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s :Y ' ' ' - - r'f J t .jflittWijiLfcil . u , ,. , ZZfZSffiS if y t G J . j. i "t t ' r.'. iii 4 aaWl 'BBaVtakfc.i i. i iUI. i B Iw&'&jffiF I f T rPgBAtB AT W'Ctl "0t,B -- , MW iPtiTnrirr E ET EXTRA Vrf I r ' I I B I 0 10 11 12 I 1 I 2 I a f 4 I r. I 70T71 711 I I ; ;t Jlnftmri70 VIII.-- N0. 4 ' E"" ,. j,7f ; SEPTEMBER 1921 rubllihed Dallr fexcopt Sunday, fluhaerlptlon Prleo la Tar W Mall. PRICE TWO CENTS pYOL. tt.Bgh.itMutort; .PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 17, Copyrlaht. 1021, W Fubllo tidier Company c 'J ANGS OF KLAN REVEALED IN DEATH-BOUN- D OATH '!l " )?Qiiffyld Pledge of the Ku Klux Exposed to Show Members Bound Only to 'Law' of 'Emperor' '31 Dl III III rfll rl I PUTS KLANSMAN UNDER FEALTY TO tORDER OR WHIM OF 'WIZARD' !,' : Follower of 'Emptor' Swears Not to Reveal Anything kf r Done by Fellow White Robes Except Treason or Two Other Inexcusable Crimes BONDAGE OF 'UNWRITTEN LAWS' MUST f. BE ACCEPTED TO JOIN BROTHERHOOD 'Colonel' Simmons Also Cannily Obligates His Followers to De- - tray ah expenses ui ms mystic urbanization wnen - Kleagles Whistle or Groan for Cash :' I EXAMINATION of the four-fol- d oath of the Ku Klux Klan shows the togs of this secret, "fcmperor'-ruic- d order, which is reviving the inditions of masked terrorism. T6C oatn, wnn us tnrcais oi ucnwi una uisnonor ior n violator, is rin in lull louay. The first section binds the Klansman to unquestioning obedience to William Joseph Simmons, the "Emperor." The second obligates to rigid secrecy. Tho third section requires fidelity in fostering "every interest" of tie Klan. .. The fourth binds to "Klanishness." " Kln this amazing screed violation of "this sacred oath," in tho eyes of the ruler of tho "Invisible Empire," is a crime on a par with murder or ith.treason to the United States. 4"il.. n t. -- i e it.- - x! ...!J ...i .t . . , 'in mo iirst aiuua ui uiu iyiuii s nuiiuii-wia- c extension mo lOUr-IOl- O ma usuuny us uuiiuiuaieieu uwc bculiuii ul u nine, ine lnicrvais ueing (lWby "mystic cave" assemblies and the marching and counter-marchin- g hooded and gowned "Terrors." Noyir that the Kleagles are hurriedly organizing the candidates obtainable, the entire oath frequently is administered in one dose. Amerl- - ttn titizens are thus swearing to it unconditionally at the rate of 5000 a rijtaaccording to Simmons. S&Tne newly mado Klansman not onlv nails with n 'Mnnnfi'nn ,. tjja'iropBgatioiv of but he also obligates himself to meet ofunas ior tne expenses oi the order. VA T.'ll- - all .tin PDAlES OF "IMPERIAL WIZARD" MADE HIGHEST LAW BY KU KLUX KLAN OATH is no doubt that Emperor ImHERE or whoever wrote the a "rcnl oath." 'Hwdenw "joiners," members of ns I mm? tititi ns they have fingers, hnvo eiaminedtfand found it the "stlffest" cblritlon they ever bad heard of. The tint nnd Inst of its four sec- - Itwnj ire as dangerous matter as could tie worn to by a "fcroup of American leltlxcpi. Unconditional obedience to the as yet ufaown "constitution and laws, regu- - lttlona, usages nnd requirements" of tae Kntxhts of the Ku Klux Klnn nnd totke "mandates. decres, edicts, rul-li- ft and instructions" of Emperor Stomoni. la the first obllentlon sol- - efflly sworn to by the candidate, "In e presence of God nnd man." t Secrecy Main Obligation Rirld uprrnrv. pvn In thi fnrfi of ih, in regard to nny nnd nil "mnt-tjr- t and knowledge of the Knights of st Ku Klux Klnn," Is the second n, also assumed by the candidate Wore any "mntters nnd knowledge" km been intrusted to him. , Fidelity in faithfully fostering "every wwest" of the Knights of tho Ku Wax Klan Is the third obligation, "before CJod and In tho prcs- - of these mysterious Klnnsmen." KlsnlshneHH," to the extent of Wing the secret of n Klansman, with UI sole exceptions of secrets concern-J- X the violation of tho Klnn onth, KMSOn nrnlnHf tlio TTnltcil Stntps rnnc Md malicious murder, and to the ex-- of uMng nny nnd nil "justifiable WMM and methods" to preserve "free PtMIc schools, free free press, jtMretlon of church nnd State, liberty, JWte supremncy, just laws nnd the JWrolt of happiness" ngnlnst nny of "nny nature" by any iPJtton or perbons. political pnrty or Mrtles, religious sect or people, native, Mturallzed or foreign of nny race, "lor, creed, llnenco nr tnniriio. wlinr. y," constitute the fourth nnd final T,1,'??" nlcli ends: iit i i nn dworn wiin litis 'lilt I nlll ll m. Mnn1 (.a Tl,,. jritns. Almighty God. Amen'!" ' Use "Loyalty" as Cloak -- .... luuiiu ncviiuu i ue ruiiuifinic JW wears to support the Constltu- - frit, . ? constitutional Inws" of the w mates and any State where he a..""0, nnu the Klun organizers BlUCh (MUll till nt Ilm fnnl- llnf Mnsldtring their patriotic profes- - SmU'.'i1.0.1.1'1 be, borne ' mlll "'t the or hrlnnl Ku Klnv Klnn Krl." 0Un.1 alPcnr I" the few iftv. "' '""tii wuh nrrnriipii SS?.i.V,,.,t!on ?f the United Stntes f)Tnr" "nniH wnicli made "Ku K-S1- L- ? n A.rlrTr?l! i wrmnV.. 7 ,UIMB, mnfllcCl1 violence nnd i ,i,::"7,"vu VaHt' oi wimt linn. M'Put I "ie f...y,eW. " "ecessnry God" Into n " or n Negro. rotei'T', V'e,s,,t their niodern e docul "'I, nttneh to. the 'tiJli "' "" bil1 ,of rIht9 iZ. ?.e.".ry Pei son w tliln iiS'!ift Hr.aa,HS"i. thi? VOW from the infliction of any cruet or un- usual punishment, will be abundantly shown by the Evemno 1udxic ijEnonn. nJmnledi!,tcl? nfter t,,ls nrticle it will warnings forcible nbductlons, tnrrings la8hin?8' mutllat and other nnd v olatlons of ""tlonal rights nnd which have been occurring in this freo 1 within the last few month while ku Kluxlsm.lnc, has bwn bonst-".- ?' the rush of "PURE AmeHcon-li-- m to seek :ts levels. Danger Always Present the PM?8C?,tl"S n critical analysis of 500,000 AmericanS.XyEvnESCPt;ny nn?nME?fn h08 n,waW In infn.1 the" danger to the United States oran!"tlon bound to- gether by such nn onth, under the domination of one mnn ?lkev at any time to .draw Into its r.n or no regnrd for anything but tho Ku Itnlc.. atandard8 oi conduct and The inherent viciousness anil nnn tlal danger to Amcrlcantamf Erfctfon1:0 oath aru "lnJe und.afftnd0SSil; Becn fl"d-gre- at (iiuieult In getting a chance to see even after he has been ndm many a "Kotop" who rends hlokno" from hs own experience; and it furthw binds him to obey any Ku Klux laws U'int..may. be enacted in the future he npprvc.s ,of them o ' A man who takes this obligation ami keeps it gives "Emperor" blank check on his life and hb entlrS liberty of thought and action. Under tho second section jn tho first clause is found a promise to "dill, gently guard and faithfully foster every interest" of the- - Klnn. and "maintain its socla caste and dlgnlty"-wh- lch las Pledge, In view of the facts that arc jiuw turning our, is notll ng less thnn heroic Hut the whole is sweeping declaration that every Interest a of the order must bo paramount to other considerations. "Emperor" Demands Fealty In rigid interpretation nnd Ku Kluxism is rigid any slightest devla-tlo- n from absolute personal obedience and loyalty to Emperor Simmons is n violation of the oath. "I swear," says another section "thnt I wi I nny .nromntlv nil .i legal demands made upon me to defray the expenses of my Klan nnd this Order when same are due or called for." "Kick In. boys!" says the Tmn.i- - Wizard. "We need some money. Tf rmi itnn't fc vnn nni wUlnl.. '" i. V"" :.' V"!"' f.nr ui iu wiu jiuidf if i mi, mm nny viola tion means tiinKrnre. (UMinnnr nn.i death,' ns we told you when you Krl. ',i,i in,i "I swenr thnt I will keep securo to myself the .ecret of n Klansman when same Is committed to me in tho sacred bond of Klnnsmnnshlp the crime of violating THIS holemn oath, treason against the United States "of America, rape and malicious murder alone ex- cepted." This clause demands careful think- ing ocr, particularly by Continued on rase Six. Clomn Two k 1 V tV,?una' nd safety eudai Too World' lini l,ubrlft,-i- !. his body. KLAN'S RALLYING IGNAL LV&fPC Wmsi' mfff-v- nL .LLLLVlLLWi The "flcry cross" of the Ka Klux Klan Is tho rallylhgTilgnal when tho brotherhood Is called together for its secret meetings or "excursions." Many victims of outrages perpetrated by white -- robed "regulators" saw this smoking, flaring symbol as their persecutors applied the lash or tar and feathers GOVERNOR SPROUL DENOUNCES KLAN Bishop Berry Joins State Ex- ecutive in Scoring Methods of White-Robe- d "Regulators" LEGION FOR LEGAL ACTION i The extreme danger of such organiza- tions as tho Ku Klux Kln;i, Inc.. was pointed out today by Governor Sproul. He expressed surprise thnt n body with such views and purposes could gain any headway In these days of en- lightenment. He said there was no excuse for such an organization, whlcn. ne dcclnrcd, Is contrary to everything American. "I have becn reading the accounts of tho Ku Klux Klan In the Evkm.vo Punuc Ledqeh," he said, "nnd wab surprised to learn what the Klnn's purposes nrc. There Is, of rourse, no necessity for such a body In the United Stntes. Its existence Is to be deplored. "Secret organizations which seek to rcgulato the action of the people in such n manner arc in conflict with the constituted authorities. The Constitu tion of tho United btntes bus provided amplo safeguards for nil Its citizens. "Such an organization as that de- scribed in the Eve.ni.no Puulic Ledoeu is undemocratic uud dangerous. I was surprised to hear of it guinlng so much headway." Dlshop Joseph I. Henry, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city, said : "How any one who is not cither ignorant or vicious can be ahhoclated with such a movement as the Ku Klux Klan Is more thnn I enn understand, If recent exposures from the inside by those who claim tn know the actunl Bplrlt and life of the organization can be believed, It would seem that the whole business is to be tuboocd by good citizens, "I would the snmc thing nbout other nth-bou- institutions which assume to take the execution of law into their own hands. What wo need in this country is a great revival of patriotism, and patriotism ran only be secured by loyalty to constituted au thorities. "H what I nm told about certain other ecclesiastical nnd political or- ganizations which have large member- ships in this country is true, then I would plnce them in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan." Organized labor tn Philadelphia is lined up bolldly against the Ku Klux Klan. The warning by 'Woll, vlco president of the American Federation of Labor, concerning the Klan found a reuily and wnoie-nenrtc- u reiteration from labor leaders here. Mr. Woll declared Ku Kluxism "a mennco to American freedom." He pointed out that trade unions t,tnnd for democracy, while the Klnn "stands for a sneaking, cowardly nutocrncy, work- ing in the dark, striking under cover, Continued on I'e Nix, Column llic Snow Dank la Tpurlat'a Qravo Fort Collins, Col., Sept. 17. (Hj A. P.) Gregory Aubuehon, eighteen, mUsIng tourist of Mlchignntnwn, Ind found n 'grnvo In a midsummer mow bank at the beso of n liOUO-fo- cliff of Loin's I'enk. Itocky Mountnln Na. Ilonal Park. His body was found yts- - terdsEaiy forest rangers after rain and iPKW mcitea mo enow wnicu covered IK WARD CHIEFS DESERTJO VARES Beaston, Mace and Walsh Fol- low Connell Out of Pen- rose Camp SURPRISE TO MOORE MEN Three more lenders who had becn counted on ns supporters of the Voters' League at the primary deserted to the Vnre.s today, nccordlng to announce- ment made with great joy by the "Fifty-fift- y Combine." The three arc Harry Hencton, for many yenrs a Fortieth Ward leader; Harry Muoe, member of the Honrd of uonu lowers, nnd William Walsh, n member of the Hoard of Registration Commissioners. The three nro nil Fortieth Wnrd lieu-tenan- ts of Councilman George Connell, tho "big leader" there, who Is presi- dent of the recently formed Leaders' League, the Penrose organization formed to back up tho Moore Administration and the Voters' League. The expectation was that Heaston. Mace nnil Walsh would follow Connell into tho Penrose camp. When Richard Wcglcin, president of Council, nnd leader of the Twenty-nint- h Ward, de- serted tho Mayor for good und took up with the VnrcH in spite of tjenntor Penrose's orders, he wns fol'owcd by oil the leaders of his ward. ConnelPi accession to the Voters' League ticket was expected to result in Ilenston, Mace nnd Walsh going over to the league also. During the Moore campaign the three who have now deserted to the Vnres Continued en Vast Four, Column Four Af. J. American Legion Denounces Ku Klux Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 1". resolution denunciatory of the Ku Klux Klnn was adopted today by the Anicrlcnn Legion convention nfter fervent pleas by It sponsor, T. Hubert McCauley, of Newark, nnd Edward Carroll, of Jersey City. o hooner nau it occn read than there was an uproar on the floor. After the oral fireworks, had sub- sided McCuuley delivered his specen In moving adoption, nnd wns by an eloquent second from Carroll, who culled the Klux "u damnable organization " On tho vote n unanimous storm of ayes supported t. David W. Jameson Post, No Kl American Legion, has instructed Its delegates to the Pittsburgh conven- tion, ns'follows: "Inasmuch ns tho Ku Klux Klnn os exposed in the Evenino lum.10 Ledoek seems to bo un- - ,nr,.Cnn' ,,'", ,hnt " demand!' allegiance to home other Power than these United Stntes of America and in other manners ns .,thn.t, nwl"P and con-trar- y to ideals of the Ainorlenn Legion, thnt this matter be brought to the attention of the Department of lennsylvnnln, American Legion, in cantonment assembled." SUSPECTED SLAYER OE WANT AD WIFE CAUGHT N CANADA George Dobson, Runnemede Highlands, N. J., Nabbed by Sleuth in Ontario NOW IN DETROIT JAIL; NO TRACE OF 2 CHILDREN Detective Doran's Wire Reporting Dobson Caught "South Woodslcy, Ontario Dob- son in custody. Night letter will follow. Dornn." Thnt was tho brief message Proe. etitor Wolvcrton received this morning announcing that a chase covering many hundreds of miles was ended nnd George Dobson, sus- pected murderer of his wife, Isn-bell- a, in Ilunncmcdc Highlands, September 8, was rnded nnd a much-wante- d man was under ar- rest. ft George Dobson, wonted for the mur- der of his wife, (sabclln, in Kunnemedc Highlands, N. J., September 0, is under nrrcst. He was caught in Canada after n .chase through Western Ontario which covered hundreds of miles by Law- rence T. Down, a detective attached to the County Prosecutor's office in Camden. Dormi has returned to Cnnndn to get the two children the niece of the denil womnn and Dobson's son whom the suppojeu slnycr took with him. Dornn lodged Dobson in the jnll nt Uctrolt police headquarters last night, and will proceed to Camden with him without delay. The chief of policcnt Detroit, talk- ing on the telephone this morning, was unable to east much light on the case. Prisoner Sullen "Dobson is here," he said. "The New Jersey detective brought him in P!sht' nml wc locked him up for him. Tlln mnn'lu uitUn h.. - ... v .,,,,,,., uul ocl-jj,- will- - '"B enough to nccompnny the officer bail to Camden. Not being our prisoner, we have not attempted to question Jilm, but it Js only natural thnt some of our men have tried to talk to him. He refuses to discuss the minder or the chase that resulted in his arrest. "I ennnot tell you wiicrc Dornn is. Jlc merely nsked the courtesy of the use of our lock-u- p. which we. of course, granted hirn. He did not mention what hotel he was stopping nt. He merely left Dobson nnd said he would call for him some time Sunday." when Dornn comes home there s no doubt the talc of the chase will be un epic ns Interesting ns the stories of similar pursuits thnt have reached to the far corners of the earth. Dob- son s trail wns fo lowed without osten- tation nnd ndvertlslng nnd Is n splen- did example of the type of police work thnt hns made "Jersey Justice" Nabbed at Rrotlier- - In -- Law's Homo Shortly nfter Mrs. Dobson wns found brutnlly beaten to death search of the Runnemede bungalow disclosed the fact that Dobson bad relatives In South - Contlnurd on Vnie Four. Column One WARNED BY TROLLEY CREW, ELEVEN ESCAPE FLAMES North Seventh Street Family of Nine and Visitors Flee Samuel Mostovoy, a grocer at 1400 North Seventh street, his wife nnd seven children, and two relatives who live with them, eeenped from their smoke-fille- d dwelling over the store nt 1 o'clock this morning, nfter they Iind been awak- ened by the crew of n passing trolley car. Tho fire origlnnted in the sugar bin of the grocery store. The trolley crew, whose names were not learned, saw the ginro or tne lire turougu tne store win dows. At first It seemed Impossible to arouse the sleeping people, AN ltb the aid of n neighbor Harry Kandus. the crew pro- ceeded to break into the store, ready to go upstairs and rescue the sleeping people. If necessary. The crash of glass as the front door wns burst In aroused Mostovoy and his family. The house wns full of smoke, but with the aid of the enr crew and neigh- bors the eleven persons in the house groped their way down to the street und escaped without mishap. Mostovoy nnd two of his mi m- - ,.. . ... .; - ' '"! wn, iwriiij-ur- u jfurs oiu, nnd Mar- tin, twenty venrs old, got buckets nml with tho aid of their Kn, . dus put the fire out before the engine arrived. The damage was trilling. STAGE CAREER BLIGHTED Philadelphia Girl Brought Home by Dotectlve at Mother's Request Violet Doris, sixteen, !)0) Moynmen-sin- g avenue, ended n brief two. week-stag- e career when n Philadelphia went to her theatrical boarding house in Rnltlmore nnd told her ho had been sent by her pnrents. She nrrlves home this morning. 'U,,1,' .n'" "?.rry mJ. theatrical career is blighted," he girl said, when she reached the police station, "nnd all my oldest sister Is going to be married and leave home. I was just beginning to like life on the stacw ' too." She is the third oldest girl in a family of ten children, four boys and six a W She lived with her father nnd motile.! Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doris, until she joined u musical shotf. August U7 Her mother allowed her to join a musical comedy company, but-whc- It left the cltr. wnntpH hr.r n ,... i - j isi " .vmB uuiac, sou uuuucq the police. Woman Burned to Death As Family . .. Sleeps Nearby Husband Wakes in Time to Carry Children From North Howard Street Home. Injured Trying to Aid Wife Mrs. Michncl Gumcnok', C07 North Howard street, was burned to death enrly this morning while her husband and three little children slept in a room within n few feet of her, unaware of the .tragedy until too laic to do nnything L'ut snve thcmclves from the flames. Michael Gumcnok spated in the kitchen of the home, holding the hand of his daughter Anna, eight yenrs old, told the tal of the tragedy, this morn- ing. "Anna, my wife, nnd I were nt a party over nt Pelr Dychuckmz'n Inst night nnd came home nbout 11 or VJ. I had had n little too much, nnd Anna undressed nnd went upstairs to sleep In the front room. I went to bed In the back room with the children 'and got to sleep right off. "Next, I knew the children were cry- ing, nnd I smelted smoke. I went to the door, which was locked, nnd opened it. Flames nnd smoke came out und burned me. I henrd nothing from the room. I ran nnd got the children nnd took tdicm to the street. Then I went DEFEATS Plymouth, Philadelphia ITALIANS NATURALIZATION WASHINGTON, obtaining naturalization according Department naturalization WHIPPED PARENTS, SUICIDE attempting NORWEGIAN SAVANNAH, Norwegian Bjor-stjem- e Hamburg, damaged ARBUCKLE TO FACE ODDS FAVOR TILDEN COURTAGAINTODAY Appear Man- slaughter Accusation Pressed Sept. motion-pictur- e nccusc-- s Sun of iWvp,. Rappe's JFonr. found body of Mrs. hud- dled in the corner of the room. She hnd evidently tried to get to the window nnd cscnpc from the blnze her before she collapsed. the blaze bard de- termine, but the theory n small oil lamp, which only Illumina- tion the room, overturned In the night burning. The womnn must have becn by the death-dealin- g flames. This morning the narrow alley on which the house fronts with bits of burned bedding, nnd when the reporter arrived ut the house. Catherine, seven years old, another of daughters, was sweeping similar litter door. It is probable that the bits of bedding on the ground had dropped the body of her mothcrn when the firemen carried from the house. With the stolidity of the dazed the little mechnnl-cnll- y nwny grim evi- dences of tho tragedy. Inside the house, Mnry, nine years old, the third daughter, watched her bnck. The flames were worse nml fntlier ns ho lnhnrlmmlv tnM th clnrv burimd 'no more: th( n the firemen enme1 of tho tragedy through the bnndoges nnd took nie downstairs. Then I that swathed his fnce. In his attempts In Roosexelt Hospital with doctors to save the mother of his children the "Vim"1" ,"u" n an had received serious burns on his When the firemen extinguished the hend and all down the right side of his blnze, which trilling In itself, they body. CORSON BROWN ON LINKS Philip Corson, defeated John Arthur Brown, C. C, 1 up, 10 holes in the St. Martin's cup golf semi-fina- l. Corson met Norman Maxwell in the final this afternoon. LEAD IN U. Sept. 17. Nationals of Italy took the lead last month in as American citizens, a position held for many months by Germans, to figures mftae public today by the of Labor.. Total certificates of issued in August were 16,481, of" which 1028 "were obtained by Italians as against 8SS by Germans. BOY, 10, BY TRIES Peter 'Wancuskl. ten years old. Ontario nnd Beach streets. was restrained in the act of suicide by jumping into the Delaware at the Ontario street wharf this afternoon. The hoy said he wanted to kill himself because his mother and father had him with a rubber hose. Detectives found his back covered with welts. They turned the boy over to Society to protect Children from Cruelty. The parents had accused him, unjustly, he said, of taking ?2 from his mother. SHIP AFIRE J PUTS BACK TO PORT GA., Sept. 17. The steamer Bjoruson, 3200 tons, which cleared this port la&t night for put back today on account o: a fire which is "re- ported to have badly the ve&sel. Actor Will on Charge While Mur- der Is San FraurlM'i), 17. Roscoe ' rbuekle wns cast today for u new court scene in Ihe tragedy of Virginia Nappe, actress, who died, necording to of ArbucMc, following a driiikinc "f?v 'n : ncior's apartment in n FrnncNcn hotel and ns n result inMrciitiiicut b her host. pending whether be convicted of Is Is that wns It girl was these wns was the TO RETAIN CROWN Champion Slight Favorite Wallace Johnson Tilt Today V. M.WWKLL William T. Tilden. of Philadelphia, Wallace of Philadelphia, are all set to piny ten-nl- s championship of America at Mnn- - nfternoon, unc, not Dark clouds there was every indication ,if Todny Arbuckle s to be arrniencd ' ", . rs b"fori' .'he . match, in Court up.ui an Indictment i ,.,,, "" ,""",,'e" tllP "mtcli charging miuiHliiughter. returned bv the i pmye.1 unless downpour county (Srnnd Jur. Rut this arraign- - Uo,'"mc t0" severe. ment is mere It was saldnand Tilden is to win match Attorney Mntthew was nn" is ol,,'s ",l choice of wnaer- - to nsk a continuance of '"C Johnson nlso cusc iicuon uns ucen miiiuriers. , close match is ex tnken on the ehnrces of first. murder Arbuckle in connection with Miss death. Tlio Dlstrlf t Attorney had announced the murder charge will be pushed and It Will 111 loft nil tn n Inrr I,. ,1. ..,!.!.. Arbuckle shnll Column Two the Gumcnok thnt caused death How started to the In nnd stnrted the bed awakened wns the out the floor from brushing tho S. beaten Over in Tennis Title R.v KOHKRT nnd Johnson, for the singles iieim mn provided the nniiiirr iiitertcre. hovered over the nrena nnd rnln but tho Superior tnilt the formality. favored the District Rrady tllp the "cncdtiieu the gentlemen, but has uiuii '"". ng"nlnst littered pected It It Is played. In case of postponement the match will bo layed on Monday, Johnson litis been the dark horse of ,.!! it"Vir"T Xobo!y Plekeil him to finnl round, and his survival is a surprise to the gallery. He loomed j- - - iHuiiivi, i urgrcG niur- - ; "i' "'s. now ever, wnen it. rsorrls Wll Hu. rt'h was also one othe'hat he had a "c Wn'.iiSS! & 'r,' lc - wna that If the Police I?. Anderson. 'the .As"ralfi "wliom he of Ah ib A"', ' I " I'""?', .." J""""" "; "'"J ester, ay in four sets. - " ""in inc come- - niince never Mas won n nn 2'!i" L "n:w,r 'f ".T "P-lo- Court on championship and never h. tlonal Hffn beared vr?. ' "'r,"r.l:?w r?n.kf''.-- . l i,c mways'is slaughter lMdlctnL-7vW- l ,.' or'SSS: our, irZi "m0?if. th. '"!!?." '?. CoatUutd'tn re ' ........ kuu inn v !w fin fat n Continued on Tate rur. Column Xhr'ee Jf tu a '. DE VALERA'S TERMS BAR CONFERENCE, PREMIERDECLARES Impossible to Hold Parley Under Conditions Recognizing Sev- erance, Says Lloyd George PRIME MINISTER QUICKLY ' ANSWERS IRISH LEADER I Ry the Associated Press London, Sept. 17. Prime Minister Lloyd Ocorge, replying todny to the communication of Eajnon de Valera yesterday, says that to receive the Sinn Fein delegates to the proposed confer- ence as representatives of an indeflend- -' ent nnd sovereign State would "con- stitute formal and official recognition of Ireland's severance from the King's domains." Lloyd George says that so long as De Valera insists that the Irislj dele- gates should confer ns the representa- tives of nn independent nnd sovereign State a conference Is impossible. Sinn Fein acceptance of membership fn the Rrltish Commonwealth as the basis of negotiations with Prime Minister Lloyd George is seen as the only way out of the present Irish jdtuation and deadlock by London newspapers. Tire Dally Chronicle todny said ac- ceptance by the Irish Republicans would mean thnt pence was In sight, the news- paper nddlng that "until the Sinn Fein does accept pence is unattainable." "There Is satisfactory evidence in both English nnd Irish newspapers," declnred the Dally News, "that the ri- diculous dispute which brought nbout a temporary abandonment of the Invcrnes conference is not likely to have any very serious or permanent effects." ..The Dally Express asserted that juggling with n phrase" I ml to the dendlock. but said thce was little doubt since receiving De Vnlcra's latest let- ter the Prime Minister would "find means to accommodate Mr. De Valera and his friends." Tho situation assumes a more hope- ful nppearanre since De Valera In his itJr yesterday seemed to place a different construction on his own words', in the opinion of thp London Times. Onirloch, Scotland. Sept. 17. (Ry A. P.) The receipt by Prime Minister Lloyd George of Enmon de Vnlern'H teegram of yesterday. In which the Irish leader expressed the view that the peace should meet by nny conditions "except those imposed by the fnctH ns they know them." is considered to have brought about a change In the situa- tion. Lloyd Oeorge passed a good night nt IiIh vacation home here nnd was very much lettcr this morninc. thn ilni cal'.ed to Onirloch hnvlng lanced the ab-ce- ss which caused his Indisposition. Ihe date of his return to London, how- ever, has not yet been fixed, nnd the next meeting of the Cabinet whether it meets in Iondon or Inverness de- pends upon the rate of his progress. Dublin, Sept. 17. (Ry A. P.) Enmon de Vnlera's telegram, sent yes- terday to Prime Minister Lloyd Oeorge, was today declared by the Frcman's Journal to make it more evident that the Prime Minister had been "too hnsty in his conclusion that the Sinn Fein letter eonvejlng detnils of the Irish ac- ceptance of his invitntion to n confer- ence implies n demand for recognition In advance of the Irish Republic." The newspaper asserted one encour- aging fact was made clear bv the cor- respondence, nnd thnt wns that "both the Rrltish Government nnd the Irish lendent desire nn honorable nnd that the people of both 'countries are overwhe mlngly with them in this com- - "To nllow such a position to be lost would be a hideous blunder nnd a crime ngalnst civilization." the news-pap- er continued. "We are expressing the unanimous wish of the Irish people when we assert n method should bs found to resolve the deadlock without threat or force, and that the confer- ence should proceed untrnmmeled br i (Terences thnt will almost certainly disnppcnr 0n the dny the conference meets." In official quarters here the most fnvornble construction is placed on De alera s telegram. The Impression Tontlniifd nn Pan ronr. Column fiinr BOY KILLED BY AUTO Struck While Playing Ball on High-wa- y Near His Homo l.ancast p., sept l7.nv lied in n hospital In this city enrlv this morning of injuries received when struck by the nutnmobllo of W P Stnrkey. 17:.'!) North Front street, liar- -' risburg. The boy wns playing ball on the Lin-co- l,, highway, near his home In Onp, rrldny nfternoon and fnlled to notice the approach of Mr. Htnrkcv',, rnr which wns running slowlv. He wai fractured. Mr. Starkey assisted the Injured boy to n physician's office Who Won the Prizes In the I'ubllo Ledger's Content hv tnBt answering the queitlon. "WhV Woman In History Would You wl" to Have Deenr Read tomorrow's Sunday Public Ledger and nnd out all about vthem and don't fall to road the prlse-wlna- li ..' A ;.rwi V" ' 1 A A ., iiTiV M if. kW. ii a'vv. f.h. .i.U.,M-- , i', V 1 rfv f V4i'.:cafrTv i"s - -- VA Aa &U& -- .i .. . iM.ito, A V. yj: v 41. Jffs.r,

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r.'. iii 4 aaWl 'BBaVtakfc.i i. i iUI. i B Iw&'&jffiFI f T rPgBAtB AT W'Ctl "0t,B -- ,

MW iPtiTnrirr E ET EXTRAVrfI r ' I

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VIII.-- N0. 4 ' E"" ,. j,7f ; SEPTEMBER 1921 rubllihed Dallr fexcopt Sunday, fluhaerlptlon Prleo la Tar W Mall. PRICE TWO CENTSpYOL. tt.Bgh.itMutort; .PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 17, Copyrlaht. 1021, W Fubllo tidier Company

c 'J



)?Qiiffyld Pledge of the Ku Klux Exposed to Show Members Bound Only to 'Law' of 'Emperor''31

Dl III III rfll rl I PUTS



Follower of 'Emptor' Swears Not to Reveal Anything


Done by Fellow White Robes Except Treason

or Two Other Inexcusable Crimes



'Colonel' Simmons Also Cannily Obligates His Followers to De- -

tray ah expenses ui ms mystic urbanization wnen- Kleagles Whistle or Groan for Cash

:'I EXAMINATION of the four-fol- d oath of the Ku Klux Klan shows the

togs of this secret, "fcmperor'-ruic- d order, which is reviving theinditions of masked terrorism.

T6C oatn, wnn us tnrcais oi ucnwi una uisnonor ior n violator, is

rin in lull louay.The first section binds the Klansman to unquestioning obedience to

William Joseph Simmons, the "Emperor."The second obligates to rigid secrecy.Tho third section requires fidelity in fostering "every interest" of

tie Klan.

.. The fourth binds to "Klanishness.""

Kln this amazing screed violation of "this sacred oath," in tho eyes ofthe ruler of tho "Invisible Empire," is a crime on a par with murder or

ith.treason to the United States.4"il.. n t. -- i e it.- - x! ...!J ...i .t . .

, 'in mo iirst aiuua ui uiu iyiuii s nuiiuii-wia- c extension mo lOUr-IOl- O

ma usuuny us uuiiuiuaieieu uwc bculiuii ul u nine, ine lnicrvais ueing(lWby "mystic cave" assemblies and the marching and counter-marchin- g

hooded and gowned "Terrors."Noyir that the Kleagles are hurriedly organizing the candidates

obtainable, the entire oath frequently is administered in one dose. Amerl- -ttn titizens are thus swearing to it unconditionally at the rate of 5000 arijtaaccording to Simmons.S&Tne newly mado Klansman not onlv nails with n 'Mnnnfi'nn ,.

tjja'iropBgatioiv of but he also obligates himself to meetofunas ior tne expenses oi the order.VA

T.'ll- -





is no doubt that EmperorImHERE or whoever wrote the

a "rcnl oath."'Hwdenw "joiners," members of ns

I mm? tititi ns they have fingers, hnvoeiaminedtfand found it the "stlffest"cblritlon they ever bad heard of.

The tint nnd Inst of its four sec- -

Itwnj ire as dangerous matter as couldtie worn to by a "fcroup of American


Unconditional obedience to the as yetufaown "constitution and laws, regu- -lttlona, usages nnd requirements" oftae Kntxhts of the Ku Klux Klnn nndtotke "mandates. decres, edicts, rul-li- ft

and instructions" of EmperorStomoni. la the first obllentlon sol- -efflly sworn to by the candidate, "In

e presence of God nnd man."

t Secrecy Main ObligationRirld uprrnrv. pvn In thi fnrfi ofih, in regard to nny nnd nil "mnt-tjr- t

and knowledge of the Knights ofst Ku Klux Klnn," Is the second n,

also assumed by the candidateWore any "mntters nnd knowledge"km been intrusted to him., Fidelity in faithfully fostering "everywwest" of the Knights of tho KuWax Klan Is the third obligation,

"before CJod and In tho prcs- -of these mysterious Klnnsmen."

KlsnlshneHH," to the extent ofWing the secret of n Klansman, with

UI sole exceptions of secrets concern-J- X

the violation of tho Klnn onth,KMSOn nrnlnHf tlio TTnltcil Stntps rnncMd malicious murder, and to the ex--

of uMng nny nnd nil "justifiableWMM and methods" to preserve "freePtMIc schools, free free press,jtMretlon of church nnd State, liberty,JWte supremncy, just laws nnd theJWrolt of happiness" ngnlnst nny

of "nny nature" by anyiPJtton or perbons. political pnrty orMrtles, religious sect or people, native,Mturallzed or foreign of nny race,"lor, creed, llnenco nr tnniriio. wlinr.y," constitute the fourth nnd finalT,1,'??" nlcli ends:iit i i nn dworn wiin litis'lilt I nlll ll m. Mnn1 (.a Tl,,.jritns. Almighty God. Amen'!"

' Use "Loyalty" as Cloak-- .... luuiiu ncviiuu i ue ruiiuifinic

JW wears to support the Constltu- -frit, . ? constitutional Inws" of the

w mates and any State where hea..""0, nnu the Klun organizers

BlUCh (MUll till nt Ilm fnnl- llnfMnsldtring their patriotic profes- -

SmU'.'i1.0.1.1'1 be, borne ' mlll "'tthe or hrlnnl Ku Klnv KlnnKrl." 0Un.1 alPcnr I" the few

iftv. "' '""tii wuh nrrnriipiiSS?.i.V,,.,t!on ?f the United Stntes

f)Tnr" "nniH wnicli made "KuK-S1- L- ? n A.rlrTr?l! i

wrmnV.. 7 ,UIMB, mnfllcCl1 violence nnd

i ,i,::"7,"vu VaHt' oi wimt linn.M'Put I"ie f...y,eW. " "ecessnry

God" Into n" or n Negro.rotei'T', V'e,s,,t their niodern

e docul "'I, nttneh to. the'tiJli "' "" bil1 ,of rIht9iZ. ?.e.".ry Pei son w tlilniiS'!iftHr.aa,HS"i.



from the infliction of any cruet or un-usual punishment, will be abundantlyshown by the Evemno 1udxicijEnonn.nJmnledi!,tcl? nfter t,,ls nrticle it willwarnings forcible nbductlons, tnrrings

la8hin?8' mutllatand other nnd v olatlons of""tlonal rights nndwhich have been occurring in this freo1 within the last few monthwhile ku Kluxlsm.lnc, has bwn bonst-".- ?'the rush of "PURE AmeHcon-li-- mto seek :ts levels.Danger Always Present

thePM?8C?,tl"S n critical analysis of

500,000 AmericanS.XyEvnESCPt;nynn?nME?fn h08 n,waW In infn.1 the"

danger to the United Statesoran!"tlon bound to-gether by such nn onth, under thedomination of one mnn ?lkevat any time to.draw Into its r.nor no regnrd for anything but tho Ku

Itnlc.. atandard8 oi conduct andThe inherent viciousness anil nnntlal danger to Amcrlcantamf

Erfctfon1:0 oath aru "lnJe



at(iiuieult In getting a chance tosee even after he has been ndmmany a "Kotop" who rends hlokno"from h s own experience; and it furthwbinds him to obey any Ku Klux lawsU'int..may. be enacted in the futurehe npprvc.s ,of them o 'A man who takes this obligation amikeeps it gives "Emperor"blank check on his life and hb entlrSliberty of thought and action.

Under tho second section jn tho firstclause is found a promise to "dill,gently guard and faithfully foster everyinterest" of the-- Klnn. and "maintainits socla caste and dlgnlty"-wh- lch lasPledge, In view of the facts that arcjiuw turning our, is notll ng less thnnheroic Hut the whole issweeping declaration that every Interest

aof the order must bo paramount toother considerations.

"Emperor" Demands FealtyIn rigid interpretation nnd KuKluxism is rigid any slightest devla-tlo- n

from absolute personal obedienceand loyalty to Emperor Simmons is nviolation of the oath.

"I swear," says another section"thnt I wi I nny .nromntlv nil .ilegal demands made upon me to defraythe expenses of my Klan nnd this Orderwhen same are due or called for."

"Kick In. boys!" says the Tmn.i- -Wizard. "We need some money. Tfrmi itnn't fc vnn nni wUlnl..'" i. V"" :.' V"!"' f.nrui iu wiu jiuidf if i mi, mm nny violation means tiinKrnre. (UMinnnr nn.ideath,' ns we told you when you Krl.',i,i in,i

"I swenr thnt I will keep securo tomyself the .ecret of n Klansman whensame Is committed to me in tho sacredbond of Klnnsmnnshlp the crime ofviolating THIS holemn oath, treasonagainst the United States "of America,rape and malicious murder alone ex-

cepted."This clause demands careful think-

ing ocr, particularly by

Continued on rase Six. Clomn Two

k 1 V tV,?una' nd safety eudai Too World' lini l,ubrlft,-i- !. his body.


LV&fPC Wmsi'

mfff-v- nL .LLLLVlLLWi

The "flcry cross" of the Ka Klux Klan Is tho rallylhgTilgnal when thobrotherhood Is called together for its secret meetings or "excursions."Many victims of outrages perpetrated by white -- robed "regulators" sawthis smoking, flaring symbol as their persecutors applied the lash or

tar and feathers



Bishop Berry Joins State Ex-

ecutive in Scoring Methods ofWhite-Robe- d "Regulators"


The extreme danger of such organiza-tions as tho Ku Klux Kln;i, Inc.. waspointed out today by Governor Sproul.

He expressed surprise thnt n bodywith such views and purposes couldgain any headway In these days of en-

lightenment.He said there was no excuse for such

an organization, whlcn. ne dcclnrcd, Iscontrary to everything American.

"I have becn reading the accounts oftho Ku Klux Klan In the Evkm.voPunuc Ledqeh," he said, "nnd wabsurprised to learn what the Klnn'spurposes nrc. There Is, of rourse, nonecessity for such a body In the UnitedStntes. Its existence Is to be deplored.

"Secret organizations which seek torcgulato the action of the people insuch n manner arc in conflict with theconstituted authorities. The Constitution of tho United btntes bus providedamplo safeguards for nil Its citizens.

"Such an organization as that de-scribed in the Eve.ni.no Puulic Ledoeuis undemocratic uud dangerous. I wassurprised to hear of it guinlng so muchheadway."

Dlshop Joseph I. Henry, of theMethodist Episcopal Church in thiscity, said :

"How any one who is not citherignorant or vicious can be ahhoclatedwith such a movement as the Ku KluxKlan Is more thnn I enn understand,If recent exposures from the inside bythose who claim tn know the actunlBplrlt and life of the organization canbe believed, It would seem that thewhole business is to be tuboocd by goodcitizens,

"I would the snmc thing nboutother nth-bou- institutions whichassume to take the execution of lawinto their own hands. What wo needin this country is a great revival ofpatriotism, and patriotism ran only besecured by loyalty to constituted authorities.

"H what I nm told about certainother ecclesiastical nnd political or-ganizations which have large member-ships in this country is true, then Iwould plnce them in the same categoryas the Ku Klux Klan."

Organized labor tn Philadelphia islined up bolldly against the Ku KluxKlan.

The warning by 'Woll, vlcopresident of the American Federationof Labor, concerning the Klan founda reuily and wnoie-nenrtc- u reiterationfrom labor leaders here.

Mr. Woll declared Ku Kluxism "amennco to American freedom." Hepointed out that trade unions t,tnnd fordemocracy, while the Klnn "stands fora sneaking, cowardly nutocrncy, work-ing in the dark, striking under cover,

Continued on I'e Nix, Column llicSnow Dank la Tpurlat'a Qravo

Fort Collins, Col., Sept. 17. (HjA. P.) Gregory Aubuehon, eighteen,mUsIng tourist of Mlchignntnwn, Indfound n 'grnvo In a midsummer mowbank at the beso of n liOUO-fo- cliffof Loin's I'enk. Itocky Mountnln Na.Ilonal Park. His body was found yts- -terdsEaiy forest rangers after rain and

iPKW mcitea mo enow wnicu covered



Beaston, Mace and Walsh Fol-

low Connell Out of Pen-

rose Camp


Three more lenders who had becncounted on ns supporters of the Voters'League at the primary deserted to theVnre.s today, nccordlng to announce-ment made with great joy by the"Fifty-fift- y Combine."

The three arc Harry Hencton, formany yenrs a Fortieth Ward leader;Harry Muoe, member of the Honrd ofuonu lowers, nnd William Walsh, nmember of the Hoard of RegistrationCommissioners.

The three nro nil Fortieth Wnrd lieu-tenan- ts

of Councilman George Connell,tho "big leader" there, who Is presi-dent of the recently formed Leaders'League, the Penrose organization formedto back up tho Moore Administrationand the Voters' League.

The expectation was that Heaston.Mace nnil Walsh would follow Connellinto tho Penrose camp. When RichardWcglcin, president of Council, nndleader of the Twenty-nint- h Ward, de-serted tho Mayor for good und took upwith the VnrcH in spite of tjenntorPenrose's orders, he wns fol'owcd byoil the leaders of his ward. ConnelPiaccession to the Voters' League ticketwas expected to result in Ilenston, Macennd Walsh going over to the leaguealso.

During the Moore campaign the threewho have now deserted to the Vnres

Continued en Vast Four, Column Four

Af. J. American LegionDenounces Ku Klux

Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 1".resolution denunciatory of the KuKlux Klnn was adopted today bythe Anicrlcnn Legion conventionnfter fervent pleas by It sponsor,T. Hubert McCauley, of Newark,nnd Edward Carroll, of Jersey City.

o hooner nau it occn read thanthere was an uproar on the floor.After the oral fireworks, had sub-sided McCuuley delivered his specenIn moving adoption, nnd wns

by an eloquent second fromCarroll, who culled the Klux "udamnable organization " On thovote n unanimous storm of ayessupported t.

David W. Jameson Post, No KlAmerican Legion, has instructed Itsdelegates to the Pittsburgh conven-tion, ns'follows:

"Inasmuch ns tho Ku KluxKlnn os exposed in the Eveninolum.10 Ledoek seems to bo un- -,nr,.Cnn' ,,'", ,hnt " demand!'

allegiance to home otherPower than these United Stntes ofAmerica and in other manners ns

.,thn.t, nwl"P and con-trar- y

to ideals of the AinorlennLegion, thnt this matter be broughtto the attention of the Departmentof lennsylvnnln, American Legion,in cantonment assembled."




George Dobson, RunnemedeHighlands, N. J., Nabbed by

Sleuth in Ontario


Detective Doran's WireReporting Dobson Caught

"South Woodslcy, Ontario Dob-son in custody. Night letter willfollow. Dornn."

Thnt was tho brief message Proe.etitor Wolvcrton received thismorning announcing that a chasecovering many hundreds of mileswas ended nnd George Dobson, sus-pected murderer of his wife, Isn-bell- a,

in Ilunncmcdc Highlands,September 8, was rnded nnd a

much-wante- d man was under ar-rest.


George Dobson, wonted for the mur-der of his wife, (sabclln, in KunnemedcHighlands, N. J., September 0, isunder nrrcst.

He was caught in Canada after n.chase through Western Ontario whichcovered hundreds of miles by Law-rence T. Down, a detective attachedto the County Prosecutor's office inCamden.

Dormi has returned to Cnnndn to getthe two children the niece of the denilwomnn and Dobson's son whom thesuppojeu slnycr took with him.

Dornn lodged Dobson in the jnll ntUctrolt police headquarters last night,and will proceed to Camden with himwithout delay.

The chief of policcnt Detroit, talk-ing on the telephone this morning, wasunable to east much light on the case.Prisoner Sullen

"Dobson is here," he said. "TheNew Jersey detective brought him in

P!sht' nml wc locked him up forhim. Tlln mnn'lu uitUn h.. - ...v .,,,,,,., uul ocl-jj,- will- -'"B enough to nccompnny the officer bailto Camden. Not being our prisoner, wehave not attempted to question Jilm, butit Js only natural thnt some of our menhave tried to talk to him. He refusesto discuss the minder or the chase thatresulted in his arrest.

"I ennnot tell you wiicrc Dornn is.Jlc merely nsked the courtesy of the useof our lock-u- p. which we. of course,granted hirn. He did not mention whathotel he was stopping nt. He merelyleft Dobson nnd said he would callfor him some time Sunday."when Dornn comes home theres no doubt the talc of the chase willbe un epic ns Interesting ns the storiesof similar pursuits thnt have reachedto the far corners of the earth. Dob-son s trail wns fo lowed without osten-

tation nnd ndvertlslng nnd Is n splen-did example of the type of police workthnt hns made "Jersey Justice"

Nabbed at Rrotlier- - In -- Law's HomoShortly nfter Mrs. Dobson wns foundbrutnlly beaten to death search of theRunnemede bungalow disclosed the factthat Dobson bad relatives In South

- Contlnurd on Vnie Four. Column One


North Seventh Street Family of Nineand Visitors Flee

Samuel Mostovoy, a grocer at 1400North Seventh street, his wife nnd sevenchildren, and two relatives who livewith them, eeenped from their smoke-fille- d

dwelling over the store nt 1 o'clockthis morning, nfter they Iind been awak-ened by the crew of n passing trolleycar.

Tho fire origlnnted in the sugar binof the grocery store. The trolley crew,whose names were not learned, saw theginro or tne lire turougu tne store windows.

At first It seemed Impossible to arousethe sleeping people, AN ltb the aid of nneighbor Harry Kandus. the crew pro-ceeded to break into the store, readyto go upstairs and rescue the sleepingpeople. If necessary. The crash of glassas the front door wns burst In arousedMostovoy and his family.

The house wns full of smoke, butwith the aid of the enr crew and neigh-bors the eleven persons in the housegroped their way down to the street undescaped without mishap.

Mostovoy nnd two of his mi m- -,.. . ... .; - ' '"!wn, iwriiij-ur- u jfurs oiu, nnd Mar-tin, twenty venrs old, got buckets nmlwith tho aid of their Kn, .dus put the fire out before the enginearrived. The damage was trilling.


Philadelphia Girl Brought Home byDotectlve at Mother's Request

Violet Doris, sixteen, !)0) Moynmen-sin- gavenue, ended n brief two. week-stag-e

career when n Philadelphiawent to her theatrical boarding

house in Rnltlmore nnd told her ho hadbeen sent by her pnrents. She nrrlveshome this morning.'U,,1,' .n'" "?.rry mJ. theatrical careeris blighted," he girl said, when shereached the police station, "nnd allmy oldest sister Is going to bemarried and leave home. I was justbeginning to like life on the stacw 'too."She is the third oldest girl in a family

of ten children, four boys and six a WShe lived with her father nnd motile.!Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doris, until shejoined u musical shotf. August U7

Her mother allowed her to join amusical comedy company, but-whc-

It left the cltr. wnntpH hr.r n ,...i - j isi " .vmBuuiac, sou uuuucq the police.

Woman Burned to DeathAs Family

. ..

Sleeps NearbyHusband Wakes in Time to Carry Children

From North Howard Street Home.Injured Trying to Aid Wife

Mrs. Michncl Gumcnok', C07 NorthHoward street, was burned to deathenrly this morning while her husbandand three little children slept in a roomwithin n few feet of her, unaware ofthe .tragedy until too laic to do nnythingL'ut snve thcmclves from the flames.

Michael Gumcnok spated in thekitchen of the home, holding the handof his daughter Anna, eight yenrs old,told the tal of the tragedy, this morn-ing.

"Anna, my wife, nnd I were nt aparty over nt Pelr Dychuckmz'n Instnight nnd came home nbout 11 or VJ.I had had n little too much, nnd Annaundressed nnd went upstairs to sleepIn the front room. I went to bed Inthe back room with the children 'andgot to sleep right off.

"Next, I knew the children were cry-ing, nnd I smelted smoke. I went tothe door, which was locked, nnd openedit. Flames nnd smoke came out undburned me. I henrd nothing from theroom. I ran nnd got the children nndtook tdicm to the street. Then I went




WASHINGTON,obtaining naturalization






SAVANNAH, Norwegian Bjor-stjem-e




Appear Man-

slaughterAccusation Pressed


motion-pictur- e

nccusc-- s





found body of Mrs. hud-dled in the corner of the room. Shehnd evidently tried to get to the windownnd cscnpc from the blnzeher before she collapsed.

the blaze bard de-

termine, but the theory n smalloil lamp, which only Illumina-tion the room, overturned In thenight burning. Thewomnn must have becn bythe death-dealin- g flames.

This morning the narrow alley onwhich the house fronts withbits of burned bedding, nnd when thereporter arrived ut the house.Catherine, seven years old, another of

daughters, was sweeping similarlitter door. It is probable thatthe bits of bedding on the groundhad dropped the body of hermothcrn when the firemen carriedfrom the house. With the stolidity ofthe dazed the little mechnnl-cnll- y

nwny grim evi-dences of tho tragedy.

Inside the house, Mnry, nine yearsold, the third daughter, watched her

bnck. The flames were worse nml fntlier ns ho lnhnrlmmlv tnM th clnrvburimd 'no more: th( n the firemen enme1 of tho tragedy through the bnndogesnnd took nie downstairs. Then I that swathed his fnce. In his attemptsIn Roosexelt Hospital with doctors to save the mother of his children the

"Vim"1" ,"u" n an had received serious burns on hisWhen the firemen extinguished the hend and all down the right side of his

blnze, which trilling In itself, they body.


Philip Corson, defeated John Arthur Brown,C. C, 1 up, 10 holes in the St. Martin's cup golf

semi-fina- l. Corson met Norman Maxwell in the final this afternoon.


Sept. 17. Nationals of Italy took the leadlast month in as American citizens, aposition held for many months by Germans, to figuresmftae public today by the of Labor.. Total certificatesof issued in August were 16,481, of" which 1028"were obtained by Italians as against 8SS by Germans.


Peter 'Wancuskl. ten years old. Ontario nnd Beach streets.was restrained in the act of suicide by jumping intothe Delaware at the Ontario street wharf this afternoon. Thehoy said he wanted to kill himself because his mother and fatherhad him with a rubber hose. Detectives found his backcovered with welts. They turned the boy over to Society toprotect Children from Cruelty. The parents had accused him,unjustly, he said, of taking ?2 from his mother.


GA., Sept. 17. The steamerBjoruson, 3200 tons, which cleared this port la&t night

for put back today on account o: a fire which is "re-

ported to have badly the ve&sel.

Actor Will on

Charge While Mur-

der Is

San FraurlM'i), 17. Roscoe '

rbuekle wns cast today for u newcourt scene in Ihe tragedy of VirginiaNappe, actress, whodied, necording to of ArbucMc,following a driiikinc "f?v 'n : ncior'sapartment in n FrnncNcn hoteland ns n result inMrciitiiicut b herhost.


whether be convicted of

IsIs that



girl wasthese





Champion Slight FavoriteWallace Johnson

Tilt Today

V. M.WWKLLWilliam T. Tilden. of Philadelphia,

Wallace of Philadelphia,are all set to piny ten-nl- schampionship of America at Mnn- -

nfternoon,unc, not

Dark cloudsthere was every indication ,if

Todny Arbuckle s to be arrniencd ' ", .rs b"fori' .'he . match,

in Court up.ui an Indictment i ,.,,, "" ,""",,'e" tllP "mtclicharging miuiHliiughter. returned bv the i

pmye.1 unless downpourcounty (Srnnd Jur. Rut this arraign- - Uo,'"mc t0" severe.ment is mere It was saldnand Tilden is to win matchAttorney Mntthew was nn" is ol,,'s ",l choice of wnaer- -

to nsk a continuance of '"C Johnson nlsocusc iicuon uns ucen miiiuriers. , close match is extnken on the ehnrces of first.

murder Arbuckle inconnection with Miss death.

Tlio Dlstrlf t Attorney had announcedthe murder charge will be pushed andIt Will 111 loft nil tn n Inrr I,. ,1. ..,!.!..

Arbuckle shnll

Column Two

the Gumcnok

thnt causeddeath

How started to

theInnnd stnrted the bed



theout the






Overin Tennis



nnd Johnson,for the singles

iieim mn provided thenniiiirr iiitertcre.

hovered over the nrenannd rnlnbut tho

Superior tniltthe

formality. favored theDistrict Rrady tllp the"cncdtiieu the gentlemen, but has

uiuii '"".ng"nlnst


pected It It Is played.In case of postponement the matchwill bo layed on Monday,Johnson litis been the dark horse of

,.!! it"Vir"T Xobo!y Plekeil him tofinnl round, and his survivalis a surprise to the gallery. He loomed

j-- - iHuiiivi, i urgrcG niur- - ; "i' "'s. now ever, wnen it. rsorrls Wll

Hu. rt'h was also one othe'hat he had a "c Wn'.iiSS!& 'r,' lc - wna that If the Police I?. Anderson. 'the .As"ralfi "wliom heof Ah ib A"', ' I "I'""?', .." J""""" "; "'"J ester, ay in four sets.- " ""in inc come- - niince never Mas won n nn2'!i" L "n:w,r 'f ".T "P-lo- Court on championship and never h.


bearedvr?. ' "'r,"r.l:?w r?n.kf''.-- . l i,c mways'isslaughter lMdlctnL-7vW-

l ,.' or'SSS: our,irZi "m0?if. th. '"!!?." '?.

CoatUutd'tn re ' ........ kuu inn v ! w fin fat n

Continued on Tate rur. Column Xhr'ee

Jf tu






Impossible to Hold Parley UnderConditions Recognizing Sev-

erance, Says Lloyd George



Ry the Associated PressLondon, Sept. 17. Prime Minister

Lloyd Ocorge, replying todny to thecommunication of Eajnon de Valerayesterday, says that to receive the SinnFein delegates to the proposed confer-ence as representatives of an indeflend- -'

ent nnd sovereign State would "con-stitute formal and official recognitionof Ireland's severance from the King'sdomains."

Lloyd George says that so long asDe Valera insists that the Irislj dele-gates should confer ns the representa-tives of nn independent nnd sovereignState a conference Is impossible.

Sinn Fein acceptance of membership fnthe Rrltish Commonwealth as the basisof negotiations with Prime MinisterLloyd George is seen as the only wayout of the present Irish jdtuation anddeadlock by London newspapers.

Tire Dally Chronicle todny said ac-

ceptance by the Irish Republicans wouldmean thnt pence was In sight, the news-paper nddlng that "until the Sinn Feindoes accept pence is unattainable."

"There Is satisfactory evidence inboth English nnd Irish newspapers,"declnred the Dally News, "that the ri-diculous dispute which brought nbout atemporary abandonment of the Invcrnesconference is not likely to have any veryserious or permanent effects."..The Dally Express asserted that

juggling with n phrase" I ml to thedendlock. but said thce was little doubtsince receiving De Vnlcra's latest let-ter the Prime Minister would "findmeans to accommodate Mr. De Valeraand his friends."

Tho situation assumes a more hope-ful nppearanre since De Valera In hisitJr yesterday seemed to place a

different construction on his own words',in the opinion of thp London Times.

Onirloch, Scotland. Sept. 17. (RyA. P.) The receipt by Prime MinisterLloyd George of Enmon de Vnlern'Hteegram of yesterday. In which theIrish leader expressed the view thatthe peace should meet

by nny conditions "exceptthose imposed by the fnctH ns theyknow them." is considered to havebrought about a change In the situa-tion.

Lloyd Oeorge passed a good night ntIiIh vacation home here nnd was verymuch lettcr this morninc. thn ilnical'.ed to Onirloch hnvlng lanced the ab-ce- ss

which caused his Indisposition.Ihe date of his return to London, how-ever, has not yet been fixed, nnd thenext meeting of the Cabinet whetherit meets in Iondon or Inverness de-pends upon the rate of his progress.

Dublin, Sept. 17. (Ry A. P.)Enmon de Vnlera's telegram, sent yes-terday to Prime Minister Lloyd Oeorge,was today declared by the Frcman'sJournal to make it more evident thatthe Prime Minister had been "too hnstyin his conclusion that the Sinn Feinletter eonvejlng detnils of the Irish ac-ceptance of his invitntion to n confer-ence implies n demand for recognitionIn advance of the Irish Republic."

The newspaper asserted one encour-aging fact was made clear bv the cor-respondence, nnd thnt wns that "boththe Rrltish Government nnd the Irishlendent desire nn honorable nndthat the people of both 'countries areoverwhe mlngly with them in this com- -

"To nllow such a position to belost would be a hideous blunder nnd acrime ngalnst civilization." the news-pap- er

continued. "We are expressingthe unanimous wish of the Irish peoplewhen we assert n method should bsfound to resolve the deadlock withoutthreat or force, and that the confer-ence should proceed untrnmmeled bri (Terences thnt will almost certainlydisnppcnr 0n the dny the conferencemeets."

In official quarters here the mostfnvornble construction is placed on Dealera s telegram. The ImpressionTontlniifd nn Pan ronr. Column fiinr


Struck While Playing Ball on High-wa- y

Near His Homol.ancast p., sept l7.nv

lied in n hospital In this city enrlvthis morning of injuries received whenstruck by the nutnmobllo of W PStnrkey. 17:.'!) North Front street, liar- -'risburg.The boy wns playing ball on the Lin-co- l,,

highway, near his home In Onp,rrldny nfternoon and fnlled to noticethe approach of Mr. Htnrkcv',, rnrwhich wns running slowlv. He waifractured. Mr. Starkey assisted theInjured boy to n physician's office

Who Wonthe Prizes

In the I'ubllo Ledger's Content hvtnBt answering the queitlon. "WhVWoman In History Would You wl"to Have DeenrRead tomorrow's

Sunday Public Ledgerand nnd out all about vthem anddon't fall to road the prlse-wlna- li

..' A;.rwi

V" ' 1

A A.,

iiTiV Mif.kW. ii a'vv. f.h. .i.U.,M-- , i', V 1rfv f V4i'.:cafrTv i"s - -- VA Aa &U& --.i .. . iM.ito, A V.yj: v 41. Jffs.r,