jijau dyan mandir exam paper 2012

Q.1 Write domestic animals 1 2 3 4 5 Q.2 Write 5 wild animals 1 2 3 4 5 Q.3 Write 3 pet animals 1 2 3 Q.4 Write 3 polite words 1 2 3 Q.5 Write 5 flower name 1 2 3 4 5 Q.6 give answers 1 where did the wild animals live? ans. 2 what is the name of lion and tiger’s house? Ans. 3 where elephant and giraffe live? Ans. 4 who give us milk? Ans.

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Post on 03-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Jijau Dyan Mandir Exam Paper 2012

Q.1 Write domestic animals12345

Q.2 Write 5 wild animals12345 Q.3 Write 3 pet animals123Q.4 Write 3 polite words123Q.5 Write 5 flower name12345Q.6 give answers1 where did the wild animals live?ans.

2 what is the name of lion and tiger’s house?Ans.

3 where elephant and giraffe live?Ans.

4 who give us milk?Ans.

5 who gives us wool?Ans.

6 which animals are useful to us? Ans.

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Q.7 write the name of three reptiles?123Q.8 give the name of picture.

ORALTell me the name of animals

Sub GKQ.1 what are use.1 to wipe the blackboard …………….2 to write on the blackboard …………….3 to clean the floors …………….4 to clean the benches …………….5 to throw the rubbish …………….Q.2 write month of the year.1 January2 …………….3 …………….4 …………….5 …………….6 …………….7 …………….8 …………….9 …………….10 …………….11 …………….12 DecemberQ.3 match the following


1 26 January independence day2 15 august Gandhi jayanti3 2 October republic day4 14 November teacher’s day5 5 September children’s day

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Q.4 writes five things that you see in school.

Q.6 writes days of the week1234 Wednesday567

ORALTell the name of fruit and flowers

Q.1 writes numbers in word1 72 193 564 895 100Q.2 writes numbersQ.3 additionQ.4 subtractionQ.5 draw figures1 circle2 triiangleQ.6 match the pairsVertical lineHorizontal lline

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Slanting lineQ.7 use the scale and complete the picture by going numbersQ.8 how many notes of each kind mate Rs 20? Write your answer in the boxesQ.9 write numbers in a ascending and descending orderNumbers ascending order descending order

1 7,9,32 5,11,103 12,7,44 1,8,45 5,9,3Oral NotationNotation 51-100Table 1-12

Q.1 write in a alphabetical order1 b,d,a,c2 g,f,e,h3 l,k,j,iQ.2 make 5 worlds from the word elephant12345Q.3 write missing letters1 t_b_e

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2 f__w_r3 al____4 mon__d___5 s_e_g___Q.4 make words from alphabet

A j l f

Q.5 write opposite words match the pairs

A bHeavy longHappy lightShort sadStop smileCry startQ.6 write plural from1 leg2 hat3 key4 toy5 girlsQ.7 give the name of pictureOral Reading lesson

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Q.1 read and writeAn appleA bookA pencilA bedA tapQ2 complete the sentence1 leaf is2 apple is3 mango is4 lemon is5 the sky isQ.3 look the picture and write his nameQ.4 Oral1 reading three letters word2 what I use everyday3 vegetables and fruited names

Q.1 write the notation1112131415

Q.2 write the numbers 1 to 10 in the ascending & descending orderAscending order1Descending order10Q.3 tick the group of more abjects and circle the less objects.


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45Q.4 Oral1 notation 11 to 202 table of 3 & 43 oral addition 1 to 5

Q.1 read and write RoseLilyLotusJasmineAsterQ.2 write the opposites12345Q.3 colour the shapes and write the colour name12345Q.4 Oral1 days of the week2 my self3 domestic animals names (only two)4 pet animals names (only two)5 music instruments

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Q1 write the stroke 1 standing line2 sleeping line3 slanting line4 half circle5 circleQ.2 match the pairsQ.3 write the alphabets of each pictures

Q.4 Oral A to Z

Q.1 write the numbers12345Q.2 count and write the numbers

Q.4 Oral Test1 1 to 10

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Q.1 my self 1 what is your name?2 what is your teaches name?3 what is your school name?4 what is your mother name?5 where do you live?Q.2 days of the week

Q.3 body parts name

Q.1 draw the picture

Q.1 match the pairsISGRPQ.2 look the picture and write the letters

Q.3 missing letters write

A _ C _ E _ G

H _ J _ l _ M

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N _ P _ R _ T _

Q.4 A to Z oral

Q.1 missing numbers

31 3336

38 40Q.3 colour the shapes and write the numbers in a boxQ.4 count and circle the correct numbersQ.5 31 to 50 numbers read (oral)

Q.1 colour the pictures

Q.2 colour the pictures

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Q.1 write the small number and big number

Number small big1 642 893 274 365 52Q.2 write the after numbers & before numbers1 12 102 27 453 35 564 98 735 101Q.3 write the between numbers1 5 7 16 182 23 25 32 343 91 93 48 504 76 77 56 585 81 83Q.4 make the addition

5 3 94 2 1

2 42 3

Q.5 write the notation1 762 303 94 125 226 57 348 159 2010 50Q.6 make the subtraction

6 4 9 41 4 3 1


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Q.7 write a tables of 5 & 6

5 x 1 =5 6 x 1 = 6

Q.8 oralNotation 21 to 70Tables 6 to 8

Q.1 write the five domestic animals name12345Q.2 look at the picture and write their names12345Q.3 write the five animals names1

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2345Q.4 write the answer the quation1 which

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Class 1st

Sub mathsQ.1 write the small number and big number Q.2 write the after number & before number Q.3 write the between numberQ.4 make the additionQ.5 write the notationQ.6 make the subtractionQ.7 write a table of 5 & 6

OralNotation 21 to 70Table 6 to 8

Sub R & S

Q.1 Write the five domestic animals nameAns. 1


Q.2 look at the picture and write their namesQ.3 write the five wild animals nameAns. 1


Q.4 write the answer of quation

1 which clothes we wear in rainy season?2 Which clothes we wear in winter seasn?

Q.5 look and write the words 1wheat

3 rise 4 maize

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5 jowar 6 gram

Q.6 complete the following boxes

Q.7 write answer the question1 is your family big or small2 name the any two members of your familyQ.8 my school1 the name of my school is …………………………….2 it is in …………………………….3 the school building has ……………. Two floors4 miss ………………. Teacher is my teacher 5 I can study and play in school

ORALTell wild animalsTell the domestic animals

Sub : GK

Q.1 write the month of the year

1 …………………2 February3 …………………4 …………………5 …………………6 …………………7 …………………8 …………………9 …………………10 …………………11 …………………12 December

Q.2 Write the name of animals on see the picture Q.3 Write the names of five body parts1234

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Q.4 look at the picture & write the names of flower.Q.5 Write the name of five things which you see in the school12345Q.6 write the answer of the question 1 name of big plant 2 how many minutes are there in an hour? Q.7 Match the pair


ORAL Flowers namesFruits names

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