javacard in smart world.v4

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Post on 16-Oct-2015




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Smart Card


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Java Card in Smart WorldMinaoar Hossain TanzilManager, Payment LabKona Software LabCards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletOutlineCards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletCard in Action - Diners Club Card

In USABack in 1950sExclusive Access to Diners ClubOnly with this Card

#Magnetic Stripe Card

#Communication Card1984



Magnetic Stripe

Optical (holographic)

Chip Based In Every Pocket Now

#Cards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletSmart Card in Todays WorldPayment SystemsEMV (Europay/MasterCard/Visa - EMVCo.) Total 1.6 billion cards (2012 Q4)Total 2.4 million terminals (2012 Q4)NFC (in plastic card and/or in USIM)TelecommunicationsSIM - >5 billion (as of 2012, SIM Alliance)USIM (for UMTS)M2M (Machine to Machine)Smart CitySmart MeterIdentificationNational IDPassport

Security- Cryptgraphy- RSA/SHA/AES

Access ControlHealth CardTransport Card

#Smart Meter - Smart Grid

#Smart City - M2M

#Cards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletInside Smart Card

Based on Chip TypeBased on Transmission Type#Smart Card Hardware ComponentsMemory Card

Processor Card#Smart Card Contactless Interface

#Cards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletCard Operating SystemsNative Cards with single application and No OS

BasicCard OSFor Running Basic Programming Language

Multos OS (ISO/IEC 7816-4 Compliant)Program in CMEL (Multos Executable Language)Hardware Independent Program Code

Java OS (ISO/IEC 7816-4 Compliant)JCVMLimited Java functionality and APIJCRE#Windows for Smart CardLinux

Multi Application Management Global Platform

#File ManagementApplication Files in ADF (Application Dedicated File)Working Files Cross application not accessibleOS FilesInternal FilesMaster FilesFile StructureTransparent (Binary)Record OrientedFixed SizeVariable SizeExtractable/SensitiveFile ID (FID)SFI (Short File ID)Accessible from external

#Cards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsThe Java CardCard Application - the AppletArchitecture of Java Card

#Four ComponentsThe Back-End Application and SystemsThe Reader-Side Host ApplicationThe Reader-Side Card Acceptance DeviceThe Card-Side Applets and Environment

Card Acceptance Device ( CAD ) - an acronym for Card Acceptance Device. The CAD is the device in which thecard is inserted.

Cards - Evolution & RevolutionSmart Card in the Smart World Smart Card ComponentsSmart Card Operating SystemsJava OS - the Java CardCard Application - the AppletApplet Installation

#Class Files Bytecodes made from Java filesExport Files a file produced by the Converter that represents the fields and methods of apackage that can be imported by classes in other packages.Converter - a piece of software that preprocesses all of the Java programming languageclass files that make up a package, and converts the package to a CAP file. TheConverter can also produces an export file.Installation Tool - the off-card mechanism that employs a card acceptance device (CAD) totransmit the executable binary in a CAP file to the installer running on the cardInstaller - the on-card mechanism to download and install CAP files. The installer receivesexecutable binary from the off-card installation program, writes the binary intothe smart card memory, links it with the other classes on the card, and createsand initializes any data structures used internally by the Java Card RuntimeEnvironment.Applet Lifecycle through JCRE

#INSTALL - when the applet is downloaded to the card and the JCRE invokes the applet's staticApplet.install()method.REGISTER - the applet registers itself with the JCRE by invokingApplet.register()SELECT/DESELECT JCRE call method when the applet is being selected/deselected.PROCESS JCRE call this method when there is an APDU to process.

Once the applet is installed and registered, it is in the unselected state, available for selection and APDU processing.Using The Java Card Applet Methods

#While in the unselected state, the applet is inactive. An applet gets selected for APDU processing when the host application asks the JCRE to select a specific applet in the card (by instructing the card reader to send aSELECT APDUorMANAGE CHANNEL APDU). To notify the applet that a host application has selected it, the JCRE calls itsselect()method. the applet typically performs appropriate initialization in preparation for APDU processing.

Once selection is done, the JCRE passes incoming APDU commands to the applet for processing by invoking itsprocess()method. The JCRE catches any exceptions the applet fails to catch.

Applet deselection occurs when the host application tells the JCRE to select another applet. The JCRE notifies the active applet that it has been deselected by calling itsdeselect()method, which typically performs any clean-up logic and returns the applet to the inactive, unselected state.

Applet Firewall

#Firewalls essentially partition the Java Card platforms object system into separate protected object spaces called contexts.

The firewall is the boundary between one context and another. The Java Card RE shall allocate and manage a context for each Java API package containing applets.

All applet instances within a single Java API package share the same context. There is no firewall between individual applet instances within the same package.

That is, an applet instance can freely access objects belonging to another applet instance that resides in the same package.Context Switching and Object Access

#If context 1 is the currently active context, and a method m1 in an object owned byapplet A is invoked, no context switch occurs. If method m1 invokes a method m2 inan object owned by applet B, again no context switch occurs (in spite of the objectowner change), and no firewall restrictions apply

However, if the method m2 now calls a method m0 in an object owned by applet C,firewall restrictions apply and, if access is allowed, a context switch shall occurManaging Memory and ObjectsWhen an object is created, the object and its contents are preserved in non-volatile memory, making it available across sessions

Unless it is made transient.

No transient keyword. To make transient, use javacard.framework.JCSystem methods.

For object sharing there are Shared Interface Objects (SIO)#On a Java Card device, memory is the most valuable resource. In some Java Card implementations a garbage collector may not be available. When an object is created, the object and its contents are preserved in non-volatile memory, making it available across sessions. In some cases application data doesn't need to be persistent - it is temporary ortransient. To reduce wear on a smart card's persistent memory and thus maximize its lifetime, as much as possible treat data that is frequently updated as transient.

The Java Card technology does not support thetransientkeyword. Instead the Java Card API (javacard.framework.JCSystem) defines three methods that allow you to create transient data at runtime, and a fourth that lets you check whether an object is transient:static byte[] makeTransientByteArray(short length, byte event)static Object makeTransientObjectArray(short length, byte event)static short[] makeTransientShortArray(short length, byte event)static byte isTransient(java.lang.Object theObj)

Persistent TransactionsSystem level transaction supportJCSystem.beginTransaction()JCSystem.commitTransaction()JCSystem.abortTransaction()

The JCRE does not support nested transactions#The JCRE supports atomic transactions for updating one or more persistent objects safely. Transactions ensure data integrity in the event of power loss or program error. Transactions are supported at the system level.Communicating with a Java Card AppletTwo models for communication between a host application and a Java Card appletThe Fundamental Message Passing ModelJCRMI Java Card Remote Method Invocation#The Security and Trust Services API (SATSA) lets you use either message passing or JCRMI to access the smart card through a more abstract API based on the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) APIAPDU in Message Passing Model

#Response Codes

#The Java Card RMI (JCRMI) ModelA subset of the J2SE RMI distributed-object model

StepsA server application creates and makes accessible remote objectsA client application obtains remote references to remote objectsInvokes remote methods on them

In JCRMI, the Java Card applet is the server, and the host application the client#Security & Crypto

#Java Card limitationsPackagesA package can refer to up to 128 other packagesA fully qualified package name is limited to 255 bytes.A package can have up to 255 classes.ClassesA class can directly or indirectly implement up to 15 interfaces.A class can implement up to 128 public or protected instance methods, and up to 128 with package visibility#Java Card limitationsLanguage FeaturesDynamic Class Loading, Security Manager, Threads, Object Cloning, enhanced for loop are not supportedKeywordsnative, synchronized, transient, volatile, strictfpare not supportedTypeschar, double, float,long and multidimensional arrays are not supported. int support is optional.Classes and InterfacesJava core API classes and interfaces (, java.lang, java.util) are unsupported except forObjectandThrowable.ExceptionsSomeExceptionandErrorsubclasses are omitted#New in Java Card 3Supports three application models Classic Applets - Backward compatibilityExtended Applets - Similar to Classic Applets, and can use all the new APIs, like Threads, Strings, and GCFServlet Applications - Communication using standard HTTP/ HTTPS protocol

Java Card 3 offers full Java language support, including support forAll data types except float and doubleMultiple threadsExtensive API support ( java.lang, java.util, GCF, and so on)Direct handling of class files, with all loading and linking on cardAll new Java language syntax constructs, like enums, generics, enhanced for loops, auto boxing/unboxing, and so onAutomatic garbage collection

#Generic Connection Framework (GCF) 36Its the Beginning of Java Cardthe most sold computer in the world#ReferencesAn Introduction to Java Card Technology by C. Enrique OrtizRuntime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 2.2.2 by OracleVirtual Machine Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 2.2.2 by OracleLatest JAVA CARD SPECIFICATION
