journey into the infinite

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  • 7/28/2019 Journey Into the Infinite


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    Journey into the Infinite


    by Jesusgreen

    Citation: Jesusgreen. "Journey into the Infinite: experience with Ketamine (ID

    79579)". Feb 14, 2010.

    DOSE: repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)

    250 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)

    It was coming to the end of a long day. Before this day I had only used Ketamine a total

    of four times. Each rather low doses, producing euphoric feelings, and a bit of

    detachment from my body. These experiences were all very pleasant, and so I purchased

    quite a small amount (0.5g) to do a bit of experimentation. The night before I used

    around 0.05g, once again for the euphoric effects, but this day I was going to change

    things. There are quite a few bits and pieces that I simply cannot explain in words, and

    there are other pieces that have disappeared from my memory, but I wrote this account

    as best as I could.

    When using Ketamine, I use small lines, as it allows me to take very specific doses.

    Throughout the day I used 0.2g, this kept me feeling amazing all day, with some

    difficulty walking, and a tendency to speak my thoughts aloud. However, by the time it

    reached 10pm, I was feeling quite sober (albeit very happy), and I still had 0.25g left.

    I started by taking one small line, which left me feeling nice, but wanting more. So right

    after it, I did another. Quickly I began to feel dizzy, and my typing skill started to

    deteriorate, but before I knew it I had done another two small lines. Eventually I gave in

    and simply snorted the rest of what was left, until the wrap was left empty and bare.

    Within a minute or two it hit me hard, and I was really struggling to continue my

    conversations on MSN. I quickly closed my browser, and began to focus all my energy

    on trying to keep up meaningful conversations, as I could feel myself falling, and I

    knew the 'K Hole' awaited me. Soon my typing started to turn to gibberish, and I knew I

    would simply be bugging my friends if I continued to try and type, so I said goodbye

    and signed off. I could feel the music I was listening to wash over me in waves, it wasan extremely pleasurable experience, but I was beginning to get scared, I had never felt
  • 7/28/2019 Journey Into the Infinite


    this detached from my body before. 'What if I'm dying?' I asked myself, and suddenly I

    felt extremely empty and terrified of what might happen. I knew I had to stop my music,

    so I quickly closed my music player, and switched off my computer. I then proceeded to

    head to bed so that I could lay down for a while.

    After the struggle to reach my bed, in which I nearly fell over a few times, I felt a littlecalmer. Most of my body felt numb now, and I could only feel any of it if I moved. I

    signed back onto MSN with my mobile, as I felt like I might be able to communicate

    easier while laying down, but this was a mistake. I continued to say really random and

    strange things to my friends, as I would tell them what I was experiencing, so they got

    worried, and I decided it was best to sign off again. I could feel my body being

    absorbed, I was being dragged down into some form of abyss, I tried to struggle but

    eventually I gave in and let myself go.

    Once I was in the 'K Hole', everything lost its meaning. I was no longer a person, just an

    entity, and everything I saw was meaningless. Everything started to fade to black, and I

    knew then that I was dying. I didn't want to die, I suddenly regretted taking a biggerdose than normal, as I thought I would never see my friends or family again, and this

    was the end. There was a sort of click and suddenly I could see the room again, it was lit

    with a strangely surreal white glow. I was experiencing every emotion at once, from

    pure happiness to extreme pain and terror. The strange thing was, the overall feeling

    was simply amazing, and even the bad feelings served only to make it better. I started to

    hear a subtle voice, it kept muttering things, things I couldn't make out, but then I

    realised what it was trying to say, 'This is heaven.'

    Time seemed to slow down to a halt, and it was like every experience I have ever had

    was relived, all of my memories brought to the front of my mind, and then tossed away

    again. I was experiencing everything and nothing at the same time. Soon the glow

    started to shift, and I began to look up at the ceiling, where the glow still remained. I

    had an intense feeling that this remaining glow was 'God', only it was no human, and it

    was no single entity, it was almost like 'God' was an expression or feeling rather than a

    person. This part of my experience is the hardest to explain, but I felt as if I was being

    purified by this 'God'. Suddenly I was on MSN again, reliving the conversation I had a

    few minutes ago, and once again signing off. I felt the experience of heaven once more,

    and then everything slowly but surely faded to black.

    The final part of my experience was just a total utter darkness, it felt as though time had

    stopped completely, or rather, as if I'd left time behind, and travelled outside ofeverything for a while. This continued for what seemed like forever, until even this

    darkness faded out. I then woke up the next morning feeling extremely light-headed and

    happy, like I would after smoking a couple of joints, only minus the paranoia and


    In conclusion, all I can say is that this was the most profound and interesting experience

    of my entire life, and I believe Ketamine is a very valuable research chemical, both

    scientifically and spiritually. I truly experienced infinity that night, and I would be very

    happy to relive the same experience, despite the terror I went through initially.

    Exp Year: 2009 ID: 79579

  • 7/28/2019 Journey Into the Infinite


    Gender: Male

    Added: Feb 14, 2010Views:


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