jesuit vatican new world order - jesuits, stalin and castro

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    Practically every right-wing dictator of the period

    had been born and brought up a Catholic

    notably Hitler, Franco, Petain, Mussolini, Pavelic, and Tiso (who was a Catholic

    priest). John Cornwell - Hitler's Pope (1999; p. 280)

    Stalin was brought up in the house of a Catholic Priest with his Catholic mother, went to Catholic school, was an Altar Boy,

    went to a Catholic College. He graduated in 1892 first in his class and at the age of 14 he was accepted to enter the "Orthodox"

    Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution to be trained as a Jesuit priest.

    In spite of contrary history written about the Jesuit run Seminary, the Jesuits remained in Russian territory after the order was

    banned by Alexander I in 1820, maintaining control of several institutions, including the Seminary of Tiflis.

    Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit control of the institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist Emil Ludwig


    The more credible and controversial conclusion is that Stalin did graduate from the Jesuit Seminary as a proper Jesuit priest,with his first assignment being to infiltrate and manage the Georgian underground against the Russian Tsarist Government.

    Again, the fact that Stalin was awarded an academic position at the Tiflis Observatory gives credence to his Jesuit credentials

    and completed study. His double life as a secret leader of the May day uprising of 1901 less than 2 years from graduating from

    the Jesuit seminary attests to his skill as a key Jesuit agent.

    By 1922, the Bolsheviks had won the Civil War, but left the whole country broke. The Rothschilds and the American Jesuit

    Bankers on Wall Street made a simple offer - they would help fund and bail out new new Soviet Union, providing Stalin was

    given a key role. Thus on April 3, 1922, Stalin was made General Secretary of the Central Commitee, a post that subsequently

    grew to become the most powerful.

    In spite of his position, Lenin still sought to thwart the influence of Stalin and in December 1923 it came to a head with Lenin

    planning to have Stalin finally eliminated. In January 1924, Jesuit Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski gave the order to

    Stalin allowing him to kill Lenin and on January 21, 1924, Lenin was poisoned to death at the age of 53. From this point on,

    Stalin was the most powerful and undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union.

    One of the earliest acts of Stalin was to begin the outlawing of the Russian Orthodox Church, allowing seized thousands of

    churches and schools to be handed over to the Catholic Church- a highly controversal program that has largely been unreported
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    even to this day. By 1939, the Russian Orthodox Church was all but extinct.

    Of the other persecutions, the Ukraine and deportation of Jews is also infamous under his reign in which tens of millions

    perished. But what is rarely if ever published is that the Head of the Death Camps of Siberia was none other than Catholic

    Cardinal Gregory Agagianian, his former classmate at the Jesuit Seminary of Tiflis.

    There is a further and most disturbing note to this Catholic connection concerning the nature of the atrocities of Siberia. While it

    has been admitted by some historians that a number of concentration camps in Siberia had ovens to burn dead bodies, the lack

    of sufficient mass graves, even with the use of quick lime to destroy evidence has been found.

    This implies that the use of ovens for body disposal must have been in frequent use across the thousands of camps. Furthermore,

    that people were not dead when fed into the furnaces. Unlike the Nazis who at least used a nerve agent to render people

    unconscious but living before being fed into the furnaces of the death camps, it appears Stalin and Catholic Cardinal

    Agagianian had no need for such sensitivity.

    Tens of millions of people burnt alive under Satanic Vatican rituals in Siberia - at least three times those of Catholic Dictator

    Hitler, and not a single book accounting for these major anomolies has made the light of day. Tens of millions of people burnt

    alive under Satanic Vatican rituals in Siberia - at least three times those of Catholic Dictator Hitler, and not a single book

    accounting for these major anomolies has made the light of day.

    Towards the end of his life, there appears a major falling out between Stalin and the Catholic Church, with Stalin ordering

    extraordinary suppression orders against the Catholic Church in his final year, including the execution of Lubyanka GeneralAlexander Poskrebyshev---who oversaw the hanging of Vlasov in the Lubyanka---and NKVD General Nicolai Vlasik.

    Shortly thereafter, Stalin was poisoned and died on March 5, 1953.


    In Ustae (Yugoslavia ) Franciscan Miroslav Filipovi, known as "the devil of Jasenovac" ran the Jasenovac concentration camp,

    where estimates of the number killed range between 49,600 and 600,000. All citizens were forced to convert and those who

    refused were killed.

    One Catholic priest, Mate Mugos wrote that clergy should put down the prayer book and take up the revolver Stalin & Castro:

    The Jesuit Connection

    above picture

    Castro shaking hands with his boss, Grandmaster and Prince of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Willoughby

    Ninian Bertie

    Castro shaking hands with his boss, Grandmaster and Prince of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Willoughby

    Ninian Bertie

    The facts are that the Vatican and her Jesuits were deeply involved in fomenting not only World War I, but also World War II.

    During World War II the Vatican supported not only Nazi Germany, but also the other Fascist regimes in Europe, such as

    Mussolinis Fascist Italy and the Catholic-Fascist state of Croatia. In fact, Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Franz von Papen

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    and the Roman Catholic Centrum (or, Zentrum) Party in Bavaria put Hitler into power! On the other side of the European

    continent, we find a Jesuit-trained monster named Joseph Stalin running the Soviet Union during World War II, with help from

    his Jesuit-trained friend, Cardinal Gregory Agagianian. (Both were trained by Jesuits who taught at the seminary in Tiflis,

    Soviet Georgia.)

    Stalins top intelligence man was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, who used Jesuits for his couriers! No wonder banks in

    the West especially in the USA helped finance both Adolph Hitlers Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalins Soviet Union. Thus

    by controlling both sides in the conflict, the Vatican and her Jesuits were able to exterminate millions of their favorite targets:

    Jews, Orthodox Christians (e.g., in Croatia), and Protestants (in northern Germany).

    1917The Russian Revolution takes place. The Bolsheviks (Communists) seize power in Russiafunded by wealthy Knights of

    Malta in the United States. Later, two Jesuit-trained thugs, Joseph Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian, oversee the Soviet

    Gulag system. (Note: Both Stalin and Agagianian had been trained at the Jesuit Seminary in Tiflis, Soviet Georgia.) Millions of

    Russian Orthodox Christians are butchered at the hands of a totalitarian Police State. (Remember, the Vatican has long hated

    Orthodox Christians, and has slaughtered them whenever and wherever it could.)

    Fidel Castro was born in the village of Brian in Cuba on August 13, 1926 into a rich family, the son of Angel Castro, who was a

    Spanish immigrant, and his cook Lina Ruz Gonzalez. In his early life Fidel Castro went to Jesuit schools and from there he

    attended the Jesuit preparatory school Colegio Belen in Havana.

    Controlled Opposition Fidel Castro was trained in Jesuit schools for seven years, put in power by the Jesuits Knights of Malta-

    controlled Skull and Bones CIA, and advised by a Jesuit, Fr. Armando Llorente during the revolution. Today, Castro continues

    to be subservient to 78th Grandmaster and Prince of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie,

    cousin of Queen Elizabeth.

    The life of Fidel Castro has always been bound up with prophesies, some of them strangely accurate. Probably the most known

    is the one made by [Jesuit] Father Antonio Llorente, Castros teacher and spiritual adviser at the [Jesuit] Colegio de Beln.

    Fidel Castro is a man of destiny, prophesied Llorente. Behind him is the hand of God. He has a mission to fulfill and he will

    fulfill it against all obstacles.[1] In this particular case, however, I have the feeling that Father Llorente was slightly confused

    about whose hand was behind Fidel Castro.

    The student is involved with a gang or an antisocial group on the fringe of peer acceptance. Yes. It has been extensively

    documented that, as soon as he joined Beln, he formed his own gang and began harassing other students. The Jesuit padres

    were terrorized. They had never seen a student like Fidel Castro.[15] He continued his involvement with gangs when he became

    a Law student at the University of Havana.

    Moreover, it seems that the Jesuits efforts in nurturing the monster were not by mistake, but by design. Argentinean journalist

    Alfredo Muoz Unsan, for many years Havanas correspondent for France Press, tells a quite revealing story. Father Padre

    Arrupe visited Cuba in the early 1980s, and Muoz Unsan had the opportunity of talking to him on several occasions. In one of

    them, recalls the reporter, the Black Pope gave him the classic Jesuit spiel, ending by telling that he was very pleased with the

    work of the Jesuits in Latin America, particularly of the many important disciples they have developed who later reachedprominent positions in all walks of life. Well, I guess you are not proud of all of them, retorted Unsan, and added, Dont

    forget that Fidel Castro was one of your disciples. To what Arrupe answered, in the classic Jesuit way, by using a question to

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    answer another one, And what makes you think we are not proud of Fidel Castro?

    This is from Cubas official website on itself. The specific web page below is the official Cuba

    biography of Fidel Castro. Its specific URL is

    1) Fidel Castro attended three Jesuit institutions. College Lasalle and Colegio Dolores. Colegio in Spanish is a high school or

    junior college.

    2) He then attended a Jesuit university for preparatory studiesobviously, what we would call a general studies program

    at Colegio Belen. I say, general studies, because, after he matriculated from there, he went to law school.

    3) Upon graduating from law school he joined the Orthodox or Christian Democrat party. My European readers will instantly

    recognize that this is the Roman Catholic Party. The first Christian Democrat party was begun in Italy under Pius XI in the

    1920s. Pius XI later disbanded that party, to put his full support behind Benito Mussolini and his Fascists. The leader of the

    Christian Democrat party was then forced into exile, though he and Pope XI remained on good speaking terms. It was inLondon that this leader met a fellow exileAvro Manhattan.

    Returning to Fidel Castro: Castro was obviously fully working for the Jesuits when he joined the Christian Democrat party as a

    young lawyer. Not only that: by the time of the Cuban revolution in 1958-59, the Jesuits in Latin America were going fully

    Marxist-Leninist in ideology, as both Avro Manhattan and a former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, well document. Malachi

    Martin documents how that, in 1963, the Jesuits became fanatic, left-wing Communists, under Pedro Arrupe, himself a Marxist,

    and a great advocate of Fidel Castro. Martin documents in his book: The Jesuits and the Betrayal of the Roman CatholicChurch how the Jesuits proceeded to foment Communist revolutions throughout Latin America and Africa, with Castros aid.

    Albert Rivera, the former Jesuit priest who became a Protestant preacher, said that Castro is a fourth-degree, professed Jesuit.

    The circumstantial evidence strongly corroborates that catholic news View Comments

    Jesuit who taught Fidel Castro in Cuba dies in Miami at 91

    By Ana Rodriguez-Soto

    Source: Catholic News Service

    Published: Saturday, May 01, 2010

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    MIAMI (CNS)He taught Fidel Castro. And then his former student forced him to leave Cuba.

    But Jesuit Father Amando Llorentewho at one point conceived of creating a religious order of sheepherdersgathered his

    sheep once more in exile, re-establishing the Agrupacion Catolica Universitaria in Miami.

    He spent the rest of his priestly ministry "forming Catholics for the church," as he put it, in a paraphrase of Cuban patriot Jose

    Marti's line that "whoever would build a homeland must build up men."

    Father Llorente, 91, died in his sleep April 28 in his home overlooking Biscayne Bay the John Paul II Retreat House where

    Agrupacion members meet, a place where people are welcomed by a statue of St. Peter the fisherman casting his nets.

    His funeral Mass was scheduled for May 3 at Miami's Gesu Church.

    The Agrupacion, or ACU as it is known, is a Christian life community for men who are university graduates and professionals.

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    Its spirituality is based on Jesuit formational principles and Marian consecration. Its goal is to help members attain a Christian

    balance of professional work, prayer, family life, social life and apostolic service.

    Founded in Cuba in 1931, the Agrupacion had been Father Llorente's lifework since he took over as spiritual director in 1952,

    when its founder died. The group now has chapters in Orlando, Washington, Atlanta and San Juan, Puerto Rico, and its

    membership is not limited to Hispanics.

    Through the Agrupacion, Father Llorente touched not just the men who were members but their families as well.

    "We knew that Father Llorente was not eternal, but how sad was the news!" said Clarita Baloyra of Miami. "And what joy for

    him, to return to the Father the way St. Ignatius did, just as he wanted."

    "For our family, Padre Llorente played so many roles: father, grandfather, priest, spiritual director, friend," said Mariano

    Perez. "Yesterday, our 8-year-old daughter said she had lost one of her best friends and that is the truth. He truly was Christ, in

    all these different roles, among us and brought our family so much closer to him."

    Father Llorente was born in Mansilla Mayor in the Leon region of Spain, on Aug. 24, 1918. He attended the Jesuit high school

    in Carrion de los Condes de Palencia and, following the example of his older brother, Segundo, who was a Jesuit missionary in

    Alaska, entered the Jesuit order after graduation.

    After completing his philosophy studies in Burgos, Spain, he was sent to Cuba to teach at the famed Colegio de Belen, from 1942

    to 1945. That is where he met a high school student named Fidel Castro.

    Some believe the two maintained a correspondence even after exile, but Father Llorente remained mum on the subject. He

    preferred, he said, "to make history and let others write about it."

    He left Cuba to continue his theology studies at the Pontifical University of Comillas in Madrid and Heythrop College in

    London, where he was ordained a priest on Sept. 8, 1948, the feast of Our Lady of Charity.

    Assigned again to Cuba in 1950, he was slated to be named principal of Belen when the plans changed and he was assigned

    instead as director of the Calvary Retreat House in Havana.

    He referred to this as his "only trial" in a 1998 interview with La Voz Catolica, the Spanish-language archdiocesan newspaper

    in Miami, on the occasion of his 80th birthday and his 50th anniversary as a priest.

    "God was asking me, like Abraham, 'Sacrifice your son' ... what you most love," Father Llorente told La Voz.

    Forced to leave Cuba in 1961, he continued serving as director of the Agrupacion and of the John Paul II Retreat House until

    his death.. Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin, Jesuit Creation and Jesuit

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    Since the Jesuits were behind the perfection of communism, should it come as a great surprise that Stalin was trained by


    Here is an excerpt of an interview with Stalin, in which the latter admittedly is not entirely praiseworthy of his educational

    masters, but nonetheless they were his masters:Ludwig: What impelled you to become an oppositionist? Was it, perhaps, bad

    treatment by your parents?

    St li N M t d t d b t th did t t t b dl b B t it diff t tt t th

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    Stalin: No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the

    Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods

    prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really

    revolutionary teaching.

    Ludwig: But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?

    Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends. Hut their principal method is spying, prying,

    worming their way into peoples souls and outraging their feelings. What good can there be in that? For instance, the spying in

    the hostel. At nine oclock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we findthat meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked. What good point can there be in that?

    During his childhood, Joseph was fascinated by stories he read telling of Georgian mountaineers who valiantly fought for

    Georgian independence. His favorite hero in these stories was a legendary mountain ranger named Koba, which became Stalins

    first alias as a revolutionary. He graduated first in his class and at the age of 14 he was awarded a scholarship to the Seminary

    of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution (one of his classmates was Krikor Bedros Aghajanian, the future Grgoire-Pierre

    Cardinal Agagianian, see ) which he attended from 1894 and onward. Although his mother wanted him to be a priest (even afterhe had become leader of the Soviet Union), he attended seminary not because of any religious vocation, but because of the lack of

    locally available university education. In addition to the small stipend from the scholarship Stalin was paid for singing in the


    Stalins involvement with the socialist movement (or, to be more exact, the branch of it that later became the communist

    movement) began at the seminary. During these school years, Stalin joined a Georgian Social-Democratic organization, and

    began propagating Marxism. Stalin quit the seminary in 1899 just before his final examinations; official biographies preferred to

    state that he was expelled. He then worked for a decade with the political underground in the Caucasus, experiencing repeated

    arrests and exile to Siberia between 1902 and

    Stalins revolutionary life began in 1898, at the age of nineteen. He had not yet heard of Lenin, but joined the Messame Dassy,

    one of the many petty bourgeois socialist groups active in Russia then. His father was a shoemaker and mother a washerwoman

    who wanted her son to become a priest and so sent him to a church school. His results were exceptionally brilliant and this got

    him to the Theological Seminary of Tiflis, Georgia, run by Jesuit monks. His attitude regarding the oppressive atmosphere of the

    Seminary and its priesthood was rebellious. But, he started studying Darwinian biology and Economic history already, books

    forbidden in the seminary, and became member of the Messame Dassy. He was expelled from the Seminary in 1889. For a time,

    he took a job in the Tiflis Observatory. It was in fact his secret shelter. From what little is known of this period, it appears that

    socialists in Georgia, including members of the Messame Dassy, were divided on almost similar lines as the Bolsheviks and

    Mensheviks and that young Stalin was nearer to the Bolshevik line, without knowing it. In 1900, he and his colleagues

    organized the first May Day demonstration in Tiflis. Before the May Day in 1901, the tsarist police discovered and raided

    Stalins secret office at the observatory and arrested others. But Stalin escaped and addressed the May Day rally in the centre

    of Tiflis. He was soon elected to the Social Democratic Committee of Tiflis and it sent him to organize the workers in Batum,

    where he took the name of Koba. Within just four months, as the tsarist police record says, As a result of Djugashvilis

    activities, Social Democratic organizations began to spring up in all the factories of Batum After spending 18 months intsarist prison, he was exiled to Siberia but escaped and arrived in Tiflis again in 1904. He travelled from one prison or place or

    exile to another, in his own words, including Siberia, for several years between 1901 and 1917.

    For more information on Stalin and other Jesuit trained movers and shakers, see the corresponding thread at

    Cuban Communist Dictator Fidel Castro, Trained by Jesuits


    The influence of the Jesuits is even clearer with Fidel Castro who became a dictator in a country that was traditionally Catholic

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    The influence of the Jesuits is even clearer with Fidel Castro, who became a dictator in a country that was traditionally Catholic

    and in which the Jesuits had already established quite a few educational facilities:Fidel Castro was born in the village of Birn

    in Cuba on August 13, 1926 into a rich family, the son of Angel Castro, who was a Spanish immigrant, and his cook Lina Ruz

    Gonzalez. In his early life Fidel Castro went to Jesuit schools and from there he attended the Jesuit preparatory school Colegio

    Belen in Havana.

    In 1945 Castro went to the university of Havana to study law, he graduated in 1950. From 1950 to 1952 Fidel Castro used his

    training in law in a small partnership. Castro was intending to stand for parliament in 1952, but didnt due to a cancellation in

    the election, by General Flugencio Batista.[...]

    To the United States concern, Cuban Prime Minister, Fidel Castro and USSR Prime Minister became very close, and soon the

    USSR was sending great quantities on economic aid, as well as military aid from the USSR.

    On April 17, 1961, the United States sent a force of Cuban exiles trained by the CIA to south Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. The CIA

    assumed that this invasion would spark some interest in an uprising against Fidel Castro. There was no uprising but instead

    Castros forces apprehended the Cuban invaders, because President Kennedy backed out of the invasion at the last moment, so

    the invaders lost their support.On December 2 1961 Castro stated that Cuba was going to adopt Communism. Pope John XXIII excommunicated Castro. In

    October 1962 the Cuban missile crisis took place after the United States found that the Soviet Union was attempting to launch

    nuclear missiles in Cuba. After this short lived crisis the relationships between the United States and Cuba remained very


    In 1976, the Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliott Trudeau went to Cuba and hugged Castro. Pierre Elliott Trudeau gave

    Castro a $4 million gift, and loaned another $10 million. In Pierre Elliott Trudeaus speech later that very day, Trudeau said

    Long live Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro. Long live Cuban-Canadian friendship.

    In 1991 the Soviet Union lost power and Cuba lost a great deal of its economy because the Soviet Union provided Cuba with so

    much. Cuba regained its economy shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union when it was listed as the second most popular tourist

    attraction in the Caribbean, after the Dominican republic.

    Cuba's President Fidel Castro decorates the 78th Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Prince Fra' Andrew Bertie, with the

    order of Jose Marti in Havana in a November 16, 1998 (

    Fidel Castro with Andrew Bertie, the 78th Military Order of Malta "Grand Master"(

    Castro with Pope John Paul II (

    The life of Fidel Castro has always been bound up with prophesies, some of them strangely accurate. Probably the most knownis the one made by [Jesuit] Father Antonio Llorente, Castros teacher and spiritual adviser at the [Jesuit] Colegio de Beln.

    Fidel Castro is a man of destiny, prophesied Llorente. Behind him is the hand of God. He has a mission to fulfill and he will

    fulfill it against all obstacles.[1] In this particular case, however, I have the feeling that Father Llorente was slightly confused

    about whose hand was behind Fidel Castro.


    19. The student is involved with a gang or an antisocial group on the fringe of peer acceptance.

    Yes. It has been extensively documented that, as soon as he joined Beln, he formed his own gang and began harassing otherstudents. The Jesuit padres were terrorized. They had never seen a student like Fidel Castro.[15] He continued his involvement

    with gangs when he became a Law student at the University of Havana.[16]


    Moreover it seems that the Jesuits efforts in nurturing the monster were not by mistake but by design Argentinean journalist

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    Moreover, it seems that the Jesuits efforts in nurturing the monster were not by mistake, but by design. Argentinean journalist

    Alfredo Muoz Unsan, for many years Havanas correspondent for France Press, tells a quite revealing story. Father Pedro

    Arrupe visited Cuba in the early 1980s, and Muoz Unsan had the opportunity of talking to him on several occasions. In one of

    them, recalls the reporter, the Black Pope gave him the classic Jesuit spiel, ending by telling that he was very pleased with the

    work of the Jesuits in Latin America, particularly of the many important disciples they have developed who later reached

    prominent positions in all walks of life. Well, I guess you are not proud of all of them, retorted Unsan, and added, Dont

    forget that Fidel Castro was one of your disciples. To what Arrupe answered, in the classic Jesuit way, by using a question to

    answer another one, And what makes you think we are not proud of Fidel Castro? Servando Gonzalez The Monster Next


    Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit Superior General (1965 - 1983), boasted in an interview: "And what makes you think we are not proud of

    Fidel Castro?"

    Castro's teacher Fra. Armando Llorente, S.J., said: "Fidel Castro is a man of destiny. Behind him is the hand of God. He has a

    mission to fulfill and he will fulfill it against all obstacles."

    1) Fidel Castro attended three Jesuit institutions. College Lasalle and Colegio Dolores. Colegio in Spanish is a high school or

    junior college.

    2) He then attended a Jesuit university for preparatory studiesobviously, what we would call a general studies programat

    Colegio Belen, general studies, because, after he matriculated from there, he went to law school.

    3) Upon graduating from law school he joined the Orthodox or Christian Democrat party. My European readers will instantly

    recognize that this is the Roman Catholic Party. The first Christian Democrat party was begun in Italy under Pius XI in the

    1920s. Pius XI later disbanded that party, to put his full support behind Benito Mussolini and his Fascists. The leader of the

    Christian Democrat party was then forced into exile, though he and Pope XI remained on good speaking terms. It was in

    London that this leader met a fellow exile Avro Manhattan.

    Returning to Fidel Castro : Castro was obviously fully working for the Jesuits when he joined the Christian Democrat party as a

    young lawyer. Not only that : by the time of the Cuban revolution in 1958-59, the Jesuits in Latin America were going fully

    Marxist-Leninist in ideology, as both Avro Manhattan and a former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, well document. Malachi

    Martin documents how that, in 1963, the Jesuits became fanatic, left-wing Communists, under Pedro Arrupe, himself a Marxist,

    and a great advocate of Fidel Castro. Martin documents in his book: The Jesuits and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic

    Church how the Jesuits proceeded to foment Communist revolutions throughout Latin America and Africa, with Castros aid.


    Back to Castro and Communist Cuba : the Calvary Contender, an independent online Baptist periodical, reports that Henry

    Morris, the writer of the Genesis Flood, says that the Pope recently visited Cuba. He and Castro shared the same podium. Pope

    John Paul II sounded as Communist as Castro.POPE & CASTRO SOUND ALIKE ON SOCIALISM Fidel Castro and Pope John Paul II met last November. Cuba is

    overwhelmingly Catholic. Catholics are allowed to join its officially atheist Communist Party. The Pope sounds very Castro-

    esque in his frequent condemnations of capitalism, consumerism and the suffering of the poor (11/19 HT). He told the Nov. U.N.

    World Food Summit that the imbalance between the rich and poor (the haves and have-nots?) cannot be tolerated.

    Cuba is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic.

    Roman Catholics are allowed to join the atheist Communist Party.

    Fidel Castro himself is a graduate of several Jesuit institutions, and is in good standing with the Pope.He was a member of the Roman Catholic Christian Democrat party before starting his Marxist/Leninist revolution.

    Alberto Rivera, the former Jesuit priest who became a Protestant preacher, said that Castro is a fourth-degree, professed Jesuit.

    The circumstantial evidence strongly corroborates that statement.