jf- r j i i 0 4 i i j i- a noble recordufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03230/00239.pdfthis...

J 1YtF 1 1 IIJf t r r > f i > r tr s p < II i OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JULY 27 1909 a r jt i i- t > 7 r I- J i < rr > 1 1 rJ- il < > fft J- l < t jHudson No 20 The sensation in motor cars for I 1010 ChalmersDetroit There is f no needto say anything for this car Write T S ABERNATHY r Orlando Florida << rfik MEATSlilD VEGETABLES wIc Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Cork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets I Sweet Potatoes ltiBh Potatoes Spanish Onions tv f wI P EDWARDS i Phone 108 City Market t rJX 0 Jf J t z j 1 FORT KING i b f- w MADE IN 1913 > rffi- Si i Bottled In Bond r h One Quart 100 m ffe- V Four Quarts 350 IOTIIXDI- N6QeRTKG Delivered 375 I This is a choice High Grade t Private Stock Rye Whiskey m v1 and we Fully Cnarutee it to I mua be a good as any bottled in I I v bond whiskey on the market that is Bold for 150 a quart 4 HE CARMICHAEL SON CO- FLORIDA OCALA z p I 12 QUARTS OF STRAIGHT 5 o N C CORN WHISKEY fI AM Oie Itttlf LIvingston Pure Rye Bottled In Bond I Qts Straight N Qts Straight N 2 4 zoe 8 15 f C Corn Whisky cp C Corn Whisky These Qiirls Are Full 32 Ounce Quarts No 16 Ounce- S S Glass and Corkscrew Free With Every Order 4- f EXPRESS PREPAID IN PLAIN BOXES p t This Straight North Carolina Corn t WE GUARA NTEE WWsfcy not to be a blend not a compound not n Imitation but just pure corn whisky of full strength v 1 Order today from the largest distillery in Florida I A r it 1 DELANEY CO 1J Warekwse No 5 Jacksonville Fa Write For Price List No 2 Ei1L t f TAMPA EXCURSIONV- IA < S I SEABOflRD AIR LINE RY JrM > Monday August 2- Jr k Roundtrip from Ocala sa Ifr T1oK on sale by all regular trains August 2 Limit 4iiiniug Auguat 5 19O9- V J cr CBo1ston Jr EstGen Pass Agt JacksOhYin Fla I 1 k li RitYSOR Tioiet Agent Ota Fla- 41k L 5- 1 A t J < f f r f < i 7 J < + 4 t- tf i1 v > 0 t 47lb- I f oI i > tt < I > >> 7 t > < j 7 HEAT OF IE BODY Climatic Variations Do Not Affect I Internal Conditions MANS NORMAL TEMPERATUR- EIt It Is 585 Degrees When Taken Under the Tongue Whether One Lives In Arctic Regions or In the Tropics Some Record Fever Temperatures- The uonnnl temperature of a human being is generally given as DSJj de- grees ¬ hut the statement must be slight- ly ¬ qualified It Is the normal temper- ature ¬ when taken by placing the ther ¬ mometer under the tongue or in the armpit or the groin The surface temperature of the head- bands or abdomen varies from 9G de- grees ¬ to 93 degrees or even lower That of the Internal regions may go up to 1022 degrees that being the average heat of the blood circulating In the liver and some other organs But OSG degrees Ls called the normal temperature of a human being and it doesnt matter whether he lives in the desert of Sahara or In Greenland ac cording to a writer In the Technical World wake or asleep at work or just loafing a mans temperature re uains practically at this level When it varies more than the fraction of a degree It is because the heat reg- ulating mechanism Is disarranged by disease or by abnormal conditions of some sort Excessively high measures of heat may he borne for several min- utes ¬ by an individual without raising- his temperature more than a fraction- of a degree Persons who sometimes are stylfKl human salamanders have given exhibitions of their ability to stand high temperatures There is an authentic case recorded of Martinez the so called French salii- rmander a baker by trade who exposed himself to high temperatures from boy- hood He remained in an oven erected in the Tivoll gardens for fourteen min- utes ¬ when the temperature it was 33S degrees Ills pulse on entering- was seventysix a minute find had reached 130 when he came out Ho often duplicated this performance Cbamounl a celebrated Russian sal- amander ¬ who called himself the In- combustible ¬ used to go Into an oven and stay while a leg of mutton was roasted there not coming out until the meat was well done He eventually lost his life In oneof these perform- ances ¬ Fever Is a rise of temperature above the normal level This rise Is seldom beyond MM degrees Mental and nerv- ous ¬ Influences may so act for a time as to disorder the control of the ther motaxic nerve center and cause fever It is Interesting to note some of the high temperatures which are on med- ical ¬ record as haying actually occurred In certain diseases Guys hospital In London records the case of a hyster- ical ¬ woman afflicted with tuberculosis- of one lung who showed 120 degrees- At a meeting of the Association of American Physicians in 1S9 Dr Ja- cob ¬ of New York reported a patient- in whom fever reached the almost In ¬ credible figure of 148 degrees F This case occurred In a hysterical fireman who had suffered a severe Injury from- a tall In the discussion which followed the report of this case among the members- of the association Dr Welch of Balti- more ¬ referred to a condition of hyper thermy that had come to his kno- wce In which the temperature was recorded as 171 degrees F Of course such exceedingly high temperatures are of only short duration or death would cnsu Fever is not the only disturbance which may filter temperature Certain conditions especially those due to dis- eases ¬ like tuberculosis acute alcohol- Ism melancholia convalescence from fevers poisoning from various drugs and so forth may cause the bodily warmth to become subnormal In ¬ juries and surgical shock also origi- nate ¬ the same effect Starvation al- ways ¬ Induces a gradual fall Low temperatures are always dan ¬ gerous and unless a reaction quickly ensues by aid of relief measures a fatal termination may be expected The lowest recorded luring life that may be regarded as reliable Is one re ¬ ported by DuETS in which the ther ¬ mometer registered S4 degrees F Death ensued the following day The body however can withstand extreme cold more readily than it can extreme heat before the regulating center becomes disordered and so- other things being equal freezing tc death Is not as common in cold cli- mates ¬ as sunstroke Is in warm Refused to Accompany Her A noted German lyric soprano who may as well be nameless here as she Is no longer before the public devel- oped ¬ In her later years a habit of slug Ing out of tune One night at a small company being asked to slug she promptly consented and her hostess then went to Otto Lessmaun the Ger- man ¬ critic who was present anti said Herr Iessmann will you accom- pany ¬ Madam Blank With pleasure WHere Is she go ¬ ing r Why to sing No pardon me not thereXew York Tribune- An Easy Remedy He Your milliners bill cost me last year as much as the salary of my two bookkeepers That Is more than- I can afford She Well discharge one of themFliegende Blatter What the eye sees not the heart russ nor Campion A MILLIONAIRES BABY attended by the hJgnest priced baby specialist could not be cured or stom- ach ¬ or bowel trouble any quicker or surer than your baby if you give it McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬ hoea dysentery and all derangements of the stomach or bowels Price 25 cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug ¬ gists When In need of stationery go to a stationer The Ocala News Co Is the only stationery store In Ocala < i < i i1W S > W i A NEW WATERMELON- It will be of jnterest to the water ¬ melon growers to learn that a new variety of watermelon was discover- ed ¬ In Roumanla by Horace G Knowles the American minister to that country He procured a large quantity of the seed and sent them- to the agricultural department which distributed them among the experi ¬ mental stations for trio The melons have a very thin skin and the meat which Is less fibrous than our native melons in color Is both yellow and red and the flavor- is exceedingly delicious Besides its matchless flavor it has another dis- tinctive ¬ feature in its size which is about that of a grapefruit- It occured to Minister Cnowles that- a watermelon of that sizejust enough for one personwould find great favor In the United States It seemed to him that It would be just the thing to serve in hotels restau- rants ¬ club and on dining cars They could be kept on ice and a whole melon could be served as one portion The reports on the results of the experiments were most satisfactory and proved that the melons can be grown successfully in nearly every section of the United States A re- port ¬ from Massachusetts states that the melons have a most delicious flavor and present the flattering dif- ficulty ¬ of finding any one person who will be satisfied with only one of the melons- Mr > Knowles has suggested to the agricultural department that the new melon be named Princess Marie in honor of the beautiful Crown Princess of Roumanla whose guest he was when he found the melons- It is said that the successful culti- vation ¬ here of this melon is assured and experts say that It will be worth millions of dollars to our country The agricultural department has already expressed Its appreciation to Minister Knowles for his thoughtfulness and invaluable donation to the fruitage of the United States Daytona Journal DONT GET A DIVORCE- A western judge granted a divorce- on account of illtemper and bad breath Dr Kings New Life Pills would have prevented it They cure constipation causing bad breath and liver trouble the illtemper dispel colds banish headaches conquer chills 25c at all druggists WATCH FOR THERED WAGONS- The Florida Packing Ice Company- now has its delivery wagons on the streets retailing Ice The company is also shipping from the plant and selling to the trade in quantities See the companys ad elsewhere in this issue The ice is made from pure distilled water and is firstclass- A GOLDEN WEDDING means that man ana wire nave lived- to a good old age and consequently have kept Healthy The best way to keep healthy is to see that your liver does its duty 365 lays out of 365 The only way to do this Is to keep Bal lards Herbine in the house and take- It whenever your liver gets inactive 50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬ gists ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS ON TRIAL- I will place an electric smoothing iron in your home on a few lays trial upon request at my office or by carl or phone They are the the greatest little thing in the home especially in hot weather Connect the cord wIth one of your light drops and in a few minutes the iron is hot No smoke or dirt and rut only where it is wanted H W TUCKER If people with symptoms of kIdney or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Pills This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strength- ens ¬ and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease- or other serious disorder Do not dis regard the early symptoms Sold bj all druggists- Odd I Fellows meet tonight THE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB- J C BARDIN Proprietor- No 6 Ft King Ave East Phone 144 Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly ¬ All Work Guaranteed White Trade O- nlyFRESH FISH- I receive daily snipments of choice fresh and salt water fish of the best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER Phone 219 City Market L ALEXANDER Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER- Careful cellmates maae on all contract work orves more and bet ¬ ter work for the money than any other contractor In o- wnFOLEYS KIDNEY CUR- EYILL of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine Take it at onCt Do not risk having Bright1 Dis I ease or Diabetes There if nothing gained by delay SOc and 100 Bottler 11 unUTIIL FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS I < 4 r < r t J p 1 i jf- oC I 0 4 i J I A + = 7 4 F 3 i r1 r NOBLE RECORD < > 4 t 11- A 1 t 4 l Of many hundreds of thousands of cures forms a well sustainediVuMweiurfe t every claim put forth by the makers of DL PIERCES O MEDIbAL DISCOVERY as a remedy for many of the ublesomeaffectIo jvhurh afflict d t mankind yet it is not extolled asa cureall by any means Noextrayigantf 1 5t promises are flaunted before the public to arouse false hopes in the tfilictcd i 2 r f4- t Your neighbors probably know of some of its many cures ask them 1i 1I r r i J l Through strengthening mad the stomach > > arousing liver and Jt f f bowels into vigorous action digestion promoted whereby- the 1 1 blood is eorjched and purified diseasprodmcim bad- term f = f fj 4 i destroyed and expelled from the body and this a- long i < r i list of skin scrofulous and kindred affections zw 1 > l 4 r2y t I overcome and sound vigorous health established- The l- J 4 J Discovery containi no alcohol andjio habitforming drugs Und Has l t its every ingredient printed on itswrappers ns OPEN PUBLICITY places- it r in a class distinct from the ordinary secret nostrums with which it has nore ¬ f tl 1 2 lationship Physicians therefore do not hesitate to prescribe it in badcases of < 1 i < indigestion torpid LV1 or biliousness and in skin and blood affections People J of intelligence and keen discernment employ It The Discover n is a piIrsg- lyceric J t extract of native medicinal roots of great curative potenq can in i > 4 no case do harm to eIther child or adult The aged find it a great Invigpratof f You can learn more about this time proven and popular Discovery fromV tf the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser by Dr RV Pierce a newly I v iii revised uptodate edition of which is now offered in cloth covers postpaid v i S for 31 cents in onecent stamps to cover cost of mailing only or in paper cov y + 3 tr ers 21 cents Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Pierce fir M D President 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y x > WELL S05TAiNEPI < Cf i mi f m mmm 4 s v- VM r BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN o > x V EN- v w- s f r v Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Vry i T F i Latest Methods ft ff- ltif > < t f We have just received one ot the famous Ideal 7 Nr Lawn Mower Grinders 3 machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which does the work perfectly If you will favor us with > your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than he day you bought < > U it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer thanthe > > old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ < workman with a file or an emery wheel > I T 5 i 5 ff ip- j 10- F Next lime your Mower needs sharpening i p > p > J Ji bring it in or notify us and we will < i t make II cut so nicely it will surprise you t- r tP n MARION HARDWARE CO < < r < J I SPECIAL EARLY BREAKFASTS- Those I wishing extra early break ¬ fasts can get same at the Elk Cafe as ealy as 430 if they desire Mrs X E Taylor passed through here on her was home from the con ¬ vention of the Womans Mite Mission Society Mrs Taylor has accomplish- ed ¬ much and done good work in the mission work since she has been dis ¬ trict president We are always glad to meet with our Christian workers Moral Courage A schoolteacher once told her class that the courage which makes us do what we think right regardless the sneers of others was moral courage the best kind Then if a boy has a box of candy like me yesterday said n lad and If he eats It all himself without giving any to people that have no right to It I no matter how much they call him i mean and stingy that theres moral courage aint It teacher The Time Not Ripe Anxious PatronDoctor dont you think youd better call In some other physicians for consultation Family Doctor cheerfully Ob no not yet I There Is still some hope New York Weekly Endurance Test What do they mean by an endur ¬ ance test Two chaps bragging about their re- spective ¬ makes of automobile Ixra- Isville CourierJournal Gallant Beautiful Widow Do you know Im Torty years old today Gallant BachelorMadam you are twenty I never believe more than halt of what I hear Corrected Miss KittyBefore you were mar- ried ¬ I Mrs Blunt did your husband bring you many flowers Mrs Blunt I I didnt have any husband before I was married dear Pessimism leads to weakness op- timism ¬ 1 Ictds to power WHllJim I James STARVED TO DEATH- Is what could truthfully be said of many children who die They have worms poor little thingsthey dont know It and you dont realize it If your child is cross fretful pasty complexioned and loses weight for no apparent reason give it Whites Cream Vermifuge You will be sur ¬ prised at the results and how quickly f Jt picks up Sold by all druggists j Zd < i- ii < i a r <> SCRAP METAL AND JUNK- I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Engines Boilers Rails Etc whether secondhand or scrap and pay the t highest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and woere it Is located- E 1 JE C XE a i CITRA FLORIDA For Permanent Relief Take TRADE MJnK I HER3INE acts directly on the Liver It will cure COfiSTIPA- TiON DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS MALARIA AND CHILLS It J is entirely free from all poisonous mineral substances and is com- posed ¬ solely of LIFEGIVING HERBS It is adapted for weak and t weary constitutions strengthens weakened glands and organs j it chocks all derangements of the body Try a bottle today Fifty Cents a Bottle Avoid All Substitutes Ballard Snow Liniment Co- ST = LOUIS MO U S A r Sold and Recommoncf b- ALL DRUGGISTS ATLANTIC COAST LINE h- i ROUTE OF THE CELEBRATED 3 r > Florida and West Indian Limited y ji i I and New York and Florida Express rt s to the East To the West 1 r4 Jr S Dixie Flyer Montgomery Rout 4 1 Central Route South Atlantic Route JJ 6 < Pullman Bufet Steeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innatiChia s 4 r St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points i PULLMAN DINING CAR SERVICE- For tf tickets reservation or Information call on nearest CoastLine Agt er- J < < G KIRKLAND DPA1Tampaflorida- C L WHITE G P A Wilmm gton N C W J CRAIG PTM t- i

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Page 1: jf- r J i I 0 4 i I J I- A NOBLE RECORDufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03230/00239.pdfThis is a choice High Grade t m Private Stock Rye Whiskey v1 and we Fully Cnarutee it

J 1YtF 1 1 IIJft r r> f i >

rtr s p <


r jti i-


7r I-

J i

<rr > 1





fft J-



t jHudson No 20The sensation in motor cars for


1010 ChalmersDetroit There isf

noneedto say anything for this carWrite T S ABERNATHY

r Orlando Florida<<

rfik MEATSlilD VEGETABLESwIc Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef

Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours CorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets I

Sweet Potatoes ltiBh Potatoes Spanish Onions

tvf wI P EDWARDSi Phone 108 City Market

trJX 0


Jtzj1 FORT KINGi b


wMADE IN 1913




i Bottled In Bondr


One Quart 100m



Four Quarts 350IOTIIXDI-N6QeRTKG Delivered 375


This is a choice High Gradet

Private Stock Rye Whiskeymv1 and we Fully Cnarutee it to

I mua be a good as any bottled inI Iv

bond whiskey on the marketthat is Bold for 150 a quart







5 oN C CORN WHISKEY fIAM Oie Itttlf LIvingston Pure Rye Bottled In Bond


Qts Straight N Qts Straight N 24 zoe 8 15f C Corn Whisky cp C Corn Whisky

These Qiirls Are Full 32 Ounce Quarts No 16 Ounce-


Glass and Corkscrew Free With Every Order



t This Straight North Carolina Cornt WE GUARA NTEE WWsfcy not to be a blend not a

compound not n Imitation but justpure corn whisky of full strength



Order today from the largest distillery in FloridaI

A r


1J Warekwse No 5 Jacksonville Fa

Write For Price List No 2

Ei1L t







Monday August 2-

Jr k

Roundtrip from Ocala saIfr

T1oK on sale by all regular trains August 2 Limit4iiiniug Auguat 5 19O9-



CBo1ston Jr EstGen Pass Agt JacksOhYin FlaI

1 k li RitYSOR Tioiet Agent Ota Fla-41k

L 5-


A tJ <f fr f< i 7J < + 4t-

tf i1 v> 0t 47lb-

If oI i >tt <


7 t >< j



Climatic Variations Do Not Affect I

Internal Conditions



It Is 585 Degrees When Taken Underthe Tongue Whether One Lives In

Arctic Regions or In the TropicsSome Record Fever Temperatures-

The uonnnl temperature of a humanbeing is generally given as DSJj de-


hut the statement must be slight-ly


qualified It Is the normal temper-ature


when taken by placing the ther ¬

mometer under the tongue or in thearmpit or the groin

The surface temperature of the head-bands or abdomen varies from 9G de-


to 93 degrees or even lower Thatof the Internal regions may go up to1022 degrees that being the averageheat of the blood circulating In theliver and some other organs

But OSG degrees Ls called the normaltemperature of a human being and itdoesnt matter whether he lives in thedesert of Sahara or In Greenland according to a writer In the TechnicalWorld wake or asleep at work orjust loafing a mans temperature reuains practically at this level

When it varies more than the fractionof a degree It is because the heat reg-ulating mechanism Is disarranged bydisease or by abnormal conditions ofsome sort Excessively high measuresof heat may he borne for several min-utes


by an individual without raising-his temperature more than a fraction-of a degree Persons who sometimesare stylfKl human salamanders havegiven exhibitions of their ability tostand high temperatures

There is an authentic case recordedof Martinez the so called French salii-

rmander a baker by trade who exposedhimself to high temperatures from boy-hood He remained in an oven erectedin the Tivoll gardens for fourteen min-utes


when the temperature it was33S degrees Ills pulse on entering-was seventysix a minute find hadreached 130 when he came out Hooften duplicated this performance

Cbamounl a celebrated Russian sal-amander


who called himself the In-


used to go Into an ovenand stay while a leg of mutton wasroasted there not coming out until themeat was well done He eventuallylost his life In oneof these perform-ances


Fever Is a rise of temperature abovethe normal level This rise Is seldombeyond MM degrees Mental and nerv-ous


Influences may so act for a time asto disorder the control of the thermotaxic nerve center and cause fever

It is Interesting to note some of thehigh temperatures which are on med-


record as haying actually occurredIn certain diseases Guys hospital InLondon records the case of a hyster-ical


woman afflicted with tuberculosis-of one lung who showed 120 degrees-

At a meeting of the Association ofAmerican Physicians in 1S9 Dr Ja-


of New York reported a patient-in whom fever reached the almost In ¬

credible figure of 148 degrees F Thiscase occurred In a hysterical firemanwho had suffered a severe Injury from-a tall

In the discussion which followed thereport of this case among the members-of the association Dr Welch of Balti-more


referred to a condition of hyperthermy that had come to his kno-wce In which the temperature wasrecorded as 171 degrees F Of coursesuch exceedingly high temperaturesare of only short duration or deathwould cnsu

Fever is not the only disturbancewhich may filter temperature Certainconditions especially those due to dis-


like tuberculosis acute alcohol-Ism melancholia convalescence fromfevers poisoning from various drugsand so forth may cause the bodilywarmth to become subnormal In ¬

juries and surgical shock also origi-nate


the same effect Starvation al-


Induces a gradual fallLow temperatures are always dan ¬

gerous and unless a reaction quicklyensues by aid of relief measures afatal termination may be expectedThe lowest recorded luring life thatmay be regarded as reliable Is one re¬

ported by DuETS in which the ther ¬

mometer registered S4 degrees FDeath ensued the following day

The body however can withstandextreme cold more readily than it canextreme heat before the regulatingcenter becomes disordered and so-

other things being equal freezing tcdeath Is not as common in cold cli-


as sunstroke Is in warm

Refused to Accompany HerA noted German lyric soprano who

may as well be nameless here as sheIs no longer before the public devel-oped


In her later years a habit of slugIng out of tune One night at a smallcompany being asked to slug shepromptly consented and her hostessthen went to Otto Lessmaun the Ger-


critic who was present anti saidHerr Iessmann will you accom-


Madam BlankWith pleasure WHere Is she go¬

ing rWhy to singNo pardon me not thereXew

York Tribune-

An Easy RemedyHe Your milliners bill cost me

last year as much as the salary of my

two bookkeepers That Is more than-I can afford She Well discharge oneof themFliegende Blatter

What the eye sees not the heart russnor Campion


attended by the hJgnest priced babyspecialist could not be cured or stom-ach


or bowel trouble any quicker orsurer than your baby if you give itMcGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬

hoea dysentery and all derangementsof the stomach or bowels Price 25

cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug ¬


When In need of stationery go to astationer The Ocala News Co Is theonly stationery store In Ocala

<i <

ii1W S > W i


It will be of jnterest to the water ¬

melon growers to learn that a newvariety of watermelon was discover-ed


In Roumanla by Horace GKnowles the American minister tothat country He procured a largequantity of the seed and sent them-to the agricultural department whichdistributed them among the experi¬

mental stations for trioThe melons have a very thin skin

and the meat which Is less fibrousthan our native melons in color Isboth yellow and red and the flavor-is exceedingly delicious Besides itsmatchless flavor it has another dis-tinctive


feature in its size which isabout that of a grapefruit-

It occured to Minister Cnowles that-a watermelon of that sizejustenough for one personwould findgreat favor In the United States Itseemed to him that It would be justthe thing to serve in hotels restau-rants


club and on dining cars Theycould be kept on ice and a wholemelon could be served as one portion

The reports on the results of theexperiments were most satisfactoryand proved that the melons can begrown successfully in nearly everysection of the United States A re-port


from Massachusetts states thatthe melons have a most deliciousflavor and present the flattering dif-ficulty


of finding any one person whowill be satisfied with only one of themelons-


Knowles has suggested to theagricultural department that the newmelon be named Princess Marie inhonor of the beautiful Crown Princessof Roumanla whose guest he waswhen he found the melons-

It is said that the successful culti-vation


here of this melon is assuredand experts say that It will be worthmillions of dollars to our country Theagricultural department has alreadyexpressed Its appreciation to MinisterKnowles for his thoughtfulness andinvaluable donation to the fruitage ofthe United States Daytona Journal

DONT GET A DIVORCE-A western judge granted a divorce-

on account of illtemper and badbreath Dr Kings New Life Pillswould have prevented it They cureconstipation causing bad breath andliver trouble the illtemper dispelcolds banish headaches conquerchills 25c at all druggists


The Florida Packing Ice Company-now has its delivery wagons on thestreets retailing Ice The company isalso shipping from the plant andselling to the trade in quantities Seethe companys ad elsewhere in thisissue The ice is made from puredistilled water and is firstclass-

A GOLDEN WEDDINGmeans that man ana wire nave lived-to a good old age and consequentlyhave kept Healthy The best way tokeep healthy is to see that your liverdoes its duty 365 lays out of 365 Theonly way to do this Is to keep Ballards Herbine in the house and take-It whenever your liver gets inactive50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬



I will place an electric smoothingiron in your home on a few lays trialupon request at my office or by carlor phone They are the the greatestlittle thing in the home especially inhot weather Connect the cord wIthone of your light drops and in a fewminutes the iron is hot No smokeor dirt and rut only where it iswanted H W TUCKER

If people with symptoms of kIdneyor bladder trouble could realize theirdanger they would without loss oftime commence taking Foleys KidneyPills This great remedy stops thepain and the irregularities strength-ens


and builds up these organs andthere is no danger of Brights disease-or other serious disorder Do not disregard the early symptoms Sold bjall druggists-



Fellows meet tonight



J C BARDIN Proprietor-

No 6 Ft King Ave East Phone 144

Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-ly


All Work Guaranteed WhiteTrade O-

nlyFRESH FISH-I receive daily snipments of choice

fresh and salt water fish of the bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERPhone 219 City Market



Careful cellmates maae on allcontract work orves more and bet¬

ter work for the money than anyother contractor In o-



of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medi-cine Take it at onCt Donot risk having Bright1 Dis

I ease or Diabetes There ifnothing gained by delaySOc and 100 Bottler


I <


r <

r t Jp



oCI 0 4 i J I

A + = 7

4F 3 ir1 rNOBLE RECORD <


4 t11-


1 t

4 l

Of many hundreds of thousands of cures forms a well sustainediVuMweiurfe tevery claim put forth by the makers of DL PIERCES O MEDIbALDISCOVERY as a remedy for many of the ublesomeaffectIo jvhurh afflict


mankind yet it is not extolled asa cureall by any means Noextrayigantf 1 5tpromises are flaunted before the public to arouse false hopes in the tfilictcd i 2 r f4-

tYour neighbors probably know of some of its many cures ask them 1i 1I

r r iJ l

Through strengthening mad the stomach > >arousing liver and Jt f fbowels into vigorous action digestion promoted whereby-the

1 1blood is eorjched and purified diseasprodmcim bad-

termf = f fj

4 idestroyed and expelled from the body and this a-

longi < r i

list of skin scrofulous and kindred affections zw1

> l4 r2y t Iovercome and sound vigorous health established-



J 4 J

Discovery containi no alcohol andjio habitforming drugs Und Has l tits every ingredient printed on itswrappers ns OPEN PUBLICITY places-it


in a class distinct from the ordinary secret nostrums with which it has nore¬ f tl 1 2

lationship Physicians therefore do not hesitate to prescribe it in badcases of < 1 i <indigestion torpid LV1 or biliousness and in skin and blood affections People Jof intelligence and keen discernment employ It The Discover n is a piIrsg-lyceric

J textract of native medicinal roots of great curative potenq can in i

> 4no case do harm to eIther child or adult The aged find it a great Invigpratof f

You can learn more about this time proven and popular Discovery fromV tfthe Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser by Dr R V Pierce a newly


v iiirevised uptodate edition of which is now offered in cloth covers postpaid vi

Sfor 31 cents in onecent stamps to cover cost of mailing only or in paper cov y + 3trers 21 cents Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Pierce firM D President 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y x >


Cfi mi f m mmm


s v-



>x VEN-

v w-




Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Vryi


iLatest Methodsft ff-

ltif> <t f

We have just received one ot the famous Ideal 7 Nr

Lawn Mower Grinders 3 machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whichdoes the work perfectly If you will favor us with >

your patronage we guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than he day you bought <


U it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer thanthe > >

old style way which is usually done by inexpe-rienced

¬ <

workman with a file or an emery wheel >I


i 5 ffip-

j 10-


Next lime your Mower needs sharpeningi


> p >

J Ji bring it in or notify us and we will <it make II cut so nicely it will surprise you t-



< r






wishing extra early break ¬

fasts can get same at the Elk Cafe asealy as 430 if they desire

Mrs X E Taylor passed throughhere on her was home from the con ¬

vention of the Womans Mite MissionSociety Mrs Taylor has accomplish-ed


much and done good work in themission work since she has been dis ¬

trict president We are always gladto meet with our Christian workers

Moral CourageA schoolteacher once told her class

that the courage which makes us dowhat we think right regardless thesneers of others was moral couragethe best kind

Then if a boy has a box of candylike me yesterday said n lad andIf he eats It all himself without givingany to people that have no right to It I

no matter how much they call him i

mean and stingy that theres moralcourage aint It teacher

The Time Not RipeAnxious PatronDoctor dont you

think youd better call In some otherphysicians for consultation FamilyDoctor cheerfully Ob no not yet I

There Is still some hope New YorkWeekly

Endurance TestWhat do they mean by an endur ¬

ance testTwo chaps bragging about their re-


makes of automobile Ixra-

Isville CourierJournal

GallantBeautiful Widow Do you know Im

Torty years old todayGallant BachelorMadam you are

twenty I never believe more thanhalt of what I hear

CorrectedMiss KittyBefore you were mar-



Mrs Blunt did your husbandbring you many flowers Mrs Blunt I

I didnt have any husband before Iwas married dear

Pessimism leads to weakness op-



Ictds to power WHllJim I


STARVED TO DEATH-Is what could truthfully be said ofmany children who die They haveworms poor little thingsthey dontknow It and you dont realize it Ifyour child is cross fretful pastycomplexioned and loses weight forno apparent reason give it WhitesCream Vermifuge You will be sur ¬

prised at the results and how quicklyf

Jt picks up Sold by all druggists

j Zd < i-



ar <>

SCRAP METAL AND JUNK-I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old EnginesBoilers Rails Etc whether secondhand or scrap and pay the thighest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and woere it Is located-

E 1 JE C XE a i


For Permanent Relief Take

TRADE MJnK IHER3INE acts directly on the Liver It will cure COfiSTIPA-

TiON DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS MALARIA AND CHILLS It Jis entirely free from all poisonous mineral substances and is com-posed


solely of LIFEGIVING HERBS It is adapted for weak and tweary constitutions strengthens weakened glands and organs jit chocks all derangements of the body Try a bottle todayFifty Cents a Bottle Avoid All Substitutes

Ballard Snow Liniment Co-ST


Sold and Recommoncf b-ALL DRUGGISTS



3 r >

Florida and West Indian Limited y ji i I

and New York and Florida Express rt sto the East

To the West 1 r4 JrS Dixie Flyer Montgomery Rout


Central Route South Atlantic Route JJ 6<

Pullman Bufet Steeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innatiChia s 4 rSt Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points i


tftickets reservation or Information call on nearest CoastLine Agt er-

J< <

G KIRKLAND DPA1Tampaflorida-C


WHITE G P A Wilmm gton N C W J CRAIG PTM t-
