john de nugent on september 5, 2015 ominous · by john de nugent on august 31, 2015 ... taylor...

Suspended by Faceberg; nearing race war in America and Europe; even willowy Taylor Swift is trash-talked as a racist; Brad Pitt, vile race traitor by JOHN DE NUGENT on SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 .....Ominous .....Suspended by Kikebook for 30 days I can't post anything for 26 more days, but you can post good items yourself on my FB page at

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The Jew goal is "integration" and then race war - to exterminate the white boys, men and older women, then rape and breed with their defenseless young women.


.....Goes for America too


.....OMINOUS GERMAN REPORT I think that many Americna do not realize how serious things are in Germany. No, it is not the usual immigration, as bad as that was.

It really seems like quasi-soldiers for a muslim-on-white race war are coming, and they have been promised they can kill the men and rape the white women as much as they want. The look in the eyes of these "asylum-seekers" and their behavior is radically different from that of migrants even six months ago.

Syrians skip all these countries that are free of war and genetically similar to get to hard-working Germany and

cash in.

German woman flips out when crypto-Jewess chancellor Merkel visits Heidenau, which is being inundated with violent blacks and Arabs. (She calls her every name in the book, starting with "ugly whore"... )

This patriotic magazine, publshed by a former leftist and former jew-lover named Jürgen Elsässer, calls her

"Momma multiculti."

GERMAN "refugees" in Dresden steal openly from German stores and show white women their penis BY JOHN DE NUGENT ON AUGUST 31, 2015

Dresden was almost totally destroyed in WWII, but it has

been beautifully rebuilt by the hard-working Germans.

Now 25,000 muslims a day (blacks and Arabs) are pouring

in to live off the Germans, steal from and rape them.

.... Eyewitness account from Pack-istan [This graphic below is a bitter pun on the word "Pakistan" referring to a violent muslim country, and also to the insulting German word "das Pack", meaning "white trash" in German. This very word for "white trash" was infamously used by the crypto-Jewish female chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, to describe the furious German demonstrators against illegal-immigrant "asylum seekers," who

are streaming into the Fatherland to the tune of 25,000 a day -- into an area only he size of Montana, already ridiculously overpopulated, and then spreading their literal filth, crime and muslim terror.]

Subject: asylum-seekers go shopping for free

[By Monika Scholz] I was shopping with my kids in Dresden at Primark 14 days ago.

Some [of these "refugee"] families bought entirely new wardrobes. I saw four families with three to five children each. They just threw their old clothes under the clothes rack. We actually observed this for quite some time. [This is not a sheepish attitude of people slipping over the border and wanting to go low-profle; they are full of open hatred and open contempt for the Germans. Someone is putting this in their heads. They are acting like

conquerors who are pillaging, or as if they were told that soon they would literally conquer the Germans physically and be on top as their masters.] They then all left the store without paying. The store security guards let them go without a word. On the same day we saw the same thing goin on at S. Oliver. [This is an upscale clothing store.]

Two men came in, looked around, then each grabbed two shirts, stuffed thejmin a bag and walked out without paying.

Noody said a thing. We then talked to the cashier, who told us they were instructed to do nothing about it. But we [as Germans] had to pay € 100. Who pays for the theft of stock or is that planned into the price these days? The same game at Penny's in Meissen on Rosa-Luxembourg -Street. I was shopping and was at checkout, and ahead of me were two "asylum seekers" from across the street.

The cashier said, "please put the items on the conveyor belt." The one guy said:

"No money; paid car" and just walked through.

Now it was my turn, and this was my weekend shopping. I said also "No money; paid car!" She laughed, and said, "Ah, but if you go through without paying, I have to call the cops." I do not understand the world any more. That takes the cake. And now comes the worst of all. This week, again with Penny's, six young men, asylum seekers from across the way, began harassing [our German] women,m and age was no object. You get winked at, they make kissy-mouth, and follow you right out the store. An elderly lady told me outside the store they were even after her. And now she is wondering if she will ever shop at Penny's again. We went across the street together, and now we really could not believe our eyes.

It was 10 am. The window at the asylum seekers' place were open, and young men were standing in their underwear on chairs and dancing. When women walked by the window they pulled their underpants down. Now what that has to do with "integration," I don't know. I no longer go shopping at Penny's, and on our side of the road, where I live, I can no longer go for a walk. The words which they toss at our women and girls are simply below the belt. These words I refuse to repeat. They are not part of my vocabulary. So, now I have let off some steam.. [Ironic graphic: When communist Eas

tGermany fell in 1989,the famous saying of the rebels was "Wir sind das Volk," meaning "we are the people."

But now that the chancellor has called critics of the "refugees" das Pack"

[the rabble], the slogna is"Wir sind das Pack" = "We are 'the rabble.'"]

Another German comrade wrote me:

One thing that I failed to mention is about their behavior in the streets when they aren't "shopping". They seem all to be itching to do what they so much love to do. They seem like harangued soldiers, anxious to go into battle. Perhaps they have been promised something that appeals to their depraved lusts. I asked him if he felt they were quasi-soldiers, sent on a mission to rape and massacre. He replied:

Not sure but it seems to me that this could be the case. They are barely able to contain themselves (showing thier

penises, etc.) and obviously are ready and itching for some kind of depraved action.

Since there are many such acts of misconduct or outright criminal activity being reported from all over, I think they could indeed be on a military mission, whether they know it or not.

But promises must have been made to them. How could one otherwise explain such open eagerness for depraved things, and on such a widespread scale?

Maybe it is something like the Soviet invasion of [Germany in 1944-45] in WWII; there could be a similar thing brewing.

A graphic by Finnish WNS of the policy of the Finnish

government, which is "come and rape our women." Some white Finnish women have, after rape, even been given (warning -- gruesome) , using scissors, a clitorectomy, especially by the Somalis, who are muslim Africans.

.....Taylor Swift's new Wildest Dreams video criticized as 'racist'