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  • 8/8/2019 JBoss - SOA Whitepaper


  • 8/8/2019 JBoss - SOA Whitepaper


    2 .jb.m

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Copyright 2008 Red Hat. All rights reserved.

    rEstrictEd riGhts noticE

    This document may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, photocopied or translated without

    the expressed written consent of Red Hat. This document is subject to change without notice.


    JBoss and Red Hat are registered trademarks of Red Hat. JEMS is a registered trademark

    of JBoss, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other company names may be

    subject to intellectual property rights of the respective companies.

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    .jb.m 3

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    ExEcutivE suMMaRy

    Service-oriented architecture (SOA) enables enterprises to accelerate business execution while driving

    higher quality and customer satisfaction. The key to success is not only in creating the ability to respond

    to opportunities and threats. You must also identify them as early as possible and drive the vision of your

    business to a successful delivery of product and service leadership. SOA allows you to do this by opening

    up the integration and automation of the value chain built on IT standards.

    However, despite the signicant progress made with open standards in the industry, most SOA platforms

    are delivered with many proprietary, closed extensions that focus on customer lock-in more than

    automation of the value chain. Examples include proprietary data formats and extensions to standards

    that could have been part of the standard. Unfortunately, in many of these cases, vendors refused to open

    up their entire SOA stacks, resulting in numerous complex, closed, and expensive SOA platforms

    and enterprise deployments.

    Red Hat believes there is a better way. We redene SOA to be simple, open, and affordable. Manycustomers are already realizing the benets of the open source portfolio for SOA JBoss Enterprise

    Middleware. Red Hats SOA strategy helps customers with ve major challenges: development complexity,

    low IT resource utilization, data access, business process friction, and inadequate user experiences.

    In February 2008, Red Hat launched the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform, a next-generation service

    integration and orchestration platform. This latest addition to JBoss Enterprise Middleware brings even

    more value to existing SOA deployments by combining the benets of an open source subscription model

    with more sophisticated SOA and business process automation deployments. New SOA and integration

    approaches deliver this value, including event-driven architecture (EDA), which enables the enterprise

    to respond to and manage business events more effectively. The JBoss Enterrpise SOA Platform helps

    customers with their SOA deployment challenges in a simpler, more open, and affordable manner.

    In October 2008 Red Hat will release JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 4.3 with additional features, includingJBoss Operations Network management and monitoring, additional secure protocol support, and other

    community and customer-driven features.

    By making it easier for the JBoss.org community to rapidly innovate without the worry of productization

    cycles, Red Hat enables Java and SOA innovation to develop and mature more quickly. JBoss Enterprise

    Middleware takes this innovation and packages it into easily consumable platforms and frameworks

    designed to meet developer, ISV, and enterprise SOA challenges. These JBoss Enterprise Middleware

    products lay the foundation for even greater Red Hat support excellence, customer deployment

    experiences, and satisfaction.

    Today, the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform enables your enterprise to develop and deploy business

    logic as services to fuel your SOA-automated business processes. The JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform

    helps people leverage and participate in business processes, including those built using SOA techniques,

    resulting in a personalized experience customized for each persons role in the value chain. MetaMatrix

    simplies the access and integration of a wide range of data into SOA deployments, delivering superior

    business processes and end-user productivity. And the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform brings enterprise

    SOAs to life by enabling the automated execution of the business and fostering the ability of enterprises

    to drive their industry to the next level of productivity and achievement.

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Partners recognize the opportunities presented by simple, open, and affordable SOA and are joining

    the fray, supporting JBoss Enterprise Middleware in enterprise deployments.

    Amberpoint and SOA Software bring enterprise registry, management, and governance to add value

    to JBoss Enterprise Middleware SOA customers.

    Information Builders iWay adapters enable enterprise applications to be integrated into

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware SOA deployment using enterprise application integration (EAI).

    Vitria contributes signicant SOA value-add with its Resolution Accelerator and other SOA products.

    ActiveEndpoints and SeeWhy offer value-added business process, business activity monitoring,

    and advanced business event management capabilities to JBoss Enterprise Middleware.

    Red Hat Consulting offers SOA and open source consulting capabilities. SOA services from Red Hat

    Consulting can range in scope and be tailored to the customers requirements. SOA consulting is

    valuable at any stage of an SOA development strategy or deployment.

    custoMER REquiREMEnts anD DRivERs foR soa

    Enterprise customers recognize that theres a better way to architect IT infrastructure and applications.

    Today, most enterprises experience friction in their business processes. They also experience friction and

    delay in implementing IT changes to support new improvements to business processes.

    fiGurE 1: customEr rEquirEmEnts spEEd and flExibility


    Business Process Friction


    Business Process Agility

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Change events, such as adding a new supplier, drive business process changes, as seen in Figure 1. In

    a business with signicant business process friction from older and undocumented processes, business

    processes may need signicant redesign to support new supplier relationships. The business processchanges will force manual accommodation to integrate the new supplier, while IT works on application

    and infrastructure changes. Finally, at the end of this chain of events, a new business objective may or

    may not be met. For example, smoothly integrating a new supplier into an enterprise supply chain is quite

    a challenge with a stove-piped IT architecture. Typically, there are time lags and delays at each step along

    the way to achieve a business objective. These lags and delays result in lower productivity and business

    process friction.

    With SOA and updated business processes that are documented and well-understood, a business is more

    agile and more able to respond to new suppliers, as shown in the second timeline in Figure 1. A business

    that leverages SOA in key processes will speed both the process and IT infrastructure, dramatically

    increasing the speed of integrating a new supplier into the supply chain.

    thE soa soLution

    Enterprises are looking to eliminate delays and business process friction, as well as improve access

    to and utilization of enterprise data. SOA makes services exible and reusable, able to be recongured

    and augmented more swiftly than traditional applications, accelerating time-to-business objective and

    improving business agility.

    Achieving this business agility is a key tenet of improved competitiveness. Enterprises are looking to SOA to

    maximize return by reducing complexity and cost of change. SOA can mitigate the risk of technological and

    business change because SOA platforms offer standards-based services that can be reused. SOA increases

    business agility and responsiveness by increasing reuse of components and services, reducing new code

    creation and associated costs. Finally, enterprises looking to improve business performance, including

    customer satisfaction and improved value chain execution, will experience improvement in both areas.

    SOA is an approach for aligning business needs with IT investment and then building distributed systems

    that deliver application functionality as loosely-coupled services. This provides a well-modeled and

    reusable basis for common business functions. SOA offers a standard way to represent and interact with

    application functionality by leveraging open standards. This is critical to improve interoperability and

    integration across an enterprise and value chain. Standards also reduce business process friction by

    enabling the reuse of data and business services. Developers can create new applications from existing

    components more quickly than building functionality variations from scratch. SOA allows the developer

    to focus on application assembly, speeding time to implementation.

    soa chanGEs it and vEndor focus

    Traditional application development favors monolithic architecture and structure. These applications focus

    on functional automation and are designed to last. Cost reduction remains the primary motivator of this

    style of application development. Traditional application development drives long development cycles and

    is code-oriented. These long development cycles are partly due the difculties in reusing tightly-coupled

    functionality in this development paradigm.

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Figure 2 highlights key features of traditional application architecture. Monolithic applications embed

    business logic that may be better deployed as reusable services. This is one of the reasons why IT

    organizations with traditional application architectures cannot respond to business change rapidly. In thisexample, when tax laws change, IT is forced to locate and change the business logic in many places. This

    results in high maintenance costs as well as increased risk of error due to implementation differences

    between the tax calculation routines. Also, the potential to miss some of the tax routine implementations

    for a change event exist, adding risk of error to the traditional application deployment.

    Figure 3 illustrates services deployment within an SOA that can be reused by multiple applications and

    business processes. SOAs comprise application and business process assemblies of business functionality.

    Therefore, SOA presents a loosely-coupled, agile, and adaptive infrastructure and application architecture.SOAs are built using interactive and iterative development processes.

    App 1

    App 2

    App 3

    App 4

    App 5

    Tax Calculation in Traditional Architecture

    Many applications

    Different tax routinesembedded in eachapplication (represented

    by gray circle)

    High maintenance

    Change risk

    Traditional Architecture

    Designed to last

    Tightly coupled

    Integrated silos


    Long development cycle


    Middleware makes it work

    Favors homogenous technology

    App 1

    App 2

    App 3

    App 4

    App 5

    Tax Calculation in Service-Oriented Architecture

    One tax service(representedby gray circle)

    Low maintenance

    Low change risk

    Service-Oriented Architecture

    Designed to change

    Loosely coupled,agile and adaptive

    Interactive and iterativedevelopment



    Architecture makes it work

    Favors heterogenous technology

    fiGurE 2: traditional application architEcturE it and vEndor focus

    fiGurE 3: soa chanGEs it and vEndor focus

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    In an SOA, the tax calculation business logic is separated from specic applications and presented as a

    service for applications and processes to consume. The applications themselves may become processes

    coded in BPEL or jPDL, for example, orchestrating services in sequence, including the tax service. In otherSOA implementations, some business logic capability is hosted as services, while legacy applications

    remain in service. The advantage of having the tax routine deployed as a service is that it only needs to

    be modied once for all applications and processes. It also presents a readily and immediately available

    service for new applications and processes. This saves signicant time and reduces change risk present

    in the traditional architecture described above.

    soa thats siMPLE, oPEn, anD affoRDaBLE

    Red Hat redened SOA to be simple, open, and affordable. By providing open source platforms,

    frameworks, and component architectures that are simple to procure and consume, Red Hat allows

    developers, ISVs, and enterprises to create solutions that realize the benets of SOA. Open source is

    innitely more malleable and exible, and the licensing model offers more value and freedom. Red Hat also

    delivers standards-based products, further supporting its open focus and enabling greater exibility. JBoss

    subscriptions enable enterprise SOA deployments to be more affordable while realizing greater value

    by eliminating expensive license fees and delivering high-quality developer assist, production support,

    superior deployment experience, and superior customer satisfaction.

    The Red Hat vision for SOA is to bring JBoss Enterprise Middleware to an increasing number of customers

    so that they can simplify and open up their existing and new SOA deployments in an affordable way. The

    larger market for SOA is, in many respects, an unserved market. That is, many organizations that have an

    SOA infrastructure have been forced to build much of it themselves, due to the prohibitively high cost of

    todays commercial SOA platforms. Red Hat is focused on addressing this unserved market with a cost-

    effective platform (JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform and other JBoss Enterprise Middleware products)

    paired with a vibrant partner ecosystem that magnies Red Hat and JBoss value.

    Beyond this unserved market, many businesses labor under heavy, complex, and expensive SOA platforms.

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware offers those organizations a way out, or at least a way to begin to reduce the

    nancial and technical pain created by closed source, monolithic platforms. JBoss Enterprise Middleware

    is an affordable, easily-consumed set of platforms and frameworks. The open source model encourages

    a greater degree of openness and exibility than traditional, closed source super platforms. The

    transparency of the open source model enables Red Hat, through JBoss, to deliver high-quality services

    and support. This open architecture and open source model makes JBoss Enterprise Middleware attractive

    and safe for partners.

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    JBoss EntERPRisE MiDDLEwaRE:

    thE oPEn souRcE PoRtfoLio foR soa

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware (Figure 4) is enterprise-class open source software that enables customers

    to design, develop, deploy, integrate, orchestrate, manage, and present web applications and services in a

    service-oriented architecture. JBoss Enterprise Middleware decreases development complexity, improves

    often inadequate end-user experiences, and resolves business process friction. And because it is open

    source, JBoss Enterprise Middleware delivers unparalleled exibility and signicantly lower total cost of

    ownership than the leading competitors.

    Jboss EntErprisE platforms

    Open source software offers many benets, but it does present one challenge. Having to create and

    maintain integrations between multiple community projects to meet your needs can add complexity and

    cost to your IT operations. Red Hat solves this problem with JBoss Enterprise Platforms. JBoss Enterprise

    Platforms combine the most popular JBoss.org projects into stable, secure, certied distributions with a

    single patch and update stream. JBoss Enterprise Platforms are available via subscriptions that include

    certied software, industry-leading support, updates and patches, documentation, and multi-year

    maintenance policies.

    fiGurE 4

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    fiGurE 5: Jboss EntErprisE application platform

    The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (see Figure 5) is a perfect open source alternative for building,

    deploying, and hosting enterprise Java applications and SOA services. The JBoss Enterprise Application

    Platform integrates a clustered Java EE application server, O/R mapping and persistence, and a powerfulapplication framework for building next-generation web applications into a single distribution.

    MetaMatrix Enterprise (see Figure 6) is a powerful data service management system that enables rapid,

    model-driven creation, deployment, and management of data services. Just as a database management

    system hides details of data storage, a data service management system insulates applications and

    developers from details of physical data sources by creating virtual data structures that meet the needs

    of the application and the business. MetaMatrix Enterprise provides declarative tools for creating a

    wide range of data services, a repository for storing data service denitions with relevant metadata,

    and a robust execution environment that provides enterprise performance, data integrity, and security.

    MetaMatrix Enterprise offers a faster, better way to meet the SOA data challenge.

    Red Hat Enterprise LinuxWindows, Unix, other Linux

    Includes everything you

    need to run Java-based web

    and rich Internet applications

    and host SOA services.

    fiGurE 6: mEtamatrix EntErprisE

    Includes everything

    you need to enable easy,

    federated access to enterprise

    and value chain data.

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Red Hat Enterprise LinuxWindows, Unix, other Linux

    The JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform (see Figure 7) is designed to build and deploy portals for SOA service

    aggregation, personalized presentation, and collaboration. It integrates a portal framework, CMS workow

    functionality, and a clustered Java EE application server into a single distribution.

    fiGurE 7: Jboss EntErprisE application platform for portals

    Includes everything you

    need to host and serve a

    portals web interface,

    publish and manage its

    content, and personalize

    its experience.

    Red Hat Enterprise LinuxWindows, Unix, other Linux

    The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform enables integration and orchestration of services, applications, and

    data to automate business processes in a SOA. The SOA Platform integrates an enterprise service bus,

    rules engine, business process automation, and the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform into a single

    distribution. Figure 7 illustrates the plans for the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.

    fiGurE 7: Jboss EntErprisE application platform for portals

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Jboss framEworks

    In the real world, IT infrastructure environments often include a number of vendors. Thats why, in

    addition to JBoss Enterprise Platforms, Red Hat also offers modular frameworks that run with most

    Java EE middleware platforms. JBoss Frameworks (see Figure 8) include:

    Jb hee for industry-leading OR/Mapping and persistence

    Jb se for simplifying Web 2.0 application development

    Jb jbpm for enabling the creation and automation of business processes

    Jb re for easy business policy access, change, and management

    JBoss Frameworks (Figure 8), like JBoss Enterprise Platforms, are available via subscriptions that

    include certied software, industry-leading support, updates and patches, documentation, and multi-year

    maintenance policies.

    Industry leading O/R mapping

    Business process automation and workflow engine

    Business rules system

    Web 2.0 and rich enterprise application framework

    fiGurE 8: Jboss EntErprisE framEworks

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    Automatic ESB ResourceDiscovery

    Safe, secure, and up to date

    Real-time graphs,message counts, email

    alerts, etc (optionalupgrade)

    Update selectedresources without XML


    Schedule and automateoperational tasks

    related to ESB

    Install/update applicationcomponents

    Remotely start, stop,restart ESB services

    JBoss oPERations nEtwoRk

    JBoss Operations Network (Figure 9, below) provides an integrated management platform allowing users to

    simplify the inventory, administration, management, and maintenance of the JBoss Enterprise Middleware

    infrastructure and applications, web tiers, and operating system. Using a centralized control and audit

    model, JBoss Operations Network offers exibility and scalability for rapidly changing JBoss deployments

    that allows users to capture, diagnose, and remediate incidents in the environment. JBoss Operations

    Network Core Management can be bundled as part of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and JBoss

    Enterprise SOA Platform with an available monitoring upgrade for each. This supports a complete solution

    for release, conguration, and availability management activities.

    fiGurE 9: Jboss opErations nEtwork fEaturEs for soa dEploymEnts.

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    JBoss soa usE casEs

    Enterprise customers are deploying SOA implementations on JBoss Enterprise Middleware in increasing

    numbers. These customers are tired of architecting their SOAs around expensive, proprietary, licensed

    products. They look to open source portfolios like JBoss Enterprise Middleware to relieve nancial and

    technical pain associated with monolithic super platforms.

    Many of these enterprises, however, have signicant investments in these super platforms. JBoss

    Enterprise Frameworks, such as JBoss Seam, JBoss Hibernate, JBoss jBPM, and JBoss Rules, enable these

    customers to take advantage of the plug-and-play nature of JBoss Enterprise Middleware and its open and

    interoperable value proposition.

    swEdish railways chosE Jboss soa platform

    for improvEd pErformancE and customEr sErvicE

    Swedish Railways (SJ AB), the national railway operator in Sweden, travels between 350 stations and

    carries 100,000 passengers per day. In May 2006, SJ AB recognized the need to upgrade its internal

    software delivery system in order to provide a shared platform for all of its IT systems. The integration

    of the IT systems is essential for SJ AB, as it uses a diverse range of applications relevant to human

    resources, sales, and other departments. Each application needs to be accessed across a range of

    interfaces from PCs to PDAs.

    The Integration Platform, utilizing Red Hat and JBoss solutions, was launched in October 2007. The rst

    major project for the ICC was the creation of a ticket-auction system to sell unsold tickets on Tradera.

    com, the Swedish auction website owned by eBay Inc. Using JBoss ESB, a key component of the JBoss

    Enterprise SOA Platform, any tickets that have not been sold by SJ within two days of departure are

    automatically transferred to the eBay-owned Tradera system where they are available for auction until

    six hours before departure.

    With Red Hat and JBoss solutions, the SJ AB Integration Platform has delivered increased ROI for the

    railway. Through its Tradera.com ticket-auction project, which took just four months to complete, SJ is

    now able to sell an extra 1,500 tickets per week. Previously, these tickets went unsold. With the creation

    of the SJ AB Integration Platform, the ICC is now able to rapidly deliver cost-effective, integrated IT

    projects across the entire business. As an indirect benet, the collaboration with Tradera.com has also

    given SJ enhanced recognition as an innovator in online consumer sales, attracting new interest in train

    travel in Sweden.

    Read more at ://e.e.e./2008/02/20/e--ee-


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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    booz allEn dEpEnds on rEd hat products

    to crEatE a flExiblE and scalablE soa platform

    Booz Allen Hamilton is a leading global consulting rm with more than 20,000 employees serving clients

    on six continents. In 2004, Booz Allen was approached by a government agency to perform a proof of

    concept for a Windows-based document-processing system. Although the proof of concept was successful,

    attempts to scale the solution up to a production-grade system encountered serious roadblocks.

    After thinking through its options, Booz Allen decided to design an SOA-based platform using an ESB for

    a variety of reasons. First, a highly clustered and highly virtualized architecture was needed to build the

    kind of agile grid of computing and storage resources necessary to scale to the extent the client agency

    needed. Additionally, Booz Hamilton wanted to build a platform it could leverage in the future for other

    client engagements.

    At the application layer, JBoss Application Server, a key component of the JBoss Enterprise Application

    Platform, provided the ability to create a clustered application server environment. Its built-in redundancy

    allowed Booz Allen to implement a message-oriented middleware (MOM) infrastructure using the JBossEnterprise SOA Platform, including JBoss Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), JBoss jBPM, and JBoss Rules.

    JBoss Operations Network was used to perform application and service management.

    re e:

    Consolidating 55 underutilized servers into just eight servers.

    Increased data processing from 1,000 documents per hour and 18,000 documents per day to more

    than 10,000 documents per hour and 100,000 documents per day.

    Created a system with with tremendous exibility and scalability over a one-year period.

    Jboss soa platform automatEs opErations for cadtEl customErs

    Founded in 1985, CADTEL Systems is a premier provider of integrated Operational Support Systems

    software that helps communications providers manage network resources efciently. Their customer,

    North State Communications, is a 100-year-old Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) providing

    local, long distance, wireless, and Internet services. As the company undergoes continuous expansion

    for next-generation offerings, North State realized that its existing mainframe billing and service order

    management platform was not able to accommodate the inter-departmental processes required for

    provisioning more complex data services. North State chose to convert to a new billing system, which

    then required integration with the companys existing outside plant engineering application, SpatialBASE

    from CADTEL. Using JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform, CADTEL rated the data from the outside plant, inside

    plant, order management, and customer service and sales departments to form a modern supply-chain

    management system that truly addresses the nuances of communications service providers, such as

    North State. As a result of deploying the new system, North State experienced an immediate improvement

    in productivity and reduction in operating costs.

    Read more at ://e.e.e./2008/02/08/j---e-


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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    intERoPERaBiLity anD JBoss EntERPRisE

    MiDDLEwaRE suPPoRt of soa stanDaRDs

    The primary goal of investing in SOA throughout the enterprise is to create an IT infrastructure that is more

    nimble and adaptable to changes associated with the functional aspects of business needs. Business units

    have historically responded to fast and ever-changing market conditions, customer demands, and industry-

    wide regulatory changes by building, buying, merging, and acquiring new technology or entire businesses.

    Executives demand the ability to adapt to new trends regardless of how inexible or brittle their current IT

    infrastructure is. Expediting satisfaction of these demands typically involves a solution that often requires

    a new technology platform from yet another vendor. Heterogeneous IT infrastructures are the result. A

    resilient, exible SOA infrastructure means success today and preparedness for the unknowns of tomorrow.

    How is interoperability achieved? Standards matter, and JBoss is aggressively working with standards

    bodies and certication efforts. JBoss Enterprise Middleware supports the key Java, XML, and web

    services standards that have been widely adopted by most of the industry to build SOA infrastructure.

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware supports these standards to enable ISV, partner, and enterprise

    interoperability and integration.

    The open source model drives mass adoption by using a vast community to validate a technology and

    prove its success in the IT infrastructures of both large and small businesses. Open source drives de

    facto standards and ubiquity of a proven solution, allowing you to more easily nd resources and ensure

    connectivity and interoperability. In addition to massive community adoption and de facto standards,

    JBoss is actively participating in various standards bodies to take the innovations that have been vetted by

    the masses and working with a consortium of other vendors to deliver industry-wide specications. JBoss

    is on the executive committee and is an active participant in the Java Community Process (JCP) where we

    have helped shape Java EE, focused on simplication of the middleware programming models.

    A partial list of SOA standards supported by JBoss Enterprise Middleware include:

    SOAP 1.1

    WSDL 1.1

    UDDI 2.0 & access via JAXR 1.0

    WS4EE 1.1

    JAXRPC 1.1

    SAAJ 1.2

    XML 1.0

    XML Schema Part 1: Structures

    XML Schema Part 2: Data types

    WS-I BP 1.0

    WS-Security 1.0

    JSR-261 JAX-WSA

    WS-Addressing 1.0

    WS-Coordination 1.0

    WS-AtomicTransaction 1.0

    WS-BusinessActivity 1.0

    JAX-WS 2.0

    SOAP 1.2


    WS-BPEL 1.1 (beta)

    BPEL 2.0 through a partner offering

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    RED hat RaisED to thE PowER of PaRtnERs

    SOA is about improving business execution and ITs ability to respond to business change and

    opportunities. To fully maximize the potential of SOA, an enterprise will need to draw on resources beyond

    any single IT vendor. For IT vendors, Red Hats open source model offers the best of the open source

    community along with a cohesive and high-quality SOA platform around which to build their solutions.

    advantaGEs of usinG Jboss EntErprisE middlEwarE for soa: a larGE partnEr EcosystEm

    Red Hat has established a signicant support ecosystem around JBoss Enterprise Middleware with

    partners who have a vast set of complementary hardware, ISV, and services solutions. Certied JBoss ISV

    Partners and JBoss Business Partners add signicant value to JBoss Enterprise Middleware deployments

    and help enterprises build SOAs to improve business execution. Figure 10 illustrates a representative mix

    of JBoss Partners.

    Key JBoss Partners offer critical areas across the product solutions stack:

    Platforms and Systems

    HP, Dell, IBM, NEC, Sun, Unisys, Azul, Intel, AMD

    ISV solutions

    ActiveEndpoints, AmberPoint, DataDirect, iWay, Jaspersoft, SeeWhy, SOA Software, Vitria

    Platform Interoperability

    Strategically focused interoperability alliances with Sun, Microsoft

    fiGurE 10: Jboss EntErprisE middlEwarE partnErs

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    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    soa solutions capability: rEd hat consultinG

    Delivering mission-critical solutions to customers worldwide, Red Hat Consulting offers experience and

    open source expertise on which customers rely. And they now offer full-service consulting and solutions for

    SOA. With years of industry experience in SOA development strategies as well as open source technologies

    in general, Red Hat Consulting is well positioned to help customers at any phase of the SOA lifecycle.

    Red Hat consultants provide assistance using industry-leading mentoring techniques, which help ensure

    knowledge transfer and build the internal capability to make better decisions across business and

    technology boundaries. This type of approach to projects has been documented as highly successful over

    the past few years, but it is especially critical in SOA projects, where business and IT must be aligned to

    allow success and where the cost of following the wrong path can be enormous.

    rEd hat consultinG: soa sErvicE offErinGs

    Red Hat Consulting provides various consulting services focused on SOA. The services described below

    highlight Red Hats capabilities in this space and areas in which Red Hat can help you realize near termvalue from your SOA investments.

    Full Service SOA is Red Hats holistic approach to transforming organizations through a service-oriented

    architectural approach that addresses the three most important drivers of enterprise IT success: people,

    process, and technology. SOA supports true software and business process alignment, allowing the

    business to shape its own processes rather than being forced to conform to the constraints of a set of

    aging IT decisions and software congurations. Red Hat Consultings unique approach to SOA allows an

    organization to drive signicant and immediate bottom line impact. Full Service SOA addresses all aspects

    of an organizational transformation, removing silos, establishing IT governance structures, creating

    common business denitions, and generally enabling enterprise business and IT functions to interact

    seamlessly to the overall benet of the company.

    As the leader in open source, Red Hat has been working with businesses and IT teams worldwide to plan,

    architect, and implement SOA. Consulting methods always take into account the needs of the business and

    the best ways to outt IT groups to meet those ever-increasing and complex needs. Red Hat Consulting

    can help businesses at any stage along the SOA path by assessing the enterprises SOA needs and then

    creating the appropriate business and IT plans to achieve new efciencies through the appropriate

    allocation of people, process, and technology.

    Red Hat Consulting has developed a complete service offering for SOA built on the JBoss SOA Platform

    and various complementary products. These services span the complete SOA lifecycle from initial

    envisioning and business assessments to design and implementation of mission-critical enterprise systems

    using SOA techniques.

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    18 .jb.m

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    sErvicE dEscription

    SOA Organizational

    Readiness Assessment

    An SOA Readiness assessment covers a full analysis of your organizations ability to

    take on the challenge of SOA. Addressing areas such as business and IT alignment,

    governance, and funding models, along with technical capabilities, development

    processes, and current platform investments, Red Hats approach mitigates risk and

    paves the way for successful SOA initiatives.

    Enterprise Business

    Process and Domain

    Consolidation and


    Red Hat Consulting will utilize our signature mentoring model to work with internal

    enterprise architects across both business and data domains, helping to establish

    a common language for SOA, elaborating canonical forms for key business entities

    and creating a plan for appropriate granularity of services across the organization.

    SOA Governance

    Plan Creation

    Governance is a key part of any large IT process, and SOA typically has little chance

    for long-term success without the creation of and support for an appropriate

    governance plan and structure. Red Hat Consulting can help your organization align

    business and IT priorities and put in place governance structures and rules that helpthe adoption and success of SOA.

    Enterprise Service

    Design and


    Relying on our experience in designing and implementing highly functional and cost-

    effective SOAs across our customer base, Red Hat Consulting can appropriately

    plan the proper design and implementation of a service-oriented architecture for

    new customers. Our approach includes service denition and segmentation across

    business and core enterprise areas, selection of appropriate platforms and tools for

    service exposure and consumption, and full lifecycle implementation and testing of

    complete service platforms to enable high-volume business usage.

    Enterprise Service Bus

    (ESB) Implementation

    Enterprise Service Bus technology is often part of SOA solutions. Red Hat

    Consulting is well-versed in all the major players in the ESB space. We can help

    organizations plan and implement ESB solutions as part of a larger SOA strategy

    or to provide greater exibility to an existing technology infrastructure with a

    heterogeneous mix of legacy and service oriented systems.

    SOA Product Selection

    Assistance (ESB, WS

    toolkits, Governance,

    Monitoring, Versioning,

    and Orchestration


    Service design and implementation assume certain baseline platform tools will

    be necessary, but an SOA requires much more than basic service exposure and

    consumption. To achieve long-term success with SOA, it must be properly organized

    within the context of the larger enterprise, governed with respect to enterprise

    priorities, monitored for service level compliance or failure situations, versioned for

    a exible and ever changing business, and orchestrated for more complex business

    processes. Red Hat Consulting has experience in a wide range of products and

    toolkits (including JBoss) and can help you select the right products to make your

    SOA truly enterprise-class.


    SOA Monitoring

    SOA monitoring tools were few and far between a few years ago. SOA connectivity

    and service levels were typically observed via standard Java EE platform features

    that focused on component-based timing and failures rather than true service

    monitoring. With the newest wave of SOA tooling comes an opportunity to monitor

    and manage an organizations SOA with out-of-the-box solutions rather than custom

    code. Using our signature mentoring model, Red Hat can lend our knowledge of

    these tools to any enterprise SOA implementation, helping to ensure success.

    Change Management Service versioning and change management within an SOA is a difcult problem,

    requiring well-planned processes and appropriate use of available tools. Red Hat

    Consulting can provide our years of expertise in SOA and change management to

    ensure that a sustainable and efcient process is dened for our customers.

    The following chart describes services Red Hat Consulting offers for SOA:

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    .jb.m 19

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    soa casE study: la pEtitE acadEmy

    see ee ae, re h

    La Petite Academy, the nations largest privately-held early childhood education company, has a

    tremendous responsibility to both parents and licensing entities to provide safe and effective supervision

    of children in its care. To ensure that all such companies are providing proper care for children, federal,

    state, and local laws and regulations specify detailed employee-to-child ratio requirements based on the

    skill level of the employees and the age of the children being supervised. There are associated penalties

    for non-compliance.

    La Petite Academys legacy technology platform, based on Visual Basic applications in each of over 600

    locations and a central, AS/400-based platform, required custom development each time a regulation

    changed. This made centralized reporting for compliance and management for process efciencies a

    near impossibility.

    La Petite Academy wished to develop a new system on a new platform to address these regulatory needsand overcome the following major challenges:

    reg e

    La Petite Academy needed a system that would allow them to assist each of their locations in

    complying with ever-changing federal, state, and local employee-to-child ratios at all times, even as

    these ratios changed at various times and attendance levels changed at each location from day to day.


    La Petite Academy also needed to optimize stafng efciency at all locations at all times, ensuring that

    no more or no less staff were on duty than required. This was necessary to help proactively manage

    La Petite Academys largest cost labor.


    Proactively managing and directing stafng levels for districts and regions covering thousands ofsquare miles required management to get a remote, near-real-time view of each academys stafng

    levels and compliance. The existing systems only uploaded data from the locations at the end of each

    week, long after the information was actionable.

    be/it ge

    La Petite Academy performed all development from a regional development center located hundreds

    of miles away from corporate headquarters. Therefore, an effective means of cooperation and shared

    vision between the business users and the IT staff needed to be forged along with reuse of corporate

    business process and technical assets at both coarse and ne-grained levels.

    be it e

    The internal IT staff possessed extremely valuable knowledge about La Petite Academys business

    processes and needs but were constrained by their legacy skill sets. In order to provide the most cost-effective development of business processes and systems going forward, La Petite Academy needed

    to retain this knowledge while modernizing the overall project lifecycle process of the organization

    and the skill sets of their business and IT staff.

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    20 .jb.m

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    ae ae

    In order to align with regulatory requirements, La Petite Academy was forced to focus signicant energy

    on compliance. Amentra partnered with La Petite Academy not only to help meet those regulatory

    demands, but also to shift the focus back to building its business using the new system as an opportunity

    to modify the entire business and IT environment. Amentra used a service-oriented approach in a way

    that provided:

    cee gee eg e

    All regulations are now stored centrally and re-checked against current attendance levels at each

    location in near-real-time, reducing administration costs and allowing for real-time updates in response

    to regulatory changes. Locations that are not in compliance get immediate feedback from this system,

    allowing managers at each location to quickly take corrective action.

    ne e-e ee

    The same system checks stafng levels at each location to ensure that the location is not over-staffed,

    thereby inappropriately increasing labor costs. Again, managers get immediate feedback when thisoccurs, enabling quick corrective action.

    ne e-e e g g

    Operational management at all levels within La Petite Academy now have the ability to monitor stafng

    and attendance in near-real-time through a web-based interface. Locations that are under or over-

    staffed are immediately agged for inspection by district, regional, and executive management. This

    creates an environment of benevolent oversight and enforcement of corporate policy. The technical

    infrastructure using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) that provides these capabilities (e.g., data

    transfer, automated analysis, web-based reporting) was specically designed to be reusable and

    easily extensible to support future needs such as centralization of billing, payroll, self-service human

    resources management, etc.

    Ee e/it ge

    Amentra helped La Petite Academy adopt a modernized software development methodology and

    lifecycle that allows for a process-driven governance strategy for easier support of distributed

    requirements gathering and analysis, while providing business-level visibility into the development

    processes throughout all phases of the project lifecycle. This will help reduce La Petite Academys

    ongoing software development costs while supporting faster time-to-market for new systems.

    cg ege it e

    Amentra used its industry-leading signature mentoring methodology to re-tool La Petite Academys

    business and IT staff, providing them with a deep understanding of best practices and approaches for

    its new product infrastructure. Amentra met a critical success factor for this engagement by mentoring

    the business and IT staff to a point where they are able to independently develop new business

    processes, enhance the existing systems, and build comparable new systems. This ensures that they

    are not leveraged on consulting services in the future.

    In order to move to the next level, La Petite Academy and Amentra engaged at a true partnership level.

    La Petite Academy recognized that Amentras unique mentoring model was perfectly suited to its needs.

    Amentra was engaged to provide mentoring to La Petite Academys business and technical staff to

    establish best practices, identify best of breed tools and technologies, and to lead La Petite Academy in

    the design and implementation of the Optimal Stafng project. The Amentra team was simultaneously

    responsible for architecting, designing, and implementing the foundation for La Petites SOA approach

    that can be leveraged now and in the future.

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    22 .jb.m

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    why JBoss EntERPRisE

    MiDDLEwaRE foR youR soa?

    SOA is about improving business and IT execution. With strong partners with business and technical

    professional services, software, and hardware, Red Hat is well positioned to help enterprises realize their

    potential with SOA. And the underlying technology, JBoss Enterprise Middleware, is a critical part of the

    SOA puzzle. Red Hat rounds out JBoss Enterprise Middleware with high-quality technical support and

    services with the JBoss subscription to speed enterprises along to their SOA-enabled business goals.

    The open source business model is designed to let customers and partners expand to huge deployments.

    Since there is no per-CPU charge, customers can scale up and out to meet their business needs, whether

    its a large central grid or a distributed store network of 3,000 locations.

    And Red Hat doesnt lock customers into a closed, proprietary, and expensive implementation. All

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware platforms and frameworks are based on industry standards that assureinteroperability. Financial services, telecom, transportation, media, and insurance companies are just

    a few of the industries that are building their SOAs on JBoss Enterprise Middleware.

    Effectiveness, consumability, ease-of-development and deployment, and reduced costs are key tenets for

    a successful SOA platform. Built with the open source model, which results in high customer satisfaction,

    JBoss Enterprise Middleware is the markets only open source portfolio for SOA. JBoss Enterprise

    Middleware provides mass-market economics for an enterprise SOA platform.

    Learn more at ://.j./

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    .jb.m 23

    Red Hat Continues to Redene SOA: Simple. Open. Affordable.

    aBout RED hat, inc.

    Red Hat, the worlds leading open source solutions provider, is headquartered in Raleigh, NC with

    satellite ofces spanning the globe. The most trusted name in open source, CIOs and other senior-level

    IT executives have ranked Red Hat as the industrys most valued vendor for two consecutive years in the

    CIO Insight Magazine Vendor Value study. Red Hat is leading Linux and open source solutions into the

    mainstream by making high-quality, low-cost technology accessible. Red Hat provides an operating system

    platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, along with applications, management, and middleware solutions,

    including the JBoss Enterprise Middleware Suite. Red Hat is accelerating the shift to service-oriented

    architectures and enabling the next generation of web-enabled applications running on a low-cost, secure

    open source platform. Red Hat also offers support, training and consulting services to its customers

    worldwide and through top-tier partnerships. Red Hats open source strategy offers customers a long term

    plan for building infrastructures that are based on and leverage open source technologies with a focus on

    security and ease of management.

    Learn more: ://.e.

    JBoss and JEMS are registered trademarks or trademarks of JBoss, Inc. in the United States and other

    countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks herein are property of their respective owners.

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