john hancock powerpoint gmccarthy15

Fighter for independence JOHN HANCOCK

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Fighter for independence


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• John was born in Quincy, Massachusetts

• He moved to Boston after his father died to live with his uncle Thomas Hancock, who was a very wealthy, successful merchant and with his wife Lydia.

• These pictures are of Thomas Hancock Lydia, and a map of Boston

• These

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WHERE DID JOHN HANCOCK GO TO SCHOOL AND WHAT DID HE MAJOR IN?• John went to Harvard college at the age of thirteen and majored in business

• He graduated Harvard at the age of seventeen and worked for his uncle as a merchant.

• These pictures are of Harvard college in the 1700s and a colonial merchant.

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WHAT WAS HIS EARLY ADULTHOOD LIKE?• John’s uncle died when he was twenty-six years old and, his uncle left him a lot of money

so John was one of the richest men in America.

• Here is a picture of colonial merchants like the young John Hancock before polotics.

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POLITICAL LIFE • John was nominated to be the president of the first Continental Congress, but he didn’t

win the first time.

• He was a member of the congress from 1777- 1786.

• He was elected as the fourth president and the thirteenth.

• He served as governor of Massachusetts for nine terms.

• This picture is of John presiding as president of the Continental Congress.

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THE BOSTON TEA PARTY• The 1773 Boston tea party was when the colonists were bringing in tea from the east

India company and England.

• The colonists went to the Boston Harbor and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor while John Hancock stood on guard.

• This was happening because people were revolting about the British taxes .

These pictures are of the Boston tea party.

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SIGNING THE DECLARATION• John was the president of the Continental Congress in 1776 when he signed the

Declaration of Independence at the age of thirty- nine.

• He signed his signature so large because he wanted to get the attention of King George III.

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DEATH• John Hancock died on October eighth, seventeen- ninety- three from a bad case of gout.

• His wife was by his side when he died.

• He was serving his ninth term as Governor of Massachusetts when he died at the age of fifty- six.

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HOW HIS LEGACY LIVES ON• There is a building in Chicago named after John Hancock. It is one of the tallest buildings

in the world.

• There is a John Hancock tower in Boston, Massachusetts

• One of the largest insurance companies in the world was named after him.

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WHAT IS HE REMEMBERED FOR THE MOST?• John Hancock is remembered the most by his LARGE signature on the Declaration Of


• People all over the world refer to a person’s signature as their “John Hancock”.

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ENDING SLIDE• Goodbye for now thank you for listening to hear my life story!

• I hope you enjoyed time traveling to the 1700s