java programming: guided learning with early objects chapter 10 exception handling and events

Java Programming: Guided Learning with Early Objects Chapter 10 Exception Handling and Events

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Java Programming: Guided Learning with Early Objects

Chapter 10Exception Handling and Events

Java Programming: Guided Learning with Early Objects 2


• Learn what an exception is• Learn how to use a try/catch block to handle

exceptions• Become acquainted with the hierarchy of

exception classes• Learn about checked and unchecked

exceptions• Learn how to handle exceptions within a


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Objectives (continued)

• Discover how to rethrow and throw an exception

• Become familiar with the adapter classes• Learn how to handle key and mouse events• Learn how to use the Timer class

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Handling Exceptions within a Program

• Recall when you try to input incompatible data into a variable, the program terminates– Generates exception

• Example: – Divide by zero generates ArithmeticException: / by zero

• Exception could be prevented by checking that divisor is not zero before dividing– Add an if statement

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Java’s Mechanism of Exception Handling

• Using if statements may not be appropriate or convenient to handle exceptions– Put exception code in one place

– Easier to modify exception-handling code

• When exception occurs, object of exception class created– Java provides several exception classes

• class Exception is the superclass to all exception classes in Java

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try/catch/finally Block

• try block: – Contains statements that might generate

exception– Contains statements that should not be

executed if exception occurs– Followed by zero or more catch blocks

• catch block:– Specifies type of exception to catch– Contains an exception handler

• finally block: code always executes

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try/catch/finally Block (continued)

• Syntax:try {

//statements} catch (ExceptionClassName1 objRef1) {

// exception handler code} …catch (ExceptionClassNameN objRefN) {

// exception handler code}finally { // statements }

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try/catch/finally Block (continued)

• If no exception thrown in try block, all catch blocks ignored– Execution resumes after last catch block

• If exception thrown in try block, remaining statements ignored– Program searches catch blocks in order,

looking for a matching catch block• finally block executes regardless of

exception– finally block is optional

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Order of catch Blocks

• Can catch all exceptions of a specific type or all types of exceptions

• Heading of catch block specifies types of exceptions it handles

• If heading declares exception using class Exception, catch block catches all types

• When exception caught by catch block, remaining catch blocks ignored

• Order is important

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Using try/catch Blocks in a Program

• Common error while inputting numeric data is typing nonnumeric character– Methods nextInt and nextDouble throw InputMismatchException

• Division by zero with integer values generates ArithmeticException

• When exception occurs, program throws an object of a specific exception class

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Java Exception Hierarchy

• Every class can potentially cause exceptions• class Throwable:

– Derived from class Object– Superclass of class Exception

• Methods getMessage, printStackTrace, and toString are public– Inherited by subclasses of class Throwable

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Table 10-1 Commonly Used Constructors and Methods of the class Throwable

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Figure 10-2 The class Exception and some of its subclasses from the package java.lang

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Figure 10-3 The class Exception and some of its subclasses from the package java.util

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Figure 10-4 The class IOException and some of its subclasses from the package

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Java’s Exception Classes

• class Exception is the superclass of Java exception-handling classes

• Java categorizes exceptions into separate classes

• Exception classes placed in the package that contains the methods that throw them

• Method getMessage returns string containing detailed message stored in exception object

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Table 10-2 class Exception and its Constructors

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Table 10-3 Commonly Used Exception Classes

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Table 10-3 Commonly Used Exception Classes (continued)

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Table 10-4 Exceptions Thrown by the Method nextInt

Table 10-5 Exceptions Thrown by the Method nextDouble

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Table 10-6 class InputMistmatchException and its Constructors

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Table 10-8 Exceptions Thrown by the Method nextLine

Table 10-7 Exceptions Thrown by the Method next

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Table 10-10 Exceptions Thrown by the Methods of the class Integer

Table 10-9 Exceptions Thrown by the Method hasNext

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Table 10-11 Exceptions Thrown by the Methods of the class Double

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Table 10-12 Exceptions Thrown by the Methods of the class String

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Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

• Checked exceptions:– Any exception the compiler can recognize– Example: FileNotFoundException

• Compiler encounters statements to open a file– Reduces number of statements not properly

handled• Unchecked exceptions:

– Any exception the compiler cannot recognize– Examples: division by zero, index out of bounds– Programmer checks for these exceptions

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More Examples of Exception Handling

• Java accepts only strings as input in dialog boxes and text fields

• Methods parseInt, parseFloat, and parseDouble may terminate with number format error– Throw NumberFormatException if string does

not contain a number

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class Exception and the Operator instanceof

• Recall that reference variable of superclass type can point to objects of its subclasses

• Operator instanceof determines if reference variable points to object of particular class

• Used to combine two catch blocks

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Rethrowing or Throwing an Exception

• When exception occurs in try block, control passes to first matching catch block

• catch block may:– Completely handle the exception

– Partially process the exception• Rethrows same exception• Throws another exception for calling environment

to handle the exception

– Rethrow same exception for calling environment to handle

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Rethrowing or Throwing an Exception (continued)

• Rethrowing an exception or throwing an exception handled by throw statement

• throw statement throws either checked or unchecked exception

• Exceptions are objects of a specific type• Syntax to rethrow an exception:

throw exceptionReference

• General throw syntax:

throw new ExceptionClassName(messageStr);

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Method printStackTrace

• Java keeps track of method call sequence• class Exception subclass of class Throwable

• class Throwable contains public method printStackTrace

• Use method printStackTrace to determine the order in which methods were called– Determine where exception handled

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Exception-Handling Techniques

• When exception occurs, programmer has three choices:– Terminate the program

– Fix the error and continue

– Log the error and continue

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Terminate the Program

• In some cases, best to terminate when exception occurs

• Example:– Input data from file

– File not found

– No point in continuing

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Fix the Error and Continue

• Handle the exception, let the program continue• Example:

– Prompt the user for a file name

– User misspells file name

– File not found

– Reprompt the user

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Log the Error and Continue

• Sometimes terminating the program is unsafe or unnecessary– Prefer to record the exception and continue

• Example:– Analyzing airline-ticketing transactions– Large volume of transactions each day– Analysis program would take too long if it fixed

every error– Program records exceptions and continues

processing transactions

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Creating Your Own Exception Classes

• Java does not provide exception-handling classes for every possible circumstance

• Must throw programmer-defined exceptions using throw statement

• Define classes by extending the class Exception or a subclass

• Typically, constructors are the only methods included when defining exception class

• Programmer-defined classes inherit members of superclasses

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GUI Adaptor Classes, Events, and the Timer Class (Optional)

• Java provides interfaces to handle events– Cannot instantiate object of an interface

• Create an object to handle an event, and create a class that implements appropriate interface– ActionListener handles action events– WindowListener handles window events

• Class may implement more than one interface

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Key Events

• Three types of key events:– keyPressed– keyReleased– keyTyped

• keyTyped: generated when alphanumeric key pressed

• keyPressed: generated when meta key pressed

• keyReleased: generated when any key released

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Table 10-14 Events Generated by key Components

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Mouse Events

• Mouse generates seven events:– mouseClicked– mouseEntered– mouseExited– mousePressed– mouseReleased– mouseDragged– mouseMoved

• Events handled by MouseListener and MouseMotionListener

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Table 10-15 Events Generated by mouse Components

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Timer Class

• Control activities over time• No visual representation

– Cannot be displayed on screen

• Generate action events at specific time intervals

• Constructor sets delay time between events– Second parameter specifies action event to be

generated at time interval

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Table 10-16 The Constructor and Commonly Used Methods of class Timer

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Table 10-16 The Constructor and Commonly Used Methods of class Timer (continued)

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Figure 10-10 An interface for showing the position of a ball

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• Exception is an object of the exception class– Java provides exception classes

– Programmer creates own exception classes

• try/catch/finally block handles exceptions in a program

• Statements that may generate exception placed in try block– try block also contains statements that should

not be executed in presence of exception

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Summary (continued)

• try block followed by zero or more catch blocks

• catch block specifies type of exception caught and contains exception handler

• Last catch block may be followed by finally block

• finally block contains code that executes regardless of exception

• If try block not followed by catch block, must have finally block

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Summary (continued)

• catch block catches all exceptions or specific type of exceptions– Heading of catch block specifies the type of

exception it handles

• class Exception is superclass of all exception-handling classes– Contained in package java.lang

• Exception classes placed in package containing the methods that throw them

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Summary (continued)

• Checked exception: any exception recognized by the compiler

• Unchecked exception: any exception not recognized by the compiler

• Programmer-defined exception classes extend class Exception

• class WindowAdapter implements interface WindowListener– Provides empty bodies to methods

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Summary (continued)

• Register a window listener using method addWindowListener– A WindowListener object is passed as a

parameter to addWindowListener• Timer class objects control activities over time

– No visual representation

– Cannot be displayed on screen

– Generate action events at specific time intervals