javascript workshop

TTS JavaScript Workshop 5/26/2015 @assafweinberg | [email protected]

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Page 1: Javascript Workshop

TTS JavaScript Workshop5/26/2015

@assafweinberg | [email protected]

Page 2: Javascript Workshop


• What is JavaScript?

• 6 Language Fundamentals

• Workshop part 1

• JavaScript in the Browser

• Workshop part 2

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What is JavaScript?

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Language Fundamentals

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JavaScript is… Loosely Typed

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Loose Typing

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Type Coercion

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In JavaScript… Objects are mutable

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What does it all mean?

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Is JavaScript Object Oriented?

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JavaScript is… Not Object Oriented, it’s Functional

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In JavaScript… Functions are Objects

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Functions as Properties

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Functions as Parameters

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What’s this?

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In JavaScript… “this” refers to the caller of the function

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Variable Scope

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In JavaScript… Functions have scope, blocks do not

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ClosuresA function will always have access to variables that were in scope when it was declared

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JavaScript… Uses Closures (functions have access to variables that were in scope when they were created)

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6 Lessons in JavaScript… Loosely typedMutable objectsFunctional languageFunctions are ObjectsUses the “this” keyword to refer to callersUses closures

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WTF Miyagi?WTF Miyagi?

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It’s Code Time

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Tournament Rules1. Create an object to model a karate move. A move has a name (e.g. ‘karate chop’,

‘crane kick”, etc.), and a strength score between 1 and 10. Output the move’s name to the console.

2. Create an array with at least 5 karate move objects. Output the name of the 3rd item in the array to the console.

3. Create two objects to model karate fighters. Each fighter has a name, an array of moves, and a function called “performMove” that returns a random move.

4. Create a function called “fight” that takes 2 fighter objects, gets a move from each of them, and outputs a string “[fighter name] did [move name], [fighter 2 name] countered with [move name 2].” to the console. Then return the winning fighter object with the higher strength move. Null if tied.

5. Create a function that takes two fighters and makes them fight until one fighter has won 3 rounds, then outputs “[fightername] wins!” to the console

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JavaScript in the Browser

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Runs before page loads

Runs after page loads

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DOM Manipulation

1. Find something

2. Listen for it to fire an event

3. Edit the DOM based on event

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window Object

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Document Object Model

Editing HTML with JavaScript

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Find Something

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Attach Event Handler

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Another Example

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Browser Exercise1.Create an HTML page and a script that outputs “hello world”

to the console. Import the script onto the page.

2.Create a button and a paragraph. When the button is clicked, the paragraph should say “button clicked”.

3.Change the button click action to display the # of times the button has been clicked in the paragraph.

4.Create an input box and a list on the page. Every time the button is clicked, add a an item to the list with the text from the text input.

* Bonus Problem - Add a delete button to each list item and remove the item when the corresponding button is clicked.

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Thank You@assafweinberg | [email protected]