jonash_post mature or prolonged pregnancy

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  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    By: Jonash M. Mariano

    BSN 4B1

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Introductiony Post maturity is when a baby has not yet been born

    after 42 weeks of gestation. Post-term, post maturity,

    prolonged pregnancy, and post-dates pregnancy allrefer to post mature birth.

    y Post-mature births do not have any harmful effects onthe mother, but the fetus, however, can begin to suffer

    from malnutrition.y After the 42nd week of gestation, the placenta, which

    supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen from themother, starts aging and will eventually fail.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Causesy The causes of post-term births is unknown. But post-

    mature births are more likely when the mother has

    experienced a previous post-mature birth.y Due dates are easily miscalculated when the mother is

    unsure of her last menstrual period.

    y When there is a miscalculation, the baby could be

    delivered before or after the expected due date.y Post-mature births can also be attributed to irregular

    menstrual cycles.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Causes conty When the menstrual period is irregular it is very

    difficult to judge how and when the ovaries would be

    available for fertilization and subsequently result inpregnancy.

    y Most post-mature pregnancies are because the motheris not certain of her last period, so in reality the baby is

    not technically post-mature.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Symptomsy Different babies will show different symptoms of post


    y The most commons symptoms are dry skin, overgrownnails, creases on the baby's palms and soles of theirfeet, minimal fat, a lot of hair on their head, and eithera brown, green, or yellow discoloration of their skin.

    yDoctors diagnose post-mature birth based on thebaby's physical appearance and the length of themother's pregnancy.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Complicationsy Once a pregnancy has surpassed the 40 week gestation

    period, doctors closely monitor the mother for signs ofplacental deterioration.

    y Towards the end of pregnancy calcium is deposited onthe walls of blood vessels and proteins are depositedon the surface of the placenta, which changes theplacenta.

    y This limits the blood flow through the placenta andultimately leads to placental insufficiency and thebaby is no longer properly nourished. Induced labor isstrongly encouraged if this happens.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Complications conty Post-term babies may be larger than an average baby,

    thus increasing the length of labor.

    y T

    he labor is increased because the baby's head is toobig to pass through the mother's pelvis. This is calledcephalopelvic disproportion. Caesarean sections areencouraged if this happens.

    y When post-mature babies are larger than average

    forceps or vacuum delivery may be used to resolve thedifficulties at the delivery time. Difficulty in deliveringthe shoulders, shoulder dystocia, becomes anincreased risk.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Methods ofmonitoring post

    mature babiesy Fetal Movement Recording

    y Regular movements of the baby is the best sign

    indicating that it is still in good health. The mothershould keep a "kick-chart" to record the movements ofher baby. Less than 10 movements in 12 hours is not agood sign and a doctor should be contacted. If there is areduction in the number of movements it could indicate

    placental deterioration.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Methods ofmonitoring post

    mature babies conty Electronic Fetal Monitoring

    y Electronic fetal monitoring uses a cardiotocograph tocheck the baby's heartbeat and is typically monitoredover a 30-minute period. If the heartbeat proves to benormal the doctor will not usually suggest inducedlabor.

    y Ultrasound Scany

    An ultrasound scan evaluates the amount of amnioticfluid around the baby. If the placenta is deteriorating,then the amount of fluid will be low and induced laboris highly recommended.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Methods ofmonitoring post

    mature babies conty Biophysical Profile

    y A biophysical profile checks for the baby's heart rate,

    muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount ofamniotic fluid surrounding the baby.

    y Doppler Flow Study

    y Doppler flow study is a type of ultrasound that measures

    the amount of blood flowing in and out of the placenta.

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Referencey WWW.WIKIPEDIA.COM

  • 8/8/2019 Jonash_Post Mature or Prolonged Pregnancy


    Thank You!!!