
The Descent – Camera Shots Analysis

Upload: jordonj98

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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The Descent – Camera Shots Analysis

Wide Shot/Tracking Shot

This is a wide shot used as superimposition to hide the girl behind the cake, to showing she is still a part of the scene hinting that it is her cake. It is also part of a tracking shot as it later zooms in on the cake to make it the focus of the scene.

Close up

This is a close up shot taken from a high angle, used to show Sara being weak after her car accident.


This shot is a cutaway used to show the heart monitor we hear seconds earlier when Sara rips the leads from her body.

Wide shot

This scene is a wide shot, showing Sara walking out into the corridor for the first time. This is used to make the audience feel on edge as we can see the lights turning off and the darkness getting closer to her before she realises it herself.

Trombone Shot

This is one of the trombone shots used in the film. It is used to zoom in on Sara to show her scared reaction and panic to the flickering lights in the hospital. The trombone shot is done by zooming in while the camera dollies back, or vise-versa.


This is a steadicam shot used to show Sara running away from the darkness. The Steadicam works in three ways: 1) it isolates the camera from all but the largest movements of the operator; 2) it spreads the mass of the camera to increase resistance to rotation, and 3) it brings the 'centre of gravity' outside of the camera to where the operator can manipulate it directly.

Wide shot

This is a wide shot using a steadicam. It is filmed from behind Sara as a POV (point of view), in order to make the audience think there is something chasing after her.

Mid shot

This scene is a mid shot. It shows Sara being held by her best friend Beth whilst she tells Sara her daughter had died. The scene is still being shot in a steadicam as there is a 360 degree rotation around them to convey and emphasise their emotions, and the environment around them.


This is another steadicam shot used to show convey the emotion between Sara and Beth after Beth has told Sara her daughter had died.

Close up

This scene is a close up of Juno, and also a cut away as when you see her crying you still hear Sara crying and Beth comforting her. This is used to show how someone other than Sara and Beth are affected by Sara’s daughters death.