josh vanderbaan 8.3 sportsmanship case study

Sportsmanship Slideshow Josh Vanderbaan

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Josh Vanderbaan 8.3 sportsmanship case study

Sportsmanship SlideshowJosh Vanderbaan

Page 2: Josh Vanderbaan 8.3 sportsmanship case study


My definition of sportsmanship is someone who does an action that shows the other person that he/she cares for them in and outside of sports.

Page 3: Josh Vanderbaan 8.3 sportsmanship case study

Ethics - Owners and Coaches

It would be best for owners and coaches to have trust from their players and fans. By making wise choices and being humble it can work out very easily. What any kind of leader does in their actions whether positive or negative, it will reflect on everyone else involved.

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Owners and Coaches

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Ethics - Health and Safety

Anyone can accomplish this by not doing any illegal drug that creates an unfair advantage for other players. Also by being safe in whatever any athlete does is important. Lastly, treating your body the right way to maximize the potential it will have when competing.

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Health and Safety

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Ethics - Athletes and Community

We ourselves can be good sports by being respectful in all situation during sports. By having a strong community that trust one another in sport. That way our great behavior can make the sports be even better.

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Athletes and Community

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Ethics - Fan Behavior

Like I said in the previous slides, by being respectful and nice towards other team member and fans, the sports world can be a better place. Things like having nice comments to refs or other schools can ensure the best result.

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Fan Behavior

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Sportsmanship in the Future

I truly believe that in the future, the sportsmanship level will rise. Mostly because fans will start to question themselves and ask why they are making such a big deal out of something that is maybe not so important. This will result in sports to dramatically increase in interest and number hopefully.

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I chose this image because to me it shows a little bit how players in the professional sports do care about the fans.