jogging track development strategy in ......i made suwitra wirya, yunik anggreni management business...

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 219 JOGGING TRACK DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN BORDERLINE RIVER / TUKAD YEH POH DALUNG VILLAGES A LEADING TOURIST ATTRACTION BADUNG REGENCY, BALI I Gusti Agung Bagus Widiantara, I Putu Agus Suarsana Ariesta, I Made Suwitra Wirya, Yunik Anggreni Management Business Hospitality,STIPAR Triatma Jaya [email protected] ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to obtain a Jogging Track Development Strategy in the Borderline River / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village as a Main Tourism Attraction in Badung Regency and in order to understand the potency and the strategy of Jogging Track Development in the border line of the Yeh Poh River in Dalung Village. The variables observed in this research activities include: Physical conditions, social conditions (Social conditions that need to be considered especially demographic conditions and social relations in society), Economic activities (Economic activities that need to be understood are livelihoods, income, economic activities, sources of community income), Social Culture, Policies and regulations (There are 2 types policies in Dalung Village namely cultural policies and customary villages policies) then the data of this study is analyzed by using SWOT analysis (descriptive qualitative) and the results is the Jogging Track development strategy is in quadrant V, which means maintain and unchanged strategy to continue for developing as a leading tourist attraction in Badung Regency, the privilege in natural beauty, the existence of Pura Dalem Sempua and Beji Sempua as an attraction for spiritual tourism. The building of Sempua Temple is also unique with traditional Balinese architecture. The pattern of temple still applies with Tri Mandala Concept which is still preserved until now days. The development of the attractiveness of Sport Tourism must be linked to other tourism potentials such as cultural tourism, culinary tourism and spiritual tourism. The existence of this Jogging Track must be combined with other variety of tourist activities in Dalung Village with tourist attractions from other villages. The development of cultural tourism attractions is not enough with this Jogging Track only but also the environment of the Dalung Village, such as maintaining the preservation of the surrounding nature, maintaining the existence of signposts towards the location of attractions and increasing public participation including in terms of maintaining the sanctity of the area of Pura Dalem Sempua. Which in the end the overall activity on this jogging track is a variety of tourist attractions that are able to attract domestic and foreign tourists to come to the Jogging Track on the Border Line of the River / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village? Keywords: Development Strategy, Jogging Track, Sport Tourism, Tourist Attraction. Introduction Badung Regency has a tourist attraction that is famous to the international world, starting from Kuta, Nusa Dua, Uluwatu and almost all the beaches in the Badung Regency. These beaches not only function as a meeting between land and sea but also have another function, namely as a tourism area. Aside from being a beautiful beach as well as a sacred area, Badung Regency also has a River Border that is no less beautiful and has a

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ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 219



I Gusti Agung Bagus Widiantara, I Putu Agus Suarsana Ariesta, I Made Suwitra Wirya, Yunik Anggreni

Management Business Hospitality,STIPAR Triatma Jaya [email protected]


The purpose of this study is to obtain a Jogging Track Development Strategy in the Borderline River / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village as a Main Tourism Attraction in Badung Regency and in order to understand the potency and the strategy of Jogging Track Development in the border line of the Yeh Poh River in Dalung Village. The variables observed in this research activities include: Physical conditions, social conditions (Social conditions that need to be considered especially demographic conditions and social relations in society), Economic activities (Economic activities that need to be understood are livelihoods, income, economic activities, sources of community income), Social Culture, Policies and regulations (There are 2 types policies in Dalung Village namely cultural policies and customary villages policies) then the data of this study is analyzed by using SWOT analysis (descriptive qualitative) and the results is the Jogging Track development strategy is in quadrant V, which means maintain and unchanged strategy to continue for developing as a leading tourist attraction in Badung Regency, the privilege in natural beauty, the existence of Pura Dalem Sempua and Beji Sempua as an attraction for spiritual tourism. The building of Sempua Temple is also unique with traditional Balinese architecture. The pattern of temple still applies with Tri Mandala Concept which is still preserved until now days. The development of the attractiveness of Sport Tourism must be linked to other tourism potentials such as cultural tourism, culinary tourism and spiritual tourism. The existence of this Jogging Track must be combined with other variety of tourist activities in Dalung Village with tourist attractions from other villages. The development of cultural tourism attractions is not enough with this Jogging Track only but also the environment of the Dalung Village, such as maintaining the preservation of the surrounding nature, maintaining the existence of signposts towards the location of attractions and increasing public participation including in terms of maintaining the sanctity of the area of Pura Dalem Sempua. Which in the end the overall activity on this jogging track is a variety of tourist attractions that are able to attract domestic and foreign tourists to come to the Jogging Track on the Border Line of the River / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village? Keywords: Development Strategy, Jogging Track, Sport Tourism, Tourist Attraction. Introduction Badung Regency has a tourist attraction that is famous to the international world, starting from Kuta, Nusa Dua, Uluwatu and almost all the beaches in the Badung Regency. These beaches not only function as a meeting between land and sea but also have another function, namely as a tourism area. Aside from being a beautiful beach as well as a sacred area, Badung Regency also has a River Border that is no less beautiful and has a


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 220

high spiritual value. One of them is the Borderline of the river Tukad Yeh Poh which flows from north to south, dividing the Dalung Village of the North Kuta District of Badung into two parts, namely the eastern and western parts. Since time immemorial, the river / Tukad Yeh Poh was used as the boundary of two traditional villages in Dalung. The eastern part of the river / Tukad Yeh Poh is the area of the Padang Luwih Traditional Village, while in the west the river / Tukad Yeh Poh is the area of the Dalung Traditional Village. The existence of the river / Tukad Yeh Poh is quite important in the life of the Dalung community and surrounding villages. The existence of this river is used for irrigation of paddy fields or fields, bathing, washing, sports facilities to function as a sacred area with the existence of Sempua and Beji Sempuana Temples in this river flow. Over time, the border line of the Tukad Yeh Poh river gets various pressures according to the interests of the community. Starting from the rampant land use change for settlements to pollution. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to take measures to secure the river borderline by making a Jogging Track which is also an act of increasing utilization in accordance with tourism development which in turn to provide maximum benefits in the economy and preservation of the local area. So from that research entitled "Jogging Tracks in the Borderline of the river / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village as a Leading Tourist Attraction in Badung Regency Bali, needs to be implemented. Problem Formulation Based on the background of the problems that have been described previously, the following research problems can be formulated: 1. How potential is Jogging Track on the border line of the tukad Yeh Poh Dalung village as a leading tourist attraction in Badung regency, Bali? 2. What is the strategy for developing Jogging Track potential on the border line of the tukad Yeh Poh Dalung village as a leading tourist attraction in Badung regency, Bali? Research purposes The objectives to be achieved in this research are: 1. To find out the potential of the Jogging Track on the border line of the Tukad Yeh Poh river in Dalung Village as the Main Tourist Attraction in Badung Regency, Bali? 2. To find out the strategy for developing Jogging Track potential in the border line of the Tukad Yeh Poh river in Dalung Village as the Main Tourist Attraction in Badung Regency, Bali? Research Benefits: The benefit to be gained from this research is to be able to apply the theory of development and sport tourism that is available and it is expected that this research can contribute thoughts in the development of the river border / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung Village as the Main Attraction Attraction in Badung Regency, Bali. Literature review Objects and Attractions According to Law No. 10 of 2009 the definition of tourist attraction is anything that has a uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of diversity in natural wealth, culture, and man-made products that are the target or destination of tourist visits. Tourism is a variety of tourism activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, business people, government, and local government. Tourism potential is everything that is a mainstay of tourist attraction to visit


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 221

in a place. The attraction is deliberately highlighted as a tourist attraction. Tourist attractions are all of the attractions and why tourists are interested in visiting a tourist destination, because: (1) Natural Attraction in the form of scenery and geographical aspects of a tourist destination. (2) Cultural attraction in the form of history and folklore, religion, art, and special activities. (3) Social attraction in the form of people's habits, people's livelihoods, language, and opportunities for social gatherings. (4) Built Attraction in the form of historic buildings and buildings with modern architecture (Yoeti, 2002) In the development of tourism products, especially the development of an area that has not yet become a tourist destination, there are 3 main conditions that must be met, namely: the developed area must have what is referred to as "something to see" (something that can be seen), "something to do "(Something will be done), and" Something to buy "(something that can be bought). Cultural Potential According to Suwardjoko P Warpani (2007: 51) said the regional cultural wealth, traditional ceremonies, regional clothing (which is also a part of national clothing), and regional arts are potentials that can become tourist attractions if packaged and presented professionally without "damaging" "The values and norms of the original culture. Sport tourism According to Irwan Prayitno (2012) Sport tourism if translated into Indonesian is equivalent to the word sports tourism. Approximately sport tourism is the meaning of tourism activities combined with sports activities, or sports while traveling or vice versa. Experts divide sport tourism into two categories, namely traveling while watching sporting events and traveling while participating in sports events. Meanwhile, according to Tom D Hinch and James ES Higham (2001: 45 58) Sport Tourism is defined as: sports-based long distance travel from the home environment for a limited time, where sport is characterized by a unique set of rules, competition related to physical skills, and nature a lot of fun. Jogging track / Pedestrian Path According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) jogging track is interpreted as a jogging track. Meanwhile, according to the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 1 of 2017 Regarding Operational Instructions for the Management of Allocation Funds for Physical Specifically in the Field of Tourism, making footpaths / paths / paths in areas, boardwalks, pedestrians, and parking lots. Boardwalk can be run on a regular basis called a ferrywalk or a beach called the Oceanway. Boardwalk can be used as a tool to help run the road through hard and difficult walks like in a protected forest area.


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 222

Picture: Jogging Track / pedestrian path in the Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung River Basin, 2019. 1. Basic Concepts a. Principles and Rules of Boardwalk Development in Tourism Areas: 1) Meet functions and needs; 2) Comfort; 3) Strategic location; 4) Size of Boardwalk / jogging track 5) Appropriate use of material; and 6) Aesthetics. b. Functions and Benefits of Boardwalk in the Tourism Area 1) Media for pedestrians; 2) Facilitate access to the destination; 3) Presenting a dynamic atmosphere in the tourist area; 4) Can be used for promotional, exhibition and advertising activities;and 5) Reducing pollution by the presence of trees growing around the boardwalk. 2. Boardwalk Design Criteria a. Pay attention to patterns, colors, textures of water absorption; b. The lamp used for the boardwalk must have several criteria, including for conventional lamps having heights below human, special lamps having a height between 2-3 (two to three) meters, while for high-light lamps, the required height is between 6-10 (six to ten) meters. c. Sign or sign that gives information on the channel. Signs must be easily seen and understood; d. The fence that functions as a barrier to the boardwalk and the surrounding environment; e. A bench used as a resting place for boardwalk users; f. Shading plants to cool the area boardwalk; and g. Other supporting facilities such as bins or clocks. 3. Technical Standards for the Development of the Boardwalk Pathway In designing a boardwalk must pay attention to the type of material that is strong, stable, not slippery, and dries quickly. Provisions on the type of material include: a. Use materials such as tiles, stones and bricks; and b. Do not use slippery material because it will be difficult for wheelchair users.


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 223

4. Dimension and Design Standards a. Principles and measurements of Boardwalk planning Image: Illustration of General Size of Motion Room for Adults The picture above is a general rule for adults who are used in planning the width of the road on the Boardwalk. The minimum effective width for a walker based on needs is 60cm (sixty centimeters) plus 15cm (fifteen centimeters) to move without carrying goods, while the minimum requirement of 2 (two) pedestrians crossing is 150 cm (one hundred and fifty centimeters). However, for the promotion and promotion in the tourism and commercial areas, an area with a minimum size of 2 (two) meters must be available. b. Safety fence, placed at a certain point that is dangerous and requires protection with a minimum height of 90 cm (ninety centimeters) and it is also recommended to use concrete or metal materials that are resistant to fast, temperature and low maintenance;

Image: Illustration of Fence Facility as a Protector

c. The minimum width for a lane is 136 cm (one hundred thirty-six centimeters) for one-way lanes and 180 cm (one hundred eighty centimeters) for lines (two) directions. For people with disabilities, the path must be free from trees, poles or objects that can get in the way;


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 224

d. The maximum slope for the boardwalk is 7 (seven) degrees; e. Lighting ranges from 50-150 (fifty to one hundred and fifty) lux depending on the intentions of use; and f. The safety edge (for tourists with special needs) is prepared for the termination of driving and pocket bags and is made with a minimum height of 10 cm (ten centimeters) and a width of 15 cm (fifteen) along the track. g. Road provisions for persons with disabilities: 1. The road has a width of 1.5 (one fifth) meter with a maximum rate of 5% (five percent);

Image: Illustration of Motion Room for Crutch and Blind Users

Picture: Illustration of Wheel Space Chair

2. Users should be easy to recognize straight surface or steep road; 3. Ensure there are no holes in the boardwalk; 4. The surface is not slippery; 5. Occurrence rates do not exceed 8.33% (eighty percent thirty-three percent); 6. Has a handrail for a gentle slope; and 7. Hold the challenge must be made with high 0.8 (nolkomad eight) meters measured from ground level. 5. Placement Standards


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 225

Placement of the boardwalk must be adjusted to the number of pedestrians going through the track with a minimum volume of 300 (three hundred) pedestrians per 12 (twelve) hours. Boardwalk is also required in the tourism area. a. Boardwalk on the water side Pedestrian space which in one of its boundaries is limited by a body of water.

Image: Illustration of the Boardwalk on the Water Side b. Boardwalk in the open air Is a pedestrian room located between green open spaces. This area is a barrier between green space and pedestrian circulation.

Image: Illustration of Boardwalk in Muara Angke

6. Boardwalk Development Procedure in the Tourism Area a. Stairs Boardwalks made of wood must have solid steps and nailed to the tread.

Image: Illustration of Steps Design on Boardwalk

b. Handrails The height required on the handrails for a boardwalk that has a slope is recommended to be 600-950 mm (six hundred to nine hundred fifty millimeters). For adults, the recommended height is between 900-950mm (nine hundred to ninety hundred and fifty millimeters), for seat users from 780-800 mm (seven hundred eighty eight to eight hundred millimeters) and 600 mm (six hundred millimeters) for children. In the sloping Boardwalk area the height required for handrails is 950-1000 mm (nineteen fifty to a


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 226

thousand millimeters) for adults, 800-850 mm (eight hundred to eight hundred fifty millimeters) for wheelchair users, and 600 mm (six hundred millimeters) ) for children.

Image: Illustration of Handrails Size

River border According to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 / PRT / M / 2015 regarding the Determination of River Borders and Lake Borders Lake border lines are virtual lines on the left and right of river banks that are designated as river protection boundaries. five) meters from the outer edge of the embankment foot along the river channel. In the Bali Province Spatial Plan No. 16 of 2009, it was stated that the river boundaries were determined with the following criteria: a. In urban areas without the danger of flooding, the width of the river border: 3 meters for perforated river; 10 meters for rivers with depths of 3 to 10 meters; 15 meters for rivers with a depth of 10 to 20 meters; and 30 meters for rivers with a depth of more than 20 meters. b. In urban areas with flood hazards, the width of the river border: 3 meters for perforated river; 25 meters for light flooding; 50 meters for moderate flooding; and 100 meters for major flooding. c. In rural areas without the danger of flooding, the width of the river border: 5 meters for the bore river; 10 meters for depths of more than 3 meters; 15 meters for depths of 3 to 20 meters; and 30 meters for depths of more than 20 meters. d. In rural areas with a flood hazard, the width of the river border: 5 meters for the bore river; 50 meters for mild flooding; 150 meters for moderate flooding; and 150 meters for major flooding. Sacred area, Sempadan Sungai and Cultural Heritage Area in Badung Regency According to the Badung Regency No 26/2013 Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), it is mentioned that the Sacred Place Area around the Kahyangan Tiga Temple and other


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 227

temples, with a radius of apenimpug or apenyengker. One of the cultural heritage areas in Badung Regency is Beji Sempuana in Dalung Village which is precisely located in the Tukad River / Duk Poh River. While the river border area in Badung one of them is in the Tukad / Yeh Poh River. Methodology Research sites This research took place in the village of Dalung, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. Where Dalung Village has 3 traditional villages, namely: Adat Dalung Village, Adat Padang Luwih Village and Adat Tuka Village.

Picture 1 Map of Dalung Village


The boundaries of the Dalung Village area are as follows: a. North side: Abianbase Village. b. East side: Sempidi Village c. Southern side: Kerobokan Utara Village and Tibubeneng Village. d. West side: Desa Buduk. Variables observed / measured. The variables / variables that will be observed in this research activity are:

Physical condition Both basic and fostered physical conditions.

Social conditions Social conditions that need attention in particular demographic issues and social relations in society.

Economic activity Economic activities that need to be understood are livelihoods, income, economic activities, sources of community income.

Social Culture As for the elements that are very concerned about elements / forms of culture.

Policies and regulations There are generally 2 types of policies in Dalung Village, namely the official village and adat village policies. Research Design.



ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 228

In this study the questionnaire, interview guide, and data checklist were used. Data sources

Source of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Research Respondents The respondents of this study in Dalung Village, North Kuta District, in Badung Regency, Bali are: • The Dalung Village community in general, both as ordinary people (Krama Desa) and as community leaders (cultural and official) • Tourists (tourists and tourists) are needed in order to assess the tourism potential of the Dalung Village especially around the Jogging Track in the Dalung Village. Sampling Method The focus of this research is aimed at the Dalung Village Community (community leaders and ordinary people) as well as tourists visiting the village. Determination of community samples in this study is to use the Purposife Sampling method, which is the technique of determining the sample with certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2008: 124). The consideration used in this study is the local community who have knowledge about the object to be studied. The community criteria that will be sampled are: 1) Those who know the depth of information in connection with the problems investigated in Dalung Village, specifically the existence of Jogging Tracks on the border line of the river / Tukad Yeh Poh. 2) Those who are accepted as a group are related to policy determination. 3) Those who have tourism knowledge. This sample is used to obtain information in developing information in developing the potential to become tourist objects and attractions. The samples taken based on the Purposive Sampling method are community leaders in Dalung Village, and Dalung Village community consisting of village heads, Kelian Desa Adat (Bendesa), kelian banjar adat, kelian banjar dinas, youth leaders (seka teruni teruni) and figures other communities who meet the criteria. Data Collecting Method Data obtained from this study were collected by the method: • Questionnaire: data collection is carried out by giving a complete list of questions prepared in advance to the respondent / sample. • Structured interview Data collection is carried out by asking questions directly based on interview guidelines to obtain additional information related to the problem discussed. The interviewees will be the Head of Dalung Village, Kelian Desa Adat (Bendesa) in Dalung Village, and Kelian Banjar in Dalung Village. • Documentation Method Namely the collection of secondary data through documents owned by secondary data sources or related government agencies. • Observation Method Ie making direct observations to the field to find out the internal and external situation of Dalung Village and the problems faced.


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 229

Data Analysis Technique Data analysis techniques used in this study include: Qualitative Descriptive Method, which provides a review or interpretation or meaning of the data and information obtained, so that it becomes more meaningful than just a presentation in the form of numbers (numeric): SWOT Matrix analysis, is Continuation of internal-external situation analysis, where internal-external factors, where internal factors in the form of strength and weakness factors combined with external factors in the form of opportunity and threat factors, this combination will produce several general strategies (Grand Strategy) development in the location. Presentation of Analysis Results The results of the analysis in this study will be presented in the form of descriptions, tables and graphs Results and Discussion 1. Jogging Track Potential in the Borderline of the Tukad River / Yeh Poh Dalung

River, as the Main Tourist Attraction in Badung Regency. Jogging Track / pedestrian path in Dalung with a width of 2 meters has met the standards of the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 1 of 2017 concerning Operational Instructions for the Management of Physical Allocation Funds in the Tourism Sector. The existence of a 1.5 km long Jogging Track functions a lot like securing the border of the river, linking some of the potential tourist attractions that are available at the location, such as the existence of reservoirs / DAM, sacred areas such as Pura Sempua and Beji Sempuana, and Pura Dalem Tegal. This jogging track also functions as a reinforcement of agriculture, which is a subak road that provides accessibility to farmers in that location to get to agricultural land to sell their agricultural products. In this area there are already wantilan / multipurpose halls that can be used as a place to develop the culture of the local community for a long time. with the name Taman Sempua Amusement Park (THS) until now. 2. Jogging Track Development Strategy in the Tukad River / Duk Poh Dalung

River, as the Main Tourism Attraction in Badung Regency. Getting the right development strategy for the river border / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung, as the Main Tourism Attraction in Badung Regency starts with determining the weight, rating to the SWOT Analysis score which can be fully seen in the table below:

Table 1 Weight, Rating and SWOT Analysis Score for Jogging Track Development

On the borderline of the River / Tukad Yeh Poh Dalung As a Leading Tourist Attraction Badung Regency, Bali.

Internal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary Matrix (IFAS Matrix)

Internal Strategic Factor Bobot Rating Skor

Strengths 1. Shady and beautiful environmental conditions

0.047 3.55 0.167 2. The pattern of Dalung society is thick with traditional and cultural traditions.

0.05 3.35 0.168 3. Having supporting facilities is quite safe and adequate for tourists. 0.05 3.23 0.162


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 230

4. The existence of tourist attractions . 0.043 3.22 0.138

5. The existence of a unique and adequate Jogging Track. 0.04 3.2 0.128

6. The growth of the creative economy activities of the local community. 0.038 3 0.114

7. Accessibility to adequate locations. 0.045 3 0.135

8. Sustainability of natural resources around the site that is still maintained 0.045 3 0.135

9. The attitude of Dalung Village residents who are friendly and the security of the campers.

0.044 3 0.132 10. The existence of natural beauty that deserves to be a tourist attraction of

weight. 0.043 3 0.129

11. The Jogging Track location and the Dalung Village in general are strategic, and close to other tourist attractions.

0.042 2.9 0.122 12. Potential culinary tourism with Balinese special menus that can be

developed by residents 0.04 2.9 0.116

13. The potential for spiritual tourism in the Dalung Village Environment and around this Jogging Track in particular.

0.04 2.9 0.116

Weakness 1. Lack of adequate traffic signs leading to tourist attractions

this. 0.05 2.8 0.14

2. Access to steep and relatively narrow locations. 0.05 2.78 0.139

3. The absence of signs and information services in the Jogging Track area and procedures for entering this area.

0.05 2.77 0.139 4. Inadequate infrastructure especially clean water and toilets

tourist importance. 0.06 2.75 0.165

5. Some Dalung villagers are doubtful about the development of tourism 0.06 2.7 0.162

6. There is no investor interest in managing this tourist attraction 0.03 2.5 0.075

7. There is a broken Jogging Track / broken so as to endanger tourists 0.025 2 0.05

8. The management organization and marketing system have not been organized yet.

0.033 1.87 0.062 9. Accommodation, eating and drinking facilities for tourists are limited

the amount. 0.033 1.85 0.061

10. Limited development capital. 0.025 1.8 0.045


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 231

11. Restrictions for tourists to visit certain areas because of the holy area of temples and beji.

0.017 1.7 0.029

Total 1 2.827 Eksternal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary Matrik ( EFAS Matrik)

Eksternal Strategic Factor Bobot Rating Skor Opportunities

1. The policy of the Province of Bali and Badung Regency to implement Green Tourism in particular by funding the construction of this Jogging Track.

0.05 3.45 0.173 2. Regional autonomy and legal certainty, with the processing of the Village

Dalunguntuk continues to develop the potential of his village including tourism potential.

0.046 3.44 0.158 3. Start the existence of tourist visits to the archipelago.

0.047 3.4 0.16 4. The existence of this Jogging Track is relatively strategic, close to other

tourist attractions on the island of Bali. 0.069 2.8 0.193

5. The condition of tourism has improved and become a leading sector by local government

0.009 2.7 0.024 6. The tourist segment is not only from Indonesia but from abroad

with various tourist activities 0.069 2.6 0.179

7. The need for alternative tourist destinations. 0.059 2.2 0.13

8. Bali is still the mainstay of tourist visits. 0.09 2 0.18

9. Opportunities for cooperation between the government, investors, the community, with tourist support.

0.06 1.9 0.114 Threats

1. There are other tourist attraction competitors that offer almost the same tourism potential.

0.09 1.85 0.167 2. Potential negative impact from tourism

0.092 1.8 0.166 3. The flow of urbanization and conversion of agricultural land in the location.

0.078 1.79 0.14 4. Change in people's mindset and behavior.

0.058 1.7 0.099 5. The existence of congestion / density of vehicles leading to the location.

0.068 1.68 0.114 6. There are migrants who threaten the natural beauty of the Jogging Track.

0.09 1.6 0.144 7. The eruption of Mount Agung which caused a decrease in the number of

tourists 0.025 1.58 0.04

Total 1 2.179 Source: Research Analysis Results, 2019


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 232

To get the development strategy in this study analyzed using SWOT analysis. The application of SWOT analysis in this study, can be seen in the matrix below:

Table 2

SWOT Matrix Jogging Track Development Strategy in the Tukad Watershed / Yeh Poh Dalung River

As a Leading Tourist Attraction Badung Regency, Bali.

POWER (S): • Shady and beautiful environmental conditions. • The pattern of the Dalung community is thick with traditional and cultural traditions. • Has supporting facilities that are safe and adequate for tourists. • The existence of tourist attractions. • The existence of a unique and adequate Jogging Track. • Accessibility to adequate locations. • Sustainability of natural resources in the vicinity of the

WEAKNESSES (W): • Lack of adequate traffic signs leading to this tourist attraction. • Access to steep and relatively narrow locations. • There are no signs and information services in the Jogging Track area and procedures for entering this area. • Inadequate infrastructure, especially clean water and toilets for tourist interests. • Some Dalung villagers are doubtful about the development of tourism. • Jogging Track is broken / broken so it endangers tourists • The management organization and marketing system have not been organized yet.


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 233

location which is still maintained. • The attitude of Dalung Village residents who are friendly and provide security for the campers. • Natural beauty is still worthy of being a tourist attraction of weight. • Jogging Track location and Dalung Village in general are strategic, and close to other tourist attractions. • Potential culinary tourism with Balinese special menus that residents can develop. • The potential for spiritual tourism in the Dalung Village Environment and around this Jogging Track in particular.

• Accommodation, eating and drinking facilities for tourists are limited in number. • Limited capital development. • Restrictions for tourists to visit certain areas due to the existence of sacred temples and beji.

OPPORTUNITIES • The policy of the Province of Bali and Badung Regency to implement Green Tourism in particular by funding the construction of this Jogging Track. • Regional autonomy and legal certainty, with the processing of the Village Dalunguntuk continues to develop the potential of his village including tourism potential. • Start of an Indonesian tourist visit. • The existence of this Jogging Track is relatively strategic, close to other tourist attractions on the island of Bali. • The condition of tourism has improved and become a leading sector by local government. • The tourist segment is not only from Indonesia but from abroad with various tourist activities. • Bali is still the prime tourist destination. • Opportunities for cooperation between government, investors, the community, with tourist support.

STRATEGY (SO) 1. Increase tourism marketing both at home and abroad by increasing cooperation with the mass media, tourism practitioners, academics and other relevant parties. 2. Improving the quality of human resources (HR), especially the local community. 3. Improve the quality of service to tourists. 4. Conserve tourism culture with the involvement of various parties. 5. Making the Jogging Track not only as a means of Sport Tourism, but also as a center for religious, cultural, artistic and historical activities while maintaining the preservation of nature and culture. 6. Make tour packages in the Jogging Track environment including: traveling packages and photo taking on location, Dalung-style banquets to local-style wedding packages, of course, to enter this area pay attention to the sanctity of the sacred area that exists. 7. Determine the flow of tourists and procedures in the Jogging track area. 8. Find solutions to determine the area that can be visited by

STRATEGY (WO) 1 Enhancing local community participation and participation through tourism education. 2. Establish mutually beneficial cooperation with tourism actors such as travel agencies, hotels and restaurants in the center of tourism activities, such as in the area of Kuta, Nusa Dua, and Bali Island in general. 3. Developing houses that still have traditional Balinese architecture to be used as a means of accommodation, food and drink for tourists. 4. Make a route and tour package in Dalung Village. This activity is carried out by linking the tourist activities in Jogging Trackini with other spiritual and cultural tours in the Dalung Village, so that more tourists can enjoy alternative tourism activities while in the Dalung Village. Tourism activities while in the village of Dalung activities that can be offered to tourists are: out Bond, farming, tracking, cycling, learning arts, Balinese-style weddings and also cooking local traditional menus. 5. Frequent cultural tour activities interspersed with a short break, then it takes accommodation in the form of a deserted bale or


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 234

tourists without destroying the sanctity of the temple around Jogging Trackini. 9. Solutions for toilets, if not possible in a Jogging TRack environment, you should use the toilet in the banjar bale or the nearest LPD office. 10. Propose to the local government, that a tour route be held through this Jogging Track. 9. Adding traffic signs as directions to the location of this tourist attraction.

residents' homes that are still in Balinese architecture in a unique design. In this place also provides food and drinks, souvenirs and fresh fruit from the village of Dalung and surrounding areas. While the souvenirs introduced are in the form of traditional foods processed by local residents such as chicken betutu, satay, lawar, salted eggs, claw crackers and other traditional cakes. There are also souvenirs in the form of various art items created by local residents. 5. Submitting proposals for developing tourist attractions to the government and tourism practitioners. 6. Development in the Jogging Track and the Dalung Village in general should always obey the spatial rules especially the sacred area.

CHALLENGE (T) • There are other tourist attraction competitors that offer almost the same tourism potential. • Potential negative impacts from tourism such as reduced sanctity, degradation of social values, waste and environmental pollution due to tourism activities on site. • Current urbanization and conversion of agricultural land on site. • Changes in people's mindset and behavior. • There is traffic / density of vehicles leading to the location. • There are migrants who threaten the natural beauty of the Jogging Track. • The existence of the eruption of Mount Agung which caused a decrease in the number of tourists.

STRATEGY (ST) 1). Conduct joint promotions both at home and abroad. Promotion is carried out with socialization / collaboration with hotel associations and other travel services. Outreach to schools, universities, the world of work, industry, Dalung Village residents outside the island of Bali and Hindu communities throughout the archipelago. 2) All parties concerned in the Jogging Track and the Dalung Village in general, should seek assistance from outside parties in the form of social activities (CSR) to maintain the preservation of tourist attractions and help the surrounding community to capture business opportunities with the arrival of tourists. 3) Compile a pocket book about history, and the existence of Jogging Track and Dalung Village as a tourist attraction

STRATEGY (WT) 1) Fighting Jogging Track includes tour packages sold by travel agents, in the hope that travel agents will want to become foster fathers in the development of tourist attractions. 2.) Increasing the participation of the Dalung Village Community as a tourism object management.


ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR – 6.014; IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8(7), AUGUST 2019 235

Conclusions and Suggestions From the results of the SWOT analysis above it can be concluded that the development of this Jogging Track is in quadrant V, which means to maintain and maintain (unchanged strategy) to continue to be developed as a leading tourist attraction in Badung Regency. Excellence in natural beauty, the existence of Pura Dalem Sempua and Beji Sempuana as an attraction for spiritual tourism. The Sempua Temple building is also unique with traditional Balinese architecture. The Temple Room pattern still applies the Tri Mandala Concept which is still preserved today. Development of Attractiveness Tourism must be linked to other tourism potentials such as cultural tourism, culinary tourism and spiritual tourism. The existence of Jogging Trackini must be related to various other tourism activities, both in the Dalung Village and other well-known tourist attractions such as Kuta, Nusa Dua, Bongkasa, Mengwi and others. The development of cultural tourism attractiveness at the location is not only enough with the actions in this Jogging Track, but also the environment of the Dalung Village in general, such as maintaining the preservation of the surrounding nature, maintaining the existence of signposts towards the location of attractions and increasing public participation including in terms of maintaining the sanctity of the area of Pura Dalem Sempua. References Anonim,2009. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 10 Tahun 2009. Tentang Kepariwisataan Anonim, 2009. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan

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