jerzy grotowski resourse pack reviewed

Jerzy Grotowski Presentation Review

Upload: piglet1987

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Jerzy  Grotowski Resourse pack reviewed

Jerzy Grotowski

Presentation Review

Page 2: Jerzy  Grotowski Resourse pack reviewed

Is the pack accurate, does it fairly summarise and represent?

• We noticed that in some bullet points a good informative amount of information was included, however some bullet points were short and un-descriptive leaving the reader uninformed and having to research further into the information.

• After researching this information further we did find that it was accurate but could have been explained better in the presentation.

• Some of the quotes used needed to be put into context, as we were unaware of the relevance and the reason behind including these quotes in the presentation, an explanation added onto these may have solved this problem and the source of the quotes.

Page 3: Jerzy  Grotowski Resourse pack reviewed

Is it properly referenced, are sources cited properly?

• Quotes were included as well as who said them, but not easily distinguished because of the lack of quotation marks, the source is not easily accessible and also seems to be lacking, it was not made clear where the quote came from in the bibliography.

• The Harvard referencing system was not used in the bibliography as Author, publisher, date and the source (e.g. online, book) it was not correctly shown for every reference used.

• The references should be included into the bibliography not separately, it was confusing as we did not think they had referenced properly

Page 4: Jerzy  Grotowski Resourse pack reviewed

Are there divergent views which should be acknowledged?

• It was a unique touch, that each team member included their personal view of Jerzy Grotowski and his work in this presentation as well as including the different views of other practitioners such as Natasha Oxley, “ its either all or nothing,” and Allen Kuharski, “ operated on this kind of theatrical and political knifes edge.”

• Most views contained within this presentation show the negative aspects towards Grotowski’s work i.e. a disagreement is explained by which an audience member should have prior knowledge of Grotowski’s work before attending the theatre otherwise they may find themselves isolated.

• We believe that more divergent views could have been shown, with views that supported his work and beliefs as well as views that criticised.

Page 5: Jerzy  Grotowski Resourse pack reviewed

Is the application of ideas appropriate, could this go further or in different directions?

• I feel that the ideas the group had of Grotowski were informative of what they had learnt from him and his work, I thought that each of their sections about what they had learnt showed that they had researched him well, but I felt the ideas did not present whether they agreed with them all or not.

• I think that the balance between personal opinion and fact is very good, the group have not just used facts but they have formed their own different opinions of him and his work.

• I feel that overall the application of their ideas was appropriate as the group gave good information with good feedback.