jim mattoon, sdci avenue north bold

MEMORANDUM 11.30.2020 To: Jim Mattoon, SDCI From: Michael Larson, HEWITT Subject: #6707862-CN – Written responses to Correction Notice #1 for GEOSOILS issued on 06/22/20 for 222 Dexter Avenue North Hi Jim, Below please find our written responses to your comments. Your comment is indicated in ITALICS, while our responses are provided in BOLD. Any drawings revised in response to your comments will be noted in the response, and the revised portions of the drawings will be clouded. Corrections: 1. SMC 22.170.110 A. On Sheet SH0.01, please show the requirement that tieback anchors shall be performance tested up to at least 200 percent of the design load. Response: See attached response from KPFF 2. SMC 22.170.110 A. Sheet SH1.100 shows inclinometers will be used to evaluate wall performance. Please rev ise the shoring sheets to show proposed inclinometer locations as well as minimum data collection and reporting requirements.. Response: See attached response from KPFF 3. SMC 22.170.110 A. Provide a note on the shoring plan that states "Temporary tiebacks will be de- tensioned upon completion of permanent basement walls.". Response: See attached response from KPFF 4. SMC 22.170.200 C. Provide copies of agreements with the adjacent properties (private and right-of- ways) for temporary tieback anchors that cross property lines. Response: The owner is still in the process of gathering these agreements. These will be submitted during the next correction cycle. 5. SMC 22.170.190 A. Provide a signed and stamped letter from the geotechnical engineer that includes review of the plans and provides a minimal risk statement in accordance with Director's Rule 5- 2016. The plan review/minimal risk letter must be based upon review of plans with all substantial geotechnical recommendations incorporated.. Response: See attached response from GeoEngineers 6. SMC 25.09.080 D and 22.170.080 A.1. Liability insurance, including Products Completed Operations Coverage

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Page 1: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD



To: Jim Mattoon, SDCI

From: Michael Larson, HEWITT

Subject: #6707862-CN – Written responses to Correction Notice #1 for GEOSOILS issued on 06/22/20 for 222 Dexter

Avenue North

Hi Jim,

Below please find our written responses to your comments. Your comment is indicated in ITALICS, while our

responses are provided in BOLD. Any drawings revised in response to your comments will be noted in the

response, and the revised portions of the drawings will be clouded.


1. SMC 22.170.110 A. On Sheet SH0.01, please show the requirement that tieback anchors shall be performance

tested up to at least 200 percent of the design load.


See attached response from KPFF

2. SMC 22.170.110 A. Sheet SH1.100 shows inclinometers will be used to evaluate wall performance. Please rev

ise the shoring sheets to show proposed inclinometer locations as well as minimum data collection

and reporting requirements..


See attached response from KPFF

3. SMC 22.170.110 A. Provide a note on the shoring plan that states "Temporary tiebacks will be de-

tensioned upon completion of permanent basement walls.".


See attached response from KPFF

4. SMC 22.170.200 C. Provide copies of agreements with the adjacent properties (private and right-of-

ways) for temporary tieback anchors that cross property lines.


The owner is still in the process of gathering these agreements. These will be submitted during the next correction cycle.

5. SMC 22.170.190 A. Provide a signed and stamped letter from the geotechnical engineer that includes review

of the plans and provides a minimal risk statement in accordance with Director's Rule 5-

2016. The plan review/minimal risk letter must be based upon review of plans with all substantial

geotechnical recommendations incorporated..


See attached response from GeoEngineers

6. SMC 25.09.080 D and 22.170.080 A.1. Liability insurance, including Products Completed Operations Coverage

Page 2: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD


, is required by the ECA and Grading Codes. Contact Amber Udelhoven of City Risk Management at

[email protected] to

facilitate submittal of insurance forms from the contractor's insurance agent. Be prepared to provi

de the names of the excavation and shoring contractors.


Noted. This will be submitted by our general contractor. They will be in contact with Amber.

7. SMC 22.170.130. Nominate a geotechnical engineering firm on the enclosed SDCI Geotechnical Special Inspec

tions Schedule form. This form must be signed by the owner or owner's representative; the form ca

nnot be signed by the contractor nor the geotechnical engineer.


See attached signed Special Inspections form.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Best regards,

Michael Larson | Associate

E: [email protected]; P: 206.624.8154

HEWITT Architects

Page 3: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 kpff.com

July 31, 2020

Jim Mattoon

Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections

700 Fifth Ave

Suite 2000

P.O. Box 34019

Seattle, WA 98124-4019

Subject: 222 Dexter Ave N

Seattle WA 98109

Permit No. 6707862-CN

Geo Soils Correction Notice

Dear Jim:

We have reviewed your letter containing shoring comments dated June 22, 2020. Please refer

to drawings dated July 31, 2020 for corrections referenced in our responses. Changes to the

structural drawings pertaining to the shoring comments have been clouded for your

convenience. Other changes to the drawings not related to shoring comments have not been

clouded but have been identified in the enclosed narrative for your convenience. Please see our

responses to comments below.


1. Comment: 1. SMC 22.170.110 A. On Sheet SH0.01, please show the requirement that tieback anchors shall be performance tested up to at least 200 percent of the design load. Response: See SH0.01 for modified notes.

2. Comment: SMC 22.170.110 A. Sheet SH1.100 shows inclinometers will be used to evaluate wall performance. Please revise the shoring sheets to show proposed inclinometer locations as well as minimum data collection and reporting requirements. Response: See SH1.100 for location of proposed inclinometer locations. Minimum collection data and reporting requirements per Geoengineers.

3. Comment: SMC 22.170.110 A. Provide a note on the shoring plan that states "Temporary tiebacks will be detensioned upon completion of permanent basement walls." Response: See SH1.100 for added note.

Page 4: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

Mr. Jim Mattoon

July 31, 2020 Page 2

4. Comment: SMC 22.170.200 C. Provide copies of agreements with the adjacent

properties (private and right-of-ways) for temporary tieback anchors that cross property lines. Response: Provided by Owner.

5. Comment: SMC 22.170.190 A. Provide a signed and stamped letter from the geotechnical engineer that includes review of the plans and provides a minimal risk statement in accordance with Director's Rule 5-2016. The plan review/minimal risk letter must be based upon review of plans with all substantial geotechnical recommendations incorporated. Response: Per Geotechnical Engineer.

6. Comment: SMC 25.09.080 D and 22.170.080 A.1. Liability insurance, including

Products Completed Operations Coverage, is required by the ECA and Grading Codes. Contact Amber Udelhoven of City Risk Management at [email protected] to facilitate submittal of insurance forms from the contractor's insurance agent. Be prepared to provide the names of the excavation and shoring contractors. Response: Provided by Owner.

7. SMC 22.170.130. Nominate a geotechnical engineering firm on the enclosed SDCI Geotechnical Special Inspections Schedule form. This form must be signed by the owner or owner's representative; the form cannot be signed by the contractor nor the geotechnical engineer.

Response: Provided by Owner.

If there are any further comments or questions, please feel free to call me at (206) 926-0439. A

copy of your email is enclosed for reference.

Sincerely, Alex McHugh, PE 1900144 Enclosures -Revised Drawings -Design Narrative -Supplemental Calculations

Page 5: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

17425 NE Union Hill Road, Suite 250

Redmond, Washington 98052


November 30, 2020

Vision Management, Inc.

c/o Gemdale USA Corporation

1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100

Seattle, Washington 98101

Attention: PJ Santos

Subject: Response to SDCI Comments and Minimum Risk Statement

222 Dexter Avenue North

Seattle, Washington

GeoEngineers File No. 23708-001-00

SDCI Permit No. 6707862-CN

The purpose of this letter is to provide responses to review comments issued by the Seattle Department

of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) in SDCI Correction Notice #1 dated June 22, 2020 for the

222 Dexter Avenue North development project in Seattle, Washington.

GeoEngineers, Inc.’s (GeoEngineers) responses to SDCI review comments are presented below using the

same numbering system used in the SDCI letter. GeoEngineers has responded to review comments

pertaining to the services that GeoEngineers has provided for the project. The remainder of the review

comments will be responded to by other members of the project team. This letter includes a Minimum Risk

Statement documenting our review of the revised plans included with this submittal.


Comment 5

SMC 22.170.190 A. Provide a signed and stamped letter from the geotechnical engineer that includes

review of the plans and provides a minimal risk statement in accordance with Director's Rule 5-2016. The

plan review/minimal risk letter must be based upon review of plans with all substantial geotechnical

recommendations incorporated.

A statement of minimum risk is provided below.

Page 6: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

Vision Management, Inc. | November 30, 2020 Page 2

File No. 23706-001-00


GeoEngineers has reviewed the following for conformance with GeoEngineers’ design recommendations

for the project:

■ Civil plans prepared by Navix Engineering, dated November 27, 2020;

■ Structural plans prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers, dated May 8, 2020; and

■ Shoring plans prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers dated November 30, 2020.

GeoEngineers has reviewed the plans discussed above for the 222 Dexter Avenue North project for

conformance with the recommendations for the geotechnical report dated April 6, 2020. Provided that the

project is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the geotechnical engineer of

record provides observation during construction, it is our opinion that the risk of damage as a result of soil

instability will be minimal on the property being developed, and on adjacent properties. The use of the word

“minimal” in the above statement should not be taken to imply that there is no risk, but rather that it is our

opinion that the risk is low.

We trust this letter serves your current needs. Please call if you have any questions or require additional



GeoEngineers, Inc.

Jaclyn D. Bronner

Geotechnical Engineer

Matthew W. Smith, PE

Senior Principal


Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy

of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record.

Page 7: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

Revised Schedule Addition to Previous Schedule a 2015 SBC

SDCI Geotechnical Inspections Schedule

Project Number 6707862-CN Date 6/30/2020 3:57:57 PM

Project Address 222 Dexter AVE N SDCI Plan Examiner

Bosco Cheng

Architect Architect Phone

Engineer Engineer Phone

Prior to issuance of a building permit, the owner, architect, or engineer acting on behalf of the owner shall appoint an inspection agency and shall sign and submit this form to the building official.

Property Owner, Architect, or Engineer SignatureI hereby certify that the geotechnical engineer named below has been engaged to perform the special inspections outlined below as required by the Seattle Building Code. It is the responsibility of the owner or the owner's designee to notify the inspection agency or observer in a timely manner when the inspections listed below are required.

Signature Title Date Phone

GEOENGINEERS INC 425-861-6000Geotechnical Engineering Firm Name Geotechnical Engineering Firm Phone

Required Special Inspections

Inspection Type Description

1. Monitor Adjacent Building Settlement

2. Observe And Monitor Excavation

3. Shoring Instl/Prfrm Monitoring

4. Soldier Pile Installation including vertical elements

5. Tieback Anchor Install & Test

6. Soil Nailing Install & Testing

7. Subsurface Drainage Installation

Call (206) 684-8860 to schedule a pre-construction conference before the start of construction

Project #6707862-CN, Correction Notice #1

Page 3 of 4

Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections700 Fifth Ave, Suite 2000, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019

An equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 514F0296-6822-4985-882A-11D28B47CB2A

Managing Director of Development11/30/2020 2062768727Gemdale USA Corporation

Managing Director of Development Gemdale USA Corporation
Page 8: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD



To: Plans Reviewers, SDCI

From: Michael Larson, HEWITT

Subject: #6707862-CN – Written Narrative of Changes to Correction Notice #1 for 222 Dexter Avenue North

This Shoring Correction narrative describes the following voluntary changes that weren’t delineated in any of the Correction

letters received from SDCI:

Changes to the Architectural Drawings:

Sheet A0.001




• Added note “(E) STREET TREE” and call out

Sheet A1.001

• Updated various building entry points

• Added note to show L1 roof and L6 roof above

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Best regards,

Michael Larson | Associate

E: [email protected]; P: 206.624.8154

HEWITT Architects

Page 9: Jim Mattoon, SDCI Avenue North BOLD

222 Dexter Structural Shoring Revisions Narrative ______________________________________________________________________________ This narrative summarizes the revisions to structural drawings which are submitted as Shoring Correction #1, dated 11/30/2020

Sheet Summary of Revisions

SH3.103 Sheet added SH3.104 Sheet added SH4.101 5/SH4.101 Revised to show alternative at piles with WT SH4.103 Sheet added