journal of radiation research and applied sciences ... · in plasma and brain tissue was recorded....

Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences J. Rad. Res. Appl. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 4(A), pp. 1163 – 1188 (2011) Aluminium and Gamma Irradiation Induced Oxidative Damage in Brain Tissue of Male Rats – Protective Role of Ferulic Acid S. Z. Mansour, N. Hanafi and E. Noaman Radiation Biology Department, National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: [email protected] Received:18/05/2011. Accepted:17/10/2011. ABSTRACT The current study was carried out to investigate the potential role of ferulic acid (FA) against Aluminium chloride (AlCl 3 ), γ- radiation either alone or combination induced oxidative stress in brain tissue of Wistar rats. The period of the experiment was eight weeks. Animals were administrated by aluminium chloride at a dose of 8.5 mg/kg/day and exposed to a single dose (4 Gy) of γ-radiation. FA was administered orally (50mg/Kg body weight)/day. Histopathological observations and myeloid protein distribution were recorded in brain tissue. Induction of oxidative stress was recorded after all exposures. Brain tissue of AlCl 3 and γ-irradiation treatments either alone or combined revealed many altered changes and myeloid protein distribution. Also a decrease in serotonin concentration was recorded. An increase in Malonaldialdahyde (MDA) and acetylcholinesterase activity and percentage of saturated fatty acids in plasma and brain tissue was recorded. Reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and brain showed a significant decrease. Treatment of AlCl 3 loaded animals by FA showed simple atrophy as shrunken morphology saw in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and a decrease in myeloid protein deposition. FA treatment of AlCl 3 loaded or irradiated animals represented a significant increase in serotonin concentration and ameliorated affects on oxidative stress markers, acetylcholinesterase activity and percentage of saturated fatty acids in plasma and brain tissue. In conclusion FA has a role in reducing the oxidative stress of AlCl 3 and γ-irradiation on brain tissue of rats. Keywords: Brain; Aluminium Chloride (AlCl 3 ); Ferulic acid (FA).

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Page 1: Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences ... · in plasma and brain tissue was recorded. Reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and

JJoouurrnnaall ooff RRaaddiiaattiioonn RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd AApppplliieedd SScciieenncceess

J. Rad. Res. Appl. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 4(A), pp. 1163 – 1188 (2011)

Aluminium and Gamma Irradiation Induced Oxidative Damage in Brain Tissue of Male Rats – Protective Role of Ferulic Acid S. Z. Mansour, N. Hanafi and E. Noaman Radiation Biology Department, National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: [email protected] Received:18/05/2011. Accepted:17/10/2011.


The current study was carried out to investigate the potential role of ferulic acid (FA) against Aluminium chloride (AlCl3), γ- radiation either alone or combination induced oxidative stress in brain tissue of Wistar rats. The period of the experiment was eight weeks. Animals were administrated by aluminium chloride at a dose of 8.5 mg/kg/day and exposed to a single dose (4 Gy) of γ-radiation. FA was administered orally (50mg/Kg body weight)/day. Histopathological observations and myeloid protein distribution were recorded in brain tissue. Induction of oxidative stress was recorded after all exposures. Brain tissue of AlCl3 and γ-irradiation treatments either alone or combined revealed many altered changes and myeloid protein distribution. Also a decrease in serotonin concentration was recorded. An increase in Malonaldialdahyde (MDA) and acetylcholinesterase activity and percentage of saturated fatty acids in plasma and brain tissue was recorded. Reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and brain showed a significant decrease. Treatment of AlCl3 loaded animals by FA showed simple atrophy as shrunken morphology saw in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and a decrease in myeloid protein deposition. FA treatment of AlCl3 loaded or irradiated animals represented a significant increase in serotonin concentration and ameliorated affects on oxidative stress markers, acetylcholinesterase activity and percentage of saturated fatty acids in plasma and brain tissue. In conclusion FA has a role in reducing the oxidative stress of AlCl3 and γ-irradiation on brain tissue of rats.

Keywords: Brain; Aluminium Chloride (AlCl3); Ferulic acid (FA).

Page 2: Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences ... · in plasma and brain tissue was recorded. Reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) in blood and

Mansour et al., J. Rad. Res. Appl. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 4(A)(2011) 1164


Aluminium metal is abundantly present in the earth’s crust. From the environment it gets access to the human body via the gastrointestinal and the respiratory tracts. Aluminium is a constituent of cooking utensils and medicines such as antacids, deodorants and food additives and this has allowed its easy access into the body (1). The sources of Aluminium are especially corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices, tea, cosmetics, ware and containers. Also, it is present in medicines and is also added to drinking water for purification purposes (2).

Aluminium has been proposed as an environmental factor that may contribute to some neurodegenerative diseases, and affects several enzymes and other biomolecules relevant to Alzheimer‘s disease (3). Also, increased Aluminium burdens can cause neurological symptoms, biochemical responses leading to unhealthy bone metabolism and learning disabilities in children (4). Salts of Aluminium may bind to DNA, RNA, inhibit such enzymes as hexokinase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase and phosphor-oxydase (2). Strong et al., (5) found that Aluminium exposure caused impairments in glucose utilization, agonist-stimulated inositol phosphate accumulation, free radical-mediated cytotoxicity, lipid peroxidation, reduced cholinergic function, impact on gene expression and altered protein phosphorylation. Yousef (6) reported that Aluminium-induced changes in hemato-biochemical parameters, increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in plasma and tissues of male rabbits.

Aluminium accumulation in the brain, biochemical changes leading to damage in the cholinergic system are accomplished in acute and chronic exposure (9). Decreases of acetyl-coenzyme A levels (10, 11), choline acetyltran-sferase (10) and acetylcholinesterase (9, 12) have been observed after in vivo and in vitro exposure to Aluminium.

Ferulic acid (FA), extracted from a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, has potent antioxidant (13) and anti-inflammatory activities (14). It has recently been reported that long-term administration of FA protected mice against learning and memory deficits induced by centrally administered β-myeloid protein (15). The primary site of action of ferulic acid could be microglia (16) and astrocytes (17). It has been recently reported that ferulic acid inhibited formation of myeloid protein beta (Aβ) fibrils and destabilized preformed fibrillary Aβ (18). Sultana et al (19) reported that FA ethyl ester significantly inhibited Aβ1-42-induced cytoxicity, intracellular reactive oxygen species accumulation, lipid

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peroxidation, and induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase in primary hippocampal cultures (19). Significantly, they reported that FA had inhibitory effects on Aβ-induced increases of IL-1β expression and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinas pathway and apoptosis in rat hippocampus (20, 21). In addition, treatment with FA protected against glutamate induced apoptosis of cultured cortical neurons (22). In the present study, the role of FA against Aluminium, γ-irradiation and either alone or combination induced histopathological and biochemical changes in rats brain have been studied.


Eighty male albino rats (110-120 g) were obtained from the Egyptian Organization for Biological Product and Vaccines at Giza, Egypt were used throughout the present experiments. Animals were housed in cages under good ventilation and illumination conditions; they had access to unlimited water and standard rodent chow. Animal maintenance and treatments were conducted in accordance with the National Institute of Health Guide for Animal, as approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

Ferulic acid and AlCl3 administration

Ferulic acid (FA) was obtained from sigma chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. USA. in the form of trans-4-hydroxyl methoxy cinnamic acid. It was freshly prepared by dissolving proper concentration in distilled water. It was given to the animals orally (50mg/Kg body weight/day) for eight weeks according to the method of Maurya and Nair (23). Aluminium chloride (AlCl3) was obtained from sigma chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. USA. Animals were injected i.p. with AlCl3 (8.5mg/ Kg body weight/day) for eight weeks according to Fyiad (24). All other chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade.

Radiation process

Whole body gamma irradiation of rats was performed using a Canadian gamma cell-40, (137Cs) at the National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology (NCCRT), Cairo, Egypt. Rats were exposed to one dose (4.0 Gy) of γ-radiation at the fourth week of the experiment. The dose rate was 0.792 R/sec. at the time of experiment.

Experimental design

The eighty animals were randomly divided into eight groups (n=10). The period of experimental was extended to 8 weeks. Dose of ferulic acid (FA)

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was orally administered 30 minutes before beginning of AlCl3 injection. Animals were exposed to γ-radiation at one dose at the fourth weeks of experiment one hour after FA administered. Groups of animals under experimental investigation were, Group (1): Normal rats group, (2): FA group, (3): AlCl3 group, (4): Irradiated group, (5): FA AlCl3 group, (6): AlCl3 irradiated group, (7): FA irradiation; group and (8): FA irradiated AlCl3 group.

Rats of each group were fasted overnight before the time of sacrificing, one day before the end experiment. Blood samples were obtained by heart puncture and collected in sterile heparinized and non- heparinized tubes. Brains were quickly excised out, washed and weighed for further biochemical and histological analysis. Brains were homogenized in ice-cold 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) to yield 10% homogenates.

Biochemical assays.

Reduced glutathione concentration (GSH) was detected according to Beutler et al.,(25), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity levels were estimated by the detection of superoxide anions using nitroblue tetrazoluim formazan color development as reported before (26) and catalase (Cat) activity was assayed by the method of Sinha (27). Lipid peroxidation (LP) indicated by the formation of MDA was assessed using the method described by Yoshioka et al., (28). All parameters were estimated in blood packed RBCs and brain except MDA in plasma and brain homogenates. The acetylcholinesterase activity was measured by the method of Ellman et al., (29) with slight modifications (30).

HPLC determination of the brain Noradrenalin, dopamine and serotonin concentrations Preparation of the sample

The first step in the determination of the brain noradrenalin, dopamine and serotonin by HPLC method involved weighing and homogenization of the tissue in 1/10 weight/volume of 75% aqueous HPLC grade methanol. The homogenate was spun at 3000 r.p.m. for 10 min and the supernatant was used for monoamines determination immediately extracted from the trace elements and lipids by the use of solid phase extraction CHROMABOND column NH2 phase Cat. No. 730031. The sample was then injected directly into an AQUA column 150 54.6 mm 5 μC18, purchased from Phenomenex, USA under the following conditions: mobile phase 97/3 20 Mm potassium phosphate, pH 3.0/methanol, flow rate 1.5 ml/min, UV 270 nm. noradrenalin, dopamine and serotonin were separated after 12 minutes. The resulting chromatogram

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identified each monoamine position and concentration from the sample was determined as compared to that of the standard. The content of each monoamine is expressed as μg per gram brain tissue (31).

Fatty acids determination

For analytical procedures, serum and brain free fatty acids and lipids of serum and brain were extracted by the method of Folch et al., (32). A known volume of serum and wt of brain were extracted with diethyl ether/ ethanol (2: 1 v/v) for 3 times, after which the solvent was evaporated at 55°C. The results were calculated per 1 g wt of sample and saponified according to the method of Ashour (33). The fatty acids were esterified by methanol and purified according to the method of Kinsella (34), and analyzed by Hp 6890 gas chromatography. The chromatograph includes an innowax-crossline polyethylene glycol column 30 m, i.d. 0.32 ml meter, 0.5 μ meter film thickness. The assays were carried out with programmed oven temp. as follows 150°C for 1 min, then elevated to 235°C with rate of 17°C / min, detector, FID, 275°C. Peak areas were measured with an integrator connected to a computer, which expressed the data automatically. Peaks were identified by comparing their equivalent chain lengths with those of authentic fatty acid methyl esters.

Histological studies Preparation of brain for light microscopy

The rat brain was kept as a whole in Bouin’s fixative, dehydrated in ascending grades of alcohol, cleared with xylol, embedded and impregnated in paraffin wax, sectioned at 5 μm thick sections and subjected to the following stains:

• Hematoxyline and eosin (35): for studying the general structure of brain. • Congo red (36): to demonstrate myeloid protein deposits in brain tissue

sections. Statistical analysis:

The SPSS/PC computer program was used for Statistical Analysis of the results. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Values were expressed as mean ± SE. Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05.


A: Histopathological observations

Light microscopic examination of sections derived from brain tissue showed magnocellular nuclei stained with H & E and showed large nerve cells

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which are mostly multipolar or stellate in addition to pyriform cells. Astrocytes with sharply demarcated nuclei were also seen in control brain tissue (Fig. A1).

Al2 3 4

5 6 7




Al2 3 4

5 6 7







Fig. (A): A photomicrograph of male albino rat brain tissue 1: Control brain showing

neuron (N), oligodendrocyte (O) and Astrocytes (A). 2, 3, 4:AlCl3 treated brain tissue represented large thrombotic vessel (↓) cytotoxic edema (vacuoles), eosinophilia (red neurons▲) and the presence of cerebral infarct in which Microglials transform into macrophages (bloked arrow). 5: Irradiated brain tissue recorded enlarged nucleus and un enlarged cytoplasm (↓).Note the accumulation of fluid in the perivascular (curved arrow).6, 7: AlCl3 and irradiation treated brain tissue recorded nucleus extensively dark picnotic (curved arrow), shrunken, hyperchromasia, cytotoxic edema (vacuoles), and thrombotic vessels (↑). (HE, X400)

Treatment of the experimental animals by AlCl3 represented cytotoxic edema (vacuoles) loss of Nissl substance, eosinophilia (red neurons) (Fig. A3). Also large thrombotic vessel and the presence of cerebral infarct in which microglials transform into macrophages were observed in Fig. (A4). However

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exposure of rats to γ-radiation showed enlarged nucleus and unenlarged cytoplasm in addition to the presence of perivascular fluid accumulation (Fig. A5). Treatment of rats with AlCl3 and γ-radiation recorded nucleus shrunken and hyperchromasia. Disintegration cytoplasm represented cytotoxic edema (vacuoles) loss of Nissl substance, eosinophilia (red neurons) (Fig. A6). Thrombotic vessels were also detected (Fig. A7)

Treatment of the experimental animals by FA exhibited a normal appearance of brain tissue structure (Fig. B1). However, treatment of AlCl3 loaded animals by FA showed simple atrophy in the form of shrunken morphology seen in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Fig. B2). But normal appearance of brain tissue structure was shown when irradiated or AlCl3 irradiated animals were treated by FA (Fig. B 3, 4).

1 2

3 4

1 2

3 4

Fig. (B): A photomicrograph of male albino rat brain tissue 1: Ferulic acid treated

brain tissue showed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (↑), 2: Ferulic acid and AlCl3 treated brain tissue 3: Ferulic acid and irradiated brain tissue, 4: Ferulic acid, AlCl3 and irradiation treated brain tissue. (H and E. stain x400)

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B: Myeloid protein deposition.

Staining of myeloid protein showed a nonsignificant deposition in brain tissue of control and irradiated animals. A significant deposition of myeloid protein in the brain tissue of the AlCl3 treated animals (Fig. 2C). Similar but more abundant findings were observed in the AlCl3 irradiated treated animals (Fig. 4C). Myeloid protein predominantly deposit as extracellular plaques and can be frequently found in the neuronal soma in brain tissue of AlCl3 irradiated treated group. Treatment of AlCl3, irradiated either alone or in combination by FA recorded a nonsignificant deposition of myeloid protein in brain tissue (Fig. D 1,2,3 and 4).

Fig. (C): Photomicrograph in brain tissue of male rat stained by congo red stain

represented the deposition of β-amyloid. 1: Control, 2: AlCl3 treated brain tissue represented extracellular plaques (↑) and neuronal soma (curved arrow) β-amyloid deposition 3: Irradiated brain tissue, 4: AlCl3 and irradiation treated brain tissue represented intensive β-amyloid deposition as extracellular plaques and neuronal soma (↓). (x400)

1 2

3 4

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Fig. (D): Photomicrograph in brain tissue of male rat stained by congo red stain represented the deposition of β- amyloid. 1: Ferulic acid treated brain tissue, 2: Ferulic acid and AlCl3 treated brain tissue 3: Ferulic acid and Irradiated brain tissue, 4: Ferulic acid, AlCl3 and irradiation treated brain tissue. (x400).

Biochemical analysis

A: Oxidative stress markers and acetylcholinesterase activity.

Table 1 and 2 show that treatment of the experimental animals with i.p. injection with AlCl3 resulted in severe alterations in oxidative stress markers and Acetylcholinesterase activity. Significant decrease was observed in GSH content and SOD activity in blood and brain and CAT activity in plasma and brain after AlCl3 exposure. FA administration to control rats recorded a non significant change in their oxidative stress markers and acetylcholinesterase activity in blood and brain tissues. The effect of FA against the AlCl3-mediated toxicity recorded a significant increase in the CAT and SOD activities and a significant decrease in MDA content. While acetylcholinesterase represented a significant increase in the plasma and brain of AlCl3 treated rats compared to

1 2

3 4

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control level. A significant decrease was recorded by FA administration compared to AlCl3 treated group. Exposure of rats to γ- radiation showed no significant change in GSH content and SOD and CAT activity in blood compared to control level. On the other hand, in brain tissue GSH content and SOD and CAT activities displayed a significant decrease compared to control level. MDA level recorded a non significant change either in plasma or brain tissue while acetylcholinesterase activity showed a significant increase in plasma and brain tissue. Some ameliorating effect was recorded in oxidative markers of blood and brain tissues when irradiated animal group treated by FA. Decrease in GSH content and SOD and CAT activities were observed in blood and brain tissue when experimental animals were treated by AlCl3 and γ- irradiation. On the other hand, MDA content and acetylcholinesterase activity recorded an obvious increase. Ameliorative effects were observed in blood and brain tissue oxidative markers and acetylcholinesterase activity when AlCl3

irradiated group was treated by FA. Table (1): Effect of ferulic acid (FA) on GSH and SOD of packed RBCs and CAT,

MDA and Acetylcholinesterase activity of rat’s blood plasma. Groups Parameters

GSH (mg/ml packed RBCs)

SOD (μg/ml packed RBCs)

CAT (µmol/ ml)

MDA (μmol/ml plasma)

Acetyl cholinesterase

activity Plasma (µml/ml)

Control 69.74

± 2.71c 8.32

± 0.16cd 228.56 ± 9.19c

114.64 ± 4.68c

18.09 ± 0.793cd

FA 66.31

± 5.98c 8.33

± 0.13cd 242.59

± 11.82c 115.51 ± 5.06c

17.75 ± 1.398cd

AlCl3 53.77

± 2.19abd 6.54

± 0.17abd 178.48

± 25.51abd 131.22

± 2.30acd 33.00

± 1.121abd

Radiation 66.17

± 0.58c 7.82

± 0.20abc 235.61

± 15.10 112.11 ± 3.40c

25.97 ± 0.692abc

AlCl3 + Radiation 59.93

± 1.72a 8.13

± 0.13c 207.85 ± 19.36

120.08 ± 1.64c

40.12 ± 0.823abcd

FA +AlCl3 61.22 ± 2.46

8.21 ± 0.06c

209.63 ± 16.55

119.06 ± 2.80c

24.49 ± 1.279abc

FA +Radiation 64.21

± 2.30c 8.16

± 0.07c 250.67

± 17.75c 117.08 ±2.33c

20.51 ± 1.263cd

FA+Radiation+ lCl3 60.51

± 3.90a 7.24

± 0.09abc 201.93 ± 10.09

123.22 ± 3.17c

28.20 ± 1.603abc

Results are presented as the mean ± SE. a: significant from control group at p < 0.05. b: significant from FA group at p < 0.05. c: significant from AlCl3 group at p < 0.05. d: significant from radiation group at p < 0.05.

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Table (2): Effect of ferulic acid (FA) on GSH, SOD, CAT, MDA and Acetylcholinesterase activity of rat’s brain.

Groups Parameters

GSH (µg/g tissue)

SOD (μg/g tissue)

CAT (µmol/g tissue)

MDA (µg/g tissue)

Acetyl cholinesterase

activity Brain (µml/g)

Control 84.51

± 1.445cd


± 0.091cd


± 3.742cd




± 9.472cd

FA 84.37

± 0.463cd


± 0.261cd


± 6.475cd


± 1.280cd


± 7.413cd

AlCl3 67.768

± 1.298ab


± 0.198abd


± 4.253abd


± 1.174abd


± 4.804abd

Radiation 70.52

± 1.497ab


± 0.138abc


± 5.114abc


± 2.307bc


± 9.624abc

AlCl3+Radiation 64.34

± 3.375ad


± .144abcd


± 2.627abd


± 2.850abcd


± 4.032abcd

FA +AlCl3 78.35







± 1.232c


± 8.837c

FA +Radiation 80.27

± 1.725cd


± 0.150c


± 1.321cd


± 1.365c


± 4.418c

FA+Radiation+ lCl3 77.97



± 0.062abd


± 3.474abc


± 1.438abd


± 18.026abd

Legends as in table (1)

B: Neurotransmitters (Noradrenalin, dopamine and serotonin) concentration in brain tissue

Table (3) pointed out the non significant change of neurotransmitters in brain tissue of experimental animals treated by FA. Some decrease occurred in dopamine and seratonin concentrations of brain tissue after exposure of the experimental animals to γ-radiation. On the other hand, an increase in noradrenalin and dopamine were recorded while serotonin concentration represented some decrease when the experimental animals suffered from AlCl3 toxicity either alone or in combination with γ-irradiation. Treatment of animals suffered from AlCl3 toxicity by FA revealed a non significant change in noradrenalin and serotonin concentrations compared to control level. However treatment of the irradiated animals by FA represented a significant increase in dopamine and serotonin concentration compared to control level as well as irradiated rats. Treatment of experimental animals suffered from AlCl3 toxicity combined with γ-radiation by FA showed a significant increase in neurotransmitters concentrations in brain tissue in comparison with those of

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control or irradiated groups.

Table (3): Effect of ferulic acid (FA) administration to rats on neurotransmitters concentration in brain tissue.




mg/ g brain


mg/ g brain


mg/ g brain

Control 1.999 ± 0.127c 0.559 ± 0.109 0.061 ± 0.007cd

FA 1.866 ± 0.159c 0.582 ± 0.075 0.060 ± 0.006 c

AlCl3 2.703 ± 0.333abd 0.576 ± 0.046 0.044 ± 0.005ab

Radiation 1.985 ± 0.190c 0.456 ± 0.054 0.045 ± 0.002a

AlCl3 + Radiation 2.562 ± 0.326b 0.511 ± 0.031 0.055 ± 0.003 FA +AlCl3 2.175 ± 0.317 0.626 ± 0.097d 0.051 ± 0.006 FA +Radiation 2.420 ± 0.136 0.745± 0.56acd 0.078 ± 0.006abcd

FA +Radiation + AlCl3 2.857 ± 0.997abd 1.116 ± 0.022abcd 0.117 ± 0.002abcd

Legends as in table (1)

C: Fatty acids composition of total lipids in plasma and brain tissue

Tables (4-5) illustrate alterations in the distribution profile of fatty acids in the plasma and brain in the different animal groups. The percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and total monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) increased by administrating rats with AlCl3 and radiation exposure while the percentage of total unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) decreased. The effect of FA administration ameliorated the fatty acids levels.

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Table (4): Fatty acids composition of plasma total lipids in different animal groups (mg/ml).

Fatty acids

Control FA AlCl3 Radiation FA

+AlCl3 FA +

Radiation AlCl3


FA + Radiation + AlCl3

C14:0 0.71

±0.04cd 0.71

±0.03cd 2.69

±0.22abd 2.25

±0.17abc 0.76

±0.04cd 0.75

±0.04cd 2.71

±0.21abd 0.94


C16:0 21.68

±1.02cd 22.30

±1.21cd 28.45

±1.36ab 26.99

±0.92ab 24.38 ±1.21

22.14 ±1.32cd

29.12 ±1.38ab

25.37 ±1.25ab

C16:1 1.60

±0.16 1.60

±0.08 1.96

±0.38 1.83

±0.24 1.56

±0.13 1.35

±0.13 2.04

±0.22 2.04


C18:0 6.80

±0.17cd 6.84

±0.59cd 9.22

±0.13ab 9.14

±0.50ab 6.62

±0.41cd 6.56

±0.52cd 12.64

±0.35abcd 7.68


C18:1 12.53 ±0.55

12.04 ±0.64

13.39 ±0.70

12.98 ±0.41

12.80 ±0.31

12.50 ±0.36

13.68 ±0.34b

13.03 ±0.43

C18:2 31.77

±0.66cd 32.84

±0.99cd 23.85

±0.75ab 24.40

±0.67ab 29.78

±1.23bcd 29.87

±0.99bcd 19.47

±1.41abcd 28.72


C18:3 1.16

±0.14cd 1.21

±0.07cd 0.52

±0.05ab 0.75

±0.19ab 0.96

±0.13c 1.06

±0.06c 0.36

±0.07abd 0.80


C20:0 4.08

±0.15c 3.97

±0.20c 6.40

±0.41ab 5.63

±0.71 5.87

±0.81ab 5.10

±0.09 7.35

±0.39abd 6.78


C20:1 0.37

±0.04c 0.37

±0.04c 0.24

±0.03abd 0.35

±0.04c 0.36

±0.02c 0.35

±0.03c 0.21

±0.02abd 0.31


C20:4 12.98 ±0.48c

12.63 ±0.66c

9.27 ±0.91ab

11.43 ±1.23

10.80 ±0.71

13.14 ±0.64c

8.85 ±0.14abd

9.96 ±0.82ab

C20:5 1.64

±0.34c 1.17

±0.24 0.56

±0.08ad 1.33

±0.12c 1.40

±0.24c 1.43

±0.31c 0.38

±0.03abd 0.98


C22:0 0.20

±0.03cd 0.22

±0.02cd 0.55

±0.05ab 0.43

±0.06ab 0.32

±0.06c 0.34

±0.08c 0.66

±0.04abd 0.40


C22:6 3.93

±0.41cd 3.62

±0.22c 2.07

±0.39ab 2.62

±0.28a 3.46

±0.34c 3.86

±0.40cd 1.99

±0.57ab 3.05


C24:0 0.54

±0.04 0.51

±0.03 0.47

±0.06 0.46

±0.02 0.48

±0.02 0.55

±0.08 0.63

±0.06cd 0.49

±0.03 Total SFA

34.01 ±1.02cd

34.22 ±1.44cd

45.54 ±4.00abd

44.65 ±1.39abc

38.88 ±0.86cd

35.88 ±2.16cd

52.80 ±1.32abcd

39.66 ±0.41ac

Total USFA

65.99 ±1.01cd

65.78 ±1.64cd

54.46 ±4.00ab

55.35 ±1.39ab

61.12 ±0.86cd

64.12 ±2.07cd

47.20 ±1.38abcd

60.34 ±0.41c

Total MUFA

14.50 ±0.63

13.98 ±0.59c

15.58 ±0.48

15.16 ±0.60

14.71 ±0.31

14.38 ±0.22

16.64 ±0.41abd

15.07 ±0.39

Total PUFA

51.48 ±1.54cd

51.47 ±0.88cd

36.28 ±1.17abd

40.53 ±1.76abc

46.40 ±0.66abcd

49.41 ±1.81cd

30.99 ±1.10abd

45.27 ±0.54abd

Legends as in table (1)

List of abbreviations C14:0: Myristic acid; C16:0: Palmitic acid; C16:1: Palmitoleic acid; C18:0:

Stearic acid; C18:1: Oleic acid; C18:2: Linoleic acid; C18:3: Linolenic acid; C20:0: Arachidic acid; C20:1: Eicosenic acid; C20:4: Arachidonic acid; C20:5: Eicosapentanoic acid; C22:0: Behenic acid; C22:6: Docosahexaenoic acid; C24:0: Lignoceric acid; SFA: Total saturated fatty acid; USFA: Total unsaturated fatty acid; MUFA: Total monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA: Total polyunsaturated fatty acid

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Table (5): Fatty acids composition of brain total lipids in different animal groups (mg/g tissue).

Fatty acids Control FA AlCl3 Radiation FA

+AlCl3 FA +

Radiation AlCl3+


FA + Radiation + AlCl3

C14:0 0.63 ±0.03cd

0.65 ±0.03cd

1.24 ±0.16ab

1.09 ±0.08ab

0.90 ±0.11abc

0.77 ±0.11cd

2.05 ±0.10abcd

0.93 ±0.08ac

C16:0 17.58 ±0.67cd

16.76 ±0.59cd

22.77 ±0.50ab

21.55 ±0.67ab

19.65 ±0.42bc

18.11 ±1.02c

23.26 ±0.41abcd

20.43 ±0.58abcd

C16:1 1.61 ±0.13

1.63 ±0.05

2.01 ±0.13

1.97 ±0.13

1.76 ±0.05a

1.64 ±0.18a

2.66 ±0.36abcd

1.86 ±0.08

C18:0 14.48 ±0.71cd

14.48 ±0.38cd

18.49 ±0.40abd

16.33 ±0.23abc

16.57 ±0.27abc

14.54 ±0.49c

21.50 ±0.66abcd

18.61 ±0.58abd

C18:1 21.15 ±0.23cd

22.01 ±0.23cd

25.52 ±1.28ab

24.86 ±0.84ab

22.46 ±0.68cd

22.21 ±0.47cd

26.30 ±0.60ab

23.52 ±1.28

C18:2 3.99 ±0.24cd

3.68 ±0.19cd

2.03 ±0.35ab

2.19 ±0.23ab

3.42 ±0.25cd

3.83 ±0.23cd

1.58 ±0.28ab

2.88 ±0.12abc

C18:3 0.59 ±0.03cd

0.58 ±0.06cd

0.38 ±0.03ab

0.54 ±0.04ab

0.52 ±0.03c

0.55 ±0.04c

0.27 ±0.04abcd

0.47 ±0.03ab

C20:0 1.26 ± .14cd

1.29 ±0.11cd

3.34 ±0.23ab

3.22 ±0.26ab

2.33 ±0.27abcd

1.79 ±0.20cd

4.01 ±0.42abd

2.68 ±0.23ab

C20:1 1.15 ±0.07cd

1.15 ±0.07cd

0.68 ±0.03ab

0.68 ±0.05ab

0.86 ±0.06ab

1.10 ±0.09cd

0.66 ±0.06ab

0.80 ±0.04ab

C20:4 18.71 ±0.11cd

18.23 ±0.42cd

11.30 ±0.42ab

12.97 ±0.79ab

14.37 ±0.57abc

16.27 ±0.29abcd

7.34 ±0.64abcd

11.43 ±0.42abd

C20:5 0.39 ± 0.04c

0.40 ±0.02cd

0.28 ±0.02ab

0.31 ±0.03b

0.37 ±0.02c

0.36 ±0.06

0.22 ±0.01abd

0.31 ±0.02b

C22:0 1.41 ± 0.13cd

1.32 ±0.11cd

2.99 ±0.47ab

2.77 ±0.37ab

1.36 ±0.11cd

1.76 ±0.15cd

2.38 ±0.59ab

1.88 ±0.18bc

C22:6 15.53 ±1.47cd

16.34 ±1.24cd

7.51 ±0.34ab

10.24 ±0.45ab

14.10 ±1.28cd

15.80 ±0.33cd

5.70 ±0.64abd

12.96 ±0.95bc

C24:0 1.52 ± 0.23

1.31 ±0.02

1.46 ±0.15

1.37 ± 0.06

1.32 ±0.03

1.29 ±0.05

2.06 ±0.09abcd

1.25 ±0.08

Total SFA

36.89 ±1.24cd

35.80 ±0.98cd

50.29 ±1.28abd

46.33 ±0.70abc

42.13 ±1.08abcd

38.25 ±0.66cd

55.27 ±0.14abcd

45.78 ±0.41abc

Total USFA

64.11 ±1.18cd

64.20 ±0.91cd

49.71 ±1.25ab

53.67 ±1.91ab

57.87 ±1.03ab

61.75 ±0.57cd

44.73 ±0.09abcd

54.22 ±0.40abc

Total MUFA

23.91 ±0.11cd

24.79 ±0.33cd

28.21 ±1.34ab

27.51 ±0.73ab

25.09 ±0.68cd

24.94 ±0.33cd

29.62 ±0.32ab

26.18 ±1.28

Total PUFA

40.20 ±1.18cd

40.00 ±0.88cd

21.50 ±0.44abd

26.16 ±1.08abc

32.78 ±1.38abcd

36.77 ±0.46cd

15.11 ±0.23abcdd

28.04 ±1.12abc

Legends as in table (1) Abbreviations as in table (4) DISCUSSION

The present study was carried out to investigate the protective effects of ferulic acid (FA) on AlCl3 and γ-irradiation either alone or in combination againest oxidative stress alterations in rats’ brain tissue.

In our study the effect of AlCl3 and γ-irradiation either alone or together on brain tissue caused a potent histopathological changes.

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Aluminum has been implicated as an etiopathogenic factor in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in that it is able to alter several biochemical mechanisms including the degradation of the myeloid protein peptides, which suggests in which way these two potentially neurotoxic agents might interact in conditions such as AD (37).

Therefore, the observed incidence of gliosis and cerebral infarction are indicative of brain damage because gliosis or astrocytosis is the brain’s way of reacting to injury, insult, or “something” that should not be there (e.g., a tumor) (38). This may account for the presence of vessels with histological features of thrombosis because an injury to a blood vessel results in the release of platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot to prevent loss of blood. If that mechanism causes too much clotting and the clot breaks free, an embolus is formed (39, 40).

The difficulty in obtaining histological evidence of radiation induced brain changes in patients who have undergone radiation therapy in brain is reflected in the infrequent availability of histological proof of these changes in humans (41, 42). In an organ such as the brain, different topographical regions may have varying susceptibility to ionizing radiation. Radiation induced lesions tend to occur more frequently in the cerebral brain white matter. The main finding in this study is that γ-radiation exposure caused enlarged nucleus, unenlarged cytoplasm and accumulation of fluid in the perivascular. Our present structural results are in accordance with findings that show a strong correlation between functional radiation effects and vascular alterations, which suggests vascular injury, is a major factor that contributes to the pathogenesis of delayed radiation injury in normal tissues (43, 44, 45).

Since b-myeloid protein precursor protein is considered to be a marker of neuronal degeneration (46), a significant deposition of myeloid protein in the brains tissue of the AlCl3 and AlCl3 irradiation treated animals were observed. Atish and Anil, (47) proposed that Chronic Aluminum exposure induces oxidative stress and increases myeloid protein beta levels in vivo.

The present study revelead that Aluminum toxicity induced oxidative stress and biochemical alterations in rats. In AlCl3 treated rats, the level of Malonaldialdahyde (MDA) the end products of lipid peroxidation was found to be elevated but the content of reduced glutathione (GSH) and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (Cat) were decreased in blood and brain. These observations are similar to the data reported by Yousef (6), Yousef et al., (7, 8), Nehru and Anand (48) who indicated that Aluminum intake produces

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oxidative stress. Although Aluminum is not a transition metal and therefore cannot initiate peroxidation, many investigations have searched for a correlation between Aluminum accumulation and oxidative damage in the brain tissues (48,

49, 50). The primary effects of Aluminum on the brain functions are thought to be mediated via damage to cell membranes.

The increased lipid peroxidation is, at least in part, due to an inhibition of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the blood RBCs and brain. This results in a substantial increase in the rate of lipid peroxidation in plasma and brain, leading to membrane damage. SOD presents the first line of defense against superoxide, as it dismutases the superoxide anion to H2O2 and O2 (48). Because the SOD enzyme generates H2O2, it works in collaboration with H2O2 removing enzymes. Catalase converts H2O2 to water and oxygen. Catalase is present in the peroxisomes of mammalian cells, and probably serves to destroy H2O2 generated by oxidase enzymes located within these sub cellular organelles (48).

In the present study, AlCl3 induced a decrease in GSH content in the blood RBCs and brain. Orihuela et al., (51) reported that at high doses, Aluminum was able to induce oxidative stress in the intestinal mucosa, as indicated by the significant increase in the concentration of both, oxidized glutathione / reduced glutathione (GSSG/GSH) ratio and TBARS levels. These effects may have been produced owing to concomitant causes. Aluminum might affect the glutathione (GSH) synthesis by decreasing the activity of glutathione-synthase (GS), a non-limiting step of whole reaction, thus leading to a reduced GSH content. Since, NADPH is shown to be a main factor for the GSH regeneration, the decreased GSH level could be also ascribed to insufficient supply of NADPH. Besides, Aluminum is able to diminish the activity of enzymes related to cell antioxidant defense, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase in brain and blood. Therefore, Aluminum could indirectly contribute to unbalance redox equilibrium in the enterocyte (51).

Experimentally, AlCl3 administration has been shown to increase acetylcholinesterase in plasma or brain tissue. This conclusion agrees with that observed by other investigators Zatta et al., (52). Several studies have reported the influence of aluminum on the metabolism of acetylcholine (10, 11). This has been attributed to the accumulation of Aluminum in the brain (53).

Exposure to ionizing radiation produces significant alterations in oxidant activity in different tissues (54). Cells exposed to ionizing radiation can develop prolonged genetic instability manifested in multiple always, including

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delayed reproductive death, increased rate of point mutations, chromosome rearrangements and micronuclei (55). In our study, we observed increased level of MDA in plasma and brain tissue of γ-irradiated rats. This may be due to the attack of free radicals on the fatty acid component of membrane lipids (56). The antioxidant enzymes capable of scavenging ROS are SOD, CAT and GPx, etc.

(57). In this study, we have observed a decrease in the activity of SOD and CAT in γ -irradiated rats. This decrease could be due to a feedback inhibition or oxidative inactivation of enzyme protein caused by ROS generation, which in turn can impair the antioxidant defense mechanism, leading to an increased membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO) (58). The decreased level of GSH in γ-irradiated rats may be due to its utilization by the enhanced production of ROS (56). If over production of ROS occurs, oxidative damage can lead to radiation-induced cytotoxicity (chromosomal damage and gene mutations) (59).

On the other hand, acetylcholinesterase activity exhibited a significant increase in both either for plasma and brain tissue as affected by exposure of rats to γ- radiation. Schwenke et al., (60) showed that γ-irradiation of erythroleukemic K562 cells caused an increase in acetylcholinesterase -activity accompanied by cell differentiation and cessation of cell proliferation.

Some decrease in neurotransmitters concentrations of brain tissue was recorded after exposure of the experimental animals to γ-radiation. While an increase in noradrenalin and a decrease of serotonin concentration was recorded when the experimental animals suffered from AlCl3 toxicity either alone or combined with γ-irradiation.

The serotonin level was reported to be reduced (61) in brain regions of rat pups orally gavage with AlCl3 at 40 mg/kg body weight for 4 weeks. In the present study, a decrease in serotonin was evident in brain after 4 weeks of exposure. Beal et al. (62) have suggested that Al-induced neurochemical changes were found in regions with the most neurofibrillary degeneration and found that in rabbits exposed to Al (100 ml 1% Al chloride infused intra ventricular) a significant reduction in serotonin levels was observed.

The serotonin neurotransmitter level in the brain regions varies. Serotonin turnover could vary between the brain regions. However, the toxic effect of Al on the serotonergic system is not uniform. The changes reflect brain-region-specific changes and may be due to the direct toxic effect of Al. The changes observed were duration dependent, which may be due to the deactivation of the serotonergic system and different levels of Al accumulation

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in the different brain regions over a time period (63).

Brain tissue has 60% lipid, and it has remarkable high energy consumption (64). In addition, these tissues are more susceptible to oxidative damage than other tissues (65). Also the nervous system is particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effect of ROS, and one of the main reasons is that the brain contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acid that are highly susceptible to lipid peroxidation (66, 67). Due to AlCl3 toxicity and irradiation oxidative stress the percentage of saturated fatty acids and Total MUFA increased by AlCl3 administration and γ-radiation exposure.

The ability of ferulic acid ethyl ester (FAEE) to act as a potent antioxidant in vivo, thus providing neuroprotection against myeloid protein beta (Aβ) induced oxidative stress. Perluigi et al., (68) suggested that the ester derivative of ferulic acid (FA) shows higher lipophilicity with increased ability to penetrate the blood–brain barrier. They hypothesize a multifaceted mechanism of in vivo neuroprotection by this compound: 1) FA is a potent free radical scavenger by significantly attenuating ROS production, protein oxidation, and lipid peroxidation; 2) FA is also neuroprotective by leading to elevated levels of stress response proteins, such as HO-1 and HSP72; and 3) FA modulates neuroinflammatory processes mediated by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) protein.

Administration of FA to γ-irradiated rats resulted in decreased lipid peroxidation and improved antioxidant status preventing the damage to the brain. This may be due to the antioxidant sparing action of FA. As FA is a phenolic compound, it might have diminished lipid peroxidation level. Previous reports have shown that FA is an effective scavenger of free radicals and it has been approved in certain countries as food additive to prevent LPO (69). Toda et al. (70) have also reported that FA scavenges superoxide anion radical and inhibits LPO induced by superoxide and the effect of FA is similar to that of SOD. The level of GSH was increased significantly due to pretreatment of rats with FA. As seen in table 1 and 2, FA possesses distinct structural motifs that can possibly contribute to the free radical scavenging capability of this compound. The presence of electron donating groups on the benzene ring (3-methoxy and more importantly 4-hydroxyl) of FA gives additional property for terminating free radical chain reaction. The next functionality – the carboxylic acid group in FA with adjacent unsaturated C-C double bond can provide additional attack sites for free radicals and thus prevent them from attacking the membrane. In addition, the carboxylic acid group acts as an

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anchor of FA by which it binds to the lipid bilayer providing some protection against LPO. Clearly, the presence of electron donating substituents enhances the antioxidant properties of FA (71).

Pretreatment of irradiated rats with FA enhanced the activity of SOD and CAT. These antioxidant enzymes are important in providing protection from radiation exposure; the proper balance of these enzymes in specific cells and in the whole organ is required for maximum radioprotection (72).

In conclusion FA usage can protect brain tissue against AlCl3 toxicity and γ-irradiation hazardous effects.


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الإشعاعیةالإشعاعیةبحوث بحوث مجلة المجلة ال والعلوم التطبیقیةوالعلوم التطبیقیة

)٢٠١١( ١١٨٨ – ١١٦٣ ص ص )أ(٤ عدد ٤ مجلد

نسجة مخ ذكور الجرذانأسبب فى تعرض تتالألمنیوم وأشعة جاما الفریولیك الدور الوقائى لحمض – ىللضررالتأكسد

إیمـان نعمـــانـ نعمات حنفي أحمـد ـ ســـــــمیة زكریـــا منصـور

القاھرة – الذریة الطاقة ھیئھ – الإشعاع المركز القومي لبحوث و تكنولوجیا – ةالإشعاعی البیولوجیابحوث قسم مصر–

تحقق من الدور المحتمل لحمض الفریولیك ضد الضرر التأكسدى للقد أجریت الدراسة الحالیة وكانت فترة . ذانالجرالناتج من استعمال كلورید الألومنیوم والتعرض لإشعاع جاما في أنسجة مخ

یوم من / كجم / ملیجرام ٨٫٥وكانت تدار بواسطة معاملة حیوانات التجارب بجرعة . أسابیع٨التجربة وكانت جرعة حمض . من الإشعاع الجامى) جراى٤(كلورید الألومنیوم والتعرض لجرعة واحدة

میلوید في أنسجة المخ وتم اβسجلت الملاحظات المرضیة وتوزیع . یوم/ كجم / ملیجرام ٥٠الفریولیك أوضحت أنسجة المخ للفئران المعاملة بكلورید . الأكسدة بعد انتھاء كل المعاملات تسجیل ضرر

مجتمعة تغییرات ضارة كثیرة وتغیر توزیع البروتین منفردة أولأشعة جاما أو المعرضة الألومنیومالنخاعي وانخفض تركیز السیروتونین وسجلت الدراسة زیادة في محتوى المالونالدھید والنسبة المئویة

للأحماض الدھنیة المشبعة الموجودة في البلازما وأنسجة المخ وأظھرت انخفاضا كبیرا فى الجلوتاثیون مثلت معاملة الحیوانات التجریبیة بحمض الفریولیك .الفائق في كل من الدم والمخوالكاتلاز و دیسموتاز

ومع ذلك أظھرت معاملة ). امیلویدβ (البروتین النخاعي مظھر طبیعي من بنیة أنسجة المخ وتوزیع الحیوانات بكلورید الألومنیوم و حامض الفریولیك ضمور بسیط في شكل مورفولوجیا منكمشة تمثلت في

وحدوث زیادة كبیرة في تركیز البروتین النخاعيالتصلب الجانبي الضموري وانخفاض في ترسیب السیروتونین وتحسن في علامات الأكسدة ونشاط الأستیل كولین ایسـتیرز والنسبة المئویة للأحماض

ام حمض وقد اسـتخلصت الدراسة إلى أن استخد. الدھنیة المشبعة الموجودة في البلازما وأنسجة المخالفریولیك یحد من الإجھاد التأكسدى الناتج من معاملة الجرذان بكلورید الألومنیوم إضافة إلى تعرضھا

.للإشعاع المؤین