joe in ten persons

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  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    [Joe in Ten Persons]an entry in the

    1KM1KT / Free RPG Blog 24-hour RPG competition

    by Daniel Raipinto

    a peccable pro!uction"http#//$$$%peccable%com/


    TopicTen Men 'alle! (oe

    )t rtFri!ay* +pril 24th11#4,+Mn!

    )atur!ay* +pril 2.th11#+M

    Thi0 one i0 or 2 ncy%

    3n0pir tion05c! $eb-comic

    by Ran!all Munroe"http#//$$$%5c!%com/ &

    To Save Her $eb-comicby (ennier Diane Reit6


    Primer by )hane 'arruth 728849


    :ther5in! Dice"http#//$$$%lumpley%com/archie/14;%html&
  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Table of Contents3ntro!uction0 +ll +roun!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4:erie$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.+ ote :n Gen!er%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.Einning the Game%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.uipment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.ample0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.'reating (oe0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Time an! Place%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Ran!om Eor!0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    ?o$ to Buil! a (oe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%T$o (oe0 Too Many%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,aming (oe0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,

    'hoo0ing (oe0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,Player 'haracter (oe0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,Meet (oe Prime%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,Deci0ion0 an! Rea0on0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,

    Buil!ing the Boar!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;'ontact Bet$een (oe0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;

    Keeton%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;3nitial 3nluence%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;(oe PrimeH0 Timeline%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;

    Playing the Game%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@Roun!0* Turn0* +ction0* an! )cene0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@3nluence* Ri05* an! Target0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@The +ction0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@

    'reating )cene0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18)cene0 'ome From +ction0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18

    +cting (oe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18Target (oe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18Keeton%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18+ ote on Table 'hatter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%18) 1 Eh Eh ! ? 18

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    IntroductionsAll Around

    Hi. My name is Joe. I'm pretty normal. Nothing interesting about me, really. I'm [twenty / twelve /thirty-five. I live here in the !ity. I've been here most of my life. "hat else !an I say#I guess the most interesting thing about me is what happene$ a few wee%s ago. I ran into this [guy in!lass / %i$ at the playgroun$ / man on the bus an$ we somehow stru!% up a !onversation. I'm not&uite sure how it happene$.

    I'll a$mit I was $istra!te$. ou see, I've been a little obsesse$ lately. I was %in$ of avoi$ing this $e!isionI ha$ to ma%e about [my boyfrien$ / this bully at s!hool / my future !areeran$ I'll a$mit (eeton showe$up at )ust the right time to pull me out of my hea$.

    *h $i$ I mention that# He sai$ that was his name.

    +nyway, we tal%e$ for a long time. +bout $e!isions, ironi!ally enough. +bout how they !an affe!t you an$everyone aroun$ you. +bout how we seem to !ome to these points in our lives these moments of $e!ision that!an !hange everything for us. hose moments we go ba!% to late at night, an$ won$er how things might havebeen $ifferent.

    (eeton as%e$ me a lot of &uestions about things I might have $one $ifferently in my life.

    I haven't seen him sin!e. I went home with my hea$ spinning.

    he net morning, I %new something ha$ changed. I felt $ifferent, though I've never been able to put it into wor$s.he first time I traveled, though, I un$erstoo$ what (eeton ha$ $one.It was the $ay I met myself. *ne ofmyselves. "hatever the wor$ woul$ be.

    I met a Joe that [ha$ never gone to !ollege / lost his mom when he was little / ha$ )oine$ the army , an$ while itwas weir$, we ha$ a ni!e !onversation about the other Joes that might be out there.

    /in!e then, I've met a lot of me, as I've learne$ how to wan$er through time an$ possibility. 0ut there's one Joe inparti!ular I've be!ome...well, I guess I've be!ome obsesse$ with him. I 1 well, I guess we !all him Joe 2rime./ee I'm not the only one who's obsesse$ with this Joe. here's this[gee%y twelve-year-ol$ %i$ / ol$-sa$-man-me /

    that I've seen aroun$ an$ he seems intereste$ in Joe 2rime too I've gone up an$ $own

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Overview(oe in Ten Per0on0 i0 a role-playing game o choice0*con0euence0 an! being your o$n $or0t enemy% 3tH0 !e0igne!

    to be playe! in a 0ingle 0e00ion or I . player0 runningany$here rom t$o to three hour0%

    3n (iTP* each player $ill ta5e on the role o one o ten er0ion0o a man calle! (oe% The0e er0ion0 all come rom !ierenttime0 an! po00ibilitie0% :ne might be (oe $hen he $a0 12year0 ol!* !ealing $ith a 0chool bully% +nother might be a 28-0omething college 0tu!ent $ith a lecherou0 boyrien!%

    (oe i0 a pretty ob0e00ie per0on* 0o itH0 un0urpri0ing that all o

    hi0 ariant0 are a0 $ell% ach o them i0 ob0e00e! $ith aparticular !eci0ion that he ha0 to ma5e* but ha0 aoi!e!ma5ing thu0 ar%

    +ll o the (oe0 in the game hae come into contact $ith aper0on they 5no$ only a0 Keeton% From one innocuou0coner0ation* they hae each gaine! the ability to meet otherpo00ible (oe0 an! inluence them an! their !eci0ion0%Jn0urpri0ingly* ater gaining thi0 ability* mo0t o the (oe0

    choo0e to $an!er through time an! 0pace i0iting an!$atching other er0ion0 o them0ele0 rather than !ealing $iththe !eci0ion they $ere aoi!ing in the ir0t place%

    The (oe0 embo!ie! by the player0 are !ierent* though%TheyHe all become 0tuc5* iate! on one* 0peciic ariant thattheyHe oun! in their trael0% TheyHe !ubbe! him (oe Prime%L

    (oe Prime i0 Au0t li5e eery other (oe# heH0 ob0e00ie an! heH0aoi!ing an important !eci0ion% Jnli5e the player-character0*

    ho$eer* (oe Prime ha0 not met Keeton%(oe PrimeH0 !eci0ion ha0 become incre!ibly important to the0tuc5 (oe0% They each $ant hi0 !ilemma to be re0ole! in a!ierent $ay* or !ierent rea0on0% Maybe hi0 problem

    Winningthe GaeJnli5e many RPG0* there i0 a $ay to $in (oe in Ten Per0on0%3n act* the game contain0 t$o mutually-eclu0ie goal0%

    During the cour0e o the game* player0 gain an! moeinluence to5en0 rom (oe to (oe* repre0enting their pull $ith aparticular ariant% +t the en! o the game#

    1% The player $ith the mo0t inluence on (oe Primenarrate0 the re0olution o hi0 !eci0ion* thu0 getting$hat they $ant%

    2% Player0 $ho hae their inluence !e0troye! by otherplayer0 moe that inluence to Keeton% The player

    $ith the mo0t inluence on Keeton at the en! o thegame narrate0 the epilogue* in $hich thi0 my0teriou00trangerH0 rea0on0 or interering $ith (oeH0 lie arereeale!%

    )ince player0 only gain inluence $ith Keeton by lo0ing it $ithone o the (oe0* it i0 etremely unli5ely that any one player $ill$in both goal0* though it i0 po00ible%

    !"ui#ent+ll youHll nee! to play are the0e rule0* a print-out o the car!0oun! in the +ppen!i* three -0i!e! !ice* pen0 or pencil0*0crap paper* an! a 0et o uniue to5en0 or each player%'oin0 o ariou0 5in!0 $ill $or5 ine or to5en0* $ith eachplayer ta5ing a particular type# pennie0 or one0* nic5el0 oranother* !ime0 or a thir!%

    !$a#lesT h l ! t ! th Hll b ll i

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Creating Joes

    ime an$ 2la!e(oe in Ten Per0on0can be playe! in a ariety o 0etting0 an!genre0* though the !eault i0 the $orl! a0 $e 5no$ it in the210tcentury% Beore you begin the game* you a0 player0 $illnee! to an0$er the ollo$ing ue0tion0#

    1% #n what year was Joe orn$By placing the beginning o (oeH0 lie in a particular!eca!e* youHll be ma5ing an important !eci0ion aboutthe gameH0 0etting% + game in $hich (oe $a0 born in

    the early 1@,80* an! came o age in the 1@;80 $illbe ery !ierent rom a game in $hich (oe $a0 bornin the 1@280%

    Deci!e a0 a group $hat perio! o hi0tory youHrecomortable or intere0te! in 0etting (oeH0 lie in%

    De ult n0$er#1@;8% (oe turn0 . in 1@;.* 18 in1@@8* 28 in 2888 an! 8 in 2818% Thi0 0houl!

    hopeully be a perio! that eeryone playing i0 amiliar$ith* $hile 0till giing you the a0-yet-un5no$n utureto play aroun! $ith in the year0 ater (oe turn0 8%

    2% %here has Joe lived most o& his li&e$The !eci0ion0 (oe ma5e0 throughout hi0 lie might0en! him to the our corner0 o the $orl!* but mo0t othe (oe0 hae probably lie! in the 0ame area 7at the

    ery lea0t* the 0ame country9 mo0t o either lie0%Ehile $here (oe lie0 i0 le00 important than $hen* itcan hae a !einite eect%

    )i ( i T P i ll b ibili

    proper noun0% J0e ocean in0tea! o Paciic* or city in0tea! oe$ Nor5%

    Ta5e your $or!0 an! ol! each o them 0o that it i0 no longerrea!able rom the out0i!e% Ta5e all the $or!0 an! orm a pilein the center o the table* then 0hule them aroun!%

    ow to 0uil$ a Joeach player 0houl! ta5e one o the (oe car!0 rom the+ppen!i an! one o the $or!0 at ran!om% ach (oe car!ha0 our element0 to ill in% +t thi0 point* youHll be illing in their0t t$o#

    My ob0e00ion i0%%%My !eci0ion i0%%%

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    wo Joes oo Manyery player $ill ma5e at lea0t t$o (oe0% 3n the ca0e o a -player game* youHll be let $ith one (oe let oer* in a 4-playergame* youHll be let $ith t$o%

    ither gie the remaining (oe0 to $hicheer player0 are eelingparticularly creatie* or brea5 o into group0 o t$o% :neplayer ill0 in the ob0e00ion* an! the other ill0 the !eci0ion%Finally* !eci!e on (oeH0 age bet$een the t$o o you%

    Naming Joes?ae each player ta5e a (oe that they haenHt create! an!

    rea! hi0 !e0cription to the other0% Di0cu00 that (oeH0 !einingeature an! u0e that to ill in the +K+ 7+l0o Kno$n +09 iel!%From then on* you can either reer to that (oe by hi0 number*or hi0 nic5name%

    Choosing Joes

    2layer 5hara!ter JoesBy the time youHre !one naming (oe0* you 0houl! be amiliar$ith all o them% Nou no$ nee! to pic5 the (oe $ho0e roleyouH! li5e to play !uring the game%

    Remember that $hicheer (oe you choo0e $ill be 0tuc5% ?eH0neer gotten to the point o haing to !eal $ith hi0 !eci0ion%3n0tea!* heH0 ta5en the opportunity aor!e! to him by Keetonto $an!er an! $atch other er0ion0 o him0el% entually* he

    Meet Joe 2rimeet* youHll nee! to !eci!e $hich o the remaining (oe0 yourcharacter ha0 became ob0e00e! $ith% Mo0t li5ely* there i00ome connection or re0onance thatH0 le! your character to that

    point* though it coul! be that heH0 0imply intere0te! becau0e aparticular (oe i0 0o !ierent rom him0el%

    +ll pl yer0 mu0t en! up $ith the 0 me (oe Prime% The gamethen become0 about manipulating thi0 (oe into ma5ing thecorrectL !eci0ion%

    Ta5e a piece o 0crap paper an! $rite your ir0t choice or (oePrime* a0 $ell a0 an alternate%

    eryone then reeal0 their choice0% 3 one (oe 0ho$0 up oneeryoneH0 li0t* youHe oun! your Prime% 3 not* 0ee i oneparticular (oe 0ho$0 up more than any other% Thi0 i0 a 0trongconten!er% Tal5 it oer $ith tho0e player0 $ho !i!nHt choo0ehim an! 0ee i theyHll agree to ma5ing him (oe Prime%

    3 it 0eem0 li5e no agreement can be reache!* then 0imply0hule the remaining (oe0 an! choo0e one at ran!om%

    6e!isions an$ 4easons:nce all o the player0 hae cho0en their (oe Prime* you eachnee! to igure out $hat !eci0ion your character $ant0 Prime toma5e% (oe PrimeH0 0ituation coul! come out 0eeral !ierent

    $ay0* an! itH0 up to you to !eci!e the outcome your character!e0ire0%

    3 youHre haing trouble* thin5 about your character in term0 ohi0 ob0e00ion an! !eci0ion Gien the 0ituation heH0 leaing

    %hile namin! Joes, Devin reads Andrea's Joe 45 "ard.A&ter tal(in! it out with the other players, he de"ides toname him 'Paladin Joe'. He writes this in the A;A spa"e.

    Andrea is apparently not the only one interested in PaladinJoe's de"ision. He mana!es to show up as &irst "hoi"e &oroth hersel& and Bill and as an alternate &or Carol. Devina!rees to ma(e him Joe Prime.

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    %uilding the %oard+ 'ommunity o (oe0o$ itH0 time to 0et up the game boar!% The boar! i0 ma!eup o the relation0hip0 among0t all o the (oe0 not !irectlycontrolle! by the player0* inclu!ing (oe Prime%

    J0ing thi0 boar!* player0 $ill attempt to inluence other (oe0into pu0hing (oe Prime to$ar!0 their !e0ire! !eci0ion%

    Fir0t* place (oe Prime at the center o the play area% +roun!hi0 car!* place all the other non-player (oe0 in age or!er*0tarting $ith the younge0t% Ehen youHre !one* the el!e0t an!

    younge0t (oe0 0houl! be be0i!e each other%

    Initial Influen!e+t the 0tart o the game* each playerH0 (oe ha0 built up aninitial amount o goo!-$ill $ith one o the (oe0 on the boar!*other than (oe Prime him0el% Thi0 inluence i0 repre0ente! byinluence to5en0% ach playerH0 to5en0 0houl! be uniue%'oin0 o arying !enomination0 ma5e goo! to5en0%

    )tarting $ith the player $ith the younge0t (oe an! procee!ingcloc5$i0e* each player choo0e0 a (oe on the boar! $ith $hichhi0 character alrea!y ha0 inluence an! place0 inluenceto5en0 on that car!% +ll to5en0 mu0t be place! on the 0amecharacter%

    + player may choo0e to hae inluence $ith a (oe that alrea!yha0 inluence to5en0* i he or 0he choo0e0%

    Andrea has the se"ond?oldest Joe amon!st the players, andis sittin! on Devin's le&t. Devin has the the youn!est Joe.

    A&ter Devin "hooses Joe 4@, she pla"es < to(ens on Joe4). Bill sits to Andrea's le&t and !oes next. A&ter he andCarol have !one, the oard loo(s li(e this/

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Pla&ing the Gae

    4oun$s, urns, +!tions, an$ !enes(oe in Ten Per0on0i0 playe! in a 0erie0 o roun!0% ach roun!i0 ma!e up o a 0erie0 o turn0* one per player% ach roun!begin0 $ith the player $ho0e (oe i0 the younge0t an! procee!0cloc5$i0e aroun! the table%

    :n hi0 or her turn* a player may ta5e one o three ction0# 3ncre 0e their inluence $ith a (oe% Moe their inluence rom one (oe to another% De0troy the inluence o another player%

    :nce an action ha0 been cho0en* a 0cene i0 playe! out $ithplayer0 ta5ing on the role0 o the (oe0 inole!% There0olution o the 0cene !etermine0 $hether the attempte!action $a0 a 0ucce00 or a ailure%

    Influen!e, 4is%, an$ argets:nce a player ha0 cho0en hi0 action* he mu0t !etermine$hich (oe he i0 aecting an! ho$ much inluence he $i0he0 tori05on the action% +ll action0 reuire a ri05 o inluence%he +!tions3ncre 0e# The player i0 attempting to get another (oe to 0eething0 hi0 $ay% ?e can !o thi0 by !irectly tal5ing to the (oe inue0tion an! conincing him o the rightne00 o hi0 cau0e* or

    7more li5ely9 by ta5ing !irect action in the targete! (oeH0 time-line 0uch that hi0 philo0ophy i0 orce! into a !ierent !irection%

    The ri05inole! in an 3ncrea0e action i0 a number oinluence to5en0 alrea!y on the (oe* up to a maimum o

    Moe# The player i0 attempting to eten! hi0 inluence romone (oe to another by haing a (oe he alrea!y ha0 inluence$ith act on hi0 behal% Thi0 i0 the only $ y to pl ce inluenceto5en0 on (oe Prime%The ri05inole! in a Moe action i0 a number o inluenceto5en0 on the (oe ta5ing action on your behal* up to amaimum o three%

    3 the action i0 0ucce00ul* the player may moe the ri05e!to5en0 to any (oe !A centto the acting (oe 7)ee 'ontactBet$een (oe0L9% 3 the action il0* the to5en0 are moe! tothe Keeton car!%

    3n the 0cene0 !rien by a Moe action* you $ill play a (oeother than the one you control* acting on behal o the (oe

    you are playing% Thi0 i0 the only $ay you can gain acce00 to(oe PrimeH0 time-line%

    De0troy# The player i0 attempting to remoe another playerH0inluence oer a particular (oe* either by acting !irectly orthrough a proy%

    The ri05 inole! in a De0troy action i0 a number o inluenceto5en0 on the 0ame (oe a0 the inluence being targete!* up toa maimum o three% Both you n! your opponent mu0t h einluence on the 0 me (oe to perorm De0troy ction%3 the action i0 0ucce00ul* the player moe0 an opponentH0inluence eual to the amount he ri05e! rom the (oe car! tothe Keeton car!% 3 the action il0* hi0 ri05e! to5en0 aremoe! to the Keeton car! in0tea!%

    3n the 0cene0!rien by a De0troy action* youHll be in the role oyour0el playing tug-o-$ar $ith another player oer a (oeH0aection0 or u0ing a (oe on the boar! to 0abotage the eort0

    o another player to inluence (oe PrimeH0 lie%

    #t's Andrea's turn and she's attemptin! a 9ove a"tion. Shehas three in&luen"e on Joe 4) and she'd li(e to try movin!

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Creating 'cenes

    !enes 5ome 7rom +!tionsEhen a player !eclare0 an action on their turn* he or 0he i00etting up the contet o the 0cene% Ehat i0 thi0 particular (oetrying to accompli0h an! ho$ $ill he go about it

    ach 0cene inole0 t$o (oe0# the cting(oe an! the t rget(oe* $ith the ormer attempting to 0omeho$ inluence orchange the later% + thir! igure* that o Keeton* control0 tho0ea0pect0 o the 0cene not connecte! to either (oe%

    +!ting JoeThe acting (oe i0 al$ay0 playe! by the current player% 3n the0cene that ollo$0* they $ill either be playing the part o theiro$n (oe 7in the ca0e o any 3ncrea0e action0* or on Moementor De0troy action0 targeting non-Prime (oe09* or a (oe theyHeinluence! preiou0ly 7!uring Moement action0 or De0troyaction0 targeting (oe Prime9%

    arget JoeThe (oe $ho i0 targete! by the action i0 playe! by the playerto the acting playerH0 right% That player $ill be in charge oplaying out that (oeH0 attitu!e an! action0 lea!ing up to theacting (oeH0 attempt* a0 $ell a0 narrating hi0 re0pon0e%

    (eetonThe player to the let o the acting player play0 the role oKeeton* $ho0e re0pon0ibilitie0 are 0imilar to that o the GM inother RPG0% ?e or 0he r me0the 0cene* giing the initial

    h h h l ll h ! 5

    tep :9 7raming the !eneet* the Keeton player 0et0 the 0cene# $hen an! $here i0 thetarget $hen the actie (oe ma5e0 hi0 moe Ehat i0 theenironment li5e EhatH0 going on

    Be 0ure to m r5 ny pertinent inorm tion on (oe PrimeH0timeline* i he i0 the ctionH0 t rget%

    tep ;9 2laying the s!eneThe target (oe 7playe! by the player to the acting (oeH0 right9

    0tart0 the 0cene* !eclaring hi0 action0 an! attitu!e0%To help you pl y the role o the cting or t rget (oe* loo5clo0ely t your (oeH0 c r!% Remember hi0 ob0e00ion n! the

    Andrea "ontinues her 9ove a"tion. Sin"e she's movin!to(ens &rom Joe 4) to Joe Prime, she'll e playin! 4) inthe &ollowin! s"ene.

    Andrea has + years o& Joe's li&e to wor( with, &rom the time

    he was orn until he made his de"ision re!ardin! hisrother. o one else has ta(en an a"tion a!ainst Joe Primethis !ame, so his time?line is wide open/ no one hasestalished anythin! previously.

    Andrea de"lares that Joe 4) 3a twit"hy !un?nut6 willattempt to atta"( Joe Prime when he's , ut then ultimately&ail and reveal that he's simply a"tin! out o& desperation.She hopes that will allow Joe Prime to &eel some empathy&or 9i"hael upon dis"overin! his "rimes ei!ht years later.

    Bill sits to Andrea's le&t, and so is the ;eeton &or this a"tion.He de"lares that Joe 4) de"ides to mu! Joe Prime oneni!ht when he's returnin! to his dorm with his roommate;evin a&ter a drun(en evenin! at a lo"al &rat. He writesdown 0/ Joe in "olle!e1 on Joe Prime's timeline.

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    (esolving 'cenes

    wo 6angersThere are t$o !anger0 $heneer one (oe interere0 $ith thelie o another#

    the cting (oe may 0uer harm the t rget (oe may 0uer harm

    ?arm re0ult0 rom the 0trangene00 o (oe interacting $ithhim0el% ?e 0ee0 0ome o the $or0t an! the be0t heH0 capableo embo!ie! in another er0ion o him0el% en i he !oe0nHt

    recogni6e the other ha0 him0el 7a0 i0 oten the ca0e9* the0trangene00 o it can 0ha5e the oun!ation0 o a (oeH0 0en0e o0el%

    Ehether the acting (oe ail0 or 0uccee!0 in hi0 originalintention !etermine0 $hether the playerH0 original action0uccee!0 or ail0% :ten the player $ill be ace! $ith a choiceo either 0uccee!ing at a co0t* or ailing $hile 5eeping him0elan! the target 0ae%

    4olling the 6i!eTo re0ole a 0cene* the acting player roll0 three 0i-0i!e! !ice%ach !ie mu0t be a00igne! to either a !anger or the acting(oeH0 original intent%

    Thin5 o it a0 three 0lot0 the !ice are place! in# one or theacting (oeH0 0aety* another or the target (oeH0 0aety* an! a

    thir! or the original action that 0et o the 0cene# the 3ncrea0e*Moe* or De0troy%

    Roll0 o 1*2* or are ilure0% +ny !anger a00igne! a ailureimme!iately occur0* an! that (oe i0 h rme!% 3 a ailure i0

    uffering arm3 the acting player a00ign0 a ailure to either the actor or thetarget* that (oe 0uer0 harm% 3mme!iately cro00 out one o theletter0 that ma5e up that (oeH0 name on hi0 car!% The label o

    that letter li0t0 hi0 current 0tate%

    'ro00ing out (leae0 a (oe $orrie!* but 0t ble% ?i0interaction0 $ith him0el hae let him un0ure o $ho he reallyi0 an! $here he belong0%

    'ro00ing out :leae0 a (oe 0h 5en* but able to go on%'ontinually cro00ing path0 $ith him0el ha0 0truc5 him at theery core o hi0 being%

    'ro00ing out mean0 that (oe i0 bro5enan! imme!iatelyremoe! rom the game% ?i0 car! i0 remoe! rom the centralboar! an! place! be0i!e the Keeton car!%

    Ehen a (oe 0uer0 harm* it ten!0 to ma5e hol!ing inluenceoer him har!er a0 een he i0nHt certain $here hi0 loyaltie0 lie%Eheneer (oe i0 h rme!* one to5en belonging to e chpl yer i0 remoe! rom hi0 c r! n! pl ce! on Keeton%

    0rea%ing Joes3 (oe Prime i0 eer bro5en* the g me imme!i tely en!0% Theplayer currently ahea! in inluence !oe0 not get to narrate (oePrimeH0 !eci0ion% 3n0tea!* play imme!iately procee!0 to theKeeton epilogue 7)ee The pilogueL9%

    3 (oe pl ye! by pl yer i0 eer bro5en* th t pl yer m yimme!i tely choo0e ny (oe rom the centr l bo r! other th n(oe Prime 0 hi0 ne$ ch r cter% The original (oe he playe! i0place! be0i!e Keeton an! i0 out o the game% +ny inluencecurrently on the ne$ (oe i0 moe! to Keeton%

    Brea5ing a (oe an! remoing him rom the boar! imme!iatelychange0 the connection0 bet$een the remaining (oe0 The

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    !nding the Gae

    3n$game 5on$itionsThe game en!0 imme!iately $hen one o t$o con!ition0occur0#

    (oe Prime i0 bro5en%

    +ll o the other (oe0 on the central boar! are eitherbro5en or hae been remoe! rom the boar! tobecome player character0%

    :ther$i0e* play continue0 until a maAority o player0 agree to

    en! the game% Player0 then play one l 0t complete roun!ter the current one* giing each player one la0t chance toincrea0e* moe* an! !e0troy inluence to5en0%

    Narrating Joe 2rime's 6e!ision+t the en! o the game* the player $ith the mo0t inluenceto5en0 on (oe Prime $in0% ?i0 (oe ha0 manage! to conince

    (oe Prime o the rightne00 o hi0 ie$* or 0imply change!PrimeH0 lie to the point that no other !eci0ion i0 iable%

    3 t$o or more player0 are tie! or the mo0t to5en0* hae themeach roll a !ie a0 a tie-brea5er* $ith the highe0t roll $inning%

    The $inning player may no$ narrate (oe PrimeH0 moment o!eci0ion an! it0 imme!iate repercu00ion0% Be 0ure to u0e thetimeline a0 a gui!e% ?o$ !i! the change0 an! eent0 in (oeH0lie lea! him to choo0e the outcome you $ante!

    +0 al$ay0* other player0 may chime in $ith their i!ea0 an!opinion0%

    3 the g me en!e! by bre 5ing (oe Prime* be 0ure to narrateKeetonH0 ob0eration0 on thi0 act into the epilogue%)ome$here along the line* one or more o the player0 !eci!e!he $a0 epen!able%

    3 youHre haing trouble coming up $ith a motie or KeetonH0

    action0* here are 0ome po00ible i!ea0#

    :ne po00ible (oe 0ome$here an! 0ome$hen create!Keeton% The eent0 $hich ma5e up the gamerepre0ent KeetonH0 elaborate reenge on hi0 creator%

    +ll o the (oe0 a0 a $hole 7an! their combine!ob0e00ion09 repre0ent a po$erul orce or change inthe unier0e% Perhap0 too po$erul% Keeton ha0turne! their attention to one another in an attempt to

    5eep thing0 un!er control%

    Beore Keeton* eery (oe eery$here $a0 0tuc5 in hi0ob0e00ion* unable to ta5e any 0ort o action regar!ingit% +ll that pent-up in!eci0ion $a0 gumming up theunier0al $or50% Keeton Au0t gae the $hole thing a0$it* 0harp 5ic5 to get thing0 moing again%

    he 0ro%en JoesThe remaining player0 may narrate their bro5en (oeH0 reaction0to KeetonH0 reelation0% Do they un!er0tan! $hat theyHe Au0teperience! Ehat $ill happen to them no$

    he 2layer's JoesPlayer0 may narrate a brie en! or their o$n character* i theychoo0e% The author preer0 leaing that part o the 0tory

    unini0he!* ho$eer% 3n thi0 $ay* the player0 neer truly 5no$i their characterH0 eperience0 allo$e! them to moe on intheir o$n lie0 or i they remaine! 0tuc5* para0itically moingrom one ariantH0 ob0e00ion to another in an attempt to aoi!

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    Author)s Notes

    o "hat "as hat +ll +bout#(oe in Ten Per0on0 i0 a $eir! game%3Hll a!mit that right o the bat%

    The central conceit o ten er0ion0 o the 0ame man runningaroun! in time an! 0pace 0abotaging him0el arrie! ully-orme! in my brain a0 0oon a0 3 0a$ my cho0en topic in theli0t% erything ater $a0 Au0t a matter o !ealing $ithmechanic0%

    3He been a an o >incent Ba5erH0 :ther5in! DiceL mechanicor a$hile* an! 3 5ne$ that i 3 $rote another 0hort-orm RPG*3H! hae to try my han! at a ariant er0ion o it% 3t en!e! upbeing a perect it or (iTP* orcing player0 to choo0e theircharacterH0 prioritie0 in eery 0cene% 3ronic that the (oe0 are 0oba! $ith !eci0ion-ma5ing* huh

    The art 0tyleL o the game i0 a re0ult o nece00ity# 3 canHt !ra$a 0traight line $ith a ruler% )tic5 igure0 in 3n50cape are about

    the limit o my i0ual arti0try% Fin!ing an 5c!-0tyle ont $a0Au0t the icing on the ca5e%

    The eperience o creating (iTP$a0 li5e mo0t o my !e0ign0 inthat it elt li5e 0culpting% My initial !e0ign0 are al$ay0 toocomplicate!* een $hen 3 aim or a 0imple one 7a0 $a0 theca0e $ith (iTP9% 3neitably* mo0t o the $or5 inole0 remoingtho0e part0 o the !e0ign that arenHt really nece00ary* !onHtpromote the central premi0e* or are Au0t !o$nright not un%

    Ehat 3 en!e! up $ith 7an! 3Hm not 0ure itH0 $here 3 0tarte!9 i0an eerci0e in group character-creation% The (oe0 areultimately Au0t acet0 o one guy# one-!imen0ional ob0e00iepo00ibilitie0% 3tH0 only $hen youHe ini0he! the game an!K l 5 b 5 ! i h il h

    :< ours of Ma$nessThe actual proce00 o $riting $a0 airly linear% 3 literally $rotethe game 0traight through rom beginning to en!* $an!eringbac5 eery once in a $hile in an attempt to both e!it my copy

    an! clear my hea!%

    3 too5 brea50 a0 3 $ent* ta5ing a big one or !inner aroun!;#88pm on Fri!ay an! then $or5e! 0traight through tomi!night* $hen my brain 0tarte! lea5ing out o my ear0%

    3 0lept until about .#88am* $hen 3 a$o5e $ith !imlyremembere! !ream0 o multiple er0ion0 o my0el beinginole! in an alternate er0ion o Eorl! Ear 33 $here tal5inganimal0 !i! mo0t o the ighting echoing in my hea!% )ee

    $here 3 get my i!ea0

    3Hm $riting thi0 at ;#88am on )atur!ay% The coerH0 ini0he!an! all thatH0 let i0 the +ppen!i o (oe an! reerence car!0%Eith a little luc5* 3 0houl! hae 0omething pre0entable $henmy time run0 out%

    3 3 !onHt all a0leep ir0t%

    Than*sTo eil* a0 al$ay0* or putting up $ith my ariou0 in0anitie0%Nou $ant to $rite a game in 24 hour0 ?ae unL

    To Rob incent Ba5er* or haing 0o many ri!iculou0ly goo! i!ea0een he canHt u0e them all%

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    +My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    ,My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    -My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    .My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    /My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    0My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    1My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    2My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons


    3My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    .4My Obsession is...

    My Decision is...

    I'm aKa... My AGE is...

    5eetonPl ce thi0 c r! 0ep r te rom the other0 t the 0t rt o pl y%

    Eheneer a player lo0e0 to5en0 through a aile! action*

    a harme! or bro5en (oe* or an opponentH0 De0troy action* place them here%

    +t the en! o the game* the player $ith the mo0t to5en0 on the

    Keeton car! narrate0 the gameH0 epilogue%

    Eheneer a (oe i0 bro5en* place hi0 car! be0i!e thi0 one%

    ActionsReerence ' r!

    De0troyTarget any (oe on the

    boar! on $hich both youan! your opponent haeinluence to5en0%

    Ri05 up to o yourinluence to5en0 to !e0troyan eual number o your


    Nou may act a0 either your(oe or any a!Aacent (oe

    on $hich you haeinluence to5en0%

    MoeTarget any (oe on the

    boar! either acting a0your o$n (oe ora (oe you hae

    inluence to5en0 on%

    Ri05 up to inluenceto5en0 on the acting (oeto attempt to moe tho0eto5en0 to the target (oe%

    Thi0 i0 the only $ y topl ce to5en0 on(oe Prime%

    3ncre 0eTarget any (oe on

    the boar! other than(oe Prime

    (oe Prime c nnotbe t rgete! byn incre 0e ction%Ri05 up to inluence

    to5en0 alrea!y on that (oeto attempt to a!! aneual amount o ne$

    inluence to5en0%

  • 8/12/2019 Joe in Ten Persons
