john buckland-wright

in association with the estate of John Buckland-Wright THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF JOHN BUCKLAND-WRIGHT

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Catalogue of illustrations annotated by Chris Buckland-Wright.


Page 1: John Buckland-Wright

in association with the estate of John Buckland-Wright


Page 2: John Buckland-Wright

In the 1930’s, 1940’s and early 1950’s three

artists did a great deal to launch British

engraving into the exciting waters of

contemporary European art: the New

Zealander John Buckland Wright and two

Englishmen William Hayter and Anthony

Gross. They all had French attachments and

were quite independent of the influences of

earlier and highly successful schools of

British engraving. My father, John Buckland

Wright helped Hayter to found his famous

Atelier 17 in Paris. At this workshop, in

which artists experimented at novel

methods of printmaking, my father worked

with artists such as Matisse, Chagall,

Picasso, Miró, Dali. Later when teaching at





the Camberwell and Slade Schools of Art,

he was able to communicate to his pupils

his experience of how these artists worked.

My father’s work is characterized by the

portrayal of the sensuous nude, in which the

female form is depicted with grace and

charm. The source for his artistic expression

has its origin in his experiences during the

First World War. Having joined the Scottish

Ambulance Service, he was seconded to

the French Army at Verdun, the sector in

which the French suffered the greatest

devastation during the First World War.

There he witnessed harrowing scenes of

human devastation while rescuing wounded

and dying men from the front line trenches.

Following the war, my father found relief in

drawing the female figure that incorporated

the romantic ideal of Greek philosophy into

the very essence of the emotional

expression of his work. Through his art he

was able to come to terms with the horrors

he had experienced during the war and to

restore unity and tranquillity to the

devastated landscapes, to repair the

damage that war had wrought on his love of

nature. Once more he would fill his world

with beauty of a timeless quality he had

experienced in the gardens and countryside

of New Zealand and England. He found his

emotional renewal through his art. It was in

this way that he was able to express his

Page 3: John Buckland-Wright

While walking the dog…

PLEASE NOTE: The reproduction sizes in this catalogue are not relative to each other.Prices include VAT | P-Size=Paper size | I-Size=Image size

fundamental belief in the renewal of life and

of the human spirit and to rediscover the joy

he felt as a young man in nature’s soothing


This exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to

view a comprehensive retrospective

collection of one of the greatest book

illustrators of the 1930’ and 1940’s. At the

Brook Gallery exhibition we are able to

appreciate John Buckland Wright’s work as

a book illustrator and of which he said of


‘I prefer the freer, more or less abstract

sphere of poetry, or the synthesising of a

whole story into one cut, which creates an

atmosphere rather than picturing any

definite scene. I dislike pure illustration as

much as anecdote’.

CChhrriissttoopphheerr BBuucckkllaanndd--WWrriigghhtt || Jun 2011

John Buckland-Wright has been a name that

has been of greatest interest to me since

seeing his work at many of the auctions that

I visit, with his sensuous and provocative

engravings which bely the medium with

which they were created. It was then my

great fortune to meet Chris, the son of the

artist on many occasions while walking our

respective canines around our lovely East

Budleigh home village. Conceived through

these meetings, and now a reality we have

worked hard to create a personal and

intimate exhibition of engravings by John

Buckland-Wright in support of the 3rd

Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival. I would

like to personally thank Chris for all of his

patience and commitment in allowing us a

great insight into an artist who played no

small part in setting the standard for

illustration in the early 20th century.

AAnnggeellaa YYaarrwwoooodd || Brook Gallery

Page 4: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee ccoolllleecctteedd ssoonnnneettss,, JJoohhnn KKeeaattss,, 11993300Printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, for Halcyon Press, and published by A.A.M. Stols,Maastricht, Brussels and London in an edition of 375 numbered copies.

John Keats was my father’sfavourite poet. This is his firstpublished book, for whichhe prepared 11 woodengravings. In addition hecut a further 5 designswhich were not included inthe book and a couple ofwhich are shown here.

To G. A. W., sonnet no. X (Cover image)

Wood engraving Artist’s proof, titled and signed with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 255mm x 170mmI-Size: 115mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £500

Page 5: John Buckland-Wright

On Leaving Some Friends at an Early Hour, sonnet no. XV(the alternative design)

Wood engraving Artist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 180mmI-Size: 115mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 6: John Buckland-Wright

Happy is England! . . ., sonnet no. XX(the alternative design)

Wood engraving Artist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 171mmI-Size: 115mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 7: John Buckland-Wright

To a Lady seen for a few Moments at Vauxhall, sonnet no. XLIV

Wood engraving 3rd state, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 185mm x 145mmI-Size: 115mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 8: John Buckland-Wright

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:Apocalypse No. III

Wood engraving Artist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 280mm x 205mmI-Size: 255mm x 180mmUnframed

Price: £450

TThhee AAppooccaallyyppssee ooff SSttJJoohhnn tthhee DDiivviinnee.. 11993322 Only four of the suite of engravings was completed (numbers I, III, IV and V) for A.A.M. Stols, TheHalcyon Press, Maastricht. Unpublished book. A number of trial proofs were pulled from the blocks.

Page 9: John Buckland-Wright
Page 10: John Buckland-Wright

DDoolloorreess,, AAllggeemmoonn CChhaarrlleess SSwwiinnbbuurrnnee.. 11993333 Privately printed by A.A.M. Stols at Maastricht for Baron Emile Van der Borch. The first edition has 50numbered copies and the second 40 numbered copies.

First edition, Figure No. 8 and Second edition, Figure No. 8

Wood engravingsArtist’s proof with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 245mm x 165mmI-Size: 105mm x 50mmUnframed

Price: £760 pair

Page 11: John Buckland-Wright

First edition, Figure No. 2

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 245mm x 165mmI-Size: 100mm x 50mmUnframed

Price: £400

First edition, Figure No. 4

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 245mm x 165mmI-Size: 100mm x 50mmUnframed

Price: £400

The poem in 440 lines portrays the figure of “Dolores,Our Lady of Pain”, as she is so named at the close ofmany of the stanzas. The speaker of the poem is thevoice of a besotted lover, faced with, and lamenting,Swinburne’s particular ruthless representation of the

sacred feminine, embodied here as the ‘Lady of Pain’.For this poem by Swinburne my father prepared 11 woodengravings. In the First Edition the nudes are in white line,whereas in the Second Edition the original blocks werefurther worked and cut away to produce silhouette figures.

Page 12: John Buckland-Wright

Second edition, Figure No. 7

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 245mm x 165mmI-Size: 105mm x 40mmUnframed

Price: £400

Second edition, Figure No. 10

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 245mm x 165mmI-Size: 105mm x 40mmUnframed

Price: £400

Page 13: John Buckland-Wright

FFrreeee vviissttaass,, eeddiitteedd bbyy JJoosseepphh IIsshhiillll,, 11993333Oriole Press, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Edition of 290 copies.

Summer Idyll, 1931

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, initialled and dated on the page with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 165mm x 125mmI-Size: 38mm x 55mmUnframed

Price: £250

Girl Reclining, 1932

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 104mm x 100mmI-Size: 26mm x 62mmUnframed

Price: £250

Free Vistas was intended as anannual, containing a series of shortstories and poems, as well asillustrations. Included in the book werereproductions of a number of myfather’s larger wood engravings, healso provided several small woodengravings.

Page 14: John Buckland-Wright


Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 235mm x 235mmI-Size: 162mm x 149mmUnframed

Price: £500

CCaalleennddaarr:: FFoouurr SSeeaassoonnss 11993355 Published by L.C. Boucher, Folemprise, The Hague.

Page 15: John Buckland-Wright


Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 235mm x 235mmI-Size: 162mm x 149mmUnframed

Price: £500

Page 16: John Buckland-Wright

YYeeww--lleeaaff aanndd lloottuuss--ppeettaall:: ssoonnnneettss,, JJoohhnn EEvveellyynn BBaarrllaass.. 11993355Oriole Press, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Edition of 130 copies.

Moon Lady

Wood engraving75mm x 75mm, artist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

+ Golden Study

Wood engraving75mm x 75mm, page proof from book

P-Size: 370mm x 290mmUnframed

Price: £650

Page 17: John Buckland-Wright

The Haunted Castle

Wood engravingArtist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 190mm x 135mmI-Size: 75mm x 75mmUnframed

Price: £400

John Evelyn Barlas (1860-1914) was associated with William Morris’‘Commonweal’. His devotion to the ideal of beauty, as seen in his poems, wasthe basis for the both the printer/publisher Joseph Ishill and for my father topublish this beautiful book.

Page 18: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee mmoosstt pplleeaassaanntt aanndd ddeelleeccttaabbllee ttaallee ooff tthhee mmaarrrriiaaggee ooff CCuuppiidd aanndd PPssyycchheess,, 11993366 From the golden asse of Lucius Apuleius, translated out of the Latin by William Adlington. Printed byJoh. Enschede en Zonen, Haarlem, for J .B. W. Editions. Edition of 50 numbered copies.

Headpiece: Goat girl

Copper engravingartist’s proof numbered 5/14, signed with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 210mm x 150mmI-Size: 45mm x 88mmUnframed

Price: £400

This is the second book my father designed, illustrated and published.These books are rare and are highly sought after by collectors.

The text describes how Venus jealous of the beauty of a mortal girl namedPsyche asks her son Cupid to use his golden arrows to make Psyche fall inlove with a vile creature. On seeing Psyche, Cupid falls in love with Psyche.Venus is furious and places a curse upon Psyche and forces her to submitto a series of impossible trials. Psyche is helped to overcome these tests.Lovelorn Cupid appeals to Jupiter to help him. Jupiter then has Psychefetched to Mount Olympus and grants her immortality. Psyche and Cupidhave a daughter, called Voluptas, the goddess of ‘sensual pleasures’.

Page 19: John Buckland-Wright

Venus Calling the Sea Gods

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 330mm x 250mmI-Size: 127mm x 87mmUnframed

Price: £600

Venus, Ceres & Juno

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 220mmI-Size: 127mm x 87mmUnframed

Price: £600

Page 20: John Buckland-Wright

LLoovvee nniigghhtt,, PPoowwyyss MMaatthheerrss.. 11993366Golden Cockerel Press, London. The artist’s first commission for the Golden Cockerel Press. Editionof 200 numbered copies.

Headpiece to Act III

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 160mmI-Size: 75mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £350

Page 21: John Buckland-Wright

Wild Bee Hunter & Red Jasmine I

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 160mmI-Size: 160mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £550

Wild Bee Hunter & Red Jasmine II

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 160mmI-Size: 160mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £550

This is the first book that my father illustrated for theGolden Cockerel Press. In due course my fatherbecame the principal book illustrator for the GoldenCockerel Press, until post war financial constraints

forced the press to close down in the 1950’s.My father provided 15 wood engravings for the textand an additional 6 engravings for the special copiesfor the Laotian love story.

Page 22: John Buckland-Wright

MMaaddeemmooiisseellllee ddee MMaauuppiinn,, TThheeoopphhiillee GGaauuttiieerr,, 11993388Translated by R. and E. Powys Mathers. Golden Cockerel Press, London, in an edition of 500numbered copies.

Frontispiece: The three Graces

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 330mm x 250mmI-Size: 170mm x 126mmUnframed

Price: £550

Gautier’s plot describes a simplelove triangle between a man,d’Albert, and his mistress, Rosette,who both fall in love with Madeleinede Maupin, who is disguised as aman named Théodore. Themessage behind Gautier’s tale isthe fundamental pessimism aboutthe human identity. The novelconsists of seventeen chapters,most in the form of letters written byd’Albert or Madeleine. Literarycommentators focus on the prefaceof the novel, which preaches about‘Art for Art’s Sake’ through its dictumthat “everything useful is ugly”.

Page 23: John Buckland-Wright

D’Albert and his Ideal

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and signed on sheet with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 255mm x 210mmI-Size: 170mm x 126mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 24: John Buckland-Wright

Theodore in the bedroom

Copper engravingartist’s proof, signed with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 255mm x 205mmI-Size: 170mm x 126mmUnframed

Price: £500

Page 25: John Buckland-Wright


Copper engravingartist’s proof, signed with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 260mm x 205mmI-Size: 170mm x 126mmUnframed

Price: £500

Page 26: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee GGoollddeenn CCoocckkeerreell RRuubbaaiiyyaatt ooff OOmmaarr KKhhaayyyyaamm,, 11993388Translated by Fitzgerald. Golden Cockerel Press, London, in an edition of 300 numbered copies.

Omar Khayyam No. 1

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 300mm x 170mmI-Size: 208mm x 106mmUnframed

Price: £500

Omar Khayyam No. 8

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 300mm x 170mmI-Size: 208mm x 106mmUnframed

Price: £525

Page 27: John Buckland-Wright

Omar Khayyam Special No. 3

Copper engravingartist’s proof, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 300mm x 210mmI-Size: 208mm x 106mmUnframed

Price: £600

Omar Khayyam Special No. 4

Copper engravingartist’s proof, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 300mm x 210mmI-Size: 208mm x 106mmUnframed

Price: £600

When designing the illustrations for this book, my fatherwrote to Christopher Sandford of the Golden CockerelPress, describing his intentions: “The main theme will bepresented by a couple in every plate, drinking, making

love or in contemplation. The background will suite themood and has an occasional reference to the versesopposite. The variety will be in the positions of the couple,the background and the rhythm of the underlying design.”

Page 28: John Buckland-Wright

PPeerrvviiggiilliiuumm VVeenneerriiss:: TThhee VViiggiill ooff VVeennuuss,, AAnnoonnyymmoouuss,, 11993399Translated by F.L. Lucas. Golden Cockerel Press, London. 100 numbered copies.

Page 29: John Buckland-Wright

O Maid of Delos, Venus sends maids chaste as thou

Copper engraving with sugar lift aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 290mm x 220mmI-Size: 75mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £500

Hark, the chattering swans are calling

Copper engraving with sugar lift aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 330mm x 260mmI-Size: 72mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £500

For my silence Phoebus scorns me

Copper engraving with sugar lift aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 330mm x 260mmI-Size: 72mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £500

The Vigil of Venus is a Latin poem, probably written inthe 4th century, professedly in early spring on the eve ofa three-nights’ festival of Venus (probably April 1-3). Thepoem describes the annual awakening of the vegetable

and animal world through the goddess. It is notablebecause of its focus on the natural world – somethingnever before seen in Roman poetry – which marks thetransition from Roman poetry to Medieval poetry.

Page 30: John Buckland-Wright

MMaatttthheeww FFlliinnddeerrss'' nnaarrrraattiivvee ooff hhiiss vvooyyaaggee iinn tthhee sscchhoooonneerr FFrraanncciiss,, GG.. RRaawwssoonn,, 11994466Golden Cockerel Press, London. 750 numbered copies.

The wreck of the Porpoise & Cato

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 140mm x 170mmI-Size: 90mm x 127mmUnframed

Price: £500

Captain Matthew Flinders RN (1774-1814) was oneof the most successful navigators and cartographersof his age. In a career that spanned just over twentyyears, he sailed with Captain William Bligh,

circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use ofthat name for the continent, which had previouslybeen known as New Holland.

Page 31: John Buckland-Wright

EEnnddyymmiioonn,, JJoohhnn KKeeaattss,, 11994477Golden Cockerel Press, London. 500 numbered copies.


Wood engravingartist’s proof, with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 230mm x 160mmI-Size: 200mm x 135mmUnframed

Price: £550

This book was my father’s magnumopus and is regarded as the mostimportant book produced at theGolden Cockerel Press by its ownerand publisher Christopher Sandford.

The poem describes how theshepherds gather around an alter andpray to Pan, god of shepherds andflocks. As the youths sing and dance,Endymion lies in a trancelike state. Hissister, Peona, takes him away andbrings him to her resting place wherehe sleeps. After he wakes, he tellsPeona of his encounter with Cynthia,the goddess of the moon, and howmuch he loved her.

In Book I: Endymion gives an account ofhis dreams and experiences, as relatedto Peona. In Book II: Endymion venturesinto the underworld in search of his love.Book III: reveals Endymion’s enduringlove for Cynthia, and he begs the Moonnot to torment him any longer. Book IV:‘And so he groan’d, as one by beautyslain.’ He is miserable until quitesuddenly he comes upon his love. Shethen tells him of how she tried to forgethim, but that in the end, ‘There is notone,/ No, no, not one/ But thee.’

Page 32: John Buckland-Wright

Frontispiece to Book I

Wood engravingsigned, titled and dated ’44

P-Size: 230mm x 130mmI-Size: 200mm x 108mmUnframed

Price: £600

Page 33: John Buckland-Wright

Gathering Round the Alter

Wood engravingartist’s proof, with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 220mm x 170mmI-Size: 138mm x 107mmUnframed

Price: £400

Page 34: John Buckland-Wright

Pan II

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 110mm x 140mmI-Size: 85mm x 107mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 35: John Buckland-Wright

On the Side of Latmos

Wood engravingartist’s proof, titled, signed and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 140mm x 210mmI-Size: 75mm x 107mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 36: John Buckland-Wright

Tiptoe Night

Wood engravingartist’s proof, with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 230mm x 160mmI-Size: 200mm x 107mmUnframed

Price: £550


Page 37: John Buckland-Wright
Page 38: John Buckland-Wright

Headpiece to Book 3

Wood engravingartist’s proof with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 220mm x 140mmI-Size: 70mm x 107mmUnframed

Price: £300

Page 39: John Buckland-Wright

Frontispiece: The Mill, Granchester

Pencil and ink wash drawing with reproduction of the scraper-board drawing,

P-Size: 400mm x 500mmI-Size: 150mm x 260mmUnframed

Price: £500

PPooeemmss,, RRuuppeerrtt BBrrooookkee,, 11994488The Folio Society, London. Unlimited edition.

The nine scraper-board drawings were reproduced at half their original size of 10 x 7inches. Shown here are the original drawing for the illustration and the proof pull for thereproduced illustration.

Page 40: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee OOddyysssseeyy.. HHoommeerr.. TTrraannssllaatteedd iinn sseelleeccttiioonn iinn vveerrssee bbyy FF..LL.. LLuuccaass,, 11994488The Folio Society. London. Unlimited edition.

Odysseus & Nausicaä

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 270mm x 180mmI-Size: 160mm x 96mmUnframed

Price: £350

The book is illustrated with 16 copperengravings in collotype reproduction.The illustration here is one of theartist’s proofs.

The poem mainly centers on theGreek hero Odysseus and his longjourney home following the fall of Troy.It takes Odysseus ten years to reachIthaca after the ten-year Trojan War. Inhis absence, it is assumed he hasdied, and his wife Penelope and sonTelemachus must deal with a group ofunruly suitors competing forPenelope's hand in marriage.

Page 41: John Buckland-Wright

Hero Set Forth her Lamp

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 200mm x 140mmI-Size: 137mm x 92mmUnframed

Price: £400

HHeerroo aanndd LLeeaannddeerr.. MMuussaaeeuuss.. TTrraannssllaatteedd bbyy FF..LL.. LLuuccaass,, 11994499Golden Cockerel Press. London. 500 numbered copies.

The text tells how Hero dwelt in atower in Sestos on the European sideof the Dardanelles, and Leander, ayoung man from Abydos, lived on theopposite side of the strait. Leander fellin love with Hero and would swimevery night across the Hellespont tobe with her. Hero would light a lamp atthe top of the tower to guide his way.Succumbing to Leander’s soft words,Hero allowed him to make love to her.This routine lasted through the warmsummer. But one stormy winter night,the waves tossed Leander in the seaand the breeze blew out Hero’s light,Leander lost his way and wasdrowned. Hero threw herself from thetower in grief and died as well.

Page 42: John Buckland-Wright

Hero Pulling Away from Leander

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 260mm x 200mmI-Size: 137mm x 92mmUnframed

Price: £400

Page 43: John Buckland-Wright

Pasiphaë and the Nurse

Copper engravingartist’s proof, signed and dated

P-Size: 210mm x 145mmI-Size: 137mm x 92mmUnframed

Price: £325

PPaassiipphhaaëë.. AAllggeerrnnoonn CChhaarrlleess SSwwiinnbbuurrnnee,, 11995500Golden Cockerel Press, London. 500 numbered copies.

A curse from Poseidon causedPasiphaë to experience lust for andmate with a white bull sent byPoseidon. In order to actually copulatewith the bull, she had the Athenianartificer Daedalus construct a portablewooden cow with a cowhidecovering, within which she was able tosatisfy her strong desire. The ‘Bull’represented the old pre-OlympianPoseidon.

Page 44: John Buckland-Wright

Paris & Helen

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 150mmI-Size: 175mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £350

TThhee IIlliiaadd.. HHoommeerr,, ttrraannssllaatteedd iinn sseelleeccttiioonn iinn vveerrssee bbyy FF..LL.. LLuuccaass,, 11995500 The Folio Society, London. Unlimited edition.

The book is illustrated with 9 copperengravings in collotype reproduction.The illustrations here are proofs pulledby the artist.

Although the story covers only a fewweeks in the final year of the TrojanWar, the Iliad describes the legendsabout the siege, the earlier events,such as the gathering of warriors forthe siege and the cause of the war.Towards the end of the poem occurthe events prophesied for the future,such as Achilles' looming death andthe sack of Troy.

Page 45: John Buckland-Wright

Death of Hector

Copper engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 250mm x 160mmI-Size: 175mm x 100mmUnframed

Price: £325

Page 46: John Buckland-Wright

SSaallmmaacciiss aanndd HHeerrmmaapphhrrooddiittuuss.. AAttttrriibbuutteedd ttoo FFrraanncciiss BBeeaauummoonntt,, 11995511Golden Cockerel Press, London. 380 numbered copies.

Title page: Salmacis, the Naiad bathing

Three block colour wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 160mm x 200mmI-Size: 90mm x 115mmUnframed

Price: £450

Page 47: John Buckland-Wright

Salmacis in the lily pond

Three block colour wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 320mm x 200mmI-Size: 205mm x 120mmUnframed

Price: £550

This is the first book my fatherillustrated using colour woodengraving which achieved with threeblocks.

It was in the woods of Caria, thatHermaphroditus encountered thenymph, Salamacis, in her pool. Shewas overcome by lust for the boy,who was very handsome but stillyoung. She tried to seduce him butwas rejected. When he thought hergone, Hermaphroditus undressed andentered the waters of the empty pool.Salamacis sprang out from behind atree and jumped into the pool. Shewrapped herself around the boy,forcibly kissing him. While hestruggled, she called out to the godsthat they should never part. Her wishwas granted, and their bodiesblended into one form, ‘a creature ofboth sexes’.

Page 48: John Buckland-Wright

Hermaphroditus Teased by the Nymphs

Three block colour wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 320mm x 210mmI-Size: 200mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £500

Page 49: John Buckland-Wright

Salmacis Combing her Hair

Three block colour wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 320mm x 200mmI-Size: 200mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £550

Page 50: John Buckland-Wright

‘At her loose speech Hermaphroditus blusht’

Three block colour wood engravingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 320mm x 200mmI-Size: 200mm x 125mmUnframed

Price: £500


Page 51: John Buckland-Wright
Page 52: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee DDeeccaammeerroonn ((TThhee ffiirrsstt ffiivvee ddaayyss)),, BBooccccaacccciioo,, ttrraannssllaatteedd bbyy RR.. AAllddiinnggttoonn,, 11995544The Folio Society, London. Unlimited edition.

Second day, seventh tale: Alatiel undressed herself before him

Etching and aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 255mm x 160mmI-Size: 177mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £400

Third day, sixth tale: Ricciardo made no reply; he kept embracing & kissing her more than ever

Etching and aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 290mm x 200mmI-Size: 177mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £400

Page 53: John Buckland-Wright

TThhee DDeeccaammeerroonn ((TThhee sseeccoonndd ffiivvee ddaayyss)),, BBooccccaacccciioo,, ttrraannssllaatteedd bbyy RR.. AAllddiinnggttoonn,, 11995555The Folio Society, London. Unlimited edition.

Eighth day, seventh tale: Elena dipped seven times holding theimage in her hand

Etching and aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 260mm x 160mmI-Size: 177mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £375

Ninth day, second tale: The guilty novice in her timidity didnot know what to reply

Etching and aquatintartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 255mm x 160mmI-Size: 177mm x 105mmUnframed

Price: £375

Page 54: John Buckland-Wright

Faun spying on nymphs bathing

Copper engraving with soft ground etchingartist’s proof, titled and dated with studio stamp verso

P-Size: 280mm x 200mmI-Size: 187mm x 110mmUnframed

Price: £550

LL''aapprreess--mmiiddii dd''uunn ffaauunnee ((AAfftteerrnnoooonn ooff aa ffaauunn)),, SStteepphhaannee MMaallllaarrmmee,, 11995566Printed at Mouton & Co. for J.B.W. Editions, The Hague (and London). Edition of 50 numbered copies.

This third and last of my father’s‘J.B.W. Editions’ was first conceived inthe 1930’s and was not finished in hislifetime. It was publishedposthumously with reproductions ofthe ink wash illustrations he had beenworking on as well as a suite ofexperimental copper plate engravings.

The poem describes the sensualexperiences of a faun who has justwoken up from his afternoon sleep.

Page 55: John Buckland-Wright
Page 56: John Buckland-Wright

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