jbc am6500

Instructions manual US Version AM 6500 REWORK STATION

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Instructions manualUS Version0781056-1003WARRANTY ENGLISHThe JBC 2 years warranty, guaranteesthis equipment against all manufacturingdefects,coveringthereplacementofdefective parts and all necessary labour.Warrantydoes not cover product weardue to use or mis-use.Inorderforthewarrantytobevalid,equipmentmustbereturned,postagepaid, to the dealer where it was purchasedenclosing this, fully filled in, sheet.DATE OF PURCHASESTAMP OF DEALERSERIALNAM 6500REWORK STATI ONMANUFACTURED BYJBC Industrias, S.A.Ramn y Cajal, 3 - 08750 MOLINS DE REIBARCELONA - SPAINTel.: +34 93 325 32 00 - Fax: +34 93 680 49 70http://www.jbctools.come-mail:[email protected] appreciate the confidence you have placed in JBC in purchasing this station.It is manufactured to the most stringent quality standards in order to give you thebest possible service. Before turning on your station, we recommend you to readtheseinstructionscarefully.Extractor standRef.093284520 tripodRef.093205040 tripodRef.0932250AD 8245soldering iron standRef.0788245DR 5600desoldering ironRef.5600000* 2210/2225 handpieceRef.2210000 2245 cartridgesMP 2260Pick & PlaceRef.2260000AM 6500rework stationPick & Place and extractorsvacuum selectionJT 8700heater standRef.0828700Equipotentialterminal* These elements are notsupplied with the stationSpare filtersRef.0781046* PA 8120hot tweezers standRef.0748120* PA 8110hot tweezers standRef.07481102245 handpieceRef.2245000* PA 4200hot tweezersRef.4200000* Cartridges for the PA 4200 hot tweezers* PA 1200micro hot tweezers Ref.1200000* 1200 cartridgesDR 8500desoldering iron standRef.0788500External desoldering air filterRef.0821830Temperatureselector* 2210 cartridges* 2225 cartridges* AP 1300solder feed ironRef.1300000* Cartridges for theAP 1300 solderfeed iron* AD 8210soldering iron standRef.0788210* AP 8130soldering feed iron standRef.07881302SPECIFICATIONSThe AM 6500 is a rework station for through-hole andSMT boards.- AM 6500 120V Ref. 6500100It contains 4 modules which cover the main reworktasks:- HotairfordesolderinganysizeofSMDcomponents.ThestationusestheexclusiveJBCsystem,based on protectors-extractors and hot-air flow,whichmakesdesolderingcleanandquick,concentrating the heat on the IC, and protectingthe rest of the circuit at the same time.A medium-sized SMD can be desoldered in lessthan 20 seconds.- Desoldering SMTs and cleaning of through-holecomponentsandpadsbyusingtheDR5600desoldering iron, which contains a self-containedvacuum pump.- Pick & Place MP 2260 pencil by suction to aidcomponents positioning.- Soldering of all types of components, with theswift response, power and temperature recoveryof the Advanced series.AnyoftheAdvancedtool sforsol deri ng- AnyoftheAdvancedtool sforsol deri ng- AnyoftheAdvancedtool sforsol deri ng- AnyoftheAdvancedtool sforsol deri ng- AnyoftheAdvancedtool sforsol deri ng-desolderingcanbeconnectedtothetwo desolderingcanbeconnectedtothetwo desolderingcanbeconnectedtothetwo desolderingcanbeconnectedtothetwo desolderingcanbeconnectedtothetwomodules: modules: modules: modules: modules:the soldering handpieces, the DR 5600desoldering iron, the AP 1300 solder feed iron andthe tweezers.The standardization of connections allows you toadaptyourconfigurationinthebestwaytoyourjob's needs. Do notice that you can connect only onedesoldering iron.In the station it is easy to verify which temperaturecontrolmoduleiscontrollingwhichtool.Withalltools in their stands take any one of them out of itsstand while watching the green LEDs of the station.You will see that the LED of the module the tool isconnectedto,willstopbeingintermittentthusindicating the tool is ready for use.The stations components- Control Unit with 900 W heater- 2245handpiece Ref. 2245000withthe2245-003cartridge Ref. 2245003- DR5600desolderingiron Ref. 5600000with the 5600-003 tipRef. 5600003- MP 2260 Pick & Place Ref. 2260000Accessoriesfortheheater:- JT8700heaterstand Ref. 0828700- Extractorstand Ref. 0932845- Set of 5 protectors(Fig. 1, page 27)- Setof5extractors(Fig.2,page27)- 2tripodsfortheprotectors(Fig.1,page27)- Set of 4 suction cups Ref. 0930110- 3nozzlesIn order to make the nozzles removal easier, thestandhas a special bushing. (Fig. 3, page 27).- Suction tube with connectors Ref. 0932330- Pedal with cable and connector Ref. 0964551Accessories for the 2245 handpiece:- AD 8245 soldering iron stand Ref. 0788245Accessories for the desoldering iron:- DR 8500 desoldering iron stand Ref. 0788500- External desoldering air filter Ref. 0821830- Spare filters Ref. 0781046- Set of accessories Ref. 0780593Accessories for the Pick & Place:- Set of suction cups Pick & Place Ref. 0940163- Set of straight needles Ref. 0901546- Set of bent needles Ref. 0861660- Instruction manual Ref. 0781056TheAM6500st at i onhast hef ol l owi ngcomplementary products:- 2210/2225handpiece Ref. 2210000- PA1200microhottweezers Ref. 1200000- PA4200hottweezers Ref. 4200000- AP1300solderfeediron Ref. 13000003Control Unit technical specifications- Maximum power soldering iron 50W- Maximum power desoldering iron 75W- Power heating unit 900W- Temperature selection of the soldering part :200 to 700F (5%)- Temperature selection hot air:300 to 850F (5%)- Air flow regulation: 6-45 l/min- Self-contained vacuum pump for holding ICs- Station's maximum power: 1150W- ESD protected housing.Typical surface resistance: 105-1011Ohms/square- Complies with CE standards on electrical safety,electromagneticcompatibilityandantistaticprotection.- Equipotential connector is earth connected to theplug feed of the station.- Weight of complete unit: 44 lbsRECOMMENDATIONS FOR USEForsolderinganddesoldering- Cleanthecontactsandtheprintedcircuittobedesolderedofdustordirt.- Preferablyselectatemperaturebelow662F.Excesstemperaturemaycausetheprintedcircuittrackstobreakloose.- Thetipmustbewelltinnedforgoodheatconduction.Ifithasbeeninoperativeforanylengthoftime,itshouldberetinned.Safetymeasures- Incorrectuseofthistoolmaycausefire.- Becautiouswhenusingthetoolinplaceswhereinflamableproductsarestored.- Heatcanfireupinflamableproductsevenwhentheyarenotatsight.- Donot usewhent heat mospherei sexplosive.- Placethetoolbackonitsstandinordertolet it cool down before you store it.4OPERATIONLEDlightsRed LED -ON- when lit, it indicates that the stationis plugged in the mains.Green LED -READY- when lit, it indicates that thesystemisreadyandcorrectlysetforworking.The green led light is on after a few seconds, is thetime needed to carry on the self-checking system.The green light is pulsing when the tool is in sleepmode.If the green led is not lit, the reason why, will be oneof the following:1. The tool is not plugged in.2. Themaxi mumavai l abl epowerhasbeenexceededfortoolong-e.g.inaverythicksolderingordesolderingatthehighrepeti-tionrates.3. The heating element has a short circuit or anopen circuit.4. WhenanAC2600consoleisconnectedtothestation.5. Any other trouble preventing the system fromworkingproperly.If any of the above mentioned causes is corrected,thestationwillstartworkingautomatically,exceptifthereisanexcessinanenergysupply.Inthiscase,thestationhastobeswitchedoffandre-started.Whenpressingthebuttonofthedesolderingironhandle,oneofthetwoledsintheareamarkedSUCTION will light up:Greenlight-SUCTION-indicatesthecorrectfunctioningofthedesolderingiron.Redlight-SUCTION-indicatesablockadewithin the vacuum circuit.Thiscanbecausedbythefollowing:- Thetipofthedesolderingironisblocked.- Thesoldertindepositisfull.- Thefilterofthedesolderingironisdirty.- The stations external desoldering air filter isdirty.Only for users of AC 2600 console ref. 2600000.If you lock the working temperature thanks to theconsole, the green LED -READY- will remain onwhile the dial is set at the locked temperature.Ifthedialisnotsetatthelockedtemperature,thegreenLED-READY-willbeblinking.Thefartherthedialwillbesetfromthelockedtemperaturetheslowertheblinkingpacewillbe.SLEEPFUNCTIONToolinsleepmodeOneoftheSeriesAdvancedfeaturesisthatwhenthetoolisplacedintheholder,thetemperatureatthetipdropsautomaticallytothesleeptemperature(sleep).Thisfunctioni sonl ypossi bl ebecauseof t hequi ckresponsetimewhichdoesnotmaketheuserreal i sethetemperatureri setoreachthesel ect edt emper at ur e. I nt hi sway, t heoxydat i onof t het i nni ngof t het i pi sconsiderably reduced and tip life is extended2oreven3times.To indicate that the tool is in sleep-mode, thegreenledstartspulsing.TheseparameterscanbemodifiedusingtheAC2600consoleRef.2600000.Inordertotakefulladvantageofthesleepfunctionandasasecuritymeasure,itisnecessarytoplacethetoolinthestandwhenitisnotbeingused.Whenconnectinganoldversionsolderstand,itmay happen that the sleep function does not work.To resolve this problem, you should make a bridgebetweenpinsnumber3and5fromtheaerialconnector of the cable of the stand, that plugs inthe station.AerialconnectorBridgebetweenpin number 3 & 55OPERATIONDescription of controls- PEDAL:Hot air is produced when it is held down.Releasingittheheaterisdisconnected,though the turbine continues to operate untilthe air temperature falls below 212F.- BUTTONS:Activates or desactivates the hot-air flow. After afunction-timeoftwominutesthehot-airflowswitches automatically off.The red light indicates, that the heating elementis functioning. A malfunction is indicated by thepulsing of the red led.On/off switch for the self-contained suction pump.The yellow light of the switch indicates that theself-contained vacuum pump is activated.- CONTROLS:TEMPERATUREAllows fixing the temperature of the heaterbet ween300and850F. Thesel ect edtemperatures are reference values which maychange depending on the distance betweenthe heating element and the nozzle.Allows fixing the temperature of the solderingand desoldering iron between 200 and 700C.AIRFLOWThis enables the air flow to be set on a scalefrom1 (corresponding to the lowest settingof 6 l/min) to 10 (corresponding to the highestof 45 l/min).- VACUUM SELECTOR:Twovacuuminletsavalaible,beingactivethe one that coincides with the arrow.HEATVACUUMDESOLDERINGPROCEDUREWITHTHEHEATERWe would also recommend the use of the nozzles oflarger diameter, reserving the smallest one (diam. 4mm)fordesolderingsmallcomponentssuchasresistors, condensers and the like, bearing in mindthat with this small nozzle the concentration of heatis greater and care must be taken to avoid burningthe printed circuit; we recommend keeping below atemperature of 662 F and air flow of 6.Depending on the size of the integrated circuit to bedesoldered, you will have to use:A) Protector + tripod.B) Extractor.C) Tripod.A) Protector + tripod:- SelectprotectorandtripodsizeinfunctionoftheICtobedesolderedandplaceitoverthecomponent.- Use the VACUUM button to start the pump andthen fit the tripod. Press the sucker down until itsticks onto the component.6- Use the pedal or the HEAT button to start theself-contained hot-air pump, directing it with acircular movement at the component terminalsand taking care to distribute the heat evenly.- When the soldering flux turns liquid the extractorwill automatically lift the component.B) Extractor:- Select extractor size in function of the IC to bedesoldered. Use the VACUUM button to startthe pump.- Fit the extractor and press the sucker down untilit sticks onto the component.- Use the pedal or the HEAT button to start theself-contained hot-air pump, directing it with acircular movement at the component terminalsand taking care to distribute the heat evenly.- When the soldering flux turns liquid the extractorwill automatically lift the component.7Therearedifferentmodelsofprotectorsandextractors as accessories.Themeasurementsofalltheextractorsandprotectorsaregivenonpage27ofinstructionsmanual.C) Tripod:Forsmallcomponentsforwhichanextractorcannot be used, we recommend use of tripod 20Ref. 0932050, as shown in the figure.Use the tripod 40 Ref. 0932250 for larger integratedcircuits.SOLDERINGPROCEDURE1 After desoldering the component, any solderleft on the printed circuit should be removedwith our DR 5600 desoldering iron ref.5600000.2 Place the component or printed circuit withthe MP 2260 Pick & Place ref. 2260000.3 When the component is correctly placed, solderits pins.In the case of integrated circuits of theFlat Pack type, first solder one pin of every ICangle to fix it in place in the circuits.4 ApplyFL9582fluxref.0046565inpadsandleads.5 Sol dertheremai ni ngpi ns.Forthi swerecommend to use our soldering irons of theAdvancedseries,whichareavailableintwodifferent models:82210/2225 handpieceref.2210000forgreatprecisiontasks,likeSMDsolders,etc.2245handpieceref.2245000forgeneralsoldering tasks in professional electronics.Thesesolderingironshaveawiderangeofcartridgeswithdifferentmodelsoftips.The2245-009 cartridge and 2245-010 are speciallydesignedforsolderingSMDcircuitsoftheQFP and PLCC types.Solder wire with a diameter of between 0.5 and0.7 mm should be used.6 Depending on the nature of the component to besoldered, use soldering paste together with ourTE5000hotairstation,whichgivesveryaccurate air-flow regulation, between 4 and 11l/min.MAINTENANCEExchanging the heater.Use a wrench to unscrew the cover.Follow this process inverted to re-connect the heater.Movebackthespringandthecover.Pulltheconnector from the socket to disconnect the heaterfrom the station.O-ring 17 x 1,8Exchanging the resistor from the heater.1. Move back the spring. Untighten the screws.2. To take out the resistor, press down the lowerpart of the heater on a fixed surface.94. Connect the new resistor, pushing its extreme.5. Fix the screws tightly to avoid air-loss whichcould reduce the resistors lifetime. Finally putthe spring back in its place.3. Separate the resistor from the heaters cable.OPERATING INCIDENTSThesuctioncupdoesnotadheretothecomponent.Deficient aspiration, Vacuum.1 Verifyifthesuctioncupiswellplacedandinperfect condition.Possible errorsInthecaseofmalfunction,thecontrolunitinterrupts the connection.Fol l owi ngal i st of t hemost commonmalfunctions:- Power failure.Check for blown fuses.- The temperature will not rise.Possible causes: Heating element open. In case of a long low-power period.- No reading from the thermocouple.Possible cause: open thermocouple.- Insufficientairflowwhichcausesanexcesiverise of the heating temperature.Before recuperating this type of error you mustwait until the temperature goes down.Possible causes: leaking or blocked air conductsor faulty self-contained air pump.- Faulty reading of the rotationsmeter of the self-contained air pump.Possiblecauses:airpumpdamagedorfaultyfunction of the optical sensor circuit.Torecuperateanyoftheseerrorsactuatethegeneralswitchatthebackofthestation,thepedal should not be pushed at this moment.FilterRef. 08618002 Check the incoming air filter in the interior ofthe station and replace it if dirty or obstructed.10DR5600DESOLDERINGIRONTheAM 6500 station includes the following:- DR5600desolderingironref.5600000withthe5600-003tipref.5600003.Powerdesolderingiron:75W.- DR 8500 desoldering iron stand ref. 0788500.- Externaldesolderingairfilterref.0821830.- Setofaccessoriesref.0780593withtipsforthe desoldering iron: 5600-013, 5600-004 and5600-005.The desoldering iron is connected to the stationfollowingthebelowprocedure:Thecableconnectionofthedesolderingironisconnected to the plug in the DR 8500 desolderingiron stand and the vacuum hose is connected totheexternaldesolderingairfilter,whichisconnectedtothevacuumconnectionofthestation.Thecableconnectionofthedesolderingironstandcanbeconnectedtoanyofthetwoconnectorsatthebackofthestation.Veryimportant, it is essential to connect the mentionedfilter to prevent from damaging the vacuum pump.DR8500DesolderingironstandRef.0788500DR5600DesolderingironRef.5600000HeatingelementRef.5600010Vacuum inletConnectorSparefiltersRef.0781046ExternaldesolderingairfilterRef.082183011DR5600Ref.5600000Desoldering tipHeating elementPushbutton vacuum pumpVacuum hoseDesoldering iron cableSolder tin depositMetalGlassDesolderingprocessUsethetipmodelwithalargerdiameterthanthepadtobedesoldered,soastoachievemaximumaspirationandthermalefficiency.1 Applythedesolderingirontipsothatthecomponentterminalpenetrateswithinitsorifice.2 Whenthesolderliquefies,startgentlytorotatethedesolderingtipsothatthecomponentsterminalcanbeeasedawayfromthesides.3 Pressthen,notbefore,thevacuumpumppush-buttonjustlongenoughtoaspiratethesolder.Afterpressingthedesolderingkeythereisaslightdelayuntiltheself-containedvacuumpumpstops,thisistomakesurethatthevacuumcircuitiscompletelyempty.If any solder remains are left on any terminal afterattemptingtodesolderit,resolderitwithfreshsolderandrepeatthedesolderingoperation.1 2 3Tipcare- The largest rod that fits in the tip hole shouldperiodicallybepassedthroughinordertocleantheintaketube.- Tocleanthetips,usethespongeincludedwiththestandandcheckitisslightlymoisted.Onlydeionisedwater(carbatterywater) Onlydeionisedwater(carbatterywater) Onlydeionisedwater(carbatterywater) Onlydeionisedwater(carbatterywater) Onlydeionisedwater(carbatterywater)should be used in order to wet the sponge should be used in order to wet the sponge should be used in order to wet the sponge should be used in order to wet the sponge should be used in order to wet the sponge.Ifnormalwaterwastobeused,itisverylikely that the tip will become dirty due to thesaltsdissolvedwithinthewater.- Donotfilethetipsoruseabrasivetoolswhichmaydamagethetipsprotectivesurfacecoatingandavoidknockingthemabout.- Ifthetiphasbeenalongtimewithoutbeingtinned,useametalbrushtoremoveanydirtandoxid.IMPORTANT: :: ::DONOTpressthepushbuttonvacuum pump while tinning the desoldering tip,as the fumes given off by the flux would quicklysoil the ducts and filter of the air circuit.12Ref. 5600-001 5600-002 5600-003 5600-004 5600-005 5600-006 5600-0075600A (mm)B (mm)max. pin (mm)001 / 0111.40.60.4002 / 0121.80.80.6003 / 0132.710.80043.21.31.10053.41.61.40064.221.70074.82.52.3A B 5600-012 5600-013 5600-011DESOLDERINGTIPSTheset i psarespecially designed toclean the pads.ChangeofdesolderingtipThisoperationshouldbedonewhilethetipishot, at a minimum temperature of 482F, so thatany tin left inside is in molten state.- Unscrewthetiptobereplaced,withtheaidofthespannersupplied.- Fitthenewtip,andtightenupwiththespannertoachieveagoodairtightness.ToemptythesoldertindepositandchangethefilterFor this, the lid needs to be unscrewed and firstthetindepositandthenitsspiralmustberemovedtocleantheinnerpartofthedepositwithabrush.- Theconditionofthefiltermustbecheckedandreplacedifdirtyordamaged.- Thedepositneedstobeinsertedwithspiralfilterputintoplace.Thenthewholemustbeclosedbyscrewingthelidshut.LidBrushRef. 0786640Filter Ref.0780840DepositSpiralRef. 078055013SoldertindepositsIt can be chosen between two different deposittypes:- MetalRef.0812630.- GlassRef.0812620.- Placethenewheatingelement.Checkthattherightextremityoftheupperpartoftheheatingelementisinsertedintheslotlocatedinsidethebodyofthedesolderingiron(seedrawinghereunder).- Screwoutthebodyofthedesolderingiron.Openupthebodyandremovetheheatingelement.- Screwinthebodyofthedesolderingiron.Putthespiralandthefilterbackintothedeposit.Placethedepositinsidethebodyofthedesolderingironandscrewintheshutlid.LidBrushRef. 0786640Filter Ref. 0780840DepositSpiralHeating elementRef. 5600010Changeoftheheati ngel ementofthedesolderingiron(Ref.5600010)- Torealizethisoperation,thelidneedstobeunscrewedandfirstthetindepositandthenitsspiralandfiltermustberemovedtocleantheinnerpartofthedepositwithabrush.14CleaningthevacuumpumpvalveOpen the control unit as follow:- Disconnectthecontrolunit.- Turnitupsidedown,removethefixingscrews.- Returnthestationtoitsnormalpositionandliftupthelid.- Undothefourscrewsfasteningthepumpcover.- Cleanthevalvewithaclothdampenedinalcohol.Ifitistoosoiled,replaceitwithnewone.Ref.0982970.DetectingairleaksinthecircuitTo detect air leaks in the circuit:- Obst r uct t het i pi nl etorificebypressingdownonasiliconedisc,orbendthetubeconnecti ngthedesol deri ngi ront ot hefilter.- Pressthepushbuttonvacuumpump.Iftheredledlightsup,thereisnolossofsuction. Otherwise air gets into the system atsome point. This can occur at the desolderingtip, or may be caused by the lid of the deposit,lidsoffiltersorbecausetheairpumpdoesnotfuncti oncorrectl yduetodi rtyval veswhich occurs when the air filter has not beenusedcorrectly.ChangingthepumpinletfilterVerify the filter at the entrance of the pump, andchangeitifdirtyorobstructed,therefor:Open the filter pulling the flap.Take out the 2 cotton filters, throw away thosewhicharesoiledandreplacethemwithnewones.Alwaysuse2filters.Closethefilterandchecktheairtightness.15MP 2260 PICK & PLACE PENThe MP 2260 pick & place pen ref. 2260000 forthe placing of SMD is also delivered with the AM6500.The pen is connected to the plug VACUUM of thestation. Please find the connection plan on page 1.Asetofstraightandbentneedlesaswellasasetofdifferentsizedsuctioncupsisdeliveredwith the station:- Set of suction cups Ref. 0940163- Set of straight needles Ref. 0901546- Set of bent needles Ref. 0861660The suction cups can be adjusted to the needlesin order to make the placement of SMD of differentsizes on boards easier.These accessories allows the adjustment to weightand size of any type of component.Component pick-up (Fig. A)Place the needle tip on the component and blockthe control orifice with the first finger of the otherhandsothatthecomponentmaybeheldtotheneedle by suction.Component placing (Fig. B)Placethecomponentinpositionontheprintedcircuit.Removeyourfingerfromtheorificeallowing air to enter whereby the component willbe released in the desired position.Faults and remediesWelistbelowthemostfrequentfaultsandthepossibleremedieswhichyouyourselfmaybeabletoapply.Inanycase,theJBCtechnicalassistance service will attend to you if required.Insufficient suctionThetubeshavetobecheckedforpossibleairescapes and the correct connection of the tubestotheirterminalsmustbeobserved.Checktheincoming air filter in the interior of the station andreplace it if dirty or obstructed.Ifinspiteofthisthesuctionisinsufficient,theself-contained vacuum pump should be checked.FilterRef. 0861800When you assemble the suction cup with the needle,youshouldavoidtheneedletostickoutofthelower part.Fig. A Fig. BCUPSRef.: 0940163STRAIGHTNEEDLESRef.: 0901546 AmmCOLOR2 x 4,3 BLACKYELLOW 2 x 7PINK 2 x 10 Bmm2 x 0,72 x 0,92 x 1,2BENTNEEDLESRef.: 0861660COLORGREENYELLOWPINK Bmm2 x 0,82 x 0,92 x 1,216AD8210solderingironstandRef.07882102210/2225handpieceRef.22100002245handpieceRef.22450002245cartridges2210cartridges2225cartridgesConnectorADVANCEDHANDPIECESRANGEAlltheAdvancedsolderinghandpiecesrangecan be connected to the AM 6500 station.TheAM6500stationincludesthefollowingproducts:- 2245handpieceref.2245000withthe2245-003cartridgeRef.2245003.Power:50W.Forgeneralsolderingwork.- AD8245 solderingironstand ref.0788245.- Set of accessories ref. 0780593 with 2245-007cartridge Ref. 2245007. It can be chosen fromawiderangeofdifferent2245cartridgestoadaptperfectlytotheneedsofthejob(pag.24).Thefollowingsolderinghandpiececanbeconnected to the AM 6500 station:- 2210/2225handpieceref.2210000.Power:20W.Forhighprecisionwork,SMDetc.Thishandpiece can be used with the 2210 and 2225cartridges.The2225cartridgesaresmallerthanthe2245cartridgesandmuchmorepowerfulthanthe2210cartridges.Available2210and2225cartridges:seepage26.The 2210/2225 handpiece has to be connectedto the AD 8210 stand which has been especiallydesignedforthishandpiece.Oneversi onof sol deri ngi ronhandpi ececoveredwithheatisolaterisavailable:- 2245Conforthandpieceref.2245110.These articles are not delivered with the station.The2210,2225and2245handpiecesandcartridgescomplywiththeMIL-SPEC-2000referring to the potential difference between thesolderingtipandgroundconnection,mustbelessthan2mV.Forasolderinghandpiecetoworkproperly,the following components are required: a controlunit, a handpiece and the corresponding standandcartridge.The soldering iron is connected to the station inthefollowingway:Thecableconnectionofthesolderingironisconnected to the plug in the soldering iron standandthecableconnectionofthesolderingironstandcanbeconnectedtoanyofthetwoconnectorsatthebackofthestation.Pleasefind the connection plan on figure.AD8245solderingironstandRef.078824517AlignmentX XX X X X XImportant.- It is essential to insert the cartridge till the endforagoodconnection.Takethemark a sreference.2 - Place the handpiece on top of the new cartridge,press it slightly down and remove the handpiece.Changing the handpiece's cartridgeWith the Advanced system, the cartridge can bechanged quickly, without turning off the station,so you have two soldering irons in one. Here iswhat to do to change the cartridge: :: ::1 - Place the handpiece and remove the cartridge.3 -PressthecartridgeintotheopeningA,BorC:A.Forstraight2210and2225cartridges.B.Forcurved2210and2225cartridges.C. For 2245 cartridges.AdvancedseriescartridgeThecartridgeismadeoftheheatingelementwhichhastheheatingsystem,atemperaturesensor and a long life tip.Thelong-lifetipisbasicallymadeof:1 Copper2 Iron3 Chromium4 TinplateLong-lifetipcareExceptforthecoppercore,therestofmetalsare placed galvanically on relatively thin layers,thereforeitisnecessarytoavoidanythingwhichcouldcausetheirdestruction.To clean the tips, use the sponge included withthestandandcheckthatitisslightlymoisted.Only deionised water (car battery water) should Only deionised water (car battery water) should Only deionised water (car battery water) should Only deionised water (car battery water) should Only deionised water (car battery water) shouldbe used in order to wet the sponge be used in order to wet the sponge be used in order to wet the sponge be used in order to wet the sponge be used in order to wet the sponge. If normalwater was to be used, it is very likely that the tipwill become dirty due to the salts dissolved withinthewater.Tore-tinthesolderingtips,werecommendusing the TT 9400 tip tinner/cleaner ref. 9400000.18JBCreservestherighttomaketechnicalchangeswithoutprior notification.AC2600consoleTheAC2600consoleisdesignedformodifyingtheoriginalregulationprogramparametersofthefollowingAdvancedcontrolunits:- AD2000solderingstation.- AD2200solderingstation.- DI 3000 digital soldering station(**).- AD 4200 and AD 4300 dual soldering stations.- AR5500,AR5800(*)andDS5300(*)desolderingstations.- AM6000andAM6500(*)reworkstations.(*)Thesestati onsneedaconsol ewhoseprogramversionis4.0orhigher.(**)Thesestationsneedaconsolewhoseprogramversionis5.01orhigher.Changesavalaibletoperform:- Fixingthetheworkingtemperature.- Selection of temperature units in Celsius grades-C-orFahrenheit-F-.- Modification of sleep temperatures and standbytimes.- Adjustmentoftemperature.- Settheparametersbacktotheori gi nalparameters.- Read-outdata:Workinghours.Sleepcyclesandsleephours.Cartridgeandironchanges.Programversion.FumeextractoraccessoriesSpeciallydesignedfortheAdvancedSeries2210/2225and2245handpieces.Easilyclipsonto the handpiece and can be quickly removedforeasymaintenance.AC2600Ref. 2600000For2245handpiece:StandardRef.0495000ConfortRef.0781324+20mmlongerRef.0455002For2210/2225handpieceRef.026500019AD2200SolderingstationsforspecializedusewithSMDcomponentsassemblies.JT7000Hot-air flow repair station for desoldering all typesof SMDs particulary QFPs and PLCCs of any size.TE5000Hot-airflowrepairstationdesignedforsolderingand desoldering small and medium-sized SMDs.AR5800Desolderingstationwhichenabletherapiddesoldering of all kinds of insertion components.20ELECTRIC WIRING DIAGRAMValid from Serial N. 920002124252627Fig. 3Fig. 1PROTECTORFig. 2EXTRACTORPART N0934035 9 (0.354") 13 (0.511")0934040 9.5 (0.374") 19 (0.748")0934080 9.5 (0.374") 21 (0.826")*32 / 0932220 10 (0.393") 10 (0.393")0934045 10.5(0.413") 21 (0.826")0934090 11 (0.433") 16 (0.629")*24 / 0932235 12 (0.472") 17 (0.669")*44 / 0934000 12.5(0.492") 12.5(0.492")*00 / 0934025 13.5(0.531") 21.5(0.846")*48 / 0932230 15 (0.590") 15 (0.590")*60 / 0934010 17 (0.669") 17 (0.669")*00 / 0934030 18.5(0.728") 18.5(0.728")* Supplied with the stationD DD DD 0932190 0932190 0932190 0932190 0932190ABmm(inches)mm(inches) TRIPOD C mm (inches)*20 / 093205039 (1.535")*40 / 093225085 (3.346")PART N*52 / 0932052 20 (0.787") 20 (0.787")*64 / 0932064 20 (0.787") 26 (1.023")*80 / 0932184 24 (0.944") 24 (0.944")*68 / 0932068 27 (1.062") 27 (1.062")0934020 28.5(1.122") 28.5(1.122")*00 / 0934015 31.5(1.240") 31.5(1.240")*84 / 0932084 33 (1.299") 33 (1.299")100 / 0932100 38 (1.496") 38 (1.496")124 / 0932124 45 (1.771") 45 (1.771")ABmm(inches)mm(inches)MANUAL EXTRACTOR0932190 D = 7mm (0.275")Instructions manualUS Version0781056-1003WARRANTY ENGLISHThe JBC 2 years warranty, guaranteesthis equipment against all manufacturingdefects,coveringthereplacementofdefective parts and all necessary labour.Warrantydoes not cover product weardue to use or mis-use.Inorderforthewarrantytobevalid,equipmentmustbereturned,postagepaid, to the dealer where it was purchasedenclosing this, fully filled in, sheet.DATE OF PURCHASESTAMP OF DEALERSERIALNAM 6500REWORK STATI ONMANUFACTURED BYJBC Industrias, S.A.Ramn y Cajal, 3 - 08750 MOLINS DE REIBARCELONA - SPAINTel.: +34 93 325 32 00 - Fax: +34 93 680 49 70http://www.jbctools.come-mail:[email protected]