jm -

or something worse than lost. Every y-xith, who has any capacity of inclina- tion for the acquirement of knowledge^ will have some favorite studies, in which he will be likely to escel. It is certain- ly then much better that he should be permitted to pursue tbost, than that by being forced to attend to others for which he has an aversion) and in which he will never eWei, or ever make com- mon proficiency, he should finally ac- quire a dislike to all study. 6 A sixth defect is the prescribing the length of time for completing, as it ts termed, course of education. By these means, the good scholar is placed near- ly on a level with the sluggard ; for whatever may be his exertions, he can gain nothing in respect to time, and the latter has, in consequence of this, less stimulus for exertion. (Tobe Continued.) « of the Liberatoras a prttex to gainUion and* to [hat unity or'consolidation,j dated July 14;— u I have this instant ftme; and afraid, or disagreeing in which, to use his own language, the j received intelligence from Bucharest, among themselves as to their future power and the felicity of the govern- ( thai the Janissaries of Constantinople designs, they have prrftssed a deter- ment essentially consisted." ' have gained a signal victory over, their mination to" await his touring and \ For a whole year, the General ab- Barbarous master. After having Set on abide by what he map reiotve Wheth- (stained from executing the militia law, fire all the buildings destined for the er it be decor us for this government to and remained silent about it in his bffi- new soldiery, they besieged the Sultan delay taking any steps to put dencn cial correspondence; and then sudden- in his palace, demanding the abolition this sedition until that moment arrives ly executed it in a manner which occa- of the new order of things. In Bos- MARRIKD,—In Portland, on (he lOthmst. by T. B. Campbell, e?q. Elam C. Bliss, to Mary Harrhon, both of that place. j a ^ ^ 1 is another question, and one which to sioned a petition against him to the le- fts admits but of one answer.—Either gislature, from that very municipal bo nia, Andrinople, Sephia and all the principal towns of the Turkish empire, Erie Bank. The Commissioners A PPOINTED by an act of Assem- bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the eighth clay of April, in the year of our Lord one &outfj America. From the Bait-more Gazette, Sept. 4. From Mexico and Colombia.— We we have the moral and physical force Ay at Caracas, which afterwards de- mobs, are daily formed who utter the { H^ > twenty**', to compel obedience to the resolutions clared for him* ostensibly in conse- most violent threats and swear to a- h ' of our administration, or we have not. quence of the measures of the legisla- venge their comrades. The Janissaries If the former, they have been violated, tore on the subject. The same signa-j upon the banks of the Danube have for- and it should be exerted to enforce tures are affixed to the censure and the iced the Bulgarians to take arms and them; or if unfortunately, the latter sanction ; and hence, and from other j march with them upon Constantinople, has been the case, we have been living facts, it is positively inferred, and aflir for the last few years at the mercy of med that the present occurrence of the any turbulent character who might municipal authorities is the effect of in- choose to start forward, and involve jtimidation) and the people of Venezue- us all in the horrors of civil commotion, la in fact averse from his seditious and received this rhdrnihg various files of papers from South Amerita^-those from Bogota are *0 ike 1 4th of July, and our Gazettes came down to the 28/A of July. The brig Lady Monroe at this port yesterday from Vera Cruz, brought vs regular files of Mexican papers to the I2th ] »nd inclination to support it We for one, should not be sorry to see such a state of society cease, and some- thing more stable, more capable of re- sisting every slight attempt at innova- tion by an armed force, substituted in its stead. This last however, is, we ap- prehend, far from being our situation, and the documents we have before al- luded to, iiicontestibly prove that the friends of Government are neither few in number, nor defective in resources Let then) outrageous designs. The /Executive government adds, that it has received assurances of loyal- ty and support, from the neighboring communities and civil and military au- thorities, and calls upon the nation to defend and sustain the sacred code of her liberties. which they wish to destroy. It is said that the Turkish Commissioners sent to entitled " an act establishing a bank in the borough of Erie, in the county of Erie," hereby give notice, that books for trie subscription of stock in the said bank, will be opened at the house of E. L. TINKER, in Westfield, on the six- treat with those of Russia, have receiv- ,fcen,h da - v o f ° cfober ** * d a t t h e ed orders to i wait for the lose oi ruissia, iiavu receiv- i, ,-_, . , „ ,- «, , „. -« »« SI -.. .. ! house of Messrs. Abells, in r redonia. stop at fcelistna, where they i _,, ' . _, ' p-L—»_ ZT^-J- «« "* Chautauque counlv, and state of New- Sultan 3 commands." , r . ^ , • ' . . . „ H ^^ HIHHHa ^ H i^ HHIHa i MBHa i rork, on the seventeenth day of Octo- mtms&t* \m\m* From tlie Alw- York Statesman. PORTUGAL. It was confidently reported that the Austrian Ambassador at Much id, hau declared to the corps diplomatique (he determinaiiou of the Mmpvtm not to consent to the establishment of the new Portuguese Constitution. nronositiem amtears in /A* me „iuinoriiw-s, wuo a.-one oy uie laws „,. ° /-, .. .• . . . proposition appears in me » J The Constitution had been promul- Mixican imnrrs hu F rie Paula Tarn-• have the power to ijive them redress: , ... . . _. ,. \ , jriixtmn papers, oy r. or rauia i am- i » tJ . gated at Lisbon on tm 13th wl July ; a 1 let every thine be vie Idea to them coni-. fc . . . . . *'. * * .. great number ol copies Of i°. L . „-,• August inclusive.' The editor of the I he called on to exert them in favor of Star mentions the arrival of Comma-1 the constitution they have sworn to dore Porter, at Vera Cruz, to take maintain inviolable : h t the leaders of command of the Mexican navy, and\ »he insurrection olWalencia be directed Ae hopes that the neglect and apathy i to lay down their arms, under a prom- w/iirh hdve been /titerto conspicuous in !'we that their grievances, if any are this branch of the service will note j complained of, shall be attended to by cease. A proposition appears in the ; 'he Authorities, who alone by the laws atiz, to establish a. commercial compa- ny, to trade to Asia and the Pacific, SflfaiVr the name of' 1 The Asiatic Mex icon Company" and Motiterray, the capital of upper California, is men tinned as the best situation for the promotion of the objects of the compa- ny, Revolt of General Pari— W e sus- pect that the information given to our Correspondent in Laguayra, as published in our paper of Saturday, stating that the people of Maraceiibo and Carthagena had openly de'fared in favor of the federative sysf: /», is not correctOur information recti red this day, direct from those places •late that every thing there remainee/l u ' r Wflf iNs^illl of the United States, perfectly tranquil and that the mil- "far our government. A violent U ve, itary and civil authorities had renew- ed their oaths of allegiance to the pre sent government, and of attachment to the eonstitution. In speaking of the. revolt of Gen Paez, and the manifesto of Genera/ Bermudez. as published in this Gazette some time since, the Editor of the Bo gota Constitutional, in his paper of the 13th July, holds this appropriate and energetic langftge .*— " The Manifesto of General Tier mudez will be read with ptrmtare h>/ every one ctepable of appreciating the services which at this moment, he has it in his jagicer to render to his conn try and to the cause of civil liberty throughout the world Every line be- trays an intimate knowledge of the patible with the interests and honor th«* Republic, and the inviolability of our '•.fisting institutions; hut let nothing be » xtorted by violence, let no concessions b<» obtained by force ; and let no uncon- ditional submission to what may be awarded by such as may be appointed to enquire into the causes of this levolt, be the price at which oblivion lb r past .fiVnces be obtained.' We translated from El Cometa Mer- cantil of Carthagena. of ihe 27th" of! , , . , , , .i ,• n '•• ci oerished bv the haiu ul We rxecuiion- July, the following notice ot .he i Death ofthe Hon. Jliehard C. Anderson. " Died in this place, on the 2oih of July, the Hon. R C. Anderson, Minis- had been dis- tributed. The city enjoyed the most perfect tranquility. L^tteis from Constantinople to the 27th June stale that at that time the ci- ty w<s in a state of perfect tranquility, so completely had the vigoious meas- ures of the Sultan succeeded in putting down the J.missaiies. Tlie result ul the struggle had encouraged him whol- ly to abolish that turbulent militia. Se- veral hundred of tlie Jani&saries have The fever is said to rage with preat vio- lence- at Mobile. The bauks, public offices, kc. have been removed. A Bnptist clergyman by the name of Ez- ra Butler, it issaid'has been elected Gover- nor of the state of Vermont; and another clergyman by the name of Lclaml, Lieut. Governor. New and Very neatly executed bills of the Commercial Bank of Albany are in cir- culation, J. Alexander, president, II. Bar- tow, cashier. her next. Books kept open from 9 o'- clock in the morning, until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. One of the Commission- e r or an agent duly authorised, will attend at the times and places aforesaid. The capital stock of said bank, two hundred thousand dollars, is divided in- to shares of^fifty dollars each. Five dollars on each share will be required at the time of subsetibing ; and five dollars more before the bank goes into operation. By order, P. S. V. IIA MOT, Secretary. Erie, Pa. September. 1 S?f>. I "it J The Kentucky papers state, that Desha is yet alive, and out of danger. ••nested his career in life, and death lias consigned Ins remains to dissolution The groii:ul that contains fhe ashes of Kir fathers, the Cemetery of Magna, is also entrusted with hist. Thither they were willow ed by his brothers, his f. i<-nds, and an entire people spontane- asly evincing their respect; and there i they repose, awaiting the consumrha- I 'ion of time. That the place may not, | in the lapse of ages, be forgotten, in ] which they are deposited until the tes- i MI lection of the dead, we hope that a chaste but lofty monument will be erec- led, to remind the generations as they pass, that slumbering there are the ash- es of him who was the first link of po- litical union between Colombia and the Republics of Noitb America. This principles of Government, and could i "»ma C e, so well deserved by the man tl* voice of reason have made itself1 •*••*» IV,!, * M> eq,,a "* •°^ r " We ,0 *• heard midst the clamours of ambition. !' eo i ), * J "' ll,ls tou " lr - v - » *>» M rov «- it might have opened the eyes of Gen ! ^ consi wtenl and generous in Inenri- e,'ed Paez to the ahyss into which /, f hl'q» a'»d alliance, their recollection and vis madly plunging himself, end dis pilled the cloud ofertin which his mt jnincipled advisers had art fully thrown around him What a pleasing contrast does the conduct ef these two men present, f " The stain thrown on the anna J s of Our struggle fetr inelepn.elence and freedom from the treimmels e>f despo- tism by the. proceedings of the. erne, U gloriously erased by the ejemplarn behaviour of the other. The enemies of our republican institutions hailed the news of the defections of the for- mer with delight ; they pretclainieel the impossibility of their duration in a country where Spanish education, Spanish prejudices, Spanish nrilitan/ sway, had prevailed: their rejoicings hive now been stijted : their forebo- dings have now been falsified; sixteen •years' experience has demonstrated to its the incempatibility of any thing Spanish with the prosperity of a coun- try, and has proveel to conviction that the * non responsibility of persons in official situations is the bulwark of tyranny and the grave of freedom. " In fact the project of Paez has completely failed ; not one of the com- missioners despatched by him to the different authorities in Venezuela has, we have heard, been received favoura- bly ; on the contrary, many of them have proceeded with a commission from the parties to whom they were sent, either to the government here or to Pern. The most favourable intel- ligence has been received from Mara- caybo, Margarita, Guayana, and Cu- tnana. The contrary faction, on the other hand, studiously dissemble their views: to one party they preach feder alisu, to the other they give hopes of a monarchy. Ignorant themselves of the object of their wishes, ashamed or perhaps unable to retrace their steps, they have Kited hold of ths absence respect do not tetmiuate with the boun- daries of human life, but penetrate into ihe valley of death, to honor those that were just and distinguished here, ll'it we must arrest the current of our feelings, for here the limits of our pap*>r stop us." From the National Gazette. Cedomlnei.—The Manifesto of the Executive department of the Govern- ment of Colombia, vein ting to the insur- lection in Venezuela, and dated the 30th April last, has been received at this office. The Executive government vindi- cates itself from the charges which General Paez has brought against it in his ietleis to Bolivar and his proclama- tions ;—it accuses him of inconsistency and dissimulation ; states that he has raised the standard of rebellion ; avers that Venezuela has been subjected by military violence, to a revolutionary and unconstitutional dominion; and acknowledged that his traitorous and rebellious proceedings have arrested and shaken the Republic on hs march, and inflicted a deep wound on the na- tion by the terrible example of military revolt. According to this document, the de- partment of Venezuela, General Paez himself and the armed force stationed in that department, were objects of the particular favor, and indeed partiality, of the general government ; and he and his soldiers, are guilty of " special ingratitude" as well as high treason When so early as February, 1824, jealous and factious discontents were er and more than 12,000 have been banished into Asia. Lveiy tiling tend- ed to show that the Suitan was itsolved to effect a complete militaiy reform by A Virginia papef" says—•' It is now well ascertained that the wheat crop has been very short this season thronghont the eas- tern section of the state. Little more than half a crop is beheved to have been reali- zed." the introduction w the Luiopean sys- tem of discipline into every corps of his army, and from his firmness ol char- acter it was fully anticipated that the attempt equivalent in its consequences to a great levolution, and which proved fatal to his predecessor, would finally succeed. Tlie banished Janissawjs, it is said, intend to join the Greeks. The Philndclphia Gazette says, that flour h:is rUen to S dollars and a quarter ; and add?, •• This we are informed is entirely ow- ing to the domestic demand. 600 barrels a day, are required for Philadelphia and its immediate neighborhood, so immense has the home consumption become/' A furnace, grist-mill, saw-mil), trip ham mer, and several out-he-Uscs, with their con- tents, were destroyed by fire at Middlebu- ry, Vermont, on the Cfith ult. The elwi /ling house of Mr. Dunbar, of Potsehnn. St. Leiwrencc county, was destroyed by fire on the "2'Zd ult. jVo- thimg was snv<-<\J~rom the fames.. _ KOTlOMn C ONGRESS having gianted to OBA- OIAII DELANO, of Uiica, the ex- clusive right to his invention of the im- proved Fireplace & Chimney, and the subscriber, after a strict exam- ination, has seen fit to purchase of said Delano, the right for this county, and now offers for sale, TOWN lights, and rights to Bricklayers for the season ; al- so, to those building one or more fire- places. Should the patent be strictly adhered to, it may be warranted to free the room from smoke. Any per- son wishing to purchase, will please call at Doct. Silas Spencers in Westfield, or at the subscriber's, and satisfy them- selves as to the effect. GIDEON GOODRICH. Portland Harbor. Sept. 13, 1826. tfl5 GREECE. The French Admiral Rigny has de- stroyed a great many piratical vessels in the Archipelago. He found the brave f'anaris among the pirates and in t»reat danger, he having gone there to try to put a stop to their excesses. The Greek Government issued a proclama- tion, dated June Slh, for putting an end to piracy. It is reported that Tripolitza has been retaken from the Tuiks by storm, and that Admiral Miauiis had destroyed iwo Turkish frigates in the Dardanel- les. The Admiral was wailing to join Lord Cochrance. Accounts from Z.inte to June 10, had reached Paris. Lord Cochrane was ex- pected immediately in the Archipelag <. The Archbishop of Patras, Germanios, the Count IMetaxas, and the petwMM of the greatest influence, who directed the insurrei tion <>f the Hellenists, .:re at the head of the Greek Government. Col. FabVier had a carte blanche, to act as he may think conducive to the public service. They had succeeded in procu- ring him 35,000 piastres lor the pay- ment of his regiment, clothing for which had been furnished by the Greek com- mittee at Paris. A letter from Aujjsburg, of the 2.">th of July, says, the Anglo-Ionian Author- ities at Corfu, have-published that the Greek Government at Napoli de Ro- mania, had received intelligence, that a corps of Arabs, of-4 or 5000 men, had advanced upon the province of Maina, and summoned the inhabitants to sub- mit and, that the latter, who were in a state of defence, begged to commuu icate with Ibrahim Pacha in person, which, not being granted, they fell upon the Arabs unawares, and after a bloody action completely routed them, cause- ing them a loss of 2000 men. Russia.—The police are still very vigilant at St. Petersburgh. Letters and packets are opened at the post of- fice. It is supposed about a dozen of the conspirators will be shot, and a great number banished to Siberia. The Emperor Nicholas is full of activi- ty, and appears to be growing popular. Miendzyhorz, a town in the Polish go- vernment of Podolia, was almostentire- Thtt Georgia papers state that Go vernor Troup hi d etrderrd the survey- ors to enter the ''.reek territory for the purpose of surveying the lands and ta- king possession of them on the first of September, according to the stipula- tions e>f the old treatythe one ubro gated, etr superseded by the new trea ty meiele. eit Washington last winter. I'/ie Georgia Patriot in speaking etf the fact remarks, The Rubicon is passed P* It is, indeed. N. Y. Stat. B ilimr and JKn Hart. The Mercantile Advertiser states that letters have been received from Lima, which announces that President, Bolivar has entered into marriage cov- enant with Miss Hart, of Say brook, Connecticut, sister of the lady of Com- modoie Hull, of the frigate United Sta- tes. Miss Hart accompanied her sister on the cruise of ihe frigate. Niiiian Edwards has been elected Governor of the state of Illinois. found to have attained a height which ,v dest royed by fire in the beginning required close attention, General P a e z | o f t n e month. The Town Hall, the particularly undertook that the garri- j theatre > several cloth manufactories, and son of Caracas « should be composed i near,v al1 the houses, were consumed The New York State Literatuie Lot- tery Class No. 5, for 182(1, was drawn at the City-Hall N. Y. The following are the drawn numbers : 31, 27, 33, 49, 38, 12, 52, 45, It is our painful duty to announce the sudden death of the Hon. WILLIAM P VAN NESS. He died yesterday about 3 o' clock, at the house of J. O. Hodman, esq. without a moment's sick- ness or any apparent pain. Judge Van Ness, afier having filled several honor- able public stations under the state go- vernment, has been for the last fourteen years the U. S. district judge for the southern district of New-York. During that period the vast business of the dis- trict court of New-York, constantly presented the most important questions —many of them almost without prece- dent in public or commercial law.— These constantly brought before him the exercise of the highest legal talents of the state and even of the nation. In the discharge of these judicial duties, he displayed a truely legal and original mind, capable of seizing and elucida- ting the most difficult and complicated subjects; while in all his written opin- ions, he gave equal evidence of various learning and elegant scholarship. Mew- York paper. of troops and officers, worthy of entire confidence on account o. their deter- mined attachment to the Comtitu- terfromHeramuudt, in Transylvania, and 45 persons unfortunately perished. Turkey.—Extract of a private let' JM ARSHALL'S Spelling Book for for sale at this office. July 8. Cash paid tor rags, At U«» office.- July 15. Wcclces & Cheesematiy 229 Pearl-Street, YTWT Thfll —J JMain- slrcet^ Buffalo, IMPORTERS AM) DEALERS IN C\\mv\, li\c\ss avu\ Y^avtVieft WARE, . H AV E just reteived a large and el- egant supply of the above men- tioned articles, which they will repack from the shelves, or sell by the original package, as cheap as can be furnished in the city of New-York, or any part of the United States. Buffalo, Sept. 9, 1826. 15w3 JV O tlCE. VW/'HERKAS my wife HANNAH, V V has left my ben and board without any just provocation ;—this is, therefore, to forbid any person harbor- ing or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of hei contracting af- ter this date. JOHN DRUS£ Portland. Sept. 15. 1826. 15wS jidmtmttrator's & a;e. B Y virtue of a decree of the Smro* rogate of the County of Chautan- qne, will be sold, at public vendue, un- der the direction of the subscribers, ad- ministrator and administiatix of all and singular the goods and chattels of Phil- ip Mi'chel, late of the town of Port- land, in said county, deceased, at the hotel of Heniy Abeil, in the village of Westfield, in said county, on Satureiay, the 4th day of November next, al 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, a part of the real estate whereof said Philip Mitchel, died seized, to wit :— All that cei tain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the fourth township and thirteenth range, accor- ding to a survey of the Holland Land Company's land, in the county of Chau- tauque, beginning at the northeast cor- ner of lot number sixty-two, in the said township and range, thence south sev- enteen chains and forty-six links, thence west twenty-seven chains, thiry-five links, thence north, seventeen chains forty-six links, thence east, twenty-sev- en chains fifty links, to the place of beginning, containing forty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less. Terms and conditions of sale made known by application to the subscri- bers, or to Jonathan Cass, of the vil- lage of Westfield, or on the day and at the place of sale. DAVID EATON, Administrator. POLLY MITCHEL, Adm% Portland, September 15, 1826. 15tds FARMERS' AND Astronomical Calendar, roa 1127: For Sale at this Office.

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or something worse than lost. Every y-xith, who has any capacity of inclina­tion for the acquirement of knowledge^ will have some favorite studies, in which he will be likely to escel. It is certain­ly then much better that he should be permitted to pursue tbost, than that by being forced to attend to others for which he has an aversion) and in which he will never eWei, or ever make com­mon proficiency, he should finally ac­quire a dislike to all study.

6 A sixth defect is the prescribing the length of time for completing, as it ts termed, course of education. By these means, the good scholar is placed near­ly on a level with the sluggard ; for whatever may be his exertions, he can gain nothing in respect to time, and the latter has, in consequence of this, less stimulus for exertion.

(Tobe Continued.)


of the Liberatoras a prttex to gainUion and* t o [hat unity or'consolidation,j dated July 1 4 ; — u I have this instant ftme; and afraid, or disagreeing in which, to use his own language, the j received intelligence from Bucharest, among themselves as to their future power and the felicity of the govern- (thai the Janissaries of Constantinople designs, they have prrftssed a deter- ment essentially consisted." ' have gained a signal victory over, their mination to" await his touring and \ For a whole year, the General ab- Barbarous master. After having Set on abide by what he map reiotve Wheth- (stained from executing the militia law, fire all the buildings destined for the er it be decor us for this government to and remained silent about it in his bffi- new soldiery, they besieged the Sultan delay taking any steps to put dencn cial correspondence; and then sudden- in his palace, demanding the abolition this sedition until that moment arrives ly executed it in a manner which occa- of the new order of things. In Bos-

MARRIKD,—In Portland, on (he lOthmst. by T. B. Campbell, e?q. Elam C. Bliss, to Mary Harrhon, both of that place. — • — j a ^ ^ — — — — — — • 1

is another question, and one which to sioned a petition against him to the le­fts admits but of one answer.—Either gislature, from that very municipal bo

nia, Andrinople, Sephia and all the principal towns of the Turkish empire,

Erie Bank. The Commissioners

APPOINTED by an act of Assem­bly of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, passed the eighth clay of April, in the year of our Lord one

&outfj America. From the Bait-more Gazette, Sept. 4. From Mexico and Colombia.— We

we have the moral and physical force Ay at Caracas, which afterwards de- mobs, are daily formed who utter the { H ^ > twenty**', to compel obedience to the resolutions clared for him* ostensibly in conse- most violent threats and swear to a- h ' of our administration, or we have not. quence of the measures of the legisla- venge their comrades. The Janissaries If the former, they have been violated, tore on the subject. The same signa-j upon the banks of the Danube have for-and it should be exerted to enforce tures are affixed to the censure and the iced the Bulgarians to take arms and them; or if unfortunately, the latter sanction ; and hence, and from other j march with them upon Constantinople, has been the case, we have been living facts, it is positively inferred, and aflir for the last few years at the mercy of med that the present occurrence of the any turbulent character who might municipal authorities is the effect of in-choose to start forward, and involve jtimidation) and the people of Venezue-us all in the horrors of civil commotion, la in fact averse from his seditious and

received this rhdrnihg various files of papers from South Amerita^-those

from Bogota are *0 ike 14th of July, and our Gazettes came down to the 28/A of July. The brig Lady Monroe at this port yesterday from Vera Cruz, brought vs regular files of Mexican papers to the I2th] »nd inclination to support it

We for one, should not be sorry to see such a state of society cease, and some­thing more stable, more capable of re­sisting every slight attempt at innova­tion by an armed force, substituted in its stead. This last however, is, we ap­prehend, far from being our situation, and the documents we have before al­luded to, iiicontestibly prove that the friends of Government are neither few in number, nor defective in resources

Let then)

outrageous designs. The /Executive government adds,

that it has received assurances of loyal­ty and support, from the neighboring communities and civil and military au­thorities, and calls upon the nation to defend and sustain the sacred code of her liberties.

which they wish to destroy. It is said that the Turkish Commissioners sent to

entitled " an act establishing a bank in the borough of Erie, in the county of Erie," hereby give notice, that books for trie subscription of stock in the said bank, will be opened at the house of E. L. TINKER, in Westfield, on the six-

treat with those of Russia, have receiv- , f c e n , h da-v o f ° c f o b e r * * * ™ d a t t h e

ed orders to i wait for the

lose oi ruissia, iiavu receiv- i, , -_ , . , „ ,- «, , „. - « »« SI -. . — .. ! house of Messrs. Abells, in r redonia. stop at fcelistna, where they i _,, ' . _, ' p-L—»_ ZT^-J- «« "* Chautauque counlv, and state of New-Sultan 3 commands." , r . ^ , • ' . . . „

H^^H I H H H a^H i^H H I H a iM B H a i rork, on the seventeenth day of Octo-mtms&t*

\m\m* From tlie Alw- York Statesman.

PORTUGAL. It was confidently reported that the

Austrian Ambassador at Much id, hau declared to the corps diplomatique (he determinaiiou of the Mmpvtm not to consent to the establishment of the new Portuguese Constitution.

nronositiem amtears in /A* • me „iuinoriiw-s, wuo a.-one oy uie laws „,. ° /-, .. .• . . . • proposition appears in me » J The Constitution had been promul-

Mixican imnrrs hu F rie Paula Tarn-• have the power to ijive them redress: , . . . . . _ . ,. \ , jriixtmn papers, oy r. or rauia i am- i » t J . gated at Lisbon on tm 13th wl July ; a

1 let every thine be vie Idea to them coni-.fc . . . . . * ' . * * .. great number ol copies

Of i ° . L . „-,•

August inclusive.' The editor of the I he called on to exert them in favor of Star mentions the arrival of Comma-1 the constitution they have sworn to dore Porter, at Vera Cruz, to take maintain inviolable : h t the leaders of command of the Mexican navy, and\ »he insurrection olWalencia be directed Ae hopes that the neglect and apathy i to lay down their arms, under a prom-w/iirh hdve been /titerto conspicuous in !'we that their grievances, if any are this branch of the service will note j complained of, shall be attended to by cease. A proposition appears in the ; 'he Authorities, who alone by the laws

atiz, to establish a. commercial compa­ny, to trade to Asia and the Pacific, SflfaiVr the name of'1 The Asiatic Mex icon Company" and Motiterray, the capital of upper California, is men tinned as the best situation for the promotion of the objects of the compa­ny,

Revolt of General Par i—We sus­pect that the information given to our Correspondent in Laguayra, as published in our paper of Saturday, stating that the people of Maraceiibo and Carthagena had openly de'fared in favor of the federative sysf: /», is not correct—Our information recti red this day, direct from those places •late that every thing there remainee/l u'r W f l f iNs^illl of the United States, perfectly tranquil and that the mil- "far our government. A violent U ve, itary and civil authorities had renew­ed their oaths of allegiance to the pre sent government, and of attachment to the eonstitution.

In speaking of the. revolt of Gen Paez, and the manifesto of Genera/ Bermudez. as published in this Gazette some time since, the Editor of the Bo gota Constitutional, in his paper of the 13th July, holds this appropriate and energetic langftge .*—

" The Manifesto of General Tier mudez will be read with ptrmtare h>/ every one ctepable of appreciating the services which at this moment, he has it in his jagicer to render to his conn try and to the cause of civil liberty throughout the world Every line be­trays an intimate knowledge of the

patible with the interests and honor th«* Republic, and the inviolability of our '•.fisting institutions; hut let nothing be » xtorted by violence, let no concessions b<» obtained by force ; and let no uncon­ditional submission to what may be awarded by such as may be appointed to enquire into the causes of this levolt, be the price at which oblivion lb r past • .fiVnces be obtained.'

We translated from El Cometa Mer-cantil of Carthagena. of ihe 27th" of! , , . , , , .i ,• n • '•• ci oerished bv the haiu ul We rxecuiion-July, the following notice ot .he i

Death ofthe Hon. Jliehard C. Anderson. " Died in this place, on the 2oih of

July, the Hon. R C. Anderson, Minis-

had been dis­tributed. The city enjoyed the most perfect tranquility.

L^tteis from Constantinople to the 27th June stale that at that time the ci­ty w<s in a state of perfect tranquility, so completely had the vigoious meas­ures of the Sultan succeeded in putting down the J.missaiies. Tlie result ul the struggle had encouraged him whol­ly to abolish that turbulent militia. Se­veral hundred of tlie Jani&saries have

The fever is said to rage with preat vio­lence- at Mobile. The bauks, public offices, kc. have been removed.

A Bnptist clergyman by the name of Ez­ra Butler, it issaid'has been elected Gover­nor of the state of Vermont; and another clergyman by the name of Lclaml, Lieut. Governor.

New and Very neatly executed bills of the Commercial Bank of Albany are in cir­culation, J. Alexander, president, II. Bar­tow, cashier.

her next. Books kept open from 9 o'­clock in the morning, until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. One of the Commission­e r or an agent duly authorised, will attend at the times and places aforesaid. The capital stock of said bank, two hundred thousand dollars, is divided in­to shares of^fifty dollars each. Five dollars on each share will be required at the time of subsetibing ; and five dollars more before the bank goes into operation.

By order, P. S. V. IIA MOT, Secretary.

Erie, Pa. September. 1 S?f>. I "it J

The Kentucky papers state, that Desha is yet alive, and out of danger.

••nested his career in life, and death lias consigned Ins remains to dissolution The groii:ul that contains fhe ashes of Kir fathers, the Cemetery of Magna, is also entrusted with hist. Thither they were willow ed by his brothers, his f. i<-nds, and an entire people spontane-

asly evincing their respect; and there i they repose, awaiting the consumrha-I 'ion of time. That the place may not, | in the lapse of ages, be forgotten, in ] which they are deposited until the tes-i MI lection of the dead, we hope that a chaste but lofty monument will be erec-led, to remind the generations as they pass, that slumbering there are the ash­es of him who was the first link of po­litical union between Colombia and the Republics of Noitb America. This

principles of Government, and could i "»maCe, so well deserved by the man tl* voice of reason have made itself1 • * • • * » IV,!,*M> e q , , a "* • ° ^ r " W e , 0 * • heard midst the clamours of ambition. • !'eoi),*J "' l l , l s tou" l r-v- » *>» Mrov«-it might have opened the eyes of Gen ! consiwtenl and generous in Inenri-e,'ed Paez to the ahyss into which /, fhl'q» a'»d alliance, their recollection and vis madly plunging himself, end dis pilled the cloud ofertin which his mt jnincipled advisers had art fully thrown around him What a pleasing contrast does the conduct ef these two men present, f

" The stain thrown on the annaJs of Our struggle fetr inelepn.elence and freedom from the treimmels e>f despo­tism by the. proceedings of the. erne, U gloriously erased by the ejemplarn behaviour of the other. The enemies of our republican institutions hailed the news of the defections of the for­mer with delight ; they pretclainieel the impossibility of their duration in a country where Spanish education, Spanish prejudices, Spanish nrilitan/ sway, had prevailed: their rejoicings hive now been stijted : their forebo­dings have now been falsified; sixteen

•years' experience has demonstrated to its the incempatibility of any thing Spanish with the prosperity of a coun­try, and has proveel to conviction that the * non responsibility of persons in official situations is the bulwark of tyranny and the grave of freedom.

" In fact the project of Paez has completely failed ; not one of the com­missioners despatched by him to the different authorities in Venezuela has, we have heard, been received favoura­bly ; on the contrary, many of them have proceeded with a commission from the parties to whom they were sent, either to the government here or to Pern. The most favourable intel­ligence has been received from Mara-caybo, Margarita, Guayana, and Cu-tnana. The contrary faction, on the other hand, studiously dissemble their views: to one party they preach feder alisu, to the other they give hopes of a monarchy. Ignorant themselves of the object of their wishes, ashamed or perhaps unable to retrace their steps, they have Kited hold of ths absence

respect do not tetmiuate with the boun­daries of human life, but penetrate into ihe valley of death, to honor those that were just and distinguished here,

ll'it we must arrest the current of our feelings, for here the limits of our pap*>r stop us."

From the National Gazette. Cedomlnei.—The Manifesto of the

Executive department of the Govern­ment of Colombia, vein ting to the insur-lection in Venezuela, and dated the 30th April last, has been received at this office.

The Executive government vindi­cates itself from the charges which General Paez has brought against it in his ietleis to Bolivar and his proclama­tions ;—it accuses him of inconsistency and dissimulation ; states that he has raised the standard of rebellion ; avers that Venezuela has been subjected by military violence, to a revolutionary and unconstitutional dominion; and acknowledged that his traitorous and rebellious proceedings have arrested and shaken the Republic on hs march, and inflicted a deep wound on the na­tion by the terrible example of military revolt.

According to this document, the de­partment of Venezuela, General Paez himself and the armed force stationed in that department, were objects of the particular favor, and indeed partiality, of the general government ; and he and his soldiers, are guilty of " special ingratitude" as well as high treason When so early as February, 1824, jealous and factious discontents were

er and more than 12,000 have been banished into Asia. Lveiy tiling tend­ed to show that the Suitan was itsolved to effect a complete militaiy reform by

A Virginia papef" says—•' It is now well ascertained that the wheat crop has been very short this season thronghont the eas­tern section of the state. Little more than half a crop is beheved to have been reali­zed."

the introduction w the Luiopean sys­tem of discipline into every corps of his army, and from his firmness ol char­acter it was fully anticipated that the attempt equivalent in its consequences to a great levolution, and which proved fatal to his predecessor, would finally succeed. Tlie banished Janissawjs, it is said, intend to join the Greeks.

The Philndclphia Gazette says, that flour h:is rUen to S dollars and a quarter ; and add?, •• This we are informed is entirely ow­ing to the domestic demand. 600 barrels a day, are required for Philadelphia and its immediate neighborhood, so immense has the home consumption become/'

A furnace, grist-mill, saw-mil), trip ham mer, and several out-he-Uscs, with their con­tents, were destroyed by fire at Middlebu-ry, Vermont, on the Cfith ult.

The elwi /ling house of Mr. Dunbar, of Potsehnn. St. Leiwrencc county, was destroyed by fire on the "2'Zd ult. jVo-thimg was snv<-<\J~rom the fames.. _


CONGRESS having gianted to OBA-OIAII DELANO, of Uiica, the ex­

clusive right to his invention of the im­proved

Fireplace & Chimney, and the subscriber, after a strict exam­ination, has seen fit to purchase of said Delano, the right for this county, and now offers for sale, TOWN lights, and rights to Bricklayers for the season ; al­so, to those building one or more fire­places. Should the patent be strictly adhered to, it may be warranted to free the room from smoke. Any per­son wishing to purchase, will please call at Doct. Silas Spencers in Westfield, or at the subscriber's, and satisfy them­selves as to the effect.

GIDEON GOODRICH. Portland Harbor. Sept. 13, 1826. tfl5

GREECE. The French Admiral Rigny has de­

stroyed a great many piratical vessels in the Archipelago. He found the brave f'anaris among the pirates and in t»reat danger, he having gone there to try to put a stop to their excesses. The Greek Government issued a proclama­tion, dated June Slh, for putting an end to piracy.

It is reported that Tripolitza has been retaken from the Tuiks by storm, and that Admiral Miauiis had destroyed iwo Turkish frigates in the Dardanel­les. The Admiral was wailing to join Lord Cochrance.

Accounts from Z.inte to June 10, had reached Paris. Lord Cochrane was ex­pected immediately in the Archipelag <. The Archbishop of Patras, Germanios, the Count IMetaxas, and the petwMM of the greatest influence, who directed the insurrei tion <>f the Hellenists, .:re at the head of the Greek Government. Col. FabVier had a carte blanche, to act as he may think conducive to the public service. They had succeeded in procu­ring him 35,000 piastres lor the pay­ment of his regiment, clothing for which had been furnished by the Greek com­mittee at Paris.

A letter from Aujjsburg, of the 2.">th of July, says, the Anglo-Ionian Author­ities at Corfu, have-published that the Greek Government at Napoli de Ro­mania, had received intelligence, that a corps of Arabs, of-4 or 5000 men, had advanced upon the province of Maina, and summoned the inhabitants to sub­mit and, that the latter, who were in a state of defence, begged to commuu icate with Ibrahim Pacha in person, which, not being granted, they fell upon the Arabs unawares, and after a bloody action completely routed them, cause-ing them a loss of 2000 men.

Russia.—The police are still very vigilant at St. Petersburgh. Letters and packets are opened at the post of­fice. It is supposed about a dozen of the conspirators will be shot, and a great number banished to Siberia. The Emperor Nicholas is full of activi­ty, and appears to be growing popular. Miendzyhorz, a town in the Polish go­vernment of Podolia, was almostentire-

Thtt Georgia papers state that Go vernor Troup hi d etrderrd the survey­ors to enter the ''.reek territory for the purpose of surveying the lands and ta­king possession of them on the first of September, according to the stipula­tions e>f the old treaty—the one ubro gated, etr superseded by the new trea ty meiele. eit Washington last winter. I'/ie Georgia Patriot in speaking etf the fact remarks, • The Rubicon is passed P* It is, indeed. —N. Y. Stat.

B ilimr and J K n Hart. The Mercantile Advertiser states

that letters have been received from Lima, which announces that President, Bolivar has entered into marriage cov­enant with Miss Hart, of Say brook, Connecticut, sister of the lady of Com-modoie Hull, of the frigate United Sta­tes. Miss Hart accompanied her sister on the cruise of ihe frigate.

Niiiian Edwards has been elected Governor of the state of Illinois.

found to have attained a height which , v des troyed by fire in the beginning required close attention, General P a e z | o f t n e month. The Town Hall, the particularly undertook that the garri- j t h e a t r e> several cloth manufactories, and son of Caracas « should be composed i n e a r , v a l 1 t h e houses, were consumed

The New York State Literatuie Lot­tery Class No. 5, for 182(1, was drawn at the City-Hall N. Y. The following are the drawn numbers :

31, 27, 33 , 49, 38, 12, 52, 45,

It is our painful duty to announce the sudden death of the Hon. WILLIAM

P VAN NESS. He died yesterday about 3 o' clock, at the house of J. O. Hodman, esq. without a moment's sick­ness or any apparent pain. Judge Van Ness, afier having filled several honor­able public stations under the state go­vernment, has been for the last fourteen years the U. S. district judge for the southern district of New-York. During that period the vast business of the dis­trict court of New-York, constantly presented the most important questions —many of them almost without prece­dent in public or commercial law.—

These constantly brought before him the exercise of the highest legal talents of the state and even of the nation. In the discharge of these judicial duties, he displayed a truely legal and original mind, capable of seizing and elucida­ting the most difficult and complicated subjects; while in all his written opin­ions, he gave equal evidence of various learning and elegant scholarship.

Mew- York paper.

of troops and officers, worthy of entire confidence on account o. their deter­mined attachment to the Comtitu- ter from Heramuudt, in Transylvania,

and 45 persons unfortunately perished.

Turkey.—Extract of a private let'

JM ARSHALL'S Spelling Book for for sale at this office. July 8.

Cash paid tor rags, At U«» office.- July 15.

Wcclces & Cheesematiy 229 Pearl-Street, YTWT Thfll —J JMain-


C\\mv\, li\c\ss avu\ Y avtVieft WARE, .

HAV E just reteived a large and el­egant supply of the above men­

tioned articles, which they will repack from the shelves, or sell by the original package, as cheap as can be furnished in the city of New-York, or any part of the United States.

Buffalo, Sept. 9, 1826. 15w3

JV O tlCE. V W / ' H E R K A S my wife HANNAH,

V V has left my ben and board without any just provocation ;—this is, therefore, to forbid any person harbor­ing or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of hei contracting af­ter this date.

JOHN DRUS£ Portland. Sept. 15. 1826. 15wS

jidmtmttrator's & a;e. BY virtue of a decree of the Smro*

rogate of the County of Chautan-qne, will be sold, at public vendue, un­der the direction of the subscribers, ad­ministrator and administiatix of all and singular the goods and chattels of Phil­ip Mi'chel, late of the town of Port­land, in said county, deceased, at the hotel of Heniy Abeil, in the village of Westfield, in said county, on Satureiay, the 4th day of November next, al 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, a part of the real estate whereof said Philip Mitchel, died seized, to wit :— All that cei tain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the fourth township and thirteenth range, accor­ding to a survey of the Holland Land Company's land, in the county of Chau-tauque, beginning at the northeast cor­ner of lot number sixty-two, in the said township and range, thence south sev­enteen chains and forty-six links, thence west twenty-seven chains, thiry-five links, thence north, seventeen chains forty-six links, thence east, twenty-sev­en chains fifty links, to the place of beginning, containing forty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less.

Terms and conditions of sale made known by application to the subscri­bers, or to Jonathan Cass, of the vil­lage of Westfield, or on the day and at the place of sale.


Portland, September 15, 1826. 15tds



Astronomical Calendar, roa 1127:

For Sale at this Office.