jobscout for housing authorities

imagine Our Story JobScout began as a partnership with the California State Library. Now in over 900 libraries and public computer training centers across school systems and social service oces, JobScout serves as an important tool to improve quality of life and get communities back to work. How JobScout Helps Housing Authorities jobscout Digital Literacy Skills & Career Empowerment for 21st Century Jobseekers & Housing Authorities Testimonials JobScout provides important foundational knowledge for users to begin assimilating themselves into today’s fast- paced digital age. Providing users with the proper skills and tools, the platform attempts to put all users on a level playing field so that no individual is technologically “left behind” and is able to stay current with the evolving online marketplace. Jay Nath, Chief Innovation Ocer, City of San Francisco JobScout will serve as California’s foray into tackling digital literacy in the State of California. The Hungton Post A fantastic new site that is going to put California back to work. Sacramento Fox 40 EXPAND economic opportunities and job readiness for residents INCREASE quality of life and sense of community by connecting residents online USE metrics to evaluate the success of their programs 50% of today’s jobs require technology skills, yet 1 in 5 Americans does not know how to use the Internet. JobScout teaches them how. JobScout helps residents connect with friends, family, and potential employers, as well as find the relevant information to better their lives. Organizations need to measure the effectiveness of their programs and the activities of their users so that they can best allocate resources. Employers are unable to fill 3 million jobs in the U.S. with qualified workers. JobScout helps fill that gap. JobScout’s internal social network allows residents to support and encourage each other throughout lessons and the job search process. If you can’t measure it, you can’t fund it. Philanthropic, state and federal funders want to see quantified results. JobScout provides users with 21st century skills to get back to work faster and succeed in today’s fast paced economy. Online and accessible from any device, JobScout allows you to extend your services by providing 24/7 access to its offerings. JobScout’s analytics system allows you to monitor individual activity so you can provide individualized services and track those who are receiving public assistance. JobScout teaches the essential Internet skills needed to find a job in today’s online marketplace. JobScout provides streamlined online support to housing authorities. JobScout helps housing authorities meet their mission to increase quality of life, enhance job readiness and expand economic opportunities for their residents, while equipping them with the data to track individual users and measure their overall program eectiveness.

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Post on 27-May-2015




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See how JobScout can help your Housing Authority increase quality of life, enhance economic opportunities, and drive strategic program decisions with the power of data.


Page 1: JobScout for Housing Authorities

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Our StoryJobScout began as a partnership with the California State Library. Now in over 900 libraries and public computer training centers across school systems and social service offices, JobScout serves as an important tool to improve quality of life and get communities back to work.

How JobScout Helps Housing Authorities

jobscoutDigital Literacy Skills & Career Empowerment for 21st Century Jobseekers & Housing Authorities


JobScout provides important foundational knowledge for users to begin assimilating themselves into today’s fast-paced digital age. Providing users with the proper skills and tools, the platform attempts to put all users on a level playing field so that no individual is technologically “left behind” and is able to stay current with the evolving online marketplace.

Jay Nath, Chief Innovation Officer,

City of San Francisco

JobScout will serve as California’s foray into tackling digital literacy in the State of California.

The Huffington Post

A fantastic new site that is going to put California back to work.

Sacramento Fox 40

EXPAND economic opportunities and job readiness for residents

INCREASE quality of life and sense of community by connecting residents online

USE metrics to evaluate the success of their programs

50% of today’s jobs require technology skills, yet 1 in 5 Americans does not know how to use the Internet. JobScout teaches them how.

JobScout helps residents connect with friends, family, and potential employers, as well as find the relevant information to better their lives.

Organizations need to measure the effectiveness of their programs and the activities of their users so that they can best allocate resources.

Employers are unable to fill 3 million jobs in the U.S. with qualified workers. JobScout helps fill that gap.

JobScout’s internal social network allows residents to support and encourage each other throughout lessons and the job search process.

If you can’t measure it, you can’t fund it. Philanthropic, state and federal funders want to see quantified results.

JobScout provides users with 21st century skills to get back to work faster and succeed in today’s fast paced economy.

Online and accessible from any device, JobScout allows you to extend your services by providing 24/7 access to its offerings.

JobScout’s analytics system allows you to monitor individual activity so you can provide individualized services and track those who are receiving public assistance.

JobScout teaches the essential Internet skills needed to find a job in today’s online marketplace. JobScout provides streamlined online support to housing authorities. JobScout helps housing authorities meet their mission to increase quality of life, enhance job readiness and expand economic opportunities for their residents, while equipping them with the data to track individual users and measure their overall program effectiveness.

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COMPASS Data Analytics

for Housing Authorities

JobScout’s COMPASS data analytics system allows housing authorities to track the progress and usage of JobScouters within their organization. With their own private dashboard, housing authorities can track metrics such as:

✓ Number of users linked to your organization

✓ Lessons taken

✓ Badges earned

✓ Number of jobs searched

✓ Number of resumes submitted

✓ Number of jobs applied to

✓ Number of interviews that have been scheduled.

This data is collected based on application log ins, so customers can track users whether they are using a computer directly from the housing authority or from t h e J o b S c o u t m o b i l e application.

Beyond data analytics, we a l s o offe r w h i te - l a b e l products that co-brand with your housing authority with your own domain and premium services where we create custom lessons for your community’s unique needs.

JobScout for Housing Authorities

Easy to Use Dashboard

JobScout’s dashboard asks a series of simple questions to get the user started and is easy to navigate.

Internet Skills Core Lesson Content

Lessons range from how to use a browser to preparing for an interview by using the Internet. Other lesson content includes Gmail , LinkedIn, contract and temporary work.


Users fill-in-the-blanks and create a resume that they can save, print and email.

Internal Social Network

Users get the opportunity to collaborate with other users in the job search process.

Job Search

Users can search for jobs powered by severa l job aggregator websites.

“One-Stop” Job Shop

A full set of integrated job search management tools to help the user create a resume, search for a job and manage applications directly from the JobScout site.

Offline Entry Support for JobScout from Housing Authorities

Users can receive in-person support from staff in your housing authority.

Want to get JobScout for your organization? Contact us.

For more information:

Adele McCarthy-Beauvais

T: 212.365.4785

E: [email protected]