journal of clinical microbiology · authorindex altmann, gideon, 620 armstrong, donald, 681 bale,...

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 14 * NUMBER 6 * DECEMBER 1981 EDITORIAL BOARD Henry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief (1984) Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985) Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center, California Department of Health, New Hyde Park, N. Y. Berkeley, Calif Herman Friedman, Editor (1985) Peter B. Smnith, Editor (1984) College of Medicine Centerfor Disease Control, University of South Florida Atlanta, Ga. Tampa, Fla. Michael R. McGinnis, Editor (1985) North Carolina Memorial Hospital Chapel Hill, N. C. Donald G. Ahearn (1981) Libero Ajello (1982) William L. Albritton (1981) James R. Allen (1982) Stephen D. Allen (1981) Daniel Amsterdam (1983) Lawrence Ash (1983) Arthur L. Barry (1981) Barry Beaty (1981) John F. Bennett (1982) E. L. Bieberstein (1983) Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982) Edward J. Bottone (1983) Don J. Brenner (1983) Walter S. Ceglowski (1983) Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982) William B. Cherry (1981) Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982) B. H. Cooper (1983) Richard F. D'Amato (1983) Jules L. Dienstag (1983) Richard E. Dixon (1981) Steven D. Douglas (1981) Walter R. Dowdle (1982) Bennett L. Elisberg (1982) Richard W. Emmons (1983) Mario R. Escobar (1983) Richard Facklam (1982) James D. Fenters (1982) Patricia Ferrieri (1983) Sydney M. Finegold (1982) Maxwell Finland (1983) Lynn S. Garcia (1983) Thomas L. Gavan (1983) Gerald L. Gillardi (1983) Robert C. Good (1982) Norman L. Goodman (1983) Morris A. Gordon (1981) Dieter Grôschel (1983) Peter A. Gross (1983) Pekka Halonen (1981) James L. Hardy (1981) Maurice W. Harmon (1982) William J. Hausier, Jr. (1981) George R. Healy (1983) Kenneth L. Herrmann (1982) Lillian V. Holdeman (1982) Milton Huppert (1981) Russell C. Johnson (1982) Wallace L. Jones (1983) S. S. Kalter (1981) John Kately (1983) Leo Kaufman (1981) Douglas S. Kellogg (1981) George E. Kenny (1982) Wesley E. Kloos (1982) George P. Kubica (1982) Walter J. Loesche (1982) James D. MacLowry (1983) William J. Martin (1983) Laurence R. McCarthy (1983) Joseph E. McDade (1982) Jerry R. McGhee (1982) Joseph L. Melnick (1982) William I. Metzger (1983) Stephen A. Morse (1983) C. Wayne Moss (1983) Maurice A. Mufson (1983) Robert D. Nelson (1983) Harold C. Neu (1982) Joseph V. Osterman (1982) Arvind A. Padhye (1981) Demosthenes Pappagianis (1983) A. William Pasculle (1983) Jerold Penn (1983) M. John Pickett (1982) Richard Polin (1983) Robert H. Purcell (1983) Paul G. Quie (1983) William E. Rawls (1983) L. Barth Reller (1983) Shirley J. Richmond (1982) Glenn D. Roberts (1983) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1983) Arthur F. Rosenthal (1982) R. S. Ross (1983) Sally Jo Rubin (1983) Julius Schachter (1983) Alexis Shelokov (1982) Marcelino F. Sierra (1981) Margarita Silva-Hutner (1983) Robert M. Smibert Il (1981) James W. Smith (1983) Steven Specter (1983) Leslie Spence (1982) Roy W. Stevens (1983) Daniel P. Stites (1983) Vera L. Sutter (1982) Jason Tanzer (1982) Patricia E. Taylor (1982) Welton I. Taylor (1983) John H. Thompson, Jr. (1983) Clyde Thornsberry (1983) Richard C. Tilton (1981) Gabriel Virella (1983) Alexander von Graevenitz (1983) I. Kaye Wachsmuth (1981) Kenneth W. Walls (1983) Joseph L. Waner (1983) Lawrence G. Wayne (1983) Tracy D. Wilkins (1981) Hazel Wilkinson (1983) Robert P. Williams (1981) Marion E. Wilson (1983) Kwei-Hay Wong (1983) G. N. Woode (1982) Robert H. Yolken (1981) Walter G. Peter III, Managing Editor Gisella Pollock, Assistant Managing Editor Paula R. Gerhardt, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 EX OFFICIO Frederick C. Neidhardt, President (1981-1982) John C. Sherris, President-Elect (1981-1982) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer The Journal of Clinical Microbiology (ISSN 0095-1137), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, particularly regarding their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology. Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, with fundamental aspects of infection and im- munity, and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scope of other ASM publications. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the Editors and the Publications Office. The Journal is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $80 per year. The member subscription price is $22 per year. Single copies are $8. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective cop- ies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Wash- ington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. Made in the United States of America. Copyright © 1981, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use, or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear- ance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, New York 12301, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. B * id5 e, .t 9. Ik Aj Ï L 1 M %, 1-:; ( 1'l e- -

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Page 1: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


EDITORIAL BOARDHenry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief (1984) Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985)Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center, California Department of Health,

New Hyde Park, N. Y. Berkeley, CalifHerman Friedman, Editor (1985) Peter B. Smnith, Editor (1984)

College of Medicine Centerfor Disease Control,University of South Florida Atlanta, Ga.

Tampa, Fla.Michael R. McGinnis, Editor (1985)North Carolina Memorial Hospital

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Donald G. Ahearn (1981)Libero Ajello (1982)William L. Albritton (1981)James R. Allen (1982)Stephen D. Allen (1981)Daniel Amsterdam (1983)Lawrence Ash (1983)Arthur L. Barry (1981)Barry Beaty (1981)John F. Bennett (1982)E. L. Bieberstein (1983)Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982)Edward J. Bottone (1983)Don J. Brenner (1983)Walter S. Ceglowski (1983)Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982)William B. Cherry (1981)Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982)B. H. Cooper (1983)Richard F. D'Amato (1983)Jules L. Dienstag (1983)Richard E. Dixon (1981)Steven D. Douglas (1981)Walter R. Dowdle (1982)Bennett L. Elisberg (1982)Richard W. Emmons (1983)Mario R. Escobar (1983)Richard Facklam (1982)James D. Fenters (1982)Patricia Ferrieri (1983)Sydney M. Finegold (1982)Maxwell Finland (1983)Lynn S. Garcia (1983)Thomas L. Gavan (1983)Gerald L. Gillardi (1983)Robert C. Good (1982)Norman L. Goodman (1983)Morris A. Gordon (1981)Dieter Grôschel (1983)

Peter A. Gross (1983)Pekka Halonen (1981)James L. Hardy (1981)Maurice W. Harmon (1982)William J. Hausier, Jr. (1981)George R. Healy (1983)Kenneth L. Herrmann (1982)Lillian V. Holdeman (1982)Milton Huppert (1981)Russell C. Johnson (1982)Wallace L. Jones (1983)S. S. Kalter (1981)John Kately (1983)Leo Kaufman (1981)Douglas S. Kellogg (1981)George E. Kenny (1982)Wesley E. Kloos (1982)George P. Kubica (1982)Walter J. Loesche (1982)James D. MacLowry (1983)William J. Martin (1983)Laurence R. McCarthy (1983)Joseph E. McDade (1982)Jerry R. McGhee (1982)Joseph L. Melnick (1982)William I. Metzger (1983)Stephen A. Morse (1983)C. Wayne Moss (1983)Maurice A. Mufson (1983)Robert D. Nelson (1983)Harold C. Neu (1982)Joseph V. Osterman (1982)Arvind A. Padhye (1981)Demosthenes Pappagianis (1983)A. William Pasculle (1983)Jerold Penn (1983)M. John Pickett (1982)Richard Polin (1983)Robert H. Purcell (1983)

Paul G. Quie (1983)William E. Rawls (1983)L. Barth Reller (1983)Shirley J. Richmond (1982)Glenn D. Roberts (1983)Jon E. Rosenblatt (1983)Arthur F. Rosenthal (1982)R. S. Ross (1983)Sally Jo Rubin (1983)Julius Schachter (1983)Alexis Shelokov (1982)Marcelino F. Sierra (1981)Margarita Silva-Hutner (1983)Robert M. Smibert Il (1981)James W. Smith (1983)Steven Specter (1983)Leslie Spence (1982)Roy W. Stevens (1983)Daniel P. Stites (1983)Vera L. Sutter (1982)Jason Tanzer (1982)Patricia E. Taylor (1982)Welton I. Taylor (1983)John H. Thompson, Jr. (1983)Clyde Thornsberry (1983)Richard C. Tilton (1981)Gabriel Virella (1983)Alexander von Graevenitz (1983)I. Kaye Wachsmuth (1981)Kenneth W. Walls (1983)Joseph L. Waner (1983)Lawrence G. Wayne (1983)Tracy D. Wilkins (1981)Hazel Wilkinson (1983)Robert P. Williams (1981)Marion E. Wilson (1983)Kwei-Hay Wong (1983)G. N. Woode (1982)Robert H. Yolken (1981)

Walter G. Peter III, Managing EditorGisella Pollock, Assistant Managing Editor Paula R. Gerhardt, Production Editor

1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

EX OFFICIOFrederick C. Neidhardt, President (1981-1982) John C. Sherris, President-Elect (1981-1982)

J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

The Journal of Clinical Microbiology (ISSN 0095-1137), apublication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St.,NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination ofnew knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspectsof human and animal infections and infestations, particularlyregarding their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology.Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents andchemotherapy, with fundamental aspects of infection and im-munity, and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scopeofother ASM publications. Instructions to Authors are publishedin the January issue each year; reprints are available from theEditors and the Publications Office. The Journal is publishedmonthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumesper year. The nonmember subscription price is $80 per year. Themember subscription price is $22 per year. Single copies are $8.Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective cop-ies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition ofsubmitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should bedirected to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Wash-ington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and atadditional mailing offices.Made in the United States of America.Copyright © 1981, American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.

The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journalindicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the articlemay be made for personal use, or for personal use of specificclients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that thecopier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear-ance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, New York 12301,for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 ofthe U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to otherkinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, foradvertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collectiveworks, or for resale.

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Page 2: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,

Author IndexAltmann, Gideon, 620Armstrong, Donald, 681

Bale, Martha J., 617, 665Bibb, William F., 674Bradford, Henry B., Jr., 631Braunstein, Isidor, 620Brenner, Don J., 631, 674Brown, Mary B., 646

Cahan, David, 620Capitolo, Cheryl, 681Carlson, James R., 684Cassell, Gail H., 646Clements, Bruce H., 703Crichton, Pamela B., 599

Davidson, Maureen K., 646Davis, Betty R., 631Dees, S. B., 612, 692de la Maza, Luis M., 640, 706Dowell, V. R., Jr., 607Dryja, Diane, 661Dulabon, George M., 695

Edelstein, Paul H., 623Eng, Robert H. K., 700

Fanning, G. Richard, 631Farmer, J. J., III, 711Finegold, Sydney M., 623Floyd, Margaret M., 686Friedly, Gary, 640

Gerichter, C. B., 620Good, Robert C., 686Gordon, Morris A., 604

Greenwood, J. R., 699Guenther, K. L., 628

Hatheway, C. L., 607Hicklin, Martin D., 674Hickman, F. W., 711Hollis, D. G., 612

Ip, S. M., 599

Jean-Jacques, W., 711

Kallick, Charles A., 711Kaplan, Edward L., 678Karr, D. E., 692Keas, Stephen E., 703Kiehn, Timothy E., 681Kirk-Hillaire, Kathleen, 699Kloos, Wesley E., 671Kunde, Cheryl, 678Kwasnik, I., 697

La Scolea, Leonard J., Jr., 661Lindsey, J. Russell, 646Lombard, G. L., 607

Madden, Joseph M., 631Matsen, John M., 617, 665Mayo, Joan B., 681McCarthy, Laurence R., 684McCroskey, L. M., 607Morris, J. Glenn, 711Moss, C. W., 612Moss, C. Wayne, 692Murray, Katherine A., 703Myerowitz, Richard L., 695

Neter, Erwin, 661

Old, D. C., 599

Person, Audrey, 700Peterson, Ellena M., 640, 706Phillips, Walter E., Jr., 671Powell, J., 612Price, Donald L., 656

Rajashekaraiah, K. R., 711Rice, Eugene W., 709Rolfe, Rial D., 623Ryan, R. W., 697

Saito, Atsushi, 623Salkin, Ira F., 604Schaefer, Frank W., III, 709Schoeb, Trenton R., 646Sechter, Iancu, 620Shigei, Janet T., 706Shively, Roxanne G., 706Silcox, Vella A., 686Smith, H. L., Jr., 631Sorg, Roger J., 674Steigerwalt, Arnold G., 631, 674Stone, Ward B., 604

Thomason, Berenice M., 674Tilton, R. C., 697

Van Kruiningen, H. J., 697

Wagener, William C., 695Washington, J. A., II, 628Weaver, R. E., 612Wulf, Michael R., 674

Zartarian, Minas V., 640

Page 3: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


The editors gratefully acknowledge the services of the following guest reviewers.

Frederick AladjenAaron D. AlexanderRonald AllenR. L. AndersonJ. P. AnhaltB. F. AnthonyAnn ArvinGeorge BakerLewellys F. BarkerE. H. BeacheyBlaine BeamanTamar Ben-PoratMerlin S. BergdollDavid T. BermanJennifer M. BestNeil R. BlacklowM. J. BlaserGlenn BlumerGeorge F. BrooksJohn BrooksJune BrownW. J. BrownCharles H. CalisherBruce W. CalnekL. E. CarmichaelB. W. CatlinRobert M. ChanockRobert B. CouchNancy J. CoxM. B. CoyleNatalie E. CremerGeorge CukorDennis DixonFrances W. DoaneRaphael DolinAristotle DomnasG. W. DouglasGordon DreesmanW. E. DunkelbergBernard C. EasterdayJ. R. EckmanMary EstesAlfred S. EvansD. J. Evans, Jr.J. J. Farmer IIIM. S. FaveroJames C. FeeleyJohn C. FeeleyStephen M. FeinstoneMary Jane FerraroRoger FloydJames D. FoldsMarianne ForsgrenI. FridovichG. William Gary, Jr.M. A. GerencserE. H. GerlachMonica Grandien

Robert GreenwaldR. L. GuerrantKathleen HarperC. HathawayRobert J. HayFrances W. HickmanJohn C. HierholzerA. K. HighsmithAlan W. HightowerGale HillMonto HoIan H. HolmesK. K. HolmesJohn E. HotchinRudolph HughPeter B. JahrlingKarl M. JohnsonKenneth P. JohnsonM. G. JohnsonAnthony R. KalicaWilliam KaplanFrederick KavanaughRichard T. KellyAlan P. KendalCarl KerelukHyun Wha KimK. KormanS. J. KrauseRuth B. KundsinGeoffrey LandBrain A. LauerHubert LechevalierA. Martin LernerJoel LewisVester J. LewisG. L. LombardShirley MaddisonKenneth McClatchyS. J. McDougalKenneth McIntoshR. M. McKinneyJ. E. McLaughlinDorothy M. MelvinRichard D. MeyerPeter J. MiddletonChris H. MillerThomas MitchellBrian R. MurphyNrapendra NathWalter A. Nelson-ReesErwin NeterT. R. OberhoferLyndon S. OshiroMichael OxmanC. D. ParkerNiels PedersenJ. L. PennerG. L. Picciolo

A. C. PierLeo PineStanley A. PlotkinCraig R. PringleFred RappD. J. ReinhardtErrol ReissJohn RichardPerry RileyMichael RinaldiWilliam S. RobinsonBernard RoizmanJ. A. RudbachHarold RussellR. Bradley SackIra SalkinR. D. SchultzJoseph D. SchwartzmanJohn L. SeverKeertie V. ShahMaurice C. ShepardRobert E. ShopeE. B. ShottsSalman SiddiqiHoward R. SixMalcolm SlifkinJ. Kelly SmithHerbert SommersStephen A. SpecterW. W. SpinkPaul StandardM. P. StarrCladd E. StevensCharles W. StrattonF. J. StutzenbergerR. N. TaylorBent Faber VestergaardDavid WalkerPeter WalzerSan-pin WangB. L. WasilauskasH. Gail WauthenR. E. WeaverPaul WeisnerA. S. WeissfeldHerbert A. WennerBerttina B. WentworthE. G. WestawayGeorge WilliamsWalter R. WilsonAlex WinterEmanual WolinskyAnne YeagerL. S. YoungR. J. ZabranskyC. H. ZierdtClaude E. ZoBell

Page 4: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


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Page 5: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Month Date of Issue Pages

July 14 July 1981 1-121August 4 August 1981 123-236September 31 August 1981 237-354October 28 September 1981 355-462November 6 November 1981 463-597December 7 December 1981 599-713

Page 6: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,



Adachi, Keiko, 522Aeilts, Gloria D., 404Ahearn, Donald G., 313Ajamy, Joseph A., 596Alldis, Barbara A., 404Allen, Stephen D., 352Alley, Cynthia C., 165Alrasjid, Harun, 123Altmann, Gideon, 620Anama, Luzminida, 232Anderson, Roger L., 161Angus, K. W., 100Araj, George F., 589Armstrong, Donald, 189, 681Asbury, M. A., 234Ashdown, Leslie R., 361Ashworth, Helen, 433Asmussen, Maurice D., 178

Bae, Ben H. C., 596Bale, Martha J., 617, 665Barnes, Graeme L., 123Barnett, Eugene V., 73Barry, A. L., 67Batema, Rosanne P., 281Bauernfeind, Adolf, 15Baugh, Clarence L., 178Beaman, Blaine L., 574Beaucage, Celia M., 157Behan, Kathleen A., 24Bender, Thomas R., 130Bernard, Edward M., 189Berquist, Kenneth R., 130Bibb, William F., 674Bisberg, Dorothy S., 534Bishop, Ruth F., 123Black, William A., 108Blackburn, Carol K. L., 147Blacklock, Zeta M., 449Blazevic, Donna J., 227Bohl, Edward H., 273Boraker, David K., 396Bottone, Edward J., 55Bourgeois, A. Louis, 574Bowie, William R., 108Boyer, Kenneth M., 550Bradford, Henry B., Jr., 631Bradley, James E., 383Bragg, Sandra L., 313Braunstein, Isidor, 620Brenner, Don J., 79, 631, 674Bren0e, Elisabeth, 510Brooks, John B., 165Brown, Mary B., 646Bruce, Sandra K., 404Bryan, L. E., 389Buck, G. E., 585

Bugg, Helen C., 123Burd, Laurence C., 550Burdash, Nicholas M., 350Byrd, Lawrence H., 232Byrne, Marie D., 349

Cahan, David, 620Calhoon, Donald A., 376Calia, Frank M., 457Campbell, I., 100Campbell, Iris, 455Capitolo, Cheryl, 681Carithers, Robert L., 544Carlson, James R., 684Cassell, Gail H., 646Castro, A. F. Pestana de, 473Chmel, Herman, 232Christiansen, Keryn J., 189Chuang, Ian, 210Clark, William A., 113Clements, Bruce H., 703Clerihew, L. W., 100Colwell, R. R., 195Cornelis, Guy, 365Corrado, Michael L., 593Crane, Stanley, 313Crichton, Pamela B., 599Crivelli, Osvaldo, 173

Dabernat, Henry J., 355D'Amato, Richard F., 347Dasch, Gregory A., 333Davidson, Maureen K., 646Davis, Betty R., 631Davis, James R., 370Davis, William J., 534Dawson, David J., 449Dees, S. B., 612, 692Dees, Sally B., 111DeForge, Isobel, 304Deinhardt, Friedrich, 141de la Maza, Luis M., 640, 706Delmas, Catherine F., 355Denning, Carolyn R., 534Desmonts, Georges, 486Diaz, Ana Maria, 446Dixon, Richard E., 161Dowell, V. R., Jr., 607Dryja, Diane, 661Dulabon, George M., 695Duncan, Robert, 32

Edelstein, Paul H., 298, 623El Kholy, Aziz M., 530Elliott, L. H., 527Ellner, Paul D., 326

Eng, Jan, 247Eng, Robert H. K., 700Engel, H. W. B., 252Engels, Wim, 496Ennis, Francis A., 534Erdman, Dean D., 483Escobar, Mario R., 544Evers, Jane L., 567

Facklam, Richard R., 433, 530Fainstein, Victor, 589Fanning, G. R., 79Fanning, G. Richard, 631Farmer, J. J., III, 79, 234, 711Feeley, John C., 184Fikes, Bonnie J., 322Finegold, Sydney M., 623Floyd, Margaret M., 686Folkens, Ufrike, 106Folta, Carole A., 157Forsyth, Michele E., 108Fox, James G., 157Fox, Joan M. K., 408Franklin, Martha L., 113French, Morris L. V., 147Friedly, Gary, 640Friis, Birgitte, 501, 510Fromtling, Robert A., 106Fuchs, P. C., 67Futrovsky, Susan L., 89

Gadzala, Cecile A., 550Gaerlan, Pureza F., 534Galen, Edward A., 544Gallichio, Heather A., 479Gallo, Dana, 539Gavan, T. L., 67Gaydos, Charlotte A., 89Genner, J0rgen, 501Genta, V. M., 26George, J. Richard, 433Gerichter, C. B., 620Gerin, John L., 173Gerlach, E. H., 67Gilchrist, M. J. R., 393Gill, V. J., 116,234Gill, Vee J., 437Gilligan, Peter H., 26Gilmore, Donna S., 404Goldfogel, Gary A., 460Good, Robert C., 686Gordon, Morris A., 604Gotoff, Samuel P., 550Graham, Donald R., 161Granato, Paul A., 206Granfors, Kaisa, 6Grauballe, Per Chr., 501

Page 7: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Greenwood, J. R., 699Grewell, C. M., 393Grimont, P. A. D., 234Grose, Charles, 229Gross, Katharine C., 266Gross, Peter A., 534Guenther, K. L., 628Gunn, B. A., 195Gutkin, Michael, 232

Hafez, Khalil, 530Hale, DeVon C., 295Hambie, Edith A., 441Hammond, Gregory W., 210Hamoudi, Ayser C., 411Hampson, Alan W., 479Hancock, Dale D., 273Harpster, Annette P., 130Harrell, W. Knox, 433Hatheway, C. L., 607Hazelton, Paul R., 210Heinz, Franz X., 141Hentges, David J., 153Heymann, D. L., 527Hicklin, Martin D., 674Hickman, F. W., 79, 711Hicock, Paul I., 119Hoffmann, Edward M., 415Hofmann, Hanns, 141Hollis, D. G., 39, 79, 612Hollis, Dannie G., 111Hopfer, Roy L., 589Hornsleth, Allan, 501, 510Houghton, Marion P., 266Hudson, B. W., 135Hunter, Elizabeth F., 184

Inamatsu, Takashi, 522Ingalls, Colleen M., 437Inouye, Sakae, 241Ip, S. M., 599Isenberg, Henry D., 563Izakson, Irina, 261

Janda, J. Michael, 55Jean-Jacques, W., 711Jimenez, Enes M., 404Jiwa, Sadruddin F. H., 463Johnson, David E., 457Johnson, K. M., 527Jones, R. N., 67

Kallick, Charles A., 711Kamps, Miriam A., 496Kanai, Masamitsu, 579Kapfer, C. O., 195Kaplan, Edward L., 678Kaplan, William, 313Karp, David, 593Karr, D. E., 692Kawakami, Yoshiyuki, 579Keas, Stephen E., 703Keiser, J. K., 195

Keiser, John F., 89Kelly, M. T., 585Kelly, Michael T., 295Kelly, Peggy C., 550Kennedy, Edward J., 184Kiehn, Timothy E., 189, 681King, Gregory S., 591Kirk-Hillaire, Kathleen, 699Kleiman, Martin B., 147, 352Klein, George C., 24Klisko, Brian, 210Kloos, Wesley E., 671Knapp, Joan S., 94Knudsen, Finn Ursin, 510Kohler, Erwin M., 273Kono, Reisaku, 241Kraus, Stephen J., 441Krichevksy, M. I., 39Kunde, Cheryl, 678Kunkel, John R., 396Kunz, Christian, 141Kwasnik, I., 697

Lampe, Anno S., 452Larsen, Sandra A., 184, 441La Scolea, Leonard J., Jr., 661Lauer, Brian A., 201Lavarini, Carla, 173Leister, Flora J., 427Lentsch, Ronald H., 281Leonardo, Marta B., 473Lin, Susan, 411Lindsey, J. Russell, 646Lombard, G. L., 607Longoria, Carol J., 342

Madden, Joseph M., 631Madoff, Sarabelle, 571Manning, Carol B., 437Marshall, Karen E., 119Martin, R., 39Matsen, J. M., 67Matsen, John M., 295, 617, 665Matsuno, Shigeo, 241Mayberry, William R., 376Mayo, Joan B., 681McCarthy, L. R., 26McCarthy, Laurence R., 684McCloskey, Christine M., 273McCroskey, L. M., 607McDade, Joseph E., 165McGlynn, Doris M., 304McGrew, Betty E., 48, 184McIntosh, C. L., 234McLaughlin, James C., 567McLaurin, Barbara, 48McMahon, Brian J., 130Melnick, Joseph L., 342Mirrett, Stanley, 94, 201Mishra, Saroj K., 106Miyamoto, Yasushi, 61Monson, Thomas P., 557Monteiro, Amelia R., 473Montgomerie, John Z., 404

Monto, Arnold S., 516Moorhead, Philip D., 273Morace, Giulia, 237Morris, J. Glenn, 711Morrow, James W., 404Morse, Stephen A., 261Mosca, Walter, 1Moss, C. W., 612Moss, C. Wayne, 111, 692Murray, Katherine A., 703Murray, Patrick R., 591Muth, D. J., 135Myerowitz, Richard L., 695Myers, Diane A., 326Myers, Donald M., 446

Naot, Yehudith, 73, 486Neal, Patricia, 352Neter, Erwin, 661Nielsen, Klaus, 32Nikkawa, Takayasu, 61Niles, Ann C., 591Noro, Toshio, 522

Obara, Yasushi, 61Oberhofer, Thomas R., 492Officer, Janet L., 567Okimura, Yukie, 579Old, D. C., 599Osadczyi, Daria, 593Otohuji, Takeshi, 222

Pai, Chik H., 20Palmer, Dan F., 433Parker, Nancy, 318Payan, Donald G., 571Pedersen, Ib R., 501Peele, E. R., 195Pender, Barbara J., 184Perryman, Mary W., 441Person, Audrey, 700Petermüller, Christl, 15Peterson, Ellena M., 640, 706Pettit, Deborah E., 184, 441Phillips, Walter E., Jr., 671Pine, Leo, 48Plaja, Joaquin, 1Polonelli, Luciano, 237Powell, J., 612Poxton, Ian R., 349Price, Donald L., 656Prior, Richard B., 256

Qadri, S. M. Hussain, 318, 370Quall, Charles O., 408

Rajashekaraiah, K. R., 711Redman, Donald R., 273Reeves, Michael W., 48Reimer, Larry G., 329Reller, L. B., 67Reller, L. Barth, 94, 201, 329Remington, Jack S., 73, 486


Page 8: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Reynolds, Janet, 352Rice, Eugene W., 709Richards, W. D., 587Ridho, Rosjid, 123Riley, P. S., 39Rizzetto, Mario, 173Roberts, Richard B., 266Robertson, Janet A., 582Rodda, Stuart J., 479Roggendorf, Michael, 141Rogolsky, Marvin, 383Rohde, Jon E., 123Rolfe, Rial D., 623Root, Timothy, 304Ryan, R. W., 697

Saif, Linda J., 273Saito, Atsushi, 623Salkin, Ira F., 604Schaefer, Frank W., III, 709Schick, Donald G., 404Schierl, Elizabeth A., 227Schmidt, Nathalie J., 539Schneible-Smith, Cheryl, 206Schneider, Renate, 15Schoeb, Trenton R., 646Schreeder, Marshall T., 130Schubert, Charles M., 184Sebodo, Teluk, 123Sechter, Iancu, 620Seigal, Nancy, 571Serafim, Marlene B., 473Setia, Usha, 534Sewell, David L., 460Shaw, Carol E., 108Shayegani, Mehdi, 304Shigei, Janet T., 706Shimada, Kaoru, 522

Shimoda, Yuko, 61Shively, Roxanne G., 706Silcox, Vella A., 686Singleton, F. L., 195Slots, J0rgen, 288, 376Smedile, Antonina, 173Smith, H. L., Jr., 631Soenarto, Yati, 123Sorg, Roger J., 674Sorger, Simon, 20Spagna, Vincent A., 256Stager, Charles E., 370Staib, Friedrich, 106Steffen, Earl K., 153Steigerwalt, Arnold G., 631, 674Stemke, Gerald W., 582Stemshorn, Barry, 32Stilwell, Kathryn, 32Stinebring, Warren R., 396Stone, Ward B., 604Sureka, Santosh B., 596Swenson, Paul D., 544

Tainturier, Daniel J., 355Takeya, Kenji, 222Tedder, Thomas F., 415Theil, Kenneth W., 273Thomason, Berenice M., 674Thornsberry, C., 67Thornton, Gus W., 157Thrupp, L. D., 67Tilton, R. C., 697Toivanen, Auli, 6Tokiwa, Hiroshi, 222Tomfohrde, Karla M., 347Trent, D. W., 135Troisi, Catherine L., 516Tsang, So-Fai, 189

Tsukamura, Michio, 225Tucci, Victor, 563Tzipori, S., 100Tzipori, Saul, 455

Uldall, Peter, 510Urayama, Kyoko, 522

Van Bouchaute, Myriam, 365van Boven, Cees P., 496Van Kruiningen, H. J., 697van Silfhout, A., 252Viljanen, Matti K., 6

Wagener, William C., 695Wagner, Joseph E., 281Wallace, Bonnie L., 383Wallis, Craig, 342Washington, J. A., II, 393, 628Wauters, Georges, 365Weaver, R. E., 39, 79, 612Weaver, Robert E., 111Weiner, Leonard B., 206Weitzman, Irene, 593Wende, Reuben D., 370Wenglar, Mark, 589West, Marcia E., 350Wilkinson, Hazel W., 322Wilkinson, Katherine P., 557Wolff, K. L., 135Woolfrey, Bert F., 408Wulf, Michael R., 674

Yamai, Shiro, 61Yolken, Robert H., 427

Zartarian, Minas V., 640Zimmerman, Sarah E., 147

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AbscessbrainM. hominis, 571

Acridine orange stainmicroorganism detection, 201T. vaginalis, 699

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitanscellular fatty acids, 376soluble proteins, 376

Ampicillindisk diffusion susceptibility testing

quality control, 67Antibodies

antinuclearenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 73

B. abortus, 396, 415brucella, 24Cryptosporidium, 455cytomegalovirus, 427delta antigen, 173group A streptococci, 678hepatitis A virus, 544hepatitis B core antigen, 544hepatitis B surface antigen, 130, 173hepatitis B virus, 130, 173immunoradiometric assay, 415P. pseudomallei, 361rabies virus, 446rubella, 640T. gondii, 73tick-borne encephalitis virus, 141T. pallidum, 441Y. enterocolitica, 6

Anticomplement immunofluorescence testherpes simplex virus, 539varicella zoster virus, 539

AntigensB. abortus, 415cell-associated

L. bozemanii, 322L. dumoffii, 322L. gormanii, 322L. micdadei, 322L. pneumophila, 322

delta, 173extracellulargroup A streptococci, 678

flagellarC. koseri, 620

heartChagas' disease, 1

hepatitis B core, 544hepatitis B surface, 130, 173indirect hemolysis test, 415influenza virus, 479polyvalent viral immunofluorescent intracellular,

527serum cryptococcal


rheumatoid factor, 700soluble

L. bozemanii, 322L. dumoffii, 322L. gormanii, 322L. miedadei, 322L. pneumophila, 322

somaticC. koseri, 620

species-specific proteinR. prowazekii, 333R. typhi, 333

T. pallidum, 441typhus

immunodiagnosis, 333immunoprophylaxis, 333

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test, 48Antisera

streptococcal grouping, 433API 20E system

cost study, 665Enterobacteriaceae, 665H. equigenitalis, 355time-motion study, 665

API ZYM systemenzymatic characterizationgram-negative bacteria, 288

H. equigenitalis, 355Arabinitol

production by yeasts, 189AutoMicrobic system

Enterobacteriaceae Biochemical Card, 370Urine Identification Card

cost analysis, 411AutoSCAN-3

aerobic gram-negative bacilli, 326

Bacilliaerobic gram-negativeautoSCAN-3, 326

Bacillus subtilisspore production

Guthrie bioassay, 113BACTEC system

bacteremia diagnosis, 661blood culture bottles

terminal subculturing, 589blood culture media

blind subculturing, 567H. influenza, 661

BacteremiaH. influenza, 661V. metschnikovii

association with cholecystitis, 711Bacteria

anaerobichydrolytic enzymes, 153


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enzymatic characterization by API ZYM system,288

gram-negative nonfermentativecharacterization, 39

preservationgelatin disks, 61

transportationgelatin disks, 61

Bacteriocinsanalysis of K. pneumoniae infections, 15

Bacteriuriacolorimetric test, 342

Bacteroides fragilisplasmid analyses, 383

Bathingeffects on bacterial colonization, 404

B-D urine culture kit, 628Benzalkonium chloride

S. marcescens nosocomial transmission, 157Beta-lactamase

staphylococcalpenicillin, 437

Blood culturespeptone broth, 389slide system, 389

Bone marrowmycobacteria, 449

Bordetella bronchisepticaperitonitis, 232


C. botulinum, 607BrucELISA

B. abortus antibodies, 396correlation with Brucella ring test, 396correlation with shedding of viable organisms, 396

Brucellaantibodies, 24

Brucella abortusantibodies, 396, 415antigens, 415BrucELISA, 396Brucella ring test, 396immunoglobulin M Fc binding, 32immunoradiometric assay, 415indirect hemolysis test, 415

Brucella caniscellular fatty acids, 111

Brucella ring testB. abortus antibodies, 396

Brucella suiscellular fatty acids, 111

Brucellosis, 24

Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejunicolony morphology

effect of medium moisture, 585fecal specimens, 393isolation medium, 393

Candidiasisinvasivemannose in body fluids, 557

Carbenicillindisk diffusion susceptibility testing

quality control, 67Carbon source alkalinization

characterization of bacteria, 39Cell wall

N. asteroides, 574Centrifugation

reorienting sucrose gradient high-speedhepatitis A virus, 544hepatitis B core antigen, 544immunoglobulin M, 544

Cerebrospinal fluidencephalitis virus antibody detection, 141microorganism detection, 201

Chagas' diseaseheart antigens, 1

Chickenpoxdifferentiation from other viruses and N. meningi-

tidis, 165frequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquid chro-

matography, 165Cholangitis

acute obstructive suppurative, 522Cholecystitis

association with V. metschnikovii bacteremia, 711Citrobacter diversuspresumptive identification, 161

Citrobacter koseriantigenic scheme, 620flagellar antigens, 620somatic antigens, 620

Clostridium botulinumtype B

atypical toxin variant, 607infant botulism, 607

Clostridium difficilefrequency in patients with diarrhea, 26toxin

counterimmunoelectrophoresis, 349Clostridium perfringens

toxigenicassociation with parvovirus, 697

Coagglutinationtyping of H. influenza, 706

Coagglutination reactionPhadebact Gonococcus Test, 261

Coagglutination testbeta-hemolytic streptococci

serological grouping, 252staphylococcal

Legionella antigens, 322Coagulase

S. hyicus subsp. hyicus, 671S. intermedius, 671

CocarboxylaseH. somnus growth factor, 178


selective plate for urine cultures, 617Colorimetric test

bacteriuria, 342Complement fixation

antibody reactivity, 241measles, 147virus antigens, 241

VOL. 14, 1981

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Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysisB. bronchiseptica peritonitis, 232

CounterimmunoelectrophoresisC. difficile toxin, 349

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis testmodified

rabies virus antibodies, 446Cryptococcus neoformans

serotypes isolated in Germany, 106serotyping

immunofluorescence, 313Cryptosporidium

antibodies, 455diarrhea in lambs, 100

CulturesbloodpH changes, 591

urineB-D urine culture kit, 628gram-positive coccal selective plate, 617

CystsG. lamblia, 709

Cytomegalovirusantibodies, 427enzyme immunoassay, 427

Dermatophilus congolensisinfections in wildlife, 604

DiarrheaC. difficile frequency, 26Cryptosporidium infection in lambs, 100Indonesian children, 123rotavirus, 123

Diethyl etherFormalin-ether sedimentation technique, 483

Disk diffusion susceptibility testingquality control, 67

Dithiothreitolbrucella agglutination titers, 24

Dogsbiteshuman infections, 612

C. perfringens, 697parvovirus, 697

Electron microscopydetection of viruses after ultracentrifugation, 210

Enteric group 15pneumonia, 596

EnterobacteriaceaeAPI 20E system, 665Micro-ID system, 295, 665pneumonia, 596Repliscan II, 408urine screening, 295

Enterobacter sakazakiimeningoencephalitis, 352ventricular compartmentalization, 352

Enterococcireduction of litmus milk, 227

Enterotoxigenicitysalmonella, 463


E. coli, 473single radial immune hemolysis test, 473

Enterovirusesdifferentiation from other viruses and N. meningi-

tidis, 165frequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquid chro-

matography, 165Enzymatic characterization

gram-negative bacteriaAPI ZYM system, 288

Enzyme immunoassaycytomegalovirus antibodies, 427tick-borne encephalitis virus, 141

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayfalse-positive results

antinuclear antibodies, 73rheumatoid factor, 73

hepatitis B virus antibodies, 173influenza type C virus, 516lipopolysaccharide antigens, 6measles, 147respiratory syncytial virus, 501, 510rubella antibodies, 640Salmonella, 281T. gondii antibodies, 73whole bacterium antigens, 6Y. enterocolitica antibodies, 6

Enzyme profilingP. aeruginosa, 55


anaerobic bacteria, 153Epifluorescence test

indirect colonyU. urealyticum, 582

Equine metritiscontagiousH. equigenitalis, 355

Escherichia colibiochemically atypical strains, 599hemagglutinin typing, 599single radial immune hemolysis test, 473thermolabile enterotoxin, 473

Ethyl acetateFormalin-ether sedimentation technique, 483

Ethylenediaminetetraacetatecoagglutination enhancement in Phadebact Gono-

coccus Test, 261immunoglobulin M Fc binding, 32

Ethylene glycol-bis(Q-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraac-etate

coagglutination enhancement in Phadebact Gono-coccus Test, 261

Excystationin vitro

G. lamblia, 709Exoantigen test

P. boydii, 237

Fatty acidscellularA. actinomycetemcomitans, 376B. canis, 111B. suis, 111


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group DF-2 bacteria, 612group EF-4 bacteria, 612group IIj bacteria, 612group M-5 bacteria, 612L. longbeachae sp. nov., 692P. multocida, 612

FK phageV. cholerae differentiation, 222

Fluorescencepseudomonads, 492

Fluorescent antibodygroup B streptococci, 550

Fluorescent-antibody testmeasles, 147

Fluorescent antibody-to-membrane antigen testherpes simplex virus, 539varicella-zoster virus, 539

Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption double-staining procedure, 184

Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption testreproducibility, 441sensitivity, 441specificity, 441

Formalin-ether sedimentation techniquediethyl ether, 483ethyl acetate, 483

Fungibiphasic blood culture media, 681conventional blood culture media, 681

Gardnerella vaginalishuman blood agar medium, 108presumptive identification, 108

Gas-liquid chromatographyfrequency-pulsed electron capture

differentiation of viruses and N. meningitidis, 165GelatinN. meningitidis recovery, 20preservation of bacteria, 61transportation of bacteria, 61

GermanyC. neoformans serotypes, 106

Giardia lambliacysts, 709in vitro excystation, 709

Gram stainmicroorganism detection, 201

Group DF-2 bacteriacellular fatty acids, 612human infections from dog bites, 612

Group EF-4 bacteriacellular fatty acids, 612human infections from dog bites, 612

Group IIj bacteriacellular fatty acids, 612human infections from dog bites, 612

Group M-5 bacteriacellular fatty acids, 612human infections from dog bites, 612

Guinea pigsimmunization with varicella-zoster virus, 229

Guthrie bioassayB. subtilis spores, 113


Minitek system, 579Haemophilus equigenitalisAPI 20E system, 355API ZYM system, 355contagious equine metritis, 355

Haemophilus influenzaBACTEC system, 661bacteremia, 661quantitative direct plating, 661type f

meningoencephalitis, 695multiple myeloma, 695septicemia, 695

typing by coagglutination, 706typing by conventional slide agglutination, 706

Haemophilus somnuscocarboxylase for growth, 178thiamine pyrophosphate for growth, 178

Hansen's Diseaseassociation with K. ozaenae septicemia, 703


Chagas' disease, 1Hemagglutination inhibition

influenza type C virus, 516measles, 147rubella antibodies, 640

Hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilisreproducibility, 441sensitivity, 441specificity, 441

Hemagglutininsantigenic differences, 479influenza virus, 479

Hemagglutinin typingE. coli, 599

HemolysisV. vulnificus, 457

Hepatitis A virusantibodies, 544reorienting sucrose gradient high-speed centrifuga-

tion, 544Hepatitis B core antigen

antibodies, 544reorienting sucrose gradient high-speed centrifuga-

tion, 544Hepatitis B surface antigen

association with delta antigen, 173delayed antibody development, 130

Hepatitis B virusantibodies, 130, 173enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 173

Herpes simplex virusanticomplement immunofluorescence test, 539fluorescent antibody-to-membrane antigen test, 539serodifferentiation from varicella-zoster virus, 539

HospitalsM. morganii epidemic, 563

Immune adherence hemagglutinationantibody reactivity, 241virus antigens, 241

ImmunofluorescenceC. neoformans serotyping, 313

VOL. 14, 1981

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Immunofluorescence testanticomplement

herpes simplex virus, 539varicella-zoster virus, 539


enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 6Y. enterocolitica, 6

Gbrucella, 24enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 6Y. enterocolitica, 6

MB. abortus, 32cytomegalovirus, 427enzyme immunoassay, 141, 427enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 6, 73Fc binding to B. abortus, 32hepatitis A virus, 544hepatitis B core antigen, 544immunosorbent agglutination assay, 486melioidosis, 361P. pseudomallei, 361reorienting sucrose gradient high-speed centrifu-

gation, 544tick-borne encephalitis virus, 141Toxoplasma, 486Y. enterocolitica, 6

Immunoradiometric assayB. abortus antibodies, 415

Indirect epifluorescence testcolony

U. urealyticum, 582Indirect fluorescent-antibody test

rabies virus antibodies, 446rubella antibodies, 640

Indirect hemolysis testB. abortus antigens, 415


diarrhea, 123Influenza type C virus

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 516hemagglutination inhibition, 516

Influenza virusantigens, 479hemagglutinins, 479single radial immunodiffusion assay, 479


collection-preservation methods, 656


effects of bathing, 404Klebsiella ozaenae

septicemiaassociation with Hansen's Disease, 703

Klebsiella pneumoniaenosocomial infections

diagnosis with bacteriocins, 15


Cryptosporidium infection, 100Legionella

staphylococcal coagglutination test, 322Legionella bozemanùi

cell-associated antigens, 322soluble antigens, 322

Legionella dumoffiicell-associated antigens, 322soluble antigens, 322

Legionella gormaniicell-associated antigens, 322soluble antigens, 322

Legionella longbeachaesecond serogroup, 674

Legionella longbeachae sp. nov.cellular fatty acids, 692

Legionella micdadeicell-associated antigens, 322soluble antigens, 322

Legionella pneumophilacell-associated antigens, 322contaminated specimens, 298liquid growth media, 623semiselective medium, 298soluble antigens, 322

Limulus amoebocyte lysatetest device

evaluation of urethritis, 256Litmus milk

reductionenterococci, 227

Lymphocyte stimulationheart antigens, 1

Lysinedecarboxylation by P. morganii, 365

Magnesium sulfateaerobic blood culture medium, 247

Mannosebody fluids, 557invasive candidiasis, 557

Measlescomplement fixation, 147differentiation from other viruses and N. meningi-

tidis, 165enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 147fluorescent-antibody test, 147frequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquid chro-

matography, 165hemagglutination inhibition, 147

Mediumaerobic blood culturemagnesium sulfate additive, 247sucrose additive, 247

blood culturerecovery of fungi, 681S. mitior (mitis), 266streptococci, 329

C. fetus subsp. jejuni, 393gelatin

N. meningitidis recovery, 20hemoglobin-free New York City

N. gonorrhoeae, 206human blood agar


Page 14: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,

VOL. 14, 1981

G. vaginalis, 108influence on Y. enterocolitica motility, 347liquid

L. pneumophila, 623moisture content

effect on C. fetus subsp. jejuni, 585selective

N. gonorrhoeae, 94semiselective

L. pneumophila, 298Melioidosisimmunoglobulin M, 361P. pseudomallei, 361

Meningoencephalitisassociation with multiple myeloma, 695E. sakazakii, 352H. influenza type f, 695

Mezlocillindisk diffusion susceptibility testing

quality control, 67Micrococcus spp.

differentiation from Staphylococcus spp., 195Microdilution traysautoSCAN-3, 326

Microhemagglutination assay for Treponema palli-dum antibodies

reproducibility, 441sensitivity, 441specificity, 441

Micro-ID systemcost study, 665Enterobacteriaceae, 295, 665refrigeration of strips, 350time-motion study, 665

Microscopyacid-fastsputum smears, 460

MilkB. abortus antibodies, 396

Minitek systemHaemophilus, 579

Moistureeffect on C. fetus subsp. jejuni colony morphology,

585Morganella morganii

hospital cluster epidemic, 563Motiity testtemperature-dependent

Y. enterocolitica, 347M protein

extraction with nitrous acid, 530group A streptococci, 530

Multiple myelomaassociation with meningoencephalitis, 695association with septicemia, 695H. infuenzae type f, 695

Mycobacteriabone marrow cultures, 449photochromogenicity

relationship to test temperature, 225test temperature

relationship to photochromogenicity, 225Mycobacterium fortuitum complex, 686Mycobacterium paratuberculosis


viability, 587Mycobacterium thermoresistibile, 593Mycoplasma hominis

brain abscess, 571Mycoplasma pulmonis

infected rats, 646

Nasopharyngeal secretionsrespiratory syncytial virus, 510

Neisseriarapid carbohydrate degradation microtube method,

318Neisseria gonorrhoeae

hemoglobin-free New York City medium, 206inhibition by vancomycin, 94Phadebact Gonococcus Test, 89rapid fermentation method, 89selective medium, 94

Neisseria meningitidisdifferentiation from viruses, 165frequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquid chro-

matography, 165gelatin medium for recovery, 20

New YorkD. congolensis infections in wildlife, 604

Nitratereduction, 452

Nitrous acidextraction of group A streptococcal M protein, 530

Nocardia asteroidesgrowth in cell wall-deficient state, 574variations, 574

Nosocomial infectionsK. pneumoniae, 15S. marcescens, 157


collection-preservation methods, 656Parvovirus

association with C. perfringens, 697Pasteurella multocida

cellular fatty acids, 612human infections from dog bites, 612

Penicillinminimum inhibitory concentrations

correlation with staphylococcal beta-lactamaseproduction, 437

staphylococcal beta-lactamase production, 437zone edge appearance

correlation with staphylococcal beta-lactamaseproduction, 437

PeritonitisB. bronchiseptica, 232

Petriellidium boydiiexoantigen test, 237

pHdetection of positive blood cultures, 591

Phadebact Gonococcus Testcoagglutination enhancement by ethylenediamine-

tetraacetate, 261coagglutination enhancement by ethylene glycol-

bis(13-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraacetate, 261N. gonorrhoeae, 89

Page 15: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


PhospholipidsVenereal Disease Research Laboratory test, 48

Photochromogenicitymycobacteria, 225

Piperacillindisk diffusion susceptibility testing

quality control, 67Plasmids

analysis of B. fragilis, 383lysine decarboxylation

P. morganii, 365Pneumonia

enteric group 15, 596Enterobacteriaceae, 596

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisdouble-stranded ribonucleic acid

rotavirus, 273Polyethylene glycol

streptococcal grouping antisera, 433Polypeptides

respiratory syncytial virus, 501ProteinM

extraction with nitrous acid, 530group A streptococci, 530

solubleA. actinomycetemcomitans, 376

Proteus morganiiplasmid-encoded lysine decarboxylation, 365

Pseudomonadsfluorescentgrowth at 42°C, 492


effects of bathing, 404Pseudomonas aeruginosaenzyme profiling, 55

Pseudomonas pseudomalleiantibodies, 361melioidosis, 361

PyridoxalS. mitior (mitis) dependence, 266

Quantitative direct platingbacteremia diagnosis, 661H. influenza, 661

Rabies virusantibodies, 446indirect fluorescent-antibody test, 446modified counterimmunoelectrophoresis test, 446


St. Louis encephalitis virus, 135Rapid carbohydrate degradation microtube method

Neisseria, 318Rapid fermentation method

N. gonorrhoeae, 89RatsM. pulmonis infection, 646


nitrate reduction, 452quality control, 119

RefrigerationMicro-ID strips, 350

Repliscan IIEnterobacteriaceae, 408

Respiratory syncytial virusantiserum, 501enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 501, 510nasopharyngeal secretions, 510polypeptides, 501

Rheumatoid factorenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 73serum cryptococcal antigens, 700

Ribonucleic aciddouble-stranded

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 273rotavirus, 273

Rickettsia prowazekiispecies-specific protein antigens, 333

Rickettsia typhispecies-specific protein antigens, 333

Rocky Mountain spotted feverdifferentiation from other viruses and N. meningi-

tidis, 165frequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquid chro-

matography, 165Rotavirus

diarrhea, 123double-stranded ribonucleic acid

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 273Indonesian children, 123

Rubellaantibodies, 640enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 640hemagglutination inhibition, 640indirect fluorescent-antibody test, 640

Salmonellaenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 281

Salmonellaeenterotoxigenicity, 463

Selenomonas sputigenasepticemia, 684

Septicemiaassociation with multiple myeloma, 695H. influenza type f, 695K. ozaenae

association with Hansen's Disease, 703S. sputigena, 684

Serratia ficariaisolation from a human clinical specimen, 234

Serratia marcescensnosocomial infections

transmission due to benzalkonium chloride con-tamination, 157

Serumencephalitis virus antibody detection, 141

Single radial immune hemolysis testE. coli thermolabile enterotoxin, 473

Single radial immunodiffusion assaydetection of antigenic differences, 479influenza virus hemagglutinins, 479

Slide agglutinationtyping of H. influenza, 706

Slide blood culture system, 389


Page 16: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


SporesB. subtilis, 113

Sputumacid-fast microscopy, 460

Staphylocoagulase assaychromogenic substrate, 496S. aureus, 496

Staphylococcus aureusstaphylocoagulase assay, 496

Staphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicuscoagulase-positive isolates, 671

Staphylococcus intermediuscoagulase-positive isolates, 671

Staphylococcus spp.differentiation from Micrococcus spp., 195

St. Louis encephalitis virussolid-phase radioimmunoassay, 135


serological grouping by coagglutination, 252group A

antibodies, 678extracellular antigens, 678M protein, 530Streptozyme agglutination reagent, 678

group Bfluorescent antibody, 550maternal colonization, 550

grouping antisera, 433nutritionally variant

blood culture medium, 329Streptococcus mitior (mitis)

pyridoxal-dependentblood culture medium, 266

Streptozyme agglutination reagentgroup A streptococcal antibodies, 678group A streptococcal extracellular antigens, 678variation in composition, 678

SubculturingblindBACTEC blood culture media, 567

lack of clinical relevance, 116terminalBACTEC blood culture bottles, 589


staphylocoagulase assay, 496Sucrose

aerobic blood culture medium, 247Supplemented peptone broth culture method, 389Syphilis

diagnostic tests, 441

Tatumella ptyseos gen. nov., sp. nov.clinical specimens, 79

Thiamine pyrophosphateH. somnus growth factor, 178

Tick-borne encephalitis virusantibodies, 141enzyme immunoassay, 141

ToxinsC. botulinum variant, 607

Toxoplasmaimmunoglobulin M-immunosorbent agglutination

assay, 486

infectionsacquired, 486acute congenital, 486

Toxoplasma gondiiantibodies, 73enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 73

Treponema pallidumantibodies, 441antigens, 441

Trichomonas vaginalisacridine orange stain, 699

Triton X-100split-product vaccines, 534

Tween-ethersplit-product vaccines, 534

Ultracentrifugationelectron microscopy of viruses, 210

Ureaplasma urealyticumcolony indirect epifluorescence test, 582common antigenic specificity, 582serotyping, 582

UrethritisgonococcalLimulus test device, 256

nongonococcalLimulus test device, 256

UrineEnterobacteriaceae, 295gram-positive cocci

selective culture plate, 617


Triton X-100-treated, 534Tween-ether-treated, 534

VancomycinN. gonorrhoeae inhibition, 94

Varicella-zoster virusanticomplement immunofluorescence test, 539fluorescent antibody-to-membrane antigen test, 539growth in a syngeneic transformed embryo cell line,

229immunity status, 539immunization of guinea pigs, 229serodifferentiation from herpes simplex virus, 539

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory testantigens, 48phospholipid chemistry, 48reproducibility, 441sensitivity, 441serological reactivity, 48specificity, 441

Ventricular compartmentalizationE. sakazakii, 352

Vibrio choleraebiochemically atypical strains, 631biovar choleraeFK phage for differentiation, 222

biovar El TorFK phage for differentiation, 222

Vibrio metschnikoviiassociation with cholecystitis, 711bacteremia, 711

VOL. 14, 1981

Page 17: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Vibrio mimieus, 631Vibrio vulnificushemolytic reaction, 457

WildlifeD. congolensis infections, 604


Yeastsarabinitol production, 189

Yersinia enterocoliticaantibodies, 6characteristics of various isolates, 304enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 6temperature-dependent motility test, 347

Page 18: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,








Page 19: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


EDITORIAL BOARDHenry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief (1984) Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985)Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center, California Department of Health,

New Hyde Park, N. Y. Berkeley, CalifHerman Friedman, Editor (1985) Peter B. Smith, Editor (1984)

College of Medicine Centerfor Disease Control,

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Donald G. Ahearn (1981)Libero Ajello (1982)William L. Albritton (1981)James R. Allen (1982)Stephen D. Allen (1981)Daniel Amsterdam (1983)Lawrence Ash (1983)Arthur L. Barry (1981)Barry Beaty (1981)John F. Bennett (1982)E. L. Bieberstein (1983)Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982)Edward J. Bottone (1983)Don J. Brenner (1983)Walter S. Ceglowski (1983)Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982)William B. Cherry (1981)Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982)B. H. Cooper (1983)Richard F. D'Amato (1983)Jules L. Dienstag (1983)Richard E. Dixon (1981)Steven D. Douglas (1981)Walter R. Dowdle (1982)Bennett L. Elisberg (1982)Richard W. Emmons (1983)Mario R. Escobar (1983)Richard Facklam (1982)James D. Fenters (1982)Patricia Ferrieri (1983)Sydney M. Finegold (1982)Maxwell Finland (1983)Lynn S. Garcia (1983)Thomas L. Gavan (1983)Gerald L. Gillardi (1983)Robert C. Good (1982)Norman L. Goodman (1983)Morris A. Gordon (1981)Dieter Groschel (1983)

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Volume 14 Contents for July 1981 Number 1

BacteriologyRelative Frequency of Clostridium difficile in Patients with Diar-

rheal Disease. PETER H. GILLIGAN, L. R. MCCARTHY,* AND V.M. GENTA ........................... 26-31

Characterization of Some Groups of Gram-Negative Nonfermenta-tive Bacteriabythe Carbon Source Alkalinization Technique. R.MARTIN,* P. S. RILEY, D. G. HOLLIs, R. E. WEAVER, AND M. I.KRICHEVSKY ............................................. 39-47

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Enzyme Profiling: Predictor of PotentialInvasiveness and Use as an Epidemiological Tool. J. MICHAELJANDA* AND EDWARD J. BOTTONE .......... 55-60

Tatumella ptyseos gen. nov., sp. nov., a Member of the FamilyEnterobacteriaceae Found in Clinical Specimens. D. G. HOL-LIS,* F. W. HICKMAN, G. R. FANNING, J. J. FARMER III, R. E.WEAVER, AND DON J. BRENNER ........................... 79-88

Comparison of the Phadebact Gonococcus Test with the RapidFermentation Method. SUSAN L. FUTROVSKY,* CHARLOTTE A.GAYDOS, AND JOHN F. KEISER ............................. 89-93

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains Inhibited by Vancomycin in SelectiveMedia and Correlation with Auxotype. STANLEY MIRRETT,* L.BARTH RELLER, AND JOAN S. KNAPP.94-99

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesSerotypes of Cryptococcus neoformans Strains Isolated in Ger-


Hospital EpidemiologyBacteriocins as Tools in Analysis of Nosocomial Klebsiella pneu-

moniae Infections. ADOLF BAUERNFEIND,* CHRISTL PETER-MULLER, AND RENATE SCHNEIDER ......................... 15-19

ImmunologyDelayed Hypersensitivity to Heart Antigens in Chagas' Disease as

Measured by In Vitro Lymphocyte Stimulation. WALTERMOSCA* AND JOAQUIN PLAJA .............................. 1-5

Measurement of Immunoglobulin M, Immunoglobulin G, and Im-munoglobulin A Antibodies Against Yersinia enterocolitica byEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay: Comparison of Lipo-polysaccharide and Whole Bacterium as Antigen. KAISAGRANFORS,* MATTI K. VILJANEN, AND AULI TOIVANEN ... 6-14

Determination of Brucella Immunoglobulin G Agglutinating Anti-body Titer with Dithiothreitol. GEORGE C. KLEIN* AND KATH-LEEN A. BEHAN .. ... .......................... 24-25

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (Disodium Salt) -Labile Bovine Im-munoglobulin M Fc Binding to Brucella abortus: a Cause ofNonspecific Agglutination. KLAUS NIELSEN,* KATHRYN STIL-WELL, BARRY STEMSHORN, AND ROBERT DUNCAN ... 32-38

Method for Avoiding False-Positive Results Occurring in Immuno-globulinM Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays Due to Pres-ence of Both Rheumatoid Factor and Antinuclear Anti-bodies. YEHUDITH NAOT, EUGENE V. BARNETT, AND JACK S.REMINGTON* .. ... 73-78

* Asterisk refers to person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed.

Page 21: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


General Clinical MicrobiologyEnhancement of Recovery of Neisseria meningitidis by Gelatin in

Blood Culture Media. CHIK H. PAI* AND SIMON SORGER .... 20-23Relationship of Phospholipid Chemistry to Serological Reactivity in

the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Slide Test Antigen.MICHAEL W. REEVES,* BETTY E. MCGREW, BARBARA MC-LAURIN, AND LEOPINE. 48-54

Preservation and Transportation of Bacteria by a Simple GelatinDisk Method. YASUSHI OBARA, SHIRO YAMAI, TAKAYASU NIK-KAWA, YUKO SHIMODA, AND YASUSHI MIYAMOTO*.61-66

Quality Control Limits for Ampicillin, Carbenicillin, Mezlocillin, andPiperacillin Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Tests: a CollaborativeStudy. T. L. GAVAN,* R. N. JONES, A. L. BARRY, P. C. FUCHS,E. H. GERLACH, J. M. MATSEN, L. B. RELLER, C. THORNSBERRY,AND L. D. THRUPP.67-72

Rapid Presumptive Identification of Gardnerella vaginalis (Hae-mophilus vaginalis) from Human Blood Agar Media. CAROLE. SHAW,* MICHELE E. FORSYTH, WILLIAM R. BOWIE, ANDWILLIAM A. BLACK.108-110

Cellular Fatty Acids of Brucella canis and Brucella suis. SALLY B.DEES,* DANNIE G. HOLLIS, ROBERT E. WEAVER, AND C. WAYNEMoss 111-112

Simple, Inexpensive, and Rapid Way to Produce Bacillus subtilisSpores for the Guthrie Bioassay. MARTHA L. FRANKLIN ANDWILLIAM A. CLARK*.113-115

Lack of Clinical Relevance in Routine Terminal Subculturing ofBlood Cultures. V. J. GILL 116-118

Reagent Quality Control in Bacteriology: Cost-Effective, Easy-to-Use Methodology. PAUL I. HICOCK* AND KAREN E.MARSHALL...... 119-120

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyDiarrhea Due to Cryptosporidium Infection in Artificially Reared

Lambs. S. TzIPORI, K. W. ANGUS,* I. CAMPBELL, AND L. W.CLERIHEW ...... ... 100-105

ErratumSerotyping of Ureaplasma urealyticum by Immunoperoxidase As-


Volume 14 Contents for August 1981 Number2Bacteriology

Hydrolytic Enzymes of Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from HumanInfections. EARL K. STEFFEN* AND DAVID J. HENTGES ... 153-156

Comparisrn of Methods for Identifying Staphylococcus and Micro-COrCUS spp. B. A. GUNN, F. L. SINGLETON, E. R. PEELE, R. R.COLWELL,* J. K. KEISER, AND C. O. KAPFER .. 195-200

Primary Isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae on Hemoglobin-FreeNew York City Medium. PAUL A. GRANATO,* CHERYLSCHNEIBLE-SMITH, AND LEONARD B. WEINER 206-209

Page 22: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


FK Phage for Differentiating the Classical and El Tor Groups ofVibrio cholerae. KENJI TAKEYA,* TAKESHI OTOHUJI, AND Hi-ROSHI TOKIWA.222-224

Relationship between Photochromogenicity and Test Temperaturein Mycobacteria. MICHIo TSUKAMURA.. 225-226

Rapid Identification of Enterococci by Reduction of LitmusMilk. ELIZABETH A. SCHIERL AND DONNA J. BLAZEVIC* .... 227-228

Bordetella bronchiseptica Peritonitis Associated with ContinuousAmbulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. LAWRENCE H. BYRD, Luz-MINIDA ANAMA, MICHAEL GUTKIN, AND HERMAN CHMEL* ... 232-233

Serratia ficaria Isolated from a Human Clinical Specimen. V. J.GILL,* J. J. FARMER III, P. A. D. GRIMONT, M. A. ASBURY, ANDC. L. MCINTOSH .. ........... 234-236

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyDelayed Development of Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen


Evaluation of the Solid-Phase Radioimmunoassay for Diagnosis ofSt. Louis Encephalitis Infection in Humans. K. L. WOLFF,* D.J. MUTH, B. W. HUDSON, AND D. W. TRENT.135-140

Comparison of Two Different Enzyme Immunoassays for Detectionof Immunoglobulin M Antibodies Against Tick-Borne Enceph-alitis Virus in Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid. FRANZ X.HEINZ,* MICHAEL ROGGENDORF, HANNS HOFMANN, CHRISTIANKUNZ, AND FRIEDRICH DEINHARDT.141-146

Comparison of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for AcuteMeasles with Hemagglutination Inhibition, Complement Fixa-tion, and Fluorescent-Antibody Methods. MARTIN B. KLEI-MAN,* CAROL K. L. BLACKBURN, SARAH E. ZIMMERMAN, ANDMORRIS L. V. FRENCH.147-152

Rapid Differentiation of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from Chick-enpox, Measles, and Enterovirus Infections and Bacterial Men-ingitis by Frequency-Pulsed Electron Capture Gas-Liquid Chro-matographic Analysis of Sera. JOHN B. BROOKS,* JOSEPH E.MCDADE, AND CYNTHIA C. ALLEY.165-172

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Antibody tothe Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-Associated Delta Antigen. Os-VALDO CRIVELLI,* MARIo RIZZETTO, CARLA LAVARINI, ANTON-INA SMEDILE, AND JOHN L. GERIN.173-177

Improved Detection of Viruses by Electron Microscopy After DirectUltracentrifuge Preparation of Specimens. GREGORY W. HAM-MOND,* PAUL R. HAZELTON, IAN CHUANG, AND BRIAN KLISKO 210-221

Immunization of Inbred Guinea Pigs with Varicella-Zoster VirusGrown in a Sygeneic Transformed Embryo Cell Line. CHARLESGROSE.229-231

Mycology and Aerobic Actinomycetes

Rate of Arabinitol Production by Pathogenic Yeast Species.EDWARD M. BERNARD,* KERYN J. CHRISTIANSEN, So-FAITSANG, TIMOTHY E. KIEHN, AND DONALD ARMSTRONG 189-194

Page 23: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


EpidemiologyAcute Diarrhea and Rotavirus Infection in Newborn Babies and

Children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from June 1978 to June1979. YATI SOENARTO, TELUK SEBODO, RosJID RIDHO, HARUNALRASJID, JON E. ROHDE, HELEN C. BUGG, GRAEME L. BARNES,AND RUTH F. BISHOP*... 123-129

Hospital EpidemiologyRapid Presumptive Identification of Citrobacter diversus as an Aid

in Controlling Infections. ROGER L. ANDERSON,* DONALD R.GRAHAM, AND RICHARD E. DIXON.161-164

ImmunologyFluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Double-Staining Pro-


General Clinical MicrobiologyComparison of Acridine Orange and Gram Stains for Detection of

Microorganisms in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Other Clinical Spec-imens. BRIAN A. LAUER,* L. BARTH RELLER, AND STANLEYMIRRETT ............ ... 201-205

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyNosocomial Transmission of Serratia marcescens in a Veterinary

Hospital Due to Contamination by Benzalkonium Chloride.JAMES G. Fox,* CELIA M. BEAUCAGE, CAROLE A. FOLTA, ANDGus W. THORNTON.. 157-160

Thiamine Pyrophosphate (Cocarboxylase) as a Growth Factor forHaemophilus somnus. MAURICE D. ASMUSSEN AND CLAR-ENCE L. BAUGH*.. 178-183

Volume 14 Contents for September 1981 Number3Bacteriology

Characteristics of Yersinia enterocolitica and Related Species Iso-lated from Human, Animal, and Environmental Sources.MEHDI SHAYEGANI,* ISOBEL DEFORGE, DORIS M. MCGLYNN,AND TIMOTHY RoOT ....... ............. 304-312

Influence of Media on Temperature-Dependent Motility Test forYersinia entercolitica. RICHARD F. D'AMATO* AND KARLA M.TOMFOHRDE ....................... 347-348

Meningoencephalitis and Compartmentalization of the Cerebral Ven-tricles Caused by Enterobacter sakazakii. MARTIN B. KLEI-MAN,* STEPHEN D. ALLEN, PATRICIA NEAL, AND JANETREYNOLDS.352-354

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyDifference in Antibody Reactivity Between Complement Fixation

and Immune Adherence Hemagglutination Tests with VirusAntigens. SAKAE INOUYE,* SHIGEO MATSUNO, AND REISAKUKONO........ .. 241-246

Page 24: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Rapid, Simple Method of Preparing Rotaviral Double-Stranded Ri-bonucleic Acid for Analysis by Polyacrylamide Gel Electropho-resis. KENNETH W. THEIL,* CHRISTINE M. MCCLOSKEY,LINDA J. SAIF, DONALD R. REDMAN, EDWARD H. BOHL, DALED. HANCOCK, ERWIN M. KOHLER, AND PHILIP D. MOORHEAD 273-280

Isolation of Species-Specific Protein Antigens of Rickettsia typhi andRickettsia prowazekii for Immunodiagnosis and Immunopro-phylaxis. GREGORY A. DASCH .. .... 333-341

Mycology and Aerobie ActinomycetesExoantigen Test for Identification of Petriellidium boydii Cultures.

GIULIA MORACE* AND LUCIANO POLONELLI ...... 237-240Serotyping Cryptococcus neoformans by Immunofluorescence.

WILLIAM KAPLAN,* SANDRA L. BRAGG, STANLEY CRANE, ANDDONALD G. AHEARN .................................... 313-317

ImmunologyEnhancement of Coagglutination Reactions of the Phadebact Gon-

ococcus Test by Ethylenediaminetetraacetate and Ethylene Gly-col-bis(f,-Aminoethyl Ether)-N,N-Tetraacetate. IRINA IZAK-SON AND STEPHEN A. MORSE* .... 261-265

Detection of Salmonella Infections by Polyvalent Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent Assay. RONALD H. LENTSCH,* ROSANNE P.BATEMA, AND JOSEPH E. WAGNER .. ... 281-287

Detection of Cell-Associated or Soluble Antigens of Legionella pneu-mophila Serogroups 1 to 6, Legionella bozemanii, Legionelladumoffii, Legionella gormanii, and Legionella micdadei byStaphylococcal Coagglutination Tests. HAZEL W. WILKINSON*AND BONNIE J. FIKES .... ...... 322-325

General CliniCal MiCrobiologyEvaluation of Sucrose and Magnesium Sulfate as Additives in Aero-

bic Blood Culture Medium. JAN ENG.247-251Simplified Coagglutination Test for Serological Grouping of Beta-

Hemolytic Streptococci. H. W. B. ENGEL* AND A. VANSILFHOUT ........... ... 252-255

Application of a Limulus Test Device in Rapid Evaluation of Gono-coccal and Nongonococcal Urethritis in Males. RICHARD B.PRIOR* AND VINCENT A. SPAGNA ...... 256-260

Evaluation of Blood Culture Media for Isolation of Pyridoxal-De-pendent Streptococcus mitior (mitis). KATHARINE C. GROSS,MARION P. HOUGHTON, AND RICHARD B. ROBERTS* .266-272

Rapid Identification by the Micro-ID System of EnterobacteriaceaeDetected by Urine Screening. MICHAEL T. KELLY,* DEVON C.HALE, AND JOHN M. MATSEN ........... 295-297

Improved Semiselective Medium for Isolation of Legionella pneu-mophila from Contaminated Clinical and Environmental Spec-imens. PAUL H. EDELSTEIN.298-303

Clinical Evaluation of the Rapid Carbohydrate Degradation Micro-tube Method for Identification of Neisseria Species. S. M.HUSSAIN QADRI* AND NANCY PARKER ..... 318-321

Preliminary Evaluation of the autoSCAN-3, an Instrument for Au-tomated Reading and Interpretation of Microdilution Trays:Identification of Aerobic Gram-Negative Bacilli. PAUL D. ELL-NER* AND DIANE A. MYERS.. 326-328

Page 25: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Growth of Nutritionally Variant Streptococci on Common Labora-tory and 10 Commercial Blood Culture Media. LARRY G. REI-MER* AND L. BARTH RELLER.329-332

Colorimetric Method for Rapid Determination of Bacteriuria.CRAIG WALLIS, JOSEPH L. MELNICK, * AND CAROL J.LONGORIA ....... .. ..342-346

Detection of Clostridium difficile Toxin by Counterimmunoelectro-phoresis: a Note of Caution. IAN R. POXTON* AND MARIE D.BYRNE.. 349

Effect of Refrigeration on Inoculated Micro-ID Strips. NICHOLASM. BURDASH* AND MARCIA E. WEST ..... .. 350-351

Oral MiCrobiologyEnzymatic Characterization of Some Oral and Nonoral Gram-Nega-

tive Bacteria with the API ZYM System. J0RGEN SLOTS 288-294

Volume 14 Contents for October 1981 Number4

BacteriologyPlasmid-Encoded Lysine Decarboxylation in Proteus morganii.


Cellular Fatty Acid and Soluble Protein Composition of Actinoba-cillus actinomycetemcomitans and Related Organisms.DONALD A. CALHOON,* WILLIAM R. MAYBERRY, AND J0RGENSLOTS ..376-382

Plasmid Analyses in Clinical Isolates of Bacteroides fragilis andOther Bacteroides Species. BONNIE L. WALLACE, JAMES E.BRADLEY, AND MARVIN ROGOLSKY* ..383-388

Correlation of Penicillin Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations andPenicillin Zone Edge Appearance with Staphylococcal Beta-Lactamase Production. VEE J. GILL,* CAROL B. MANNING,AND COLLEEN M. INGALLS ..437-440

Misleading Results from Bone Marrows Cultured for Mycobacteria.DAVID J. DAWSON* AND ZETA M. BLACKLOCK 449-451

Hemolytic Reaction of Clinical and Environmental Strains of Vibriovulnificus. DAVID E. JOHNSON* AND FRANK M. CALIA 457-459

Preparation of Sputum Smears for Acid-Fast Microscopy. GARY A.GOLDFOGEL AND DAVID L. SEWELL* 460-461

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChylamydiologyEnzyme Immunoassays for Measurement of Cytomegalovirus Im-

munoglobulin M Antibody. ROBERT H. YOLKEN* AND FLORAJ. LEISTER .. ........ 427-432

Comparison Between a Modified CounterimmunoelectrophoresisTest and the Indirect Fluorescent-Antibody Test for Detectionof Antibodies to Rabies Virus in Human Sera. ANA MARIADIAZ* AND DONALD M. MYERS 446-448

Page 26: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


EpidemiologyEffects of Bathing on Pseudomonas and Klebsiella Colonization in


ImmunologyRelationship and Significance of Specific Immunoglobulin M Anti-

body Response in Clinical and Subclinical Melioidosis. LESLIER. ASHDOWN.361-364

Immunoradiometric Assay for Examination and Quantitation of Bru-cella abortus-Specific Antibodies Reactive with the Antigen(s)Used in the Indirect Hemolysis Test. THOMAS F. TEDDER ANDEDWARD M. HOFFMANN* ..... 415-426

Improved Streptococcal Grouping Antisera Containing PolyethyleneGlycol. J. RICHARD GEORGE,* HELEN ASHWORTH, RICHARDR. FACKLAM, W. KNOX HARRELL, AND DAN F. PALMER .433-436

Specificity, Sensitivity, and Reproducibility Among the FluorescentTreponemal Antibody-Absorption Test, the Microhemagglutin-ation Assay for Treponema pallidum Antibodies, and the He-magglutination Treponemal Test for Syphilis. SANDRA A. LAR-SEN,* EDITH A. HAMBIE, DEBORAH E. PETTIT, MARY W. PER-RYMAN, AND STEPHEN J. KRAUS.441-445

General Cliical MierobiologyClinical Laboratory Evaluation of the AutoMicrobic System Enter-

obacteriaceae Biochemical Card. JAMES R. DAVIS,* CHARLESE. STAGER, REUBEN D. WENDE, AND S. M. HUSSAIN QADRI .. 370-375

Comparison of a Slide Blood Culture System with a SupplementedPeptone Broth Culture Method. L. E. BRYAN.389-392

Evaluation of Media for Isolation of Campylobacter fetus subsp.jejuni from Fecal Specimens. M. J. R. GILCHRIST,C. M. GREW-ELL, AND J. A. WASHINGTON II*.393-395

Evaluation of the Repliscan II System for Identification of Entero-bacteriaceae. BERT F. WOOLFREY,* JOAN M. K. Fox, ANDCHARLES O. QUALL.408-410

Cost Analysis of the AutoMicrobic System Urine IdentificationCard. AYSER C. HAMOUDI* AND SUSAN LIN .411-414

Nonliquid Reagent for Detecting Nitrate Reduction. ANNO S.LAMPE.452-454

Clinical Vetermnary MicrobiologyBacteriological and Serological Studies of Haemophilus equigeni-

talis, Agent of Contagious Equine Metritis. DANIEL J. TAIN-TURIER,* CATHERINE F. DELMAS, AND HENRY J. DABERNAT 355-360

BrucELISA: an Enzyme-Antibody Immunoassay for Detection ofBrucella abortus Antibodies in Milk: Correlation with the Bru-cella Ring Test and with Shedding of Viable Organisms. DAVIDK. BORAKER, * WARREN R. STINEBRING, AND JOHN R.KUNKEL.396-403

Prevalence of Crytosporidium Antibodies in 10 Animal Species.SAUL TzIPORI AND IRIS CAMPBELL*.455-456

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ErratumRapid Presumptive Identification of Citrobacter diversus as an Aid

in Controlling Infections. ROGER L. ANDERSON, DONALD R.GRAHAM, AND RICHARD E. DIXON ...... ................... 462

Volume 14 Contents for November 1981 NumberBacteriology

Probing for Enterotoxigenicity Among the Salmonellae: an Evalua-tion of Biological Assays. SADRUDDIN F. H. JIWA ..... ...... 463-472

Characteristics of Human Isolates of Unidentified FluorescentPseudomonads Capable of Growth at 42°C. THOMAS R.OBERHOFER ............................................. 492-495

Rapid and Direct Staphylocoagulase Assay That Uses a Chromo-genic Substrate for Identification of Staphylococcus aureus.WIM ENGELS,* MIRIAM A. KAMPS, AND CEES P. VAN BOVEN 496-500

Bacteriology of Acute Obstructive Suppurative Cholangitis of theAged. KAORU SHIMADA,* TosHIo NORO, TAKASHI INAMATSU,KYOKO URAYAMA, AND KEIKO ADACHI .................... 522-526

Extraction of Group A Streptococcal M Protein with NitrousAcid. KHALIL HAFEZ, AzIz M. EL KHOLY, AND RICHARD R.FACKLAM*...... 530-533

Rapid Identification of Maternal Colonization with Group B Strep-tococci by Use of Fluorescent Antibody. KENNETH M. BOYER,*CECILE A. GADZALA, PEGGY C. KELLY, LAURENCE C. BURD,AND SAMUEL P. GOTOFF ........................ 550-556

Effect of Moisture Content of the Medium on Colony Morphology ofCampylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. G. E. BUCK* AND M. T.KELLY .................................................. 585-586

Mycobacterium thermoresistibile: a New Pathogen for Humans.IRENE WEITZMAN, * DARIA OSADCZYI, MICHAEL L. CORRADO,AND DAVID KARP ............. ........................... 593-595

Enteric Group 15 (Enterobacteriaceae) Associated with Pneumo-nia. BEN H. C. BAE,* SANTOSH B. SUREKA, AND JOSEPH A.AJAMY .......................... 596-597

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyThe Single Radial Immunodiffusion Assay Highlights Small Anti-

genic Differences Among Influenza Virus Hemagglutinins.STUART J. RODDA,* HEATHER A. GALLICHIO, AND ALAN W.HAMPSON ........... ...... ........ ............. 479-482

Production of Antiserum to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Polypep-tides: Application in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.ALLAN HORNSLETH,* PER CHR. GRAUBALLE, BIRGITTE FRIIS,J0RGEN GENNER, AND IB R. PEDERSEN.501-509

Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Nasopharyngeal Secre-tions by Inhibition of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.ALLAN HORNSLETH,* ELISABETH BREN0E, BIRGITTE FRIIS,FINN URSIN KNUDSEN, AND PETER ULDALL.. 510-515

Comparison of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Hemag-glutination Inhibition in a Seroepidemiological Study of Influ-enza Type C Infection. CATHERINE L. TROISI AND ARNOLD S.MONTO*.516-521

Page 28: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Preparation of Polyvalent Viral Immunofluorescent Intracellular An-tigens and Use in Human Serosurveys. K. M. JOHNSON,* L. H.ELLIOTT, AND D. L. HEYMANN.. 527-529

Comparison of New Triton X-100- and Tween-Ether-Treated Split-Product Vaccines in Children. PETER A. GROSS,* FRANCIS A.ENNIS, PUREZA F. GAERLAN, CAROLYN R. DENNING, USHASETIA, WILLIAM J. DAVIS, AND DOROTHY S. BISBERG ........ 534-538

Comparison of Anticomplement Immunofluorescence and Fluores-cent Antibody-to-Membrane Antigen Tests for Determinationof Immunity Status to Varicella-Zoster Virus and for Serodiffer-entiation of Varicella-Zoster and Herpes Simplex Virus Infec-tions. DANA GALLO* AND NATHALIE J. SCHMIDT ........... 539-543

Determination of Immunoglobulin M Antibodies Against HepatitisB Core Antigen and Hepatitis A Virus by Reorienting SucroseGradient High-Speed Centrifugation for Diagnosis ofAcute ViralHepatitis. PAUL D. SWENSON, MARIO R. ESCOBAR,* EDWARDA. GALEN, AND ROBERT L. CARITHERS.544-549

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesMannose in Body Fluids as an Indicator of Invasive Candidiasis.

THOMAS P. MONSON* AND KATHERINE P. WILKINSON .557-562Variations in Properties of Nocardia asteroids Resulting from

Growth in the Cell Wall-Deficient State. BLAINE L. BEAMAN*AND A. LouIs BOURGEOIS.. 574-578

MycoplasmatologyInfection of a Brain Abscess by Mycoplasma hominis. DONALD G.


ParasitologyClinical Comparison of Ethyl Acetate and Diethyl Ether in the

Formalin-Ether Sedimentation Technique. DEAN D. ERDMAN 483-485

Hospital EpidemiologyHospital Cluster Epidemic with Morganella morganii. VICTOR


ImmunologySingle Radial Immune Hemolysis Test for Detection of Escherichia


Immunoglobulin M-Immunosorbent Agglutination Assay for Diag-nosis of Infectious Diseases: Diagnosis of Acute Congenital andAcquired Toxoplasma Infections. GEORGES DESMONTS, YE-HUDITH NAOT, AND JACK S. REMINGTON* 486-491

Modified Colony Indirect Epifluorescence Test for Serotyping Urea-plasma urealyticum and an Adaption to Detect CommonAntigenic Specificity. GERALD W. STEMKE AND JANET A.ROBERTSON* ............................................. 582-584

General Clinical MierobiologyLack of Requirement for Blind Subcultures of BACTEC Blood

Culture Media. JAMES C. MCLAUGHLIN,* JANE L. EVERS, ANDJANET L. OFFICER ........................................ 567-570

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Biochemical Characterization of Haemophilus Species with the Min-itek Differentiation System. YOSHIYUKI KAWAKAMI,* YUKIEOKIMURA, AND MASAMITSU KANAI ....579-581

Value of Terminal Subcultures from Negative BACTEC Blood Cul-ture Bottles. GEORGE F. ARAJ, RoY L. HOPFER,* MARK WEN-GLAR, AND VICTOR FAINSTEIN.589-590

Evaluation of Detection of Positive Blood Cultures by pHChanges. GREGORY S. KING, ANN C. NILES, AND PATRICK R.MURRAY* ... 591-592

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyEffects of Physical and Chemical Factors on the Viability of Myco-

bacterium paratuberculosis. W. D. RICHARDS... 587-588

Volume 14 Contents for December 1981 Number6


Hemagglutinin Typing as an Aid in Identification of BiochemicallyAtypical Escherichia coli Strains. PAMELA B. CRICHTON, S.M. IP, AND D. C. OLD* ....599-603

Evidence Against the Practicality and Cost-Effectiveness of a Gram-Positive Coccal Selective Plate for Routine Urine Cultures.MARTHA J. BALE AND JOHN M. MATSEN* .... 617-619


Comparison of Liquid Growth Media for Legionella pneumophila.ATSUSHI SAITO, RIAL D. ROLFE, PAUL H. EDELSTEIN, ANDSYDNEY M. FINEGOLD* 623-627

Characterization of Biochemically Atypical Vibrio cholerae Strainsand Designation of a New Pathogenic Species, Vibriomimicus. BETTY R. DAVIS, G. RICHARD FANNING, JOSEPH M.MADDEN, ARNOLD G. STEIGERWALT, HENRY B. BRADFORD, JR.,H. L. SMITH, JR., AND DON J. BRENNER* ...631-639

Recognition of a Second Serogroup of Legionella longbeachae.WILLIAM F. BIBB,* ROBER J. SORG, BERENICE M. THOMASON,MARTIN D. HICKLIN, ARNOLD G. STEIGERWALT, DON J. BREN-NER, AND MICHAEL R. WULF .... 674-677

Identification of Clinically Significant Mycobacterium fortuitumComplex Isolates. VELLA A. SILCOX,* ROBERT C. GOOD, ANDMARGARET M. FLOYD.686-691

Cellular Fatty Acid Composition of Legionella longbeachae sp.nov. C. WAYNE Moss,* D. E. KARR, AND S. B. DEES 692-694

Lethal Meningoencephalitis and Septicemia Caused by Haemophilusinfluenza Type f in an Adult with Multiple Myeloma. WIL-LIAM C. WAGENER, RICHARD L. MYEROWITZ,* AND GEORGE M.DULABON ...695-696

Toxigenic Clostridium perfringens from a Parvovirus-InfectedDog. R. C. TILTON,* H. J. VAN KRUININGEN, I. KWASNIK, ANDR. W. RYAN ... 697-698

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Klebsiella ozaenae Septicemia Associated with Hansen's Disease.KATHERINE A. MURRAY,* BRUCE H. CLEMENTS, AND STEPHENE. KEAS.. 703-705

Typing of Haemophilus influenza by Coagglutination and Conven-tional Slide Agglutination. ROXANNE G. SHIVELY, JANET T.SHIGEI, ELLENA M. PETERSON,* AND Luis M. DE LA MAZA 706-708

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyDetection of Rubella Antibodies by Hemagglutination Inhibition,

Indirect Fluorescent-Antibody Test, and Enzyme-Linked Im-munosorbent Assay. MINAS V. ZARTARIAN,* GARY FRIEDLY,ELLENA M. PETERSON, AND Luis M. DE LA MAZA.. 640-645

Mycology and Aerobie ActinomycetesComparative Recovery of Fungi from Biphasic and Conventional


Serum Cryptococcal Antigen Determination in the Presence of Rheu-matoid Factor. ROBERT H. K. ENG* AND AUDREY PERSON 700-702

MycoplasmatologyComparison of Methods for Detection of Mycoplasma pulmonis in

Experimentally and Naturally Infected Rats. MAUREEN K.DAVIDSON,* J. RUSSELL LINDSEY, MARY B. BROWN, TRENTONR. SCHOEB, AND GAIL H. CASSELL ... 646-655

ParasitologyComparison of Three Collection-Preservation Methods for Detection

of Intestinal Parasites. DONALD L. PRICE ................. 656-660Evaluation of Acridine Orange Stain for Detection of Trichomonas

vaginalis in Vaginal Specimens. J. R. GREENWOOD* ANDKATHLEEN KIRK-HILLAIRE.699

Improved In Vitro Excystation Procedure for Giardia lambliaCysts. EUGENE W. RICE* AND FRANK W. SCHAEFER III 709-710

ImmunologyAtypical Toxin Variant of Clostridium botulinum Type B Associated

with Infant Botulism. C. L. HATHEWAY, L. M. MCCROSKEY, G.L. LOMBARD, AND V. R. DOWELL, JR.* ...................... 607-611

Quantitative Evaluation of Variation in Composition of the Strep-tozyme Agglutination Reagent for Detection of Antibodies toGroup A Streptococcal Extracellular Antigens. EDWARD L.KAPLAN* AND CHERYL KUNDE ...... 678-680

General Clinical MicrobiologyCellular Fatty Acid Composition of Organisms Frequently Associated

with Human Infections Resulting from Dog Bites: Pasteurellamultocida and Groups EF-4, IIj, M-5, and DF-2. S. B. DEES,*J. POWELL, C. W. Moss, D. G. HOLLIS, AND R. E. WEAVER ... 612-616

Evaluation of the B-D Urine Culture Kit. K. L. GUENTHER AND J.A. WASHINGTON I*.628-630

Comparison of the Quantitative Direct Plating Method and theBACTEC Procedure for Rapid Diagnosis of Haemophilus influ-enzae Bacteremia in Children. LEONARD J. LA SCOLEA, JR.,*DIANE DRYJA, AND ERWIN NETER.661-664

Page 31: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY · AuthorIndex Altmann, Gideon, 620 Armstrong, Donald, 681 Bale, MarthaJ., 617, 665 Bibb, WilliamF., 674 Bradford, HenryB., Jr., 631 Braunstein, Isidor,


Time-Motion and Cost Comparison Study of Micro-ID, API 20E,and Conventional Biochemical Testing in Identification of En-terobacteriaceae. MARTHA J. BALE AND JOHN M. MATSEN* 665-670

Selenomonas sputigena Septicemia. LAURENCE R. MCCARTHY*AND JAMES R. CARLSON ................................... 684-685

Vibrio metschnikovii Bacteremia in a Patient with Cholecystitis.W. JEAN-JACQUES, K. R. RAJASHEKARAIAH,* J. J. FARMER III,F. W. HICKMAN, J. GLENN MORRIS, AND CHARLES A. KALLICK 711-712

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyDermatophilus congolensis Infections in Wildlife in New York

State. IRA F. SALKIN,* WARD B. STONE, AND MORRIS A.GORDON......... ... 604-606

Identification of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococcus intermedius andStaphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicus Isolates from VeterinaryClinical Specimens. WALTER E. PHILLIPS, JR.,* AND WESLEYE. KLOOS.. 671-673

ErratumNonliquid Reagent for Detecting Nitrate Reduction. ANNO S.

LAMPE.. 713