jones valley teaching farm work in progress

Jones Valley Teaching Farm (JVTF): Work In Progress Report Christopher Deschamp and Roenikya Phillips

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  • 1. Jones Valley Teaching Farm (JVTF):Work In Progress ReportChristopher Deschamp and Roenikya Phillips

2. Background: Birmingham Total population: 212, 413 27.3% live below poverty line . 88, 000 live in a food desert or area of food imbalance Comprises over forty three square miles 23, 000 of these people are children Alabama in general is below national avg. in adequate FVconsumption 22.1% of Jefferson county third graders overweight 71% of all Jefferson county residents overweight Diabetes increased by 140% between 1995 and 2010 Health related cost avg. spending per obese person:$1429 3. Background: JVTF Created in 2007 in downtown Birmingham Developed on 3 acres of unused farm land Initially, efforts were generalized In 2012, refocused efforts on students: Now teaches children about nutrition Over 9,000 students in K-8 have been participated in science and nutritionprogram Recently partnered with Iris Glenn Elementary in Good Food Program Teacher training and classroom support via kit-based learning Provides technical assistance to other school districts Science and engineering online competition Sells fresh produces Pushed for successful removal of deep fryers from Birmingham cityschools 4. Needs Identification: JVTF POOR NUTRITION LACK OF ACCESS TO FRESH FV MAINTENANCE OF HEALTHY EATING HABITS OBESITY CHRONIC DISEASES 5. Based on the strategic goals and data provided by the Jones Valley Teaching Farm, our problemlist looked like this:Problem/ Need Supportive DataObesity 22% 3rdgraders obese; 71 % of population overweightPoor nutritiona. NutritioneducationFruit and vegetable consumption 6% lower than national averageChronic diseases Diabetes increased by 140% between 1995 and 2010[Lack of access to freshfruits/ veg43 sq. mile food desert radius present in BirminghamMaintenance of healthyeating habitsa. NutritioneducationHealth related cost associated with diet-related health issues impact productivity andworkforce readiness; avg. spending of $1429 more per obese person 6. Group Needs Identification: Poor nutrition with focus on nutritioneducation Access to fresh and healthy foods Obesity/ overweight Chronic diseases Maintenance of healthy eating habits 7. Ranking System: Cast 5 Method 8. Evidence-Based Interventions: Expanding childrens experiences: the impact of a school garden kitchen program. Gibbs, Let al, J Nutr Educ Behav. 2013 Mar;45(2):137-46. Increased outreach of existing cooking Good Food Program with Glen Iris Elementary Expansion would include : school based kitchen programs for other local schools Posting completed cooking courses on JVTF website Distribution of parent newsletter with healthy recipes and sample shopping lists Community-based interventions for enhancing access to or consumption of fruit andvegetables among five to 18-year olds: a scoping review. Ganann R et al. BMC Public Health.2012 Aug 30; 12:711. Epub 2012 Aug 30. Increasing the number of farmers market outlets available in Birmingham: Note that JVTF currently has the following: Pepper Ridge Market: 7am-12pm, Saturdays, April-December Railroad Park Farm Stand (located under the pavilion) 4-6pm Wednesdays, May-September An on-site farm stand, corner of 7th Ave and 25th St North, 9am-6pm Tuesday-Friday, May-October On the menus of several Birmingham restaurants The farm also includes 38 community garden plots, which are available seasonally on a sliding scale toindividuals and families, with priority given to those who live or work downtown. The Boost study: design of a school- and community-based randomized trial to promotefruit and vegetable consumption among teenagers. BMC Public Health. 2012 Mar 14. Increasing the availability and endorsement of fruits and vegetables at partner school bypartnering with a local grocer/ food producer Program would encourage classroom snack time and bi-monthly lesson plans in nutrition education 9. Our Intervention Recommendation Selected Intervention: Increase outreach of existingcooking Good School Food Program with Glen IrisElementary Cost-effective, as it takes advantage of the direction JVTFresources are already going Addresses transportation problems among schools Growing evidence base supports the expansion of suchprograms1 Difficulty for schools to sustain their own gardens Focusing on specific schools allows study of best ways toreach diverse student bodies1. Among the studies that have found correlations between school or community gardens and increased consumption of and knowledge of fruits and vegetables are:Expanding Childrens Food Experiences: The Impact of a School-Based Kitchen Garden Program. Gibbs, L. et al, J Nut Ed and Beh, 2013, 45(2); A Garden Pilot Project EnhancesFruit and Vegetable Consumption among Children. Heim, S., et al, J Am Dietetic Ass, 2009, 109(7); Garden-Based Nutrition Education Affects Fruit and VegetableConsumption in Sixth-Grade Adolescents. McAleese, J.D., et al, J Am Dietetic Ass, 2007, 107(4); and Impact of Garden-Based Youth Nutrition Intervention Programs: AReview. Robinson-O-Brien, R., et al, J Am Dietetic Ass, 2009, 109(2). 10. Intervention Goals/ Objectives Goal 1: Expand JVTFs activities in K-8 schools in the Birminghamschool system. Objective 1: Provide web- and mail-based information on JVTF, theGood School Food Program, and healthy eating habits to schooladministrators and faculty at each school 6 months before starting. Objective 2: Using the Glen Iris model as a blueprint, expand the reachof JVTFs Good School Food program to all nine K-8 Birmingham cityschools by 2019. Goal 2: Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables (FV) studentsat Birmingham City Schools consume on a daily basis. Objective 1: Increase FV consumption in participant schools by 100%within one school year. Objective 2: Utilize teaching materials for both teachers and parents touse to reinforce FV consumption throughout the year. 11. Intervention Evaluation Social Ecological Model Informed Consent and IRB Approval Goal 1: Expand JVTFs activities in K-8 schools in the Birmingham school system. Survey will test relevant administrators and teachers knowledge of program goals, teaching lessons, and activities 6months before implementation, at time of implementation, and 6 months after implementation. Teachers and administrators will also be asked for their opinions of particular problem areas and aspects they thinkshould specifically be focused on for their schools for each test. Concerns that are raised by a high number of officials willbe addressed within the program, and Goal 2: Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables (FV) students at Birmingham City Schoolsconsume on a daily basis. Control and treatment groups at participating schools Parents and children Pretest-Posttest Control-Group Pretest at start of school year; posttest at end of school year. Questions will test consumption of, knowledge of, and willingness to try FV before and after exposure to JVTFs GoodSchool Food program. Is there a positive difference between before and after exposure, and is this significantly different from any change that thecomparison group experienced?