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  • 7/27/2019 Java Script Objects


  • 7/27/2019 Java Script Objects




    Displays a dialog box prompting the user for input

    function disp_prompt(){

    var name=prompt("Please enter your name","")if (name!=null && name!=""){

    document.write("Hello " + name + "! How are you today?")}}


    Displays a dialog box with a message, a Cancel, and an OK button

    function disp_confirm(){var name=confirm("Press a button")if (name==true){document.write("You pressed the OK button!")

    }else{document.write("You pressed the Cancel button!")



  • 7/27/2019 Java Script Objects

    3/23"URL", "name", "specs");

    Opens a new browser window.

    function open_win()


  • 7/27/2019 Java Script Objects


    CGS 3066: JavaScript Objects: String Object

    The String object is used to work with text.


    Syntax: object.property_name

    Grayed properties are of lessor importance.

    Property Description


    length Returns the number of characters in a string


    Syntax: object.method_name()Grayed methods are of lessor importance.

    Method Description

    anchor("anchorname") Returns a string as an anchor

    big() Returns a string in big text

    blink() Returns a string blinking

    bold() Returns a string in bold

    charAt(index) Returns the character at a specified position

    charCodeAt(i) Returns the Unicode of the character at a specified position

    concat(string) Returns two concatenated strings

    fixed() Returns a string as teletype

    fontcolor() Returns a string in a specified color

    fontsize() Returns a string in a specified size

    fromCharCode() Returns the character value of a Unicode

    indexOf(substring, index) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified string insideanother string. Returns -1 if it never occurs

    italics() Returns a string in italiclastIndexOf(substring,index)

    Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified string insideanother string. Returns -1 if it never occurs. Note: This method starts

    from the right and moves left!

    link() Returns a string as a hyperlink

    match(strMatch) Similar to indexOf and lastIndexOf, but this method returns thespecified string, or "null", instead of a numeric value
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    Replaces the first instance of some specified characters with somenew specified characters

    search(substring) Returns an integer if the string contains some specified characters, if

    not it returns -1

    slice(start, end) Returns a string containing the portion of the string from indexstartthrough index end. Ifendis not specified, it returns fromstartthrough

    the end of the string.

    small() Returns a string as small text

    split(delimiter) Splits a string into an array of strings .Delimiteracts as the character

    on which the string is divided.

    strike() Returns a string strikethrough

    sub() Returns a string as subscript

    substr(start, length) Returns the specified characters. 14,7 returns 7 characters, from the

    14th character

    substring(start, end) Returns the specified characters. 7,14 returns all characters from the

    7th up to but not including the 14th

    sup() Returns a string as superscript

    toLowerCase() Converts a string to lower case

    toUpperCase() Converts a string to upper case
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    CGS 3066: JavaScript Objects: Document Object

    The Document object is used to access all elements in a page. The Document object's collections,properties, methods, and events are described below:


    Collection Description

    anchors[] Returns a reference to all Anchor objects in the document

    applets[] Returns a reference to all Applet objects in the document



    embeds[] Returns a reference to all embedded objects in the document

    forms[] Returns a reference to all Form objects in the document

    images[] Returns a reference to all Image objects in the document

    links[] Returns a reference to all Link objects in the document


    styleSheets[] Returns a reference to all Stylesheet objects in the document


    Syntax: document.property_name

    Grayed properties are of lessor importance.

    Property Description

    alinkColor Sets or returns the color of the active links in the document

    bgColor Sets or returns the background-color of the document

    body Specifies the beginning and end of the document body

    cookie Sets or returns all cookies associated with the document

    documentElement Returns a reference to the root node of the document

    domain Returns the document server's domain name

    fgColor Sets or returns the text-color of the document

    lastModified Returns the date and time the document was last modified

    linkColor Sets or returns the color of the links in the document
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    referrer Returns the URL of the document that loaded the currentdocument

    title Returns the title of the document (text inside the HTML title


    URL Returns the URL of the current documentvlinkColor Sets or returns the color of the visited links in the document


    Syntax: document.method_name()

    Grayed methods are of lessor importance.

    Method Description

    clear() Clears all elements in the document

    close() Closes the output stream and displays the sent data

    createAttribute("name") Creates an attribute with a specified name

    createElement("tag") Creates an element

    createTextNode("txt") Creates a text string

    focus() Gives the document focus

    getElementById("id") Returns a reference to the first object with the specified ID

    getElementsByName("name") Returns a collection of objects with the specified NAME

    getElementsByTagName("tag") Returns a collection of objects with the specified TAGNAME

    open("mimetype"[,replace]) Opens a document for writing. If a document exists in thetarget it will be cleared. If this method has no arguments, a

    new window with about:blank is displayed

    write("str") Writes a text string to a document opened by open()

    writeln("str") Writes a text string followed by a new line character to a

    document opened by open()


    Syntax: document.event_name="someJavaScriptCode"

    Grayed events are of lessor importance.

    Event Description

    onClick Executes some code when a Click event occurs

    onDblClick Executes some code when a Doubleclick event occurs

    onFocus Executes some code when a Focus event occurs
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    onKeyDown Executes some code when a Keydown event occurs

    onKeyPress Executes some code when a Keypress event occurs

    onKeyUp Executes some code when a Keyup event occurs

    onMouseDown Executes some code when a Mousedown event occurs

    onMouseMove Executes some code when a Mousemove event occurs

    onMouseOut Executes some code when a Mouseout event occurs

    onMouseOver Executes some code when a Mouseover event occurs

    onMouseUp Executes some code when a Mouseup event occurs

    onResize Executes some code when a Resize event occurs

    CGS 3066: JavaScript Objects: Form Object

    The Form object is used to access all forms in a page. The Form object's collections, properties,

    methods, and events are described below:


    Syntax: objForm.object

    Grayed objects are of lessor importance.

    Object Description

    button An GUI pushbutton control.

    Methods are click(), blur(), and focus().


    name - The name of the button

    type - The object's type. In this case, "button".value - The string displayed on the button.

    checkbox An GUI check box control.

    Methods are click(), blur(), and focus().


    checked - Indicates whether the checkbox is checked. This is aread or write value.defaultChecked - Indicates whether the checkbox is checked

    by default. This is a read only value.

    name - The name of the checkbox.type - Type is "checkbox".

    value - A read or write string that specifies the value returned

    when the checkbox is selected.
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    FileUpload This is created with the INPUT type="file". This is the same asthe text element with the addition of a directory browser.

    Methods are blur(), and focus().

    Properties:name - The name of the FileUpload object.type - Type is "file".

    value - The string entered which is returned when the form is


    hidden An object that represents a hidden form field and is used for

    client/server communications.

    No methods exist for this object.


    name - The name of the Hidden object.type - Type is "hidden".value - A read or write string that is sent to the server when the

    form is submitted.

    password A text field used to send sensitive data to the server.

    Methods are blur(), focus(), and select().


    defaultValue - The default value.

    name - The name of the password object."type - Type is "password".

    value - A read or write string that is sent to the server when the

    form is submitted.

    radio A GUI radio button control.

    Methods are click(), blur(), and focus().


    checked - Indicates whether the radio button is checked. This

    is a read or write value.

    defaultChecked - Indicates whether the radio button is checkedby default. This is a read only value.

    length - The number of radio buttons in a group.

    name - The name of the radio button.type - Type is "radio".

    value - A read or write string that specifies the value returned

    when the radio button is selected.
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    reset Properties:name - The name of the reset object.

    type - Type is "reset".

    value - The text that appears on the button. By default it is"reset".

    select A GUI selection list. This is basically a drop down list.

    Methods are blur(), and focus().


    length - The number of elements contained in the options - The name of the selection list.

    options - An array each of which identifies an options that may

    be selected in the list.selectedIndex - Specifies the current selected option within the

    select listtype - Type is "select".

    submit A submit button object.

    Methods are click(), blur(), and focus().


    name - The name of the submit button.type - Type is "submit".

    value - The text that will appear on the button.

    text A GUI text field object.

    Methods are blur(), focus(), and select().

    Properties:defaultValue - The text default value of the text field.

    name - The name of the text field.

    type - Type is "text".

    value - The text that is entered and appears in the text field. Itis sent to the server when the form is submitted.

    textarea A GUI text area field object.

    Methods are blur(), focus(), and select().


    defaultValue - The text default value of the text area field.

    name - The name of the text area.type - Type is textarea.
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    value- The text that is entered and appears in the text areafield. It is sent to the server when the form is submitted.


    Syntax: objForm.property_name

    Grayed properties are of lessor importance.

    Property Description

    action This specifies the URL and CGI script file name the form is to

    be submitted to. It allows reading or changing the ACTION

    attribute of the HTML FORM tag.

    elements An array of fields and elements in the form.

    encoding This is a read or write string. It specifies the encoding method

    the form data is encoded in before being submitted to theserver. It corresponds to the ENCTYPE attribute of the FORM

    tag. The default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

    Other encoding includes text/plain or multipart/form-data.

    length The number of fields in the elements array. I.E. the length of

    the elements array.

    method This is a read or write string. It has the value "GET" or


    name The form name. Corresponds to the FORM Name attribute.

    target The name of the frame or window the form submission

    response is sent to by the server. Corresponds to the FORMTARGET attribute.


    Syntax: objForm.method_name()

    Grayed methods are of lessor importance.

    Method Description

    reset() Used to reset the form elements to their default values.

    submit() Submits the form as though the submit button were pressed by

    the user.


    Syntax: objForm.event_name="someJavaScriptCode"Grayed events are of lessor importance.
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    Event Description

    onreset Executes some code when a Reset event occurs

    onsubmit Executes some code when a Submit event occurs

    CGS 3066: JavaScript Form Validation


    JavaScript is commonly used to validate information inputted into forms thereby ensuring that

    information has been entered into required fields and, also, to ensure that the information is

    plausible (i.e., that an e-mail address includes an "@" symbol or that a phone number does notcontain alpha characters [a-z or A-Z]). Note that form validation can be quite tricky. When

    writing your validation code, put yourself in the user's shoes. Consider what information might

    they, legitimately, want to input. A great frustration for any user is toseeminglyinput validinformation into a form and subsequently be told that it is not valid.

    Consider a form that collects personal information such as your zip code, such as in the form


    First Name:


    Zip Code:

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    A logical first step may be to make the zip code field required and a second step may be

    to require that only numbers are accepted.

    However, doing so would be be overly restrictive. Although U.S. postal codes are

    composedprimarily of numbers, a person may choose to enter their fully-defined 9 digit

    zip code, which would then contain a hyphen, such as 32308-1409.

    To accommodate this, you may revise your validation code so that it allows only numbers

    and the hyphen.

    However, again, this is likely to be overly restrictive as international postal codes often

    contain letters.

    To accommodate, you modify your code so that if the country field is U.S. then only

    numbers and hyphens are accepted but if the country is not the U.S., then numbers,

    letters, and hyphens are accepted.

    Is this sufficient to ensure that a properly-formed zip code is entered?

    No, it is not. For example, "125" would be accepted by the validation code that is

    outlined above.

    To accommodate, you may revise the validation code so the U.S. postal codes must be 5

    digits, followed by an optional hyphen, and then followed by 4 digits (these 4 digits

    appear only if a hyphen has been entered). Under these guidelines, 32308-1409 and

    32308 would be accepted, but 32-308 and 323081409 would not.

    However, the story is still not over. For example, not all 5 digit numbers are valid postal

    codes andif you collect the user's statethe zip code should correspond to a zip code

    within the given state.

    If the validation code were modified to account for these conditions, would the code be

    fail-proof? Likely not. It is very difficult to address all situations that may arise and thatshould not be your goal. Your goal should be to incorporate validation code that accounts

    for common situations. In general, validation code which is so restrictive that it ensures,

    beyond all doubt, that the information entered by the user is of a given format will domore harm than as it may frustrate users.

    Validation Techniques

    View, as a text file, acollection of functions that may be used for validation purposes.

    View sample forms and their validation code.

    Form 1

    Form 2

    Form 3
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    Typically, the information within a form is validatedby a functionthat is called when the

    form is submitted.



    Note that the form tag, above, has an attribute that we have not yet seen - the onsubmitattribute.

    "onsubmit" is an example of an event handler; event handlers will be discussed in greater detailwithin the DHTML lectures. In brief, an event handler is used to react to an event caused by the

    user (i.e., when the user submits a form, clicks on a link, loads a page).

    onsubmit="return validate(this);"

    Looking at the onsubmit event handler one piece at a time:

    onsubmitthe event handler itself, which returns the value of the validate function to the

    browser. The validate function returns a boolean value. If the function, and therefore theevent handler, returns true then the form is passed to its action page. However, iffalse is

    returned, then the browser will cancel the passing of the form to the action page.

    returnthe return keyword acts as you might suspect - it returns a value. The values it

    can return can be of any data type, and can be defined by custom statements or by core

    objects. The return keyword is most often used within functions and within event

    handlers. If the return keyword is used in a function body, a value is returned (or sent)

    back to where function is called. If the return keyword is used in an event handler, avalue is returned (or sent) to the browser.

    validate(this)a call to the validate function, which passes this as an argument

    thisJavaScript provides a special keyword, "this", which is a reference to the object that

    contains a JavaScript statement or function call. In this case, the keyword "this" passes a

    reference to the form to the function "validate". In other words, the information containedin the form is made available to the function.

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    "\n_____________________________" +"\nPlease re-enter and submit again!";window.alert(missinginfo);return false;


    return true;}


    CGS 3066: JavaScript Form Validation (continued)

    The discussion thus far has been to validate an entire form once it has been submitted. In many

    cases, the form needs to be validated - or at least adjusted - as the user inputs the information.Examples:

    when the user clicks inside the Name input box, which gives it focus, the phrase "Enter

    name here" is deleted automatically. This saves the user from having to do so.

    when the user selects more than 2 checkboxes, the user is alerted that they may not do so.

    when the user indicates that, Yes, they have special dietary needs, the Dietary Needs

    textarea is automatically given focus to encourage the user to elaborate.

    when the user indicates that, No, they do not have special dietary needs, any text within

    the Dietary Needs textarea is deleted.

    when the inputs information into the Dietary Needs textarea, the Yes radio button is

    automatically checked.

    Note: much of this code relies on use of the keyword 'this'. In particular, it relies on 'this.form';

    'this.form' refers to the parent form of the current element. I.e., specifying

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    passes the contents on the entire form in which the input box is contained.

    Name:Enter name here

    1. For what platform would you like more information? Choose no more than 2.

    Windows NT

    Windows 2000

    Windows XP



    2. Do you have special dietary needs?

    Yes | No

    Dietary needs:

    Submit Form

    Reset Form

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    For what platform would you like more information?

    Choose no more than 2.
    Windows NT

    Windows 2000

    Windows XP



    Do you have special dietary needs?

    Yes |No

    Dietary needs:

  • 7/27/2019 Java Script Objects


    GS 3066: JavaScript Objects: Window Object

    The Window object corresponds to the browser window. A Window object is created

    automatically with every instance of a or tag. A selection of the Window

    object's collections, objects, properties, methods, and events are described below. Syntax to refer

    to a window.


    Collection Description

    frames[] Returns all named frames in the window

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    Object Description

    document Represents the HTML document object in the window.

    event Represents the state of an event

    history Contains the URLs visited from the window.

    location Contains the current URL of the window.

    navigator Contains information about the browser.

    screen Contains information about the client's screen.


    Syntax: window.property_name

    Property Description

    closed Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the referencedwindow has been closed

    defaultStatus Sets or returns the default text in the statusbar of the windows(will be displayed when the page loads)

    dialogHeight Sets or returns the height of the modal dialog window

    dialogLeft Sets or returns the left coordinates of the modal dialog window

    dialogTop Sets or returns the top coordinates of the modal dialog window

    dialogWidth Sets or returns the width of the modal dialog window

    length Sets or returns the number of frames in the window

    name Sets or returns the name of the window

    opener Sets or returns a reference to the window that created the


    parent Returns the parent window

    returnValue Sets or returns the value returned from the modal dialog window

    screenLeft Returns the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the browser -

    relative to the upper left corner of the screen

    screenTop Returns the y-coordinate of the top corner of the browser -

    relative to the top corner of the screen

    self Returns a reference to the current window

    status Sets or returns the text in the status bar of the window

    top Returns the topmost ancestor window

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    Syntax: window.method_name()

    Method Description

    alert("msg") Displays an alert box with a message and an OK button

    blur() Removes focus from the current windowclearInterval(ID) Cancels a timeout that is set with the setInterval() method

    clearTimeout(ID) Cancels a timeout that is set with the setTimeout() method

    close() Closes the current window

    confirm("msg") Displays a dialog box with a message, a Cancel, and an OKbutton

    focus() Sets focus on the current window

    moveBy(x,y) Moves the window a specified number of pixels in relation to its

    current co-ordinates

    moveTo(x,y) Moves the window's left and top edge to the specified co-ordinates

    open(["URL", "name", "specs",replace])

    Opens a new browser window. The arguments can take thefollowing values:

    "URL" - Optional. Specifies the URL of the page to display if no

    URL is specified, a new window with about:blank is displayed)

    "name" - Optional. Specifies the value for the target attribute ona form or a link. The following values are supported:

    _blank URL is loaded into a new window

    _media URL is loaded into the content area of the Media Bar


    _parent URL is loaded into the parent frame

    _search URL is opened in the browser's search pane (IE5+)

    _self URL replaces the current page

    _top URL replaces any framesets that may be loaded

    "specs" - Optional. A comma-separated list of items. Thefollowing values are supported:

    channelmode =yes | no | 1 | 0

    whether to display the window in theatermode. Default is no

    directories = yes |no | 1 | 0

    whether to add directory buttons. Default isyes
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    fullscreen = yes |

    no | 1 | 0

    whether to display the browser in full-screen

    mode. Default is no. A window in full-screen

    mode must also be in theater mode

    height = number the height of the window, in pixels. Min.

    value is 100left = number the left position, in pixels

    location = yes |no | 1 | 0

    whether to display the address field. Defaultis yes

    menubar = yes |no | 1 | 0

    whether to display the menu bar. Default isyes

    resizable = yes |

    no | 1 | 0

    whether the window is resizable. Default is


    scrollbars = yes |no | 1 | 0

    whether to display scroll bars. Default is yes

    status = yes | no |

    1 | 0

    whether to add a status bar. Default is yes

    titlebar = yes | no

    | 1 | 0

    whether to display the title bar. Ignored

    unless the calling application is an HTML

    Application or a trusted dialog box. Default isyes

    toolbar = yes | no

    | 1 | 0

    whether to display the browser toolbar.

    Default is yes

    top = number the top position, in pixels

    width = number the width of the window, in pixels. Min.value is 100

    width = number the width of the window, in pixels. Min.value is 100

    replace - Optional. Specifies whether the URL creates a newentry or replaces the current entry in the history list. The

    following values are supported:

    true URL replaces the current document in the history list

    false URL creates a new entry in the history list

    print() Prints the contents of the current window

    prompt(["msg", "default"]) Displays a dialog box prompting the user for input. The

    arguments can take the following values:

    msg Optional. The message to display in the dialog box.
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    Default is ""

    default Optional. The default text in the input field

    resizeBy(x,y) Resizes the window by the specified pixels. Note: This methoddoes not work on dialog windows

    resizeTo(width, height) Resizes the window to the specified width and height. Note:This method does not work on dialog windows

    scrollBy(x,y) Scrolls the content by the specified number of pixels. Note: Thevisible property of the window's scrollbar must be set to true if

    using this method

    scrollTo(x,y) Scrolls the content to the specified co-ordinates

    setInterval(code, millisec[,


    Calls a function / evaluate an expression every time a specified

    interval (in milliseconds) has been reached. The arguments can

    take the following values:

    code Required. A pointer to a function or the code to beexecuted

    millisec Required. The number of milliseconds

    lang Optional. JScript | VBScript | JavaScript

    setTimeout(code, millisec[,


    Calls a function / evaluate an expression after a specified number

    of milliseconds. The arguments can take the following values:

    code Required. A pointer to a function or the code to beexecuted

    millisec Required. The number of milliseconds

    lang Optional. JScript | VBScript | JavaScript

    * The default unit of measure for dialogHeight and dialogWidth in IE4 is em; in IE5 it is px.Other values to use: cm, mm, in, pt, pc, or ex. For consistent results, use px! Note: The min.

    dialogHeight you can specify is 100px.


    Syntax: window.event_name="someJavaScriptCode"

    Event Description

    onBlur Executes some code when a Blur event occurs

    onError Executes some code when an Error event occurs

    onFocus Executes some code when a Focus event occurs

    onLoad Executes some code when an Load event occurs

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    onResize Executes some code when a Resize event occurs

    onUnload Executes some code when an Unload event occurs