joseph lyncha

Welco e to St. J e t e o tle C t ol c C urc - B e ve do S t o o tol le Ctlc NFESSI N atur ay 4 t 4 an / r y A int nt PA ISH FFI E ( 2 ) -72 - FAX 2 -72 - 1 7 FFI E H US M n ay- Thur ay 1 a -4 12 -1 L SED F IDAYS, kn H y Day Is this y ur first visit WEL E! Vi it ur ari h ffic f r r i trati n, ff rin nv , ini try inf r ati n an r. PAST v. Fr. A f Martin DEA NS J h Lyncha Manu Murri ta S HEDULE F ASSES S tur y (Vi i ) Sun y: 8 a En ih 1 a E a 12 N n En ih E a M n ay-Tu ay uni n rvic 7a n ay -Fri ay Dai y Ma 7 a Es st su ri r visit ¡ IENVENID S! Vi it nu tra ficina arr quia ara r i traci n , r ara fr n a , inf r aci n ini t ri , y á.

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Page 1: Joseph Lyncha

Welcome to St. James the Apostle Catholic Church - Bienvenidos a Santiago Apostol Iglesia Católica



4:00pm to 4:30pm

and/or by



(520) -723-3063




Monday- Thursday



12:00 pm-1:00pm


Weekends &

Holy Days

Is this your first visit?


Visit our parish office for

registration, offering envelopes,

ministry information and more.


Rev. Fr. Adolfo



Joseph Lyncha

Manuel Murrieta



Saturday (Vigil)

5:00 pm


8:00 am English

10:00 am Español

12 Noon English

6:00 pm Español



Service 7am

Wednesday -Friday

Daily Mass 7 am

¿Es esta su primera visita?


Visite nuestra oficina parroquial para

registraciones, sobres para ofrendas,

información de ministerios, y más.

Page 2: Joseph Lyncha


Natalie Martinez.


Altar Servers

Christina Chavez

Lisa Holmes

Divine Mercy

Tanya Navarro

Money Counters

Luz Shope

Compliance Officer

Tanya Navarro

English Choir

Mike Navarro

Pastoral Council

Loren Hamlin


Deacon Joe

Spanish Choir

Carolina Delgadillo



Loren Hamlin

Finance Committee

Tom Shope

Grupo de Oración

Manuela Vizcaíno



Roberta Cardona


Luz Shope

Jan. 11, 12 2020


† Analicia Marie Rodriguez


2 Welcome to St. James the Apostle Catholic Church - Bienvenidos a St. James Iglesia Católica


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Religious Educa�on �





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December 21, 22,2019

5:00 pm $ 1,049.02

8:00 am $ 645.00

10:00 am $ 361.35

12:00 pm $ 392.65

6:00 pm $ 320.80

Total: $ 2,768.80

If you lost something in

the parish's premises, let

us know and together

we will try to find your


If you found something

please bring it to the

office, or give it to

father after Sunday


If you have questions or

just want an update

please call our office at

(520) -723-3063

Readings for the week of January 12, 2020

Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10/Acts

10:34-38/Mt 3:13-17

Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19/Mk


Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8/Mk 1:21-


Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8,

8b-9, 10/Mk 1:29-39

Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/Mk


Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-17, 18-19/Mk


Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-

7/Mk 2:13-17

Next Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10/1

Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34

Las lecturas de la semana del 12 de enero de 2020

Domingo: Is 42, 1-4. 6-7/Sal 29, 1-2. 3-4. 3. 9-10/Hch

10, 34-38/Mt 3, 13-17

Lunes: 1 Sm 1, 1-8/Sal 116, 12-13. 14-17. 18-19 /Mc

1, 14-20

Martes: 1 Sm 1, 9-20/1 Sm 2, 1. 4-5. 6-7. 8/Mc 1, 21-


Miércoles: 1 Sm 3, 1-10. 19-20/Sal 40, 2 y 5. 7-8. 8-9.

10 /Mc 1, 29-39

Jueves: 1 Sm 4, 1-11/Sal 44, 10-11. 14-15. 24-25/Mc

1, 40-45

Viernes: 1 Sm 8, 4-7. 10-22/Sal 89, 16-17. 18-19/Mc

2, 1-12

Sábado: 1 Sm 9, 1-4. 10. 17-19; 10, 1/Sal 21, 2-3. 4-

5. 6-7/Mc 2, 13-17

Domingo siguiente: Is 49, 3. 5-6/Sal 40, 2. 4. 7-8. 8-9.

10 /1 Cor 1, 1-3/Jn 1, 29-34

Page 3: Joseph Lyncha

If you want to donate for our annual Fiesta

and have your family’s business or even

your nana’s name on the back of the fiesta

t-shirt by filling out one of the envelope

found in the church and putting it in the

collection basket.

Thank you for your support!

Page 4: Joseph Lyncha

Coolidge, Arizona 4

Melchizedek is the first priest mentioned in

the Old Testament. He was both King and Priest, a

most unusual combination since thereafter it seems

that priests and kings had their separate roles and

responsibilities. Even though lambs and other crea-

tures would become the common sacrifice, Melchizedek offered

bread and wine. He ended the sacrifice by blessing Abraham, con-

sidered the father of the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Chris-

tianity and Islam. Sometime later God asks Abraham to sacrifice

his son Isaac. Abraham is obedient and tells Isaac “God will pro-

vide Himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” Of course we

know that God stops Abraham at the last minute.

And when we meditate on the above paragraph we can

easily see the foreshadowing of Christ’s sacrifice and the institu-

tion of the Holy Eucharist. And God further promises Abraham

that “I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven...”

There have been and will be a multitude of followers of Jesus


The sacrifice of animals meant a number of things to the

Jews: 1. God’s dominion over creation, 2. It says “thank you” to

God for His gifts, 3. It can act as a contract (covenant) before

God and 4. a renunciation and sorrow for our sins. In addition,

the Passover was celebrated with an unblemished lamb without

any broken bones. Jesus is sinless and the centurion did not break

His legs on the cross since He had already died.

Christ stood before Pilate at the sixth hour, the same

hour that the Jewish priests began the sacrifices of lambs to God

in preparation for the Passover. It was the old covenant that Jesus

made with the Jewish people. In addition a hyssop branch was

used to sprinkle the lamb’s blood. A sponge on a hyssop branch

with sour wine was offered to Christ on the cross.

Perhaps in wonderment and amazement we can meditate

on 1. Melchizedek, priest and King offering bread and wine, 2.

God will provide Himself the lamb, 3. multiplied descendants, 4.

sacrifice of Jesus (obedient to God the Father, a new covenant,

and an offering of the unblemished “Lamb of God” for our sins),

5. the timing of Jesus’ condemnation and death without breaking

his legs and 6. the hyssop branch. What a combination of events

to inform us in our faith that Jesus is the Lamb of God who died

for our sins. At the Last Supper Jesus said that His body and

blood “IS the new covenant in My blood”.

Meditating on all those things perhaps will make it a bit

easier to have faith that what we believe is true about Jesus’ sac-

rifice and the institution of the Holy Eucharistic. May we pray for

a deeper faith and a deeper reverence at Mass. May be pray for

those who still need the gift of faith that our Mass with the “in

persona Christi” brings Jesus’ body and blood to us for our sanc-

tification and for our developing holiness.

—-Lee Schwieterman MSW



The Baptism of Jesus is similar in purpose

to our own. As Jesus was distinguished as

the beloved Son in whom God is well

pleased, so, too, are we. We share that same

special favor with God and are brought into

an intimate relationship with Him. Does this

reality change how we feel about ourselves?

It certainly does. Baptism forever changes

us and calls us to the ministries of mercy

and humility. God has formed each of us in

our mother’s womb and asks us to be a light

for all people. We carry this light humbly as

we know who ultimately has a claim on us

and to whom we belong. We then are called

to live our lives in imitation of Christ and

become incarnate vessels of mercy. Our

world needs to be touched by compassion

and only we can complete the task. ©LPi



To understand when we baptize, it’s im-

portant to know what baptism is. Baptism

removes original sin, and we are reborn into

the family of God, adopted as His sons and

daughters. We become joint heirs with Christ

and sharers in his mission. Early on, baptism

was given immediately upon personal con-

version, such as the three thousand baptized

at Pentecost. Some Christian churches today

emphasize baptism specifically as personal

conversion. As such, they would not baptize

young children who have not yet consciously

chosen to follow Christ. As the Church slowly

grew, whole households were baptized to-

gether upon the deep conversion of one of

the leaders (Acts 16). From this evidence, we

can surmise that may have included children

who were just beginning to hear the Chris-

tian message. This would not have been un-

common, especially for Jewish converts. Cir-

cumcision marked entrance into the Old Cov-

enant for men. This occurred, without the ex-

press consent of the infants, to male children

eight days after their birth.

Why do Catholics baptize infants, while

some other Christian denominations wait

until adulthood?

Page 5: Joseph Lyncha

5 Welcome to St. James the Apostle Catholic Church - Bienvenidos a St. James Iglesia Católica

Con mucho cariño, comparto para ustedes un poquito de mi ex-

periencia en Tierra Santa. Es una bendición muy grande la que pude

tener el año pasado, un recuerdo que guardare y atesorare con mucho

amor. Agradezco a Dios, a padre Adolfo y a todos los que de una y

otra manera permitieron esta peregrinación.

El verdadero amor, no es otra cosa que el deseo inevitable de

ayudar al otro. Muchas gracias nuevamente a todos por tomarse el

tiempo de apoyarnos en las ventas de comida y actividades. Comen-

zare contando mi experiencia; cuando llegamos al hotel nos tocó hab-

itación en el piso 8 había una ventana grande por la cual se podía

salir a un balcón, la vista era impresionante. Al abrirse se podía ob-

servar el mar de galilea, fue aquí donde comenzó mi oración por to-

dos ustedes.

Las conversaciones con Dios eran largas en ese balcón, sobre

todo cuando la luna se reflejaba en el inmenso mar de galilea. Una

de esas tantas ocasiones en las que me encontraba orando y meditan-

do, recordé aquel versículo bíblico sobre Jesús, la tormenta y los asus-

tados discípulos, cuando creyeron mirar un fantasma caminando hacia

ellos sobre las aguas; de aquellos discípulos solo pedro fue el único que lo reconoció y le dijo “SEÑOR SI ERES

TU MANDA QUE YO VALLA A TI”, Pedro se animó y empezó a caminar muy bien mirando a Jesús, pero de

repente miro abajo y le dio miedo, y empezó a hundirse y a gritar, Jesús sálvame; “hombre de poca fe”,

¿porque dudaste? dijo Jesús a Pedro. Todos conocemos esta historia, cuantas veces comenzamos un servicio, y

terminamos mal, porque quitamos la mirada de Jesús, nos desanimamos por nada y empezamos a hundirnos y

a desobedecer. Pedro fue el único que se animó a caminar sobre el agua, pero le faltó “FE”, así nosotros sin

Jesús nada podemos hacer, somos siervos inútiles pero con Jesús somos más que vencedores. Pensando en este

relato, me sorprendió un hermoso amanecer, cuando nos llevaron al mar de galilea, el contemplar las aguas y

el escuchar el sonido de las aves cantando fue bastante agradable, al escuchar el ruido del motor de la barca

era signo de que nos estaban llevando mar adentro donde comenzó la santa misa. Cuando me encontraba es-

cuchando atentamente la primera lectura, escuche como padre dijo mi nombre, “Manuelita”, me hablo para

leer el salmo pero la voz que escuche fue muy diferente.

Mi alma comenzó a temblar y mi corazón saltaba tan fuerte

que sentía que se quería salirse de mi pecho, aquella voz sonaba

fuerte, era la voz de Dios. Al terminar de leer las lágrimas no se

hicieron esperar estaban llenas de alegría y gozo de un setimien-

to que salia desde el fondo de mi alma. Hasta el día de hoy no

encuentro palabras para explicar lo que sentí en ese momento. Es-

toy segura que Jesús iba con nosotros en esa barca, buscando pes-

cadores de hombres y todos fuimos llamados a esa gran misión. Al

oír la voz de Dios, todos los días en las sagradas escrituras, es algo

muy agradable que llena mi ser, es una vivencia de todo lo que

conocimos, un renacer y un revivir nuevamente a cosas nuevas, y a

abrirse a nuevas expectativas en Jesucristo. Podría escribir un libro

con mi experiencia de lo impactante y hermoso que fue para mí

caminar en las huellas de Jesús, pero presiento que nunca acabaría ya que siempre aprendo algo nuevo toma-

da de la mano de El. Nunca olvidemos orar los unos por los otros.—-Manuela Vizcaíno

Page 6: Joseph Lyncha

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. James Church, Coolidge, AZ A 4C 05-0451

1195 N. Arizona Blvd.Coolidge, AZ 85128

(520) 723-5324Yolanda Manzanedo

(520) 723-5325Grace Manzanedo


Steve Hudson, Parishioner

520-723-5401Coolidge, AZ • Visit

Heritage Valley MeMorial Park

Stobierski Family, Owners & Catholic Parishioners

Heritage Funeral HoMe

Coolidge CHaPel | 723-7755


Cole & Maud Coolidge Chapel 541 W Coolidge Ave, Coolidge AZ

(520) 723-7722 •

Contact Jaime Martinez Arvizu to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5831

SOMMERSGlass & Mirror501 E. Florence Blvd

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Casa Grande AZ 85122

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