily composed of rock and metal. The four outer planets, (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), are substantially larger and more massive than the inner planets.

The Sun The Sun is the star at the center of our

solar system . Surface Temperature: 5500 °C . Mass: (333,060 x Earth) . One million Earths could

fit inside the Sun . Eventually, the Sun will consume the Earth . Light from the Sun takes eight minutes to reach Earth . We live inside the sun .

MERCURY Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and due to its proximity it

is not easily seen except during twilight. A year in Mercury is just 88 days long . Mercury is the smallest planet in

the Solar System . Mass: (0.055 x Earth) Known Moons: none Mercury is only the second

hottest planet Mercury is the second densest

planet , This is largely due to Mercury being composed mainly of heavy metals and rock.

VENUS Venus is the second planet from the Sun . It’s the second brightest object in the night sky after the

Moon. A year in Mercury is just 225 days long . Mass: (0.815 x Earth) . Known Moons: none . Venus is the hottest planet in our

solar system . Venus is often called the Earth’s

sister planet (in size) .

EARTH Earth is the third planet from the Sun . Of all the planets in our solar system,

the Earth has the greatest density . Known Moons: 1 . is the only known planet to support

life. The Moon is moving approximately 3.8

cm away from our planet every year .

Almost everything on Earth is a rare element.

MARS Mars is the fourth planet from the sun . Mass: (0.107 x Earth) . Known Moons: 2 . Mars and Earth have approximately the

same landmass Mars is home to the tallest mountain in

the solar system , Olympus Mons, a shield volcano, is 21km high and

600km in diameter. Mars has the largest dust

storms in the solar system

ASTEROID BELT  Located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and

Jupiter It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies

called asteroids or minor planets.

JUPITER The planet Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the Sun, and is two and a half times more

massive than all the other planets in the solar system combined.

Mass: (317.83 x Earth) Known Moons: 67 Jupiter has the shortest day of all

the planets (10 hours) Jupiter is the fourth brightest

object in the solar system Jupiter has unique cloud features

SATURN Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun . Jupiter has the biggest ocean of any planet . Known Moons: 62 It is the fifth brightest object in the solar system Saturn orbits the Sun once every 29.4 Earth years The Saturn rings are made mostly of

chunks of ice and small amounts of carbonaceous dust.


Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun Mass: (14.536 x Earth) Known Moons: 27 Uranus makes one trip around

the Sun every 84 Earth years . Uranus hits the coldest

temperatures of any planet, With minimum atmospheric temperature of -224°C .

NEPTUNE Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun . Mass: (17.15x Earth) . Known Moons: 14 . The atmosphere of Neptune is

made of hydrogen and helium, with some methane .

The methane absorbs red light, which makes the planet appear a lovely blue .

PLUTO Pluto is the ninth planet from the Sun . Mass: (0.00218 x Earth) Known Moons: 5 Orbit Period: 246.04 Earth

years Pluto is one third water No spacecraft have visited Pluto its day, is equal to 6.39 Earth

days Pluto is smaller than the USA.

COMET A comet is a very small solar system body made mostly of ices

mixed with smaller amounts of dust and rock. The periodic Comet Halley is the most famous in history,

visible from Earth every 75–76 years , and it is projected to return in 2061 .

Comets have two tails: 1. a dust tail (visible) 2. a plasma tail (difficult to

see with your eyes).

BLACK HOLes (pt1) When Albert Einstein developed his relativity theory he saw something very strange in his equations something that could posses infinite gravity, something that could stop time and evendestroy space itself but he refused to believe something that strongcould exist, but it DOES !!

A black hole is a actually a super large mass contained in a very tiny space that it becomes heavy on space-time so much it deforms it, it’s a hole in the fabric of reality and is considered an ideal black body which absorbs all light coming.

BLACK HOLes (pt2) we should mention that any matter can be turned into ablack hole for example if we wanted to make a black holeusing the earth we would have to crush it and compress it intoa tiny size of a peanut.

Sagittarius A: the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. It lies in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. This black hole contains the mass of about 4 million suns.

Far away from earth

The Diamond Planet• 55 Cancri e is an entire planet made out of diamond.

Far away from earth

The Vision of Hell• Kepler-10b it orbits so closely to its sun that the surface is a

vision of hell• It’s got an ocean bigger than the specific ocean, but its an

ocean not of water , of Lava.

Far away from earth

Large Quasar Group• Quasar is a compact region in the center of a massive galaxy,

that surrounds its central supermassive black hole. It rips whole stars and devours them, lost forever from the visible universe or at least from our universe ….

Far away from earth

Castor System• With six stars orbiting around a central mass, this system is

over 54 times as bright as our sun.

Far away from earth

The Planet of Burning Ice• it’s 439 degrees celcius on Gliese 436 b, it’s watery surface

doesn’t evaporate. Instead, the molecules pull together to form something known as “hot ice”.

• The only reason this ice stays solid is because of the huge amount of water present on the planet; the gravity pulls it all in towards the core, keeping the water molecules so densely packed that they cannot evaporate.