jean-yves duclos - université laval · 1987 mary cameron douglas memorial scholarship, university...

Curriculum Vitae Jean-Yves Duclos Professional Address Department of economics Phone: (+1 418) 656-7096 Pavillon de S` eve Fax: (+1 418) 656 7798 Universit´ e Laval Email: [email protected] Qu´ ebec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6 Education 1989-1992 Ph.D. in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science; Title of thesis: Progressivity, Equity and the Take-up of State Benefits, with Application to the 1985 British Tax and Benefit System; Supervisor: A.B. Atkinson. 1988-1989 M.Sc. in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science. 1986-1988 B.A., First-Class Honours in Economics, University of Alberta. 1984-1985 First year of a B.A. in Economics, University of Ottawa. 1982-1984 Diplˆ ome d’´ etudes coll´ egiales in sciences, Petit S´ eminaire de Qu´ ebec. Academic Positions 2012- Director, Department of economics, Universit´ e Laval. 2012- Coordinator, SIMUL — research program on the economic analysis of social policy. 2003- Full Professor, Department of economics, Universit´ e Laval. 2005-2008 Director, Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques ´ economiques et l’emploi, CIRP ´ EE. 2002-2005 Co-director, Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques ´ economiques et l’emploi, CIRP ´ EE. 1999 Visiting Fellow, School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, (January-July). 1998-2003 Associate Professor, Departement of economics, Universit´ e Laval. 1993-1998 Assistant Professor, Departement of economics, Universit´ e Laval. 1992-1993 Research Officer, Research program on “Public Finance in Transitional Economies — China and Poland”, STICERD, London School of Economics; Su- pervisor: Nicholas Stern. 1

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Curriculum Vitae

Jean-Yves Duclos

Professional Address

Department of economics Phone: (+1 418) 656-7096Pavillon de Seve Fax: (+1 418) 656 7798Universite Laval Email: [email protected], QC, Canada, G1V 0A6∼jyves/


1989-1992 Ph.D. in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science; Title ofthesis: Progressivity, Equity and the Take-up of State Benefits, with Applicationto the 1985 British Tax and Benefit System; Supervisor: A.B. Atkinson.

1988-1989 M.Sc. in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science.

1986-1988 B.A., First-Class Honours in Economics, University of Alberta.

1984-1985 First year of a B.A. in Economics, University of Ottawa.

1982-1984 Diplome d’etudes collegiales in sciences, Petit Seminaire de Quebec.

Academic Positions

2012- Director, Department of economics, Universite Laval.

2012- Coordinator, SIMUL — research program on the economic analysis of socialpolicy.

2003- Full Professor, Department of economics, Universite Laval.

2005-2008 Director, Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques economiques etl’emploi, CIRPEE.

2002-2005 Co-director, Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques economiques etl’emploi, CIRPEE.

1999 Visiting Fellow, School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney,Australia, (January-July).

1998-2003 Associate Professor, Departement of economics, Universite Laval.

1993-1998 Assistant Professor, Departement of economics, Universite Laval.

1992-1993 Research Officer, Research program on “Public Finance in TransitionalEconomies — China and Poland”, STICERD, London School of Economics; Su-pervisor: Nicholas Stern.


1989-1992 Teacher, London School of Economics; International Economics, Problems ofApplied Economics, Introduction to Economic Policy.

1989-1992 Research Assistant, STICERD, London School of Economics.

1989 Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Universite Laval.

1988 Intern, Department of Financial and Monetary Analysis, Bank of Canada.

1987-1988 Teaching Assistant, Quantitative Economics, University of Alberta.

Other professional responsibilities

Institutional collaboration

Director PEP-Laval Graduate School in Development Economics, 2011-

Member Management Committee, Partnership for Economic Policy, PEP, 2011-2012.

Network and Program Leader Poverty and Economic Policy International Research Network, PEP,2002-2011.

Senior Fellow Foundation for International Development Study and Research (FERDI), 2011-

Founder PEP-Laval Graduate School in Development Economics.

Fellow Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations (CIRANO),2010-

Member Selection committee, Marcel-Dagenais Prize (Societe canadienne de scienceeconomique, 2012.

Evaluator Economic Research Forum (ERF) , 2011-2012

Member Program Committee of African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), 2010-

Fellow-in-residence C. D. Howe Institute, 2010-

Quebec Scholar C. D. Howe Institute, 2008-2010.

Co-Founder Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) International Research Network, 2002-

Co-Organizer First conference of the Poverty and Economic Policy research network, Manila,Philippines, February 22-25, 2003; Second conference of the Poverty and Eco-nomic Policy research network, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 4-8, 2003; Thirdconference of the Poverty and Economic Policy research network, Saly, Senegal,June 16-20, 2004; Fourth conference of the Poverty and Economic Policy researchnetwork, Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 13-17, 2005; Fifth conference of the Povertyand Economic Policy research network, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2006; Sixthconference of the Poverty and Economic Policy research network, June 11-16,2007, Lima, Peru; Seventh conference of the Poverty and Economic Policy re-search network, 6-12 December 2008, Manilla; Eighth conference of the Povertyand Economic Policy research network, 12-18 June 2010, Dakar, Senegal; Ninthconference of the Poverty and Economic Policy research network, 5-9 December2012, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Member Scientific Committee of the international conference “Statistiques sociales, exclu-sion sociale et pauvrete : perspectives quebecoise, canadiennes et internationales”,Montreal, 30 November – 2 December 2011.

Member Advisory committee of Quebec’s Auditor General.

Member Scientific Committee, Fourth Conference of the Society for the Study of Eco-nomic Inequality (ECINEQ), Italy, July 2011.


Local organizer Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Quebec City, 27-30May 2010.

Member Scientific Committee of the network Analyse economique et developpement(AED) de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), 2008-

Member Board of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), 2005-

Resource person African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) biannual conferences (two con-ferences every year), 1998-

Member Steering committee of Phase I and Phase II, Collaborative project on “Poverty,Labor Market and Income Distribution”, African Economic Research Consor-tium, Nairobi, 2000-2007.

Evaluator AXA Research Fund (2010-2011); l’Agence nationale de la recherche (France,2011); Fonds quebecois de recherche sur la societe et la culture (2003-2006);National Science Foundation, USA (2002-2003); Canadian Initiative on SocialStatistics (2002-2009) ; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ofCanada (2000-); Fonds quebecois pour l’avancement de la recherche; Centrequebecois de la recherche sociale; Comite d’evaluation des centres de recherchede la Faculte des sciences sociales, Universite Laval (2006-2008); Faculty of socialsciences, University of Ottawa, 2006.

Member Scientific Committee, Workshop on ‘Multidimensional Poverty and “Pro-poor”Growth in the MENA Countries’, Centre d’Etudes en Macroeconomie et FinanceInternationale, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis Nice, 11-12 June 2009.

Member Executive Council of the Canadian Economic Association, 2006-2009.

Member Committee on the constitution of the Canadian Economics Association, 2006-2009.

Member Scientific Committee, Third Conference of the Society for the Study of EconomicInequality (ECINEQ), Buenos Aires, August 2009.

Member Expert panel of Statistics Canada and Human Resources and DevelopmentCanada on the revision of the Market Based Measure, Gatineau, 25-26 August2009.

Member Advisory committee on demographic and social statistics, Institut de la Statis-tique du Quebec, 2009-

Member Committee on the organisation of future Canadian Economics Association con-ferences, 2006-2009.

Member Comite de programme des etudes graduees du departement d’economique, Uni-versite Laval, 2002-2006; 2009-

Member Scientific Committee of conference on “Income Polarization: Measurement, De-terminants and Implications”, 26-28 May 2008, Israel.

Resource person Workshop on “Inequality and regional integration in the Arab world”, Cairo,Egypt, 21-22 November 2008.

President Evaluation committee, FQRSC, 2008.

Member Universite Laval’s Social Sciences research committee,2005-2008.

Member Commission municipale sur les finances et les services publics, Ville de Quebec,2007-2008.

Member Executive committee, Research Centre on poverty and exclusion, Ministerede l’Emploi et de la Solidarite sociale, Quebec, 2006-2009. (Committee re-port: Prendre la mesure de la pauvrete: Proposition d’indicateurs de pauvrete,d’inegalites et d’exclusion sociale afin de mesurer les progres realises au Quebec.)


Member Executive committee, Defi “Lutte contre la pauvrete” du Conseil superieur de lascience et de la technologie, Quebec, 2005-2008.

Member Scientific Committee, Second Conference of the Society for the Study of Eco-nomic Inequality (ECINEQ), Berlin, July 2007.

President Societe canadienne de science economique, 2006-2007.

Member Scientific Committee of conference on “Liberalization experiences in Asia: Anormative appraisal”, New-Delhi, 12-13 January 2006.

President-elect Societe canadienne de science economique, 2005-2006.

Member Scientific Committee, First Conference of the Society for the Study of EconomicInequality (ECINEQ), Palma de Mallorca, 20-22 July 2005.

Academic adviser Expert Panel on Equalization and Territorial Formula Financing, Government ofCanada, 2005.

Organizer Conference of the Societe canadienne de science economique, Montreal, May2005.

Resource person Conference on“Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in the Arab Region”, IFPRIand Arab Planning Institute (API), Koweit, April 2004.

Member Strategic committee, La Presse,“Un Quebec au travail! Strategie pour une societeplus prospere”, December 2003-February 2004.

Member Selection committee, Gerard-Parizeau Award, 2004, 2012

Organizer and Trainer Advanced Training Workshop on Public Expenditures, Poverty and Equity,Dakar, Senegal, 10-14 June 2004.

Co-Organizer “Multidimensional Measurement and Comparisons of Economic Well Being” ses-sions, International Association for Research on Income and Wealth, Cork, Ire-land, 22-28 August 2004.

Adviser Cost-benefit analysis, Ministere des Finances du Quebec, 2003.

Member Scientific Committee, Journees de Micro-economie appliquee, Quebec, June 2000.

Vice president Societe canadienne de science economique, 1998-2000.

Co-Organizer Second meeting, Canadian Public Economics Study Group, 4-5 June 1996.

Editorial responsibilities

Editor-in-Chief Journal of Economic Inequality , 2007-2102.

Co-Editor Journal of Economic Inequality , 2002-2007.

Co-Editor Actualite economique, 1998-2002.

Member Editorial Board, Cahiers Ivoiriens de Recherche Economique et Sociale, Journalof the Centre Ivoirien de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (CIRES), 2007-

Member Editorial Board, Review of Income and Wealth, 2002-

Member Editorial Board, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 2010-

Referee Actualite Economique, American Economic Review, Canadian Journal ofDevelopment Studies, Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienned’economique, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, Econometric Re-views, Econometrica, Economic Development and Cultural Change, EconomicJournal, Economica, Economics Letters, Energy Studies, Ethique Publique, Eu-ropean Economic Review, International Economic Review, International Statis-tical Review, International Tax and Public Finance, Investigaciones Economi-cas, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal


of Applied Statistics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal ofDevelopment Studies, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic and So-cial Measurement, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of Health Economics,Journal of Labour Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Pub-lic Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of the AmericanStatistical Association, Middle East Development Journal, National Tax Jour-nal, Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, Politics, Philosophy andEconomics, Quantitative Finance, Recherches sociographiques, Review of Eco-nomics and Statistics, Research on Economic Inequality, Review of EconomicStudies, Review of Income and Wealth, Revue d’Economie du Developpement,Southern Economic Journal, Sri Lankan Economic Journal, World Bank Eco-nomic Review, World Development.


2012 Harry Johnson Prize (joint with Wen-Hao Chen) for the best article in the Cana-dian Journal of Economics.

2011 Invited Professor, Centro de Estudios Fiscales, Quito, Ecuador.

2011 Visiting Professor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Spain.

2009, 2011 Visiting Professor, Centre d’etudes et de recherche sur le developpement inter-national (CERDI), Universite d’Auvergne, France.

2008-2009 Research fellow, Instituto de Analisis Economico, Universitat Autonoma deBarcelona.

2006 Marcel-Dagenais Prize for best research record between 2000 and 2006, Societecanadienne de science economique.

2000-2001 Research fellow, Instituto de Analisis Economico, Universitat Autonoma deBarcelona.

1989-1992 Commonwealth Scholarship.

1988-1989 Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship for Studies in International Economics atthe London School of Economics and Political Science.

1988 Faculty of Arts Honors Prize, University of Alberta.

1988 Archibald Forster McGoon Memorial Book Prize, University of Alberta.

1987 Alberta Energy Company Ltd. Scholarship, University of Alberta.

1987 Duncan Alexander McGibbon Medal in Economics, University of Alberta.

1987 Mary Cameron Douglas Memorial Scholarship, University of Alberta.

1987 Canadian Secretary of State Scholarship.

1986-1988 Dean of Arts’ Honors List, University of Alberta.

1984-1985 Dean of Arts’ Honors List, University of Ottawa.



Forthcoming scientific papers

KABUBO-MARIARA, Jane, Abdelkrim ARAAR, and Jean-Yves DUCLOS, MultidimensionalPoverty and Child Well-being in Kenya, forthcoming in Journal of Developing Areas.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., Review of ‘Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty’, edited by SudhirAnand, Paul Segal and Joseph Stiglitz, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Economica.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., J. LEBLANC, and D. SAHN, Comparing Population Distributions from bin-Aggregated Sample Data: an Application to Historical Height Data from France, forthcoming inEconomics and Human Biology.

BIBI, Sami et DUCLOS, J.-Y., Y a-t-il plus de pauvrete au Quebec qu’au Canada?, forthcoming inActualite Economique.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and D. ECHEVIN, Health and Income: a Robust Comparison of Canada and theUS, forthcoming in Journal of Health Economics.

Published scientific papers

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and R. DAVIDSON, Testing for Restricted Stochastic Dominance, EconometricReviews, vol. 32, #1, 84–125.

BIBI, Sami, Jean-Yves DUCLOS and Audrey VERDIER-CHOUCHANE (2012), Assessing Absoluteand Relative Pro-Poor Growth, with an Application to Selected African Countries, Economics: TheOpen-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, vol. 6, 2012-7.

CHEN, Wen-Hao, and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2011), Testing for Poverty Dominance: an Application toCanada, Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d’economique, vol. 44, #3, 781-803Harry Johnson Prize for the best article in the Canadian Journal of Economics.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and Audrey VERDIER-CHOUCHANE (2011), Analyzing Pro-Poor Growth inSouthern Africa: Lessons from Mauritius and South Africa, African Development Review, vol. 23,#2, 121-146.

BIBI, S. et J.-Y. DUCLOS (2011), L’effet des prelevements fiscaux et des transferts aux particulierssur la pauvrete au Quebec et au Canada, Analyse de politiques/Canadian Public Policy, vol. 37,#1, 1-24.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., D. E. SAHN and S.D. YOUNGER (2011), Partial Multidimensional InequalityOrderings, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 95, # 3-4, 225-238.

ARAAR, A., Y. DISSOU, and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2011), Household Incidence of Pollution ControlPolicies: a Robust Welfare Analysis Using General Equilibrium Effects, Journal of EnvironmentalEconomics and Management, vol. 61, 227-243.


BIBI, S. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2010), A comparison of the poverty impact of transfers, taxes andmarket income across five OECD countries, Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 62 (4), 387-406.

ARAAR, Abdelkrim and Jean-Yves DUCLOS (2010), Poverty and inequality: a micro framework,Journal of African Economies, 19(3), 357-398.

BATANA, Yele Maweki and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2010), Testing for Mobility Dominance, Research onEconomic Inequality, vol. 18, 173-195.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., A. ARAAR and J. GILES (2009), Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurementand Estimation, with Evidence from China, Journal of Development Economics,, 91 (2), March,266-277.

ARAAR, Abdelkrim, Jean-Yves DUCLOS, Mathieu AUDET and Paul MAKDISSI (2009), Testingfor pro-poorness of growth, with an application to Mexico, Review of Income and Wealth, 55 (4),December, 853-881.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves, Bernard FORTIN and Andree-Anne FOURNIER (2009), An Analysis of Effec-tive Marginal Tax Rates in Quebec, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 35 (3), 344-371.

ARAAR, Abdelkrim, and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2009), DAD: A software for poverty and distributiveanalysis, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 34 (2-3), 175-189.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., B. FORTIN and A.-A. FOURNIER (2008), Une analyse des taux marginaux effec-

tifs d’imposition au Quebec, Actualite Economique, 84 (1), 5-46.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves, Paul MAKDISSI and Quentin WODON (2008), Socially-Improving Tax Re-forms, International Economic Review, vol. 49, #4, 1507-1539.

DUCLOS, J.-Y (2009) What is ’Pro-Poor’?, Social Choice and Welfare, vol 32, #1, 37-58.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves (2007), Review of “Poverty Measurement: Meanings, Methods and Require-ments” by Dileni Gunewardena, The Peradeniya Journal of Economics, vol.1, no 1-2, 104-108.

BIBI, S. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2007), Equity and Policy Effectiveness with Imperfect Targeting,Journal of Development Economics. 83, #1, 109-140.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and P. MAKDISSI (2007), Restricted inequality and relative poverty, Research onEconomic Inequality 14, #12, 255-280.

BIBI, S. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2007), Poverty-Decreasing Indirect Tax Reforms: Evidence fromTunisia, International Tax and Public Finance, 14, #2, 165-190.

ARAAR, A. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2006), An Atkinson-Gini Family of Social Evaluation Functions:Theory and Illustration Using Data from the Luxembourg Income Study, Public Finance 54, # 3/4,191-209.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves (2006), Innis Lecture: Equity and Equality, Canadian Journal of Economics,39, # 4, 1073-1104.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., D. SAHN et S. YOUNGER (2006), Robust Multidimensional Spatial PovertyComparisons in Ghana, Madagascar, and Uganda, World Bank Economic Review, 20, #1, July,91-113.


DUCLOS, J.-Y., D. SAHN et S. YOUNGER (2006), Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons,Economic Journal, 116, no 514, October, 943-968.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2006), Liberte ou egalite?, Actualite Economique, 82, #4, December, 441-476.

ARAAR, Abdelkrim, J.-Y. DUCLOS et Francois BLAIS (2005), Effets redistributifs d’un regime

d’allocation universelle: une simulation pour le Quebec, Actualite Economique 81, #3, septembre,422-484.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2005), Review of ’Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: Prospects for Pro-Poor Eco-nomic Development’, edited by Anthony Shorrocks and Rolph van der Hoeven, Economic Develop-ment and Cultural Change, 54, #1, 277-280.

BEAULIEU, Nicolas, J.-Y. DUCLOS, Bernard FORTIN et Manon ROULEAU (2005), Intergenera-tional Reliance on Social Assistance: Evidence from Canada, Journal of Population Economics, vol.18, #3, September, 539-562.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves and Damien ECHEVIN (2005), Bipolarization Comparisons, Economics Let-ters, vol. 87, 249-258.

DUCLOS, Jean-Yves, Paul MAKDISSI and Quentin WODON (2005), Poverty-Efficient TransferPrograms: the Role of Targeting and Allocation Rules, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 77,#1, 53-74.

DUCLOS, J.Y., Paul MAKDISSI and Quentin WODON (2005), Poverty-Reducing Tax Reformswith Heterogeneous Agents, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 7, #1, 107-116.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., and Paul MAKDISSI (2005), Sequential stochastic dominance and the robustnessof poverty orderings, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 61, #1, 63-88.

BIBI, Sami and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2005), Decomposing poverty changes into vertical and horizontalcomponents, Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 57, #2, 205-215.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and Luc SAVARD (2004), Introduction a un numero special MIMAP sur les poli-tiques economiques et la pauvrete en Afrique, Revue d’economie du developpement, vol. 12, #2,5-8.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., Joan ESTEBAN and Debraj RAY (2004), Polarization: Concepts, Measurement,Estimation, Econometrica, vol. 72, #6, 1737-1772.

ARAAR, A. and J.-Y. DUCLOS, (2003) An Atkinson-Gini family of social evaluation functions,Economics Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 19, 1-16.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and P. MAKDISSI (2003), Restricted and unrestricted dominance for welfare, in-equality and poverty orderings, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 6 , no. 1, 145-164.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., V. JALBERT and A. ARAAR (2003), Classical Horizontal Inequity and Reranking:an Integrated Approach, Research on Economic Inequality, vol. 10, 65-100.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and P. GREGOIRE (2002), Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measure-ment of Poverty, Review of Income and Wealth, Series 48, no. 4, 471-492.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and Julie Gingras (2000), A Roadmap for Federal Tax Reform, Canadian TaxJournal, vol. 48, no. 2, 303-339.


DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2000), Comments on “Dynamics of Poverty, Inequality, and Economic Well-being: African Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective” by Gary Fields, Journal of AfricanEconomies, vol. 9, Supplement 1, June, 79-82.

DAVIDSON, Russell, and J-Y. DUCLOS (2000), Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance andfor the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality, Econometrica, vol. 68, no. 6, November, 1435-1465.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and P.J. LAMBERT (2000), A Normative and Statistical Approach to MeasuringClassical Horizontal Inequity, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 33, no. 1, February, 87-113.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2000), Gini Indices and the Redistribution of Income, International Tax and PublicFinance, vol. 7, 141-162.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and M. MERCADER (1999), Household Needs and Poverty: With Application toSpain and the UK, Review of Income and Wealth, Series 45, no. 1, March, 77-98.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1998), Social Evaluation Functions, Economic Isolation, and the Suits Index ofProgressivity, Journal of Public Economics 1, July, 103-121.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and M. TABI (1998), Inegalite et redistribution du revenu, avec une application au

Canada, Actualite Economique, vol. 75, no. 1-2-3, 95-122.

BIBI, S. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (1997), Fiscalite indirecte, subsides a la consommation et equite sociale

en Tunisie, Annales d’Economie et de Gestion, vol. 4, no. 8, March, 11-46.

DAVIDSON, R. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (1997), Statistical Inference for the Measurement of the Inci-dence of Taxes and Transfers, Econometrica, vol. 65, no. 6, November, 1453-1465.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1997), Measuring Progressivity and Inequality, Research in Economic Inequality,vol. 7, JAI Press, Greenwhich, Connecticut, 19-38.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1997), Estimating and Testing a Model of Welfare Participation: The Case ofSupplementary Benefits in Britain, Economica, vol.64, no. 253, February, 81-100.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1997), The Asymptotic Distribution of Linear Indices of Inequality, Progressivityand Redistribution, Economics Letters, vol.54, no. 1, 51-57.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. et M. TABI (1996), The Measurement of Progressivity, with an Application toCanada, Canadian Journal of Economics, Special Issue, Part I, S165-S170, April.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1995), Modelling the Take-up of State Support, Journal of Public Economics, vol.58, no. 3, 391-415, November.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1995), On Equity Aspects of Imperfect Poverty Relief, Review of Income andWealth, Series 41, no. 2, June, 177-190.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1995), Assessing the Performance of an Income Tax, Bulletin of Economic Research,vol. 47, no. 2, 115-126.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1993), Progressivity, Redistribution and Equity, with Application to the BritishTax and Benefit System, Public Finance, vol. 48, no. 3, 350-365.


Unpublished scientific papers

CLAVET, Nicholas-James, and J.-Y. DUCLOS, Le financement des services de garde des enfants:effets sur le travail, le revenu des familles, et les finances publiques, CIRPEE Working Paper #12-16, 2012.

COCKBURN, John, Jean-Yves DUCLOS, , and Agnes Zabsonre, Is the value of humanity increas-ing? A critical-level enquiry, Working paper I-13, FERDI, October 2011.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and Audrey VERDIER-CHOUCHANE, Analyzing Pro-Poor Growth in SouthernAfrica: Lessons from Mauritius and South Africa, Working Papers Series # 115, African Develop-ment Bank, Tunis, Tunisia.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., and A. Zabsonre, Testing for Welfare Comparisons when Populations Differ in Size,CIRPEE Working Paper # 10-39, 2010.

BIBI, S., J.-Y. DUCLOS and Audrey VERDIER-CHOUCHANE, Assessing Absolute and RelativePro-Poor Growth: An Application to the MENA Region, Working Papers Series # 111, AfricanDevelopment Bank, Tunis, Tunisia.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., P. MAKDISSI and A. ARAAR, Pro-Poor Tax Reforms, with an Application toMexico, CIRPEE Working Paper # 10-01, 2010.

ARAAR, Abdelkrim, Jean-Yves DUCLOS, Mathieu AUDET and Paul MAKDISSI (2007), HasMexican growth been pro-poor?, Social Perspectives, 9, #1, March, 17-47.

AUDET, Mathieu, Paul MAKDISSI, Abdelkrim ARAAR and Jean-Yves DUCLOS (2007), Pro-poorfood taxation and subsidy reforms in Mexico , Social Perspectives, 9, #1, March, 49-64.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2002), Vulnerability and Poverty: Measurement Issues for Public Policy, SocialProtection Discussion Paper Series # 0230, Human Development Network, The World Bank.

BLAIS, F. et DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2001), Le revenu de la citoyennete: Revue des ecrits et consultationsdes experts, Fonds Quebecois de la Recherche sur la Societe et la Culture.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., B. FORTIN, G. LACROIX and H. ROBERGE (1996), La dynamique de la par-

ticipation a l’aide sociale au Quebec: 1979-1993, CREFA, Department of Economics, UniversiteLaval.

Other publications and contributions

CLAVET, Nicholas-James and Jean-Yves DUCLOS (2012), How to reform the financing of childcare in Quebec, CD Howe Institute, Commentary # 355, July.

CLAVET, N.-J., DUCLOS, J.-Y., FORTIN, B. et S. MARCHAND (2012), Poorer elderly, La Presse,29 March 2012.

CLAVET, N.-J., DUCLOS, J.-Y., FORTIN, B. et S. MARCHAND (2012), Reforming old-age pen-sions: effects on public finances and poverty, Le Soleil, 29 March 2012.


DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2012), Reforming old-age pensions: effects on public finances and poverty, Blogof the Association of Quebec Economists (ASDEQ), 27 March.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2012), What will be the family policy of the new CAQ-ADQ?, Blog of the Asso-ciation of Quebec Economists (ASDEQ), 15 February.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2012), What would be the public finance effects of reforming Canada’s Old AgeSecurity pensions?, Blog of the Association of Quebec Economists (ASDEQ), 7 February.

CLAVET, N.-J., DUCLOS, J.-Y., FORTIN, B. et S. MARCHAND (2012), Proceed with care: Re-forming Canada’s Old Age Security System, La Presse, 4 Feburary 2012.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2011), What would be the effects of increasing Quebec’s daycare fees from $7 to$10?, Blog of the Association of Quebec Economists (ASDEQ), 14 December.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2011), Who gains from subsidized child care?, Blog of the Association of QuebecEconomists (ASDEQ), 16 November.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2011), UNDP’s Multidimensional poverty index, Working document I-11, FERDI.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and Audrey VERDIER-CHOUCHANE (2011), Growth, Poverty and Inequality inMauritius and South Africa, Africa Economic Brief, vol. 2, #3, April.

BERNARD, Jean-Thomas and Jean-Yves DUCLOS (2009), Quebec’s Green Future: The Lowest-Cost Route to Greenhouse Gas Reductions, CD Howe Institute Backgrounder # 118, October.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., ARAAR, A., BIBI, S., BLAIS, F., CLAVET, N.-J., FORTIN, B., LACROIX,G., LANGLOIS, S., et GARDES, F. (2009), Analyse critique et comparative des programmes etpolitiques de lutte contre la pauvrete au Quebec, Final report submitted to FQRSC, Programmed’Action concertee sur “La pauvrete et l’exclusion sociale: Analyse critique et comparative des pro-grammes et politiques de lutte contre la pauvrete au Quebec”, March 2009.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., O’CONNELL, S.A. (2009), Is poverty a binding contraint on growth in sub-saharanAfrica?, Framework paper # GPN-04 (Poverty/Growth Nexus Project), African Economic ResearchConsortium, Nairobi.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. et S. BIBI (2007), Un budget equitable, vraiment?, Forum section, 31 May 2007,La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., (2005), Comment contrer la pauvrete?, Decouvrir.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., J. FACAL, C. GODBOUT, R. LACROIX and R. ROYER (2004), Un Quebec autravail! Strategie pour une societe plus prospere, Strategic committee on economic development ofQuebec, La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2003), S’affranchir du dogme du deficit zero (Elections 2003: s’affranchir du dogmedu deficit zero), Forum section, La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2002), Inefficace et inequitable (La politique familiale au Quebec), Forum section,La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2002), L’illusion du desequilibre (L’illusion du desequilibre fiscal), Forum section,La Presse.


DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2002), Une alternative radicale (Une alternative radicale: le revenu de citoyennete),Forum section, La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2001), La croissance protege l’environnement (Le developpement economiquepeut-il etre benefique pour l’environnement?), Forum section, La Presse.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2001), Oublions Keynes (Les budgets de l’automne 2001: les risques del’interventionnisme), Forum section, La Presse.

FORTIN, BERNARD, GUY LACROIX and J.-Y. DUCLOS (1999), L’univers de l’aide sociale: lesplus demunis peuvent-ils s’en sortir?, Recherche Sociale, Bulletin of the Conseil quebecois de larecherche sociale, volume 6, no. 1, February.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. and J. GINGRAS (1999), Mixing it up: Directions for federal tax reform, C.D.Howe Institute Commentary 126, Toronto, June.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1992), Freeing up the Labour Market?, Basic Income Research Group Bulletin no.14, 17-19.


DUCLOS, J.-Y. and A. ARAAR (2006), Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimationwith DAD, Springer/Kluwer and IDRC.

Chapters in books

DUCLOS (2011), Methodological issues in comparing poverty across countries, regions and time,and possible solutions, Guy Frechet, Danielle Gauvreau et Jean Poirier, editors, in Social Statistics,Poverty, and Social Exclusion, Les Presses de l’Universite de Montreal, Montreal, 281–284.

BATANA, Yele Maweki and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2010), Multidimensional poverty among West Africanchildren: testing for robust poverty comparisons, John Cockburn and Jane Kabubo-Mariara, editors,in Child Welfare in Developing Countries, Springer-IDRC-PEP, New York, 95–122.

BATANA, Yele Maweki and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2011), Comparing multidimensional poverty with qual-itative indicators of well-being, Joseph Deutsch and Jacques Silber, editors, in The Measurement ofindividual well-being and group inequalities: Essays in memory of Z. M. Berrebi, London, Routledge,ch. 13, 280-287.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., D. Sahn and S. Younger (2008), Using an Ordinal Approach to MultidimensionalPoverty Analysis, Jacques Silber and Nanak Kakwani, editors, in Quantitative Approaches to Mul-tidimensional Poverty Measurement, Palgrave Macmillan, London, chap 14, 244-262.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., (2008), Is the State too generous towards families?, Luc Godbout and Suzie St-Cerny, editors, in Le Quebec, un paradis pour les familles ? Regards sur la famille et la fiscalite,Presses de l’Universite Laval, chap. 7.

DUCLOS, J.-Y.(2007), A Better Income Security System for All Canadians in A Canadian PrioritiesAgenda: Policy Choices to Improve Economic and Social Well-Being, edited by Jeremy Leonard,Christopher Ragan, and France St-Hilaire, Institut de Recherche sur les Politiques Publiques, 233-



DUCLOS, J.-Y., D. Sahn and S. Younger (2007), Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisonswith Discrete Indicators of Well-Being, S. Jenkins and J. Micklewright, editors, in Poverty andInequality Re-examined, Oxford University Press, chap. 9, 185-208.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2007), Vertical and Horizontal Equity, Lawrence Blume and Steven Durlauf, edi-tors, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed, Palgrave Macmillan.

BIBI, Sami, DUCLOS, J.-Y. (2006), Fiscal reforms and poverty reduction: the case of Tunisia, FouziMourji, Bernard Decaluwe, and Patrick Plane, editors, in Le Developpement Face a la Pauvrete,IDRC, Economica, and AUF, chap.12, June.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., ESTEBAN, Joan, RAY, Debraj (2005), Polarization: concepts, measurement,estimation, ed. by Christopher B.Barret, in The Social Economics of Poverty, Routledge, NewYork, chap. 3, 56-105.

DUCLOS, J.-Y., et M. TABI (2000), Inegalite et redistribution du revenu, avec une application

au Canada, sous la direction de N. Marceau, P. Pestieau et F. Vaillancourt, in Economie Publique,Presses HEC— Economica, collection Societe Canadienne de Science Economique, Montreal, 95-122.

DUCLOS, J-Y., B. FORTIN, G. LACROIX and H. ROBERGE (1999), The Dynamics of WelfareParticipation in Quebec, in Women and Work, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of EconomicPolicy, Kingston, Ontario.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1997), Les tendances et les outils de la redistribution des revenus, ch. 9 in La

reinvention des institutions et le role de l’Etat, 21st ASDEQ Annual Conference.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1997), On the Efficacy, Efficiency and Equity of State Support in Britain, Meulders,Daniele, eds., in Budgetary policy modelling: Public expenditures, London and New York, Routledge,chap. 1, 235-261.

DUCLOS, J.-Y. (1992), Understanding the Take-up of State Benefits Using Micro Data, Paperpresented at the Conference on “Social Security 50 Years After Beveridge” in York, September;volume 6: The Economics of Social Security, 117-134.

Technological transfer

DUCLOS, J.-Y., A. ARAAR and C. FORTIN (1998-2004), DAD: A Software for Distributive Anal-

ysis, International Development Research Centre, Government of Canada and CIRPEE, UniversiteLaval, (5500 users). For reviews of this software, see: jyves/revised software review zhang.pdfHttp:// jyves/affaireuniversitaires ca.htmHttp:// jyves/universityaffaires ca.htm

ARAAR, A. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2007-), DASP: Distributive Analysis for Stata Package,, 3500 users.

ARAAR, A. and J.-Y. DUCLOS (2007-), User Manual for DASP: Version 2.1, PEP, CIRPEE, WorldBank and UNDP.


Scientific presentations

Conferences and invited lectures

Panelist, “Methodological issues and possible solutions in making interregional and interprovincialcomparisons”, CIQSS-MESS Conference on Social Statistics, Social Exclusion and Poverty: Perspec-tives from Quebec, Canada and abroad, UQAM, Montreal, 30 November 2011.

Presentator, “How to conduct the international comparisons required by the Quebec Act to combatpoverty?”, CIQSS-MESS Conference on Social Statistics, Social Exclusion and Poverty: Perspectivesfrom Quebec, Canada and abroad, UQAM, Montreal, 30 November 2011.

Presentator, “Sources of retirement income in Quebec, 2004-2030 : a microsimulation analysis”,CLSRN Workshop on Challenges for Canada’s Retirement Income System of Canadian LabourMarket and Skills Researcher Network, Waterloo, 14 October 2011.

Presentator, “Mobility, taxation and welfare”, Conference of the Society for the Study of EconomicInequality, Universita di Catania, 18 July 2011.

Co-author, “Use and relevance of Distributive Analysis (DASP) in Stata”, (2011 Mexican Stata UsersGroup Meeting, Institute for Economic Research of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico(UNAM), (with Luis Luesca and Abdelkrim Araar) 12 May 2011.

Keynote speaker, “Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons”, World Bank Multidimensional PovertyMeasurement Workshop, 8 December 2010.

Keynote speaker, “State-of-the-Art Lecture on Benefit Incidence Analysis”, Conference on “BenefitIncidence Analysis of Public Policy Evaluation”, School of Public Administration and Public Policy(EGAP) at ITESM, Mexico, 13 September 2010.

Presentator, “Robust multidimensional inequality comparisons”, Inequality : New directions, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, 11-13 September 2009.

Presentator, “Robust multidimensional inequality comparisons”, Journees du CIRPEE, 2-3 October2009.

Invited presentator, “Mobility and Intertemporal Poverty”, Workshop on Current Frontiers in theStudy of Economic Mobility in Developing Countries, Cornell Institute for the Social Sciences,Cornell University, Ithaca, 13 October 2009.

Invited panelist, “Poverty, Inequality and Human Development: Strengthening the Foundations”,The triple crisis conference, World Institute in Development Economics (WIDER), Helsinki, Finland,13-15 May 2010.

Presentator, “Robust multidimensional inequality comparisons”, Conference of the Society for theStudy of Economic Inequality, University Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, 20-23 July 2009.

Presentator, “Multidimensional poverty dominance: Statistical inference and an application to WestAfrica”, Conference of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, University Torcuato diTella, Buenos Aires, 20-23 July 2009.

Invited Presentator, “What is pro-poor growth?”, XIX Simposio de Estadıstica, Medellın, Colombia,


18 July 2009.

Presentator, “Comparing absolute and relative pro-poor growth, with an application to eight Africancountries”, Workshop on Multidimensional Poverty and Pro-poor Growth in the MENA Countries,Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 11-12 June 2009.

Presentator, “Testing for mobility dominance”, Conference of the Canadian Economics Association,29 May 2009.

Invited Presentator, “Multidimensional poverty dominance: applications and extensions”, OPHIWorkshop, Oxford University, 5 May 2009.

Invited Presentator, “Multidimensional welfare comparisons”, Fourth Canazei Winter School,Canazei, Italy, 12-15 January 2009.

Invited opening speaker, Economic Research Forum 15th Annual Conference, “Equity and EconomicDevelopment”, Cairo, 23 November 2008.

Invited Presentator, “Comparing Population Distributions from bin-Aggregated Sample Data: anApplication to Historical Height Data from France”, Institute of Economic Analysis, Barcelona, 17October 2008.

Presentator, “Testing for pro-poorness of growth, with an application to Mexico”, UNU-WIDERDevelopment Conference on Frontiers of Poverty Analysis, Helsinki, 26-27 September 2008.

Presentator, “Health and welfare in 19th Century France”, Conference of the Association for Researchin Income and Wealth, Portoroz, Slovenia, 25 August 2008.

Invited Presentator, “Pauvrete et politiques publiques”, Colloque du GDR economie du developpe-ment et de la transition, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 3 July 2008.

Presentator,“Mobility, taxation and welfare”, conference of the Society for Social Choice andWelfare,Montreal, 20 June 2008.

Presentator, “Health and welfare in 19th Century France”, Conference of the Canadian EconomicsAssociation, Vancouver, 7 June 2008.

Invited Presentator,“A better income security system for all Canadians”, Canadian Priorities AgendaSymposium, IRPP, Ottawa, 8-9 March 2007.

Invited Presentator, “Poverty and Public Policy”, Annual Statistics Canada’s Socio-economic con-ference, 28 May 2007.

Presentator, “Testing for pro-poorness of growth, with an application to Mexico”, Conference of theCanadian Economics Association, Halifax, 2 June 2007.

Presentator, “Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence fromChina”, Conference of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, Berlin, 13 July 2007.

Invited Presentator, “Statistical comparisons of welfare”, Madrid, Fundacion de Estudios deEconomıa Aplicada, 17 July 2007.

Invited Presentator, Quebec-Wallonie meeting, Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, Quebec,30 May 2006.


Invited Presentator, Equidad y eficacia de polıticas publicas con focalizacion imperfecta, Seminariointernacional sobre experiencias en metodologıas para la focalizacion individual de programas so-ciales, Quito, 4 October 2006.

Invited Presentator, “Pro-Poor Growth in Mexico”, VIII Encuentro Internacional Capital Humano,Crecimiento, Pobreza: Problematica Mexicana, Monterrey, Mexico, 12 October 2006.

Invited Presentator, “Robust multidimensional poverty comparisons with discrete indicators of well-being”, Inequality and Poverty Re-examined, Oxford, 15 September 2006.

Presentator, “Equity and equality”, Conference Innis, 40th annual Congress of Canadian EconomicAssociation, Montreal, 26-28 May 2006.

Invited Presentator, “Liberte ou egalite?”, 46th annual Conference of the Societe Canadienne deScience Economique, Montreal, Hotel Bonaventure, 3-4 May, 2006.

Presentator, “Un revenu minimum garanti serait-il juste?”, Grande Conference du CIRPEE, 12 April2006.

Presentator, “Testing restricted stochastic dominance”, Conference of the Societe canadienne descience economique, Manoir Richelieu, 13 May 2005.

Presentator, “Testing restricted stochastic dominance”, 1st conference of the Society for the Studyof Economic Inequality, Palma de Mallorca, 20-22 July 2005.

Presentator, “Equity and Poverty Effectiveness with Imperfect Targeting”, 1st conference of theSociety for the Study of Economic Inequality, Palma de Mallorca, 20-22 July 2005.

Presentator,“What is pro-poor growth?”, Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Hamil-ton, 26-29 May 2005.

Invited Presentator, “ Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons”, The Many Dimensions ofPoverty, International Poverty Centre, UNDP, Brasilia, 29-31 August 2005.

Presentator, “Pro-poor growth”, Conference of the Societe canadienne de science economique, LoewsHotel, Quebec City, 8 May 2004.

Invited Presentator, “Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons”, Arab Planning Institute(API), Koweit, April 7, 2004.

Invited Presentator, “Universalite et soutien des familles”, one-day training session: “Le soutieneconomique aux familles”, COFAQ (Confederation des organismes familiaux du Quebec), 26 March2004.

Presentator, “Polarisation: concepts, mesure et estimation”, Conference of the Societe canadiennede science economique, Montreal, 14-15 May 2003.

Presentator, “Equite horizontale et allegement de la pauvrete”, Journees du CIRPEE, UQAM, 22-23November 2002.

Presentator, “Socially-efficient tax reforms”, North Eastern Universities Development ConsortiumConference, 25-27 October 2002.

Presentator and commentator of the paper: “Social Cohesion and the Dynamics of Income in Four


Countries” by Miles Corak, Wen-Hao Chen, Abdellatif Demanti, and Dennis Batten, InternationalAssociation for Research on Income and Wealth Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 August 2002.

Presentator, “Horizontal equity and targeting”, International Association for Research on Incomeand Wealth Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 August 2002.

Presentator, “Socially efficient tax reforms”, International Association for Research on Income andWealth Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 August 2002.

Invited Presentator, “The DAD software”, International Association for Research on Income andWealth Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 August 2002.

Presentator, Conference organized by Bocconi University, Milan, Italy: “Robust multidimensionalpoverty comparisons”, 31 May 2002.

Invited Presentator, “ The DAD software”, African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya,25 and 31 May 2000.

Presentator, “Robust multidimensional poverty comparisons”, Societe canadienne de scienceeconomique Conference, Aylmer, 15 May 2002.

Presentator, “DAD: Distributive analysis”, Societe canadienne de science economique Conference,Du Parc Hotel, Montreal, 17 May 2000.

Presentator, Journees du CREFA, “Reclassement et equite horizontale”, 20 April 2000.

Invited Presentator, “Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and for the Measurement ofPoverty and Inequality”, Workshop on the Analysis of Poverty and Income Inequality, TinbergenInstitute, Amsterdam, 8 March 2000.

Invited Presentator, “A Roadmap for Federal Tax Reform”, paper presented at the Tax PolicyConference on Canada’s Competitiveness, Canadian Tax Foundation, Ottawa, 3-4 February 2000.

Invited Presentator, Special Conference Workshop: “Estimation Methods in Comparative Researchon Poverty and Income Inequality”, 21st Annual Research Conference of the Association for PublicPolicy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington, 4-6 November 1999.

Invited Presentator, “ La transmission intergenerationnelle de l’aide sociale”, Ministry of Employ-ment, Social Welfare and Professional Training, Quebec City, 15 December 1998.

Presentator, “A Normative and Statistical Approach to the Measurement of Horizontal Inequity”,Conference of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare , Vancouver, 3-6 July 1998.

Presentator, “Gini indices and the redistribution of income”, Association canadienne de scienceeconomique Conference, St-John’s, Newfoundland, 6 June 1997.

Presentator, “A normative approach to the measurement of classical horizontal inequity”, 3rd meet-ing: Groupe d’etude canadien en economie publique, St-John’s, Newfoundland, 5 June 1997.

Presentator, “Gini indices and the redistribution of income”, Societe canadienne de scienceeconomique Conference, Ecole des HEC, 15 May 1997.

Presentator, “Inference statistique pour la mesure de l’incidence des impots et des transferts”, Societecanadienne de science economique Conference, Manoir St-Sauveur, 16-17 May 1996.


Presentator,“Les tendances et les outils de la redistribution des revenus”, Association des economistesquebecois Conference, Aylmer, 9-10 May 1996.

Presentator, “Measuring Progressivity and Inequality”, Royal Economic Society Conference,Swansea, United Kingdom, 1-4 April 1996.

Presentator, “On Equity Aspects of Imperfect Poverty Relief”, Institut International de FinancePublique Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, August 1995.

Presentator, “Statistical Inference for the Measurement of Progressivity, Redistribution, and Hori-zontal Equity”, Association canadienne d’economique conference, Montreal, June 1995.

Presentator, “Economic Isolation, Inequality and the Suits Index of Progressivity”, Groupe d’EtudeCanadien en Economie Publique Meeting, Waterloo, May 1995.

Presentator, “Dynamique de l’aide sociale au Quebec”, Societe canadienne d’economique Conference,Lac Delage, May 1995.

Presentator, “Measuring Progressivity and Inequality”, l’Association canadienne d’economique Con-ference, Calgary, June 1994.

Presentator, “Evaluer le rendement d’un impot sur le revenu”, Societe canadienne d’economiqueConference, Ottawa, May 1994.

Invited seminar presentations

“Has the value of humanity increased between 1990 and 2005? Social evaluations with varyingpopulation sizes”, Guelph University, 11 March 2011.

“Bien-etre et pauvrete: la taille des populations importe-t-elle?”, UQAM, 10 December 2010.

“Welfare comparisons when populations differ in size: has global welfare improved between 1990 and2005?”, Vanderbilt University, 15 November 2010.

“Welfare comparisons when populations differ in size: has global welfare improved between 1990 and2005?”, Faculte de Sciences economiques et de gestion, Universite de Tunis, Tunisia, 8 April 2010.

“Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Selected African Middle-Income Countries”, African Develop-ment Bank, Tunis, Tunisia, 8 April 2010.

“Welfare comparisons when populations differ in size: has global welfare improved between 1990 and2005?”, University of Southern California, 28 April 2010.

“Multidimensional poverty dominance: Statistical inference and an application to West Africa”,University of Sussex, 8 May 2009.

“Comparing Population Distributions from bin-Aggregated Sample Data: an Application to Histor-ical Height Data from France”, University of Cambridge, 7 May 2009.

“Comparing Population Distributions from bin-Aggregated Sample Data: an Application to Histor-ical Height Data from France”, Universite de Geneve, 24 April 2009.


“Comparing Population Distributions from bin-Aggregated Sample Data: an Application to Histor-ical Height Data from France”, Universite de l’Auvergne, 2 April 2009, CERDI.

“Testing for pro-poorness of growth, with an application to Mexico”, Universite Cergy-Pontoise,Paris, 12 March 2009.

“Multidimensional poverty dominance: Statistical inference and an application to West Africa”,African Development Bank, 22 January 2009.

“Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence from China”, Uni-versity of Colorado, April 28, 2006.

“Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence from China”, Uni-versity of Ottawa, November 25, 2005.

“Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence from China”, UQAM,October 21, 2005.

“Equity and Poverty Effectiveness with Imperfect Targeting”, University of Toronto, April 22, 2005.

“Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons”, Development Economics Research Group, WorldBank, March 17, 2004.

“Poverty-efficient transfer programs: the role of targeting and allocation rules”, World Bank, May23, 2002.

“Socially efficient tax reforms”, World Bank, May 22, 2002.

“Poverty-efficient transfer programs: the role of targeting and allocation rules”, Carleton University,October 18, 2002.

“Robust multidimensional poverty comparisons”, University of Sherbrooke, November 14, 2001.

“Robust multidimensional poverty comparisons”, University of Alberta, November 2, 2001.

“Socially efficient tax reforms”, Simon Fraser University, November 1, 2001.

“Socially efficient tax reforms”, GREQAM, marseille, France, May 7, 2001.

“Socially efficient tax reforms”, University of York, Department of Economics, United Kingdom, May1, 2001.

“Classical Horizontal Inequity and Reranking: a Synthesis”, Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona,Department of Applied Economics, March 15, 2001.

“Classical Horizontal Inequity and Reranking: a Synthesis”, Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona,Department of Economics, 13 March 2001.

“Sequential Stochastic Dominance and the Robustness of Poverty Orderings”, Universitat Autonomade Barcelona, Department of Economics and History, 21 November, 2000.

“Sequential Stochastic Dominance and the Robustness of Poverty Orderings”, Cornell University, 11February 2000.


“Sequential Stochastic Dominance and the Robustness of Poverty Orderings”, Discussion Paper 99/6,University of New South Wales, School of Economics.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of Sydney, 24 June 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, 7 May 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,NATSEM, University of Canberra, 6 May 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of Western Sydney, May 4, 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of Melbourne, 22 April 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of Monash, 21 April 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of New South Wales, 10 March 1999.

“DAD software”, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 19 November 1999.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,UQAM, 11 December 11, 1998.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,University of Montreal, 16 November 1998.

“Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality”,HEC Montreal, 29 October 1998.

“A normative approach to the measurement of classical horizontal inequity”, Queen’s University,Kingston, November 19, 1996.

“A normative approach to the measurement of classical horizontal inequity”, Concordia University,Montreal, November 15, 1996.

“Linear Inequality Measures and the Redistribution of Income”, Oxford University, April 10, 1996.

“Linear Inequality Measures and the Redistribution of Income”, STICERD Centre, London Schoolof Economics, March 28, 1996.

Media and communications (since 2000)

Interviewee Radio-Canada (National), on reform of federal pensions, 18 April 2012; Radio-Canada (Alberta), on reform of federal pensions, 4 April 2012; Radio-Canada,on the situation of the middle class, 22 February 2012; Radio-Canada, Desautels,on the effects of demographic changes in Canada, 8 February 2012; Radio Ville-


Marie, Radio-Canada (radio and television) on retirement pensions, 1-2 Febru-

ary 2012; Etat du Quebec 2011 (Institut du Nouveau Monde); Radio-Canada(Sudbury, Matane, Winnipeg, Toronto, Charlottetown, Calgary, Ottawa, Regina,

Sept-Iles, Rouyn-Noranda, Saguenay) on family policy in the 2011 federal elec-tion, 5 April 2011; TVA News on “Retirement: for or against”, 29 January 2010;Premiere heure of Radio-Canada (Quebec) on federal budget, 20 March 2007;Radio-Canada (Montreal) on the federal budget, 20 March 2007; CBC on theelectoral program of the Action democratique du Quebec, 20 March 2007; TVAon the evolution of welfare benefits, 21 March 2007; Radio 93.3 on guaranteedminimum income, 9 August 2006; Radio-Canada on poverty in Quebec, 13 De-cember 2005; Le Soleil on poverty alleviation, 3 November 2005; Exemplaire del’Universite Laval on the federal budget, 25 February 2005; Radio CKRL on thefederal budget, 25 February 2005; Radio CKIA FM on the provincial budget, 25April 2005; CBC television (Quebec Ce Soir) on the provincial budget, June 12,2003; CBC radio (Tribune telephonique), October 9, 2002; CBC English radioand television, October 7, 2002; CBC television, September 5, 2002; CBC radio(Montreal, Day Break), on “Fiscal imbalance”, 20 March 2002; CBC radio (Que-bec) on “Fiscal imbalance”, 22 March 2002; Journal de Quebec on “Les aspectseconomiques de la loterie Super 7”, 8 May 2002; CHRC radio on “Les aspecteconomiques de la loterie Super 7”, 9 May 2002; Tele-4 (Journal du Midi) onthe economic crisis, 19 September 2001; CJMF radio on the economic crisis, 22October 2001; RDI on the provincial budget, 26 October 2001; CBC radio (Que-bec AM) on the federal budget, 29 February 2000; Global on the federal budget,29 February 2000; CBC radio (Quebec AM) on the provincial budget, 15 March2000; Telemag on the provincial budget, 15 March 2000; TQS on“Developpementdu quartier St-Roch”, 4 April 2000.

Panelist Regional conference of the Political Commission, Parti Liberal du Quebec,“Qu’est-ce qu’un revenu minimum garanti?”, 11 November 2006.

Invited lecturer Conference “Participe present” on “Les grandes campagnes de charite du tempsde Noel soulagent-elles plus la conscience de ceux qui donnent que la pauvrete?”,Musee de la civilisation, Quebec, 7 November 2005.

Invited lecturer Conference of the Association des professionnels en developpement du Quebec,“Les perspectives economiques du Quebec”, Manoir Richelieu, 18 October 2004.

Invited lecturer Cafe Economique, “Avons-nous besoin d’une autre Revolution tranquille?Strategie pour une societe plus prospere”, Quebec, 30 March 2005.

Participant Documentary film “L’illusion tranquille”, production of Johanne Marcotte, 2005.

Invited lecturer ASDEQ Conference, “Le desequilibre fiscal: qu’en est-il?”, Chateau Frontenac,Quebec, 6 May 2002.

Invited lecturer Workshop on “Est-ce que l’universalite coute plus cher? Couts economiqueset sociaux”, of partenariat“Familles en mouvance et dynamiques intergenera-tionnelles”, INRS-Urbanisation, Culture et Societe, Montreal, 26 April 2002.

Guest speaker Graduation ceremony, European University, Barcelona, Spain, 21 June 2001.

Invited lecturer Cegep Ste-Foy, workshop on “Mondialisation et le developpement economique etsocial”, 6 November 2001.

Invited lecturer Research group on government interventions, Department of political sciences,“L’allocation universelle: Examen de quelques scenarios budgetaires et leur im-pact redistributif”, 20 April 2000.

Invited lecturer “Economie et marche du travail”, Forum Ambition-Quebec, Manoir du Lac-Delage, 3 June 2000.

Panelist Special broadcast on provincial budget, CBC radio, 14 March 2000.


Teaching and graduate student supervision

Courses taught

ECN-60216 Public Economics

POL-21793 Political Economy Seminar

ECN-11485 Macro-economic Principles

ECN-16884 Economics for Engineers

ECN-61991 International Finance

ECN-61601 Public Economics Seminar

ECN-17994 Cost-Benefit Analysis

M.A. students

Thesis completed

EL-JABI, Ramy, “The Impact of International Migrant Remittances in the Middle East and NorthAfrica”, Maitrise en etudes internationales de l’Institut quebecois des hautes etudes internationales,May 2011.

DIALLO, Saliou, “Transferts de fonds des migrants : Quel impact sur le developpement en Afrique?”,Maitrise en etudes internationales de l’Institut quebecois des hautes etudes internationales, October2010 (director: Nicole Bousquet).

DESGAGNE, Vincent, “Evaluation du programme d’assurance-emploi”, Maitrise en Administrationpublique, August 2010.

CLAVET, Nicholas-James, “Effet sur l’offre de travail et le bien-etre de la reforme fiscale de 2008 auQuebec”, August 2009 (co-director: Bernard Fortin).

COMTOIS-ROUSSEAU, Emilie, “L’impact de la politique familiale de 1997 sur le choix de locali-sation des menages quebecois”, October 2009 (director: Bernard Fortin).

SEDDIK FILALI, Mohammed, “L’evolution de l’efficience technique de la production laitiere quebe-coise”, January 2008 (director: Bruno Larue).

GOYETTE, Marc-Andre, “Evolution de la polarisation au Canada: 1973-2003”, August 2007.

LEBLANC, Josee, “Sante et conditions de vie dans la France du dix-neuvieme siecle”, Honors Prizeof the Faculty of Social Sciences, August 2007 (co-director: Guy Lacroix).


TAPE, Yagba Bernardin, “Analyse econometrique de l’itineraire therapeutique des menages de Coted’Ivoire”, June 2007 (director: Guy Lacroix).

BLOUIN, Olivier, “L’impact de la reforme de la politique familiale sur la participation au programmed’assistance emploi au Quebec”, June 2006 (director: Bernard Fortin).

GABRIEL, Jean-Simon, “Le financement gouvernemental et l’evaluation des entreprises d’economiesociale”, 2005.

FOURNIER, Andree-Anne, “L’impact des taxes et des transferts sur les finances des familles auQuebec”, 2005 (co-director: Bernard Fortin).

CHAUVETTE, Jean-Francois, “La pauvrete au Canada”, 2005, (co-director: John Cockburn).

NDORUHIRWE, Emmanuel, “La pauvrete des enfants en Guinee”, 2005, (co-director: John Cock-burn).

BEAULIEU, Nicolas, “Dynamique de la transmission inter-generationnelle de la dependance a l’aidesociale: une analyse econometrique de duree”. July 2001, (co-director: Bernard Fortin).

FECTEAU, Steve, “Plans de sondage et estimation de l’erreur echantillonnale des indices de pauvreteet d’inegalite: une application pour le Burkina Faso”, August 2001.

DE LAMIRANDE, Patrick, “Impacts redistributifs de l’instauration d’une allocation universelle auQuebec: examen de quatre scenarios”, January 2000.

LAROCHELLE-COTE, Sebastien, “Statistical inference, poverty and inequality measurement: anapplication of the bootstrap econometric technique and a literature review”, January 2000.

JALBERT, Vincent, “Inequite horizontale et reclassement engendres par l’impot sur le revenu desparticuliers et les transferts au Canada”, June 1998, (co-director: Marc Van Audenrode).

MOREL, Jean-Francois, “Les prestataires de l’aide sociale et les incitations au travail: le cas desEtats-Unis et du Canada”, (essay), 1998.

ROULEAU, Manon, “Etude de la transmission intergenerationnelle de l’aide sociale”, March 1998,(co-director: Bernard Fortin).

BERTRAND, Jean-Francois, “Perception de l’assurance-chomage et retour au travail”, September1998, (co-director: Marc Van Audenrode).

GREGOIRE, Philippe, “Analyse de l’indice de pauvrete de Shorrocks et son application sur desdonnees canadiennes”, December 1997, (co-director: Guy Lacroix).

DOYON, Philippe, “Analyse economique de la repartition des pouvoirs du systeme federal canadien”,August 1996.

MARCEAU, Yves, “Analyse benefices-couts des Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver de Quebec 2002”, Septem-ber 1996.

BIBI, Sami, “Fiscalite indirecte, subsides a la consommation et equite sociale en Tunisie”, recipientof the best M.A. Thesis Award of the Faculty of Social Sciences, May 1995.

SOUCY, Christine, “Dynamique de l’aide sociale de 1979 a 1993”, December 1995, (co-director: Guy



ST-PIERRE, Etienne, “Fiscalite et processus de formation et de dissolution des menages”, August1995, (co-director: Nicolas Marceau).

TABI, Martin, “Impact redistributif de l’impot et des transferts sur le revenu des particuliers auCanada”, January 1995.


HORTON, Valerie, “Analyse ex ante d’une reforme du financement des services de garde au Quebec”.

PIEDBOEUF, Etienne, “L’impact du fractionnement des revenus sur le niveau de vies et les com-portements des familles”.

ROBITAILLE, Marie-Noelle, “L’impact du report de l’age d’admissibilite aux prestations de lavieillesse sur les comportements de retraite”.

CAMARA, Daouda, “Impact des politiques economiques au Mali”.

MAINVILLE, Lois, “Effets des subventions de garde sur l’utilisation des services de gardes, l’offrede travail des meres et le developpement des enfants au Quebec”.

WILANE, Momath, “Taxation sur la valeur ajoutee au Senegal”.

Ph.D. students

Thesis completed

MAMONJIARIS, Tiana, “Three essays on education, emigration and remittances”, December 2011,(director: Sylvain Dessy).

ZABSONRE, Agnes, “Welfare comparisons when populations differ in size”, June 2011, recipient ofthe Gold Medal of the Governor General of Canada, (co-director: John Cockburn).

BATANA, Yele, “Redistribution et pauvrete: comparaisons multidimensionnelles de bien-etre”, June2008 (co-director: John Cockburn).

BIBI, Sami, “Le Ciblage de la Population Pauvre en Tunisie: Fondements Theoriques et Evidence”,Ph.D. thesis, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Tunis, March 2000 (director:Mohamed Goaied).

MAKDISSI, Paul, “Essais sur la pauvrete”, September 1999, (co-director: Nguyen Manh Hung).

ARAAR, Abdelkrim, “Le bien-etre des menages et la transition economique en Pologne”, June 1998.



HOUSSEINI, Bouba, “Life expectancy, demographic changes and welfare”, recipient of a DissertationFellowship of the Hewlett Foundation/Institute of International Education, 2011-2013.

TAPTUE, Andre-Marie, “Polarization comparisons”.

SAVADOGO, Aboudrahyme, “Modeling investment in human capital”.

External training and technical support

Instructor, “Public policy evaluation of inequality and poverty, with emphasis on tax reforms”, Quito,Ecuador, 24-25 October 2011.

Instructor, UNDP-CBS-PEP-Laval School on Measuring and Comparing Poverty, Swakopmund,Namibia, 21-26 Novembre 2011.

Organizer and instructor, “UNDP-PEP Workshop on Poverty and Social Impact Analysis”, Dakar,8-12 June 2010.

Instructor, “PEP training workshop on Distributive Analysis using DASP”, Dakar, 13 June 2010.

Instructor, “Workshop on poverty and social impact analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa”, organized byUNDP, PEP, Uganda Bureau of Statistics and Economic Policy Research Center, Kampala, 23-27November 2010.

Instructor, “Short course on the measurement of well-being and poverty”, XIX Simposio de Estadis-tica, Medellin, Colombia, 18-19 July 2009.

Instructor and facilitator, CONEVAL (Government of Mexico) and World Bank Institute, “Cliniqueon Multidimensional Poverty”, Mexico, Mexico, May 21, 2008.

Instructor, Workshop on Poverty and Distributive Analysis, Central Bureau of Statistics, UNDPNamibia, Windhoek, 12-16 May 2008.

Instructor, Human Development and Capability Association, Summer School on Capability, Povertyand Well-being Measurement, New York, 15 September 2007.

Instructor, PEP training session on poverty dynamics, Lima, Peru, 9-10 June 2007.

Instructor, Pro-poor growth, multidimensional poverty and targeting, Workshop of the Inter-American Development Bank, 1-3 May 2007.

Instructor, Poverty and inequality, Workshop of the Conseil national economique et social, Algiers,Algeria, 12-15 May 2007.

Instructor, PEP training session on poverty and equity, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, 16-17 June 2006.

Instructor, Algerian Finance Ministry, 4-7 April 2005.

Instructor, Advanced training session on poverty analysis, Dakar, 28 October – 7 November 7 2002.


Instructor, MIMAP training session on government expenses and poverty, Maroc, Rabat, 1-4 Febru-ary 2002.

Instructor, Training workshop on Measuring poverty and welfare, African Economic Research Con-sortium, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-26 May 2001.

Invited Professor, Training sessions on comparisons of living standards, Universitat Autonoma deBarcelona, Department of Applied Economics, 27-29 March 2001.

Instructor, Training session on the assessment and alleviation of poverty, IDRC-SISERA-WBI, Ac-cra, Ghana, 9-19 January 2001.

Instructor, Workshop on Poverty Measurement and Safety Nets, World Bank, Washington, 5 De-cember 2000.

Instructor, Training session on the assessment and alleviation of poverty, IDRC-SISERA-WBI,Dakar, Senegal, 30 October – 11 November 2000.

Invited Professor, Graduate course (half) in Public Economics, European Doctoral program, Uni-versitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Fall 2000.

Invited Professor, Course on Poverty Analysis, Cornell University, 10 February 2000.

Instructor, Training session for a Camerounian team, African Economic Research Consortium, Que-bec City, 4-29 October, 1999.

Instructor, MIMAP Training session, Quebec City, 30 August – 17 September 1999.

Instructor, African Economic Research Consortium Training Workshop, Abidjan, Ivory Cost, 6-12October 1998.

Instructor, African Economic Research Consortium Training Workshop, Kampala, Uganda, 6-14August 1997.