jill lynn adelson - duke tip · 2019-06-10 · vita winter 2019 1 jill lynn adelson duke university...

Vita Winter 2019 1 Jill Lynn Adelson Duke University Talent Identification Program 300 Fuller Street Durham, NC 27701 Phone: (919) 681-6208 Email Address: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Joint degree in Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment and in Gifted Education. Cognate in Mathematics Education. Dissertation: Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming in Mathematics and Reading Using the ECLS-K. May, 2009. Certificate in Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Research paper: Using the Propensity Score to Make Causal Inferences: The Effects of Variable Selection and Number and Type of Strata. August, 2008. M.A. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. Specialization: Gifted Education. Master’s Thesis: The Gifted Girl and Mathematics: A Study of the Mathematical Attitudes and Self- Concepts of Gifted Girls in the Self-Contained Gifted Fourth and Fifth Grade Classroom and the Impact of External Influences on Them. August, 2005. B.A. in Elementary Education, Transylvania University, Lexington, KY. Emphases in Math and Science and in Social Studies. Minor in Psychology. May, 2001. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research Scientist. Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP), Duke University. 2018 to present. Associate Professor. Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation Program, Counseling and Human Development Department, College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. 2015 to 2018. Assistant Professor. Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation Program, Educational and Counseling Psychology Department, College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. 2009 to 2015.

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Vita Winter 2019


Jill Lynn Adelson

Duke University Talent Identification Program

300 Fuller Street Durham, NC 27701

Phone: (919) 681-6208 Email Address: [email protected]

EDUCATION Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Joint degree in Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment and in Gifted Education. Cognate in Mathematics Education. Dissertation: Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming in Mathematics and Reading Using the ECLS-K. May, 2009.

Certificate in Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of

Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Research paper: Using the Propensity Score to Make Causal Inferences: The Effects of Variable Selection and Number and Type of Strata. August, 2008.

M.A. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.

Specialization: Gifted Education. Master’s Thesis: The Gifted Girl and Mathematics: A Study of the Mathematical Attitudes and Self-Concepts of Gifted Girls in the Self-Contained Gifted Fourth and Fifth Grade Classroom and the Impact of External Influences on Them. August, 2005.

B.A. in Elementary Education, Transylvania University, Lexington, KY.

Emphases in Math and Science and in Social Studies. Minor in Psychology. May, 2001.


Research Scientist. Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP), Duke University. 2018 to present. Associate Professor. Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation Program, Counseling and Human Development Department, College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. 2015 to 2018. Assistant Professor. Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation Program, Educational and Counseling Psychology Department, College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. 2009 to 2015.

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Independent Measurement and Research Methodology Consultant. Specializing in multilevel modeling, instrument design, and research design. 2007 to present. Includes:

Project Evaluator. Math ACCESS (Academic Content and Communication Equals Student Success) Teacher Quality Partnership Grant, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Connecticut. 2008 to 2009.

Quantitative Methodologist. Preservice Teachers’ Confidence of Evidence-Based Decisions (PEBD), Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut. 2007 to 2008.

Independent Educational Consultant. Specializing in gifted education, mathematics education, and grant writing and implementation. 2005 to present. Research Associate. Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment Program, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut. 2007 to 2009. Adjunct Faculty. Department of Educational Psychology, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut. 2006 to 2008. Research Associate. Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds and Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians, Neag Center for Gifted Education/Talent Development, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut. 2005 to 2008.

Graduate/Research Assistant. Center for Gifted Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department, The College of William and Mary. 2004. Teacher. Grade 4 Self-Contained Gifted and Talented. B. C. Charles Elementary School, Newport News, VA. 2001 to 2005.

PUBLICATIONS (* indicates a UofL graduate student)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Crawford, B. F.,* Snyder, K. E., & Adelson, J. L. (In press). Exploring obstacles faced by gifted minority students through Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory. High Ability Studies. 10.1080/13598139.2019.1568231

Miller, R., Wake, D., Whittingham, J. L., & Adelson, J. L. (In press). The content and construct development of the PACT survey. Studies in Educational Evaluation.

Palmer, S. B., Adelson, J. L., Crawford, B. F.,*, Asher, N., & Switalski, W. (In press). Newborn hearing screenings for babies born at home: Report from an initiative in Michigan. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.

Owen, J., Drinane, J.*, Adelson, J. L., & Kopta, M. (2019). The psychotherapy outcome problem: The development of the Outcome Stability Index. Psychotherapy Research, 29, 226-233. doi:10.1080/10503307.2017.1349352

Harbour, K. E.,* Adelson, J. L., Karp, K. S., & Pittard, C. M.* (2018). Examining the relationships among mathematics coaches and specialists, student achievement, and disability status: A multi-level analysis using NAEP data. The Elementary School Journal, 118, 654-679. doi:10.1086/697529

Little, C., Adelson, J. L., Kearney, K., Cash, K. M.*, & O’Brien, R. (2018). Early opportunities to strengthen academic readiness: Effects of summer learning on mathematics achievement. Gifted Child Quarterly, 62, 83-95. doi:10.1177/0016986217738052

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Robinson, A. Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K., & Cunningham, C. M. (2018). A talent for tinkering: Developing talents in children from low-income households through engineering curriculum. Gifted Child Quarterly, 62, 130-144. doi:10.1177/0016986217738049 [Pyryt Collaboration Award; Mensa Award for Excellence in Research]

Robinson, A., Kidd, K., Adelson, J. L., & Cunningham, C. M. (2018, May.) What can we learn from “A Talent for Tinkering: Developing Talents in Children from Low-Income Households through Engineering Curriculum”? Teaching for High Potential, 1, 14-16.

Rudasill, K. M., Snyder, K. E., Levinson, H.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2018). Systems view of school climate: A theoretical framework for research. Educational Psychology Review, 30, 35-60. doi:10.1007/s10648-017-9401-y

Adelson, J. L., McCoach, D. B., Rogers, J. H., Adelson, J. A., & Sauer, T. M.* (2017). Developing and applying the propensity score to make causal inferences: Variable selection and stratification. Frontiers in Psychology: Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 8:1413. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01413

Barnard, A. D.*, Adelson, J. L., & Pössel, P. (2017). Associations between perceived teaching behaviours and affect in upper elementary school students. Early Child Development and Care, 187, 1795-1808. doi:10.1080/03004430.2016.1190921

Niehaus, K., Adelson, J L., Sejuit, A., & Zheng, J. (2017). Native language background and academic achievement: Is socioemotional well-being a mediator? Applied Developmental Science, 21, 251-265. doi:10.1080/10888691.2016.1203790

Owen, J., Drinane, J.*, Tao, K. W. Adelson, J. L., Hook, J. N., Davis, D., & Fookune, N. (2017). Racial/ethnic disparities in client unilateral termination: The role of therapists’ cultural comfort. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 102-111. doi:10.1080/10503307.2015.1078517

Shuck, B., Adelson, J. L., & Reio T. (2017). The Employee Engagement Scale: Initial evidence for construct validity and implications for theory and practice. Human Resource Management, 56, 953-977. doi:10.1002/hrm.21811

Snyder, K. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2017). The development and validation of the Perceived Academic Underachievement Scale. Journal of Experimental Education, 85, 614-628. doi:10.1080/00220973.2016.1268087

Adelson, J. L., Dickinson, E. R.*, & Cunningham, B. C. (2016). A multigrade, multiyear statewide examination of reading achievement: Examining variability between districts, schools, and students. Educational Researcher, 45, 258-262. doi:10.3102/0013189X16649960

Adelson, J. L., & Kelcey, B. (2016). Bringing a perspective from outside the field: A commentary on Davis et al.’s (2001) use of a modified regression discontinuity design to evaluate a gifted program. [Invited commentary] Journal of Advanced Academics, 27, 109-116. doi:10.1177/1932202X16634142

Barr, S. M.*, Budge, S. L., & Adelson, J. L. (2016). Transgender community belongingness as a mediator between strength of transgender identity and well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 87-97. doi:10.1037/cou0000127

Dickinson, E. R.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2016). Choosing among multiple achievement measures: Applying multitrait-multimethod confirmatory factor analysis to measures of state assessment, ACT, and student GPA data. Journal of Advanced Academics, 27, 4-22. doi:10.1177/1932202X15621905

Drinane, J.*, Owen, J., Adelson, J. L., & Rodolfa, E. (2016). Multicultural competencies: What are we measuring? Psychotherapy Research, 26, 342-351. doi:10.1080/10503307.2014.983581

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Owen, J. J., Adelson, J. L., Budge, S. L., Kopta, M., & Reese, R. J. (2016). Good-enough level and dose-effect models: Variation among outcomes and therapists. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 22-30. doi:10.1080/10503307.2014.966346

Adelson, J. L., Dickinson, E. R.*, & Cunningham, B. C. (2015). Differences in the reading-mathematics relationship: A multi-grade, multi-year statewide examination. Learning and Individual Differences, 43, 118-123. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.08.006

Mitchell, A.*, Owen, J., Adelson, J. L., France, T., Inch, L., Bergen, C., & Lindle, A. (2015). The influence of dyadic coping in relationship education for lower income racial/ethnic minority couples. Journal of Family Therapy, 37, 492-508. doi:10.1111/1467-6427.12057

Owen, J., Adelson, J. L., Budge, S. L., Wampold, B. E., Kopta, M., Minami, T., & Miller, S. D. (2015). Trajectories of change in short-term psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 817-827. doi:10.1002/jclp.22191

Dickinson, E. R.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2014). Exploring the limitations of measures of students’ socioeconomic status (SES). Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 19(1), 1-14. Available online: http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=19&n=1

Niehaus, K.,* & Adelson, J. L. (2014). School support, parental involvement, and academic and social-emotional outcomes for English Language Learners. American Educational Research Journal, 51, 810-844. doi:10.3102/0002831214531323

Wahl, M. S., Adelson, J. L., Patak, M. A., Pössel, P., & Hautzinger, M. (2014). Teachers or psychologists: Who should facilitate depression prevention programs in schools? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11 (special issue on “Adolescent Depression Prevention”), 5294-5316. Available online: http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/11/5/5294 doi:10.3390/ijerph110505294

Adelson, J. L. (2013). Educational research with real-world data: Reducing selection bias with propensity scores. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 18(15), 1-11. Available online: http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=18&n=15

Budge, S. L., Adelson, J. L., & Howard, K. A. S. (2013). Anxiety and depression in transgender individuals: The roles of transition status loss social support and coping. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 18, 545-557. doi:10.1037/a0031774

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., & Firmender, J. (2013). The impact of advanced geometry and measurement units on the achievement of Grade 2 students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44, 478-509. doi:10.5951/jresematheduc.44.3.0478

Niehaus, K.,* & Adelson, J. L. (2013). Self-concept and native language background: A study of measurement invariance and cross-group comparisons in third grade. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 226-240. doi:10.1037/a0030556

Pössel, P., Rudasill, K. M., Adelson, J. L., Bjerg, A. C.*, Wooldridge, D. T.*, & Winkeljohn Black, S.* (2013). Teaching behavior and well-being in students: Development and concurrent validity of an instrument to measure student-reported teaching behavior. International Journal of Emotional Education, 5, 5-30. Available online: https://www.um.edu.mt/__data/assets/pdf_file/ 0012/204042/Vol5i2p1.pdf

Rudasill, K. M., Adelson, J. L., Callahan, C. M., Houlihan, D., & Keizer, B.* (2013). Gifted students’ perceptions of parenting styles: Associations with cognitive ability, gender, race, and age. Gifted Child Quarterly, 57, 15-24. doi:10.1177/0016986212460886

Adelson, J. L. (2012). Examining relationships and effects in gifted education research: An introduction to structural equation modeling. Gifted Child Quarterly, 56, 47-55. doi:10.1177/0016986211424132

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Adelson, J. L., McCoach, D. B., & Gavin, M. K. (2012). Examining the effects of gifted programming in mathematics and reading using the ECLS-K. Gifted Child Quarterly, 56, 25-39. doi:10.1177/0016986211431487 [GCQ Paper of the Year]

Adelson, J. L., & Owen, J. (2012). Bringing the psychotherapist back: Basic concepts for reading articles examining therapist effects using multilevel modeling. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 49, 152-162. doi:10.1037/a0023990

Dickinson, E. R.*, Adelson J. L., & Owen, J. (2012). Gender balance, representativeness, and statistical power in sexuality research using undergraduate student samples. [Guest editorial.] Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 325. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9887-1

Molfese, V. J., Brown, E. T., Adelson, J. L., Beswick, J., White, J.*, Jacobi-Vessels, J.…Culver, B. (2012). Examining associations between classroom environment and processes and early mathematics performance in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children. Gifted Children, 5(2), article 2. Available at http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/giftedchildren/vol5/iss2/2

Niehaus, K.*, Rudasill, K. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2012). Self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and academic outcomes among Latino middle school students participating in an after-school program. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 34, 118-136. doi:10.1177/0739986311424275

Owen, J., Imel, Z., Adelson, J., & Rodolfa, E. (2012). ‘No show’: Therapist racial/ethnic disparities in client unilateral termination. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 314-320. doi:10.1037/a0027091

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2012). College choices of academically talented secondary students. Journal of Advanced Academics, 23, 32-52. doi:10.1177/1932202X11430269

Adelson, J. L., & Carpenter, B. D.* (2011). Grouping for achievement gains: For whom does achievement grouping increase kindergarten reading growth? Gifted Child Quarterly, 55, 265-278. doi:10.1177/0016986211417306

Adelson, J. L., & McCoach, D. B. (2011). Development and psychometric properties of the Math and Me Survey: Measuring third through sixth graders’ attitudes towards mathematics. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 44, 225-247. doi:10.1177/0748175611418522

Pössel, P., Adelson, J. L., & Hautzinger, M. (2011). A randomized trial to evaluate the course of effects of a program to prevent adolescent depressive symptoms over 12 months. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 838-851. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2011.09.010

Truxaw, M. P., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2011). A stance toward inquiry: An investigation of preservice teachers’ confidence regarding educational inquiry. Teacher Education Quarterly, 38(4), 69-95.

Adelson, J. L., & McCoach, D. B. (2010). Measuring the mathematical attitudes of elementary students: The effects of a 4-point or 5-point Likert scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70, 796-807. doi:10.1177/0013164410366694

McCoach, D. B., & Adelson, J. L. (2010). Dealing with dependence (Part I): Understanding the effects of clustered data. Gifted Child Quarterly, 54, 152-155. doi:10.1177/0016986210363076

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., Carroll, S. R., & Sheffield, L. J. (2009). The impact of advanced curriculum on the achievement of mathematically promising elementary students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 53, 188-202. doi:10.1177/0016986209334964 [GCQ Paper of the Year]

Adelson, J. L. (2007). A “perfect” case study: Perfectionism in academically talented fourth graders. Gifted Child Today, 30(4), 14-20. doi:10.4219/gct-2007-490

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Adelson J. L., Carroll, S. R., Sheffield, L. J., & Spinelli, A. M. (2007). Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds: Challenging curriculum for talented elementary students. Journal of Advanced Academics, 18, 566-585. doi:10.4219/jaa-2007-552

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Halter, J. L. (2005). Biographies of eminence: A comparative analysis of the talent development of Erdös and Ramanujan, eminent mathematicians. Current Trends in Gifted Education, 2(1), 20-28.


Johnson, D., Mason, M., & Adelson, J. L. (2013). Polygons galore! A mathematics unit for high-ability learners in grades 3-5. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2009). Letting go of perfect: Overcoming perfectionism in kids. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Peer-Reviewed Chapters Adelson, J. L., Osborne, J. W., & Crawford, B. F.* (2019). Correlation and other measures of association. In

G. Hancock, R. Mueller, & L. Stapleton (Eds.), The reviewer’s guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences (2nd ed.). NY: Routledge.

Robinson, A., Kidd, K., & Adelson, J. L. (2016). Assessments for K-8 engineering: What is available and advisable for talented students? In D. Dailey & A. Cotabish (Eds.), Engineering instruction for high-ability learners in K-8 classrooms. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Gavin, M. K., & Adelson, J. L. (2013). Mathematics. In C. Callahan & J. Plucker (Eds.), Critical issues and practices in gifted education: What the research says (2nd Edition). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Shafto, C. L.*, & Adelson J. L. (2012). A random intercept regression model using HLM: Cohort analysis of a mathematics curriculum for mathematically promising students. In G. D. Garson (Ed.), Hierarchical linear modeling: Guide and applications (pp. 167-182). Austin, TX: Sage.

Gavin, M. K., & Adelson, J. L. (2008). Mathematics, elementary. In C. Callahan & J. Plucker (Eds.), Critical issues and practices in gifted education: What the research says (pp. 367-394). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Journal Articles in Review or Revision Adelson, J. L., Cash, K. M., Kearney, K., Little, C., & O’Brien, R. (In revision). Measuring potential:

Teacher rating scales and traditional tests.

Adelson, J. L., Cash, K. M.*, Pittard, C. M.*, Sherretz, C. E., Pössel, P., & Blackburn, A. D.* (Revision in review). Measuring reading self-perceptions and enjoyment: Development and psychometric properties of the Reading and Me Survey.

Barr, S. M.*, Thai, J. L*, Rey, E. A., Adelson, J. L., Sharp, C., & Keo-Meier, C. L. (In review). Direct effects of testosterone therapy on the mental health of transgender men continue over the first year of treatment.

Cash, K. M.,* Adelson, J. L., & Robinson, A. (In revision). Development of the Science and Mathematics Engagement Scale.

Crawford, B. F.,* Adelson, J. L., Snyder, K. E., Immekus, J. C., & McGee, C. D. (In revision). Giftedness and motivation for taking low- and high-stakes tests.

Pittard, C. M.,* Pössel, P., Adelson, J. L., Sheffield, J., Sawyer, M. G., & Spence, S. H. (In review). The conceptualization of the positive cognitive triad and associations with depressive symptoms in adolescents.

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Invited Publications (Non Peer-reviewed)

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2018). Perfectionism: Helping gifted children learn healthy strategies and

create realistic expectations. Parenting for High Potential, 7(3), 8-11, 22.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2017). NAGC Parent TIP Sheet: Perfectionism. [web]. Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children. http://www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources-parents/parent-information-tip-sheets

Adelson, J. L., Chamberlin, S., & Mann, E. L. (2014). Editor’s Note. Journal of Advanced Academics [Special Issue on Advanced Academics in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics], 25, 159-161.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (September, 2010). Parenting perfectionists: Encouraging healthy risk-taking for Risk Evaders. Parenting for High Potential, 13-19.

Adelson, J. L., & Carpenter, B. D.* (Spring, 2010). The use of inferential statistics: How advanced is gifted education research? SIGnificance (newsletter for the American Educational Research Association’s Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Special Interest Group), 5-6.

Adelson, J. L. (2009). Talented girls, mathematics. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (Vol. 2, pp. 868-870). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (June, 2009). Promoting healthy perfectionism in the home for Academic Achievers. Counseling and Guidance Brief.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (Winter, 2008). Art across the curriculum: Language arts. Teaching for High Potential, 3.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2008). The science of art and the art of science: Integrating art and science in the elementary classroom. Gifted Education Communicator, 39(3), 24-27.

Adelson, J. L., Housand, A., Vieth, R., & Reis, S. M. (2006). Differentiation and data: Extraordinary achievement at Hartford Magnet Middle School. In P. Behuniak, S. M. Reis, D. B. McCoach, & J. M. Stephens (Eds.), A study of student achievement in Connecticut (pp. 86-112). Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Department of Education.

Adelson, J. L., & Gavin, M. K. (2006, Spring). What are your chances? Going beyond basics with Project M3. Connecticut Association for the Gifted (CAG) Advocate Newsletter, 18-19. [Reprint in SCOPE: Newsletter of the NAGC Curriculum Studies Division (Feb. 2007 issue), pp. 3-4)]

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2006). Mentoring mathematical minds: An innovative program to develop math talent. Understanding Our Gifted, 19 (1), p. 3-7.

Halter, J. L. (2006). Appendix 4D: Case study and IEP. In J. L. VanTassel-Baska and T. L. Stambaugh (Eds.), Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (pp. 70-74). Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon.

Book Reviews

Adelson, J. L. (2007). [A review of two new differentiation books.] Journal for the Education of the Gifted,

32, 269-278.

Halter, J. L. (2004). [Review of the book Einstein in Berlin]. Gifted and Talented International, 19, 112-113.

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K-12 Curriculum Support Materials

Adelson, J. L., Spinelli, A. M., & Giannotta, E. (2008). Teacher support materials for Designing a shape

gallery: Geometry with the meerkats, level 2. Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Spinelli, A. M., Adelson, J. L., & Giannotta, E. (2008). Teacher support materials for Measuring with the meerkats, level 2. Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Spinelli, A. M., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2006). Teacher support materials for Record makers and breakers: Using algebra to analyze change, level 5. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Gavin, M. K., Chapin, S. H., Dailey, J., Sheffield, L. J., Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., Spinelli, A. M., & Crowley, L. (2006). Teacher support materials for Differentiated support materials for Awesome Algebra: Looking for patterns and generalizations, level 3. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Adelson, J. L., Spinelli, A. M., & Casa, T. M. (2005). Teacher support materials for Treasures from the attic: Exploring fractions, level 5. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., & Spinelli, A. M. (2005). Teacher support materials for Funkytown fun house: Focusing on proportional reasoning and similarity, level 5. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Spinelli, A. M., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2005). Teacher support materials for What are your chances?, level 5. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Spinelli, A. M., Casa, T. M., Adelson, J. L., & Mann, E. L. (2005). Teacher support materials for Getting into shapes, level 4. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Casa, T. M., Spinelli, A. M., Mann, E. L., & Adelson, J. L. (2005). Teacher support materials for At the mall with algebra: Working with variables and equations, level 4. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Casa, T. M., Spinelli, A. M., Adelson, J. L., & Mann, E. L. (2004). Teacher support materials for Analyze this! Representing and interpreting data, level 4. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Spinelli, A. M., Casa, T. M., Mann, E. L., & Adelson, J. L. (2004). Teacher support materials for Factors, multiples and leftovers: Linking multiplication and division, level 4. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Other Publications

Fowler, A.,* Adelson, J. L., & Snyder, K. E. (December, 2018). Executive summary of Project RAP

evaluation data, December 2018. Report submitted to Kentucky Department of Education and to Institute of Education Sciences.

Adelson, J. L., Snyder, K. E., & Crawford, B. F.* (December, 2017). Executive summary of Project RAP evaluation data. Report submitted to Kentucky Department of Education and to Institute of Education Sciences.

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Snyder, K. E., Crawford, B. F.,* & Adelson, J. L. (December, 2017). Perceptions of intelligence and giftedness: Reaching Academic Potential (RAP) project intervention and changes in educators’ implicit beliefs. Report submitted to Kentucky Department of Education.

Adelson, J. L., Harbour, K.*, Cash, K. M.*, & Pittard, C.* (October, 2015). Magnifying Math in the Middle. Report submitted to Kentucky Center for Mathematics.

Levinson, H.*, & Adelson, J. L. (July, 2013). Spring 2013 pre-post evaluation of Girls on the Run Louisville: Body image satisfaction, self-esteem, and attitudes toward physical activity. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L., Lau, T.*, & Dickinson, E. R.* (January, 2013). Fall 2012 pre-post evaluation of Girls on the Run Louisville: Body image satisfaction, self-esteem, and attitudes toward physical activity. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Levinson, H.* and Adelson, J. L. (2013). Factor Analysis of the 2011-2012 Comprehensive School Survey, Middle School Student Survey. Report for Jefferson County Public Schools Louisville, Kentucky.

Dickinson, E. R.,* Latino, E. R.,* & Adelson, J. L. (July, 2012). A pre-post evaluation of Girls on the Run Louisville: Body Image Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Attitudes toward Physical Activity. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville

Adelson, J. L., Latino, E. R.,* & Dickinson, E. R.* (January, 2012). A pre-post evaluation of Girls on the Run Louisville: Body image satisfaction, self-esteem, and attitudes toward physical activity. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L., & Dickinson, E. R.* (August, 2011). Literacy patterns across Kentucky. Report submitted to the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development.

Adelson, J. L., Sauer, T. M.,* & Canada, D. D.* (June, 2011). Girls on the Run Louisville: Spring pilot evaluation results. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L., Sauer, T. M.,* & Canada, D. D.* (June, 2011). Body image, self-esteem, and attitudes toward physical activity for elementary school girls in the spring. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L., & Canada, D. D.* (January, 2011). Girls on the Run Louisville: Pilot evaluation results. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L., & Canada, D. D.* (January, 2011). Young girls’ body image, self-esteem, and attitudes toward physical activity. Report for Girls on the Run Louisville.

Adelson, J. L. (2006). Math and Me. Unpublished instrument.

Adelson, J. L., Housand, A., Vieth, R., & Reis, S. M. (2006). Differentiation and data: Extraordinary achievement at Hartford Magnet Middle School. In P. Behuniak, S. M. Reis, D. B. McCoach, & J. M. Stephens (Eds.), A study of student achievement in Connecticut (pp. 86-112). Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Department of Education.

Halter, J. L. (2006). Appendix 4D: Case study and IEP. In J. L. VanTassel-Baska and T. L. Stambaugh (Eds.), Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (pp. 70-74). Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon.

Editorial Experience, Peer-Reviewed Journals Editor of Gifted Child Quarterly, 2017 to present

Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Mathematics and Statistics, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement Section, 2015 to 2017

Associate Editor of Journal of Advanced Academics, 2011 to 2017

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Guest Editor with Eric Mann and Scott Chamberlain for Journal of Advanced Academics STEM Special Issue (August, 2014; Vol. 25, Issue 3)

Guest Editor with Eric Mann and Scott Chamberlain for Teaching for High Potential STEM Special Issue (Winter, 2014)

Guest Editor with Scott Chamberlain and Eric Mann for Parenting for High Potential STEM Special Issue (October, 2013; Vol. 3, Issue 2)

Editorial Board Member for Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 2019 to present

Editorial Board Member for Journal of Advanced Academics, 2017 to present

Editorial Board Member for Journal of Educational Research, 2009 to 2017

Editorial Board Member for Gifted Child Quarterly, 2010 to 2017

Editorial Board Member for Teaching for High Potential, 2010 to 2016

Ad hoc reviewer for journals including AERA Open, American Educational Research Journal, Child Development, Educational and Psychological Methods, Educational Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, High-Ability Studies, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of School Psychology, Learning and Individual Differences, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Review of Educational Research, Teaching Children Mathematics

Reviewer Experience, Peer-Reviewed Books Reviewer for SAGE Publications, Research Methods, Statistics, and Evaluation

Reviewer for National Association for Gifted Children, Collaborative Publications

RESEARCH GRANTS, HONORS, AND AWARDS Funded Research Grants – External Project InFiNITE: Investigating Financial Need Influencing Trajectories of Excellence

Source: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Role: co-PI Funding: $137,002 Duration 2019-2021 Principal Investigator: Dr. Matthew Makel

Project SPARK: Supporting and Promoting Advanced Readiness in Kids Source: U.S. Department of Education Javits Grant Role: Co-Principal Investigator Funding: $2,500,000 Duration 2014-2019 Principal Investigator: Dr. Catherine Little

STEM Starters+ Source: U.S. Department of Education Javits Grant Role: External Evaluator Funding: $1,998,956 Duration 2014-2019 Principal Investigator: Dr. Ann Robinson

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Reaching Academic Potential Project Source: U.S. Department of Education Javits Grant Role: Evaluator Funding: $1,199,121 Duration 2015-2018 Program Director: Kentucky Department of Education

Magnifying Math in the Middle Source: Kentucky Center for Mathematics, Enhancing Mathematical Development of Gifted/Talented Students grant Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $10,000 Duration: 2014-2015 Principal Investigators: Dr. Jill Adelson and Ms. Nicole Adell

Updating Middle School Mathematics DTAMS Source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Role: Evaluator Funding: $1,142,973 Duration: 2012-2015 Principal Investigator: Dr. William Bush

Early Development with Williams or Down Syndrome Source: National Institute of Health (NIH-NICHD) Role: Statistician Funding: $363,254 Duration: Involved 2014 Principal Investigator: Dr. Carolyn Mervis

Content and Construct Development of the STEAM Teacher Survey Source: University of Central Arkansas Role: Co-Principal Investigator Funding: $6,988 Duration: 2013-2014 Principal Investigator: Dr. Rachelle Miller

Literacy Patterns across Kentucky Source: Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (CCLD) Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $10,000 Duration: 2010-2011

A Gift for All? Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming on All Students Source: Esther Katz Rosen Fellowship for Research and Programs on Giftedness in Children, America Psychological Foundation (APF) Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $25,000 Duration: 2008-2009

A Gift for All? Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming on All Students Source: Dissertation Research Grant, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Role: Principal Investigator Funding: Selected to receive $15,000 Year Selected: 2008

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A Gift for All? Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming on All Students Source: Dissertation Research Grant, American Psychological Association (APA) Division 15: Educational Psychology Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $1,500 Duration: 2008-2009

Funded Research Grants – Internal

An Examination of the Effects of and Potential Moderators of NCEE Cognitive Coaching Initiative Source: Research and Faculty Development Grant, University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $2,800 Duration: 2012-2014

Cognitive Coaching and Gifted Learners: Examining Effects on Student Achievement and Academic Self-Concept Source: University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development and Nystrand Center of Excellence in Education Fellowship Title: Nystrand-Offutt Scholar Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $7,500 Year Awarded: 2013

Examining Fourth Grade Teachers’ Feelings of Preparedness in Mathematics Content Areas Source: Research and Faculty Development Grant, University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator Funding: $2,916 Duration: 2010-2011

Select Other Funded Grants

Mplus Short Course Sequence: Enhancing HLM and SEM Skills Source: Research and Faculty Development Grant, University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development Funding: $4,885 Duration: 2010-2011

Strengthening Structural Equation Modeling Pedagogy and Skills Source: Research and Faculty Development Grant, University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development Funding: $1,807 Duration: 2010

Select Awards

Award for Excellence in Research, Mensa Foundation, 2017-2018

Pyryt Collaboration Award, American Educational Research Association Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent SIG, 2018

Early Leader Award, National Association for Gifted Children, 2016

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Early Scholar Award, National Association for Gifted Children, 2014

Gifted Child Quarterly Paper of the Year, National Association for Gifted Children, 2013

Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools, 2010

Gifted Child Quarterly Paper of the Year, National Association for Gifted Children, 2009

Doctoral Student Award, National Association for Gifted Children, 2009

Graduate Student Award, American Educational Research Association SIG on Survey Research in Education, 2009

Curriculum Award, National Association for Gifted Children Curriculum Studies Division, 2006, 2007, 2008

Award for Distinguished Service from Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers in recognition and appreciation of outstanding leadership and service to children and youth, 2003

A. Harry Passow Classroom Teacher Scholarship Award, National Association for Gifted Children, 2003


(All presentations peer-reviewed unless otherwise noted. * indicates a UofL graduate student)

Adelson, J. L., Snyder, K. E., Crawford, B. F.,* & O’Brien, R. (2019, April). Evidence for the use of the Gifted Behavior Rating Scales with Hispanic/Latinx Students in K-2. Paper to be presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.

Little, C., A., Kearney, K. L., O’Brien, R., Adelson, J. L., & Pittard, C.* (2019, April). Access and identification: Gifted program identification following early referral for high-potential behaviors. Paper to be presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.

Pittard, C. M.,* Adelson, J. L., Little, C. A., Kearney, K. L., & O’Brien, R. (2019, April). Summer program effects on geometry achievement. Paper to be presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.

Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Naverte, K. M., Kidd, K., Cash, K., & Cunningham, C. M. (2019, April). Engineering practices and talented young students: Investigating design under constraints. Paper to be presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.

Adelson, J. L., Kearney, K. L., Little, C. A., & Pittard, C.* (2018, November). Recognizing potential in the early grades: Supporting opportunities for access. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN

Adelson, J. L., Pittard, C.*, O’Brien, R., & Little, C. A. (2018, November). Above-level achievement in the early grades: Classroom and assessment implications. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

Matthews, M., Adelson, J. L., Johnsen, S., Jolly, J., Robins, J., Rinn, A., Kettler, T., Ambrose, D., & Kronborg, L. (2018, November). What gifted education journal editors say about getting published. Invited panel presentation at the 64th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Meadows, M., Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Dietz, C., & Cash, K (2018, November). Spotting Gaps: STEM Curricula as a platform for advanced learners. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

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Snyder, K. E., Crawford, B.*, Adelson, J. L., York, H., & Frazier-Goatley, L. (2018, November). Perceptions of intelligence and giftedness: Educators’ mindsets. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

Little, C. A., Adelson, J. L., Kearney, K. L., O’Brien, R., & Pittard, C.* (2018, May). Early attention to advanced potential: Supporting advanced learning in diverse populations at K-2. Paper presented at the Wallace Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD.

Adelson, J. L. (2018, April). Are excellence gaps the unavoidable consequence of expanded opportunity for high-performing students? Invited discussant for symposium at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York, NY.

Little, C. A., Kearney, K. L., O’Brien, R., Adelson, J. L., & Roberts, A. (2018, April). Summer learning in mathematics: Promoting a supportive learning environment through curriculum and instruction. Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York, NY.

Kearney, K. L., Adelson, J. L., Little, C. A., O’Brien, R., Cash, K., & Pittard, C.* (2018, April). More of a good thing? One and two year summer program effects on mathematics achievement. Paper presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York, NY.

Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Cash, K., Meadows, M., & Deitz, C. (2018, April). Spotting gaps: An engineering curriculum platform for advanced learners from culturally diverse and/or low-income households. Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York, NY.

Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K, Cash, K., Naverette, K. M, & Cunningham, C. M. (2018, April). Effects of an engineering and science intervention on the science achievement of talented elementary students. Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York, NY.

Plucker, J., Siegle, D., & Adelson, J. L. (2018, March). Gifted education works – What we know from research. Invited panel discussion at the National Association for Gifted Children Leadership & Advocacy Conference, Washington, D.C.

Adelson, J. L., Cash, K. M., & Kearney, K. L. (2017, November). What are we measuring for whom? The relationship between teacher rating scales and standard tests. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Adelson, J. L., Worrell, F., & Gentry, M. (2017, November). Identification insights: Protocols and practices that work. Invited panel presentation at the 64th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Matthews, M., Adelson, J. L., Rinn, A., Kettler, T., Cross, T., Ambrose, D., & Johnsen, S. (2017, November). What gifted education journal editors say about getting published. Invited panel presentation at the 64th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K., Cash, K. M., Deitz, C., & Meadows, M. (2017, November). Teacher perceptions of developing talent in low-income young children through evidence-based curriculum. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Adelson, J. L., Snyder, K. E., Pittard, C. M.,* Frazier, L., & York, H. E. (2017, April). Improving the diversity of the primary talent pool: Evidence from the Reaching Academic Potential project. Poster presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

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Crawford, B. F.,* Adelson, J. L., Immekus, J. C., & McGee, D. (2017, April). The relationship of giftedness and test-taking motivation with low- and high-stakes tests. Poster presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Kearney, K. L., Cash, K., Adelson, J. L., Little, C. A., & O’Brien, R., L. (2017, April). Promoting diversity in the referral process: Teacher ratings and other assessments across demographic groups. Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Little, C. A., Adelson, J. A., Kearney, K. L., Cash, K., & O’Brien, R. L. (2017, April). Challenging ALL advanced learners: Research insights from projects funded by the Jacob K. Javits Program. Poster presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

O’Brien, R. L., Little, C. A., Kearney, K. L., Adelson, J. L., & Cash, K. (2017, April). Professional development and teacher consistency in use of a rating scale. Poster presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Pössel, P., & Adelson, J. L. (2017, April). Should teachers facilitate depression prevention programs in schools? Paper presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.

Robinson, A. E., Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K., Navarette, K. M., Maher, A., Cash, K., & Cunningham, C. (2017, April). A talent for tinkering: Developing talents in young low-income children through engineering curriculum. Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Robinson, A. E., Kidd, K., Adelson, J. L., & Deitz, C. (2017, April). Teacher perceptions of developing engineering talent in low-income young children through evidence-based curriculum. Poster presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Snyder, K. E., Makel, M., Adelson, J. L., & Barger, M. (2017, April). Challenging conventional “wisdom”: Implicit beliefs about giftedness and intelligence among preservice teachers. Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2016, November). The art of mathematics and the mathematics of art: Integration in the Intermediate Grades. Presented at the 63rd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Orlando, FL.

Little, C., Adelson, J. L., Kearney, K., Cash, K. M.*, & O’Brien, R. (2016, November). Early opportunities to strengthen academic readiness: Examining poverty as a moderator of intervention effects. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Orlando, FL.

Robinson, A., Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K., & SanAntonio-Tunis, C. (2016, November). Assessments for young engineers: What’s out there? Where can you look? How do you choose? Presented at the 63rd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Orlando, FL.

Pittard, C. M.*, Adelson, J. L., Pössel, P., & Barnard, A. (2016, August). Examining socio-emotional well-being and mathematics attitudes in elementary school boys and girls. Poster presented at the 2016 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Cash, K. M.,* Adelson, J. L., & Robinson, A. (2016, April). Development of the Science and Math Engagement Scale. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC.

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Harbour, K. E.*, Adelson, J. L., & Karp, K. S. (2016, April). Examining the relationships among mathematics coaches and specialists, student achievement, and disability status. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC.

Harbour, K. E.*, Karp, K. S., & Adelson, J. L. (2016, April). Exploring the use of mathematics coaches and specialists. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2016 Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Miller, R., Wake, D. Jeff, W., & Adelson, J. L. (2016, April). The content and construct development of the PACT Survey. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC.

Watkins, J.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2016, April). Development and validation of the Self-Perceptions in Algebra Scales. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC.

Crawford, B. F.*, Immekus, J. C., Adelson, J. L., & McGee, D. (2016, February). The relationship of giftedness and test-taking motivation with low- and high-stakes tests. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education. Lexington, KY.

Adelson, J. L., Kidd, K., A., Little, C., & Robinson, A. (2015, November). Partnering for strong research benefitting gifted children: Lessons learned from Javits Year 1. Presented at the 62nd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Phoenix, AZ.

Little, C., Horn, C. V., Kearney, K. L., O’Brien, R., & Adelson, J. L. (2015, November). SPARKing Summer Learning in Grades K-2. Presented at the 62nd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Phoenix, AZ.

Drinane, J.*, Owen, J., & Adelson, J. L. (2015, June). Cultural comfort: Variation within therapists’ caseloads based on client race/ethnicity. Symposium at the 46th Annual Convention for Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, PA.

Owen, J., Kopta, M., Adelson, J. L., Reese, J., & Wampold, B. (2015, June). Outcome variations. Symposium at the 46th Annual Convention for Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, PA.

Niehaus, K., Adelson, J. L., & Sejuit, A. (2015, April). Native language background and academic achievement: Is socioemotional well-being a mediator? Paper presented at the 2015 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Chicago, IL.

Snyder, K. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2015, April). The development of the Perceived Academic Underachievement Scale (PAUS). Paper presented at the 2015 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Chicago, IL.

Adelson, J. L., & Pennington, R. (2015, March). Beginning research as an assistant professor in Keynote session Mapping the research landscape. Invited keynote for 2015 University of Louisville, University of Cincinnati, and University of Kentucky Spring Research Conference, Louisville, KY.

Shuck, B., Adelson, J. L., & Reio, T. G., Jr. (2015, February). The employee engagement scale: Initial evidence of construct validity and implications for HRD. Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Adelson, J. L., Dickinson, E.*, & Cunningham, B. C. (2014, April). A multigrade, multiyear statewide examination of reading achievement. Paper presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.

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Adelson, J. L., Dickinson, E.*, & Cunningham, B. C. (2014, April). The mathematics-reading achievement relationship: Patterns found in a multigrade, multiyear statewide examination. Paper presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.

Dickinson, E.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2014, April). Exploring the measurement of student socioeconomic status using a nationally representative data set. Paper presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.

Levinson, H.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2014, April). Multilevel analysis of school climate and mathematics achievement using an Ecological Systems Framework. Poster presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.

Crawford-Zelli, N. A.,* Adelson, J. L., Woodruff-Borden, J., & Mervis, C. M. (2014, March). Anxiety in children with Williams Syndrome: Association with negative reactivity, self-regulation, and sensory modulation. Paper presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Chicago, IL.

Pitts, C. H.,* Adelson, J. L., & Mervis, C. M. (2014, March). Early language milestones and later intellectual abilities of children with Williams Syndrome. Paper presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Chicago, IL.

Budge, S. L., Adelson, J. L., & Howard, K. A. S. (2014, February). Transgender and Genderqueer individuals’ mental health concerns: A moderated mediation analysis of social support and coping. Paper presented the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Biannual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.

Winham, K. M.,* Owen, J., & Adelson, J. L. (2014, January). Relationship commitment among African American couples with young children following a relationship education program: A dyadic analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, TX.

Adelson, J. L. (2013, December). How to Love Modeling. Invited presentation for the Psychological & Brain Sciences Colloquium, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.

Adelson, J. L. (2013, November). Cognitive Coaching and gifted learners: Examining effects on student achievement and academic self-concept. Invited presentation for the Nystrand Center for Excellence and Education, College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.

Adelson, J. L., & Gavin, M. K. (2013, November). Critical issues: What the research says about mathematics gifted education. Presented at the 60th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.

Adelson, J. L., Housand, A., & Matthews, M. (2013, November). “If I knew then what I know now!” Lessons for graduate students and early career professionals. Presented at the 60th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2013, August). Perfectionism in the classroom: Strategies for teachers and parents. Presented at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children 20th Biennial World Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Niehaus, K., & Adelson, J. L. (2013, August). School support, parental involvement, and academic and social-emotional outcomes for ELLs. Paper presented at the 2013 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2013, August). Artistic gifts and talents: The DMGT2.0 in an artistic context. Presented at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children 20th Biennial World Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

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Britt, D., Benson, P., & Adelson, J. L. (2013, July). Risk profile analysis: Changing the wellness dialog. Poster presented at the 38th Annual National Wellness Conference, Stevens Point, WI.

Mitchell, A. M.,* Owen, J., & Adelson, J. L. (2013, June). Family stress model and relationship education: The importance of racial/ethnic minority couples’ dyadic coping. Poster presented at the 6th International Meeting on Stress & Dyadic Coping, Couples Coping with Cancer-Related Stress: Translating Research to Practice, Louisville, Kentucky.

Dickinson, E. R.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2013, May). Using structural equation modeling to explore similarities and differences among measures of student achievement. Paper presented at the 2013 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA.

Adelson, J. L., Dickinson, E. R.*, Watkins, J.*, & Levinson, H.* (2013, April). Structural Equation Modeling: Introduction and applications. Invited symposium presented at the Educational and Counseling Psychology, Counseling, and College Student Personnel Department Fun Friday Lecture Series, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.

Adelson, J. L., Wilson, H. E., Moon, T. R., McBee, M., Robinson, A., & Coltrane, S. (2012, November). Using large-scale national databases to research giftedness. Presented at the 59th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Denver, CO.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2012, November). College choices of academically talented secondary students. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Denver, CO.

Adelson, J. L., Muis, K., Summers, J. J., & Usher, E. L. (2012, August). “If I knew then what I know now!” Lessons for early career psychologists. Invited symposium presented at the American Psychological Association 120th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Adelson, J. L., Sauer, T. M.*, & Truitt, T. S.* (2012, April). Professional development and teachers’ feelings of preparedness to teach mathematics: A multi-group analysis using TIMSS. Paper presented at the 2012 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada.

Adelson, J. L., Sauer, T. M.*, & Truitt, T. S.* (2012, April). Teachers’ feelings of preparedness to teach mathematics, instructional time, and student achievement. Paper presented at the 2012 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada.

Niehaus, K.,* & Adelson, J. L. (2012, April). Measuring self-concept: Within- and between-group comparisons of English Language Learners and English Proficient children. Poster presented at the 2012 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada.

Adelson, J. L., & Dickinson, E. R.* (2011, October). Literacy patterns across Kentucky. Paper presented in CCLD's Research Agenda: Study Findings and Implications for the Field. Symposium conducted at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Kentucky Reading Association, Lexington, KY.

Canada, D. D.*, & Adelson, J. L. (2011, August). Turning the key to success: An examination of the mathematic attitudes of African American elementary students. Poster presented at the 2011 American Psychological Association 119th Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

Adelson, J. L., & Carpenter, B. D.* (2011, April). Achievement grouping and kindergarten reading growth: Effects on students in a gifted program and their peers using ECLS-K. Paper presented at the 2011 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2011, April). The impact of advanced primary-level geometry and measurement curriculum. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Presession, Indianapolis, IN.

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Jones, B.,* Adelson, J. L., & Archambault, L. (2011, February). Using SEM to move from theory to practice with the TPACK framework. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2011 Conference, Nashville, TN. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 2518-2525). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Adelson, J. L., Wilson, H. E., Rambo, K., & Cole, S. (2010, November). Applying advanced statistical techniques to research giftedness: Implications for administrators and researchers. Presented at the 57th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2010, November). Artistic gifts and talents: The DMGT in an artistic context. Presented at the 57th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA.

Adelson, J. L., McCoach, D. B., & Gavin, M. K. (2010, May). Examining the effects of gifted programming in mathematics and reading using the ECLS-K. Paper presented at the 2010 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Denver, CO.

Brown, E. T., Molfese, V. J., Adelson, J. L., Rudasill, K. M., White, J. M.*, Beswick, J., …Culver, B. (2010, April). Mathematics in preschool classrooms and early mathematics performance. Poster presented at the 2010 National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exhibition Research Pre-Session, San Diego, CA.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2009, December). Helping your child let go of perfect: Using perfectionism in healthy ways. Presented at the 2009 Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Professional Development Conference, Houston, TX.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2009, December). Getting started with arts integration. Presented at the 2009 Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Professional Development Conference, Houston, TX.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2009, November). Helping your child let go of perfect: Using perfectionism in healthy ways. Presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, St. Louis, MO.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2009, November). Getting started with arts integration. Presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, St. Louis, MO.

Adelson, J. L., & McCoach, D. B. (2009, August). Development of an instrument to measure elementary students’ mathematical attitudes. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 117th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Adelson, J. L., McCoach, D. B., & Rogers, H. J. (2009, August). Equal-size or equal-interval: A comparison of propensity score stratification schemes. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 117th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Adelson, J. L., McCoach, D. B., & Rogers, H. J. (2009, April). Estimating treatment effects using stratification on the propensity score: Variable selection and stratification issues. Paper presented at the 2009 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA.

Adelson, J. L. (2009, April). Examining treatment effects using stratification on the propensity score. Paper presented in Advanced Models and Methodologies for Gifted Education Research. Symposium conducted at the 2009 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA.

Adelson, J. L., & McCoach, D. B. (2009, April). Measuring the mathematical attitudes of elementary students: The effects of a 4-point or 5-point Likert scale. Paper presented at the 2009 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA.

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Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). Raising achievement and closing gaps: Discovering and serving mathematically talented students from diverse backgrounds. Presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa, FL.

Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). Taking a chance! Explorations in probability. Presented at the 14th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented, Mansfield, MA.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2008, October). Harry, Hermione, Violet, and Dash: Using film to establish a positive gifted identity. Presented at the 14th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented, Mansfield, MA.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). Be smart with art. Presented at the 14th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented, Mansfield, MA.

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). Differentiated learning: Research-based practical strategies for success. Presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa, FL.

McCoach, D. B., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). HLM: A gentle introduction. Invited workshop presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa, FL.

Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, October). Be smart with art. Presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa, FL.

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, May). Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds: Closing the achievement gap for mathematically promising elementary students. Presented at the 3rd Annual Closing the Achievement Gap Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Adelson, J. L. (2008, April). Stretching talent at the Funkytown Fun House. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.

Casa, T. M., Truxaw, M., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, March). An investigation of change in pre-service teachers’ confidence of evidence-based decisions. Paper presented at the 2008 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New York City, NY.

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2008, March). Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds. Invited seminar presentation in Math Education to the Mathematics Department and the Center for Research in Mathematics Education (CRME) at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, November). Differentiated adventures in algebraic reasoning. Presented at the 2007 Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut Conference, Uncasville, CT.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, November). It’s certain! Challenging mathematically talented students with probability. Presented at the 54th Annual Convention of the National Association of Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

Adelson, J. L., & Wilson, H. E. (2007, November). Picture perfect perfectionism: Case studies in the elementary classroom. Presented at the 54th Annual Convention of the National Association of Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

Gavin, M. K., Adelson, J. L., & Casa, T. M. (2007, November). Students as mathematicians: Uncovering and developing talent potential in diverse populations. Presented at the 54th Annual Convention of the National Association of Gifted Children, Minneapolis, MN.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, October). What are your chances? Playing with probability. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference and Exposition, Richmond, VA.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, August). A deep understanding: Developing mathematical talent with Project M3. Presented at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children 17th Biennial World Conference, University of Warwick, England.

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Wilson, H. E., & Adelson, J. L. (2007, August). Arts across the curriculum. Presented at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children 17th Biennial World Conference, University of Warwick, England.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, April). Math matters: Developing an instrument to measure elementary students’ attitudes towards mathematics. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL.

Gavin, M. K., Casa, T. M., Carroll, S. R., & Adelson, J. L. (2007, April). The impact of advanced curriculum on the achievement of mathematically promising elementary students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, March). Multiplying talent with factors, multiples, and leftovers. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, March). Picture this. Presented at the 2007 National Curriculum Network Conference, The College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education, Williamsburg, VA.

Adelson, J. L. (2007, March). Mentoring mathematical minds in grades 2-6. Presented at the 2007 National Curriculum Network Conference, The College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education, Williamsburg, VA.

Adelson, J. L. (2006, December). Analyze this! Remarkable representations and incredible interpretations. Presented at the 2006 Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut Conference, Uncasville, CT.

Adelson, J. L. (2006, November). Activating algebraic reasoning in a differentiated classroom. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Gavin, M. K., Spinelli, A. M., & Adelson, J. L. (2006, November). Developing math talent: The impact of challenging curriculum and mathematical discourse. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC.

Adelson, J. L. (2006, October). Nurturing algebraic reasoning in young mathematicians. Presentation at the 12th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented, Warwick, RI.

Adelson, J. L., & Field, G. (2006, October). Cultivating creativity in your classroom. Presentation at the 12th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented, Warwick, RI.

Adelson, J. L. (2006, March). Awesome adventures in algebraic reasoning. Presented at the 11th National Curriculum Network Conference, The College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education, Williamsburg, VA.

Halter, J. L. (2005, March). Crazy creativity and gee-whiz geometry. Presented at the 27th Annual Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Halter, J. L. (2005, March). Magnificent mapping in social studies. Presented at the Virginia Society for Technology in Education State Technology Conference, Norfolk, VA.


Psychology Department, Southern Connecticut State University, 2009, with D. B. McCoach Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut, 2009, TA for D. B. McCoach Yale University, 2009, TA for D. B. McCoach

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Seminars for graduate students (e.g., job search, interview)

National Association for Gifted Children, Research and Evaluation Network, Research Scholar Tables, 2018 and 2016

University of Louisville, University of Cincinnati, & University of Kentucky, Spring Research Conference, 2015 (2 sessions), with E. Usher

American Psychological Association, Division 15: Educational Psychology, Graduate Student Seminar, 2012 and 2009, with E. Usher College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville, 2011, with E. Usher School of Education, University of Kentucky, 2009, with E. Usher

Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds workshops and multi-day trainings Fairfax County Public Schools, 2010 and 2008 Saturday Academy at Vanderbilt for the Young (SAVY), Programs for Talented Youth, Vanderbilt University, 2009. Minneapolis Public Schools, 2008 and 2007 Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202, 2007 Confratute, University of Connecticut, 2007 and 2006 Brookline Schools, 2006

\Other mathematics talent development workshops and research presentations Confratute, University of Connecticut, 2007 and 2006 St. Catherine’s School, 2006 Kenney Street Elementary School, 2005

Doing real research: An introduction to statistics CAMPY (Connecticut Association for Mathematically Precocious Youth) on Campus, University of Connecticut, 2007 and 2006, with L. Schroeder

Perfectionism presentations for parents and teachers Coppell Gifted Association, 2011, with H. E. Wilson

Creativity workshops Confratute, University of Connecticut, 2006, with G. Field


University of Louisville Courses. Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Structural Equation Modeling,

Measurement and Evaluation, Secondary Data Analysis, Affective Instrument Development, Advanced Research Design, Diverse Populations of Gifted Students, Curriculum & Instruction for Gifted and Talented, Seminar in EPME (Educational Psychology, Measurement, & Evaluation), Internship, Supervised Research.

University of Connecticut Courses. Assessment I, Assessment II, Critical Issues (Readings) in Gifted Education, Teaching Mathematically Talented Elementary Students, Hierarchical Linear Modeling (TA).

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National Level

American Educational Research Association, Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent SIG Chair, 2018 to present Chair Elect, 2016 to 2018 By-laws Committee Chair, 2016 to present Nominations Committee Member, 2017 Secretary, 2014 to 2016 Mentorship Committee Chair, 2009 to 2014 Board Member-at-Large, 2009 to 2013 (two terms) Newsletter Editor, 2007 to 2009

American Educational Research Association, Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology Chair, Graduate Student Seminar Committee 2014 to 2016 Assistant Chair, Graduate Student Seminar Committee, 2013 to 2014 Program Chair, Section II: Quantitative Research, 2009 to 2011 Senior Representative to the Graduate Student Council, 2008 to 2009 Graduate Student Committee Chair, 2008 to 2009 Junior Representative to the Graduate Student Council, 2007 to 2008

American Educational Research Association, Advanced Studies of National Databases SIG Webmaster, 2013 to 2017

American Educational Research Association, Structural Equation Modeling SIG Secretary/Treasurer, 2013 to 2015

American Educational Research Association, Educational Statisticians SIG Board Member-at-Large, 2011 to 2013

American Educational Research Association, Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessments in Schools Chair, Outstanding Publication Committee Category 1: Dissertation Completion, 2011

National Association for Gifted Children, Publications Committee Committee Member, 2007 to 2010, 2017 to present

National Association for Gifted Children, Awards Committee Committee Member, 2016 to 2017

National Association for Gifted Children, Research and Evaluation Network Past Chair, 2014 to 2016 Chair, 2012 to 2014 Chair-Elect, 2010 to 2012 Secretary, 2008 to 2010 Membership and Public Relations Committee Chair, 2005 to 2010

National Association for Gifted Children, STEM Network Treasurer, 2013 to 2015 Secretary, 2010 to 2013

National Association for Gifted Children, NAGC Workgroup on National Educational Data Bases Workgroup Member, 2011 to 2014

American Psychological Foundation, Esther Katz Rosen Fund Review Committee, 2018, 2016

American Psychological Association, Division 15: Educational Psychology Committee Member, Committee on Graduate Student Affairs, 2011 to 2015

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State Level

Kentucky State Council for Gifted and Talented Education (appointed by Gov. Steve Beshear) University Representative, 2014 to 2017 Treasurer, 2015 to 2017

University Level

University of Louisville, Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) Vice Chair, 2015 to 2018 Commissioner, 2014 to 2018 Chair, Integration of Work and Family Committee, 2014 to 2015 Committee Member, Integration of Work and Family Committee, 2013 to 2014

University of Louisville Committee Member, Pathways Women’s Leadership Programming Committee, 2015 to 2017 COSW Representative, Human Resources Advisory Committee, 2015-2017 Workgroup Member, University Lactation Workgroup, 2014 to 2015

University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development Committee Member, Research and Faculty Development Committee, 2016 to 2018 Committee Member, Policy Review Committee, 2015 to 2016 Committee Member, CEHD ad hoc Conceptual Framework Revision Committee, 2012 to 2014 Committee Member, Student Academic Grievance Committee, 2010 to 2015


American Educational Research Association

Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology Advanced Studies of National Databases SIG Educational Statisticians SIG Multilevel Modeling SIG Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent SIG Structural Equation Modeling SIG

American Psychological Association Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics Division 15: Educational Psychology Division 35: Society for Psychology of Women

International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness

National Association for Gifted Children Assessment of Giftedness SIG Counseling and Guidance Network Early Childhood Network Legislative Action Network Research and Evaluation Network Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Network

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Workshop on Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis in Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2011

Statistics Institute for Faculty, American Educational Research Association, 2010

Doctoral Student Research Seminar, American Psychological Association Division 15, 2008

Graduate Student Conference, Educational Testing Services (ETS), 2008

Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy, American Educational Research Association, 2007

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K) Database Training Seminar, National Council for Educational Statistics, 2006.