joe morello - triplets with buzz rolls

7/26/2019 Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls 1/3 by Joe Morello Triplets With Buzz Rolls Going from single strokes to buzz (multiple rebound) strokes requires a different pres- sure, which is controlled primarily with the fingers. The important thing to remember here is that "pressure" does not mean "rigidity" or "tension." So these exercises, then, will help develop the sensitivity in the fingers that is necessary to control this pressure. You must be able to immediately apply the pressure when needed for a buzz, and then be able to immediately release it for single strokes.

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Page 1: Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls

7/26/2019 Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls 1/3

by Joe Morello

Triplets With Buzz Rolls

Going f rom single s trokes to buzz (m ult ip le rebound) s trokes requires a d if ferent pres-sure, which is controlled primarily with the fingers. The important thing to remember

here is that "pressure" does not mea n "rigidity " or "tension." So these exercise s, then ,

will help develop the sensitivity in the fingers that is necessary to control this pressure.You m ust be able to imm edia tely apply the pressure when needed for a buzz, and then be

able to immediately release it for single strokes.

Page 2: Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls

7/26/2019 Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls 2/3

Page 3: Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls

7/26/2019 Joe Morello - Triplets With Buzz Rolls 3/3

This material is excerpted from  Master Stud ies , by Joe Morello, published by Modern Drummer Publications.