jjfep, a rpa alenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qcg9r/data/0563.pdf · 2012. 6. 4. · economy of human...

c- - s Ifc' ,T CUIUV 1U illKluu.b v" 3R It THE SHIELD OF SORROW. VV HEN Heaven diflblves the facre'd' tie,. Which binds t'wo Faithful souls in one, Where (hall the fed'furyivor sly, The-strow-s of despair to lhun I O can the musing hours of grief A pause frotn keen remembrance-g- know, Or rooted sorrow findjrejief From- - exempt forms of outward wee i ' Can fortune's fnilcs his peace re-ser- e? Or can the sprightly song and; dance, Where pleasure's-festiv- e train in all The nu2y rounds of joy ad- vance I ' Ah me ! this world' no cure be- llows,. In vain is every human art, From pure Religion only slows A balm to heal the wounded hevr. ' TV A N'T E D, ot iVAtbPRS, to come ANUMiibK. who fliall have confhnt employ and generous cges. Apply to the fubfcriuer in kexingtjon. THOMAS LOVE. I'av 24, tf JL ST ARRIVED, IHD NOV 0TEN1NG FOR SALE, By the. fubferiber, His S.TORE in Lexingxok, LARGE and, GENERAL A- s- sor. rnr.nc. or. ,Y GOODS, GROCERIES, C UEENS & GLASS WARE, -- - ij.ii the following catalogue o. BOO K 8, Inch will be sold on the loweSt. terms for CAiH. LACKSTONE's Pveports,. . J VcrH-n- . T ... aw ns srions. ...,- -. ..-- ... 7 in bier si IK epoi ts, Saa y's Gheece-- , SXpr Ruilell's Euiope, Robertion's Ajnirica Bi ecepto?, .. Drelincaurt on Death, Bailey's Diiitionary, iohnfon's Antiquities, da. II01 ade, Robertson's Charles 5th. Annual Register ir Volumes, Do. do. 1 2 Volumes, red), Lady 'Sf Magazine, Volume 23d. Turner's Geography, Earnest Notcs Burns' Law Dictionary, Cowper's Reports, JNiante s travels, Burke's works, DrinUwater's Gibraltar, Gillices Greece, Buller's Nifi.Prius, Viiliauis's.Convey ancingp Tidd's Praftice, Morgan's Ellays, Leach's Crown Law, Kelynges Reports. Efpmalies Isiii Prius, Entick, Truth's iciory over Error Pope's Iliad, ", Speilator, . Little;qhJn2;land, Monitor, Kervy'? Dialogues, Leq's Memoirs, Peter Pindar-- , Blair'sXedrnres, Bankrupt's' La- s; Blackftones CommentarlcBj, Tunius's Letters, lljollins' Ancient Kiftory, Fiigi im's Progress, JTarvey's Meditations, Female Spectator, Aristotle's v. orl.s. Culpepper's HerbaL, Jjfep, A Boston Syreri, Hawjisworth'a Voyages ' Chclteriicld. s Letters, Jr Citizen of the WorTd,, Letter writer, Maivcs's Gardiner, Tables of memory,, Engliftt Theatre, llobmfon Crufoc, Baron Trenk, Paines works, Sparman's voy age', Baron Trenk Jnuitl.T Fiflier on the Catechili)7 Confeffion of faith, tMf Ruddiman's Rudiments, Ainnrorth's Dictionary Mair's Introduction Murphy's Lucian, Gibson's Surveying, Fergulbn Ash orjomy, Nicholson's Phtlpfophy,. G'ushrie'g Grammar, Jaekfon'feok-kcejirngj- ,; Cornelius Ncpos, Mairs Salluft, Chapman's Books'y Briggs'' Cookery, Rippons Hymns, Booth's Reign of Grace,. Apology, Edwards- - 011 affections, Watts's Psalms & rjyihns,. Copies of Davjd.'s PfalniSy Sheridans Dictionary, Quarto Bibles, Pocket dp. Large Margin do. Arminian Magazines Fletcher's works, Preacher's Experience, Lives, -- - Bucjian's Family Phyficisin,-Watts'- s Fymns, Davidfon'i Virgill, Clarke's Komer, K01 ace, Clarke's Ovid, Selecla Profanes. . selected. Vetri, Corneru, Form's Difcpline, Dlney Hymns, Wililon cji the Sacrament; Fimer's Arithmetic, Dilworth's do.. Rights of main Sermons-- , Catechism of Naturej, Mother's Cfrrechirm, " Choice dr'rjps of Honeyy, . Psalm Bqs, Fiuojy of Pamella, Death of Abel, Economy of Human Lifc"i Webfte-'- s Spelling Bqpks,, Dilwoi-- do. do. Nwi- - jTaniPrimers,, Toy BoJ s, , W riling Paper,- - t Letter do. ' Slates & Pencils, Sealing W2x,& Wafers,, Ink Powder,, Ink Stands,, i Ouills. I WIELrAM leaVt" N. B. Siibfcrlbers in this 'Suiter to Dr. Owcns's " Death of Deatk in the Death of Chrilt.," may get their Books by applying at the above Store. all. pdioiia that have any de. J. X demands atjajnlt the fubfenbers, are aeineu to onng in tneir accoums jjlor July nexr; and those thar are in debed to them, are reuiefted in " mofl particular manner to mate j(Sv ment before that time, as ihey cannot polTiy have any further indti'geore, except where i! has been othenvife a greed on bv Ipecial eoniract. Who havlion hand, an rnent of Meichadifcr which they will fnll at the mod CIsdur.'ftR nncne for calh, c &c Lexington, June agv tf 1 akenup by the fubferib in Shelby county, near the ourt ,li6ufe, a bright foirel mare, about m tnincen naiiui ami. a uair ingu -- t branded on tne neaj 'inoujdei . W 1 U4VV and on the buttock. IrV onehm yr joot white, about eigat or innc jears old ; appraised toJV 10s, v i..E tg, Henry Brtntcn. . &4 rpA" up fy the fuhftr iter, livifig - in Claris county on tne waters of Lulbergrud, three horse creatures, VIZ; 1 nr t is bay Ji re blears, 13 hands inches hlnh. with atfiar in the sore- - S&i, and feme mill laddie pots, no rjtnd that is legible, appraued tct f 8. TVMefecevd IS a black Horje Celt, l cJ, cawit of tne absve mare, witn a in the sorehead, no brands aptiraifcdr 3 . The third it ci roane Horjt colt, z J tttartold, with both hind feet and the "lest forefoot white, a:d a ilaze in the" fare, htithir docked nor brauded, op- -, praljed to 2. Mofet JVtlkwgfin. Marchzo. r j " AKEN up by t hefnljeriber h i it, Uatke county On the water. iilbsrg'ud, alout 4 mites frant IL. . : 7 .,1 r rcr,ig? a yrnite Uvtje vnn gray hg:y- - &bout 10 sear old, and about r 4 hands 1 inch high, no IraidihatU c$ ikh, btit it isth&ught to be fade withajlirrup tnn 011 the lest buttoek, appraised to 10 James Aiderjom Lhreh id, 5 TrfKEN up by the fuferiier' "l county, ucai Stanum's ajgmill, a black and whiteflier, 3 yrtr; e'.d, natkedwith a crop tn the le t year half 'and nt.derkeel in the right, vcjlttl- - grid appraiftd to J 2. jokn Ynee, Mirch 2". 4-- ".wa Tr7T",C'-s- - riAKFlt up by the fubferiber an 1 BuUlktii waters of Brnfbiets creek in Shelby county, one black Ihrjer about earittd.abtut 4 see' 8 niches hten, tandtd on the right jboulaer like this 6, and or. t1: right buttock the appear" once of a bt&r.d butnot percehabte; there is slfo Joir.ethwg like a b'audon the lest jw Itke this hasjomi addle ffots, cp praijed it 5 Jokn Riker.- - rpjTSN up bf Xhs ftibjefiher V A Wdford ceunty near Buekrun bjfitinnheufe, on? bay Horse. 4 iihrt Id, 1 3 hauds 3? inchc? high, laddie slits len eachf.de of his bach hud cna 3jfi2j(i7 larked 1C, a Uatriher Jtrop, no Vfarra- - perceivabltapprjttftd rt 7 r Chapman Ta)lot, J?"! 3- - t I L M r L L. &. INSEED OIL manufatfht-- 1 ed and sold by the fabfqriber, t his MrLL at Lexington, either wholesale or retail at a. very low p. ice for Cash iw Edward Ho v. e. t rtr"ni. , , is o t. T). , By public vendue in George Town? onie 23d day of next J ujy, (be-- ingf outday,) ' ''TiIE eftatsv of EnivVitD1 West: X deceaiqd confiding of House- - bold furniture, Negroes, Horses, 4n Cattle and fliop uteiiftls, together one in-l- ot - in fiid Town, whereon is a comodious house, Smith's fliop and. garden,, also an out lot, containing sour acres, and joining the town clear- ed and under good, fence. Six. months credit will be given for all i films- - exceeding twenty Shillings, the pnrchafcr giving bond and ap proved security Sale will com- - iienceat ten o clocJK wnere one at- - nii.mpp will he crivenbv " .. .. . T1 o A.T 1 D T T XT TT June 25. A LL'perfons- - having, accounts XX. with the iubienher ara re- - &in--n-- tn mp mvrnent and-ser- - Is tie them on or before the 23d, c Tnly, at which time I leave this- - place for the fettlcment -- A neg- - Jecl of the same will greatly injura leir very liumbieiervanr. Hugh M'Ilvain. Lexington June 3, compaii) will ltart AL.argc th- - Crab orchard on 'lsuai day the x6th ofjuly, in or- - sXcr to go through the Welder- - r t with the Poit, and to.s t at the Valley nation the iol h of Odober in order co re turn. xv F O R S ALE Plantation within six n.ilejf MY this place ; f.ua td upon the waters of Nortli Elk horn and ." Caste Run ; there is a r; )0l Log lonle weaihe; boarded, with other J? lieceflary conveaioncies for a far- - nier : tor particiilais, ap i to Al'GVsi us AVr. Waldp.hyn. Who will go into the Settlements in Au gull neKt, and tequells alL persons to give in tlisir accounts (cveiy way) that thay ma; be ad-jufl.- Lex. Jmiezo, 1 7 73'. .I a Court of Sit'tt tcr Sffl;n cou'mti' e- - an-'- . held f? tb c"s, b sit Wi'. - J 71 ho : : r .tn. Janres Tern :n Humphrey iccpkn . j ' In C IJ A f C Y. 'J1 HE tlcitr.o.Pt J hr CJ .; not laK g enttrtd ,s ap- pearance according to trie ad u( AiTernbiy and the rules of this Court, and it appenrmg to the ftthfadlion of the Court, that he is no inhabitant of t.'.is Sratf 5 on th- - motion of the uomp' - -- nanr by his counsel, h is 'f dered that the laid defendant do appear hre on ti.e first clay ft their ne.t Sept'ctr.ber c urt a- - J answer the !, it that a- - copy of this'ord-- r be forthwith mferted 1.1 the ?n-tu- chy Ga2eta (or two rronths-luccetrsvefy- and publiflied ' re Sunday at the front rjo r c f te Baptifif iwceting-houl- e - ie tow,i of Ioirigion inun- - .idy ?l$G8py 'l ell LEIODD, Clk.C. QS. "12 "?YE llertby fortvain alt peifons , y not td take an jflinaie" on ivo notes eiven by us toBri)an ' ? irk C fonasvvc are determind ro pav ei-1- 6 IhTi of ihem unless herei iheui law ; e;eh noie is so 1' fjiTl tf 17 io.onehslf in cUijihere n uheat, slower, or wSiikey, dteJ ne of Mivpafl, cneofthenc out the 2'5th of December nexr, e oihe , Wav foilown". as the fa 0 I in 6btained theD'dnotas by as auwuii.it coat rati. Da c' w Hums. William Pitts. June 4. AIL persons are hereby fjre warned from taking an afiietj-me- nt on a note given by me to W.l. liam Dyer, for twenty pounds u worth of Whiflcey on demand. Ci- ted some time in March last, as I have paid a conliderabb part of said note, and for which he has- - lad- ed to give credit ' WiiiaiHf?Carothers. July 11. - "2w Carpenters, Whesl-vriglit- s, Tin- ners, Sadlers,", Black fmlths and Farntrs, will ng to serve as Artijr hcers in the service of the Uni ted State?, for fVo years, (is not looner diicn rged,) Will meet with trood en- - ouraieinent, and immediate em- - j'or, by applying, at the Qtiat'ter- - irTo.-f.- . mA;. rr.v. lVldtlW4 9 U441VW 144 1 UI4 VV aUJIUI'IVIIy or at Head-Quarte- rs to theJubfin-jlme- s O'HSra, Quarter-Mafler-G- en ral of the army of the United States July 1. 1 Pi

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Page 1: Jjfep, A rpA ALEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qcg9r/data/0563.pdf · 2012. 6. 4. · Economy of Human Lifc"i Webfte-'-s Spelling Bqpks,, Dilwoi--do. do. Nwi--jTaniPrimers,, Toy BoJ s,,



Ifc',T CUIUV 1U illKluu.b v"


VV HEN Heaven diflblves thefacre'd' tie,.

Which binds t'wo Faithful soulsin one,

Where (hall the fed'furyivor sly,The-strow-s of despair to lhun I

O can the musing hours of griefA pause frotn keen remembrance-g-

know,Or rooted sorrow findjrejief

From- - exempt forms of outwardwee i '

Can fortune's fnilcs his peace re-ser- e?

Or can the sprightly song and;dance,

Where pleasure's-festiv- e train in all

The nu2y rounds of joy ad-

vance I '

Ah me ! this world' no cure be-

llows,.In vain is every human art,

From pure Religion only slowsA balm to heal the wounded

hevr.' TV A N'T E D,

ot iVAtbPRS, to comeANUMiibK. who fliallhave confhnt employ and generous

cges. Apply to the fubfcriuer inkexingtjon.

THOMAS LOVE.I'av 24, tf


By the. fubferiber,His S.TORE in Lexingxok,

LARGE and, GENERAL A- s-sor. rnr.nc. or.

,Y GOODS, GROCERIES,C UEENS & GLASS WARE, -- -ij.ii the following catalogue o.

BOO K 8,Inch will be sold on the loweSt.

terms for CAiH.LACKSTONE's Pveports,. .

J VcrH-n-. T ...aw ns srions....,- -. ..-- ... 7

in bier siIK epoi ts,Saa y's Gheece-- ,

SXprRuilell's Euiope,Robertion's AjniricaBi ecepto?, ..Drelincaurt on Death,Bailey's Diiitionary,

iohnfon's Antiquities,da.

II01 ade,Robertson's Charles 5th.Annual Register ir Volumes,Do. do. 1 2 Volumes, red),Lady 'Sf Magazine, Volume 23d.Turner's Geography,Earnest NotcsBurns' Law Dictionary,Cowper's Reports,JNiante s travels,Burke's works,DrinUwater's Gibraltar,Gillices Greece,Buller's Nifi.Prius,Viiliauis's.Convey ancingpTidd's Praftice,Morgan's Ellays,Leach's Crown Law,Kelynges Reports.Efpmalies Isiii Prius,Entick,Truth's iciory over ErrorPope's Iliad, ",Speilator, .

Little;qhJn2;land,Monitor,Kervy'? Dialogues,Leq's Memoirs,Peter Pindar-- ,

Blair'sXedrnres,Bankrupt's' La- s;Blackftones CommentarlcBj,Tunius's Letters,lljollins' Ancient Kiftory,Fiigi im's Progress,JTarvey's Meditations,Female Spectator,Aristotle's v. orl.s.Culpepper's HerbaL,


BostonSyreri,Hawjisworth'a Voyages 'Chclteriicld. s Letters, JrCitizen of the WorTd,,Letter writer,Maivcs's Gardiner,Tables of memory,,Engliftt Theatre,llobmfon Crufoc,Baron Trenk,Paines works,Sparman's voy age',Baron Trenk Jnuitl.TFiflier on the Catechili)7Confeffion of faith, tMfRuddiman's Rudiments,Ainnrorth's DictionaryMair's IntroductionMurphy's Lucian,Gibson's Surveying,Fergulbn Ash orjomy,Nicholson's Phtlpfophy,.G'ushrie'g Grammar,Jaekfon'feok-kcejirngj- ,;

Cornelius Ncpos,Mairs Salluft,Chapman's Books'yBriggs'' Cookery,Rippons Hymns,Booth's Reign of Grace,.

Apology,Edwards- - 011 affections,Watts's Psalms & rjyihns,.Copies of Davjd.'s PfalniSySheridans Dictionary,Quarto Bibles,Pocket dp.Large Margin do.Arminian MagazinesFletcher's works,Preacher's Experience,

Lives, -- -Bucjian's Family Phyficisin,-Watts'- s

Fymns,Davidfon'i Virgill,Clarke's Komer,K01 ace,Clarke's Ovid,Selecla Profanes.

. selected. Vetri,Corneru,Form's Difcpline,Dlney Hymns,Wililon cji the Sacrament;Fimer's Arithmetic,Dilworth's do..Rights of mainSermons-- ,

Catechism of Naturej,Mother's Cfrrechirm, "

Choice dr'rjps of Honeyy, .

Psalm Bqs,Fiuojy of Pamella,Death of Abel,Economy of Human Lifc"iWebfte-'- s Spelling Bqpks,,Dilwoi-- do. do.Nwi- - jTaniPrimers,,Toy BoJ s, ,

W riling Paper,- - tLetter do. '

Slates & Pencils,Sealing W2x,& Wafers,,Ink Powder,,Ink Stands,, iOuills. I

WIELrAM leaVt"N. B. Siibfcrlbers in this 'Suiter

to Dr. Owcns's " Death of Deatkin the Death of Chrilt.," may gettheir Books by applying at theabove Store.

all. pdioiia that have any de.J. X demands atjajnlt the fubfenbers,are aeineu to onng in tneir accoums

jjlor July nexr; and those thar are indebed to them, are reuiefted in" mofl particular manner to mate j(Svment before that time, as ihey cannotpolTiy have any further indti'geore,except where i! has been othenvife agreed on bv Ipecial eoniract.

Who havlion hand, a n

rnent of Meichadifcr which they willfnll at the mod CIsdur.'ftR nncne forcalh, c &cLexington, June agv tf

1 akenup by the fubferibin Shelby county, near the ourt,li6ufe, a bright foirel mare, about

m tnincen naiiui ami. a uair ingu--t branded on tne neaj 'inoujdei . W 1


and on the buttock. IrV onehm yrjoot white, about eigat or inncjears old ; appraised toJV 10s, v

i..E tg, Henry Brtntcn. .


rpA" up fy the fuhftr iter, livifig- in Claris county on tne waters of

Lulbergrud, three horse creatures, VIZ;1 nr t is bay Ji re blears, 13 handsinches hlnh. with atfiar in the sore- -

S&i, and feme mill laddie pots, norjtnd that is legible, appraued tct f 8.

TVMefecevd IS a black Horje Celt, l

cJ, cawit of tne absve mare, witn ain the sorehead, no brands aptiraifcdr

3 . The third it ci roane Horjt colt, z

J tttartold, with both hind feet and the"lest forefoot white, a:d a ilaze in the"

fare, htithir docked nor brauded, op- -,

praljed to 2.

Mofet JVtlkwgfin.Marchzo.r j

" AKEN up by t hefnljeriber h iit, Uatke county On the water.

iilbsrg'ud, alout 4 mites frant IL..

:7 .,1 rrcr,ig? a yrnite Uvtje vnn gray hg:y- -

&bout 10 sear old, and about r 4 hands 1

inch high, no IraidihatU c$ ikh, btit itisth&ught to be fade withajlirrup tnn011 the lest buttoek, appraised to 10

James AiderjomLhreh id, 5

TrfKEN up by the fuferiier' "lcounty, ucai Stanum's

ajgmill, a black and whiteflier, 3 yrtr; e'.d,

natkedwith a crop tn the le t year half'and nt.derkeel in the right, vcjlttl- -

grid appraiftd to J 2.jokn Ynee,

Mirch 2".

4-- ".wa Tr7T",C'-s--

riAKFlt up by the fubferiber an1 BuUlktii waters of Brnfbiets creek

in Shelby county, one black Ihrjer aboutearittd.abtut 4 see' 8 niches hten,

tandtd on the right jboulaer like this6, and or. t1: right buttock the appear"once of a bt&r.d butnot percehabte; thereis slfo Joir.ethwg like a b'audon the lest

jw Itke this hasjomi addle ffots, cp

praijed it 5

Jokn Riker.- -

rpjTSN up bf Xhs ftibjefiher VA Wdford ceunty near Buekrun

bjfitinnheufe, on? bay Horse. 4 iihrtId, 1 3 hauds 3? inchc? high, laddie slits

len eachf.de of his bach hud cna 3jfi2j(i7larked 1C, a Uatriher Jtrop, no Vfarra- -

perceivabltapprjttftd rt 7 rChapman Ta)lot,

J?"! 3- - tI L M r L L.

&.INSEED OIL manufatfht-- 1

ed and sold by the fabfqriber,t his MrLL at Lexington, either

wholesale or retail at a. very lowp. ice for Cash

iw Edward Ho v. e.

t rtr"ni., , is o t. T).,By public vendue in George Town?

onie 23d day of next J ujy, (be--

ingfoutday,) '

''TiIE eftatsv of EnivVitD1 West:X deceaiqd confiding of House- -

bold furniture, Negroes, Horses,4n Cattle and fliop uteiiftls, together

one in-l- ot- in fiid Town,

whereon is a comodioushouse, Smith's fliop and. garden,,also an out lot, containing souracres, and joining the town clear-ed and under good, fence. Six.

months credit will be given for alli films- - exceeding twenty Shillings,

the pnrchafcr giving bond and approved security Sale will com- -iienceat ten o clocJK wnere one at- -

nii.mpp will he crivenbv" .. .. .T1 o A.T 1 D T T XT TT

June 25.A LL'perfons- - having, accounts

XX. with the iubienher ara re- -&in--n-- tn mp mvrnent and-ser- -

Is tie them on or before the 23d, cTnly, at which time I leave this- -

place for the fettlcment --A neg- -Jecl of the same will greatly injura

leir very liumbieiervanr.Hugh M'Ilvain.

Lexington June 3,

compaii) will ltartAL.argc th- - Crab orchard on'lsuai day the x6th ofjuly, in or- -

sXcr to go through the Welder- -rt with the Poit, and to.s

t at the Valley nation theiol h of Odober in order co return.


F O R S ALEPlantation within six n.ilejfMY this place ; f.ua td upon

the waters of Nortli Elk horn and ."Caste Run ; there is a r; )0l Loglonle weaihe; boarded, with other J?lieceflary conveaioncies for a far- -nier : tor particiilais, ap i to

Al'GVsi us AVr. Waldp.hyn.Who will go into the Settlements

in Au gull neKt, and tequells alLpersons to give in tlisir accounts(cveiy way) that thay ma; be ad-jufl.-

Lex. Jmiezo, 1 7 73'.

.I a Court of Sit'tt tcr Sffl;n cou'mti'e- - an-'- . held f? tb c"s,


sitWi'. -

J 71

ho : : r.tn.

Janres Tern :nHumphrey iccpkn .j '

In C IJ A f C Y.'J1 HE tlcitr.o.Pt J hr CJ .;

not laK g enttrtd ,s ap-pearance according to trie ad u(AiTernbiy and the rules of thisCourt, and it appenrmg to theftthfadlion of the Court, thathe is no inhabitant of t.'.is Sratf 5

on th- - motion of the uomp' - --

nanr by his counsel, h is 'fdered that the laid defendant doappear hre on ti.e first clay fttheir ne.t Sept'ctr.ber c urt a- - Janswer the !, itthat a- - copy of this'ord-- r beforthwith mferted 1.1 the ?n-tu- chy

Ga2eta (or two rronths-luccetrsvefy-

and publiflied ' reSunday at the front rjo r c f teBaptifif iwceting-houl- e - ietow,i of Ioirigion inun- - .idy?l$G8py 'l ell

LEIODD, Clk.C. QS."12

"?YE llertby fortvain alt peifons,

y not td take an jflinaie" on ivonotes eiven by us toBri)an ' ? irk C

fonasvvc are determind ro pav ei-1- 6

IhTi of ihem unless herei iheuilaw ; e;eh noie is so 1' fjiTl tf

17 io.onehslf in cUijihere n uheat,slower, or wSiikey, dteJ neof Mivpafl, cneofthenc out the2'5th of December nexr, e oihe ,Wav foilown". as the fa 0 I in6btained theD'dnotas by as auwuii.itcoat rati.

Da c' w Hums.William Pitts.

June 4.

AIL persons are herebyfjre warned from taking an afiietj-me- nt

on a note given by me to W.l.liam Dyer, for twenty pounds uworth of Whiflcey on demand. Ci-

ted some time in March last, as Ihave paid a conliderabb part ofsaid note, and for which he has- - lad-ed to give credit '

WiiiaiHf?Carothers.July 11. - "2w

Carpenters, Whesl-vriglit- s, Tin-ners, Sadlers,", Black fmlths andFarntrs, will ng to serve as Artijrhcers in the service of the United State?, for fVo years, (is notlooner diicn rged,)

Will meet with trood en--ouraieinent, and immediate em- -

j'or, by applying, at the Qtiat'ter- -irTo.-f.- . mA;. rr.v.lVldtlW4 9 U441VW 144 1 UI4 VV aUJIUI'IVIIyor at Head-Quarte- rs to theJubfin-jlme- s

O'HSra,Quarter-Mafler-G- en ral

of the army of the United StatesJuly 1.

