jkhf.infojkhf.info/kendrick - 1981 - the gazette news/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 w~...

/,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!- .4Y~ .ie~~i::.<~'4 Delegate Riitli White Reports on White House Conference on Aging at Wash., D.C. The trip to the White House Con- ference on Aging was filled with de- light, frsrstrations, prayers of thnaks to God, that we were allowed to go and to return without majov mis- haps. We flew from Spokane on Nov. 29, arriving back in Spokane Dec. 3. Beautifully smooth flying each way. With the aid of Jerry and Connie White and family we weve able to make connections comfortably. Also spending a night with them before we 1eft and again on veturning. The weathev in Washing!.on, D. C. was identical to Idaho Falls weath- er. Raining only one day, we weve in luck, as a heavy coat was not need- ed too much. The size of oiii home awny fvoni home at the Washington-Slievaion Hotel was 1550 rooms. Bill and I oc- cupied a room on the fourth floor, next to the fire escape door. This was a blessing as an early morning five in the hall on the first floor created much apprehension. Howevev, with prompt action from the Five Del.L., the fire was extinguished quickly. One o'f the highlights of the triip was meeting and elljoying visits with Lee Magnuson, formerly of Kend- rick. Bvinging Kendrick to Wash- ington, D. C. filled all 3 of us with a warm comfortable feeling of being at home. Bill visite'd the White House and a part of the Smithsonian Institute— then was a guest of Lee Magnuson at the Smithsonian fov w very special lunch. Touring Washington, D. C. on Sun- day afternoon was another highlight. Our tour guide was well versed in his job giving us a feeling of pride in our forefathers and glad we ave Americans. Delegates were from Lhe 50 states and U. S. territories most interest- ing and fviendly people. Each with a common punpose in mind to en- Rebekah Card Parties Will Continue Saturday The Rebekah card party was well attended last Saturday evening, so it was decided to hold another sess- ion this Saturday, Dec. 12 at 7:30. The annual Christmas party will be held Friday, Dec. 18 at 7:30 p. m. Each one is asked to bring a gift for the gift exchange. At the Saturday party lad- ies high was won by d~leanor Weg- ner and low 'by Alberta Turner. The men's high went to Wovthan Raw- son and low to Ben Cook. Pinochle was won by Worthan Rawson and Betty Cowger took home the 5 9's. Inter-Denominational Singspiration Dec. 13 .The congregation of the Juliaetta Community Church will be the host Church for another inter-denomina- tion iSfngspiratfon'unday evening, Dec. 13 at 6:00 p. m. There will be congregational parti- cipation in the the selection of the songs of faith and praise this even-'ng and everyone in the Kendrick- Juliaetta area is invited Lo attend. KVKII43RKKN FRIENDSHIP CLUB PARTY DECEMBER 17 The Evergreen Friendship Club will hold its annual Christmas Party and potluck luncheon Thursday, Dec. 17, at noon at the home of Nrs. Ellen Rowden. Geo csee School Lunch Menu QENESEE LUNCH MENU Thursday, December 10 Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Buttered Corn Cookie Milk Frt'day, December 11 Chili Cinnamon Rons Celery Sticks Fiwft Milk Monday, December 14 Fishwich Tator Tots Vegetable Dippers Cake Milk Tuesday, December IF> Grilled Ham Cheese Vegetable Soup Crackers Fru1t Milk Wednesday, December 16 Tositizza Tossed Salad Green Beans Fr<i!L Milk act legislation, to not only help Sen iovs today, but to pvotect those of toniolTow a~long xvfth depell<lellts and I.hose with disability needs. Each State i«as allowed delegates and observers accovding'o State population. The difference «~as a delegate could vote and an observer could not vote. Idaho was allowed 12 delegat:es and 12 obsevvevs. Total delegates were 2200 plus 1200 obser- vers and spouses, speakers and the chairmen. The Idaho delegation, with coor- dinatov Ross Bown>an, Director, Ida- ho Office on Aging, stood firmly to- gethev on i<ey vesolutions. White House Conference on Aging was chaived by Constance Avnritage, Associate Professor of Arts History, Waffov<l College, Spartanburg, S. Cavolina, was rnosi. ably conducted. Altho a vevy slight built lady, need- less demonstrations were dispensed in a fivni mariner. (to this delegate demonstvations seemed to be a way of life to some.) Senator Claude Peppev (D-Fla.), a young 81, gave a very exhilemtfng speech folloxving Lhy keynote speak- er Secretary Richard,Schweikev. Other speakeis were Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.), Sen. Lawton Chiles (DWla) and Rep. Mathew J. Rinaldo (R-NJ), all members of I.he House Select, Com mittee on Aging. 'Fourteen different committees weve on the agf.'nda. All delegates weve appoinfed to a committee be- fove leaving honie. I ivas placed on "Economic Well Being" which dealt « Ith Social Security among other items. This conimittee «'s designa,- ted by the news media as the hot spot of the conference, therefore TV cameras and lights, news media, of all catevgovies weve I:vying hai d, sometimes too hard, to get their story first. I marveled at the "cool" of our chairman, Robt. Steele, Bank President and a former U. S. Repre- sentative from Connecticut. The TV lights were hard on eyes and brought the temperature of the room, along with spirited discussion, to a high heat. The major resolution passed by the committee concerned Social Security. It called for keeping the financial integrity of Social Security intact. Other resolutions such as a com- prehensive policy to fight inflation was among the 48 resolutions intro- duced. Some passed and ot.hers were rejected. :President Reagan spoke at the noon luncheon on Tuesday. The sec- urity was very tight. No announce- ment was made of his presence until just before the noon recess. His main topic was "Social Security can and will be saved". adding that, "After all, I'm a Senior too!". (Not.e: I was ini.erviewed on my reaction to his speech onlyto ffnd out it would be aired in Georgia! Oh well, you can't have everything!) Frustrations and chaos by every- one during the first btr ffet served proved a need fov management, Ser- vice was much better after that. The luncheons and dinners were great. The best of all was the ban- quet. served aL the Hilton Hotel. The banqueL iooni was a huge oval-shap- ed room. Lighi.ing and the public ad- dress system complimented the love- ly room. The sew'Ice was outstanding as 3400 seniors were served in 45 minutes. Buddy Ebsen, as master of ceremonies and Rex Allen and his band relaxed the crowd into a mel- low mood. Politicians were there some jug- gling the party policy, regardless of f.he lives of people. Demonstrators with placards and chanting tried to persuade delegates I.o think their way to my know- ledge i.he only thing they did was to create a dislike for infringing on our time! A thought: Aging does not begin at 65 years it begins the day you are borer! Reflections on the White House Conference on Aging. Amid excite- ment and anticipation listening to the President speak; attending well planned agendas; gaining respect for Senior Valiuiteers; having frusira- t,ions ease<i out; meeting interesting people; shai ing t.he trip with my husband, Bill ',his is a memorable occasion never to be forgotten. R»th A. White Delegate White House Conference on Aging 1981 50p Mr, and Mrs. David Sandquist of on Big Beav Ridge at 2:00 p. m. Juliaetta announce the engagement Miss Sandquist is a, graduate of of forthcoming marriage of their Kendrick High School and is pl'es- daughter Eva Marie, to Mark Steven ently a student at Lewis-Clark State Morgan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Butch College in Lewiston. Mark is a 1978 Moran of Kendrick. The wedding graduate of Kendrick High School will take place Sunday, December and is an employee of Western 20 at the Bethany Lutheran Church Cvushing Co., Juliaetta. Vol. 91 (USPS 574-740 ','Bill D. Magee, 37, ~ ,Victim of Fire. Lester Z. Whaley, 86, Passed December 3 Parsley Re-Elected trr Higliway Board; I Geliesee Fire Dist. Approves Truck Levy Six elect,ions occiipicd vol.ers Alon- 15 I votes: Parsley 122, Wilson 17, day afternoon as local high«ay, cern- and Holmes 8, There were a, total efevy and fiie districts chose corn- of eight spoiled ballots. Lcs(ev Z. Iyh;<ley, 88, a vesi<ient. of Juli;ietfa fov thi past 7r/2 yeavs, died lyedncsday morning, Dec. 2 at. St. Joseph's Hospital in Lewiston of lieavt f<rilure, He ivas born on Apvil 2, 1895, at Chehalfis, Wash., the son oi Albeit and Irene Whaley. The family later moved to Sunimit, Idaho, wheie they lived fov seveial year's before moving'o I~iasev in 1906. He ives raised;it 1 iaser'nd later farmed in the oven on Lowev Ford's Creek. He ivorkcd in the «oods and at a cveamevy in Orofino. He also worked as bull cook at Bohl's Cabin, Cleavivatev Tinibei Protective As- sociation cam p on the Nor t n Fork of'he Cleavivater. He retired in 1960. Hc ninivied Nellie Nqy Ellev Nc- Avoy at Ovofino on Mai~ 2, 1914. She died in 1971. He continued t'o live on the frovd's Cveek Ranch until moving to Jufi<<etta in 1974. He was a member of the Juliaetta Community Cluivch. iSurvivors include a stepdaughter, Rose McAvoy of Juliaetta and a stepson, Howard McAvoy of Kellogg; a sister, Elizabeth Lytle of Lake Os- wego, Oregon; tlu ee step-grand- cliildi en, five step-greatgrandchild- ven and three step-great-great gra- ndchildren. Services were held Saturday at Gilbert's Funeval Chapel in Orofino. Burial followed at the Fvaser Cemetery. Finer al sei vices for Bill Diianc Magee, a populav and respected mem- bei of the Genesee community «'ere ~ held Friday afternoon at the Genesee ! Community Church. Bill lost his life ! c<ii'Iy Tuesday morning, December 1, wlien fire of undetermined ovigin des- ti oy< d the small, three-i'oolll llouse «'h<ie he lived. He was 37. Bill was born March 2, 1944, to George and Edna Magee at Kendrick. The family moved to Genesee in 1950, He gi'aduated I'rom Gcnesee i High School in 1962 where he «as an outstanding football playei. In 1963, he enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served in the Vietnam Wav, He returned to Genesee after his discharge in 1967. He wovked on a niimbev of farms in the Genesee area and was also a, long-time em- ployee of the McGregov Co.'s Gene- see plant, Magee «'s a member and past Master of the Unity Lodge No. 32, A. F. & A. N. in Genesee, a member of the BielenbevgsSchooler Post 58, American Legion and the Genesee Community Church. He is survived by his parents, George and Edna Magee at the fam- ily home in Lewiston. An older brot- her, James, preceded hfm in death. iFuneval services were held Friday, Dec, 4 at the Genesee Comnumity Church with Roger Herndon, pastor'f the church and Estel Carbuhn, officiating. Music by Joan Stout. She sang "God Understands," and "No Tears in Heaven." ,Pallbearers were Jack Spangler, Bill Haxton, H. J. Hynes, Walter Mo- den, Don Bennett and Ray Grieser. Bielenberg-Schooler Post and Un- ity Lodge A,. F. & A. M. conducted graveside services. Interment Genesee City Cemetery. Menioi ials may be made to the Genesee Ambulance Fund or the Genesee American Legion. Short's Funeral Chapel at Mos- cow was in charge of arvangements. Our IIewrts Are Heavy The pall of sorrow cast over the Genesee community following the un- timely passing of Bill Magee and the great number of people who crowded into the Genesee Community Church Fviday to pay their last vespects to this good man served to emphasis the esteem in which he was held by his friends and acquaintances. The shock, the sorrow and the res- yect everyone in Genesee experienced following the terrible tragedy of last Tuesday was gemiine and heartfelt. You had to know and- understand Bill to realize this. You had to know what kind of a friend Bill was and understand the waiimth and depth of his concern for others before you can understand our loss. If you knew Bill Magee very well at all, you probably felt you owed him soinething. Not money. Bill wasn't rich in material things. He was rich in friendship, kindness, con- cern for others and respect for his fellowman. If you needed help in moving something, if you weeded help with work, help in the Lodge, the Legion, or the Church, you only needed to find Bill Magee and you had your help. Now, Bill was no saint it would be disrespectful to ,his memory to try to paint him as one, I believe. He was a big, powerful man with a tremendous zest for life and for living; he loved to party and have a good time and he was always warm and comfortable to be with. He had a sense of honor and fair splay that could be a standard for ally man. Why Bill was taken from us we can never understand, but as Christ- ians we . must accept. Our hearts bleed for George and Edna whose grief must be beyond our Imaginat- ion or comprehension. But they have one priceless gift: the knowledge that they brought two good, strong yourig men into the world... men who were respected, loved and who will be cherished in the memories of many friends for the rr.any years to come. The Magee boys... Jim and Bill... I'm very proud I had the privilege to. know them Bill missionevs fov four-year terms and one tax issue was pvesented Lo the pl 1li1 i C. South Latah Highway Distvict, had a three-way contest for the commis- sionev's position from Sub-District. 3. Incumbent Jack Parsley was re- turned fov another term over the opposition of Bill Wilson of'edar Creek and Lestev Holmes of Kend- rick, This contest generated enough intevest to attract 300 voters, nn un- usually heavy turnout fov a highway election. The ves»lts were: Jack Parsley ............................201 Bill Wilson ............................... 69 Lestev Holmes ...................,.... 22 Theve «eve 148 mtes cast in Kend- rick with Parsley receiving. 79, Wil- son 52 and Holnies 14. Genesec cast Gerresni Appr<rves Trrx I eve Residents of the Genesee Rural Five Protection District ivent to the polls Monday afternoon and demon- stvated, once again, that a modern efficient five department is a matter of pride and concern for them, as they approved a orie-time. $60,000, tax fe/vy on the District to purchase a. new fire truck. The vote was 111 for the levy with only 8 no votes cast. Kurt Blume was also elected to replace outgoing Fire Commfss- ioner Phil Hermann, who did not seek re-election. Nez-Tah Cemetery Dfstrlct Two new commissioners were cho- sen for the Nez-Tah Cemetery Dis- trict Monday. Unopposed on the bal- lot, Lude Groseclose was elected to replace Floyd Heimgartner for Sub- District 1, and Derold Hazeltfne was elected to replace Oscar Slind. Gros- eclose received 77 votes; Hazeltine polled 67. Genesee Cemetery District Laversre (Andy) Anderson, Gene- see Valley farmer, was re-elected as commissioner from Sub')fstrict 1 of'he Genesee Community Cemetery Maintenance District, Jolm Myers, Jr., was re-elected from Sub~District 2, Anderson polled 131 votes and Myers 187. Potlatch Cemetery Dfstrict Voters within the lioundaries of the Potlatch Cemetery Distvict re- f,urned botli hicumbents in voting Monday at the Cameron Church. Bill Thornton was rstursred with 22 vot- es and Tcd Meyers polled 20 votes. Leo Lohman is the hold-over com- lllissi oriel'. Soll tlllvfok-Potfrrtch CeuMrtery Incumbent; John Lettemnaier re- ceived I.en of the 13 votes cast for commissioner from SubWistrict 3 of the Southwick-Potlatch Cemet- ery District. Arlie Armitage receiv- ed 3 votes as a write-in. Jack Mus- toe and Albert L'awrence are hold- over commissioners. BIIlldogs Top Lapwgi;, Orofino Edges Tigers Genesee took the measure of the Lapwai Wildcats 54-44 Saturday eve- ning at Lapwai, but Kendrick had a bad night at the foul line and lost to the Ordfino Maniacs 70-64 the same nite at Orofino as both schools opened tire 1981-82 basketball sea- son. Coach Ozzie Kanikkeberg watched as his Bulldogs shot a respectable 55 percent from the field, outrdbounded the wildcats and even ovevcame a case of first game jitters early in the match. Lapwai had already played two games Lhis season, winning them both, and the Wildcats I;ook an 11-8 first quartev lead. Genesee settled down in the second peviod and oui.- dbored Lapwai 15-5. The Bulldogs stretched the margin in the third quavtev and then controlled the game to the 54-44 win. Tall Tony Egland t.earned up with Joe Cvancai I t,o give Genesee the scorhig and i ebounding punch Ii, needed. Tony canned 14 pohit and pulled down 15 relbounds while Joe collected 16 poin.ts and 14 vebounds. Other Genesee scoring was: Art Hel-. bling 8, Bvent Lindquist 8, Al Roach 2, Doug Stoiit, 5 and Brad Shivley 1. Genesee has a varsity-onfy game with Culdesac Tuesday night at Cul- desac and then retunrs to the home counL Friday night against Troy. Orof inn Trips Tfgo!'s Orofino took advantage of Kend- rldk's weak free throw shooting Sat- urday night on the Manaic court and edged by the Tigers 70-64 in a non- league conTest. The game was close all the way with Kendrick finally giving up its lead 62-61 with less than 3 minutes r cmafnfng in the game. Kendrick took an 18-13 first. qua,r- Ler lead and was still ahead 34-32 at the half. The Nanhsca capit.alized on Kendrick turnovers in thc third quar.- ter and outscoved the home Leam 20-13. Donnie Rice paced the Tigev scoi- ing with 19 points, young Slade Zumhofe collected 15 points, Greg Newbfll had 14 and Mitcli Cuddy 10. Kendrick is at. Kamiah Friday night. Scouts Tell Kendnck Grange of National Jamboree Kendrick Gvange met in the Frat- ernal Temple Building Tuesday eve- ning, Dec. 1 with Master Ross Arm- itage presiding, 'race Ingle, Lecturer, intvoduced Rocky Smith and Robert Jones, the representatives 'from tids area who attended the National Scout Jamb- oree last summer. Rocky told first of their tvfp, how tliey were chosen te go, of their practice for the Jam- boree, and the different sports they competed in with othev troops. Robert told the route of their trip, boys they met and how they chart- ered a bus and toured Washington, D. C. They saw all the Sights, toured the capital and other main points of interest. From Washington, D. C. they traveled to Philadelphia, Pa. There the, Scouts also toured many points of interest such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and some battlefields of the Revolutionary Wav. Rocky then told of the Jamboree site setting up camp, etc. He in- formed the group of the work the scouts did,. described the campfires, 'also the fireworks. Entertainer Burl Ives attended the cs,mpfires and the Scouts enjoyed his visit. Leaving the Jam~boree the two Scouts went to Baltimore, Maryland where they boarded a flight to Denver where they had a 5-houv layover. United Airlines paid for a motel for them to rest in and provided food. From Denver they traveled to Spokane and home. Grace Ingle presented each Scout with token gifts. After the meeting adjourned and while the December serving committee «ias setting out lunch, the 'Scouts showed pictures and displayed their scrapbooks and answered questions. Adelee Weeks was elected to mem- bership in the Grange, Frank Jacob- son reported on the health of his wife, Virginia and also reported that Art Foster had the gout.,Jim Wat- son told about the recent fire at the Jones home and their needs. The charter was draped for our departed brother, Roy Fey. Pomona ask for donations for a sale Dec. 4 and 5th in Moscow. The Grange voted to donate money in- stead of articles. Grace Ingle reminded the group that the 12th of December all mem- bers are being asked to turn out to make popcorn balls and decorate the hall (9:00 a. m.) for the joint Christ- mas Party of the Grange, Masons and Eastern S+r. The Christmas party will be held at the Grange ~ Hall at 2 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 13. Those attending are asked to bring a dozen cookies and a $ 1 gift labeled for man, woman, or child. Roberta Manwaring, reporter. Local News Of jilliaetta Vickf Witt, 276-4071 Alice Henson, 276-3381 Nina Woods, 276-4021 The Juliaetta Community chuvch is enjoying with love and apprecfa- i,ion the Wurlltzer organ presented'' , to I.hem by Mrs. Margaret. Holliday Iwho has been their faithful pianist for..over..5Q.years, The public Is invited to a slng-'- spivation at the'ommunity .cluircli at 6 p. m., December 13. Bviice Giese, Shannon Prince and son, Jason weve Sunday visitors of'ud and Alice Henson's, Frank and; Elaine Groseclose and , f'amily enjoyed an evening dinner with their guests,,Susan and Dale Alexander'nd children and Marnie Henson on Saturday evening. <Mr. Verla Vincent'nd Mrs..WII ~ ma Jones of Clarkston and their nephew; Nurl Edgington of Secki, Alaska were Thursday callers and dinner guests of Rufus and Anna Fairfield. Burt's Cafe Under New Management Burts- Cafe at Kendrick has new owners, Dick and Milly McEwen, The. McEwen's, formally of Lake Tahoe, assumed ownership and management of Bur<t's Cafe from Mike Hogan in October. Dick, Milly and their two daugh- ters, Jan:tte and Lisa are making their home in Deary. We welcome the McEwens to the community and wish them success in their new .business, Money Raiser Annual staf'f will be selling Toot- sie Roll banks filled with baby toot- sie rolls and can beuscd for a money bank. We will sell these at basket- ball games and you can also may purchse from annual staff members. They are only $ 1.00 and make excel- lent stocking stuffei's for this Chris- tmas season, KHS Annual Staff CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all of you who remembeied us with your cards, flowers, prayers and expressions of'ympathy shown us at the loss of our loved one. A special thank you is extended to the Unity Lodge at Genesee; the American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary; Estel Carbuhn and Ray Grieser and all close friends. It50 tc Mr, and Mrs. Bud Magee TIIANK YOU> LOUISE PKA- Tbis is a special 'Thank You'o Mrs. Louise Pea, the General Chair- man for the Harveat, Dinner Nov. 21. Thank You f'r a job well done and for a really fantastic evening. Every- !,hing was perfectly lovely and went so well. 'he dinner and Lhe eni.ertainmeni. made a perfect time of fellowship. Thanks for a lovely Lime. Christmas Cantata Dec. 20 Kendrick Masonic Lodge Elects Officers Cameron Emmanuel Lutheran choir will present the cantata "This Holy Child" by Lani Smith on Sun- day, Dec. 20 at. 7:00 p. m. at. Lhe Ca- meron Emmanuel Lutheran church. Elected officers of Kendrick Lodge No. 26 A. F. & A,. M. were installed at a meeting held Thursday, Dec. 3. Officers for 1982 are Worshipful Master, Eugene Taylor; Senior War- den, Manning Onstott; Jr Warden, Robert Callison; treasurer, Floyd Hefmgartner; secretary, Bud Holt; Senior Deacon, Dale Alexander; Jr. Deacon, Ray King; Marshall, James Recce; Chaplain, George Merrfck; Senior Stew'ard, Dave Clayton; Jr. Steward; Charles Taylor; Tyler, El- mo L~ldridge. KHS Christmas Concert Thursday, December 17 A Cristmas Band and Choir con- cert will be held Thursday evening, December 17, at 7:30 p. m. in the Kendrick High School gymnasium. A. variety of Christmas music fea- turing the Junior Band, High. School Band, High School Choir and soloists will be performing. The program is open to the public and free of charge. Please join the school for an evening of musical en- tertainment! Second Printing of Dr. Chirstensen's Sook The second printing of Dr. Chris- tensen's book, "The Life and Times of a Country Doctor" are off the press and available at Nellie's 2nd Hand Store, Phil's Food Center, Red Cross Pharmacy and Abmms Hard- ware. The price is $ 5.00 each. Junior League Caroling Party Saturday Night The Junior Luther Mague Christ- mas Caroling party will be held Sai,- urday evening, Dec. 12 from 6 to 9 p. m. The group will meet at the Cameron Church. Those attending are reminded Lo dress warmly. Winter Basketball?? If you have a team and are inLer- estcd In play at Kendrick, call either Brent Monroe or Brian Pcn<llcton be- fore Frid~ night. Boy Scout News- Boy Scout Troop 149 wil] meet Tluirsday evening fov the regular Tvoop meeting at 7:30 in the Kend- rick Fire Hall. The Troop plans a hike for Saturday and this will be discussed at Lhe Thursday meeting. CAILD OF TIIANKS We wish to thank all of those who expressed their sincere sympathy and condolences at the loss of our father and grandfather, Ray Haworth. Thank you so mu ii Judy and Iwona:d Niddlccoop Glenn and Gisela Bailey Marvin and Clara Bailey and family Kendrick-Jul! aetfa School lunch Menu Rich Gifts From Grandchildren In my Christmas stocking each year Are tiny gifts that brsng good cheer. School pictures in handmade folders, Carefully sewn crooked pot-holders; Precious colored stones polished with care; Souvenirs of memories we share, Crayon colored shells from the shore- Who could want for anything more ~ Lucille Magnuson Friday, December 11 Beef Noodle Bake Carrots & Peas Celery Stuffed with peanut butter Fruit Cobbler Pt. Milk Monday, December 14— Beef Stew with Vegetables Chocolate pudding Oatmeal Bread Butter Jam i/e Pt, Miflk Tuesday, December 15— Baked Beans Lettuce Salad Fruit Cocktail Maple Bar '/2 Pt. Milk Wednesday, December 16— Pigs in a Blanket Macaroni with Cheese Grape Juice Pumpkin Cookie rj> Pt. Milk Thursday; December'7- Tostado Lettuce Cheese i Whole Kernel Corn | A,pricot & Pineapple Cobbler i/2 Pt. Milk 5ioc CARD OF TIIANKS I would like to thank my wonder- ful family and friends and neighbors for all the cards flowers, prayers and other expressions of care and concern I received while in the hos- pital and since rei.urning home. A special thanks t,o members of the Grange. Knowing people care is the best medicine there is. Bless you all. CARD OF THANKS I want to say thanks to my family and friends for their cards, flowers, visits and other thoughtful words and deeds while I was in the hospital and since returning home. All of this was truly appreciated. Thank you again, Leo Lohman CAILD OF THANKS We sincerely appreciate the many cards, flowers and acts of kindness shown us at the loss of our father and grandfather. 1t50tc The Darrell Man full Family Mary Bahr 50p ) Kendrick and Genesee, Latah County, Idaho Thursday, December 10, 1981 No. 50

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'0 W~ g~g~i

DeCember Welling Plailifef!-

.4Y~ .ie~~i::.<~'4

Delegate Riitli White Reports on White

House Conference on Aging at Wash., D.C.The trip to the White House Con-

ference on Aging was filled with de-

light, frsrstrations, prayers of thnaksto God, that we were allowed to goand to return without majov mis-

haps.We flew from Spokane on Nov. 29,

arriving back in Spokane Dec. 3.Beautifully smooth flying each way.With the aid of Jerry and Connie

White and family we weve able to

make connections comfortably. Also

spending a night with them before

we 1eft and again on veturning.The weathev in Washing!.on, D. C.

was identical to Idaho Falls weath-

er. Raining only one day, we weve in

luck, as a heavy coat was not need-

ed too much.The size of oiii home awny fvoni

home at the Washington-SlievaionHotel was 1550 rooms. Bill and I oc-

cupied a room on the fourth floor,

next to the fire escape door. This was

a blessing as an early morning five

in the hall on the first floor createdmuch apprehension. Howevev, with

prompt action from the Five Del.L.,

the fire was extinguished quickly.One o'f the highlights of the triip

was meeting and elljoying visits with

Lee Magnuson, formerly of Kend-

rick. Bvinging Kendrick to Wash-

ington, D. C. filled all 3 of us with awarm comfortable feeling of being

at home.Bill visite'd the White House and a

part of the Smithsonian Institute—then was a guest of Lee Magnuson atthe Smithsonian fov w very special

lunch.Touring Washington, D. C. on Sun-

day afternoon was another highlight.

Our tour guide was well versed in

his job—giving us a feeling of pride

in our forefathers and glad we ave

Americans.Delegates were from Lhe 50 states

and U. S. territories —most interest-

ing and fviendly people. Each with

a common punpose in mind —to en-

Rebekah Card PartiesWill Continue Saturday

The Rebekah card party was well

attended last Saturday evening, so

it was decided to hold another sess-

ion this Saturday, Dec. 12 at 7:30.The annual Christmas party will

be held Friday, Dec. 18 at 7:30 p. m.

Each one is asked to bring a giftfor the gift exchange.

At the Saturday party lad-

ies high was won by d~leanor Weg-

ner and low 'by Alberta Turner. Themen's high went to Wovthan Raw-

son and low to Ben Cook. Pinochle

was won by Worthan Rawson and

Betty Cowger took home the 5 9's.

Inter-DenominationalSingspiration Dec. 13

.The congregation of the JuliaettaCommunity Church will be the hostChurch for another inter-denomina-tion iSfngspiratfon'unday evening,

Dec. 13 at 6:00 p. m.There will be congregational parti-

cipation in the the selection of the

songs of faith and praise thiseven-'ng

and everyone in the Kendrick-Juliaetta area is invited Lo attend.


The Evergreen Friendship Club

will hold its annual Christmas Partyand potluck luncheon Thursday, Dec.17, at noon at the home of Nrs. EllenRowden.

Geo csee

School Lunch Menu

QENESEE LUNCH MENUThursday, December 10Chicken Fried SteakMashed Potatoes/GravyButtered Corn Cookie Milk

Frt'day, December 11Chili Cinnamon RonsCelery Sticks Fiwft Milk

Monday, December 14Fishwich Tator TotsVegetable Dippers Cake Milk

Tuesday, December IF>

Grilled Ham CheeseVegetable Soup CrackersFru1t MilkWednesday, December 16Tositizza Tossed SaladGreen Beans Fr<i!L Milk

act legislation, to not only help Seniovs today, but to pvotect those oftoniolTow a~long xvfth depell<lellts andI.hose with disability needs.

Each State i«as allowed delegatesand observers accovding'o Statepopulation. The difference «~as—adelegate could vote and an observercould not vote. Idaho was allowed 12delegat:es and 12 obsevvevs. Totaldelegates were 2200 plus 1200 obser-vers and spouses, speakers and thechairmen.

The Idaho delegation, with coor-dinatov Ross Bown>an, Director, Ida-ho Office on Aging, stood firmly to-gethev on i<ey vesolutions.

White House Conference on Agingwas chaived by Constance Avnritage,Associate Professor of Arts History,Waffov<l College, Spartanburg, S.Cavolina, was rnosi. ably conducted.Altho a vevy slight built lady, need-less demonstrations were dispensedin a fivni mariner. (to this delegatedemonstvations seemed to be a wayof life to some.)

Senator Claude Peppev (D-Fla.), ayoung 81, gave a very exhilemtfngspeech folloxving Lhy keynote speak-er—Secretary Richard,Schweikev.Other speakeis were Sen. John Heinz(R-Pa.), Sen. Lawton Chiles (DWla)and Rep. Mathew J. Rinaldo (R-NJ),all members of I.he House Select, Committee on Aging.

'Fourteen different committeesweve on the agf.'nda. All delegatesweve appoinfed to a committee be-fove leaving honie. I ivas placed on"Economic Well Being" which dealt« Ith Social Security among otheritems. This conimittee «'s designa,-ted by the news media as the hotspot of the conference, therefore TVcameras and lights, news media, ofall catevgovies weve I:vying hai d,sometimes too hard, to get theirstory first. I marveled at the "cool"of our chairman, Robt. Steele, BankPresident and a former U. S. Repre-sentative from Connecticut. The TVlights were hard on eyes and broughtthe temperature of the room, alongwith spirited discussion, to a highheat.

The major resolution passed by thecommittee concerned Social Security.It called for keeping the financialintegrity of Social Security intact.

Other resolutions —such as a com-prehensive policy to fight inflationwas among the 48 resolutions intro-duced. Some passed and ot.hers wererejected.

:President Reagan spoke at thenoon luncheon on Tuesday. The sec-urity was very tight. No announce-ment was made of his presence untiljust before the noon recess. His maintopic was "Social Security can andwill be saved". adding that, "Afterall, I'm a Senior too!".

(Not.e: I was ini.erviewed on myreaction to his speech onlyto ffndout it would be aired in Georgia! Ohwell, you can't have everything!)

Frustrations and chaos by every-one during the first btr ffet servedproved a need fov management, Ser-vice was much better after that.

The luncheons and dinners weregreat. The best of all was the ban-quet. served aL the Hilton Hotel. ThebanqueL iooni was a huge oval-shap-ed room. Lighi.ing and the public ad-dress system complimented the love-ly room. The sew'Ice was outstandingas 3400 seniors were served in 45minutes. Buddy Ebsen, as master ofceremonies and Rex Allen and hisband relaxed the crowd into a mel-low mood.

Politicians were there —some jug-gling the party policy, regardless off.he lives of people.

Demonstrators with placards andchanting tried to persuade delegatesI.o think their way —to my know-ledge i.he only thing they did was tocreate a dislike for infringing on ourtime!

A thought: Aging does not beginat 65 years —it begins the day youare borer!

Reflections on the White HouseConference on Aging. Amid excite-ment and anticipation —listening tothe President speak; attending wellplanned agendas; gaining respect forSenior Valiuiteers; having frusira-t,ions ease<i out; meeting interestingpeople; shai ing t.he trip with myhusband, Bill —',his is a memorableoccasion never to be forgotten.

R»th A. White DelegateWhite House Conference on

Aging —— 1981 50p

Mr, and Mrs. David Sandquist of on Big Beav Ridge at 2:00 p. m.

Juliaetta announce the engagement Miss Sandquist is a, graduate of

of forthcoming marriage of their Kendrick High School and is pl'es-

daughter Eva Marie, to Mark Steven ently a student at Lewis-Clark StateMorgan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Butch College in Lewiston. Mark is a 1978

Moran of Kendrick. The wedding graduate of Kendrick High School

will take place Sunday, December and is an employee of Western

20 at the Bethany Lutheran Church Cvushing Co., Juliaetta.

Vol. 91 (USPS 574-740

','Bill D. Magee, 37,~,Victim of Fire.

Lester Z. Whaley, 86,Passed December 3 Parsley Re-Elected trr Higliway Board;

IGeliesee Fire Dist. Approves Truck Levy

Six elect,ions occiipicd vol.ers Alon- 15 I votes: Parsley 122, Wilson 17,day afternoon as local high«ay, cern- and Holmes 8, There were a, totalefevy and fiie districts chose corn- of eight spoiled ballots.

Lcs(ev Z. Iyh;<ley, 88, a vesi<ient.of Juli;ietfa fov thi past 7r/2 yeavs,died lyedncsday morning, Dec. 2 at.St. Joseph's Hospital in Lewiston oflieavt f<rilure,

He ivas born on Apvil 2, 1895, atChehalfis, Wash., the son oi Albeitand Irene Whaley. The family latermoved to Sunimit, Idaho, wheie theylived fov seveial year's before


I~iasev in 1906.He ives raised;it 1 iaser'nd later

farmed in the oven on Lowev Ford'sCreek. He ivorkcd in the «oods andat a cveamevy in Orofino. He alsoworked as bull cook at Bohl's Cabin,

Cleavivatev Tinibei Protective As-sociation cam p on the Nor t n Forkof'he Cleavivater. He retired in1960.

Hc ninivied Nellie Nqy Ellev Nc-Avoy at Ovofino on Mai~ 2, 1914. Shedied in 1971. He continued t'o live onthe frovd's Cveek Ranch until movingto Jufi<<etta in 1974.

He was a member of the JuliaettaCommunity Cluivch.

iSurvivors include a stepdaughter,Rose McAvoy of Juliaetta and astepson, Howard McAvoy of Kellogg;a sister, Elizabeth Lytle of Lake Os-wego, Oregon; tlu ee step-grand-cliildi en, five step-greatgrandchild-ven and three step-great-great gra-ndchildren.

Services were held Saturday atGilbert's Funeval Chapel in Orofino.

Burial followed at the FvaserCemetery.

Finer al sei vices for Bill DiiancMagee, a populav and respected mem-bei of the Genesee community «'ere


held Friday afternoon at the Genesee

!Community Church. Bill lost his life

!c<ii'Iy Tuesday morning, December 1,wlien fire of undetermined ovigin des-ti oy< d the small, three-i'oolll llouse«'h<ie he lived. He was 37.

Bill was born March 2, 1944, toGeorge and Edna Magee at Kendrick.The family moved to Genesee in1950, He gi'aduated I'rom Gcnesee

i High School in 1962 where he «asan outstanding football playei.

In 1963, he enlisted in the U. S.Navy and served in the VietnamWav, He returned to Genesee afterhis discharge in 1967. He wovked ona niimbev of farms in the Geneseearea and was also a, long-time em-ployee of the McGregov Co.'s Gene-see plant,

Magee «'s a member and pastMaster of the Unity Lodge No. 32,A. F. & A. N. in Genesee, a memberof the BielenbevgsSchooler Post 58,American Legion and the GeneseeCommunity Church.

He is survived by his parents,George and Edna Magee at the fam-ily home in Lewiston. An older brot-her, James, preceded hfm in death.

iFuneval services were held Friday,Dec, 4 at the Genesee ComnumityChurch with Roger Herndon,


the church and Estel Carbuhn,officiating.

Music by Joan Stout. She sang"God Understands," and "No Tearsin Heaven."

,Pallbearers were Jack Spangler,Bill Haxton, H. J. Hynes, Walter Mo-den, Don Bennett and Ray Grieser.

Bielenberg-Schooler Post and Un-ity Lodge A,. F. & A. M. conductedgraveside services.

Interment Genesee City Cemetery.Menioi ials may be made to the

Genesee Ambulance Fund or theGenesee American Legion.

Short's Funeral Chapel at Mos-cow was in charge of arvangements.

Our IIewrts Are HeavyThe pall of sorrow cast over the

Genesee community following the un-timely passing of Bill Magee and thegreat number of people who crowdedinto the Genesee Community ChurchFviday to pay their last vespects tothis good man served to emphasisthe esteem in which he was held byhis friends and acquaintances.

The shock, the sorrow and the res-yect everyone in Genesee experiencedfollowing the terrible tragedy of lastTuesday was gemiine and heartfelt.You had to know and- understandBill to realize this. You had to knowwhat kind of a friend Bill was andunderstand the waiimth and depthof his concern for others before youcan understand our loss.

If you knew Bill Magee very wellat all, you probably felt you owedhim soinething. Not money. Billwasn't rich in material things. Hewas rich in friendship, kindness, con-cern for others and respect for hisfellowman. If you needed help inmoving something, if you weededhelp with work, help in the Lodge,the Legion, or the Church, you onlyneeded to find Bill Magee and youhad your help. Now, Bill was nosaint —it would be disrespectful to,his memory to try to paint him asone, I believe. He was a big, powerfulman with a tremendous zest for lifeand for living; he loved to party andhave a good time and he was alwayswarm and comfortable to be with.He had a sense of honor and fairsplay that could be a standard forally man.

Why Bill was taken from us wecan never understand, but as Christ-ians we .must accept. Our heartsbleed for George and Edna whosegrief must be beyond our Imaginat-ion or comprehension. But they haveone priceless gift: the knowledgethat they brought two good, strongyourig men into the world... menwho were respected, loved and whowill be cherished in the memories ofmany friends for the rr.any years tocome. The Magee boys... Jim andBill... I'm very proud I had theprivilege to. know them —Bill

missionevs fov four-year terms andone tax issue was pvesented Lo thepl 1li1i C.

South Latah Highway Distvict, hada three-way contest for the commis-sionev's position from Sub-District.3. Incumbent Jack Parsley was re-turned fov another term over theopposition of Bill Wilson of'edarCreek and Lestev Holmes of Kend-rick, This contest generated enoughintevest to attract 300 voters, nn un-usually heavy turnout fov a highwayelection. The ves»lts were:

Jack Parsley ............................201Bill Wilson ...............................69Lestev Holmes ...................,....22Theve «eve 148 mtes cast in Kend-

rick with Parsley receiving. 79, Wil-son 52 and Holnies 14. Genesec cast

Gerresni Appr<rves Trrx I eveResidents of the Genesee Rural

Five Protection District ivent to thepolls Monday afternoon and demon-stvated, once again, that a modernefficient five department is a matterof pride and concern for them, asthey approved a orie-time. $60,000,tax fe/vy on the District to purchasea. new fire truck. The vote was 111for the levy with only 8 no votescast. Kurt Blume was also electedto replace outgoing Fire Commfss-ioner Phil Hermann, who did notseek re-election.

Nez-Tah Cemetery DfstrlctTwo new commissioners were cho-

sen for the Nez-Tah Cemetery Dis-trict Monday. Unopposed on the bal-lot, Lude Groseclose was elected toreplace Floyd Heimgartner for Sub-District 1, and Derold Hazeltfne waselected to replace Oscar Slind. Gros-eclose received 77 votes; Hazeltinepolled 67.

Genesee Cemetery DistrictLaversre (Andy) Anderson, Gene-

see Valley farmer, was re-elected ascommissioner from Sub')fstrict 1


Genesee Community CemeteryMaintenance District, Jolm Myers,Jr., was re-elected from Sub~District2, Anderson polled 131 votes andMyers 187.

Potlatch Cemetery DfstrictVoters within the lioundaries of

the Potlatch Cemetery Distvict re-f,urned botli hicumbents in votingMonday at the Cameron Church. BillThornton was rstursred with 22 vot-es and Tcd Meyers polled 20 votes.Leo Lohman is the hold-over com-lllissi oriel'.

Soll tlllvfok-Potfrrtch CeuMrteryIncumbent; John Lettemnaier re-

ceived I.en of the 13 votes castfor commissioner from SubWistrict3 of the Southwick-Potlatch Cemet-ery District. Arlie Armitage receiv-ed 3 votes as a write-in. Jack Mus-toe and Albert L'awrence are hold-over commissioners.

BIIlldogs Top Lapwgi;,

Orofino Edges TigersGenesee took the measure of the

Lapwai Wildcats 54-44 Saturday eve-ning at Lapwai, but Kendrick had abad night at the foul line and lostto the Ordfino Maniacs 70-64 thesame nite at Orofino as both schoolsopened tire 1981-82 basketball sea-son.

Coach Ozzie Kanikkeberg watchedas his Bulldogs shot a respectable 55percent from the field, outrdboundedthe wildcats and even ovevcame acase of first game jitters early inthe match.

Lapwai had already played twogames Lhis season, winning themboth, and the Wildcats I;ook an 11-8first quartev lead. Genesee settleddown in the second peviod and oui.-dbored Lapwai 15-5. The Bulldogsstretched the margin in the thirdquavtev and then controlled the gameto the 54-44 win.

Tall Tony Egland t.earned up withJoe Cvancai I t,o give Genesee thescorhig and i ebounding punch Ii,needed. Tony canned 14 pohit andpulled down 15 relbounds while Joecollected 16 poin.ts and 14 vebounds.Other Genesee scoring was: Art Hel-.bling 8, Bvent Lindquist 8, Al Roach2, Doug Stoiit, 5 and Brad Shivley 1.

Genesee has a varsity-onfy gamewith Culdesac Tuesday night at Cul-desac and then retunrs to the homecounL Friday night against Troy.

Orof inn Trips Tfgo!'sOrofino took advantage of Kend-

rldk's weak free throw shooting Sat-urday night on the Manaic court andedged by the Tigers 70-64 in a non-league conTest. The game was closeall the way with Kendrick finallygiving up its lead 62-61 with lessthan 3 minutes r cmafnfng in thegame.

Kendrick took an 18-13 first. qua,r-Ler lead and was still ahead 34-32 atthe half. The Nanhsca capit.alized onKendrick turnovers in thc third quar.-ter and outscoved the home Leam20-13.

Donnie Rice paced the Tigev scoi-ing with 19 points, young SladeZumhofe collected 15 points, GregNewbfll had 14 and Mitcli Cuddy 10.

Kendrick is at. Kamiah Fridaynight.

Scouts Tell KendnckGrange of National Jamboree

Kendrick Gvange met in the Frat-ernal Temple Building Tuesday eve-ning, Dec. 1 with Master Ross Arm-itage presiding,'race Ingle, Lecturer, intvoducedRocky Smith and Robert Jones, therepresentatives 'from tids area whoattended the National Scout Jamb-oree last summer. Rocky told firstof their tvfp, how tliey were chosente go, of their practice for the Jam-boree, and the different sports theycompeted in with othev troops.

Robert told the route of their trip,boys they met and how they chart-ered a bus and toured Washington,D. C. They saw all the Sights, touredthe capital and other main points ofinterest. From Washington, D. C.they traveled to Philadelphia, Pa.There the, Scouts also toured manypoints of interest such as the LibertyBell, Independence Hall and somebattlefields of the RevolutionaryWav.

Rocky then told of the Jamboreesite setting up camp, etc. He in-formed the group of the work thescouts did,. described the campfires,

'also the fireworks. Entertainer BurlIves attended the cs,mpfires and theScouts enjoyed his visit. Leaving theJam~boree the two Scouts went toBaltimore, Maryland where theyboarded a flight to Denver wherethey had a 5-houv layover. UnitedAirlines paid for a motel for themto rest in and provided food. FromDenver they traveled to Spokaneand home.

Grace Ingle presented each Scoutwith token gifts. After the meetingadjourned and while the Decemberserving committee «ias setting outlunch, the 'Scouts showed picturesand displayed their scrapbooks and

answered questions.Adelee Weeks was elected to mem-

bership in the Grange, Frank Jacob-son reported on the health of hiswife, Virginia and also reported thatArt Foster had the gout.,Jim Wat-son told about the recent fire at theJones home and their needs.

The charter was draped for ourdeparted brother, Roy Fey.

Pomona ask for donations for asale Dec. 4 and 5th in Moscow. TheGrange voted to donate money in-

stead of articles.Grace Ingle reminded the group

that the 12th of December all mem-

bers are being asked to turn out tomake popcorn balls and decorate thehall (9:00 a. m.) for the joint Christ-mas Party of the Grange, Masonsand Eastern S+r. The Christmasparty will be held at the Grange

~Hall at 2 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 13.Those attending are asked to bringa dozen cookies and a $1 gift labeledfor man, woman, or child.

Roberta Manwaring, reporter.

Local News

Of jilliaettaVickf Witt, 276-4071

Alice Henson, 276-3381Nina Woods, 276-4021

The Juliaetta Community chuvchis enjoying with love and apprecfa-i,ion the Wurlltzer organ presented''

,to I.hem by Mrs. Margaret. Holliday

Iwho has been their faithful pianistfor..over..5Q.years,

The public Is invited to a slng-'-spivation at the'ommunity .cluircliat 6 p. m., December 13.

Bviice Giese, Shannon Prince andson, Jason weve Sunday visitors


and Alice Henson's,Frank and; Elaine Groseclose and

,f'amily enjoyed an evening dinnerwith their guests,,Susan and DaleAlexander'nd children and MarnieHenson on Saturday evening.

<Mr. Verla Vincent'nd Mrs..WII ~

ma Jones of Clarkston and theirnephew; Nurl Edgington of Secki,Alaska were Thursday callers anddinner guests of Rufus and AnnaFairfield.

Burt's Cafe UnderNew Management

Burts- Cafe at Kendrick has newowners, Dick and Milly McEwen, The.McEwen's, formally of Lake Tahoe,assumed ownership and managementof Bur<t's Cafe from Mike Hogan inOctober.

Dick, Milly and their two daugh-ters, Jan:tte and Lisa are makingtheir home in Deary.

We welcome the McEwens to thecommunity and wish them successin their new .business,

Money RaiserAnnual staf'f will be selling Toot-

sie Roll banks filled with baby toot-sie rolls and can beuscd for a moneybank. We will sell these at basket-ball games and you can also maypurchse from annual staff members.They are only $1.00 and make excel-lent stocking stuffei's for this Chris-tmas season,

KHS Annual Staff

CARD OF THANKSWe would like to thank all of you

who remembeied us with your cards,flowers, prayers and expressions

of'ympathyshown us at the loss ofour loved one. A special thank youis extended to the Unity Lodge atGenesee; the American Legion, theLegion Auxiliary; Estel Carbuhn andRay Grieser and all close friends.It50 tc Mr, and Mrs. Bud Magee

TIIANK YOU> LOUISE PKA-Tbis is a special 'Thank You'o

Mrs. Louise Pea, the General Chair-man for the Harveat, Dinner Nov. 21.Thank You f'r a job well done andfor a really fantastic evening. Every-!,hing was perfectly lovely and wentso well.'he dinner and Lhe eni.ertainmeni.made a perfect time of fellowship.Thanks for a lovely Lime.

Christmas Cantata Dec. 20

Kendrick Masonic LodgeElects Officers

Cameron Emmanuel Lutheranchoir will present the cantata "ThisHoly Child" by Lani Smith on Sun-day, Dec. 20 at. 7:00 p. m. at. Lhe Ca-meron Emmanuel Lutheran church.Elected officers of Kendrick Lodge

No. 26 A. F. & A,. M. were installedat a meeting held Thursday, Dec. 3.

Officers for 1982 are WorshipfulMaster, Eugene Taylor; Senior War-den, Manning Onstott; Jr Warden,Robert Callison; treasurer, FloydHefmgartner; secretary, Bud Holt;Senior Deacon, Dale Alexander; Jr.Deacon, Ray King; Marshall, JamesRecce; Chaplain, George Merrfck;Senior Stew'ard, Dave Clayton; Jr.Steward; Charles Taylor; Tyler, El-mo L~ldridge.

KHS Christmas ConcertThursday, December 17

A Cristmas Band and Choir con-cert will be held Thursday evening,December 17, at 7:30 p. m. in theKendrick High School gymnasium.

A. variety of Christmas music fea-turing the Junior Band, High. SchoolBand, High School Choir and soloistswill be performing.

The program is open to the publicand free of charge. Please join theschool for an evening of musical en-tertainment!

Second Printing ofDr. Chirstensen's Sook

The second printing of Dr. Chris-tensen's book, "The Life and Timesof a Country Doctor" are off thepress and available at Nellie's 2ndHand Store, Phil's Food Center, RedCross Pharmacy and Abmms Hard-ware. The price is $5.00 each.

Junior League CarolingParty Saturday Night

The Junior Luther Mague Christ-mas Caroling party will be held Sai,-urday evening, Dec. 12 from 6 to 9p. m. The group will meet at theCameron Church. Those attendingare reminded Lo dress warmly.

Winter Basketball??If you have a team and are inLer-

estcd In play at Kendrick, call eitherBrent Monroe or Brian Pcn<llcton be-fore Frid~ night.

Boy Scout News-Boy Scout Troop 149 wil] meet

Tluirsday evening fov the regularTvoop meeting at 7:30 in the Kend-rick Fire Hall. The Troop plans ahike for Saturday and this will bediscussed at Lhe Thursday meeting.

CAILD OF TIIANKSWe wish to thank all of those who

expressed their sincere sympathy andcondolences at the loss of our fatherand grandfather, Ray Haworth.

Thank you so mu ii

Judy and Iwona:d NiddlccoopGlenn and Gisela BaileyMarvin and Clara Bailey and


Kendrick-Jul! aetfa

School lunch Menu

Rich GiftsFrom Grandchildren

In my Christmas stockingeach year

Are tiny gifts that brsnggood cheer.

School pictures in handmadefolders,

Carefully sewn crooked pot-holders;Precious colored stones

polished with care;Souvenirs of memories we share,Crayon colored shells from

the shore-Who could want for anything more ~—Lucille Magnuson

Friday, December 11Beef Noodle Bake Carrots & PeasCelery Stuffed with peanut butterFruit Cobbler Pt. MilkMonday, December 14—Beef Stew with VegetablesChocolate puddingOatmeal Bread Butter Jami/e Pt, MiflkTuesday, December 15—Baked Beans Lettuce SaladFruit Cocktail Maple Bar'/2 Pt. MilkWednesday, December 16—Pigs in a BlanketMacaroni with CheeseGrape Juice Pumpkin Cookierj> Pt. MilkThursday; December'7-Tostado Lettuce Cheese


Whole Kernel Corn|A,pricot & Pineapple Cobbler

i/2 Pt. Milk


CARD OF TIIANKSI would like to thank my wonder-

ful family and friends and neighborsfor all the cards flowers, prayersand other expressions of care andconcern I received while in the hos-pital and since rei.urning home. Aspecial thanks t,o members of theGrange. Knowing people care is thebest medicine there is.

Bless you all.

CARD OF THANKSI want to say thanks to my family

and friends for their cards, flowers,visits and other thoughtful wordsand deeds while I was in the hospitaland since returning home. All of thiswas truly appreciated.

Thank you again,Leo Lohman

CAILD OF THANKSWe sincerely appreciate the many

cards, flowers and acts of kindnessshown us at the loss of our fatherand grandfather. 1t50tc

The Darrell Man full FamilyMary Bahr


) Kendrick and Genesee, Latah County, Idaho Thursday, December 10, 1981 No. 50

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1981 - The Gazette News/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!-.4Y~ .ie~~i::

The Gazette - News, Thursday, December >0, 1981 Lecal NeWSPam Tennant ElectedCivic Assoc. President

4Va, 9B>er)»re8)~<torney.oaaa<)SN<e

'ttenfl our IRA sejnj))ar onjI learn

Ilaw to prevent '"u )Life

'1'!tr ('a»csee Civic Aiisii. i»<!.Die<-'!i<I

ut the Gen<!set Cai'0 fo> <«lin»ei>t>eeLi»g «rt!,h Pr t sidenl .Janet, Wish-avd presiding.Olt! Business:

PvojecLs wert! <liscusscd <vhich in-~r!i>t! I BPoO;!;-, ><is ar>d p;rrk it '»is

1'oi Lhe Lov, ci Pavks. Con<mu»ii.y I

l>ay booLli; a(s)<)<> !,u t.he Lihiui V andl

('lit'is!.It>its <It'.« )i'c<ti<)>isLi1);>»tl 1>'<>'ve)) Teiclii»ci.

ctt>t))) )< Lilig'l><.'ii'>rig foi'hc d('0-rti <t! ittns Iroi'lppi'ox. lt)rj50.00 <Vni'L'h


< i it<la. '1'hey >i i'e <io»«)i»g their'),'i)J<JI'. ll wt<s vote(i L<J )Jl'ese>11. Lhel)1«riLh H<)»<J<'a>(y Meinb<.vships fni '82.

'i'he J iycees will lt«L iip !.hc <lecor'-aii<tiis this yeav.

Coiiso!i<i >l.ed k imd Diiv<. l>as )Joe>it>oil>i)l(.!0(l. $2,))83.5>j) 1'vas ve(!eivedaccoi ding !.<i A.lisor»Jowakowski,01>;< i 1'mari.N(!>v II»yjjr><'y<s

'1'8<! Ci vie Assri. «'i)) ag;<in Ll»syen> hei)) with bringing Santa toLttwi) by p»>'('.hash>g Lhe cundirs and<Jva»gcs. $1 <1() 1v>rs il p 1)1'ovt (1 fori,his I» ojc«i..

lr'l«cLion o> oi'ficevs fo> 1082 wasnext. on the igendi>. 'I he»o»>ii)a-!.>o» co»>lliitLce ( lla>1111»ilr No> in<1Wtt<t<li iiff submiLLc<l tlie below na-iiles: I: t<l)l Tell>la»L, pi'eslde>1't;Di<!k Sch;ii'nhoi sj.: vice pi esidcnt;ICar'<J) Wcdi»: se(!>ot>>i'y; J0AnnI<a ) 0 > 1 1 >11, Li'0aS> I 1'0

>'e»r.Wood><it't called fov <1 »>la>>i-moils Vol,e on Lhe slaLe of o!fic«>'s.Motio» carr ie<i,

Tl)c Civic Assn. cxl 0»ds 1ts bestwishes to Ident Bvoemcling and Ran-dy Hall fov success in their ne«business vent»>c: The Genesee Cai'e.

Next Meeting, Jan. 2S, '82,---kw

point. trophy was awai<led in Chvisiy ~fFeigenbutz, Q'f QegeC)>ee

Genesee Rim Riders ElectAlberta Schurtz President

New office> s were chosen: pres)-Riders held their dent: Albei La Schu> tz; vice presi- M>s. Bonnie Stanley, daughL(.r of

d Christmas party dent: Ch>ick Lewis; sccreLaiy: Nan- M>s. Charlotte Kuehl, left Mo»d;<1in the Community cy Feig«nhu!z; jveasurei: Lttta purr- for Ba»dia, Aryahi:i wh<!ie sileOver 4() attended. ley; trail inaster". L!oyd Fsse>. he <.mpi!><yet) as a dit tory «)»s«!La»!.

for Charter M('dlca) Cnrpo>'ation oi'pr'IzBS were: lady: The lasL event of tl>c bus)riess was New pork Ci!.y. H)ie I'x!)0('!8 1 )1<

Man: Chuck Lew- the ci'owning'f ChiisLy Figciib»!z !)>rie iihoii!. 2 titt)ii! Its.Cromer, Boys, ouv new queen,

he high point tra- IentevtainrnenL 1'oi Lhe evening was M>.;in<i Mi's. Bn!J M><r>dy 0!'os-awarde(1 to I loyd showing slides of the 1081 Appalossa cow, Mvs. Iv<!ne Ne))t'!si< ck and M>s.he had won it. fo> ride by Pat Wang as she and Lloy<i Ca>sic Jut!,e wait! S>)nd,'>y <linnev

Th< you).h high I<mac> went on L'hat vide. guests and visit»is of Mi'. »nt!Carl Simnris,

M>. Snd Mrs. Ir~)>n<.'>'>ie> an<1 )Vj>.anil Mvs, Frank Ifarr>h)tsrh of' <«-istoi> attended Lhe Co))<.'en A>)dc>so>i-Ton> Boone (both <tf P iloiisc) we<)-()lng held Saturday at SL 'I'hnr»asNew»>an Ceni.ev, 1'i i))man. C<>l le<»is a. riiece of )yj>'s. Kiiml>ilsc)i;1»<1Mr s. Ifvier.

On Thanksgiving, ChristrtphcvBruin>gavtnev, son of Da.vid:>nd<Mai'y Ba>1»lgai'1.»ei'.'<el<.'I»'atr<1 his2nd bivLhday an»ive> sai y with dinnerin the home ot'is j)atc>T>aj gran<)-par'ents, M>. an<1 Mi s. Glen Baul)'1-gavtncv, Ann and Don. Also pves<ntwere his parents an<i M>, and Mvs.Jim Baiimgartner, Brian a»<l Jonl.On De<i, 3, Mary a>id Chvistophei leftfor Florida where he will observe. hisannivevsary with his mateii>al gian-dpavenLS, Mi, and Nr's. J. C, New-some. David will leave lal.e> foi Ij'lo-rida to join his wife a.nd son a»<1spend ovev Christmas holidays.Narnoless Bridge Cl»hMeet)< in Johnson lfome

Members of the Nameless Bi idge

NOON SPECIALS Cj»)> entertained their husbands <vjthan annual Christi»as party Sundayevening in the horne of J'ess a>»i!Pearl Johmson. A no-host dinnerwas sc> ved, followed by pinochle,P>lzes wore «ron by Ifathip» Spring-er'nd Ray Linehan.

Bob Morken, who»ndc>'<venL ma-jor surgery Inst Tues<lay at G>iL>11allhospital is vecupei ating saLisfacLoi-

Mi. »nd Mrs. Ray Tetr»)t oi'a)-is pel, Mi,. ave ho<iscguests oi'> s,

Wetta Fgland

arehouse Companyiston entevtained Mv. and il'I>'s. Clif-ford Hcrma>m at dinner Sunday and

Incorporated late>'hcy attende<i the Bin< ingChristmas Tree at t.he Fivst Assn»>-bIy of God Ch<irch.

Mr. and Mvs. Wallace Su»dbe>g ofUn(levwood, ¹ D. (iivive<1 Thuisdayof Lhis week to visit Mi. a»d Mvs,Thov Gi)jc. Mrs, S»ndbeig is '1'hnv'ssister'.

Mi'. and Mvs. Sess Joh'r>son 1'cL<ll'li-ed last week from spending Thanks-glvh>g with their <laughtev, .JaneLuke» Pasa<jens Ca

AS SALE at'tile LUMBER YARD ~yam 's<tt<o t<~rrtrfmao ramtty worevisito>s in the Rich»vd Wi)soi> horneFriday evening. It.'lls, KSIIy andBrenda,Johnson of Dixie were wrek-

IOating Lantern, Reg. $7.60 $ 5 49 urday evening thhey~en]oyed the ("ia)>feed in Lewlston.yBo»ny u»d JoA»n

Single Bit Axe $17.98 Bi'ucgeman visited Alon<jay eveningwith 1:hc Vji)lsn>ls.

Maul, '$ 18.99 Mv.un<i Mvs. Don Pittma» of Spo-ka>)0 visited fvom I 1'iday uilL>l, S<irl-

h Lift Jack $3999 day with Mrs. Viol;1 Schav»1>oist.Joining t'hem for diriner Bu»day wci'0

st Drill Set Reg. $13.43 $1099 Mi. and Mrs, Bertie sncncc aiid leav-y 9 \ ~ an Gejtz, and Melisss.

Tom and Pat Mitrlielj oi'ociiid'nGloves, Reg. $7.99, $ 5.99 A)<rip weve'asi Wc(!<>0 day din»or

guests of Mvs. IIazcl Rohl»son.heting Box Wrench Set, Reg. $33.95 $25.95 ~

lDon an('. Marie Lineha» werr. Bi»1-'


day'innev giiests of M»,;rui Phl'vs,

Wilson Etsser.Kenneth Roberts, a»el f(iniily of

Spokane were over te>)day night and

5>9>y~ 5 Main 5< leater'day eoeata or lite Par'otv. Nr.">»id M>s. Meric Robcvts.

TThanksgiving <linnev giiests nr>d

vislLO>'s of Do>1 iirld Betty 150»nettrOy, Iflaha <yore Doll arid t<attry Helra tt, ood

chikl>e»; Ray and C>>thy Morschec)cI

8 and Ify)0, and Gai'y Ben»ett, Karen'Bennett iu>d Rob E<)ba»ks of Moscow

.Jeff nnd Vicki Boyd returnedhome Thii<sday i'v<»» a» 8-duy vaca-tion in IIawaii. Their child>'0» stay-ed with Grandpa and Grandma 1801rd)vhile their parents were away.

Mvs. Dick Scharnhorst attended aworkshop on Saturday at the BestWester>1 in Mnscow. Dr. 1VI(ulajineHunter, wnrld ve»nwnc(l educatorfrom the UCLA IJab School «ra,s fea,-ture(i speaker. The all day sessions)vc>'e attcncied hy arlminisli;<tovs:>nd,teachevs fvn>». i»any pai ts of the In-)an<i It mpive.

Legion and AuxiliaryChristmas Party Dec. 16

The Blolcnbevg-Schon jci I'osL 58of Lhe A>Tle>'1<.'ai> Legio>1 arid !heAux))lacy 1vi)) hold >'cgul » b<isin<)ssmeetings at, 7:30 0» ttVcd,, Der. 10at i,he Legion IIS)j. Fn) lo<ving !.hisa. joint Chi~jstnlas p<l>'Ly «'ill be heldin the Cl<i I> Ron>1>. A>>xiii>» 'tt'>10»1-bevs ai'e asked to h>ing;1 <yift. fovthe hall aiid snacks;»><l/0> clips fovthe ho) idi<y >'0 I >'esh»>cn t table, AllA<ixilia> y >>re>r>be>'s an<i spu<is<.'s anilLeglol>»)clill>ci's lu>d spn< lees <1>'0 1»"vite<i Lo aLtcnd.

Mary Kay Party Dec. 16Shivlcy Buck)i» invites lhe Gene-

see community 1.0 n. "Chvist>»iis OpenHouse" sho1vi»g of Mr<i y I<,>y pvod-ucts on Wrd., ).>cc, 10 het«'ccr> ! »n(18 'p. >11. <>t 1 k<'. Gelirst'.0 Cti!<'.. 1 1101'»will j)<.:«)jspj<>y oi'<j:<>y lf;iy pi»<l-iicts fn> yoi>> ( )1> isis»'i>s gi!'i list.

L oi i.(',(!,'1>1<1 0'noki<!s I'ol'olll'lljo) -,I»(a>1L <vill 1><'<'1'vctl. Also fvre gli t(vi'»0 i t)>'nsj.,i»i»iii es s)>op)tr>'s,

JayCeeEttes ChristmasMeeting Dece'.mber l5

The Genesee JayCeeELLcs willhold thciv Ch> ist»>as mecti»g»n<iglit exchange <I''ues., Der. 15);ii. 7:30in Ll>c home of Pat Wag.

Ja)>ct Wisj>avd, past, prcsi<lcnL otLhc Civic Asso<!i,ation <Yi)) be spr»kevfor thr, evening:<n<l will talk on tlieAssoc)ation's ac Livitirs of h<st yc»r.

Also It is ho<I>e<) lo )>tiv<'ti>tcJ;>y-<.'ce-l.tje p;1 esi<lcnt, I<are» 1<jev-1'!I of Nali)p<i pi'<Bsci>t i<t 1 he 11>('(et)i>g.

The Genesee Rimannual potluck anSaturday eveningch»rch basement. Mt&R We


-'." "-'- .'il~",:"„';"::"-,;~ji'ill/SYWjI1Ilers of door

Alberta Scli>ivtz.is. Gh Is: Marci<.Aaron Cromer. Tveling prize wasEsser 10 keep as3 year~ straij,ht.

Foster 6 Marshall I 0 t ng a very Important seminar

whchcould p t} I alii ng nabra dnew

light.You probably already know that an Individual Retire-

ment Account is an excellent tax shelt'er because-it al-

lows you to deduct up to $2,000 annually frofn your per-

sonal income taxesBut do you realize that not a'8 IRAs are created equal?

Foster 8< Marshall's IKA specialists will explain the

differences. You'I get a compete briefing on how the new

tax legislation affects these accounts, And you'l discov-

er how to lnaxlfnize their inflation-figllting potential.It's simply in your own best interest to arm yourself

with this decision-making informatiof). Do that by sign-

ing up for our IRA seminar today.


vital IRA seminar will be held at the

SPECIALIEINCi INGlass Windshields Truck 84 Tractor

Car 8 Tractor Cab Glass'oat Cushion

Desk Top Glass, etc. Yinyl Tops

By Appointment

e d i k Idaho DOC LlTTLE Ph. 289-4190Kft rc,


University of IIIaho Stuj!lent Union

The Best Time is at ThePastime Gencscc Lathe>'an Pa> ish CalendaiTh»vsday, Dec. 10:

1 30 A.I CW Genesee Valley at.Clrtus Moi kens

Hat» vdny, De< . 12:2:00 Luthcv LeagueDecoviii.ing <iL St. John'

Sun(lay, l)orcmbrv 18:<0:00;<. i». Valley Woi ship<0;15 ci„ 11'i. SL'. John's S'S

10:00 a. »i. Valley SB <<'z coflee hou>.10;30: Si.. Job>its wovs)ljp; 31'd pa)'t

of. S. S. Chvistn>us p> o<r ram by>»I 1's0<'y th >'0 <ig1 1 2nd gi"1(1('..

Wrd., De< en>her 10:3>30 confir'ma!ion classes, S. John'7',30: Advent. wovship at St. Jol»1's.

Choiv p»" ctjcc will follow.

FOSTFR tt MARSHALL, INC.An edge for the Western investor

Member all principal exchanges and SIPC

James A. McCluskey —James A. Mitchell


a)t IIJII6 l.ura~l ber Il'arcIGenesee, Idaho Ph. 285-1222 S ll(>I'j. sA, lion spvang upon a, bull an(j

quickly devoured him. Aftev thisfeast hr felt so good i,hat he voai'edand roared. The noise at.tractedsome hiinLei s a»d they kille(i l.helion.

Mora): VV)>c» you <ive >'ull 0! hull,kr('.i) vo<li'<i<)i> th sh>1't.!


I'')Il)era, C )Ia ieRay-O-Yac F

True Temper

8-lb. Splitting

3'I/n Ton Hig

13-Piece Twi

PHONE 882-4534MOSCOifv, IDAHO(.)ici>t ( Lclcpho>iing 1'vom prison):'"1'hye'vc shaved my head, cut a slit,in»>y pants, anil >oiled up my slee-ves. No<v <vhirt )vill I do 7

1 awyei". My advise Lo yo» is tl>aL»o miitLei wl>at yoii tl<t, dnn't. sij. ina <'.h a I 1'.




II;I;)ESEI. ie]uISI'hc t.oli>'>SL 1vas look>l>g over'.heI'1>'111('1' 0 t f0>'i >1gs al: his 1'oadsidestand. "Fi>v»i pi oduce certainlycosts mo>r tl> u> iL <ised to,'cn>av)<-ed the < ity ma». "That's i ight,"agiecd Lhc f;ivmei'. "Yo» se<!, wejusL iised to vaisr ci'ops but »owwe'e goi: Lo know the botanicajname 1'oi wl>at 1ve'iv> raisin', the en-to»iologiciil i>a»>c of the hug'hat:oaLs it, »>i<i Lhc ch< micai name ofwhaL kills it., »ii<1 somebody's goi. topriv,

I»sure Wiih l)o»!

Gopher Pigsk

6-Piece Rate

Custom Butchering

anil Processingaf Beef and Pork

IC ltl!)IFojt)IBKR—leece~h, c c~ II cftl k c))ccrc(sclfJc cc ~~~c c lcc

When You Think of INSURANCE .., . (or investments) Tirlak of DON!


Betty Jarvfs 826-3260Betty Qlson 835-2873Rita Hogan 276-4924

APEX REALTT Merlin HeFtfer 835-6384

Mill'lp'Ijl 'Caelllch+gI9 Q~cic)!IoPhone 285 1321

drtt 4krl~4~oeeeee@@@yy~


o'j)ro cue) prejjuct5Gasoline —Diesel Fuel — Heating Oil —Lubricclnts

Tanks — Pumps — Batteries Filters Plugs

Ethylene Glycol Anti-Freeze @PHONE 285-1317 — GENESEE

a>oeeeeoeoo(eoooo<eta)()eoeI y

Iecpresentative ofMVII I IIV-IFAVRIP, INC. I

()Iflc<! 285-1'428 —Homo 285-1800OI IOIIIE 01" TIIIC Wlclelc

8 Bedroom i>0»30 in Ker>drj(k. II acres, lots of spare forgardens, aniimils, ojc...,...,,...,....,..............,F08,500

8 Homes in Juiiuoti» —2, 4, 5 b('.drooms ........$41.000 to $50,0008 Hom(as In Ken(lvj(<lr —2 )vith «crcugo .........~....MUST SEE!2 Hol)h(hs in G(',r>0>(c(! 2 <hl 8 hc(lrooms ..........$44,000 arid 'l)45)000


e:,III)AH,:;—:, s!I;x;me:,cq:;,-Il "-,.„„:.--::882.":::0)4~!o:::—::,--;-::

—:-*"'- e






Along with our Regular Sale

',IP<, j,:.I'.:.,<t, I:.t" C;0-OP


HON),'';.'.-'-'-PA.-P~>-IIIA1N 01 FICE

285-1422lr'Ef"D MILI


!,HP,QU/P CP 285-1222

Itl <N It.' IP, Iv, I I) !..))l () 83832 HEED


Begins ll:00 a. m.

4lready Consigned 4re:~) 400—NATIVE STOCK COWS 8 BRED HEIFERS

Preg. and Bangs tested




Nower 4-be(lroom Hon)r, Excell-ent condition. Quiet I.ocation.Ail riiy vervices. $4<J,500 00

2-be<lroom, solid briclr I>on>jr)

ciosor to to<9». The sellers arohighly motivated. Appraised inHept. 1081 for 880,000.

Make an offer

<t.t.ll'llllllllllllltlrllltl'tltllllllllltf'Itl'title ltll tl Iltllllltt lllrlllltll Illlllrttlltltlllllllltlllllltllllllllllllllltl'lllllllltlfllllllltllflll 't 4

GRAIN PRICESLocal Service By

Hometown Realtors




COTTONWOOD SALES YARD Prices Quotejl are Net to the Farmer"Home of the Best Feeder Cattle in the


962-3284 or 962-3519

Chuck Mader —Cottonwood 962-3517Shorty Arnzen Cottonwood, Idaho

1It) tjl1) I'> Igf%6=I tl ™.l=-d.t,II&&

WHEAT,per hushell,.... $3.56

FEEDBARLEY,perton... $91,OQ

I>8>0388 (h>rich )jew5—,TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15-7:39P.M.

Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1981 - The Gazette News/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!-.4Y~ .ie~~i::

Beti] Harris Winner of',Local News

,Of Genesee4iWP'II'.life". 5CW 4]

it.;SPS 5<.j-s-t0)V"W "Voice of Democracy"

'ontest in Kendrick SchoolA Consoiidati(n of The K(nrji jcjt Gazette snd Tfie Gc>>Csee ei

P«b]ished every 1vednesday tda«<i 'I'huis<jay> a»d entLved Rs secondclass matter at the post Office in Kcndvicj<, I(lahn 83537 and CLI>Csee,Idaho 83832, La(ah County, Ifn<fcf. Aci nt'ongress ol'[ave}>, 187J.The Official Ne<vspapev of Gcnesec, Kendviclc anil ~U}fact[a, 1<iafiu

Jane L. I[0th and Wiliiai» A. ROL}i, I'ubjjsj«(sWm A. Roth, Editor Fer>is Cuddy, News EditovGenesee —Tc}CPhoI)e 285-1513 Kc»<}>jck --Te}eP}>one 289-5731Subscription Rates: $5,00 per year in Latah, Nez Pen.e. Cleat<v(>tetCo«ntiei, Idaho Rnd Asotin and Whit»ian Coitnty, 1VRshing'ton.

Ali other Address ——$0,5(l pcv Year Si«gje Copy —l5rAdvei'tising Rates Given Upon Application

POSTMASTERS: Send Irorni 3<)79 fo Ket»]rick, I(hiho 88587

!for th< })n}idays we>e Todd ivho at-

', te»(is Cnc«v O'.A le»c College and, Lyilne Rnd Ttil>, UI sLUd(.'i>ts.

Mr. Rnd Nvs. Lee Davis and Lean»! (v<.'I'e ovi.i'llaliksgiving gi>LSLs of his

niother in Lonevoc}(, Ote. The Dav-'ses a[so Visited t}>e Fi'ank Boivn«1»fan>ily m Con(ion.

I<It'. and Mvs. Andy Gt'ieser had(fii>«L'I'>1 Tl>alll<sgIvt»g (vttj> tilts Dnn

! A[j}}R>d f'Rfi>ify in ICe)fdvick. On Sun-, day, i%I>< a)U] ][Its, G> iesev wcie di»-»ei'aiests of the j)IR» t'I'e<j Rosenbev-

, 'e>s i» Lewiston. The dinnev ho»-01'<'d Mi's. Gi'iescv's bivthdav,

Genesen Valley News(De]ayed from Last 1Veek)

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Danie]son,and Mrs. Dan Danie]son and chilRnd Mvs. Shirley B«ck]in; Greg Dand ft4end of the U/I enjoyed dinThanksgiving (vjtj> Mr. and Mvs.Dich] in Ovofinn. The Oscar Die]sons and Shirley <vere Fvidayning dinner guests of the Dan Dielson family.

'Mrs. E. A, Movken joined the JStout family Rt dinnev Friday. H





hlePhoi]e N9-3}I}II


'ree I:

On Bodywo


1nlnp n





'I> lls"oaai

5 aucRI ktering Pnrk

We Accept Farm Butchered Beef & Pork for Processing

By Appointment Hours 8 to 5 Mon. —Fri.


IIIARY J; RILEY, DECEASEDWritten bids for the sale of. the

following described prnpe vLy arehereby solicited:

Troy, Idahol

Phone 835-2341

Local News

Of Kenflrick







I .((H

The Southeast Quar Le> of u>eNortheast Quarter of Section 18,Township 38 North, Range 2,West. The Southwest Quartev of.t.he Northwest Quarter, theNoi'theast Quarter of the South-west Quar ter, the NorthwestQuarter of the Southwest Quart-er, the Northwest Quarter of LheSoutheast Quarter, and t.heSou'theast Quarter of Lhe South-west Quarter, North of the Pot.-latch River, a]1 in Section 17,Township 38 North, Range 2,West, B. M. Al] of the above isfocaf.ed in 1'data,h Co» n ty.

(De]ayed from I'i)st 1Ve(ik)Mart}ia Long had Tha«ksgivi»g

dinner with M>s, Eleanor Perry i<t'jarkstnnand was also an overnight

guest in the Pervy home.IMR> tha Wijken accompanied Mr.

R»d Nfs. Kenneth Wi}ke» and DavidLo Moscow Thursday for Thanks-giving dinner wifh I<jm «ii<1 EvaK}vkfand. Ca]levs of Mart.ha an(f Ef'-fie Poweli Lhis week wet e A(f(l]fiChvistcnsen and }r>an(}son Don»in

of'rofino;M>. an(1 Mrs. Tom Gfass ofBoise; Re]»>a Wcgner Hoffman, Ros-alia; I uci]}e Ho['fman, E(f and I-maNeison, Dof is Silf]ow a»(} Kct>nethff«d 1V}argie Wi]ken.

Visit.ovs of.'vyffc Mac} Lhis wee}(weve I ucil]e Hoffmat> on Tuesday;Bev»ard Mael of Moscow, Grar(.Won(f R»(} Lorvaine and Geva}(f Wooduf'eary and Curt and Opal Hamil-fon oi'jlofjno,,tl] on Friday. JennyMtief of Ju]fact ta was an aftcrnoniiRnd evening visit o> on Safuvday.S«nday ca}icr.s <vci c Jake, Garn(.f.and I in<}R Rribo]d of Garfield anilRon, CR>'nf and Favn» C>s.ig of Lew-isto>>, Crace I ind a»d Flny Ct«jdywvet e Nof>day drop-ins.

'I ucii}e Hnffman arcnfiip;iniedhrt'la»g}fic>'»(}„on-in-}aw, Nt. Rti(f

}VI>s. Doti }Vfnfgaff Ln the lint»< oflict'ta»(j(]aug}>terRnd })us})an(j, Mr. Im<l

M)s. RR]ph Co]wc]j at. I,c<vjsto»for'i'ha»ksgivingdinner.

T}»frsday, NI. Rnd Mvs. A>}oy A,f-

len attended R Thanksgiving familyget together af. the Grange Hall it>

Kendrick.Sati>tday evening visitors of the

A}fen's (v(tf e Clem Smith and (lau.-ghter, Sandy Rnd Mrs. Eva Daniels.

N)'. Rnd Nvs. Jake Riebofd ofGavfiefd, Wa. were Siinday eveningvisitors nf MI. Rnd Nts. Arfey Allen,

The FI;irvesf. Dinner at f.hc Naz-R> ene r huvch on S;<L»v(fay <v>Ls Rgf'eat. rcjebvaf.ion with 1(}0 people


RLtcnding. Ga> y XVifliams was f.hcspecial en tet tainmen t. A specialthanks goes to Ve> n;i Gibbnns;in(lf;imi]y, Lcnnatd Mi<fd}eknop Rnd theChurl< 1Vhite family and all nt.hers



WE HAVE TO GFFEIP.The Southeast QuarLev of Lhe

Southwest Quarter South oi t,hcPotlatch River, Section 17,Township 38 North, Range 2

West, B. M. }ocate(f in N(.z Pci'ccCounty Idaho

Said property wiO be so]d sitbjectf,o a life estate iti the residence andoutbui]dings in, Alice Gijbevt, thecurre»L resident, nf the pvoperty.Said life estate will inc]ude a. parcL]of approximately two (2) aci'es, in-cluding the residen<.'e and outbui}d-ings, the water vighL to the springcurrently used for domestic pui'-poses, Rfi < aseme)it for ingress andegress f.n and from the reside»coand Rn easement allowing access 10the Potlatch River from f.he i csi-dence. The p)operty has been Rp-pi'a}Red in the amount of $11'7,000 00and R copy ot the appraisal is Rvaf]-ab]e fo> inspection at f.he office of

Ray Barker, Attorney Rt Law,204 East, 1st StreLnt, Moscow, Idaho83843, Telephnnc Numbci 882-0749.Bids in an amount less than the ap-praisaf will not, be accept.ed.

A]] bids must be accompanied byt,he sum of $500.00 in cash or cashierscheck as earnest money, which sumwi}1 be ret.urned t,o a]f bid<fera ex-cept the successful bidder. If f.hesuccessful bidder. is «nab}e to pe)'-form the eamesL money will be foI'-feited and.if the success}'u] f>jddcf'sable tn perform sai(] (Iarnest moneyshall be applied f.n t.he p»rchaseprice.

A]] bids must be submitte<f at theoffice of D, Ray Barker, st the aboveaddress, by 12:00 o'lock noon onDecember 31, 198L priov to January5, 1982, a}f parties who have madeoffers wi]] be advised nf the amoui)tof the highest bid and will be givenone (I) opportunity to bid an i»-crea~ed amount if they wish to doso, The highest and best offer will beRccepte(f at. 12:00 noon on .]anuary15), ]982.

We here at First Hank of Troy value our old

patrons just as highly as we do our new ones. And,

when we gain a new customer, 1ve want them know

of all the services our bank can offer. But sometimes

cherished accounts

proving and providing

even our long established and

aren't aware that we keep im

our customer services.

r an old friend, we

nces such as our drive-

ail service, our handyall the other services

make certain that weeed.

So if you are new friend, o

want to remind you of convenie

in banking window, bank-by-m

secure safety deposit boxes and

First Bank of Troy provides toare the only bank you'l ever n

, irS'll(O" ff]]}Mefnber —Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The tetms of t])e SR]c will be cash

payable i» fu]f on Feb'>ary ] 1982.

PHONE 835-2041TROY,lbAHO


P»bjishe(f 0 Times:I'i>b. Nov, I2, 19, 20,

D< (',,'f, 10, [7 198lHHHHlillji:

BL tlt ]}ltI'I'ts. l< a<sf>lr)f'tf Iie»<}l'ic}(

t])< hiy«(l i'roi» I.:iii M'(~ k) re I 4<'}loni lit><j tli<s d(i<)as'ht<si'1'i>id .>}I's, W:>jf <si'at'1'is <v'<s

I'. '1»d s['s 1]fi'c(f I] )sf<i>'L)i)LI'lt»<<i t jl<'hitici'1'i t!><'5)tji '>>i>>11(if

1»<f I)<>vid H(isl 'I>'< ji 'I'') >>d so>i L),'<I> '<'i f <'I> >0<'>".<<'I < 0» t('st ipnll-'""-"'"'.sre)j}<', y('t(s>"itis ot js 01'< <gn 11 it>S,


in } '<}Is 1V i<frs H)»>})[0». 8<>"I

i><j Lji<i <'f>L<'>'t,'it>>« f,'1 t (f>1

[ > . }(I,<I

tin Sto«t, pt)> I eff ii»d Dot»", I~II'»(f p '""" (<'I»»<'I';i»<f 'f'<'I'<'s:I H<)ivct'tiff>.Mi s Dti» St«(it 1st".Id and Stt>rcy "" }> "c<'.Mf. Rnd I[is. 51;»k H;>I»Pto», B>i(i»»s is <iii;1»»it»} <oiitcst. iPO»sov['j

a>id No! R, Yaf<i»>;I; }VII'.;>I>d MI's. f y tj>c V. j'. W.;ii>(f 1~<<lies Aiixif-Do«SPt'ingr>'>n<t:1[I', (iii(l '11> i. ],f- 'ti'('» coOP<'I"<itin» wit.lt tl><,'titio»-von Hanlpton. I} A» 0<.'I<it>»» oj Bv<. 1<frftstel s iin

Thanksgiving <li»ncr giicsts oj'MI'. 'p<i> «>:1}f a»phon ovc j»nini iindand III's, 'I'om Bol d <vef e thciv da«- sci>tni'««fcnts. I".ic}> contestant.gl>Leis, Tvi)cey of SPO](anc iit>d Idis<; ') jt<'s (>li<i tlicti t;>Pc fr(otds si 3 tnR st«<fent RL U. I, <i}so,}uji<n i)['<)'}(s 'it»lite sLi'ipt. 0» the fl>erne "f3<>jj(f-R>>d Steve Sah>din of Moscow '»8 Af»cf'I<"I TogL'tl>ci ". This ) eti i

j(r[v.;>»d >1[vs. Ri(i)ii>'d D<ifbin;>nd thcl'L <v('I'<'in<'»tt'j<ss -;)ff I>'01>i

sons of Spokane vjsi[Ls(t ff'0>>1 Wcd- 1[t's. St<'w(11't. s sf)<sLs('f>

nesdav iinfif F vi«av (vjtj> f>is niothcv, Bet}i's tirst p};tee iapc mill »0<vMt s. Lilfian D«vbi». 4<'»t<'>'«' >ii dist>'Ici <'011>Petit.io>1.

'AI>. and M>s. D<'Ibevt Iian>bjtscj> D>st>'ict win»< Is <vi}f I>dvtit>L<s toetitcvt;(i«ed at <jitinct in the}I'orn<'«'>tc ju(fgi» ',Thn»}<sgiving d>ty fov Lo>cn i»i<1 aaiic ol'li( „i<fitLRL benet'its foGal(. K(11»4ifchr Doll (1»d Deil'i 'Ii>1 '< I>g f)(<')f)]L <'vho L»f(c f)iii't jn4(tach, ]V[v. I>nd ]VI>'s. LRWVence Bi"id- ] > "gt"<1>i, Is Llittt by


Ai)LO>><s Kanlbjtsrh, 1[t'. I>fg:i»<j SPCI>kit lg uj) foi' f)

and (v[t's. Robert. Robet ts, Kim and tt'y t}>cy "ai» R 4rttcv;if)ptreciationKt isty, Rll Of L<n)Vjston, Ma>'k BV.><f- <)f t}IVII'4}ig(1tio)1 to ni«jf>t(>it< 0«Vbiiry, U I stiidLI>Ls ai>d $g'Iv.,'>»(f Ni s. >I«jot>'s jcvc~cdo»> Ilcvita 'r," l, on>-F1'C(l Cni»i>[Ck. I»'»><fr>'tlf<si>1(>>i stii<f.

h.>'ts CI'anlPton I»1(f soi) oj.SPok(it><'bsif

cd theit't'andpa Rnd Gl;ti>d>>>:Ithe Geovgc Andevso»s finn> Tj>ui's-dav until Sunday. Thanksg>v>t>~they (veic (fin»e> g«esLs of tf>c L<'eF]eishma» famify in P«i]»ran. NOVember 'l7

Last weel<end Mv. Rnd M>'s (D(lttyo(f fism» Lait %Veen)Laxv>'ence Bi'oeme]ing and David vis-ited in Fovest G>ove Oie. ivjtj< Lh<,

'I'}ic Novi mbcv [7th me«ti»g]Log'ei Broemefi»g's, They visited t}'L Ke»<lf'ick Gt"it>" (. wt>s called to

wi f, ji If)r Bob Hi> f'j;n>at> ) by 1V01'thy i%I>stet', Ross A>'-

family before vet«rnit>g'ome.J«<}y Hoan, Cavo} Beckev Rnd Cin- The Chai'tcv i<as dvapLd fov Iran-

dv Fvicfcson ot Spof<a[>c (veve Fviday '" BLnsci)trv Rnd Rose}la Largent.giieatS Of Nt. and M('S. LeROV HR>Vis Ritt}i 1Vhit<'. t'epni'Led On tl><s .] yo»S

Mi'. Rnd Mvs. C>ii'I Simons visited (jii>nei . '. he veported a[so on L]ie

Ti«ttsday in Coettt d'A}ene ivu}, L]>c NRLion <[ Gt'ange n)ectiilg iii SpokaIlcE}i>)el'iin(f L faf>it]y RI>(f Fl'jday ssve) e At>i>0»1>ceil that 85 pe«pie \'v<'I'( sel.-

'ests of }y]I's. F['<inc N f[L'I'<>i(f 1'e<f tlt co<<I't('sy n>enf pi'ef)111'c<f fnf.

yNt'. R»d M>'s. Gene 1Voodt'itf f I.e Clivist»>as pat'Lv will bc lief<i 0>i

tunic(} Mot>day air[et spe»diti 'he Ll>e 13th, ai>d this <vas discussed.Than}(sg'iving }io]iday in Kent svith R»il) Wf>itc asked for vofunteevs to

Hiiv<rev a)id ftii»i}1r ~f1<if) ill(1k( f>oj>coi'» bails 01> f.l>c 12th

Gucsti of ]VII'. Rnd IVII s, Cfit'fnv<1 a>Id <petit'r<'tti> <.I', ('I"i<sr 1«8 1<'. ("If]ed

Herma>m for 2'han](sgiving'innei. f<»'o}»ntceis on tfic 12tli Lo helPRnd 0( cf I})( <VLne}MI>d <( c>'c }VII and (fcL'0>'RLc Liic fi;if} t'ov thL'tl>'Ly ~

Nvs. Gene Shephv(f, N>L;>1>(f Nis. 'Gift.s tn nof. exec<.d $ 1,00 and Lo be

and Mrs. Mark Kets(fcvev, afi o[ a 0»ce<l con}dcs fion>;if} mcn>bersBeave>'to>1; Nv. Rn(f MI's. Bei'i)ie F[et'- lot'>at day,»lani) and chi]dret> of KR}>spel; Mi, Rock Cteck will bc inviLcd Lot

a)>d Nt's. Dale Bv>u»an a»d fan>jjy Lhelv visitation Lo Kendr[ck fo> tf>c

ISpokane Rnd Mr. ancf Nrs.,]in> Hei fjt'st meeting in Febvuary,mann. Nv. Rnd Mvs, Ray Ti"<<If,ina>i 11L 'hive a 11(.iv cai'pet in the ha}Li

joined the Hermann fa»iily fov din- foyer and the labov <vas donated bynci'» Thanksg'iving. Fi iday eve- Ray Snydev. Tl>anki RI<S, wc (f<)

»II>g Lhe Hevniann fat«]jjes <yet c giie Iif)p>'Le]ate 'this,

sfs of Lhe Jim Hen»ant>s trot a piz- It was I'eportcd Lfiat Marge I»id

za din»et, Aff I ct«>'f>e<f to f.l>civ }'>«'jdt'idge's daughter, Janet isfiomes on Sunday. (jou)g good aI>d was exPected ho»i<i

Mt'. Rt>d MI's. Nat'>0» Ho]4ett wef'c son)I ft'oni Lhc. hosp[LR]. Marge Rnd

Thanksgiving'veekei>d guests of Llie E]mn wiff stay as long Rs needed.Roy Ballards in Port]and Grace Ingle's pvogva»I was on

Mr. Rnd Mvs. Leo Senften of Cas- Tha»skiving'nd ail membe>ss had atjeford, Idaho weve over Tf<anfcs- c}>at>ce to particlpafe, telling whatg'iving. visitot's of het'iot}>e>, ]VIrs. Thanksgiving»>cans to mc. ThenLe]a Springev Rnd brother, Don a»d fof]owed R quiz on different pRvts of1R)ll I}V. a f.«tkey, ending hvith R Cassette of

Guesf.s of Nt'. R»d ',)[> s. Ke»neth so»gs wftit.Len anil sang by CathyAheri» fov (linne> Thanl(sgiving <yet e E<vans ('State Po>»ona) frnni Wov]ey,M v. Rnd M vs. Robe> t Bot gen, Ki m SLate winner of Talc>it Contest in

and Patrick; Mr. Snd Nvs. Joe Noiv- 1980 Rnd 2nd place ~vjnnev in 1981.akowski and Joel; and Dan A)>erin. Ruth I[eimgavt»ev, La<vvence Hci-Kersten Ha»sen i(t>s a siipper g«cst. i»garf»ev, Ross Arm]tage, Vera FI»t-

c}>esnn, Ru t}1 Wh} te, GI'Rc(s Iflgle I) f1<I

Gerald Ingle ai] gave their impves-sions of the Nati<)na[ Grange nie<t-iiig in Spokane. There were IS dif-

f@gel I +Qtl+(nn r tent srntes r densen<ed, nnd s te-

A»0Lhev fov<nly s»Rck wi(s sLI've<iLEGAL NOTICE l)y Henny Rcil, Vei n Clu)(itc, jt«t}>

and Howavd Hoffman.'Robe! f,;i. NI»(<af'ing', Pt>4}}city

The Gazette - News, Thursday, December 10, 1981 3

U505 I SU




o ~ eooo ~ oooooooeoooeoee ~ oo ~ ooooo ~ ~ oo ~





~ o ~ e ~ ~ ~ o ~ e ~ e ~ on

NPaaag 1tleyaaNsoaa, laarlepeaadeaat. Aqeaat


Koine Lifo Aalto Qoato1vllorsMolail honffes —Rot ary Pnialie —Boncls

Crop —Nail -Grain FireKendrick, Idaho Phone 289-4271

~ o

Ceaatral lclffaho ziyeaaey, Eaae. is pronate toeaaaaeaaaaee }thea}t Itheag aaeaa} a eyreSeaak...




For the Finest Coverages serving the Forest ProductsIndustryand L,OCAL SERVICE in these highly technical

coveroges contact us...I

t t".ss(E'rs) Estrs)sss r)r)st)step's Is<su )<Less(is'let< Off

lNlSL('I,'O',. ]NA6%%1SON, AgentOf fice: 239-3697 Home: 289-5122


incor poi otedKendr]ck, Idaho


-Oenlers in Grnin an[i Peas S]nee 'I 9G4- I}

Fertilizer. —sulk L sncknII

HNfific.r. ROE]tla ai:0. IPhone 289-496'I

l ncor para ted

Gistribntnr Petroleum Products

-Mobil nnII conoco Protlncts-

We Carry a Full Line ofTl RES —8 ATTER I ES —ACC ESSORI ES

Our Motto: "Whatever you need, vfre vvill get for youat lowest prices."

Kenflrick.... 289-4G61

Genr .....87}}'-'l21ll~eeseeettgegy~~-

i5; t~=--I'(R~

I<efIf, (t'rush P/tarmaCyPrese.l igloo,aoaas Carefully

oaaala oaaaaeleal

4aaaaaaaal Neelth 1%eeals

Maes ftt[loaaa iS'la)lp4es

t'elePh0118: 789-5N)

floIIrr: 8 a. e.—5:45 P. m.


ala)i Sarlara Clayton

'<<'}to }le I is<'(j l > i;I j(<* I l «(''<'I> I I tg .'(


I<�'- Xl I', ri » <l 51)'s. ]I()» }<v<'it. I) I'I < l f(i»>-

I cess, ijy sj)<'iif. Tha)tksgiving wit!) hev sis-]ja» atid [<at}>y Jo}»iso» and

1 sr f( i>i<i I L)i<i <l' ll> l I <»<j 0» I <»>I}( f 0 Lpf> Oi d<]gn it D(ii)

s [t( I:(< } l< I t [1'<'(I<i<sf}.'<y I<!I. 'LII< }i-l

[if<[»V'S2'f>aff};s}riving <vci'< Steve andB< I tv Ho(vc>'t 0>I t)f)(j ta»>}fy

Li'Irta (. I>1'I'oil Ill i '.<l<' >I'('80» t<r fit><i }s I'Ld(i j'1l'Vji)gin>i (i>i<l B()4ip<>i<l l j>s>t>is~~ I( ii> l l<)j<<l 11 j< I I

f(sr<i nf L of> f)<II ~ <<n<i 1)ol

<lily, fryfL»><<i iso<its<'li'<)Vr f() N>1»i-f

'f'i>('(<rLs>[i d>'OV(s 4»<.'k to)<ft(f (ft>I< <<'It}i ( «I > V:1»<l

f f1< jl<)v } < v I <i'>1< I (('} ['I'j4;<I'};> I '<Ct><sof>. N) fill<' ticl C LI<c < in r lo (4 s J((jiff, I jiffi(l 0 >('r Iftsnf< filrl<fc ilf 0 <recto»<itt( (id<'<f <rii)<'l:<sl<cil):ill "'<»>('s. ()1.<, iit> f j f Sit>)(fav

Silt)clfiy, [.v}«','»(j I <>i«s» <f>'<tv<'<>(sv«»g<svilic t» st;>v (vt(tf. !.<)Itjsc's Dick <II><} Vicki W>LL, Bfya« ti>t<i<lit('I(',,)it', it>1<i it}1's. }'l(ri'(l I>;ivis..l.ii<u> an<] Mis. Bet'tha I.i[lie of I ii})-Lotiis«'»joy(il lite>I' t.ip srcj»„r tlirii. t iv:ii weve 'I'htinksgLving dinner gi<r-<hij<ji«», 4«t. h;itc(l lo i«".v<'I'ill<i- its 0)']t'vj»;tf><f Helen Ha]sefh, ]ie»-Sol), astir}»,'Cf;>t his hn»ie, <f>'I('f(,

en o o ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ~ o ~ e ~ e ~ o ~ e o ~ o e ~ e o o o o o o o ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ o o e ~ ~ ~ o o ~ e ~ ~ e 'e

Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1981 - The Gazette News/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!-.4Y~ .ie~~i::

4 The Gazette - News, Thursday, December 10, 1981


Gal>flan Rule Newshl>'s Gavj('f'»'< I(

(II<'iny(n(i ft'(>tt> r»+I 4'4'<'(sj(J

I,('.1!(.n n) u!('—

I L'!util«nsjiip h:i<j (fin>>i i nt Lhi! ICing".-:I 'I't)j<, h(os«!vv. I» I h('. l<f Iei'tioo» Ih<'I''nil<'ij oli J.i'»ii !In;!iJc;i>ii! hf>'s. Iil:ii

Lay'< i>i!!;<I Aliis< i!;. 'I'h<'i,'< js(>t!s:itirlJsj(L))f«'><Sf>i!is !i I'<<! V>Sit i!<I hf >1 I!!ii

J(ii» I(>t I(I;it><!.


t' i<In > it!,,i>i< i .i> i',>i»!i<i > 'n.i!iti tin!!if!;it>i iiiti'il I ji('i>tti >".!I ii> I «n,I 'ev:< I !.<((v) it i it i.

A)'n>jf;) I,(M >0 ti>><I ih! is. ( »I('>»i I"iit'<I !<>iij (I!(it-

ght i')', (."Ot I;>I,('.t i>vi, ()i'(.;oti, iv< t (i

Jlojj(lny visit i>)'i <>f h! te:lt>il hi! s.i!i A t'tiijt n g i ti.>1(f N i<'lc,

.'Jut>ii(I;>y, Jf<>jlj» At i»iL;>i,.i, I wnvts-Lon, w:.'>s;< iiit«!he<>t> gii< st <>I'!tl i<t><i

hi>i. 44<i Jji »'Ltd»JL<)f,c;)n<i f;i>iijf>.lw>tt)(J,'>y, h'hl (inij Mls, 1;>< Ic


<Ijt>t><n> gitinsts <>I'!t.:in<i hf)'s.At'lie A l'i>i >L<i I'(':i»<I iXJ('I(.

''J I"3I', " -'-;:(

OPEN CLASSES Frutti Bcgltlttlllg

('I)>)s<n-Mtv;>!>(J»'<1>ln, JC><'I( (,'hii!<i''it!if Ji>ti)-

jiy wi!>c Ttianj(igjvlng g«<!st.i i>f'Mt<n(j Mt's. J»!)voti (!Ii<<!<r iil (>t'<>lit)i),

Ji'ijil>iy N110 St>lj h1>',n. J(j<'I( ( J>»S<'.

>if1(j I!(t'>>!!V (v<',)'c sit f>f><'t''!ti'sfs ofMt'. it>>ti hit's. hf:>t'vj)t Et!It jow'..Vf t'. t((>if20) s. I.)(ij< Y jjl'l<iw l>t><! f!it>)jlynllsi> gt test s,

!~»litt'(I;t v i vin>) !)i<'t i. !< >><I hrrs.1(l('!J( ( h<i,ti')1>(l It>i>lijy w( t'<! visjii>iioj'fte;Lti(! h'll's, Jfoj,'et'yv<!i".K>ti.

H»t>(fi>y, h1).;it><j hlri, J»tiv(»i (."J),'ini,Cj>iti'Jli'<t)(l I nf iver(! (Jjntt(t'tl(sfsol M>L i>i><i h! t's, ffj<'Ic ("hits(';<(i(j f,'Ltt)-j Jy.


"Seminars Held Throughout

—AII Toie 8 Art Supplies

1701 Richardson746-1023






lo Advanced

the Year"

Available —.LewistanI

Moil<i(ay c'v('.>>I>ig ">1>'.:>(><f h1>',J'ii''I

!'V'cjscj> nn(J <!«)>tgl>Lr>~. >>eius »I hf>',,(t><j hf>s, .I«ji» i.i'tl<'1>-)i>(tie)'.

Th>inj(sgjvj>, ~ ifinti 't „iists (>I hfi!it><! h1>'s..joj'>n I»CLI<'ni'ii:>tv>'<'>''i>L;iniJ Mi's. Jn')i <I T.(ntti'tt<nnjrt iii)<l I';>»i->jy,)t>(J !hri'.;<>><j h1> s. I;il I ~ I I('.r»»« '


J< t'><I:iy aft(!('nol)t> (i>)t'v ..i»i)f Ji, I'ot't.-h>tiij iit>(j 1)r>v< it> !4!<»< i!ii, (*'il'foi<I,w<'>'c <:ilj.'t's of hf .,iti I hti", I Iinr»c! I ('li >1>(i i('t'.


I''!j'>,y < v< »!i!;.',J»i>.',<Ou, '«, I',iv<:1 i'i if!Ji('> <nit<'.,st s <»I Lf

'I'<i<lI '« i:><i!»i, J. v,!sto>i.

hf>' il>i<j iif! i. J<li,!'»i;i»j(< ~ )

i in»jv i i;i,'»!<!<'>

I.i!Hi !hi>'inl; !hi< >v(i< H<»ij!it>!O> I (V!i l l< t t h< J>i nirii ~ (>i'

> t ~ t < i sf i I i(i< Oi I > 'n i t > r I i > >

hfiie Iri;iti I jof Ii > I-; I i<v>i!<'<'Ic ln» f'i<i V>n',, t .I;>l'i < o

.Ji<(,r! i!< t!is I!! ='i'>lL 3 t j(ii a'.>on,I i i I)nsn<< O(><c) r ni > '!n(>

f' I i i <n« ii I! t!I t ( n<jlt!8 O!1< i»i (i, (.;iivi js !) <JLh „>li<i-

I>i,i!i !. ifi >!1<: n'Lti gin<!(..f >!i, I(<!I<,'~ i! g<>»>c<» ~>;<!i~j-,'i!'i

:A', Ii<;i<;<>«I !u» >a(>!>ly it> .J<>ii,i-1 'i'i» I'' "!Virif» <3» tne> I >'(!''

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r > n< ) >iw n> !i ( Li

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'i.'I»(!i I'c ;i;lii s i !i s !:> '. <I;!>

+I<!:<la<",Cvi"t>i?!.". ) I!'-, I 0>i><.! ii!,iti 1 i, in<-il hf I .i>i

n J i< i i'J(,I >1 I

i L 'i!. ;!! '~ I I'<'t i-'i'Jc, v!a>i i ! hl >'s <»!.i vf .

<I.'i ','!!Li'r!, Di>i

I.i!]<Ivitl" I li,ii! Ics~<v>.'<.',Xt< I><nf i! Li IJ / ~


hf!L:it!i! hf .': Alt<n i' .i.i i!!i I:

0'P p" ~sf '".F

(i>.:.nil 'v[is. Osca)='.; - - <-!> I.:> I (.i L



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BFeattfast . D'IIIIlr „L>UIlcll' ",'. AccEssoRIEs


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s!f '

6 Days-'> fans<an(!new'w7< 2!ss '.. Main, !nwistnn


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'sinnswnn an!in 'aiy s.i IlES 40II4fjj*"


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Telephone /43-9978 i LEO FREI, New Owner




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JIT hwy 'i5 IH North Lewistoft

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!Shi.ti !(<nt>s!t J j>'J hnt)l(sf;tvjttnr J)t>y hil', <it>il Mt's.

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882-7."1885Ij BOTA


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rn)—nt>ni()'t) f>f('Jes—Ih;sf F»>(f66((>(.".IIAf(l'I.'I I;.i Ir 8(LDIC

llntnc: I'hone Oyflc()8Jju-n>'If! I —K()n(fr! (:46 —»)HD-8 14'21







804 S. Main —IVIOSCOW


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PIT» 743-"i~<2.''

1340 Birch I ewist! Ii

III. Taylor




IO'aj! Deduction In Idaho


New Residence


Phone 276-7961

!froth;tne —IVletai Shee'.ing

—Aiuminum Shingles

—owners — Doug

EnglishOuvlitl/ 6enerEII



StanawayMEAT CU11ING 5 SLAUGHTEP> Phone 746-0194

"Crop Care with Ag-Air"

PHONE 7<!3-0541Domestic 8 Imported Trifck<IIII|',Tractor Par~~

651 Tlta I I! Hd. Lewiston

~AN ~8~~~cfEga~y~ Lr

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882-7501 '"A" 8 JACKSONw




M & N Eh!macy Sweep






Ran Defi!'d and Gene Nelson, Ownefs

RON BEARD, Manager

0 "Prevent Chimney

Fire g Save Precious

Energy"o Modern Prafessionai

Equipment Eiiminatcs

Messing up your house-~ Call Us Aii Year.

Be Ready for Winter!f!




Wiid Game ProcessingCall Us for the Finest in CustofnSewing 8 Upholstery


'ruck Tarps -- Boa! Tops & Covers

'amp!ate Doai Rcncv.i!fans JC:itf>ef

lnd Uphoistcriyi




Mabiie Slaughteti»g

—Eidon Cox—

! 743-5341—Bus!ness

7433-4772—Homei!I'634 T«ain Dn; ~ i


—ANY MAKE—With Warranty!




'uto iulnitntr Upholiicry HAIN GUTTERS

"Custo:n Application for Your Honie"746-i545


7 It.OIN206 W 22 N 743 937l or 743-96'll

Affef Hjitrs call Hap 7432111

lBtft L Mail! LEWISTQN


2328 12th Ave —Lewiston, IdahoI.I>WISTIJNIt's really to imporuult. fo

nc>gleet. Lot us shovv yo» in)wLutheran Brot.herl)oo<f car.help you wft.h:

882-3i98 QF 743-2738

John Bicker, Owner



. "."bn!)jegr!

3'torfg»ngc CJL ni'nncil—Money for c(1ucnt.jon——Insurance for child!en—T,jfe fnsurnnce

Rcf f i'ct\1enf. JncntneCash i,o sr!Lie estatesTnx-(jcfc) t'i rrtjte>ncnfpinIls

——em<.rgency 1'>u>(fs—Djsnl)jjjt V incomeprotec Linn

Servi»~r I.IJis;u cn2(l ~ (;(J.»



SINCE 1948

L-Ar~L WITTOf') N'5 IIRI".jk! L tl !jilt),',$

I-''-Oui f I tv'i


Your Finest "Certified"

Personanzed Ca!crine

CALL 743.4322TN$ INofIllf HfclftINBf6





623 N. Washinptoij Mn<cow Idaho

83843 882.6;;5>7










And Take Advantage of Our Low Prices

8 Efficient ServiceROBERT E. KAUFMAN, FICE. 12119 22nd Ave.

Spokane, Wash 992068'TIDALThe%orfd 6 Largev!Selling Chain S,iw.

oQregon Bars L Chains

Oregon Bars 8 Chains

Chain Saw Ac essortes

—Your Place or Ours—

Rif Jes —- Shotgun; —Pistols


!Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Banquets

Specializing In Catering & Party Tr,)ys


1113 'F'T. LI:WISTONIf .II

wisww-"»)! I, "'"n

'=-.I'iJTHI-eW~)BROTHE jnEcJCX)!)


Troy, Idaho743.8372

jt2714 8th Ave.

415 S. Main



DDDD( >43)666I scjfuj(4cIIEII's 404!8

907 D. St. —Lewiston, IdahoI





NcORAyy'5 AUTO PARTS Il''.:;.„„,::,~!i+i


Page 5: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1981 - The Gazette News/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!-.4Y~ .ie~~i::



(Diesel & Gas)

TUNE-UPSI'hpn» %9-41'17 —Spy In Hn)rhgn I"()Z

Dwight 8 Deloris Nye

Cia<t> nuL Iad>CSrLI

Vfsfiuf S fff this BOL> hin'ibl<ey 1<u»)i'a<>i

nuL Iadfes as 0><! h <iit . <I

t Sunsljjne Cheez-Its snack crackers.... )6oz.99cll «<lo Nee < eee ceyi<<hro ro,,rh«oe, I

tMuff MarSljmailOW Cream ) 3 OZ ggC

Para~8 Margarine, {quarters) . ) Ib 45c4

cello 'l e<i e <eer iBlleI el crit::J

IMO Sojjr Cl eam DfeSSjngy e e 8 OZ 59Ctff6c Ge!'!'»<e ':', """""""'""for B>11 Mage( Firld;>V;>tte><iuu» i» j

Eldut) visiL d Ti> . day wiLh bf'othe>' '~ ~ J D p D


$16".'»>0>)L]f toll an I >I"> <vftl> ri lech))g weed Lh( ]-edetal La>> I B»nk ('h! <


ln L<eWJSLO» Ff'iday njghL. U klson>c 0LI>ers.

Kraft's Velveeta Cheese,..... 2lb.loaf$ 3.2g

oo ymh" ""' ' '' "''' ' ' u" o r<seonsmm'e i o ref

y alted PeanutS lb $) ) 9a aper Towels, ........roll ygc,""'ig Bear Idge

l,t Parade FancyCut Green Beans,..... 16oz. 45c

„,„,,;,,tParade IYlandarfn Oranges,..... 1)oz.tin55cTher( <vj]1 be a rogr:im from 12:30

:"„".;,."„",„-'",;,";"„-",,;,"„.;;:„„;„";.,„',„''."...",'".'.,":,",.', '."., .".,',, It FRESH CAUIIFLOWER . Ib 59

»" '''"'' ";,",.;;,,„„,,„„,,'„,„',,",„„„'„",,'."ITEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT, ......7for$ ) QQ

h»' '"': a""-""-o"~"' ii'" "-


- From Our Bakery-Oven Fresh Products Monday thru Friday

Maple Bars...... 6 for $).00Apple, Pumpkin or Cherry Pies, . $1.98Wheator NaturalGrain Bread, 18oz.89c

Fill Dirt tsff Rock

Lloyd FarringtanKendrick ld. 289-550l

C. Taylor

i.and sea ping

Sale Days Dec.)0, )1,12


a >'(jsof, emp]oye! d «L R!c hland, 'iV»., ! 4 ,Th„,sdy,D brl0,)98l 5I'ii",<<<eel l>0»i('<v:>!'<f.

n .l~ .

!. e.)Je!']('.pup<'f', I )0>i B> ow» '>»ii Al-i

Ijy Ju B<'»scut<'f' ("rifi'I i'<ii'tu! s iv>1 Jii» thi'»i i>»i>ie't 'viiilii>"'c<)lc's nn(f !tat 's I < 5" i)ai Ife Dean SL Ig

'(ii, all ut L(<< i. 10>>, WC! i'f<'le».i! - —, I'I' ll' '- ' ', I li '.« " ' s ~ 'cf>se . '<!» * ' - 'o» aBrn<vn's Si»><lay iji»»i'! «eats. I ]>on Be»scuter lisij S<i»cl>y di»iici'I ': (i'>! I! icl( S«i»>i»i»g I'uul ':>I Ii>il! «> <»,I< i ti> r«>b.i it a b>d o!


A ffr>(': Thr>nj(sgjvjngI!c'.an B>'ocl(i'. Chai! ii>,">nJ»]j.>eLL<>-f(e»df ick

I'ur 'jli]dt's d lie;>tli- L!i Af< Ilflirt j><f:<y ('<'I<'j)f.;ftc<j-~ . —

l i>ui»> visitors, 0» Mo>iii:<v hen;i A»«- ' »r«'I '>-I«'»<I>'«'k ]I'i'>'ia~ t>:>«I, tlie iu>it>':iriiii', s<>L«'<»>tr:ictor, I>('<'(<»bc> 7, 1981OWN]'.lf:,I <i; ~ t;-

Tf<aveli>ig by pl,'iiii << ijh <f >«o J>te>, 'I'<< i< bi! Ll>d <i i<>lees i< ith ic'i'i ean> i'r<VS i'5 ii>t>ei(e<ff'(e<f,j<) tu Musv«w. «'!'4 ' k ' 'I':<iid spi <'i>ill v i'<i«t <;i< t«< S <i'<ll t)i >'e- ]-'ttb 'u»es:Lf'>gh>'<>f» i«)if I;<LLj lf>m J>! if>! !ullilive<t t!>«<v«V«<«m miipiy«i'r «C i, Aiii< T«i <>e 'i».' ie '.'» i'ii "!' „,' ' e<iiii'i'<I t «(rbt i«ir;I I '<it<I<<''( «i'I'.' i '- I)('. 10 i<n I "I, I >Sl

r I""N('IN I.';'' < (.'< 'i'.hey Spet>L t..'ie I'Iii(!'<ksg! <e>»m « eek Iu Iiu»r rr');>i i<I St('feme>'S I r 'th

I Visit «' J <) 1'ei fin< i>ti'i'<» %]uf><j'i>y' ' hl;I I: li jt I '.»8««<'I'i>ig, I <«''i>si'

e Hi."it]i Scuggj>is i<L Si(i> bi!'> I<<I<i<':i <<i< i Vr'! .'ii!'y;>I his J <ili<ii.'I'ti< f»<>f'» j»». I <!V, 3 <>i> Writ So<i <V;is <it< '<i "1 I I'i moeoeoe~heoeyr ~ ~ .qe~ < ~ . ~ o ~ ~ o e y ~ e ~ ~ o ~

«'»'«'(fif)u, C ilit', Tl>ey le>L l>u»>r I Iii»»e Tli<ii. il << eyini»g, Giie.t. ]«<'4-:(t'L«<f«)u» <ill< >. jy« I«;. I iy «; II<'f's '-'IN'I'«»"» i I I I 8- 'I'li ' il lit is i si i <i I I i i, j I i»iyj»es(j'iy, Nuvie»ibc! 24 > et<<i <ijf)o ) v>it i»i'l<idi'<I his ])s!'<'»tu, .'(I<. <<iid <yc>'<'.'ititii Hi'>i<i i <x;<f«f W>lt, .'<««j '"''> i«';ill I«<if<i<:„<I», tr) pi<stir«>«e tli(!

f )0@ Ka)a f~s fS><»day, Nuv. 20. Sights ~ If>g L

D'<I>'s. I'.i'l h'I St. '<giei's ut Cli'f'>'y]'<f>c; B,'<4 'e»sr'( t 'i. » ><<1 ut tlii i<»>t» i 1 Iu! ) 1<(<<0 j:)»rf Ih>>OLLS Beei! 1 ]e";f>iii Su«Pii k i«iil <Vifi! T,)»ie:i»1 Rii k'S Ij»y ]3<'nsi <it<'! Sh <i<'il ll»>i'h» iti> 'I, ]«'f«f<'«'k Iil <I«> i iit ti) i Sir rif (lt> il <VS,:<»if t,i:i«iePt I) jiENI<CSFA ICKP. 285-1268 t

-'kjjjdf'e(j having a t'ine Ljii)e if> i> <vhec] u]<fef 4!Othe!')an;i»if fi:ii>i ee I"<itty I!is»firth('i,l«ufi 'I'I»«'s<f:>y i<i<«i>, ''I I "h'I" si<ls tu>'('»'I>"I( tl>st Ii>'<<1<0. <<I» t«i'li <s tr) tlii'><st iii-I ) I

<'hai>', then quieter Lim(s i]»iii)e Lhe He ith. "Wj»f>i«m Lhe loveil ik>g. 0<vn- i I iiil iy < isituis ><cic I.thi'I i>»ij Hei'- - "'"'"""." "i'I 1»l»"<'<'»<'»ts 8<'»r- 'i'ical i<t'h<,1;ilii< Lt i.j(< i>il! i< k ]I<- I I eppes lgGHOUCJIEL'eayy

i'a>f>S. fuufld he!'way >i»L>1 Lh(e i'0 4<'I>rk;i»il I <i>ie <V;>S pi'ieS<.'»I i»,'i» R('iit i'<)W .'>»d Tlii.'d.'> SW<i><SO>i. r' 4">I hl>( <! 'i' u»1 >'iii'fir'f». V>l) i'i'i':i I i«» I >ISI!'>i't.day eitii >'he reju>g)e(f hot»e << hr>i <<]su d< Spit<'he,'<Ccjd('«L Sl>i. Si!f1 i.!'- We<If><'S<f:>y Vfgjto >'S >» Llii'. Li<W- I, 'y I I«' <>I«' LL'> 'h< A I I i'Iit <0<i 0! i<I<I<I<'>'S <S iesj)('('>a]]v 'Q FQ Ogf pQ

ir>ajfy raug'hj (fp v< fth j>e> r e(I <vl«'fi SL!'><cl( 4<'! (",<!'I>e p!'i'Viu>fs >'0»<'e Hi'>»> "i>f'I» '>'o<i<i'i'<'i'i>t i< > '< i > 't«<! 1)f. I> ii L»»L« < (I<) >f>v<t il Iu Llii 9>'uV<S<0>> <)I +,, LfoA good little traveler. s«L>f><fi<v»('.<> Iiei hu>»('lie is»»ik- Hei»i";i! L»(i., hf;>fgj< strvcns;>nil '»"'« "'." I«»" 0» I:«f»'<f'y I'i. 14-1(>01, Illl>", 11106 ot tli« I(faho


will Forever HPnor the I,ife of theHe> <veekend ca!ejakei «>e in ~;i i«>ij >i riiVC>y! ">'<'jf>f>j('S" pie- Deli;i en Hci»> .,iitiii >, O» 'I'hi<is<I:iy! ' 'J<0 -tt'<g»'>su» j»s»f">»c<''u<j<,,>»<t ufhrr sicLio>is ut'fie speci-, ) ()f>, Yo» j>ve, Reffects Love

iigain so» Ledga> af>d <vjfe k«jh ut ti>re ii> "8;int;i" 8;iib,:id»i ns the they <v(e« jui»ed by Oth«> f»< i»be>'rl',", ' ""«I>'«'I( I<"'>»<' >:)"r

! t'i<:itii<i>s ili;<li«I: ivitli I:<bui prefci- I ](esj)ccL anc] Apprecjaj]onNizpef'ce. sajur(ja< (a]],>s >n(lii(f;,I yo»>ig i u«I)]<vs t'iisL ('I>! isL»>«s ci<>'<fs! ut'l>e sjuneypuii>t jr>".'<»ii;-hifi cl<ib "'"«1"«'I >" '< I""L<0» ')I:> «(I- '»rrs .« i e)«f( it ti<:ii'tis ins;i»il I<f ir- '

A]SO pre Need Tab]CLSa>1(f Gene ')Isu Nu>'f»'i '«« f ( « I( r ti>!'! iT«i]L>f> ''<>'I <']u»)(') t'ife i < 'i < i« g1 i I I)!'i< Ii 'I I >if> I( <I t fh)»

hie) lny Ru<"o't L'WL'Lu>s (>i. .:i»<i;ii«1 1<;<te.'i Jper Npnr Fpr Al)Kie» Carl! (li<t hi'i'l>!«'('I W Appointment

I tl«''! ' Stelg 'iys h<'>i>(es <v<!re tu bc ut> h»»ii foi di»nr>, IL <viisStung pui»t I riei>(lsj>ip ( i>fb~ ni <» b» 'v d'!v bi'i'a<is(' '»vf'<»>ce

I (I ~m %RA'i>t f> un> Lh( Il ut Lhi>t n>g'hi ><i Life K('i>(f>'ick

] i<i! >' >I J>(of's 'i ])hvsici'«> >i> 'wl<L»i'(j»V di»»er 'I ' ad o Lh'o L

' e 1 tl j '>I O>»<>>( )'0'lic jim>- 'i t»(! 1<c)i'l>( <vi'i i (.Ii»i > h.'in>i')h ~<< c o f (( L ]«If>>ouf> of L(A< istu»

I;f!'-,'ib(e Bene(.'ote!'>('(!0>i>p<if><e<I A T 'I'IIE OLD MILL SITE %VEST OFIT] > e e Cl L Hp<s>frg' »Ie >! j'e j(»(e<i bf <ifes <v<Lhli> 30 ) <eilli( 4>'i»it» e Li.

e>n!,.>Lfc<»uoi>. '1 i»> ]..i<hf>c!C <]f f '0» <v(.!'<! r'>]I<'.>'s

ee»jpy e I L j>e fjf> cfjfu)ef cry ed Bjr- <kf rli e yj '>y»ce ll«'»>g'><'L>f<e> I i<)f>)(' << "okI POII 'a n n ' j 'a vn 8 f <) j>i«>(e>'<>(esjs >L Lh(e hon>('»Os<le!) <.ver!in" P '»;! Anil! '« s

j'ot. Lhe cpn)j»g ye (f NexL <»eeeL>f>g'f $r>< (yne;>f)(f P><Lh ff)c]i>cl(cl »i»e »L a»<j 8<'Lty qtmee + .]dJ7f jLLhk f] f] I 'I ] f es]i(H>n>o. (>L»(r')»<1 C!»<sClubmreL>n'ine

pe) I D Ju! Co B<1] <»d Lave>»e Ha!'i i Lh('fur'8<'4 build!»"'I. Lhe 1 ('wismitt:ing Gift'f ]ov ly Christmas of Cl u k-L'0»novef f jes virere recefved by fnen> f)e>'s '>nd sfgfef'iff jte <efcCa]f wf L]f emf'a»cf- 'Ref>(a <ff>(j E!')>I( A»d!'i <vs iv('!'e i>

of the Club fn>m Ma<le Straw of (faur hter piulettc, ii]so I'ro»i. Cla>ks- Mos<!O<v Th<irsday Lo <)ttend Lhe I'eaML. Hof))e, ff> gf aL>L»di'of q«i]L<fi' f of>. ]»Ief' Caffe i>n(f De]0> es ef>joy a»d fe»L>I assoc>SL>0» 1>fnchepn f»etile. splead fof yot»lg. Bfiaf1 SL>a1<", ed.-(ipf)e! (>t the h()i»,)t 4!OIhei k()y ing aL Cave»augh's I lfldif>g. <:it> 4( ubL (it<. I 1! <ii till'I'! e utwhich was pieced by grandma Lena )ncj wife A><jyLJ>e, O>i Sun(jay Lhc A<1(]f'e<vs v>e<>L(ij .'>g>i><su!> lf>s«»" »<'u Age>>cy l((ndZun>hofe in recef)L yeats. >''I<, Jil<>hu, li)! a f>0>>-i


I I 'I"— Noin)n A»drew «nd k('»f)'s siste>, " """' I<e '' ' " ']'' I 84 ~ I+f. Ihh>e(reek O ']'>f s(j >y ]gee j seve<'aij of ]he f<l!'>t>d M>'s. E!'n><'I<>t I bu'lh ut For Red Fir-we re payml. ~Ff~day evening droy-' ..Car-I niembeis of flic I<'fien(iship Club gat- ].r<visio».] -fns, !'s.

01 Richardso» and Lwo da(ig'1>LC>'s of.l hered i>L the lu)me OL'elo!'es Heii»- —.———. ', (:>I><) SX)01, »L ]yfagn»so>f I)-Average Log —36 ft.

i'with )2" top 6 up $275 per M


sa 0



8p en e



( g g

2 0Jo<<rj»g cfsy some drove lo the Atnet'- ditiuns b»t. hope the t'ielils will noj Witl same lengthjean Ridge home ot'embe> Nellie «L>ii L w:ishi»g wit]i so m<>rh i;<iii,

' "ir fu be;<<vi>« 1«j iir> fc r ew J/ I

8 to ll" top $220 per M

I)IDDIRID he! hun>e fo!'he ove)'size rcive!'0 bc 'Lhe Sf)uk(i»<e HO»>i'Luivil ]'la» !'<'('Iu»'-,<rriie „rrv.v,<.»<oh roe <,«o ~'~"'::.:.'lsoBuying White Fir and Slack P<ne

Di ID ]Oq 0 js I his ivnrk ilon;> L('d! n tees I tel% tleetc''ipluvi>icf>L Oi)poi"L>»<<tv'eae6f Silaege i~eVI1'S,"h s ('L>'(«'«vtf] '>" I>'f»(le I j»»sf'L PriCeS DeliVered tO LeWiStOn —Maney Up FrantEYENlNGS 877-1575

>ERI);Y CHAJviBERLAINScotch Pine, Cal] 835-4792,1 i Li ~ bl' t.l ~ 4 (o-i 0>ke>s I (]»j<e>f<e»LS.

']'hc Fri('n<jly Neig]>bo!'h>b;ff>(fl

0>> >'<><-'Lo>5, s>f'4«'>f>L>.'fctofs, '>nij I DEARY, IDAHO 83823( eda!'j(fg'0 4-H I h 'b ron) n ', '

~' 'u

I.heir Ch>'jsL»)as pa!'Lies last <veek. i

' 'ens d i. Pub ic Wo 'If'Vef')t Pr>()f)e -SJ )I-<. ' . ' Th'venin b ryan <vfjh i Pojj><clc

For Sale: Candle ~vax, JI ]b slab. j«dgcd (i I'ina»cia] s«i cess. Any arti- Cai'ds and other 8;<t>ies ue! ~ enjoy)(lS;].00; young guif>eas, S2,00; si>i»if cje still i»isoid could serve us thou- ]»Le! in thu evei)ing, Tl>us(. »t je»cl-

'ft iefids a»d ('<'let lot>s', Su liibu!'<0L suf (>f>d Iaf»lll, M! . e>>!(i f<4>'s. ]y>j]I

<rv'>e<L('<I 'ong»" j f<I'>Liof<s ( 1!'Is'" Sei<> (-'y, >if> s. M»i'iuii Suiidei s Mf, I j I Ill

Il I I)


Ag»in Of>f Barb»<a Sj)jff(~ M>'. (>»(j Mrs. Ger)'y Dof'ff)<(», Mt. (''

~ il J L L ! ah i'ui>i:i reci nf at Lich'ti flic 'I't'i- (>»'I M>'s, Bill Wilson and fa>»iiy, M>.

ee <hier, ooe "ueey uee-:<»dvhr

r~'. <sorry rcu<<ee em< >omiry t KEh>Dtt<CK fOA)to Ph. 289-4921


A', (.'(>j ifff(j Split "... bii. iness anil f>leasiire nieeijng in

W<j] coi)ie Lu yo<i!'o«se ivitli (',li,'i»i Leyv>slu». Also, s]i() w(is chose»»st

sa(v and,'! Xe tu du it fu!''0!>, (Tli;i>i'!'!>i>» !or I <'ir»spu!'If<i<0»

28) 1715) It5)0c " ' ' 0 . (]i )~

1»BEE Lo good hui»e, je'ef) IgSheph(et'd c!'oss. Ho«aesp'>ye(f. Al)0» L I y>', 01

jr'OR RENT —-4-b(i<]N)0»fGer><)see, S:f2)0882-054 fi. 't

r]'Ojt RhW']' - Tfailer s] tinotia. Pli. 2)7t]-37s.'-

Ie'OR k L<NT —2 bech i)un llApj. in Ken(lf'ick.Call 877-1191.

WILL DO HOUSEWORKing in the Kendrick-Jt>1Phone 289-50(]I. 't

FOR RENT~Modern ApWest end of Kendrick. Irent with 6-month leas f,I-bedroom; $225 for 2 b289-3747 or 509-75)8-32

PROBLEMS WITHCall 289-5947 jtAfter 6:00 p. m. Call

(For AA.-/ AL-ANf


Complete) OverhaTune-Ups —Brakes



Bells, Roll()rs, Sprockejs, etc. d f On> e<. hr.u a . wf f r. an meeting at. the C v u "I I Mcow.

ftNew Angle Dozer Blades .. $2550.00 t.heft annual Christmas luncheon arid

ftNew Flex Harrcy<vs

Ot pggg goe g'gOfg . "R>f(]pip]), the kednosed keinrleerimReally well done Co>ey.

co<oreg oe p<e<h~< To The <ooh Thoee eojoyres the peery were Mr.Special Lpw Prices- and Mrs. Jerry Ingle, E»]a Cal]oway,

GOOD USED MACHINERY Opaf Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Gra»L, ft"I.D. 9, 9 U D6, D4, TD9, TD6, HD5 Clem( nhagen. I)ue l.o illness sever-, I

Alj with Hyd. Angle Dozers. TD6 al were unable Lu:iLLcnd anrj wereI )

Farm. 460 IH, 800 Ford, SN Ford, g!eat.]y missed.Zrfassey. All with Hyd loaders. SN Laurine, E]ma an(> Jenni Hazelt,i»e

w/3-ppjnt. Used Flex and st iff s- took jn the candy making r]rmnns- op «rs —o- u s —rnnamon o sarrow. 42 or 36 feet. Kent. 45 ft, I

~ ~m~~~~ tf'atjrin at the home uf Ada West.en-.(J. D. Sprayer. 24-fC. Kent. d»h] Sat.urday afternoon.

(D(lay!el from Ia>st Week] j )Guests e< th home r Gerelo io 1 i

tOur Own- ]]FRESH, LEAN PORK SAUSAUGE,..... lb. $

Ufted Harrow. arid Rissi Schape> fror«Mos<iuxv;']'hursday Lu Sunday. i U. S. D. A. ChOire BOneleSS—

4-Whml ~v Rubber Tired Loader. LaWn IMOWfng 4 Care Speeds] g. esL r'n 'I'« .«; y

ss-ri, oee rseyhhr" or'y eyrmo<ey we<hi ry uning —sort roy<atra<ion "'"""""'" '" '"'-"'"'"" '''

t BOTTOM ROUND STEAK Ilj $1 79big tires.



Dave IBenn]er Jullaetta, 1srLI>o I>

Page 6: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1981 - The Gazette News/1981... · /,'/~-fi -~~.g~ '0 W~ g~g~i DeCember Welling Plailifef!-.4Y~ .ie~~i::

local News

Qf Kendrick

they met. of.her family members atf.he home of Ted and Reggie Kasch-niitf.er f.o help bi>t«h<!r hogs, Keith,Angie and Luke Fonl called on Greg

iand Debbie Sunday.,, l

Aud> a Rnd .lohn «allisonwer<'i'o~i

Tucsilay fn Ti>iii,!<!Ry nve)»i>,hf!guests of J.heii gvandpavenf.s, Mi.and M>s. Nor la Calliso» wliil<


att<!nded a l.ewiston (Ji»cinGr.owevs n>vetir>g at. Spol<ane. Mon-day Novlaan<l Mabel we)« lii»«lieu»giiests ot'ell Ci'oekc>. Rcv. Ji)nWilt so)1 called on Lhc Callisons nr>c

day lasL week. Mr, aiid M]'s. BobJ

Calllso» «»d childi en visited with 1

Norla an<i Mu]bel on Biinday.

Rnss Rnd Incz Avmftagc dvovc tnStites Sunday and spent the daywith her brother and wife, Mi. RnclKIts. Nelson Blrwett.

M>'. and Mrs. Delbe>'t And«]so» ofDeary were Tuesday afternoon Rn<l

evening callers of Mr. Bnd Mrs. LivedArnett. Mary Bahr was a Ti>esdayevening and ove)s)fgf>t guesL of Il >edRnd Betty. Sunday Fred and BeLiyRnd Del Ande) son enjoyed


Mr. and Mrs. Rick. Arnett.Kenny B,nd Grace IConen of Julia-

()tta visited with Mi. and Mvs, PhilBahv on Tuesday. Sunday I'hil:inil

'Mary dvovc Lo I.ewisf.on;ind tonicMarie Vestal ouf. for <linncr RL

Lh<.'a.t,ewayln Clarksf.on.Mi. Bnd Mvs, Gvcg B>oem«ling

drove i,o Cottonwood Saturday wher«.

Mon(lay the Big Bear Ridge Guililladies held LJ1Lsi> B,nnuaf Chr isf.n)aspa>ty at the home of Mi. >in<i Mrs.Robe)'L Cleme»hag(.n. If. wils a J)nf,-

l»ck dinne> af.Lendcd by 10 li»li«sRncl;) me»,

David Ci'ockev of I.cwistnn <!>ill«'

on his ]»othe)) Nell «>»el<or oii BH,L-

ilf'day,Mr'. Bnd Mvs, Ervin Diapev werc

Thiirsday evening dinnei giiests ofMr. Rm! Mvs. I<runic J.veland;if, Mns-coW,

David Rnd Roger Movgan, grand-sons nf'vs, I ucillc Hoff'mn» visitedwith her Monday morning.

Liicille Magniison Bnd Mavilyn ll ic-h»er helped wiLh the Sweet Acl<!lincconc(.'HHlofi HLB»cl F>')clay evi!»Jflg BtLhe Pullman coliseum,

The Sweet Adeline choi us andqiiavtet will be singing in MoscowRL David's Center at 3:00 p. m. andat the Music Store at 4:00 p, m,Batuvday afternoon, Dec, 12,

Mv, B.nd Mrs. Ed Nelson spenL theday Friday in Spokane with Ed's sis-ter Olga Solberg. Monday afternoonLl'ma and Rosalle Blankenship visit-ed wif.h Muvle1 Schoef fle) Rnd

h«>'ouseguestRuth I<i uger at Ji]lia-


etta.M>. and Mrs. Tom Rowderi Bnd

boys weve weekend guests of hispi)>eats, Mr. Rn<l Mvs. Mavion Rnw-dcn. They shopped in Moscow andBiso had pizza. I viday Mavin)1 ilailEllen culled on M>. and M)s, JohnI-Iall at, Lewist,on.

Sunday evening Mr. and Mi s.MR»vin Silf low, Mr. a»d Mrs, HaroldBifflow, Mv. and Mvs. 1<if Nelson RndMv. and M>s. Gavy Silf low Rnd chil-d>'en wei'c guests of Mi, R»d M]'s.Emff Silf low tn help Jlmil «clef»ritehis f)JI'LhCJRy.

W«dnesday Mi. Rnd Mis. Roy I onga»d Beulah ICey of Spokane calledon Mu) i.ha, Long. They all enjoyedi>inch at. the Senior Centei ancl lRLerfill caiighL'f) 0» visiting with Mai'-t.hii RL he)'lorae.

Mr) an<I Mvs. Ro» C>aig wcic vis-itois of Buc Craig Sunday.

Gladys Rnd .fohn Wilson vnjoycdLhv. Saturday evening pevfoimanceof Lhe Singing Chrlsl.mus Tvee at the1<'ivst Assefnbfy o'1'od Chui rli inI ewfston. Brmday the Wilsons Joinedoi.hvrs 'in a potluclc dlnnev BL LheBnb Ciemvnhugen hoine t,hen


lo Deavy f,o visit wif.h Mv. BnclMi'H, John Thon>]CH. Inh» iln(l (."llildvs

Get More for Your

Money with....





John & Mark Dennler


Phone 276-4311


ClOSE - OUT! ion all

PIPES~ Tobacco Pouches

m ~ 'lI ~ Pipe Racks m

I/2 OFF!!Regular Price m

RED CROSS IS Pharmacy —Kendrick sl


The Gazette - News, Thursday, December 10, 1981 Genesee City CouncilMet December 7

'1'he Dcc<»ni>c» r)iel Ling of. Llil' eil<!Se<. City Coiin<:il )vas calleddcr one-half hour licte du(. 1 i,clc.cf inns of va) ious dist> i<!fs lil J»fhc.ld ]if C]t.y IIBJJ,

Mayor Wilso>i pi «Hi<le.<l wi I ii

Incr»hers <if'.hl l.'»IIII<'ll f»<'sci]IALLe>ic»»J iis ii l I,'ii cui ls li) g)I II<L

M;ivtinez, wlin v'Bs re<!or!fly <!Ji i 1 < dl oiincilmsn tn trike nf'fi«i in .J;ii>ii <iv

l,ills in thc;Imliiinf. <if Sf,>„,!)1I'(!v J c)v c!l 1 a» 0 Ii p


v c!< l 1 0I'!i)'IIl l!] I f..J hc I'esignatin»»f «liil' i if''»1 i< i:

,f«ff !Vfa>'shall dat<sf Nliv. !)1Ji i)!>si ead;in<1,'i<!< l!ptl'il.

Durii>g LJi< pasL 1'vi) w<,elis i J>fili-«;mfs hriv<! h((»I inf«> view<'(f;i»<f J.ll'. Buclc nf Le)vfstnn was nffrie<J thvposition of Chief nf 1-'olice.

City Af.f.<iinev B:iil«!I'v,ls pi'(sc»t>in<1 <lis<!»ss,<l,sc)I»e Ii<ldii.ion;if <ha»gi s in thc cif,y c»<fc. A speci]il i»<;Lii>g )vill be hei<i Mo»dny, J.lie 111.1>< onsidei fhc;idditioi]al eh i»iles.

Bc«i, )Vfn< and Liquoi li(!'(!Iis(.'s f<»1<Jffu wei'v appl>«d fu> by Lhe Pasf,in>e.('le> k was;i<lvis<!ll Ln issii«so ill li-censes.

Glen Utzman nf'nsco)v, City Aii-ditor'LJ.<!ndcd fhv. )»«cf,ing;i»<l pi<-sented J.he aialiL iepoi L fn> Fy 1<1@)1081,

Wa,tev/Sewer Commissinne] J)tos-<!v discussed installi»„)vate> m(.tersCif.y coil«pvovides Lliat ]ill )v» tciused is l.o be»>ctevc(l. Thi>f.ei!» n)il-llofi g]il. nf '('v]I Le>'s] s rillli«''nc>>It<'(1loi'lui']rig Lhc V(.'a]' »sag(L J),cte)'s)vill allow tf>c )vate)'i!pai'ti»c)if Ln

be better able to Rci!nu»L f'o> all wi>-Ler pumped.

Street Commissionei Moden hasbeen requested Lo allow the chai'gesfor the Christmas lighting to bc ad<l-ed i.o f.he city stveeL lighting a< coiinL.This will be o. Jf..

Police/ll"ire Commissionev v«poi'J.e<lthe Idaho Sui'vcy and Rating'oardhas assigned R Class 7 Rs thv <!it.yfire rate.

Police Offic<!v Bidlake )v;Is a>if.hov-

i>Iso e<!1L'bi'RLL(l t.hi'll'1 01.1) WL<l(ill>Jn

annivcisai y Buncl>iy.Geoi gia, D> eps I etuvned Lo liei

home i» Lewiston Wednesday foffn)v-ing B f'ew days stfiy with hev sisterMildrcil Joh»so». «Ji»t anil I<B>'enJohnson of L«wiston called on Mild-red SRLiiv(lay evening. Monday i)IJJ<J-I'L'd R»cl Opal Di'aper'isite<i )vithGeorgia Dreps at Lewfstnn.

Ei'vl» Di'ape)'l)lcl Son Ga>7!r Di'ap-e] of Nezpeire w<.re <linnci giiests ntOJ)af Dvape)')ie clR)'RHL ))reef(.

Belated news fro»i Opal Dv:(perwas of having Thanksglvlnf) (linnerwith Mv. and Mrs. Hill Deobal<l:itMoscow. Elsiv Deobald Bncl h«i'a»-ghte>', Gay and hev fo.mily fio»i tlieSeal,tl«a,vea were also guvsLS. OnNov. 27 Opal entcvtained Alice I<uy-lcendalil, Evna Nvlso» Mililrv.d .John-son R»d Geovgici Dieps willi c]ckeHnd coffee in honor of Opal'.; bi>1.h-duy anniversary.

Lyons I:lertronicsRock (L» Roll arul Country-West


Gonosoo Valley News'ENESEE SCHOOL NEWS-S(!ho»l Board )i(ets D<(. 11—

CARD OI'kIANKS) e )vo ici like to thank friends,

hbors and the community for allIissistancc th:it )vas given us fol-

llnvi]lg ciui'oc>s<. fi]'I'. last )veek. WcII'i! I'nost, Rpp> ec>afive of thc(!:>1>;»„,f»inif.i;ic. a»el f.he house Rndill i.hi lir.liei kin<1 and genvious acts,

'1 J]l]!]Jc )'ui] Bga>n.'fh(. Rich;<>(i Junes family

)li . <inn Mvs. Leon Danielsnn harlil]»»l!I in J.cwiston Bi>nday with iVI]s.f.:fhe] f:ilcu»i a»<J BLf < ndecl anil

the Singing Ch>'istmas 'I'i'eeIii Lhe Iir fe)'noon izt, the Ff)'st As>le»]-lily of Gn<l «h»]< h.

Till V:Illcy A 1, ('. W. )vi Jf h<llilI]!I Ii»»»Hi «hI']sf iil!>s J)l<l"I)'»cl giff.l scli:ing«»n Thii]sdoy RL 1:30 i>i Lhe,

<if J)'f I s. ('J(.l.iis Vloi kcii. I]', !I»<l iVJ I'!'. A»<fy (il'iese>, f)fi'.

!< i>ll hf I'. 1)l'>» ll! G I'><.si-]'rid Mi) R»d,)1], )f:inf> «lf Rosvnbev '«v of Lew-

lf<ili 1!;!<I <11»iil!I']1. i)lai'lc JV in Mns-!I'l «4 'ill»Ha)'. !VIl]»f> ed's bi> Lhday

l'el<!J)l»I LC<l.

M>1;c»(f Mr»L N<!il O<lcnbo> g an<1f;ii»ily w< i e Sun<lay evening dinne>;iicsts of the Delos Ode»borgs. Harry


)Iaif.i» of Mns(:ow visited in the Ocl-I'iil»)i.«hnni« ll'i iday after noon. Mv.i]ill )f] s. VLr non Petei'son visif.edBi»><i;iy;iffeinnon, N»v, 20th it> theOlll'»bni'g ho»le.Nfinw(l]'s II»»OI'Ii J)iitzi

f.'>I'idc-«fe<.'L Mftzf Jensvn was lion-l»«<l )vitf> R Iniscellaneous bvidal sho-wei Saturday, Decembev 0 at theG«nes< c Valley church

A social Bf1.e>noon was enjoyed,Iiii<i opening'.he gifts foi Mifzi wevelil i mof,hci, M]s. Kenneth Jenseni»<l sistei, Lois.

J)fifzf and G»y Reynolds of Mi,.il-i»inc, now stationed in the U. S.,

Ainiy af. FL. Bi'agg, N, C. will beIn;Iv>'iv I D .'<'. 2tif.h;it. Lhc ho»)c otMitzf's pai cnLH, viiviil Genesee. They)vfff l>e stationed in Bad Tolz, Ge>-I>i»»)'.

Hostesses fov J.he affaiv )vere Dor-othy Andeison, Agnes Danielson,Doi is Odenborg) Evelyn Danielson,Rowena Luedke, Etta Elglancl B.nd«fetus Morken,


CAIID OI" THANI<SMembers of the Legio» Au>ciliihvy

)vish Lo thank all those who broughtI'ood and helped with the dinnev, fol-lowing the, fiineral of Bill Magee. Aspeci(if thanlcs to the Dale Carbuhns,ICen.L Bvoemelings, Ray Gviesers andEimn1B Loi> Ha>ris fov contvibutions,

'i'h«. I.egulai inonr lily i,ie:LJ» 'fLhe Gene~see Bchunl Boa] <1 vill beDe mbc> 11, lf)ff1;if. 7:.'i() 1]. «i, iiif.he si>pe> inr. nde»L's <i> f!e«.

ILei»s nri the Rr'«»da:Revil w policy o.« l»pni;il piii]]si.'-

nlCI]L. Volievtla J,>L'J]LU< ll ~ i L l lL)el«me»taiy,st]«J<'»L <!v:ilii.lL]on. Vil-dif.ni's bi<is, 'l'iiir i<i» 'f as (.'r i.iiif s.Pay»>«nt nl Iiilfs. i) i>I 1]ur'i'.:l'f ]ill»»]L«cicllcI'!<»ILI»)«LS. Hnt Iciiil'Il; iilvc.',)L fecf]o]'L Bi]pe]'i»>i.'r>llcl]1 I»«l!r-»18 i] L BLII I l'



';i]i Alfsiiy.l!lili l c]l'». Lu 8» Lu f.hL»)i]sic il('-

I»» ti»l i;1 fiinlf will bc taken Bt thel l»0 I'.

ih)i>ui>IJ ))'Ji]te) (.'»i]i l vt I'] «oci>t( ifb)'1('ll(!s«.'' )Iil»I(')('f);ll'l I'il('Iit

Th( Gericse«)fiisic J..)«pt. «riff bci]old]]1g it » all]]i],il '.','Il>f <!I''n»l'('] 1 n>i

Thiii;s., Dec. 17;if. 7;(Jf) p, iii, in Li>e

gym. The I:<»iceiL )vlf l i»«l»<lc pL".'-fol'I»ailecs b)i SLI I<li.'» Ls ]'Ril f', i»g f I'nil]Jcl»<fe)'g<]]'t<!r> tn li>. 1] sl'flu(il ]>xi.'.Some highl!gl!ts in< liiil<;i»»lent cif Pa«i»ivL'ls «cii>»»»I D bvf.he jiinio> hig'h 1!»I»(i; a Bpikl! .Jniil.'sstyle v<.'>'sion uf Rudolf]l> L'J)c 1'sccf

Nose Rein<loci by ti>c high schoolcho)'iis i)nd 31»uss<»'gsbL'v s 0]'cilf.Gate of Kiev f]0»] Pictiiic»;if.;in I s-hibiLio» by ouv higl> scliool ban<1.All gioiips uiidi.v the <liiectiiin ni

Lm1SJ1SJISJrsfu1<i'.Jsfc;. 'Di;.l" ']i.'. fs!V If)11)~4





& Hand-Crafted ItemsI

} T»vs. fn S:)1, 10 fn .):30 )

, ~gzgmass(.AFZESBRE~I(%%~

'Hi 4f(. TooBeauty Shop

m mm


G. E. I'hoi gI"iphl 'llllpli s

mmF lash Cubes $1.00(mMagi Cubes 1.501)]

mFlip Flash 1.50)fimT)v) li


Flashh Bar 2.50'.»giS inglv I'Ii lc-mFlash Bar 1.25mm a Im


—4 nul luc)>lff I)l rig«If»)i'od

Cross~mPHARMACY —KENDRICKIIJme11111111110lisWMIH1tu1i@Ssfffff]sf


—Shop Hours—

9 to 5

Tuesdays through Saturdays

DORI>, NANCY VICKIEw)CI Connie Gvosecfose

Doris Hansen, Owner


Phone 289-3291Kendrick, Idahoize<l Ln ef. a» estimate on >'eptiiiing>

flic OB eq«ipni«nt foi the police cav.~Me]'codes Roach, city clerk.


SoupAssortc(l Flavors


3 cans $1

Bii(f's I!Jyv!h 8 oz. ICo)) 1


F dI'<)p Di)g nI'ut s J)I(!()w

5 cons 51

Sale Buys Boc. 1O, 'I 1, 12

" "<AXf IVY ".

fl 'Jrt "XsTss f f IIIf!'' )I.» ';


JACK KIDD, Special AgentHome —Auto —Fire

Life —Health —FinancialCrop —Hail 8 Fire




a M




Standard Heatlfg Oils al)d Diesel Fuels


Tires —Tubes —Car Accessories —BATTERI ES

Telephone 289-5711Deobald's


Sunday, December 'l3 —'l l a.m.Moscow: Adventist School Gym, 1 mile east on Troy

Highway 8 —Mike Fitzpatrick & Kurt Blume, Owners1 AIBA TOOI S 'E')IISCEI I.ANEOUS: Mnrquvtte Wei(lcr, 0" Viscs,No)v 500 gni. Stock Tunic, 0'etal Posts, Ciuhilrm Saw, 0 new kkyd-raullc Cylin(lers, 1'TO for VUD4, 8100 Hq. ft'. go()(I metal Roofing,Ac()tel)m() Gauges lL) Tips, Dual Trirck Chains 20", Rcloihdlng 1'r«HH,New GRH IX<)so witb N<)zll«k auto. shut-off, I" IIinck th) Tfcckl(), kceawlCbapper, Cfhttlo Rml She«p Sbvnrs, 8 GI)f))bvfs, Propane Tunic, PingPong Table, Power l)1owurs («lctric, gus reel s1 rotary), Chain Psfnd-urs, Roller Clu)1n, 1)eni)) Scale, Grindvi, lIamiymnn JR«le, Snow Shoes,AddI»g Mfhchlmw, Nc)v Nails, Ce)ncnt Tools, 1'aclc Bofhr(l, CH SRH<sAnil«i»nrrr lots (If I 1)iil'0 T(u)ls,lSI)np lt('r»s ilr)d 0'ib(',r r»tsc('lhil)('ousfroru III(s ffhn)uHOUSEIIOLD Cni()I' (.Icvlsion, 10" pnl'if(i)IO T( leviHIOII, 8 llf(J<~nbeds, 2 Dave»porpts, 3" 14tng(, R<)II-:I)vny 1)e(I, Rccllm r Roclu r, Co»-solo Stereo, I<ifcbvn Clutl)'H, Nlc Nncs, Huuhu appliances, Lamps,Piciurcs, (stc.COLLKCTII)I.ICS: Six ivg Dining 'I'al>le )vifb Ivavvs, SI.IGII Dr«HH(rwiu) mirror, 1040H k)uffct, Drop la]if Tabb, Piu Cupiuuir<l, Crmlcs,Iin(l B10ru.


Phone 208-835-2843 or 835-5631CI INT rIOIINSON, Aucilof)('('r

Phone 289-59831< EN DR, ICE

e%AU%e%o%w%naPR/%u v% %wan%/ad%nwe hatW



For Appointment 743-8272$$.01) PER HAIR CUT

Hours: 8 to 0 Tues. tbru SaturdayDuring Sum»)vr Months

Henry Kazd)]h 000 - 'Itb AveLEWISTON, 'DAHO

'«fasts Ci< if< sfs sos so sess is)riti+ii i<+ hse a'c i'i r'i+ i'i Pi s<q~e >'r r'i s)(

:(Somotbilfg New-


, drt,... i )t,($$ ~~(W=-'<:Pf.,I (~>L ~I,.!

I'. TIGER 'SURGER!.':1.':


g~ Hamburger - Ham Cheese):Lettuce - Pickles - Mayo:f

;.Also Try Our New


I:. Kendricl( Drive-III'hone289-4587

~t +,$4r+if»~o~i~ i)ioi sf~i ~~i sh+r+i ci ssss iii io ifi+t++ri iiu


I rf F~ <Ig;+'l ''*~,

Styling of the Month from


I()L eA)ff)I



Biscuitsor 1)ufi'()v»)iflc



Dlllllof sIl'vozvn, Assort vd V:iv.


59cI<'.a(.I) 1st I Addit Rvg,



I"I oz< n, Assnrf<!d V:ivii

ll'I>ch 1st 1 Addit Reg.



guikChocolate, S lb

$2.29linc 1st 3 Ib Can

A(blitinna,i Rcg. 1'rice


NorsolsSemi-S)veet, 10 oz. pkg.

5'l.59Flor 1st 18 oz. 1)i)g

i .. j!1() oz. llanul) !w>zv

$2.991"or 1st 00 oz Jug

!Ad<litional R(!g. I'rice


gAhlA i> As FRYERS

3 i ss. 99c T9c Ib.Pineapple, Exotic flavor, lb. 35c CUT-UP FRYERS

Avocados, California, 3 for 89cCabbage, Solid Heads lb. 23cPotatoes, bakers, 4 lbs. $1.00Onions Yellow 4 lbs. $1.00 Fully CookedBroccoli, Green Bud . Ih. 59c


'I 69 IbCucumbers, large slicers 3 for 99c

GRAPEFRUIT !<I>h(P!(0AsTTexas Ruby Red Boneless, (b. $2,29

fur $1,PP PO!(I( ROAST, Bone]estPork Loin, frozen, lb. $1.98

O / Q eg)g f el'$ Burritos, Reser's asstd. 5 oz. 39cI Help Us By OrdeII<ng Ahead Bacon, Armour Sliced 12 oz. $1.39

Fresh and Frozen TurkeysS ked Turke s i

Pork Chops, boneless, froz. lb. $2.59

FRESH OCEAN CRASSor anything special you mightwant for the holidays. I,! IF AVAILABLE —ALSO HALIBUT

I)«w~V. "~»

Store Hours have returffod to 8-6, Mon.-S(ft.; 'l2-3 Sulf.

II: 'Ilk:Il,)'orraineGustafson, owner i

ef i' 'l' l'


Open Sundays Noon to 3PHONE 289 4p27[

Phil, Donna and Scott Heinen