ji^jwj^itew^dbyy^i^ - nys historic...

J"."!. iWKpiiBr^^TBi^p^p r** Ji^JWJ^itew^dByy^i^ Kew Scotland \ r~'Mrs. Garry Bradt, is visiting- in New liOCAL BREVrf I6S. Btfnooed Out N of $60. John Trypn has beeneonfined to the The following was printed in SaWn-. ^ouse~5y sickness this week. Thj&jafaBtsiihiid of-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green a.t -Pont Grove is ill with pneumonia. Harvey Dearstyne, w w|3' Jras^on- fineff to ,the house by illness^ a few days the past week, is able to be out again. An. improvement ,has been made at the . D, jfcjg^depot by-plac^j^se^ratjfei day's Times-Union "George Stptt of ClarksvHle came to Albany, ^yesterday to . purchase a | hpeste—but- did- not take v honie even a bridle' or the money, 'for he was Mi\ John Bradt, of Schenectady, spent Sunday with his mother. ' lit Miss Helen Wayne • visited - Mrs. j 0KP ' Js?hn JR, Wayne, in Albany, last week. Sir. A. H. Blessing, wife and fam- ily spent Sunday at W. Lawton's at Selkirk. ! •' L ~ -33-rV-arid Mrs. Randall Wands,have been- entertaining Mr. and Mrs. B. 3 loac< ^ of crushed stonTon tfje grounds s u r r o u n d i n g ^ b u i l d i n g / ^ Aonumber ffomtbis:vm'age;attendecfiiso. 2 SBO he couH c ^=t^ihe sconcer-t-giveh^j^^^ , dLjl^e^iB:g£rsanlr&^ won - " * """"" " "" ^oorfoeesville, Monday night -33?e—Rev^—%ederfek ~E5wndes' re-- mains critically ill at "the Albany hospital, At times there ar^chaages ~ hi^"TcondTFibrT^v"hich seem to give JOT—hris—reeeverv:—^rrfie_be^to£ —m -hope. He^met^a •^fraeHger^irTTrsTOtlrt'e'ar'i street lunch-room .who wanted to pay for Stott's Junch as he promised to Show the stranger where Keeler's on Broadway was. Stott paid foK his own : eating and heanjthe_s^aager-started" f©r-*he-hx)telr^!Jn^EnTw^they stooped into a saloon_^!L Jroadjvay _w&er? "another s^n^ex_jy^^"met-and-a"igame of" pooTafranged. Stranger T?J6. 1 bet •No. ^Jf60 he^uH_ouirJolM3n?nTriTne" ^-^'JL^Kt_^adKanjcB.d-the-rnoneyarxd] his man won. He promised to pay I Stott w-hen they_reachedjhe walk but when th^"tl!d[b^F5yac^S^aaJd=ii2i han'o^Bfofr could notTbeat "them. police were notifi^dr" The promises to be a long time before he, ~HOIC^4^e-4o^etttrndndras-d13'tKra^ pastor of ' the jCoblesklll Methodist church. *- "Personals. Mr. bany, and VicimtyT'Jofes. IfFed - Baxter will lead the Ep worth "" '3&,a^Sfe^3nH^t^TC r E :: eKtt at Delmar next Sunday evening Topic: "Serving-by Example." Hopkins, of Westerlo -Mr.and^ifrs- Albertus Becker enter- tained the Rev.. T. J. Kirk wood, of j^raV^^rajnarlT^srSuBaaj' _^ Mr, and Mrs. John'R. Blessing and daughter Florence, of Voorheesville, spehT Sunday with Mrs. Jennette Blessing. —— -The Y. P. S. C . E.' w i l i j j e ^ d by .Edna—Bemderr~May" 20th.- Subject, "Lessons from the lives of Elijah and John the Baptist." (A Temperance |-TspTc,J ."" Mr. and Mrs. Terry and family, of ^JMvJY^rJs,_ha£^f^tamed^9^-e»r4w5me- at Font Grove for the summer. Mrs,. JDr. NewJieart -has—been~ sperXdTng a" KnJs~plir^n^over^"pa ; ay. •At the MoCullochi is Charles Mq- Culloch Sweeney, of Schenectady. Mr. and Mrs. Levi .ferwin~are spga- ding the-vveek at his parents here. The wife of Charley Groesbeck irj .dangerously ill at the present writing W§ are-glad to lear.n that MrrAbfatnJ Martin, who has been quite 111, is re*;j covering Mrs, .Mary Winne- is still engaged] in the millinery bus1riSss""and has jusfc returned home_with^ a_ne^.JjttMc£^pi gbods. - ' __ **_ Mr. Rowe, of the Charley Tompkins place, tells me his daughter'Jessie and son LoriiL amJisMrJgJrJfinds at SchfcL nec'tady, _ . T ^jejuuier^tajid-4hai-4h&^tor4i-that- » year Gold Filled ol T^'-± tftth 17 Jeweled Zlt? ^ h - movements areiullyfiuarlhS &M $12.00, , wy ^ a ^nteed,only was seen flying over the Clip.^afopped a girl baby at the house of Milton Crounse— . ' .'~^ O^r letter carrier, Peter Weidman, 78 Division Street, Albany; had a sever £_^ack_One_JLaylastasieek+?—£ h -4M!s^l few days with them. and "T^irffieTd "Young- acted as sub'sti tute for a fewjlays. ^ Next inorder is Memorial Day which The Albany'High Shool Freshmen were guests at Pr^jigdMVs.gr -^yja_scoreof 12 and 3. - —BeoEer-^ST-Saatfay . Hr. Rogers and" daughter, of Ne^w York, are stopping at Dr. and Mrs. H-Be^klr-Is Horace Newhart, of Minne- is stoppingjat Mr. and Mrs. /T* -k—•—r-^- •—•—" Mrs. apolis, Charles T. Terry ; s at Fon^Grove^ Adriance, of came to Dehnar" Saturday afternoon and played a Delmar team. The re- eorge Bender enter- tained a few of their friends TOT - a atur- .occurs in just twolweeks,—T-he-4ad-ies iJelmar. ihgranLis .-'Ssnniam- tam.ont. . ' Fred Waldron and wife are at M. L. is v?ry in at v were enjoyed aad a-general good time had. Thosejjrjisejitj*£^^ Mrs/John Walker, of.Al^f" 11 WaS a T ^ t ? ry for the Delmar ^°^ s Mr. and Mrs. C. H. .-^-«.o. w. JJ. yvqriance^oi ^^^PrHsESC3T]Mass M -Were-gue%ts-at-Mr. and Mrs. O. P . Adriahce's, the past 4I%e--Ghrtstia.-tr-EmlHavor ineefTng in the Reformed church at Delmar to- night will be conducted__by_Mjsses •Kath R^aUel'sOn afiinCatharine Becker. Topic: "Lessons from the—Lives of Elijah and John the Baptist. (A tem- perance topic.) "via Sotaling- and Jennie Biessing, of -RetdsvHi^r - MfsTIHoak and ^daughter Fannj f , of Sllng-erlands; Mrs. J. L.„ Woait, Mrs. Freeman Stalker, Misses Dorotha arid Helen Wayne, ^la^ys ^ej^^ecuredj^gj^ura Mag.lejfc, J>fc,,Alvin .T.r.m»^.h«,^ ^__';^a«»e*~^W-^rri S rf^rmig^'rSTne —I should like to tell you of our con- «ert, LuTbkn -on^y-a-ntictpater a s it"bias not-yet^oceuPFedr—^^h^&mrre^SSnrfo Miss Laura Wilson this_vvriting. . _ Miss Marion Williamson is threat- !ened-jiv-itEIfever-ZI ~~-^_ Zr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett-are re- idicirip- over a' vbung'son. . i^^^? eo Ig?-1^iUs^om^:h^ pfSveoTtn-health,- - "^tm,. ^ S e v e r a l of o u r y o u « g folks h a v e l u T cojnn^ncecL^oingfo school,- _ - J H ! ! L ra^fiaiLGajlockJs^a^uy^^ -^^^sa^aleyTi-^Srn^,, ~ -al*e^^ n g^ f e v ^ g ^ m ^?M_ The consistory „_S.eiiiitA nnual Convention. Ernest "B; LaGrange, of New Yoriv,, was the guest over Sunday of his uncle] : f and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles- H. Bender. Church and Society Notes. » :1- Miss Laura. Diets Vwill conduct thei - EpworthLeigBe meeting .in fhe chap'el i or OieM, JS. cip-rehneitSunday-eve-lHier of m* i-m,' '- artg: Topic- "ServinE-bv Emmnl, •• f - llla ° e ls secc eta. _. M H .. .,gepjn g _py fesample.. .Itreasurec^f^he Assoefatjon the Town of Bethlehem Bible School Association will be held on Sunday, at 3 p. m., in the Presby- terian -chitTGh, -Kortfr—BethlEhem. A conference will beheld in which it is expected that a representative from each school in the Tpwn will take part. A question bos will afso be con- ducted by B. B, LoomiSj. D. D., pastor Ipf "the Delmar M., JE. church. E. L. Hier, of tSis village is secretary and Mrs^D I -^Jea gerlands, spent Sunday Moak's. "WesttBerng^ ^eroy~Co?nell has returned home! Qeorge. H. Townsend was at §"che- ^_ _ , , .- UV^AAU. i* a-o a i w^u nec'tady and^lens Palls last week. , iur . &. r JdeMn Reinhart h'as secured' a posi-'day at Mr. Lt •hr^rt,"" "? Rev. Jenkins, wffe and daug-hter,-of .?^.:^.! : .... s A i H^^aaLcnnxeatioB-ef- ^ite^dain^^en^I©n4a<~at-Dtv-J-~ff- Town of Bethlehem Rihl» s ^ ^ i FftcM's. " ' * Arthur- Moak, who is working for the New York Central, at Albany, is'home sick with La grippe..- - - James Wayne., is confined to the house with rheumatism. David is ta'k- 1% his place on the- farm. 4lrs. Garret Bradt is visiting in New York for a few days. Miss Mary prarid ferret jr: are stopping with Ltheir g-randpa-rea^sat-Veor-feees-i-rrrer ~ "JT^WT cWhtry has, panrted-fcis may carry home one of our programs and eat our ice cream. .We hope for a Complete success. church meet Monday evening. Manila Latta entertained her friend, Elizabeth Kiilis, of Albany, Sunday keep order, our a °te ;: 3%der u Mr. Mc- Culloch, to keep time,'Mr?Hennesy, of Voorheesville, and Mrs. Nellie Taylpri ——»•», "> "luauj, ounuay. iwjupie io delight, and-thertttere : s^atl the rrsT -"^Ra^McCownart^r^FB^fen^gt^piiEonda.- TotTJSTaTIdWeTlfvi^e^wTira^aTrwecan, RpiMr ""^-^- ———^-— —---'I -- and long for your' present, that vri ^ e-for^ed^eola^^Ttfrttng-his ^ £ ^ Seheneetad-y, spent—Sunday"with Tiis parents here. "- / tives. ..jT- S^S^lliS^^e i 'arents- Mrs. William Richard U passing a r^5-eks_with_her_ d a ^ f at W. figs. G. Steenburg, of Kinderhook,' have-been in town a few days. .rs-TTranK Rau. of Schenectady, We have received here_Jutellig-en«e ~gfTHe~sudden death of .Eugene Salis- bury, sr., of Wolf Hill. Mr. Salis- bury had been ill with ' Brighf's dis- 'weaSness ror -ease-and—heaTt- seyeral recently spent Jshu- 3Jid-M-sSrrJ>a-vid-Cuaa n i a i t e a ^ f —tionjjwith the General Electric Com- —paoy- George. R Mr. F. Coss, Sunday. -——• Mr. G. Fairlee and friend spent Sun -house-rand-k-looks verynice v James i Wayjtie_4s also—pateting—h-is—house/ Understand that there will be several more houses.painted in our pretty vil- •months past, ancf had .^^^^ } spent four weeks in the Albarty Hospital for the treatment of these maladies. At three jQ'clock, Tuesday morning", Salisbury was heard by his youngeWt. sonjmovihg about'Sis room, and hast- ily dressing himself he went down stairs to find that his .father had quiet- lyjpassed away~~while sitting^ in his chain . T-he-deceased had scarcely more thanjjassed4M^!Mdlfiqjsrio"d-of- Sisum and Herbert parents Harry Joos has establishe'd a peddling route and is- gi t -in g satii"faction."Z_ =;; - -^___TJL Mr. 1;" j . h Stalker carrted-rhBsffrFf TK mail last week in the absence of! Sunday TO the regTiiar-earrj^fc_I__^_L~"Z~~. TptE^^^^ Ei The local, telephone—tcompany are I _ staking out and setting poles for their "Tines-wruch will be' completed at an early date. pCarles McCulloch Ppst, Q. A.^TT, of West Berne, will observe Memorial Day, May 30th. THe Post.will meet lage this fail. Jay M, Wh'itbeck has been officially | ^iDoxe^-of-Seheneetadyr 5oTm¥d' that j v e j j s ^ h a s e - t-fee-foHow-j ?tMr. J. W. Blessing's. i ng . advantageous changes on the W. S. R. R., to commence on or about Juae" r7th7"when the new schedule goes -hrttreffect: "' spent-Sunday ?t Mr. J. W. Blessing's. Mr. and Mrs. I^artifTBlessing- spent -•^T-12TT'cT6^ET*T , ufrnc^xercTseTiviU be held at the Reformed church at 2 p. m. Revs; Tate and DeGraff, of Berne, will deliver addresses. A l l a r e .cor-di— ally invited to attend these exercisesr -'_•.-_-..-. '^Cv-W.-WRIGHT, Coir. Gailupville. Miss May Trippe has gone to A-fton _to visit-her- sisters: _! " . • _ The PompjiajGranga-wili be heldatr Gailupville June 20th.- Mr. and Mrs. Del Wemple, pf_S_ciie- neetadyj-weTe^aTiTrig^on' friends here, Monday. - * - :, of Canajoharie, visited -her—brother, Mr. Fred Quackenbgsh, .Mr^r-Er-^arharTris^tayiSg'iTcouple ^5 an y ' daughter. NT-re T I -^hr- which JeavesJure-aijout^-a. m.-wili carry"¥ coach and stop. This train will con- nect with the milk train, No. 9, at So TlfeTbeing only 54 years of age at the, Ain£^ni|sJleajffi i _^lleaiesito*mourn | his depar-ture a widow and five ^hiid; -ren," -tbTgB~"sons~and two "daughters, who are assured the sympathy of the community in their sore bereavement .The funeral was'held, at the Reformed church here, on Friday, at 2 o'clock, fetermenfat Mount Pleasant. -Mtner"1f£HgTe""and wife left Wedne.s- disy~o^~a"Ehree months trip in the west, going first to_MLs.SQurJ„-_- .- - H. W. Hotaliflg had the pleasure of £ntertiuning-lMs-ua©le5-J-ohn-Ja3'--&ar s - lup u oiKnox,J.ist weekr Mrs. Leonard Cozzens, who has spent several months here, has returned ,to ,-her home in-Sfewarfc, ^r~T. w..Mr, James Cfiavanne and daughter of Troy, are visiting her parents here? Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cranney. The entertainmermield' in the Re- formed Church was very fine and was listened - to by a^wellitlled-house. -.- --— —Mrsr-HutiUuglun, qf VermarrtrTVho 'meat -geod- Mrs. Peter Walker, who haa been spentog-a-shofl time with relatives m Bmghamton, has returned home. pee that your-draggiet gives you no inut«r tio'n when yoU'aafc^r'Kenueay's LasativaT Hopey and Tar, the original Laxative cough syrup, bold by Joseph snydet. Voorheesville. At the home Of Mns^Gee, Hafreirbeek; on..Tjiesdaly evening,.. Mar 22nd;-tire of vveeks with her daughter, Mrs W. Blessing. Mrs, J, Coons and .son F r a n k , of "ScTierJe^tadyTwhich will give us local service to all points west to Syracuse. It will also get to Voorheesville in time to-^cateb—©rTSr-Hr-1xaTQ~ar^aTln u w .»u rrariK, o£ Train JTb. 8" eastj^due^ISl i.,_m,, wil Shehectady^ spent a, few days with .ran about "fifteen minutes earlier, con Mrs. Chas. Wolford. ' ---" Mrs Mr „_ >(H .iug 4U- ditions and improvements added to his Chas. Wolford. K- B. Van Allen is having a d- . _ . .... for Heretofore we have had.to waltta the JX A.-H. to get to^Aibany,- as we had no connections at__RMgns._ Train Kb. S'e^s^^due^ijA.^ro,, will- ^Ray-^ieAv-Gluh'will^tvfertaTii invited guests with a recital of some of the good-things they nave learneAiiurJjQg- liias been spending-t-he-Hv-inter with her ^ daTJglifer, Sirs. Hazleton, has returned -home.—— Rev. B. B. Loomis preached at the Union services in the Reformed church Sunday, evening to a large.congrega- tion-. ' " A.__»_.: : Rev. Conrad Rowe has purchased a building lot from Mrs. John Adams and aspects to build_on.il in-the-near- f u tu re. JMPr—and -Mrs "fiieTr'"ct)irr-e^of stud.v in the past eight 1 months^ Music, reading, sketches and j essays in line with'the subject study, AuaJXia-HiWg-ar-y-r^w+IPfoiro^ Ifetrfy CrahheirToT Albany, and Mrs. Charles W. Park's, of Schenectady, spent Sunday at Joseph -©.lfver^sT" ^ "~™~ -I ,. , _...^_i_ aiJueu ro nis house.^^ontcactor- -John—Hewsop', ^oT -e^h„—»__„ • - —-"-JosieLongr of Albany, is" a vTsitor at Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Zeh's. MrsTX•"TTTayToT^HToii.rhef ice -cream^arlor-on-SaturdayrofthrsweekT'T n , _ ,——--: JP^er SmitM^^tog^^^n.iv^^r ' Quackeob ^ " . <* Carmetu _____.^,^ . «wm—__CW Schenectady, is doing the work l&r. FfeU. Quackenbush, after a lingering illness, jligd^Latuxday-aoot};. S'unirii^krrigl. at Kotte£damchurch necting at Ravena for Albany. Train No. 2, east, due at 4:59 p'. m., will stop on flag. These j.Le^aU-Gonveniettce^ entertainment. This social, literary and musical evening- closes -the-clab [work for the season Several couple from Voorheesville Monday ^e_Jj4lliifie_Siug-er-s- here night -the- -in went to to hear -M;—Efe "A Summer Paradise^- - A Summer Paradise,", the hand some- illustrated' guide to summei re sorts reached by Delaware & "Hudson lines is just off the press and a free copy m a y ^ b e obtained_jyLihfiJD-_iSL-H^ -TouTrst^OfflceT'S. 'North' Pearl St, Albany,—or b-y^epd+n^-sis-eejrts-post-^- a ff e __?,- A -A- BfeAr_L.GeneralJEassenger Ag-eni-, This guide is.largsrman e\ef Slid its" accuracy 5nd__co^pJ L eteness__ tnaSe It of Invaluable .assistance to - those who contemplate going away this Summer. It contains a list of several thousand hotels and boar-ding houses and in addition items Of information about fifty ©r-more summer-cottages to -rent at various resorts on the D.' & H This is one of the most attractive books of its kind and should be on every one's jable for STjmmgir_^e,fejrimceJa__ae ex "cursion tours of whiGh-over---3S-are-ont ' fried, showing; routes and_r.a£es^—liie- DOOR is admirably written, copioush illustrated and, carefully compiled CornmeriQlnlnBayTeth, HUDSON RIVER DAY LIKE -S-T-EAA£E«g^ "SEW YORK_U- "A_.BANT" and '•HEN'DKICK HUDSON." Tuesday morning. - He is survived by ] a wife -and- two"cfeildfen, Mfs.JWary Ijren Wobd, -of Scranton : ," IPa.7 and Mr. pairs on his hotel, the Crystal Spring House. -. J^ar^A Wilber, of Barton Hill, was _the giipl_of Mr-s^L-iT-aylorT-Saturday and •Sunday.*" Elam Ha^rjy and George j. Zimmer made a business trip to Albany one- day last. week. ^rFOirver^-wUillieave for-l^htla- -^ W J defphia on Wednesday to visit her j cousin foi- a couple/pf monthg, : ^rkiers CojrnerS, harie, vjsited her^omeoq Wednesday , Mrs A t Pennington, entertained company from Schenectady on Sun- nay last NoT-rCE—Morris tKahn, of Albany, will remain, in. Altamont for the sum- mer, and will purchase iron, metal of allkinds and fags, for cash, fair price being given,' For particulars inquire of Sand's Sons. •- 4S-4t Westerlo. Addie Wilday hatched 180 chickens froin "209 eggs. vvBicTT we have long, needed. From an- other s'ource-we are TnfortHKJLfiaT-the. R-. R. Co. will reduce fare to Albany via^3aSena-to~same-faTe _ s[S"via. D. S "" and v oorheesyilleT ^H". and'~v oorheesyilleT IF"wlTl take a great ma3by that way to see the country jyhojiave heretofore .went via. D. & H. The Voorheeayille baseball club has organized for the season and the first game will he played Saturday with the Waverleys of Albarry^ThroiighTthe- -k.i-Bdnes^TTf~MrT~BToomingdale, a dia- mond has been lajd_aui_in-hi5~ineadow "Back of the hose house and by consid-, ~ "2 * ' erable hard work we now have one: of magbree unrVrstOi the best diamonds in the country. As -the team is ina"deup dfriome players, church. - Ml?? **?&* Leonard, of Fra fl k-f- - • -tnWwtarrffi^"- ^ .jjin.ton,_who .has beeirthemigst of her r^ .1r M1IY ' ESCBP* sPKD A y—1906 •sister Mis- pj„. ; a « ,? - .. -rt*, e P ja ?y> Hamilton St., - -S.30A. si sosKHv. js-aso LdB-mJ£atal-ing,Uias-re- . Ar J?v6NewYorjc,ffisafcia9tiist^_- s J i O i ^ . - turned home. .. JJ ew Yprk,.West 42d St., -.5.30 1?. si ~ " '.,. - '• 1, . JNIC . VV York, DesBrosses St., - 6.00 p u aiSlt M,t 5 tr Ilen e " tsrtained ^^^^S^^M^ss^ Hastings and Harry fth.aifa.trJ.-—»P-^- f^-20-^-jftr^tee-n^^ b^ryTaunday, 1 at her bcmnr0frt>ela* . », Henry Becke had the misfortune To break his leg. . H. K. j;oaesi_is_vlsiting~Mends- -at Schenectady. Eva~StrevEtt j=._£=- been Mtis Sadie VanDenburgh, who has. :en sick-wiih-ithe-mumps, is able to" •Hbe-ouL-agata .__ is spending a short time at-Albany, ' Mr i _TaJBHeusen is days at E. King's. Jennie Hudson, of Indian Fields, is visiting*- at J. -M, Morris', MTSTlFfe^""Wfight is On the sickHst. Frank Brunk, pur liveryman, lost a valuable horse last Sunday. Frank : Shultes has been putting a cigar counter in his grocery. * Mrs, .Frank 43e&ker is 'Spending a few days with Mrs. Fred Hochstrasser. Concrete abutments for the new steel -^ ^1 wume piayers it is hoped that the villagers will at tend the games and "root" for the home team, even thoughJyrjune4s_losjt iKDCHSfenai-iys a s tiornrng*^5sp!e^rtens _ a J^aie_avejutg. Mr. and Mr Pred'Dearstyne and '"^^earstynerof AI- •wrtfa-their patenfs~here: . The Junior Epworth League will hold a sale of fancy articles, home- •nAj^lg """QTreWIfeaeJamAus-steamers on- |inrnoBIesrstream ift America offers rare at e^ ~ , Steamers are fitteff«p"exclaslvely bany, have come to spend the summer ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n l S ^ T ^ ^ S ^ -wrtVtr^rrTarem^here: " - W ^ ^ ^ g g ^ ^ S I J J ^ team so much as having their, own town go against them. New uniforms are to be ordered in the nelr future and as soon as.they arrive, 0 „t.of town games will bq arranged. in 0 , riwf „, r r help d efray expenses, a silver coll.c- S i ^n 1 *£*** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tion will be taken at all of the « m f^T d r> ? avison of Sduth Bethle- tion will be taken at all of the game! and it is hoped that the people who being put up. -^*a*Heaffl-tsrunar r considerable «-».„.- -— •><-, - pense. Some-close and exciting "con- S^ Dn ^. d Mrs -B : B. Loomis^ a for- , tests are looked.for a s c h a l W ^ i ? mal - reception at the church, wQnli been received - t a - £ f c ^ ? S l H ^ amateur teams in A!»,,_.. .... being put up Mr and. Mrs. Henry Millar Wel- |?^^%^ng:sQi L w:eighi„g-i4.pblh ldg to their home last week. Wlraas Mrs. Edwin S.chell and family, of | Schenectady* spent Sunday with her —mother—Mfsr^D^S^e^b^cEr~ ~ The Schenectady rdaa, which" has 5 been i n a very bad condition for some time, is b e i n g . inSpfdviBd By the' coni- jgyssifinexi. J5arx : Sjv^i s ^p^ n t_^^ w _ da ^.^^ ^^r-r-^rrd-iWts.^MlerTflayToTC^hoes, [have arrived to spend/ the summer in their pottage in this place, spending-a few' Mr. and Mrs. Aaron. Eck'er speptj Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Bins^atjSast Berne. •_ *"* MIsi~Mafgaret HMh^j^isser^eif-AA^ "bany Normal College, sp.ejjt .Sunday /^-aadr-caicBr^mT5Se^veiiung r of June 6th. All .come "and help the little'folk's^/ '."' ' • " " Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Latta have been entertaining the past week Mr. Harry Latta- and sister Luella and Miss Ver'a Ives, of Albany, alao_John-LjjGh- -3~^^?>^"™f^-^opTO9r-\vi«i-^iH)erior-ser- fonwhfeh the-S«asotris-reHowHed'. ~ Uhu^ualiJB^. &^3;^J^i^t3tolLMfe-Resort-- ^^^^^Wr^rustrateH Brochure of fic ^ iet sv' a Day Line^re^j! safeatalLof t W.B. Br,»i5NDORB' ( GenefalAlgent, . """'" Albany; N Y hem. The congregation of the M. E. church tended to the new pastor ajjd wife, the Rev. Dn and Mrs. B, B. Loomis^ a for her grandmother, Mrs. Presson. Mrs. Edwin Hilton was taken fromlHochstraS;; S_aibjLcaay_4fte ? noon- ...v ui me Dest j amateur tearns^ in ^Ib^ny^among-them^ "belng^ challenges from the Indian Athletic Club, the VanWagners, All Saints and the Clinton's, The Clintons will probably oppose the home team on ^Decoration' Day and as'they are. an exceedingly fast foarn J __a__good_game can" BenookeX for. T h e the, vauit 1 with her'parents, Mr. and Mrs; -Ghiimj berIaHr"s-CmrglrTi ' ' West. .emetty the viirj Xtemetln Successoi' to •'I have been usinj? Chamberlain's Cough(fC Remedy and I want to say it ia the beat cough ..medicine 1 have ever" taken, " r s'»ys (iieo. L. i hflbb, a- merchant of Harlan Mich There is no question about its being ^Bt^JBgef; -Veal, ^ . _,—.-^-,«-^» T r-c^tnra^ongtrt)r : l50laTtPl'" hnvtt" ^ r» iii ss 'tPie thjiituiin-y-—othw^trestmenti—-Hrh Quite a nuihbef attende^;,. the- State ""Road school picnic^jvhicji-.yyas held in. the school hodse pn'Thuj'Sdaylast; Alii report a l&iie ittttp, 5Phato"ks to the .Jeacherr.MfT-B'antaefeiai^ barled at SdtitB Bfernp; H^nrrHllto&'and i&niiiy and Del- b f^ I ! , ^? ?,d fa ™«y> Pf Schenectady, yxsited at R.S; Hilton's. ^and ^avid-Hames had a very narrow escape of severe injuries-Sunday nitfhti wfror^t 6f;temperance house, his W fpewg frjghWd. ' ' Re^TMT^r^ateWiy preach his an- niversary - sermon, in the' Lutheran 'church, .Sunday, May 20th, at 10:30 o'clock, and oh May 27th wf.lt preach a in^mO£iaiLserjrn^jn^__i-4^ Taki- LAXATIVE BROJWO Quinine Tabletsr > ^- - wlr " UK,JV fe.f4'l|tji»ttl£Sji*;.cla;««er-ybo X) 2JC, wilTltttend in a body. All are invited to attend; *!^ h ™i»gr up in fine form, buf , f 5 V Z l ^ ^< . ^ I omlaV^^^ a^howing^ upi« fiD r^rz™ 2i2K ^v^Miswss m .seagin. Sunday Excursion Fares. Kennedy 8 Laxfttiye Honnw ov,^ a w ii,"-_. Kennedy's liMiitive Honey and! Toif «ijay& toe congestion, stops that tiiskjing,, 4 ^ , ^ ;the cold ont throogh yon* boyrei». ; tioli by -A ^ood complerioK isimposstble with th*\ Stomach out of ordisr^ tf £!*£. i 1, •• ** e - for for Byapeprfa wiU d i g e s S t o l fa to do mown work, Kodr>lVflii^U_?. pe ball, he will-dolt instead of m akme grandstand p la y s with one hand 2, . t e a i i n r i SS i n ^a«ji^ tickets <*^~^^ ,^^-wie^vsfPrtFrnt occasionsllv Sn( n «1 •* Stir the liver np M"V" ocoft «'one% jheiift bnm, efaj , Sold by J o B e p ^ S n S IS te - ion -eluding, the" W a U k T i r v ^ ^ S ' £dar e ^ h B th e ^^^^^^^^ FMfTh n ,^% 6 f sale on Decoration Day, Ske^ fJ&J&J**" ^ Th y e date of sale, are 8njder; *•&•$*• •vV-»~aA4K, * i -~~A~i*i 1 .4tuL-H*^^ *--«. . «¥»3:|i^?S«^^£Ssf VTOTICE TO CRKD1TORS —By order of M Newton B. Van Derzfee Surrogate of tbe county of Albany. Notice is hereby given, «r- cordln/? to l*w-to*H persons h»ving claims or— di ra»ndf ;«galn*t John Haeb, late of Delmar in the town of Bethlehem in said conriiy, de cesaeJ, that they are required to exhibit the same, wltb the vouchers in support thereof, to the subscriber, the executrix of tbe lsst will and testament of said deceased at > h«r plaoe-ioMraMocifnf—burinesp -flSOtic.L„„ Mrectitrix at the JHW office of lestor 1 -Bubbardr-hi—the-W-atsMMa-bufldtos-^Sr Brbadway In the pity of Albany, N, Y., on or before the 1st day of December next ' Datrd, Albahy f N, ?, this 4th day ofMk? I*«l6.r t 'Hubbard, •'OA'MISBIKM HUB, _ Att'y for EYfcutrlx, Bxecdtrlt . Waterman Biilldlnit, 1st Broadyay.Albaay, W. T, ~^- i ' 4 x Jf -*««£^&8f* " ^ ^ ^ m f^- nai-,*. ^J-^ .v •^ >^4»f**'a M tf^ry "ff*^*" Jft \. \

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J"."! . i W K p i i B r ^ ^ T B i ^ p ^ p


Ji^JWJ^itew^dByy^i^ Kew Scotland \ r~ 'Mrs . G a r r y Bradt , is visiting- in New

liOCAL BREVrf I6S. Btfnooed OutNof $60.

John T r y p n h a s beeneonf ined to the T h e following was pr inted in SaWn-. ^ouse~5y s ickness th is week.

Thj&jafaBts i ihi id o f - M r . and Mrs . Clarence Green a.t -Pont Grove is ill wi th pneumonia.

Harvey Dear s tyne , w w | 3 ' J r a s ^ o n -fineff to , t h e house by illness^ a few d a y s the p a s t week, is a b l e to be out a g a i n .

A n . improvement ,has been m a d e a t the . D, j fc jg^depot b y - p l a c ^ j ^ s e ^ r a t j f e i

day ' s Times-Union

"George Stptt of ClarksvHle came to A lbany , ^yesterday to . pu rchase a | hpeste—but- d id- not t ake v honie even a br id l e ' or t h e money, ' for he was

Mi\ John Brad t , of Schenectady, spent S u n d a y wi th his mother. '

lit Miss Helen Wayne • visited - Mrs . j 0KP' Js?hn JR, Wayne , in Albany , las t week.

Sir. A . H. Blessing, wife a n d fam­i ly spent S u n d a y at W. L a w t o n ' s a t Selki rk . ! •' L~

-33-rV-arid Mrs. R a n d a l l W a n d s , h a v e been- en te r ta in ing Mr. and Mrs . B .

3 l o a c < ^ of crushed s tonTon tfje g rounds s u r r o u n d i n g ^ b u i l d i n g /

^ Aonumber ffomtbis:vm'age;at tendecfi iso. 2 SBO he couH c ^=t^ihe s c o n c e r - t - g i v e h ^ j ^ ^ ^ , d L j l ^ e ^ i B : g £ r s a n l r & ^ w o n - " * " " " " " " ""

^oorfoeesvil le , Monday n i g h t

-33?e—Rev^—%ederfek ~ E 5 w n d e s ' re--m a i n s cr i t ica l ly i l l a t "the Albany hospi ta l , At t imes there a r ^ c h a a g e s ~—hi^"TcondTFibrT^v"hich seem to give


—m -hope.

H e ^ m e t ^ a •^fraeHger^irTTrsTOtlrt'e'ar'i street lunch-room .who wanted to pay for Stot t ' s Junch a s he promised to Show the s t ranger where Kee le r ' s on Broadway was . Stott paid foK his own

:eating a n d h e a n j t h e _ s ^ a a g e r - s t a r t e d " f©r-*he-hx)telr^!Jn^EnTw^they stooped into a saloon_^!L J r o a d j v a y _w&er?

"another s^n^ex_jy^^"met-and-a"igame of" pooTafranged. S t r a n g e r T?J6. 1 bet •No. ^Jf60 he^uH_ouirJolM3n?nTriTne" ^-^'JL^Kt_^adKanjcB.d-the-rnoneyarxd]

h i s m a n won. He promised to p a y I Stott w-hen they_reachedjhe walk b u t when t h ^ " t l ! d [ b ^ F 5 y a c ^ S ^ a a J d = i i 2 i

han'o^Bfofr could notTbeat "them. police were notifi^dr"

T h e

promises to be a long t i m e before he, ~ H O I C ^ 4 ^ e - 4 o ^ e t t t r n d n d r a s - d 1 3 ' t K r a ^

p a s t o r of ' the jCobleskll l Methodist church .


Mr. b a n y ,



I fFed - Baxter will lead the E p worth "" ' 3 & , a ^ S f e ^ 3 n H ^ t ^ T C r E : : e K t t

a t Delmar next Sunday evening Topic : "Serving-by E x a m p l e . "

Hopkins , of Westerlo

-Mr.and^ifrs- Alber tus Becker enter­ta ined t h e Rev.. T . J . Ki rk wood, of

j ^ r a V ^ ^ r a j n a r l T ^ s r S u B a a j ' _ ^

Mr, a n d Mrs. J o h n ' R . Blessing and daugh te r Florence, of Voorheesville, spehT S u n d a y with Mrs . Jenne t te Blessing. — ——

-The Y . P . S. C. E.' w i l i j j e ^ d by .Edna—Bemderr~May" 20th.- Subject, "Les sons from the lives of E l i j ah and John the B a p t i s t . " (A Temperance

|-TspTc,J . " "

Mr . and Mrs. T e r r y and family, of ^JMvJY^rJs,_ha£^f^tamed^9^-e»r4w5me-at Font Grove for the summer. Mrs,. JDr. NewJieart -has—been~ sperXdTng a"

KnJs~pl i r^n^over^"pa ;ay.

•At the MoCul loch i is Charles Mq-Culloch Sweeney, of Schenectady.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi .ferwin~are spga-ding the-vveek a t h i s parents here.

T h e wife of C h a r l e y Groesbeck i r j .dangerously ill a t the present wr i t i ng

W § are-glad to lear.n that MrrAbfatnJ Mar t in , who has been quite 111, is re*;j covering

Mrs , .Mary Winne- is still engaged] in the mill inery bus1riSss""and has jusfc returned home_with^ a_ne^.Jj t tMc£^pi gbods. - ' __ **_

Mr. Rowe, of the Charley Tompkins place, tells me his daugh te r ' J e s s i e a n d son LoriiL amJisMrJgJrJ f inds a t SchfcL nec'tady, „ _ . T

^je juu ie r^ ta j id -4ha i -4h&^tor4 i - tha t -

» year Gold Filled o l T ^ ' - ± tftth 17 Jeweled Z l t ? ^ h -

movements areiullyfiuarlhS &M

$12.00, , wy^a^nteed,only

was seen flying over the Clip.^afopped a g i r l baby a t the house of Milton Crounse— . ' .'~^

O^r letter c a r r i e r , Pe te r Weidman ,

78 Division Street, Albany;

had a s e v e r £_^ack_One_JLay las ta s i eek+?—£ h -4M!s^ l

few days with them.

and "T^irffieTd "Young- acted a s sub'sti tute for a fewj lays . ^

Next i no rde r is Memorial D a y which

The A l b a n y ' H i g h Shool F reshmen

were gues ts a t P r ^ j i g d M V s . g r -^yja_scoreof 12 and 3. -—BeoEer-^ST-Saatfay

. H r . Roge r s and" daughte r , of Ne^w York , a r e s topp ing a t D r . and Mrs . H-Be^kl r - I s

Horace Newhar t , of Minne-is s toppingja t Mr. and Mrs. T » / T * -k—•—r-^- — • • — • — "

M r s .

apol is ,

Cha r l e s T . T e r r y ; s a t F o n ^ G r o v e ^

Adr i ance , of

came to Dehnar" Sa tu rday afternoon and played a Delmar team. The re-

eorge Bender enter­tained a few of t h e i r f r iends TOT- a a t u r -

.occurs in jus t twolweeks,—T-he-4ad-ies

iJelmar. i h g r a n L i s .-'Ssnniam-

tam.ont. . '

Fred Waldron a n d wife a r e a t M. L .

is v?ry in a t


were enjoyed aad a-genera l good t ime had . Those j j r j i s e j i t j *£^^

M r s / J o h n Walker , o f .A l^ f " 1 1 W a S a T ^ t ? r y f o r t h e D e l m a r ^ ° ^ s

M r . and M r s . C. H. .-^-«.o. w. J J . yvqriance^oi

^ ^ ^ P r H s E S C 3 T ] M a s s M -Were-gue%ts-at-Mr. a n d M r s . O. P . A d r i a h c e ' s , the pas t

4I%e--Ghrtstia.-tr-EmlHavor ineefTng in the Reformed church a t Delmar to­nigh t will be conducted__by_Mjsses •Kath R^aUel'sOn afi inCatharine Becker. Topic : "Lessons from the—Lives of E l i j a h and John the Baptist . (A tem­perance topic.)

"via Sotaling- and J e n n i e Biessing, of -RetdsvHi^r -MfsTIHoak and ^daughter Fannj f , of Sllng-erlands; M r s . J . L.„ Woait, Mrs . Freeman Sta lker , Misses Dorotha arid Helen Wayne, ^ l a ^ y s

^ e j ^ ^ e c u r e d j ^ g j ^ u r a Mag.lejfc, J>fc,,Alvin .T.r.m»^.h«,^ ^ _ _ ' ; ^ a « » e * ~ ^ W - ^ r r i S r f ^ r m i g ^ ' r S T n e

—I should like to tell you of our con-«er t , LuTbkn -on^y-a-ntictpater a s i t " bias not-yet^oceuPFedr—^^h^&mrre^SSnrfo

Miss L a u r a Wilson this_vvriting. • . _

Miss Marion Wil l iamson is th rea t -!ened-jiv-itEIfever-ZI ~~-^_ Z r

M r . and Mrs . F r a n k Benne t t -a re re-idicirip- over a' vbung'son. . ;£

i ^^^? e o Ig? -1^ iUs^om^:h^ pfSveoTtn-health,- - " ^ t m , .

^ S e v e r a l of our you«g folks h a v e l u T cojnn^ncecL^oingfo school,- _ - J H ! ! L


- ^ ^ ^ s a ^ a l e y T i - ^ S r n ^ , , ~ - a l * e ^ ^ n g ^ f e v ^ g ^ m ^ ? M _

T h e consistory

„_S.eiiiitA nnual Convention.

Ernes t "B; L a G r a n g e , of New Yoriv,, w a s t he gues t over S u n d a y of his uncle] : f a n d 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs . Charles- H. Bender .

Church and Society Notes.

» :1-

Miss L a u r a . Diets Vwill conduct thei - E p w o r t h L e i g B e meeting .in fhe chap'el i

or O i e M , JS. c i p - r e h n e i t S u n d a y - e v e - l H i e r of m* i -m, ' '-artg: Top ic - "ServinE-bv E m m n l , •• f - l l l a ° e l s s e c c e t a . _. M H .. . , g e p j n g _ p y fesample.. . I t reasurec^f^he Assoefatjon

t he Town of Bethlehem Bible School Association will be held on S u n d a y ,

at 3 p. m., in the P r e s b y ­ter ian -chitTGh, -Kortfr—BethlEhem. A conference will b e h e l d in which i t is expected tha t a representat ive from each school in the Tpwn wi l l t ake par t . A question bos wil l afso be con­ducted by B. B, LoomiSj. D. D. , pastor

Ipf "the Delmar M., JE. church. E . L . Hier , of tSis vil lage i s secre ta ry and

Mrs^D I -^Jea ger lands , spent S u n d a y Moak ' s . •

"WesttBerng^ ^eroy~Co?nel l h a s re turned home!

Qeorge. H. Townsend was a t §"che-^ _ _ , , . - U V ^ A A U . i* a -o a i w^u

nec'tady a n d ^ l e n s P a l l s l a s t week. , i u r . &. r

J d e M n R e i n h a r t h'as secured' a p o s i - ' d a y at Mr. Lt

• h r ^ r t , " " "? Rev . Jenkins , wffe and daug-hter,-of .?^.:^.! :.°....sA iH^^aaLcnnxeatioB-ef- ^ i t e ^ d a i n ^ ^ e n ^ I © n 4 a < ~ a t - D t v - J - ~ f f -Town of Bethlehem Rihl» s ^ ^ i FftcM's. " ' *

Arthur- Moak, who is working for the New York Central , a t Albany, is 'home sick with La g r i p p e . . - - -

J a m e s Wayne., i s confined to the house with rheumatism. David is ta'k-1% h i s place on the- farm.

4 l r s . Gar re t Brad t is vis i t ing in New York for a few d a y s . Miss M a r y

p r a r i d ferret j r : a r e s topping with

Ltheir g-randpa-rea^sat-Veor-feees-i-rrrer ~

" J T ^ W T c W h t r y h a s , panr ted- fc i s

may c a r r y home one of our p r o g r a m s and ea t our ice cream. .We hope for a Complete success.

church meet Monday evening.

M a n i l a L a t t a enter ta ined her friend, Elizabeth Ki i l i s , of Albany , Sunday

keep order , our a ° t e ; : 3 % d e r u M r . Mc-

Culloch, to keep t ime , 'Mr?Hennesy , of Voorheesville, and Mrs . Nellie T a y l p r i ——»•», "> " l u a u j , o u n u a y . iwjupie

i o delight, and- the r t t t e re : s^a t l the r r sT - " ^ R a ^ M c C o w n a r t ^ r ^ F B ^ f e n ^ g t ^ p i i E o n d a . -TotTJSTaTIdWeTlfvi^e^wTira^aTrwecan, RpiMr""^-^- — — — ^ - — — - - - ' I - -and long for your ' p r e s e n t , t ha t v r i ^

e - f o r ^ e d ^ e o l a ^ ^ T t f r t t n g - h i s ^ £ ^

Seheneetad-y, spent—Sunday"with Tiis pa ren t s here . " - /

tives. . . jT-

S^S lliS^^e i 'arents-

M r s . W i l l i a m R i c h a r d U passing a

r ^ 5 - e k s _ w i t h _ h e r _ d a ^ f a t

W. figs. G. Steenburg, of Kinderhook,' have-been in town a few d a y s .

.rs-TTranK R a u . of Schenectady, „

We have received here_Jutellig-en«e ~gfTHe~sudden death of .Eugene Sa l i s ­bury, s r . , of Wolf Hi l l . Mr. Sa l i s ­bury h a d been ill wi th ' Br ighf ' s dis-

'weaSness ror -ease-and—heaTt- seyeral recently spent

Jshu- 3Jid-M-sSrrJ>a-vid-Cuaa n i a i t e a ^ f

— t i o n j j w i t h the Gene ra l Elect r ic Com-—paoy-

George. R

Mr. F. Coss, Sunday . -——•

Mr. G. Fa i r lee a n d friend spent Sun

-house-rand-k-looks v e r y n i c e v J a m e s

iWayjtie_4s also—pateting—h-is—house/ Unders tand tha t there will be several more houses.painted in our pret ty vil-

•months pas t , ancf h a d .^^^^} spent four weeks in the Albarty Hospital for the t rea tment of these maladies . A t three jQ'clock, T u e s d a y morning", Sa l i sbu ry was heard by his youngeWt. sonjmovihg about 'Sis room, and hast­ily d res s ing himself he went down s ta i rs to find t h a t his .father had quiet-lyjpassed away~~while sitting^ in his cha in . T-he-deceased had scarcely more thanjjassed4M^!Mdlfiqjsrio"d-of-

S i sum and Herber t p a r e n t s

H a r r y Joos h a s establishe'd a pedd l ing route and i s - gi t- in g

sa t i i " fac t ion . "Z_ = ; ; - - ^ _ _ _ T J L

Mr. 1;" j .


Sta lke r carrted-rhBsffrFf TK mai l l as t week in the absence of! Sunday TO the regTiiar-earrj^fc_I__^_L~"Z~~. TptE^^^^

E i

T h e local, telephone—tcompany a r e I _ s t a k i n g out and se t t ing poles for the i r

"Tines-wruch wi l l b e ' completed a t a n e a r l y da te .

p C a r l e s McCulloch Pps t , Q. A.^TT, of Wes t Berne, will observe Memorial D a y , M a y 30th. THe Pos t .w i l l meet

lage th i s fai l .

J a y M, Wh'itbeck h a s been officially | ^iDoxe^-of-Seheneetadyr 5oTm¥d' that j v e j j s ^ h a s e - t-fee-foHow-j ? t M r . J . W. Blessing's . i n g . advantageous changes on the W.

S. R. R., to commence on or about Juae" r7th7"when the new schedule goes -hrttreffect: "'

spen t -Sunday ?t Mr . J . W. Blessing's .

Mr . and Mrs. I^artifTBlessing- spent

-•^T-12TT'cT6^ET*T,ufrnc^xercTseTiviU be held a t the Reformed church a t 2 p . m. Revs; T a t e a n d DeGraff, of Berne, wi l l deliver addresses . Al l a r e .cor-di— a l ly invited to a t tend these exercisesr

-'_•.-_-..-. ' ^ C v - W . - W R I G H T , Coir.

Gailupville. Miss May T r i p p e h a s gone to A-fton

_to visit-her- s i s t e r s : _ ! " . • _ T h e Pompj ia jGranga-wi l i be he lda t r

Gai lupvi l le J u n e 20th.-

Mr . and Mrs . Del Wemple, pf_S_ciie-neetadyj-weTe^aTiTrig^on' fr iends here, Monday. - * -

:, of Canajoharie , visited -her—brother, Mr. Fred Quackenbgsh ,

.Mr^r-Er-^arharTris^tayiSg ' iTcouple ^ 5 a n y ' d a u g h t e r . NT-re T I

- ^ h r - w h i c h J e a v e s J u r e - a i j o u t ^ - a . m.-wil i c a r r y " ¥ coach and stop. T h i s t r a in will con-nect wi th the milk t r a in , No. 9, at So

TlfeTbeing only 54 y e a r s of age at the , A i n £ ^ n i | s J l e a j f f i i _ ^ l l e a i e s i t o * m o u r n | his depar-ture a widow a n d five ^h i id ;

-ren," -tbTgB~"sons~and two "daugh te r s , who a r e a s su red the sympa thy of the community in their sore bereavement .The funera l was'held, a t the Reformed church here , on F r i d a y , a t 2 o'clock, fetermenfat Mount P l e a s a n t .

-Mtner"1f£HgTe""and wife left Wedne.s-disy~o^~a"Ehree months t r ip in the west, going first to_MLs.SQurJ„-_- .- - —

H. W. Hotaliflg h a d the p leasure of £ntertiuning-lMs-ua©le5-J-ohn-Ja3'--&ars-l u p u o i K n o x , J . i s t weekr

Mrs . Leonard Cozzens, who h a s spent several months here , has returned ,to

,-her home in-Sfewarfc, ^r~T. w..Mr, J ames Cfiavanne and d a u g h t e r of Troy , a r e visi t ing her pa ren t s here? Mr. and M r s . L u k e Cranney.

T h e e n t e r t a i n m e r m i e l d ' in the R e ­formed Church w a s very fine and w a s listened - to by a^well i t l led-house. -.- --— —Mrsr -Hut iUuglun , qf VermarrtrTVho

'meat -geod-

M r s . P e t e r Walker , who h a a been s p e n t o g - a - s h o f l time with relatives m

B m g h a m t o n , h a s re turned home.

pee that your-draggiet gives you no inut«r tio'n when yoU'aafc^r'Kenueay's LasativaT Hopey and Tar, the original Laxative cough syrup, bold by Joseph snydet .

Voorheesville. At the home Of Mns^Gee, Hafreirbeek;

on..Tjiesdaly evening,.. M a r 22nd;- t i re

of vveeks with her daughter , M r s W. Blessing.

Mrs , J , Coons and .son F r a n k , of

"ScTierJe^tadyTwhich will give us local service to all points west to Syracuse . I t will also ge t to Voorheesville in time to-^cateb—©rTSr-Hr-1xaTQ~ar^aTln

u w . » u rrar iK, o£ T r a i n JTb. 8" eas t j^due^ISl i.,_m,, wi l Shehectady^ spent a, few d a y s with .ran about "fifteen minutes ear l ie r , con Mrs. Chas. Wolford. ' - - - " Mrs

M r „_ — > ( H . i u g 4U-ditions and improvements added to his

Chas. Wolford.

K- B. Van Allen is having a d -

. _. .... for Heretofore we have had . to

w a l t t a the JX A.-H. to g e t to^Aibany,-a s we h a d no connections at__RMgns._ T r a i n Kb. S ' e ^ s ^ ^ d u e ^ i j A . ^ r o , , will-

^Ray-^ieAv-Gluh'will^tvfertaTii invited guests wi th a recital of some of the g o o d - t h i n g s they nave learneAiiurJjQg-

l i i a s been spending-t-he-Hv-inter with her ^ daTJglifer, S i rs . Hazleton, h a s returned -home.——

Rev. B. B. Loomis preached at the Union services in the Reformed church S u n d a y , evening to a large .congrega­tion-. ' " A.__»_.: :

Rev. Conrad Rowe has purchased a bui ld ing lot from M r s . John Adams and a spec t s to build_on.il in-the-near-f u tu re.

JMPr—and - M r s

"fiieTr'"ct)irr-e^of stud.v in the pas t eight 1 months^ Music, reading , sketches and j essays in line wi th ' the subject s tudy, AuaJXia-HiWg-ar-y-r^w+IPfoiro^

Ifetrfy Crahhei rToT Albany , and Mrs . Char les W. P a r k ' s , of Schenectady, spent S u n d a y a t Joseph -©.lfver^sT" ^ "~™~ -I

,. , _. . .^_i_ aiJueu ro n i s house.^^ontcactor- -John—Hewsop', ^oT - e ^ h „ — » _ _ „ • -

— - " - J o s i e L o n g r of A l b a n y , is" a vTsitor a t Mr . and Mrs . E l l a s Zeh ' s .

M r s T X • " T T T a y T o T ^ H T o i i . r h e f ice - c r e a m ^ a r l o r - o n - S a t u r d a y r o f t h r s w e e k T ' T n , _ , — — - - :

J P ^ e r S m i t M ^ ^ t o g ^ ^ ^ n . i v ^ ^ r ' Q u a c k e o b ^ " . <* Carmetu

_____.^,^ . «wm—__CW

Schenectady, is doing the work

l&r . FfeU. Quackenbush , after a

l ingering illness, jligd^Latuxday-aoot};.

S ' u n i r i i ^ k r r i g l . a t Kot te£damchurch

necting a t Ravena for Albany . T r a i n No. 2, east , d u e at 4:59 p'. m., wil l stop on flag. These j.Le^aU-Gonveniettce^

enter ta inment . Th i s social, l i t e rary and mus ica l evening- closes -the-clab

[work for the season

Several couple from Voorheesville Monday


here night


went to to hea r


"A Summer Paradise^- -

A Summer P a r a d i s e , " , the hand some- i l lus t ra ted ' guide to summei re sorts reached by De laware & "Hudson l ines is j u s t off the press a n d a free copy m a y ^ b e obtained_jyLihfiJD-_iSL-H^ -TouTrst^OfflceT'S. 'North' P e a r l S t , Albany,—or b-y^epd+n^-sis-eejrts-post-^-affe__?,-A-A- BfeAr_L.GeneralJEassenger Ag-eni-, T h i s g u i d e i s . l a r g s r m a n e\ef Slid i ts" a c c u r a c y 5nd__co^pJLeteness__ tnaSe It of Inva luable .assistance to -those who contemplate going a w a y this Summer. I t conta ins a list of several t h o u s a n d hotels and boar-ding houses and in addi t ion items Of information about fifty ©r-more summer-cottages to -rent a t var ious resorts on the D.' & H T h i s i s one of the most attractive books of its k ind a n d should be on every one's

j a b l e for STjmmgir_^e,fejrimceJa__ae ex "cursion tours of whiGh-over---3S-are-ont ' fried, showing; routes and_r.a£es^—liie-DOOR i s a d m i r a b l y writ ten, copioush i l lus t ra ted and, carefully compiled



" S E W YORK_U- " A _ . B A N T " and '•HEN'DKICK HUDSON."

Tuesday morning. - He i s survived by ] a wife -and- two"cfeildfen, M f s . J W a r y

Ijren Wobd, -of Scranton:," IPa .7 a n d Mr.

p a i r s on h i s hotel, the Crys ta l S p r i n g House . -.

J ^ a r ^ A Wi lbe r , of Ba r ton Hil l , was _the gi ipl_of Mr-s^L-iT-aylorT-Saturday and •Sunday.*"

E l a m H a ^ r j y a n d George j . Zimmer m a d e a business t r i p to A l b a n y one-d a y l a s t . week.

^ r F O i r v e r ^ - w U i l l i e a v e for-l^htla-

-^ W

J defphia on Wednesday to visi t her j cousin foi- a couple/pf monthg,

: ^rkiers CojrnerS,

h a r i e , vjsited h e r ^ o m e o q Wednesday

, M r s A t P e n n i n g t o n , entertained company from Schenec tady on Sun-n a y l a s t

NoT-rCE—Morris tKahn, of A l b a n y , will remain, in. Al tamont for the sum­mer, and wil l p u r c h a s e iron, meta l of a l l k i n d s and fags , for cash, fa i r p r ice being given,' F o r p a r t i c u l a r s inqu i re of S a n d ' s Sons. •- 4S-4t

Westerlo. Addie W i l d a y hatched 180 chickens

froin "209 eggs.

vvBicTT w e have long, needed. From an­other s'ource-we are TnfortHKJLfiaT-the. R-. R. Co. will reduce fare to Albany via^3aSena-to~same-faTe_s[S"via. D. S "" and v oorheesyilleT ^H". and'~v oorheesyilleT IF"wlTl take a g r e a t ma3by t h a t way to see the country jyho j iave heretofore .went via. D . & H.

T h e Voorheeayille basebal l c lub has organized for the season and the first g a m e will h e played S a t u r d a y with the Waver leys of Albarry^ThroiighTthe-

-k.i-Bdnes^TTf~MrT~BToomingdale, a dia­mond has been lajd_aui_in-hi5~ineadow

"Back of the hose house and by consid-, ~ "2 * ' e rab le ha rd work we now have one: of magbree unrVrstOi t he bes t d i amonds in the country. A s -the team is ina"deup dfriome p l aye r s ,


- Ml?? **?&* L e o n a r d , of F r a f l k - f - - • - t n W w t a r r f f i ^ " - ^ . j j in . ton ,_who . h a s b e e i r t h e m i g s t of her r^ . 1 r M 1 I Y ' ESCBP* sPKDAy—1906

•sister Mis - p j „ . ; „ a « ,? - .. -rt*,e P j a ? y > Hamilton St., - -S.30A. si sosKHv. js-aso LdB-mJ£atal-ing,Uias-re- .ArJ?v6NewYorjc,ffisafcia9tiist^_- s J i O i ^ . -turned home. .. J J e w Yprk,.West 42d St., - . 5 . 3 0 1?. si ~ "

' . , . - '• 1, . JNIC.VV York, DesBrosses St. , - 6.00 p u

aiSlt M,t5 trIlen e"tsrtained ^^^^S^^M^ss^ H a s t i n g s and H a r r y fth.aifa.trJ.-—»P-^- f ^ - 2 0 - ^ - j f t r ^ t e e - n ^ ^ b ^ r y T a u n d a y , 1 at h e r bcmnr0frt>ela*

. »,

Henry Becke had the misfortune To break h i s leg.

. H. K . j ;oaes i_ i s_v l s i t ing~Mends- -a t Schenectady.

Eva~StrevEt t

j = . _ £ = - b e e n M t i s S a d i e V a n D e n b u r g h , who has.

:en sick-wiih-i the-mumps, is ab l e to" •Hbe-ouL-agata

.__ is spend ing a shor t time a t -Albany , '

Mr i_TaJBHeusen is days a t E . K i n g ' s .

J enn i e Hudson, of Ind i an F ie lds , is visiting*- a t J . -M, Morr is ' ,

MTSTlFfe^""Wfight is On the s ickHst .

F r a n k Brunk , pur l iveryman, lost a va luab le horse l a s t S u n d a y .

F r a n k :Shultes has been put t ing a c iga r counter in his grocery. *

Mrs, .F rank 43e&ker i s 'Spending a few days with M r s . F r e d Hochstrasser .

Concrete abutments for the new steel

- ^ ^1 wume p iaye r s i t i s hoped t h a t the vi l lagers wi l l at tend the games and " r o o t " for the home team, even thoughJyrjune4s_losjt iKDCHSfenai-iys a s tiornrng*^5sp!e^rtens_a


Mr. and M r P r e d ' D e a r s t y n e and ' " ^ ^ e a r s t y n e r o f AI-

•wrtfa-their patenfs~here:

. T h e J u n i o r E p w o r t h L e a g u e will hold a sale of fancy ar t ic les , home-

• n A j ^ l g """QTreWIfeaeJamAus-steamers on-| inrnoBIesrs tream ift America offers rare at e^ ~ , Steamers are fitteff«p"exclaslvely

bany , have come to spend the summer ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n l S ^ T ^ ^ S ^

- w r t V t r ^ r r T a r e m ^ h e r e : — " - W ^ ^ ^ g g ^ ^ S I J J ^

team so much a s having their, own town go aga ins t them. New uniforms a r e to be ordered in the • n e l r future and a s soon as . they arrive, 0„t.of town g a m e s will bq a r ranged . i n 0 , r i w f „ , r r

h e l p d e f r a y expenses, a s i lve r coll.c- S i ^ n 1 *£*** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tion will be taken a t a l l of the « m „ f ^ T d r> ? a v i s o n o f Sduth Bethle-tion will be taken a t a l l of the g a m e ! and it is hoped tha t the people who

being p u t up. - ^ * a * H e a f f l - t s r u n a r r considerable « - » . „ . - • - — — •><-, -pense. Some-close and exci t ing "con- S ^ D n ^ . d M r s - B : B. Loomis^ a for-

, tests a re looked.for a s c h a l W ^ i ? m a l - reception a t the church, wQnli been received - t a - £ f c ^ ? S l H ^ a m a t e u r teams in A!»,,_.. . . . .

being p u t up

Mr a n d . M r s . Henry Millar Wel-| ? ^ ^ % ^ n g : s Q i L w : e i g h i „ g - i 4 . p b l h l d g

to their home l a s t week. W l r a a s

M r s . E d w i n S.chell a n d family, of | Schenectady* spent S u n d a y wi th her

— m o t h e r — M f s r ^ D ^ S ^ e ^ b ^ c E r ~ ~

T h e Schenec tady rdaa, which" has5

been in a very b a d condition for some t ime, i s be ing . inSpfdviBd By the' coni-


J 5 a r x : S j v ^ i s ^ p ^ n t _ ^ ^ w _ d a ^ . ^ ^

^^r-r-^rrd-iWts.^MlerTflayToTC^hoes, [have arr ived to spend/ the summer in thei r po t t age in th i s place,

s p e n d i n g - a f e w ' Mr. and Mrs. Aaron. Eck'er spept j S u n d a y with their daughter , Mrs . Henry B i n s ^ a t j S a s t Berne . •_

*"* MIs i~Mafgare t HMh^j^isser^eif-AA^ "bany Normal College, sp.ejjt .Sunday


of J u n e 6th. A l l .come "and he lp the l i t t le ' fo lk 's^/ '."' ' • " "

• Mr. a n d Mrs . G. W. L a t t a have been en te r t a in ing the pas t week Mr. H a r r y L a t t a - a n d s i s te r L u e l l a and Miss Ver'a Ives, of A l b a n y , alao_John-LjjGh-


fonwhfeh the-S«asotris-reHowHed'. ~

Uhu^ual iJB^. &^3;^J^i^t3to lLMfe-Resort - -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W r ^ r u s t r a t e H Brochure of

fic^ietsv'a D a y L i n e ^ r e ^ j ! safeatalLof

t W . B . Br,»i5NDORB'(GenefalAlgent, . """'" Albany; N Y


T h e congregation of the M. E . church tended to the n e w pastor ajjd wife, the Rev. D n and Mrs . B, B. Loomis^ a for

h e r g randmother , M r s . Presson.

Mrs . E d w i n Hilton was taken f r o m l H o c h s t r a S ; ;


...v ui me Dest j a m a t e u r tearns^ in ^Ib^ny^among-them^ "belng^ challenges from the Ind ian Athletic Club, the VanWagne r s , All Sa in t s and the Clinton's, T h e Clintons will probably oppose the home team on

^Decoration' D a y and as ' they a r e . an exceedingly fas t foarnJ__a__good_game can" B e n o o k e X for. T h e

the, vau i t

1 with he r ' pa ren t s , Mr. and M r s ;

-Ghiimj berIaHr"s-CmrglrTi ' ' West.

.emetty the v i i r j


Successoi' to

•'I have been usinj? Chamberlain's Cough(fC Remedy and I want to say it ia the beat cough ..medicine 1 have ever" taken, "rs'»ys (iieo. L. i hflbb, a- merchant of Harlan Mich There is no question about its being

^ B t ^ J B g e f ; -Veal,

^ . _,—.-^-,«-^»Tr-c^tnra^ongtrt)r:l50laTtPl'" hnvtt" ^ r» i i i s s 'tPie thjiituiin-y-—othw^trestmenti—-Hrh

Qui te a nuihbef attende^;,. the- S t a t e ""Road school picnic^jvhicji-.yyas held in.

the school hodse pn 'Thu j 'Sday la s t ; Alii repor t a l&iie ittttp, 5Phato"ks to the


ba r l ed a t SdtitB Bfernp;

H ^ n r r H l l t o & ' a n d i&niiiy and Del-b f ^ I ! , ^ ? ? , d f a™«y> Pf Schenectady,

yxsited at R . S ; Hilton's.


^ a v i d - H a m e s had a very n a r r o w escape of severe in ju r ies -Sunday nitfhti w f r o r ^ t 6f;temperance house, h i s W fpewg f r j g h W d . ' '

R e ^ T M T ^ r ^ a t e W i y p reach h i s a n ­n i v e r s a r y - s e r m o n , in t h e ' L u t h e r a n

'church, . S u n d a y , May 20th, a t 10:30 o'clock, a n d oh M a y 27th wf.lt preach a in^mO£iaiLserjrn^jn^__i-4^

Taki- LAXATIVE BROJWO Quinine Tabletsr

> ^- - w l r " U K , J V fe.f4'l|tji»ttl£Sji*;.cla;««er-y boX) 2JC,

wilTl t t tend in a body. A l l a re invited to attend;

* ! ^ h ™ i » g r up in fine form, buf , f 5 V Z l ^ ^< . ^ I o m l a V ^ ^ ^ ahowing upi« fiDr^rz™ 2i2K ^ v ^ M i s w s s

m .seagin.

Sunday Excursion Fares.

Kennedy 8 Laxfttiye Honnw ov, a w ii,"-_. Kennedy's liMiitive Honey and! Toif «ijay& toe congestion, stops that tiiskjing,, 4 ^ , ^ ;the cold ont throogh yon* boyrei».; tioli b y

-A ^ood complerioK isimposstble with th*\ Stomach out of ordisr^ tf £!*£. i • 1, •• **e-

for for Byapeprfa wiU d i g e s S t o l fa

to do mown work, K o d r > l V f l i i ^ U _ ? . p e

bal l , he w i l l - d o l t instead of m a k m e

g r a n d s t a n d p l a y s with one hand 2 ,

. t e a i i n r i S S i n ^ a « j i ^ t ickets

<*^~^^ ,^^-wie^vsfPrtFrnt occasionsllv S n ( n «1 •*

Stir the liver np M " V " o c o f t « ' o n e %

jheiift bnm, e f a j , Sold by J o B e p ^ S n S IS te-ion

-eluding, the" W a U k T i r v ^ ^ S '


FMfTh n,^%6fsale o n Decoration D a y ,

Ske^ fJ&J&J**" ^ Thye d a t e of sa le , a r e

8n jde r ;

*•&•$*• •vV-»~aA4K,

*i-~~A~i*i1.4tuL-H*^^ * - - « . .


VTOTICE TO CRKD1TORS —By order of M Newton B. Van Derzfee Surrogate of tbe county of Albany. Notice is hereby given, «r-cordln/? to l*w-to*H persons h»ving claims or— di ra»ndf ;«galn*t John Haeb, late of Delmar in the town of Bethlehem in said conriiy, de cesaeJ, that they are required to exhibit the same, wltb the vouchers in support thereof, to the subscriber, the executrix of tbe lsst will and testament of said deceased at > h«r plaoe-ioMraMocifnf—burinesp -flSOtic.L„„ Mrectitrix at the JHW office of lestor 1

-Bubbardr-hi—the-W-atsMMa-bufldtos-^Sr Brbadway In the pity of Albany, N, Y., on or before the 1st day of December next '

Datrd, Albahyf N , ?, this 4th day ofMk?

I*«l6.r t 'Hubbard, • 'OA'MISBIKM H U B , _ Att'y for EYfcutrlx, Bxecdtrlt

. Waterman Biilldlnit, 1st Broadyay.Albaay, W. T,

~ ^ -

i ' 4 x Jf

-*««£^&8f* " ^ ^ ^ m

f ^ - n a i - , * . ^ J - ^

.v • ^

>^4»f**'a M tf^ry "ff* *"


\ . \