jokes retold-2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Jokes retold-2011



    This issue is preparedexclusively by the students

    of Group 34-Hand devoted to the

    All Fools Day(International Day of Humor)

    Here we start from some editorials:

    Jokes retold by SemenKyselyov

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  • 8/7/2019 Jokes retold-2011



    Jokes retold by Alina Ptushkina


    Son: Dad, would you like to save some money?

    Father: I certainly would, son. Any suggestions?

    Son: Sure. Why not buy me a bike? Then I won't wear my shoes out so fast.

    A Woman's Prayer:

    I pray for :

    Wisdom, to understand a man.

    Love, to forgive him, andPatience, for his moods.

    Because if I pray for Strength

    I'll just beat him to death.


    A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down

    and orders a sandwich. He eats the

    sandwich, pulls out a gun and shoots the

    waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go,

    the manager shouts, Hey! Where are you

    going? You just shot my waiter and you

    didnt pay for your sandwich! The panda

    yells back at the manager, Hey man, I m a

    PANDA! Look it up! The manager opens

    his dictionary and

    sees the


    definition for panda: A tree dwelling mammal of

    Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. EATS


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    Jokes retold by Alina Ptushkina


    Man: "God, why did You make woman so beautiful?"

    God: "So you would love her."

    Man: "But God, why did You make her so dumb?"

    God: "So she would love you."


    A teacher was observing her classroom of childrenwhile they were drawing. She walked around to lookat the artwork.As she got to one little girl who was workingdiligently, she asked what the drawing was.The girl replied, Imdrawing God.The teacher paused and

    said, But no one knowswhat God looks like.Without missing a beat, or looking up from herdrawing the girl replied, They will in a minute.

    Cultural Shock

    (Retold by Julia Ptushkina)

    I'll never understand Indians. Afew minutes ago they weresinging and dancing...

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    More jokes retold by Julia Ptushkina

    GOD IS WATCHINGThe children were lined up in the cafeteria of aCatholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of thetable was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note,and posted on the apple tray, "Take only one. God iswatching."

    Moving further along thelunch line, at the otherend of the table was alarge pile of chocolate chipcookies. One childwhispered to another,"Take all you want. God is

    watching the apples."

    WHEN GOD CREATED WOMANIn the beginning, God created the earth and rested.Then God created Man and rested.Then God created Woman. Since then, neither Godnor Man has rested.


    Trying out a new army computer, an officer typed in aquestion: "How far is it from the mess room to thesentry box?"

    The computer replied: "Six hundred."The officer typed: "Six hundred WHAT?"The computer replied: "Six hundred, SIR!"

    Take only one. God is


    Six hundredWHAT?

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    JJ Jokes retold by Yaroslav Pannochka Joke

    sJokes retold by Alyona Skrypka

    NavigationThe teacher of the earth science class was lecturing

    on map reading. After explaining about latitude,longitude,degrees andminutes theteacher asked,"Suppose Iasked you tomeet me for lunch at 23 degrees, 4minutes north latitude and 45 degrees,15 minutes east longitude...?"

    After a confused silence, a voicevolunteered, "I guess you'd be eatingalone."

    If we stand around here long enough,

    one of them will throw some food at us.

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    More jokes retold by Alyona Skrypka

    Dolce VitaAn English teacher asked her class to write anessay on what they'd do if they had amillion dollars. Alec handed in a blank sheet ofpaper. "Alec!" yelled the teacher, "you'vedone nothing. Why?""Because if I had a million dollars, that's

    exactly what I would do!"

    JusticeHarry: Teacher would you punish me for something Ihaven't done?

    Teacher: Of course not!Harry: Good because I haven't done my homework.

    Jokes retold by Jeanne Dovbyk

    Mirror of TruthA blonde, a brunette, and a red head all went to anantique store and saw a beautiful old mirror.The lady working at the store said, "This is a

    magic mirror. You must say something true. And ifit's true, your wish will come true. If it's not true,you will disappear."

    The blonde, red head and brunette decided tobuy the mirror, and brought it home with them.First the red head walked up to the mirror andsaid, "I think I'm the most beautiful girl in theworld." Poof, she vanished. Then the brunettewalked up to the mirror and said, "I think I'm the

    smartest girl in the world." Poof, shedisappeared. Then the blonde walked up to themirror and said, "I think ... " Then Poof, she disappeared.

    InvestigatorA blonde walks into the police departmentlooking for a job. The officer wants to ask her afew questions.... Officer: What's 2+2? Blonde:Ummmmm... 4! Officer: What's the square root of100? Blonde: Ummmm... 10! Officer: Good! Now,who killed Abraham Lincoln? Blonde: Ummmm... I

    dunno. Officer: Well, you can go home and thinkabout it. Come back tomorrow. The blonde goeshome and calls up one of her friends, who asks

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    her if she got the job. The blonde says, excitedly, "Not only did I get the job,I'm already working on a murder case!"

    And some more about blondes (from the editor):

    Is this the thirdturn left, officer?

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    Just some more cartoons from the editorial files:

    These cartoons come from Ilona Chaikovskas collection

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