jjtwiyn bffrggwml t- w '; v the daily x-- jt tin · nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and...

WMWDyift,, jjtwiyn j--i "a i . r . - -- - . ' ""Wl " ' WPP?" 3fc ' -- BfFrggWMl ,ifey4-- - t- - rgrfi. -- y.(wWH- U- - JT1i"TTtltiiliiiiiiflilir iiiir"'- ''- in W ' "a 'ir" a " ." - m ' r - ' v V If, V V '; iMMi v " H & v t v Jt ' w! i 4 x- - - THE DAILY TIN ; fi t Vol. II. No. 4G0. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, JULY 23, 1883. CO 0ENT8 SUQ80niPTION PER MONTH l "- - to f i r I & PC ? THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Ib published every morning and circu- lated throughout tho town by carriers, and forwarded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, BO conU per Month. G. Carbon Kknyon, Editor. All business communications to be ad dressed, Malinger Daily Bulletin, Fost OHlco Box No. 14. Telephone 250. Office, - - - - Qnecn Mtrcct, Opposite West's Carrlngo Factory. .T. O. CLEvion, Manager 8. M. CAltTEU. S. F. OUAnAM. S. M. CARTER & 00. HZ King Street, Honolulu, II. I. RETAIL DEALEllB IN Fire "Wood, Goal and Feed. "TTTE would notify tho public, and J V House keepers in particulor, that wc keep on hand and for sale in nuan titles to suit purcnasers anu ni jju v KATES, fuel, as follows : Hard and Soft Woods. Cut any lengths; Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, Scotch Coals, and tho Celebrated Wellington Mine Departure Bay Coals; Also, Blacksmith's Coal. The abovo can be ordered by telenhono or otherwise, and immediato delivery guaranteed. GIVE XJS A. CAXJL. I Telephone, No. 187. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK Jy aund Oats, California and New Zealand; Barloy, Whole and Ground; Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ; Bran, Middlings, and other Feed. jggrOrdcr the above through 'Telephone No. 187, nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full weight. Orders from the other f Islands solicited. JTJREE DELIVERY to all paits of the city. .Remember, 83 Kins street; 380 flgTAnd Telephone No. 187. "plantation goods. Sitaplo Belting, Helvetia Laces, Tuck Packing, Sugar Coolers, Clariflers, Fire Clay, Hemp Packing, with or without India Rubber, Babbit Motnl, Barbed Fence Wire, Mining Steels, Hoes, Pickaxes, Cnno Knives, with or without hooks, .. Hand and Smith Hammers, Shovels, Axes, Jackscrews, Vice?, Bteam-plp- o Brushes, Patent Bleata-nip- c Covering, rt Lubricating Oil, - ' Cement, Steel Rails. Sugar ann Conl BRSsi Twine, &c, &c. For sale by X ' H. HACtfFELD & Co. Oct. 19th GEORGE LUCAS, MfSMnb and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Esphv IUUIU, J1U1HHUHI. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, nud all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll nud Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting. Orders promptly nttended to nnd work guaranteed, Orders from tho other Is- - inula solicited THE OLD CORNER Established, 1858. IJabt Bnos., : : Proprietors. MEAL6 Served up lu first-cla- ss style at all hours Opon from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m. Always on hand Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes &cr,- - &c. Also, Iced. Xxinks! 75 Job l'rinthiK EVERY DESCRIPTION oxecut OF .vl tli nciltness and dispatch at Tub Daily Bulletin Olllco, Queen st. B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamor WORT STREET BY THE ARRIVAL OF THE Steamers Hankow and Zealandia ' I have l cccivcd tho llnest Eolcctlon of ' Silks, Satins, Brocades, Velvets, Plushes, Merinos, Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, nnd n Inrgc variety of Novoltlcs, &c, over shown on this Islind, the opening of which will bo announced in future advertisement. A. M. Mellis, LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Olllcc, cor. Hulcknuwlla and Kilnuca sts., next door to Widemann's brick waiehouse. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly G. H. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams in town. Telephone No. 05. 15 ft-n- rj HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, n ii iMHt"""' engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of ovcry description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. .Job work exe- cuted nt short notice. 1 c. d. onuscu. w. j. rAOEnnoos. GEMSOH & FAQERROOS Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu, opposite J. T. Watcrlrouse's. Watchos of all !dnds repaired in a satisfac. tory manner, nnd at IlKASOXAIIIiE PRICES. Island oiders attended to with prompt- ness, and all worK done by us guar-42- 8 antced to give satisfaction. Cm A. KRAFT, JEWELEE,A OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bank. BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE BTVLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc- ed korsebreaker.wishcs . the public to know that lie is iuuy prcpurcu iu take chargo of stock, and guarantees to break tfiem thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend carofully to feeding nnd doctoring horses. Ho has now In his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and has the exclusivo charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left nt the Pantheon Stables, or at tho mommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property at Kaplolani Park, will meet with promptness. 205 ly JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, rlumbor, Gas Fitter, &o. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and motals, Houso Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandoliors, Lnmps, &o. rJDko IIn.-wttiin.i- i Temperance Year Book, For 1883, will bo published hero in January, 18811, a year book, an nnd useful volume with tho above title. A handy book of reference as well as a valuable book foi the house- hold. It will bo especially devoted to tho temperance cause, and will bo of much use all thu year around. You will bo solicited to subscribe to this book, nnd can obtain further Information by calling upon D M. CROWLEY, 280 Hono? llu, II. I. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED u lot of veiy lino Gent's Saddles, And also, boino Very Fancy ladies' Side Saddles. ' 845 A. , Clcgltom & Co'h. 104 Fort Street. J. LYONS, h. J. LEVEY. Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., v - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- - tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro, pcan merchandise. 818 H. S. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. HMEAD, AgBUILDER, No. 12 King St., near the Bridge All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators, Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired at moderate charges. f 005 ly Koltcrt Leuen, , (J. JI. Cooke. L EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., Dcaleis in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 Ss PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. JST" Houso and Ship Job Work piomptly executed. 17 CHR. gertz, at. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lC" Impor'er and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's hoots, shoes and slippers. HOTEL ST. MARKET. THE undersigned having the Hotel St Market, takes pleasure In an-- - nouncing that ho will ;ive the business his personal attention, and hopes to sun-pl- y the wants of the public of Honolulu In a satisfactory manner. Beef; Mutton, Veal, Lamb, And other kinds of meat for tho table always on hand. Prompt Delivery Made, Order tnUcn by Telephone. By.tho return of tho Suez I will be in receipt of ono of the best and newest patented SauBagro jMLncliincH, and will then be prepared to furnUh tho BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES. No Chinese pork used. D. K. FYFE, Proprietor Tclephono No. 230. 837 ly No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilcor, Venl, atiitton, 1'IhIi, Ac, Ac. Family nnd Shipping Older carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of nil kinds supplied to order. 810 ly Wilson Brothers, I K TUl. v) I A.&rI , GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, Horso Slioolllij specially A flrst.olBBB mint being specially ougugod for thut worl?, Bhlp and Wagon Vrtik faithfully aitended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppor's.201 " A Now JUot oJt KEROSENE OIL ! 150 FlroTest, Has arrived, wwhlch o Fell at tho lowest price, in quantities to suit purchaser. WO A. S. Cleshoni & Co. Commission Merchants. BREWER Bi COMPANY, 0 . (Limited; Gi:neiial Mkucaniim: and Commission Agents. list of ofkickhb : P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President ifcMnnngcr J. O. Gaktkk. . . ..Treasurer & Sccietnry DiUEr.TOits: Hon. C. R. Bisiioiv Hon. II. A. P. Cauteu 338 ly Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. II. R. Mncfnrlanc. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, (52 Queen street, iionoiuiu. 11. 1. agents for Tho WaikapuSugnr Plantation, Maui, Tho Spciicui Sug.ir Plantation, Hawaii, The lleeia Sugar Plantation, O.ihu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Mnui, Puuloa Sheep Rnnch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler is Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs. Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 18T Claus BprccktR Wm. G. Irln. . WG. Irwin & Company, Sugir Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 CLEGHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Meichants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 DIA8 & GONSALVES, No. 6T Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c., ifcc, &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSB, Importer and Dealer in General Meichandisc, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 TVT S. GRINBAUM & CO., ItX. Importers of General Mcr- - chnndiqeaiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 M S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, I- - wiuioinm street, 1 Ban Francisco, Cal. BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st Honolulu. 33n "O T. LENEHAN & CO w.1.!"p0rtn,::; nnj'Commission Merchautg, St., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Calle. J. B.Athcrton. lASTLE & COOKR. V7 Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers imd Dealers in General Merchandise, No780 Kinc st., Honolulu. j "WTlNQ WO CHAN & CO , '"'Powers and General Dealers iiiLnglish, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored nil (pjalltles and prices. BSTNo. 22 Nuuauu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. gj A. G. ELLIS, STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Atthcir mnrkct value for cash. 21C Olllco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. JRlTSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. II. Robertson's olllco, Queen stieet. 34 W. E. DERRICK HAS ItEMOVEI) HIS Turning Establishment From 110 Fort street, rJCO BEXIIIilL STBJEET, opposlto ho Bethel, next door to Daiglo's machine shop nud Rrun's Fur nituro Factory, wliw ho will oontlnuo to supply is customers with nR kinds of Wood nnd Ivory Turning. Thankful for mist fawrs. I", ',' a contlmwwu f tho - o llolJJc0s07lr PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pubtry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotol st. Telephone 74. Hull ProuriiiumcM ! NEW DESIGNS, just received from Fraucisao, at The Dai&v Bui-1.ET- Olllco Professionals. SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D.. nnd Children's Physician Olllcc nnd icidcncc, No. 5 Schoo'l street, (between Foil nnd Emma). Olllco bonis 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 210 Telephone, No. 201. DR. THACHER, DENTIST, 10H Fort street (up stairs.) Charges lower than any other dentist in Honolulu, whether tiaveling dentist or othcrw i.sc. Satisfaction guaranteed. 305 DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. HO. 50 2m A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Olllco with tin' Attorney General, Aliio. lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly W AUSTIN "WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu. 209 S. B. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 No. 15 Kaahumanu FRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney at Law, $ 15 Kaaliuinanu st RICHARD F. BICKERTOJ, ' ' nud Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Onire, Ino. 34 Merchant st. 1 L1ECIL BROWN, and Counsellor nt Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st. Honolulu. . j JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estato in nny part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotih ted, Legal Documents Dinwn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu Hawaiian Islands 190 1 O. BERGER, KAAHUMAND STREET. General Agent for ThoN.TT. e Company, Tho City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Macncalo & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machino Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 JHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY TUBLIC, Agent to tuki Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllcc, In Makcc's Block, corner Queen and Knahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu Portrait and Landscape 3?liotog-raplier- s 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Konn, Island of Ouhu, at the olllco of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu. anu street. 18! '.f WILLIAM WOND, to take Acknowlcdg. ments to Contracts for Labor. Ofllcc Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. WO. AlCANA, nnd Hawaiian Translator nnd Interpretei, No. 48 King street; Honolulu. Translations of olthcr of tho ubovo langunges made with accuracy nnd dis- patch, nnd on reasonnblo tcims, 200 FIRE WOOD! FOR SALE, .A.t IMforket Hates Apply to S. M. CARTER, 137 P. M. S. S. Wharf. Notice, HAVING been appointed Guardian Mahuka, mlnor.sonof thu Into M. Mahuka, deceased, and tittorney lu fact for Luu kin (w,) widow of s,nid M. Mnhulcn, deceased; nil persons uro hereby requested to settle all matters pertaining to tho estate of said M. Ma. IiuU, decciibcd, with tho undersigned, and they aro hereby notified that Mr. Simon K. JCaai has no authority what, ever in the matter. A. ROSA. Guardian of M. Mnliukn, minor and attorney in fact for Luukia (w.) widow of thu lato M. Mahuka, deceased. Honolulu, May 15, 1883. 403 3ru

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Page 1: jjtwiyn BfFrggWMl t- W '; v THE DAILY x-- Jt TIN · nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full weight. Orders from the other f Islands solicited. JTJREE DELIVERY to all paits of the

WMWDyift,, jjtwiyn j--i "a i . r . - -- - .' ""Wl

" ' WPP?" 3fc' --BfFrggWMl ,ifey4-- - t- - rgrfi. --y.(wWH- U- - JT1i"TTtltiiliiiiiiflilir iiiir"'- ''- in

W ' "a 'ir" a "." - m ' r -

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H &v t v Jt 'w!i 4 x- -


fit Vol. II. No. 4G0. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, JULY 23, 1883.




"- -







WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Ib published every morning and circu-lated throughout tho town by carriers,and forwarded to the other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, BO conU per Month.

G. Carbon Kknyon, Editor.All business communications to be ad

dressed, Malinger Daily Bulletin, FostOHlco Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

Office, - - - - Qnecn Mtrcct,Opposite West's Carrlngo Factory.

.T. O. CLEvion, Manager

8. M. CAltTEU. S. F. OUAnAM.

S. M. CARTER & 00.HZ King Street, Honolulu, II. I.


Fire "Wood,Goal and Feed.

"TTTE would notify tho public, andJ V House keepers in particulor, that

wc keep on hand and for sale in nuantitles to suit purcnasers anu ni jju v

KATES, fuel, as follows :

Hard and Soft Woods.Cut any lengths;

Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,Scotch Coals, and tho

Celebrated Wellington MineDeparture Bay Coals;

Also, Blacksmith's Coal.The abovo can be ordered by telenhono

or otherwise, and immediato deliveryguaranteed.

GIVE XJS A. CAXJL. ITelephone, No. 187.

WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCKJy aund Oats,California and New Zealand;

Barloy, Whole and Ground;Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

Bran, Middlings, and other Feed.

jggrOrdcr the above through

'Telephone No. 187,nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full

weight. Orders from the otherf Islands solicited.

JTJREE DELIVERYto all paits of the city.

.Remember, 83 Kins street;380 flgTAnd Telephone No. 187.

"plantation goods.Sitaplo Belting,

Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clariflers,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Motnl,Barbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cnno Knives, with or without hooks,.. Hand and Smith Hammers,

Shovels, Axes,Jackscrews, Vice?,

Bteam-plp- o Brushes,

Patent Bleata-nip- c Covering,

rt Lubricating Oil,- ' Cement, Steel Rails.

Sugar ann Conl BRSsiTwine, &c, &c.

For sale byX ' H. HACtfFELD & Co.

Oct. 19th


and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Esphv


Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, nud all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll nud BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting.

Orders promptly nttended to nnd workguaranteed, Orders from tho other Is- -

inula solicited

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

IJabt Bnos., : : Proprietors.

MEAL6Served up lu first-cla- ss style at all hours

Opon from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&cr,-- &c. Also,

Iced. Xxinks!75

Job l'rinthiKEVERY DESCRIPTION oxecutOF .vl tli nciltness and dispatch at

Tub Daily Bulletin Olllco, Queen st.

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamor WORT STREET


Steamers Hankow and Zealandia'

I have l cccivcd tho llnest Eolcctlon of '

Silks, Satins, Brocades,Velvets, Plushes, Merinos,

Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, nnd n Inrgc variety of Novoltlcs, &c, over shownon this Islind, the opening of which will bo announced

in future advertisement.

A. M. Mellis,


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Olllcc, cor. Hulcknuwlla andKilnuca sts., next door to Widemann'sbrick waiehouse.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly

G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

in town. Telephone No. 05. 15

ft-n- rj HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,n ii iMHt"""' engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of ovcry descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. .Job work exe-cuted nt short notice. 1

c. d. onuscu. w. j. rAOEnnoos.


Practical Watchmakersand Jewelers,

No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu,opposite J. T. Watcrlrouse's.

Watchos of all !dnds repaired in a satisfac.tory manner, nnd at

IlKASOXAIIIiE PRICES.Island oiders attended to with prompt-

ness, and all worK done by us guar-42- 8

antced to give satisfaction. Cm


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bank.


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough experienc-ed korsebreaker.wishcs

. the public to know thatlie is iuuy prcpurcu iu

take chargo of stock, and guaranteesto break tfiem thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carofully to feeding nnddoctoring horses. Ho has now In hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and hasthe exclusivo charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left nt the Pantheon Stables,or at tho mommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Kaplolani Park,will meet with promptness. 205 ly


Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

rlumbor, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and motals,

Houso Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandoliors, Lnmps, &o.

rJDko IIn.-wttiin.i- i

Temperance Year Book,For 1883,

will bo published hero inJanuary, 18811, a year book, an

nnd useful volume with thoabove title. A handy book of referenceas well as a valuable book foi the house-hold. It will bo especially devoted totho temperance cause, and will bo ofmuch use all thu year around. You willbo solicited to subscribe to this book,nnd can obtain further Information bycalling upon D M. CROWLEY,

280 Hono? llu, II. I.

E HAVE JUST RECEIVED ulot of veiy lino

Gent's Saddles,And also, boino

Very Fancy ladies' Side Saddles. '845 A. , Clcgltom & Co'h.

104 Fort Street.


Lyons & Levey,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen st., v - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at- -

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro,

pcan merchandise. 818


204 FORT ST.

HMEAD, AgBUILDER,No. 12 King St., near the Bridge

All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators,Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moderate charges. f 005 ly

Koltcrt Leuen, , (J. JI. Cooke.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO.,Dcaleis in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

Ss PHILLIPS,Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. JST" Houso and Ship JobWork piomptly executed. 17

CHR. gertz, at.No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lC"

Impor'er and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's hoots, shoes and slippers.

HOTEL ST. MARKET.THE undersigned having

the Hotel StMarket, takes pleasure In an-- -

nouncing that ho will ;ive the businesshis personal attention, and hopes to sun-pl- y

the wants of the public of HonoluluIn a satisfactory manner.

Beef; Mutton, Veal, Lamb,And other kinds of meat for tho table

always on hand.Prompt Delivery Made,

Order tnUcn by Telephone.By.tho return of tho Suez I will be in

receipt of ono of the best and newestpatented

SauBagro jMLncliincH,and will then be prepared to furnUh tho

BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES.No Chinese pork used.

D. K. FYFE, ProprietorTclephono No. 230. 837 ly

No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market,Dealer in choicest

Ilcor, Venl, atiitton, 1'IhIi, Ac, Ac.Family nnd Shipping Older carefully

attended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof nil kinds supplied to order. 810 ly

Wilson Brothers,I K TUl.

v)I A.&rI ,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS,Horso Slioolllij specially

A flrst.olBBB mint being specially ougugodfor thut worl?,

Bhlp and Wagon Vrtik faithfullyaitended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppor's.201"A Now JUot oJt


150 FlroTest,Has arrived, wwhlch o Fell at tho lowestprice, in quantities to suit purchaser.WO A. S. Cleshoni & Co.

Commission Merchants.BREWER Bi COMPANY,0 . (Limited;

Gi:neiial Mkucaniim: andCommission Agents.

list of ofkickhb :

P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President ifcMnnngcrJ. O. Gaktkk. . . ..Treasurer & Sccietnry


Hon. C. R. Bisiioiv Hon. II. A. P. Cauteu338 ly

Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. II. R. Mncfnrlanc.G. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, (52 Queen street,

iionoiuiu. 11. 1.

agents forTho WaikapuSugnr Plantation, Maui,Tho Spciicui Sug.ir Plantation, Hawaii,The lleeia Sugar Plantation, O.ihu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Mnui,Puuloa Sheep Rnnch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler is Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs. Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Claus BprccktR Wm. G. Irln. .

WG. Irwin & Company,Sugir Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

CLEGHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMeichants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

DIA8 & GONSALVES,No. 6T Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c., ifcc, &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSB,Importer and Dealer in General

Meichandisc, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

TVT S. GRINBAUM & CO.,ItX. Importers of General Mcr- -chnndiqeaiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

M S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,

I- - wiuioinm street,1 Ban Francisco, Cal.

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant stHonolulu. 33n

"O T. LENEHAN & COw.1.!"p0rtn,::; nnj'Commission

Merchautg, St., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Calle. J. B.Athcrton.lASTLE & COOKR.

V7 Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers imd Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No780 Kinc st.,Honolulu. j"WTlNQ WO CHAN & CO ,

'"'Powers and General DealersiiiLnglish, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored

nil (pjalltles and prices.BSTNo. 22 Nuuauu Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. gj

A. G. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Atthcir mnrkct value for cash.21C Olllco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.

JRlTSON, ACCOUNTANT.at G. II. Robertson's

olllco, Queen stieet. 34


Turning EstablishmentFrom 110 Fort street,

rJCO BEXIIIilL STBJEET,opposlto ho Bethel, next door to

Daiglo's machine shop nud Rrun's Furnituro Factory, wliw ho will oontlnuoto supply is customers with nR kinds of

Wood nnd Ivory Turning.Thankful for mist fawrs. I", ','

a contlmwwu f tho -o




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pubtry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotol st. Telephone 74.

Hull ProuriiiumcM !

NEW DESIGNS, just received fromFraucisao, at The Dai&v Bui-1.ET-



SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D..nnd Children's Physician

Olllcc nnd icidcncc, No. 5 Schoo'l street,(between Foil nnd Emma).

Olllco bonis 10:30 to 11:30 a. m.1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

210 Telephone, No. 201.


10H Fort street (up stairs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether tiaveling dentistor othcrw i.sc. Satisfaction guaranteed.


DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort.Telephone No. HO. 50 2m

A ROSA,. ATTORNEY AT LAW,And Notary Public,

Olllco with tin' Attorney General, Aliio.lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

W AUSTIN "WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor nt Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu. 209

S. B. DOLE,Lawyer and Notary Public,

11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

FRANCIS M. HATCH,Attorney at Law,

$ 15 Kaaliuinanu st

RICHARD F. BICKERTOJ, ' 'nud Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Onire, Ino. 34 Merchant st. 1

L1ECIL BROWN,and Counsellor nt LawNotary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-

knowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.Honolulu. . j


and Notary Public. Real Estato in nnypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotihted, Legal Documents Dinwn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), HonoluluHawaiian Islands 190


KAAHUMAND STREET.General Agent for

ThoN.TT. e Company,Tho City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacncalo & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachinoGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.



NOTARY TUBLIC,Agent to tuki Acknowledgments


Olllcc, In Makcc's Block, corner Queenand Knahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu

Portrait and Landscape3?liotog-raplier- s

180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Konn, Island of Ouhu, at the olllco ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu.anu street. 18! '.f

WILLIAM WOND,to take Acknowlcdg.

ments to Contracts for Labor.Ofllcc Station House. 351 ly

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

WO. AlCANA,nnd Hawaiian Translator

nnd Interpretei,No. 48 King street; Honolulu.

Translations of olthcr of tho ubovolangunges made with accuracy nnd dis-patch, nnd on reasonnblo tcims, 200


.A.t IMforket HatesApply to

S. M. CARTER,137 P. M. S. S. Wharf.

Notice,HAVING been appointed Guardian

Mahuka, mlnor.sonof thuInto M. Mahuka, deceased, and tittorneylu fact for Luu kin (w,) widow of s,nidM. Mnhulcn, deceased; nil persons urohereby requested to settle all matterspertaining to tho estate of said M. Ma.IiuU, decciibcd, with tho undersigned,and they aro hereby notified that Mr.Simon K. JCaai has no authority what,ever in the matter. A. ROSA.

Guardian of M. Mnliukn, minor andattorney in fact for Luukia (w.) widowof thu lato M. Mahuka, deceased.

Honolulu, May 15, 1883. 403 3ru

Page 2: jjtwiyn BfFrggWMl t- W '; v THE DAILY x-- Jt TIN · nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full weight. Orders from the other f Islands solicited. JTJREE DELIVERY to all paits of the

ifo-,- -

MONDAY. JlLY 23, 188a.


lljiriuoJiy Ltiiltto. l.O.O.F.7:D0Aljjiirolm Lode. sit 7:!5().Meeting Kociutv Cruelty to Ani-

mals. Y.M.C.A. IJull, 7:!30.


Un Fiirtny evening, Captain S. U.

Ho give a paity in honor of His.Majesty on board his vessel, at whicha display of thos-- e fireworks, for whichthe Japanese aic to justly famed,was one of the attractions.

AL 5 o'clock the guests were con-

veyed on board by the ship's boat,where they found every preparationhad been made to receive them byCaptain Ito and Mrs. J. 0. Carter,assisted by Mr J. O. Carter.

His Majesty made the visit unoffi-

cially, as the health of the sailorshad not yet sufficiently recovered topermit the customary honors of man-

ning the yards and firing salutes be-

ing given. The after-dec-k was care-

fully screened and shaded by a cano-

py of flags of all nations, borne ofwhich have not been seen here before.The cabin skylights made an impro-

vised table with the aid of somebeautiful silk table-cloth- s of Japan-ese workmanship on which wereplacet I iVtoutiful and lare porcelainvnos filled ViUJi fresh flowers.Chairs nnilfauteuits wctv disposedround the "

After half an hour's interestingand p'easant converse the guests wereinvited to go forward and face theexhibition of day fireworks. Theprogramme of this portion of theentertainment has already been be-

fore our readers, so we will confineourselves to a few remarks. Thefireworks arc put up in conical oblongcases, something like a very largerocket, about a foot in length, andthree inches in diameter. They arcfired, from a wooden mortar boundround with bamboo hoops, preciselyas shot is fired from .1 cannon.After leaching a certain height thecase explodes and a colored smoke

appeals taking the shape of a flowers,

trees, etc. From some of them

coloured paper ligures arc expelledwhich expand and form figures. Oneof these the Goddess of Liberty witha shield emblazoned with the starsand stripes was especially admired." Gambler's precious " was a diewith its C sides marked with thespotb. "The Sunset of Venice"was 5 beautifully tinted clouds. TheHand enlivened the intervals withappropriate music. Later on theysang borne Hawaiian mcles.

After the day fireworks had beenshown an adjournment was made tothe awning which during the displayof firewotks had been quickly turnedinto .1 supper room. Everythingwas of the best style and daintiestarrangement that could be found,amongst them being several peculiarto the Jap.mese cuisine. The Cap-

tain and officers vied with each otherin heaping attentions on their guests.

Afterwaids the evening fireworkswere displayed, being, if possible,more beautiful than the afternoon'sexhibition. About 8;.'30 p.m. theguests departed.

Throughout the Captain and off-

icers displayed the greatest courtesyand attention possible, and provedthemselves worthy representatives of

that hospitality for which Japan isso famous.

Amongst the guests present were

His Majesty the King, II. K. II.Princess Likelike, His Ex.'Gov. J.O. Dominis, Hon. A. S. Clcghorn,

their Ex's W. M. Gibson, and J. E.liush, His Ex. It. M. Daggett, Am-

erican Minister Resident, M. Fccr,Commissioner for France, Mrs andthe Misses Fecr, M. Uoulicch Chan-

cellor, and Mrs. Uoulicch, Mr. J. O.Carter, Commercial agent for Japan,Mrs. Carter and the Misses Carter,Mr. Pat', Consul-gener- al for Netherlands, Mrs. Paty, Col. J. II. Boyd,Major L. Kinimnka, Key. Dr. S. C.Damon and Mrs. Damon, Dr. Brodie,Dr." Trousseau, Mrs. P. C. Jones jr,Prof. .Scott and Mrs, Scott, and Mr.Or. C. Keuyou



held its llrst general meeting at theArmory on Saturday morning. A

large number of shareholdeis werepresent, either in themselves or by

proxj' representing 'JDUC shines.Judge 11. F. Biekeiton was elect-

ed Chairman, and Mr. J. E. 'Wise-

man, Secretary. It was resolved tomake the capital stock $;iO,0(JO withthe privilege of increasing it to850,000. The lions. II. A. Wide-nian- n

and A. S. Clcghorn, and Mr.S. M. Damon were appointed a Charter Committee. The meeting thenadjourned till such day as the Com-

mittee would call them together.


The schooner Knluna sailed forthe Gilbert Islands, Saturday morn-

ing at 10:30, taking 75 laborersback. She will be away about 1

months on a trading voyage. Shemay bring some more Polynesianlaborers on her return.



Saturday, July 21 Drunks ; Ioba,foifeited 8 i bail; J. F. Brown, as-

sault and battery, nol. pros. ; Ilene-le- i,

riding faster than a walk over abiidge, foifeited Sf bail; Ah Kaka,violating Express Peg. C nol. pro.,vine obstructing public higljwhv,fined B- and 81.30 costs.


Sohr. "WuiiuiLu brought a load ofstone, f 0111 AValmanulo.

The D "Murray took !")0!)8 bags ofsugar, 1502 bags of rice, 503 bags o'.vy'ftFVand 181 bbls of molasses. Totalweight 075,900 lbs, total domestic value

40,440.53Schr. Kaluna took 75 S S Islanders.Stmr. C, II Bishop bioughl 1835 bags

of sugar. 870 bags of paddy, 42 bags ofrice, 75 bbls of molasses, 12 green hides,and 20 bullocks.

Stmr. Jas Mnkcc brought 1785 bags ofsugar, and 320 bags of paddy.

Schr. Marion brought 1010 bags ofsugar.

Stmr. Kilauca IIou brought 200 bagsof sugar, 05 kegs of sugar, 8 heifers, and1 horse.

Schr. Mary Alice brought 189 bags ofsugar, 41 bbls of molasses, and 04 greenhides.'

Stmr Likelike brought 841 bags ofsugar, 30 bags potatoes, 51 head cattle,2 horses, 28 hides, 8 bbls molasses and00 pkgs sundries.


Twelve (hunks on Puturdny night.-- .

'Die Band gave an excellent concerton Saturday afternoon.

His Ex. H.M. D.iggett goes to the Stateson the Australia for a trip.

We hear that a " Entci prise TelephoneCompany" has been started, nud 1000

bharcs has already been taken.

A reward of $100 has been offered forthe capture of the escaped prisonerBlown.

This is theftist week of duty for thoPublic Schools this session. Their ex-

amination comes on at the end of thisweek.

On Saturdey tho Marshal went downto Waialua with Dr. Morlarty to selectit site for a house and ollicc for him. Itwill probu'bly be near the Court Houseus being most convenient.

-- -On'Saturdny, pardons were issued by

His Majesty's Privy Council to Tcntaruaand Navwintepa, tho two South Sea In.landers sent down from Maui a fewweeks ago. They veio sent to theirhomes on the Kalunn.

Oni: of the chief benctlts which willbo derived from the Portuguese immi-

gration, by Hawaii, in addition to thesupplying of plantation labour, is theacclimatization of those small hand

pr.iclii-c-d by the immigrants.Tho Madeira islands arc celebrated overtho world for their pioduels of inlaidwork, wicker work, lace, and embiold-ery- .

These islands will undoubtedly intime become so. In Hie meiiutbuu 11

prolltublc trade Is spilnghig u p in theimportation ef them. We wero calledIn on Saturday to see Met-srs- . Dins &

(iu.'isalvcs' stock of new Importations ofwlekcr-clmu- tables, nnd baskets, em-

broidery,' haudsoVa boots and shoe?,etc. All of which we ndvisO 0111' leadersto go and see. They will not regret It.


The schr IdaSchnauer, Capt Hob.crtson, sailed July 21st, for SanFrancisco, with 8083 bags of sugar,weighing 893,833 lbs ; 200 hides &

C bbls tallow valued at 825,718. 1(5,

and tho following passengers E LParker ami family, J Hanson.

MARRIED.In Honolulu, July 22nd, 1873, at the

residence of S .1. Levey, Lewis J. Leveyto Miss Flora Hart, of Loudon, England.


Panoy and Dry GoodsAT

L M. MELUS'104 Fort Street.

OW HEADY TO SHOWthe public the Fhie-- 4 and Ucsl SelectedStock ever exhibited in this Kingdmi,at astonishingly Low Prlcc-t- . Bead thefollowing, call and be convinced.

For wan of space I tiuole hut few ofthe One Thousand Bargains now onhi nd.Pure Silk Moires, nil shade $1 00

worth 3 00Pure Brocades leading 0 00

worth 1 25Fine Satins 1 00Fine Figured Sateen" 0 50

worth 0 75Cn. choice attcrns, 15 yard for.. 1 00

Tremendous Bargains inHosiery and Underwear.

Heal Li-,l- c Thicnrt Hose, oil shades 0 50B.il llo.csilk checkul, 1.1 0 35Fancy col. bote, iruin 0 15Lidus' Euuir. Chemist- - 0 50Lulics skills, with 1 utiles & tucks I t0Jj'HIhs' night gowns, good quality. 1 00

Alto, un immense assoitinent of LaceGoods, Fichus, Gloves, Mitts, &c.

IN GENT'S GOODSI have a full line of

Fine unlaundsrcd shirts $1 00Fine percale from 1 00Fine uudcishirts, from 0 25Fancy half hose, f 1 0:11 0 15Fancy halMiose, full finish, from.. 0 35Flue brocaded suspender.-- , from... 2 50Fine Bycicle shiits, from 1 00Fine G. Silk handkerchiefs, lrom.. 0 75Fine G. Buthing suits, tiom 1 75Fine Silk Alpaca Coats 3 50Di ill suits, for painters 1 fc5

A full asfoitment of Ties, Sjnrfa,Ncckwe.ir, &c.


I hnve also added to my establishmenta FIRST CLASS MILLlHEU, iust d

from the Coast, who will trimhats to older, and also wait upon thewants of my customers iu the LadiesDepartment. 400




m.ajc:e:er,.a..AVo have just leccived

The Finest Assortmentor


Embroidery.Boots and Shoes,

Walking Canes,Fancy Bafekes, &c.



To enumerate them all would take toomuch spacs, but this will give you onidea:

Chaii'H, Tablet, Sofas,DOS-A-DO- SEATS,

Layettes Work Tables,Emhroideieil Be Isprcads,

Guitais, Toilet Sets. &c,

Call unci co Tliem.DIAS & GONZALVES,

400 lm Hotel Street.

For Sale.FINE B K 11 Tv R TT I U V.

PIGS for breeding, from4 to ifu. Appiy ai Jur.

Dowsett's Corral, near thePound. 4C0 lm


a inure and fold.400 lw LAINE & Co.

10 Reward.LOST on Saturday night on Hotel st,

double English Traveling Rug,a dyed shecpskiu foot rug, and un

ditbt-wra- The obovo re-

ward will bo paid on returning same to4v0 G. V. MAUFARLANE & Co.

Foautl,SATURDAY, a Ladies' Bracelet. The

have the same on prov-ing ownership and paying expense.Apply ut this oillcc. . 400



Just EeceivedfBM

Hydraulic Earns

Suitable for Stock Ranches where water is required to bo raised from gulchesto pisturc land for watering stock. Full particulars and estimates furnished.

Refrigerators, Brooms of superior quality.

Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes & BoxesAbsolutely lire-proo-

Lubricating Oils of every description at lowest market rales.

Rice Cloth, Patent Bag Holders just the thing for Rico nnd Sugar Mills; . ..

Dill'ercntial Pulley Blocks, Carriage Lamps.'it


New Goods contsantly arriving.Full lines of Flows and Agricultural Instruments, ' . ,

Full assortment of Agate Iron Ware,

Illustrated Catalogues on application.

. 2WC- - JMCEZJLiIS"Will Keen Open

For Public Inspection,

For a Few Days Longer !



A Supply of ETew Goods,Iron, Ash, Spokes, Rims,

Felloes, Hubs, Shafts, &c, of the best quality,Sold at the lowest prices.

CUT-UNDE- R CARRIAGES,Phsetons, Buggies, Wagons, &c, &c,

Manufactured with all the latest impioveincnts.XJlnolCBm'ltlilriEr fc "Vood.-vor- l done of every description

. Having the best mechanics I am enabled to do work

Cheaper and lietter than any other firm in this city.New work and Repairing done with complete satisfaction, or no charge

JOSEPH E. WiSEHftAftS,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,Office, 27 Mci street, ' Hawaiian Gazette Block.

The,only recognized Real Broker in the Kingdom.and property for sale in all parts ofllonolulu and the various Islands.

Houses tol aic and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts Bills collected. Legal papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vickery's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chromo3; subscription per year. Agent for the Best Life

Insurance Company in the World.CSrCharges nlways moderate. Telephone No. 172.

LOW PRICES MUST RULE.Bargain ! llarguinn ! Bargains !

At the Great American Clothing HouseAs we need room, wo are now offeiing 0110 of tho finest, largest and

slocks of Men's, Youth's, Boy's nud Children's Clothing at ridiculously lowprices


Coal, Oak,






350 Gent's Complete Business Suits, at $10, "worth $16.50.Spring Cheviot Suits, hi all styles, at $10, wo.th '20.

A large assnrtmcut of tho latest style u Scotch Tweed Suits, at $18, worth $25,Very line French Worsted Suits, in laro variety, at reduced prices.Gent's Dark Worsted Diagonal Suits, iroin $15 up.An immense assortment of Blue Flannel.Huits, from $10 up.Very fine Yacht Cloth Suits, in all shudci and price?.The latest blyle in Gent's Dress Suits constantly on hand.Gent's Lightweight Over-coats- , at low pi Ices.

Great Reduction in our Boy's Clothing Department.150 Boy's Linen School Suits, at" ?1.7ii: woith $2.50.

(xcnt'M FnrulKliiiiK Department Bargains.Gent's White Shirts, from $1.35 up; line Percale Shirts, latest Htx'les, $1,25 un.1 0 dozen extra heavy British II010, at 25 cents a pair.

1)0 dozen Fancy lfose, in all colors, at 20 cents a pair.75 doen Fancy Hose, at 12V cents a nar.05 dozen patent Gossamer Merino Undershirts, full llnished, at $1; woith $1.50.

Latest Novelties in Gent's Neckwear, at low prices..Hat Department Great Bargains.

The latent styles constantly on hand. French Panama Hats at $1. "WhitoMickiuaw Hats ut $1. Cheapest value in town. E2TBuyers In search of the bestqualities, latest styles, and lowest prices, who do not call on U3 before purchasingelsewhere will booner or later discover that they havo MISSED IT BADLY.453 Sm S. COHN & Co. Groat American Clothing House

MAX ECKARTBegs to notify his customers and public of Honolulu

nnd tho Islands generally,Itfia--t lie i Ready 3V ow

us ever to supply their needs InAVVX-OIIE- S AJSD JEWliILKY,

and) having engaged p, Competent Assittunt fiom the, ,, V1'03' is nulu ,0 "ttciid to nay amount of

' ' Watchmaking and Kenairinir.New Styles in Jewelry. Am, "Waltham "Watohes, all styles.

401 .Solid Silver Wuic. Everything of tho BcbU

Page 3: jjtwiyn BfFrggWMl t- W '; v THE DAILY x-- Jt TIN · nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full weight. Orders from the other f Islands solicited. JTJREE DELIVERY to all paits of the

2L- -,




The Postnuslur-Gunuri- il 1ms ap-proved of the scheme for the insuranee of letters containing moneyanil otlicr valuables. The rates areto be the same as for parcels Id.up to ."), and 2d. up to 10. I'liotwo insurance sulieincs will conicinto operation simultaneously, andas soon lis the working arrangementscan be nindc IfomA Ifcuis.

Sham Fire Precautions. Alarmedby recent awful calamities theRussian Government issued an otlicialcircular requiring all theatres to boabundantly supplied with water dis-

tributed according to a specifiedplan. At the Alexandria Music Hall,in St. Petersburg, all the conditions towere apparently fulfilled to the per-fect

thosatisfaction of the authorities.

But one day the Chief of Policedecided to make a personal cxminn-tio- n.

He turned a faucet, but nowater came; a second and a third Y)lf

were equally dry, and, in a word, liefound that of all the elaborate ap-pliances, pipes, jets, spouts, etc.,not a single one was connected withany reservoir whatever. Such abarefaced sham was too much forRussian patience, and the theaterwas closed within a fortnight. 8.JP. Bulletin.

"Dr. R. Angus Smith, F.R.S., readbefore the Manchester Literary andPhilosophical Society "A Note outhe, Development of Living Germs inWater." The process employedcannot be too generally known.About 2 V per cent of gelatin wellheated in a little water is mixed withthe. water to be tested, and the mix-ture forms a transparent mas3. If.any organisms arc developed they donot fall to the bottom, but becomevisible as spheres of activity, whichremain long and can be closely ob-

served. It is suggested that photo-graphs of these globules may be ta-

ken and become a visible report madeby nature when the water has activeorganisms in it. Australasian.

TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, July 23. 0:80 a.m.

Light North E. wind.Nothing in sight.

. ARRIVALS.July 21

Schr Wailelc from MnlikoSchr "Wnimalu from Wainianalo

July 22Stmr Likelike from windward portsStmr Mokolii from KoolauStmr "Wainianalo from WaimanaloSchr Haleakala from IliloSchr Ehukai from WaialuaSchr Mana from Oiiomea


Ilk D C Murray for San FranciscoStmr Wainianalo for WaimanaloSchr Kaluna for S S Islands

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYBktne Ella for San FranciscoSchr Waimalu for IlonomuSchr Wailelc for MalikoSchr Waioli for PauuhauSchr IMalolo for IlakalauSchr Kekauluohl for IlanaleiSehr Luka for Waipio & KolmluleleStmr C It Bishop for KauaiStmr Jas Makcc for KauaiStmr Kilauea Hou for Kahului

PASSENGhHS.For San Francisco per D C Murray,

July 21st Col. Norris, Mr Under- -

wood, Mr Stancy and wife, MrPeterson and wife, Mr Anderson,Mr Bennett, Mrs Cnnvan and child,C Kesslnr, F Ilnmsch.

From windward ports per LikelikeJuly 22. S. Parker, Capt Mclntyrcand son, Mr Englaud and wife, MissCastle, Mrs Tenny, W II Ctithbert,G Fretze, J F Cornell, A McKay, C

Menke, Mrs Boxli, JWGay, EDGould, K Amu, Akaka, wife andchild, J Ronton, R R Hinds, T PTisdalc, E Sutherland, Rev II Wal-lc- y,

Mrs Hastings, Miss Makeo, AEnos and wife, Miss Ladd, Miss LLockett, Dr finders, W Fogg, W IICornwell and 2 children, D D Bald-

win, F Coiirudt, W T Horner. GeoC Bcckley, Purser.

VESSELS EXPECTED.His JSiww Yxaxa flnoKtmrMttripobafwSF. July 27

Stmr Australia, fm AusjtraHa, July 21)

Stmr City of N.Y, fin SP Aug 5

II. I. R. M's SkobeleirBk Martha Davles fm Bostou Oct 3

Ilk Bell Isle fm Newcastle duoJik Bpajrtwi, fm Now York July 20

Bk Canopus fm Bremen, Ju U

Bktno Malay, fm Hpwwllt) diio

iVaitivHseH fnnU4,and EVENING. Bo.

AFTERNOON wanted to assist aa few hours only.457 lw Apfly 00 BEKBTAff IA ST.

' rbil SA-LK- .



At reasonable rates4SS Annly at 220 Fort Street

Jol l'rlutlnffkF EVEHY DESCRIlTiON c.ccut

VJ cu witli ucutnesi imu uiBpaiuu atTub Daily Uuiaut is Jfflco, Quecu Bt,

fogrAUIFIO MAIL Steam-yffffijnif- fi

ship Company.FUR SAN FRAN 01 SCO,

The Splendid Steamship

Australia,Cargill, Coinmnmkr,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or ubout July 'SX

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDTho Splendid Steam.-hi-p

City of Sydnoy,Dearborn - - Commander,

On or about Aug. 5,

For freight or passage apply to thenhdersigned agents,

Wo are now prepared to iasue ticket?San Francisco and return for $125,

Bound Trip.H. IIackfhld & Co.


wffrW mr The favorite lurkH. W. Almy,

Freeman, ... muster,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

I'astlk & Cookk, Agents.


M The clipper bktnoElla,

Howe, -- ... Master,Will nave quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

C. UitEWKit & Co., Agents.


Schooner Ehukaiwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain ou boaid, or to181 A. F. Cooki;, Agent.

A. FEANK COOKE,Jfllcc, corner Nuuanuand Queen streets,

Honolulu, H. L,Agent for the following Packets:Wailelc, k Waioli,Waiehu, JfiMrf Waimnlu.JIulolo, 4Mm& Kaluna,Mana, S& Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukui.Bed Flag, with White Ball.


Y. M. C V.

TnE subscribers to tho Buildingof the Y. M. C. A.,who linve

not yet paid the full amount of theirsubscriptions, will confer agreitfavorif.thcy will pay.at oiicoitothe Treasurerthe amount due, thus enabling the Com-mittee to pay the balance due the Con-tractor, and free the building from anydebt. 43!) lw

Water Notice."WING to the scarcity of water, i ne

v nour.j lor lrngatioti will be

limited to 4 houra per dayfrom 0 to 8 a. in. and from 4 to (i p.m.until further notice.

C1IAS. B. AVIL90N,Appiovcd: Sup't Water Works.

Jko. E.Boaii, Minibter of Interior.May 5th, 1fc83. H4

True to the Test I


C O, BF.nar.ii, E., Agent,Macncalc & Urban Safes,

Honolulu.Duak Sin, I take great pleasure to

inform you that the No. !) jlacucale &Urban Fireproof S.ife purchased someyears ago has passed through the disas-trous fire of last night to my entire

I opened the same on thecombination (tips ana liunuie jmviii"melted off), without any Mifllqulty, andfound contents in perfect order.

Yours very truly, L. WAY.Honolulu, Juue 2H, 188:..

A. Tjurgpo AKMortmcutof these Justly Celebrated Safes

CONSTANTLY ON HANDOld Safes taken iu Exchange,

C. O. HHIStiUH,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.

411 tf


IF YOUR HOUSE IS SIOK or I4ME,or any way out of order, call on A

T. BAKE It, at Cipt. J. C. Cluuoy's btabio, corner of Queen & Punchbowl sts

BSfBreakiug hore to saddle or carriago a speciulty, Satisfaction guanlnteed or no charge 420 ly

wato wim,rrn ensure water for privileges con- -

I nected with tho Upper NuuanuVnllov Hcservo r. nrraugeincntH navebeen made bo that water will be avail-iilil- fl

for those between the boms of C a.m. to 1 a. ii.(iiill for those on thepunchbowl inc, ftm hm iii( in jfvpl9lmil street, between flic louis p,f 3 j).111. to 7 p. m., until further notice.

'CHAB. I. WILSON,Hup't vf Water foti

Honolulu. Jnqu 13U, 1883, 42

Top?itqyJcftSQtONECOTVAflqtiKlngSt.,conlaiuing 7 rooms, with btau-llu- g

aad every convenience,about 1 mile Irom town. Arteslau wa- -

ter laid ou. Heut moderate.Apply to

L. C. AULES,112 lm At E. O. Hull fc Buu's

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.r?.-.-- i--i XT i.m i vninnnfHl'UlS Oilii LlWVl.vli3l.vJ

The Magnificent

New Iron S. S. Mariposa,Howard, Commander,

Is due at this port on or about July 20th,and will be dispatched back

ABOUT AUGUST 2ND.Passage In this magnificent ttcamshipmay bo secured In advance by applyingto

Wm. G. InwiN & Co., Agents.

IXTJaKISff,AXDSteam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani,baths, .... Commander,

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau, asper following time table:

Leaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. onFriday, July Friday, Aug 17Tuesday, July Tuesday, Aug 28Friday, July Friday. Sept 7

Tuesday, Aus? Tuesday, Sept 18Friday, Sapt 23.

Aimivus at Honolulu:Saturday, July It Salmday, Aug 21Wed. July 2) Wed. Sept fi

Saturday, A,ig 4 Saturday, Sept ISWed. Aug 1j Wed. Sept 20

Tho C. R. Bishop,camkkon, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Kawiliwill, Koloa, Elcclc.and Waimea, Kauai. Reluming, leavo.-Nawiliwi-li

every Friday evening.

Tho James Makeo,mcdonald, - - Commander

Leaves Honoluluoyery Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa andKllauca. Returning: leaves Kapaaovcry Tuesday evening.

Ttw roQmnT i.i iron iroes """ ".".King, - Master.Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at

4 p.m., touching at Lnhafna, Mnn-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona,Laupahoehoe and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at 'all thoalove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


Has HEfceturnedL !And will resume business at once

At his Old Stand on Fort Street.437 lm

Badly Scorched but not Burnt.

ED. C. ROWE,House and Sign Painter,

X'tvpci JlmiKer, tc.Desires to inform the public that lie has

ciectcu a

NEW SHOPOn the site of his shop on King street,lately destroyed by lire, where he'willbo h ippy to meet his friends and custo-mers nnd attend to all outers forPainting and Paper Hanging

as usual.Telephone .No. 114.

443 lm ED. C. ROWE.







Q (A



Opposite... ,,,,..,., , , Pantheon Stables.H. I Shaw, proprietor,

T7ULLY ESTABLISHED: with tho1 bct liracticnl mechanics in theKingdom. Special attention piid todiseased hoofs and crippled horses, Thenew improved and beneficial foot tubsapplied iu doctoring horseatho onlyshop in tho olty using them. All workguaranteed aim done promptly on mi.bouublu tcrui!. 418 ly

w-- t irwfut

m mmrLadies' and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Every Watch warranted asrepresented.

ilnT1" 'i1'"" M" JtaaatfM5efi2iSiIYfro2i1oQoCiuyA

UJ. MINT ASSAY. SfFac-simil- e ui silver Cases.



Actual wolghtof Goldt









OOM. Mclnorny,

Agent for this KingdomN. B. Bewaro of imita-

tions, as I have discoveredseveral silver watches bear-ing the name of " "WalthamWatches," which arc of Swiss

and arc sold asgenuine Waltham watches.

cncjtforopea.TrU!i.ouTTitAoc MarkV is cmnianlcedVlB K.UNITCO STATES Ml NT ASSAv

(215) Fac-simil- e ot Cases


iews ia

FOR THE LADIES.!Has Ju&t Received from Pars Direct,

tm pieces ITiuo ITroiicli Merino,10 dozen Ladies' Cassimeie Dolmans (bugk-trimmed- ),

50 pieces Silk and Wool Foplins,30 pieces Brocaded Satin,

Black Silks, Satins & Crapes, ColM Wdollcn Dross GoodsSilk Capes, and n line lot of Ontiich Feathers, in all tin newest and

richest colors. Come anl examine them, as they must bu told without reserve.jVlHO, tO tU'l'lVO IOt- - StCUlllHllljJ "IlaillCO'W,"

now due, in part as follow:Ladles' Black and Colored Silk Mitts, Black and Colored Satins and Surah Satins, Merinos

Ladles' and Children's Cloaks, Cape? and Shawls fiesh from the Best Pari iauHouses, in all the Newest Stylus and Pattern-- . Ladies' and Children's

Lace and Lisle Ho-e- in all shades.

For the Wcntlcmeii Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing lower than anyother house iu the trade. Also, a special liuu of C. & P. II. Terrell & Co's

Men's and Boy's BOOTS and SHOES, whichWill lie sold nt tlic EiowcHt Itutew to rlear cuiiHlKiiiucitt,

You have only to see tlic-- goods to bo convinced tliu you can't do better e!s;-whei- c.

Yisitois and liicmls lrom the other Isl.uuU aro specially iuvite 1.

437 S. liifriiiii. Hotel St., Honolulu. Cm

BATHING SUITS!For the 1,000,000,




A. W. RICHARDSON & Co's.,fo. B 3Forl Street.



PALMER & TEACHER'SWow X'llg Stove,



The tJew Firm of Lycan & JfalrasouIIuvo liuiuy Jcv Goods,

and all article-- ) Bold by them aro at new prices,

Pianos, Organs, Furniture, & Sowing Maohinessold on the installment plnn, and rented at very reasonable rates, Sallowing themoney paid, as rent, to be applied as puicluifec money, They make u

Specialty of Furnishing Housesor rooms completely, In any btylo that may bu desired. They manufacture PictureFrame, and huvo in btouk

Over Ono Thousand dill'ureiit Styles of Moulding;for frames and window or door cornices.

They have brass polo3 and vlnjy. walnut and ebony lluishcd poles and rlnga,.. ...,. . ..,..1 ...1 at II p.l fit II fit r.l tV KtUtTkt t II J till 1 Imilli ill,lll(kll li hI.ii.iii nil T1-

tlmlr Fancy fi(yl Dintrtnwnt you can Ibid Oil Painting, Steel Engravings,Artotypcs, bmutllul Water Onion, Vases, Allium , Jt,iineu Goods consisting ofTaa dots, Scieuns, Vusnst, l'laquus, Fans, ifce., ica. Some of tliu most choiceMilollco ever been Iu this mirket.

A. line iiWHoi'tmewt or Toys.

Page 4: jjtwiyn BfFrggWMl t- W '; v THE DAILY x-- Jt TIN · nnd wo warrant quick'dolivery, and full weight. Orders from the other f Islands solicited. JTJREE DELIVERY to all paits of the



.. J Jt.lA.t- -

FurniHhcu Kooiiimrpo LKT, corner of Quceii and Punch- -

4fi7 tf Apply on tho Picmlscs.

To IiCt,rjMIllEE NEATLY FURNISHEDX BOOMS in ii private family, situ,

ntiil wllliln live minutes' walk of thePost Olllce.

pauiculurs, enquire nt this Ofllcc.452 tf

To ImUjfiXL A HOUSE on Emmn street,

containing 7 rooms', kitchen,rfflSTr"! biith-ioo- p.mtry, servant'sitioin, caiilagt.-hoiih-c, stabling, mid fowlhouse. Inquire at 7!) Foil (street or 51Emma street. 434 tf

For Snlc,TENT AND FLY, 10 x 15, U feetA walls; poles, pegs, mullet, &c,

complete. Enquire this olllce. 400 lw

Will Shortly Open,



Cool and Shady Retreat,

Wheic Ladies nnil gentlemen can par-

take of

Tea, Coil'cc, Chocolate,

Ice Cream, lee Tea,

And n vai icty of

Light RefreshmentsIN THE

OPEN ABR!'Cigais, Cigarettes mid Tob.icco,

Daily, "Weekly and Illustrated Papers,

Brilliantly IlluminatedEery Evening.

99 Beretania Street4.10 lin


.A Startling Development I

Wc see that much is said nbdut ManilaCigar in the Daily Papers, and

that the Astor House, theOld Corner, &c, have

the Best ManilaCijrais

in tho country If those people who go

ofFin such raptures of delight in

smoking u good fair niticloof Manila, will

Call on the Undersignedthey can find an article of the

Eeal Simon PureMANILA

IN BOXES OF 100 EACH."Oidcred and imported expressly for our

trade, that will put to the blushthose who havo been pulling

and blowing about thoarticle of late,

without knowing what they areblowing about !

' ItoIlCM & CO.


Best Manilla CigarsIN HONOLULU?

Then go to Hart Bros.,458 lw Astor House, Hotel Street


Corner Fort & King; Ste.Desire to inform his numerous friends

nnd tho public geneially that he has

Eeduced the Pricesof Photographs, which for Style, Qualityund Finish cannot be excelled,

Prom Locket to Life SizeIn every Style.

A splendid assortment of

NEW PHOTO FRAMESIn .Silk, Satin, Pluth, Leather, &e., &c,of the latest styles. Albo, n very laigocollection of

Island Views,Iucludlng the Volcano, Lava Flows,

Sugar Mills and Plantations,Groups of ilnwaiiaus, In ancient

and modern eostumes.

No. 87 Fort Street,453 ly Opposite E, 0. Hall & Sou's


ROPE MARKET!Yes, nnd we sell

j.h T-io--v an the JLio-vvc- !

nnd don't anybody forget it.

We tell Now Bedford Hope, nnd anyretailer knows how it will hold out In

net weight.Wo also havo the mo1! vailed assort-


kept by any houso this side of the llockyMountains, such ns

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artiwlnn Wnll Hnrlncr ItoilCS.

Manila Hawser, Wire Hope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galwmlzcd Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails. 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, nil kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Terry Davis' Pnin Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c., &c,All of which wo will sell at tho

Lowest Bates.3!)0 ly X. W. Peircc & Co.



CabinetmakerAnil Upholsterer,

No. G3 Hotel street,Opposite International Hotel,

Bctw ccn Nuunnu and Fort streets.

rpiIE public will please take notice1 Hint I have lust onencd in the above

premises, and ns I am a thorough prac-

tical mechanic in my line of businesshaving done some of the finest work atthe Palace and other residences in Hono-

lulu recently would therefore most re-

spectfully solicit a call from the com.nlunity.

Fine upholstered work in every varietyDrapery and Lambrequincs of every

description made to order.Carved and polished window cornices

neatly made and arranged.Repairing and polishing Pianos, Mu-sic-

Bo.cs etc- -

The finest French and varnished polishing done in the Kingdom.

Carpets, Oil-clot- and matting cut andlaid at short notice.

All work guaranteed and done on themost reasonable terms, 364 ly


A Large AssortmentOF THE


Fine Wall PapersAND


dust received, and for sale by


CSX, Call and examine. 147



Ceiling Decoration


&3United States Factories!s




FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGilnds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulloys, bolts, etc, all In goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsopower, just tho article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, "Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etcAS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

CO LAINE Co., 31 Fort at.

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 'J, 1882.A LL persons having Wator Privileges

are notified thatlholr Water Hatesare payablo semi-annuall- In advance,nt the olllce of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuunnu btrcet,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeach year. OlIAB. B. WILSON,

Sup't Wnler Works.S. K. KJui, Miulbter of Interior, 201




tho carnc3t solicitation of horsoAT owners, we sent to the CoaBt ofr a

First-Clas-s Horso Shoor,

and Floorman. Tlinnks to our agents, afirst-clas- s mechanic has arrived, andcomes well recommended from

Leading Shops In tho United States.

Wc have, therefore, no hesitation instating that all horses sent to our shopwill, in future, bo shod In tho mostscientific manner known in moderntimes.

Stock that has been crlpplci by clum-sy workmen can now be imure to travel,(far nway from Soaking Stalls and FootTubs.)

WHITMAN & WRIGHT,417 King street, Honolulu.

The Dehnonico Restaurant

g&,next door to Castle & Cooke,

on King sliect.

Meals Cooked to OrderAT LI.A. nouns.

LUNCHES & SUPPERS23 to CO cents.

Board, per week, upstairs, : : $0.00in advance.

R. VON OEHLHAFFEN & Co.,430 lm Proprietors.



BEVERAGE,Accordbig to the highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liliha St

P. O. Box, 370. Telephone, 281AH orders receive prompt attention.

KENNEDY & Co.,Jobbing and Retail

Campbell's Fire-Proo- f Buildings

No. 67 Hotel Street.P. O. Boz No. 297.

204 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240.

"Try tho Fragranco ol the Wood, Nicotian,"

Choice Havana CigarsOf the Finest Brands

.Ami JLJewt FlavorH,As follows:

Manuel Garcia, Figaro,Margaritn, La Corona,

Flon do Cuba, Coney Island,MAY NOW BE HAD FROM

H. J. WOLTE,Beaver Saloon, Fort street.

ISPOthcr goods as before.

" Variety the Spice of Life."


Wc havo ou hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.

EACH, Ol--

,01ear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by tho " Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will be


Castle fc Cooke.

INSTHUCTION8 In Gymnastics willami Children

Every Saturday Moi'iiin:Prom 9 to 11 o'clock, In addition to thoEvening Clashes. S, B. DOLE,i)8(J Tresldeut Athlotlo Abbociatlon




-- OF-



Leading Millinery LTouse.

.AJLTWYS AHEAD!The Largest, Finest and Most Select Gentlemen's Fur-

nishing Goods in the Kingdom.ONE PRICE MECHANICS' BAZAR

Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,

Wc respectfully ask a call from the community to prove to them how far we exeel some dealers in our lines of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hot alone in SuperiorQuality and styles, but in prices. New invoices are constantly being received,ami tor cuoicc selections and varieties in nit our large assortment tvc can saiciysay no one will be disappointed who buys from us.

Road tho following: What arc your reasons for purchasing at the Mechanics Ba-zar- ?

Because they sell 25 per cent cheaper than nny other store in the city.How do they do it? Because they import direct from tho manufacturers in the

Eastern and California Markets, and buy for cash; thus wo demand cash, in returnand allow 3 cents discount on nil sales over $5; keep"no book.kec'pers1 or books,and every article is marked down to the lowest figure in full view of the customernnd thus money is saved by curtailing these expenses, nnd unnecessary talk Is setaside.

Tho Ono Prlco Mcchanico' Bazar, the most rollablo and cheapost store In Honolulu.

Store open from O u.m. to 8 i.m. Saturday evenliiffB till XOS. W. LEDERER, Manager. (252) J. L. ROSENBERG

ENTERPRISE FEED CO.Corner of Queen and Edinburg Streets.

Telephone, TSo. 80H . J . AG-NE-W

to inform his friends nnd the public generally that he has OPENEDbusiness nt the above stand, and has made complete arrangements for a con

tinuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich he will offer for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.He hopes, by giving his best attention to please the public, to merit a part of theipatronage. A large stock of

Wheat and Oat Hay, Whole and Ground Barley,California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c.,

now on hand. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked.II. J. AGJJEW, Proprietor. 340

UNION FEED COMPANYI CoiiHtantly Receiving- -

Fresh Supplies of Hay, Barley,Oats, Bran, Wheat, Corn, &c.,

Which it offers, Wholesale or Eetail,

AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES.Goods de'ivcrcd. All orders promptly attended to.

U70 UrnTelephone No. 170.

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Have just received ex Suez,

A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting TabletsLetter" uiul INote l?iiperH,

IiiUn, Mucilupjc, Gold Pcuh, &e.AI.60, A BSIAM, ABBOlTOIKiiT OF

'DPlaqiies lor House iOecorating-- .

Red Rubber Stamp Agency.EST All orders filled promptly .gj

253 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street,


Subscription DepartmentWE aro prepared to receive further orders for any Paper or Mngnzino publish

ed In California, tho Eubtcrn States, Canada, and Europe.At tho present time wo receive by every mail over ono hundred and fifty

different Papers and Magazines, published iu tho English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

As our subscription list is large, wo nro cnubled to furnish the Papers nndMagazines at a low rate of Subscription 182

