jl04 assignment

1 Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit number and title JL04 - Unit 2 Communication Skills for Creative Media Production Start date 2/9/14 Deadline 1/5/15 Assessor name Jo Lowes Assignment title JL04 – TV Documentary Commission Aim and purpose This unit aims to improve the skills that you can expect to use on a regular basis within the creative media sector such as pitching ideas, writing proposals and constructing reports. Both individually and in small teams you will develop your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas through pitches, proposals and reports to a range of audiences using appropriate modes of address and forms of technology. On completion of this assignment should: 1 Be able to extract information from written sources 2 Be able to create a report in a media production context 3 Be able to pitch a media production proposal using appropriate technology. Scenario You have been commissioned by Channel 4 to come up with a documentary which tackles an ethical or controversial issue within the media industry. The aim of the program is to make the viewer more aware and question the constant bombardment of information they receive on a daily basis. The documentary could include any of the following: Ethical: social issues and sensitivities, eg representation of gender, representation of religious beliefs, linguistic usages, accessibility; professional body codes of practice, eg BBC producers’ guidelines, Worldwide Web Consortium accessibility standards. It should also include information on relevant laws including, Broadcasting Act 1990 (and later amendments), Official Secrets Act 1989, Obscene Publications Act 1959 (and later amendments), Films Act 1985, Video Recordings Act 1984, Race Relations Act 1976 (and later amendments), Human Rights Act 1998, Licensing Act 2003 (and later amendments); privacy law; copyright and intellectual property law; libel law You will need to come up with a main theme and title for your documentary and conduct detailed research, before preparing a proposal for a documentary. You must research information from a range of written sources and present a balanced written proposal looking at both sides of the issue and how you think this issue should be addressed. You need to research this topic from at least 3 sources and correctly quote the information you have found.

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Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit number and title JL04 - Unit 2 Communication Skills for Creative Media Production

Start date 2/9/14

Deadline 1/5/15

Assessor name Jo Lowes

Assignment title JL04 – TV Documentary Commission

Aim and purpose This unit aims to improve the skills that you can expect to use on a regular basis within the creative media sector such as pitching ideas, writing proposals and constructing reports. Both individually and in small teams you will develop your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas through pitches, proposals and reports to a range of audiences using appropriate modes of address and forms of technology. On completion of this assignment should: 1 Be able to extract information from written sources 2 Be able to create a report in a media production context 3 Be able to pitch a media production proposal using appropriate technology.


You have been commissioned by Channel 4 to come up with a documentary which tackles an ethical or controversial issue within the media industry. The aim of the program is to make the viewer more aware and question the constant bombardment of information they receive on a daily basis. The documentary could include any of the following: Ethical: social issues and sensitivities, eg representation of gender, representation of religious beliefs, linguistic usages, accessibility; professional body codes of practice, eg BBC producers’ guidelines, Worldwide Web Consortium accessibility standards. It should also include information on relevant laws including, Broadcasting Act 1990 (and later amendments), Official Secrets Act 1989, Obscene Publications Act 1959 (and later amendments), Films Act 1985, Video Recordings Act 1984, Race Relations Act 1976 (and later amendments), Human Rights Act 1998, Licensing Act 2003 (and later amendments); privacy law; copyright and intellectual property law; libel law You will need to come up with a main theme and title for your documentary and conduct detailed research, before preparing a proposal for a documentary. You must research information from a range of written sources and present a balanced written proposal looking at both sides of the issue and how you think this issue should be addressed. You need to research this topic from at least 3 sources and correctly quote the information you have found.

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Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping

Task 1 Documentary Research You need to carry out in depth research into the ethical issue you have chosen to feature in your documentary: This should include

• All laws relating to issue, eg Broadcasting Act 1990, Official Secrets Act 1989, Obscene Publications Act 1959, Films Act 1985, Video Recordings Act 1984, Race Relations Act 1976, Human, Rights Act 1998, Licensing Act 2003 (and later amendments); privacy law; copyright and intellectual, property law; libel law

• Make a note of all websites and articles you have read • Find at least 3 quotes which support your arguments from 3

different sources • Create a mind map which notes down the main points within the

issue All work needs to be added to your blog with the title Task 1 Documentary Research

Unit 2 P1, M1, D1

Task 2 Reviewing media production reports Print a rough draft of your documentary proposal and make appropriate change

• Do you need to add more quotes? • Check spellings and grammar • Can images be added to make your case stronger? • Does your argument flow or does the order need changed?

Make changes to the report in pen, scan in and place on your blog as Task 2 Reviewing media production reports

Unit 2 P3, M3, D3

Task 3 Presentation of final documentary ideas Present a well-structured and substantial essay about the issue your documentary will feature which conveys information and examples which justify your conclusion to the issue. You should include:

• What was the controversial / ethical issue you researched • Who was involved in the issue • What was the outcome / consequences • What laws / acts are relevant to the issue • Your opinion and conclusion on the issue

Unit 2 P2, M2, D2

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The report needs to be added to your blog with the title Task 3 Final report.

Task 4 Task 4 the Pitch (With a recording of your pitch and accompanying material) You also must consider how you will present the show in the form of a pitch – e.g. power point and presentation Working in the same groups of three learners pitch your idea to panel explaining your idea and presenting supporting material: Include the following information.

• Name & aim of the show. • The key points of the issue your documentary will feature • Also consider the style, theme, tone and technology of your pitch,

as your pitch should reflect the ethos of your show A recording of your pitch need to be added your blog with the title Task 4 the Pitch

Unit 2 P4, M4, D4 P5, M5, D5

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  Unit  2  Communication  Skills  for  Creative  Media  Production  Partial  P1.  use  appropriate  techniques  to  extract  relevant  information  from  written  sources  

  M1 .  use  appropriate  techniques  to  extract  information  from  written  sources  with  some  precision  

  D1 . use  appropriate  techniques  to  extract  comprehensive  information  from  written  sources  


P2.  present  a  media  production  report  which  conveys  relevant  information  [IE]  

  M2 .  present  a  structured  and  detailed  media  production  report  which  conveys  information  and  explains  conclusions  with  clarity  

  D2 .  present  a  well-­‐structured  and  substantial  media  production  report  which  conveys  information  with  precise  exemplification  and  justifies  conclusions  with  supporting  arguments  


P3.  review  reports  to  make  changes  with  occasional  beneficial  effects  [RL]  

  M3. review  reports  to  make  changes  with  frequent  beneficial  effects  

  D3.  review  reports  to  make  changes  with  consistently  beneficial  effects  


P4.  deploy  and  manage  appropriate  technology  to  pitch  a  media  production  proposal  [SM]  

  M4.  deploy  and  manage  technology  to  pitch  a  media  production  proposal  effectively  and  with  some  imagination  

  D4  deploy  and  manage  technology  to  pitch  a  media  production  proposal  with  creativity  and  flair  and  to  near-­‐professional  standards  


P5  employ  appropriate  forms  of  address  in  a  media  production  pitch  to  communicate  ideas.  [CT]  

  M5  employ  forms  of  address  in  a  media  production  pitch  to  communicate  ideas  effectively.  

  D5  employ  forms  of  address  in  a  media  production  pitch  with  flair  to  communicate  ideas  with  impact.  


    :PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.